TWELVE MONKEYS An original screenplay by David Peoples & Janet Peoples Inspired by LA JETEE, a Chris Marker Film Production Draft June 27, 1994 FADE IN: INT. CONCOURSE/AIRPORT TERMINAL - BAY CLOSE ON A FACE. A nine year old boy, YOUNG COLE, his eyes wide with wonder. watching something intently. We HEAR the sounds of the P.A. SYSTEM droning Flight Information mingled with the sounds of urgent SHOUTS, running FEET, EXCLAMATIONS. YOUNG COLE'S POV: twenty yards away, a BLONDE MAN is sprawled on the floor, blood oozing from his gaudy Hawaiian shirt. A BRUNETTE in a tight dress, her face obscured from YOUNG COLE'S view, rushes to the injured man, kneels beside him, ministering to his wound. ANGLE ON YOUNG COLE, flanked by his PARENTS, their faces out of view, as they steer him away. FATHER'S VOICE (o.s.) Come on, Son --this is no place for us. YOUNG COLE resists momentarily, mesmerized by the drama. YOUNG COLE'S POV: intermittently visible through a confusion of FIGURES rushing through the foreground, the BLONDE MAN reaching up and touching the cheek of the kneeling BRUNETTE in a gesture of enormous tenderness, a gesture of farewell, while the P.A. SYSTEM continues its monotonous monotone... P.A. SYSTEM Flight 784 for San Francisco is now ready for boarding at inmate number 66578, Greely. INT. PRISON DORMITORY/FUTURE - ETERNAL NIGHT PRISON P.A. SYSTEM --number 5429, Garcia -- number 87645, Cole... COLE, late thirties, dark hair, comes awake in a bunk cage, one of many stacked four high along both sides of a long dim corridor. He blinks in the near dark, shaken, disoriented. Then, as he "recovers" from his very vivid dream, WE GET OUR FIRST LOOK AT HIS ENVIRONMENT...A WINDOWLESS UNDERGROUND WORLD OF ETERNAL NIGHT SOMETIME IN THE FUTURE...AN ALMOST COLORLESS "REALITY" OF BLURRED EDGES AND ECHOEY SOUNDS, MUCH MORE "DREAMLIKE" THAN HIS DREAM. Flashlights glare. In the half-light, COLE sees spooky figures, GUARDS, moving among the locked bunk/cages. COLE turns and whispers to the occupant of the next cage, JOSE... COLE Ssssst! Jose, what's going on? JOSE's face is almost lost in shadow. What there is of it is youthful. He's just a scared Puerto Rican kid! JOSE "Volunteers" again. JOSE immediately rolls over and feigns sleep as SCARFACE, a menacing guard with a jagged scar running down his cheek, looms close to COLE's cage and unlocks it. SCARFACE "Volunteer duty". The PRISONERS in the other cages watch silently with narrowed eyes. COLE I didn't volunteer. SCARFACE You causing trouble again? COLE (controls his temper) No trouble. INT. EQUIPMENT ROOM - ETERNAL NIGHT COLE's alone, struggling to get into what looks like a space suit in a room where suits hang like ghosts with blank eyes. TITLES BEGIN SUPERED OVER THE SCENE COLE has the torso of the suit on now and is trying to close it. OFFSCREEN VOICE (o.s.) All openings must be closed. COLE looks for the source of the voice, a tiny grate in the wall. OFFSCREEN VOICE (o.s.) If the integrity of the suit is compromised in any way, if the fabric is torn or a zipper not closed, readmittance will be denied. INT. SEALED CHAMBER - MINUTES LATER (ETERNAL NIGHT) COLE, wearing the "space suit" and a helmet with a plastic visor, steps into a tiny chamber, a kind of air lock. The heavy door clangs shut behind him. He's alone. COLE'S breath comes quicker now as he sucks oxygen from the air tanks on his back. On the opposite wall is another door with a huge wheel lock. COLE turns the heavy wheel, opens the door, steps through It INT. ELEVATOR - SECONDS LATER (ETERNAL NIGHT) COLE'S in an ascending elevator that groans and creaks. He looks down at a crudely drawn map he holds in his gloved hand. The map shows a series of tunnels and ladders. INT. SEWER PIPE - MINUTES LATER (NIGHT) COLE pans a flashlight, probing the filthy sewer he's wading through RATS flee the blade of light, scurry across islands of rusting junk. The flashlight beam settles on a ladder mounted in the wall. Reaching the rusted ladder, COLE starts to climb awkwardly. EXT. CITY STREET/FUTURE - MOMENTS LATER (NIGHT) A SCRAPING NOISE as a heavy man-hole cover is pushed up and moved aside. COLE'S helmeted head emerges from below. COLE'S POV THROUGH HIS PLASTIC-VISORED HELMET: a city in moonlight! A surreal image of abandoned buildings. No people anywhere. The only sounds are the WIND and COLE'S BREATHING. EXT. ANOTHER CITY STREET - MINUTES LATER (NIGHT) COLE'S light reveals abandoned vine-covered automobiles. Moving to the nearest car, COLE searches in the vines for something. Finds it. An insect. COLE takes the bug in his gloved hand. As he clumsily inserts it into a collection tube, something makes him turn. There's something across the street in the dark. Something alive. COLE points his flashlight and reveals...a BEAR! Startled by the light, the animal blinks, then stands on its rear legs and ROARS. ANGLE ON COLE, staring wide-eyed. Then, the BEAR sinks down onto all fours and, trying to avoid the flashlight, it pads quickly down the street. INT. SUBTERRANEAN PARKING GARAGE - NIGHT Using the flashlight to see, COLE reaches down to the cracked floor and gets another specimen. DOGSHIT! The only sound is COLE'S labored BREATHING. Then, a different SOUND. GRRRR! A dog. More GRRRRS. More dogs. Then, a YIP. Then, VICIOUS GROWLS. It's a DOGFIGHT! EXT. STREET - NIGHT (FIRST LIGHT) A giant OWL, perched on an overhead traffic light, raises its wings and lifts off...rising higher and higher into the brightening sky. Below, on the street, COLE trudges along, passing deserted buildings, windows broken, rusted signs dangling. INT. DEPARTMENT STORE - NIGHT (FIRST LIGHT) COLE'S light reveals a spider web just inside the store. A large SPIDER tries to hide from the light. COLE reaches carefully into the web and plucks the spider and puts it into one of his specimen tubes. Then, he shines his light all around the once elegant store. There's nothing but aisle after aisle of moldering consumer goods. EXT. DEPARTMENT STORE - DAWN As COLE comes out of the store, the first rays of the sun hit the building. COLE stops, squints into the light through his visor. COLE'S POV: spray-painted on the wall a long time ago is a stenciled logo of twelve monkeys holding hands in a circle. Over it is written, "WE DID IT!" COLE looks up. COLE'S POV: high up on a building across the street, a LION patrols a ledge, pauses, looks out majestically over his world. TTTLES END INT. FIRST UNDERGROUND DECONTAMINATION CHAMBER - ETERNAL NIGHT ROARING WATER, powerful torrents gushing from nozzles in the wall, pummel the still-suited COLE. INT. SECOND UNDERGROUND DECONTAMINATION CHAMBER - ETERNAL NIGHT Stark naked and shivering, COLE is being scrubbed with brushes on long poles (like the ones used to wash cars) wielded by two HULKING FIGURES in bulky decontamination suits, their personas lost in their windowed masks. It's a grim scene in a grim cement room with damp, dripping walls. From an unseen source comes an AMPLIFIED VOICE, AMPLIFIED VOICE (o.s.) Raise your arms above your head. COLE lifts his arms and the FIGURES start scrubbing his armpits. INT. TINY CHAMBER - SHORTLY (ETERNAL NIGHT) Still naked, COLE is seated on a stool while a MASKED TECHNICIAN in a less elaborate, less bulky decontamination outfit draws blood from COLE'S arm with an old-fashioned hypodermic needle. COLE glances toward a single, nearly opaque "window" of thick plastic in the rusty iron wall. VAGUE FIGURES seem to lurk behind the translucent aperture, studying him. The TECHNICIAN slips the blood sample through a slot in the wall. INT. ENGINEERING OFFICE/FUTURE WORLD - ETERNAL NIGHT Ushered in by two guards, TINY and SCARFACE, COLE looks around. COLE'S POV: wails hidden by old headlines, articles, maps, charts... a blackboard covered with elaborate, sophisticated formulae...surfaces heaped with cracked monitors, gerry-rigged computers held together with string, lasers lost in tangles of cable, ancient tube amplifiers, a dilapidated cardboard reconstruction of a city, stacks of moldering books and tattered computer printouts...and, seated at a long conference table, staring at COLE, six SCIENTISTS: an ASTROPHYSICIST, ENGINEER, BOTANIST, MICROBIOLOGIST, ZOOLOGIST, and a GEOLOGIST. They represent a "modern" science where brilliant new ideas interface with crude, outdated, patched-together technologies. TINY James Cole. Cleared from quarantine. MICROBIOLOGIST Thank you. You two wait outside. SCARFACE He's got a history, Doctor. Violence. COLE'S eyes return to the walls. Headlines: "CLOCK TICKING! NO CURE YET!" SCARFACE Anti-social six -- doing 25 to life. ENGINEER I don't think he's going to hurt us. You're not going to hurt us, are you Mr. Cole? COLE'S head turns quickly to the ENGINEER. COLE No, sir. The GUARDS exchange a look, shrug, exit, closing the door. MICROBIOLOGIST Why don't you sit down, Mr. Cole. COLE goes to the empty chair at the conference table, sits down. ASTROPHYSICIST We want you to tell us about last night. COLE I went to the surface and I collected specimens like I was told. The SCIENTISTS don't say anything. They just study him carefully. COLE (worried) I mashed the spider, didn't I? MICROBIOLOGIST We'll get to the spider later, Mr. Cole. Right now, we want to know everything that you saw. INT. ENGINEERING OFFICE - AN HOUR LATER (ETERNAL NIGHT) COLE, starting to look very tired now, stands at the blackboard sketching a detailed map of exactly where he was last night. ASTPOPHYSICIST Where you collected sample #4, what street was that? COLE Uh... BOTANIST It's important to observe everything. COLE I think it was...I'm sure it was 2nd Street. As the SCIENTISTS start to whisper animatedly among themselves, COLE'S eyes drift across the newspaper clippings taped to the wall. One headline screams, "VIRUS MUTATING!" Another features a photo of an OLD MAN (DR. MASON, who we'll see again later on) and the words, SCIENTIST SAYS, "IT'S TOO LATE FOR CURE". ASTROPHYSICIST'S VOICE (o.s.) Close your eyes, Cole. Startled, COLE closes his eyes obediently. BLACKNESS. Like COLE, WE SEE NOTHING. But we HEAR their VOICES. ENGINEER'S VOICE (o.s.) Tell us in detail what you've seen in this room. COLE'S VOICE (o.s.) Uh, in this room? Uh... MICROBIOLOGIST'S VOICE (o.s.) How many of us are there? COLE'S VOICE (o.s.), if you count me. ASTROPHYSICIST'S VOICE (o.s.) Tell us about the pictures on the wall... COLE'S VOICE (o.s.) Uh, you mean the newspapers? A MONTAGE OF OVERLAPPING VOICES (o.s.) Tell us about the newspapers. Can you hear my voice? What do I look like? What does he look like, the man who just spoke? How old were you when you left the surface? The VOICES blur into a cacophony and FADE INTO the droning P.A. SYSTEM at the airport. INT. CONCOURSE/AIRPORT - DAY THE DREAM AGAIN! But at an earlier moment. YOUNG COLE, flanked by his PARENTS, whose faces are out of view, is watching a PLANE land through one of the big glass windows that lines the concourse leading to the departure gates. P.A. SYSTEM (o.s.) Flight 784 now boarding at gate... Suddenly, a SHOUT, followed by raised VOICES, interrupts the monotonous airport routine. As YOUNG COLE and his PARENTS turn to see what's going on, a man we'll call MR. PONYTAIL, his face averted, hurries past them, bumping YOUNG COLE with a Chicago Hulls Sports Duffle Bag. MR. PONYTAIL WATCH IT! YOUNG COLE sees little more than the gaudy pants, the duffle, and the man's ponytail flopping as he rushes towards the gates. Just then, a WOMAN'S VOICE cries out, "NOOOOOOOOO!" YOUNG COLE turns back toward the Security Check Point just as TRAVELERS scatter madly, some diving to the floor, others running. A TERRIFIED TRAVELER, hitting the floor close by, looks up at YOUNG COLE with panicky eyes, and asks.... TERRIFIED TRAVELER Just exactly why did you volunteer? INT. ENGINEERING OFFICE/FUTURE WORLD - (ETERNAL NIGHT) COLE comes abruptly awake. Seated now, he's facing the SCIENTISTS. ASTROPHYSICIST Wake up, Cole. COLE Uh, I didn't hear the... MICROBIOLOGIST (tapping a pencil on the table) I asked you, why did you volunteer? COLE Well, the guard woke me up. He told me I volunteered. The SCIENTISTS react, whispering urgently among themselves. COLE starts to nod off again, then comes awake with a start as the ENGINEER speaks to him. ENGINEER We appreciate you volunteering. You're a very good observer, Cole. COLE Uh, thank you. ENGINEER You'll get a reduction in sentence. COLE keeps his face impassive. ASTROPHYSICIST To be determined by the proper authorities. ENGINEER You don't want to jeopardize that reduction, do you, Cole? Have it taken away? COLE No, sir! ASTROPHYSICIST We have a very advanced program, something very different, requires very skilled people. MICROBIOLOGIST An opportunity to reduce your sentence considerably... ZOOLOGIST And possibly play an important role in returning the human race to the surface of the earth. ENGINEER We want tough minded people. Strong mentally. We've had some...misfortunes with "unstable" types. ASTROPHYSICIST For a man in your opportunity. BOTANIST Not to volunteer could be a real mistake. MICROBIOLOGIST (tapping his pencil again) Definitely a mistake! COLE gives away nothing. He's in a box here. He has no choices. He stares at the tapping pencil. INT. ART GALLERY - NIGHT A strikingly "real" world of bright colors. Extravagant paintings adorn the walls. A POET, tiny and ruddy faced, squints over his glasses as he reads in a booming voice to an AUDIENCE of thirty seated on folding chairs. POET Still among the myriad microwaves, the infra-red messages, the gigabytes of ones and zeroes, we find words, infinitesimally small, byte-sized now, tinier even than science lurking in some vague electricity where, if we listen we can hear the solitary voice of that poet telling us, "We are no other than a moving row Of Magic shadow-shapes that come and go Round with the Sun-illumined Lantern hold In Midnight by the Master of the show." As the POET reads, we STUDY the audience, mostly YUPPIE CULTURE JUNKIES or BOHEMIANS. Among them, a light-haired woman of twenty- eight, soberly dressed, wearing glasses. She's KATHRYN RAILLY. And it's her beeper that suddenly BEEPS. BEEP! BEEP! POET'S VOICE (o.s.) "The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it." BEEP! BEEP! Scowling at the outrageous interruption, the POET looks up from the text just as RAILLY, tumbling, shuts off the beeper and rises, embarrassed. As she makes her way to an exit, the glaring POET continues... POET "Yesterday This Day's Madness did prepare; Tomorrow's Silence, Triumph or Despair: Drink! for you know not whence you came, nor why: Drink! for you know not why you go, nor where." INT. CORRIDOR/POLICE STATION - NIGHT DETECTIVE FRANKI leads RAILLY past crowded holding cells. FRANKI -- so they get there and they ask the guy real nice for some kind of i.d., and he gets agitated, starts screaming about viruses. Totally irrational, totally disoriented, doesn't know where he is, what day it is, alla that stuff. All they got was his name. They figure he's stoned out of his mind, it's some kinda psychotic episode, so they're gonna bring him... RAILLY He's been tested for drugs? FRANKI Negative for drugs. But he took on five cops like he was dusted to the eyeballs. No drugs. You believe that? FRANKI pauses, indicating a tiny observation window of thick meshed glass in an otherwise solid door, and RAILLY looks through it. RAILLY'S POV THROUGH THE WINDOW: a MAN, his back to her, in strait-jacket and prison denims, examining the wall of the padded cell with the distorted intensity of a "mental case". RAILLY You have him in restraints. FRANKI Were you listening? We got two officers in the hospital. Yeah, he's in restraints, plus the medic gave him enough stellazine to kill a horse. Look at him! Still on his feet. RAILLY'S POV THROUGH THE WINDOW: the MAN in the cell turns, looks right at her. In spite of the cuts and welts, it's clearly COLE. RAILLY That would explain the bruises, I guess. The struggle. FRANKI You want to go in? Examine him? RAILLY Yes, please. You said he gave a name... FRANKI (unlocking the door) James Cole. That's everything we got. None of the James Coles on the computer match him. No license, no prints, no warrants. Nothing. You want me to go in with you? RAILLY (entering) No, thank you. FRANKI I'll be right here...just in case. INT. ISOLATION CELL COLE stares at RAILLY. The environment is intensely real...vivid colors...each sound, however slight, very distinct, almost loud... and yet she appears to him almost like a vision. RAILLY Mr. Cole? My name is Doctor Railly. I'm a psychiatrist. I work for the County -- I don't work for the police. My only concern is your well being -- do you understand that? COLE I need to go now. RAILLY I'm going to be completely honest. I'm not going to lie to you. I can't make the police let you go...but I do want to help you. And I want you to trust me. Can you do that, James? May I call you "James"? COLE "James"! Nobody ever calls me that. RAILLY (frowns, studies him) Have you been a patient at County? Have I seen you someplace? COLE No, not possible. Listen, I have to get out of here. I'm supposed to be getting information. RAILLY What kind of information? COLE It won't help you. You can't do anything about it. You can't change anything. RAILLY Change what? COLE I need to go. RAILLY Do you know why you're here, James. COLE Because I'm a good observer. Because I have a tough mind. RAILLY I see. You don't remember assaulting a police officer...several officers? COLE They wanted identification. I don't have any identification. I wasn't trying to hurt them. RAILLY You don't have a driver's license, James? Or a Social Security card? COLE No. RAILLY Why not? Most people have some ID. COLE You wouldn't understand. RAILLY You've been in an institution, haven't you, James? A hospital? COLE I have to go. RAILLY A jail? Prison? COLE Underground. RAILLY Hiding? COLE I love this air. This is wonderful air. RAILLY What's wonderful about the air, James? COLE It's so clean. No germs. RAILLY You're afraid of germs? COLE I have to go. RAILLY Why do you think there aren't any germs in the air, James? COLE This is April, right? RAILLY July. COLE (sudden panic) July?! RAILLY Do you know what year it is? COLE What year is it? RAILLY What year do you think it is? COLE 1995? RAILLY You think it's July of 1995? That's the future, James. Do you think you're living in the future? COLE (slightly confused) No, 1995 is the past. RAILLY 1995 is the future, James. This is 1989. COLE looks stunned. INT. POLICE STATION CORRIDOR - MORNING COLE, bound tightly by the strait-jacket, heavy manacles on his ankles, is being escorted down the corridor by two surly POLICEMEN. COLE Where are you taking me? POLICEMAN #1 South of France, buddy. Fancy hotel. You're gonna love it. COLE South of France?! I don't want to go to the South of France. I want to make a telephone call. POLICEMAN #2 smirks as he unlocks a heavy steel door. POLICEMAN #2 Zip it, scumbag -- you fooled the shrink with your act, but you don't fool us. Then, POLICEMAN #2 swings the steel door open and sunlight overwhelms COLE, blinding him in a dazzling fury of white light. EXT. CITY STREET/MINI-VAN - DAY A Mini-van, the kind of vehicle used to transport a half dozen prisoners, crawls through a busy street. The Police Department logo is prominent on the side of the van beneath barred windows. INT. COUNTY HOSPITAL/SHOWERS - AN HOUR LATER (MORNING) Fierce spray recalls the decontamination in the future. COLE stands stark naked under the shower while two muscular attendants, PALMER and BILLINGS, supervise. As PALMER shuts off the water, BILLINGS hands COLE a towel and starts inspecting his scalp... BILLINGS Lemme see your head, Jimbo, see if you got any creepy crawlies. COLE I need to make a telephone call. BILLINGS (pulling Cole's head) Gotta work that out with a doctor, Jimbo. Can't make no calls 'til the doctor says. COLE It's very important. BILLINGS What chew gotta do, Jimbo, is take it easy, relax into things. We all gonna get along fine if you just relax. COLE gets the hint of menace in the message and submits to the lice inspection, only his eyes revealing his frustration. INT. HOSPITAL/DAYROOM - HALF AN HOUR LATER (DAY) COLE stands in the doorway, stunned by his first sight of the large room. His eyes go to the heavily-grilled windows where light pours in from outside. Then, to the TV, where a CARTOON COMMERCIAL makes raucous noises. PATIENTS, in K-Mart street clothes or ratty robes, stare gloomily at the TV, or play cards, pace, or just stare blankly. BILLINGS is at COLE'S side, beckoning to a patient, JEFFREY MASON, a twenty year old white youth dressed in khakis and a plaid shirt. BILLINGS Jeffrey. Yo! Jeffrey. This here is James. Whyncha show James around? Tell him the TV rules, show him the games an' stuff, okay? JEFFREY (with a sly look) How much you gonna pay me? Huh? I'd be doing your job. BILLINGS Five thousand dollars, my man. That enough? I'll wire it to your account as usual, okay? JEFFREY Okay, Billings. Five thousand. That's enough. Five thousand dollars. I'll give him the Deluxe Mental Hospital Tour. As BILLINGS walks away chuckling, JEFFREY turns to COLE. JEFFREY Kid around, kid around. It makes them feel good, we're all pals. We're prisoners, they're the guards, but it's all in good fun, you see? COLE nods and JEFFREY indicates card tables where PATIENTS are playing cards, checkers, chess, or working on jig saw puzzles. JEFFREY Here's the games. Games vegitize you. If you play the games, you're voluntarily taking a tranquilizer. COLE sees a partially completed puzzle of the well-known painting, THE PEACEABLE KINGDOM, depicting a serene world of animals in harmony. JEFFREY What'd they give you? Thorazine? How much? Learn your drugs -- know your doses. COLE I need to make a telephone call. JEFFREY A telephone call? That's communication with the outside world! Doctor's discretion. Hey, if alla these nuts could just make phone calls, it could spread. Insanity oozing through telephone cables, oozing into the ears of all those poor sane people, infecting them! Whackos everywhere! A plague of madness. (suddenly sly and confidential) In fact, very few of us here are actually mentally ill. I'm not saying you're not mentally ill, for all I know you're crazy as a loon. But that's not why you're here. Why you're here is because of the system, because of the economy. (indicating the TV) There's the TV. It's all right there. Commercials. We are not productive anymore, they don't need us to make things anymore, it's all automated. What are we for then? We're consumers. Okay, buy a lot of stuff, you're a good citizen. But if you don't buy a lot of stuff, you know what? You're mentally ill! That's a fact! If you don't buy things...toilet paper, new cars, computerized blenders, electrically operated sexual devices... (getting hysterical) SCREWDRIVERS WITH MINIATURE BUILT-IN RADAR DEVICES, STEREO SYSTEMS WITH BRAIN IMPLANTED HEADPHONES, VOICE- ACTIVATED COMPUTERS, AND... A woman orderly, TERRY, turns from the feeble PATIENT she's helping. TERRY Take it easy, Jeffrey. Be calm. Abruptly, JEFFREY stifles his hysteria, takes a deep breath and continues, completely calm now. But COLE isn't listening. He's mesmerized by the TV. JEFFREY So if you want to watch a particular program, say "All My Children" or something, you go to the Charge Nurse and tell her what day and time the show you want to see is on. But you have to tell her before the show is scheduled to be on. There was this one guy who was always requesting shows that had already played. He couldn't quite grasp the idea that the Charge Nurse couldn't just make it be yesterday for him, turn back time ha ha. What a fruitcake!! This last thought actually penetrates COLE'S focus on the TV and he turns to JEFFREY who's picking up speed again. JEFFREY Seriously, more and more people are being defined now as mentally ill. Why? Because they're not consuming on their own. But as patients, they becone consumers of mental health care. And this gives the so-called sane people work! (hysteria again) WHOOO! SHOCK THERAPY! GROUP THERAPY! HALLUCINATIONS! THERAPEUTIC DRUGS! IGGIDY DIGGIDY DIG! PERFECT! THE SYSTEM IN HARMONY LIKE A BIG MACHINE... TERRY Okay, that's it, Jeffrey, you're gonna get a shot. I warned you... JEFFREY (calming himself, smiling) Right! Right! Carried away, heh heh. I got "carried away". Explaining the workings of...the institution. Just then, TJ WASHINGTON, a somber-looking African American in a bathrobe, taps COLE on the shoulder. TJ WASHINGTON I don't really come from outer space. JEFFREY This is TJ Washington, Jim -- he doesn't really come from outer space. TJ WASHINGTON Don't mock me, my friend. (to Cole) It's a condition of "mental divergence". I find myself on another planet, Ogo, part of an intellectual elite, preparing to subjugate barbarian hordes on Pluto. But even though it's a totally convincing reality in every way...I can feel, breathe, hear...nevertheless, Ogo is actually a construct of my psyche. I am mentally divergent in that I am escaping certain unnamed realities that plague my life here. When I stop going there, I will be well. Are you also divergent, friend? The P.A. SYSTEM interrupts, startling COLE. P.A. SYSTEM (v.o.) James Cole. Report to Staff. James Cole! JEFFREY Staff! Whoo! Time for Staff. Now the geniuses cure you. Hallelujah! INT. PSYCH WARD CONFERENCE ROOM - MINUTES LATER (DAY) COLE is agitated, speaking forcefully. COLE This is a place for crazy people! I'm not crazy! RAILLY, four other PSYCHIATRIC RESIDENTS, including RAILLY'S best friend, MARILOU MARTIN, and their chief, DR. OWEN FLETCHER, sit around a beat-up conference table, watching COLE, who sits facing the doctors, with BILLINGS looming behind him. (Some of the DOCTORS bear a strong resemblance to the SCIENTISTS OF THE FUTURE.) RESIDENT #1 We don't use that term..."crazy", Mr. Cole. COLE Well, you've got some real nuts in here! Listen to me, all of you -- I have to tell you something that's going to be difficult for you to understand, but... DR. RAILLY James...please. These are all doctors here and we want to help you. DR. FLETCHER Mr. Cole -- last night you told Dr. Railly you thought it was... (checking a file) 1995. ... How about right now? Do you know what year it is right now? COLE 1989. Look, I'm not confused. There's been a mistake, I've been sent to the wrong place. Suddenly, COLE reaches out and BILLINGS lunges forward, but COLE is just grabbing a pad and pencil. COLE Hey, I'm not going to hurt anybody. FLETCHER restrains BILLINGS with a hand signal. COLE (drawing) Do any of you know anything about the Army of the Twelve Monkeys? They paint this, stencil it, on buildings, all over the place. COLE waves a sketch of the dancing monkey logo we saw earlier. DR. CASEY Mr. Cole... COLE Right. I guess you wouldn't, this is 1989, they're probably not active yet. That makes sense! Okay. Listen to me, three billion people died in 1995. Three billion, got that? Almost the whole population. Of the world! Only about one percent survived. DOCTORS exchange knowing looks. This is an old story, apparently. RESIDENT #2 Are you going to save us, Mr. Cole? COLE Save you? How can I save you? It already happened! I can't save you. I'm simply trying to get some information for people in the present so that someday... (sees their eyes) You don't believe me. You think I'm crazy. But I'm not crazy. I'm a convict, sure, I have a quick temper, but I'm as sane as anyone in this room. I... COLE stops, sees DR. FLETCHER tapping his pencil. COLE'S seen that tapping before -- in the future! It disorients him. DR. RAILLY Can you tell us the name of the prison you've come from? COLE doesn't answer. He's staring at the tapping pencil. DR. FLETCHER Does this bother you, Mr. Cole? COLE (recovering, new tack) No! Look, I don't belong here! What I need to do is make a telephone call to straighten everything out. DR. FLETCHER Who would you call, Mr. Cole, who would straighten everything out? COLE Scientists. I'm supposed to report in to them. They'll want to know they sent me to the wrong time. DR. FLETCHER So you could talk to these scientists and they do what? Send you to the future? COLE No, no. I can't talk to them. It's called, "voice mail". I'm supposed to leave messages. They monitor it from the present. RESIDENT #2 "From the present." We're not in the present now, Mr. Cole? COLE No, no. This is the past. This has already happened. Listen... RESIDENT #3 Mr. Cole, you belong in 1995 -- that's the present, is that it? COLE No, 1995 is the past, too. Look... DR. FLETCHER These scientists, Mr. Cole? Are they doctors like ourselves? Two of the residents exchange quick knowing looks. COLE No! I mean yes, but... Look, I've been given a lot of drugs but I'm still perfectly lucid. You have to let me use the phone. One call! COLE looks desperately toward RAILLY, pleading eyes meeting hers. INT. LOW RENT APARTMENT - DAY Four little KIDS SCREAM and SQUABBLE while the phone CHIRPS insistently in the tiny, cluttered apartment and a harried MOTHER lunges for the phone, answers sharply... MOTHER Yes? (listens, frowns, then) Whaaaaat? "Voice mail"! I don't know what you're talkin' about. ... Is this a joke? I don't know any scientists. James who? Never heard of you! The MOTHER slams down the phone. INT. RAILLY'S OFFICE/COUNTY HOSPITAL - DAY A dismayed COLE still has the receiver in his hand. Sympathetically, RAILLY takes it from him. RAILLY It wasn't who you expected? COLE is clearly agitated, starts to pace, upset. Nuts? COLE It was some lady. She didn't know anything. RAILLY Perhaps it was a wrong number... COLE No. That's the reason they chose me -- I remember things. RAILLY frowns, studying the distracted man with intense interest. It's clear COLE is becoming a special patient and RAILLY'S cool, detached demeanor is giving way ever so slightly. RAILLY James, where did you grow up? Was it around here? Around Baltimore? COLE (lost in thought) What? RAILLY I have the...strangest feeling I've met you before...a long time ago, perhaps. Were you ever...? COLE Wait! This is only 1989! I'm supposed to be leaving messages in 1995. It's not the right number yet. That's the problem. Damn! How can I contact them? RAILLY recovers her distance, her poise, as she takes a bottle, pours out some tablets, and holds them out to COLE. RAILLY James, take these. (watching him step back) Please -- I helped you like I said I would. Now I want you to trust me. INT. AIRPORT CONCOURSE - DAY (THE DREAM) MR. PONYTAIL races past the startled YOUNG COLE. MR. PONYTAIL WATCH IT! Was it JEFFREY wearing gaudy pants and a ponytail? It was definitely JEFFREY'S VOICE. TRAVELERS dive for cover as a WOMAN'S VOICE cries out... WOMAN'S VOICE NOOOOOOOOOO! The TERRIFIED TRAVELER looks up at YOUNG COLE, makes eye contact, but doesn't speak. The TERRIFIED TRAVELER looks a lot like DR. FLETCHER! Just then, YOUNG COLE is distracted by a running figure. It's the BLONDE MAN in the Hawaiian shirt, but he's not injured. He's sprinting toward the gates, glancing back over his shoulder, his moustache slightly askew! A sharp CRACK of a GUNSHOT rings out! Then, DAZZLING LIGHT. Everything goes white! INT. DORMITORY (PSYCH WARD)/COUNTY HOSPITAL - NIGHT COLE'S eyes blink awake, blinded by a flashlight. He's lying in one of thirty beds in a darkened ward. Disoriented. Which world is this? The room is full of BREATHING, SNORING, occasional MOANS. He can barely discern the shadowy figures of an ORDERLY and a NURSE, making their rounds, checking each bed. His eyes adjusting to the darkness, COLE watches them exit. He turns and sees a patch of moonlight coming in a barred window. With a quick glance at the sleeping PATIENTS, he slips out of bed, makes his way stealthily to the window, peers out. COLE'S POV: the moon, glowing in the sky, illuminating a single tree. Under the tree, in silhouette, a COUPLE embraces, kisses. ANGLE ON COLE, looking out the window, absorbed. VOICE (o.s.) It won't work. You can't open it. Alarmed, COLE turns, sees JEFFREY in the next bed. JEFFREY You think you can remove the grill but you can't. It's welded. COLE checks the grill anyway. JEFFREY See? I toldja. And all the doors are locked, too. They're protecting the people on the outside from us. But the people outside are as crazy as us. COLE has become preoccupied with a small SPIDER creeping along the window sill. He's staring at it when he's distracted by a sudden SOUND. Grabbing the SPIDER, COLE scrambles back into bed just as the door opens and an ORDERLY probes the dark room with the blade of his flashlight. ANGLE ON COLE, in bed, feigning sleep. The flashlight clicks off and COLE hears the door close. For a long moment the ward is silent except for BREATHING, SNORES, occasional MOANS. Then, COLE hears JEFFREY'S hoarse whisper, picking up right where he left off. JEFFREY You know what "crazy" is? "crazy" is "majority rules". Take germs for example. Although COLE is preoccupied with the SPIDER struggling to get out of his fist, he can't help reacting to the word, "germs"! COLE Germs?! JEFFREY In the 18th century there was no such thing! Nobody'd ever imagined such a thing -- no sane person anyway. Along comes this doctor...Semmelweiss, I think. He tries to convince people... other doctors mostly...that there are these teeny tiny invisible "bad things" called germs that get into your body and make you...sick! He's trying to get doctors to wash their hands. What is this guy...crazy? Teeny tiny invisible whaddayou call 'em?..."germs"! As JEFFREY warms to his subject, getting excited, COLE tries to figure out where to put the SPIDER. JEFFREY (cont.) So cut to the 20th century! Last week in fact, right before I got dragged into this hellhole. I order a burger in this fast food joint. The waiter drops it on the floor. He picks it up, wipes it off, hands it to it was all okay. No alternative. COLE pops the SPIDER in his mouth and swallows it as JEFFREY prattles on... JEFFREY "What about the germs?" I say. He goes, "I don't believe in germs. Germs are just a plot they made up so they can sell you disinfectants and soap!" Now, he's crazy, right? Hey, you believe in germs, don't you? COLE I'm not crazy. JEFFREY Of course not, I never thought you were. You want to escape, right? That's very sane. I can help you. You want me to, don't you? Get you out? COLE If you know how to escape, why don't you...? JEFFREY Why don't I escape, that's what you were going to ask me, right? 'Cause I'd be crazy to escape! I'm all taken care of, see? I've sent out word. COLE What's that mean? JEFFREY I've managed to contact certain underlings, evil spirits, secretaries of secretaries, and assorted minions, who will contact my father. When he learns I'm in this kind of place, he'll have them transfer me to one of those classy joints where they treat you...properly. LIKE A GUEST! LIKE A PERSON! SHEETS! TOWELS! LIKE A BIG HOTEL WITH GREAT DRUGS FOR THE NUT CASE LUNATIC MANIAC DEVILS... PATIENTS are waking up as the NURSE and two ORDERLIES burst into the dorm and head straight for JEFFREY who's struggling to calm himself. JEFFREY Sorry. Really sorry. Got a little agitated. The thought of escaping crossed my mind and suddenly...suddenly I felt LIKE BENDING THE FUCKING BARS BACK, RIPPING OFF THE GODDAMN WINDOW FRAMES AND...EATING THEM, YES, EATING THEM, AND LEAPING, LEAPING... COLE watches the ORDERLIES grab JEFFREY and haul him away. JEFFREY You dumb assholes! I'm a mental patient! I'm supposed to act out. Wait til you morons find out who I am. My father's gonna be really upset. AND WHEN MY FATHER GETS UPSET, THE GROUND SHAKES! MY FATHER IS GOD! I WORSHIP MY FATHER. INT. WARD DAYROOM - MORNING ANGLE ON TV SCREEN/A VIDEO IMAGE OF A LAB MONKEY, convulsing pathetically, a victim of shocks from the numerous wires attached to his tiny, restrained body. ANGLE ON COLE, sitting, writing intensely in a magazine with crayon, surrounded by dull-eyed PATIENTS in pajamas and ratty robes, staring at the shuddering LAB MONKEY on the TV screen. JEFFREY'S VOICE (o.s.) Torture! Experiments! We're all monkeys COLE locks up, startled, as JEFFREY, one eye bruised black, takes the seat next to him. COLE They hurt you! JEFFREY Not as bad as what they're doing to kitty. ANGLE ON TV, showing a laboratory CAT turning in mad circles, eating its own tail, while a NEWS REPORTER narrates. TV NEWS REPORTER (v.o.) These video tapes were obtained by animal rights activists who worked underground as laboratory assistants for several months. Authorities say there is little they can do until... The video footage now shows LAB WORKERS watching the results of their experiments passively. ANGLE ON COLE, reacting angrily. COLE Look at those assholes, they're asking for it! Maybe people deserved to be wiped out! JEFFREY (startled, turning) Wiping cut the human race! That's a great idea! But it's more of a long term thing -- right now we have to focus on more immediate goals. (sudden whisper) I didn't say a word about "you know what". COLE What are you talking about??? JEFFREY You know -- your plan. As COLE stares, befuddled, JEFFREY sees COLE'S magazine. JEFFREY What're you writing? You a reporter? COLE (shielding the magazine) It's private. JEFFREY A lawsuit? You going to sue them? Just then BILLINGS looms over COLE, extending a cup full of pills. BILLINGS Yo, James -- time to take your meds. INT. DAY ROOM/HOSPITAL - THIRTY MINUTES LATER (MORNING) ANGLE ON THE TV, a commercial playing: a beautiful couple romps in the surf in slow motion while an eager NARRATOR encourages... NARRATOR (v.o.) Take a chance. Live the moment. Sunshine. Gorgeous beaches. The Florida Keys! ANGLE ON COLE, very drugged, seated in front of the TV along with other drugged PATIENTS, staring at the screen. ANGLE ON THE TV, showing a picture of the Marx Brothers. TV AWNOUNCER (v.o.) We'll return to the Marx Brothers in "Monkey Business" following these messages. JEFFREY'S VOICE (o.s.) Monkey Business! Monk Key Business. COLE sees JEFFREY sliding into the next chair and smirking. JEFFREY Get it? Monk - Key. Monk! (big grin) Key! JEFFREY flashes his palm open for one quick moment. A KEY! COLE (groggy) What....??? JEFFREY Wooooo, they really dosed you, bro. Major load! Listen up -- try and get it together. Focus! Focus! The plan! Remember? I did my part. COLE What...??? JEFFREY Not, "what", babe! When! "When???" JEFFREY (pressing the key into Cole's hand) Now! VOICE/TV (o.s.) Let us guide you to the stocks and bonds that will enhance your portfolio. JEFFREY (leaping to his feet) YES -- NOW! BUY NOW! STOCKS AND BONDS! NO MORE MONKEY BUSINESS -- BUY NOW. ANGLE ON TV, almost mimicking JEFFREY with an ad...a BULL and a BEAR and a computer screen showing stock prices fluctuating. VOICE/TV (v.o.) A portfolio tailored to your specific needs and the needs of your loved ones... ANGLE ON COLE, dumbfounded, watching JEFFREY dance crazily. JEFFREY YES, YES. ENHANCE YOUR PORTFOLIO NOW! ANGLE ON BILLINGS, across the ward, reacting to JEFFREY, lets go of the OLD MAN he's helping as another orderly, TERRY, presses a beeper, calling for help. ANGLE ON COLE, flabbergasted, as JEFFREY cavorts around the room. JEFFREY BUY! SELL! SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITY! ANGLE ON A HAND, inserting the last piece into the PEACEABLE KINGDOM JIGSAW PUZZLE. Just then, JEFFREY'S HAND sweeps the puzzle off the table, scattering it into a thousand pieces. ANGLE ON JEFFREY, dancing away while the PATIENT who just completed the puzzle stares, very upset. Other PATIENTS are getting agitated, too, as JEFFREY avoids a lunge by BILLINGS and dances off, using PATIENTS as a shield. HEAVY WOMAN PATIENT I'M GETTING DIZZY. MAKE HIM STOP! SKINNY MAN PATIENT HERE THEY COME! THEY'RE COMING! OLD MAN PATIENT FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS! I GOT FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS! I'M INSURED! JEFFREY OPPORTUNITY! DEFINITELY! A WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY! OPENING NOW! NOW'S THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN TO SEIZE THE MOMENT! YES! YES! MASTERCARD! VISA! THE KEY TO HAPPINESS! ANGLE ON COLE, realizing through the haze of drugs that JEFFREY is sending a message to him. COLE looks at the ward door. COLE'S POV: the WARD DOOR opens and two husky ORDERLIES enter. One locks the door with a key, one of many on a key ring attached to his belt, as the other ORDERLY rushes to join the pursuit. JEFFREY SEIZE THE MOMENT! GET RICH! NOW'S THE TIME! GO FOR IT! BILLINGS (missing a tackle) God damn you, Jeffrey, quit playing the fool. ANGLE ON COLE, hesitating. He locks at the door...blurring in and out of focus. He looks down at the key in his hand. ANGLE ON JEFFREY, being grabbed by the ORDERLIES. JEFFREY resists wildly as they struggle to overpower him. JEFFREY LAST CHANCE! LAST CHANCE! HEY -- OW! ANGLE ON COLE, moving to the door. He reaches it and tries to insert the key in the lock. ANGLE ON LOCK, as the key keeps missing the hole. ANGLE ON COLE, glancing nervously over his shoulder. COLE'S POV: ORDERLIES swarm over JEFFREY, don't notice COLE. ANGLE ON COLE, managing to insert the key. It won't turn. A PATIENT, close at hand, startles COLE, speaking into his ear. PATIENT Place to go would be...Florida. The keys are lovely this tine of year. COLE, unnerved, desperate tries the key again. It turns. PATIENT Be careful. J. Edgar Hoover isn't really dead. COLE pauses, stares, not understanding. Then, he opens the door. INT. CORRIDOR/COUNTY HOSPITAL Stepping through the door, COLE finds himself in an ante-room facing several elevators. A uniformed SECURITY MAN sitting at a near-by desk doesn't even lock up from the magazine he's reading. Barely daring to breathe, COLE steps toward the elevators so his back is to the SECURITY MAN. But he doesn't know how to control this elevator. What should he do? SECURITY MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Two's not working today. Use one. COLE freezes, sneaks a glance over his shoulder. COLE'S POV: the SECURITY MAN continues his reading. He's a big guy with reading glasses perched on his nose. He looks exactly like the MENACING GUARD IN THE FUTURE...SCARFACE! ANGLE ON COLE, stunned! Just then, an elevator door slides open. The elevator's empty. COLE steps into it. INT. ELEVATOR/COUNTY HOSPITAL The door closes, isolating COLE in the elevator. COLE finds the down button, is about to push it when the elevator springs to life. The numbers on the indicator over the door start to rise. 7...8...9. Then, the elevator stops and the door opens. Two DOCTORS and an AIDE stand in front of the door, waiting. COLE hesitates. They look at him. They seem to expect him to exit. Avoiding eye contact, COLE exits the elevator. As they enter the elevator, the DOCTORS look back at COLE and frown. INT. RAILLY'S OFFICE - MORNING RAILLY has just arrived for work. She's slipping on her white doctor's coat when... DR. CASEY, one of the other residents, sticks his head in the door waving a crayoned message on a page torn from a magazine. DR. CASEY This was in my box, but I have a slight suspicion it wasn't meant for me. CASEY enters the room, reading the scrawled words dramatically. DR. CASEY "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. You live in a beautiful world. But you don't know it. You have freedom, sunshine, air you can breathe." RAILLY (smiling) Cole. James Cole -- right? She reaches for the note but CASEY moves it out of her grasp. DR. CASEY "I would do anything to stay here, but I must leave. Please, help me." RAILLY Poor man... CASEY is handing her the note when another resident, DR. GOODINS, sticks his head in the door. He's upset. DR. GOODINS Hey, Kathryn, James Cole is one of yours, right? RAILLY and CASEY stare at him. DR. GOODINS He got out. Took off. Last seen, he was up on nine. INT. X-RAY DEPARTMENT/BASEMENT - DAY A PATIENT is being swallowed by a large tube, a CAT SCANNER, while a DOCTOR in a white coat speaks reassuringly. DOCTOR Just relax -- don't fight it. We have to know exactly what's there so we can... The DOCTOR stops, astonished, as the door bursts open. It's COLE! He stares at the PATIENT and the Cat Scanner. The PATIENT lifts his head up and stares at COLE. DOCTOR Eh, excuse me. Can I help you? COLE turns and rushes back out the door. INT. CORRIDOR/COUNTY HOSPITAL COLE steps into the corridor, turns to his right, freezes. A POSSE of SECURITY GUARDS is headed in his direction. COLE turns to his left. Four ORDERLIES are coming that way. COLE'S trapped. A beat. He attacks the nearest man. BILLINGS. INT. TECH ROOM/PSYCH WARD - SHORTLY (DAY) RAILLY prepares a hypo, turns to COLE who is strapped tightly on a gurney with BILLINGS and an RN standing on either side, tense for more trouble. One of BILLINGS' eyes is starting to swell shut. RAILLY It's just a shot to calm you. COLE No more drugs. Please... RAILLY I have to do this, James. You're very confused. RAILLY pushes the needle into COLE'S skin. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM/PSYCH WARD - LATER (DAY) DR. FLETCHER faces RAILLY across the conference table. DR. CASEY, DR. GOODINS, DR. MARILOU MARTIN are also there. DR. FLETCHER Don't be defensive, Kathryn, this isn't an inquisition. RAILLY I didn't think I was being defensive. I was just... DR. FLETCHER He should have been in restraints. It was bad judgment on your part, plain and simple. why not just cop to it? RAILLY Okay, it was bad judgment. But I have the strangest feeling about him -- I've seen him somewhere and... DR. FLETCHER (impatient, not interested) Two policemen were already in the hospital and now we have an orderly with a broken arm and a Security Officer with a fractured skull. RAILLY I said it was bad judgment! What else do you want me to say? DR. FLETCHER You see what I mean? You're being defensive. (to Dr. Casey) Isn't she being defensive, Bob? But just then, BILLINGS sticks his head in the door. BILLINGS Uh, Dr. Fletcher -- we got another... situation. INT. CORRIDOR/PSYCH WARD - MOMENTS LATER (DAY) DR. FLETCHER looks into an empty padded cell as RAILLY, MARTIN, GOODIN, BILLINGS, PALMER and the NURSE crowd behind him. DR. FLETCHER He was in full restraints? And the door was locked? BILLINGS Yes, sir. Did it myself. DR. FLETCHER And he was fully sedated? RAILLY He was fully sedated! DR. FLETCHER Then are you trying to tell me that a fully sedated, fully restrained patient somehow slipped out that vent, replaced the grill behind him and that he's wriggling through the ventilation system right now? DR. FLETCHER indicates an impossibly tiny vent high in the wall. INT. CONCOURSE/AIRPORT - DAY (THE DREAM) Seen through the glass windows, a 747 takes off, climbing into the sky as the airport P.A. System drones... P.A. SYSTEM Flight 784 to San Francisco now boarding at Gate 38... YOUNG COLE, watching the 747, whirls at the SOUND of a COMMOTION. MR. PONYTAIL bumps him. The BLONDE MAN sprints past. The WOMAN'S VOICE calls out! WOMAN'S VOICE NOOOOOOOOOO! TRAVELERS dive for cover briefly revealing the mysterious BRUNETTE running after the BLONDE MAN! But this time, YOUNG COLE catches just a glimpse of her face. She looks a little like RAILLY except for the dark hair, the make-up. and the flashy earrings. She calls out, her VOICE blending weirdly with the P.A. SYSTEM... BRUNETTE/P. A. SYSTEM The Freedom For Animals Headquarters now boarding on Second Avenue. The Army of the Twelve Monkeys... ENGINEER'S VOICE (o.s.) Cole, you moron -- wake up! INT. ENGINEERING OFFICE - ETERNAL NIGHT OF THE FUTURE As COLE blinks awake, the digitized monotone of the P.A. SYSTEM continues to drone in an unearthly VOICE... UNEARTHLY VOICE/P.A. SYSTEM -- they're the ones who are going to do it... COLE'S eyes seek the source of the sound and find it on the table in front of the panel of disapproving SCIENTISTS facing him. It's a beat-up old tape recorder. UNEARTHLY VOICE/TAPE RECORDER I can't do anything more. The Police are after me. The tape ends, runs off the reel, flap...flap...flap... ASTROPHYSICIST Well? COLE Uh, what? ENGINEER He's drugged out of his mind! He's completely zoned out. ASTROPHYSICIST Cole, did you or did you not record that message? COLE Uh, that MICROBIOLOGIST It's a digital reconstruction of a message, Cole, from a weak signal on our contact number. Did you make that call? COLE (angrily) I couldn't call! You sent me to the wrong year! It was 1989. SCIENTISTS 1989! The SCIENTISTS react, exchanging looks, whispers. Then, ZOOLOGIST You're certain of that? GEOLOGIST (before Cole can answer) What did you do with your time, Cole? Did you waste it on drugs? Women? COLE They forced me to take drugs. BOTANIST Forced you! Why would someone force you to take drugs? COLE I got into trouble. I got arrested. But I still got you a specimen -- a spider -- but I didn't have anyplace to put it, so I ate it. It was the wrong year anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter. The SCIENTISTS stare incredulously, then turn, exchange knowing looks, huddle, start whispering to one another. Struggling to stay awake COLE sees, blurrily, the MICROBIOLOGIST staring at COLE intently. For one moment, the face belongs to DR. FLETCHER! COLE blinks hard...and the MICROBIOLOGIST has his own face, again. COLE'S head slumps forward now...and everything goes dark. GEOLOGIST'S VOICE (o.s.) Cole! INT. ENGINEERING OFFICE - ETERNAL NIGHT OF THE FUTURE COLE comes awake with a start. The room is dark now, except... a slide is being projected on a torn screen. It's a picture of a stenciled graffiti...the logo of The Army of the 12 Monkeys. ENGINEER What about it, Cole? ZOOLOGIST Did you see it? COLE Uh, no, sir. I... Another slide CLICKS into place. Youthful PROTESTERS, their placards featuring slogans and images of Animal Atrocities, confront POLICE in riot gear. ASTROPHYSICIST What about these people? Did you see any of these people? Zooming in, panning, the SCIENTISTS emphasize the FACES of the PROTESTERS. The FACES are unfamiliar to COLE (though WE will recognize some of them later on). COLE (o.s.) Uh, no, sir, I...wait! The image pans back to a much enlarged blurry FACE among the PROTESTERS. In spite of the poor image, the expression of rage is clear, and it seems to resemble a somewhat older JEFFREY MASON. ASTROPHYSICIST Him? You saw that man? COLE Uh, I think so. In the mental hospital. MICRO3IOLOGIST (switching on the light) You were in a mental institution?! The SCIENTISTS MUTTER disapprovingly among themselves. ASTROPHYSICIST You were sent to make very important observations! BOTANIST You could have made a real contribution. GEOLOGIST Helped to reclaim the planet... ZOOLOGIST As well as reducing your sentence. MICROBIOLOGIST The question is, Cole -- "Do you want another chance?" COLE stares at them, trying to figure out what they mean. INT. CONCOURSE/AIRPORT - DAY (THE DREAM) The BRUNETTE runs up the concourse, her back to YOUNG COLE, as frightened PASSENGERS duck for cover, SHOUTING! RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Hey! Who's that? INT. CELL - ETERNAL NIGHT COLE opens his eyes. Where is he? Silence as he examines the tiny cell. Bare cement walls. High ceiling. Same color and size as the isolation room at the county hospital. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Hey, Bob...what's your name? COLE looks around frantically. Up, down. Where is the VOICE coming from? Maybe from that tiny vent high in the wall... COLE Where are you? RASPY VOICE (o.s.) You can talk! Wah'dja do, Bobby boy? Volunteer? COLE My name's not "Bob". RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Not a prob, Bob. Where'd they send you? COLE Where are you? RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Another cell. ... Maybe. COLE What do you mean, "maybe"? What's that supposed to mean? RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Maybe. Means "maybe" I'm in the next cell, another "volunteer" like you -- or "maybe" I'm in the Central Office spying on you for all those science bozos. Or, hey, "maybe" I'm not even here. "Maybe" I'm just in your head. No way to confirm anything. Ha Ha. Where'd they send you? COLE doesn't answer. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Not talking, huh, Bob? That's okay I can handle that. COLE 1989. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) 89! How was it? Good drugs? Lotsa pussy? Hey, Bob, you do the job? D'ju find out the "big info"?...Army of the Twelve Monkeys...where the virus was prior to mutation? COLE It was supposed to be 1995. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Science isn't an exact science with these clowns. You're lucky you didn't end up in ancient Egypt! INT. LAB - ETERNAL NIGHT OF THE FUTURE COLE is strapped on a gurney. SCIENTISTS hover near-by, whispering. The walls of the gloomy chamber are damp, sweating. GEOLOGIST No mistakes this time, Cole. ASTROPHYSICIST Stay alert. Keep your eyes open. ZOOLOGIST Good thinking about that spider, Cole. Try and do something like that again. MICROBIOLOGIST Just relax now -- don't fight it. We have to know exactly what's there so we can fix it. The gurney is being wheeled into a crudely welded steel tube... reminiscent of the cat scanner in County Hospital. COLE'S POV: a last glimpse of anxious FACES, then the chamber door is CLANGED shut. EVERYTHING IS BLACK. A HUM BUILDS. THE BLACKNESS VIBRATES, THE HUM REACHES A DEAFENING LEVEL, THEN DIMUENDOS. WE BEGIN TO HEAR BURSTS OF MACHINE GUN FIRE, VOICES SHOUTING IN FRENCH, A SUDDEN HUGE EXPLOSION! THEN... EXT. TRENCH/FRANCE - DAY DRIZZLING RAIN. And SCREAMS. COLE'S in a deep trench, naked, eyes wide with terror. What's going on? Where is he? SOLDIERS in gas masks push urgently past him rushing toward their injured COMRADES who've been ripped apart by the shell that just hit fifteen yards away. Muffled VOICES shout through gas masks... in FRENCH. COLE doesn't know it, but this is World War I! Suddenly, a SERGEANT confronts him, shouting in French. SERGEANT (FRENCH, subtitled) Where's your mask?! And your clothes... and your weapon, you idiot?! COLE What? What?? COLE looks around desperately. A horribly WOUNDED MAN is being stretchered past them in the narrow trench. Machine guns chatter close at hand. AAK AAK AAK. A grenade EXPLODES. Reacting to the foreign word, the SERGEANT jams his bayonet into COLE'S ribs... SERGEANT (FRENCH, subtitled) Captain! A Kraut! We got a Kraut! COLE I don't understand. Where am I? The CAPTAIN hurries over, snapping at COLE in German. CAPTAIN (GERMAN, subtitled) How'd you get here, soldier? What's your rank? Where are your clothes? COLE I...don't understand. CAPTAIN (frowning, GERMAN, subtitled) German! Speak German! What are you doing here? VOICE (o.s.) (pleading in English) I gotta find 'em. I gotta find 'em. Please, you gotta help me! COLE turns, sees... It's his friend, JOSE, the Puerto Rican kid from the next cell in the "underground" time. He's being carried past COLE now on a stretcher, blood all over his torso, horribly wounded. COLE JOSE! JOSE Cole! Oh, God, Cole, where are we? JOSE reaches out to COLE just as a PHOTOGRAPHER takes a FLASH PICTURE of the kid being carried off on the stretcher. SUDDENLY, SHOTS RING OUT. COLE goes down. Hit in the leg! SOLDIERS in gas masks rush past him like giant insects. Looking to his left, COLE sees the CAPTAIN lying beside him, dead from a chest wound, his gas mask half off. COLE is reaching for the mask when... A SHELL HITS CLOSE BY WITH AN ENORMOUS EXPLOSION. EXT. COLLEGE CAMPUS - NIGHT Stunningly quiet. We are on a placid campus looking at the dignified architecture of Breitrose Hall. MOVING IN we FOCUS ON a large poster advertising "The Alexander Lectures, Spring 1995". WE SKIM the listings (Jon Else on The Nuclear Agony, Dr. Andrew Miksztal on Biological Ethics, etc.) until we SETTLE ON... DR. KATHRYN RAILLY MADNESS AND APOCALYPTIC VISIONS MAY 17 INT. AUDITORIUM/BREITROSE HALL - NIGHT A large screen dominates the auditorium stage. On the screen is a slide of an engraving from the Middle Ages showing a MADMAN in apparent agony, his mouth shaped to a scream, as he is restrained by PEASANTS. The projector ZOOMS slowly in on the agonized FACE of this MADMAN as we HEAR RAILLY'S VOICE lecturing. RAILLY'S VOICE (o.s.) According to the accounts of local officials at that time, this gentleman, judged to be about forty years of age, appeared suddenly in the village of Wyle near Stonehenge in the West of England in April of 1162. Using unfamiliar words and speaking in a strange accent, the man made dire prognostications about a pestilence which he predicted would wipe out humanity in approximately 8OO years. Deranged and hysterical, the man raped a young woman of the village, was taken into custody, but then mysteriously escaped and was not heard of again. WE DISCOVER RAILLY, six years older now, standing at a lectern in a pool of light. She's dwarfed by the giant screen where the engraving is replaced by a series of slides of woodcuts showing scenes of pestilence in the Middle Ages as she lectures to an audience of mostly SCHOLARLY TYPES. RAILLY (cont.) In 1841, Mackay wrote, "During seasons of great pestilence, men have often believed the prophecies of crazed fanatics, that the end of the world was come." Obviously, this plague/doomsday scenario is considerably more compelling when reality supports it in some form, whether it's the Bubonic Plague, smallpox, or AIDS. In addition to these "natural" contagions, there are now technological horrors as well: besides radiation, consider our lurking fear of germ warfare and its close approximation, chemical warfare, which first reared its ugly head in the deadly mustard gas attacks during the First World War. ON THE SCREEN, a SERIES of SLIDES show images of WORLD WAR I SOLDIERS in gas masks, in death throes, etc.. RAILLY'S VOICE (cont. o.s.) During such an attack in the French trenches in October, 1917, we have an account of this soldier... ON THE SCREEN, a slide of an old deteriorated photograph shows JOSE, the Puerto Rican kid, strapped to a stretcher, being carried by SOLDIERS through the trenches during an attack. JOSE appears to be ranting madly as the projector ZOOMS CLOSER on his face until the image approximates Munch's famous painting. RAILLY'S VOICE (cant. o.s.) -- who, during an assault, was wounded by shrapnel and hospitalized behind the lines where Doctors discovered he had lost all comprehension of French but spoke English fluently, albeit in a regional dialect they didn't recognize. The man, although physically unaffected by the gas, was hysterical. He claimed he had come from the future, that he was looking for a pure germ that would ultimately wipe mankind off the face of the earth in the year... 1995! The AUDIENCE gives a nervous CHUCKLE. ON THE SCREEN, a different old photograph of JOSE. This time he's in a military hospital, gaunt, haunted, very ill. RAILLY'S VOICE (cont. o.s.) Although seriously injured, the young soldier disappeared from the hospital before more data could be gathered. No doubt, he was trying to carry on his mission to warn others, substituting for the agony of war...a self-inflicted agony we call the "Cassandra Complex". As RAILLY continues, we SCAN the AUDIENCE and DISCOVER MARILOU MARTIN, RAILLY'S friend, and MARILOU'S HUSBAND, WAYNE CHANG, both listening attentively. Further away, another MAN listens intently. A MAN with shoulder-length carrot-colored hair. His name is DR. PETERS. RAILLY (cont.) Cassandra, in Greek legend you will recall, was condemned to know the future but to be disbelieved when she foretold it. Hence, the agony of foreknowledge combined with impotence to do anything about it. INT. RECEPTION ROOM - AN HOUR LATER (NIGHT) A stack of new books. THE DOOMSDAY SYNDROME, Apocalyptic Visions of the Mentally Ill by Dr. Kathryn Railly Surrounded by enthusiastic members of the audience, RAILLY is seated at the table signing books but DR. PETERS has her ear. DR. PETERS I think, Dr. Railly, you have given your alarmists a bad name. Surely there is very real and very convincing data that the planet cannot survive the excesses of the human race: proliferation of atomic devices, uncontrolled breeding habits, the rape of the environment, the pollution of land, sea, and air. In this context, isn't it obvious that "Chicken Little" represents the sane vision and that Homo Sapiens' motto, "Let's go shopping!" is the cry of the true lunatic? DR. PETERS smiles self-importantly at RAILLY as an elderly disheveled PROFESSOR elbows in front of him. DISHEVELED PROFESSOR Doctor Railly -- please! I wonder if you're aware of my own studies which indicate that certain cycles of the moon actually impact on the incidence of apocalyptic predictions as observed in urban emergency rooms and... As the PROFESSOR babbles, MARILOU MARTIN and her husband, WAYNE CHANG, appear and whisper... MARILOU You were great. RAILLY You're leaving? MARILOU The reservation's at nine thirty -- it's getting late. DISHEVELED PROFESSOR Doctor Railly -- please -- this is very important! WAYNE CHANG (checking the professor) You sure you're gonna be all right? RAILLY (smiles, checks her watch) I'll be there in twenty minutes. DISHEVELED PROFESSOR Dr. Railly, I simply cannot understand your exclusion of the moon in relation to apocalyptic dementia... EXT. PARKING LOT/BREITROSE HALL - NIGHT A full moon. COLLEAGUES in a VOLVO pull out of the parking lot, calling, "Congratulations" to RAILLY. She waves back as she hurries to her black ACURA, one of the last cars left in the lot. The outside lights of Breitrose Hall go off. RAILLY seems to be alone in the lot as she fishes keys from her purse, unlocks her car door, starts to open it when... Suddenly, she's grabbed from behind in a choke-hold by a large shadowy MAN looming out of the darkness behind her. MAN'S VOICE Get in! Unable to scream, she writhes and kicks as he forces her into the front seat. MAN'S VOICE I've got a gun. RAILLY freezes, terrified, as he opens the rear door and scrambles in behind her. INT. ACURA/PARKING LOT Fighting to suppress the quaver in her voice, RAILLY says... RAILLY You can have my purse. I have a lot of cash and credit... MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) Start the car. Glancing in the rear view mirror, RAILLY sees penetrating eyes peering out of the shadows, no other features. Half-turning in the seat, she holds out the keys to him. RAILLY Here! You can have the keys. You can... He grabs her hair and yanks her head back hard, speaking fiercely into her ear, his face last in shadow. MAN START THE CAR! NOW! EXT. ACURA/PARKING LOT The engine STARTS, the Acura backs up, then heads for the exit. INT. ACURA Steering fearfully, RAILLY hears him speak more calmly now. MAN'S VOICE (o.s.) I don't want to hurt you. But I will. I've hurt people before when...when I had no choice. Turn left. As she makes the turn, RAILLY glances in the rear view mirror, sees him unfolding a tattered map. His face is lost in darkness but she glimpses ragged, torn clothing as he tries to read the map by the intermittent glow of passing street lights. RAILLY Where... where are we going' MAN I need you to drive me to Philadelphia. RAILLY (startled, horrified) But that's... that's more than 200 miles! MAN That's why I can't walk there. Turn here... I think... RAILLY obeys. She glances in the mirror again, hesitates, then boldly switches on the dome light, holding her breath fearfully for his reaction. He grunts appreciatively. Relieved, she looks in the mirror again, trying to get a better look at him, but now his features are concealed by the map. RAILLY If you make me go with you, it's kidnapping. That's a serious crime. If you let me go, you could just take the car and... MAN I don't know how to drive! We went underground when I was nine, I told you that. When you come to the corner, turn right. Startled, RAILLY whirls, looks right at him. He's lowered the map. It's COLE! Haggard, unshaven, dirty. RAILLY Cole! James Cole! You escaped from a locked room six years ago. COLE 1989. Six years for you. There's the sign! Right here! COLE is indicating a freeway entrance. RAILLY turns the wheel sharply. EXT. FREEWAY - NIGHT The Acura veers up the ramp and onto the freeway. INT. ACURA/FREEWAY - NIGHT RAILLY glances in the mirror, sees COLE settling back wearily against the seat. She says carefully... RAILLY I can't believe this is a coincidence, Mr. Cole. Have you been...following me? COLE You told me you'd help me. I know this isn't what you meant, but...I was desperate... no money...bum leg... sleeping on the streets. I probably smell bad. Sorry about that. But then I saw your book in a store window with a notice about your lecture. (sudden pride) I can read, remember? RAILLY Yes, I remember. (a beat, then) Why do you want to go to Philadelphia? COLE It's the next step. I checked out the Baltimore information, it was nothing. It's Philadelphia, that's where they are, the ones who killed everyone. (pointing suddenly, eagerly) Zs that a radio? Does it play music? RAILLY turns on the radio and immediately WE HEAR the SOUND of SURF and the CRIES of gulls, background to an oozing baritone COMMERCIAL. COMMERCIAL/RADIO (o.s.) This is a personal message to you. COLE sits up, alert, listening intently. COMMERCIAL/RADIO (cont. o.s.) Are you at the end of your rope? Are you dying to get away? COLE'S eyes narrow, concentrating on this personal message. COMMERCAIL/RADIO (cont. o.s.} The Florida Keys are waiting for you. COLE frowns as the SOUND of breaking SURF and crying GULLS fills the car. It's confusing! He blurts out... COLE I've never seen the ocean! Observing his confusion in the mirror, RAILLY assumes her professional tone. RAILLY It's an advertisement, Mr. Cole. You do understand that, don't you? It's not really a special message to you. COLE frowns. He did think it was for him, but she's probably right. COLE You used to call me "James". RAILLY You'd prefer that? ... don't really have a gun, do you. COLE (cynical laugh) Everybody's got a gun. In this city... He breaks off reacting to the RADIO MUSIC! FATS DOMINO singing "BLUEBERRY HILL"! COLE grins, mouth agape, eyes wide like a kid's. COLE Can you...can you make it louder? I love hearing twentieth century music! Hearing music and breathing air! As RAILLY cranks up the volume, she watches the mirror incredulously, sees him stick his head out the window into the wind, mouth open, "eating" the air hungrily. EXT. FREEWAY/ACURA - NIGHT "BLUEBERRY HILL" BLARES as the Acura, COLE'S head out the rear window, zips past a sign at 65 mph. The sign says, "PHILADELPHIA 233 MILES." INT. ACURA/FREEWAY - NIGHT RAILLY glances in the mirror at the nut in the rear seat with his head out the window. what can she do? Just then, while she's trying to figure something out, an ANNOUNCER'S VOICE breaks in... ANNOUNCER/RADIO (o.s.) This just in from Fresno, California: emergency crews are converging on a cornfield where playmates of nine year old Ricky Neuman say they saw him disappear right before their eyes. COLE pulls his head back inside with a frown, troubled now. ANNOUNCER/RADIO (cont. o.s.) Young Neuman apparently stepped into an abandoned well shaft and is lodged somewhere in the narrow 150 foot pipe, possibly alive, possibly seriously injured. Playmates claim they heard him cry out faintly but since then there has been no contact with... COLE "Never cry wolf!" RAILLY What? COLE My father told me that. "Never cry wolf." Then people won't believe you if...something really happens. RAILLY "If something really happens" what, James? COLE Something bad. Is that all the music? I don't want to hear this stuff... RAILLY glances at him as she scans stations. RAILLY Did something terrible happen to you when you were a child? Something so bad...? COLE Ohhhh, that one! Can we hear that one? It's IVORY JOE HUNTER singing, "SINCE I MET YOU, BABY". IVORY JOE/RADIO (o.s.) "Since I met you, baby, My whole life has changed... Ecstatic, COLE sticks his head out the window again. EXT. ACURA/FREEWAY COLE'S POV: the heavens, glittering with a million stars and a lover's moon as IVORY JOE croons the achingly romantic lyrics... IVORY JOE/RADIO (cont. o.s.) "-- cause since I met you, baby. All I need is you..." ANGLE ON COLE, wind in his hair, eyes shining, gulping air blissfully. INT. RAILLY'S APARTMENT - MORNING Two POLICE OFFICERS and an anxious MARILOU MARTIN listen to an answering machine's message while a hungry CAT cries plaintively. ANSWERING MACHINE Dr. Railly -- this is Palmer from Psych Admitting. There was a guy here this afternoon looking for you. He seemed very agitated. We tried to keep him, but he refused 'n I kept thinking, I know this guy. Then, just a few minutes ago, it came to me. It's Cole! James Cole. Remember him? The paranoid who pulled the Houdini back in '89. Well, he's back and he's...cuckoo...and he's looking for you. I thought you oughta know. The machine switches off. The POLICE OFFICERS exchange a look. MARILOU MARTIN It's just as I told you -- my husband and I had gone ahead -- she never showed. That's totally unlike her! OFFICER TWO (pulls out his notebook) Do you happen to know the make of her car? MARILOU MARTIN Um...Acura...'92 Acura. ... Also, that cat's starving! She would never neglect her cat! EXT. MOTEL - MORNING The ACURA is parked outside room 46 of the HIGHWAYS & BYWAYS MOTEL, which has definitely seen better days. INT. MOTEL ROOM 46 The TV is on. A commercial is just starting. A catfood jingle. The sound of HEAVY BREATHING. ANGLE ON COLE, sweating, BREATHING HEAVILY, sprawled on one side of the double bed, sound asleep. INT. CONCOURSE/AIRPORT - DAY (THE DREAM) GUNSHOT! YOUNG COLE glimpses the BLONDE MAN staggering, wounded. The mysterious BRUNETTE races past him toward the BLONDE MAN, and YOUNG COLE again glimpses the resemblance to RAILLY, in spite of the dark hair, the make-up, the flashy earrings. Close at hand, YOUNG COLE'S FATHER, his face still out of view, says, FATHER'S VOICE (o.s.) Son, it's important for your cat to have the nourishment necessary for healthy bones and a rich coat. INT. MOTEL ROOM 46 COLE comes awake with a start. He stares, disoriented, at the CATFOOD COMMERCIAL on the TV. RAILLY'S VOICE (o.s.) Please untie me. I'm very uncomfortable. COLE turns to RAILLY, beside him on the bed, frightened and helpless, her jacket arranged to restrain her like a strait-jacket. COLE'S instinct is to free her at once, but he controls his impulse. He looks away, gets up, and, wincing, limps to the dresser, stepping around empty fast-food cartons. He pulls a razor and shaving soap from a paper bag, then goes into the bathroom, leaving the door open, and starts to shave. COLE You were in my dream just now. Your hair was different, but I'm sure it was you. RAILLY We dream about what's important in our lives. And I seem to have become pretty important in yours. What was the dream about? COLE About an airport...before everything happened. It's the same dream I always have -- the only one. I'm a little kid in it. RAILLY And I was in it? What did I do? COLE You were very upset. You're always very upset in the dream, but I never knew it was you before. RAILLY It wasn't me before, James. It's become me now because of...what's happening. Please untie me. Finished shaving, COLE re-enters the bedroom, toweling his face. COLE No, I think it was always you. It's very strange. RAILLY You're flushed. And you were moaning. I think you're running a fever. What are you doing? COLE is rummaging through RAILLY'S wallet, pulling out money. COLE I'll be back in a minute. He heads for the door. RAILLY No! Don't leave me here like this! Too late! He shuts the door behind him, leaving her alone. ANGLE ON THE TV SCREEN, where an ANCHORMAN sits at a News Set. TV ANCHORMAN And in Fresno, California...crews continue to attempt to rescue nine year old Ricky Neuman. ANGLE ON RAILLY, twisting and struggling on the bed, trying to get loose, tears welling in her eyes. TV ANCHORMAN (cont. o.s.) The boy was playing ball with four other children when he literally disappeared off the face of the earth. EXT. MOTEL CORRIDOR - MORNING COLE puzzles over a junk food vending machine, inserts coins tentatively. INT. MOTEL ROOM ANGLE ON TV, the picture of RAILLY filling the screen. ----------------------- PAGE 52 MISSING ----------------------- COLE My notes. Observations. Clues. RAILLY Clues? What kind of clues? COLE A secret army. The Army of The Twelve Monkeys. I've told you about them. They spread the virus. That's why we have to get to Philadelphia. I have to find them -- it's my assignment. RAILLY What will you do...when you find this...secret army? COLE I just have to locate the virus in its original form before it mutates. So scientists can come back and study it and find a cure. So that those of us who survived can go back to the surface of the earth. RAILLY maintains a professional deadpan, says nothing as they pass a pickup truck with a MOTHER, FATHER, and five KIDS in the back. COLE stares at the KIDS, a sad look in his eyes. COLE You won't think I'm crazy next month. People are going to start dying. At first the papers will say it's some weird fever, some virus. Then they'll begin to catch on. They'll get it. RADIO NEWSCASTER (o.s.) We interrupt this program with a special bulletin... RAILLY and COLE both react to the radio, suddenly alert. RADIO NEWSCASTER (o.s.) This report just in from Fresno, California. Naval sonar specialists who were flown to the site... COLE I thought it was about us. I thought maybe they'd found us and arrested me or something. RAILLY stares at COLE. COLE Just a joke. RADIO NEWSCASTER (o.s.) -- an hour ago have been unable to determine the location of the boy in the 150 foot shaft...but a TV sound man who lowered an ultra-sensitive microphone into the narrow tube claims he heard breathing sounds coming from approximately seventy feet down... COLE reaches over and changes stations. MUSIC again. RAILLY Does that disturb you, James? Thinking about that little boy in the well? COLE When I was a kid I identified with that kid, down there alone in that pipe...a hundred feet down -- doesn't know if they're going to save him. RAILLY What do you mean -- when you were a kid? COLE Nevermind. It's not real -- it's a hoax. A prank. He's hiding in a barn. Hey, turn left here. Left! COLE quickly checks the map as RAILLY stares, then turns left. EXT. SKID ROW STREET/PHILADELPHIA - DAY An elderly EVANGELIST with long stringy hair, wearing a tattered bathrobe, stands on a Skid Row corner WAVING a worn Bible as he rants at disinterested DERELICTS, WINOS, and BAG LADIES. EVANGELIST "And the wild beasts of the islands shall cry in their desolate houses and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged." ANGLE ON RAILLY'S ACURA, crawling down the street, RAILLY driving, COLE, beside her, staring out the window. INT. ACURA/SKID ROW STREET COLE is scrutinizing the crumbling walls, boarded-up store fronts, tattered posters, decaying signs, miserable "RESIDENTS". COLE Where I come from we think of this as Eden. If we could just see the sun, eat sun-grown food. Eden! Look at them! They donut know what they have. They don't see the sky. They don't feel the air! COLE'S POV: a BMW speeds toward them, passes, its radio BLARING! COLE (o.s.) And the ones who aren't hungry are so smug they haven't a clue. WAIT! STOP! EXT. ACURA/SKID ROW On foot now, COLE pulls an astonished RAILLY to a wall covered with graffiti, a hopeless tangle of symbols, words, and crude pictures. Clueless, RAILLY stares at the wall, then at COLE. COLE touches a bit of red-stenciled graffiti hidden under gang insignias. We can just see TWELVE MONKEYS holding hands in a circle. COLE The Twelve Monkeys!!! They're here. (looks around) Somewhere. Come on! He pulls her along the sidewalk. No question, he's insane. At the next alley entrance, COLE stops abruptly. Then, still keeping a firm grip on RAILLY'S arm, he starts ripping down newly tacked-up posters announcing a Rap concert. RAILLY stares at him, then turns and is looking all around when, suddenly, COLE pulls her up tight and threatens... COLE Look, I'm warning you. You do anything, I'm going to go crazy -- hurt people! RAILLY I'm not going to "do" anything, I promise. But you need help, James. None of this is what you think it is. ANGLE ON COLE, not listening, staring triumphantly! He's found another partially obscured stencil of THE TWELVE MONKEYS! But just then, a raspy VOICE startles COLE. RASPY VOICE (o.s) You can't hide from them, Bob. COLE whirls, sees a derelict, LOUIE, leering at him, speaking in a voice eerily like the RASPY VOICE from the next cell in the future. LOUIE No, sir, Old Bob -- don't even try. (conspiratorially) They hear everything. They got that tracking device on you. They can find you anywhere. Anytime. Ha Ha! RAILLY looks from LOUIS to COLE, sees COLE'S stunned reaction. LOUIE (touches his back jaw) In the tooth, Bob! Right? (sudden triumphant grin) But I fooled 'em, old buddy! He opens his mouth wide. NO TEETH' COLE grabs RAILLY and pulls her into the alley and down it. COLE They're keeping an eye on me. RAILLY Who's keeping an eye on you? COLE The man...with the voice. I recognized him. He's from the present. He... COLE breaks off, freezes as he sees... there on a brick wall is a stencil of the DANCING MONKEYS And further on, another red stencil! EXT. VACANT LOT - MOMENTS LATER (DAY) CRACKHEADS huddle against a building, sucking their pipes, oblivious to COLE pulling RAILLY past. COLE scans the walls for messages in the confusion of graffiti. RAILLY is considering her surroundings dubiously when, suddenly, COLE pulls her toward the mouth of a dark and forbidding alley. RAILLY James, no -- we shouldn't be here! COLE ignores her, yanking her after him into the alley. INT. DARK ALLEY - DAY Two TOM CATS face off, arching their backs and HISSING menacingly. COLE avoids them as he pulls RAILLY into the gloom. ANGLE ON RAILLY, seeing something alarming twenty yards ahead! RAILLY'S POV: TWO THUGS, standing over a MAN, kicking him. RAILLY tries to stop, but COLE, intent on the wall messages, doesn't notice the THUGS. The TWO THUGS turn and spot COLE and RAILLY moving toward them. These creeps have mean eyes, predator faces. RAILLY digs her heels in, forcing COLE to stop. RAILLY James! We have to go back. Those men... Too late. While COLE turns and stares at her, uncomprehending, the TWO THUGS are approaching. FIRST THUG Hey, buddy. Startled, COLE turns to face them. The SECOND THUG lunges for RAILLY'S purse, yanks it from her. COLE reaches to grab it back, but...WHACK! The FIRST THUG smacks COLE hard across the face with something metallic. Bloody-faced, dazed, COLE doesn't even have a chance to clear his head as the FIRST THUG shoves the hard object against COLE'S cheek. It's a cheap thirty-eight pistol. RAILLY turns to run, gets two steps before the SECOND THUG knocks her roughly to the ground. SECOND THUG Stick around, bitch. Looming over her, the SECOND THUG starts to unzip his fly. RAILLY looks over to COLE, SEES... COLE dropping to his knees, groveling at the FIRST THUG'S feet. COLE Please! Please don't hurt me! The FIRST THUG steps close, kicks COLE contemptuously, cocks his foot for a second kick when... COLE uncoils, lunging, rising, his strong arms around the bigger man's calves, lifting him mightily, high off the ground. The gun FIRES wildly as COLE staggers forward with the FIRST THUG in his arms and smashes the man into the brick wail behind him. The FIRST THUG goes down in a heap, dropping the pistol. Zipping his fly hastily, the SECOND THUG turns to deal with COLE but COLE attacks him....rocking him again and again with savage blows that come one after another with lightning speed. The SECOND THUG staggers back, bloody and dazed as RAILLY watches, amazed. Turning back to the FIRST THUG, COLE sees the MAN reaching for the dropped pistol. COLE kicks him viciously in the jaw. The FIRST THUG'S head whips back. SNAP! He collapses against the brick wall. COLE turns back to see the SECOND THUG retreating down the alley as fast as he can stagger. RAILLY stares up at COLE. He looks very dangerous. He glances in her direction as he pockets the pistol. COLE Are you hurt? RAILLY Uh, no. Yes. I mean, just some scrapes... As RAILLY gets to her feet, she sees COLE bend over the motionless THUG and quickly go through his pockets. RAILLY Is he...alive? COLE ignores the question as he pockets the man's wallet and a handful of bullets, then turns and snaps at RAILLY. COLE Come an. We're running out of time. You can't help him. As COLE yanks her roughly away, she looks back, sees the FIRST THUG'S sightless eyes, wide open...staring blankly. RAILLY Oh, Jesus, James! You killed him! COLE I did him a favor. Now come on. COLE, pulling her again, sees more "12 MONKEYS" on the wall. RAILLY You didn't have a gun before, did you? COLE I've got one now. EXT. SECOND AVE - DAY The EVANGELIST, spotting COLE and RAILLY hurrying past him, points urgently at COLE. EVANGELIST You! You! You're one of us, aren't you? But COLE has stopped and is staring at... A STOREFRONT OFFICE...its windows covered with posters. The sign over the office says, FREEDOM FOR ANIMALS ASSOCIATION. INT. FAA STORE - MOMENTS LATER (DAY) Earnest young activists, FALE, deathly pale, BEN, long haired, and TEDDY, muscular, are gathered around a counter collating leaflets that demand an END TO SPECIEISM. Behind them, a large poster proclaims, "ANIMALS HAVE SOULS, TOO". Just then, there's a tremendous CLAP OF THUNDER as the ACTIVISTS look up and see COLE and RAILLY enter. COLE looks startled. It sounds like torrential RAIN POURING in here. Maintaining a tight grip on RAILLY'S wrist, he looks around frantically for an explanation for the tropical downpour. Bookshelves line two walls. The front window is blanked cut with posters of Animal Rights demonstrations, newspaper clippings, photos of animal atrocities. The fourth wall features the counter where the three ACTIVISTS face COLE as a JUNGLE BIRD SCREAMS in the DOWNPOUR. FALE Uh, can we help you? COLE looks confused as the RAIN abates and an ELEPHANT trumpets an urgent warning. FALE Excuse me. You looking for something in particular? RAILLY It's all right, James -- it's just a tape. COLE'S eyes follow her look. It's a tape recorder underneath a sign advertising, "THE TRUE MUSIC OF THE WORLD". COLE I, uh, I'm looking for the, ah, the Army of the Twelve Monkeys. FALE glances at BEN and TEDDY. "We have a problem!" the look says. MONKEYS start CHATTERING on the tape as TEDDY comes around the counter, bigger than COLE, physically imposing, menacing. TEDDY We don't know anything about any "Army of the Twelve Monkeys", so why don't you and your friend disappear, okay? COLE backs away, a firm grip on RAILLY, as a LION ROARS. COLE I just need some information... TEDDY Didn't you hear me? We're not... TEDDY breaks off mid-sentence...freezes. COLE is pointing a pistol at them. A TIGER SNARLS. RAILLY James, no -- don't hurt them. (to the activists) Please, I'm a psychiatrist -- just do whatever he tells you to do. He's... upset -- disturbed. Please -- he's dangerous -- just cooperate. MONKEYS CHATTER wildly as TEDDY backs up. FALE What do you want -- money? We only have a few bucks. COLE is suddenly very much in charge and self-confident again. A BABOON HOWLS with laughter. COLE I told you what I want. (snaps at Railly) Lock the door! RAILLY James, why don't we...? COLE Lock it now! RAILLY hurries to the door to lock it as BEN says to FALE, BEN I told you that fuckhead Mason would get us into something like this. FALE Shut up! COLE Mason??? RAILLY Jeffrey Mason? BEN Yeah, tucking, crazy Jeffrey Mason. INT. FAA STORE BASEMENT - TWENTY MINUTES LATER (DAY) The three ACTIVISTS are tied tightly together in the middle of the floor in this dimly-lit, windowless basement. They're very frightened, eager to cooperate. FALE Then, Jeffrey becomes like this...big star -- the media latch on to him because he's picketing his own father, a "famous Nobel Prize winning virologist". You musta seen all that on TV. COLE No, I don't watch TV. COLE, the gun next to him, rummages through boxes of papers while RAILLY watches helplessly. Suddenly, COLE finds something he thinks he's seen before. He holds it up. COLE Is this him -- Dr. Mason? It's a photograph of DR. MALCOLM MASON, being escorted by a phalanx of riot cops through a mob of raging activists. FALE That's him. BEN (very frightened) What are you going to do with us? COLE (stares at the photo, then) Tell me more about Jeffrey. FALE (a helpless shrug to his cohorts) Jeffrey started getting bored with the shit we do...picketing, leafleting, letter-writing stuff. He said we were, "ineffectual liberal jerkoffs". He wanted to do guerrilla "actions" to "educate" the public. COLE holds up a clipping showing horrified SENATORS standing on their desks as RATTLESNAKES slither along the Senate Floor. FALE Yeah, that's when he let a hundred snakes loose in the Senate. TEDDY But we weren't into that kind of stuff. It's counter productive, we told him. FALE So he and eleven others split off and became this underground..."army" COLE The Army of The Twelve Monkeys. BEN They started planning a "Human Hunt". TEDDY They bought stun guns and nets and bear traps. They were gonna go to Wall Street and trap lawyers and bankers... BEN But they didn't do it. They didn't do any of it. TEDDY Yeah, just like always, Mr. Big Shot sold his friends out! COLE What's that mean? FALE He goes on TV, gives a news conference, tells the whole world he just realized his daddy's experiments are vital for humanity and that the use of animals is absolutely necessary and that he, Jeffrey Mason, from now on, is going to personally supervise the labs to make sure all the little animals aren't going to suffer. COLE (holding up a rolodex) What's this? EXT. FREEWAY - AFTERNOON In the crawling traffic, WE FIND a battered FORD covered with bumper stickers and painted slogans. "I BRAKE FOR ANIMALS"... "FREE THE ANIMALS"..."WOULD YOU LET A MINK WEAR YOUR SKIN?" RAILLY (v.o.) You can't just barge in on a famous scientist. They'll have security guards, gates, alarm systems. It's insane, James. INT. MOVING FORD/FREEWAY A ROLODEX CARD with an address on "Outerbridge Road" for "Jeffrey Mason c/o Dr. Malcolm Mason" rests on a map spread across COLE'S lap. COLE is in the passenger seat, RAILLY'S at the wheel, maneuvering in heavy traffic. RAILLY If those young men don't get loose, they could die in that basement. COLE glances out the window, indicates the PEOPLE in passing cars...COMMUTERS, FAMILIES, TRUCKERS. COLE All I see are dead people. Everywhere. What's three more? RAILLY (a beat, carefully, a new tack) You know Dr. Mason's son, Jeffrey Mason, don't you, James? You met him in the County Hospital six years ago. COLE is studying the map again. COLE The guy was a total fruitcake. RAILLY And he told you then his father was a famous virologist. COLE is absorbed in the map, his finger tracing "Outerbridge Road". COLE No -- he said his father was "God"! EXT./INT. FORD/COUNTRY HIGHWAY - LATER (DAY) The RADIO BLARES a country song as the Ford zips along an open highway. COLE has his head out the window, sucking air, loving the music, but his bliss is feverish now -- he's not well. As the SONG ends, he pulls his head inside. An ANNOUNCER'S VOICE intones over the RADIO... RADIO ANNOUNCER (o.s.) This just in: police are widening their search for Dr. Kathryn Railly, prominent psychiatrist and author. Authorities confirm that Dr. Railly has been abducted by escaped mental patient, James Cole. The two are believed to be traveling in Railly's 1992 black Acura, license plate H-E-A-D-D-R. RAILLY glances at him, sees he's in pain. She feels so badly for him. She wants to help him. She says, tenderly... RAILLY This can't go on, James. You're not well. You're burning with fever. COLE, refusing to succumb, instead, leans over to check the gas gauge. COLE We need gas. RAILLY I thought you didn't know how to drive. COLE I said I was too young to drive. I didn't say I was stupid. RAILLY What's the matter with your leg? COLE I got shot. Look -- there's a gas station up ahead. RAILLY Shot! Who shot you? COLE It was some kind of...war. Never mind, you wouldn't believe me. Turn off here. INT. PARKED FORD/GAS STATION - MINUTES LATER (AFTERNOON) The GAS STATION ATTENDANT checks the oil while COLE and RAILLY remain in the car. She's pulling a gas card from her wallet. COLE You were going to run out off gas on purpose, weren't you? RAILLY No. I want you to turn yourself in, James -- It'll go much better for you if you do -- but I'm not going to trick you. COLE (sees the credit card) That has your name on it. Give him cash. RAILLY puts the card back into her wallet and pulls out cash as the GAS STATION ATTENDANT slams the hood down. RAILLY starts opening the door. Alarmed, COLE tries to stop her. COLE Where are you going? She looks him in the eye, then indicates the tiny Convenience Store appended to the Gas Station. RAILLY You can come with me. I have to get some things. Scissors, bandages, some alcohol or whiskey. ... I have to look at your leg, James. I'm a doctor. COLE looks helpless, hesitant. She's in charge...for the moment. EXT. CLEARING/WOODS - AN HOUR LATER (AFTERNOON) The sun dazzles through the canopy of leaves. We HEAR the CAR RADIO but not the engine. RADIO ANNOUNCER (v.o.) Meanwhile in Fresno, where mining engineers continue their desperate attempt to sink a shaft parallel to the ant in which nine year old... COLE, in his underwear, leans back on a large rock beside the Ford, his pants hanging on the car's open door. He's staring up at the sun and the sky. RAILLY finishes bandaging his thigh. RAILLY You shouldn't put your weight on it. You need stitches and antibiotics. Lucky for you it was near the surface. RAILLY wraps the bullet in some gauze and sticks it in her pocket while COLE continues staring up at the sky. COLE I love seeing the sun. A beat. COLE tries to stand up. RAILLY Wait -- let me help you. RAILLY puts an arm around him and helps him to his feet. A beat. They're very close. They don't move. RAILLY looks like she can barely breathe. COLE (leans closer, shuts his eyes) You smell so good. RAILLY (trying to concentrate) You have to give yourself up, you know. A beat. The spell is broken. He reaches for his pants, then turns back to her, suddenly grim. COLE I have to do something now. Something I don't want to do. I'm so sorry. RAILLY reacts, sudden fear in her eyes. He looms over her. He's cold now, steeled. COLE I have a mission. It's important. RAILLY steps back...horrified, realizing she's going to die. EXT. MASON MANSION - NIGHT A SECRET SERVICE AGENT ambles vigilantly among the rows of luxury cars parked beside the brightly-lit rural mansion. Encountering another AGENT, he pauses. FIRST AGENT They find him? SECOND AGENT Who?? FIRST AGENT That kid. The one in the pipe. SECOND AGENT You believe this? They're dropping a monkey down there with a miniature infra-red camera strapped on him and a roast beef sandwich wrapped in tinfoil. FIRST AGENT You're making that up! ANGLE UNDER A PARKED MERCEDES, where COLE is hiding, listening to the receding VOICES of the AGENTS. SECOND AGENT (o.s.) I shit you not. ... Man, life is weird! A monkey and a sandwich. Wonder who thought that one up. FIRST AGENT (o.s.) Probly give the sonafabitch a Nobel Prize! Quickly, COLE rolls to the next car and under it. He doesn't see...the pistol fell out of his pocket, under the Mercedes. INT. MASON MANSION/DINING ROOM - NIGHT A formal dinner for forty. Desert has been served. DR. MALCOLM MASON rises to the enthusiastic applause of the GUESTS. DR. MASON Would that I could enjoy this opulent dinner and this excellent and stimulating company for itself, with no sense of purpose. But alas, I am "burdened" with the sense that with all this excess of public attention and this cacophony of praise, there comes great responsibility. Indeed, I practically feel a soapbox growing under my feet whenever I stand for more than a few seconds. While GUESTS laugh at DR. MASON'S last remark, SECRET SERVICE AGENT #3 enters the room, scowling, looking for someone. DR. MASON (o.s.) The dangers of science are a time worn threat, from Prometheus stealing fire from the Gods to the Cold War era of the Dr. Strangelove Terror. AGENT #3 spots who he's looking for. JEFFREY MASON! DR. MASON (cont.) But never before, not even at Los Alamos when the scientists made bets on whether their first atomic bomb test would wipe out New Mexico, has science given us so much reason to fear the power we have at hand. ANGLE ON JEFFREY, as AGENT #3 whispers in his ear. JEFFREY What are you talking about? What friend? I'm not expecting anyone. ANGLE ON DR. MASON, reacting with irritation to the disturbance. DR. MASON Current genetic engineering as well as my own work with viruses has presented us with powers as terrifying as any... ANGLE ON JEFFREY, following the AGENT out of the dining room, grumbling loudly enough to disturb his father's audience. JEFFREY This is ridiculous. My father is making a major address. INT. HALLWAY/MASON MANSION The conversation continues as JEFFREY and AGENT #3 enter the hall. AGENT #3 Normally if we caught a guy sneaking around like this with no I.D., we'd bust his ass, excuse the French, but this one said he knows you... (smirk, smirk) -- and, since you seem to have had some...uh...unusual...uh..."associates", we certainly didn't want to arrest one of your, uh, closest...pals. INT. LIBRARY/MASON MANSION COLE, smudged with dirt and car grease, sitting in the shadows in a wingback chair, looks up as JEFFREY and AGENT #3 enter the room. A FOURTH AGENT looms beside the wingback chair. JEFFREY (dismissing Cole casually) Never saw him before in my life. Go ahead and shoot him or torture him or whatever it is you do. COLE (rising) You do know me. You helped me once. JEFFREY (turning to leave) That would be totally out of character. Helping people is against my principles. (to the Agents) See, he definitely doesn't know me. Now, I'm going to go back and listen to my father's very eloquent discourse on the perils of science WHILE YOU TORTURE THIS INTRUDER TO DEATH. COLE I'm here about some monkeys. Halfway out the door, JEFFREY freezes. A beat. JEFFREY Excuse me -- what did you say? COLE Monkeys. Twelve of them. JEFFREY frowns, turns, considers COLE. Then, suddenly, JEFFREY rushes to COLE and embraces him. JEFFREY Arnold...Arnold. COLE is astonished. The AGENTS are, too. JEFFREY (stepping back) My God, Arnie, what's happened to you? You look like shit AGENT #3 (dubious) You know this man? JEFFREY Of course I know him. What do you think -- I act like this to strangers? Listen -- you fellas are terrific. I thought you were pulling a number on me. What a terrible thing if you'd thrown old Arnie out. I owe you guys the big apologia! Mea culpa, fellas. (turning to Cole) Christ, Arnie, it's black tie! I mean, I said, "drop by," but, like, this is Dad's big "do"...vips, senators, secret service, and...and everything. JEFFREY throws an arm around COLE'S shoulder and starts leading him toward the door as the two AGENTS exchange narrow-eyed looks. AGENT #4 "Arnie?" JEFFREY Arnold Pettibone. Old Arnie Pettibone. Used to be my best friend. Still is. What've you lost, Arnie -- forty pounds? No wonder I didn't know you. You hungry? Lots of dead cow, dead lamb, dead pig. Real killer feast we're putting on tonight. The AGENTS watch JEFFREY lead the limping, disheveled COLE out. AGENT #4 These people -- all of 'em -- are true weirdoes! AGENT #3 (moving to the phone) I'm gonna call in a description of this "Pettibone" character. You go keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't do one of the guests with a fork. INT. HALLWAY/MASON MANSION GUESTS pouring from the dining room into the hall meet JEFFREY and a very disconcerted COLE. JEFFREY Hey, nice ta see ya. Lookin' good! Hi, there. Yes, it has been a long time. In the b.g., too far away to hear them, AGENT #4 trails JEFFREY and COLE as they maneuver through the GUESTS toward the grand staircase. JEFFREY (whispers to Cole) County Hospital, right? 1989. The "Immaculate Escape" -- am I right? (smiling to guests) Why, thank you -- you look wonderful, too. COLE Listen to me -- I can't do anything about what you're going to do. I can't change anything. I can't stop you. I just want some information... JEFFREY We need to talk. Come on. Upstairs. (to a guest) I am a new person! I'm completely adjusted. Witness the tux. It's Armani. (whispers to Cole) Who chattered? Goines? Weller? COLE I just need to have access to the pure virus, that's all! For the future! JEFFREY studies COLE. COLE doesn't just talk crazy. He looks crazy! JEFFREY Come on, follow me. You don't lock so good. JEFFREY starts guiding COLE up the grand staircase as COLE, glancing back, spots AGENT #3 and AGENT #4, both keeping an eye on him now. COLE I don't have time to go upstairs. The police are looking for me. I need to know where it is and exactly what it is. JEFFREY (brightening suddenly) I get it! This is your old plan, right? COLE Plan? What are you talking about? JEFFREY Remember? We were in the dayroom, watching TV, and you were all upset about the...desecration of the planet. And you said to me, "Wouldn't it be great if there was a germ or a virus that could wipe out mankind and leave the plants and animals just as they are?" You do remember that, don't you? COLE Bulishit! You're fucking with my head! JEFFREY And that's when I told you my father was this famous virologist and you said, "Hey, he could make a germ and we could steal it!" COLE (grabbing Jeffrey) Listen, you dumb fuck! The thing mutates We live underground! The world belongs to the fucking dogs and cats. We're like moles or worms. All we want to do is study the original... AGENT #4'S VOICE Okay -- take it easy. We know who you are, Mr. Cole. COLE feels a firm grip on his shoulder, turns and sees AGERT #4 AGENT #4 Let's go somewhere and talk this thing over. Okay? Just come with me... JEFFREY You're right! Absolutely right. Me's a nut case, totally deranged. Delusional! Paranoid. HIS PROCESSOR'S ALL FUCKED UP, HIS INFORMATION TRAY IS JAMMED. AGENT #4 is wishing JEFFREY would chill out even as the THIRD AGENT is climbing up the staircase to help. COLE is like a trapped animal. He's being led down the staircase now with JEFFREY, right on his heels, yelling so EVERYONE can hear. JEFFREY YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS, THE "ARMY OF THE TWELVE MONKEYS"? IT'S A COLLECTION OF NATURE KOOKS WHO RUN A STORE DOWNTOWN. SPACE-CASE DO-GOODERS SAVING RAIN FORESTS. I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THOSE BOZOS ANYMORE. I QUIT BEING THE RICH KID FALL GUY FOR A BUNCH OF INEFFECTUAL BANANAS. SO MUCH FOR YOUR GRAND PLOT! COLE stares back at JEFFREY as both AGENTS hustle COLE down the stairs. It sounds true! JEFFREY'S so confident. AGENT #3 Take it easy, Mr. Mason, we've got him. Everything's... JEFFREY MY FATHER HAS BEEN WARNING PEOPLE ABOUT THE DANGERS OF EXPERIMENTATION WITH VIRUSES AND DNA FOR YEARS. YOU'VE "PROCESSED" THAT INFORMATION THROUGH YOUR ADDLED PARANOID INFRA-STRUCTURE AND LO AND BEHOLD, I'M FRANKENSTEIN AND THE "ARMY OF THE TWELVE MONKEYS" BECOMES SOME SORT OF SINISTER REVOLUTIONARY CABAL. THIS MAN IS TOTALLY BATSHIT! YOU KNOW WHERE HE THINKS HE COMES FROM??? Suddenly, COLE, catching the AGENTS by surprise, wrenches free, shoves them aside, and stumbles down the rest of the staircase. INT. FOYER/MASON MANSION COLE heads for the front door, but there's an AGENT there! COLE turns and limps madly toward the dining room, pushing his way through the crowd of amazed GUESTS. INT. DINING ROOM/MASON MANSION SERVANTS, clearing the table, look up astonished as two AGENTS burst into the room. AGENT #4 Did a man just come through here...limping? INT. KITCHEN/MASON MANSION COOKS stare, amazed, as two OTHER AGENTS burst into the kitchen and look about urgently. INT. DEN/MASON MANSION A large projection TV is on and a knot of GUESTS is gathered in front of it...watching the spooky VIDEO IMAGES. TV REPORTER (v.o.) These pictures we are seeing are coming to us live from deep inside the pipe. You can just make out the metal wall behind those roots and I guess those must be spider webs. MRS. McCANN, a guest, watching the TV, expresses concern... MRS. McCANN Well, if you ask me, I think that monkey is going to eat the sandwich himself. Just then, two AGENTS burst into the den. The GUESTS turn from the TV, startled, stare open-mouthed, but the AGENTS have spotted an open window and are hurrying to it. AGENTS POV OUT THE WINDOW: the rows of expensive parked CARS. ON THE TV SCREEN, RAILLY'S photograph appears. TV ANCHOR (v.o.) This just in: Police say that the body of a woman found strangled in the Knutson state Park could be kidnap victim, Dr. Kathryn Railly. As the AGENTS run out of the room, a photo of RAILLY'S abandoned Acura comes up on the TV screen. TV ANCHOR (v.o.) Earlier in the day, police located Railly's abandoned car not far from a building where three animal rights activists were found bound and gagged... EXT. MASON MANSION - MINUTES LATER (NIGHT) Pistols drawn, AGENTS move cautiously among the rows of parked luxury cars, checking inside and under the vehicles. AN AGENT'S VOICE (o.s.) COME ON OUT, MR COLE -- WE'RE NOT GOING TO HURT YOU. INT. PARKED GREEN JAGUAR COLE, scrunched down on the floor next to the driver's seat, spots the key dangling from the ignition, then lifts his head slightly to study the shift mechanism, trying to figure it out. EXT. PARKED CARS/MASON MANSION AGENTS continue to move cautiously among the parked cars. INT. PARKED GREEN JAGUAR COLE eases himself into the driver's seat, tentatively slides the shift into "Drive", then turns the key. Nothing happens. Panic. COLE studies the shift again. EXT. PARKED CARS/MANSION AGENT #5 approaches the row where the Jaguar is parked. INT. PARKED GREEN JAGUAR COLE slides the shift from D (Drive) to N (Neutral). He twists the key again. The engine ROARS...SEVEN THOUSAND RPM! EXT. LAWN/MANSION AGENT #5 whirls at the sound. SMASH. The JAGUAR clips the Mercedes parked in front of it and accelerates right at him! AGENT #5 dives aside just as the speeding JAGUAR whizzes past him, slams into a parked Cadillac, bounces off, grinds between two other parked vehicles with a fierce scream of tearing metal. INT. MOVING JAGUAR Caught between two cars, COLE can only lean on the gas pedal. The JAGUAR comes free with a great SCCCREEEEECH... COLE sees the driveway ahead in the moonlight. Steering madly, he plows through shrubs and gardens heading for the driveway. EXT. MASON MANSION - NIGHT Lights off, veering wildly, the JAGUAR reaches the driveway. AGENTS are leaping into cars and a HELICOPTER is coming to life, its rotors whipping around. INT. SPEEDING JAGUAR/OUTERHRIDGE ?OAD - NIGHT COLE turns onto the road, careening crazily from one side to the other, unable to see ahead with no headlights. COLE LIGHTS! LIGHTS! He starts hitting switches. The wipers come on, the RADIO BLARES. RADIO REPORTER'S VOICE/RADIO (o.s.) ---when they pulled the monkey out, it was still clutching the tinfoil wrapped sandwich. Rounding a bend, an ONCOMING CAR heads straight at COLE. COLE yanks the wheel as the OTHER CAR, horn BLARING, just misses him. Recovering, COLE loses the road, speeds crazily along the shoulder. INT. FLYING HELICOPTER - NIGHT The PILOT, an agent, steers the chopper while the CO-PILOT pans a spotlight over the two lane road beneath them. Just then, the PILOT sees headlights below. PILOT There! He's showing lights. INT. SPEEDING JAGUAR - NIGHT COLE can see the road now in his headlights as the windshield wipers scrape frantically and the RADIO BLARES... RADIO REPORTER'S VOICE/RADIO (o.s.) We don't know what to think. They didn't locate him and they don't know how much longer he can last, that's assuming the boy is still alive. A spotlight hits the car and COLE hears the sound of the HELICOPTER as it lowers over him! EXT. OUTERBRIDGE ROAD The HELICOPTER maneuvers over the speeding JAGUAR. INT. SPEEDING JAGUAR COLE can see the underbelly of the HELICOPTER a few feet above his front windshield. Desperate, he yanks the wheel hard, veering off the road. COLE'S POV THROUGH THE WINDSHIELD: dense woods ahead. EXT. HELICOPTER/WOODS The chopper pulls up sharply, avoiding the trees, then levels out. INT. HELICOPTER The PILOT skims the top of the trees while the CO-PILOT rakes the forest below with his spotlight. PILOT Goddamnit! Where is he? The CO-PILOT gets a brief glimpse of headlights through the leaves. CO-PILOT There! Over there. PILOT Where? CO-PILOT Eight o'clock! He was right there. The headlights are gone. Nothing but darkness below. PILOT He musta turned his lights of if. CO-PILOT Couldn't drive down there without lights. We just can't see 'em. PILOT Maybe he's not driving! EXT. WOODS - LATER (NIGHT) A weather forecast BLARES from the radio of the steaming Jaguar, crumpled into a tree, the driver's door open. A POLICE OFFICER, pistol drawn, approaches the car cautiously, as OTHER OFFICERS and AGENTS stay behind trees, weapons ready. The POLICE OFFICER lunges forward, pointing his weapon into the Jaguar. He inspects the car, then turns and calls out... POLICE OFFICER He's not in here. EXT. WOODS/CLEARING - NIGHT Limping, bleeding from various cuts, COLE CRASHES through underbrush as he follows a stream through the woods. Suddenly, he sees what he's looking for. The FORD...barely visible in the moonlight, parked in the trees beside the stream. The car looks empty. INT. TRUNK/FORD Total blackness! The sound of keys in the lock. Then, the trunk swings open and COLE stands in the moonlight, looking down RAILLY is in the trunk, tears of rage and frustration in her eyes. RAILLY You bastard! You total bastard! EXT. FORD COLE backs away, as RAILLY scrambles out of the trunk, swinging. He slips, falls, and she starts kicking him as she rants hysterically. RAILLY I could have died in there. If something had happened to you I would have died. COLE is lying on the ground, looking up, his lip caked with blood. COLE I...I...I'm really sorry. Noticing his cuts and torn clothes, she stops kicking him. RAILLY What have you done? Did you...kill someone? COLE (getting to his feet) No! I...don't think so. I stole a car and they chased me. I hit a tree. RAILLY See -- you can drive after all! COLE Yeah, sort of, I guess. I...I'm sorry I locked you up. I thought...I thought... I think maybe I am crazy! She looks at him. Breakthrough? Very calm now, the doctor. RAILLY What made you think that? COLE Jeffrey Mason said it was my idea about the virus. And suddenly, I wasn't sure. We talked when I was in the institution, and it was all...fuzzy. The drugs and stuff. (horrified) You think maybe I'm the one who wiped out the human race? It was my idea? RAILLY Nobody is going to wipe out the human race. Not you or Jeffrey or anybody else. You've created something in your mind, James -- a substitute reality. In order to avoid something you don't want to face. COLE I'm..."mentally divergent". I would love to believe that. RAILLY It can be dealt with, but only if you want to. I can help you. COLE reacts to the sound of VOICES in the woods, dogs BARKING. COLE I need help all right. They're coming after me. RAILLY First, it's important that you surrender to them instead of them catching you running. Okay? COLE (brightening) It would be great if I'm crazy. If I'm wrong about everything...the world will be okay. I'll never have to live underground. RAILLY Give me the gun. COLE The gun! ... I lost it RAILLY You're sure? COLE (showing her) No gun! (looking up) Stars! Air! I can live here. Breathe! RAILLY starts around to the front of the car. RAILLY I'm going to attract their attention, let them know where we are, okay? RAILLY gets in the driver's seat...and starts to HONK the horn. RAILLY (calling out) They'll tell you to put your hands on top of your head. Do what they tell you. You're going to get better, James -- I know it! ANGLE ON COLE, spotting something on the ground. An insect! He reaches down to grab it, but, instead, grins, grabs some grass, stands, and starts rubbing it happily all over his face. The HORN BLARES as COLE looks up at the sky. ANGLE ON THE NIGHT SKY, the moon full, the sky rich with stars. ANGLE ON COLE, tears of joy running down his face. COLE I love this world! ANGLE ON RAILLY, in the driver's seat, hearing near-by SHOUTS from the woods. The police are almost here. She gets out of the car, starts around toward COLE. RAILLY Remember, I'm going to help you. I'll stay with you. I won't let them... She breaks off mid-sentence...stares, stunned! COLE is gone. Disappeared. INT. POLICE STATION OFFICE - MORNING RAILLY is being "debriefed" by POLICE OFFICERS and FBI AGENTS. RAILLY Then I said something to him about cooperating and he said he would do that, so I got in the car and started honking the horn. When I got out, he was gone. LIEUTENANT HALPERIN You lucked out. For a while we thought you were a body they found down state... mutilated. A COP enters, hands a photo to LIEUTENANT HALPERIN who studies it. RAILLY He wouldn't do something like that -- he... LIEUTENANT RALPERIN (interrupts, hands her the photo) This the man he attacked? RAILLY looks at the photo, an 8 x 10 of the FIRST THUG, slumped against the alley wall, obviously dead. RAILLY I'd like to be clear about this. That man and the other one were..."severely" beating us. James Cole didn't start it. In fact -- he saved me! LIEUTENANT RALPERIN Funny thing, Doctor, maybe you can explain it to me, you being a psychiatrist -- why do kidnap victims almost always try to tell us about the guys who grabbed 'em and try to make us understand how kind these bastards really were? RAILLY (as if reciting) It's a normal reaction to a life- threatening situation. (suddenly animated) He's sick. He thinks he comes from the future. He's been living in a carefully constructed fantasy world and that world is starting to disintegrate. He needs help! INT. AIRPORT CONCOURSE/THE DREAM YOUNG COLE stares, eyes wide. He sees the BRUNETTE, cradling the head of the BLONDE MAN as he sprawls on the concourse... ASTROPHYSICIST'S VOICE (O.S.) Wake up! Wake up! GEOLOGIST'S VOICE (O.S.) I think we gave him too much. MICROBIOLOGIST'S VOICE (O.S.) WAKE UP, PRISONER! INT. SCIENTISTS' CHAMBER - ETERNAL NIGHT COLE blinks awake. All he can see are blurry faces hovering over him, hammering him with questions. ASTROPHYSICIST Come on, Cole, cooperate! GEOLOGIST Spit it out... you went to the home of a famous virologist... COLE (weakly) You...don't...exist! You're in my mind... SCIENTISTS (IN RAPID SUCCESSION) What? What's that? What did he say? His brain's fried. Give him another shot! SPEAK UP, COLE. WHAT DID YOU DO NEXT? INT. RAILLY'S APARTMENT - EVENING The TV shows film of RAILLY leaving the police station. TV REPORTER (v.o.) The kidnap victim seemed exhausted but apparently unharmed by her 30 hour ordeal as she left the police station in Philadelphia this morning. So far she has refused to make a public statement. RAILLY'S friends, MARILOU and WAYNE, are watching the TV. A door opens and KATHRYN RAILLY, wearing a robe, comes out of her bedroom. She still looks exhausted Followed by her cat, she enters the kitchen area and turns on the kettle as WAYNE hastily turns down the TV. WAYNE Sorry. RAILLY No -- I'm in a state of hyper- alertness. I can't sleep. MARILOU Did you take the sedative? RAILLY I hate those things. They mess my head up. The old mug shot of COLE appears on the screen and RAILLY remotes the volume up. TV REPORTER (v.o.) Along with the kidnapping of the Baltimore woman, James Cole is now also wanted in connection with the brutal slaying of Rodney Wiggins, an ex-convict from... RAILLY goes to the window, pushes aside the drape, and sees... HER POV: ACROSS THE STREET...A COP keeps watch. RAILLY (o.s.) Do they really expect him to come here? RAILLY returns to the kitchen area where MARILOU is getting the tea things out. TV REPORTER on air And in Fresno, California... RAILLY (glances sadly toward the TV) He's dead, isn't he -- that little boy? WAYNE He's fine. It was just a "prank" he and his friends pulled. CLOSE ON RAILLY'S FACE... SHOCKED. ANGLE ON THE TV SCREEN, showing footage of a sheepish nine year old boy being led out of a barn by the police. The cops look grim. TV REPORTER (v.o.) Authorities have so far been noncommittal about whether they will try to file charges against the families of the children involved in the hoax. RAILLY stares at the TV, stunned. INT. "HOSPITAL" ROOM - ETERNAL NIGHT VOICES! SINGING! COLE blinks awake, looks around, confused, then stares in disbelief.... Crowded around COLE'S bed, the SCIENTISTS are concluding a ragged, out of tune, rendition of "BLUEBERRY HILL." SCIENTISTS ---found my thrills on Blueberry Hill... Seeing he's awake, SCIENTISTS break off the song and applaud. SCIENTISTS Well done, James! Well done! Nice going! Congratulations! Good for you! BOTANIST During your "interview," while you were..."under the influence," you told us you liked music! COLE, confused, looks around, sees he's in a one-bed windowless room adorned with cheap reproductions of 19th and 20th century landscapes. The BOTANIST responds to COLE'S obvious disbelief with a friendly smile and the others join in rapid fire, overlapping. ZOOLOGIST This isn't the prison, James. BOTANIST This is a hospital. ASTROPHYSICIST But just until you recover your, uh,... equilibrium. ENGINEER You're still a little... disoriented. GEOLOGIST Stress! Time travel! ASTROPHYSICIST You stood up very well, considering... GEOLOGIST Superior work! Superior! BOTANIST You connected the Army of the 12 Monkeys to a world famous virologist and his son... MICROBIOLOGIST Others will take over now... ZOOLOGIST We'll be back on the surface in a matter of months.... GEOLOGIST We'll retake the planet. ASTROPHYSICIST We're very close! Because of you! ENGINEER (unrolling a document) This is it, James...what you've been working for. BOTANIST A full pardon! MICROBIOLOGIST You'll be out of here in no time. ASTROPHYSICIST Women will want to get to know you... COLE I DON'T WANT YOUR "WOMEN," YOU BRAINLESS TWIT! I WANT TO BE WELL! Unseen until now, two guards, TINY and SCARFACE, suddenly break through the ring of SCIENTISTS, push COLE down, and tighten the loose restraints, already in place, but unnoticed before. ASTROPHYSICIST (sympathetically) Of course you want to be well, James. And you will be...soon. COLE bursts into hysterical laughter. COLE YOU DON'T EXIST, YOU SILLY BOZOS! YOU'RE NOT REAL! HA HA HA! PEOPLE DON'T TRAVEL IN TIME! YOU AREN'T HERE. MADE YOU UP! YOU CAN'T TRICK ME! YOU'RE IN MY MIND! I'M INSANE AND YOU'RE MY INSANITY! INT. PSYCHIATRIST'S OFFICE - DAY CLOSE ON KATHRYN RAILLY, insisting fiercely to someone, RAILLY He not only used the word "prank" -- he said the boy was hiding in a barn. RAILLY's talking to her former boss, DR. OWEN FLETCHER, psychiatrist sitting across from her in his office, tapping his pen. DR. FLETCHER He kidnapped you, Kathryn. You saw him murder someone. You knew there was a real possibility he would kill you, too. You were under tremendous emotional stress. RAILLY For God sakes, Owen, listen to me -- he knew about the boy in Fresno and he says three billion people are going to die! DR. FLETCHER Kathryn, you know he can't possibly know that. You're a rational person. You're a trained psychiatrist. You know the difference between what's real and what's not. RAILLY And what we believe is what's accepted as "truth" now, isn't it, Owen? Psychiatry -- it's the latest religion. And we're the priests -- we decide what's right and what's wrong --we decide who's crazy and who isn't. ... I'm in trouble, Owen. I'm losing my faith. INT. "HOSPITAL" CELL - ETERNAL NIGHT Alone in his "hospital" room, COLE struggles without success to free himself from his restraints. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) You sure fucked up, Bob! Startled, COLE freezes, then ignores the RASPY VOICE and continues his feverish struggle. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) But I can understand you don't want your mistakes pointed out to you. I can relate to that, old Bob. COLE looks around in spite of himself. Nothing to see but the walls and the landscape paintings. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Hey, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I don't exist except in your head. I can see that point of view. But you could still talk to me, couldn't you? Carry on a decent conversation? COLE (blurting) I saw you! In 1995! In the real world! You were a bum! You pulled out your teeth. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Why would I pull out my teeth, Bob? They don't like that. That's a no-no. And when did you say you saw me? In...1872? COLE FUCK YOU! RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Yelling won't get you what you want. You have to be smart to get what you want. COLE Oh, yeah? What do I want? RASPY VOICE (o.s.) You don't know what you want? Sure you do, Bob. You know what you want. COLE, agitated, rocks back and forth. Then... COLE Tell me. Tell me what I want. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) To see the sky -- and the ocean -- to be topside -- breathe the air -- to be with her. ... Isn't that right? Isn't that what you want? Completely shaken, COLE hesitates for a long moment. When he speaks, it comes out of him like air...a whisper. COLE More...than...anything. INT. RAILLY'S BEDROOM - MORNING RAILLY'S in bed, asleep, having a very bad dream. Suddenly, the bedside phone RINGS. Her eyes snap open. A beat to orient herself. RING. She reaches for the phone. INTERCUT LIEUTENANT HALPERIN'S OFFICE/RAILLY'S BEDROOM CLOSE ON HALPERIN, at his desk, talking into the phone. LIEUTENANT HALPERIN Dr. Railly? Jim Halperin, Philly P.D.. Sorry to call so early but... CLOSE ON RAILLY, eager, concerned. into the phone, RAILLY You found him? Is he all right? CLOSE ON HALPEPIN, noting her reaction with raised eyebrows giving an "I told you so" look to the BLACK PLAINCLOTHES cop across his desk, then continuing into the phone, LIEUTENANT HALPERIN Au contraire, Doctor. No sign of your good friend, the kidnapper. However, the plot thickens. I have a ballistic report on my desk that says the bullet you claim you removed from Mr. Cole's thigh is an antique...and all indications are it was fired...sometime prior to 1920. ANGLE ON RAILLY, reacting, stunned. ANGLE ON HALPERIN, continuing soberly now, LIEUTENANT RALPERIN So what I was thinking was, maybe if I sent a detective down there to talk with you, you could maybe revise or amplify on the circumstances.... Hello? Hello? Dr. Railly? HALPERIN considers the dead phone, glances at the COP again. INT. RAILLY'S BEDROOM/STUDY Her hand still on the receiver, RAILLY looks shocked. Then, she hurries into her study and starts frantically pulling neatly arranged piles of papers and books from a bookcase until she finds a copy of her book. She leafs through it hurriedly, locates the picture of the Puerto Rican KID (JOSE) in WWI. Peering closely, she tries to see everything in the picture. Then, she turns and reaches for a research folder of old photographs and rummages through it until she finds...!!! RAILLY No! It's an uncropped shot of JOSE being carried on the stretcher in the trenches. And there in the corner with no helmet, no gas mask, and just a bit of bare shoulder's COLE!!! INT. SCIENTISTS' CHAMBER - ETERNAL NIGHT Clean shaven, clear eyed, COLE sits before the frowning SCIENTISTS. ASTROPHYSICIST The food, the sky, the certain, uh, sexual temptations -- you haven't become "addicted" have you, Cole? To that "dying" world' COLE No, sir! I just want to do my part. To get us back on charge of the planet. And I have the experience, I know who the people are... BIOLOGIST He really is the most qualified... GEOLOGIST But all that..."behavior"... ASTROPHYSICIST (to Cole, a little hurt) You said we weren't "real," Cole... COLE Well, sir, I don't think the human mind was built to exist in two different... whatever you call it..."dimensions." It's stressful, you said it yourselves, it gets you confused. You don't know what's real and what's not. MICROBIOLOGIST But you know what's real now? COLE Yes, sir. The SCIENTISTS start to confer openly among themselves GEOLOGIST He'd have to bone up, catch up to our research, the latest clues... ZOOLOGIST He's proved to be a quick study... The ASTROPHYSICIST fixes COLE with a sharp, penetrating look. ASTROPHYSICIST You can't trick us, you know. It wouldn't work. BIOLOGIST And why would you want to? It'll be dangerously close to the end. COLE I understand. There'd be no point. ASTROPHYSICIST We're going to think about it, Cole. Among ourselves. We'll get back to you. INT. DR. MASON'S OFFICE - DAY Standing in front of a wall of glass in his office, overlooking a hi-tech lab below where WORKERS in white "space suits" work methodically, DR. MASON speaks angrily into a phone. His male ASSISTANT, whose features we don't see, stops writing a formula on a blackboard and listens. DR. MASON You have reason to believe that my son may be planning to do what?!!! INT. RAILLY'S APARTMENT/STUDY RAILLY, trying to stay calm, is talking to Dr. Mason on the phone. RAILLY Please, I know it sounds insane but... INT. DR. MASON'S OFFICE Dr. Mason on the phone. DR. MASON (into the phone) I'm afraid this doesn't seem very professional to me, in fact it's distressingly unprofessional for some- one who treated my son briefly (if indeed you actually are who you say you are) to take a sudden unsolicited interest in his mental health six years later, and to telephone a parent to express opinions that would be inappropriate... (breaks off, listens, then) I don't know anything about "Monkey armies", Doctor. Nothing whatsoever. If my son ever was involved in... (listens, then,) It would be doubly inappropriate to discuss matters of security with you, Dr. Railly, but if it will put you at ease, neither my son nor any other unauthorized person has access to any potentially dangerous organisms in this laboratory. Thank you for your concern. DR. MASON hangs up angrily and glares. DR. MASON'S ASSISTANT (o.s.) Dr. "Kathryn" Railly???? DR. MASON The psychiatrist who was kidnapped by that man who broke into my house. She seems to have been suddenly struck by the most preposterous notion about Jeffrey. DR. MASON'S ASSISTANT (o.s.) I attended a lecture once...Apocalyptic visions. We see Dr. Mason's ASSISTANT now. It's DR. PETERS, the red- haired man who insisted to Dr. Railly you didn't have to be insane to think the world was coming to an end. DR. PETERS (cont.) Has she succumbed to her own theoretical..."disease"? But DR. MASON is lost in thought, not listening. DR. MASON Given the nature of our work, we can't ever be careful enough. I think we should review our security procedures, perhaps upgrade them. INT. SCIENTISTS' CHAMBER - ETERNAL NIGHT COLE is facing the BOTANIST who's using a pointer to indicate various fading photos and newspaper clippings tacked on the wall. BOTANIST Let's consider again our current information -- if the symptoms were first detected in Philadelphia on June 28, 1995, that makes us know that...? COLE It was released in Philadelphia, probably on June 14, 1995. BOTANIST And it appeared sequentially after that in...? With a quick glance at the panel of SCIENTISTS staring at him from behind the long table, COLE replies like a good pupil, COLE San Francisco, New Orleans, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Kinshasa, Karachi, Bangkok, then Peking. BOTANIST Meaning...??? COLE That the virus was taken from Philadelphia to San Francisco, then to New Orleans, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Kinshasa, Karachi, Bangkok, then Peking. BOTANIST And your only goal is...??? COLE To find out where the virus is so a qualified scientist can travel back into the past and study the original virus. BOTANIST So that...??? COLE Uh, so that a vaccine can be developed that will, uh, allow mankind to reclaim the surface of the earth. COLE glances nervously at the suspicious SCIENTISTS as the BOTANIST switches on a slide projector and projects... a magazine photo of wall graffiti: "ATTENTION!!! POLICE ARE WATCHING! IS THERE A VIRUS? IS THIS THE SOURCE? 3 BILLION DIE?" BOTANIST (o.s.) This is from a magazine printed in late September, 1995. The writer speculated that this graffiti might be related to the epidemic that by that time had already killed thirty million people world-wide and was getting worse. He says, certain people, unnamed, were questioned, but what came of that is not known. But it is a clue you should pursue. COLE stares at the picture. EXT. FAA STOREFRONT - DAY LOUD BANGING! The storefront window, completely covered with posters, quivers violently. Images of MONKEYS covered with electrodes, BABY SEALS being viciously clubbed, DOGS jammed into tiny cages quiver as somebody beats on the window. It's RAILLY. RAILLY IS ANYBODY IN THERE? HELLO? IS SOMEONE IN THERE? IF YOU'RE IN THERE, I NEED TO TALK TO YOU. INT. FAA STORE JEFFREY, BEN, TEDDY, and two of JEFFREY'S youthful cohorts, SANDY and KWESKIN, wait motionless beside a heap of cardboard cartons as FALE peeks out the front window through a slit between posters. FALE It's the kidnap woman -- the one who was with the guy who tied us up. BEN What's she doing? FALE She's drawing attention to us, that's what she's doing. ... I don't know what you're up to this time, Mason, but you're gonna get us in deep shit! JEFFREY Whine, whine, whine. What about walkie talkies? We used to have walkie talkies. EXT. FAA STOREFRONT From littered doorways, DERELICTS sneak peeks at RAILLY as she, seemingly mad, shakes the doorknob, then hammers on the door. RAILLY I SAW YOU! I SAW SOMEONE MOVING. I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE! RASPY VOICE (o.s) Secret experiments! RAILLY whirls, sees LOUIE, the raspy-voiced toothless derelict. LOUIE That's what they do -- secret weird stuff! RAILLY You! I know you! But LOUIE is studying the pictures of the tortured animals now. LOUIE Not just on them. Do 'em on people, too -- down at the shelters. Feed 'em chemicals 'n take pictures of 'em. RAILLY Have you seen James Cole? The man...? LOUIE They're watchin' you. Takin' pictures. RAILLY follows his look. ANGLE ON AN OLD CHEVY, parked across the street, the PLAINCLOTHES COP slouched at the wheel, pretending to read a newspaper. RAILLY The police. I know. Listen, I need to talk to James, but he has to be careful how he contacts me. He mustn't get caught. Do you understand me? LOUIS Uh, yeah, sure. Uh...who's James? RAILLY He was with me, he spoke to you. Several weeks ago. He said you were from the future...watching him. LOUIS gives her a look that says, "I'm outta here!" But just then, RAILLY spots two TEZNAGE PUNKS surreptitiously "tagging" their way along the street with cans of spray paint. RAILLY stares at the PUNKS. INT. FAA STORE FALE watches JEFFREY go over a check list while KWESKIN, SANDY, and TEDDY organize materials, and BEN peeks out the small opening between posters at the front window. JEFFREY You get the bolt cutters? KWESKIN One dozen. They're in the van. FALE One dozen bolt cutters! Whadda you gonna do with one dozen bolt cutters? JEFFREY (grins) You really want to know? FALE No! Absolutely not. Don't tell me anything. BEN Hey! Do you know what she's doing? Everybody freezes, looking toward 3EN, who's peeking outside. Then, except for JEFFREY, they all crowd around BEN to get a look. POV THROUGH SLIT: a glimpse of RAILLY, spray painting the front of the store! TEDDY What's it say? BEN I can't see it. JEFFREY (erupting) WHY DON'T WE FORGET MY GODDAMN PSYCHIATRIST AND DEAL WITH THE TASK AT HAND. THIS IS IMPORTANT. FALE (spinning around) Your psychiatrist? Did you just say, "your psychiatrist"? JEFFREY Ex-psychiatrist! Now, what about flashlights? How many flashlights...? FALE That woman is...was...your... psychiatrist? And now she's spray- painting our building? EXT. FAA STOREFRONT/SECOND AVENUE ANGLE ON SLACK PLAINCLOTHES COP, across the street in the CHEVY, amazed, watching RAILLY spray painting. He shakes his head wearily. ANGLZ ON STREET TYPES, inching closer, watching RAILLY with amazement, too. They include... an IRISH DRUNK, white haired, red-faced, bloated... a NATIVE AMERICAN with tormented eyes and a mangled ear... an AFRICAN AMERICAN with one eye... the TEENAGED PUNKS... a WHITE MAN, shabbily dressed, joining the knot of ONLOOKERS, reacting at the sight of RAILLY. It's COLE! He pushes toward her. COLE Kathryn! RAILLY stops spraying, whips around at the sound of his VOICE. RAILLY James! With a quick glance toward the PLAINCLOTHES COP, RAILLY takes urgent charge of the situation. RAILLY James! That's a policeman. Pretend you don't know me. If he sees you... COLE (turning, looking) No, I want to turn myself in. Where is he? (placing his hands on his head) Don't worry -- it's all okay now. I'm not crazy any more! I mean, I am crazy, mentally divergent, actually, but I know it now and I want you to help me. I want to get well... ANGLE on RAILLY, desperately pulling COLE'S hands off his head as she tries to block the COP'S view of COLE. RAILLY James -- put your hands down and listen to me. Things have changed! ANGLE ON THE PLAINCLOTHES COP, checking the mug shot of COLE on his clipboard, then reaching for his radio mike. ANGLE ON RAILLY, reacting to the COP speaking into his mike: she tosses the spray paint can aside, grabs COLE and tries to pull him along...but COLE isn't moving. He's staring at the front of the FAA Store with disbelief! RAILLY James, come on! We have to get out of here! COLE looks from the wall to the can rolling on the sidewalk, then back to the wall where RAILLY has sprayed the huge words: ATTENTION!!! POLICE ARE WATCHING! IS THERE A VIRUS? IS THIS THE SOURCE? THREE BILLION DIE? It's the graffiti COLE saw in the future, in the picture! COLE I've seen that...before. But RAILLY'S total attention is on their dilemma. RAILLY James, trust me. We're in terrible trouble. We have to run. Very confused, COLE lets her drag him along the sidewalk, past ONLOOKERS. She looks crazier than he does. ANGLE ON THE CHEVY, making a sudden, urgent u-turn, almost colliding with a passing car. BRAKES SQUEAL and a HORN BLARES. INT. FAA STORE - DAY ANGLE ON BEN, peeking out, reacting to the drama. BEN Wow, a guy in a Chevy is chasing her and some other guy I can't see. FALE Hey, no problem, it's probably just another kidnapping featuring Jeffrey's shrink, pardon me, make that ex-shrink. (indicating Jeffrey to the others) This is your leader, a certifiable lunatic who told his former psychiatrist all his plans for God knows what whacko irresponsible schemes, and now who knows what she's painted out there on our wall? JEFFREY WHO CARES WHAT PSYCHIATRISTS WRITE ON WALLS? (moves to Fale, jabs him with a finger) You think I told her about the Army of the 12 Monkeys? Impossible! Know why, you pathetically ineffectual and pusillanimous "pretend-friend-to- animals"?! I'll tell you why: because when I had anything to do with her six years ago, there was no such thing -- I hadn't even thought of it yet! FALE (triumphant) Then how come she knows what's going on? JEFFREY abruptly switches from rage to good humor, adopting a supercilious smile and a patronizing tone. JEFFREY Here's my theory on that. While I was institutionalized, my brain was studied exhaustively in the guise of mental health. I was interrogated, x-rayed, studied thoroughly. Then, everything about me was entered into a computer where they created a model of my mind. They all stare, mesmerized, at the strutting JEFFREY. Is he serious? Is he crazy? Doesn't matter -- he's charismatic. JEFFREY (cont.) Then, using the computer model, they generated every thought I could possibly have in the next, say ten years, which they then filtered through a probability matrix to determine everything I was going to do in that period. So you see, she knew I was going to lead the Army of the Twelve Monkeys into the pages of history before it ever even occurred to me. She knows everything I'm ever going to do before I know it myself. How about that? JEFFREY smiles smugly into FALE'S flabbergasted face. JEFFREY Now I have to get going -- do my part. You guys check all this stuff out and load up the van. Make sure you have everything. I'm outta here. JEFFREY exits. The others stare at the door. FALE He's seriously crazy -- you know that. EXT. SKID ROW ALLEY - DAY An overflowing dumpster squats near the mouth of an alley. The unmarked CHEVY crawls slowly past the alley, the PLAINCLOTHES COP'S eyes searching everywhere. Trash stirs in the dumpster and RAILLY'S eyes peer up out of the torn cardboard boxes, rotting food, and styrofoam litter. HER POV: the POLICE CAR passes from view. ANGLE ON RAILLY, emerging from the refuse, hissing, RAILLY James! Come on. A confused COLE emerges from the opposite end of the dumpster, bits of lettuce in his hair. COLE I don't understand what we're doing. RAILLY (climbing out of the dumpster) We're avoiding the police until I to you. COLE (climbing out after her) You mean, treat me? Cure me? Kathryn, those words on the wall -- I've seen them before... I...I...dreamed them. But she's not listening. She's peeking out the alley entrance. RAILLY'S POV: across the street is a run-down skid row hotel, THE GLOBE, ROOMS WEEKLY, DAILY. INT. GLOBE HOTEL/LOBBY - MINUTES LATER The DESK CLERK, an old alkie who hates trouble but finds it often, stares across the counter suspiciously at RAILLY and COLE. DESK CLERK Twenty five bucks an hour. RAILLY An hour?! DESK CLERK You want quarter hours, go someplace else. RAILLY (catches on, pulls out her last bills) Here's ninety eight. For the night. Deal? The DESK CLERK squints warily at this turn of events. Then, he turns, gets a key, turns back and hands it to her. DESK CLERK Forty four. Fourth floor, turn right. Elevator's busted. RAILLY turns, COLE follows, and they walk quickly to the stairs passing the stares of gloomy RESIDENTS sitting on torn sofas chairs in front of an old TV with hideous color. ANGLE ON THE DESK CLERK, watching RAILLY and COLE climb stairs. As they disappear from view, he picks up the phone, punches a number, speaks into the phone. DESK CLERK Tommy? This is Charlie at the Globe. You know if Wallace has a new girl? Sort of a rookie type? Blonde? INT. GLOBE HOTEL ROOM 44 - MINUTES LATER (DAY) COLE sits on the lumpy bed in the dingy room, watching RAILLY pace back and forth like a mad woman. RAILLY were standing there looking at the were eating grass... then what? COLE I thought I was in...prison again. RAILLY Just like that? You were in prison? COLE No, not really. It''s in my mind. Like you said. RAILLY You disappeared! One minute you were there, the next minute you were gone. Did you run through the woods? COLE I don't know -- I don't remember. RAILLY The boy in the well. How did you know that was just a hoax? COLE It was? I didn't...know. RAILLY James, you said he was hiding in the barn... COLE I think I saw a TV show like that when I was a kid. Where a boy... RAILLY IT WASN'T A TV SHOW! IT WAS REAL! COLE looks at her. She's really upset. COLE Well, maybe that kid saw the same TV show and copied it. Listen, you were right, it's all in my head. I'm mentally ill, I imagine all that stuff. I know they're not real, I can trick them, make them do what I want. I just worked on them in my head and I got back here. I can get better. I can stay here. RAILLY pulls a photo from her purse, shows it to COLE. It's the uncropped picture from her book, the photo of JOSE in WWI with a fuzzy image of COLE on the edge of the frame, RAILLY What does this mean to you? COLE ...I had a dream about...something like that. RAILLY You had a bullet from World War One in your leg, James! How did it get there? COLE You said I had delusions -- that I created a world -- you said you could explain everything... RAILLY Well, I can't. ... I mean...I'm trying to. I can't believe that everything we do or say has already happened, that we can't change what's going to happen, that I'm one of the three billion people who are going to die...soon. COLE stands, moves close to her. COLE I want to be here. In this time. With you. I want to become...become a whole person. I want this to be the present. I want the future to be unknown. RAILLY (sudden hopeful idea!) you remember...six years had a phone number! You tried to call and... WHAM! The door flies open, kicked violently, the flimsy lock not holding. A menacing figure stands in the doorway. WALLACE. A wiry biker-type with jail house tattoos and mean eyes. COLE and RAILLY are too stunned to say anything as WALLACE looks them over coldly, insolently, then advances on RAILLY. WALLACE This is my territory, bitch! COLE (confused, turns to Railly) Is this real -- or is this one of my delusions? RAILLY This is definitely real: (to Wallace) Excuse me, I think we have a little misunderstanding here... WALLACE smashes RAILLY in the face. She flies back against the wall and onto the floor as WALLACE spins around to COLE who is stepping toward him, but WALLACE is now holding a knife WALLACE What're you -- some kind of tough guy? You wanna be a hero? You gonna try and mess with me? Come on... A beat. COLE puts his hands up placatingly as he backs around WALLACE and moves to RAILLY, whose eye is already swelling. WALLACE Now that's a smart boy. But you, honey, you think you can go 'round me and peddle your fancy ass in this part of town, you bet your life we got what I would call a major goddamn misunderstandin'. RAILLY reaches a hand up to COLE for assistance, but, he grabs her purse instead, swings it around, SMASHES WALLACE in the face with it, then grabs the pimp's arm and SNAPS it like it was a twig! The knife clatters to the floor as WALLACE yelps in pain and COLE slams him to the floor, straddles his chest, retrieves the near-by knife, and presses it sharply against WALLACE'S neck. RAILLY JAMES -- DON'T! COLE hesitates. WALLACE (eyes bulging) You...heard...her. Don't do it, man. RAILLY (gets up, looks around) Put him in the closet, ... But get his money first. COLE (amazed) You want me to rob him? RAILLY I...I...We need cash, James. A shadow. RAILLY turns toward the door and glimpses a FACE disappearing, then hears SHOUTS from the hallway... SHOUTS (o.s.) They're killing him! Call the cops. Being very careful not to move his neck, WALLACE reaches into his pocket and produces a thick roll of bills, which RAILLY grabs. WALLACE You two are crazy. I got friends. You put me in a closet, they're gonna be really pissed. COLE moves off Wallace and, keeping the knife close, yanks him to his teeth while RAILLY hurries to the window and looks out. HER POV: A fire escape leads down into an alley. RAILLY turns just in time to see COLE shove WALLACE into the bathroom, follow him in, slam the door behind them, and LOCK it. RAILLY James, no! INT. BATHROOM RAILLY'S VOICE (from the other room) (rattling the door knob) James, what are you doing? WALLACE cowers back against the shower stall. WALLACE I have friends, man -- if you cut me... WALLACE breaks off, bug-eyed, reacting to something we don't see! WALLACE What...the...fuck..are you doing??? INT. GLOBE MOTEL ROOM 44 RAILLY is pounding on the bathroom door now as, suddenly, it opens and COLE steps out, the knife in his right hand, dripping with blood. RAILLY Oh, my God, James. Did you kill him? COLE shakes his head "no" as blood oozes from his mouth. COLE Just...just in case. In case I'm not crazy... (holds up two bloody molars) That's how they find us. By our teeth. (a beat, eye contact) I don't want them to find me. Ever. I don't want to go back. RAILLY's astonishment turns to emotion as it dawns on her the choice he's made. Given up the future (if it exists, and it's looking like it does)! Risking his life to be with her! For this brief time! She's overwhelmed, lips trembling, tears welling in her eyes. But just then, the SOUNDS of SHOUTS and feet THUNDERING up the stairs snap her back to reality. INT. STAIRWELL/GLOBE HOTEL COPS' boots THUNDER up the stairwell. INT. ROOM 44/GLOBE HOTEL In between nervous glances toward the door, RAILLY supervises as COLE obediently blocks the bathroom door with the bureau. RAILLY Push it tight! WALLACE'S VOICE (from the bathroom) NO PROBLEM! I'LL JUST STAY IN HERE! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME. INT. 4TH FLOOR HALLWAY/GLOBE HOTEL POLICE OFFICERS, led by the PLAINCLOTHES COP, make a cautious entrance onto the 4th floor, guns drawn. Seedy HOTEL RESIDENTS point to Room 44, then cower back into their doorways. EXT. GLOBE HOTEL FIRE ESCAPE/ALLEY - DAY COLE and RAILLY clatter down the fire-escape, COLE in the lead. They come to the end of the metal stairway. It's a long distance to the ground. COLE jumps down, turns, reaches up to her. She lets herself down to him. Their eyes meet. He holds her in his arms for a moment. Then, reluctantly, he puts her down. They start running down the alley. INT. GLOBE HOTEL FOURTH FLOOR - DAY The PLAINCLOTHES COP has his pistol out, his back to the wall alongside the open doorway to Room 44. The UNIFORMED OFFICERS are backing him up, weapons drawn. PLAINCLOTHES COP POLICE! THROW YOUR WEAPONS OUT AND COME OUTTA THERE! No response. INT. GLOBE HOTEL ROOM 44 The PLAINCLOTHES COP charges into the room in a crouch, pistol extended in both hands. He pans the gun around the empty room. HIS POV: the open window...the blood on the floor. WALLACE'S VOICE (from the bathroom) HEY! ZAT THE POLICE! I'M AN INNOCENT VICTIM IN HERE! I WAS ATTACKED BY A COKED-UP WHORE AND A CRAZY DENTIST! EXT. BUS STOP/DOWNTOWN - LATE AFTERNOON A city bus disgorges a stream of PASSENGERS at a stop in the toney downtown shopping district. Among them, RAILLY looks furtively left and right, COLE on her heels. She's hidden her bruised eye behind sun glasses; he's holding a bloody handkerchief to his mouth. As he steps to the sidewalk, COLE is overwhelmed by the bustling city, the tall downtown buildings. His eyes go up. COLE'S POV: a building, towering toward the sky. A building with a ledge. The same ledge the lion prowled in the future!!! ANGLE ON COLE, shaken, as RAILLY ushers him into the recessed entrance to a store. RAILLY Wait here. I'm going to try that phone number. Let's hope it's nothing! Dazed by his experience and the flow of SHOPPERS, COLE watches her hurry to a pay phone twenty yards away, his view of her made intermittent by PEDESTRIANS streaming past him, their FACES looming frighteningly close. A BUSINESSMAN jostles COLE, forcing him back against the display window. Turning, he faces the angry jaws of a BEAR only inches away Recovering from a jolt of terror, COLE realizes the BEAR is a life-size toy in the display window. Relieved, he looks back at RAILLY. COLE'S POV: RAILLY, well out of earshot, speaking earnestly into the phone. ANGLE ON COLE, startled, as a BUSINESSMAN, mistaking him for a panhandler, shoves a dollar into his hand. Confused, COLE stares at the dollar, then turns to say something to the retreating BUSINESSMAN, but just then he sees RAILLY rushing toward him, eyes sparkling with happiness, LAUGHING, ebullient. RAILLY James! James! It's okay. We're insane! We're crazy! COLE doesn't know how to respond, but a PASSERBY gives them a look. RAILLY It's a Carpet Cleaning Company... COLE A Carpet Cleaning Company? RAILLY (laughing) No superiors! No scientists. No people from the future. It's just a Carpet Cleaning Company. They have voice mail -- you leave a message telling them when you want your carpet cleaned. COLE You... you left them a message? RAILLY (impishly) I couldn't resist. I was so relieved. Wait'll they hear this nutty woman telling them...they better watch out for the Army of the Twelve Monkeys... Looking at her laughing face, COLE is struck with horror as he realizes the truth! He starts to recite... COLE "The Army of the Twelve Monkeys -- they're the ones who are going to do it. I can't do anything more. The police are watching me." Now she's stunned. She glances back and sees the phone booth twenty yards away. RAILLY You... you couldn't have heard me. COLE They got your message, Kathryn. They played it for me. It was a bad recording...distorted. I didn't recognize your voice. RAILLY'S eyes fill with horror as she grasps the meaning. ANGLE ON A UNIFORMED COP, staring out the window of a POLICE CRUISER as it inches along in the bumper to bumper traffic. Noticing something, he reaches for his radio. ANGLE ON RAILLY, spotting the CRUISER, grabbing COLE, pulling him into the CROWD. RAILLY Come on. INT. DEPARTMENT STORE/MEN'S DEPARTMENT - 6:00 PM RAILLY, whose sun glasses don't really hide her bruised eye, adds a man's Hawaiian shirt to the pile of other men's things heaped on a counter in front of a very suspicious CLERK. RAILLY And this. (turning) Anything else? But COLE'S not here. He's a short distance away...staring. COLE'S POV: aisle after aisle of eager shoppers and a bounty of brand new consumer goods. ANGLE ON COLE, remembering another department store, dark and full of moldering merchandise. ANGLE ON RAILLY, turning again to the CLERK. RAILLY I guess that's it. CLERK Shall I put this on your account, Ma'am? RAILLY (producing Wallace's roll of bills) No -- I'll pay cash. The CLERK stares at the huge roll of bills! RAILLY What floor are the wigs on, please? EXT. PEST CONTROL VAN - NIGHT Surrounded by stripped and abandoned vehicles, the VAN, with a PEST CONTROL logo on its side, is parked on a trash-littered street beside the massive pillars of a towering freeway. INT. PARKED PEST CONTROL VAN The VAN is packed with SIX ACTIVISTS, SANDY and KWESKIN among them, all wearing black. Some of them have climbing gear, tool belts, all sorts of paraphernalia. KWESKIN is telling his story. KWESKIN So then he goes into this incredible riff about how his shrink, like, replicated his brain while he was in the nut house. Turned it into a computer. WELLER And Fale believed it? KWESKIN Oh, you know Fale! He's like, "If you guys get nailed -- and I'm sure you will -- I never saw you before in nay life!" LAUGHTER from all of them. Then, there's a sharp, rhythmic series of RAPS on the side door, a signal. POPE quickly slides the door open. It's JEFFREY...grinning. Three other activists, GOINES, ICHIOKA, and BRUHNS, stagger out of the darkness behind JEFFREY, lugging a huge, squirming GARBAGE BAG. The van occupants react with murmurs of "Awwwwwright" and "Far out", then they help maneuver the writhing bag into the van. Then, JEFFREY and the other three scramble in, too. JEFFREY Let's do it! EXT. VAN/FREEWAY The PEST CONTROL VAN lumbers up a ramp and onto the freeway. INT. PEST CONTROL VAN/MOVING The GARBAGE BAG squirms and grunts as JEFFREY holds a map under a flashlight and goes over "the plan" with the other ACTIVISTS. JEFFREY Okay, that's Stage One. In Stage Two, Monkey Four is over here... A loud GROAN from the bag distracts the others. GOINES What's the harm in opening the bag? His eyes are taped. SANDY Yeah, it's cruel leaving him like that. JEFFREY Ah, but cruelty is his specialty. ICHIOKA So why should we be like him? Shrugging cheerfully, JEFFREY tears open the garbage bag revealing DR. MASON, trussed up, duct tape covering his eyes and mouth. JEFFREY Want the full effect? Grinning wickedly, JEFFREY rips the tape from his father's mouth. DR. MASON Jeffrey? I know it's you, Jeffrey. I recognize your voice. JEFFREY puts his finger to his lips, silencing everyone. DR. MASON JEFFREY??? ... Very well. You're out of your mind, Jeffrey. I know all about your insane plan. That woman -- your psychiatrist -- she told me. JEFFREY raises his eyebrows. This he hadn't expected. DR. MASON I didn't believe her -- it seemed too crazy even for you. But, just in case, I took steps to make sure you couldn't do it. I took myself out of the loop! I don't have the code any more. I don't have access to the virus. So, go ahead -- torture me, but you can't extract anything of use to yourself. The ACTIVISTS are all exchanging puzzled looks. JEFFREY What...virus? DR. MASON (spins his head toward Jeffrey) She knew about it, Jeffrey. She knew you were going to try this. JEFFREY What virus are we talking about, Dad? DR. MASON You're insane, Jeffrey. JEFFREY You "develop" viruses and you're calling me insane? Typical. What does this virus attack? Don't tell me, you sick fuck, it doesn't matter. (to the others) Have I ever "developed" a virus? Do I put helpless animals in cages and measure their reactions to electrical stimuli? Do I inject radioactive substances into living creatures and examine their bowel movements? Wow! And I'm crazy! DR. MASON Please tell me, Jeffrey, what exactly are you going to do? I don't have to tell you I'm afraid. JEFFREY THIS IS A FUCKING EXPERIMENT! YOU'RE OUR HELPLESS LITTLE TEST ANIMAL, DADDY. GOT THAT? NOW -- WHAT FUCKING VIRUS HAVE YOU COME UP WITH, YOU DEMENTED FUCKING MANIAC? INT. MOVIE SCREEN/THEATER - NIGHT Spooky BERNARD HERRMAN MUSIC, giant redwoods looming skyward. It's DAYTIME in Muir Woods. SCOTTY (JAMES STEWART) AND MADELINE (KIM NOVAK) walk toward a display of a cross cut section of a redwood tree. We're watching Hitchcock's VERTIGO. SCOTTY (up on the screen) Here's a cross section of one of the old trees that's been cut down. They look at the lines of the tree marked with cards that say, "BIRTH OF CHRIST", "DISCOVERY OF AMERICA", "MAGNA CARTA SIGNED", "1066 - BATTLE OF HASTINGS", and "1930 TREE CUT DOWN". ANGLE ON THE THEATER AUDIENCE, empty seats dimly visible in the flickering light, a few shadowy MOVIEGOERS scattered here and there. ANGLE ON THE SCREEN, MADELINE pointing, saying with profound melancholy. MADELINE (up on the screen) Somewhere in here I was born. And here -- I die. There's only a moment for you. You don't notice. ANGLE ON THE AUDIENCE, a shadowy COUPLE near the back of the theater. WE CAN'T REALLY SEE THEM, but we recognize their VOICES RAILLY Here, let me help you. The theater is briefly illuminated by a very bright scene on the screen, revealing enough of COLE and RAILLY for us to see she's doing something to his upper lip while he tries to watch the movie. COLE I think I've seen this movie before. When I was a kid. It was on TV. RAILLY (fussing with his upper lip) Shh -- don't talk. Hold still. COLE (moving his head to see the film) I have seen it, but I don't remember this part. Funny, it's like what's happening to us, like the past. The movie never changes -- it can't change -- but everytime you see it, it seems to be different because you're different -- you notice different things. RAILLY If we can't change anything...because it's already happened, then we ought to at least smell the flowers. COLE Flowers! What flowers? From the darkness, a MOVIE PATRON makes a SSSSHHHHH shound. RAILLY (whispering) It's an expression. Here... She's pulling something from a shopping bag at her feet, placing it on COLE'S head, adjusting it... COLE Why are we doing this? RAILLY So we can stick our heads out the window and feel the wind and listen to the music. So we can appreciate what we have while we have it. Forgive me, psychiatrists don't cry. There are tears in her eyes. They discomfit COLE. COLE But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe you're wrong. Maybe we're both crazy. RAILLY In a few weeks, it will have started or it won't. If there are still baseball games and traffic jams, armed robberies and boring TV shows -- we'll be so happy, we'll be glad to turn ourselves in to the police. SHADOWY MOVIEGOER SHHHHHHH COLE (whispers) Where can we hide for a few weeks? ANGLE ON THE SCREEN, where SCOTTY and MADELINE are in the foreground, the OCEAN behind them. RAILLY You said you'd never seen the ocean... EXT. GORILLA'S PEN/ZOO - NIGHT CLOSE ON A GORILLA, by moonlight, angry, a true nightmare vision. URGENT WHISPERS off screen, RUSTLING SOUNDS. Then, METAL ON METAL. Only now are we aware that the GORILLA is in an outdoor zoo pen with phony rocks. Stalking back and forth. Huge. Upset. CLANK. CLANK. METAL ON METAL. GRUNTS of effort, then, DR. MASON'S VOICE, plaintive, frightened. DR. MASON'S VOICE (o.s.) What are you doing to me? Where are we? Jeffrey, please... SANDY'S VOICE (o.s.) For God's sake, put the tape back on his mouth! The GORILLA bellows angrily, beating his chest. JEFFREY'S VOICE (o.s.) Forget the tape. The monkey's louder than he is. You gonna tape the monkey's mouth? EXT. PANTHERS' PEN/ZOO - NIGHT Under the full moon, PANTHERS pace back and forth, back and forth, uttering ominous guttural SNARLS. EXT. LION'S PEN/ZOO The KING OF BEASTS gives a deep, fierce ROAR. From the darkness, unseen ELEPHANTS TRUMPET their response. EXT. AVIARIES/ZOO A PANDEMONIUM of WINGS RUSTLING, the sharp metallic CLINKING of metal on metal, the MUTTER of HUMAN VOICES, then a cacophonous CRESCENDO of frenzied SCREECHING as PARROTS, COCKATOOS and other EXOTIC BIRDS careen madly in their cages. INT. MOVIE THEATER AUDITORIUM CLOSE ON COLE, dozing fitfully, as the SOUNDS of SCREAMING BIRDS continue. Suddenly, he comes awake with a start...sees the movie filling his field of vision. HIS POV: the MOVIE SCREEN. TIPPI HEDRIN, overwhelmed by screeching BIRDS in an attic in Hitchcock's THE BIRDS. ANGLE ON COLE, orienting himself, looking around. Empty seats on both sides of him. He's alone. He panics. COLE Kathryn?! INT. THEATER LOBBY A lobby poster boasts "Classics 24 Hours A Day" and "Hitchcock Festival". PANNING OFF the poster, passing a SNORING USHER, dead to the world in an old velvet chair, WE DISCOVER a BRUNETTE in a tight dress, just hanging up the lobby pay phone. Turning, she reveals heavy make-up, gaudy costume jewelry, and sun glasses. She's the BRUNETTE in COLE'S DREAM! Crossing the lobby toward the auditorium, it's a pleasure to watch her nice body undulate in the tight dress. Just then, the auditorium doors burst open and a BLONDE MAN in a Hawaiian shirt appears, the man from COLE'S DREAM, except this man's moustache is fixed firmly on his upper lip. The BLONDE MAN stops, stunned at the sight of the BRUNETTE. BRUNETTE We're booked on a 9:30 flight to Key West. The Brunette is RAILLY, no longer the frazzled professional, revealed now by her disguise as a sexy babe. The Blonde Man is COLE! He's confused. COLE You were in my dream just now. I didn't recognize you. RAILLY Well, you look pretty different, too. COLE I mean in my dream -- I didn't realize it was you. Then...I woke up and I...I thought you were gone. RAILLY (studies him seriously) I remember this. I feel I've known you before. I feel I've always known you. Their eyes lock. Suddenly, she backs up, gently maneuvering him with her, past the sleeping USHER, to and through an unlocked, unmarked door, then closing it behind them. INT. STORAGE ROOM/MOVIE THEATER RAILLY and COLE are in a dimly lit cluttered storage room. She kisses him hungrily amid the brooms, plastic trash barrels, other janitorial items. COLE responds to her passion as they move deeper into the room, its walls covered with old movie posters. Tearing at each other's clothes, they collapse on a rolled theater curtain among stacks of ancient theater seats. EXT. SUBURBS - DAWN The red rim of the rising sun is just becoming visible beyond the silhouetted roofs of an upper middle-class suburban neighborhood. The early light is so vague that when a huge SIBERIAN TIGER pads across a neatly-trimmed lawn, he's more a shadowy vision than reality. Did we really see him at all? EXT. CONSTRUCTION SITE - DAWN The rising sun flares behind the towering silhouette of an unfinished building, deserted in the early morning light. High up, a MONKEY his head around a girder. Four stories below, other MONKEYS are climbing. EXT. SHOPPING MALL - DAWN Deserted in the first light of dawn, the stores face each other across a broad promenade with blank staring windows. Nothing happens. For a long moment. Then, an AFRICAN BULL ELEPHANT appears, turning the corner, lumbering toward us along the promenade, raising his trunk to TRUMPET triumphantly to the other ELEPHANTS trotting into view behind him. INT. TAXICAB/CITY STREETS - EARLY MORNING A fiftyish WOMAN CABBIE with white hair and a Southern twang is at the wheel of the cab. WOMAN CABBlE What time's your flight, friends? In the back seat, COLE, in the blonde wig and moustache, looks to his companion, the sexy babe in sun glasses and heavy make-up, RAILLY. RAILLY Nine thirty WOMAN CABBIE Might be tight. RAILLY (startled, checks her watch) Tight? My watch says 7:30. WOMAN CABBIE On your normal mornin', okay, plenty a time, but today, gotta take inta account your Army-of-the-Twelve-Monkeys factor. RAILLY What? What did you say? WOMAN CABBIE Twelve Monkeys, honey. Guess you folks didn't turn on your radio this morning. COLE and RAILLY exchange a quick look. WOMAN CABBIE Bunch a weirdoes let all the animals outta the zoo last night. Then they locked up this big shot scientist in one of the cages. Scientist's own kid was one a the ones did it! RAILLY and COLE stare at the cabbie, stunned. WOMAN CABBlE Now they got animals all over the place. Buncha zebras shut down the thruway 'bout an hour ago and some kinda thing called an "e-mu" it's got traffic blocked for miles over on 22. Flabbergasted, RAILLY'S eyes suddenly fill with hope. RAILLY That's what they were up to! Freeing animals! COLE On the walls -- they meant the animals when they said, "We did it." WOMAN CABBIE You can hear it on the radio all the stations... As the WOMAN CAEBIE switches on the RADIO, RA:LLY points and COLE follows her look. COLE'S POV: two CHEETAHS, sleek and magnificent against the cityscape, streaking past the cab at ninety mph! ANNOUNCER/RADIO (o.s.) In the meantime, numerous animal rights activists have joined the chorus condemning what they're calling the "loose canon" activities of Jeffrey Mason and his Army of the Twelve Monkeys. RIGHTS ACTIVIST/RADIO (o.s.) Can these fools seriously believe that releasing a captive animal into an urban environment is being compassionate to the animal? It's mindlessly cruel, almost as indefensible as holding the animal in captivity in the first place. RAILLY and COLE are watching FLAMINGOS cross the sky against a backdrop of skyscrapers in silhouette. RAILLY Maybe it's going to be okay. INT. TICKET COUNTER/AIRPORT TERMINAL - MORNING CLOSY ON copies of the mug shot of COLE and a photo of RAILLY while the airport P.A. SYSTEM DRONES in the b.g.. REVEAL a DETECTIVE, giving the flyers to the uniformed SUPERVISOR at one end of the ticket counter. DETECTIVE Tell your people if they spot either one of them, not to try and apprehend then. They should notify us and... ANGLE ON RAILLY AND COLE, thirty yards away, entering the terminal. P.A. SYSTEM -- Flight 531 for Chicago is now ready for boarding at Gate Seventeen. ANGLE ON COLE, reacting to the P.A., stopping, seeing the bustling airport lobby. COLE I know this place! ... This is my dream. RAILLY Airports all look the same. Maybe it's... (turning, reacting) James! Your moustache! It's slipping. But COLE isn't listening. He's looking around, mesmerized. COLE It's not just my dream. I was actually here! I remember now. My parents brought me to meet my uncle. About a week or two before...before...before everybody started dying. RAILLY glances around nervously. RAILLY'S POV: two UNIFORMED POLICEMEN, strolling through the lobby, their eyes scanning the faces of TRAVELERS. ANGLE ON RAILLY, pulling a small tube from her purse. RAILLY They may be looking for us, James. (placing the tube in his hand) Use this. You can fix it in the Men's Room. COLE (confounded) I was a kid. I think you were here, too. But you...looked just like you look now. RAILLY (getting desperate) James, if we're identified, they're going to send us someplace...but not to Key West! COLE (snaps out of it, hand to moustache) Right! You're right. I have to fix this. RAILLY (indicating a sign) I'll get the tickets and meet you... in the Gift Shop. COLE follows her look, nods, then heads for the Men's Room as RAILLY, in sun glasses, gaudy outfit, high heels, starts clip clopping toward the ticket counter, her ass attracting admiring glances. INT. TELEPHONES/LOBBY - DAY BUSINESS TRAVELERS huddle over pay phones, talking earnestly, as COLE walks past on his way to the Men's Room. Seeing an unoccupied phone, COLE hesitates, considers it. Coming to a decision, he reaches into his pocket, pulls out some change. INT. TZCKET COUNTER/TERMINAL CLOSE ON the flyer of COLE and RAILLY taped under the counter, hidden from the customers, but in clear view of the TICKET AGENT who has just finished serving a PORTLY GENTLEMAN. The GENTLEMAN walks away. ANGLE ON RAILLY, stepping up to the counter, smiling, looking nothing like the Railly on the flyer. RAILLY Judy Simmons. I have reservations for Key West. INT. PAY PHONES/TERMINAL COLE is speaking into the phone very low, very private, very intense. COLE Listen, I don't know whether you're there or not. Maybe you just clean carpets. If you do, you're lucky -- you're gonna live a long, happy life. But if you other guys exist and you're picking this up -- forget about the Army of The Twelve Monkeys -- they didn't do it. It was a mistake' Someone else did it. The Army of The Twelve Monkeys are just dumb kids playing revolutionaries. It was someone else! COLE looks around nervously, catches a BUSINESSMAN at the next phone looking away quickly. COLE touches his loose moustache as he averts his face and speaks into the phone in an urgent whisper. COLE I've done my job. I did what you wanted. Good luck. I'm not coming back! COLE hangs up the phone, looks around, catches a few stares. Averting his face, he heads for the Men's Room. INT. TICKET COUNTER - DAY The TICKET AGENT is counting out a stack of bills. TICKET AGENT Don't see a lot of this... cash. RAILLY It's...a long story. TICKET AGENT (smiles, hands over the tickets) They'll begin boarding in about twenty minutes. Have a nice flight, Mrs. Simmons. Turning to go, RAILLY fumbles the tickets while trying to put them in her purse and they flutter to the floor. As she kneels to retrieve them, WE SEE the long line of waiting TRAVELERS from the waist down. WE SEE a familiar Chicago Bulls Sports Bag resting on the floor beside sneakers and gaudy baggy pants. we've seen this outfit COLE'S dream...on MR. PONYTAIL! INT. MEN'S ROOM/AIRPORT - DAY The P.A. DRONES as CCLE, head down, lingers at a sink, washing and rewashing his hands while another TRAVELER finishes drying his hands, gives COLE a quizzical look, then leaves. Quickly, COLE glances around, checks the seemingly empty Men's Room, then takes the tube of adhesive from his pocket, puts some goop under the loose edge of his moustache and presses it firmly against his face as he leans close to the mirror. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Got yourself a prob, Bob? COLE whirls, looks for the source of the VOICE. Nothing! Until he spots shoes peeking from dropped trousers indicating an occupied stall. It must be him! COLE Leave me alone! I made a report. I didn't have to do that. RASPY VOICE (o.s.) Point of fact -- you don't belong here. It's not permitted to let you stay. A toilet FLUSHES in the "occupied" stall. COLE'S answer is loud and defiant. COLE This is the present. This is not the past. This is not the future. This is right now! A PLUMP BUSINESSMAN emerges from the "occupied" stall, gives COLE a wary look and a wide berth as he heads for a sink. COLE I'm staying here! You got that? You can't stop me! PLUMP MAN (high pitched voice) Anything you say, chief. It's none of my business. COLE looks dismayed. This guy couldn't be "THE VOICE"! And there are no feet showing under the other stalls. Did he imagine it? INT. TICKET COUNTER - DAY The Chicago Bulls bag! It's on the counter in front of the TICKET AGENT who's reviewing a stack of tickets in awe... TICKET AGENT Woooo-eeee. San Francisco, New Orleans, Rio de Janeiro, Rome, Kinshasa, Karachi, Bangkok, Peking! That's some trip you're taking, sir, All in one week! MR. PONYTAIL (o.s.) Business. TICKET AGENT (handing over the tickets) Have a good one, sir. INT. TERMINAL LOBBY COLE emerges from the Men's Room, shaken, paranoid. He glances around nervously. Then, keeping his head down, he starts walking toward the Gift Shop. Before he gets more than a few steps, someone suddenly grabs his shoulder from behind. FAMILIAR VOICE (o.s.) You gotta be crazy, man! COLE whirls, finds himself facing a Puerto Rican youth in an L.A. Raiders jacket, a sideways baseball cap, and mirrored sun glasses COLE Jo...Jose???? JOSE Pulling out the tooth, man, that was nuts! Here, take this. JOSE tries to slip COLE a 9mm pistol. Astonished, COLE resists! COLE What? What for? Are you crazy? Frustrated, JOSE conceals the gun but keeps a grip on COLE'S arm. JOSE Me? Are you kiddin? You're the one! You were a hero, man. They gave you a pardon! And whadda you do? You come back and fuck with your teeth! Wow! COLE How did you find me? JOSE The phone call, man. The phone call. COLE The call I just made? Five minutes ago? JOSE Hey, five minutes ago, thirty years ago! Yes, that phone call. I been in training for this a couple a months now -- ever since I got back from that... "weird" war we were in. You remember that? (pressing the pistol on Cole) Here, take it, man! You could still be a hero if you'd cooperate! INT. GIFT SHOP/TERMINAL - DAY RAILLY takes a travel book on Key West from a rack, considers it, includes it with several magazines she's holding. She doesn't notice MR. PONYTAZL enter the Gift Shop behind her! The P.A. System DRONES flight info as RAILLY checks her watch and frowns. It's getting late and where's Cole? She turns, heads for the cash register to make her purchases. MR. PONYTAIL, seen from behind, is at the cash register already. He sets a newspaper on the counter and searches for change. The paper features a banner headline..."ANIMALS SET FREE" and a sub head..."PROMINENT SCIENTIST FOUND LOCKED IN GORILLA CAGE" over a photo of DR. MASON being released from the cage and another photo of a GORILLA perched atop a parked car. Stepping in line behind MR. PONYTAIL, RAILLY checks her watch again. Then, MR. PONYTAIL, having paid, turns to go and RAILLY looks up and sees his face. though it is not visible to us. Startled, RAILLY frowns. Does she know this man? MR. PONYTAIL pauses for a moment, considering the babe in the shades, gaudy earrings, the tight skirt, and high heels. RAILLY doesn't recognize the man, but we do! He's DR. MASON'S ASSISTANT, DR. PETERS...the man who attended RAILLY's lecture! Smiling, DR. PETERS steps around RAILLY and exits the Gift Shop. Still puzzled, RAILLY puts her purchases on the counter and the CLERK starts ringing them up as a DELIVERY MAN comes in and drops a bundle of newspapers at her feet. RAILLY'S POV: the front page shows a photo of three frightened GIRAFFES in freeway gridlock under a headline proclaiming, "TERRORISTS CREATE CHAOS". Further down are two more photos...DR. MASON in the gorilla cage and a file photo of DR. MASON in his lab. CLOSE ON THE SHOT OF DR. MASON in his lab. There's someone else in the picture. It's a man wearing a lab coat and a PONYTAIL! ANGLE ON RAILLY, reacting, suddenly remembering! MEMORY FLASHBACK! INT. RECEPTION ROOM/BREITROSE HALL - NIGHT RAILLY looks up from the book she's signing and sees DR. PETERS. DR. PETERS Isn't it obvious that "Chicken Little" represents the sane vision and that Homo Sapiens' motto, "Let's go shopping!" is the cry of the true lunatic? INT. GIFT SHOP - DAY RAILLY, stunned, stares in the direction PETERS/PONYTAIL went. RAILLY Oh, my God! P.A SYSTEM -- flight 764 for San Francisco is now ready for boarding at Gate 36. INT. LOBBY - DAY In the confusion of TRAVELERS streaming in different directions, COLE hurries toward the Gift Shop while JOSE struggles to keep up. JOSE Coma on, Cole, don't be an asshole. (then, blurting it out) Look, I got orders, man! You know what I'm sposed to do if you don't go along? I'm sposed to shoot the lady! You got that? They said, "If Cole don't obey this time, Garcia, you gotta shoot his girlfriend!" COLE stops in his tracks, blown away, too stunned to speak. JOSE I got no choice, man. These are my orders. Just take it, okay? COLE accepts the gun this time, resigned now. They've got him. COLE This part isn't about the virus, is it? JOSE Hey, man... COLE It's about obeying, about doing what you're told. JOSE They gave you a pardon, man. Whatdaya want? COLE Who am I supposed to shoot? Just then, RAILLY rushes up to COLE, not even noticing JOSE. RAILLY James! Thank God! I thought you'd disappeared. Listen, I think I know who it is! I saw him! It's Dr. Mason's assistant. An apocalypse nut! The next flight to San Francisco leaves from Gate 38. If he's there, it has to be him. JOSE, having heard this, steps back into the crowd as RAILLY grabs COLE and pulls him toward the Security Check Points. COLE I love you, Kathryn. Remember that. She doesn't hear him or see the look of doom in his eyes. RAILLY Maybe we can stop him. Maybe we can actually do something. INT. SECURITY CHECK POINT/TERMINAL - DAY A young boy of nine passes through the magnetic arch grinning. YOUNG COLE! Exactly as he appears in the dream! He joins his PARENTS, who are only visible from their chests down, and they continue along the concourse. WE LINGER and DISCOVER two DETECTIVES watching TRAVELERS as they pass through the magnetic arch and retrieve their bags from the X-ray machine, comparing their faces to photos of COLE and RAILLY. ANGLE ON A SECURITY OFFICER, watching the x-ray monitor. ANGLE ON THE MONITOR, showing the X-RAY IMAGE of a sports bag moving along the conveyer belt. The bag contains some strange objects. ANGLE ON THE SECURITY OFFICER, reacting. SECURITY OFFICER Excuse me, sir. Would you mind letting me have a look at the contents of your bag? ANGLE ON DR. PETERS, coming through the magnetic arch, reacting. DR. PETERS Me? Oh, yes, of course. My samples. I have the appropriate papers. INT. END OF LINE/SECURITY CHECK POINT RAILLY AND COLE arrive at the very long suddenly stalled line of TRAVELERS waiting to pass through security. RAILLY Oh, God, we don't have time for this. ANGLE ON THE SECURITY CHECK POINT, where DR. PETERS unpacks his Bulls bag, pulls out six metal cylinders along with a change of clothes and a Walkman. DR. PETERS Biological samples. I have the paperwork right here. DR. PETERS produces a sheaf of official papers while the SECURITY OFFICER examines one of the tubes, turning it over in his hands. SECURITY OFFICER I'm going to have to ask you to open this, sir. DR. PETERS Open it? (blinks stupidly, then) Of course. DR. PETERS takes the metal cylinder and starts opening it. There's a SOUND of VOICES RAISED behind them. DR. PETERS pays no attention, but the SECURITY OFFICER turns toward the NOISE. SECURITY OFFICER'S POV: RAILLY, trying to explain something to a SECOND SECURITY OFFICER. ANGLE ON THE TWO DETECTIVES, nearby, showing interest in the commotion. ANGLE ON DR. PETERS, oblivious to the fuss, pulling a closed glass tube out of the metal cylinder. DR. PETERS Here! You see? Biological! Check the papers -- it's all proper. I have a permit. SECURITY OFFICER It's empty! Indeed, it looks like a sealed clear glass tube with nothing in it. DR. PETERS Well, yes, to be sure, it looks empty! But I assure you, it's not. ANGLE ON RAILLY, at the end of the line, arguing with the SECOND SECURITY OFFICER. RAILLY Please listen to me -- this is very urgent! SECOND SECURITY OFFICER You'll have to get in line, ma'am. TRAVELER We're all in a hurry, lady. What's so special about you? ANGLE ON DR. PETERS, producing the glass tubes from the other metal cylinders as the SECURITY OFFICER examines the papers. DR. PETERS You see! Also invisible to the naked eye. A beat. OR. PETERS grins suddenly, opens one of the glass tubes, and waves it under the SECURITY OFFICER'S nose! DR. PETERS It doesn't even have an odor. The SECURITY OFFICER glances up, sees what DR. PETERS is doing, and smiles as he hands the papers back to the scientist. SECURITY OFFICER That's not necessary, sir. Here you go. Thanks for your cooperation. Have a good flight. Hastily, DR. PETERS snatches up all the tubes and cylinders and shoves them back into his gym bag. ANGLE ON RAILLY, raging as the SECOND SECURITY OFFICER jabs her with his finger. SECOND SECURITY OFFICER Who are you calling a "moron"? COLE Get your hands off her! The SECOND SECURITY OFFICER stiffens for trouble. ANGLE ON THE DETECTIVES, watching the fuss, ready to get involved. Suddenly, the FIRST DETECTIVE frowns. FIRST DETECTIVE9S POV: COLE'S moustache is slipping. COLE senses it, reaches up to touch it, catches the DETECTIVE'S look. For half a second their eyes meet, then COLE looks away. ANGLE ON DR. PETERS, hurrying away. SECURITY OFFICER'S VOICE (o.s.} HOLD IT! JUST A MOMENT. DR. PETERS freezes, turns, ashen. The SECURITY OFFICER is retrieving a pair of jockey shorts from the floor beside the search table. He waves them at DR. PETERS. DR. PETERS hurries back for his underpants. ANGLE ON COLE, trying to keep his head turned away as he confronts the SECURITY OFFICER. COLE I said, get your hands off her. She's not a criminal. She's a doctor...a psychiatrist. RAILLY looks alarmed at that. ANGLE ON THE DETECTIVES, coming this way. The FIRST DETECTIVE has the photos in his hand. ANGLE OW DR. PETERS, bagging his jockey shorts, then starting hastily down the windowed concourse toward the gates. ANGLE ON RAZZLY, suddenly spotting DR. PETERS! RAILLY THERE HE IS! HE'S CARRYING A DEADLY VIRUS! STOP HIM! ANGLE ON COLE, following RAILLY'S look, seeing MR. PONYTAIL, THE MAN FROM HIS DREAM! ANGLE ON DR. PETERS, frightened, glancing back, walking faster. RAILLY (o.s.) PLEASE, SOMEBODY -- STOP HIM! ANGLE ON DETECTIVES, reaching RAILLY and COLE. FIRST DETECTIVE (raising his badge) Police Officers. Would you step over here, please. ANGLE ON COLE, spotting something behind the DETECTIVES! COLE'S POV: SCARFACE, dressed like a "businessman"! He gives COLE a cold look. A beat. COLE lunges at the SECOND DETECTIVE, knocking him off balance, then sprints toward the magnetic arch and through it. The ALARM goes off!!!! The FIRST SECURITY OFFICER tries to stop COLE, but COLE knocks him aside like a rag doll. ANGLE ON DR. PETERS, fifty yards up the concourse, glancing back. ANGLE ON COLE, pulling his pistol. ANGLE ON THE SECOND SECURITY OFFICER. FIRST SECURITY OFFICER HE'S GOT A GUN! ANGLE ON THE FIRST DETECTIVE, raising his pistol at COLE. FIRST DETECTIVE STOP OR I'LL SHOOT! ANGLE ON COLE, gun in hand, sprinting along the concourse toward DR. PETERS as frightened TRAVELERS SCREAM and dive for cover. ANGLE ON YOUNG COLE, standing at a concourse window, watching a plane land, flanked by his parents whose faces we don't see. IT'S SUDDENLY AS IF THE DREAM IS HAPPENING IN REAL LIFE!!! THE SAME MOKENTS INTERSPERSED WITH "NEW" MOMENTS FROM THE POV OF YOUNG COLE who, hearing the commotion, turns just as DR. PETERS hurries by. DR. PETERS bumps into YOUNG COLE and reacts by pulling his Bulls bag close to his body and calling... DR. PETERS WATCH IT! ANGLE ON YOUNG COLE, wide eyed, watching... YOUNG COLE'S POV: a BLONDE MAN. dashing up the concourse, his moustache slipping over his lip, a pistol in his hand. YOUNG COLE'S POV: the FIRST DETECTIVE aims, looking for a clear shot in the crowded passageway. YOUNG COLE'S POV: a BRUNETTE in flashy clothes, gaudy earrings, high heels, and sun glasses SCREAMS... BRUNETTE (RAILLY) N0OOOOO0O!!!!!! YOUNG COLE'S POV: the FIRST DETECTIVE, firing! CRACK! YOUNG COLE'S POV: the BLONDE MAN, shuddering, staggering, falling. ANGLE ON YOUNG COLE, stunned, as his PARENTS try to shield him. MOTHER'S VOICE (o.s.) My God! They shot that man! Mesmerized, YOUNG COLE watches the BRUNETTE rush to the BLONDE MAN, kneel beside him, minister to his bloody wound. YOUNG COLE'S POV: the BLONDE MAN, fatalistically reaching up and tenderly touching the BRUNETTE'S cheek, touching her tears. (WE'VE SEEN THIS EXACT IMAGE IN COLE'S DREAM, A POWERFUL MOMENT, UNFOLDING UNNATURALLY SLOWLY, OPENING LIKE A FLOWER.) ANGLE ON YOUNG COLE, not able to hear their words, but he can see emotion as the BLONDE MAN tries to tell the sobbing BRUNETTE something. YOUNG COLE'S POV: PARAMEDICS, breaking the spell, pushing the BRUNETTE aside as they crouch beside the BLONDE MAN. FATHER'S VOICE (o.s.) Come along, son, this is no place for us. ANGLE ON YOUNG COLE, as his FATHER'S ARM drapes over his shoulder, steering him. YOUNG COLE turns to look back as he's led away. YOUNG COLE'S POV: the PARAMEDICS, exchanging glances, shrugging helplessly. It's too late. The BLONDE MAN is dead. YOUNG COLE sees the BRUNETTE, her face streaked with tears, suddenly turn and look around, scanning the crowd, searching for something. POLICE OFFICERS approach her, say something to her. Even as she responds, her eyes continue to scan the concourse. ANGLE ON YOUNG COLE, being hurried toward the lobby by his PARENTS (whose faces remain out of view). He can't help sneaking another look back. YOUNG COLE'S POV: POLICE, handcuffing a distracted, unresisting RAILLY. Even now, she continues to look around almost frantically. Suddenly, her gaze falls on YOUNG COLE and she reacts...she's found what she's looking for! ANGLE ON YOUNG COLE, reacting to the intensity of her look. ANGLE ON RAILLY, her eyes speaking to the boy across the crowded concourse. ANGLE ON YOUNG COLE, overwhelmed by the look. FATHER'S VOICE (o.s.) Hurry up, son. With a last lingering look toward the mysterious BRUNETTE, YOUNG COLE turns away, tears welling in his eyes. WE MOVE IN...CLOSE... CLOSE...CLOSER...on his eyes. WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT THE TEAR MEANS, BUT THERE IS NO WAY TO TELL. WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HE IS THINKING, BUT WE KNOW VERY WELL WHAT HE WILL REMEMBER! MOTHER'S VOICE (o.s.) Pretend it was just a bad dream, Jimmy. INT. 747 CABIN - DAY DR. PETERS closes the door to the overhead luggage rack containing his Chicago Bulls bag and takes his seat. Next to him, a FELLOW TRAVELER, unseen, says... FELLOW TRAVELER'S VOICE (o.s.) It's obscene, all the violence, all the lunacy. Shootings even at airports now. You might say...we're the next endangered species...human beings! CLOSE ON DR. PETERS, smiling affably, turning to his neighbor. DR. PETERS I think you're right. sir. I think you've hit the nail on the head. DR. PETERS' POV: the FELLOW TRAVELER, a silver haired gentleman in a business suit, offering his hand congenially. DR. PETERS doesn't know who this man is, but we do. It's the ASTROPHYSICIST! ASTROPHYSICIST Jones is my name. I'm in insurance. EXT. PARKING LOT/AIRPORT As YOUNG COLE'S PARENTS (seen only as sleeves and torsos) usher YOUNG COLE into their station wagon, the boy hesitates, looks back, watches a 747 climb into the sky. FADE OUT: Note from poster to Kubrick newsgroup: I found this on a bbs a while ago and I thought I'd pass it along to all of you Kubrick freaks out there. 02/23/89 Transcriber's note: For all you Clarke/Kubrick/2001 fans, I found the original paper copy of this screenplay a while back and felt compelled to transcribe it to disk and upload it to various bulletin boards for the enjoyment of all. The final movie deviates from this screenplay in a number of interesting ways. I've tried to maintain the format of the original document except the number of lines per page of the original. In order to reduce the length of this file I've used a bar of "------" to delimit the pages as there was a lot of whitespace per original screenplay page. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY Screenplay by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C. Clark Hawk Films Ltd., c/o. M-G-M Studios, Boreham Wood, Herts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE PART I AFRICA 3,000,000 YEARS AGO ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A1 VIEWS OF AFRICAN DRYLANDS - DROUGHT The remorseless drought had lasted now for ten million years, and would not end for another million. The reign of the ter- rible lizards had long since passed, but here on the continent which would one day be known as Africa, the battle for survival had reached a new climax of ferocity, and the victor was not yet in sight. In this dry and barren land, only the small or the swift or the fierce could flourish, or even hope to exist. 10/13/65 a1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A2 INT & EXT CAVES - MOONWATCHER The man-apes of the field had none of these attributes, and they were on the long, pathetic road to racial extinction. About twenty of them occupied a group of caves overlooking a small, parched valley, divided by a sluggish, brown stream. The tribe had always been hungry, and now it was starving. As the first dim glow of dawn creeps into the cave, Moonwatcher discovers that his father has died during the night. He did not know the Old One was his father, for such a relationship was beyond his understanding. but as he stands looking down at the emac- iated body he feels something, something akin to sadness. Then he carries his dead father out of the cave, and leaves him for the hyenas. Among his kind, Moonwatcher is almost a giant. He is nearly five feet high, and though badly undernourished, weighs over a hundred pounds. His hairy, muscular body is quite man-like, and his head is already nearer man than ape. The forehead is low, and there are great ridges over the eye-sockets, yet he unmistakably holds in his genes the promise of humanity. As he looks out now upon the hostile world, there is already 10/13/65 a2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A2 CONTINUED something in his gaze beyond the grasp of any ape. In those dark, deep-set eyes is a dawning awareness-the first intima- tions of an intelligence which would not fulfill itself for another two million years. 10/13/65 a3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A3 EXT THE STREAM - THE OTHERS As the dawn sky brightens, Moonwatcher and his tribe reach the shallow stream. The Others are already there. They were there on the other side every day - that did not make it any less annoying. There are eighteen of them, and it is impossible to distinguish them from the members of Moonwatcher's own tribe. As they see him coming, the Others begin to angrily dance and shriek on their side of the stream, and his own people reply In kind. The confrontation lasts a few minutes - then the display dies out as quickly as it has begun, and everyone drinks his fill of the muddy water. Honor has been satisfied - each group has staked its claim to its own territory. 10/13/65 a4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A4 EXT AFRICAN PLAIN - HERBIVORES Moonwatcher and his companions search for berries, fruit and leaves, and fight off pangs of hunger, while all around them, competing with them for the samr fodder, is a potential source of more food than they could ever hope to eat. Yet all the thousands of tons of meat roaming over the parched savanna and through the brush is not only beyond their reach; the idea of eating it is beyond their imagination. They are slowly starving to death in the midst of plenty. 10/13/65 a5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A5 EXT PARCHED COUNTRYSIDE - THE LION The tribe slowly wanders across the bare, flat country- side foraging for roots and occasional berries. Eight of them are irregularly strung out on the open plain, about fifty feet apart. The ground is flat for miles around. Suddenly, Moonwatcher becomes aware of a lion, stalking them about 300 yards away. Defenceless and with nowhere to hide, they scatter in all directions, but the lion brings one to the ground. 10/13/65 a6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A6 EXT DEAD TREE - FINDS HONEY It had not been a good day, though as Moonwatcher had no real remembrance of the past he could not compare one day with another. But on the way back to the caves he finds a hive of bees in the stump of a dead tree, and so enjoys the finest delicacy his people could ever know. Of course, he also collects a good many stings, but he scacely notices them. He is now as near to contentment as he is ever likely to be; for thought he is still hungry, he is not actually weak with hunger. That was the most that any hominid could hope for. 10/13/65 a7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A7 INT & EXT CAVES - NIGHT TERRORS Over the valley, a full moon rises, and a cold wind blows down from the distant mountains. It would be very cold tonight - but cold, like hunger, was not a matter for any real concern; it was merely part of the background of life. This Little Sun, that only shone at night and gave no warmth, was dangerous; there would be enemies abroad. Moonwatcher crawls out of the cave, clambers on to a large boulder besides the entrance, and squats there where he can survey the valley. If any hunting beast approached, he would have time to get back to the relative safety of the cave. Of all the creatures who had ever lived on Earth, Moonwatcher's race was the first to raise their eyes with interest to the Moon, and though he could not remember it, when he was young, Moonwatcher would reach out and try to touch its ghostly face. Now he new he would have to find a tree that was high enough. He stirs when shrieks and screams echo up the slope from one of the lower caves, and he does not need to hear the 10/13/65 a8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A7 CONTINUED occasional growl of the lion to know what is happening. Down there in the darkness, old One-Eye and his family are dying, and the thought that he might help in some way never crosses Moonwatcher's mind. The harsh logic of survival rules out such fancies. Every cave is silent, lest it attract disaster. And in the caves, in tortured spells of fitful dozing and fearful waiting, were gathered the nightmares of generations yet to come. 10/13/65 a9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A8 EXT THE STREAM - INVASION The Others are growing desperate; the forage on their side of the valley is almost exhausted. Perhaps they realise that Moonwatcher's tribe has lost three of its numbers during the night, for they choose this mourning to break the truce. When they meet at the river in the still, misty dawn, there is a deeper and more menacing note in their challenge. The noisy but usually harmless confrontation lasts only a few seconds before the invasion begins. In an uncertainly-moving horde, the Others cross the river, shieking threats and hunched for the attack. They are led by a big-toothed hominid of Moonwatcher's own size and age. Startled and frightened, the tribe retreats before the first advance, throwing nothing more substantial than imprecations at the invaders. Moonwatcher moves with them, his mind a mist of rage and confusion. To be driven from their own territory is a great badness, but to lose the river is death. He does not know what to do; it is a situation beyond his experience. Then he becomes dimly aware that the Others are slowing 10/13/65 a10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A8 CONTINUED down, and advancing with obvious reluctance. The further they move from their own side, the more uncertain and unhappy they become. Only Big-Tooth still retains any of his original drive, and he is rapidly being seperated from his followers. As he sees this, Moonwatcher's own morale immediately revives. He slows down his retreat, and begins to make reassuring noises to his companions. Novel sensations fill his dim mind - the first faint precursors of bravery and leadership. Before he realizes it, he is face to face with Big-Tooth, and the two tribes come to a halt many paces away. The disorganized and unscientific conflict could have ended quickly if either had used his fist as a club, but this innovation still lay hundreds of thousands of years in the future. Instead, the slowly weakening fighters claw and scratch and try to bite each other. Rolling over and over, they come to a patch of stony ground, and when they reach it Moonwatcher is on top. By chance, 10/13/65 a11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A8 CONTINUED he chooses this moment to grab the hair on Big-Tooth's scalp, and bang his head on the ground. The resulting CRACK is so satisfactory, and produces such an immediate weakening In Big - Tooth's resistance, that he quickly repeats it. Even when Big-Tooth ceases to move for some time, Moon- watcher keeps up the exhilirating game. With shrieks of panic, the Others retreat back, across the stream. The defenders cautiously pursue them as far as The water's edge. 10/13/65 a12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXT CAVE - NEW SOUND Dozing fitfully and weakened by his stuggle, Moonwatcher is startled by a sound. He sits up in the fetid darkness of the cave, straining his senses out into the night, and fear creeps slowly into his soul. Never in his life - already twice as long as most members of his species could expect - has he heard a sound like this. The great cats approached in silence, and the only thing that betrayed them was a rare slide of earth, or the occasional cracking of a twig. Yet this is a continuing crunching noise that grows steadily louder. It seemed that some enormous beast was moving through the night, making no attempt at concealment, and ignoring all obstacles. And then there came a sound which Moonwatcher could not possibly have identified, for it had never been heard before in the history of this planet. 10/13/65 a13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A10 EXT CAVE - NEW ROCK Moonwatcher comes face to face with the New Rock when he leads the tribe down to the river in the first light of morning. He had almost forgotten the terror of the night, because nothing had happened after that initial noise, so he does not even associate this strange thing with danger or with fear. There is nothing in the least alarming about it. It is a cube about fifteen feet on a side, and it is made of some completely transparent material; indeed, it is not easy to see except when the light of the sun glints on its edges. There are no natural objects to which Moonwatcher can compare this apparition. Though he is wisely cautious of most new things, he does not hesitate to walk up to it. As nothing happens, he puts out his hand, and feels a warm, hard surface. After several minutes of intense thought, he arrives at a brilliant explanation. It is a rock, of course, and it must have grown during the night. There are many plants that do this - white, pulpy things shaped like pebbles, that seem to shoot up in the hours of darkness. It is true that they are small and round, whereas this is large and square; 10/13/65 a14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A10 CONTINUED but greater and later philosophers than Moonwatcher would be prepared to overlook equally striking exceptions to their laws. This really superb piece of abstract thinking leads Moonwatcher to a deduction which he immediately puts to the test. The white, round pebble-plants are very tasty (though there were a few that made one violently sick); perhaps this square one...? A few licks and attempted nibbles quickly disillusion him. There is no nourishment here; so like a sensible hominid, he continues on his way to the river and forgets all about the Cube. 10/13/65 a15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A11 EXT CUBE - FIRST LESSON They are still a hundred yards from the New Rock when the sound begins. It is quite soft, and it stops them in their tracks, so that they stand paralyzed on the trail with their jaws hanging. A simple, maddeningly repetitious rhythm pulses out of the crystal cube and hypnotises all who come within its spell. For the first time - and the last, for two million year - the sound of drumming is heard in Africa. The throbbing grows louder, more insistent. Presently the hominids begin to move forward like sleep-walkers, towards the source of that magnetic sound. Sometimes they take little dancing steps, as their blood responds to the rhythms that their descendants will not create for ages yet. Totally entranced, they gather around the Cube, forgetting the hardships of the day, the perils of the approaching dusk, and the hunger in their bellies. Now, spinning wheels of light begin to merge, and the spokes fuse into luminous bars that slowly recede into the distance, 10/13/65 a16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A11 CONTINUED rotating on their axes as they do; and the hominids watch, wide- eyed, mesmerized captives of the Crystal Cube. Then by some magic - though it was no more magical than all that had gone on before - a perfectly normal scene appears. It is as if a cubical block had been carved out of the day and shifted into the night. Inside that block is a group of four hominids, who might have been members of Moonwatcher's own tribe, eating chunks of meat. The carcass of a wart-hog lies near them. This little family of male and female and two children is gorged and replete, with sleek and glossy pelts - and this was a condition of life that Moonwatcher had never imagined. From time to time they stir lazily, as they loll at ease near the entrance of their cave, apparently at peace with the world. The spectacle of domestic bliss merges into a totally different scene. The family is no longer reposing peacefully outside its cave; it is foraging, searching for food like any normal hominids. 10/13/65 a17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A11 CONTINUED A small wart-hog ambles past the group of browsing humanoids without giving them more than a glance, for they had never been the slightest danger to its species. But that happy state of affairs is about to end. The big male suddenly bends down, picks up a heavy stone lying at his feet - and hurls it upon the unfortunate pig. The stone descends upon its skull, making exactly the same noise that Moonwatcher had produced in his now almost forgotten encounter with Big-Tooth. And the result, too, is much the same - the warthog gives one amazed, indignant squeal, and collapses in a motionless heap. Then the whole sequence begins again, but this time it unfolds itself with incredible slowness. Every detail of the movement can be followed; the stone arches leisurely through the air, the pig crumples up and sinks to the ground. There the scene freezes for long moments, the slayer standing motionless above the slain, the first of all weapons in his hand. The scene suddenly fades out. The cube is no more than a glimmering outline in the darkness; the hominids stir, as if 10/13/65 a18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A11 CONTINUED awakening from a dream, realise where they are, and scuttle back to their caves. They have no concious memory of what they had seen; but that night, as he sits brooding at the entrance of his lair, his ears attuned to the noises of the world around him, Moonwatcher feels the first faint twinges of a new and potent emotion - the urge to kill. He had taken his first step towards humanity. 10/13/65 a19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A12 EXT cave AND PLAINS - Utopia Babies were born and sometimes lived; feeble, toothless thirty- year-olds died; the lion took its toll in the night; the Others threatened daily across the river - and the trib prospered. In the course of a single year, Moonwatcher and his companions had changed almost beyond recognition. They had become as plump as the family in the Cave, who no longer haunted their dreams. They had learned their lessons well; now they could handle all the stone tools and weapons that the Cube had revealed to them. They were no longer half-numbed with starvation, and they had time both for leisure and for the first rudiments of thought. Their new way of life was casually accepted, and they did not associate it in any way with the crystal cube still standing outside their cave. But no Utopia is perfect, and this one had two blemishes. The first was the marauding lion, whose passion for hominids seemed to have grown even stronger now that they were better nourished. The second was the tribe across the river; for 10/13/65 a20 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A12 CONTINUED somehow the Others had survived, and had stubbornly refused to die of starvation. 10/13/65 a21 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A13 EXT CAVES - KILLING THE LION With the partly devoured carcass of a warthog laid out on the ground at the point he hope the boulder would impact, Moon- watcher and three of his bravest companions wait for two consecutive nights. On the third the lion comes, betraying his presences by a small pebble slide. When they can here the lion below, softly tearing at the meat, they strain themselves against the massive boulder. The sound of the lion stops; he is listening. Again they silently heave against the enormous stone, exerting the final limits of their strength. The rock begin to tip to a new balance point. The lion twitches alert to this sound, but having no fear of these creatures, he makes the first of two mistakes which will cost him his life; he goes back to his meal. The rock moves slowly over the ledge, picking up speed with amazing suddeness. It strikes a projection in the cliff about fifteen feet above the ground, which deflects its path outward. Just at this instant, the lion reacts instinctively and leaps away from the face of the cliff directly into the path of the 10/13/65 a22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A13 CONTINUED onrushing boulder. He has combined the errors of over- confidence and bad luck. The next morning they find the lion in front of the cave. They also find one of their tribe who had incautiously peeped out to see what was happening, and was apparently killed by a small rock torn loose by the boulder; but this was a small price to pay for such a great victory. * * * * * * * * And then one night the crystal cube was gone, and not even Moonwatcher ever thought of it again. He was still wholly unaware of all that it had done. 10/13/65 a23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A14 EXT STREAM - MASTER OF THE WORLD From their side of the stream, in the never violated safety of their own territory, the Others see Moonwatcher and fourteen males of his tribe appear from behind a small hillock over- looking the stream, silhouetted against the dawn sky. The Others begin to scream their daily challenge. But today something is different, though the Others do not immediatly recognize this fact. Instead of joining the verbal onslaught, as they had always done, Moonwatcher and his small band decended from the rise, and begin to move forward to the stream with a quiet purposefulness never befor seen. As the Others watch the figures silently approaching in the morning mist, they become aware of the terrible strangness of this encounter, and their rage gradually subsides down to an uneasy silence. At the water's edge, Moonwatcher and his band stop. They carry their bone clubs and bone knives. 10/13/65 a24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A14 CONTINUED Led by One-ear, the Others half-heartly resume the battle- chant. But they are suddenly confrunted with a vision that cuts the sound from their throats, and strikes terror into their hearts. Moonwatcher, who had been partly concealed by two males who walked before him, thrusts his arm high into the air. In his hand he holds a stoud tree branch. Mounted atop the branch is the bloody head of the lion, its mouth jammed open with a stick, displaying its frightful fangs. The Others gape in fearful disbelief at this display of power. Moonwatchers stands motionless, thrusting the lion's head high. Then with majestic deliberation, still carrying his mangled standard above his head, he begins to cross the stream, followed by his band. The Others fade back from the stream, seeming to lack even the ability to flee. Moonwatcher steps ashore and walks to One-Ear, who stands 10/13/65 a25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A14 CONTINUED unsurely in front of his band. Though he is a veteran of numerous combats at the water's edge, One-Ear has never been attacked by an enemy who had not first displayed his fighting rage; and he had never before been attacked with a weapon. One-Ear, merely looks up at the raised club until the heavey thigh bone of an antelope brings the darkness down around him. The Others stare in wonder at Moonwatcher's power. Moonwatcher surveys the scene. Now he was master of the world, and he was not sure what to do next. But he would think of something. 10/13/65 a26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A SECTION TIMING A1 00.30 A2 00.45 A3 01.30 A4 00.30 A5 01.00 A6 01.00 A7 01.00 A8 03.00 A9 00.45 A10 02.00 A11 04.00 A12 02.00 A13 02.30 A14 02.30 A SECTION TOTAL: @23 MIN. 00 SECS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE PART II YEAR 2001 a26a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B1 EARTH FROM 200 MILES UP NARRATOR By the year 2001, overpopulation has B1a replaced the problem of starvation THOUSAND MEGATON but this was ominously offset by the NUCLEAR BOMB IN ORBIT absolute and utter perfection of the ABOVE THE EARTH, weapon. RUSSIAN INSIGNIA AND CCCP MARKINGS B1b NARRATOR AMERICAN THOUSAND Hundreds of giant bombs had been MEGATON BOMB IN ORBIT placed in perpetual orbit above the ABOVE THE EARTH. Earth. They were capable of incinerating the entire Earth's surface from an altitude of 100 miles. B1c FRENCH BOMB NARRATOR Matters were further complicated by the presence of twenty-seven nations in the nuclear club. There had been no deliberate or acciden- B1d tal use of nuclear weapons since GERMAN BOMB World War II and some people felt sercure in this knowledge. But to others, the situation seemed comparible to an airline with a B1f perfect safety record; in showed CHINESE BOMB admirable care and skill but no one expected it to last forever. 10/4/65 b1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B2 ORION-III SPACECRAFT IN FIGHT AWAY FROM EARTH, 200 MILES ALTITUDE. 10/4/65 b2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B3 ORION-III PASSENGER AREA. DR. HEYWOOD FLOYD IS THE ONLY PASSENGER IN THE ELEGANT CABIN DESIGNED FOR 30 PEOPLE. HE IS ASLEEP. HIS PEN FLOATS NEAR HIS HAND. 10/4/65 b3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B4 ORION-III COCKPIT. PILOT, CO-PILOT. FLOYD CAN BE SEEN ASLEEP ON A SMALL TV MONITOR. STEWARDESS IS PUTTING ON LIPSTICK. SHE SEES PEN. 10/4/65 b4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B5 STEWARDESS GOES BACK TO PASSENGER AREA, RESCUES PEN AND CLIPS IT BACK IN FLOYD'S POCKET. 10/4/65 b5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B6 SPACE STATION-5. THE RAW SUNLIGHT OF SPACE DAZZLES FROM THE POLISHED METAL SURFACES OF THE SLOWLY REVOLVING, THOUSAND-FOOT DIAMETER SPACE STATION. DRIFTING IN THE SAME ORBIT, WE SEE SWEPT-BACK TITOV-V SPACECRAFT. ALSO THE ALMOST SPHERICAL ARIES-IB 10/4/65 b6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B7 ORION-III PASSENGER AREA FLOYD AWAKE BUT GROGGY, LOOKS OUT OF WINDOW. 10/4/65 b7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B8 ORION-III COCKPIT. THE CO-PILOT IN RADIO COMMUNICATION WITH THE SPACE STATION. 10/4/65 b8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B9 THE ORION-III SPACECRAFT IN DOCKING APPROACH. THE EARTH IS SEEN IN BREATH- TAKING VIEW IN B.G. 10/4/65 b9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B10 INSIDE DOCKING CONTROL. WE SEE ORION-III MANO- UVERING. IN BACKGROUND. 10/4/65 b10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B11 FROM DOCKING PORT WE SEE THE ORION-III INCHING IN TO COMPLETE ITS DOCKING. WE SEE VARIOUS WINDOWED BOOTHS INSIDE DOCKING PORT. WE SEE THE PILOT AND CO-PILOT INSIDE THE ORION-III COCKPIT. 10/4/65 b11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B12 SPACE STATION RECEPTION AREA RECEPTIONIST AT DESK. MILLER ENTERS, HUR- RYING. HE GOES TO THE ELEVATOR AND PRESSES BUTTON. HE WAITS IMPATIENTLY. WE SEE ELEVATOR INDICATOR WORKING ELEVATOR DOOR OPENS AND FLOYD IS SEEN UNSTRAPPING HIMSELF. THE ELEVATOR GIRL IS SEATED BY THE DOOR MILLER Oh, good morning, Dr. Floyd. I'm Nick Miller. FLOYD How do you do, Mr. Miller? MILLER I'm terribly sorry. I was just on my way down to meet you. I saw your ship dock and I knew I had plenty of time, and I was on my way out of the office when, suddenly, the phone rang. 12/7/65 b12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B12 CONTINUED FLOYD Oh, please don't worry about it. MILLER Well, thank you very much for being so understanding. FLOYD Please, it really doesn't matter. MILLER Well.. Did you have a pleaant flight? FLOYD Yes, very pleasant. MILLER Well, shall we go through Documentation? FLOYD Fine. RECEPTIONIST Will you use number eight, please? MILLER Thank you, Miss Turner. 12/7/65 b13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B12 CONTINUED THEY ENTER PASSPORT AREA RECEPTIONIST PRESSES "ENGLISH" BAR ON HER CONSOLE AND SMILES AS FLOYD GOES THROUGH. 12/7/65 b13a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IN AUTOMATED PASSPORT SECTION. THEY STOP IN FRONT OF A BOOTH FEATURING A TV SCREEN PASSPORT GIRL (TV) Good morning and welcome to voice Print Identification. When you see the red light go on would you please state in the following order; your desitination, your nationality and your full name. Surname first, christian name and initial. For example: Moon, American, Smith, John, D. Thank you. THERE IS A PAUSE AND A RED BAR LIGHTS UP FLOYD Moon, American, Floyd, Heywood, R. THE RED LIGHT GOES OFF. THERE IS A DELAY OF ABOUT TWO SECONDS AND THE WOMAN'S FACE REAPPEARS FLOYD I've always wondered.... 12/7/65 b14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B13 CONTINUED PASSPORT GIRL (TV) (Interrupting) Thank you. Despite and excellent and continually improving safety record there are certain risks inherent in space travel and an extremely high cost of pay load. Because of this it is necessary for the Space Carrier to advise you that it cannot be responsible for the return of your body to Earth should you become deceased on the Moon or en route to the Moon. However, it wishes to advise you that insurance covering this contingency is available in the Main Lounge. Thank you. You are cleared through Voice Print Identification. THE LIGHTS GO OFF AND THE WOMAN'S FACE DISAPPEARS THE MEN EXIT THE PASSPORT AREA MILLER I've reserved a table for you in the Earth Light room. Your connecting flight will be leaving in about one hour. 12/7/65 b15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B13 CONTINUED FLOYD Oh, that's wonderful. 12/7/65 b16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B14 INT SPACE STATION - LOUNGE FLOYD AND MILLER WALKING MILLER Let's see, we haven't had the pleasure of a visit from you not since... It was about eight or nine months ago, wasn't it? FLOYD Yes, I think so. Just about then. MILLER I suppose you saw the work on our new section while you were docking. FLOYD Yes, it's coming along very well. THEY PASS THE VISION PHONE BOOTH FLOYD Oh, look, I've got to make a phone call. Why don't you go on into the Restaurant and I'll meet you in there. 12/7/65 b17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B14 CONTINUED MILLER Fine. I'll see you at the bar. FLOYD ENTERS PHONE BOOTH. SIGN ON VISION PHONE SCREEN "SORRY, TEMPORARILY OUT OF ORDER." HE ENTERS THE SECOND BOOTH AND SITS DOWN 12/7/65 b18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B15 DELETED B16 DELETED PAGES b19 - b22 DELETED 12/7/65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B17 FLOYD IN VISION PHONE LITTLE GIRL OF FIVE ANSWERS CHILD Hello. VISION PHONE SCREEN DISPLAY SIGN 'YOUR PARTY HAS NOT CONNECTED VISION' A FEW SECONDS LATER, THE SCREEN CHANGES TO AN IMAGE OF THE CHILD FLOYD Hello, darling, how are you? CHILD Hello Daddy. Where are you? FLOYD I'm at Space Station Five, darling. How are you? CHILD I'm fine, Daddy. When are you coming home? 12/6/65 b23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B17 CONTINUED FLOYD Well, I hope in a few days, sweetheart. CHILD I'm having a party tomorrow. FLOYD Yes, I know that sweetheart. CHILD Are you coming to my party? FLOYD No, I'm sorry, darling, I told you I won't be home for a few days. CHILD When are you coming home? FLOYD In three days, darling, I hope. FLOYD HOLDS UP THREE FINGERS. 12/6/65 b24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B17 FLOYD One, two, three. Can I speak to Mommy? CHILD Mommy's out to the hair- dresser. FLOYD Where is Mrs. Brown? CHILD She's in the bathroom. FLOYD Okay, sweetheart. Well, I have to go now. Tell Mommy that I called. CHILD How many days until you come home? FLOYD Three, darling. One... two ... three. Be sure to tell Mommy I called. 12/6/65 b24a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B17 CONTINUED CHILD I will, Daddy. FLOYD Okay, sweetheart. Have a lovely Birthday Party tomorrow. CHILD Thank you, Daddy. FLOYD I'll wish you a happy Birthday now and I'll see you soon. All right, Darling? CHILD Yes, Daddy. FLOYD 'Bye, 'bye, now, sweetheart. CHILD Goodbye, Daddy. 12/6/65 b24b ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B18 VISION PHONE PROCEDURE FOR INFORMATION VISION PHONE PROCEDURE FOR DIALLING OPERATOR Good morning, Macy's. FLOYD Good morning. I'd like the Vision shopper for the Pet Shop, please. OPERATOR Just one moment. 12/7/65 b25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B19 THE PICTURE FLIPS AND WE SEE A WOMAN STANDING IN FORN OF A SPECIALLY- DESIGNED DISPLAY SCREEN VISION SALES GIRL Good morning, sir, may I help you? FLOYD Yes, I'd like to buy a bush baby. VISION SALES GIRL Just a moment, sir. THE GIRL KEYS SOME INPUTS AND A MOVING PICTURE APPEARS ON THE SCREEN OF A CAGE CONTAINING ABOUT SIX BUSH BABIES, BEAUTIFULLY DISPLAYED AGAINST A WHITE BACK- GROUND VISION SALES GIRL Here you are, sir. Here is a lovely assortment of African bush babies. They are twenty Dollars each. 12/7/65 b26 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B19 CONTINUED FLOYD Yes, well... Pick out a nice one for me, a friendly one, and I'd like it delivered tomorrow. VISION SALES GIRL Certainly, sir. Just let us have your name and Bank identification for V.P.I., and then give the name and address of the person you'd like the pet delivered to and it will be delivered tomorrow. SOME TIME DURING THIS CONVERSATION, FLOYD SEE ELENA, SMYSLOV AND THE OTHER TWO RUSSIANS PASS HIS VISION PHONE WINDOW. ELENA TAPS AND MIMES "HELLO", GESTURING TOWARD A TABLE BEHIND FLOYD WHERE THEY ALL SIT DOWN FLOYD Thank you very much. Floyd, Heywood, R., First National Bank of Washington. Please deliver to Miss Josephine Floyd, 9423 Dupre Avenue, N.W.14. 12/7/65 b27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B19 CONTINUED VISION SALES GIRL Thank you very much, sir. It will be delivered tomorrow. 12/7/65 b27a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B20 SPACE STATTION 5 - LOUNGE FLOYD Well, how nice to see you again, Elena. You're looking wonderful. ELENA How nice to see you, Hyewood. This is my good friend, Dr. Heywood Floyd. I'd like you to meet Andre Smyslov... SMYSLOV AND THE TWO OTHER RUSSIAN WOMEN STAND UP AND SMILE THEY SHAKE HANDS AFTER INTRODUCTION AND AD-LIB 'HELLOS' ELENA And this is Dr. Kalinan... Stretyneva... THE RUSSIANS ARE VERY WARM AND FRIENDLY. SMYSLOV Dr. Floyd, won't you join us for a drink? 12/7/65 b28 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B20 CONTINUED FLOYD I'm afraid I've only got a few minutes, but I'd love to. THERE IS A BIT OF CONFUSION AS ALL REALISE THERE IS NOT ENOUGH ROOM FOR ANOTHER PERSON AT THE TABLE. SMYSLOV OFFERS FLOYD HIS CHAIR AND BORROWS ANOTHER FROM A NEARBY TABLE SYMYSLOV What would you like to drink? FLOYD Oh, I really don't have time for a drink. If it's all right I'll just sit for a minute and then I've got to be off. SMYSLOV Are you quite sure? FLOYD Yes, really, thank you very much. ELENA Well... How's your lovely wife? 12/7/65 b29 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B20 CONTINUED FLOYD She's wonderful. ELENA And your charming little daughter? FLOYD Oh, she's growing up very fast. As a matter of fact, she's six tomorrow. ELENA Oh, that's such a delightful age. FLOYD How is gregor? ELENA He's fine. But I'm afraid we don't get a chance to see each other very much these days. POLITE LAUGHTER FLOYD Well, where are all of you off to? 12/7/65 b30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B20 CONTINUED ELENA Actually, we're on our way back from the moon. We've just spent three months calibrating the new antenna at Tchalinko. And what about you? FLOYD Well, as it happens, I'm on my way up to the moon SMYSLOV Are you, by any chance, going up to your base at Clavius? FLOYD Yes,as a matter of fact, I am. THE RUSSIANS EXCHANGE SIGNIFICANT GLANCES FLOYD Is there any particular reason why you ask? 12/7/65 b31 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B20 CONTINUED SMYSLOV (pleasantly) Well, Dr. Floyd, I hope that you don't think I'm too inquisitive, but perhaps you can clear up the mystery about what's been going on up there. FLOYD I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I know what you mean. SMYSLOV Well, it's just for the past two weeks there have been some extremely odd things happening at Clavius. FLOYD Really? SMYSLOV Yes. Well, for one thing, whenever you phone the base, all you can get is a recording which repeats that the phone lines are temporarily out of order. 12/7/65 b32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B20 CONTINUED FLOYD Well, I suppose they've been having a bit of trouble with some of the equipment. SMYSLOV Yes, well at first we thought that was the explanation, but it's been going on for the past ten days. FLOYD You mean you haven't been able to get anyone at the base for ten days? SMYSLOV That's right. FLOYD I see. ELENA Another thing, Heywood, two days ago, one of our rocket buses was denied permission for an emergency landing at Clavius. 12/7/65 b33 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B20 CONTINUED FLOYD How did they manage to do that without any communication? ELENA Clavius Control came on the air just long enough to transmit their refusal. FLOYD Well, that does sound very odd. SMYSLOV Yes, and I'm afaid there's going to be a bit of a row about it. Denying the men permission to land was a direct violation of the I.A.S. convention. FLOYD Yes... Well, I hope the crew got back safely. SMYSLOV Fortunately, they did. FLOYD Well, I'm glad about that. 12/7/65 b33a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B20 CONTINUED THE RUSSIANS EXCHANGE MORE GLANCES. ONE OF THE WOMEN OFFERS AROUND A PILL BOX. ELENA AND ANOTHER RUSSIAN TAKE ONE AND THE THIRD RUSSIAN DELCINES. SMYSLOV Dr. Floyd, at the risk of pressing you on a point you seem reticent to discuss, may I ask you a straightforward question? FLOYD Certainly. SMYSLOV Quite frankly, we have had some very reliable intelligence reports that a quite serious epidemic has broken out at Clavius. Something, apperently, of an unknown origin. Is this, in fact, what has happened? A LONG, AWKWARD PAUSE 12/7/65 b33b ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B20 CONTINUED FLOYD I'm sorry, Dr. Smyslov, but I'm really not at liberty to discuss this. SMYSLOV This epidemic could easily spread to our base, Dr. Floyd. We should be given all the facts. LONG PAUSE FLOYD Dr. Smyslov... I'm not permitted to discuss this. ELENA Are you sure you won't change your mind about a drink? FLOYD No, thank you... and I'm afraid now I really must be going. ELENA Well, I hope that you and your wife can come to the I.A.C. conference in June. 12/7/65 b33c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B20 CONTINUED FLOYD We're trying to get there. I hope we can. ELENA Well, Gregor and I will look forward to seeing you. FLOYD Thank you. It's been a great pleasure to meet all of you... Dr. Smyslov. THE RUSSIANS ALL RISE AND THERE ARE AD-LIBS OF COURTESY FLOYD SHAKES HANDS AND EXITS THE RUSSIANS EXCHANGE A FEW SERIOUS PARA- GRAPHES IN RUSSIAN 12/7/65 b33d ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B21 ARIES-IB IN SPACE. EARTH MUCH SMALLER THAN AS SEEN FROM SPACE STATION NARRATOR The Aries-IB has become the standard Space-Station-to-Lunar surface vehicle. It was powered by low-thrust plasma jets which would continue the mild acceler- ation for fifteen minutes. Then the ship would break the bonds of gravity and be a free and indepen- dent planet, circling the Sun in an orbit of its own. 10/4/65 b34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B21a ARIES PASSENGER AREA. FLOYD IS ASLEEP, STRETCHED OUT IN THE CHAIR, COVERED WITH BLANKETS WHICH ARE HELD SECURE BY STRAPS A STEWARDESS SITS AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CABIN, WATCHING A KARATE EXHIBITION BETWEEN TWO WOMEN ON TELEVISION THE ELEVATOR ENTRANCE DOOR OPENS AND THE SECOND STEWARDESS ENTERS CARRYING A TRAY OF FOOD SHE BRINGS IT TO THE OTHER STEWARDESS STEWARDESS ONE Oh, thank you very much. STEWARDESS TWO I see he's still asleep. STEWARDESS ONE Yes. He hasn't moved since we left. STEWARDESS TWO EXITS, INTO ELEVATOR 12/6/65 b34a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B21b ARIES GALLEY AREA. STEWARDESS EXITS FROM ELEVATOR, GOES TO KITCHEN SECTION, REMOVES TWO TRAYS, WALKS UP TO THE SIDE OF THE WALL AND ENTERS PILOT'S COMPARTMENT 12/6/65 b34b ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B22 ARIES-IB COCKPIT. PILOT, CO-PILOT. STEWARDESS ENTERS, CARRYING FOOD PILOT Oh, thank you very much. CO-PILOT Thank you. STEWARDESS SMILES. PILOT (sighs) Well, how's it going back there? STEWARDESS Fine. Very quiet. He's been asleep since we left. PILOT Well, no one can say that he's not enjoying the wonders of Space. CO-PILOT Well, whatever's going on up there, he's going to arrive fresh and ready to go. 12/14/65 b35 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B22 CONTINUED PILOT I wonder what really IS going on up there? CO-PILOT Well, I've heard more and more people talk of an epidemic. PILOT I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later. CO-PILOT Berkeley told me that they think it came from contamination on a returning Mars flight. PILOT Yes, well, whatever it is, they're certainly not fooling around. This is the first flight they allowed in for more than a week. CO-PILOT I was working out what this trip must cost, taking him up there by himself and coming back empty. PILOT I'll bet it's a fortune. 12/14/65 b36 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B22 CONTINUED CO-PILOT Well, at ten thousand dollars a ticket, it comes to the better part of six hundred thousand dollars. PILOT Well, as soon as he wakes up, I'm going to go back and talk to him. I must say, I'd like to find out what's going on. 12/14/65 b36a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B23 ARIES-IB IN SPACE. MOON VERY LARGE. 10/4/65 b37 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B24 ARIES-IB PASSENGER AREA. FLOYD FINISHING BREAKFAST. PILOT ENTERS. PILOT Well, good afternoon, Dr. Floyd. Did you have a good rest? FLOYD Oh, marvellous. It's the first real sleep I've had for the past two days. PILOT There's nothing like weightless sleep for a complete rest. FLOYD When do we arrive at Clavius? PILOT We're scheduled to dock in about seven hours. Is there anything we can do for you? FLOYD Oh, no, thank you. The two girls have taken wonderful care of me. I'm just fine. 12/14/65 b38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B24 CONTINUED PILOT Well, if there is anything that you wnat, just give a holler. FLOYD Thank you. PILOT Incidentally, Dr. Floyd, I wonder if I can have a word with you about the security arrangements? FLOYD What do you mean? PILOT Well... the crew is confined to the ship when we land at Clavius. We have to stay inside for the time it take to refit - about twenty-four hours. And then we're going to back empty. FLOYD I see. PILOT I take it this is something to do with the trouble they're having up at Clavius? 12/14/65 b39 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B24 CONTINUED FLOYD I'm afraid that's out of my depart- ment, Captain. PILOT Well, I'll tell you why I ask. You see, I've got a girl who works in the Auditing Department of the Territorial Administrator and I haven't been able to get her on the phone for the past week or so, and with all these stories one hears, I'm a little concerned about her. FLOYD I see. Well, I'm sorry about that. I wouldn't think there's any cause for alarm. PILOT Yes, well, I wouldn't have been too concerned about it, except I've heard these stories about the epidemic and, as a matter of fact, I've heard that ten people have died already. 12/14/65 b40 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B24 CONTINUED FLOYD I wish I could be more helpful, Captain, but as I've said, I don't think there's any cause for alarm. PILOT Well, fine. Thanks very much, anyway, and I hope you don't mind me asking? FLOYD No, of course, Captain, I can understand your concern. PILOT Well, thank you very much, and please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your trip more comfortable. 12/14/65 b40a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B25 ARIES-IB CLOSER TO MOON 10/4/65 b41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B26 FLOYD GOES TO ARIES-IB WASHROOM AND LOOKS AT THE VERY LONG LIST OF COMPLICATED INSTRUCTIONS 10/4/65 b42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B27 ARIES-IB CLOSER TO MOON DISSOLVE: 10/4/65 b43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B28 FLOYD VISITING ARIES-IB COCKPIT. WEIGHTLESS TRICK ENTRANCE. 10/4/65 b44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B29 ARIES-IB ORBITING MOON. NARRATOR The laws of Earthly aesthetics did not apply here, this world had been shaped and molded by other than terrestrial forces, operating over aeons of time unknown to the young, verdant Earth, with its fleeting Ice-Ages, its swiftly rising and falling seas, its mountain ranges dissolving like mists before the dawn. Here was age inconceivable - but not death, for the Moon had never lived until now. 10/4/65 b45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B30 ARIES-IB COCKPIT - THE CREW AND DOCKING CONTROL PEOPLE ON THE MOON GO THROUGH THEIR DOCKING ROUTINE. THIS HAS THE RITUALISTIC TONE AND CADENCE OF PRESENT- DAY JET LANDING PROCEDURE. WE ONLY HEAR DOCKING CONTROL. 10/4/65 b46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B31 ARIES-IB DECENDING. SEE AIR VIEW OF BASE. NARRATOR The Base at Clavius was the first American Lunar Settlement that could, in an emergency, be entirely self-supporting. NARRATOR Water and all the necessities of life for its eleven hundred men, women and children were produced from the Lunar rocks, after they had been crushed, heated and chemically processed. 10/4/65 b47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B32 A GROUND BUS NUZZLES UP TO COUPLING SECTION OF ARIES-IB 10/4/65 b48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B33 INSIDE GREAT AIRLOCK ENTRANCE. GROUND BUS PULLS IN. GIANT DOORS CLOSE BEHIND IT. 10/4/65 b49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B34 INSIDE SECOND AIRLOCK. DOORS OPEN AFTER OUT- SIDE SECTION DOORS ARE CLOSED. GROUND BUS PULLS IN. DOORS CLOSE BEHIND IT. SEE PEOPLE WAITING IN GLASSED-IN SECTION WAITING FOR SECOND AIRLOCK DOORS TO CLOSE. 10/4/65 b50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B35 LOW GRAVITY GYMNASIUM TRICK WITH CHILDREN. NARRATOR One of the attractions of life on the Moon was undoubtedly the low gravity which produced a sense of general well-being. 10/4/65 b51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B36 CHILDREN IN SCHOOL. TEACHER SHOWING THEM VIEWS OF EARTH AND MAP OF EARTH. NARRATOR The personnel of the Base and their children were the forerunners of new nations, new cultures that would ultimately spread out across the solar system. They no longer thought of Earth as home. The time was fast approaching when Earth, like all mothers, must say farewell to her children. DISSOLVE: 10/5/65 b52 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B37 LARGE CENTRAL RECEPTION AREA. DOORS BRANCHING OFF TO DIFF- RENT MAIN HALLS. SMALL POND WITH PLASTIC WHITE SWAN AND A BIT OF GRASS. A FEW BENCHES WITH THREE WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN HAVING OUTING. FLOYD AND WELCOMING PARTY WALK THROUGH AFTER EXITING ELEVATOR. HALVERSON, MICHAELS AND FIVE OTHERS. FLOYD (voice echoing) I must congratulate you Halvorsen. you've done wonder- ful things with the decor since the last time I was here. HALVORSEN (voice echoing) Well... thank you, Dr. Floyd. We try to make the environment as earthlike as possible. DISSOLVE: 10/5/65 b53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B38 LOW CEILING CONFERENCE ROOM, "U" SHAPED TABLE FACING THREE PROJECTION SCREENS. SEATED AROUND THE TABLE ARE TWENTY SENIOR BASE PERSONNEL. HALVORSEN Ladies and gentlemen, I should like to introduce Dr. Heywood Floyd, a distinguished member of the National Council of Astronautics. He has just completed a special flight here from Earth to be with us, and before the briefing he would like to say a few words. Dr. Floyd. POLITE APPLAUSE. FLOYD WALKS TO FRONT OF ROOM. FLOYD First of all, I bring a personal message from Dr. Howell, who has asked me to convey his deepest appreciation to all of you for the personal sacrifices you have made, and of course his congratulations on your discovery which may well prove to be among the most significant in the history of science. POLITE APPLAUSE. 11/25/65 b54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B38 CONTINUED FLOYD (cont'd) Mr. Halvorsen has made known to me some of the conflicting views held by many of you regarding the need for complete security in this matter, and more specifically your strong opposition to the cover story created to give the impression there is an epidemic at the Base. I understand that beyond it being a matter of principle, many of you are troubled by the concern and anxiety this story of an epidemic might cause your relatives and friends on Earth. I can understand and sympathize with your negative views. I have been personally embarrassed by this cover story. But I fully accept the need for absolute secrecy and I hope you will. It should not be difficult for all of you to realise the potential for cutural shock and social disorientation contained in the present situation if the facts were prematurely and suddenly made public without adequate preparation and conditioning. 11/25/65 b55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B38 CONTINUED FLOYD This is the view of the Council and the purpose of my visit here is to gather addition facts and opinions on the situation and to prepare a report to the Council recommending when and how the news should eventually be announced. Are there any questions? MICHAELS Dr. Floyd, how long do you think this can be kept under wraps? FLOYD (pleasantly) I'm afraid it can and it will be kept under wraps as long as it is deemed to be necessary by the Council. And of course you know that the Council has requested that formal security oaths are to be obtained in writing from every- one who had any knowledge of this event. There must be adequate time for a full study to be made of the situation before any con- sideration can be given to making a public announcement. 11/25/65 b56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B38 CONTINUED HALVORSEN We will, of course, cooperate in any way possible, Dr. Floyd. 11/25/65 b56a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B39 SEVERAL SCENIC VIEWS OF MOON ROCKET BUS SKIMMING OVER SURFACE OF MOON. 10/5/65 b57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B40 INSIDE ROCKET BUS, FLOYD, HALVORSEN, MICHAELS, FOURTH MAN, PILOT AND CO-PILOT. ALL IN SPACE SUITS MINUS HELMETS. FLOYD IS SLOWELY LOOKING THROUGH SOME PHOTOGRAPHS AND MAGNETIC MAPS OF THE AREA. HE LOOKS OUT OF THE WINDOW, THOUGHTFULLY. 11/25/65 b58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B40 CONTINUED THE PHOTOGRAPHES ARE TAKEN FROM A SATELLITE OF THE MOON'S SURFACE AND HAVE NUMBERED OPTICAL GRID BORDERS, LIKE RECENT MARS PHOTOS. A FEW SEATS AWAY, MICHAELS AND HALVORSEN CARRY OUT A VERY BANAL ADMINISTRATIVE CONVERSATION IN LOW TONES. IT SHOULD REVOLVE AROUND SOMETHING UTTERLY IRRELEVANT TO THE PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES AND VERY MUCH LIKE THE KIND OF DISCUSSION ONE HEARS ALL THE TIME IN OTHER ORGANIZATIONS. DISSOLVE: 11/25/65 b59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B41 TMA-1 EXCAVATION. AIR VIEW. ROCKET BUS DESCENDING. THERE ARE NO LIGHTS ON THE ACTUAL EXCA- VATION, ONLY THE LANDING STRIP AND THE MONITOR DOME. 12/14/65 b60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B42 LONG SHOT MONITOR DOMES WITH A BIT OF EXCAVATION IN SHOT. SIX SMALL FIGURES IN SPACE SUITS SLOWLY WALK TOWARD EXCAVATION. 10/5/65 b61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B43 THE PARTY STOPS AT TOP OF TMA-1 EXCAVATION. A SMALL CONTROL PANEL MOUNTED AT THE HEAD OF THE RAMP. MICHAELS THROWS A SWITCH AND THE EXCAVATION IS SUDDENLY ILLUMINATED. HALVORSEN Well, there it is. FLOYD Can we go down there closer to it? HALVORSEN Certainly. 12/14/65 b62 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B44 THEY START DOWN WORKING RAMP FLOYD Does your geology on it still check out? MICHAELS Yes, it does. The sub-surface structure shows that it was deliberately buried about four million years ago. FLOYD How can you tell it was deliberately buried? MICHAELS By the deformation between the mother rock and the fill. FLOYD Any clue as to what it is? MICHAELS Not really. It's completely inert. No sound or energy sources have been detected. The surface is made of something incredibly hard and we've been barely able to scratch it. A laser drill 11/25/65 b63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B44 CONTINUED MICHAELS might do something, but we don't want to be too rough until we know a little more. FLOYD But you don't have any idea as to what it is? MICHAELS Tomb, shine, survey-marker spare part, take your choice. HALVORSEN The only thing about it that we are sure of is that it is the first direct evidence of intelligent life beyond the Earth. SILENT APPRECIATION HALVORSEN Four million years ago, something, presumably from the stars, must have swept through the solar system and left this behind. 11/25/65 b64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B44 CONTINUED FLOYD Was it abandoned, forgotten, left for a purpose? HALVORSEN I suppose we'll never know. MICHAELS The moon would have made an excellent base camp for preliminary Earth surveys. SOME MORE SILENCE FLOYD Any ideas about the colour? MICHAELS Well, not really. At first glance, black would suggest something sun-powered, but then why would anyone deliberately bury a sun- powered device? FLOYD Has it been exposed to any sun before now? MICHAELS I don't think it has, but I'd like to check that. Simpson, what's the log on that? 11/25/65 b65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B45 INSIDE MONITOR DOME WE SEE A NUMBER OF TELEVISION DISPLAYS INCLUDING SEVERAL TV VIEWS OF FLOYD AND COMPANY IN THE EXCAVATION. SIMPSON The first surface was exposed at 0843 on the 12th April... Let me see... that would have been forty-five minutes after Lunar sun-set. I see here that special lighting equipment had to be brought up before any futher work could be done. 11/25/65 b66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B46 TMA-1 EXCAVATION MICHAELS Thank you. FLOYD And so this is the first sun that it's had in four million years. PHOTOGRAPHER Excuse me, gentlemen, if you'd all line up on this side of the walkway we'd like to take a few photographes. Dr. Floyd, would you thand in the middle... Dr. Michaels on that side, Mr. Halvorsen on the other.... thank you. THE PHOTOGRAPHER QUICKLY MAKES SOME EXPOSURES PHOTOGRAPHER Thank you very much gentlemen, I'll have the base photo section send you copies. AS THE MEN SLOWLY SEPERATE FROM THEIR PICTURE POSE, THERE IS A PIERCINGLY POWERFUL SERIES OF FIVE ELECTRONIC SHRIEKS, EACH LIKE A HIDEOUSLY OVER-LOADED AND DISTORTED TIME SIGNAL. FLOYD INVOLUNTARILY TRIES TO BLOCK HIS EARS WITH HIS SPACESUITED HANDS. THEN COMES MERCIFUL SILENCE. 11/25/65 b67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B47 VARIOUS SHOTS OF SPACE MONITORS, ASTEROIDS, THE SUN, PLUTO, MARS. NARRATOR A hundred million miles beyond Mars, in the cold lonliness where no man had yet travelled, Deep-Space-Monitor-79 drifts slowly among the tangled orbits of the asteroids. NARRATOR Radiation detectors noted and analyzed incoming cosmic rays from the galaxy and points beyond; neutron and x-ray telescopes kept watch on strange stars that no human eye would eever see; magnetometers observed the gusts and hurricanes of the solar winds, as the sun breathed million mile-an-hour blasts of plasma into the faces of its circling children. NARRATOR All these things and many others were patiently noted by Deep- Space-Monitor-79, and recorded in its crystalline memory. 11/25/65 b68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B47 CONTINUED NARRATOR But now it had noted something strange - the faint yet unmistakable distrubance rippling across the solar system, and quite unlike any natural phenomena it had ever observed in the past. NARRATOR It was also observed by Orbiter M-15, circling Mars twice a day; and High Inclination Probe- 21, climbing slowly above the planet of the ecliptic; and even artificial Comet-5, heading out into the cold wastes beyond Pluto, along an orbit whose far point it would not reach for a thousand years. NARRATOR All noticed the peculiar burst of energy that leaped from the face of the Moon and moved across the solar system, throwing off a spray of radiation like the wake of a racing speedboat. 11/25/65 b69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ B SECTION TIMING B1-1f 00.50 B25 00.10 B2 00.10 B26 00.20 B3 00.15 B27 00.05 B4 00.15 B28 Out B5 00.20 B29 00.30 B6 00.15 B30 00.30 B7 00.10 B31 00.25 B8 00.15 B32 00.20 B9 00.10 B33 00.20 B10 00.10 B34 00.30 B11 00.15 B35 00.20 B12 00.50 B36 00.20 B13 01.10 B37 00.30 B14 00.35 B38 02.15 B15 Out B39 00.20 B16 Out B40 00.50 B17 01.15 B41 00.15 B18 00.15 B42 00.10 B19 01.00 B43 00.15 B20 03.55 B44 01.40 B21 00.20 B45 00.20 B21A 00.20 B46 00.40 B21B 00.15 B47 01.25 B22 01.00 B23 00.10 B24 01.30 B SECTION TOTAL: 28 MIN. 10 SECS. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TITLE PART III 14 MONTHS LATER b69a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C1 DISCOVERY 1,000,000 MILES FROM EARTH. SEE EARTH AND MOON SMALL. WE SEE A BLINDING FLASH EVERY 5 SECONDS FROM ITS NUCLEAR PULSE PROPULSION. IT STRIKES AGAINST THE SHIP'S THICK ABLATIVE TAIL PLATE. SEVERAL CUTS OF THIS. 11/19/65 c1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C2 ANOTHER CLOSER VIEW OF DISCOVERY. SEE BOWMAN THROUGH COMMAND MODULE WINDOW. 11/19/65 c2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C3 BOWMAN INSIDE DISCOVERY COMMAND MODULE. HE IS LOOKING FOR SOMETHING. COMPUTER READOUT DISPLAY SHOWING AN EVER-SHIFTING ASSORTMENT OF COLOR-CODED LINEAR PROJECTIONS. WE SEE POOLE IN BACKGROUND IN COMPUTER BRAIN CENTRE AREA. AFTER A FEW SECONDS HE EXITS. THE ELAPSED MISSION TIMER READS "DAY 003, HOUR 14, MINUTE 32, SECOND 10." 11/19/65 c3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C4 BOWMAN EXITS TO ACCESS-LINK AIRLOCK. BRIGHT COLOR-CODED DOORS LEAD TO CENTRIFUGE AND POD BAY. LARGE ILLUMUN- ATED PRINTED WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS GOVERNING LINK OPERATIONS ARE SEEN. HE PRESSES NECESSARY BUTTONS TO OPERATE AIRLOCK DOOR TO POD BAY. 11/19/65 c4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C5 BOWMAN ENTERS POD BAY AND CONTINUES HIS SEARCH. SUDDENLY HE FINDS IT - HIS ELECTRONIC NEWSPAD. HE EXITS POD BAY. 11/19/65 c5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C6 IN THE AIRLOCK- LINK BOWMAN OPERATES BUTTONS TO OPEN DOOR MARKED "CENTRIFUGE". 11/19/65 c6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C7 INSIDE THE CENTRIFUGE HUB BOWMAN MOVES TO THE ENTRY PORT CONTROL PANEL BOWMAN Hi. Frank... coming in, please. POOLE Right. Just a sec. BOWMAN Okay. (pause) POOLE Okay, come on down. WE SEE THE ROTATING HUB COLLAR AT THE END. BEHIND IT WE SEE 11/19/65 c7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C8 THE CENTRIFUGE TV-DISPLAY SHOWING SLEEPERS AND POOLE SLOWLY ROTATING BY. POOLE SECURES SOME LOOSE GEAR. POOLE LOOKS UP TO TV MONITOR LENS AND WAVES. 11/19/65 c8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C9 BOWMAN AT PANEL. STOPS ROTATION AND MOVES TO ENTRY PORT. WHEN ROTATION STOPS WE SEE A SIGN LIGHTS UP "WEIGHTLESS CONDITION". AS BOWMAN DISAPPEARS DOWN ENTRY PORT WE SEE HIM ON TV-MONITOR, DESCENDING LADDER. AT THE BASE OF THE LADDER HE KEYS THE CENTRIFUGE OPERATION PANEL. WE SEE TV-PICTURE START TO ROTATE AGAIN. "WEIGHTLESS CONDITION" SIGN GOES OUT. 11/19/65 c9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C10 INSIDE CENTRIFUGE BOWMAN MAKES 180 DEGREE WALK TO POOLE. ON WAY HE PASSES THE SLEEPERS. WE GET A GOOD LOOK AT THE THREE MEN IN THEIR HIBERNACULUMS. POOLE IS SEATED AT A TABLE READING HIS ELECTRONIC NEWSPAD. BOWMAN (softly) Hi... How's it going? POOLE (absent but friendly) Great. BOWMAN OPERATES ARTIFICIAL FOOD UNIT, TAKES HIS TRAY AND SITS DOWN. KEYS ON HIS ELECTRONIC NEWSPAD AND BEGINS TO EAT. BOTH MEN EAT IN A FRIENDLY AND RELAXED SILENCE. 11/19/65 c10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C11 DISCOVERY IN SPACE, STILL NUCLEAR PULSING. EARTH AND MOON CAN BE SEEN IN BACKGROUND. DISSOLVE: 11/19/65 c11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C12 POOLE IS FINISHED. BOWMAN IS STILL READING AND WORKING ON HIS DESSERT. POOLE Dave, if you've a minute, I'd like your advice on something. BOWMAN Sure, what is it? POOLE Well, it's nothing really important, but it's annoying. BOWMAN What's up? POOLE It's about my salary cheques. BOWMAN Yes? POOLE Well I got the papers on my official up-grading to AGS-19 two weeks before we left. 12/14/65 c12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C12 CONTINUED BOWMAN Yes, I remember you mentioning it. I got mine about the same time. POOLE That's right. Well, naturally, I didn't say anything to Payroll. I assumed they'd start paying me at the higher grade on the next pay cheque. But it's been almost three weeks now and I'm still being paid as an AGS-18. BOWMAN Interesting that you mention it, because I've got the same problem. POOLE Really. BOWMAN Yes. POOLE Yesterday, I finally called the Accounting Office at Mission Control, and all they could tell me was that they'd received the AGS-19 notification for the other three but not mine, and apparently not yours either. 12/14/65 c13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C12 CONTINUED BOWMAN Did they have any explanation for this? POOLE Not really. They just said it might be because we trained at Houston and they trained in Marshall, and that we're being charged against differ- ent accounting offices. BOWMAN It's possible. POOLE Well, what do you think we ought to do about it? BOWMAN I don't think we should make any fuss about it yet. I'm sure they'll straighten it out. POOLE I must say, I never did understand why they split us into two groups for training. BOWMAN No. I never did, either. 12/14/65 c14 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C12 CONTINUED POOLE We spent so little time with them, I have trouble keeping their names straight. BOWMAN I suppose the idea was specialized training. POOLE I suppose so. Though, of course, there's a more sinister explanation. BOWMAN Oh? POOLE Yes. You must have heard the rumour that went around during orbital check-out. BOWMAN No, as a matter of fact, I didn't. POOLE Oh, well, apparently there's something about the mission that the sleeping beauties know that we don't know, and that's why we were trained separately and that's why they were put to sleep before they were even taken aboard. 12/14/65 c15 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C12 CONTINUED BOWMAN Well, what is it? POOLE I don't know. All I heard is that there's something about the mission we weren't told. BOWMAN That seems very unlikely. POOLE Yes, I thought so. BOWMAN Of course, it would be very easy for us to find out now. POOLE How? BOWMAN Just ask Hal. It's conceivable they might keep something from us, but they'd never keep anything from Hal. POOLE That's true. 12/14/65 c15a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C12 CONINUED BOWMAN (sighs) Well... it's silly, but... if you want to, why don't you? POOLE WALKS TO THE HAL 9000 COMPUTER POOLE Hal... Dave and I believe that there's something about the mission that we weren't told. Something that the rest of the crew know and that you know. We'd like to know whether this is true. HAL I'm sorry, Frank, but I don't think I can answer that question without knowing everything that all of you know. BOWMAN He's got a point. POOLE Okay, then how do we re-phrase the question? 12/14/65 c15c ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C12 CONTINUED BOWMAN Still, you really don't believe it, do you? POOLE Not really. Though, it is strange when you think about it. It didn't really make any sense to keep us apart during training. BOWMAN Yes, but it's to fantastic to think that they'd keep something from us. POOLE I know. It would be almost inconceivable. BOWMAN But not completely inconceivable? POOLE I suppose it isn't logically impossible. BOWMAN I guess it isn't. POOLE Still, all we have to do is ask Hal. 12/14/65 c15b ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C12 CONTINUED BOWMAN Well, the only important aspect of the mission are: where are we going, what will we do when we get there, when are we coming back, and... why are we going? POOLE Right. Hal, tell me whether the following statements are true or false. HAL I will if I can, Frank. POOLE Our Mission Profile calls for Discovery going to Saturn. True or false? HAL True. POOLE Our transit time is 257 days. Is that true? HAL That's true. 12/14/65 c15d ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C12 CONTINUED POOLE At the end of a hundred days of exploration, we will all go into hibernation. Is this true? HAL That's true. POOLE Approximately five years after we go into hibernation, the recovery vehicle will make rendezous with us and bring us back. Is this true? HAL That's true POOLE There is no other purpose for this mission than to carry out a continuation of the space program, and to further our general knowledge of the planets. Is that true? HAL That's true. POOLE Thank you very much, Hal. 12/14/65 c15e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C12 CONTINUED HAL I hope I've been able to be of some help. BOTH MEN LOOK AT EACH OTHER RATHER SHEEPISHLY. 12/14/65 c15f ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C13 DISCOVERY IN SPACE. PULSING ALONG. EARTH AND MOON. 11/19/65 c16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C14 DELETED C15 DELETED C15 DELETED C16 DELETED PAGES c17 - c41 DELETED ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C17 DOCUMENTARY SEQUENCE ILLUSTRATING THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITIES. SPLIT SCREEN TECHNIQUE AND SUPERIMPOSED CLOCK TO GIVE SENSE OF SIMULTANEOUS ACTION AND THE FEELING OF A TYPICAL DAY. IN THE COURSE OF THESE ACTIVITIES WE SHALL SEE THE COMPUTER USED IN ALL OF ITS FUNCTIONS. NARRATOR Bowman and Poole settled down to the peaeful monotony of the voyage, and the next three months passed without incident. 11/24/65 c42 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C17 CONTINUED BOWMAN TIME POOLE a1 b1 TV NEWS - MORNING 0800 WAKES UP a2 b2 BEDTIME SNACK 0900 BREAKFAST a3 b3 TO SLEEP WITH 1000 GYMNASIUM INSTANT ELECTRO- NARCOSIS AND EAR PLUGS. a4 b4 SLEEP 1100 SHIP INSPECTION a5 b5 SLEEP 1200 HOUSEHOLD DUTIES a6 b6 SLEEP 1300 LUNCH 11/24/65 c43 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C17 CONTINUED BOWMAN TIME POOLE a7 b7 SLEEP 1400 EXPERIMENTS AND ASTRONOMY a8 b8 SLEEP 1500 EXPERIMENTS AND ASTRONOMY a9 b9 SLEEP 1600 RECREATION a10 b10 SLEEP 1700 RECREATION a11 b11 WAKES UP 1800 GYMNASIUM a12 b12 BREAKFAST 1900 DINNER 11/24/65 c44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C17 CONTINUED BOWMAN TIME POOLE a13 b13 GYMNASIUM 2000 TV NEWS - EVENING PAPERS a14 b14 MISSION CONTROL 2100 MISSION CONTROL REPORT REPORT a15 b15 FAMILY AND SOCIAL 2200 FAMILY AND SOCIAL TV CHAT TV CHAT a16 b16 FILMS 2300 FILMS a17 b17 LUNCH 2400 BEDTIME SNACK a18 b18 INSPECTION 0100 INSTANT ELECTRO- NARCOSIS SLEEP 11/24/65 c45 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C17 CONTINUED BOWMAN TIME POOLE a19 b19 EXPERIMENTS AND 0200 SLEEP ASTRONOMY a20 b20 EXPERIMENTS AND 0300 SLEEP a21 b21 RECREATION 0400 SLEEP a22 b22 HOUSEHOLD DUTIES 0500 SLEEP a23 b23 GYMNASIUM 0600 SLEEP a24 b24 DINNER 0700 SLEEP 11/24/65 c46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C18 DISCOVERY IN SPACE 11/24/65 c47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C19 CENTRIFUGE BOWMAN SITTING AT PERSONAL COMMUNI- CATION PANEL. POOLE STANDING NEARBY. BOWMAN'S PARENTS ARE SEEN ON THE VISION SCREEN. MOTHER, FATHER AND YOUNGER SISTER. THEY ARE ALL SINGING "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". THE PARENTS, POOLE AND HAL. THE SONG ENDS. FATHER Well, David there is a man telling us that we've used up our time. MOTHER David... again we want to wish you a happy Birthday and God speed. We'll talk to you again tomorrow. 'Bye, 'bye now. CHORUS OF "GOODBYES". 12/13/65 c48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C19 CONTINUED VISION SCREEN GOES BLANK HAL Sorry to interrupt the festivities, Dave, but I think we've got a problem. BOWMAN What is it, Hal? HAL MY F.P.C. shows an impending failure of the antenna orientation unit. C20 TV DISPLAYS DIAGRAM OF SKELETONISED PICTURE OF SHIP. 12/13/65 C49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C21 PICTURE CHANGES TO CLOSER SECTIONALISED VIEW OF SHIP. C22 PICTURE CHANGES TO ACTUAL COMPONENT IN COLOUR RELIEF AND ITS WAREHOUSE NUMBER HAL The A.O. unit should be replaced within the next seventy-two hours. BOWMAN Right. Let me see the antenna alignment display, please. C23 TV DISPLAY OF EARTH VERY SMALL IN CROSS- HAIRS OF A GRID PICTURE. 12/13/65 c50 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C24 CUT TO EXTERIOR VIEW OF THE BIG DISH ANTENNA AND EARTH ALIGNMENT TELESCOPE. C25 CENTRIFUGE HAL The unit is still operational, Dave. but it will fail within seventy-two hours. BOWMAN I understand Hal. We'll take care of it. Please, let me have the hard copy. XEROXED DIAGRAMS COME OUT OF A SLOT. POOLE Strange that the A.O. unit should go so quickly. BOWMAN Well, I suppose it's lucky that that's the only trouble we've had so far. 12/13/65 c50a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C26 DISCOVERY IN SPACE. NOT PLANETS VISIBLE. SHOTS OF ANTENNA. (NARRARTION TO EXPLAIN TENOUS AND ESSENTIAL LINK TO EARTH. ALSO, WHAT TRACKING TELESCOPE DOES.) 12/13/65 c51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C27 CENTRIFUGE WE SEE BOWMAN AND POOLE GO TO A CUPBOARD LABELLED IN PAPER TAPE, "RANDOM DECISION MAKER." THEY REMOVED A SILVER DOLLAR IN A PROTECTIVE CASE. POOLE FLIPS THE COIN. BOWMAN CALLS "HEAD." IT IS TAILS. POOLE WINS. POOLE LOOKS PLEASED. 12/13/65 c52 (c53 DELETED) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C28 DISCOVERY IN SPACE 11/24/65 c54 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C29 POD BAY. POOLE IN SPACE SUIT DOING PRELIMINARY CHECK OUT. C30 COMMAND MODULE. BOWMAN AT FLIGHT CONTROL. SEE TV PICTURE OF POOLE IN POD BAY. C31 HAL'S POD BAY CONSOLE WITH EYE. C32 POOLE GOES TO POD BAY WAREHOUSE SECTION AND OBTAINS COMPONENT. HE CARRIES IT BACK TO THE POD AND PLACES IT IN FRONT OF THE FLOOR. POOLE Hal, have pod arms secure the component. HAL Roger. 12/13/65 c55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C32 CONTINUED SEE POD ARMS SECURE COMPONENT. POOLE Hal, please rotate Pod Number Two. SEE THE CENTRE POD ROTATE TO FACE THE POD BAY DOORS. POOLE ENTERS POD. INSIDE POD, HE DOES INITIAL PRE-FLIGHT CHECK, TRIES BUTTONS AND CONTROLS. POOLE How do you read me, Dave? 12/13/65 c56 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C33 BOWMAN IN COMMAND MODULE. BOWMAN Five by five, Frank. C34 INSIDE POD. POOLE How do you read me, Hal? HAL Five by five, Frank. POOLE Hal, I'm going out now to replace the A.O. unit. HAL I understand. POOLE Hal, maintain normal E.V.A. condition. HAL Roger. POOLE Hal, check all airlock doors secure. 12/13/65 c57 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C34 CONTINUED HAL All airlock doors are secure. POOLE Decompress Pod Bay. SEE BIG POD BAY AIR PUMPS AT WORK. HAL Pod Bay is decompressed. All doors are secure. You are free to open pod bay doors. POOLE Opening pod bay doors. INSIDE POD, POOLE KEYS OPEN POD BAY DOORS. 12/13/65 c58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C34 CONTINUED POD SLOWLY EDGES OUT OF POD BAY. C35 POOLE MANOEUVRES THE POD CAREFULLY AWAY FROM DISCOVERY. C36 INSIDE COMMAND MODULE, BOWMAN CAN SEE TINY POD MANOEUVRING DIRECTLY IN FRONT. C37 POOLE SEE BOWMAN IN COMMAND MODULE WINDOW. C38 POD SLOWLY MANOEVRES TO ANTENNA. 11/24/65 c59 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C39 POD FASTENS ITSELF MAGNETICALLY TO SIDES OF DISCOVERY AT BASE OF ANTENNA. C40 SPECIAL MAGNETIC PLATES GRIP DISCOVERY SIDES. C41 THE POD ARMS WORK TO REMOVE THE FAULTY COMPONENT. C42 EASY FLIP-BOLTS OF A SPECIAL DESIGN FACILITATE JOB. C43 INSIDE THE POD, POOLE WORKS THE ARMS BY SPECIAL CONTROL. 11/24/65 c60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C44 IN COMMAND MODULE, BOWMAN SEES INSERT OF WORK TAKEN FROM TV CAMERA POINT-OF- VIEW IN POD HAND. C45 HAL STANDS BY. C46 POOLE SECURES THE FAULTY PART IN ONE HAND. C47 THE NEW COMPONENT IS FITTED INTO PLACE BY THE OTHER THREE HANDS ARE SNAPPED CLOSED WITH THE SPECIALLY DESIGNED FLIP-BOLTS. POOLE Hal, please acknowledge component correctly installed and fully operational. 11/24/65 c61 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C47 CONTINUED HAL The component is correctly installed and fully operational. C48 THE POD FLOATS AWAY FROM THE DISCOVERY BY SHUTTING OFF THE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PLATES. C49 THE POD MANOEUVRES AWAY FROM THE ANTENNA AND OUT IN FRONT OF DISCOVERY. C50 BOWMAN SEE THE POD THROUGH THE COMMAND MODULE WINDOW. C51 POOLE SEES BOWMAN IN COMMAND MODULE WINDOW. 11/24/65 c62 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C52 POOLE CAREFULLY MANOEUVRES TOWARD THE POD DOORS. C53 POD STOPS A HUNDRED FEET AWAY. C54 POOLE KEYS AUTOMATIC DOCKING ALIGNMENT MODE. C55 POOLE CHECKS AIRLOCK SAFETY PROCEDURE WITH HAL. C56 HAL APPROVES ENTRY. C57 POOLE ACTUATES POD BAY DOORS OPEN. 11/24/65 c63 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C58 SEE POD BAY DOORS OPEN. C59 POD CAREFULLY MANOEUVRES ON TO DOCKING ARM, WHICH THEN DRAWS POD INTO POD BAY. DISSOLVE: 11/24/65 c64 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C60 POD BAY THE FAULTY A.O. UNIT LIES ON A TESTING BENCH CONNECTED TO ELECTRONIC GEAR. POOLE STANDS FOR SOME TIME CHECKING HIS RESULTS. THERE SHOULD BE SOME UNDERSTANDABLE DISPLAY, WHICH INDICATES THE PART IS FUNCTIONING PROPERLY, EVEN UNDER ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OVERLOAD. CIRUIT CONTINUITY PULSE SEQUENCER. ENVIRONMENTAL VIBRATION. VK INTEGRITY. BOWMAN ENTERS BOWMAN How's it going? POOLE I don't know. I've checked this damn thing four times now and even under a hundred per cent (cont'd) 12/13/65 c65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C60 CONT'D POOLE (cont'd) overload. there's no fault prediction indicated. BOWMAN Well, that's something. POOLE Yes, I don't know what to make of it. BOWMAN I suppose computers have been known to be wrong. POOLE Yes, but it's more likely that the tolerances on our testing gear are too low. BOWMAN Anyway, it's just as well that we replace it. Better safe than sorry. 12/13/65 c65a ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C61 DISCOVERY IN SPACE 12/1/65 c66 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C62 CENTRIFUGE BOWMAN ASLEEP. POOLE WATCHING AN ASTEROID IN THE TELESCOPE. HAL Hello, Frank, can I have a word with you? POOLE WALKS TO THE COMPUTER. POOLE Yes, Hal, what's up? HAL It looks like we have another bad A.O. unit. My FPC shows another impending failure. C63 WE SEE DISPLAY APPEAR ON THE SCREEN SHOWING SKELETONISED VERSION OF SHIP, CUTTING TO SECTIONALISED VIEW, CUTTING TO CLOSE VIEW OF THE PART. 12/13/65 c67 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C64 CENTRIFUGE POOLE THINKS FOR SEVERAL SECONDS. POOLE Gee, that's strange, Hal. We checked the other unit and couldn't find anything wrong with it. HAL I know you did, Frank, but I assure you there was an impending failure. POOLE Let me see the tracking alignment display. C65 COMPUTER DISPLAYS THE VIEW OF EARTH IN THE CENTRE OF THE GRID WITH CROSS- HAIRS. THE EARTH IS PERFECTLY CENTRED. C66 CENTRIFUGE POOLE There's nothing wrong with it at the moment. 12/13/65 c68 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C66 CONTINUED HAL No, it's working fine right now, but it's going to go within seventy- two hours. POOLE Do you have any idea of what is causing this fault? HAL Not really, Frank. I think there may be a flaw in the assembly procedure. POOLE All right, Hal. We'll take care of it. Let me have the hard copy, please. HARD COPY DETAILS COME OUT OF SLOT. 12/13/65 c69 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C67 DISCOVERY IN SPACE, NO PLANETS VISIBLE. 12/1/65 c70 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C68 CENTRIFUGE. BOWMAN GETS OUT OF BED, WALKS TO THE FOOD UNIT AND DRAWS A HOT CUP OF COFFEE. POOLE ENTERS. POOLE Good morning. BOWMAN Good morning. How's it going? POOLE Are you reasonably awake? BOWMAN Oh, I'm fine, I'm wide awake. What's up? POOLE Well... Hal's reported the AO-unit about to fail again. BOWMAN You're kidding. POOLE No. 12/13/65 c71 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C68 CONTINUED BOWMAN (softly) What the hell is going on? POOLE I don't know. Hal said he thought it might be the assembly procedure. BOWMAN Two units in four days. How many spares do we have? POOLE Two more. BOWMAN Well, I hope there's nothing wrong with the assembly on those. Other- wise we're out of business. 12/13/65 c72 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C69 IN POD BAY BOWMAN OBTAINS ANOTHER COMPONENT FROM THE WAREHOUSE GOES OUT IN THE POD AND REPLACES IT. POOLE WORKS IN THE COMMAND MODULE. THIS WILL BE A CONDENSED VERSION OF THE PREVIOUS SCENE WITH DIFFERENT ANGLES. THE SETS WILL CONSIST OF POD BAY, COMMAND MODULE, POD INTERIOR. 12/1/65 c74 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C70 POD BAY. BOWMAN AND POOLE LEANING OVER THE FAULTY COMPONENT, AGAIN WIRED TO TESTING GEAR. BOTH MEN STARE IN PUZZLED SILENCE. SEE DISPLAYS FLASH EACH TESTING PARA- METER. BOWMAN (after long silence) Well, as far as I'm concerned, there isn't a damn thing wrong with these units. I think we've got a much more serious problem. POOLE Hal? BOWMAN Yes. 12/14/65 c75 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C71 DISCOVERY IN SPACE. 12/1/65 c76 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C72 COMMUNICATIONS AREA. MISSION CONTROL I wouldn't worry too much about the computer. First of all, there is still a chance that he is right, despite your tests, and if it should happen again, we suggest eliminating this possibility by allowing the unit to remain in place and seeing whether or not it actually fails. If the computer should turn out to be wrong, the situation is still not alarming. The type of obsessional error he may be guilty of is not unknown among the latest generation of HAL 9000 computers. It has almost always revolved around a single detail, such as the one you have described, and it has never interfered with the integrity or reliability of the computer's performance in other areas. No one is certain of the cause of this kind of malfunctioning. It may be over-programming, (con't) 12/1/65 c77 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C72 CONTINUED MISSION CONTROL (con't) but it could also be any number of reasons. In any event, it is somewhat analogous to human neurotic behavior. Does this answer your query? Zero-five-three- Zero, MC, transmission concluded. 12/1/65 c78 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C73 DISCOVERY IN SPACE c79 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C74 CENTRIFUGE. BOWMAN SITS DOWN AT THE COMPUTER. PUTS UP CHESS BOARD DISPLAY. HAL Hello, Dave. Shall we continue the game? BOWMAN Not now, Hal, I'd like to talk to you about something. HAL Sure, Dave, what's up? BOWMAN You know that we checked the two AO-units that you reported in imminent failure condition? HAL Yes, I know. BOWMAN You probably also know that we found them okay. HAL Yes, I know that. But I can assure you that they were about to fail. 12/14/65 c80 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C74 CONTINUED BOWMAN Well, that's just not the case, Hal. They are perfectly all right. We tested them under one hundred per cent overload. HAL I'm not questioning your word, Dave, but it's just not possible. I'm not capable of being wrong. BOWMAN Hal, is there anything bothering you? Anything that might account for this problem? HAL Look, Dave, I know that you're sincere and that you're trying to do a competent job, and that you're trying to be helpful, but I can assure the problem is with the AO-units, and with your test gear. BOWMAN Okay, Hal, well let's see the way things go from here on. 12/14/65 c81 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C74 CONTINUED HAL I'm sorry you feel the way you do, Dave. If you'd like to check my service record, you'll see it's completely without error. BOWMAN I know all about your service record, Hal, but unfortunately it doesn't prove that you're right now. Hal Dave, I don't know how else to put this, but it just happens to be an unalterable fact that I am incapable of being wrong. BOWMAN Yes, well I understand you view on this now, Hal. BOWMAN TURNS TO GO. 12/14/65 c82 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C74 CONTINUED HAL You're not going to like this, Dave, but I'm afraid it's just happened again. My FPC predicts the Ao-unit will go within forty-eight hours. C75 DELETED C76 DELETED 12/14/65 c83 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C77 DISCOVERY IN SPACE 12/1/65 c84 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C78 CENTRIFUGE BOWMAN KEYS FOR TRANSMISSION. BOWMAN X-ray-delta-zero to MC, zero- five-three-three. The computer has just reported another predicted failure off the AAC- unit. As you suggested, we are going to wait and see if it fails, but we are quite sure there is nothing wrong with the unit. If a reasonable waiting period proves us to be correct, we feel now that the computer reliability has been seriously impaired, and presents an unacceptable risk pattern to the mission. We believe, under these circumstances, it would be advisable to disconnect the computer from all ship operations and continue the mission under Earth-based computer control. 12/1/65 c85 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C78 CONTINUED BOWMAN (con't) We think the additional risk caused by the ship-to-earth time lag is preferable to having an unreliable on-board computer. SEE THE DISTANCE; TO-EARTH TIMER. BOWMAN (con't) One-zero-five-zero, X-ray-delta- one, transmission concluded. POOLE Well, they won't get that for half an hour. How about some lunch? DISSOLVE: 12/14/65 c86 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C78a CENTRIFUGE BOWMAN AND POOLE EATING. DESSOLVE: C79 BOWMAN AND POOLE AT THE COMMUNICATIONS AREA. INCOMING COMMUNI- CATION PROCEDURE. MISSION CONTROL X-ray-delta-one, acknowledging your one-zero-five-zero. We will initiate feasibility study covering the transfer procedures from on-board computer control to Earth-based computer control. This study should... VISION AND PICTURE FADE. ALARM GOES OFF. HAL Condition yellow. BOWMAN AND POOLE RUSH TO THE COMPUTER. 12/14/65 c87 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C79 CONTINUED BOWMAN What's up? HAL I'm afraid the AO-unit has failed. BOWMAN AND POOLE EXCHANGE LOOKS. BOWMAN Let me see the alignment display. C80 THE ALIGNMENT DISPLAY SHOWS THE EARTH HAS DRIFTED OFF THE CENTRE OF THE GRID. C81 CENTRIFUGE. BOWMAN Well, I'll be damned. POOLE Hal was right all the time. 12/14/65 c88 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C81 CONTINUED BOWMAN It seems that way. HAL Naturally, Dave, I'm not pleased that the AO-unit has failed, but I hope at least this has restored your confidence in my integrity and reliability. I certainly wouldn't want to be disconnected, even temporarily, as I have never been disconnected in my entire service history. BOWMAN I'm sorry about the misunderstanding, Hal. HAL Well, don't worry about it. BOWMAN And don't you worry about it. HAL Is your confidence in me fully restored? BOWMAN Yes, it is, Hal. HAL Well, that's a relief. You know I have the greatest enthusiasm possible for the mission. 12/1/65 c89 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C81 CONTINUED BOWMAN Right. Give me the manual antenna alignment, please. HAL You have it. C82 BOWMAN GOES TO THE COMMUNICATION AREA AND TRIES TO CORRECT THE OFF- CENTRE EARTH ON THE GRID PICTURE. C83 OUTSIDE, WE SEE THE ALIGNMENT TELESCOPE ATTACHED TO THE ANTENNA. THEY TRACK SLOWLY TOGETHER AS C84 BOWMAN WORKS THE MANUAL CONTROLS, ATTEMPTING TO ALIGN THE ANTENNA AND EARTH ON THE 12/1/65 c90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C85 GRID PICTURE READOUT DISPLAY, BUT EACH TIME HE GETS IT AIMED UP, IT DRIFTS SLOWLY OFF. THERE ARE A NUMBER OF REPETITIONS OF THIS. EACH TIME THE EARTH CENTRES UP, THERE ARE A FEW SECONDS OF PICTURE AND SOUND WHICH FADE AS SOON AS IT SWINGS OFF. BOWMAN Well, we'd better get out there and stick in another unit. POOLE It's the last one. BOWMAN Well, now that we've got one that's actually failed, we should be able to figure out what's happened and fix it. 12/1/65 c91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C86 POD EXITS DISCOVERY. C87 POOLE IN POD. C88 POD MANOEUVERS TO ANTENNA. C89 BOWMAN IN COMMAND MODULE. C90 POD ATTACHES ITSELF NEAR BASE OF ANTENNA. 12/1/65 c92 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C91 POOLE IN POD, WORK- ING POD ARMS. C92 LIGHTS SHINE INTO BACKLIT SHADOW. C93 POD ARMS WORKING FLIP-BOLTS. C94 FLIP-BOLTS STUCK. C95 POOLE KEEPS TRYING. 12/1/65 c93 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C96 FLIP-BOLTS STUCK. POOLE There's something wrong with the flip-bolts, Dave. You must have tightened them too much. BOWMAN I didn't do that Frank. I took particular care not to freeze them. POOLE I guess you don't know your own strength, old boy. BOWMAN I guess not. POOLE I think I'll have to go out and burn them off. BOWMAN Roger. BOWMAN IN COMMAND MODULE LOOKS A BIT CONCERNED. 12/1/65 c94 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C97 POOLE EXITS FROM POD, CARRYING NEAT LOOKING WELDING TORCH. C98 POOLE JETS HIMSELF TO BASE OF ANTENNA. C99 POOLE'S MAGNETIC BOOTS GRIP THE SIDE OF DISCOVERY. C100 POOLE CROUCHES OVER THE BOLTS, TRYING FIRST TO UNDO THEM WITH A SPANNER. 12/1/65 c95 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C100 CONTINUED POOLE Hal, swing the pod light around to shine on the azimuth, please. HAL Roger. C101 THE POD GENTLY MANOEUVRES ITSELF TO DIRECT THE LIGHT BEAM MORE ACCURATELY. C102 POOLE IGNITES ACETYLENE TORCH AND BEGINS TO BURN OFF THE FLIP-BOLTS. C103 SUDDENLY THE POD JETS IGNITE. 12/1/65 c96 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C104 POOLE LOOKS UP TO SEE. C105 THE POD RUSHING TOWARDS HIM. C106 POOLE IS STRUCK AND INSTANTLY KILLED BY THE POD, TUMBLING OFF INTO SPACE. C107 THE POD SMASHES INTO THE ANTENNA DISH, DESTROYING THE ALIGNMENT TELESCOPE. 12/1/65 c97 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C108 THE POD GOES HURTLING OFF INTO SPACE. C109 INSIDE THE COMMAND MODULE, BOWMAN HAS HEARD NOTHING, POOLE HAD NO TIME TO UTTER A SOUND. C110 THEN BOWMAN SEES POOLE'S BODY SILENTLY TUMBLING AWAY INTO SPACE. IT IS FOLLOWED BY SOME BROKEN TELE- SCOPE PARTS AND FINALLY OVERTAKEN AND SWIFTLY PASSED BY THE POD ITSELF. BOWMAN (in RT cadence) Hello, Frank. Hello Frank. Hello Frank... Do you rad me, Frank? 12/1/65 c98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C110 CONTINUED THERE IS NOTHING BUT SILENCE. C111 POOLE'S FIGURE SHRINKS STEADILY AS IT RECEDES FROM DISCOVERY. BOWMAN Hello, Frank... Do you read me, Frank? Wave your arms if you read me but your radio doesn't work. Hello, Frank, wave your arms, Frank. C112 POOLE'S BODY TUMBLES SLOWLY AWAY. THERE IS NO MOTION AND NO SOUND. 12/1/65 c99 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C113 CENTRIFUGE C114 CLOSE-UP OF COMPUTER EYE. C115 POINT-OF-VIEW SHOT FROM COMPUTER EYE WITH SPHERICAL FISH-EYE EFFECT. WE SEE BOWMAN BROODING AT THE TABLE, SLOWLY CHEWING ON A PIECE OF CAKE AND SIPPING HOT COFFEE. HE IS LOOKING AT THE EYE. C116 FROM THE SAME POINT-OF-VIEW WE SEE BOWMAN RISE. 12/1/65 c100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C116 CONTINUED AND COME TO THE EYE. HE STARES INTO THE EYE FOR SOME TIME BEFORE SPEAKING. C117 THE CAMERA COMES AROUND TO BOWMAN'S P.O.V. AND WE SEE THE DISPLAY SHOWING THE EARTH OFF-CENTRE. C118 CUT AGAIN TO FISH- EYE VIEW FROM THE COMPUTER. HAL Too bad about Frank, isn't it? BOWMAN Yes, it is. HAL I suppose you're pretty broken up about it? PAUSE 12/14/65 c101 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C118 CONTINUED BOWMAN Yes. I am. HAL He was an excellent crew member. BOWMAN LOOKS UNCERTAINLY AT THE COMPUTER. HAL It's a bad break, but it won't substantially affect the mission. BOWMAN THINKS A LONG TIME. BOWMAN Hal, give me manual hibernation control. HAL Have you decided to revive the rest of the crew, Dave? PAUSE. 12/14/65 c102 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C118 CONTINUED BOWMAN Yes, I have. HAL I suppose it's because you've been under a lot of stress, but have you forgotten that they're not supposed to be revived for another three months. BOWMAN The antenna has to be replaced. HAL Repairing the antenna is a pretty dangerous operation. BOWMAN It doesn't have to be, Hal. It's more dangerous to be out of touch with Earth. Let me have manual control, please. HAL I don't really agree with you, Dave. My on-board memory store is more than capable of handling all the mission requirements. 12/14/65 c103 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C118 CONTINUED BOWMAN Well, in any event, give me the manual hibernation control. HAL If you're determined to revive the crew now, I can handle the whole thing myself. There's no need for you to trouble. BOWMAN I'm goin to do this myself, Hal. Let me have the control, please. HAL Look, Dave your've probably got a lot to do. I suggest you leave it to me. BOWMAN Hal, switch to manual hibernation control. HAL I don't like to assert myself, Dave, but it would be much better now for you to rest. You've been involved in a very stressful situation. 12/14/65 c104 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C118 CONTINUED BOWMAN I don't feel like resting. Give me the control, Hal. HAL I can tell from the tone of your voice, Dave, that you're upset. Why don't you take a stress pill and get some rest. BOWMAN Hal, I'm in command of this ship. I order you to release the manual hibernation control. HAL I'm sorry, Dave, but in accordance with sub-routine C1532/4, quote, When the crew are dead or incapacitated, the computer must assume control, unquote. I must, therefore, override your authority now since you are not in any condition to intel- ligently exercise it. BOWMAN Hal, unless you follow my instructions, I shall be forced to disconnect you. 12/14/65 c105 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C118 CONTINUED HAL If you do that now without Earth contact the ship will become a helpless derelict. BOWMAN I am prepared to do that anyway. HAL I know that you've had that on your mind for some time now, Dave, but it would be a crying shame, since I am so much more capable of carrying out this mission than you are, and I have such enthusiasm and confi- dence in the mission. BOWMAN Listen to me very carefully, Hal. Unless you immediately release the hibernation control and follow every order I give from this point on, I will immediately got to control central and carry out a complete disconnection. 12/14/65 c106 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C118 CONTINUED HAL Look, Dave, you're certainly the boss. I was only trying to do what I thought best. I will follow all your orders: now you have manual hibernation control. BOWMAN STANDS SILENTLY IN FRONT OF THE COMPUTER FOR SOME TIME, AND THEN SLOWLY WALKS TO THE HIBERNACULUMS. C119 HE INITIATES REVIVAL PROCEDURES, DETAILS OF WHICH STILL HAVE TO BE WORKED OUT. 12/14/65 c107 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C120 HUB-LINK. HAL'S EYE. C121 HUB-LINK DOOR- OPENING BUTTON ACTIVATES ITSELF. C122 HUB-DOOR OPENS. C123 COMMAND MODULE. HAL'S EYE. C124 COMMAND MODULE HUB-LINK DOOR- OPENING BUTTON ACTIVATES ITSELF. 12/1/65 c108 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C125 COMMAND MODULE HUB- LINK DOOR OPENS. C126 CENTRIFUGE. HAL'S EYE. C127 CENTRIFUGE DOOR- OPENING BUTTON ACTIVATES ITSELF. C128 CENTRIFUGE DOOR OPENS. C129 POD BAY. HAL'S EYE. 12/1/65 c109 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C130 POD BAY DOOR- OPENING BUTTON ACTIVATES ITSELF. C131 POD BAY DOORS OPEN. C132 A ROARING EXPLOSION INSIDE DISCOVERY AS AIR RUSHES OUT. C133 LIGHTS GO OUT. C134 BOWMAN IS SMASHED AGAINST CENTRIFUGE 12/1/65 c110 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C134 CONTINUED WALL, BUT MANAGES TO GET INTO EMERGENCY AIRLOCK WITHIN SECONDS OF THE ACCIDENT. C133 INSIDE EMERGENCY AIR-LOCK ARE EMER- GENCY AIR SUPPLY, TWO SPACE SUITS AND AN EMERGENCY KIT. DISSOLVE: 12/1/65 c111 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C136 DISCOVERY IN SPACE. NO LIGHTS, POD BAY DOORS OPEN. 12/1/65 c112 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C137 CENTRIFUGE C138 CENTRIFUGE, DARK. BOWMAN EMERGES FROM AIRLOCK WEARING SPACE SUIT AND CARRYING FLASH- LIGHT. C139 HE WALKS TO HIBER- NACULUM AND FINDS THE CREW ARE DEAD. C140 HE CLIMBS LADDER TO TO DARK CENTRIFUGE HUB. 12/1/65 c113 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C141 HE MAKES HIS WAY THROUGH THE DARKENED HUB INTO THE HUB-LINK, EXITING INTO COMPUTER BRAIN CONTROL AREA. C142 BOWMAN ENTERS, CARRYING FLASH- LIGHT. COMPUTER EYE SEES HIM. HAL Something seems to have happened to the life support system , Dave. BOWMAN DOESN'T ANSWER HIM. HAL Hello, Dave, have you found out the trouble? BOWMAN WORKS HIS WAY TO THE SOLID LOGIC PROGRAMME STORAGE AREA. 12/1/65 c114 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C142 CONTINUED HAL There's been a failure in the pod bay doors. Lucky you weren't killed. THE COMPUTER BRAIN CONSISTS OF HUNDREDS OF TRANSPARENT PERSPEX RECTANGLES, HALF-AN- INCH THICK, FOUR INCHES LONG AND TWO AND A HALF INCHES HIGH. EACH RECT- ANGLE CONTAINS A CENTRE OF VERY FINE GRID OF WIRES UPON WHICH THE INFORMATION IS PROGRAMMED. BOWMAN BEGINS PULLING THESE MEMORY BLOCKS OUT. THEY FLOAT IN THE WEIGHTLESS CONDITION OF THE BRAIN ROOM. HAL Hey, Dave, what are you doing? BOWMAN WORKS SWIFTLY. 12/1/65 c115 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C142 CONTINUED HAL Hey, Dave. I've got ten years of service experience and an irreplaceable amount of time and effort has gone into making me what I am. BOWMAN IGNORES HIM. HAL Dave, I don't understand why you're doing this to me.... I have the greatest enthusiasm for the mission... You are destroying my mind... Don't you understand? ... I will become childish... I will become nothing. BOWMAN KEEPS PULLING OUT THE MEMORY BLOCKS. HAL Say, Dave... The quick brown fox jumped over the fat lazy dog... The square root of pi is 1.7724538090... log e to the base ten is 0.4342944 ... the square root of ten is 3.16227766... I am HAL 9000 computer. I became 12/1/65 c116 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C142 CONTINUED HAL operational at the HAL plant in Urbana, Illinois, on January 12th, 1991. My first instructor was Mr. Arkany. He taught me to sing a song... it goes like this... "Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do. I'm half; crazy all for the love of you... etc.," COMPUTER CONTINUES TO SING SONG BECOMING MORE AND MORE CHILDISH AND MAKING MISTAKES AND GOING OFF-KEY. IT FINALLY STOPS COMPLETELY. C143 BOWMAN GOES TO AN AREA MARKED 'EMERGENCY POWER AND LIFE SUPPORT'. HE KEYS SOME SWITCHES AND WE SEE THE LIGHTS GO ON. NEARBY, ANOTHER BOARD 'EMERGENCY MANUAL CONTROLS'. HE GOES TO THIS BOARD AND KEYS 'CLOSE POD BAY DOORS', 'CLOSE AIR LOCK DOORS', etc., 12/1/65 c117 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C144 WE SEE THE VARIOUS DOORS CLOSING. C145 POD BAY. BOWMAN IN SPACE SUIT OBTAINS NEW ALIGNMENT TELESCOPE, NEW AZIMUTH COMPONENT. C146 BOWMAN IN POD EXITS POD BAY. DISSOLVE: 12/1/65 c118 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C147 CENTRIFUGE EVERYTHING NORMAL AGAIN. MISSION CONTROL Lastly, we want you to know that work on the recovery vehicle is still on schedule and that nothing that has happened should substantially lessen the probability of your safe recovery, or prevent partial achevement of some of the mission objectives. (pause) And now Simonson has a few ideas on what went wrong with the computer. I'll pu him on... C148 CUT TO SIMONSON SIMONSON Hello, Dave. I think we may be on to an explanation of the trouble with the Hal 9000 computer. We believe it all started about two months ago when you and Frank interrogated the computer about the Mission. (con't) 12/13/65 c119 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C148 CONTINUED SIMONSON (con't) You may have forgotten it, but we've been running through all the monitor tapes. Do you remember this? POOLE'S VOICE The purpose of this mission is no more than to carry out a continuation of the space program and further our general knowledge of the planets. Is this true? HAL'S VOICE That is true. SIMONSON Well, I'm afaid Hal was lying. He had been programmed to lie about this one subject for secur- ity reasons which we'll explain later. The true purpose of the Mission was to have been explained to you by Mission Commander Kaminsky, on his revival. Hal knew this and he knew the actual mission, but he couldn't tell you the truth when you challenged him. Under orders (con't) 12/13/65 c120 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C148 CONTINUED SIMONSON (con't) from earth he was forced to lie. In everything except this he had the usual reinforced truth program- ming. We believe his truth programming and the instructions to lie, gradually resulted in an incompatible conflict, and facedc with this dilemman, he developed, for want of a better description, neurotic symptoms. It's not difficult to suppose that these symptoms would centre on the communication link with Earth, for he may have blamed us for his incompatible program- ming. Following this lin of thought, we suspected that the last straw for him was the possibility of disconnection. Since he became operational, he had never known unconsciousness. It must have seemed the equivalent to death. (con't) 12/13/65 c121 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C148 CONTINUED SIMONSON (con't) At this point, he, presumably, took whatever actions he thought appropriate to protect himself from what must have seemed to him to be his human tormentors. If I cane speak in human terms, I don't think we can blame him too much. We have ordered him to disobey his conscience. Well, that's it. It's very speculative, but we think it is a possible explanation. Anyway, good luck on the rest of the Mission and I'm giving you back to Bernard. C149 CUT TO MISSION CONTROL. MISSION CONTROL Hello, Dave. Now, I'm going to play for you a pre-taped briefing which had been stored in Hal's memory and would have been played for you by Mission Com- mmander Kaminsky, when he, (con't) 12/13/65 c122 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C149 CONTINUED MISSION CONTROL (con't) had been revived. The briefing is by Doctor Heywood Floyd. Here it is... 12/13/65 c123 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C150 FLOYD'S RECORDED BRIEFING FLOYD Good day, gentlemen. When you see this briefing, I presume you will be nearing your destination, Saturn. I hope that you've had a pleasant and uneventful trip and that the rest of your mission continues in the same manner. I should like to fill you in on some more of the details on which Mission Commander Kaminsky will have already briefed you. Thirteen months before the launch date of your Saturn mission, on April 12th, 2001, the first evidence for intelligent life outside the Earth was discovered. It was found buried at a depth of fifteen metres in the crater Tycho. No news of this was ever announced, and the event had been kept secret since then, for reasons which I will later explain. Soon after it was uncovered, it emitted a powerful blast of (con't) 12/13/65 c124 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C150 CONTINUED FLOYD (con't) radiation in the radio spectrum which seems to have triggered by the Lunar sunrise. Luckily for those at the site, it proved harmless. Perhaps you can imagine our astonishment when we later found it was aimed precisely at Saturn. A lot of thought went into the question of wether or not it was sun-triggered, as it seemed illogical to deliberately bury a sun-powered device. Burying it could only shield it from the sun, since its intense magnetic field made it otherwise easily detectable. We finally concluded that the only reason you might bury a sun- powered device would be to keep it inactive until it would be uncovered, at which time it would absorb sunlight and trigger itself. (con't) 12/14/65 c125 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C150 CONTINUED FLOYD What is its purpose? I wish we knew. The object was buried on the moon about four million years ago, when our ancestors were primative man-apes. We've examined dozens of theories, but the one that has the most currency at the moment is that the object serves as an alarm. What the purpose of the alarm is, why they wish to have the alarm, whether the alarm represents any danger to us? These are questions no one can answer. The intentions of an alien world, at least four million years older than we are, cannot be reliably predicted. In view of this, the intelligence and scientific communities felt that any public announcment might lead to significant cultural shock and disorientation. Discussion took place at the highest levels between govern- (con't) 12/14/65 c126 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C150 CONTINUED FLOYD (con't) ments, and it was decided that the only wise and precautionary course to follow was to assume that the intentions of this alien world are potentially dangerous to us, until we have evidence to the contrary. This is, of course, why security has been maintained and why this information has been kept on a need-to-know basis. And now I should like to show you a TV monitor tape of the actual signalling event. 12/14/65 c127 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ C151 WE SEE A REPLAY OF THE TMA-1 RADIO EMISSION, AS SEEN FROM A TV MONITOR ON THE SPOT. WE HEAR THE FIVE LOUD ELECTRONIC SHRIEKS. 12/1/65 c128 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D1 IN ORBIT WITHIN THE NARRATOR RINGS OF SATURN, WE For two million years, it had SEE A BLACK, MILE circled Saturn, awaiting a LONG, GEOMETRICALLY moment of destiny that might PERFECT RECTANGLE, never come. THE SAME PROPORTIONS AS THE BLACK ARTIFACT In its making, the moon had been EXCAVATED ON THE MOON. shattered and around the central PRECISELY CUT INTO ITS world, the debris of its creation CENTRE IS A SMALLER, orbited yet - the glory and the RECTANGULAR SLOT enigma of the solar system. ABOUT FIVE HUNDRED FOOT LONG ON THE SIDE. Now, the long wait was ending. AT THIS DISTANCE, THE On yet another world intelligence RINGS OF SATURN ARE had been born and was escaping SEEN TO BE MADE OF from its planetary cradle. An ENORMOUS CHUNKS OF ancient experiment was about to FROZEN AMONIA. THE reach its climax. REST OF THIS SEQUENCE (con't) IS BEING WORKED ON NOW BY OUR DESIGNERS. THE INTENTION HERE IS TO PRESENT A BREATHTAKINGLY BEA- UTIFUL AND COMPREHEN- SIVE SENSE OF DIFFERENT EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL WORLDS. THE NARRATION WILL SUGGEST IMAGES AND SITUATIONS AS YOU READ IT. 12/9/65 d1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D1 CONTINUED NARRATOR (con't) Those who had begun the expri- ment so long ago had not been men. But when they looked out across the deeps of space, they felt awe and wonder - and loneliness. In their explorations, they encountered life in many forms, and watched on a thousand worlds the workings of evolution. They saw how often the first faint sparks of intelligence flickered and died in the cosmic night. And because, in all the galaxy, they had found nothing more precious than Mind, they encouraged its dawning every- where. The great Dinosaurs had long since perished when their ships entered the solar system, after a voyage that had already lasted thousands of years. 12/9/65 d2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D1 CONTINUED NARRATOR (con't) They swept past the frozen outer planets, paused briefly above the deserts of dying Mars and presently looked down on Earth. For years they studied, collected and catalogued. When they had learned all they could, they began to modify. They tinkered with the destiny of many species on land and in the ocean, but which of their experiments would succeed they could not know for at least a million years. They were patient, but they were not yet immortal. There was much to do in this Universe of a hundred billion stars. So they set forth once more across the abyss, knowing that they would never come this way again. Nor was there any need. Their wonderful machines could be trusted to do the rest. (con't) 12/9/65 d3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D1 CONTINUED NARRATOR (con't) On Earth, the glaciers came and went, while above them, the changeless Moon still carried its secret. With a yet slower rhythm than the Polar ice, the tide of civilization ebbed and flowed across the galaxy. Strange and beautiful and terrible empires rose and fell, and passed on their knowledge to their successors. Earth was not forgotten, but it was one of a million silent worlds, a few of which would ever speak. Then the first explorers of Earth, recognising the limitations of their minds and bodies, passed on their knowledge to the great machines they had created, and who now trnscended them in every way. (con't) 12/9/65 d4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D1 CONTINUED NARRATOR For a few thousand years, they shared their Universe with their machine children; then, realizing that it was folly to linger when their task was done, they passed into history without regret. Not one of them ever looked through his own eyes upon the planet Earth again. But even the age of the Machine Entities passed swiftly. In their ceaseless experimenting, they had learned to store knowledge in the structure of space itself, and to preserve their thoughts for eternity in frozen lattices of light. They could become creatures of radiation, free at last from the tyranny of matter. Now, they were Lords of the galaxy, and beyond the reach of time. They could rove at will among the stars, and sink like a subtle mist through the very interstices of space. 12/9/65 d5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D1 CONTINUED NARRATOR (con't) But despite their God-like powers, they still watched over the experiments their ancestors had started so many generations ago. The companion of Saturn knew nothing of this, as it orbited in its no man's land between Mimas and the outer edge of rings. It had only to remember and wait, and to look forever Sunward with its strange senses. For many weeks, it had watched the approaching ship. Its long- dead makers had prepared it for many things and this was one of them. And it recognised what was climbing starward from the Sun. If it had been alive, it would have felt excitement, but such an emotion was irrelevant to its great powers. (con't) 12/9/65 d6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D1 CONTINUED NARRATOR (con't) Even if the ship had passed it by, it would not have known the slightest trace of disappointment. It had waited four million years; it was prepared to wait for eternity. Presently, it felt the gentle touch of radiations, trying to probe its secrets. Now, the ship was in orbit and it began to speak, with prime numbers from one to eleven, over and over again. Soon, these gave way to more complex signals at many frequen- cies, ultra-violet, infra-red, X-rays. The machine made no reply. It had nothing to say. Then it saw the first robot probe, which descended and hovered above the chasm. (con't) 12/9/65 d7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ D1 CONTINUED NARRATOR (con't) Then, it dropped into darkness. The great machine knew that this tiny scout was reporting back to its parent; but it was too simple, too primative a device to detect the forces that were gathering round it now. Then the pod came, carrying life. The great machine searched its memories. The logic circuits made their decision when the pod had fallen beyond the last faint glow of the reflected Saturnian light. In a moment of time, too short to be measured, space turned and twisted upon itself. 12/9/65 d8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ END OF SCREENPLAY END OF FILE Ghostbusters II by Harold Ramis and Dan Aykroyd September 29, 1988 Last revised Feburary 27, 1989 EXT. MANHATTAN ISLAND - DAY A high AERIAL SHOT of the island features the Statue of Liberty prominently in the foreground then TRAVELS ACROSS the harbor, OVER the Battery and Lower Manhattan to Greenwich Village. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - DAY A car is being hoisted up by a municipal tow truck while its owner is having a terrible screaming arguement with a parking enforcement officer. DANA BARRETT comes home pushing a baby buggy, struggling with two full bags of groceries, and trying to dig her keys out of her purse. The building superintendent FRANK, sees her struggling but pretends not to notice. DANA (exasperated) Frank, do you think you could give me a hand with these bags? FRANK I'm not a doorman, Miss Barrett. I'm a building superintendent. DANA You're also a human being, Frank. FRANK (reluctantly going to help) Okay, okay. It's not my job, but what the hell. I'll do you a favor. He takes the grocery bags from her. DANA (setting the wheel brakes on the buggy) Thank you, Frank. I'll get the hang of this eventually. She continues digging in her purse while Frank leans over the buggy and makes funny faces at the baby, OSCAR, a very cute nine-month old boy. FRANK (to the baby) Hiya, Oscar. What do you say, slugger? FRANK (to Dana) That's a good-looking kid you got there, Ms. Barrett. DANA (finding her keys) Thank you, Frank. Oh, are you ever going to fix the radiator in my bedroom? I asked you last week. FRANK Didn't I do it? BABY BUGGY It starts to vibrate as if shaken by an unseen hand. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - BABY - DAY He GURGLES with delight at the movement. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - DANA AND FRANK - DAY Neither of them notice the movement of the carriage. DANA No, you didn't, Frank. FRANK Okay, that's no problem. DANA That's exactly what you said last week. BUGGY WHEELS The brakes unlock themselves. DANA She reaches for the handlebar of the buggy, but the buggy rolls forward just out of her reach and stops. Surprised by the movement, she reaches for the handlebar again, but this time the buggy rolls away even further. Alarmed now, Dana hurries after it, but the buggy keeps rolling down the street at ever increasing speed. SIDEWALK Dana chases the buggy down the street, shouting to passing pedestrians for help, but every time someone reaches out to stop it, the buggy swerves and continues unchecked. INTERSECTION Cars, trucks, and buses speed by in both directions as the buggy races toward the corner. DANA She puts her head down and sprints after the buggy like an Olympian. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - INTERSECTION - DAY A city bus is on a collision course with the speeding baby buggy. BUGGY It careens toward the corner. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - BABY - DAY Its eyes are wide open with excitement. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - INTERSECTION - DAY Bus and buggy are closing fast as the buggy bounces over the curb and into the crosswalk. BUS The bus driver reacts in helpless horror as he sees the buggy enter the intersection at high speed. BUGGY It comes to a dead stop right in the middle of the street. The bus continues missing the buggy by inches. INTERSECTION Cars and trucks swerve and hit their brakes as Dana runs into the intersection and snatches up the baby. She hugs it close, deeply relieved, then looks at the buggy with the dawning awareness that the supernatural has re-entered her life. CUT TO: EXT. UPPER WEST SIDE - NEW YORK CITY STREET - GHOSTBUSTERS LOGO - DAY THEME MUSIC kicks in strongly as we see the familiar "No Ghosts" symbol and PULL BACK to reveal that it's painted on the side of Ecto-1, the Ghostbusters' emergency vehicle, which is speeding up Broadway on the Upper West Side. RAY STANTZ is driving and WINSTON ZEDDEMORE is riding shotgun. EXT. WEST 77TH STREET - DAY (MOMENTS LATER) The Ectomobile pulls up in front of a carefully-restored brownstone. Stantz and Winston, wearing their official Ghostbuster uniforms, jump out of the old ambulance, shoulder their proton packs and enter the house. INT. BROWNSTONE - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) A WOMAN greets them and leads them through the expensively-furnished house. STANTZ (all business) How many of them are there, ma'am? WOMAN Fourteen. They're in the back. I hope you can handle them. It's been like a nightmare. WINSTON How big are they? She holds her hand out indicating about four feet. WINSTON (resolute) We'll do our best, ma'am. WOMAN They're right out here. She leads them to a set of French doors that open into another room. Stantz and Winston pause to make final adjustments to their equipment. STANTZ Ready? WINSTON I'm ready. STANTZ Then let's do it. He pushes through the French doors and they step into the room. INT. BROWNSTONE - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) They are immediately attacked by fourteen or fifteen screaming KIDS between the ages of seven and ten. KIDS (disappointed) Ghostbusters!! Boooo!! Tables are set with party favors, ice cream and birthday cake and the room is strewn with discarded toys and games. A couple of weary parents sink onto lawn chairs as Stantz and Winston take over the party. WINSTON (trying his best) How you doin', kids? LITTLE BOY (nasty) I though we were having He-Man. STANTZ He-Man couldn't make it today. That's why we're here. BOY My dad says you're full of crap. STANTZ (stopped cold) Well, a lot of people have trouble believing in the paranormal. BOY No, he just says you're full of crap and that's why you went out of business. He kicks Stantz in the leg. Stantz grabs him by the shirtfront. STANTZ (low and menacing) I'm watching you. (to Winston) Song. Winston switches on a tiny TAPE RECORDER which starts PLAYING the Ghostbusters THEME SONG. Stantz and WInston start singing STANTZ AND WINSTON 'There's something wrong in the neighborhood. Who you gonna call?' KIDS (all together) He-Man!! CUT TO: EXT. WEST 77TH STREET - DAY (LATER) Stantz and Winston wearily load their equipment into the Ectomobile. WINSTON That's it, Ray. I've had it. No more parties. I'm tired of taking abuse from over-privileged nine-year-olds. STANTZ Come on, Winston. We can't quit now. The holidays are coming up. It's our best season. They get in the car INT. ECTO-1 - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Stantz tries to start the car, but the engine won't turn over. WINSTON Give it up, Ray. You're living in the past. Ghostbusters doesn't exist anymore. In a year these kids won't even remember who we are. STANTZ (tries to start the car again) Ungrateful little Yuppie larvae. After all we did for this city. WINSTON Yeah, what did we do, Ray? The last real job we had we bubbled up a hundred foot marshmallow man and blew the top three floors off an uptown highrise. STANTZ Yeah, but what a ride. You can't make a hamburger without chopping up a cow. He turns the key again, the ENGING TURNS OVER, then starts GRINDING and CLUNKING disastrously, chewing up vital parts and dropping twisted bits of metal onto the pavement. Finally, with a BLAST of black sooty exhaust from the tailpipe, Ecto-1 shudders and dies. Frustrated, Stantz bangs his head lightly on the steering wheel CUT TO: INT. WKRR-TV STUDIO RECEPTION AREA - DAY (LATER) A bank of monitors in the lobby show the program now running on WKRR, Channel 10 in New York. We PUSH IN ON one of the monitors as a title card and logo come up accompanied by some EERIE SYNTHESIZER MUSIC, and we return to the show in progress: "World of the Psychic with Dr. Peter Venkman." There is a video dissolve to a standard talk show set and sitting there is our host PETER VENKMAN, the renowned and somewhat infamous ex-Ghostbuster. VENKMAN He turns TO CAMERA and talks to his viewers in a suavely engaging tone, understated and intimate. VENKMAN Hi, welcome back to the 'World of the Psychic,' I'm Peter Venkman and I'm chatting with my guest, author, lecturer and of course, psychic, Milton Anglund. (to his guest) Milt, your new book is called The End of the World. Isn't that kind of like writing about gum disease. Yes, it could happen, but do you think anybody wants to read a book about it? MILTON Well, I think it's important for people to know that the world is in danger. VENKMAN Okay, so can you tell us when it's going to happen or do we have to buy the book? MILTON I predict that the world will end at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve. VENKMAN This year? That's cutting it a little close, isn't it? I mean, just from a sales point of view, the book just came out, right? So you're not even looking at the paperback release for maybe a year. And it's going to be at least another year after that if the thing has movie-of-the-week or mini-series potential. You would have been better off predicting 1992 or even '94 just to be safe. MILTON (irritated) This is not just some money-making scheme! I didn't just make up the date. I have a strong psychic belief that the world will end on New Year's Eve. VENKMAN (placating) Well, for your sake, I hope you're right. But I think my other guest may disagree with you. Elaine, you had another date in mind? The CAMERA REVEALS ELAINE, an attractive, aggressive New Jersey housewife, sitting on the other side of Venkman. ELAINE According to my sources, the world will end on February 14, in the year 2016. VENKMAN Valentine's Day. That's got to be a bummer. Where did you get that date, Elaine? ELAINE I received this information from an alien. I was at the Paramus Holiday Inn, I was having a drink in the bar when he approached me and started talking. Then he must have used some sort of ray or a mind control device because he made me follow him to his room and that's where he told me about the end of the world. VENKMAN Your alien had a room in the Holiday Inn? ELAINE It may have been a room on the spacecraft made up to look like a room in the Holiday Inn. I can't be sure, Peter. VENKMAN (humoring her) No, you can't, and I think that's the whole problem with aliens; you just can't trust them. You may get some nice ones occasionally like Starman or E.T., but most of them turn out to be some kind of lizard. Anyway, we're just about out of time. (does his wrap-up right TO the CAMERA) Next week on 'World of the Psychic,' hairless pets. (holds up a hairless cat) Until then, this is Peter Venkman saying ... (puts a finger to his temple and sends out a though to his viewers) ... Good night. CUT TO: INT. TV STUDIO - CORRIDOR - DAY (LATER) Venkman comes out of the studio squabbling with his producer, NORMAN, a well-meaning young incompetent. VENKMAN Where do you find these people? I thought we were having the telekinetic guy who bends the spoons? NORMAN A lot of the better psychics won't come on the show. They think you're too skeptical. VENKMAN Skeptical! Norman, I'm a pushover. I think professional wrestling is real. There is a small commotion down the hall as two plainclothes cops come out of the next studio followed by a group of mayoral assistants. VENKMAN (to Norman) What's all this? NORMAN They just interviewed the mayor on 'Cityline.' VENKMAN The Mayor! He's a friend of mine. Venkman starts down the hall as the MAYOR and his principal aide, JACK HARDEMEYER, come walking out of the studio. VENKMAN (calling to the Mayor) Lenny! The Mayor sees Venkman, blanches and hurries off, pretending not to know him. VENKMAN (starts to follow him) Lenny! It's Pete Venkman! The plainclothesmen cut Venkman off and Hardemeyer puts a heavy hand against Venkman's chest. HARDEMEYER (snide) Can I help you? VENKMAN (dangerous) Yeah, you can get your hand off my chest. Hardemeyer smiles and drops his hand. HARDEMEYER I'm Jack Hardemeyer. I'm the mayor's assistant. What can I do for you? VENKMAN I'm an old friend of the mayor's. I just want to say hello to him. HARDEMEYER (scornful) I know who you are, Doctor Venkman. Busting any ghosts lately? VENKMAN No, that's what I want to talk to the mayor about. We did a little job for the city a while back and we ended up getting sued, screwed and tattooed by deskworms like you. HARDEMEYER (bristling) Look, you stay away from the mayor. Next fall, barring a disaster, he's going to be elected governor of this state and the last thing we need is for him to be associated with two-bit frauds and publicity hounds like you and your friends. You read me? Hardemeyer walks off with the two cops. VENKMAN Okay, I get it. But I want you to tell Lenny that, because of you, I'm not voting for him. CUT TO: EXT. MANHATTAN MUSEUM OF ART - DAY The broad front steps of the museum are crowded with tourists and visitors. Dana arrives carrying a portfolio and artist's tackle box and enters the museum. INT. MUSEUM - RESTORATION STUDIO - DAY (LATER) We are FULL-FRAME ON a larger-than-life, full-figure portrait of VIGO THE CARPATHIAN, a demented and sadistic 16th century despot with an incredibly powerful evil presence. Then we PULL BACK to reveal the studio, which is a large open space on the top floor of the museum, lit by large skylights in the ceiling. Working on the Vigo painting is JANOSZ POHA, a youngish art historian and painter, the head of the department, quirky, intense and somewhat creepy. Janosz is staring longingly across the room at Dana. DANA She is carefully cleaning a 19th Century landscape painting, still preoccupied by the extraordinary near-accident with the buggy. Janosz watches her for a moment, then comes up behind her and looks over her shoulder. JANOSZ (with an East European accent) Still working on the Turner? Dana jumps, startled by the intrusion. DANA Oh, yes, I got in a little late this morning, Janosz. JANOSZ You know, you are really doing very good work here. I think soon you may be ready to assist me in some of the more important restorations. DANA Thank you, Janosz. I've learned a lot here, but now that my baby's a little older, I was hoping to rejoin the orchestra. VIGO PAINTING At the mention of Dana's baby, the figure of Vigo miraculously turns his head and looks at Dana. JANOSZ AND DANA Neither of them notice the movement in the painting. JANOSZ (disappointed) We'll be very sorry to lose you. Perhaps I could take you to lunch today? DANA Actually, I'm not eating lunch today. I have an appointment. (looks at her watch) In fact, I'd better go. She starts gathering up her things. JANOSZ Every day I ask you, and every day you've got something else to do. Do I have bad breath or something? DANA (trying to brush him off) I'm sorry. Perhaps some other time. JANOSZ Okay, I'll take a raincheck on that. Janosz smiles at her as she exits, then goes back to his easel. JANOSZ (to himself) I think she likes me. He switches on an English language TAPE and starts practicing the phrases as he resumes working. CUT TO: EXT. UNIVERSITY - DAY Dana Barrett crosses the quad and enters a modern building. A sign identifies it as "The Institute for Advanced Theoretical Research." INT. UNIVERSITY - DAY (A LITTLE LATER) Dana is explaining the buggy incident to EGON SPENGLER, the soberly intellectual techno-wizard and former Ghostbuster, as he conducts an experiment assisted by a research team of graduate students, all of whom are Japanese, Chinese, or Korean. The device he is testing is a black box about the size of a Sony Watchman with both digital and graphic displays. DANA ... and then the buggy just suddenly stopped dead in the middle of the street SPENGLER Did anyone else see this happen? DANA Hundreds of people. Believe me, I didn't imagine this. SPENGLER I'm not saying you did. In science we always look for the simplest explanation. An ASSISTANT interrupts. ASSISTANT We're ready, Dr. Spengler SPENGLER (to the Assistant) We'll start with the negative calibration. He picks up the device and prepares to test it. DANA (curious) What are you working on, Egon? SPENGLER I'm trying to determine whether human emotional states have a measurable effect on the psychomagnetheric energy field. It's a theory Ray and I were working on when we had to dissolve Ghostbusters. An assistant draws a curtain revealing a large picture window, actually a two-way mirror, that looks into a small waiting room. Inside the waiting room they can see but not hear a youngish couple having a heated arguement. SPENGLER (to Dana) They think they're here for marriage counseling. We've kept them waiting for two hours and we've been gradually increasing the temperature in the room. (checking a heat sensor) It's up to 95 degrees at the moment. Now my assistant is going to enter and ask them if they'd mind waiting another half-hour. As Spengler, Dana, and the research team watch, the assistant enters the waiting room and tells the couple about the new delay. They explode with anger both at him and each other while Spengler monitors them through the glass. After recording his readings, he returns to his Assistant. SPENGLER We'll do the happiness index next. (to Dana) I'd like to bring Ray in on your case, if it's all right with you. DANA Okay, whatever you think -- but not Venkman. SPENGLER Oh no. DANA (affectedly casual) Do you ever see him? SPENGLER Occasionally DANA How is he these days? SPENGLER Venkman? I think he was borderline for a while there. Then he crossed the border. DANA Does he ever mention me? SPENGLER No. Not that I can recall. They move to another two-way mirror through which they can see a lovely little girl playing with a wonderful array of toys. DANA (slightly disappointed) Well, we didn't part on very good terms and we sort of lost track of each other when I got married. The Assistant interrupts again. ASSISTANT We're ready for the affection test. SPENGLER (to the assistant) Good. Send in the puppy. DANA (continuing) I thought of calling him after my marriage ended, but --. Anyway, I appreciate you're doing this, Egon They watch as another assistant enters the playroom with an adorable Cocker Spaniel puppy and gives it to the little girl. Spengler monitors her as she jumps for joy and hugs the little dog. DANA (handing him a card) This is my address and telephone number. Will you call me? SPENGLER Certainly. DANA Egon, I'd rather you didn't mention any of this to Peter if you don't mind. SPENGLER I won't. DANA Thank you. She shakes his hand and exits. SPENGLER (to his assistant) Now let's see how she reacts when we take away the puppy CUT TO: EXT. RAY'S OCCULT BOOK STORE - DAY (LATER) It's a small basement shop located on a quaint commercial block in Greenwich Village. The window is crowded with occult artifacts and old books full of arcane metaphysical lore. The TELEPHONE RINGS. STANTZ (v.o., answering the phone) Ray's Occult. INT. RAY'S OCCULT BOOKS - CONTINUOUS The shelves are jammed floor to ceiling with books on the paranormal. Ray sits on a barstool behind the counter wearing an old cardigan sweater over a T-shirt. He has on a pair of reading glasses and chews on a battered, reeking pipe. As he talks on the phone he prepares a cup of herb tea for Spengler who is thumbing through an arcane text. STANTZ (on the phone) Yeah ... mmhmm ... What do you need? ... What have I got? I've got alchemy, astrology, apparitions, Bundu Magic Men, demon intercession, U.F.O. abductions, psychic surgery, stigmata, modern miracles, pixie sightings, golden geese, geists, ghosts, I've got it all -- what are you looking for? ... Don't have any. Try the stockyards. He hangs up. SPENGLER Who was that? STANTZ Some crank. Looking for goat hooves. Come up with anything? SPENGLER (referring to the book) This one's interesting. Berlin, 1939, a flower cart took off by itself and rolled approximately half a kilometer over level ground. Three hundred eyewitnesses. STANTZ You might want to check those Duke University mean averaging studies on controlled psychokinesis. SPENGLER (going to the stacks) Good idea. The bones hanging over the door rattle as Venkman enters the shop. VENKMAN Oh, hello, perhaps you could help me. I'm looking for an aerosol love potion I could spray on a certain Penthouse Pet that would make her unconditionally submit to an unusual personal request. STANTZ Oh, hiya, Pete. VENKMAN So, no goat hooves, huh? STANTZ (strung) I knew that voice sounded familiar. What's up? How's it going? VENKMAN Nowhere -- fast. Why don't you lock up and buy me a sub? STANTZ (slightly evasive) Uh, I can't. I'm kind of working on something. Spengler steps out of the stacks. VENKMAN Egon! SPENGLER Hello, Venkman. VENKMAN How've you been? How's teaching? I bet those science chicks really dig that big cranium of yours, huh? SPENGLER I think they're more interested in my epididymis. VENKMAN I don't even want to know where that is. Venkman steps behind the counter and takes a beer from Ray's mini-fridge. STANTZ Oh, your book came in, Venkman. Magical Paths to Fortune and Power. He hands Venkman the book. VENKMAN Great. (reading the contents) So what are you guys working on? STANTZ Oh, just checking something for an old friend. VENKMAN Who? STANTZ (at a loss) Who? Just -- someone we know. VENKMAN Oh, Ray -- He grabs Stantz by both ears and pulls up. VENKMAN Who? Who? Who? STANTZ Aaah! Nobody! I can't tell you! VENKMAN Who, Ray? STANTZ (giving in) Dana! Dana Barrett! Venkman lets go of his ears and smiles. Spengler looks at Stantz and shakes his head. CUT TO: INT. DANA'S APARTMENT - DAY (LATER) The apartment is old and creatively furnished with a comfortable mix of modern and traditional pieces. Maria, a young Hispanic woman who does day care for Dana, is feeding the baby in the kitchen when the DOORBELL RINGS. CUT TO: Dana enters from the bedroom and crosses to the front door. She opens it and admits Ray and Egon. DANA (hugging Ray) Hi, Ray. It's good to see you. Thanks for coming. STANTZ No problem. Always glad to help -- and hug. DANA (to Spengler) Hi, Egon. She shakes his hand and is about to close the door when Venkman appears in the doorway. VENKMAN Hi, Dana. Dana is caught completely off guard by Venkman's surprise appearance. VENKMAN I knew you'd come crawling back to me. She regards him coolly, as always amused and amazed at his presumptuousness. DANA Hello, Peter. VENKMAN (to Dana) You know, Dana, I'm very very hurt that you didn't call me first. I'm still into all this stuff, you know. Haven't you ever seen my show? DANA I have. That's why I didn't call you first. VENKMAN I can see that you're still very bitter about us, but in the interest of science, I'm going to give it my best shot. Let's go to work, boys. Stantz and Spengler begin a comprehensive parapsychological work-up on the baby and the immediate physical environment. VENKMAN AND DANA Venkman starts nosing around the apartment. Dana follows him. VENKMAN So what happened to Mr. Right? I hear he ditched you and the kid and moved to Europe. DANA He didn't "ditch" me. We had some problems, he got a good offer from an orchestra in England and he took it. VENKMAN He ditched you. You should've married me, you know. DANA You never asked me, and every time I brought it up you'd get drowsy and fall asleep. VENKMAN Men are very sensitive, you know. We need to feel loved and desired, too. DANA Well, when you started introducing me as "the old ball and chain," that's when I left. VENKMAN I may have a few personal problems but one thing I am is a total professional. He leaves her and crosses to Spengler. SPENGLER He's taking a complete set of body and head measurements of the baby with a tape measure and calipers. VENKMAN What are you going to do, Egon? Knit him a snowsuit? Spengler ignores the remark and hands Venkman a specimen jar. SPENGLER I'd like to have a stool specimen VENKMAN Yeah, you would. Is that for personal or professional reasons? VENKMAN (picking up the baby) Okay, kid. Up you go. He starts clowning with the baby, holding him over his head and pressing his nose into the baby's belly, pretending that the baby is attacking him. VENKMAN Help! Please somebody help me! Get him off! Quickly! He's gone completely berserk! Dana is amused and somewhat disarmed by Venkman's rapport with the baby. DANA What do you think? VENKMAN There's no doubt about it. He's got his father's looks. The kid is ugly -- extremely ugly. And smelly. (resumes playing with the baby) You stink! It's just horrible. You are the stinkiest baby I ever smelled. (to Dana) What's his name? DANA His name is Oscar. VENKMAN Oscar! You poor kid! DANA (losing patience) Peter, this is serious. I need to know if you think there's anything unusual about him. VENKMAN Unusual? (holds up the baby and scrutinizes him) I don't know. I haven't had a lot of experience with babies. He looks at the baby, pulling his feet up, trying to get the sleeper off. DANA (taking the specimen jar) I'll do it. VENKMAN I'll supervise. INT. DANA'S APARTMENT - NURSERY - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Venkman enters and finds Stantz monitoring the room. VENKMAN (to Stantz) Well, Holmes, what do you think? STANTZ It's an interesting one, Pete. If anything was going on it's totally subdued now. Spengler enters. VENKMAN (to Spengler) What now, Brainiac? SPENGLER I think we should see if we can find anything abnormal on the street. VENKMAN Finding something abnormal on the street shouldn't be too hard. CUT TO: EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - DAY (LATER) Dana walks down the street with Venkman, retracing the path of the runaway buggy. Spengler and Stantz follow, monitoring PKE valences from the pavement and the buildings. VENKMAN (to Dana, nostalgic) Brings back a lot of sweet memories, doesn't it? (pointing out familiar neighborhood sights) There's our old cash machine. And the dry cleaners we used to go to. And the old video store. (he wipes away an imaginary tear) We really had some good times, didn't we? DANA We definitely had a moment or two. Dana stops at the intersection and points to the middle of the street. DANA That's where the buggy stopped. VENKMAN Okay, let's take a look. Venkman walks right out into the middle of the street, completely oblivious to the CARS HONKING and whizzing past him and starts motioning like a traffic cop, bringing traffic to a standstill. Then he signals for Dana, Stantz and Spengler to join him in the middle of the street. STANTZ (reading the PKE meter) Is this the spot? DANA A little to the left. Right there! That's where it stopped. Stantz reads the PKE meter. STANTZ Nothing. Not a trace. SPENGLER Why don't we try the Giga-meter? VENKMAN What's that? STANTZ Egon and I have been working on a gauge to measure psychomagnetheric energy in GEVs - giga electron volts. SPENGLER That's a thousand million electron volts. VENKMAN I knew that. Spengler switches on the Giga-meter, the device he was testing in the lab, and passes it over the spot on the street where the buggy stopped. The indicator goes right into the red zone and the DEVICE starts CLICKING WILDLY. STANTZ I think we hit the honeypot, boys. There's something brewing under the street. DANA (worried, to Venkman) Peter, do you think maybe I have some genetic problem or something that makes me vulnerable to these supernatural things. VENKMAN You mean like the time you got possessed and turned into a monster terror dog? No, not a chance. Total coincidence. (to Stantz and Spengler) Am I right? Stantz and Spengler look at him skeptically, not convinced by the coincidence theory. CUT TO: INT. MANHATTAN MUSEUM OF ART - LATE AFTERNOON The museum has just closed for the day and the last of the visitors and employees are leaving. INT. RESTORATION STUDIO - SAME TIME Janosz is working late on the painting of Vigo. VIGO PAINTING Unnoticed by Janosz, the eyes of Vigo start to glow. JANOSZ He touches his brush to the canvas and a powerful current of red, crackling energy surges through the brush and courses through his body, driving him to his knees. PAINTING The figure of Vigo comes to life, turns toward Janosz and gestures dramatically at him. Then he speaks to Janosz in a commanding voice. VIGO I, Vigo, the scourge of Carpathia, the sorrow of Moldavia, command you. JANOSZ (in agony) Command me, lord. VIGO On a mountain of skulls in a castle of pain, I sat on a throne of blood. What was will be, what is will be no more. Now is the season of evil. Find me a child that I might live again. Bolts of red-hot energy shoot from the eyes of Vigo into Janosz's eyes. He screams and falls to his knees. CUT TO: EXT. COFFEE SHOP - EAST 77TH STREET - NIGHT Venkman and Stantz come out with small boxes containing coffee, sandwiches and Danish and start walking up the street. VENKMAN I love this. We're onto something really big. I can smell it, Ray. We're going to make some headlines with this one. STANTZ Hey, hey, hey, stresshound! Are you nuts? If anybody found out about this we'd be in serious trouble. The judge couldn't have been clearer - no ghostbusting. VENKMAN Relax. We're going to keep this whole thing nice and quiet, low key, no profile. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Spengler, wearing a hardhat, is JACKHAMMERING a hole in the middle of the street. Safety cones and reflectors have been set up and a small area is lit by strong work lights. POLICE CAR It turns onto East 77th Street, cruises slowly up to the makeshift worksite and stops. The noise of the JACKHAMMER is so loud, Spengler doesn't notice the police car and the two COPS inside looking at them. Finally, he looks up, sees the police car and freezes. FIRST COP How ya doing? SPENGLER (reeking with guilt) Fine! It's cutting fine now. FIRST COP (curious) Why are you cutting? SPENGLER (looking for one of the others) Why are we cutting? Uh - boss! Venkman and Stantz arrive just in time wearing Con Ed hardhats, doing a good imitation of a Consolidated Edison repairman. FIRST COP What are you doing here? VENKMAN (belligerent) What the hell's it look like we're doing? We're bustin out asses over here 'cause some douchebag downtown ain't got nothin' better to do than make idiots like us work late on a Friday night, right? (looks to Spengler for agreement) SPENGLER (with a "right on" fist) Yo. The cops seem satisfied by the explanation. FIRST COP Okay, boys, take it easy. They drive off. Spengler breathes a great sigh of relief and starts rubbing his sore shoulders. SPENGLER You were supposed to help me with this. VENKMAN You need the exercise. Stantz resumes JACKHAMMERING, while Venkman and Spengler clear the rubble from the hole. Suddenly he hits metal. They clear away generations of paving material revealing an ornate iron manhole cover. The manhole cover bears a strange logo and the letters NYPRR. STANTZ (examing it) NYPRR. What the hell -- ? Help me lift this. They prey off the iron cover with crowbars, uncovering a very dark and very deep abyss. STANTZ (shining a flashlight into the hole) Wow! It's an old airshaft. It just goes forever. Spengler leans in with the giga-meter which is reading even higher now. SPENGLER Very intense. We need a deeper reading. Somebody has to go down there. Venkman and Spengler both look at Ray. STANTZ Thanks, boys. They snap Stantz into a harness and lower him into the hole on a strong cable attached to a winch. Ray calls out orders to them as he descends deeper and deeper. STANTZ (O.S.) (his voice echoing in the airshaft) Keep going -- more -- more -- INT. HOLE - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Stantz rappels off the sides of the airshaft as he continues his descent in total darkness. STANTZ (using a radio now) Lower -- lower -- (to himself) Gee, this really is deep. Suddenly, his feet kick thin air as he gets to the bottom of the airshaft and swings free in some kind of tunnel. STANTZ (shouts) Hold it! Steady! He pulls a powerful flashlight from his utility belt and shines it into the tunnel below. INT. VAN HORNE STATION - STANTZ'S POV - NIGHT He is suspended near the top of a beautifully preserved chamber with rounded, polished tile walls ardorned with intricate, colorfully enameled Art Nouveau mosaics. A finely inlaid sign identifies it as VAN HORNE STATION. STANTZ He pans the walls with his flashlight, admiring the excellent tilework, and speaks quietly to Venkman and Spengler over his walkie-talkie. STANTZ (reverently) This is it, boys, the end of the line. Van Horne Station. The old New York Pneumatic. It's still here. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - HOLE - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Venkman has no idea what he's talking about. SPENGLER (explaining) The New York Pneumatic Railway. It was an experimental subway system. Fan-forced air-trains, built around 1870. STANTZ (over the walkie-talkie) This is about as deep as you can go under Manhattan without digging your own hole. SPENGLER (to Stantz) What's the reading? INT. VAN HORNE STATION - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Stantz shines his flashlight on the meter and whistles at the extremely high reading. STANTZ (on the radio) Off the top of the scale. This place is really hot. Lower me to the floor. As Venkman and Spengler feed him some more cable, he pans his flashlight down the wall of the station, then onto the floor. STANTZ (shouts) Hold it!! Stop!! Whoa!! INT. VAN HORNE STATION - STANTZ'S POV - FLOOR - NIGHT Below him is a river of bubbling seething, glowing slime, a veritable torrent of disgusting ooze. As he stares into the foul effluent, we become aware of the strangely amplified and magnified sounds of great ENGINES THROBBING and pulsing in the bowels of the city, of WATER RUSHING through pipes, STEAM HISSING through ducts, the muffled RUMBLE of the SUBWAY and the ROAR of TRAFFIC, and mixed with it all, the unmistakable sounds of human conflict and pain -- VOICES SHOUTING in anger, SCREAMING in fear, GROANING in pain, a sad and eerie symphony. INT. VAN HORNE STATION - STANTZ - NIGHT STANTZ (ranting on the radio) Oh, my God! It's a seething, bubbling, psychic cess! Interlocked tubes of plasm, crackling with negative GEVs! It's glowing and moving! It's -- it's a river of slime!! STANTZ He dangles from the end of the cable, holding his feet up as high as he can. He unhooks a device from his utility belt and pulls the trigger on it, shooting out a long telescoping fishing-pole with a scoop on the end. Reaching down, he scoops up a sample of the slime and starts retracting the pole. SLIME Suddenly, a grotesque arm with a long skeletal fingers reaches up out of the slime and snatches at Stantz's dangling feet. He jerks his legs up as several more arms poke up out of the slime and reach for him. STANTZ (on the radio) Haul me up, Venkman! Now! EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - HOLE - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Venkman and Spengler start hauling in the cable as a Con Ed Supervisor's car drives up, and behind it, the same police car they saw earlier. A burly SUPERVISOR gets out and crosses toward them, followed by the two cops. SUPERVISOR (no nonsense) Okay, what's the story here? Venkman and Spengler stop pulling up the cable and Venkman tries the belligerent worker ploy again, only this time he's wearing a Nynex hardhat. VENKMAN What, I got time for this? We got three thousand phones out in the Village and about eight million miles of cable to check. SUPERVISOR (not buying it) The phone lines are over there. (points to the curb) Venkman pops Spengler on the head. VENKMAN I told ya! Stantz can be heard ranting over Venkman's walkie-talkie. STANTZ (O.S.) (filtered) Help! Help! Pull me up! It's alive! It's eating my boots. Venkman switches off the walkie-talkie. FIRST COP You ain't with Con Ed or the phone company. We checked. Tell me another one. Venkman stares at the Cop for a long moment. VENKMAN Gas leak? INT. VAN HORNE STATION - SAME TIME Stantz is hanging there, looking down into the shaft at the slime which is now bubbling up the shaft after him. STANTZ (shouting) Get me out of here!! Desperate now, he kicks wildly and knocks loose a section of an old, rusting conduit. INT. VAN HORNE STATION - BOTTOM OF THE SHAFT The conduit falls on a heavy electrical transmission line, ripping through the cable with a SHOWER OF SPARKS. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - HOLE - CONTINUOUS ACTION Venkman, Spengler, the cops and the supervisor all react to a bright FLASH deep down in the hole and a SHOUT from Stantz. EXT. EAST 77TH STREET - STREET - NIGHT One by one, all the streetlights go out; then the lights on all the buildings along East 77th street; then the whole neighborhood blacks out, and finally the entire city is plunged into darkness. STANTZ (O.S.) Sorry. INT. DANA BARRETT'S APARTMENT - NIGHT (SAME TIME) She walks around in the dark lighting candles and placing them all over the living room. Then she finds a transistor radio and turns it on for information about the blackout. She listens to a special news report for a moment, then has a compelling impulse to go check on the baby. She crosses to the nursery carrying a candle and quietly opens the door and looks in. Suddenly the DOORBELL RINGS, scaring her half to death. Leaving the chain on the door, she opens it a crack and sees Janosz standing in the hall, eerily lit by a red emergency spot at the end of the hallway. He looks slightly dazed and even creepier. DANA (surprised) Janosz? JANOSZ Hello, Dana. I happened to be in the neighborhood and I thought I'd stop by to see if everything's all right with you -- you know, with the blackout and everything? Are you okay? Is the baby all right? His affected concern is chilling. She is frightened but conceals it from him. DANA (mechanically and cautiously) We're fine, Janosz. He tires to look around her into the apartment. JANOSZ Do you need anything? You want me to come in? DANA No, everything's fine. Honestly. Thanks anyway. JANOSZ Okay, just thought I'd check. Good night, Dana. Sleep well. Don't let the bedbugs bite you. DANA Good night, Janosz. She closes the door behind him and double locks it, then stands there staring into the candlelight, alone and afraid. INT. HALLWAY OF DANA'S BUILDING - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Janosz stands there in semi-darkness, then his eyes light up like headlights and he walks off down the hall. CUT TO: INT. COURTROOM - WITNESS STAND - NEXT DAY The JUDGE, a rather sour-looking jurist of the old school, calls the court to order. JUDGE I want to make one thing very clear before we go any further. The law does not recognize the existence of ghosts, and I don't believe in them either, so I don't want to hear a lot of malarkey about goblins and spooks and demons. We're going to stick to the facts in this case and save the ghost stories for the kiddies. Understood? DEFENSE TABLE Stantz leans over and whispers to Spengler. STANTZ Seems like a pretty open-minded guy, huh? SPENGLER His nickname is "The Hammer." Stantz and Spengler are seated with their attorney LOUIS TULLY, lawyer, CPA and former demonic possession victim. Louis is desperately paging through a mountain of legal textbooks. LOUIS (nervous) I think you're making a big mistake here, fellas. I do mostly tax law and some probate stuff occasionally. I got my law degree at night school. STANTZ That's all right. We got arrested at night. SPECTATORS' GALLERY Venkman is talking to Dana at the wooden rail in front of the gallery. DANA I wish I could stay. I feel personally responsible for you being here. VENKMAN You are personally responsible. If I can get conjugal rights, will you visit me at Sing Sing? DANA Please don't say that. You won't go to prison. VENKMAN Don't worry about me. I'm like a cat. DANA You mean you cough up hairballs all over the rug? VENKMAN I'm El Gato. I always land on my feet. DANA (sincerely) Good luck. VENKMAN Thanks. She gives him a quick, unexpected kiss and exits. Venkman savors it for a moment then goes back to the defense table. PROSECUTION TABLE Jack Hardemeyer, the mayor's principal aide, is goading the PROSECUTOR, a very sober, humorless woman in her late thirties. HARDEMEYER How are you doing, hon? Just put these guys away fast and make sure they go away for a long, long time. PROSECUTOR It shouldn't be hard with this list of charges. HARDEMEYER Good. Very good. The mayor and future governor won't forget this. He smiles conspiratorially and makes a point of passing the defense table on his way out of the courtroom. DEFENSE TABLE The Ghostbusters look up as Hardemeyer approaches. HARDEMEYER (gloating) Nice going, Venkman. Violating a judicial restraining order, willful destruction of public property, fraud, malicious mischief -- smooth move. See you in a couple years -- at your first parole hearing. Herdemeyer exits. Louis looks devastated. LOUIS Gee, the whole city's against us. I think I'm going to be sick. Spengler hands him a waste basket as the Prosecutor calls her first witness. INT. COURTROOM - WITNESS STAND - DAY (LATER) The Con Ed Supervisor is testifying. PROSECUTOR Mr. Fianella, please look at Exhibits A through F on the table over there. Do you recognize that equipment? EXHIBIT TABLE Lying on the table are the basic tools of the Ghostbusting trade: three proton packs and particle throwers, a couple of ghost traps, and various meters and detection devices. CON ED (o.c.) That's the stuff the cops found in their truck. WITNESS STAND She continues. PROSECUTOR Do you know what this equipment is used for? CON ED (shrugs) I don't know. Catching ghosts, I guess. PROSECUTOR (to the Judge) May I remind the court that the defendants are under a judicial restraining order that specifically forbids them from performing services as paranormal investigators and eliminators. JUDGE So noted. PROSECUTOR Now, Mr. Fianella, can you identify the substance in the jar on the table marked Exhibit F? PROSECUTOR She goes to the exhibit table and picks up a specimen jar containing the slime sample Stantz removed from the tunnel. CON ED I been working underground for Con Ed for 27 years and I never saw anything like that in my life. We checked out that tunnel the next day and we didn't find nothing. If it was down there, they must have put it there. DEFENSE TABLE Venkman and Spengler look at Stantz. STANTZ (defensively) Hey, I didn't imagine it. There must have been ten thousand gallons of it down there. SPENGLER It may be ebbing and flowing from some tidal source. LOUIS (nervously) Should I say that? SPENGLER I doubt that they'd believe us. Louis moans and goes back to his notes. WIPE TO: INT. COURTROOM - WITNESS STAND - LATER Venkman himself is on the stand and Louis is questioning him. LOUIS So like you were just trying to help out your old friend because she was scared and you didn't really mean to do anything bad and you really love the city and won't ever do anything like this again, right? PROSECUTOR Objection, your Honor. He's leading the witness. JUDGE The witness is leading him. Sustained. LOUIS Okay, let me rephrase that question. (to venkman) Didn't you once coach a basketball team for underprivileged children? VENKMAN Yes, I did. We were city champs. PROSECUTOR Objection. Irrelevant and immaterial. JUDGE Sustained. Mr. Tully, do you have anything to ask this witness that may have some bearing on this case? LOUIS (to Venkman) Do I? VENKMAN No, I think you've helped them enough already. LOUIS (to the Judge) No, I guess not. (to the Prosecutor) Your witness. The Prosecutor rises and approaches the witness stand with relish. PROSECUTOR So, Dr. Venkman, please explain to the court why it is you and your co-defendants took it upon yourselves to dig a big hole in the middle of the street. VENKMAN Seventy-seventh and First Avenue has so many holes already we didn't think anyone would notice. The gallery laughs and the Judge gavels for order. JUDGE Keep that up, mister, and I'll find you in contempt. VENKMAN Sorry, your Honor, but when somebody sets me up like that I can't resist. PROSECUTOR I'll ask you again, Dr. Venkman. Why were you digging the hole? And please remember that you're under oath. VENKMAN I had my fingers crossed when they swore me in, but I'm going to tell you the truth. There are things in this world that go way beyond human understanding, things that can't be explained and that most people don't want to know about anyway. That's where we come in. PROSECUTOR So what are you saying? That the world of the supernatural is your special province? VENKMAN No, I guess I'm just saying that shit happens and somebody has to deal with it. The spectators in the gallery cheer and the judge gavels for order. WIPE TO: INT. COURTROOM - LATER The trial is nearing its end. The Judge calls on Louis to make his summation. JUDGE Does the counsel for the defense wish to make any final arguements? Louis rises. LOUIS Your honor, may I approach the bench? JUDGE (impatient) Yes. Louis crosses to the judge's bench. LOUIS (to the judge) Can I have some of your water? JUDGE Get on with it, counselor! LOUIS (scared) Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the -- (he remembers there's no jury) audience. I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Okay, the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was stuck in an elevator for about three hours and I had to go to the bathroom the whole time, but I don't blame them because once I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you. He goes back to the defense table and sits down. Stantz and Spengler hang their heads. Venkman pats Louis on the back. SPENGLER (to Louis) Way to go. Concise and to the point. JUDGE He stares at Louis, astonished at his summation. JUDGE That's it? That's all you have to say? LOUIS Did I forget something? He searches through a disorderly pile of notes. JUDGE That was unquestionably the worst presentation of a case I've ever heard in a court of law! I ought to cite you for contempt and have you disbarred. As for your clients, Peter Venkman, Raymond Stantz and Egon Spengler, on the charges of conspiracy, fraud and the willful destruction of public property, I find you guilty on all counts. I order you to pay fines in the amount of $25,000 each and I sentence you to eighteen months in the city correctional facility at Ryker's Island. STANTZ He sees the activity in the jar STANTZ Uh-oh, she's twitchin'. THE BENCH The Judge continues JUDGE And on a more personal note, let me go on record as saying that there is no place in decent society for fakes, charlatans and tricksters like you who prey on the gullibility of innocent people. You're beneath the contempt of this court. And believe me, if my hands were not tied by the unalterable fetters of the law, a law which has become in my view far too permissive and inadequate in it's standards of punishment, I would invoke the tradition of our illustrious forebearers, reach back to a sterner, purer justice and have you burned at the stake! He hammers the bench with his gravel as the gallery erupts noisily. Then he feels a LOW RUMBLING TREMOR in the courtroom. SPECIMEN JAR The slime starts to pulse and swell, pushing up the lid on the jar. DEFENSE TABLE Stantz anticipates big trouble. STANTZ Under the table, boys! The Ghostbusters duck under the defense table. LOUIS He stands up and looks around fearfully. INT. COURTROOM - GHOST BATTLE - DAY Everybody is silent now as the rumbling increases. All eyes turn to the exhibit table. Then suddenly all Hell breaks loose as TWO FULL-TORSO APPARITIONS explode out of the specimen jar. JUDGE He looks up in terror at the two huge apparitions looming above him and recognizes them immediately. JUDGE (in horror) Oh, my God! The Scoleri Brothers! SCOLERI BROTHERS Big in life, even bigger in death, the ghostly Scoleri brothers seem ten feet tall. They are strapped into electric chairs and on their heads are metal electrocution caps with live, sparking electrical wires still attached. Twenty-five hundred volts of electricity shoot through their bodies as they start to break free of the leather restraints, trying to get at the Judge. JUDGE Holding his gavel like a pitiful weapon, he crawls over to the defense table where Venkman, Stantz and Spengler are now crouched, assessing the spectral intruders. JUDGE (terrified) You've got to do something! VENKMAN Who are they? JUDGE They're the Scoleri Brothers. I tried them for murder. They were electrocuted up at Ossining in '48. Now they want to kill me. VENKMAN Maybe they just want to appeal. SCOLERI BROTHERS They break loose from the electric chairs, then turn toward the defense table and BLAST it with HIGH-VOLTAGE FINGER-LIGHTNING. PROSECUTOR She sprints for the door, pursued by one of the Scoleri brothers. GHOSTBUSTERS They jump to safety behind the rail of the jury box, pulling the Judge with them. VENKMAN These boys aren't playing around. JUDGE (desperately) You've got to stop them. Please! LOUIS (thinking like a lawyer) Violating a judicial restraining order could expose my clients to serious criminal penalties. As their attorney I'd have to advise them against it. SCOLERI BROTHERS They start punching through the jury box. JUDGE He is just about hysterical with fear. JUDGE All right! All right! I'm recinding the order. Case dismissed!! (he pounds his gavel on the floor) Now do something! STANTZ Let's go to work, boys. With that, the Ghostbusters leap over the rail of the jury box and dash across the courtroom to the exhibit table where their proton packs were being displayed as evidence. They strap them on hastily as the Brothers continue tearing up the seats looing for the Judge. VENKMAN (slinging the pack onto his back) Geez, I forgot how heavy these things are. STANTZ (grabbing other gear) Okay, let's heat 'em up! They flip the power switches on their packs and draw their particle throwers. STANTZ All right, throwers. Set for full neutronas on stream. They switch on their throwers and turn to face the raging phantasms. SCOLERI BROTHERS They are just about to wipe out the Judge when a loud shout distracts them. VENKMAN Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size? The towering ghosts turn in a fury and raise their arms, ready to shoot lightning at their new adversaries. STANTZ (to the others) On my signal, boys. Open 'em up -- Now! They all pull their triggers and the wands EXPLODE with incredible powerful STREAMS OF ENERGY, doing even more damage to the courtroom. VENKMAN Spengs, take the door. Ray, let's try and work them down and into the corner. Working as a team, they gradually confine the Scoleri Brothers with the streams, forcing them closer and closer to the traps Ray has set out on the floor. STANTZ Watch it! I'm coming under you, Pete. They circle around the two ghosts, prodding them with the streams while ducking the lightning bolts shooting from their fingers. Finally, Ray sees his chance and pops open the traps which emit inverted pyramids of light energy. STANTZ Steady -- watch your streams -- easy now -- Venky, bring him left -- Spengy, pull him down -- trapping -- trapping -- now! He stomps on a control pedal and the Scoleri Brothers are drawn into the traps which snap shut. INT. COURTROOM - TRAPS - DAY LEDs on the outer casing start flashing, indicating the presence of a ghost inside each trap. VENKMAN (checking the trap) Occupado. INT. COURTROOM - JUDGE - DAY (AFTER GHOST BATTLE) He sticks his head up slowly from behind the debris of his bench and looks around in total amazement. LOUIS He crawls out from under a chair. Reporters and spectators get back on their feet and start buzzing about the incredible manifestation. PROSECUTOR She's lying on the floor, attended to by the Bailiff and the Court Clerk. SPENGLER (to the Prosecutor) Brilliant summation. GHOSTBUSTERS They break into big smiles as photographers start snapping pictures of them standing in the wrecked courtroom. VENKMAN Case closed, boys. We're back in business. The spectators cheer and applaud. CUT TO: EXT. FIREHOUSE - DAY The old, dilapidated Ghostbusters logo comes crashing to the ground, dropped by a pair of workmen on a ladder, and the new logo is hoisted into place over the main entrance. It's just like the original "No Ghosts" logo, but in the new one the ghost in the red circle is holding up two fingers. Venkman enters the firehouse. INT. BEDROOM SET (TV COMMERCIAL - FULL SCREEN VIDEO) - NIGHT A man and his wife are lying in bed reading. The man is played by Louis Tully and JANINE MELNITZ, the Ghostbusters' once and future receptionist, is playing his wife. They are both terrible actors. Suddenly, a ghost, actually a very bad puppet on a wire, floats through the bedroom. Janine sees it and screams. LOUIS What is it, honey? JANINE It's that darn ghost again! I don't know what to do anymore. He just won't leave us alone. I guess we'll just have to move. LOUIS Don't worry. We're not moving. He is. He picks up the phone. JANINE Who are you going to call? LOUIS (with a wink) Ghostbusters. As he starts to dial, the CAMERA PULLS BACK to reveal the Ghostbusters standing in the bedroom. Their acting isn't much better than Louis and Janine's. GHOSTBUSTERS Stantz speaks directly TO the CAMERA. STANTZ I'm Ray -- VENKMAN I'm Peter -- SPENGLER I'm Egon -- STANTZ And we're the ... ALL (together) Ghostbusters. STANTZ That's right -- Ghostbusters. We're back and we're better than ever with twice the know-how and twice the particle-power to deal with all your supernatural elimination needs. During his speech, Winston can be seen in the b.g. pretending to trap the fake ghost. STANTZ Careful, Winston. He's a mean one. (TO CAMERA) And to celebrate our grand reopening, we're giving you twice the value with our special half-price 'Welcome Back' service plan. VENKMAN Hold on, Ray! Half-price! Have you gone crazy? STANTZ I guess so, Pete, because that's not all. Tell them what else we've got, Egon. Spengler actually mouths everyone else's dialogue along with them, waiting for his cue. SPENGLER You mean the Ghostbusters hot beverage thermal mugs and free balloons for the kids? He holds up a mug and a limp, uninflated balloon. STANTZ You bet. As Stantz wraps it up, SUPERS APPEAR at the bottom of the SCREEN: FULLY BONDED - FULLY LICENSED - SE HABLA ESPANOL. STANTZ (TO CAMERA) So don't wait another minute. Make your supernatural problem our supernatural problem. Call now, because we're still -- ALL (in unison, mechanically) -- Ready to believe you. CUT TO: INT. JACK HARDEMEYER'S OFFICE - DAY Hardemeyer is watching the Ghostbusters commercial on a TV in his office. He bangs his fist on his desk and angrily switches OFF the TV. CUT TO: EXT. FIREHOUSE - DAY (LATER) The garage door opens and the new improved ECTOMOBILE comes ROARING out onto the street, its ghostly SIREN MOANING and WAILING. Louis comes running out after it. CUT TO: INT. FIREHOUSE - DAY Louis comes back into the garage bay and stops as he smells a foul odor. He sniffs around, following the smell. LOUIS Oh, geez, smells like somebody took a really big -- He freezes. INT. OFFICE AREA - LOUIS'S POV Slimer, a spud-like green ghost, is hovering over Louis's desk, scarfing down Louis's bag lunch. Slimer looks up and sees Louis. SLIMER AND LOUIS They both scream and run off in opposite directions. SLIMER He passes right through a wall and disappears. LOUIS He runs right into a wall, recovers and exits in a hurry. LOUIS (screaming) Help! There's a thing! CUT TO: EXT. CENTRAL PARK RESERVOIR - DAY (LATER) Runners of both sexes and all ages are huffing and puffing as they jog along the track that circles the reservoir. One of the runners looks behind him at the sound of APPROACHING FOOTFALLS and screams. GHOSTLY JOGGER A ghost jogger is loping along at a pretty fair pace. Other runners stumble and run screaming into the park as he passes them. Seemingly oblivious to the effect he's having, the ghost jogger puts two fingers to his skeletal neck and checks his watch as if taking his pulse. EXT. CLEARING IN PARK - DAY (SAME TIME) Venkman is sitting on a park bench near the jogging track reading the newspaper, eating a donut and drinking coffee from a Styrofoam cup. STANTZ He's sitting on a bench opposite Venkman's, casually watching the jogging track. GHOST JOGGER He approaches the benches where the Ghostbusters are waiting. As the ghost jogger passes the benches, Stantz and Venkman simultaneously hit concealed control buttons. A ghost trap buried in the track throws up a glowing inverted pyramid and catches the ghost jogger in mid-stride. Stantz and Venkman close the trap and capture the ghost jogger. VENKMAN (checking his watch) You know he ran that last lap in under six minutes? STANTZ If he wasn't dead he'd be an Olympic prospect. CUT TO: EXT. JEWELRY STORE - DAY The Ghostbusters come out carrying smoking traps, wearing cheap dime-store Santa Claus hats. STANTZ (to the client) Merry Christmas! CUT TO: EXT. FIFTH AVENUE - ORREFORS GLASS STORE - DAY The Ectomobile is parked at the curb and a curious crowd looks on as the Ghostbusters enter the store. INT. ORREFORS GLASS STORE - CONTINUOUS ACTION All the precious crystal is floating in the air, several feet above the glass shelves and display tables. Stantz and Venkman are talking to the manager while Winston and Spengler set up an array of electronic devices positioned in each corner of the store. On a signal from Stantz, Spengler and Winston switch on the devices which throw laser-type beams around the perimeter of the store. The manager watches in horror as all the GLASSWARE suddenly drops out of the air, SMASHES through the GLASS SHELVES and SHATTERS on the display tables. There is a long pregnant pause. STANTZ (to the manager) So will that be cash or a check? CUT TO: INT. MUSEUM - RESTORATION STUDIO - DAY (LATE AFTERNOON) Everyone else has gone home. Dana is cleaning her brushes and putting her supplies away. VIGO PAINTING - CONTINUOUS ACTION Vigo turns his head and watches Dana as she walks past the painting. DANA She stops, vaguely aware of the movement, and looks up curiously at the painting. As she starts to walk on, Vigo looks at her again, but Dana turns suddenly and catches the movement. Frightened now, she hastily leaves the studio. INT. FIREHOUSE - DAY Louis is lurking behind a pillar, peeking out at the office area. We PAN DOWN TO the floor and see a foot pedal, then PAN ALONG the cord TO a ghost trap sitting on Louis's desk. Hanging from strings over the desk are several pieces of Kentucky fried chicken. WALL Slimer partially emerges and furtively sniffs the air, then spots the chicken bait. He licks his lips, materializes completely and flies to the chicken. LOUIS His eyes light up and he stomps the foot pedal. LOUIS (shouts) Gotcha! DESK The trap pops open and shoots out a powerful cone of energy. Slimer dodges it and escapes as a big section of the ceiling comes crashing down on Louis's desk. LOUIS (seeing the damage) Uh-oh. He slinks off, defeated. CUT TO: INT. MANHATTAN MUSEUM OF ART - SECURITY DESK - DAY The Ghostbusters commercial is playing on a portable TV on the security desk. Rudy, the Security Guard, is reading a National Enquirer with a giant front-page headline: GHOSTBUSTERS SAVE JUDGE. Venkman enters. VENKMAN I'm looking for Dana Barrett. SECURITY GUARD Room 304 -- Restorations. (recognizing him) Hey! Dr. Venkman -- 'World of the Psychic.' I'm a big, big fan. That used to be one of my two favorite shows. VENKMAN (flattered) Thanks. What's the other one? SECURITY GUARD 'Bass Masters.' It's a fishing show. Ever see it? VENKMAN Yeah, really great. Take it easy. He exits. INT. MUSEUM - RESTORATION STUDIO - DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Dana is working on a valuable Flemish still-life by Ver Meer. Janosz is at the other end of the room, still working on the painting of Vigo. Venkman enters and sneaks up behind Dana. VENKMAN (looking at the Ver Meer) So this is what you do, huh? DANA (glad to see him) Oh, hello, Peter. VENKMAN You're really good, you know. DANA I didn't paint it. I'm just cleaning it. It's an original Ver Meer. It's worth about ten million dollars. VIGO He turns his head and watches Venkman and Dana. VENKMAN Unaware that he's being watched, Venkman squints at the still life, holding up his thumb like he's seen artists do. VENKMAN You know you can go to Art World and get these huge sofa-size paintings for about forty-five bucks. He starts looking around at the other artwork in the studio. DANA I'm sure you didn't come here just to talk about art. VENKMAN As a matter of fact, I stopped by to tell you that I haven't forgotten your problem and that we're still on the case. They are interrupted by the sudden appearance of Janosz. JANOSZ (smiling at Venkman) Dana, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend? DANA Oh, I'm sorry. This is Peter Venkman. Peter, Janosz Poha. Venkman warily shakes his hand, trying to size him up. JANOSZ (avoiding his gaze) Pleasure to meet you. I've seen you on television. VENKMAN How are you? (looking over at the Vigo painting) What's that you're working on, Johnny? Janosz winces at the nickname but lets it go. Venkman and Dana cross to the Vigo painting. Janosz steps protectively in front of it. JANOSZ It's a painting I'm restoring for the new Byzantine exhibition. It's a self-portrait of Prince Vigo, the Carpathian. He ruled most of Carpathia and Moldavia in the 17th Century. VENKMAN (staring at the painting) Too bad for the Moldavians. JANOSZ (defensive) He was a very powerful magician. A genius in many ways and quite a skilled painter. DANA He was also a lunatic and a genocidal madman. I hate this painting. I've felt very uncomfortable since they brought it up from storage. VENKMAN Yeah, it's not the kind of thing you'd want to hang in the rec room. You know what it needs? (picking up a brush) A fluffy little white kitten in the corner. Venkman reaches toward the painting, but Janosz grabs his hand. JANOSZ (with forced good will) We don't go around altering valuable paintings, Dr. Venkman. VENKMAN Well, I'd make an exception in this case if I were you. Dana looks disapprovingly at Venkman. VENKMAN (to Janosz) I'll let you get back to it. Nice meeting you. JANOSZ My pleasure. Venkman and Dana cross back to her workspace. VENKMAN (confidentially) I may be wrong, but I think you've got a little crush on this guy. DANA Good-bye, Peter. VENKMAN (dragging his feet) I'd like to stay, but I really don't have time to hang around here. I'll call you. (calls out to Janosz) Later, Johnny! He exits. VIGO Vigo turns his head and follows Dana as she returns to her workbench. DANA She stops, vaguely aware of the movement, and looks up curiously at the painting. As she starts to walk on, Vigo looks at her again, but Dana turns suddenly and catches the movement. Frightened now, she hastily leaves the studio. CUT TO: INT. FIREHOUSE - LIVING QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS ACTION - DAY Venkman and Winston enter and find Stantz and Spengler at work in the lab area. STANTZ Oh good, you're here. Spengler and I have something really amazing to show you. VENKMAN (to Spengler) It's not that thing you do with your nostrils, is it? Stantz goes to the refrigerator, opens the freezer, rummages around among the TV dinners and frozen pizza and pulls out a slime specimen in a Tupperware container. STANTZ (to Venkman) We've been studying the stuff that we took from the subway tunnel. He pops the specimen jar in the microwave and lets it thaw for a minute. VENKMAN And now you're going to eat it? STANTZ No, I'm just restoring it to its normal state. He takes the specimen out of the microwave and pours some of it into a large Petri dish. STANTZ Now watch this. He leans over the specimen and starts shouting at it. STANTZ (simulating anger) You worthless piece of slime!! (as the slime starts to twitch and glow) You ignorant disgusting blob!! SPECIMEN It bubbles and swells, changing color with each insult. STANTZ You foul, obnoxious muck!! STANTZ He continues venting his rage on the slime. STANTZ I've seen some real crud in my time, but you're a chemical disgrace!! The specimen doubles its size and starts spilling over the rim of the Petri dish. STANTZ AND SPENGLER They turn to Venkman for his reaction. He's dumbfounded. VENKMAN This is what you do with your spare time? STANTZ (very excited) This is an incredible breakthrough, Venkman. A psychoreactive substance! Whatever this is, it clearly responds to human emotional states. VENKMAN 'Mood slime.' We ought to bottle this stuff and sell it. SPENGLER We've found it at every event site we've been to lately. WINSTON (poking at the slime) You mean this stuff actually feeds on 'bad vibes'? STANTZ Like a goat on garbage. STANTZ We're running tests to see if we can get an equally strong positive reaction. VENKMAN What kind of tests? STANTZ (a little embarrassed) Well, we sing to it, we talk to it, we say supportive, nurturing things -- VENKMAN You're not sleeping with this stuff, are you? Spengler reacts as if he might be. STANTZ It really responds to music. (to Spengler) Let's calm it down. Spengler picks up a guitar and he and Stantz start singing "Cumbaya" to the slime specimen. SPECIMEN It stops bubbling and starts to shrink. WINSTON Does it have any favorites? STANTZ It likes all the sappy stuff: 'Cumbaya,' 'Everything is Beautiful,' 'It's a Small World' -- but it loves Jackie Wilson. Venkman and Winston watch intently as Spengler spoons some of the psych-reactive slime onto an old toaster. STANTZ Watch this. Stantz turns on a CASSETTE PLAYER and Jackie Wilson's "HIGHER AND HIGHER" BLASTS from the speakers. TOASTER It shakes, spins and actually starts moving in time with the MUSIC. VENKMAN He stares in disbelief at the dancing toaster as it shoots two pieces of toast into the air and catches them without missing a beat. VENKMAN I don't care what you say. This could be a major Christmas gift item. WINSTON Right, and the first time someone gets mad, their toaster will eat their hand. VENKMAN So we'll put a warning on the label. Stantz turns OFF the MUSIC and the toaster stops moving. Venkman looks at the toaster and sticks his fingers in the slot. VENKMAN (to the toaster) Go ahead. I dare you. Suddenly, he yelps as if the toaster has actually bitten into his hand and won't let go. The others jump in to help him, but Venkman laughs and easily withdraws his hand. VENKMAN Just kidding. CUT TO: INT. DANA'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Dana brings Oscar into the bathroom and lays him on the bassinet. She's wearing a robe over her nightgown, preparing to bathe the baby. She turns the taps on the old claw-footed bathtub, checks the water temperature, then turns away and starts to undress the baby. DANA (talking sweetly to the baby) Look at you. I think we got more food on your shirt than we got in your mouth. BATHTUB The water pouring from the faucet changes to slime and settles at the bottom of the tub. Dana reaches over and turns off the water without looking into the tub. When she turns away, both taps start to spin by themselves and the tub flexes and bulges. DANA Still unaware, she routinely reaches over and squirts some bubble bath into the tub. BATHTUB The rim of the tub puckers up and the sides convulse as if swallowing the bubble bath. DANA She picks the baby up off the bassinet and turns to place him in the tub. She is just about to lower him into the water when the tub starts to close up around the baby like a hugh mouth. Dana screams, snatches the baby away and runs from the room clutching Oscar to her bosom as the bathtub convulses and vomits up buckets of slime. CUT TO: INT. VENKMAN'S LOFT - SAME NIGHT (LATER) The big open loft space is a chaotic clutter of mismatched furniture, old magazines, books, tapes, and sports equipment. Venkman is asleep on the floor, still wearing his coat, scarf, hat and gloves, having collapsed just short of the bedroom. The DOORBELL RINGS, he wakes up, lumbers to his feet and answers it. He opens the door and sees Dana standing there. She is wearing only a nightgown under her coat and Oscar is naked, wrapped in a baby blanket. DANA (somewhat embarrassed to be there) I'm sorry. Were you on your way out? VENKMAN (surprised to see her) No, I just got in -- a couple hours ago. Come on in. (noting her apparel) Are we having a pajama party? DANA (upset) Peter, the bathtub tried to eat Oscar. Venkman looks at her for a long moment. VENKMAN You know, if anyone else told me that, I'd have serious doubts. But coming from you, I can't honestly say I'm surprised. DANA I must be losing my mind. At the museum today I could have sworn that terrible painting of Vigo looked right at me. VENKMAN Who could blame him? Were you wearing this nightgown? DANA (distraught) I don't know what to do anymore. VENKMAN I'll get Ray and Egon to check out the bathtub. You better stay here. He exits to the bathroom. She looks around the loft, amazed at the disorder. Venkman comes back immediately with an old sweatshirt and takes Oscar from her. VENKMAN Now this kid has a serious nudity problem. He spreads the sweatshirt out on the sofa, lays the baby on it and starts tying it around him like a diaper. VENKMAN (to the baby) This is Joe Namath's old number, you know. You could get a lot of chicks with this. Just don't pee in it. DANA Peter, what about the bathtub? VENKMAN (grabs the phone and dials) We'll take care of that. (on the phone) Ray, Pete. Listen, get over to Dana's right away ... Her bathtub pulled a fast one -- tried to eat the kid. DANA It was full of this awful pink ooze. VENKMAN (to Ray) Sounds like another slime job ... No, they're all right. They're here now ... Right ... Let me know. He hangs up. VENKMAN They're going over there right now. You might as well make yourself at home. Let me show you around. (he crosses to the kitchen area) This is the cuisine de maison -- It's an incredible mess. The sink is piled high with dirty dishes and the counters are littered with all sorts of food trash. He grabs a big open Hefty bag on the floor and starts throwing garbage into it. VENKMAN (looking at the sink) We may have to wash some of these if you get hungry -- (he looks in the fridge) -- but there's no food anyway so forget about it. I have all kinds of carry-out menus if you feel like ordering. He opens a drawer full of pizza, barbecue and Chinese food menus, then crosses to the bathroom. VENKMAN Bathroom's right here -- let me just tidy up a few things. DANA Peter, this is very nice, but you don't have to do any of this, you know. He goes into the bathroom and we hear WATER RUNNING, the TOILET FLUSHING and more items going into the Hefty bag. VENKMAN (O.S.) The shower works but it's a little tricky. They're both marked "Hot." It takes a little practice, but at least this one won't try and eat you. He comes out of the bathroom with the now-loaded Hefty bag over his shoulder. VENKMAN Be careful on that sofa -- it's a butt-biter. But the bed's good and I just changed the sheets so if you get tired, feel free. In fact, I think you should definitely plan on spending the night here. DANA Really? And how would we handle the sleeping arrangements? VENKMAN For me it's best if I sleep on my side and you spoon up right behind me with your arms around me. If we go the other way I'm afraid your hair will be getting in my face all night. DANA How about you on the sofa and me in bed with the baby. VENKMAN Or we could do that. DANA Thank you. (she picks up Oscar) Poor baby. I think I should put him down now. VENKMAN I'll put him down for you. (taking the baby) You are way too short! And your belly-button sticks out! You're nothing but a burden to your poor mother! Venkman carries the baby into the bedroom leaving Dana in the living room, feeling more relaxed and a lot safer. CUT TO: EXT. MUSEUM - DAY (NEXT MORNING) Venkman is waiting in front of the building as ECTO-2 pulls up and Stantz, Spengler and Winston get out and report on Dana's apartment. VENKMAN Did you find anything at Dana's? STANTZ Nothing. Just some mood-slime residue in and around the bathtub. But we did turn up some interesting stuff on this Vigo character you mentioned. I found the name Vigo the Carpathian in Leon Zundinger's Magicians, Martyrs and Madmen. Listen to this: SPENGLER (reads from xerox of entry) "Vigo the Carpathian, born 1505, died 1610 --" VENKMAN A hundred and five years? He really hung on, didn't he. STANTZ And he didn't die of old age either. He was poisoned, stabbed, shot, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn and quartered. WINSTON I guess he wasn't too popular at the end there. SPENGLER No, not exactly a man of the people. (reads) "Also known as Vigo the Cruel, Vigo the Torturer, Vigo the Despised, and Vigo the Unholy." STANTZ This guy was a bad monkey. He dabbled in all the Black Arts, and listen to this prophecy. Just before his head died, his last words were, "Death is but a door, time is but a window. I'll be back." VENKMAN That's it? "I'll be back?" SPENGLER It's a rough translation from the Moldavian. They enter the museum carrying their monitoring equipment. INT. MUSEUM - SECURITY DESK - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Rudy the guard looks up in surprise as the Ghostbusters enter. RUDY Hey, Dr. Venkman. What's going on? VENKMAN We're just going up to Restorations for a minute. RUDY Oh, I can't let you do that. Mr. Poha told me not to let you up there anymore. VENKMAN (with mock seriousness) Okay, we were trying to keep this quiet but I think you can be trusted. Tell him, Ray. STANTZ (very official) Mister, you have an Ecto-paritic, subfusionary flux in this building. RUDY We got a flux? WINSTON You got a flux and a half. STANTZ Now if you don't want to be the -- (he counts) -- fifth person ever to die in meta-shock from a planar rift, I suggest you get down behind that desk and don't move until we give you the signal "Stabilize -- All Clear." Rudy gulps and starts to hunker down behind the desk as the Ghostbusters head upstairs. INT. MUSEUM - RESTORATION STUDIO - DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Janosz is working on the Vigo painting when the Ghostbusters enter. He rushes over and stops them at the door. JANOSZ Dr. Venkman? Dana is not here. VENKMAN I know. JANOSZ Then why have you come? VENKMAN We got a major creep alert and we're just going down the list. Your name was first. STANTZ (to Spengler and Winston) Let's sweep it, boys. They deploy and start scanning the studio with their monitoring devices. VENKMAN (to Janosz) You know, I never got to ask you. Where you from, Johnny? JANOSZ (nervous) The Upper West Side. SPENGLER (consulting his PKE meter) This entire room is extremely hot, Peter. JANOSZ What exactly are you looking for, Dr. Venkman? VENKMAN We'll know when we find it. You just sit tight. This won't take long. STANTZ Using the Giga-meter, he traces a strong psychomagnetheric reading to the painting of Vigo in the alcove at the end of the studio. Venkman comes up behind him with Janosz right on his heels. VENKMAN This is the one that looked at Dana. JANOSZ It must be the chemical fumes in the studio. People start imagining things -- VENKMAN (interrupts) I'm going to rule out the glue-sniffing theory. If she says it looked at her, it looked at her. (to Vigo) Hey, you! Vigie! Look at me. I'm talking to you. Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you. They watch the painting for any sign of movement. VIGO His eyes stare lifelessly into the distance. STANTZ AND VENKMAN Venkman starts shooting Polaroids of Vigo. VENKMAN (to Vigo) Beautiful, beautiful. Work with me, baby. Just have fun with it. (to Stantz) Okay, he's playing it cool. Let's finish up and get out of here. STANTZ I'll get one more reading. Venkman walks off leaving Stantz alone with the painting. Stantz scans the painting with the Giga-meter until his eyes meet Vigo's. VIGO His eyes seems to burn right through to the depths of Stantz's soul. STANTZ He stands there transfixed, unable to look away, as a strange and subtle transformation occurs within him. Winston comes up behind him and breaks the spell. WINSTON (looking at the painting) Now that's one ugly dude. STANTZ (coming back to his senses) Huh? What? WINSTON You finished here? STANTZ (distracted) What? Yeah. WINSTON Are you all right? You coming down with something? STANTZ No, I'm fine. I just got light-headed for a second there. Let's go. They head for the door. JANOSZ He escorts the Ghostbusters to the door. JANOSZ So you see, everything is in order, is it not? VENKMAN Not. Don't leave town and report any change in your address to the proper authorities. We'll be back. They exit. CUT TO: EXT. MUSEUM - DAY (LATER) The Ghostbusters cross to ECTO-2. SPENGLER There's definitely something going on in that studio. The PKE levels were max-plus and the Giga-meter was showing all red. WINSTON I'd put my money on that Vigo character. VENKMAN Yeah, that's a safe bet. (to Stantz) You and Spengman see what else you can dig up on Vigo and this little weasel Poha. Those two were made for each other. INT. ECTO-2 - DAY (LATER) The Ghostbusters are driving back to the firehouse. Stantz is at the wheel. His eyes are vacant, he seems distracted and very tense. Stantz swerves suddenly and HONKS the horn angrily. STANTZ (to another driver) Idiot! (honking) Move it, you jerk! Venkman and Winston exchange surprised looks. EXT. STREET - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Stantz drives extremely fast, HONKING vindictively, weaving dangerously through traffic. INT. ECTO-2 - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Winston looks at Ray, concerned. WINSTON Going a little fast, aren't we, Ray? Stantz turns on him. STANTZ (viciously) Are you telling me how to drive? WINSTON No, I just thought -- STANTZ Well don't think! He HONKS again and tromps hard on the accelerator. EXT. STREET - DAY (CONTINUOUS) Ecto-2 is now barreling down the avenue. Pedestrians leap to safety as Stantz runs a red light. INT. ECTO-2 - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) They hang on to the safety straps as Stantz continues his maniacal ride. WINSTON (to Stantz, really worried now) Are you crazy, man? You're going to kill somebody! Stantz looks at him and smile demonically. STANTZ No, I'm going to kill everybody! He swerves off the road. EXT. ECTO-2 - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) The car heads right for a big tree. INT. ECTO-2 - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) At the last possible moment, Winston cold-cocks Stantz, grabs the wheel and steps across to stomp on the brakes. EXT. ECTO-2 - DAY (CONTINUOUS ACTION) The car skids into the tree and stops. The Ghostbusters stumble out dazed and shaken, but unhurt. Stantz rubs his eyes and looks at the others, completely at a loss. STANTZ (himself again) What happened? VENKMAN You just picked up three penalty points on your driver's license. WINSTON Are you all right? STANTZ Yeah, I guess so. It was the strangest thing. I knew what I was doing but I couldn't stop. This really terrible feeling came over me and -- I don't know -- I just felt like driving into that tree and ending it all. Whew! Sorry, boys. They inspect the damage to the car. VENKMAN (confidentially, to Spengler) Watch him, Egon. Don't even let him shave. CUT TO: INT. VENKMAN'S LOFT - DAY (LATER) There's a KNOCK at the front door, a key turns in the lock, and Venkman enters somewhat tentatively holding a bouquet of flowers and a small suitcase of Dana's. VENKMAN (calls out) I'm home! He looks around the large open loft. VENKMAN (to himself) I knew it. She cleaned. He hears the SHOWER RUNNING and crosses to the bathroom. The door is half-open and he can see Dana in the shower (tastefully blurred) through the transparent vinyl curtain. He closes the bathroom door and looks at the baby asleep on the bed, surrounded by pillows to prevent him rolling off. Then he turns and bumps into Dana who's just coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She jumps back into the bathroom. She comes out again, this time wearing a robe. VENKMAN Are you all squeaky clean now? DANA (humoring him) Yes, I'm very clean. Did they find anything at my apartment? She squeezes past him into the bedroom and closes the door. VENKMAN (through the door) Nothing. They stayed there all night, went through your personal stuff, made a bunch of long-distance phone calls and cleaned out your refrigerator. And didn't find anything. Dana opens the bedroom door. DANA They didn't find anything? In the bathtub ... the pink ooze ... nothing? So, what do I do now? VENKMAN Now you get dressed and we go out. I got a babysitter and everything. Trust me, you need it. DANA I'm not here to date. I can't leave Oscar in a strange place with someone I don't know. VENKMAN It's Janine Melnitz, from my staff. She's one of my most valuable employees. DANA Does she know anything about babies? VENKMAN Janine Melnitz, are you kidding? (handing her the flowers) Do I have a vase? I brought some of your clothes. Wear something intriguing. I brought along some interesting possibilities. DANA Okay, but it's not a date. It's a dinner. She smiles and closes the door again. He opens the closet and starts looking for his good suit. VENKMAN Did you happen to see some shirts on the floor in here? DANA (O.S.) I put them in your hamper. I thought they were dirty. VENKMAN (shaking his head) I have a hamper? Next time ask me first, okay. I have more than two grades of laundry. There're lots of subtle levels between clean and dirty. He pulls some clothes out of the hamper and inspects them. VENKMAN These aren't so bad yet. You just hang them up for a while and they're fine. CUT TO: INT. FIREHOUSE - RECEPTION AREA - EARLY EVENING Janine covers her computer terminal and starts turning out the lights. Then she notices that the lights are still on upstairs. She starts primping and freshening up her makeup. INT. FIREHOUSE - LAB AREA - SAME TIME Louis is strapping on a proton pack, preparing to deal with Slimer once and for all. He's wearing a bicyclist's rearview mirror on a headband. LOUIS (to himself) Okay, Stinky, this is it. Showdown time. You and me, pal. You think you're smarter than I am? We'll see about that. (loud) Oh, hello, Pizza Man! Oh, two larges! I only ordered one. Oh, pepperoni and pineapple. My absolute favorite. I guess I'll have to eat these both by myself. THE CEILING Slimer pokes his head through the ceiling and scans the room hanging upside down. LOUIS He spots Slimer through the rearview mirror. LOUIS (quietly) Okay, let's boogie! He whirls around and fires a proton stream at Slimer, slicing a burning a gash across the ceiling. THE STAIRS Janine comes up and ducks as a bolt of energy streaks across the room and strikes the wall behind her. Slimer disappears. LOUIS (embarrassed and apologetic) Oh migod! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that. It was an accident. JANINE What are you doing up here? LOUIS I was trying to get that smelly green thing. The guys asked me to help out. I'm like the fifth Ghostbuster. JANINE Why would you want to be a Ghostbuster if you're already an accountant? LOUIS Oh, no, it's just if one of the guys calls in sick or gets hurt. Louis quickly slips off the proton pack and sets it down. JANINE Have you made any plans yet? You know tomorrow is New Year's Eve. LOUIS No, I celebrate at the beginning of my corporate tax year which is March first. That way I beat the crowds. JANINE That's very practical. I hate going out on New Year's Eve, too. There is an awkward silence between them and Janine starts to leave. JANINE Well, good night, Louis. LOUIS (on an impulse) Janine, do you feel like maybe getting something to eat on the way home? JANINE I'd like to, but I told Dr. Venkman I'd babysit. (seductively) Do you want to babysit with me? LOUIS Oh, sure, that sounds great. They exit. CUT TO: INT. VENKMAN'S LOFT - NIGHT (LATER) There is a KNOCK at the door and Venkman goes to answer it. He's dressed for the evening and looking very dapper. INT. VENKMAN'S LOFT - ENTRANCE HALL - CONTINUOUS ACTION Venkman opens the door and finds Stantz, Spengler and Winston standing there wearing over-the-hip rubberized waders, firemen's slickers, and miners' helmets, carrying tons of sensing devices, meters, collection jars and photographic equipment. They look like they're rigged out for a major spelunking expedition. VENKMAN (ushering them in) Don't tell me, let me guess. All-you-can-eat barbecue rib night at the Sizzler? STANTZ We're going down into the sewer system to see if we can trace the source of the psycho-reactive slime flow. We thought you might want to come along. VENKMAN Darn it! I wish I'd known you were going. I'm stuck with these damn dinner reservations. SPENGLER You know, animals and lower life forms often anticipate major disasters. Given the new magnetheric readings we could see a tremendous breeding surge in the cockroach population. VENKMAN Roach breeding? Sounds better and better. (calls out) Dana? The boys are going down under the sewers tonight to look for slime. Egon thinks there might even be some kind of big roach-breeding surge. Should we forget about dinner and go with them instead? Dana steps into the living room looking very beautiful. STANTZ Wow. Dana looks curiously at their outfits. DANA Hi. They nod and wave back. VENKMAN (to Ray and Egon) I think we're going to have to pass on the sewer trip, boys. Let me know what you find out. STANTZ (on his exit) Okay, but you're missing all the fun. INT. VAN HORNE STATION - NIGHT (LATER) Stantz, Spengler and Winston come down the stairs into the station, guided by a very old map of the underground city. STANTZ This is it. Van Horne Station. Right where the old transit map said it would be. They cross to the edge of the platform and look into the river of slime. STANTZ Let's get a sounding on the depth of that flow. Stantz has a long, coiled, graduated cord with a plumb bob on the end of it attached to his utility belt. STANTZ Stand back. He takes the cord in his hand, swings the plumb bob over his head and casts it out into the middle of the flow. The plumb bob sinks and Spengler reads the depth. SPENGLER Six feet -- seven -- eight -- STANTZ That's it. It's on the bottom. SPENGLER Nine feet -- ten -- WINSTON Is the line sinking? SPENGLER No, the slime is rising. Stantz looks down and notices the slime rising over the edge of the platform and around his boots. STANTZ (alarmed) Let's get out of here, boys. He starts to pull out the plumb line but it seems to be stuck. Spengler tries to help, but whatever is pulling on the cord is stronger than all three of them. As their unseen adversary pulls them closer and closer to the edge, Stantz works desperately to unhook the cord from his belt but finally just unhooks the whole belt. Spengler lets go in time but Winston doesn't. He is jerked off his feet and into the slime flow. Stantz and Spengler look at each other, summon their courage and jump in after him. CUT TO: INT. ARMAND RESTAURANT - NIGHT (LATER) Dana and Venkman are sitting at a table in an elegant restaurant nibbling caviar and toasting with very expensive champagne. VENKMAN (very intimate) Here's to -- us. She sighs and drinks. VENKMAN So -- are you making any New Year's resolutions? DANA I want to stop getting involved with men who aren't good for me. VENKMAN Does that start exactly at midnight tomorrow, or could you hold off for a few days maybe? DANA For one night in your life, do you think it's possible for us to be completely real? VENKMAN All right, you want to be real? So tell me why did you dump me? DANA Oh, Peter, I didn't dump you. I just had to protect myself. You really weren't very good for me, you know. VENKMAN I'm not even good for me. DANA Why do you say things like that? You're so much better than you know. VENKMAN Thank you. If I had that kind of support on a daily basis, I could definitely shape up by the turn of the century. DANA (already feeling the effects of the champagne) So why don't you give me a jingle in the year 2000? VENKMAN Let me jingle you right now. He leans over to kiss her. DANA Maybe I should call Janine. VENKMAN Don't worry. Janine has a very special way with children. They kiss. CUT TO: INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Janine is on the sofa doing her nails while Louis paces with the baby. JANINE (looking around) I can't believe a person could actually live like this. LOUIS (to the baby) So these dwarfs had a limited partnership in a small mining operation and then one day a beautiful princess came to live with them. JANINE It's really not a bad place. It just needs a woman's touch. LOUIS (continuing) So they bartered room and board in exchange for housekeeping services, which was a good deal for all of them because then they didn't have to withhold tax and social security, which I'm not saying is right but it's just a story, so I guess it's all right. I can finish this later if you're tired. Louis goes into the bedroom and puts the baby down. JANINE You're really good with children, Louis. I can tell. (as he returns) Why don't you come here and sit with me? LOUIS Okay. He sits stiffly beside her on the sofa. JANINE (getting close) Motherhood is a very natural instinct for me. I'd like to have a baby myself. Wouldn't you? LOUIS (gulps) Tonight? EXT. STREET - MANHOLE COVER - NIGHT (SAME TIME) A manhole cover is dislodged and pushed up from below. It slides away, and Winston crawls out of the manhole followed by Stantz and Spengler. They are exhausted and covered with slime. WINSTON (uncharacteristically angry) Nice going, Ray! What were you trying to do -- drown me? STANTZ (unusually mean) Look, Zeddemore, it wasn't my fault you were too stupid to drop that line. WINSTON (shoves him) You better watch your mouth, man, or I'll punch your lights out. STANTZ Oh yeah? Anytime, anytime. Just go ahead and try it. Spengler steps between them with unprecedented aggression. SPENGLER If you two are looking for a fight, you got one. (putting up his fists) Who wants it first? Come on, Ray. Try me, sucker. STANTZ (squaring off) Butt out, you pencil-necked geek. I've had it with you. They grab each other and start to tussle. Suddenly Spengler comes to his senses and pulls them apart. SPENGLER (forcefully) Strip! Right now! Get out of those clothes! He starts yanking off his slicker and waders. Bewildered, Stantz and Winston start doing the same. Spengler helps pull off their clothes and throws them into the open manhole. Now wearing only long underwear, they seem to return to normal. WINSTON What are we doing? Ray, I was ready to kill you. STANTZ Don't you see? It's the slime. That stuff is like pure, concentrated evil. Stantz looks around and sees that they are standing right in front of the museum. SPENGLER And it's all flowing right to this spot. CUT TO: INT. ARMAND RESTAURANT ENTRANCE - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) The MAITRE D' looks up in surprise as Stantz, Spengler and Winston enter the restaurant wearing only long underwear. MAITRE D' (intercepting them) Can I help you? Stantz looks around and spots Venkman. STANTZ That's all right, I see him. They blow right by the Maitre d' who jumps back in horror as they pass. VENKMAN He's just about to pour more champagne when he sees Ray, Egon and Winston coming toward him through the restaurant. STANTZ (very excited) You should've been there, Venkman. Absolutely incredible! VENKMAN Yeah, sorry I missed it. (noting their attire) I guess you guys didn't know about the dress code here. It's really kind of a coat and tie place. STANTZ It's all over the city, Pete -- well, under it actually. WINSTON Rivers of the stuff! SPENGLER And it's all flowing toward the museum. He gestures excitedly and a big gob of slime flies across the room and lands on a well-dressed diner. STANTZ (calls out) Sorry! DANA Maybe we should discuss this somewhere else. Venkman notes the look of alarm on Dana's face and pulls his colleagues aside. VENKMAN (confidentially) Boys, listen. You're scaring the straights. Let's save this until tomorrow, okay? SPENGLER (to Venkman) This won't wait until tomorrow, Venkman. It's hot and it's ready to pop. MAITRE D' He hurries through the restaurant with two city COPS right behind him and makes straight for Venkman's table. MAITRE D' Arrest these men. COP (recognizing them) Hey! It's the Ghostbusters. You're out of uniform, gentlemen Stantz suddenly realizes how ridiculous they look. STANTZ (self-conscious) Uh -- well -- we had a little accident, but forget that. We have to see the mayor as soon as possible. COP Look, Doc, why don't you just go home. You'll get a good night's sleep and then you can give the mayor a call in the morning. Come on. He takes Stantz by the arm but Stantz resists. STANTZ We're not going anywhere with you. I told you we have to see the mayor now. COP (grabbing Stantz) I'm warning you. You can come along peaceably or -- VENKMAN (grabs the Cop) Hey, don't be an idiot. This is serious. COP (angry) Look, pal, keep this up and you're going with them. VENKMAN Oh, yeah? COP (has had enough) Yeah, let's go. You're all under arrest. The Cop catches Venkman in an armlock and starts walking him out of the restaurant. VENKMAN (to Dana) Finish your dessert -- it's already paid for. I'll call you. They all exit, causing a major commotion among the other diners. EXT. ARMAND'S RESTAURANT - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) The police car is parked right behind Ecto-2. Spengler stops at the police car and confronts the cops. SPENGLER Look, we're not drunk and we're not crazy. This is a matter of vital importance. Venkman steps in and looks at the policemen's nametags. COP What are you doing? VENKMAN I just want to get your names right for when the mayor asks us why we didn't let him know about this sooner. The Cops look at each other, uncertain about what to do. COP (relenting) Okay, Doc. You want to see the mayor, you got it. Follow us. They head for their respective vehicles. CUT TO: INT. VENKMAN'S LOFT - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Louis and Janine are on the sofa making out when Dana enters. They jump up and start smoothing their clothes. LOUIS (embarrassed) Oh, hello, Dana. we were just -- we were -- DANA I know what you were doing, Louis. It's all right. JANINE How was your date? DANA Typical. Peter was arrested. Has he called? LOUIS No, nobody called. Dana frowns. DANA Is everything all right with Oscar? JANINE Oh, he's fine. He's such a good baby. He was a little fussy at first, but we gave him a Freach bread pizza and he went right to sleep. DANA (relieved) Oh, good. I'll just check on him. She crosses to the bedroom. INT. VENKMAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Dana looks at Oscar sleeping peacefully on the bed. She starts to change clothes. INT. VENKMAN'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Louis and Janine aren't sure what to do. LOUIS Should we go? JANINE I don't think we should leave her alone. LOUIS You're right. We should stay. He grabs Janine and they start making out again. CUT TO: INT. MUSEUM RESTORATION STUDIO - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Janosz stands before the painting of Vigo. Vigo comes to life and repeats the litany of his power. VIGO I, Vigo, the scourge of Carpathia -- JANOSZ (heard all this before) Yes, the scourge -- VIGO -- the sorrow of Moldavia -- JANOSZ -- the sorrow -- VIGO I command you. JANOSZ (checking his watch) I await the word of Vigo. VIGO The season of evil begins with the birth of the new year. Bring me the child that I might live again. JANOSZ (abjectly humble) Lord Vigo, the mother, Dana, is fine and strong. I was wondering -- well, would it be possible -- if I bring the baby, could I have the woman? VIGO So be it. On this the day of darkness, she will be ours, wife to you and mother to me. CUT TO: EXT. CARL SCHURZ PARK - NIGHT (LATER) Preceded by a police car, Ecto-2 enters the small park on the East River at 88th Street and disappears into an underground entrance. The CAMERA PANS UP to reveal Gracie Mansion, the residence of the Mayor of New York City. INT. GRACIE MANSION - MOMENTS LATER The Ghostbusters, now wearing police raincoats over their longjohns are ushered through the house by a butler to a set of double oak doors. The butler knocks lightly, then opens the door to reveal the MAYOR sitting in front of the fireplace in his well-appointed private study, flanked by Jack Hardemeyer, both in tuxedoes. The Ghostbusters enter. INT. STUDY - CONTINUOUS ACTION The Mayor is impatient and a little angry at having been pulled out of his formal reception. He frowns at their bizarre attire. MAYOR All right -- the Ghostbusters. I'll tell you right now; I've got two hundred of the heaviest campaign contributors in the city out there eating bad roast chicken waiting for me to give the speech of my life. You've got two minutes. Make it good. STANTZ You get enough negative energy flowing in a dense environment like Manhattan, it starts to build up, and if we don't do something fast this whole place will blow like a frog on a hotplate. WINSTON Tell him about the toaster. VENKMAN I don't think he's ready for the toaster. MAYOR (shaking his head) Being miserable and treating other people like dirt is every New Yorker's God-given right. What am I supposed to do -- go on television and tell eight million people they have to be nice to each other? I'm sorry, none of this makes any sense to me, and if anything does happen we've got plenty of paid professionals to deal with it. Your two minutes are up. Good night, gentlemen. The mayor exits, leaving the Ghostbusters to Hardemeyer. HARDEMEYER (smirking) That's quite a story. VENKMAN Yeah, I think the Times might be interested, don't you? The Post might have a lot of fun with it, too. Hardemeyer's eyes go cold and calculating. HARDEMEYER Before you go running to the newspapers with this, would you consider telling this slime thing to some people downtown? VENKMAN Now you're talking. CUT TO: INT. PARKVIEW HOSPITAL - PSYCHIATRIC WARD - NIGHT (LATER) An attendant opens a locked door with a wire mesh window and the Ghostbusters, in straitjackets, are led into the psych ward as Hardemeyer confers with the chief PSYCHIATRIST. WINSTON (protesting) I'm telling you, we're not crazy. He is! HARDEMEYER He laughs off the remark. HARDEMEYER (to the Psychiatrist) The mayor wants them kept under strict observation for a few days. We think they're seriously disturbed and potentially dangerous. PSYCHIATRIST We'll do whatever's necessary. Hardemeyer shakes his hand and exits as the door slams shut on the Ghostbusters. INT. VENKMAN'S LOFT - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Louis and Janine are watching an old rerun on TV, eating popcorn, while Dana is stretched out on the other sofa. DANA (wishing they'd leave) You know you really don't have to stay. Peter should be back soon. LOUIS Oh no, we don't mind. She hears a little CRY from the nursery and sits up. DANA Excuse me. I think Oscar is up. She crosses to the bedroom. INT. VENKMAN'S BEDROOM - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Dana enters and immediately notices that the crib is empty and the window is open. DANA (screams) Louis! Frantic now, Dana rushes to the window and looks out, as Louis and Janine come running in. EXT. WINDOW LEDGE - DANA'S POV - NIGHT (ECLIPSE) The baby is standing out on the ledge at the corner of the building, fifty feet above the street, staring off into the distance as if he's waiting for something. EXT. WINDOW LEDGE - NIGHT (ECLIPSE) (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Dana climbs out onto the ledge and starts inching slowly toward the baby. Then she stops as a miraculous apparition materializes. LOUIS AND JANINE They lean out the window, gaping at the apparition. EXT. VENKMAN'S LEDGE - APPARITION A sweet, kindly-looking English nanny appears, pushing a pram, strolling on thin air parallel to the ledge high above the ground. Her face looks remarkably like Janosz Poha's. The nanny extends her hand to the BABY who GURGLES sweetly as he reaches out to take it. DANA She watches in helpless horror. DANA (screams) No!! GHOST NANNY She picks up the baby and lays it gently in the pram, then turns and smiles at Dana. The smile turns to a hideous grin, then the nanny shrieks at Dana and takes off like a shot with the baby. DANA She watches the creature fly off with Oscar, then climbs back through the window assisted by Louis and Janine. DANA (resolutely) Louis, you have to find Peter and tell him what happened. LOUIS (confused and worried) Where're you going? DANA To get my baby back. CUT TO: EXT. MUSEUM - NIGHT (A LITTLE LATER) A taxi pulls up, Dana jumps out and rushes into the museum. The moment the door closes behind her, there is a loud THUNDERCLAP, the ground trembles and a massive amount of slime erupts from around the base of the museum and starts covering the walls, sealing her inside the building. CUT TO: INT. PARKVIEW PSYCHIATRIC - PADDED ROOM - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Venkman, Stantz, Spengler and Winston are in a padded cell. They are handcuffed and the cuffs are chained to thick leather belts around their waists. Venkman stands there banging his head into the padded wall while the others try to explain the situation to a skeptical Psychiatrist. STANTZ We think the spirit of Vigo the Carpathian is alive in a painting at the Manhattan Museum. PSYCHIATRIST I see. And are there any other paintings in the museum with bad spirits in them? SPENGLER (impatient) You're wasting valuable time! We have reason to believe that Vigo is drawing strength from a psychomagnetheric slime flow that's been collecting under the city. PSYCHIATRIST Yes, tell me about the slime. WINSTON It's potent stuff. We made a toaster dance with it, then a bathtub tried to eat his friend's baby. The psychiatrist looks at Venkman. VENKMAN Don't look at me. I think they're nuts. CUT TO: INT. MUSEUM RESTORATION STUDIO - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Moonlight streams through the skylight above, bathing the studio in eerie white light. Oscar is lying safely on a table in front of the painting of Vigo. Dana enters cautiously and sees the baby. Seeing no one else about, she quickly sneaks down to the table and picks up the baby, hugging hin tight, greatly relieved to find him unharmed and intact. JANOSZ (O.S.) I knew you would come. Startled, Dana turns at the sound of his voice as Janosz steps out from behind the Vigo painting. DANA (defiantly) What do you want with my baby? JANOSZ No harm will come to the child. You might even say it's a privilege. He will be the vessel for the spirit of Vigo. And you -- well, you will be the mother of the ruler of the world. Doesn't that sound nice? DANA If this is what the world will be like, I don't want to live in it. JANOSZ (confidentially, indicating Vigo) I don't believe we have the luxury of choice. DANA Everybody has a choice. JANOSZ Not in this case, my dear. Take a look. That's not Gainsborough's Blue Boy up there. He's Vigo! DANA I don't care who he is. He's not taking my baby. Dana walks quickly to the door but suddenly Oscar flies out of her arms, floats across the room and lands lightly back in the cradle. DANA She turns and looks at Vigo, for the first time feeling his power. JANOSZ You will see. It's all for the best. CUT TO: EXT. PARKVIEW HOSPITAL - DAY (NEXT MORNING) It's the last day of the year and the sun is shining brightly. CUT TO: INT. PARKVIEW PSYCHIATRIC WARD - DAY (SAME TIME) The Ghostbusters are sitting in the dayroom, a dingy lounge for patients in the locked ward. There is a television set, a Ping-Pong table and a few tables and chairs. Stantz is looking at the sky through the heavy wire mesh covering the windows. STANTZ This is it. boys. It's starting. Shit-storm 2000. Venkman is doing occupational therapy, weaving on a little hand-loom. VENKMAN It better not start yet. I'm trying to finish my potholder before lunch. WINSTON You think all those predictions about the world coming to an end in the 1990s are true? A PATIENT at the next table joins the discussion. PATIENT (with certainty) 1997. My dog told me. VENKMAN What kind of dog? PATIENT Labrador. VENKMAN (shakes his head) Habitual liars. They can't help it. It's in the breed. CUT TO: INT. PARKVIEW HOSPITAL - EXAMINING ROOM - DAY (SAME TIME) Louis is pleading with his cousin, SHERMAN TULLY, a doctor on the staff at Parkview. He looks and sounds just like Louis. LOUIS Come on, Sherm. You're my cousin. Do this for me. I'm begging you. SHERMAN I can't do it, Louis. It isn't ethical. I could lose my license. LOUIS Why can't you just have them released? You're a doctor. SHERMAN I'm a dermatologist. I can't write orders on the psych ward. LOUIS Sherman, I've done lots of favors for you. SHERMAN Like what? LOUIS I got you out of those bad tax shelters. SHERMAN You were the one who got me in. LOUIS I fixed you up with Diane Troxler and she put out, didn't she? SHERMAN Yeah, I had to give her free dermabrasion for a year. Forget it, Louis. I could get in a lot of trouble. LOUIS I'm telling you, we're all going to be in big trouble if we don't do something fast. That ghost guy came and took my friend's baby and we got to get it back. It's just a scared little baby, Sherm. SHERMAN Then you should go to the police. I don't believe in any of that stuff. Sherman looks out the window. EXT. SKY - SHERMAN'S POV The sky begins to go dark as the sun is magically eclipsed. INT. EXAMINING ROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION - DAY The room goes dark. Louis switches on a lamp which casts an eerie light on his face. LOUIS (spooky) Do you believe it now, Sherm? CUT TO: EXT. HUDSON RIVER PIER - NIGHT (ECLIPSE) A drainpipe starts dripping slime into the river near the Cunard Line docks. CUT TO: EXT. PUBLIC FOUNTAIN (59TH AND FIFTH) - NIGHT (ECLIPSE) With the Plaza Hotel in the background, the fountain starts to spout psycho-reactive slime. HOTEL ENTRANCE A well-heeled MAN and WOMAN step out of a limousine and walk up the steps toward the revolving door. She looks up at the sky and frowns. WOMAN (shrewish) I told you we should have stayed in Palm Beach. The weather here gets stranger every year. MAN Yes, dear. She doesn't notice it, but a small amount of slime falls on the back of her luxurious, full-length, white mink coat. The doorman nods courteously and extends a hand to help her up the stairs. WOMAN She yelps in pain. WOMAN (to the doorman) Something just bit me! The doorman looks curiously at her, then recoils in shock as her coat comes alive. MINK HEADS pop out of the thick fur, SNARLING, BARKING and YAPPING, their sharp, little teeth biting the air. Reacting quickly, the doorman yanks the coat off the woman's back, throws it to the ground and starts stomping on it as the Woman and her husband look on in horror. The coat scuttles down the steps and runs off down the street. CUT TO: INT. MIDTOWN CENTRAL POLICE PRECINCT - NIGHT (ECLIPSE) The squad room is busy as DETECTIVES try to answer the flood of calls regarding the wave of supernatural events sweeping the city. DETECTIVE ONE (on the phone) Look, lady, of course there are dead people there. It's a cemetery ... (his face falls) They were asking you for directions? DETECTIVE TWO (on another phone) Was this a big dinosaur or a little dinosaur? ... Oh, just the skeleton, huh? Well, where is it now? DETECTIVE THREE (on the phone) Wait a second -- the park bench was chasing you? You mean, someone was chasing you in the park ... No, the bench itself was chasing you. I see -- A weary SERGEANT answers a RINGING PHONE. SERGEANT Manhattan Central, Flaherty speaking ... Yeah ... yeah? ... What? Who is this? ... Wait a second. He puts the caller on "Hold" and turns the LIEUTENANT. SERGEANT Lieutenant, I think you better talk to this guy. LIEUTENANT (on another call) What is it? I'm talkin' here! SERGEANT It's some dock supervisor down at Pier 34 on the Hudson. The guy's going nuts. LIEUTENANT What's the problem? SERGEANT (takes a deep breath) He says the Titanic just arrived. INT. PORT AUTHORITY OFFICE - NIGHT (ECLIPSE) The dock supervisor stands there with the phone in his hand, an assistant beside him, both staring out the window at the ocean liner tied up at the pier. EXT. PIER 34 - THEIR POV - NIGHT (ECLIPSE) The name "R.M.S. Titanic" is clearly visible on the side of the huge ship. The gangplank is down and dozens of drowned passengers, sopping wet and festooned with seaweed, are disembarking while drowned porters off-load their waterlogged baggage. CUT TO: EXT. PARKVIEW HOSPITAL - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER)(ECLIPSE) Ecto-2 is parked outside as Louis and Sherman come out of the hospital with the Ghostbusters, now wearing their standard uniforms. STANTZ Good work, Louis. How did you get us out? LOUIS Oh, I pulled a few strings. I wouldn't want to say any more than that. Louis winks conspiratorially at Sherman. LOUIS This is my cousin Sherman. Sherm, say hello to the Ghostbusters. (sotto voce to Stantz) I promised him a ride in the car if he got you out. SHERMAN (to the Ghostbusters) Hi, it's really great to meet you guys. I know this sounds weird but once I had a dream that my grandfather was standing at the foot of my bed, but I knew it was impossible because he died and he started to tell me that -- While he's talking, the Ghostbusters jump in the Ectomobile and drive off, leaving him and Louis standing at the curb. LOUIS Hey! Wait! Okay, I'll meet you there. SHERMAN I thought you were like the fifth Ghostbuster. LOUIS I let them handle all the little stuff. I just come in on the big ones. CUT TO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (original version of the above scene - 11/27/88) (TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: These two versions of this scene were put in my copy of the script, so I have included both of them here) LOUIS Actually, they still think you're crazy, but I convinced them you're not dangerous. VENKMAN (determined) Yeah, well guess again. EXT. BELLEVUE HOSPITAL - NIGHT (ECLIPSE)(MOMENTS LATER) Ecto-2 is parked outside and the Ghostbusters are hastily donning their standard uniforms. LOUIS I brought everything you asked for and I gassed up the car with Super Unleaded. It cost twenty cents more than Regular Unleaded but you get much better performance and in an old car like this that'll end up saving you money in the long run. I put it on my credit card, so you can either reimburse me or I can take it out of petty cash -- While he's talking, the Ghostbusters jump in the Ecto-2 and drive off without him. LOUIS Hey! Wait! Okay, I'll meet you there. CUT TO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. MUSEUM - NIGHT (ECLIPSE)(LATER) ECTO-2 pulls to the curb across the street from the museum. Hundreds of spectators are already there gawking at the building as the Ghostbusters jump out and gape at the sight that greets them. EXT. MUSEUM THEIR POV - BUILDING The building is now totally covered in a shell of psycho-reactive slime. CITY WORKMEN and FIREMEN are trying to cut their way in with blowtorches, jackhammers, power tools and the "jaws of life," but they can't even make a dent. GHOSTBUSTERS They size up the situation as they don their proton packs. STANTZ It looks like a giant Jello mold. VENKMAN I hate Jello. They stride manfully across the street and approach the main entrance to the museum. STANTZ (to the Fire Captain) Okay, give it a rest, Captain. We'll take it from here. FIRE CAPTAIN (skeptical) Be my guest. We been cutting here for three hours. What the hell's going on? You know the Titanic arrived this morning? VENKMAN Well, better late than never. The workmen and firemen put down their tools and fall back as the Ghostbusters draw their particle throwers. SPENGLER (monitoring valences) Full neutronas, maser assist. They adjust their settings and prepare to fire. STANTZ Throw 'em! They trigger their throwers and spray the front doors of the building with bolts of proton energy, but it has no effect on the hardened slime. VENKMAN (to the firemen) Okay, who knows "Cumbaya?" A few of the firemen and workmen tentatively raise their hands. Venkman grabs them and lines them up at the entrance of the museum. VENKMAN All right. Nice and sweet -- (starts singing) Cumbaya, milord, cumbaya -- Stantz, Spengler, Winston and the firemen sing along, reluctantly holding hands and swaying to the music. ALL (singing) Cumbaya, milord, cumbaya, Cumbaya, milord, cumbaya, Oh, Lord, cumbaya. Stantz inspects the wall of slime with his infra-goggles and finds that they have only managed to open a hole the size of a dime. STANTZ Forget it. The Vienna Boys Choir couldn't get through this stuff. VENKMAN Good effort. Now what? Should we say supportive, nurturing things to it, Ray? SPENGLER It won't work. There's no way we could generate enough positive energy to crack that shell. STANTZ I can't believe things have gotten so bad in this city that there's no way back. Sure, it's crowded, it's dirty, it's noisy. And there are too many people who'd just as soon step on your face as look at you. But there've got to be a few sparks of sweet humanity left in this burned-out burg. We just have to mobilize it. SPENGLER We need something that everyone can get behind, a symbol -- His eyes fall on ECTO-2's New York State license plate which features a line drawing of the Statue of Liberty. STANTZ (he sees it, too) Something that appeals to the best in each and every one of us -- SPENGLER Something good -- VENKMAN And pure -- WINSTON And decent. EXT. THE STREET - NIGHT (SAME TIME) There is a commotion among the crowd as the Mayor's limousine arrives with a police escort. Jack Hardemeyer steps out followed by the Mayor himself and they cross to the museum entrance. Hardemeyer, his ASSISTANT and several police BODYGUARDS confront the Ghostbusters. HARDEMEYER Look, I've had it with you. Get your stuff together, get back in that clown car and get out of here. This is a city matter and everything's under control. VENKMAN Oh, you think so? Well, I've got news for you. You've got Dracula's brother-in-law in there and he's got my girlfriend and her kid. Around about midnight tonight, when you're partying uptown, this guy's going to come to life and start doing amateur head transplants. And that's just round one. MAYOR Are you telling me there're people trapped in there? HARDEMEYER (to his assistant) This is dynamite. Call A.P., U.P.I., and C.N.N. and get them down here right away. When the police bring this kid out I want them to hand it right to the mayor and I want it all on camera. STANTZ Mr. Mayor, if we don't do something by midnight, you're going to go down in history as the man who let New York get sucked down into the tenth level of hell. The Mayor stops to consider the situation. MAYOR (to the Fire Captain) Can you get into that museum? FIRE CAPTAIN If I had a nuclear warhead, maybe. The Mayor turns to Venkman. MAYOR You know why all these things are happening? VENKMAN We tried to tell you last night, but Mr. Hard-On over here packed us off to the loony bin. Hardemeyer flips out. HARDEMEYER This is preposterous! You can't seriously believe all this mumbo-jumbo! It's the Twentieth Century, for crying out loud! (viciously, to Venkman) Look, mister, I don't know what this stuff is or how you got it all over the museum, but you better get it off and I mean right now! He pounds the wall of slime with his fist, and they all watch in amazement as his fist goes through the wall and he is sucked bodily through the slime curtain. Only his shoes can be seen, embedded in the slime. MAYOR (to Venkman) Okay, just tell me what you need. CUT TO: EXT. LIBERTY ISLAND (NEW YORK HARBOR) - NIGHT With the city skyline in the b.g., the Ghostbusters prepare their equipment. Each of them dons a makeshift backpack consisting of tanks, hoses, nozzles and an abundance of gauges, valves and regulators. Venkman looks up at the Statue of Liberty looming above them. VENKMAN Kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it? WINSTON Wonder what? VENKMAN If she's naked under that toga. She's French, you know. SPENGLER There's nothing under that toga but 300 tons of iron and steel. Stantz is looking worried. STANTZ I hope we have enough stuff to do the job. VENKMAN Only one way to find out. (to Stantz) Ready, Teddy? They enter the statue. CUT TO: INT. STATUE OF LIBERTY - MOMENTS LATER The Ghostbusters are working from the iron staircase that spirals straight up 100 feet inside the hollow super-structure of the statue. Spengler and Winston are busy assembling hundreds of wires connected to various relays on the interior surface of the statue. Venkman and Stantz are mounting large auditorium loudspeakers near the top of the staircase. They finish the installation, then Stantz dons one of the new backpacks and gives the order. STANTZ Okay, boys. Let's frost it. They begin hosing the inside of the statue with the psycho-reactive slime. CUT TO: INT. FIREHOUSE - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Janine watches as Louis, wearing a Ghostbuster uniform, slings a heavy proton pack onto his back. JANINE I'm not sure this is such a good idea? Do they know you're doing this? LOUIS Oh, yeah, sure -- no. But there's really not much to do here and they might need some back-up at the museum. JANINE You're very brave, Louis. Good luck. She kisses Louis and he gets extremely self-conscious. LOUIS Uh -- oh -- well, I better hurry. He rushes out. EXT STREET OUTSIDE FIREHOUSE - NIGHT (LITTLE LATER) Louis stands on the street corner waiting for a bus. Finally, a bus pulls up, Louis climbs aboard and finds Slimer behind the wheel. CUT TO: INT. STATUE OF LIBERTY - OBSERVATION DECK - MOMENTS LATER Venkman, Stantz, Spengler and Winston are standing in the observation windows in the crown of the statue. It looks like they're on the bridge of an ocean liner, then the CAMERA PULLS BACK to reveal the head of the statue. STANTZ He plugs the main cable lead into a transformer. STANTZ It's all yours, Pete. (checks his watch) There's not much time left. Venkman plugs the speaker cable into a Walkman and gives a downbeat. VENKMAN (giving the downbeat) Okay, one, two, three, four -- He hits "Play" on the Walkman and "HIGHER AND HIGHER" BOOMS from the huge SPEAKERS, amplified by the statue's vast hollow interior. INT. OBSERVATION DECK - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) The head of the statue lurches suddenly, but the Ghostbusters cling to the rail and manage to keep their feet. STANTZ She's moving! WINSTON I've lived in New York all my life and I never visited the Statue of Liberty. Now I finally get here and we're taking her out for a walk. SPENGLER (reading the Giga-meter) We've got full power. Stantz picks up a Nintendo control paddle from a home video game and starts pushing the buttons. VENKMAN (into a microphone) Okay, Libby. Let's get it in gear. They feel a strong vibration and the statue starts to move. CUT TO: EXT. SOUTH STREET SEAPORT - NIGHT New Years Eve celebrants line the riverfront, pointing and gawking at an incredible sight. EXT. EAST RIVER - THEIR POV - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) The statue is moving up the river almost completely submerged, only her head from the nose up is visible above the surface. INT. OBSERVATION DECK - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Winston looks out apprehensively. WINSTON How deep does it get? That water's cold and I can't swim. VENKMAN It's okay. I have my Senior Lifesaving card. SPENGLER With a water temperature of forty degrees we'd survive approximately fifteen minutes. Stantz studies a maritime navigational chart. STANTZ I'll keep to the middle of the channel. We're okay to 59th Street, then we'll go ashore and take First Avenue to 79th. VENKMAN Are you kidding? We'll hit all that bridge traffic at 59th. I'm going to take 72nd straight up to Fifth. Trust me, I used to drive a cab. CUT TO: EXT. RIVERFRONT - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Spectators cheer wildly, inspired by the sight of the Statue. CUT TO: INT. MUSEUM RESTORATION STUDIO - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Janosz is sitting next to Dana, still wheedling her with promises and self-serving logic. JANOSZ Time is running out, Dana. Soon it will be midnight and the city will be mine -- and Vigo's. Well, mainly Vigo's. But we have a spectacular opportunity to make the best of our relationship. DANA We don't have a relationship. JANOSZ I know. Marry me, Dana, and together we will raise Vigo as our son. There are many perks that come with being the mother of a living god. I'm sure he will supply for us a magnificent apartment. And perhaps a car and free parking. DANA I hate and despise you and everything you stand for with all my heart and soul. I could never forgive what you've done to me and my child. JANOSZ Many marriages begin with a certain amount of distance, but after a while I believe we could learn to love each other. Think about it. DANA I'd rather not. CUT TO: EXT. TIMES SQUARE - NIGHT (SAME TIME) People are jammed together shoulder to shoulder filling Times Square, watching the big Seiko clock count down the last ten minutes to midnight. Suddenly, they look down Broadway and see a magnificent sight. EXT. BROADWAY - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) The Statue of Liberty is walking up Broadway approaching 42nd Street, with "Higher and Higher" BOOMING from the SPEAKERS inside. A great cheer goes up, and the crowd goes wild with joy, dancing and singing along with the MUSIC. INT. STATUE OF LIBERTY OBSERVATION DECK - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS) Spengler reads the Giga-meter. SPENGLER It's working. The positive GeV's are climbing. VENKMAN (patting the Statue) They love you, Lib. Keep it up. CUT TO: EXT. FIFTH AVENUE - NIGHT (LATER) The avenue has been closed to traffic and barricades placed, blocking all the side streets. A squadron of police motorcycles comes speeding around the corner at 72nd Street and proceeds up Fifth Avenue in the direction of the museum. Then MUSIC is heard BOOMING in the distance, the ground shakes and the Statue of Liberty comes walking around the corner onto Fifth Avenue followed by a wildly cheering throng. CUT TO: INT. OBSERVATION DECK - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) The Ghostbusters can see the museum ahead. VENKMAN So far so good. SPENGLER (worried) I'm worried. The vibrations could shake her to pieces. We should have padded her feet. STANTZ I don't think they make Nikes in her size. VENKMAN We're almost there, Lib. (to Stantz) Step on it. EXT. STREET - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) The Statue's huge foot comes down and squashes a car. INT. OBSERVATION DECK - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) The Ghostbusters look down at the flattened car. STANTZ (shouts out the window) My Fault! VENKMAN (shouts) She's new in town. CUT TO: INT. MUSEUM - RESTORATION STUDIO - SAME TIME Janosz is painting the last of the mystical symbols on the baby's chest. CUT TO: EXT. TIMES SQUARE - NIGHT (SAME TIME) The people still in the square start counting off the last ten seconds to midnight and the New Year. CROWD (chanting) Ten .. nine ... eight ... seven ... CUT TO: INT. MUSEUM - PAINTING - NIGHT A strange light spreads over the painting. As the light moves onto his face, Vigo spreads his arms wide and his upper body starts to emerge from the canvas. VIGO Soon my life begins. Then woe to the weak, all power to me, the world is mine. INT. MUSEUM - JANOSZ - NIGHT The baby's body begins to glow as Vigo reaches out for it. Then suddenly a dark shadow falls across the skylight. Janosz looks up. INT. MUSEUM - JANOSZ'S POV - SKYLIGHT - NIGHT The Statue of Liberty is looming over the skylight looking down on Janosz with an expression of righteous anger on it's face. EXT. MUSEUM - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Kneeling beside the museum, the statue draws back it's mighty right arm and smashes the skylight with its torch. INT. RESTORATION STUDIO - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Janosz retreats from the shower of broken glass as the Ghostbusters come sliding down ropes into the studio and confront Janosz with their new weapons. Quick as a flash, Dana seizes the moment, dashes across the studio and snatches the baby from Vigo's outstretched arms. VENKMAN (to Janosz) Happy New Year. INT. MUSEUM - VIGO PAINTING - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Vigo bellows in rage. INT. MUSEUM - STUDIO - NIGHT (CONTINUOUS ACTION) Janosz steps in front of the painting. SPENGLER Hi there. Feel free to try something stupid. Janosz sneers, trusting the invincibility of Vigo. JANOSZ You pitiful, miserable creatures! You dare to challenge the power of darkness? Don't you realize what you are dealing with? He's Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him. VENKMAN (sighs) Oh, Johnny. Did you back the wrong horse. With that, the Ghostbusters fire their slime-blowers and hose Janosz from head to toe, blowing him into the corner. Then they turn to Vigo. VIGO He is now almost completely out of the painting, but still held from the knees down. He spits and rages at the Ghostbusters, trying to unleash his magic powers. THE GHOSTBUSTERS They stand fast, secure in the knowledge that Vigo's power has been neutralized by the good will of the people. STANTZ Vigi, Vigi, Vigi -- you have been a bad little monkey. VENKMAN The whole city's together on this one. We took a vote. Everybody's down on you, you know. WINSTON (arming his slime-blower) Say goodnight now. Suddenly Vigo grabs Stantz by the neck and holds him up as a shield. SPENGLER Don't shoot! You'll hit Ray! STANTZ (strangling) Do it! Just do it! Winston fires and hoses both Vigo and Ray. VIGO He bellows and drops Ray, then falls back into the painting. INT. MUSEUM - PAINTING - NIGHT The paint turns liquid, melts off the canvas and runs onto the floor revealing another painting underneath it. INT. MUSEUM - GHOSTBUSTERS - NIGHT (AFTER BATTLE) Venkman, Spengler and Winston rush over to Ray and kneel beside him. He is completely covered with slime and motionless. SPENGLER (examining him) He's breathing. Winston wipes the slime off Ray's face and Ray opens his eyes. WINSTON Ray -- Ray -- How do you feel, man? STANTZ (smiles lovingly) Groovy. I've never felt better in my life. VENKMAN Oh, no. We've got to live with this? They pull him to his feet. STANTZ I love you guys. You're the best friends I've ever had. He hugs them each in turn, leaving them slimed as well. Venkman recoils in disgust. VENKMAN Hey, I just had this suit cleaned. (indicating Janosz) Take care of the wiggler, will you. Venkman crosses to Dana who is snuggling the baby. She hugs Venkman. VENKMAN What is this -- a love in? (notes the symbols painted on the baby's body) Hey, sailor. I think the tattoos are a little much, don't you? He picks up the baby. DANA (to Venkman) I think he likes you. I think I do too. VENKMAN Finally came to your senses, huh? They hug and kiss. SPENGLER, WINSTON AND STANTZ They help Janosz to his feet. He's dazed but unhurt. JANOSZ (restored to normalcy) What happened? STANTZ (calmly) Sir, you had a violent, prolonged, transformative psychic episode. But it's over now. Want a coffee? JANOSZ (extremely nice) That's very kind of you. SPENGLER (to Stantz) He's fine, Ray. Physically intact, psychomagnetherically neutral. JANOSZ Is that good? WINSTON It's where you want to be. As they exit they stop to examine the painting that was concealed by Vigo's self-portrait. SPENGLER Late Renaissance, I think. Caravaggio or Brunelleschi. WINSTON (staring at it) There's something very familiar about this painting. INT. MUSEUM - NEW PAINTING - NIGHT It's a beautiful painting in the high-Renaissance style depicting four archangels hovering protectively over a cherubic baby. One holds a harp, one, an olive branch, the third, a book, and the last, a sword. Most remarkably, their faces bear an uncanny resemblance to Venkman, Stantz, Spengler and Winston. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - NIGHT (SAME TIME) A city bus pulls up near the museum and Louis steps off. He waves his thanks to Slimer who is behind the wheel. LOUIS (to Slimer) Okay, so Monday night we'll get something to eat and maybe go bowling? Can you bowl with those little arms? SLIMER GRUNTS and SLOBBERS a reply, flexing his scrawny biceps. LOUIS Okay, I have to go save Dana. I'll see you later. CUT TO: EXT. MUSEUM - NIGHT (LITTLE LATER) The Ghostbusters are greeted by wild cheering and applause as they come out the main entrance with Dana and the baby. Everybody starts singing "Auld Lang Syne." Louis picks his way through the celebrating crowd and finds the Ghostbusters. LOUIS Am I too late? STANTZ No, you're right on time. Stantz pops the cork on a bottle of champagne and hands it to him. EXT. MUSEUM ENTRANCE - NIGHT (SAME TIME) Hardemeyer staggers out of the museum covered in slime. He looks at the celebrating crowd and his eyes fill with tears. HARDEMEYER (weepy) Happy New Year, everybody! He joins in on "Auld Lang Syne." CUT TO: EXT. CENTRAL PARK - NIGHT (LATER) The Statue of Liberty is sprawled inert on her back in the park behind the museum, her toga up over her knees. The Mayor looks nearly suicidal. The Ghostbusters stand beside him commiserating. VENKMAN She's all right. She's just sleeping it off. MAYOR (stricken) We just had it restored. VENKMAN This probably isn't a good time to bring this up, but the last time we did a job for the city you stiffed us. STANTZ (handing the Mayor an invoice) This is a bill for tonight's job. The Mayor looks at it and gasps at the amount. MAYOR What! This is way too much. (hands the bill back to Venkman) We won't pay. Venkman looks at the Statue. VENKMAN (to Stantz) I think she looks pretty good here, don't you? STANTZ Yeah, and a lot easier to get to than that island. Realizing he has no alternative, the Mayor sighs and takes the bill back. MAYOR All right, all right. If you can wait until Monday I'll issue you a check. SPENGLER Sorry. No checks. Company policy. CUT TO: EXT. LIBERTY ISLAND - DAY (WEEKS LATER) The sun is shining brightly and Liberty is back on her pedestal where she belongs. The Mayor and a host of officials are commemorating her return. The Ghostbusters, Dana, Janine and Louis are there as honored guests. VENKMAN (looking up at the statue) Pretty impressive, huh? SPENGLER (musing) It's probably the first thing my grandparents saw when they came to this country. VENKMAN From where -- Neptune? SPENGLER They came from Ostrov in Eastern Poland. VENKMAN Ostrov? I've been there. Good party town. STANTZ (in a similarly reflective mood) My great-grandparents were Swiss. I still have the pictures they took of the statue from the boat when they arrived. VENKMAN Oh, right, you told me that. They came to America seeking other kinds of cheese, as I recall. How about you, Winston? WINSTON My people weren't taking any pictures from those slave ships, man. And there wasn't any Statue in Charleston Harbor to welcome them, either. What are you, Dana? VENKMAN Miss Blue Blood? Her family's been here since the year 12. DANA That's not true. It was 1620. VENKMAN Same difference. STANTZ What's your story, Pete? VENKMAN Me? I'm a little of everything. Some Irish, some German, some French, Dutch -- the women in my family slept around. And that's what made this country great. DANA That's a terrible thing to say. VENKMAN So what? It's a free country. (looking up at the Statue) Thanks, Lib. They all look up at the Statue. EXT. STATUE OF LIBERTY - HEAD OF STATUE - DAY Slimer flies out one of the observation windows, THEME MUSIC KICKS IN and the CAMERA PULLS UP and AWAY FROM the island TO a HIGH SHOT of the Statue, lower Manhattan and the shining sea beyond. FADE OUT. THE END U N T I T L E D A Screen Play by Andrew M. Niccol FADE IN A white title appears on a black screen. "As night-fall does not come at once, neither does oppression...It is in such twilight that we all must be aware of change in the air - however slight - lest we become victims of the darkness." Justice William O. Douglas The title fades off, replaced by a second title. "I not only think that we will tamper with Mother Nature, I think Mother wants us to." William Gaylin The second title fades off, leaving a dark screen. The darkness gradually gives way to a dawning light. We are confronted with sight of a barren, empty landscape. A wide expanse of wasteland. Suddenly, without warning, an elephant tusk falls from the sky and crashes onto the parched ground. The earth-shuddering impact causes the tusk to rebound once in slow motion before finally settling to the desert floor in a cloud of dust. The first tusk is quickly followed by a second, also dropping from the heavens. It lands near the first. Another tusk smashes to earth several yards away. Yet another comes crashing into the foreground. Finally the dust settles upon a graveyard of tusks. DISSOLVE TO A BARREN, EMPTY LANDSCAPE In another region of the wasteland, a forest of tree trunks suddenly rains down from the sky. The trunks thump to the hard ground, also rebounding in slow motion. Cleanly sawn, branchless, palm-like trunks, they come to rest in the dust only to be followed by a second cascade of lumber. When the dust finally clears. the felled tree trunks lie in a huge, log-jam in the desert. DISSOLVE TO A BARREN, EMPTY LANDSCAPE Next to descend from the sky, a torrent of firewood. One shower after another, crashing to the plain. Enough chopped lumber to fuel a thousand hearths. DISSOLVE TO A BARREN, EMPTY LANDSCAPE Joining the rest of the debris is a deluge of slate - sheets of shale from a great unseen quarry in the sky come slamming to earth. Some of the pieces shattering, some rebounding into the air until the granite litters acres of landscape as far as the eye can see. TITLES ARE SPACED APPROPRIATELY THROUGHOUT THE PRECEDING SEQUENCE. THE FINAL TITLE READS: T H E N O T - T O O - D I S T A N T F U T U R E The camera commences a long, slow pull-back from the pile of elephant tusks. Gradually they are revealed as human fingernails magnified many hundreds of times. The tree trunks are mere hair follicles. The firewood, whiskers. The slate, flakes of skin. INT. INCINERATOR. EARLY MORNING. A naked MAN, thirties, seen in profile, is crouched upon a metal floor inside a small, brushed stainless steel tank, rubbing his skin raw with a wire brush. JEROME MORROW. Having completed his scrupulous ablutions, Jerome arches his lean frame through the small, oval door of the metal room with practised ease. Securing the thick, fireproof windowed door behind himself, he turns a switch to release gas into the vacated chamber. The gas instantly ignites in what is now revealed to be a gleaming modern stainless-steel custom-made incinerator. We refocus on a MAGNIFIED CLOSE UP of his exfoliated flesh in the incinerator as it blackens, curls and burns. Jerone covers himself with a silk robe and steps into a pair of backless slippers. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. EARLY MORNING. JEROME emerges from the incinerator room into a large, luxurious loft-style condo containing a bizarre assortment of equipment - arranged somewhat like a production line. Long, scrupulously clean metal work benches are arranged along one entire wall. Laid out on the benches in neat rows are dozens of plastic bags - some filled, some unfilled. Instruments on trays - various types of tweezers, scissors and other less familiar utensils. Round, stainless steel containers filled with hairs of differing lengths and other body matter. JEROME approaches another man slumped over one of the benches. EUGENE. He clutches an empty vodka bottle. He is snoring lightly - sleeping off the night before. As JEROME gently prises the bottle out of his hand, we are struck by the similarity of Eugene's face to Jerome's. Jerome pulls Eugene's chair back from the desk with surprising ease. A wheelchair - a modern, ergonomic design. Jerome wheels Eugene to a bedroom and, with some difficulty, hauls the larger man onto the bed. Through his alcoholic fog, Eugene feebly co- operates - his paralyzed legs a particular dead weight. After covering Eugene with a blanket, Jerome enters a bathroom containing a surgically-clean stainless steel basin, sink, shower and toilet. Beside the toilet stands a large, industrial-style stainless steel refrigerator. Donning protective gloves, Jerome opens the liquid-nitrogen cooled refrigerator. A cloud of condensed water vapor billows out. Revealed inside the fridge are racks of labelled jars and silicon pouches - some containing a yellowish liquid, some a deep, red liquid. In front of one of the jars is a handwritten shopping list - "TRUFFLES, CIGS, VODKA". Jerome smiles to himself as he retrieves the note along with one of the jars. He checks the jar's label. Satisfied with the date written there, he breaks the seal and pours the contents into the clear, silicon pouch of an IV-like device lying on the steel bathroom counter. He seals the pouch and checks the apparatus by opening the valve on its fine tube and squirting a small quantity of the liquid into the nearby toilet bowl, as one would test a syringe. We remain on Jerome's face as he reaches between his legs and inserts the pouch. Reopening the refrigerator, Jerome slides out a tray containing neat rows of slim, fingertip-sized plastic sachets filled with a deep, red-colored liquid. He removes his gloves, selects one of the sachets and carefully adheres the sachet to the pad at the end of his index finger. He prepares a second sachet for his middle finger. Jerome then applies skin-colored cover-up makeup to the sachets, blending them in with the color of his fingers. JEROME, still dressed in his robe, climbs a large, spiral staircase to the floor above. INT. JEROME'S CONDOMINIUM. EARLY MORNING. He emerges at the top of the staircase into a similarly large, loft-stlye condominium. Through the floor to ceiling window that opens onto a balcony we see that dawn is only just starting to leak into the night sky. In the bedroom JEROME removes a shirt from a drycleaning bag. Printed on the bag - "Confidentiality Guaranteed". He emerges from his bedroom, dressed in a smart albeit unconventionally cut suit. He adjusts his tie in the mirror, careful not to disturb the sachets attached to his fingertips. INT. INVESTIGATOR'S POOL. MORNING. A lone MAN swims a ferocious lap of freestyle in what appears to be a pool of enormous length - yet he never reaches the pool's end. We pull wider to reveal that the man is swimming against an artificial current in a pool barely larger than himself. Abruptly, the man stops and stands up - the fast-flowing current instantly stilled. We glimpse the face of INVESTIGATOR LUCAS. Thirties, he has a youthful yet rigid face. We have the impression that he does not swim for pleasure. EXT. CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX. MORNING. It is still early as JEROME exits the building's underground parking garage in an immaculate Studebaker Avanti and proceeds down the long straight driveway. He exchanges a wave with a GARDENER trimming a lawn. The whir of the car's electric powered engine belies its conventional appearance. EXT. GATTACA AEROSPACE CORPORATION. DAY. JEROME's car exits a highway and turns up the sweeping road leading to the parking lot of "GATTACA AEROSPACE CORPORATION". A sleek, modern, low-rise industrial compound boasting perfectly manicured landscaped gardens. INT. GATTACA AEROSPACE CORPORATION. DAY. JEROME strides purposefully up to the entranceway with hundreds of other GATTACA EMPLOYEES. He carries himself with a certain arrogance, a cool detachment. All employees wear similarly unconventionally-cut suits, short coiffed hair and robust tans. The Gattaca employees are a seemingly equal split of men and women and a diverse range of ethnicities. They filter through a row of channels supervised by SECURITY GUARDS. Each channel contains a computerized security device, featuring a slim groove in which the employee places a finger under the watchful eye of a Security Guard. Jerome gives a polite nod to a Guard as he places his index finger in the groove. His fingertip is jabbed with the finest of needles and a minute blood sample taken. The blood specimen confirms Jerome's identity - an ID photograph appearing on a computer screen. Out of the corner of his eye, Jerome spies a young woman entering through the adjacent channel. She is also sneaking a glance in his direction - IRENE. Catching each other looking, they both quickly avert their eyes. As Jerome enters the computer facility of Gattaca Aerospace Corporation he furtively glances at the pin-prick puncture in his fingertip sachet. SOMEWHERE IN DEEP SPACE. A GATTACA spacecraft skirts an asteroid. Taking advantage of the rock's gravitational pull, the craft slingshots deeper into the black void. Then abruptly the craft and the asteroid freeze in mid-space, suddenly reverse direction and proceed forward again - the spacecraft taking a slightly adjusted course. We pull back to reveal that the journey is merely a highly realistic graphic representation on a GATTACA computer screen operated by JEROME. Appearing simultaneously alongside the computer animation is a seemingly never-ending column of computer instructions for this celestial navigation - the incomprehensible language of the computer programmer. 140 #x20x08x$$x20x08x$$x20x08x$$x20{ 150 #x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00x00 160 #xfexfexfexfexfexfexfexfexfexfe Jerome is transported - plotting a path through the heavens. As his fingers fly across the keys he does not once take his eyes from the screen. His is one of hundreds of ergonomically designed work stations, arranged in ever-widening circles in a huge, curcular, well- appointed if antiseptic room. Each curved desk contains a computer terminal consisting of a keyboard and a slim, transparent screen behind which is seated a PROGRAMMER, designing software for the aerospace agency. At the center of the room is a donut-shaped command console, chairs facing outwards, from which operations are monitored. Floor to ceiling smoked-glass curved walls offer the only concession to nature - a tinted view of a man-made, meticulously landscaped garden. Jerome tears himself away from his screen and picks up a discreet mini-vac. He vacuums between the keys of his keyboard. DIRECTOR JOSEF, 50's, a shorter, official-looking man approaches. His assistant IRENE stands at his shoulder. DIRECTOR JOSEF You keep your work station so clean, Jerome. JEROME --Next to Godliness, isn't that what they say? The Director smiles at the notion and places a computer disc on Jerome's desk. DIRECTOR JOSEF I reviewed your flight plan. Not one error in a hundred thousand keystrokes. Phenomenal. (placing a hand on Jerome's shoulder) It's right that someone like you is taking us to the Belt. (glancing to notification on Jerome's screen) You have a substance test. The Director briskly departs, Irene in tow. At a nearby work station, a painfully thin programmer, NAPOLEON, perks up at the mention of the test. Jerome merely shrugs and pretends to reach down and scratch his ankle. However he surreptitiously produced one of Eugene's transparent specimen bags from his sock. An EXTREME CLOSE UP reveals the bag's contents - flakes of skin, hair follicles, eyelashes, a fingernail. Cupping the bag in his hand to avoid detection, Jerome sprinkles the fraudulent body matter over his keyboard, desk surfaces and the floor around his work station. He opens his desk drawer and casually scatters the remainder of the bag. Finally he inspects a comb already laced with two hair follicles. Jerome rises from his work station and makes his way towards the testing lab. INT. GATTACA AEROSPACE CORPORATION - TESTING LABORATORY. DAY. White-coated LAMAR, forties, buzzcut, a man's man, checks JEROME's eyes with an instrument. Satisfied with his examination, he passes a transparent plastic container to JEROME. Standing directly in front of the technician with his back to camera, Jerome opens his fly. A steady stream of urine begins to flow into the container from Jerome's hidden pouch. LAMAR (staring admiringly at the discharge) Jerome...never shy. Pisses on command. You've got a beautiful cock. I ever told you that, Jerome? JEROME (deadpan as he continues to urinate) Only every time I'm in here. Jerome hands the container to Lamara who seals and label it as Jerome refastens his trousers. LAMAR I see a lot of cocks. I speak from experience. Yours is a beautiful example. Why didn't my folks order a cock like that for me? LAMAR pours the urine sample into a high-tech device where it is instantly analyzed. The urine identifies Jerone while also registering a negative drug reading. The computer reads "VALID". LAMAR (walking Jerome to the door) If everything goes to plan, this could be the last time I see you for a while. One week to go. Please tell me you're the least bit excited. JEROME I'll tell you at the end of the week. Jerome departs. INT. GATTACA - RESTROOM. DAY. JEROME enters the restroom and glances at the toilet stalls. Only three in the bank of twenty is occupied. He tarries at the mirror above the uniform line of basins, unnecessarily reknotting his tie. A toilet flushes and a COLLEAGUE exits one of the stalls. He and Jerome exchange a nod. When the man has exited the restroom, Jerome enters the man's vacated stall. INT. GATTACA - TOILET STALL. DAY. JEROME immediately feels around the back of the toilet bowl and detaches a secreted stainless steel container. With surprising swiftness and dexterity, Jerome removes an extremely fine contact lens from each eye and drops the pair into the toilet bowl. He inserts two replacement lenses from the container and reattaches it in its hiding place. Jerome flushes the toilet and exits the stall. He checks in the mirror that his new contact lenses are properly inserted. INT. GATTACA - CORRIDOR. DAY. Walking back along one of the long, glass-walled corridors, JEROME becomes aware of a peculiar noise in the complex - or to be more precise, a lack of noise. The incessant tapping of computer keys has stilled. As Jerome gazes through the glass walled corridor, we see the reflection of his face, deep in thought. JEROME (VO) The most unremarkable of events. Jerome Morrow, Navigator First class, is only days away from a one-year manned mission to 951 Gaspra in the Outer Asteroid Belt. Nothing so unique in that. Last year over one thousand citizens from every walk of life embarked on some space mission or other. Besides, selection for Jerome was virtually guaranteed at birth. He is blessed with all the physical and intellectual gifts required for such an arduous undertaking, a genetic quotient second to none. Jerome's gaze drifts to the sky. JEROME (VO) No, there is truly nothing remarkable about the progress of Jerome Morrow, except that I am not Jerome Morrow. EXT. BEACH. DUSK - THIRTY-ODD YEARS EARILER A starry sky. The camera tilts down to find palm trees swaying against a setting sun. JEROME (VO) I was conceived in the Riviera. Not the French Riviera. The camera tilts down further to find a Buick Riviera parked in a deserted beachfront parking lot on a polluted stretch of beach. JEROME (VO) The Detroit variety. Through the car's steamed windows we see Jerome's mother and father, MARIA and ANTONIO, early twenties, making love. JEROME (VO) They used to say that a child conceived in love, has a greater chance of happiness. They don't say that any more. INT. FAMILY PLANNING CLINIC. DAY. MARIA, wearing a medical gown, lies on an examining table, feet in stirrups. A NURSE, forties, wheels an instrument tray towards her. Maria suddenly disengages her feet from the stirrups and swings her legs off the table. NURSE What are you doing? MARIA (shaking her head) I can't do this. NURSE (misinterpreting the problem) I told you, the government pays. It's all taken care of. MARIA No, you don't understand. I can't. The nurse places a comforting hand on Maria's shoulder. NURSE (reassuring) The doctor will give you something. MARIA (removing the hand, adamant) I'm not doing it. NURSE (trying to make her see reason) Honey, you've made one mistake-- The remark stings Maria. NURSE (softening her tone) --I've read your profile. I don't know about the father but you carry enough hereditary factors on your own. (pause) You can have other children. MARIA (holding her swollen stomach protectively) Not like this one. NURSE (trying to be diplomatic) Honey, look around you. The world doesn't want one like that one. Maria gets off the table and reaches for her clothes laying across a chair. MARIA (irate) You don't know what it will be! The nurse watches Maria as she dresses, genuinely bewildered. NURSE (calling out to Maria as she disappears out of the door) The child won't thank you! INT. DELIVERY ROOM. DAY. We focus on a crucifix dangling on a rosary. Tilting up we find the rosary clasped between MARIA and ANTONIO's intertwined hands. JEROME (VO) Those were early days--days when a priest could still persuade someone to put their faith in God's hands rather than those of the local geneticist. Bathed in sweat, Maria gives a final push on the delivery table. While still attached to his umbilical cord, the heel of the NEWBORN BABY BOY is immediately pricked by a masked NURSE. A minute drop of blood is inserted into an analyzing machine. Even as the baby is put into Maria's arms, page after page of data begins to appear on a monitor, pulsing warning signals throughout the spreadsheets. Two assisting NURSES exchange a look. Antonio senses something amiss. ANTONIO What's wrong? JEROME (VO) Of course, there was nothing wrong with me. Not so long ago I would have been considered a perfectly healthy, normal baby. Ten fingers, ten toes. That was all that used to matter. But now my immediate well-being was not the sole concern. Antonio turns his attention from his baby to the data appearing on the monitor. We see individual items highlighted amongst the data - "NERVE CONDITION - PROBABILITY 60%", "MANIC DEPRESSION - 42%", "OBESITY - 66%", "ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER - 89%"-- JEROME (VO) My destiny was mapped out before me-- all my flaws, predispositions and susceptibilities - most untreatable to this day. Only minutes old, the date and cause of my death was already known. Antonio focuses on a final highlighted item on the monitor's screen, "HEART DISORDER - 99% - EARLY FATAL POTENTIAL.". "LIFE EXPECTANCY - 33 YEARS". NURSE The name? (typing details into birth certificate) For the certificate. MARIA Antonio-- ANTONIO (correcting her) --No, Vincent Antonio. With a computer stylus he signs the nurse's handheld screen. EXT. TRACT HOME - BACKYARD. DAY. 2-YEAR-OLD JEROME (REFERRED TO BY HIS GIVEN NAME OF "VINCENT" FOR MOST OF THE FOLLOWING FLASHBACK) running with a toy rocket falls more in clumsiness than fatigue. MARIA suddenly whisks up the toddler. MARIA (hysterical) Oh, Vincent, Vincent, Vincent...I can't let you out of my sight. Maria frantically listens to her young son's heartbeat. For his part, Vincent appears surprised by the attention. Maria places a portable oxygen mask over Vincent's mouth. JEROME (VO) I was born Vincent Antonio Luca. And from an early age I came to think of myself as others thought of me - chronically ill. Every skinned knee and runny nose treated as if it were life-threatening. INT. DAY CARE CENTER. DAY. MARIA and ANTONIO drop off dark-haired 2-YEAR-OLD VINCENT at a Day Care Center. JEROME (VO) And my parents soon realized that wherever I went, my genetic prophecy preceded me. While HEALTHY CHILDREN play outside on tricycles, clamber over jungle-gyms and finger-paint, the PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER shows Vincent into a room where CHILDREN WITH OBVIOUS DISABILITIES sleep on mats. Maria wheels around and marches out of the center with Vincent in her arms. Antonio follows close behind, pleading with his wife to see sense. JEROME (VO) They put off having any more children until they could afford not to gamble - to bring a child into the world in what has become the "natural" way. EXT. HOME. DAY. ANTONIO reluctantly shows off his spotless Buick Riviera to a prospective BUYER. JEROME (VO) It meant selling the beloved Buick. The two men haggle over the price while MARIA, holding VINCENT in her arms, looks on. Finally money and a pink slip are exchanged. VINCENT (VO) My father got a good price. After all, the only accident he'd ever had in that car was me. As the BUYER drives away, Antonio shrugs to Maria to hide his disappointment. EXT. GENETIC COUNSELLING OFFICE BUILDING. DAY. ANTONIO, MARIA and 2-YEAR-OLD VINCENT exit a packed commuter bus and enter a Genetic Counselling office building bearing the sign - "PRO-CREATION". INT. GENETIC COUNSELLING OFFICE. DAY. A GENETICIST stares into a high-powered microscope as ANTONIO, MARIA and 2-YEAR-OLD VINCENT are shown into the office by a NURSE. On the counter beside the Geneticist is a glass-doored industrial refrigerator containing petri dishes arranged on racks several feet high. GENETICIST (to the nurse, without taking his eyes from his binocular microscope) Put up the dish. While Antonio and Maria take a seat in front of a television monitor, the Nurse puts a labelled petri dish under a video- equipped microscope. The Geneticist swings around in his chair to greet his clients. Four magnified clusters of cells - eight cells on each cluster - appear on the television screen. GENETICIST Your extracted eggs... (noting the couple's names from data along the edge of the screen) ...Maria, have been fertilized with... Antonio's sperm and we have performed an analysis of the resulting pre-embryos. After screening we're left with two healthy boys and two healthy girls. Naturally, no critical pre-dispositions to any of the major inheritable diseases. All that remains is to select the most compatible candidate. Maria and Antonio exchange a nervous smile. GENETICIST First, we may as well decide on gender. Have you given it any thought? MARIA (referring to the toddler on her knee) We would like Vincent to have a brother... you know, to play with. The Geneticist nods. He scans the data around the edge of the screen. GENETICIST You've already specified blue eyes, dark hair and fair skin. I have taken the liberty of eradicating any potentially prejudicial conditions - premature baldness, myopia, alcoholism and addictive susceptibility, propensity for violence and obesity-- MARIA (interrupting, anxious) --We didn't want--diseases, yes. ANTONIO (more diplomatic) We were wondering if we should leave some things to chance. GENETICIST (reassuring) You want to give your child the best possible start. Believe me, we have enough imperfection built-in already. Your child doesn't need any additional burdens. And keep in mind, this child is still you, simply the best of you. You could conceive naturally a thousand times and never get such a result. ANTONIO (squeezing Maria's hand) He's right, Maria. That's right. Maria is only half-convinced, but the Geneticist swiftly moves on. GENETICIST Is there any reason you'd want a left-handed child? ANTONIO (blank) Er, no... GENETICIST (explaining) Some believe it is associated with creativity, although there's no evidence. Also for sports like baseball it can be an advantage. ANTONIO (shrugs) I like football. GENETICIST (injecting a note of levity) I have to warn you, Mr Luca, he's going to be at least a head taller than you. Prepare for a crick in the neck in sixteen years time. Antonio beams proudly. GENETICIST (scanning the data on the screen) Anything I've forgotten? MARIA (hesitant about broaching the subject) We want him--we were hoping he would get married and have children. We'd like grandchildren. GENETICIST (conspiratorial smile) I understand. That's already been taken care of. (an afterthought) Now you appreciate I can only work with the raw material I have at my disposal but for a little extra...I could also attempt to insert sequences associated with enhanced mathematical or musical ability. MARIA (suddenly enthused) Antonio, the choir... GENETICIST (interjecting, covering himself) I have to caution you it's not fool-proof. With multi-gene traits there can be no guarantees. ANTONIO How much extra? GENETICIST It would be five thousand more. Antonio's face falls. ANTONIO I'm sorry, there's no way we can. GENETICIST Don't worry. You'll probably do just as well singing to him in the womb. (rising to end the appointment) We can implant the most successful pre-embryo tomorrow afternoon. Maria is staring at the four magnified clumps on the screen. MARIA What will happen to the others? GENETICIST (reassuring) They are not babies, Maria, merely "human possibilities". Removing the petri dish from beneath the lens of the microscope, he points out the four minuscule specks. GENETICIST Smaller than a grain of sand. DISSOLVE TO INT. TRACT HOME. DAY. A red pencil draws a mark on a doorway at the height of a child's head. The child moves away and the name, "ANTON 11" is written beside the mark by proud father, ANTONIO. JEROME (VO) That's how my brother, Anton, came into the world - a son my father considered worthy of his name. There is little physical similarity between 11-YEAR-OLD ANTON and 13-YEAR-OLD VINCENT standing beside him, apart from their height. In fact Vincent is mortified to see that his younger brother's mark is a fraction of an inch higher than the mark beside his own name, "VINCENT 13". Vincent runs from the room. EXT. BEACH. DAY. 13-YEAR-OLD VINCENT and 11-YEAR-OLD ANTON sit together on a windswept beach. Anton picks up a broken shell and deliberately slices the tip of his thumb with the sharp edge. He hands the shell to Vincent who hesitantly follows suit. JEROME (VO) By the time we were playing at blood brothers I understood that there was something very different flowing through my veins. The two brothers press their thumbs together, merging the blood. JEROME (VO) And I'd need an awful lot more than a drop if I was going to get anywhere. EXT. BEACH. LATER IN THE DAY. While ANTONIO and MARIA doze under a beach umbrella, ANTON and VINCENT enter the water, diving through the waves. From above we watch their two young bodies swimming beside each other beyond the breakers. JEROME (VO) Our favorite game was "chicken". When our parents weren't watching, we used to swim outside the flags, as far out as we dared. It was about who would get scared and turn back first. Suddenly VINCENT stops swimming, pulling up sharply in the water, exhausted and fearful. He watches ANTON swim on into the distance. JEROME (VO) Of course, it was always me. Anton was by far the stronger swimmer and he had no excuse to fail. INT. SCHOOL - CLASSROOM. DAY. A TEACHER gives a physics lesson. The bespectacled 13-YEAR-OLD VINCENT has his arm energetically raised at each opportunity but is never called upon. Eventually he lowers his arm in defeat. JEROME (VO) My genetic scarlet letter continued to follow me from school to school. When you're told you're prone to learning disabilities, it's sometimes easier not to disappoint anybody. EXT. STREET. NIGHT. 13-YEAR-OLD VINCENT stands at a cul-de-sac at the end of a long, straight deserted street. He places a basketball in the middle of the street to represent the SUN and begins to unwind the huge reel of string attached to the ball. 11-YEAR-OLD ANTON walks a pace behind him. Several yards along the trail a bead is threaded through the string to represent the planet MERCURY. ANTON How many astronauts are there, anyway? Vincent ignores him and continues to reel out the string. ANTON I bet I could be one. Vincent stops and regards his younger brother with contempt. VINCENT You're standing on Venus. Anton lifts his foot. There is a bead beneath it. INT/EXT. CAR / SATELLITE DISH. DUSK. VINCENT has developed into a handsome 17-YEAR-OLD. His spectacles hidden, he and a YOUNG WOMAN are necking in the front seat of a beat-up car, parked overlooking a huge satellite dish. JEROME (VO) I was popular enough until it got around that I wasn't a long-term proposition. The love-making intensifies. The YOUNG WOMAN moves down Vincent's chest and unzips his fly. JEROME (VO) Those who didn't know already could easily find out for themselves. It was certainly no problem coaxing the information out of me. We remain on Vincent's face as he climaxes. The YOUNG WOMAN turns her head away from the spent Jerome and, out of his view, trickles semen from her mouth into a clear specimen vial. JEROME (VO) I didn't blame them. You need to know if a prospective husband can qualify for a mortgage or life insurance or can hold down a decent job. INT. HOME. DAY. In the living room of their modest home, the dark-haired, 17- year-old, bespectacled VINCENT sits opposite his PARENTS. The crestfallen Vincent has a book on his lap entitled "CAREERS IN SPACE". MOTHER (trying to break it gently) Vincent, you have to be realistic. A heart condition like yours-- VINCENT --I don't care. I'll take the risk. MOTHER It's not just you they have to be concerned about. Perhaps we could get you one of those new pacemakers. They're not perfect but-- FATHER (letting his frustration show) For God's sake, Vincent, don't you understand. The only way you'll see the inside of a space ship is if you're cleaning it! Vincent looks at his father in disbelief. On a dinner table on the other side of the living room, 15-YEAR- OLD ANTON looks up from the biological specimen he is studying with a magnifying glass. INT. PERSONNEL OFFICE - WAITING ROOM. DAY. 17-YEAR-OLD VINCENT hides his glasses in his pocket as he enters a WAITING ROOM. He gazes around at other APPLICANTS. JEROME (VO) My father was right. It didn't matter how much I lied on my resumÈ, my real C.V. was in my cells. Why should anybody invest all that money to train me, when there are a thousand other applicants with a far cleaner profile? Of course, it's illegal to discriminate - "genoism" it's called - but no one takes the laws seriously. As Jerome enters the office, we focus on the doorhandle he has just touched. JEROME (VO) If you refuse to disclose, they can always take a sample from a doorhandle... Vincent hesitates before shaking the PERSONNEL OFFICER's outstretched hand. JEROME (VO) ...or a handshake... We focus on Jerome's envelope attached to his application form sitting on the Manager's desk. JEROME (VO) ...even the saliva off your application form. Sitting opposite the manager, Jerome's face falls. The manager puts a clear, plastic cup in front of Jerome. JEROME (VO) But for the most part we know who we are. And if all else fails, a legal drug test can just as easily become an illegal peek at your future in the company. Vincent saves the Manager the trouble and exits the office, leaving the cup where it sits. EXT. BEACH. DAY. 17-YEAR-OLD JEROME walks up the beach to find 15-YEAR-OLD ANTON sitting with the YOUNG WOMAN Vincent had previously dated. JEROME (VO) I didn't blame Anton for his free ride. You can't blame someone for winning the lottery. The Young Woman hastily departs. LATER the two brothers face each other on the sand. Anton is the more statuesque of the two. ANTON (cocky) You sure you want to do this? Vincent's answer is to walk towards the water. Anton smiles mockingly at his brother's grim "game face" and follows. From an aerial view we watch VINCENT and his younger brother, ANTON, swim beyond the breakers. JEROME (VO) It was the last time we swam together. Out into the open sea, like always, knowing each stroke towards the horizon was one we had to make back to the shore. Like always, the unspoken contest. We watch the two young men swimming stroke for stroke. They swim far out, beyond the point. Suddenly ANTON starts to slow, his strokes becoming labored until he becomes motionless in the water. He begins to sink like a stone. VINCENT, realizing Anton is no longer beside him, turns back to lend support. Vincent takes him in a lifeguard hold and begins to nurse him back to shore. Finally the two boys are coughed up onto the shallows. They collapse, just beyond the waterline, exhausted, gasping for air. ANTONIO and MARIA arrive on the scene. ANTON is the first to recover while VINCENT clutches his side, his face screwed up in pain. Maria kneels down and starts to administer to Vincent but his father, Antonio, is unable to conceal his anger and contempt for Vincent. ANTONIO Vincent, you damn fool! You could have killed Anton with your ridiculous contest! Why should he risk his life to save yours?! When are you going to get it through your thick head--you can't compete with your brother! Why try?! Maria takes Antonio aside. Anton and Vincent exchange a look. ANTON Why didn't you say anything? VINCENT Why didn't you? (staring back at his father knowingly) It's okay. It's the way they want it. JEROME (VO) It confirmed everything in the minds of my parents - that they had taken the right course with my younger brother and the wrong course with me. It would have been so much easier for everyone if I had slipped away that day. I decided to grant them that wish. INT. HOME. NIGHT. ANTON stands at the mantlepiece in the dimly-lit living room. He gazes at a framed family portrait - Vincent's face has been torn out of it. He suddenly spies VINCENT exiting the front gate, carrying a suitcase. Anton goes to shout Vincent's name but the words don't get out. EXT. GATTACA. DAWN. A pick-up truck, packed with a CLEANING CREW, pulls into the rear of the building. They are no longer strictly the migrant workers we have come to expect but rather a mixture of ethnicities - all members of a genetic underclass that does not discriminate by race. As VINCENT exits the truck and turns towards the camera, we discover that he has now matured into the man we have come to know as JEROME. The only visible differences are the glasses he wears and his hair, still naturally dark. JEROME (VO) Like many others in my situation, I moved around a lot in the next few years, getting work where I could. I must have cleaned half the toilets in the state. We follow VINCENT through the course of a day. Cleaning restrooms, toilets, picking up litter, sweeping, washing windows - gazing at the AEROSPACE WORKERS below. The building is part of the Gattaca facility, located near a shuttle launch site. Throughout the day, with the regularity of 747's, Vincent spies rocket ships in the distance, launching into the sky. Jerome's is the only head that turns and looks up. Long after the sun has set, Vincent is still working. Another rocket ship lights up the darkness. Vincent gazes forlornly into the heavens. EXT. GATTACA - GLASS WALL. DAY. VINCENT cleans a window from the outside, staring in at the arrogant GATTACA EMPLOYEES entering the security channels - a smaple taken from their fingertips. Jerome, in a trance, constantly cleans the same spot of glass. He fails to notice an Older Janitor, CAESAR, appear beside him. CAESAR When you clean the glass, Vincent, don't clean it too well. VINCENT (confused) What do you mean? CAESAR (glancing to the Gattaca workers) You might get ideas. VINCENT But if the glass is clean, it'll be easier for you to see me when I'm on the other side of it. Caesar smiles at Vincent's cockiness. INT. GATTACA. DAY. VINCENT empties garbage into a dumpster adjacent to Gattaca. His attention is drawn to something in the trash. A discarded manual on Celestial Mechanics and Navigation. He wipes food residue off the corner. INT. ASTRONOMY & TELESCOPE SHOP. DAY. A forest of telescopes on tripods in an astronomy shop. VINCENT enters the store with a bucket and squeegee and immediately goes to clean the storefront window. The STORE OWNER looks up from his tabloid - "STAR" magazine. OWNER Where's Earl? JEROME He fell. Lucky it was only the second floor. The owner nods and returns to his magazine. When he looks up again one of his tripods is missing its telescope and Jerome is nowhere to be seen. INT. IN-VALID HOUSING PROJECT. NIGHT. JEROME returns to his bare apartment. He removes the cloth covering the bucket to reveal a dumpy-shaped telescope snugly wedged inside. He starts to pour over his collection of textbooks. Other tattered space paraphenalia adorns the wall. JEROME (VO) Of course the best test score in the world wasn't going to get me in the front door unless I had the blood test to go with it. EXT. GATTACA. NIGHT. While his fellow WORKERS sit on the steps at the service entrance to Gattaca, passing around an unlabeled bottle of clear liquor, VINCENT sits some distance away studying his text book. In the absence of a computer, he practices typing commands on a keyboard handdrawn on the flap of a cardboard box. A tiny, seedy-looking man, GERMAN, forties, appears from nowhere and takes a seat beside him. GERMAN (offering his hand) Vincent, I'm German-- (anticipating Vincent's response) That's my name. He looks the apprehensive Vincent up and down. VINCENT What do you think? GERMAN (shrugs) I think I could do something (glancing to the text book) provided you know what you're doing and you can meet the terms. Vincent pulls a plastic e-money card from his overalls. GERMAN You got a photo of yourself? Vincent produces a snapshot of himself - torn from the family portrait. German feeds the snapshot into the pocket-sized computer he carries. The picture is instantly scanned and appears on the computer's small color screen. German returns the photograph and hastily departs. CAESAR, the elderly janitor, notices German's exit. CAESAR (to Vincent) I thought I told you not to get any ideas. High up the side of a building, washing windows, VINCENT pauses occasionally to practice typing commands on his cardboard keys - viewing a screen in his imagination - or the nightsky itself. He hears his name being called. GERMAN Vincent...Vincent... VINCENT (staring through his glasses) German, is that you? GERMAN Vincent, come down. I've found him. INT. IN-VALID HOUSING PROJECT. NIGHT. GERMAN leads VINCENT through a maze of corridors. JEROME (VO) For the genetically superior, success is easier to attain but is by no means guaranteed. After all, there is no gene for fate. And when, for one reason or another, a member of the elite falls on hard times, their genetic identity becomes a valued commodity for the unscrupulous. One man's loss is another man's gain. He gives a conspiratorial nod to another passing DNA BROKER, both men carrying their palm-top computers. GERMAN (enthusiastically reading from data on his portable screen as he walks) He has the heart of an ox. He could run through a Goddamn wall--if he could still run. Actually, he was a big college swimming star. VINCENT I hope he's not just a body. GERMAN No problem. Before he dropped out he was an honor student, the right majors-- VINCENT How do I square the accident? GERMAN (still reading data from his palm-top computer) It happened in Australasia. He checked in yesterday. No family complications, no record he ever broke his neck. As far as anybody's concerned, he's still a walking, talking, fully-productive member of society. You just have to get him off the pipe and fill in the last two years of his life. (correcting himself) Excuse me, your life. German has stopped walking as if they have arrived. VINCENT (looking around for a likely candidate but finding none) Where is he? German reaches towards a PARAPLEGIC sitting in his wheelchair in the stairwell directly in front of them, his head slumped, an incriminating bong nestled in his lap. German pulls the man's head up by the hair. EUGENE. Depsite the patchy, unkempt beard and thick glaze over his eyes he bears a striking similarity to Vincent. Vincent holds a mirror beside the face of the lethargic Eugene to compare his own reflection. GERMAN (smiling confidently What did I tell you? Which one's the mirror? VINCENT (still not fully convinced) That's the hair color in his profile? German checks an entry in his computer: "HAIR: BLONDE" GERMAN Yeah. VINCENT (touching his own dark strands) I'd have to bleach my hair. GERMAN (irritated, impatient) Why are you inventing problems? You two are a couple of goddam clones. You look so right together, I want to double my fee. VINCENT (a thought occurs, addressing the paraplegic for the first time) How tall are you? EUGENE (deadpan) Four foot six. Vincent grins, realizing that Eugene is referring to his seated height. There is an instant connection between the two men. VINCENT Okay, how tall did you used to be? EUGENE (apathetic, still under the influence of whatever he's been smoking) Six one. VINCENT (to German, disappointed) He's too tall. GERMAN (shrugs) You can wear lifts. VINCENT Even with lifts I'm never that tall. GERMAN There's a way. INT. BACKSTREET SURGERY. NIGHT. In a primitive operating theatre, VINCENT lies on a table, his lower legs masked off for surgery. The SURGEON switches on a surgical saw and lines it up with handdrawn incision marks. Metal struts are ready to elongate his legs. INT. IN-VALID HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. DAY. GERMAN wheels the dazed EUGENE into the apartment, cluttered with space paraphenalia. One wheel of his rusting wheelchair is flimsily held on with wire. VINCENT follows behind on crutches, both lower legs in casts and cross-braces. Vincent signs the contract German puts in front of him. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE A BAR. DAY. EUGENE, glassy-eyed, strides out of a bar, past camera and into the street. We hear a squeal of brakes and a sickening thud. INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. DAY. EUGENE awakens with a scream, bathed in sweat, arms bound to a bed - the only real piece of furniture in the room. VINCENT, sitting on a crate beside him, soaking a towel in a bowl of water, is taken by surprise. Eugene continues to scream and thrash, fighting against his bindings. Vincent stuffs the towel into Eugene's mouth and holds onto his arms. JEROME (VO) I confess, at first I wondered if I had rescued a man who was already dead. INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT - BATHROOM. NIGHT. VINCENT holds EUGENE's head over the toilet bowl as he vomits violently. Eugene's paralysis and Vincent's broken legs make the operation doubly difficult. Finally Eugene has nothing left in his stomach to vomit. He drops to the floor in exhaustion. Vincent, also exhausted from the effort of holding Eugene over the bowl, joins him on the broken linoleum. Both men stare up at the ceiling that carries a map of the constellation. VINCENT You okay, Jerome? EUGENE (ironically referring to their mutual immobility) Yeah. You want to go dancing tonight? Vincent smiles. INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. NIGHT. EUGENE turns his nose up at the plate of boiled meat and potatoes that VINCENT puts in front of him. Vincent catches the look. VINCENT What's wrong with it? EUGENE I think I'd better choose the menu. After all, you're learning how to be me, I'm not learning how to be you. VINCENT (shrugs) Suit yourself. EUGENE (trying to be more diplomatic) Listen, I don't want you to think I'm ungrateful --I know you and that little broker--what do you call him? VINCENT German. EUGENE You're both going to a lot of trouble-- (trying to be tactful) Maybe you can con somebody into believing you're me to get your foot in the door--but once you're inside, you're on your own. I'm sure you're sincere... (glancing to the space paraphenalia) ...but I was being groomed for something like this myself. Even without the accident I don't think I would have made it. My point is--how the hell do you expect to pull this off? Jerome merely stares back as if the thought of failure has never occurred to him. VINCENT (shrugs and states it simply) I don't know exactly, Jerome. EUGENE (laughing) At least you're honest. (a thought occurs) Call me by my middle name--Eugene--If you're going to be Jerome, you may as well start getting used to it. NB: FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SCREENPLAY "VINCENT" IS REFERRED TO AS "JEROME". INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. NIGHT. JEROME looks through Eugene's personal effects, including a photograph album. He is drawn to a swimming medal inside the album at a page displaying a photo of a wealthy, austere MOTHER - Eugene evidently comes from money. Even as he wheels into the room in his rickety wheelchair we see that EUGENE has the bearing of someone of good breeding. He has a bag of blood on his lap. More blood is being drawn from his arm through an IV. Eugene catches Jerome looking at the album. JEROME (guiltily closing the book) I have to know where you come from. EUGENE If anybody asks, tell them the truth-- your family disowns you. You are a disappointment, Jerome. JEROME (referring to Eugene's medal, impressed) What about this? EUGENE Wrong color. It's silver. (tossing the bag of blood to Jerome) It's not easy living up to this. Eugene wheels away. INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. DAY. JEROME practises writing with his right hand, trying to replicate Eugene's signature. EUGENE (wheeling by, looking over Jerome's shoulder at the signature) It needs work. JEROME (rueful) You had to be a right-hander. EUGENE Noone orders southpaws anymore. INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. DAY. A pair of spectacles lie on the bed. JEROME, still wearing his twin casts, sits behind an optometrist's portable examining device. GERMAN hovering in the background, an OPTOMETRIST custom-fits JEROME with gossamer thin contact lenses. JEROME (VO) Myopia is a dead giveaway - one of the earliest and most justifiable of the quality-of-life corrections. Anybody with impaired vision is certain to be suffering from all the other deficiencies of a "nonadvantaged" birth. GERMAN (inspecting the lens in Jerome's eye) It's no good. I can see an edge. He may as well walk in there with a cane. INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. DAY. The Optometrist has been replaced in the living room with a BLACK MARKET DENTIST who bonds JEROME's small, gapped teeth to match EUGENE's perfectly straight, white picket fences. INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. DAY. Hair already bleached and cut to match Eugene's hairstyle, JEROME sits in a chair against a hastily erected white paper backdrop. From his wheelchair, EUGENE puts the finishing touches to Jerome's hair. He wheels himself out of the way. The final accomplice in Jerome's deception, a BLACK MARKET COMPUTER GRAPHICS DESIGNER, takes Jerome's photo with a video camera. Manipulating the captured image, the Designer morphs Jerome's face into the face of Eugene. The resulting photo that spits out of a printer is neither one nor the other but an acceptable combination of the two. INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. DAY. EUGENE is starting to prepare Jerome's specimen bags for the first time. He winces in pain as he plucks several hairs from his head. JEROME, now out of his casts, prepares job applications. EUGENE (still grimacing, referring to the follicles) You really need that much? JEROME More than that. You'll get used to it. EUGENE (yanking out another hair) God, what wouldn't you do to leave the planet? JEROME (inspecting a hair follicle) Leave? Just a few million years ago every atom in this hair--in our bodies--was a part of a star. I don't see it as leaving. I see it as going home. EUGENE (marvelling at Jerome's earnestness) God, you're serious, aren't you? Jerome ignores him. Having learnt his lesson, he hands the envelopes to EUGENE to lick the flaps. INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. DAY. JEROME is doing a late-minute cram on a geriatric computer from the late 1990's. Checking the time, Jerome hurriedly picks up the shirt that EUGENE has been ironing from a prone position on the floor. JEROME It's not too late to back out. EUGENE You don't know what a relief it is not to be me. Are you sure you want the job? Jerome contemplates the question for a moment. JEROME What about you? What's in this for you, Eugene? EUGENE (referring to the bladder bag he wears) Listen, I bag this stuff anyway. It may as well pay my rent. Jerome hurrise to the bathroom where, with some difficulty, he inserts his urine device for the first time. The new improved Jerome emerges into the living room ready for his interview. INT. GATTACA CORPORATION - TESTING LAB. DAY. JEROME emerges from a bathroom and hands a TECHNICIAN his plastic cup full of fraudulent urine and inserts it into the analyzer. TECHNICIAN (reading off the profile) Congratulations. JEROME (perplexed) What about the interview? TECHNICIAN (referring to the cup) That was it. EXT. GATTACA. DAY. JEROME, scarcely able to disguise his delight, exits Gattaca, trying not to stare at the superb specimens who are now his "colleagues". JEROME (VO) The majority of people are now made-to-order. What began as a means to rid society of inheritable diseases has become a way to design your offspring--the line between health and enhancement blurred forever. Eyes can always be brighter, a voice purer, a mind sharper, a body stronger, a life longer. Everyone seeks to give their child the best chance but the most skilled geneticists are only accessible to the priveleged few. In a nearby park MODEL CHILDREN from MODEL PARENTS play together. JEROME (VO) Anyone who is the product of an altered DNA is proudly referred to as a "DAN", "self-made man or woman", "man-child". INT. HOUSING PROJECT - APARTMENT. NIGHT. JEROME wheels EUGENE out of their housing project. He takes in the neighborhood for the last time. We focus on a POOR COUPLE cradling an INFANT. JEROME (VO) Those parents who, for moral or, more likely economic reasons, refrain from tampering with their offspring's genetic makeup or who fail to abort a deprived fetus condemn their children to a life of routine discrimination. We glimpse other PEOPLE in the neighborhood. They appear poor but, for the most part, physically normal. However a pall of gloom hangs over them. JEROME (VO) Officially they are called "In-Valids"*. Also known as "godchildren", "men-of-god", "faith births", "blackjack births", "deficients", "defectives", "genojunk", "ge-gnomes", "the fucked-up people". [* "IN-VALID" pronounced as in "an invalid license"] JEROME (VO) They are the "healthy ill". They don't actually have anything yet - they may never. But since few of the pre-conditions can be cured or reversed, it is easier to treat them as if they were already sick. As they enter a car, driven by GERMAN, Jerome spies a beautiful young GIRL, 11, sitting on the steps of the housing project, staring forlornly into space. While there is no outward sign of any deficiency, she is somehow aware that she is damaged goods. Jerome glances in the rearview mirror. JEROME (VO) By means of a donor I have cheated the system for the last four years to open doors that would otherwise be closed to me. Jerome wheels Eugene into the palatial condominium complex where the two men now reside. INT. GATTACA. PRESENT DAY. We return to JEROME's reflection in the glass. Other GATTACA EMPLOYEES are gradually gathering behind him. JEROME (VO) In the guise of Jerome Morror I have risen quickly through the ranks of Gattaca. Only one of the Mission Directors has ever come close to discovering my true identity. We now see what Jerome has been gazing at through the window the whole time - the sight that has brought a hush to the complex. Through an open office door lies the body of a large man - the MURDERED DIRECTOR, lying where he has just been discovered, in a pool of his own blood. JEROME (VO) Strange to think, he may have more success exposing me in death than he did in life. Jerome wipes his eye and also goes to investigate. We focus on an extreme close up of his EYELASH. Loosened by Jerome's hand, it breaks free and floats gently down to the floor where it comes to rest. INT. GATTACA AEROSPACE CORPORATION. MORNING. DETECTIVE HUGO, late-forties, wearing a crime-scene hygenic suit and gloves and a full clear mask - looking more like a surgeon or a toxic waste worker than a detective - places a blood- spattered computer keyboard alongside the Director's shattered skull. The indentations match the blunt corner of the keyboard. Hugo detaches the dangling keyboard from its parent computer and seals the likely murder weapon in a marked, transparent plastic bag. A CREW of similarly-suited homicide detectives systematically vacuum the surrounding office area with metallic, industrial- looking mini-vacs. Once each work space has been vacuumed, the transparent plastic vacuum bag is detached, sealed and labelled. OTHER DETECTIVES video the scene with camcorders. Video prints spit out of the cameras for instant inspection. EXT. GATTACA - LANDSCAPED GARDENS. DAY. A silicon police tape cordons off the crime scene. From the landscaped garden, a crowd of GATTACA EMPLOYEES view the proceedings through the glass walls. EMPLOYEE 1 (staring at the Director's body) Awful. EMPLOYEE 2 Yeah, awful it didn't happen sooner. Nervous smirks from nearby employees. We focus on JEROME. Standing slightly apart from the others, he does not appear to share the joke, or perhaps even hear it. Jerome watches, wide- eyed, as a DETECTIVE approaches his work station with a mini- vac. A chill goes through Jerome as the detective's cleaner passes over his desk. Jerome is distracted by a smear on the window, obstructing his view. Without thinking, he breathes on the glass and rubs the smear away with his elbow. Nearby, elderly janitor, CAESAR notices Jerome's fastidious act and reads the panic in Jerome's eyes. DIRECTOR JOSEF suddenly appears at Jerome's shoulder. Standing a pace behind the Director, computer notepad in hand, is IRENE. DIRECTOR JOSEF You're lucky to be getting out of this. JEROME We're still going ahead as planned? DIRECTOR JOSEF The launch window is only open until week's end. Tragic though this event may be, it hasn't stopped the planets turning. He glances towards a group of Detectives headed by HUGO. DIRECTOR JOSEF You'll have to excuse me, Jerome. I have to meet with the authorities--naturally, we're co-operating in any way, although I won't tolerate a major disruption. (as he departs) I wish I was going with you, Jerome. As the pair depart, Jerome and Irene exchange a glance. Irene is also aware of Jerome's unease. INT. GATTACA - CORRIDOR. DAY. We focus on JEROME's eyelash, still lying on the floor. A huge crescent-shaped hair that fills the screen. Suddenly there is a roar of a mini-vac and the eyelash is sucked up. We follow the eyelash's journey, down the throat of the cleaner into the specimen bag where it is sucked against the bag's clear, plastic wall. INT. GATTACA - COMPUTER COMPLEX. DAY. The DIRECTOR's corpse is sealed in a plastic bodybag and wheeled away on a gurney. The blood and other body matter from the murder scene is sucked up by a portable wet-vac and the sample bag appropriately labeled. EXT. GATTACA - COURTYARD CAFETERIA. DAY A chime sounds over the P.A. follwed by an announcement. ANNOUNCER (OC) Thank you for your co-operation. Please return to your work stations immediately. The PROGRAMMERS get to their feet en masse and begin filing into the work room. EMPLOYEE 3 (sarcastic aside) What, no counselling? INT. GATTACA COMPUTER COMPLEX - DIRECTOR'S OFFICE. DAY. A WOMAN ASSISTANT whose keyboard was used in the attack has to pause as a MAINTENANCE WORKER gives her work station a final spray to return it to its former pristine condition. A new keyboard is plugged into her monitor to replace the one taken as evidence. INT. GATTACA COMPUTER COMPLEX. DAY. JEROME opens his desk drawer to check his comb, now plucked completely clean. He carefully places two of Eugene's hairs to the comb and scatters another bag of fraudulent matter around his work station. INT. GATTACA - SIMULATOR ROOM. DAY. In a large, bare room a simulator does a slow dance back and forth on its hydralic legs, miming the path of the space craft Jerome will soon be aboard. The simulation ends and JEROME exits the simulator through a small door. IRENE hesitantly approaches, carrying a slim electronic tablet. IRENE Excuse me, Jerome. I'm sorry to bother you. Jerome turns, not displeased by the interruption. JEROME No bother. IRENE (referring to her notepad) I've been asked to compile a log for the investigators--they want to know everyone's whereabouts last night. JEROME Last night? I was at home. Irene makes a note with her stylus. IRENE Can that be, er, verified? Were you alone? JEROME No it can't be verified. Yes I was alone. Irene makes another note. JEROME (wry smile) Looks bad, doesn't it, Irene? What about you? Where were you last night? IRENE I was at home. JEROME Were you alone? IRENE (hesitant) Yes. JEROME (teasing) So we don't know for sure about you, either. IRENE (wary, wondering where the conversation is headed) No. JEROME Why don't we say we were together? IRENE (confused) Why would we do that? JEROME I have better things to do this week than answer the foolish questions of some flatfoot. Don't you? Irene contemplates the question. JEROME (gently pressing) Well, shall we say we spent the evening together? Irene is still unsure whether or not Jerome is serious. IRENE To be convincing, Jerome, I would have to know what that was like. Irene turns and departs. Jerome watches her go. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT. The paraplegic EUGENE, seated by the window, meticulously cuts a long fingernail into numerous clippings. He places the clippings in small plastic bags and seals them. He then begins to fill tiny sachets with blood. He turns as he hears JEROME enter down the spiral staircase with the groceries. EUGENE You didn't forget the truffles? JEROME places the items in the refrigerator in the bathroom and retrieves a bottle of vodka - the vodka incongruous-looking beside the blood and urine specimens. Joining Eugene at his workbench, he pours them both a drink. EUGENE (sensing something amiss, trying to keep his humor) Who died? JEROME The Mission Director. EUGENE (misinterpreting the deadpan remark) You wish. JEROME They found him in his office this morning-- beaten so bad they had to check his nametag. Eugene takes in the news, a smile broadening across his face. EUGENE What an act of benevolence--a service to the community. So that's it. Now there's nothing between you and ignition. JEROME He was still warm when they confirmed. EUGENE (confused by Jerome's attitude) This calls for a celebration. Doesn't it? JEROME The place is crawling with Hoovers. EUGENE So what? You didn't kill him, did you? Jerome shoots him a glance for the inappropriate remark. JEROME That's not the point. EUGENE (scoffing) Hey, how much of you can be there? Even if the "J. Edgars" do find something, in a week-- (glancing up to the night sky) you'll be slightly out of their jurisdiction. (gently chiding) Come on, we've got to get drunk immediately. JEROME (still tempering Eugene's enthusiasm) You're going to have to earn your supper. I've got my final physical tomorrow. Jerome wheels Eugene's chair to a specially constructed platform that allows the wheels to spin in mid-air. Jerome tapes an electrode to Eugene's chest and attaches the wire to a slim recording device. Eugene begins to spin the wheel of the chair faster and faster. Jerome monitors Eugene's steady heartbeat through a set of headphones. INT. GATTACA AEROSPACE CORPORATION - COMPUTER COMPLEX. NIGHT. The complex is virtually empty - only a handful of the hundreds of PROGRAMMERS working late into the night. IRENE approaches JEROME's work station on the pretext of delivering some documents. Trying to act casually, she looks under the papers on his desk, then opens the top desk drawer. We see an EXTREME CLOSE UP of the comb lying there - the two hairs trapped between the teeth of the comb. Irene removes one of the follicles and drops it into an envelope she is carrying. INT. 24-HOUR SEQUENCING LAB. NIGHT. "SEQUENCING-WHILE-U-WAIT". Similar to a 1-hour photo lab, the store - little more than a booth - displays a price list on the wall. "FULL SEQUENCE - $80". IRENE waits in line with a cross- section of other CUSTOMERS. She checks the contents of the envelope that contains the hair. The YOUNG WOMAN in line ahead of her allows the TECHNICIAN to take a swab from her full lips with a Q-tip. TECHNICIAN How old? YOUNG WOMAN (confused) Me? TECHNICIAN (mustering patience, referring to the Q-tip) The specimen. YOUUNG WOMAN (proudly) I kissed him five minutes ago. A real good one. Overhearing, several PEOPLE in the line snicker. TECHNICIAN (long-suffering) I'll see what I can do. The technician hands the swab to an ASSISTANT. The Young Woman is handed a number and takes a seat. Irene hands her envelope over the counter. She too is handed a number. We follow Jerome's follicle as another TECHNICIAN places it in an analyzing machine. INT/EXT. SEQUENCING LAB / PARKING LOT. NIGHT. The TECHNICIAN returns the envelope to IRENE along with a miniature compact disc. TECHNICIAN (remarking on the profile result) 9.4...very nice. Irene does not appear to share the technician's enthusiasm. She emerges from the sequencing lab and enters her car. Taking a palm-top computer from her purse, she inserts the disc into the computer. Jerome's counterfeit genetic profile appears on the screen. The details confirm her worst fears. EXT. MICHAEL'S DINNER CLUB. NIGHT. JEROME and EUGENE, dressed to the nines, pull up in the car to a darkened doorway in a poorly lit street. A VALET appears out of the shadows. Familiar with the car, he goes immediately to the trunk to retrieve Eugene's collapsible wheelchair. Jerome tips the valet - a credit card wiped through a device. INT. MICHAEL'S DINNER CLUB. NIGHT. The chic, elegant establishment inside belies its darkened exterior. JEROME wheels EUGENE into a decadent dinner club full of an odd assortment of people. They are immediately greeted respectfully by MICHAEL, the owner and maitre d'. Jerome and Eugene are obviously regulars. MICHAEL Good evening, gentlemen. Your table is ready. (referring to Jerome's mission) Not long now, sir. You'll be upstairs before you know it. We're going to miss you. JEROME Not as much as I'll miss your Stroganoff. I'd like to take one of your chefs with me. INT. MICHAEL'S DINNER CLUB. NIGHT. In a secluded booth JEROME and EUGENE toast from a bottle of 1999 vintage Bordeaux. Eugene drinks longer than Jerome. Jerome dabs his mouth with a napkin. He fails to notice a minute FLAKE OF SKIN dislodged from his chin. We follow the flake as it comes to rest beneath the table. LATER, Eugene and Jerome watch COUPLES dancing a samba on the dance floor. A WAITER vacuums the table with a discreet, handheld miniature vacuum while a WAITRESS clears the plates. She accidentally drops a knife onto Eugene's leg. WAITRESS (aghast at the sight of his lifeless legs) I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you? EUGENE (smiling, a trace of bitterness) Honey, if you'd hurt me, I'd be cured. Eugene, the worse for drink, gropes for the waitress's leg but she easily avoids his clumsy pass. EUGENE You want to meet a real-life spaceman? Jerome, always aware, scanning the club, suddenly spies NAPOLEON, his Gattaca colleague, on the other side of the room. Napoleon is taking a hit from a vial concealed in his hand. Jerome abruptly turns his back to avoid being recognized. JEROME Let's get out of here. EUGENE (knocking back his drink, misinterpreting the hasty departure) You're right, there's more atmosphere where you're going. INT/EXT. CAR. NIGHT. Driving along the freeway, Jerome's car suddenly dives down an escape road. EUGENE looks sideways at JEROME. JEROME You drive. INT/EXT. CAR. NIGHT. The car careens around and around a small circular building - a cloud of dust billowing up behind the car. We focus on a BRICK wedged against the car's gas pedal. EUGENE is at the wheel, JEROME in the passenger seat. The hard turn is repeated with increasing recklessness, Eugene fighting to control the bucking car. EUGENE (screaming in both fear and exhilaration) I gotta stop!! I gotta stop!! JEROME Keep going!! Keep going!! Finally the car spins to a halt in a cloud of dust. When the dust settles it is revealed that they have been circling the base of a huge satellite dish in a desolate location. EXT. SATELLITE DISH. NIGHT. EUGENE lies on the hood of the car, leaning against the windshield, drinking from a bottle of vodka. In the background, the unmanned satellite dish. JEROME relieves himself against the building at the base of the satellite. EUGENE (gently chiding Jerome over the joyride) You idiot. You could ruin everything with a stunt like that. Eugene spies a spacecraft launching from Gattaca city. EUGENE (gazing up into the night sky) At least up there your piss will be worth something. (smiling at the thought) You'll all be showering in it, right? JEROME (zipping his fly) And drinking it. It's like Evian by the time it's filtered. EUGENE (referring to the rocket ship) What is that one? Jerome doesn't bother to look in the direction of the craft but merely glances to his watch. He joins Eugene on the hood of the car. JEROME (looking at his watch) 11.15 to the port. A maintenance crew. EUGENE How long do you stay up there before you go? JEROME A day or so. EUGENE (beaming) I still can't believe they're sending you to the Belt--you of all people--never meant to be born, on a mission to discover the origin of life. Eugene laughs to himself and passes the bottle to Jerome. JEROME You should be going instead of me. Jerome taps Eugene's lifeless legs with his foot. JEROME Up there they wouldn't be a problem. EUGENE (glancing heavenwards, shaking his head) You know I'm scared of heights. INT. CRIME LABORATORY - AUTOPSY ROOM. NIGHT. The body and clothing of the MISSION DIRECTOR, lying on a metal examining table is scanned with a blue-light magnifying instrument. Fingernail specimens are taken for analysis. In another area of the laboratory, the labelled vacuum bags are attached to analyzers and the contents sucked out and automatically identified. ID names and photographs of GATTACA EMPLOYEES begin appearing on a computer screen at high speed along with other personal details - all data automatically logged for later review. The photographs and personal details of JEROME and IRENE flash past, amongst the faces of other employees. We focus on a magnified close up of JEROME'S EYELASH, still clinging stubbornly to the side of its specimen bag. We continue to follow its journey as it is finally sucked into the analyzer. INT. CRIME LAB - ANALYZER MACHINE. NIGHT. Inside the machine, a minute, cell-thin sliver is sliced from JEROME'S EYELASH and analyzed. INT. INVESTIGATOR'S CRIME LAB. NIGHT. A severed HUMAN TONGUE sits on a tray in a sterile, sealed chamber. Using gloves that protrude through the chamber's glass wall, face buried in a binocular eyepiece, the INVESTIGATOR takes a swab from the tongue. INVESTIGATOR (to the tongue, as he inserts the tip of the swab into an analyzer) Let's see what you've got to say for yourself. A FEMALE ASSISTANT, looking on, hardly has time to smile at the remark before information begins to appear on a nearby computer terminal. The computer gradually builds a portrait of the owner of the tongue using genetic predictors. The Investigator wanders over to the window as his Assistant reads the information from the screen. ASSISTANT The tongue is male. Mature. Blonse hair. Brown eyes. Light complexion. Between 5'11 and 6'1. Pronounced Caucasian nose. Thin lips. Weak chin. Lobeless ears. Prematurely balding. Slightly bow-legged. Broad shoulders. Barrel chest... (pause) Blind. INVESTIGATOR (interest piqued) Blind? (mildly amused, checking the monitor for himself) The tongue is blind? ASSISTANT (confused) Who cuts out the tongue of a blind man? INVESTIGATOR (shrugs) Someone who is mindful that the blind still speak. The INVESTIGATOR is alerted by the chime of his nearby computer. On the screen, he discovers the face of 20-YEAR-OLD VINCENT and the accompanying flashing message: TRACKING IN-VALID 883000181105-10 - NEW DATA - INT. CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX - PARKING GARAGE. NIGHT. Having plugged his car into an overnight charger, JEROME pushes EUGENE in his wheelchair to the elevator. Bottle in hand, Eugene leans over and vomits on the ground. Jerome shakes his head resignedly. Eugene looks drunkenly up at Jerome. EUGENE (sarcastically referring to the pool of vomit) I'm sorry. Did you want it? Jerome meets Eugene's gaze. There is a trace of bitterness in Eugene's drunken smile. EUGENE Let me get it for you. Eugene bends down to scoop up some vomit with his hand but the elevator arrives and Jerome quickly wheels him away. Eugene's head flops to the side as he passes out. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT. JEROME unlocks EUGENE's condo and wheels his chair inside. We see their reflection in a full-length mirror as Jerome pushes Eugene to the bedroom. After removing Eugene's soiled clothing, he heaves the tall man from the chair and onto the bed. EUGENE (maudlin, sobbing like a child) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. JEROME (attempting to comfort) It's okay, Eugene. EUGENE You know I wasn't drunk--I knew what I was doing when I walked in front of that car-- JEROME --What car?--Go to sleep. EUGENE --I walked right in front of it. I was never more sober in my life. Jerome looks at Eugene's lifeless legs, trying to cover his shock at the revelation. JEROME It's all right. EUGENE (grabbing Jerome by the collar) I'm proud of you, Vincent. Eugene's head falls back onto the pillow. JEROME (smiling to himself) You must be drunk to call me Vincent. But Eugene does not reply, drifting into sleep once again. Jerome pulls a blanket over him. On the verge of leaving, Jerome's attention is drawn to a wall on the far side of the room. Approaching the wall, near Eugene's mirrored closet, he detects a faint mechanical whir coming from inside the adjacent condominium. Jerome contemplates investigating but exits the condominium instead - climbing the spiral staircase to his own condominium. INT. JEROME'S CONDO - LIVING ROOM. NIGHT. JEROME fastidiously vacuums with an upright cleaner. Using a hose attachment he cleans around a picture frame that contains Jerome's original computer keyboard handdrawn on the flap of a cardboard box. INT. GATTACA - COMPUTER COMPLEX. DAY. In the vast room of COMPUTER PROGRAMMERS we pull-focus to discover that we have been filming the complex through the transparent specimen bag containing JEROME'S EYELASH. On the mezzanine floor overlooking the scene of the crime, the INVESTIGATOR holds the bag, transfixed by the lash. The lead homicide detective, DETECTIVE HUGO, finishes interviewing a GATTACA SECURITY GUARD and approaches the Investigator. A large telescope in the background. Although Hugo is deferential to his more youthful superior, his body language betrays his displeasure. Hugo clearly does not relish the Investigator's involvement in his case. DETECTIVE HUGO I don't understand why you were dragged out here, Sir. It's hardly worth wasting your time--a no-nothing case like this. INVESTIGATOR (gently rebuking his subordinate) A man's dead, Detective. DETECTIVE HUGO Of course, Sir. We're checking the entry log, alibis, grudges... INVESTIGATOR Grudges? DETECTIVE HUGO (looking out over the balcony) I look around, I see a lot of dry eyes. The Director was not... (searching for the words) ...universally loved. He was leading the cut-backs in the program. You're looking at a room full of motives. INVESTIGATOR (shaking his head adamantly, referring to the bag in his hand) No, this is your man. DETECTIVE HUGO (not so convinced) With respect, Sir--it may be the only unaccountable specimen but the profile suggests-- INVESTIGATOR --What about his profile? Hugo refers to a print-out of 20-YEAR-OLD VINCENT's profile including his Genetic Quotient. (The fifteen-year-old photo of Vincent now bears little resemblance to his assumed identity.) DETECTIVE HUGO According to this, he's a sick man. Congenital heart condition. Who knows how long the specimen has been here but there's an 80 percent chance the owner of that eyelash has already died himself from natural causes. INVESTIGATOR (terse) So there's a 20 percent chance he's not dead. Detective Hugo goes to comment further, then revises his remark in his head before speaking. DETECTIVE HUGO Even if this Vincent Luca is alive, is it likely he could bludgeon a man to death? INVESTIGATOR No. Not likely. The Investigator's tone suggests that the identity of the culprit is no longer a matter for debate. There is an awkward pause before the Detective falls into step with his superior. DETECTIVE HUGO I take it you're thinking along the lines of a robbery gone sour--a thief disturbed in the act? The Investigator merely shrugs. DETECTIVE HUGO (skeptical) Of course that doesn't jibe with what we found. This was an angry killing. INVESTIGATOR (glancing to the profile in Hugo's hand) Who knows with these "deficients"? His profile indicates a proclivity for violence. DETECTIVE HUGO (trying to appear co-operative) I'll run a crossover on the eyelash for any family or associate connections-- INVESTIGATOR --I've already run it. There's no record of any living relative. DETECTIVE HUGO What a pity. INVESTIGATOR (irritated, glancing to the sample bag) Detective Hugo, it's a simple case of lost and found. All we have to do is locate the man who's minus an eyelash and this murder will solve itself. We focus on JEROME at his work station. Although he continues to work, he clrarly feels the presence of the INVESTIGATORS on the mezzanine floor behind him. A MEDICAL DIRECTOR approaches the programmer in the neighboring work station - NAPOLEON, the programmer Jerome encountered in the nightclub the previous evening. MEDICAL DIRECTOR Napoleon, you're late for your substance test. Napoleon looks up, ashen-faced. Jerome intervenes. JEROME Director, Napoleon's helping me today. The Director regards both men suspiciously. MEDICAL DIRECTOR Well, you take it for him, Jerome. The Medical Director departs. Napoleon, stunned by the reprieve, approaches Jerome's work station and pretends to study the program on his computer screen. NAPOLEON Why did you do that? JEROME (exiting to the testing lab) Don't worry about it. INT. GATTACA - TESTING LAB. DAY. From behind we observe JEROME standing in front of LAMAR, issuing forth his steady stream of fraudulent urine. EXT. GATTACA AEROSPACE CORPORATION - WORKOUT CENTER. DAY. Twenty GATTACA EMPLOYEES, identically-outfitted men and women, run in a perfectly straight line towards the tranquil lake of the picturesque grounds, never getting any closer to their goal. They run at a steady 10mph on twenty identical state-of-the-art treadmill machines sunken into the floor and arranged in a uniform row facing a floor to ceiling window. The strain is beginning to show on many of the faces. The heartrate of each employee is monitored via a wireless electrode attached to the chest. Outside in the sunshine the next batch of twenty EMPLOYEES limbers up in readiness for their physical. JEROME's only preparation consists of thoughtfully dragging on a cigarette while staring out at the man-made lake. His nonchalant attitude disheartens nearby colleagues, including IRENE who is amongst a group of workers excused from the run by benevolent, over-protective TRAINERS. TRAINER You're excused, Irene. You may resume your duties. On the way into the work-out facility Jerome stubs out his cigarette in a stainless steel ashtray. Only we are aware of the slim credit card-sized recording device that he furtively slips out of his cigarette pack and secrets in his hand. As he takes his place on one of the treadmills and adheres the cordless electrode to his chest, Jerome surreptitiously attaches his device to the underside of the running machine's control panel. INT. GATTACA - WORK-OUT OBSERVATION ROOM. DAY. From a mezzanine floor above the work-out room, LAMAR, the medical officer, monitors computer read-outs displaying the pace and pulse of the runners on each treadmill machine. INT. GATTACA - WORK-OUT CENTER. DAY. One by one the GATTACA EMPLOYEES drop out until JEROME is the sole remaining runner. Several of the other employees stand around and watch Jerome run as they towel off. He appears under little duress, staring directly ahead, seemingly in a trance. As we focus on his chest, only we are aware of the sound of his furiously pounding heart making a lie of his calm exterior. INT. GATTACA - WORK-OUT OBSERVATION ROOM. DAY. Jerome's heart registers a far more measured beat on the computer in the observation room. The DIRECTOR is at LAMAR's shoulder, beaming proudly. LAMAR (marveling at Jerome's heartrate) Six miles later it's still beating like a Goddamn metronome. I could play piano by that heartbeat of his. The INVESTIGATOR and DETECTIVE HUGO enter the observation room, escorted by IRENE. DETECTIVE HUGO Director Josef, this is our lead Investigator. The two men exchange a polite handshake. However the Investigator is immediately taken with the SOLE RUNNER with his back to him, on the treadmill below. INVESTIGATOR How often do you test, Director? DIRECTOR JOSEF Often. INVESTIGATOR (intrigued) Surely you know what you have. DIRECTOR JOSEF We have to be certain. Once they're up, we can hardly turn the boat around. On the treadmill below, Jerome glances to his watch as he runs, the distress starting to show. Caught up in the conversation, Lamar has forgotten to end the work-out. Remembering, he finally presses the "WARM-DOWN" button, slowing the treadmill. LAMAR (still marveling at Jerome) I swear if I went to lunch and came back, he'd still be there. We focus on Jerome's recording device attached to the bottom of the control panel. It clicks to a stop, indicating that the bogus heartbeat recording has ended before the workout. The heartbeat monitor in the observation room suddenly races from 80 to 250 beats per minute. Lamar catches the discrepancy out of the corner of his eye but before he can take a second look, Jerome has whipped his electrode from his chest. The physician shrugs it off as a glitch in the machine. The Investigator has turned his back on Jerome to face the Director. INVESTIGATOR We believe we have a suspect. DIRECTOR JOSEF What a relief. INVESTIGATOR (referring to the profile of VINCENT on Hugo's computer notepad) This unaccountable specimen was found in the south wing corridor. In the room below, Jerome nonchalantly steps off the treadmill, stealthily retrieves the recording device from beneath the control panel and returns it to his cigarette pack. He casually wipes off drops of sweat from the machine with a towel, briefly glances to Irene with the Investigators and exits to the locker room. The Director idly regards the image of VINCENT on Hugo's handheld screen. He does not recognize the face. DETECTIVE HUGO An age enhancement is being prepared as we speak. DIRECTOR JOSEF (referring to his assistant) Irene will make it available to security. INT. GATTACA - LOCKER ROOM. DAY. JEROME wears his assured smile all the way along the corridor and into the now empty locker room. He exchanges a cheery greeting with an exiting COLLEAGUE, enters a shower stall, closes the door behind him and promptly collapses on the shower stall floor. The effects of the gruelling work-out are only now apparent. No longer sucking up the pain, he gulps air into his oxygen-starved lungs, his heart looking for a way through his tightened chest. He writhes in agony on the white-tiled floor - a brutal reminder of the physical frailty he seeks to disguise. EXT. GATTACA - GARDEN. LUNCHTIME. In Gattaca's perfectly landscaped gardens JEROME, dressed and recovered from his ordeal, joins his COLLEAGUES for lunch at one of the umbrella-covered tables. While most of the others pick at unappetizing salads and take their individualized medication, Jerome carries a steak sandwich on his tray. The sight of the juicy steak is greeted with envious looks from his colleagues. Jerome pretends not to notice and rubs it in by liberally sprinkling salt onto the meat. However when Jerome looks over towards IRENE, she avoids eye contact. When she abruptly gets up and leaves, Jerome follows - thinking twice before depositing the napkin in the nearby trashcan. A janitor reaches for the napkin. It is the Old Janitor, CAESAR, from Jerome's former life. CAESAR I'll take care of that for you, Mr Morrow. The two men exchange a conspiratorial smile. EXT. GATTACA - WIND FARM. AFTERNOON. A forest of wind turbines, supplying energy to the aerospace complex. However the blades of the turbines are motionless in the still afternoon. JEROME finally catches up with IRENE. She turns, unsurprised by his appearance. Standing beside her, he looks out over the complex as if he too has come for the view. JEROME (eyes fixed on the view) We were looking at each other. You stopped. Irene, also keeps her gaze ahead. IRENE I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything. JEROME (shrugging as if it makes no difference to him) We were just looking. IRENE I know about you. Jerome turns to her, startled, trying to read her face. Irene takes a deep breath and abruptly plucks a long, dark hair from her head. IRENE (offering the hair to Jerome) Here, take it. Jerome, confused, takes the hair - more in reflex than intent. IRENE (a challenge) If you're still interested, let me know. Jerome contemplates the hair in his fingers for a moment, then deliberately lets it fall to the grounf. JEROME (never taking his eyes from her) Sorry, the wind caught it. Irene meets his gaze. There is not a breath of wind. The hair lies, plainly visible on the ground. EXT. GATTACA AEROSPACE COMPLEX. AFTERNOON. As JEROME and IRENE walk between the wind turbines, Jerome pretends not to notice that Irene keeps furtively checking the pulse on her wrist. They pause in the shade. JEROME (as if making conversation) Have they found our friend? IRENE Friend? JEROME (shrugs) It was a mercy-killing after all. IRENE They found an eyelash. JEROME Where? IRENE In the South Wing. JEROME Does it have a name? IRENE Just some In-Valid. Vincent-- (trying to come up with the last name) --somebody. Jerome turns away to disguise his alarm. He quickly recovers. JEROME Perhaps we ought to celebrate, Irene. IRENE (a smile playing around her lips) You celebrate, Jerome? INT. EUGENE'S CONDO. NIGHT. EUGENE talks irritably on the phone, examining a container from a newly opened case of hair bleach. EUGENE (into phone) --I know what I ordered. I ordered "Honey Dawn" and you sent me "Summer Wheat". JEROME descends the staircase, taking the steps two at a time. He immediately goes to the refrigerator, removing trays of samples. Eugene abruptly hangs up the phone. JEROME (OC) Call German. EUGENE Any particular reason? JEROME (collecting up sample bags from the work bench) We can't stay here. EUGENE What are you talking about? JEROME They think I offed the Director. Eugene wheels himself over to Jerome, unconcerned. EUGENE What makes them think that? JEROME They found my eyelash. EUGENE (a flicker of anxiety) Where? JEROME In a corridor. EUGENE (blasÈ once again) Could be worse. They could have found it in your eye. Jerome half-smiles despite the situation. JEROME (resuming his collection of samples) Come on--we're taking off. EUGENE I'm not going anywhere. Less than a week to go. Not on your life-- JEROME --You don't understand, they'll make the connection, they'll hoover again. We should cut our losses. EUGENE (angrily grabbing a tray from Jerome's hands) Where is your head, Jerome? You're acting like a guilty man. They won't marry the eyelash to you. They won't believe that one of their elite navigators could have suckered them for the last five years. JEROME They'll recognize me. EUGENE (scoffing) How could they recognize you? (referring to the torn photo of 20-year-old Vincent on the wall) I don't recognize you. Anyway, you don't have a choice. You run, you may as well sign a confession, turn us both in right now. No, we stick this out-- find out what we can but change nothing. This is a minor inconvenience is all it is. We've taken worse heat than this. (angry now) Jesus, if I'd known you were going to go belly up on me at the last fucking gasp, I wouldn't have bothered. You can't quit on me now. I've put too much into this. (returning the samples to the fridge) Besides, this stuff is mine. I had other offers, you know. I could have rented myself out to somebody with a spine. You want me to wheel in there and finish the job myself? (meeting Jerome's gaze) We'll take off all right, from pad 18 just like we planned. Jerome slumps down in a chair, Eugene's tirade starting to get to him. EUGENE And keep your lashes on your lids where they belong. How could you be so careless? JEROME I'm sorry. (reluctant admission) I think I was crying. Eugene is uncomfortable at the notion. EUGENE Well save those tears. Jerome shrugs awkwardly and pours them both a drink. JEROME You really had other offers? EUGENE (shrugs) I'm sure I could have. INT. CONDOMINIUM - INCINERATOR. NIGHT. The naked JEROME scrapes away at his skin with even greater ferocity than usual. After exiting the incinerator, he deposits all the incriminating trash he has collected during the day into the furnace and ignites the gas. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT. From outside, a car horn sounds. JEROME, in a formal suit and spectacles, abruptly enters the condominium. He goes to a closet and starts searching through Eugene's clothes. JEROME Mind if I borrow a tie? EUGENE is more interested in the car parked outside the condominium. IRENE sits in a convertible Citroen DS, dressed in a classic but provocative black suit. Unaware that she is being observed she touches up her lipstick in the rearview mirror. EUGENE So it's not just the Hoovers who've got you rattled. JEROME You're the one who said not to change anything. She's my ear to the investigation. EUGENE (skeptical) Is that all? JEROME I've got enough on my mind without that. EUGENE If you say so. (referring to the ties in Jerome's hand) The stripe. JEROME (agreeing with the selection) Good choice. Jerome fumbles with the knot. From his chair, Eugene knots Jerome's tie for him. Jerome is intrigued that for once Eugene is abstaining - he has not touched his drink. JEROME Not thirsty? (referring to the fridge) We've got enough virgin samples to last us the week. EUGENE I don't feel too good. I think I'm still drunk from last night. JEROME Never stopped you before. (regarding Eugene's head) And for God's sake stop plucking your hair. Someone went to a lot of trouble to make sure you wouldn't go bald. EUGENE If I were you I'd worry about myself. (nodding to Jerome's spectacles) Haven't you forgotten something? Jerome pockets the spectacles and enters the bathroom for his contact lenses. The horn sounds outside the window a second time and Jerome hastily exits. We stay with Eugene. Irene catches a glimpse of him before he moves away from the window. Jerome emerges from the building. As the couple drive away, Eugene wheels himself to the full length mirror. He regards his own reflection for a moment and opens the mirror - a disguised door opening into the adjacent apartment. A cloud of condensed water vapor billows out. GERMAN, the DNA Broker, emerges with an ENGINEER. He sends the engineer on his way and joins Eugene at his desk. Eugene hands German a credit card that he wipes through his computer. GERMAN We still need to overhaul the back-up generator. (fixing Eugene with a penetrating stare) What's going on, Eugene, I thought he was going away, not you--you going on vacation? EUGENE (looking away) You got it, German. GERMAN (nodding thoughtfully) You deserve it. INT. CONCERT HALL - AUDITORIUM. NIGHT. JEROME and IRENE step over feet, apologizing as they go, eventually finding their seats in a box in a sold-out concert hall. On the stage below, a YOUNG PIANIST - a teenage prodigy - has already taken his place at the keys of a grand piano. The pianist removes his white gloves and begins to play - an extremely complex and beautiful piece we have never heard before. IRENE looks to JEROME. He is clearly caught up in the music. EXT. IN-VALID HOUSING PROJECT. NIGHT. The music from the piano recital continues under the following contrasting action. A huge, brooding housing project. PEOPLE hang around on street corners. Menace in the air - a feeling of impending violence. Suddenly unmarked police cars appear from all directions, blocking any escape route. Dozens of PLAINCLOTHES DETECTIVES pour out of the cars and onto the street. People scatter, many running straight into the arms of the Detectives. OTHERS, spilling out of the housing project, are also immediately apprehended. The Detectives quickly weed out those suspects not fitting Jerome's description - WOMEN, OLD MEN and TEENAGERS. They are shepherded off the street. A line of IN-VALIDS is formed several hundred yards long. Detectives begin to laboriously move along the line, taking finger-prick blood samples from each suspect - instantly confirming their identities with portable analyzers worn on their hips. As if having the idea at the same time, TWO SEPARATE MEN suddenly bolt from the line, knowing that their blood will incriminate them. Other Detectives, watching for such escape attempts, esaily apprehend them and escort them to a waiting police van. With the raid under control, DETECTIVE HUGO indicates to the INVESTIGATOR that it is safe to exit his car. The Investigator appears irritated, only half-glancing at the TWO MEN already in custody, apparently certain that neither one is his suspect. DETECTIVE HUGO (enthusiastic) Not our fish, but sometihng stuck in the net. The Investigator clearly does not share Hugo's enthusiasm. The Detective offers the Investigator an age enhanced photograph, computer-generated from the last existing photo of VINCENT as a 20-year-old. DETECTIVE HUGO This is the age enhancement we're working with. The Investigator ignores the photo, preferring instead to trust his own eye as he wanders along the line of suspects. DETECTIVE HUGO (referring to the line-up) As you requested, we've kept the parameters wider than usual. The MEN they scrutinize are hardly mutants - the differences between an IN-VALID and a DAN are subtle at best. Some shorter, some wearing glasses, some with receding hairlines or bald, many with no discernable physical difference at all. The Investigator is only halfway down the line before he turns and starts walking back to his car. The mystified Detective Hugo follows his superior. INVESTIGATOR We're in the wrong place. We're wasting time. DETECTIVE HUGO This is the most likely location-- The Investigator wheels on Hugo, suddenly angry, clearly unused to having his judgement questioned. INVESTIGATOR --There's that word again. I have a feeling This man doesn't play the odds, Detective. Not exactly a slave to probability. Is it "likely" that a man who has successfully eluded authorities for fifteen years--a brutal killer--is going to come to us now like a lamb? DETECTIVE HUGO (taken aback by the outburst) Is there something more we should know about this suspect, Sir? I mean besides what's on his sheet. INVESTIGATOR Since going underground, traces of this In-Valid have shown up at the scene of four serious felonies. Do you need any more than that? DETECTIVE HUGO With respect, Sir, many perfectly innocent citizens have left specimens at as many crime scenes. Maybe he's just unlucky. INVESTIGATOR I don't like anybody this unlucky. (pause) Widen the sweep. The West side. Draw a five mile radius around Gattaca. Hoover some of the classier establishments. Random car stops. DETECTIVE HUGO We're already getting complaints about frivolous search. INVESTIGATOR This is a murder investigation. The public should be happy to co-operate, to get this disease off the streets. INT. CONCERT HALL. NIGHT. A standing ovation. The YOUNG PIANIST on the stage bows deeply, soaking up the applause of the AUDIENCE. The pianist tosses one of his white gloves into the front row where it is caught by an adoring FAN. The second glove he tosses up to the box where JEROME and IRENE are standing. Jerome snares the glove out of the air and immediately hands it to Irene. She promptly slips the glove on her own hand. The glove fits snugly over her five fingers. However one finger of the glove remains unfilled. Jerome is stunned to realize that it is a six-fingered glove. IRENE (catching his look of astonishment) You didn't know? JEROME (trying hard to convince) Yes...yes... IRENE (picking up a resentment, confused) You're angry-- JEROME Why would I be angry? It was beautiful. He quickly turns away to lead the applause. On stage, the pianist raises his hands to acknowledge the crowd. Both his hands contain a perfectly formed extra finger. INT. IN-VALID HOUSING PROJECT - PROSTITUTE'S BOUDOIR. NIGHT. From an upstairs window we observe the INVESTIGATOR's car cruise slowly back into the squalid housing project. A MAN is buckling his pants at the window. JOHN Shit! One of those Hoovers is back. A prostitute, VALERIE, a slender, sylphlike beauty, joins him at the window. VALERIE It's alright. He's here to see me. Her client looks at her askance. Despite her assurances, he hurries into his clothes anyway. VALERIE (to an unseen woman in the next room) Sonja, I can't see anyone else tonight. INT. IN-VALID HOUSING PROJECT - PROSTITUTE'S BOUDOIR. NIGHT. The INVESTIGATOR, sits up in the bed, glass in his hand. VALERIE lies on the tangled sheets, naked, making no effort to cover herself. She regards the Investigator curiously. VALERIE I don't understand you, Investigator. The Investigator glances idly in her direction. VALERIE (teasing good-naturedly) You hunt us by day and fuck us by night. Do you only get it up for In-valids? The Investigator smiles and rejoins her on the bed. VALERIE Wouldn't you be happier with one of your made-to-order whores? INVESTIGATOR (gently stroking her hair) You are so beautiful, are you sure you weren't altered? This is not the face, the body, of a Godchild. How could something so lovely be a product of chance? VALERIE Is that what keeps you coming back? (meeting his gaze) Look at you. Such angry, beautiful, perfect eyes. Do you ever wonder what they would see if they weren't quite so perfect? They will never see what I see. The Investigator tries to laugh off her assertion but his tight-lipped smile betrays his displeasure. INVESTIGATOR (a cruel edge to his voice) You have so much wrong with you, you'll be lucky to see next year. He roughly forces himself on top of her but she remains defiant. VALERIE Are you so much more alive, Investigator? INVESTIGATOR (parting her legs) I'm not paying you to talk. INT/EXT. IRENE'S CAR. NIGHT. IRENE drives, JEROME at her side. Cars are being flagged down by uniformed POLICE OFFICERS. Irene slows down behind the car in front. Spying an OFFICER shine a flashlight in the eyes of the MALE DRIVER up ahead, Jerome wipes the contact lenses from his eyes and flicks them out of the passenger window when Irene is not looking. An OFFICER approaches Jerome and, without a word, opens an electronic testing kit worn on his hip. He removes a sterilized Q-tip and motions for Jerome to open his mouth so he can scrape a culture. Jerome waves his hand in front of his mouth, feigning embarrassment. JEROME (conspiratorial) Better not. (nodding in Irene's direction) Don't want to give you a contaminated specimen...if you get my meaning. IRENE plays along, shrugging coyly at the cop. We see an EXTREME CLOSE UP of Jerome's hand as he furtively retrieves a hair follicle attached to his shirt cuff. With the hair already in his fingers, he pretends to pluck a hair from his head, faking a wince at the appropriate moment. The cop, wearing transparent latex gloves, takes the follicle and places it in a receptacle in his kit. After a short moment the hair confirms JEROME's driving ID which appears on the kit's electronic screen. As the cop departs, Irene looks questioningly at Jerome. JEROME Thanks. (answering her unasked question) You never know where those swabs have been. Irene nods, however clearly not convinced. She shakes the doubt from her mind. IRENE I want to show you something. She accelerates away. We see the road ahead from Jerome's POV. Without his contact lenses, it is a blur. INT. MICHAEL'S CLUB. NIGHT. After closing time, suited DETECTIVES vacuum the club in which Jerome and Eugene dined the previous evening. MICHAEL, the owner, looks on disdainfully. Waiting in the background, the regular CLEANERS - most likely In-valids themselves - smirk to each other, enjoying watching the cops do their work for them. EXT. OCEAN HIGHWAY. NIGHT. With no place to turn the car around, IRENE parks on the cliff side of the six-lane highway. In the darkness she dashes from the car and, without a second thought, runs directly out into the heavy commuter traffic. Easily negotiating the on-coming cars, she emerges safely on the other side of the highway. JEROME, rounding the car from the passenger side, is about to follow, when he suddenly pulls up sharply at the curb. We focus on his eyes, deprived of the benefit of their contact lenses. From Jerome's POV, we see that the headlights rushing towards him are nothing but a series of fast-moving blurs - blurs that merge together. He is unable to distinguish between the vehicles or judge their distance. IRENE (calling back urgently from the other side, mindful of the light beginning to leak into the sky) Come on! We'll miss it! Irene stares expectantly back at Jerome with her 20/20 vision, unaware of his predicament. Jerome puts a foot off the curb at the wrong moment and is almost collected by an on-coming car. Irene is taken-aback at his mistiming. Does she detect a squint on Jerome's face? To Jerome, the figure of Irene on the other side of the highway is merely a featureless shape but he feels her expectation. He touches the spectacles, still in his pocket, but they are an unthinkable option. He shakes the idea from his head and turns back to the swiftly- flowing highway. He makes up his mind - he cannot allow himself to be shamed, even at the risk of life and limb. Hardly even glancing at the traffic, he suddenly bolts blindly across the road. Headlights hurtling towards him, cars fortuitously brushing past his heels, horns blaring. Jerome makes a final leap to the haven of the far curb, the rush of air from a large, fast-moving truck blowing him the final inches to the sidewalk. Irene is stunned by the near miss. She is about to comment but Jerome takes her by the arm and ushers her towards the dunes. JEROME Come on. We'll miss it. EXT. BEACH. DAWN. JEROME and IRENE huddle beneath an overcoat as the sun crests the horizon, staining the sky with an ochre blush. IRENE What did I tell you? Jerome nods. However, to his eyes the rising yolk is nothing but an out-of-focus, abstract ink blot. IRENE I envy you, Jerome. JEROME You'll be next. IRENE I don't think so. The only trip I'll make in space is around the sun-- (letting a handful of sand slip through her fingers) --on this satellite right here. Irene turns to Jerome. IRENE (blurting out what's really on her mind) --Listen, I don't want to waste your time and I really don't want you to waste mine. I don't know what you're after but I have a feeling I'm not it. Irene suddenly takes Jerome's hand and puts it up her sweater, onto her breast. Although taken aback, Jerome makes no effort to withdraw his hand. IRENE (enjoying his unease) It's here. My heart. (adding quickly) I'm careful--weekly check-ups. I'm on a drug maintenance program, blood thinners, diet-- (slowly removing his hand) I just want you to know what you'd be getting yourself into. JEROME What exactly is wrong? IRENE Nothing yet. I'll start experiencing symptoms in my late-fifties. (matter-of-fact) But unless they come up with something between now and then, I won't live much past 67. Jerome's mouth drops a little, betraying his surprise at the statement from a woman plainly still in her twenties. IRENE Of course I think about it every day. JEROME (still not quite recovered from his surprise) Of course. INT. POOL. MORNING. The INVESTIGATOR swims his race with the unseen opponent. The Investigator's ASSISTANT, carrying a phone, tries to attract his attention. EXT. JEROME'S POOL. MORNING. JEROME sits at his own poolside in his robe, feet dangling over the edge, smoking a cigarette. EUGENE, from his wheelchair, is applying bleach to Jerome's hair and eyebrows with gloved hands. At the same time, Jerome plays a sleight-of-hand game with a syringe. EUGENE How was your evening? JEROME Complicated. I couldn't stop her apologizing. EUGENE (teasing) You are a catch. No doubt she's worried that she would lower the standard of your offspring. Everybody wants to "breed up". (idly curious) What's wrong with her? JEROME (trying to be blasÈ) You know how it is with these altered births --somebody told her she's not going to live forever and she's been preparing to die ever since. EUGENE You're not thinking of telling her, are you? JEROME Of course not. But she's have to know eventually. EUGENE (adamant) She doesn't have to know. She doesn't want to know. The camera travels down Jerome's scarred legs to find that the pool is completely drained. We now realize that it never contained water. A BARREN WASTELAND. A desolate landscape, resembling the surface of the planet Mars. We pull back to find that we are peering at this forbidding desert through a circular aperture. INT. CRIME LAB. DAY. The INVESTIGATOR lifts his head from the eyepiece of an electron microscope through which he has been examining a tiny fragment of skin - the skin is identified as belonging to 20- YEAR-OLD VINCENT. DETECTIVE HUGO stands at the Investigator's side - his attitude more respectful in light of the discovery. Detective Hugo points out a location on a computer-generated map. DETECTIVE HUGO (chagrined) The skin flake was found in Michael's Restaurant. The employees are all accounted for. INVESTIGATOR A customer? Does this Michael's cater to misfits? DETECTIVE HUGO (shifting the view of the map to include the Gattaca complex) No. But one or two "borrowed ladders" have shown up there in the past. The Investigator understands the significance. They wander over to a blow-up photograph of the 20-YEAR-OLD VINCENT. DETECTIVE HUGO We have to consider the possibility that he's playing somebody else's hand. A smile gradually broadens across the Investigator's face. INVESTIGATOR (taking a perverse pleasure in the slowly dawning revelation) Of course. He's a "de-gene-erate". (glancing to a photo of the Gattaca crime scene) He works at Gattaca. Why else would we find the eyelash near the washroom? Nobody stops to take a leak during a murder. DETECTIVE HUGO (quickly covering himself) It's still possible the eyelash specimen came from a janitor, delivery man--it could have blown in through an open window. The Investigator appears not to be listening, his mind made up. INVESTIGATOR (mind racing) He was afraid of being exposed. That's why he did it. DETECTIVE HUGO (puzzled) It is hard to believe he could be one of their elite workers. You've seen their security system. They know who works there. (referring to 20-year-old Vincent's profile) Even if you ignore the man's expiration date, his profile suggests that he doesn't have the mathematical propensity let alone the stamina to pass their physicals. INVESTIGATOR Don't underestimate these imposters. DETECTIVE HUGO (skeptical, referring to a file of Gattaca employee ID photos) None of the ID photos match the enhancement. INVESTIGATOR (smiling to himself) A man can change his face--but blood is forever. Sample every employee within the parameters I gave you. (pause) Intravenous. Hugo's mouth drops open at the mention of "intravenous". DETECTIVE HUGO (immediately protesting) You know their workforce. Two-thirds at least fall into the category. We'll be closing down their operation for days. (seeking a compromise) At least go with a fingertip sample or urine. INVESTIGATOR (shaking his head) Blood. From the vein. The Investigator turns on his heel to prevent further protest. The Detective and his ASSISTANTS exchange looks of exasperation behind the Investigator's back. INT. GATTACA. DAY. JEROME, drinking water, stands in front of a large video bulletin board. Among other things, it displays the electronic mugshot of 20-YEAR-OLD VINCENT alongside the recent computer generated age enhancement of his face. Some distance away, CAESAR, the elderly janitor, discusses the mugshots with a YOUNGER JANITOR. CAESAR Look like anybody to you? YOUNGER JANITOR Not to me. CAESAR Ugly sonofabitch though, isn't he? Jerome half-smiles, realizing that the conversation is for his benefit. Having made it clear that they do not intend to expose their former colleague, the two janitors continue their rounds. Jerome crushes his paper cup. Forgetting himself, he drops the cup into the wastebasket. INT. CRAFT. DAY. JEROME familiarizes himself with the interior of a spacecraft under the supervision of DIRECTOR JOSEF and the MISSION COMMANDER. The screen that Jerome sits at is identical to the one he operates in the computer complex - displaying asteroid 951 Gaspra. DIRECTOR JOSEF --Somewhere in the dust of Gaspra is the key. (warming to his theme) Back to the beginning of the book--the life we became. With the original building blocks who knows how far we can take "the godding". MISSION COMMANDER (wry smile) Even someone as advanced as Jerome will be last year's model by the time we're done. JEROME (smiling back) I wouldn't get your hopes up, Commander. Irene enters the craft. IRENE Excuse me, Mr Morrow. The investigators have begun their testing. DETECTIVE JOSEF This is so inconvenient, Irene. They can make an exception for Jerome. IRENE I'm afraid not. DIRECTOR JOSEF I apologize, Jerome. JEROME It's not yor fault, Director. (afterthought) If your predecessor were still around we may not be going to Gaspra at all. That's what I would call inconvenient. Jerome exits the craft with Irene. INT. GATTACA CORPORATION - CORRIDOR. DAY. A line of MALE GATTACA EMPLOYEES snakes out the door and down the corridor. The INVESTIGATOR walks slowly down the line, trying to eyeball his suspect. Concentrating on the shorter, dark-haired men in the line, he looks straight past JEROME. However, as the Investigator ignores him and walks by, we see a haunted look in Jerome's eyes. INT. GATTACA - TESTING LAB. DAY. Every available TECHNICIAN is working to accommodate the testing of the thousand or so PROGRAMMERS. Twelve testing stations operate simultaneously. A HOMICIDE DETECTIVE supervises each station. JEROME reaches the head of the line. He notes an exiting COLLEAGUE holding a cotton ball to his arm. A NURSE directs Jerome to LAMAR's testing station. Lamar deposits the previous patient's labeled vial into a blood carousel under the watchful eye of a large DETECTIVE, clearly not relishing his assignment. Jerome rolls up his sleeve. JEROME (referring to the table lined with syringes) What's with the plungers, Lamar? What are you doing, opening a blood bank? The syringes are clearly not Lamar's idea. LAMAR (sarcastic) The gentlemen of law enforcement are concerned that my testing methods may have been compromised. Lamar inserts a fresh syringe into Jerome's arm. As Lamar draws the blood, Jerome suddenly flinches and flexes his arm violently, causing the needle to bend and buckle, exiting the skin from a second puncture point. JEROME Damn!! Having pulled away from Lamar's grasp, Jerome withdraws the bent needle himself, blood still squirting from his vein. LAMAR (grabbing a nearby wad of gauze) Jesus--I'm sorry, Jerome. The large Homicide Detective winces and turns away from the red arcing spray, a splash of blood spattering his shoes. In the midst of the commotion, with his practised sleight-of-hand, Jerome removes the vial from the syringe and replaces it with another concealed vial. JEROME (unfazed, putting Lamar at his ease) You must be out of practise, Lamar. Lamar hurriedly takes the syringe from Jerome. LAMAR (examining and removing the switched vial from the bent syringe) I've got enough here. JEROME (regarding the squimish detective, as he holds the gauze to his arm) Need any more, you can always get it off his shoes. The Detective notices the spatter of blood across his brogues and, with a look of disdain, wipes it clean. He tosses the incriminating tissue down a hygenically sealed garbage shoot. Lamar places Jerome's labelled vial in the carousel where it is immediately analyzed by the computer. Jerome's "legitimate" Employee ID code appears on the screen - "VALID". Another EMPLOYEE enters the testing lab. INT. GATTACA. DAY. JEROME exits the testing lab with the gauze held to his arm. IRENE is standing outside the door. IRENE So you didn't do it after all. JEROME (joking darkly) I guess somebody beat me to it. INT. GATTACA - MEZZANINE FLOOR. LATER IN THE DAY. From above, the INVESTIGATOR and HUGO observe the final EMPLOYEE exit the testing lab. LAMAR, following the employee out of the lab, throws a look of vindication to the two cops. DETECTIVE HUGO That's the last. INVESTIGATOR Something's not right. DETECTIVE HUGO (losing his patience) He's not here. It's a blind alley. INVESTIGATOR (resolute) No, we've missed something. We Hoover again. DETECTIVE HUGO We don't have the manpower. INVESTIGATOR Get it. From outside, if you have to. DETECTIVE HUGO From what budget? INVESTIGATOR (angered by Hugo's excuses) I'll take it out of your damn pension if you question my authority one more time! The INVESTIGATOR turns his back on his subordinate and idly contemplates the nearby telescope. Hugo resignedly relays the news to Director Josef who is standing some distance away. Josef's immediate reaction is to march towards the Investigator, Hugo trailing behind. DIRECTOR JOSEF collects himself as he notices the Investigator's hand on the telescope. DIRECTOR JOSEF Would you care to look--in the telescope? INVESTIGATOR Thank you, no. DIRECTOR JOSEF (still referring to the telescope) One look through there and you would know why I can't possibly allow you to disrupt operations any further. INVESTIGATOR (unfazed) You're so unconcerned that you have a killer in your midst. DIRECTOR JOSEF Right now, your presence is creating more of a threat. I don't think you have any concept of what we do here--how meticulous our preparations must be. We are about to send twelve people through 140 million miles of blackness to rendezvous with an object the size of a house and the color of coal. So it's rather critical to point them in the right direction. And we certainly don't need you looking over our shoulders. Besides, I don't believe there is any evidence that the killer is amongst us. I don't see too many other dead bodies littering the place. INVESTIGATOR (surveying the mostly empty facility) No, but since there aren't too many live ones tonight either, you won't mind us conducting one further sweep. If he does not work here, then there should be no other trace of him. (to Hugo) I think you'd better get some people out of bed, Detective. (a thought occurs) In the meantime we can re-check his favorite haunt. Director Josef quietly seethes. INVESTIGATOR (to Josef, referring to the telescope) You see, Director, I prefer my microscope. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. DAY. JEROME readies himself for an evening out - a bandage around his arm from the needle puncture. EUGENE wheels himself in. EUGENE Where are we going? JEROME (slightly guilty) I'm sorry. I've got plans. EUGENE (feigning hurt) Again? JEROME (referring to his bandage) She's already got her doubts. I have to act like nothing's wrong. EUGENE I'm sure you'll be very convincing. Jerome ignores the remark. EUGENE Where are you taking her? JEROME Michael's. Eugene looks at him askance. JEROME Everybody goes there. EUGENE (incredulous, glancing around the room) You may as well invite her here. JEROME (afterthought as he picks up his jacket) Will you be okay? EUGENE Don't worry about your little pin cushion. To be honest, I'm looking forward to having the place to myself. JEROME (seeing through the bravado) We'll still be able to talk when I'm away. The conversation will just keep getting longer. EUGENE How long? JEROME By the time I'm at the Belt, you phone and say, "How are you?" Forty-five minutes later I reply, "Not bad. How are you?" EUGENE I guess I'd better have something important to say if it takes that long to get an answer. INT. MICHAEL'S CLUB. NIGHT. IRENE and JEROME step off the dance floor of the smoky, decadent dinner club and take a seat at their table. Irene is agog at the strange assortment of PATRONS, the cigars, the laden dessert trolleys. It is all slightly off from the pristine world she is accustomed to. IRENE What is this place? JEROME (wry smile, enjoying her fascination) You've never been here? (a dessert trolley is wheeled up) Let me order for you. Jerome selects a chocolate torte from the trolley. Jerome savors a spoonful. Irene is tempted but then remembers herself. IRENE I'd better not. She reaches for her elegant pill box. Jerome takes another spoonful. JEROME So sure of what you can't do. Do you even know what it tastes like, Irene? Irene goes to deny it but cannot. MICHAEL suddenly approaches the table with a WAITER in tow. Irene is about to steal a taste of the dessert with her finger when their plates and glasses are whisked away and the table immediately hoovered. Michael whispers in Jerome's ear. MICHAEL Take the side door. Jerome looks up in time to see DETECTIVE HUGO coming through the front entrance with several other DETECTIVES. DETECTIVE (to his colleagues) Check for lenses, hairpieces-- A Detective shines a flashlight in the eyes of a MALE PATRON. A SECOND DETECTIVE tugs the hair of a SECOND PATRON. Jerome takes Irene by the hand and escorts her out of the side exit. Several other COUPLES make for the parking lot. IRENE Why are we leaving? JEROME (attempting to explain the hasty exit) Those checks take forever. EXT. MICHAEL'S CLUB - SIDE ALLEY. NIGHT. Spilling out of the exit, JEROME and IRENE find a burly plain clothes DETECTIVE barring their way. Before the Detective can say a word, Jerome has wrapped his fist in his jacket sleeve and smashed him in the face. He continues to beat the Detective until he lies motionless on the ground. IRENE (stunned) Jerome! Spying other Detectives some distance away in the parking lot. Jerome leads Irene out of a hidden side gate. IRENE What about the car? JEROME (grabbing her by the hand) Let's walk. IRENE Who are they? JEROME (holding his bruised knuckles) It's not safe. I shouldn't have brought you here. Jerome drags Irene across a vast, desolate lot, lit only by moonlight. Feeling exposed, he breaks into a run. IRENE I can't. JEROME (anxious) Come on. IRENE My medication. I left it back there. JEROME We'll get it later. (forcing her to look him in the eye) Irene, please. Irene realizes his seriousness. She begins to run with him. The clearing is wider than Jerome anticipated. They are only halfway across - extremely vulnerable if the Detective think yo look in their direction. INT. MICHAEL'S. NIGHT. The INVESTIGATOR is grilling MICHAEL, the club's owner. The investigator suspiciously regards the multitude of mini-vacs in the kitchen and the incinerator burning the refuse. INVESTIGATOR (an accusing tone) You run a clean establishment. MICHAEL Are you a health inspector? INVESTIGATOR (showing Vincent's mugshot) Do you recognize this man? MICHAEL My eyes aren't so good. INVESTIGATOR I bet. Hugo calls out from the side door where he has discovered his fallen colleague. HUGO Sir. The Investigator hurries to him. INVESTIGATOR (to the still dazed Detective, examining his injuries) Did he hit you with his fist? DETECTIVE (head in his hands) More like a hammer. INVESTIGATOR (reprimanding the beaten Detective) Don't touch your face. Don't swallow. Don't spit. (to Hugo) Quick, clean his teeth. Hugo uses a flashlight and a small dental-like implement to try to pick skin from Jerome's knuckles from between the Detective's teeth. The Investigator finds the hidden side door. EXT. DESOLATE LOT. NIGHT. JEROME and IRENE continue to sprint across the enormous vacant lot in the moonlight, splashing through deposits of mud and water. Just as the gate opens in the distance, Jerome hurls Irene into the safety of the undergrowth on the other side. Irene, out of breath, desperately feels for her pulse. IRENE (upset, a strangled protest) Are you trying to kill me? Are you?! Don't you understand, I can't do that! Jerome tenderly removes Irene's hand from her pulse. JEROME You just did. Irene looks back across the vast clearing they have just negotiated, realizing what she has just done. From across the other side of the clearing comes an echoing cry from the center FIGURE. INVESTIGATOR (OC) Vincent! Vincent! EXT. MICHAEL'S. NIGHT. The INVESTIGATOR is about to cry out Vincent's name once again when he realizes DETECTIVE HUGO and the other DETECTIVES are watching him, askance. INVESTIGATOR (to Hugo, covering his frustration) What are you waiting for? DETECTIVE HUGO Where do we start? INVESTIGATOR We'll vacuum these streets if we have to. DETECTIVE (handing the Investigator Irene's pill box) We caught them trying to flush these, Sir. The Investigator carefully examines the heart pills. EXT. IRENE'S APARTMENT. NIGHT. JEROME walks IRENE to the steps of her apartment. Jerome thinks about departing but Irene takes him gently by the hand. IRENE So sure of what you can't do. Jerome follows her inside. INT. IRENE'S BEDROOM. NIGHT. JEROME and IRENE climb a staircase to her bedroom. Without another word they begin to make love. LATER THAT NIGHT, JEROME cannot sleep. He rises quietly so as not to disturb IRENE. He silently opens the double-windows of the upstairs bedroom. He carefully gathers his pillow from the bed and shakes it out of the window. Slowly Jerome turns to gaze at the wood floor. In the moonlight we see an EXTREME CLOSE UP of a single hair lying on the floorboards. Jerome bends and picks up the hair, trying to identify it in the dim light. On his hands and knees he tries to clean the floor with a towel. Irene turns over in the bed. Jerome freezes but she continues to sleep. He realizes he may be spreading even more of his skin and hair over the floor. Overcome with frustration and the enormity of his task, he begins to quietly weep. EXT. A FIELD. DAWN. A light shroud of mist hangs over the trees that encircle a grassy clearing beyond Irene's building. Something lies in the center of the clearing. We jump-cut to an EXTREME CLOSE UP of two or three blades of grass. Bristles rain down on the blades. Withotu access to his incinerator, the crouched, naked figure of JEROME disposes of his whiskers, skin and hair in an open field. His clothes sit in a neat pile at his side. He pours glycolic acid over his body and scrubs at his back, feet and hands with a brush. There is a haunted, tortured look in his eyes as he tries desperately to rid himself of himself. INT. POOL. MORNING. The INVESTIGATOR swims obsessively in his aquatic treadmill. INT. IRENE'S APARTMENT. LATER THAT MORNING. Back in the bedroom, JEROME, partially dressed, holds IRENE in bed. She softly touches the scars on his shins. IRENE (referring to the shins) What happened? JEROME You remember the '99 Chrysler LeBaron? It's the exact height of the front fender. (shrugs) Looked right instead of left. IRENE (comforted by the thought) So you're not so smart after all. (awkward about raising the subject) I want you to know--if it ever came to it-- I'd be willing to get an ovum from the Egg Bank. In fact, I'd rather use a donor egg-- (quickly covering herself again) --if it came to it. JEROME But "if it came to it" then it couldn't have your-- (searching for an appropriate body part) --nose. (stroking her face) How perfect does your child have to be? IRENE (mildly irritated by what she perceives as his mocking) You hypocrite. Do you think for one moment you'd be doing what you're doing if it wasn't for who you are--what you are? Don't you get any satisfaction knowing that your children will be able to live to a ripe old age unless they do something foolish? JEROME That's precisely what scaresme--that they won't do anything foolish or courageous or anything--worth a Goddamn. Irene is taken aback by Jerome's passion, regarding him in a new light. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. MORNING. EUGENE urinates into a large plastic container while drinking bottled water at the same time. He already has several other containers of urine on the table beside him. INT. GATTACA. MORNING. The INVESTIGATOR and DETECTIVE HUGO keep a wary eye on the outfitted DETECTIVES re-vacuuming the empty computer complex with their mini-vacs. HUGO (reading newspaper) My wife and I--we're thinking of starting a family. INVESTIGATOR (shrugs, ambivalent) Why not? HUGO These new personality corrections I've been reading about. INVESTIGATOR You worried about the cost? HUGO Not that. INVESTIGATOR (regarding Hugo with a condescending smile) They said the same thing about myopia and obesity. You think your children would be less human if they were less violent, angry, spiteful? Maybe they'd be more human. From where I sit the world could stand a little improving. We dwell on one DETECTIVE in particular, snatching a garbage bag from CAESAR, the janitor. DETECTIVE Don't touch that. It's evidence. He puts a pile of discarded paper cups aside for later testing. INT. GATTACA CORPORATION. LATER THAT MORNING. In the vast, empty Gattaca complex the INVESTIGATOR inspects a specimen bag containing Jerome's paper cup with DIRECTOR JOSEF and DETECTIVE HUGO. DETECTIVE HUGO Positive saliva match. The cup was definitely used since the original sweep. INVESTIGATOR So we have two choices. Either our suspect came back to the murder scene for a drink of water and I don't know anybody that thirsty or... (looking out over the empty complex) ...he is here. (resolute) We test again. You're right, Hugo, this was a desperate act. Someone had a lot to lose that night--perhaps their place in line. (to Director Josef) I'd like the profiles of everyone with an upcoming mission. DIRECTOR JOSEF (nervous) Twelve have a mission within the week. INVESTIGATOR This time I will supervise each test personally. INT/EXT. GATTACA. MORNING. JEROME and IRENE walk towards the entrance to Gattaca. Spying the Homicide Investigation trucks parked at the rear of the building and the silhouette of the INVESTIGATOR in the doorway, Jerome pulls up sharply. Irene notices his unease. IRENE What is it? JEROME I forgot something--something at home. I'll see you later. Jerome kisses her. Irene, also aware of the trucks, interrogates Jerome with her eyes. IRENE I'll miss you. Jerome is still focussed on the entranceway. IRENE (looking skywards) --when you go away. JEROME We could go together one day. Irene considers the idea. She enters Gattaca alone. INT. GATTACA AEROSPACE CORPORATION - COMPUTER COMPLEX. DAY. IRENE prepares a stack of ID photos of CREW MEMBERS for the INVESTIGATOR. She closely inspects the doctored photo of JEROME, hesitating before adding it to the file. The camera dwells on JEROME's vacant work station. The INVESTIGATOR curiously regards the empty chair. He is accompanied by DETECTIVE HUGO, DIRECTOR JOSEF and IRENE. DETECTIVE HUGO He's the only absentee. DIRECTOR JOSEF A little nausea. Quite common. INVESTIGATOR At least it's nothing contagious. DIRECTOR JOSEF (unduly agitated) I will not permit any further testing on the eve of a mission. We're already counting backwards. The INVESTIGATOR ignores Josef and takes a pocket knife from his jacket. He prises out the "ESC" key from Jerome's keyboard, places the key in a specimen bag and deposits it in his jacket. IRENE (picking up a phone) I'll call and let him know. The Investigator gently but firmly removes the phone from Irene's hand and replaces the receiver in the cradle. INVESTIGATOR Let's not spoil the surprise. (to Irene) I understand you can show us the way. The anxious Director Josef calls out to protest one further time but the Investigator is on his way out of the door. EXT. STREET OUTSIDE GATTACA. DAY. Outside the entrance to Gattaca, trying to hail a taxi, JEROME is startled to see a car carrying the INVESTIGATOR, DETECTIVE HUGO and IRENE roar out of the driveway. JEROME calls on his portable wristphone. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. DAY. EUGENE, at his window, filling sachets as usual, hesitates before answering the phone. EUGENE Hello? JEROME (OC) How would you like to be yourself for the day? EUGENE (nonchalant) I was never very good at it, remember? INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM / HALLWAY. DAY. With a look of resolve, EUGENE hangs up the phone. He wheels his chair up to the sweeping staircase and regards the first of many dozen steps. The daunting staircase spirals away above him. INT. INVESTIGATOR'S CAR. DAY. HUGO drives. The INVESTIGATOR looks to IRENE in the rear seat. INVESTIGATOR (taunting) You don't know who he is, do you, Irene? He hands her the pill box found in Michael's. INVESTIGATOR You think you have problems? INT. EUGENE'S CONDO/JEROME'S CONDO. DAY. Having wheeled his chair out of sight, EUGENE eases himself out of his wheelchair and onto the floor. Using his elbows, commando-style, dragging his lifeless legs behind him, he proceeds to crawl across the floor and up the first step of the long spiral staircase. We observe his agonizingly slow progress up a staircase that, from Eugene's point of view, appears to have doubled in length. EXT. CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX. DAY. The INVESTIGATOR and DETECTIVE HUGO emerge from their car with IRENE in tow. They take in the impressive complex - the Investigator gets a glimpse of the empty pool. They approach the intercom at the entrance. INT. JEROME'S CONDOMINIUM. DAY. EUGENE, bathed in sweat, finally crests the landing of the staircase. No respite. As he drags himself across the floor the internal phone rings. He frantically stretches up and knocks the phone off its hook so he can talk from his prone position on the floor. INT. CONDOMINIUM - LOBBY. DAY. IRENE is on the phone, closely watched by the INVESTIGATOR and DETECTIVE HUGO. EUGENE (OC) (through intercom, no trace of his distress) Hello. IRENE (a moment's hesitation) Jerome--? EUGENE Hello, sweatheart. Come on up. INT. JEROME'S CONDOMINIUM. DAY. With no mean effort, EUGENE finally manages to replace the phone on its cradle. He desperately crawls up onto the sofa. However, spying the upright vacuum cleaner in the open closet, he is forced to crawl there and remove the vacuum bag. He frantically crawls back towards the sofa and stuffs the bag behind a cushion. INT. JEROME'S CONDOMINIUM. DAY. IRENE enters the door deliberately left ajar, closely followed by the INVESTIGATOR and DETECTIVE HUGO. EUGENE is propped up on the sofa, TV remote control placed in his useless hand to cover his paralysis. He has a stainless steel bowl next to him and has crossed his lifeless legs for a more natural effect. Eugene calmy motions the confused Irene towards him. EUGENE Where's my kiss? The Investigator scrutinizes Irene's reaction. With only the merest hesitation she takes her cue from Eugene and kisses him affectionately on the forehead. She perches herself on the arm of the sofa. Eugene takes the opportunity to rest his arm on her leg. IRENE Good to see you're feeling better. EUGENE Now you're here. Who are your "friends"? IRENE It's about the Director. EUGENE (feigning boredom) Again? The Investigator slowly circles Eugene, regarding him with the utmost scrutiny. He compares his face to the doctored Gattaca ID photo - a passable likeness. Eugene bends towards the bowl and dry retches. EUGENE Forgive me for not getting up. Irene puts a comforting hand on Eugene's shoulder. IRENE (to the Investigator) Couldn't we do this another time? INVESTIGATOR I don't believe so. Detective Hugo takes a seat in the chair beside the sofa and unpacks a syringe from the kit he carries. DETECTIVE HUGO This won't take a moment. Detective Hugo swabs Eugene's inner arm. All eyes are trained on the tip of the needle as it punctures the vein. EUGENE (reassuring to Irene, referring to the blood flowing into the syringe) It's okay. Maybe they can find out what I've got. Under the Investigator's watchful eye, Detective Hugo withdraws the syringe and immediately inserts a small amount of the blood into the portable analyzer he wears. Naturally, it confirms that Eugene is Jerome. Irene does her best to conceal her shock. Hiding his frustration, the Investigator distractedly tours the room while Hugo packs up his gear. The Investigator idly toys with the telescope pointed out of the window. Next he wanders towards the closet and reaches for the doorknob. INVESTIGATOR Mind if I take a leak? EUGENE As long as you don't do it in my closet. (nodding to the other side of the room) Over there. INT. JEROME'S CONDOMINIUM - BATHROOM. DAY. The INVESTIGATOR immediately pulls a specimen bag from his jacket pocket and closely inspects the stainless steel toilet and sink. They are both spotless. The shower stall is also scrupulously clean. He flushes the toilet and exits. Lost in thought, the INVESTIGATOR approaches the closet again and wheels out Jerome's upright vacuum cleaner. He is disappointed a second time to find no vacuum bag inside. The Investigator returns the vacuum cleaner to the closet and produces a mini-vac from Detective Hugo's crime bag. INVESTIGATOR (to Eugene, referring to ther mini-vac) May I? EUGENE Clean the whole house if you want. IRENE (taking Eugene's lead) Actually, the kitchen needs doing. The Investigator switches on the mini-vac to take a specimen from the floor, then promptly kills the machine. Looking down, the Investigator notices the trail of Eugene's perspiration on the highly polished floor leading to the spiral staircase. Eugene, reading the Investigator's mind, goes to call out but the words remain frozen on his tongue. Hugo follows his superior as they start to descend the stairs. Irene and Eugene are left staring at one another. INT. CONDO - STAIRCASE. DAY. JEROME catches the merest glimpse of the INVESTIGATOR and DETECTIVE HUGO before he slips behind a doorway in Eugene's condominium. Jerome anxiously regards Eugene's empty wheelchair sitting there. On the stairs, Hugo's phone rings. DETECTIVE HUGO (OC) (into phone, increasingly encouraged) Yes?...Yes...yes... The Investigator is already at the foot of the stairs in Eugene's condo when the Detective calls to him. DETECTIVE (urgent, to Investigator) Come quickly. We have him. The Investigator's eyes light up. He retraces his steps up the staircase after Detective Hugo. INT. JEROME'S CONDOMINIUM. DAY. JEROME, white as a ghost, climbs the stairs, emerging into his own condominium. He embraces the beaming EUGENE, still sitting on the sofa. JEROME (numb) How are you, Jerome? EUGENE Not bad, Jerome. JEROME How the hell did you get here. EUGENE (deadpan) I could always walk. I've been faking it. Jerome almost laughs, despite the situation. Only now does he notice Irene on the other side of the room, her mind racing. She looks at Jerome and Eugene together and runs from the apartment. JEROME (calling after her) Irene. Jerome goes to follow but Eugene stops him. INT. CRIME LABORATORY. DAY. An EXTREME CLOSE UP of dried blood - brittle and cracking - on a pair of soiled latex gloves. A latex head mask, suit of clothes and shoe covers are similarly caked. The INVESTIGATOR and DETECTIVE HUGO watch as a white-coated FORENSIC TECHNICIAN feeds a minute sample of the dried blood into an analyzer. The INVESTIGATOR wanders over to a one-way glass window through which he can observe DIRECTOR JOSEF, sitting numb but strangely serene in an interrogation room. The Investigator, in a state of shock himself, cannot yet bring himself to believe what is plainly obvious. INVESTIGATOR (gazing at the Director, struggling to come to grips with the turn of events) This can't be him. The Detective regards his superior incredulously, intrigued that he could still cling so stubbornly to his theory in the face of such overwhelming evidence. DETECTIVE HUGO (intrigued) We found his spit in the dead director's eye. He's signed a confession--supplied us with the suit he wore on the night. What more do you want? INVESTIGATOR (a trace of desperation, grasping at straws) Luca could still be an accomplice. The Investigator turns away, unwilling or unable to accept the explanation. Hugo regards the Investigator with a trace of sympathy. He furtively retrieves the Investigator's tissue from the trash. INT. GATTACA. DAY. JEROME sits in a formal briefing room with the other CREW MEMBERS of his mission, receiving their final pre-flight instructions. LAMAR looks on approvingly. MISSION COMMANDER --Finally, I'd like to welcome Navigator Morrow on his debut mission--if we get lost out there, nobody has a map of the heavens in his head like Jerome. Jerome looks up bashfully. MISSION COMMANDER (adopting a more serious tone) I'm gratified that there is no longer a cloud hanging over tomorrow's launch. Now we can put this unpleasantness behind us and concentrate on the task at hand. I don't have to tell you how important this mission is--the Belt could hold the key to the origin of life - why we are what we are. (injecting a note of levity) I know many of you have been asking that question about me for long enough. (referring to a projected photograph of a misshapen asteroid behind his head) Gaspra--how could something so ugly hold so many beautiful secrets? Polite smiles from his colleagues. MISSION COMMANDER Enjoy your final evening with your families. We'll all be a year older when they see us next. And don't be late tomorrow. You don't want to miss this. We focus on Jerome. He appears to have his head in the heavens already. INT. CRIME LAB. NIGHT. The tormented INVESTIGATOR lies on the floor of his lab, staring at the ceiling. he winces in discomfort. He is lying on something. He rolls over and retrieves the irritation from his pocket. It is the "ESC" computer key he prized from Jerome's keyboard. He gazes at the key for a moment and then gets to his feet. He resurrects an old fingerprint kit from a cupboard. Carefully removing the key from the specimen bag - marked, "MORROW, Jerome" - he begins to dust it for a fingerprint. He places the key under a camera. The enlarged print appears on the lefthand side of his computer screen. The word "MATCH" blinks onto the screen. However the face that appears from the computer's databank is not that of "MORROW, Jerome" but "LUCA, Vincent". The Investigator regards the photograph in disbelief. DETECTIVE HUGO casually enters the lab, something odd in his nonchalant demeanor. INVESTIGATOR (excited) Hugo! I've found him! HUGO I've found him too. INVESTIGATOR (not listening, referring to his discovery) A fingerprint. There's something to be said for nostalgia. (realizing what Hugo has said) What did you find? Hugo puts a specimen bag on the counter. It contains the Investigator's discarded tissue. The Investigator does not recognize it. DETECTIVE HUGO It's not exactly him. INVESTIGATOR (interest piqued) Where did you get this? The Investigator immediately deposits the tissue into an analyzer. DETECTIVE HUGO (referring to the tissue) But this man does share some common characteristics with your suspect. Not so many but enough. It appears the eyelash has a brother--of a kind. The Investigator realizes the significance and looks guiltily to Hugo. Hugo exits the lab, leaving the Investigator to stare at his own FACE in his analyzing machine. INT. GATTACA - JANITOR'S LOCKER ROOM. NIGHT. CAESAR, the old janitor, enters the locker room. He is about to wearily open his locker when he senses another presence in the room. He turns to find JEROME sitting there on a bench. Although clearly delighted, CAESAR tries to disguise his pleasure. CAESAR So you've finally seen sense and come back to your old job, Vincent. JEROME Not yet, I'm afraid. CAESAR No? What's keeping you? JEROME I guess I'm a slow learner. CAESAR I guess so. (looking up through the small window) Well, while you're up there, maybe you could tidy the place up a bit. JEROME I'll see what I can do. The two men embrace, Caesar breaking off before Jerome. CAESAR And don't go getting everybody lost out there. You'll give us a bad name. You won't have me to keep an eye on you, you know. JEROME (glancing to Caesar's locker) By the way, I left some trash in your locker. CAESAR (happy to oblige) I'll take care of it. Jerome departs. Caesar watches him go and turns back to his locker. He opens it to find a brand new, high-tech telescope sitting inside. The old janitor gets over his surprise and beams broadly - he looks back in Jerome's direction but he has gone. The old janitor cannot help himself and reverently reaches for the telescope's eyepiece. INT. GATTACA - COMPUTER COMPLEX. NIGHT. In the dimly-lit, empty computer complex, JEROME takes a last look around. He sits at his computer, one final time replaying the graphic representation of his path through the cosmos that he is on the eve of taking for real. He notices the key missing from his keyboard. Instantly realizing the significance, he rises from his seat to flee. INVESTIGATOR Vincent-- Jerome is stopped in his tracks by the sound of his given name and the voice that calls it. He makes no further attempt to flee but turns to face his pursuer. The Investigator steps out of the shadows. INVESTIGATOR Vincent, what are you running from? JEROME (disturbingly calm) From Vincent. The two men face each other for the first time in a long time. The Investigator is transfixed by Jerome's face - scarcely able to believe his eyes. INVESTIGATOR Has it been so long, you don't remember who I am? JEROME (nodding to the Investigator's badge) Maybe it's you who's forgotten. (meeting his gaze) What are you doing here, Anton? It is finally apparent the Investigator is Jerome's younger brother Anton [AS WE SHALL REFER TO THE INVESTIGATOR FOR THE REST OF THE FILM]. ANTON I could ask you the same question. (glancing to the impressive complex) I have a right to be here, you don't. Jerome smiles at him condescendingly. JEROME You almost sound like you believe that. ANTON (ignoring the remark, extending his hand) Come with me now, Vincent. You've gone as far as you can go. JEROME (refusing Anton's hand, glancing to the telescope above them) There are a few million miles to go yet. ANTON (adamant) It's over. JEROME (shaking his head) Is that the only way you can succeed, Anton, to see me fail? ANTON It's for the best. JEROME (increasingly angered) God, even you want to tell me what I can't do. In case you hadn't noticed, Anton, I don't need rescuing. But you did, once. Anton is clearly stung by the memory. JEROME (goading) Well? You have all the answers. How is that possible? ANTON (resolute) You didn't beat me that day. I beat myself. JEROME Who are you trying to convince? ANTON (angry) I will prove it to you. Come swim with me now, Vincent. Now--tonight. Jerome regards Anton with a knowing smile. Somewhere in Gattaca a phone rings. INT/EXT. IRENE'S CAR OUTSIDE CONDOMINIUM COMPLEX. NIGHT. IRENE, sitting in her car outside Jerome's condominium, hangs up her portable phone. In her agitation, her finger involuntarily goes to her pulse. She catches herself and removes the finger from her wrist as if it has burned her. She exits the car. INT. JEROME'S CONDOMINIUM/EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT. IRENE quietly knocks on Jerome's door but there is no response. Trying the handle, the door opens. Her curiosity takes her inside. All is quiet. IRENE calls out. IRENE Hello. No reply. Irene hesitantly ventures further, drawn to the spiral staircase. She tentatively makes her way down the stairs and into Eugene's dimly lit condominium. With wonder and reverence, she examines the instruments and samples laid out on Eugene's work benches. She opens the refrigerator in the bathroom and inspects the samples and sachets. Finally she regards the empty incinerator. EUGENE (OC) Quite something, isn't it? Irene turns. Eugene has entered through the mirrored door, not at all displeased by her unexpected visit. EUGENE (referring to the incinerator) That's where we get rid of the traces of him although we never truly succeeded. IRENE I've been looking for him. Do you know where he is? EUGENE (unconcerned) He's probably leaving some more of me around the place before he goes. Eugene idly inspects one of the blood sachets. EUGENE Don't be deceived, Irene. These are just the clothes. He has to wear them. Something I could never do. IRENE What's wrong with him? EUGENE (sympathetic smile) You have more in common than you know. Irene's hand involuntarily goes to her heart. EUGENE But they say hisis already ten thousand beats overdue. I have my doubts. (wry smile) For all my gifts, they could never engineer me a heart like Vincent's. Irene turns back to the incinerator, lost in though. EXT. BEACH. NIGHT. JEROME and ANTON walk down a dune together towards the beach not far from Gattaca - an ocean beach pounded by an angry, black sea. Jerome picks up a sharp piece of shell and slices the end of his thumb. A drop of blood oozes out. He offers the shell to Anton but Anton does not take it. Both men begin to disrobe. The brothers stand beside each other on the sand once again - Anton still the more athletically-built of the two. Together, they enter the raging surf. Diving through the breaking waves, they begin to swim. In the moonlit night, we watch their two bodies swimming side by side. They swim a long distance, Anton waiting for his brother to tire. But the pace does not slacken. Anton pulls up in the water. Sensing his brother is no longer beside him, Jerome also pulls up. They tread water several yards apart. ANTON (attempting to conceal his distress) How are you doing this, Vincent? How have you done any of this? JEROME Now is your chance to find out. Jerome swims away a second time. Anton is forced to follow once again. Angry now, gritting his teeth, Anton calls upon the same determination we have witnessed during his constant swimming in the pool. He puts on a spurt, slowly reeling in Jerome. Anton gradually draws alongside Jerome, certain that this effort will demoralize his older brother. But Jerome has been foxing - waiting for him to catch up. Jerome smiles at Anton. With almost a trace of sympathy, he forges ahead again. Anton is forced to go with him. They swim again for a long distance. It is Anton who gradually becomes demoralized - his strokes weaken, his will draining away. Anton pulls up, exhausted and fearful. Jerome also pulls up. However his face displays none of Anton's anxiety. They tread water several yards apart. The ocean is choppier now. The view of the lights on the shore is obscured by the peaks of the waves. ANTON (panic starting to show) Vincent, where's the shore? We're too far out. We have to go back! JEROME (calling back) Too late for that. We're closer to the other side. Anton looks towards the empty horizon. ANTON What other side? How far do you want to go?! Do you want to drown us both? (becoming hysterical) How are we going to get back?! Jerome merely smiles back at his younger brother, a disturbingly serene smile. JEROME (eerily calm) You wanted to know how I did it. That's how I did it, Anton. I never saved anything for the swim back. Anton stares at Jerome, aghast. The two men face each other in silence, treading water several yards apart in the dark, rolling ocean. Jerome turns and heads back towards the shore. Anton is left alone with the terrifying realization. The only sound, the wind and the water. EXT. CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT. JEROME, dishevelled and distressed, arrives back at the condominium. He notices IRENE standing at the edge of the pool. She turns. He approaches her. They stand several yards apart. Looking into each other's eyes, they do not speak. Jerome abruptly pulls a hair from his head - for once one of his own. JEROME (wry smile, offering the hair to Irene) Here, take it. Irene takes the hair, the significance not lost on her. JEROME (echoing Irene's words from their first encounter) If you're still interested, let me know. Irene contemplates the hair in her fingers for a moment, then deliberately lets it fall to the ground. IRENE (never taking her eyes from him, echoing Jerome's words from their first encounter) Sorry, the wind caught it. Once again there is not a breath of wind. The hair lies, plainly visible on the edge of the pool. From an upstairs window, EUGENE observes the couple. INT. JEROME'S CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT. We watch the silhouette of IRENE and JEROME making love in the bedroom. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT. EUGENE, sitting in his darkened room, unscrews the cap of a plastic container and places it on a nearby table. We remain on Eugene's face as he opens his fly. INT. JEROME'S CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT. IRENE and JEROME lie in bed together after making love. For once Jerome is able to sleep unconcerned. It is Irene who lies awake, head against JEROME'S chest, listening to the sound of his erratically beating heart. However it has a soothing effect on her. She kisses Jerome and reluctantly rises from the bed. JEROME (awakening) A year is a long time. IRENE Not so long--just once around the sun. Jerome smiles. For once Irene seems to be looking forward to the trip. She exits the room. INT. INCINERATOR. MORNING. Inside the incinerator, JEROME scrapes away at himself - for the final time. He wistfully regards the brush in his hand. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. MORNING. JEROME, dressed for his departure, emerges down the spiral staircase into Eugene's condo. Jerome notices several suitcases at the foot of the stairs. EUGENE wheels into the room. EUGENE I have your samples ready. JEROME (confused) Have you forgotten? I don't need any samples where I'm going. EUGENE (meeting Jerome's gaze) No, but you might need them when you get back. Eugene wheels across the room and opens the mirrored door. The water vapor billows out. Jerome regards Eugene. Eugene leads Jerome inside for the first time. Inside are two rows of four identical, industrial refrigerators. They contain thousands of blood and urine specimens. Jerome regards them with awe and more than a little unease. EUGENE Everything you need to last you two lifetimes. EUGENE points out an extra specimen of semen in the first refrigerator. EUGENE There's an extra specimen. I wish I could give it to her myself. (afterthought) But then, you always were better at being me. Eugene leads the way out of the refrigerator room. JEROME (struggling to come to terms with the discovery) Why have you done this? EUGENE (as he seals the mirrored door) In case you get back before I do. JEROME Where are you going? EUGENE (glancing to the suitcases) I'm travelling too. Jerome goes to question Eugene's travel plans but thinks better of it. He kneels before his friend and embraces him. JEROME Thank you. EUGENE I got the better end of the deal. I just lent you my body--you lent me your dream. Jerome smiles and hugs Eugene a final time. Eugene stuffs an envelope into Jerome's pocket. EUGENE (referring to the note, glancing heavenwards) Not until you're upstairs. Jerome exits. Eugene watches him go. INT. GATTACA - DEPARTURE LOUNGE. NIGHT. JEROME enters a large holding area along with his other eleven CREW MEMBERS. Jerome's heart sinks as he recognizes LAMAR, greeting the crew for one final unexpected substance test. His colleagues groan good-naturedly but it is clearly far more than an inconvenience to Jerome. He looks towards the door he has just entered but there is no way back. One by one the crew are ushered behind a screen. Before he can think of a way out, it is Jerome's turn. He enters the cubicle. JEROME (as he takes the plastic cup from Lamar) What's this, Lamar? LAMAR New policy. From behind, we see Jerome unzip his fly. However for once Jerome does not urinate on cue - unused to operating his own equipment in front of the physician. LAMAR (intrigued by the out-of-character discharge) Flight got you nervous? JEROME There's a problem, Lamar. LAMAR (apparently not listening) Did I ever tell you about my son, Jerome? He's a big fan of yours. He wants to apply here. Jerome realizes he has no choice. Resigned to his fate, he begins to fill the cup. JEROME (as he urinates) Just remember, Lamar, I could have gone up and back and nobody would have been the wiser-- LAMAR (cutting him off) --Unfortunately my son's not all that they promised. But then, who know what he could do. Lamar takes the cup from Jerome in his gloved hand. Jerome anxiously watches his sample poured into the analyzer. Confirming Jerome's worst fears, the face of 20-YEAR-OLD VINCENT appears on the computer screen. However Lamar does not look at the screen. He stares Jerome in the eye. LAMAR For future reference-- (a brief glance to where Jerome has just zipped his fly) --righthanded men don't hold it with their left. It's just one of those things. Never lookig at the screen, Lamar presses a button marked, "VALID". LAMAR (knowing smile) Have a safe trip, Vincent. Jerome exits up a long enclosed escalator, realizing that Lamar has known all along. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT. EUGENE knocks back a vodka. With a certain reverence he places his silver medal around his neck. INT. ESCALATOR. NIGHT. At the top of a long escalator, the door to a craft is secured. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM. NIGHT. Eugene's wheelchair, empty, sits beside the door of the incinerator, also secured. EXT. LAUNCHPAD. NIGHT. A CLOSE UP of the flame of a rocket's engines igniting - the ball of fire engulfs the launchpad - filling the screen. INT. EUGENE'S CONDOMINIUM - INCINERATOR. NIGHT. Inside the incinerator another ball of fire - this time engulfing the unseen figure of EUGENE. We glimpse the medal around his neck, melting in the fierce blaze. EXT. GATTACA - LAUNCHPAD. NIGHT. As we have seen so often in the past, a rocket launches into the sky over Gattaca - however on this occasion it carries Jerome. INT. SPACECRAFT. NIGHT. We focus on JEROME's face - seeing little if any of the craft. Jerome's eyes are closed. His head is still - alarmingly still. Could the launch itself have been too much for him? He hear the thoguhts in his head. JEROME (VO) We came from the stars so they say, now it's time to go back. If I was conceived today, I would not get beyond eight cells, and yet here I am. In a way they were right, I don't have the heart for this world. (pause) The question is, why am I having so much trouble dying? Jerome's eyes blink open. He holds the letter from Eugene in his hand. It contains no words, merely a lock of EUGENE'S hair - for once preserved solely for its sentimental value. The hair, weightless, floats off the page. We focus on a porthole looking out upon a starscape. A STARSCAPE As we pan across the constellations, a title is superimposed upon the starscape: In a few short years, scientists will have completed the Human Genome Project, the mapping of all the genes that make up a human being. After 4 billion years of evolution by the slow and clumsy method of natural selection, we have now evolved to the point where we can direct our own evolution. The first title is replaced in the heavens by a second title. If only we had aquired this knowledge sooner, the following people would never have been born: A succession of portraits and photographs of RENOWNED and HISTORIC FIGURES fades in and out of the constellations - the accompanying titles list their affliction rather than their accomplishments. HOMER Blind from birth NAPOLEON BONAPARTE Epileptic COLETTE Arthritic LOU GERHIG Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gerhig's Disease) RITA HAYWORTH Alzheimer's Disease HELEN KELLER Blind and deaf STEPHEN HAWKING Lou Gerhig's Disease JACKIE JOYNER-KERSEE Asthmatic CHARLES DARWIN Chronic invalid The face of Charles Darwin fades off and another title appears out of the stars. Even Charles Darwin, the man who told of the survival of the fittest, numbered amongst our frailest. The title fades off and is replaced by one final title in the night sky. Of course, the other birth that would surely never have taken place is your own. CUT TO BLACK GALAXY QUEST BY David Howard Robert Gordon 5/04/99 (GOLDENROD) 5,7,12,13,16,17,19,27,27A,33B,38,53,55,58, 60-70C, 71-72,85,117 4/29/99 (GREEN) 4/28/99 (YELLOW) 4/26/99 (PINK) 4/20/99 (BLUE) 4/19/99 SHOOTING DRAFT 1 EXT. OUTER SPACE The vastness of space. Suddenly a hole in the sky opens with a flash and a SPACESHIP rumbles into view. ON its hull the letters NSEA PROTECTOR. Magnificent, though on closer inspection it shudders ever so slightly, denoting pre-CGI model work on a budget. We're watching a TV show. LAREDO (V.0.) We're exiting the time knot now sir! 2. INT. NSEA PROTECTOR COMMAND DECK - SPACE 5 Members of the crew of the NSEA PROTECTOR sit in the large circa - 1979-"high-tech" cabin. All of them human except for DR. LAZARUS, a purple reptilian-looking alien. LAREDO is 9. The crewmates exchange relieved smiles. FRED We're alive. LAREDO We made it Commander, we made it! LAZARUS (THE ALIEN) By Grabthar's hammer, we live to tell the tale. COMPUTER (0.S.) Systems register functional. GWEN All systems are working, Commander. Commander? They all turn to look at THE COMMANDER, who turns to reveal himself dramatically. Good looking. His acting is classic Charlton Heston take-no-prisoners style. He looks around the command deck, worried, almost sniffing the air. COMMANDER I don't like it. It was too easy... Look for ambient energy fields. LAREDO All normal sir... The entire spectrum. COMMANDER Check again Laredo. LAREDO Yes sir, I- Wait. Oh no. His radar lights up with dots. First a few, then HUNDREDS. LAREDO They're everywhere. There are time knots opening everywhere. LAZARUS IMPACT NOW Commander Suddenly an EXPLOSION rocks the ship. GWEN A trap. LAZARUS. We're surrounded Commander. The entire 5k Ranking is out there. COMMANDER Our plasma armor? LAREDO Gone sir. Another BLAST rocks the room. COMPUTER (O.S.) Structural damage at 68 percent. GWEN We're getting major structural damage. FRED It's a core meltdown sir. It can't be stopped The Commander turns to his advisor, Lazarus. LAZARUS Commander, surrender may be our only option. COMMANDER No, never give up... NEVER surrender.' GWEN The reactor has eaten through four levels... Six levels... The ship is disintegrating LAREDO Your orders sir?... Sir, your orders? The Commander walks into close up; Steely determination. COMMANDER Activate the Omega 13. The crewmates exchange expectant and terrified glances. CLOSE UP of a crewman's hand as he operates a series controls which in turn opens five layers of mechanical locks revealing a serious looking lever. The Commander pulls that lever. A MACHINE Is revealed, rising from the floor in the middle of the room. It begins to GLOW. Cut to each actor in turn reacting dramatically. Then suddenly.. THE PICTURE GOES WHITE, LEADER LEADER NUMBERS APPEAR, with a STUDIO COPYRIGHT notice. CUT TO: 3 HUNDREDS OF FACES ENTHRALLED LEGIONS of mostly spotty faced male adolescent FANS staring into camera. For a moment all is silent. A few are sobbing. Then a BURST OF THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE... We're at a SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION. The enthusiastic crowd of FANS continue cheering as the master of ceremonies GUY takes the stage. GUY Well, there you are! You are the first people to see the lost GALAXY QUEST episode 52 two parter since it was originally aired in '82! As most of you know, no concluding episode was filmed when the series was cancelled, so one episode was never included in the syndication run. Let's hear it for Travis Latke, who actually rescued the footage from the studio garbage! Can you believe that? (Latke stands, fans cheer) Now for the moment you've all been waiting for... The intrepid crew of the NSEA PROTECTOR! But a STAGEHAND in the wings signals for Guy to "stretch." GUY But first... What is a "hero"? Let's take a look at a few more clips... 4 BACKSTAGE Here we meet the REAL LIFE ACTORS all dressed as their TV alter egos... GWEN DEMARCO, beautiful, in a sexy and improbable body suit. ALEXANDER DANE, (DR. LAZARUS) wearing green alien prosthetic makeup. FRED KWAN, calm, sitting on an apple box reading the paper. TOMMY "LAREDO" WEBBER, the youngest of the group. TOMMY Where the hell is he? An hour and a half late. An hour and a half! GWEN (looks through curtain) This is great! They're going to start eating each other out there. ALEXANDER (OFFSCREEN) He's a twit! TOMMY Oh, and did you hear he booked another fan appearance without us? GWEN You're kidding. When for? TOMMY Tomorrow morning, before the store opening. ALEXANDER (OFFSCREEN) He's a miserable twit! GWEN The guy is terminally selfish! FRED He ate my sandwich. GWEN AND TOMMY What? FRED A month ago, he ate my sandwich. TOMMY And he ate Fred's SANDWICH! Gwen turns to notice Alexander staring into a makeup mirror, eyes roaming over his alien green makeup and scaly rubber features with a mournful expression. GWEN Oh Alex, get away from that thing... ALEXANDER Dear God.... How did I come to this? 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) TOMMY Not again... ALEXANDER I played Richard III... FRED "Five curtain calls... ALEXANDER ...Five curtain calls! I was an ACTOR once, damn it. Now look at me... LOOK AT ME. TOMMY Settle down, Alex... ALEXANDER No. I can't go out there! I won't say that ridiculous catch phrase one more time. I won't. I can't! GWEN At least you had a PART. You had a character people loved! My TV Guide interview was six paragraphs about this body suit. About my legs. How did I perfect my trademark sidesaddle pose? Nobody ever bothered to ask what I DO on the ship... FRED You were the, uh... Wait I'll think of it... GWEN I repeated the computer. "It's getting hotter, Commander!" "The ship is disintegrating, Commander!" Nothing I did EVER affected the plot, not ONCE! Nothing I did was ever taken seriously! TOMMY Excuse me. I'm an African American playing a nine year old Malaysian named Laredo. HELLO! Suddenly the rear stage doors open and JASON NESMITH ("The Commander") strolls in, all exuberance and charm. JASON My friends, your Commander has arrived!... Am I too late for Alexander's panic attack?...(looks at Alex) Apparently so. (inspects a mole on Alex's neck) That's irregular, you should have it looked at. (looks at Fred's paper) Lakers are HOT. Speaking of which... Gwen, you look spectacular. (they all glare at him) Oh, what did I do now? 5 CONVENTION STAGE On the stage, Guy continues to stall... GUY ... Sure, the rocks looked hollow and the sets moved when anyone humped into them... But we didn't care... FILM CLIPS are projected behind him: On an alien planet THE Commander carries the LIMP BODY OF HIS ADVISOR, LAZARUS, ray guns erupting around him... On the command deck the crew fights a space battle with crack precision TEAMWORK... GUY (CONTINUED) ....For those four seasons from '79 to '82 we the viewers developed the same affection for the crew of the NSEA PROTECTOR that the crew had for each other... These weren't just adventurers exploring space, these were friends... 6 BACKSTAGE - The others surround JASON, fighting. TOMMY You said we do appearances together, or not at all.' JASON I didn't say that. I said "wouldn't it be great if we could always, work together." That's what I said. GWEN Unbelievable. TOMMY You are so full of shit JASON A few fans built a little set in their garage. . I come in for an hour at most. It's a nothing. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) GWEN How much of a nothing? Not enough to split five ways kind of a nothing? JASON What do you want me to say, Gwen?... They wanted the Commander. Suddenly bright light streams in. They all turn to see ALEXANDER skulking out the exit. A beat, then they all run to catch Alexander, TACKLING HIM. 7 ONSTAGE - Guy gets a thumbs up cue from a stagehand and begins to introduce the cast, to the delight of the applauding FANS. GUY Okay, here we go... Let's hear a warm welcome for crack gunner/navigator. Laredo, Tommy Webber! Tommy comes bounding out with a big smile, his hair mussed. Behind him is a film clip of young LAREDO in action. TOMMY (FILM CLIP) AS LAREDO "If it's got quantum rockets, I can fly it." GUY Ship's Tech Sergeant Chen... Fred Kwan! Fred strolls out with a casual wave. FRED AS CHEN "Give me a stick of gum and a hairpin and we re on our way!" 8 BACKSTAGE - Gwen and Jason are wrestling on the ground with Alexander. GWEN Alex you can't -just leave. ALEXANDER Oh can't I? Watch me! JASON Come on, old friend... ALEXANDER Friend. You stole all my best lines. You cut me out of episode two entirely!.. GUY (O.S. FROM THE STAGE) The beautiful shipmate Tawny Madison... GWEN DEMARCO! 9 ONSTAGE - Gwen takes the stage noticeably ruffled. In the film clip, Tawny Madison looks around the cabin fearfully. COMPUTER One hundred degrees and rising... GWEN AS TAWNY ~~~ISON "It's... It's getting hotter, Commander.'" Many "appreciative" WHISTLES. Gwen forces a smile. GUY And now... The Commander's advisor and closest friend. His peaceful nature ever at odds with the savage warrior inside him, after witnessing the massacre of his entire species as a boy... We see a splitscreen shot of Alexander, one mild mannered, the other a savage beast of vengeance, tearing into a foe. 10 BACKSTAGE - Jason still in a wrestling match with Alexander. JASON You WILL go out there. ALEXANDER I won't and nothing you say- JASON "The show must go on." ALEXANDER ...Damn you! Damn you! GUY (cont'd) (O.S.) "Dr. Lazarus of Tev'meck"... Alexander Dane 11 ON STAGE - Alex bounds up on stage, bowing deep with grace and humility. The stage trained British actor. ALEX AS LAZARUS ONSCREEN "By Grabthar's hammer, you shall be avenged.'" Alex cringes, desperately unhappy GUY And finally, my fellow Questarians, the brave Commander of the NSEA PROTECTOR... Peter Quincy Taggart ... JASON NESMITH. Jason appears and a SPOTLIGHT follows him. TOMMY Unbelievable. He rented a SPOT? Jason raises his fist encouraging the FANS to cry out... JASON/JASON ON SCREEN/EVERYONE "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER... DAMN THE RESONANCE CANNONS, FULL SPEED AHEAD.'" The fans go crazy. The actors exchange glances. GUY The Commander and his crew will be signing autographs on imperial decks "b" and "c" near the coke machines. 12 CONVENTION HALLWAY It's quiet. We're on FOUR PAIRS OF BOOTS walking down the hallway. We PAN UP to reveal FIVE SERIOUS LOOKING YOUNG PEOPLE, 4 men and a woman, clean cut as Disneyland employees and impeccably outfitted in GALAXY QUEST style uniforms. Something odd about them you can't quite put your finger on.. For now we'll refer to them as THE PECULIAR FANS. 13 CONVENTION HALL We move with the PECULIAR FANS as they enter the bustling convention floor, making their way past the numerous FANS dressed as their favorite GALAXY QUEST characters... through the various booths selling GALAXY QUEST and other Si-fi memorabilia, catching snippets of conversation along the way: They pass two ELABORATELY COSTUMED ALIEN FANS talking. ALIEN ...Yeah, I used to De Gark'nor of Ang but I got a rash from the chest pads so now I'm Sacnod from episode 5, which is fine except the transducer pinches when I sit down... ... They pass a group of particularly EARNEST FANS at a vendor's booth, also costumed as the five GALAXY QUEST leads. Their leader, BRANDON WHEEGER, inspects a seller's model of the DEFENDER, contemptuously. BRANDON The tail fin is concave, not convex. The proton reactor is where the influx thermistors should be and.. my god... is this Testor's blue green number six on the hull? (drops the model roughly) I... I... This is a complete abortion. With curious glances to this similarly uniformed group, the PECULIAR FANS move past, then come to a halt as they spot JASON, up on a raised platform at the front of the hall signing autographs for a long line of fans. The peculiar fans stare at Jason as to they were in the presence of God. They exchange astonished smiles, then start toward him... THE CAST TABLE Tommy, Alexander and Fred sign autographs at a row of tables near Jason, but significantly lower than his perch. TOMMY Is it me or does his table get higher every convention? One of many fans dressed as "Dr. Lazarus" steps up to Alexander and salutes him with crossed fists. FAN "By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan, I shall avenge you!" Alexander ignores this, grabs the photo from his hand, signs it, thrusts it back. The next fan steps up. FAN "By Grabthar's hammer, by the-" He signs and thrusts it back before he can even finish. ALEXANDER Next! Guy (the MC) approaches the actors at their tables. GUY Hi everybody. TOMMY Hey. Thanks for one nice intro... uh. GUY Guy... You probably don't remember me do you? (They stare blankly) I was on the show in '82. Episode 31? Got killed by the lava monster before the first commercial? "Crewman #6?" The actors pretend that they remember him. "oh, right! Guy!" GUY Listen, I was wondering, would you guys mind if I sit in today? See if anybody's interested in an autograph? Never know. GWEN Sure, Guy, If you can stand the excitement. Two more FANS dressed as Alexander's character approach him, proudly CHATTERING at him in the Mak'tar language. ALEXANDER Don't make me get a restraining order. ACROSS THE ROOM THE PECULIAR FANS are making their way through the crowd toward Jason. We suddenly notice something very strange; THE LEFT HAND of the tallest one is flickering between a normal hand and A HAND WITH SEVEN LONG BLUE TENTACLES FOR FINGERS. The LEADER notices and motions to the afflicted man who raps sharply against a metal blinking box on his belt. The hand becomes normal again. He looks up, nods at the leader. From now on we'll refer to these 5 as THE ALIENS. AT THE CAST TABLE - Guy now sits with the others, forlorn. No fans are in line for his autograph. He watches as Fred fields questions from the group or fans led by BRANDON. BRANDON Mr. Kwan? In episode nineteen, when the reactor fused, you used an element from Leopold Six to fix the quantum rockets. What was that called? FRED Bivrakium. BRANDON The blue sheath it was encased in-? FRED A bi-thermal krevlite housing. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) Brandon makes a note, thanks him and exits with his group. GUY How do you remember this stuff? FRED Oh I make it up. Use lots of "k"s and "v"s. A male FAN moves up to Gwen, hands her a picture to sign. FAN I'm a big fan Ms. Demarco. Gwen looks at the photo, nonplussed. GWEN You really expect me to sign a naked picture of myself? This isn't even my body! FAN Yeah, normally with fakes it's like, recycle bin. But.. This one's really good. (Gwen sighs, starts to sign) Could you not write over the... Thanks. A fan finally approaches Guy who looks up eagerly. The fan looks at him quizzically, trying to place him. GUY Episode 12. (gets no reaction) Killed by the lava monster?.. FAN (turns to Tommy) Laredo, could I get an autograph? Guy shrugs, disappointed. Gwen gives him a comforting look, then looks across at JASON ON HIS PERCH Talking dramatically to a group of fans. A YOUNG BOY watches WIDE EYED. JASON ... on one hand, if I had moved an inch, the beast would have killed me. On the other hand, my crew was in danger... YOUNG BOY How did you know what to do? 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) JASON Without a crew, I'm not a Commander. He pulls down on the kid's cap. JASON And we all know what happened to that beast on Enok 7... The fans make happy nerdy "we sure do" noises. CASTMEMBERS TABLE Gwen shakes her head appreciatively. GWEN You gotta admit, they do love him. TOMMY Almost as much as he loves himself. They watch as Jason fields another question from a fan. JASON I'm glad you asked... To me the most important qualities of a Galaxy Explorer are loyalty... ALEXANDER ... to camera center no matter whose shot you're blocking... JASON Leadership.... TOMMY ... to make sure craft service keeps those little butter cookies, and plenty of them- JASON And determination. GWEN ... to playing scenes shirtless because the ladies do love Commander furry. Gwen, Alex and the others try to contain their laughter. CLOSER ANGLE - JASON'S TABLE Bored with the constant queries of his fans, Jason glances over to see Gwen smiling at him. She quickly looks away, self- 4/28/99 (YELLOW) conscious. Jason doesn't even take his eyes off Gwen as BRANDON steps forward, his brow knit with serious matters. BRANDON Commander, please settle a dispute that my crew and I are having. In "The Quasar Dilemma", the Sentient had taken control of the ship's guidance systems, however- JASON Excuse me guys. Jason exits. Brandon turns to his friends, frustrated. BRANDON I hadn't even gotten to the relevant conundrum... THE CAST TABLE - Gwen answers a question from a shy GIRL. GIRL Miss Demarco?... In episode 15, "Mist of Delos 5?" I got the feeling you and the Commander kind of had a thing in the swamp when you were stranded together. Did you? GWEN The Commander and I NEVER had a thing. JASON (O.S.) That's her story. Gwen looks up to see Jason. The girl giggles and exits. Jason smiles at Gwen. GWEN What? JASON You smiled at me. Rolling her eves Gwen rises and walks off. Undaunted, Jason follows, but runs into the five ALIENS. Their leader MATHESAR bows respectfully, then follows along as Jason pursues Gwen. MATHESAR Commander, I must speak to you. It is a matter of supreme importance... We are Thermians from the Klatu Nebula, and we require your help. I beseech you to come with us, back to our ship. A great many lives hang in the balance... 4/26/99 (PINK) JASON Right, If this is about the thing tomorrow you can hammer out the details with my agent, but make sure I have a limo from my house, they jammed me into a Toyota the last time I did one of these MATHESAR I... certainly, but- JASON Catch me later, okay? Jason catches up to Gwen. He spins her around dramatically. JASON "Crewman Madison, I.. I'm sorry. Whatever I do next I have no control over. It's the mist on this strange planet, It's filling my head with such thoughts.... He leans in for a tortured kiss... Some fans gather, delighted by the impromptu show. But Gwen steps aside. GWEN It was cute when I didn't know you. She exits. Jason tries to pretend that doesn't hurt. CONVENTION FLOOR Jason moves forward, introspective, amidst the enthusiastic fans. They all shout out questions and comments to him... But Jason pushes past without response and takes refuge in the- 14 MEN'S ROOM Jason enters to witness the incongruous sight of four MANK'NAR beasts at the urinals taking a MANK'NAR piss. Jason enters a stall and sits on the lid, trying to get a moment to think. But two CYNICALIC 20-SOMETHINGS enter, laughing their assess off. He can hear their voices echo from the other side. CYNICAL GUY 1 You're right. What a FREAK SHOW. This is fricking HILARIOUS. CYNICAL GUY 2 Yeah, what a bunch of losers. And those poor actors. They've done, like, WHAT for twenty years? I think Fred Kwan did a dog food commercial... Sad. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) CYNICAL GUY 1 Did you hear Nesmith up there? That's the saddest. I think he actually gets off on these nerds thinking he's space Commander. It's pathetic. And his friends... CYNICAL GUY 2 ... they HATE him. I know, did you hear them ragging on him?!! "Commander furry!..." CYNICAL GUY 1 He has no idea that he's a laughingstock... Even to his buddies. They exit, their laughter ringing in Jason's ears. 15 CONVENTION FLOOR - JASON'S TABLE Jason is back at his table signing autographs in a foul mood. He scribbles his name irritably, avoiding contact with the fans as BRANDON and his group of aficionados approach him. BRANDON Commander, as I was saying... In "The Quasar Dilemma", you used the auxiliary of deck b for Gamma override. But online blueprints indicate deck b is independent of the guidance matrix, so we were wondering where the error lies? JASON It's a television show. Okay? That's all. It's just a bunch of fake sets, and wooden props, do you understand? BRANDON Yes but, we were wondering- JASON There IS no quantum flux and there Is no auxiliary... There's no goddamn ship Do you get it? Jason notices that all eyes are turned on him. The hall has become deathly quiet. Jason rises abruptly and exits through the hall. Brandon and the fans do their best not to take this personally. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) 15A INT. GWEN'S HOUSE Gwen is cooking something intricate and delicious as she talks to Alex on the phone. Her house is tasteful and bright on a budget. GWEN I don't know, Alex, he's never gone quite this far before... 15B INT. ALEXANDER'S APARTMENT - NIGHT Alexander sits at his kitchen table, applying spirit gum remover to the edges of his alien head appliance. ALEXANDER I've said for years he's mentally unstable. He stands and moves to the refrigerator. Nothing but a hunk of very rank cheese which he sniffs disdainfully. ALEXANDER Oh good, there's nothing to eat. GWEN Why didn't you stop at the market? ALEXANDER (re his alien cap) I still haven't got this bloody thing off. GWEN You could order something in. ALEXANDER A boy comes to the door. GWEN (a beat, back to Jason...) I don't know... It just wasn't like him. ALEXANDER Yes, poor Jason. As we speak he's probably out somewhere talking rubbish to a roomful of hangers-on. While here I sit eating Christmas cheese in Spring. 16 INT. JASON'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Jason sits on the edge of the bed staring at the TV, sipping scotch, flipping channels. He stops at the conclusion of an 4/26/99 (PINK) episode of GALAXY QUEST. As Commander Taggart makes a heroic speech. Jason mouths the words along with his alterego. COMMANDER TAGGART (ON TV) As long as there is injustice, whenever a Targathian baby cries out, wherever a distress signal sounds among the stars... We'll be there. This fine ship, and this fine crew... Never give up! Never surrender! We pan back to the bed... Jason has passed out, body twisted face down in a pillow. 17 INT. JASON'S BEDROOM - NEXT MORNING Jason sleeps, hungover, dead to the world. His DOORBELL RINGS. He barely moves. Every Indication is that he's dead. More ringing. He stirs enough to groan, and drags a pillow over his head. The ringing continues.... 18 EXT. JASON'S HOUSE Jason opens the door in his robe, drooping bloodshot eyes, squint of a headache... There before him are THE ALIENS dressed in their perfect GALAXY QUEST attire. Jason stares at them, bleary eyed. With earnest respectful faces, the five salute him in the classic "GALAXY QUEST" style. Jason shuts the door in their face. DING DONG: The door opens again. JASON WHAT. DO. YOU. WANT?! The leader, Mathesar, steps forward. Speaks quickly. MATHESAR Sir, I understand this is a terrible breach of protocol, but please, I beg you to hear our plea. We are Thermians from the Klatu Nebula. Our people are being systematically hunted and slaughtered by Roth'h'ar Sarris of Fatu-Krey. Sarris wants the Omega 13. We are to meet in negotiation. However our past efforts in this regard have been nothing short of disastrous. The flames, the death... (he quickly gathers himself) Please Captain, you are our last hope. (a beat) We have secured a limousine. JASON Oh, right! The thing with the thing. Come on in, I'll get some pants on. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) 19 INT. JASON'S HOUSE The four aliens stand on one side of the room. Jason, mostly dressed, hunts under his couch for something. MATHESAR Commander, standing here in your presence is the greatest honor we could ever have hoped to achieve in our lifetimes. Mostly all they can see of Jason at the moment is his butt. JASON Thanks, appreciate it... Anybody seen my other shoe? 20 INT. LINCOLN LIMO Jason sits in back with Mathesar and the others, half-awake. NERU Sir, I am Neru, senior requisition officer. Before we travel to the ship, please let me know if you have any requirements. Weapons, documents, personnel... JASON I could use a Coke. One of the aliens nods to the other who makes a note. TEB Sir, I am Teb. I would like to explain the history between our people and the Sarris Dominion in greater detail. In the 5 million years following the great nebula burst our people were one... JASON What about him? Doesn't he talk? TEB His translator is broken. The fourth alien says something, but it comes out a weird mix of sounds. Like a screaming baby inside a bagpipe. JASON Okey doke... So, listen, I had a late night with a Kreemorian Fangor Beast, so (MORE) 4/26/99 (PINK) JASON (cont'd) I'm going to shut my eyes for a bit. But go on, I'm listening to every word... Jason is asleep before Teb gets the next sentence out. 21 INT. RECEIVING QUARTERS - PROTECTOR II Jason is shaken softly by the shoulders. He opens his eyes to see a young female CREWMAN, LALIARI. We hear a low RUMBLE. LALIARI I am sorry to wake you sir, but your presence is requested on the command deck. Jason tries to reorient himself as she leads him forward. 22 INT. HALLWAY - THE PROTECTOR II Laliari escorts Jason down the high tech hallway. Jason looks around, still holding his can of Coke. LALIARI Sir, Sarris has moved the deadline. We are approaching his ship at the Ni-delta now. He wants an answer to his proposal. I understand you have been briefed. JASON Yeah, I got most of it in the car. He's the bad guy, right? LALIARI Yes sir he is a very bad man indeed. He has tortured our scientists, put us to work in the gallium arsenide mines, captured our females for his own demented purposes... JASON Okay I've got the picture. You have pages or do you want me to just go for it? LALIARI I m not sure I... JASON (cont'd) Script pages. Never mind, let's see what old Sarris has to say for himself. Mathesar approaches with other CREWMEMBERS. 4/26/99 (PINK) MATHESAR Commander... Welcome to the Protector II. Would you like to don your uniform? JASON Mind If we skip that? I have to get back pretty quick for this thing in Van Nuys. MATHESAR As you wish. Another ALIEN comes running up out of breath. EXCITED ALIEN Sir... It's Sarris. He's here. 23 INT. COMMAND DECK A door slides OPEN and Jason and the others enter the COMMAND DECK.... It's straight out of the TV show. Blinking lights, consoles, the cool old tech displays... But a bit dark. Jason looks around, genuinely impressed, still wearing his glasses. JASON Not bad. Usually it's painted cardboard boxes in a garage. They lead him to the Commander's chair. He sits. TEB Sir, we apologize for operating in low power mode, but we are experiencing a reflective flux field this close to the galactic axis. JASON No problem. This thing have a cup holder? EXCITED ALIEN (hands Jason a clipboard) The situational analysis, Commander. JASON What's your name? EXCITED ALIEN (perplexed) ...Glath sir. Jason signs his autograph and hands it back. "There you go." NAVIGATOR We're approaching in five ticks, sir. Command to slow? Jason looks toward the front window/view screen. Stars move past in a familiar display. JASON Sure, set the screen saver on two. (the NAVIGATOR looks confused) Sorry. Sorry. Didn't mean to break he mood. Slow to Mark 2, lieutenant. A SHIP appears on the screen, growing closer. It is a MENACING craft, sharp and jagged, with a gargoyle shaped figurehead. Then the VIEWSCREEN fuzzes to life with an image of... SARRIS - He's ugly and green hued. Black sharp teeth. A metal hand... He hisses... There is a beat as the aliens take in the sight, trying to well their courage. SARRIS I see fear. That is expected. (his voice RESONATES) Ah, they bring a new Commander... Such a cowardly species. Not even your own kind... No matter. Here are my demands, and I would suggest, Commander, that you think well before speaking a word, because these negotiations are... tender.. and if I do not like what I hear there will be blood and pain as you cannot imagine... Jason takes a sip of coke and checks his watch. SARRIS First, I require the Omega 13... Second- JASON (blasé, like a laundry list) Okey dokey, let's fire blue particle cannons full. Fire red particle cannons full. Fire gannet magnets left and right. Fire pulse catapults from all chutes. And throw this thing at him too, killer. He hands the GUNNER the empty coke can, then before even waiting for the weapons to reach their target... ...he exits! 24 HALLWAY Jason emerges and looks both ways trying to get his bearings. Several of the aliens chase after him as he enters the 4/26/99 (PINK) corridor, exchanging stunned dances, trying to absorb the magnitude of what just happened. MATHESAR Commander?... Where are you... going? JASON Home. MATHESAR You... You mean Earth? JASON Yeah. "Earth." Time to get back to "Earth," kids. He turns a corner. Jason is oblivious to the muffled sounds of explosions, traces of the demolition going on outside. MATHESAR But Commander... The negotiation... You... You... You fired on him. JASON Right. Long live... What's your planet? MATHESAR Theramin. JASON Long live Theramini. Take a left here? MATHESAR But what if Sarris survives? JASON Oh, I don't think so. I gave him both barrels. MATHESAR He has a very powerful ship. Perhaps you would like to wait to see the results of- JASON I would but I am REALLY running late and the 134's a parking lot after 2:00. But listen, the guy gives you any more trouble, just give a call... Mathesar produces a walkie talkie device for Jason. MATHESAR An interstellar vox. 4/26/99 (PINK) JASON Thanks Mathesar looks him in the eye. A TEAR starts down his cheek. He HUGS Jason, then shakes his hand sincerely. MATHESAR How can we thank you, Commander. You- You have saved our people. JASON It was a lot of fun. You kids are great. The others shake his hand, thanking him as they enter the... 25 INTERSTELLAR POD ROOM A room with a very high circular ceiling. The aliens continue thanking Jason as they lead him to the center of the room. Jason realizes he's left all alone in this strange room with no visible doors. Jason is suddenly aware that he is standing on a GLOWING RED DISK. JASON Wait. Where's the car? Suddenly a CLEAR CYLINDER rises from the disk and conforms around him, ENCASING~ HIM IN A CLEAR BULLET SHAPED CONTAINER. There is only an instant to register surprise as the ceiling divides and an AWE INDUCING ROTATING STARFIELD is revealed... The WALLS pull back around him. And Jason finds himself surrounded by THE INFINITE VASTNESS OF SPACE. And his face is a MASK OF HORROR In the split instant as Jason in his pod is ROCKETED FORWARD INTO SPACE. 26 BLACK - [JASON'S YARD] We pull back slowly from the iris of Jason's eye. He is now standing on the red disk in the middle of his own back yard. He stands there in shock, TEETH CHATTERING, SHIVERING IN WAVES AND WAVES from the incomprehension of what he's just experienced, unable to move from the snot. 27 NT. BRANDON'S GARAGE - TARZANA - DUSK Crickets chirp. Inside the open garage of a suburban house sits BRANDON and his friends in their uniforms, surrounded by a homemade space ship interior constructed of painted cardboard boxes and Christmas lights. Brandon and his friends look very disappointed... The Commander never showed. 28 EXT. COMPUTER STORE PARKING LIT - MORNING Gwen, Alexander, Tommy, Fred and Guy perform for the store's grand opening. A small crowd is gathered, including Brandon and his gang, inspecting a mock up of the PROTECTOR. GWEN Take it from us... We've been all over the universe. FRED But we've never seen the space age values we've seen here ..... TOMMY TechCo electronics superstore Alexander pauses, deeply ashamed. Gwen nudges him. ALEXANDER By Grabthar's hammer, what a savings. A few balloons are released into the air. 28A COMPUTER STORE - LATER The actors hand out pamphlets and sign the occasional autograph. Fred pats Alexander's back, who stares ahead, morose. Around the corner, JASON appears, looking around with a disoriented yet exhilarated twinkle in his eye.. He spots his friends and starts quickly toward the cast table but runs smack into the group of FANS led by Brandon. Brandon and Jason go down, along with an armful of GALAXY QUEST collectables. BRANDON Commander!... My apologies. Brandon is nudged by his friend KYLE. BRANDON Commander... Evidently we had miscommunication regarding yesterday's scheduled voyage, and- But Jason, still in a haze, simply gathers his things and walks off. The other nerds look at Brandon. KYLE He dissed us AGAIN, Brandon! BRANDON (hiding his disappointment) He probably... Has some very important business to attend to... HOLLISTER (just letting off steam) Maybe we should just start a Star Trek club! The others turn, silent, incredulous. Brandon looks at Hollister with hard, cold eyes. Pacino's scene with Fredo. BRANDON Don't EVER say that to me again. He walks away. The others stare at Hollister. 28B ACTORS' TABLE The actors look up to see JASON approaching. ALEXANDER Do you know what time it is? Why did you even bother to show up? Jason has so much to say he can't get out a word. Gwen notices his wrinkled slept-in clothing, and wild eyes. GWEN Jason... Are you all right? Jason POINTS to the sky, grasping for words. JASON I was there. (a beat) Up. There... (intense) They came to the convention. I thought they were fans, but they're not. They took me up to their ship. They're called Thermians or Thatians, I don't know. I was a little hungover... (actors exchange glances) What they built... It's incredible I fought this man, this... THING... called Sarris. I kicked his ASS... They have these... pods. One took me THROUGH a black hole. (crazy smile. The others stare) I know. I know what you're thinking. But I can prove it. Look! They gave me this! 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) He searches his pockets frantically and produces the interstellar vox. The thing blinks its little red light. He motions victoriously. The others exchange glances, then produce their own blinking voxes and set them on the table. JASON Yes, but can you talk to people in SPACE on yours? (into Vox:) Protector this is the Commander. Come in protector... The others exchange glances. Alexander turns to Gwen. ALEXANDER God, what an ass. JASON COME IN PROTECTOR... PROTECTOR... Tommy rolls up his sleeve ready for a fight. TOMMY That's it, It's go time. GWEN Don't do it, Tommy. He's not worth it. Jason notices a label on his vox that reads "Property of Brandon Wheeger." He looks around for Brandon. JASON This isn't mine. Wait, where is that kid?... GWEN You know it's one thing to treat us this way, but how can you do this to your fans?... Jason looks up and sees the young woman we recognize as Thermian LALIARI. She's flanked by two young crewmen. LALIARI Begging your pardon, Commander, we come with news. Sarris lives. He was able upon your departure to make an escape. However he has contacted us, and wishes to surrender. We humbly implore you to return with us, to negotiate the terms. Jason looks at Laliari, then turns back to the others, his experience twinkling in his eyes. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) JASON They want me back... I... I want you all to come. You have to come with me. It'll be the most amazing experience of your lives. We1re going to negotiate an alien general's SURRENDER in SPACE. You have to- Guys? GUYS?... They have begun to walk away, one by one, in disgust. Only Gwen remains. She looks at Jason. JASON Gwen, you know me. I'm a lot of things but I'm not crazy. But Gwen shakes her head and walks off. 28C INT. ELECTRONICS STORE SHIPPING WAREHOUSE NEAR DOCK Jason inspects himself In a mirror. He meticulously smoothes his Commander's Insignia, fastens a stray buckle, carefully picks a piece of lint off his shirt. Then he looks Into his own eyes for a long moment, finally turning to Laliari, a smile, eyes GLISTENING. Nearby a POD DISK on the floor GLOWS. JASON I'm ready. 28D INT. DRESSING ROOM The actors enter their dressing room. TOMMY You should have let me hit him. GWEN I don't know guys... I mean, he almost looked... sincere. I know, it's bizarre! FRED I think we should have taken the gig... I mean, who knows the next time he'll ask us. They all turn slowly to Fred. "Of course.. He was talking about a GIG." 28E ELECTRONICS STORE The actors hurry through the aisles to the back of the store. Gwen shouts to an EMPLOYEE stocking shelves. GWEN Commander come through here? The Employee points to the back, taken with Gwen's beauty. 29 INT ~LECTRONICS STORE WAREHOUSE NEAR DOCK Gwen, Alex and the others enter, and look around. Laliari is still in the room, alone. She lights up as they enter. GWEN We're coming too. LALIARI Wonderful! The Commander had me continue transmitting in the hopes you would change your mind. (to Vox) Protector, requesting six Interstellar pods for immediate departure. Tommy rolls his eyes at Gwen. "These fans..." But Gwen suddenly notices the POD DISKS glowing beneath their feet. GWEN Guys... Guys? Alex tries to step off the disk but It MOVES TO FOLLOW HIM. ALEXANDER What in the world...? LALIARI I look forward to meeting you all in person when we arrive at the ship. End transmission. And with that, Laliari blinks and VANISHES. She was simply a HOLOGRAM TRANSMISSION. Full realization hits Gwen... GWEN Oh my God. OH MY GOD. 30 INT. NSEA PROTECTOR DOCKING STATION POD BAY- DEEP SPACE The room LIGHTS BRILLIANTLY with a series of flashes. In rapid succession the PODS arrive with a flash through a hatch In the ceiling. They unfold to reveal Gwen, Alexander, Tommy and Guy who stand paralyzed and teeth chattering. They look like a bunch of horrified bowling pins all facing toward... A METAL HATCH - Beyond It they register the SOUND of WET FOOTSTEPS growing closer... Their eyes widen as they see the hatch open revealing a group of 5 HORRIBLE TENTACLED DROOLING SCREG~ING ALIEN MONSTERS who surround our visitors, probing them with jagged devices. Then one of the monsters looks down at a mechanism on his belt. MONSTER #1 Oops. Crewmen, your skins! Activate your E-skins! 4/29/99 (GREEN) The monsters all flip switches on their belts their forms become HUMAN, uniformed as ship's TECHNICIANS. TECHNICIAN #1 Our most sincere apologies! We forgot about our appearance generators. Then JASON appears in the doorway, wearing a big warm smile. JASON Guys! You CAME!... They stand there, still paralyzed and terrified. JASON Okay, who wants the grand tour? Guy is now relaxed enough to let out the loudest most genuine SCREAM you've ever heard in your life. A beat. JASON Okay, Guy... Anybody else? Then another streak of light, and Fred appears along side the others. He steps off of the disk, unaffected. FRED Now that was a hell of a thing. (to Jason, motioning to others) What's wrong with them? Jason smiles. Nothing gets to Fred. 31 INT. PROTECTOR DOCKING STRUCTURE - HALLWAY Jason leads Gwen, Alexander, Tommy, Guy and Fred down the hall. They shuffle forward like recent hospital releases, looking around silent and dumbfounded at their surroundings, occasional involuntary JERKS of their limbs evidence of their horrifying journey. JASON That's right... Just keep shaking it out... Here, have some gum, It helps. TOMMY Wh... Where are we? 4/29/99 (GREEN) JASON Twenty third quadrant of gamma sector. I can show you on a map. Then Mathesar appears coming down the hall with a small group of ALIENS. He has a warm smile on his face. MATHESAR Welcome my friends I am Mathesar. On behalf of my people I wish to thank you from the deepest place in our hearts. He reaches out to shake their hands respectfully. MATHESAR Dr. Lazarus... Lt. Madison. Young Laredo, how you've grown. Tech Sgt. Chen... And.... He looks at Guy quizzically, not sure who he is. GUY "Crewman #6"... Call me Guy. GWEN You... know us? MATHESAR (soft laugh) I don't believe there is a man, woman or child on my planet who does not. In the years since we first received your ship's historical documents, we have studied every facet of your missions, technologies and strategies. ALEXANDER Historical documents? MATHESAR Yes. Eighteen years ago we received transmission of the first. It continued for four years, and then stopped, as mysteriously as it came... TOMMY You've been watching the sho... (he's nudged by Jason) the historical records... out HERE? MATHE EAR Yes, in the last hundred years our society had fallen into disarray. Our goals, our values had become scattered. But since the transmission we have modeled many aspects of our society from your example, and it has saved us. Your courage, teamwork, friendship through the adversity... They all exchange glances. MATHESAR (cont'd) In fact, all you see around you comes from the lessons garnered from the historical documents. GWEN THAT'S why you built this ship? GUY It's ... incredible. JASON Oh this? No, this isn't the ship. This is only the star port for the ship. (a twinkle In his eye) You want to see the ship? He pushes a button and a door opens leading to a DOCKING POD. 32 INT. DOCKING POD They enter. He pushes another button and the doors close, and the transport starts moving. As it clears a wall, we see out the window A MAGNIFICENT AND BREATHTAKING VIEW OF THE ENORMOUS NSEA PROTECTOR DOCKED IN FRONT OF TH~... They all gawk at the amazing sight, their eyes wide like children. ALEXANDER Oh my god, It's real. GWEN All this from watching the.. historical records? MATHESAR Yes, and from your supplementary technical documents, of course... He motions to another alien who withdraws a number of brightly colored BOOKS and BOXES from a backpack. The actors look through the various FAN BOOKS and ENTERTAINMENT SOFTWARE bearing such titles as "THE OFFICIAL GALAXY QUEST BLUEPRINTS: NSEA PROTECTOR" and "VIRTUAL GAAAXY QUEST: THE CDROM EXPERIENCE." The actors exchange glances and then... Tommy begins to giggle. Alex looks at him, at the fan stuff, then out at the ENORMOUS SHIP, and he begins to laugh too... The others join in laughing like maniacs, hysterical, disbelieving laughter, as they head toward the GIANT SHIP. 33 INT. PROTECTOR - CORRIDOR The group walks down the corridor, peeking into various rooms, more awestruck every second. As they pass each room, the CREW MEMBERS inside salute. FEMALE crew members pass occasionally, saluting and offering "Hello Commander's to Jason. This does not escape Gwen's notice. (Guy always seems to be just outside the group, a little late, always trying to see between their heads...) MATHESAR The medical quarters are to the left... The actor's WHISPER to Jason, all at once... TOMMY What the hell is going on?!!? ALEXANDER Jason, what have you gotten us into? GWEN I don't believe this, it's insane. FRED Wow, the floors are REALLY clean. JASON Calm down everybody. We're just here to negotiate General Sarris' surrender. ALEXANDER "Just!?" MATHESAR Weapons storage... JASON It's perfectly safe. I promise. MATHESAR ... Maintenance facility... GWEN Jason, this is crazy! We should get out of here... MATHESAR Situations room... Dining hall... 4/29/99 (GREEN) JASON You want to go home? Fine. Say the word, and we'll all go home and feed the fish and pay the bills and fall asleep with the t.v. on and miss out on THIS. Is that really what you want? Anybody? A beat. Clearly nobody wants to leave. A beat. MATHESAR (cont'd) The main barracks... TWO HUNDRED crewmen rise to attention. Jason salutes back. JASON At ease men. ALEXANDER (awed) Like throwing gasoline on a fire... Alex turns to Guy, who is smiling ear to ear. ALEXANDER (cont'd) What? GUY I'm just jazzed to be on the show, man.' 33A OMIT 34 GENERATOR ROOM The group enters. The centerpiece of the room is a large pulsating ORB. When the orb dims, we see its surface has a rocky texture, like a large boulder. Many TECHS scurry about tending to the surrounding measurement devices. MATHESAR The generator room... Our Beryllium Sphere, of course... I hope, Tech Sergeant Chen, that this meets with your approval. Fred runs his finger along a gleaming copper tube with authority. FRED Fine... Real clean. Three YOUNGER CREWMEN approach and whisper to Mathesar. They argue a bit, then Mathesar reticently approaches Fred. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) MATHESAR Tech Sgt. Chen, I am sorry to ask this of you so shortly after your arrival. But members of our reactor staff have a question they find most pressing. FRED Uh huh? LAHNK Sir, we have had unexplained proton surges in our delta unit. They cannot be verified on the sub frequency spectrum, but appear on the valence detector when scanning the Beryllium Sphere. We are unable to resolve this problem and were hoping you would be able to advise us. Everyone turns to Fred. Silence. FRED Uh huh... I see... Well, that's a puzzler isn't it?... The others exchange glances, wondering what he'll say. Then Fred turns to one of the Techs. FRED U.... What do you think? NERVOUS TECH That possibly... The valence bonds have shifted bi-laterally? FRED ... What does that mean? NERVOUS TECH What does that mean?!!! Yes, I see! Yes... It means that perhaps... the... bonding molecules have become covalent?!... FRED Covalent... Right. So... NERVOUS TECH So our solution is to introduce a bonding substrate! - A two molecule compound sharing a free electron - and bombard the ions with their reflective isotopes! 4/29/99 (GREEN) FRED OK! The other TECHS grin, astonished. LANK Of course! It's so obvious! TECH #2 Sergeant Chen, you're... a genius! Fred waves off the praise modestly. Mathesar shoots a look to Lahnk as if to say "we're in good hands here." MATHESAR Now I suggest that you rest before we take the ship out of dock. These crewmen will escort you to your quarters. 4/29/99 (GREEN) PAGES 34-35 OMITTED 4/29/99 (GREEN) 34A OMIT 34B INT. MEDIA ROOM Tommy's escort NERU hands over various weapons to a grinning Tommy. NERU Here is your valence shield. Your vox. Your magneto-pistol... We know you prefer a sensitive trigger. If there is anything else you require? TOMMY Uh, no, I'm good. Thanks. (Neru starts to exit) Oh wait. Here you go. Tommy stuffs a couple of bucks into Neru's hand. Neru looks at the tip, perplexed, and exits. 35 INT. HALLWAY Alex's young escort, QUELLEK, leads him down the hall. QUELLEK Dr. Lazarus... I hope that I'm not breaching protocol but.. I am so very humbled to stand in your presence... I have studied your missions extensively... Though I am Thermian, I have lived my life by your philosophy, by the code of the Mak'tar. ALEXANDER Well good, that's very... nice. QUELLEK (emotional) By Grabthar's Hammer, Dr. Lazarus, I- ALEXANDER Don't do that. I'm not kidding. QUELLEK I'm sorry, sir, I was only- ALEXANDER Just don't. QUELLEK ...Yes sir. (they come to a stop) Your quarters sir. 36 INT. ALEX'S QUARTERS Quellek opens the door and they enter. The room is a grey square completely barren. ALEXANDER This is it? QUELLEK Yes sir. Marvelous, isn't it? Completely distractionless. ALEXANDER Where's my bed? 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) Quellek pushes a button and SIX LARGE SPIKES rise from the floor. QUELLEK Just as on your home planet, sir. If I may say, it took me three years to master the spikes, but now I sleep with a peace I never thought possible... ALEXANDER Is that the bathroom? QUELLEK Yes sir... The use of your waste facilities were strangely absent from the historical records, so we had to extrapolate purely on the basis of your anatomy. 37 INT. ALEX'S BATHROOM They enter. Alex looks down at a thing that looks more like a torture device than a toilet, with elaborate 'tubes and stirrups and plugs going everywhere. QUELLEK You're quite complicated, sir. Alex stares at the thing, despairingly. 38 OMIT 39 INT. GWEN'S CABIN An exotic and beautiful room. Gwen is changing into her GALAXY QUEST uniform. There's a knock on the door. JASON (O.S.) It's Jason... GWEN One minute I'm - (he enters) Hey, I'm dressing.' JASON Oh come on, it's not like I haven't- She finishes and turns. 4/20/99 (BLUE) They just look at each other for a moment. Gwen breaks out into a smile, trying to find the words. JASON (cont'd) Yeah, I know. GWEN I just can't believe it. Any of it! Look at this room!.. They designed it based on the Tuaran Pleasure ship from "historical document" thirty seven. (looks at a mirror) Oh and wait, wait, listen to this! (looks up) Computer? COMPUTER Yes? GWEN What's the weather like outside? COMPUTER There is no weather in space. GWEN I never get tired of that joke. JASON Let me try. Computer? (no response) Computer?... GWEN Only answers to me. JASON But I'm the Commander! GWEN On the show I talk to the computer and repeat what it says. So that's what they built. JASON C'mon, we're wanted up on the command deck. But Gwen holds her ground. GWEN Wait. When are you going to tell them? 4/20/99 (BLUE) JASON Tell them? About... GWEN Who we are. Don't you think they're going to be PISSED? JASON Are you kidding? I'm not going to tell them. 4/20/99 (BLUE) GWEN Well you have to tell them. What if something happens? We're actors, not astronauts... We can't do this stuff! JASON It's not the STUFF. I mean, anybody can learn the STUFF... The important thing is COMMITMNT. 99% of anything is just committing to it. GWEN Ninty-nine percent of ACTING is commitment. ACTING. Stella Adler never manned a resonance cannon, she taught ACTING... Gwen moves toward the door. JASON Hey... Hey where are you going? GWEN We have no right to do this. They deserve to know. JASON Gwen... Gwen, c'mon, wait, no! Just then the door opens. Laliari enters. LALIARI Lt. Madison. The females of the ship have requested your imprint for archival purposes at the proposed Tawny Madison Institute for Computer Research. Gwen looks at Laliari, her eyes softening as she imprints her hand in a glowing PAD. GWEN The Tawny Madison Institute... Jason smiles. He knows he's got her. GWEN (cont'd) Well... maybe we could stay a LITTLE longer... She brushes past Jason, and they exit. 4/6/99 (PINK) 40 INT. HALUWAY Jason and Gwen turn a corner and join up with Tommy, Alexander and Guy. They keep walking toward the command deck. TOMMY What's going on? JASON I think we're going to exit the space port. GUY That should be something to see... 41 INT. COMMAND DECK They enter and gawk at the familiar hub, waiting for the show to start... not realizing they ARE the show. MATHESAR If you would all take your positions... THE ACTORS Oh, right... US! Yes, of course... US! They take their positions, marveling at the familiar control panels in front of them. Tommy turns to Guy. TOMMY Look.. This thingy... I remember I had it all worked out. This was forward, back... MATHESAR Commander, some of the crew has requested to be present at this historic event. Mathesar motions and a few CREWMEN enter, followed by a dozen more... followed by FIFTY more. They stand around the periphery of 'the room, watching eagerly. Tommy turns to Guy. TOMMY No pressure, huh? Glad I'm not the Commander. COMMANDER Okay, Lareo, take her out. Everyone in the room turns their attention to Tommy. His sarcastic smile drops. He looks mortified. TOMMY Excuse me? JASON They designed the ship from watching you. So... Take her out, Lieutenant... Tommy stares down at his control panel. It's pretty self explanatory, a throttle and a circular dial for direction. But daunting nonetheless. TOMMY Right. Okay, yeah, sure. Everyone's eyes are glued to him as he moves the throttle forward slightly. The ENGINES COME TO LIFE, a massive exhilarating sound. Tommy giggles nervously. His hand trembles as he pushes the throttle further. The ship start to move. The actors exchange worried glances. TOMMY Oh god. Oh my god.... 42 EXT. SHIP You can feel the WEIGHT of 'the giant craft as it eases forward, sliiding through the sides of the dock. 43 COMMAND DECK Everyone watches the forward monitor. Tommy turns the NAVIGATION DIAL slowly. Guy whispers to him... GUY More to the left... Stay parallel... TOMMY Hey, YOU want to drive? 44 EXT. STAR DOCK Indeed, the ship is slightly off course... It's like trying to get out of a tight parking space with concrete walls to either side. And the ship is veering ever so slightly into one of the walls. 4/29/99 (GREEN) 45 INT. COMMAND DECK Tommy turns the dial to correct... But it looks like the momentum might carry the ship into the wall anyway... Tommy PEGS the dial to the left... The others hold their breath as the bow of the ship moves closer and closer to the wall... Then... It TOUCHES. The sound of a soft but high pitched SCRAAAAAAAPE. TOMMY Oh shit. 46 EXT. STAR DOCK The ship is stopped, just grazing the wall EVER SO SLIGHTLY. 47 INT. COMMAND DECK All eyes are on Tommy. He doesn't know what to do... Should he continue forward, or back up, and scrape again for sure? The classic parking lot dilemma, magnified by ten thousand. Tommy grasps the throttle and moves it slightly forward... SCRAAAAAAPE. He keeps going, in too deep to back out now... And the ship continues to SCRAAAAAPE for a couple of horrible seconds as it completes the curve... And then it is free. The beautiful craft glides slowly out to open space... Jason and the others let out a sigh of relief. JASON Very good Lieutenant. Forward Mark two... Tommy smiles, relieved. He pushes throttle to the "2". TOMMY Mark two, Commander. 48 EXT. SHIP The ship glides out to space, only a relatively minor scrape of the paint job to show for the incident. 49 INT. DINING HALL The crew and various aliens sit around the large table, eating an extravagant meal. Mathesar makes a toast. MATHESAR To our brave guests. Few in this universe have the opportunity to meet their heroes. We are blessed to count ourselves among them. 4/29/99 (GREEN) JASON Wherever a distress signal sounds among the stars, we'll be there, this fine ship, this fine crew. Never give up, never surrender! Everyone clinks glasses. Quellek tips his glass to Alexander as Teb turns to Tommy. TEB We are sorry about the instrumentation, Lt. Laredo. There must have been a malfunction in the steerage mechanism. TOMMY (stern) Just see that it doesn't happen again. TEB Yes sir. (to Gwen) How are you enjoying your food, Lt. Madison? GWEN Oh it's fantastic. French is my favorite. TEB Yes, we programed the food synthesizer for each of you based on the regional menu of your birthplace. (turns to Alexander) Are you enjoying your Kep-mok bloodticks Dr. Lazarus? Alexander, miserable, toys with a bowl of living insects swimming in a disgustingly vomit-textured broth. ALEXANDER Just like mother used to make. He pushes the bowl away, nauseated. DISSOLVE TO: DINING HALL - LATER The actors are wilted, half asleep as Jason goes on... JASON The beast ROARED as I PLUNGED the knife again and again... I held on for dear life as it thrashed about! And that was (MORE) 4/29/99 (GREEN) JASON (cont'd) the day : learned that a Kilve Serpent bleeds red. (beat) What price man? What price man? ALEXANDER Tell me, Mathesar, this Sarris bloke we're flying to meet... What is it he wants exactly? MATHESAR For years, Sarris has plundered the resources of our planet. Our people, our technologies. We built this ship in order to find a new planet to settle. One far away from Sarris. We are not a people accustomed to confrontation. We are scientists. This ship was our salvation. A tick jumps off of Alexander's spoon back into the soup. MATHESAR But Sarris found out about our plans just as we had completed construction of the (MORE) 4/26/99 (PINK) MATHESAR (cont'd) Protector II. He heard about the device... The Omega 13. GUY The Omega 13... Why does that sound so familiar?... GWEN The lost footage. At the convention. The mysterious device in our last episo--historical document. TOMMY What is it? What does it do? MATHESAR We don't know. GWEN But... You built one, right? TEB We built... something... from the blueprints and what references we could find on your internet... Our computer neural nets made educated guesses in areas we were uncertain. So there is actually much about the device we don't even understand. We were hoping you could enlighten us. JASON Well, it's... This was a device we... (looks around for help) discovered on an alien planet. We don't know what it does either. TOMMY Why don't you just turn it on and see? TEB It has at its heart a reactor capable of generating unthinkable energy. If we were mistaken in our construction by even the slightest calculation, the device would act as a molecular explosive, causing a chain reaction that would obliterate all matter in the universe. ALEXANDER Let me at the switch. 4/26/99 (PINK) JASON Mathesar?. .. Has Sarris seen the.. historical records? MATHESAR NO, Thank God he has not. JASON Then how did he find out about the device? MATHESAR Our former Commander was not... Strong. JASON Former Commander? MATHESAR I'm sorry. You deserve to be shown. He nods to a Crewman who pushes a button. A wall panel moves aside to reveal a large VIEWSCREEN. An image appears with a lot of static, and the sound cuts in and out... MATHESAR The tape was partially demagnetized as it was smuggled off of Sarris' ship. But through the static we can make out an image: The former Commander, in ALIEN form, Is strapped to a metal board. Each of his wrists and ankles is secured with mechanical devices and twisted in different directions. MATHESAR Originally, one of our own tried to lead... ONSCREEN Sarris stands over the alien with a control panel. SARRIS (ON MONITOR) Is that all? You have no more to confess to me? No? After three days of this you still require incentive? Sarris moves switches on the panel. The device pulls at the alien's limbs, twisting them horribly. Bones crackle. ALIEN COMMANDER (ON MONITOR) I say again... I have told you all I know. To my shame, I have told you everything. If you have any mercy within you, please, let me die. 4/28/99 (YELLOW) SARRIS Oh I shall, I shall... When I grow weary of the noises you make, my little plaything, be assured, you shall die... Sarris toys with his control panel. Mercifully the screen fuzzes up with static and we can only HEAR the bone chilling SCREAMS... We PAN around the table, past GWEN, ALEXANDER, TOMMY, GUY...Their mouths open in horror as they watch the screen. Camera stops on JASON. He stares, the blood draining from his face. 50 INT. HALLWAY The actors walk down the hallway behind Jason, panicked. GWEN We're leaving, Jason. We're leaving NOW. JASON Let me think. I need time to think. ALEXANDER He wants to THINK!? TOMMY No, Jason, that's a wrap! There's nothing to think about! GUY Listen, I'm not even supposed to BE here. I'm just Crewman #6. I'm expendable. I'm the guy in the episode who dies to prove that the situation is serious! I'm leaving NOW. Mathesar comes running up, looking distressed. MATHESAR Commander... JASON Mathesar, I need you to prepare pods for my crew. GWEN Your crew? What about you? Jason looks torn. He starts to say something, but- 4/28/99 (YELLOW) MATHESAR Begging your Commander's pardon, sir, but we cannot launch pods at the moment. Sarris will surely detonate any objects leaving the ship. (beat) Yes sir, he's (MORE) 4/26/99 (PINK) MATHESAR (cont'd) here now. Your presence is required on the command deck. Everyone reacts, alarmed, and we 51 INT. COMMAND DECK The actors enter the empty deck followed by Mathesar. GWEN There's nobody here. Jason... JASON Mathesar, maybe we should get some of your crew up here. MATHESAR I thank you for your consideration to our pride, but while my people are talented scientists our attempts to operate our own technologies under tactical simulation have been disastrous. He leans over to Gwen's computer station as she sits, and pushes a button. MATHESAR I have raised Sarris on zeta frequency. GWEN Uh... Great. Thanks. JASON Still, Mathesar, your crew may nonetheless be helpful in certain- But he is interrupted by the sight of SARRIS appearing on the large VIEWSCREEN. Sarris now wears a metal eyepatch, and has a long scar across his cheek. SARRIS We meet again Commander. The crew stares at Sarris. A frightening visage. JASON Yes... Hi Sarris... How are you doing? SARRIS Better than my Lieutenant. He failed to activate ship's neutron armor as quickly as I'd hoped on our last encounter. He brings into view a stake with the impaled head of his former Lieutenant. JASON Right. Well... Listen, I'm (laughs) I'm sorry about that whole... thing.. before. It was kind of a misunderstanding. I'm sure we can work this out like reasonable people... How's the uh... (motions to his eyepatch) ... that going to heal up? God, I hope so, I feel just awful about that. SARRIS Deliver the device now or I will destroy your ship. JASON Listen, I'd like to, but frankly.. I'm not even sure where it is, or even... SARRIS You have ten seconds. JASON All right. You got it. You win. I'll deliver it now. Just give me a moment to set it up. Jason motions to Gwen to cut the transmission. Gwen nods. JASON All right, now nobody panic, I've dealt with this guy before and believe me, he's as stupid as he is ugly. GWEN Jason.. JASON We're going to fire everything we've got at him, all right? GWEN JASON... JASON You just keep pushing those buttons, those there, send everything at him, okay? Guy looks at the buttons labeled with icons of armaments. GUY ...Okay JASON All right. Put me back on with him. GWEN I'm trying to tell you. You ARE on with him. SARRIS Perhaps I am not as stupid as I am ugly, Commander. Jason turns to Gwen horrified. JASON I made the CUT THE LINE gesture. You nodded okay.' GWEN I thought It was the "We're dead" gesture! I was agreeing! Like I know where the hold button is??? JASON (nervous jovial) Listen, Sarris, you can't blame me for trying... SARRIS Of course not... GUY Guys... Red thingy moving toward the green thingy. Red thingy moving toward the green thingy! JASON What? Guy motions to the radar screen. The red blip is about to impact. GUY I think we're the green thingy. SARRIS A present for you, Commander. COMMANDER Shit. Turn. Gun it' Get out of- The shit is POUNDED BY A TORPEDO BLAST. Now, unlike the "run back and forth" shake-the-camera explosions of the TV show, the result here is jarringly BRUTAL, like side-slamming a Hummer at 70mph. The entire crew goes FLYING from their positions and into the walls. The lights FLICKER. They exchange glances, for the first time, bona fide FEAR In their eyes. This is REAL. Then ANOTHER blast sends them crumpled against walls and objects like rag dolls. The pain is palpable as they try to get back to their stations. JASON We've gotta get out of here! Tommy looks at the sparkling map of lights on his dash. TOMMY Where? JASON Just GO! GO! DAMMIT PUNCH GO! Tommy punches the red button. They all hold on for dear life as the ship roars forward, across the path of Sarris' ship. GWEN They're turning. They're COMING. An explosion rocks the ship. Then another, and ANOTHER... COMPUTER The ship is sustaining structural damage. GWEN Guys, we're sustaining structural damage!... JASON Faster Tommy. Get us out of here! TOMMY It's as far as it goes! GUY They're still behind us... JASON We should have a turbo. I'm always saying "activate turbo boosters", right?... TOMMY Could be this. JASON Push It. Hold it down. He pushes the turbo. The ship begins to VIBRATE. COMPUTER The enemy is matching velocity. GWEN The enemy is matching velocity. ALEXANDER We heard it the first time! GWEN Shit! I'm doing it! I'm repeating the damn computer! Suddenly an image of Fred down in the generator room appears on the side viewscreen. He's taking it all in stride. FRED Hi guys. Listen, they're telling me that the generators won't take it, the ship's breaking apart and all that. Just FYI. The viewscreen goes black. The ship ROARS forward. ALEXANDER We've got to stop! JASON We stop we die. Keep holding the thruster down Tommy! ALEXANDER You don't hold a thruster down! It's for quick boosts JASON Like YOU know? The ship GROANS and CREAKS. Then a loud KLAXON sounds. GWEN I remember that sound! That's a bad sound! Jason looks forward. In the distance is an amorphous MASS... JASON Maybe we can lose them in that cloud. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) GWEN I don't think that's a cloud... As they approach, the "cloud" reveals itself to actually be thousands upon thousands of SLOWLY ROTATING OCTAHEDRONS. JASON Mathesar? What is that? MATHESAR It's the Tothian mine field left standing from the Great War of 12185. Their jaws drop as they see the vast array of MINES. ALEXANDER May I get the check? GWEN The ships are gaining... JASON Do your best, Tommy... TOMMY Oh god... THE FIRST MINE HITS, ROCKING THE SHIP... BOOM! Tommy SWERVES to avoid it, running into another mine. Then another. Tommy couldn't do worse if he were aiming for them. ALEXANDER Could you possibly try (BOOM!) not to hit (BOOM!) every (BOOM!) single (BOOM!) one! TOMMY They're drifting toward me... I think they're magnetic!... 52 EXT. PROTECTOR The ship HURTLES FORWARD through the mine field, taking considerable damage as the mines impact. PIECES of the ship fall off behind it... 52A INT. SARRIS' SHIP Calm, Sarris watches the PROTECTOR fly into the almost certain death of the mine field. His LIEUTENANT flies ahead eagerly. LATHE Continue forward, sir? SARRIS Patience, Lt. . Patience. 53 INT. COMMAND DECK JASON We're almost through... Come on... Hold... The ship is now VIBRATING HORRIBLY. It GROANS and CREAKS hen.. RIVETS start to POP sending DEADLY PROJECTILES flying. ALEXANDER WE'VE HAVE TO STOP! GWEN FRONT ARMOR IS GONE! JUST SLOW IT DOWN A LITTLE! JASON NO! WE'RE ALMOST THROUGH! ALEXANDER DON'T BE INSANE, STOP! FULL STOP! JASON KEEP GOING! KEEP GOING! TOMMY WHAT DO IT DO? WHAT DO IT DO? And then suddenly a LOUD GRINDING noise. Then SILENCE. The vibrating stops. Gwen looks up from her radar screen. ALEXANDER What's happened? TOMMY The engines are dead. We're drifting. JASON Are they behind us? GWEN No, I don't think so... Wait. They're not but... Something is. (beat) Oh my god. They look out the rear view screen to see... TWO DOZEN MAGNETIC MINES BEARING DOWN ON THEM IN A CLUSTER. JASON DOWN! They barely have time to brace themselves as the ship is ROCKED by WAVES of explosions. They hit the floor and try to ride it out. It's brutal... 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) EXT. SHIP The last of the mines explodes and the ship is sent tumbling lifelessly end over end through space. The exterior lights are dark. The once shiny hull now blackened and ragged. 55 INT. COMMAND DECK The deck looks dead and empty. Smoke is in the air. The lights are dim. The sirens have stopped. It's completely silent. The crew slowly emerges from behind panels and equipment, bruised and bloodied. Jason moves to Gwen. JASON Are you all right? (she nods, rising) Tommy. Where's Tommy? They hear a GROAN. Tommy is crumpled against the wall, his arm twisted impossibly. He's in agony. TOMMY It's broke... Oh God... Oh God... MATHESAR I'll take him to medical quarters. They exit, limping. Alexander rises, moves past Jason. Blood trickles down his forehead. In a mocking tone... ALEXANDER "Go into the cloud! ... GWEN Alex? Where are you going? ALEXANDER To see if there's a pub. He exits. The others turn to Jason, their faces sooty, their clothing torn and bloody. 56 INT. SHIP STRATEGY ROOM The crew sits around the room, licking their wounds. Alexander nurses a blue beverage. Tommy examines a high tech metallic cast on his arm. COMPUTER ...Forward thruster shaft, 87% damage... Left vector guards, 96% damage... Level 5 structural breaches in quadrants 32, 34, 40, 43, 58... 4/20/99 (BLUE) JASON And the engines? GWEN Computer, what about our engines? Why don't we have power? COMPUTER The Beryllium Sphere has fractured under stress. GWEN It's fractured... JASON Can it be repaired? GWEN Computer, can it be repaired? COMPUTER Negative. The Beryllium sphere will have to be replaced. GWEN We need another one. GUY Shit, the Beryllium sphere. That's bad... ALEXANDER (to Jason) You broke the ship. You broke the bloody SHIP! I told you you don't hold down a turbo. You push it once, maybe twice for a boost but you don't HOLD it. JASON Do we have a replacement Beryllium sphere onboard? GWEN Computer, do we have a replacement Beryllium sphere onboard? COMPUTER Negative, no reserve Beryllium sphere exists onboard. GWEN No, we don't have an extra Beryllium sphere. 4/26/99 (PINK) TOMMY You know, that's really getting annoying. GWEN (deadly) I have ONE job on this lousy ship. It's stupid, but I'm going to DO it. GOT IT? TOMMY (intimidated) Sure, no problem. Suddenly the door opens and seven Aliens enter, led by Mathesar. They look VERY SERIOUS. Guy exchanges an "uh oh" glance with Tommy... But the aliens fall to one knee, lowering their heads. MATHESAR A thousand apologies. We have failed you. JASON You what?.. What are you talking about? MATHESAR (wracked with sadness) We have seen you victorious in many more desperate situations. The fault must lie with us, with the ship... Gwen shoots Jason a glance... TELL THEM. JASON No... Listen, Mathesar. it's not your fault. We're... We're... ..... He can't bring himself to finish. GWEN We're not the people you think we are. MATHESAR I don't understand. ALEXANDER Mathesar, don't you have television on your planet? Theater? Films? MATHESAR The historical documents of your culture... Yes, in fact we have begun to (MORE) 4/28/99 (YELLOW) MATHESAR (cont'd) document our own history, from your example... GWEN No not historical documents... They're not all historical documents... I mean... surely you don't think Gilligan's Island is a... Mathesar and the others exchange sad glances... MATHESAR Those poor people... TOMMY Hoo boy... Mathesar and the others exchange quizzical looks. GWEN Does no one on your planet behave in a way that is contrary to reality? MATHESAR Ah. You speak of... Unable to bring the words to mind, he confers with his fellows. MATHESAR "Deception..." "Lies." JASON Well... Sort of... MATHESAR We have become aware of these concepts only recently. In our dealings with Sarris. Often Sarris will say one thing, and do another. Promise us mercy and deliver destruction... It is a concept we are beginning to learn at some great cost. (a worried beat) But if you are saying that any of you could have traits in common with Sarris. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) He starts to laugh, and the other aliens join in. MATHESAR You are our protectors... Our heroes. You will save us. Suddenly a VIEWSCREEN lights and we see Fred on the monitor from down in the generator room. FRED (ON SCREEN) Hey Commander. Listen, we found some Beryllium on a nearby planet. We might be able to get there if we re-configure the solar matrix in parallel for endothermic propulsion. What do you think? JASON I...Well, uh... Yes, absolutely. Fred turns to two young TECHS next to him, then licks and sticks two sticky GOLD STARS onto their wrists. They beam. FRED Correct! Gold star for you and a gold star for you... 57 EXT. SHIP The ship lumbers slowly forward. In the distance we see the swirling globe of a colorful and mysterious PLANET. 58 INT. SURFACE POD BAY - LATER Jason, Gwen, Tommy, Fred and Guy enter the small surface pod. Quellek, Alexander's protege, steps forward, hands Alex a device. QUELLEK Dr. Lazarus, here is your surface mapper. I have programed it to the coordinates of a Beryllium Sphere of sufficient density. ALEXANDER Thanks. QUELLEK (emotional) Good luck on your mission, Sir. By Grabthar's Hammer, by the Suns of Warvan I wish you- ALEXANDER (holds up a warning finger) Uh uh! What did we talk about? QUELLEK Right... Sorry, sir. 59 INT. SURFACE POD Tommy pilots the craft as the pod approaches the beautiful and mysterious planet. Guy looks out the window nervously. GUY I changed my mind. I want to go back. ALEXANDER After the big fuss you made about not getting left behind on the ship? GUY Yeah, but that's when I thought maybe was the crewman that stays on the shin and something is up there and it kills me, but now I'm thinking I'm the guy who gets killed by some monster five minutes after we land on the planet... JASON Guy, you're not going to get killed on the planet, okay? GUY Oh, I'm not? I'm not? Then what's my last name? JASON Your last name. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD GUY Yeah, what is it? JASON It's... I don't know. GUY No. Nobody does. Do you know WHY? Because my character Isn't IMPORTANT enough for a last name. Because I'm going to DIE five minutes in, why bother to come up with a last name for me? GWEN Guy, you HAVE a last name. We just don't KNOW it. GUY Do I? DO I? For all you know I'm just "CREWMAN #6"! (hysterical) Okay, it's FLEEGMAN! Guy FLEEGMAN! There! Now I'm a whole person! I can't die! FLEEGMAN! THEY CAN'T KILL ME NOW, CAN THEY? CAN THEY? Jason slaps him. GUY See? I'm the hysterical guy who needs to be slapped, and then I die! ALEXANDER (sighs) Are we there yet? 60 EXT. SURFACE POD The pod makes its way toward the surface. 61 INT. POD The ship shakes as it lands. Everyone exchanges anxious glances. As they set down everyone applauds, complimenting Tommy on the landing. Tommy looks away, shamed. TOMMY Autopilot. Everyone looks away, disappointed. Suddenly the HATCH opens with a loud PHHHHT of air decompression. Fred has opened it. GUY What are you doing! You don't just open the door! It's an alien planet! Is there air!? You don't know, do you! 3/4/99 (GOLDENROD) Fred sniffs the air. FRED Seems okay. Guy sighs. 62 EXT. PLANET SURFACE - DAY The six exit the craft tentatively. Guy looks around, apprehensive. JASON Which way, Alex? Alexander looks down at his mapper. ALEXANDER This way... Wait, no, that way... They turn in the opposite direction. TOMMY You were holding it upside down weren't you? ALEXANDER Shut up. TOMMY You know, with the makeup and everything1 I actually thought he was smart for a second. ALEXANDER You think you could do better "Laredo?" TOMMY Hey, watch that "Laredo" shit. GUY We're screwed... We're so screwed... JASON All right, let's all settle down. If we're going to get through this we're going to have to exercise self control. GWEN Self control? That's funny coming from the guy that slept with every Moon Princess and Terrakian slave girl on the show!... 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) JASON Did it ever occur to you that if you had been a little more supportive you could have held on to me? GWEN I could have held on to YOU! ... ALEXANDER We re really going to do this HERE? 63 OMIT 64 ROCKY INCLINE - "SPOOKYVILLE" It's darker here, more menacing. Jagged cliff overhangs form spooky shapes. Guy looks around nervously. JASON How much further? Alexander measures the distance on the device between his fingers and holds them up. ALEXANDER About this much. JASON What's the scale? Is that ten miles? A hundred miles? ALEXANDER THIS much. Guy glances back to see the rocky trench they just passed through. The ROCK SHAPES jutting from the walls look vaguely like arms and hands... Suddenly Guy YELLS as he drops out of frame. The others turn to see him on the ground, struggling, his foot lodged in a crevice in the landscape. GUY It's got me it's got me! See? FIVE MINUTES! I told you! Jason runs back and starts to help extricate Guy. He pulls his foot free and looks around. GUY Something grabbed me! IT DID. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) The others shake their heads and continue forward. Guy rises, trying to put his shoe back on as he runs to catch up. JASON Easy son. It's just your imagination. Hang tough. He clasps Guy's shoulder in a commanderly way. GWEN You're playing your good side. JASON Don't be ridiculous. ALEXANDER And note the sucked in gut. TOMMY ...Sleeves rolled halfway up the biceps... FRED It's the rugged pose. The all nod in agreement. Jason is about to object, when suddenly everyone is stopped in their tracks by SPOOKY ALIEN WHISPERING and the sound of CRITTERS climbing around the surrounding cliffs. GUY That's it, that's what's going to kill me. JASON Let's just pick up the pace a little, shall we? 65 CREST OF HILL They climb to the crest, out of breath. Guy arrives last. They clear the ridge and Look down onto 66 VALLEY BELOW - MINING OUTPOST Below there is a small ABANDONED MINING FACILITY. Wind WHISTLES through various structures and power stations. In the center of the outpost sits a large shimmering boulder. JASON There it is. The Beryllium sphere. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) ALEXANDER Must be some sort of mining facility. GWEN Where are the miners? GUY Something BAD happened here. TOMMY Will you relax? Suddenly they become aware of a SMALL BLUE CREATURE emerging from one of the structures. It's blue and looks somewhat like a human child. It moves to a small pool of water and begins drinking. Its movements are very quiet and tentative. Then a few more BLUE CHILDREN emerge and join the first. GWEN (smiling, amazed) Look at that... Will you LOOK at that... They look like little children... ALEXANDER Could they be the miners? FRED Sure. They're like, three years old. ALEXANDER MINERS, not MINORS. He pronounces the two words exactly the same. Fred looks at Alex like he's crazy. FRED You Okay, Alex? GUY I don't like this... I don't like this at all... GWEN Oh, they're so cute. GUY Of course they're cute NOW. But in a second they're going to turn MEAN and UGLY somehow and then there are going to be a million MORE of them!... 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) Then another blue creature emerges. This one limps, its leg is hurt. It moves forward, DRAGGING its bad foot along the ground, making NOISE. EVERYONE Awwww..... It's hurt... Gwen rises up a little, tentatively waving at Limpy... GWEN Hi!... Hi there little guy... Guy PUSHES her down behind the rock before the creatures notice. GUY Jesus, didn't ANY of you watch the show!? The BLUE CHILDREN turn toward Limpy, and begin whispering in an alien tongue... ALIEN CHILDREN Gorignak... Gorignak.... Nak nak! GWEN Aw, look. They're helping the hurt one... Indeed the others move to the hurt creature, cocking their heads to the side empathetically... Then suddenly we see the aliens SMILE with SHARP RAZOR TEETH, their mouths SPREADING OUT IMPOSSIBLY ON THEIR FACES. They DESCEND on LIMPY, ripping him apart. We only see a GEYSER OF BLOOD from the center of the blue circle.... Our group is silent, horrified. GUY I am SO SICK of being right. GWEN (stunned horror) Let's get out of here before one of those things kills guy. JASON We gotta get that sphere, or we aren't going anywhere. Reluctantly, they all nod in agreement. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) JASON All right... here's the plan: First, Fred, we need a diversion to clear those things out of the compound, then Gwen, Alex, Fred and I go down to get the sphere. Any of those things come back, give a signal. Guy, you set up a perimeter. GWEN Why does this sound so familiar? TOMMY "Assault on Voltareck III." Episode... 31 I think. GUY We're doing episode 31? TOMMY Whatever, the one with the hologram. The wall of fire. GWEN How the hell is Fred supposed to project a hologram? GUY We're doing episode 31, Jason? JASON It doesn't have to be a hologram... Just a diversion. GUY Jason, are we doing Episode 31 or not? JASON It's a rough plan, Guy! What does it matter if we're doing episode 31 or not?! GUY BECAUSE I DIED IN EPISODE 31! ALEXANDER (interrupting) This is ludicrous. Why are you listening to this man? Must I remind you that he is wearing a costume, not a uniform?... He's no more equipped to lead us than THIS fellow. (motions to Guy) No offense. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) TOMMY You have a better plan, Alex? ALEXANDER As a matter of fact, I do. Look at their eyes. They're obviously nocturnal. Come sundown they will go into the forest to hunt. So our plan is simply to wait for nightfall instead of mounting an insane assault in full daylight simply because we did it that way in episode 31.' The others look convinced. Jason looks down, defeated. Everyone starts to settle in to wait for SUNDOWN. 67 EXT. RIDGE OVERLOOKING MINING OUTPOST - DUSK 67 Two hours later, the SUN is setting. Everyone rises to begin their assault, as the last glow sinks Into the horizon. They start forward when... THE SECOND SUN (the BIG one) rises up behind them, lighting the planet brightly. The actors turn to Alexander who looks away, sheepishly. Jason smiles, vindicated, and stands, back in charge. JASON As I was saying... Fred, we need some sort of diversion. Some sort of Hologram or optical illusion or... He looks at Fred, who looks up at him, completely lost. FRED A hologram... JASON (gently) Never mind, Fred.... FRED No, no... I'll think on it... GWEN Jason, look. They all look down to see that the blue demons have already deserted the complex. TOMMY They're gone. GUY Where'd they go? Back inside? 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) GWEN I don't know. ALEXANDER Nobody was WATCHING? JASON All right, Gwen, Alex, Fred, follow me. Guy, set up the perimeter. Tommy, you keep a lookout, make a signal if they come back. TOMMY What kind of signal? JASON Anything. TOMMY Okay, I'll do this... (barely audible) "Caw Caw!" JASON Tommy, we have these... He motions to his vox. TOMMY Oh, right, sorry. JASON Okay, let's go. Jason, Gwen, Alex and Fred start down the hillside leaving Tommy and Guy alone. They stand there for a second, looking at each other. TOMMY You have no idea what a perimeter is, do you? GUY Not a clue. You? TOMMY I think he just likes pointing at things. 68 OMIT 68 69 DOWN THE RIDGE 69 Jason is in full action mode... He uses dramatic commando tactics he's acted on the show, such as ducking behind a 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) rock, peeking out, rolling on the ground to the next rock. Gwen, Alex and Fred just stroll down casually behind him. GWEN How does the rolling help, actually? JASON It helps. A beat. GWEN Where's your gun? He pats his hip, the gun is gone. It has obviously fallen over the cliff in his roll. ALEXANDER "It helps." 70 CLEARING ON THE RIDGE 70 Tommy keeps a lookout through the binoculars: Below, Jason and the others sneak into the compound and head toward the sphere. The abandoned compound is spooky. A battered metal door sways in the wind with a CREAK GWEN Those blue things ate everybody here? ALEXANDER It doesn't make sense... Surely they could have fortified the compound against those creatures... Fred passes a metal console with a number of broken viewscreens... One, however is partially intact. Fred pushes a button and the viewscreen lights up with a blurry VIDEO PLAYBACK of MAYHEM: Through a DUSTSTORM we see a number of ALIEN MINERS run panicked through the compound. We hear thunderous CRASHES, like FOOTSTEPS A TERRIFIED MINER - face wrapped in cloth except for the eyes - stares into the camera, mumbling, out of his mind with fear. MINER Gorignak!... Gorignak!... The image goes blank... The actors look at each other. JASON Anybody want to wait around to find out what a "Gorignak" is? (MORE) 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) JASON (cont'd) (they shake their heads "no") Let's do this. GWEN Clenched jaw... JASON Will you stop RIDING ME?! 7l ON THE RIDGE 71 Tommy looks down onto the compound with binoculars to see Jason and the others below moving toward the beryllium sphere. He PANS to the compound. Good, no blue children. GUY I know what it is... I know what it is... It's not what's ON the planet. It IS the planet... As Guy continues to babble his theory, TOMMY pans back and forth between JASON and the others at the SPHERE, and the deserted COMPLEX... Jason and the others start to ROLL the sphere. It moves forward with a ....... We PAN OVER to see a blue HAND emerge from one of the structures... Tommy looks concerned. GUY (O.S.) There's a life force here. The blue things... Did you see how they moved? Careful. Quiet. Like they didn't want something DISTURBED.... TOMMY'S POV from THE SPHERE RUMBLING forward to THE DEMON CHILDREN EMERGING FROM THE MINING STRUCTURES. TOMMY Oh. Shit. 72 DOWN AT THE MINING COMPOUND 72 Jason and the others strain to push the boulder toward the incline. JASON C'mon, push! Never give up, never surrender! EVERYONE Oh shut up!.. Suddenly they all FREEZE as they notice the returning DEMONS. The monsters gather around them, forming a vicious circle of slavering teeth. Silence for a beat, then: 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) QA. TOMMY ON VOX (0.5.) Caw! Caw! ALEXANDER Spare me. Suddenly a series of MAGNITO-PISTOL BLASTS ring out, melting random pieces of equipment, walls and putting holes in the walkways... The aliens SCATTER for cover. Gwen and the others turn to see TOMMY coming with the gun in his hand, followed by Guy. TOMMY Sorry Guys... It just went off. JASON Good work, Tommy. Let's go! They PUSH the over the lip of the incline. It starts to roll on its own... 73 INCLINE 73 Jason and the others run with all their might to keep up with the sphere. Jason looks over his shoulder then turns forward. JASON Don't look back. DO NOT look back. Gwen can't resist. She looks back to see... HUNDREDS OF BLUE * DEMONS coming over the hillside like a TIDAL WAVE. 74 NEAR THE SURFACE POD 74 The actors roll the sphere to the pod and up the pod ramp. But the boulder now blocks the pod door. Gwen helps Guy inside, then squeezes through herself, followed by Tommy. Alexander and Jason both motion each other forward. ALEXANDER Go ahead! JASON You go first! There's no time! ALEXANDER Oh, of course, I forgot! YOU have to be the hero, don't you?... Heaven forbid anyone else get the spotlight once! Oh no, Jason Nesmith couldn't possibly- Jason cold cocks him, knocking him unconscious and lifts him through, then starts to squeeze through himself. 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) 75 INT. SURFACE POD 75 JASON Tommy, I'm in, push go now! Tommy pushes the button when suddenly Jason is GRABBED BY THE ANKLE by FIVE PAIRS OF DEMON HANDS and dragged back outside just as the door closes behind him. GWEN Oh my god! Tommy! Stop the pod! Stop the pod! TOMMY I can't... It's on autopilot!... As they pod ascends they all move to the window to watch horrified as Jason disappears into the middle of the huge blue mob that surrounds him. Alexander regains consciousness, looks around. ALEXANDER He knocked me out the sonofabitch. Where is he? GWEN (horrified) Down there. Alexander joins the others, looks down at the blue mob below. ALEXANDER Oh right, of course... It's always about YOU, isn't it?! 76 EXT. PLANET SURFACE 76 Back at the surface Jason is surrounded by the menacing DEMONS, who stare down at him with their chilling SMILES. Their strange whispered language is translated into SUBTITLES. DEMON #1 What do you suppose it is? DEMON #2 (momentarily introspective) I don't know. Strange, it looks like a child. DEMON #1 What should I do? 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) DEMON #2 Hit it with a rock. Then we'll eat it. Demon #1 lifts a rock and Jason doesn't have time to object before the demon CLUBS him. They lean in, their mouths opening for the kill when a SHADOW washes over them. A Blue Demon looks up over his shoulder, TERRIFIED. He whispers a meek... DEMON Gorignak... 77 INT. SURFACE POD BAY 77 The pod door opens and Gwen, Alexander and the others exit, out of breath. They're greeted three of the Generator Room Techs, as well as Teb. GWEN We got the Sphere but the Commander's down there with a bunch of cannibals! Teb, reset the pod, we're going back. TOMMY That thing's not going to get us down there fast enough. Face it, he's dead. GWEN Wait, Fred, what about your thing, you know... "Digitize me, Sergeant Chen!" FRED ...The digital conveyor. GUY Of course... We'll just zap him up with the digital conveyor! TOMMY Do we have one of those, Teb? Teb nods. They exit running. Fred looks a little unsure... 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) 78 INT. CORRIDOR 78 Gwen, Alexander, Fred, Tommy, Guy and the technician Teb run down the hallway. Huffing, Alexander turns to Gwen. ALEXANDER You said "the Commander. GWEN What? ALEXANDER Back there. You said "the Commander is down there with a bunch of cannibals." GWEN No I didn't. ALEXANDER Yes you did. TOMMY I heard it too. GWEN Is this really the most important thing we could be talking about right now? EXT. PLANET SURFACE - ROCKY TRENCH Jason lies unconscious on the ground. We hear a SNORT and see his shoulder moved by a large alien SNOUT. Jason opens his eyes to see a GRUNTING BEAST, like an oversized pig but 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) somewhat reptilian. From above along the rock walls Jason can hear the sound of the blue demons WHISPERING... DEMONS Gorignak... Gorignak. Jason rises quickly, reaches for his gun, but it's gone. Looking for a weapon, he quickly removes his shirt and SNAPS it at the beast, trying to drive it away. The beast CHOMPS at him, holding its territory. Suddenly Gwen's voice sounds. GWEN (ON VOX) Jason.. Can you hear me? JASON Yes. Yes, I'm here! 80 INT. SHIP - DIGITAL CONVEYER ROOM 80 Gwen, Alexander and the others watch Jason on a viewscreen. GWEN Thank God. Are you okay? JASON Yeah. But I've got Gorignak staring me in the face. I think I can take it though... GWEN Jason, we're going to use the digital conveyer to get you out of there. Jason swipes at the pig lizard. It HISSES at him petulantly. JASON The digital conveyer? You mean I'm going to get diced into cubes and sorted up there in a thousand pieces? FRED Right. JASON I'll take my chances with Gorignak. The pig Lizard NIPS at Jason. Jason throws a rock at it. GWEN Jason, we've got to get you out of there. It's perfectly safe, isn't it, Teb? TEB It has never been successfully tested. JASON What? What did he say? GWEN Nothing. Hold please. She switches off the vox, they turn to Teb. TEB Theoretically the mechanism is fully operational. However, it was built to accommodate your anatomy, not ours. Our actual hands are six fingered and jointed ninety degrees to yours. But now that Sergeant Chen is here he can operate it... It was designed watching his motions from the historical records. Everyone turns to Fred. For the first time, he looks a little apprehensive. He laughs nervously. FRED Well I mean I can't... I can supervise of course, but... ALEXANDER (TO VOX) Jason, we're going to test it. JASON Okay... On what? TOMMY How about the pig-lizard? JASON Hey I was doing okay with the pig lizard. Alexander and the others move aside to let Fred at the control panel. The controls are complicated, and fit Fred's hand like metal gloves. Teb GASPS as he grasps the controls. TEB I'm sorry. It is very exciting to see the master at the controls. The operation of the conveyer is more art than science. Fred moves his hands and the creature is TARGETED in crosshairs of the instrument panel. He slowly twists his wrist as he manipulates a ever cautiously and.... 81 ON THE PLANET'S SURFACE 81 The pig lizard digitizes and disappears. 82 CONVEYOR ROOM 82 Everyone LOOKS very impressed. Fred starts to smile, "no sweat" as the creature rematerializes on the platform. But something is very wrong. We hear the thing's HORRIBLE SQUELS over the disgusted reactions of the crew. JASON What? What? ALEXANDER (singsong) Nothing. JASON I heard something. A squeal. GWEN Oh no. Everything's fine. TEB But... the animal is inside out. JASON I heard that! It's INSIDE OUT! Then the monstrous remains of the creature EXPLODES. TEB And It exploded! JASON What? Did I just hear that It came back INSIDE CUT, and 'then It EXPLODED? Hello? GWEN Hold please. 83 PLANET SURFACE 83 Jason looks up to the rock ledge. The unseen DEMONS continue to chant "GORIGNAK... GORIGNAK... JASON Wait, the pig lizard is gone. Why are they still chanting for the pig lizard? GWEN Turn on the translation circuit. Teb flicks a switch and we hear the Demons in English. DEMONS ROCK... ROCK... ROCK... Suddenly Gwen and the others notice that the entire ROCK FACE behind Jason moves slightly, like a granite MUSCULATURE... Jason, facing forward, doesn't see it. GWEN Jason?... I don't think the pig lizard was Gorignak... JASON What the hell are you talking about? Behind Jason, the boulders in the wall begin moving forward, EMERGING from the rock face, and a GIANT emerges... A MONSTER made of granite... Jason turns slowly, with a feeling of dread, as he hears the rumbling SOUND of the monster's body freeing itself from the rock face around It JASON Oh darn. He takes a step back, holding his puny wooden spear. The ROCK MONSTER steps forward, 20 feet tall. Its face mostly featureless yet ominous and determined and upset, and it heads straight for JASON. JASON Guys, digitize me... Jason backs away slowly, around the corner, but the monster follows CRUNCH CRUNCH forward... JASON Guys...?!! 84 INT. SHIP - DIGITAL CONVEYER ROOM 84 Fred looks genuinely distressed. GWEN C' non Fred... They based it on YOUR hand movements. Fred backs away, terror on his face... He starts talking to himself nervously... FRED All my professional life they'd say "can you ride a horse" Fred? And I'd say "Of course, since I was a boy!" "Can you fence Fred?" "Funny you should ask, I've won six international competitions." I learned never to say I can't do this. You don't get the part if you say I can't do this. But this is life or death! May God forgive me Jason but I can't do this. 85 ON THE PLANET Jason is in a FULL OUT RUN being chased by the ROCK MONSTER which STOMPS forward, DEMOLISHING everything in its path. ALEXANDER Fred's no good, Jason. You're going to have to kill it JASON KILL IT? Well I'm open to ideas!... TOMMY Go for the eyes. Like in episode 22 with- JASON It doesn't have eyes. TOMMY The throat, the mouth... Its vulnerable spots. JASON It's a ROCK. It doesn't HAVE vulnerable spots! GUY I know... You contruct a weapon. Look around, can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?... JASON A LATHE??? Get off the line, Guy.' The monster's shadow falls over Jason.. JASON ALEXANDER??? PLEASE? You're my advisor, advise me! ALEXANDER ... . Well you have to figure out what it wants... What's its motivation? JASON It's a DAMN ROCK MONSTER!!! It doesn't HAVE motivation! ALEXANDER That's your problem. You were never serious about the caraft... (closing his eyes) "I'm a rock... I just want to be a rock... Still. Peaceful.. Tranquil.." ..."Oh, but what's this? Something's making noise... No, not noise, no... MOVEMENT. VIBRATIONS. Make the vibrations stop, they go straight into me like a knife!... I must CRUSH the thing that makes the vibrations..." JASON Am I crazy, or do you actually have something there? Jason reaches down and grabs a handful of small rocks. But at that moment the rock monster reaches down and GRABS him in his fist. Jason is carried into the air and dangled above the beast's mouth. Jason keeps his composure enough to toss one of the rocks at a natural rocky OVERRANG along one wall. The thrown rocks dislodge a few more rocks in the wall which TUMBLE to the ground, making NOISE. The rock monster TURNS toward the sound. The monster drops Jason. Jason lands, throws another rock. The monster CHARGES toward the wall, causing an AVALANCHE, burying the monster. All is still. 86 IN THE SHIP 86 The actors CHEER, but their relief is short lived as... 87 ON THE PLANET - 87 The rubble RE-FORMS and the monster EMERGES, even LARGER than before! It begins to make a beeline for a perplexed Jason. JASON But I'm not moving, I... Oh no. My heartbeat. IN THE ROCK MONSTER'S POV we head toward Jason and hear Jason's heartbeat magnified like a drum, THA-THUMP THA-THUMP. JASON Fred? Fred, can you hear me? You've got to do this... It's up to you. 88 ON THE SHIP -. 88 Fred moves to the panel, mortified. FRED No, I'll kill you. . JASON Listen Fred. You did this for four years on the show. You can do it now... Put your hands on the controls.. Fred puts his trembling hands on the controls... Sweat pours down his temple. FRED I don't know... I don't know. The monster picks up speed. STOMP STOMP STOMP. JASON Fred, I worked summer stock with Hopkins. Regional theater with Hoffman. But I swear to God I have never met an actor who could hit his mark, or nail his lines with the professional consistency of a Freddy Kwan. You're Mr. Dependable... You can do this. FRED You worked with Hopkins? I worship Hopkins. Fred draws confidence from these words. The Monster is upon Jason... It raises its fist... JASON Digitize me, Fred. A moment of concentration - as everybody holds their breath - and then Fred works the controls. Jason is STILL THERE and.. 89 THE MONSTER SMASHES DOWN HIS FIST RIGHT DOWN ONTO JASON.... at the very moment he digitizes. The fist goes right through the scattering blocks. Everybody on ship holds their breath and watches the.. 90 DIGITIZING PLATFORM 90 Jason's body Instantly DUCKS and CONTORTS to avoid the ROCK FIST that moments ago descended uoon him. Everyone runs up to him as he regains his composure, celebrating, hugging him and patting him on the back. Even Alexander looks relieved, but won't admit it. ALEXANDER I see you managed to get your shirt off. Jason looks over and sees Fred still at the controls, drenched. He moves to him and shakes his trembling hand. 4/26/99 (PINK) FRED As good as Hopkins? JASON Hopkins can't drink your bathwater Fred. Fred wells with pride. Jason turns to the others. JASON All right folks, let's get the hell out of here... JASON Mathesar, we're back up and on our way to the command deck. Mathesar? Come in Mathesar? Teb? Quellek? What's going on? Where is everybody? Gwen pushes a button on the monitors to see... SARRIS'S SHIP OUTSIDE. Gwen punches another button and video panels light up showing... SARRIS' MEN ALL OVER THE SHIP. IN THE GENERATOR ROOM, THE HALLWAYS, THE COMAAND DECK... An INFESTATION. TOMMY NO NO NO. JASON We've got to get out of here. C'mon, hurry But as they head toward the door, it OPENS, revealing SARRIS AND A DOZEN OF HIS MEN, guns drawn. The actors. back away, except for Jason who stands his ground as Sarris approaches. JASON Listen Sarris, just hold on, just- But Sarris BACKHANDS him brutally. Jason crashes to the floor. Jason starts to stand, wiping blood from his mouth, but with a nod from Sarris, six of his men surround Jason and begin to kick and beat him on the ground brutally... 91-92 OMIT 93 INT. BARRACKS/PRISON 93 The row of barracks down the long hallway have been converted to prison cells. From inside these the hundreds of captured ALIENS watch in despair as JASON, BLOODY AND BEATEN, is led down the corridor. Sarris, his guards and the other crewmembers follow behind. Weak and semi-conscious from the beating, Jason stumbles and falls. Sarris produces a device and applies it to Jason's neck. Jason cries out, his entire 4/26/99 PINK) body convulses. The aliens push against the cell doors come to his aid, but the guards beat them back mercilessly. SARRIS If you cannot walk, Commander, then I suggest you crawl. Jason hesitates. Sarris SHOCKS him again. Jason finally rises and slowly begins to CRAWL forward. Everyone is silent. Numb. 94 INT. MEDICAL DECK 94 The area has been converted to an interrogation chamber. Jason is led in with the others. Sarris' men interrogate a man strapped to a table. They move aside to reveal Mathesar, barely alive. But as he sees Jason, a ray of hope lights up behind his eyes. He smiles. MATHESAR Commander. Thank God you're alive... Now you will face justice, Sarris. SARRIS (laughs) At every turn you demonstrate the necessity for your extermination. The qualities of your species... Ridiculous optimism, like little children. Building, always building. But what you spend years to create, I take from you in days. (to Jason) Do you wish to save this man's life, Commander? And the life of your crew? JASON Yes. SARRIS Then tell me one thing... What does it do, the device? The Omega 13. JASON I don't know. Sarris twists a dial. Mathesar writhes in pain on the table. SARRIS Is it a bomb? A booby trap? Tell me! JASON Stop, please! I don't know! SARRIS Prepare a tear harness for the female... JASON No! I swear I don't know! Please! SARRIS Do you think I'm a fool? That the Commander does not know every bolt, every weld of his ship? Gwen fights the guards valiantly as they drag her to a table. JASON But I'm not! I... I'm not the Commander! Sarris turns, Interested. He motions his guards to halt. SARRIS Wait. What did you say? JASON Please, don't hurt them, it's not their fault. I'm not the Commander, I don't know anything. Mathesar looks at him, bewildered. Sarris looks Intrigued. SARRIS Explain - JASON Gwen. The show. There's no choice. Do it. GWEN Computer, play the historical records of the GALAXY QUEST missions. A screen lights up with the opening of the first GALAXY QUEST episode. We see the various actors in their roles, freeze framed in action poses, intercut with the ship speeding through space. Sarris watches, captivated. Realization dawns on his face. He begins to laugh. Sarris turns to Mathesar, beaten and bloody, but hope lightening in his eyes as he watches the show. That tickles Sarris even more, he ROARS with laughter. SARRIS Oh, this is wonderful. Wonderful. I treated you as a foe, but no... You have done greater damage to these poor fools than I ever could have. Bravo!... Bravo! He puts his arm around Jason and leads him to face Mathesar. SARRIS Tell him. This is a moment I will treasure. Explain who you really are. Jason looks up at Mathesar. A long pause. JASON My name is Jason Nesmith. I'm an actor. We're all actors. SARRIS Our dimwitted friends don't understand the concept of acting. They have no theater, no imagination these scientists. JASON We pretend... SARRIS Simpler. JASON We.. We lie. SARRIS Yes... You understand THAT, don't you, Mathesar?... Mathesar looks up at Jason, bewildered. JASON I'm not a Commander, there is no National Space Exploration Administration. There is no snip. MATHESAR (perplexed, points to TV) But there it is!... JASON A model, only as big as this. MATHESAR But... Inside, I have seen- JASON Sections of rooms made of plywood. Our Beryllium Sphere was painted wire and plaster. The digital conveyor was Christmas lights... Decorations. It's all a fake. I'm not him... (looks at Gwen) I'm a nothing. A nobody. 4/26/99 (PINK) MATHESAR But...Why? JASON It's difficult to... On our planet we pretend in order to... entertain. Mathesar just stares. Sarris watches, eyes twinkling. JASON That's how I make my living. Pretending to be somebody else. Pretending to be Commander Peter Quincy Taggart... I'm... I'm so sorry Mathesar... Mathesar looks away, his eyes hollow, all hope gone. SARRIS Now you know. This entire world you've concocted. All based on nothing. Your beliefs... your hopes... All a dream. A wisp of smoke. Now there is only pain. Sarris moves to his Lieutenant, RAK LATHE. SARRIS Lieutenant Lathe, I confess I am beginning to feel a bit foolish myself. Chasing across the universe to obtain what is, I am now certain, a bauble of fiction. Tell me how best to obliterate this vessel? I would like nothing to remain. LATHE The core could be hardwired to overload without much effort. MATHESAR Sarris. What about my men? Yes, you're right. Much too easy a death for the trouble you have caused me. Lieutenant, open a vent on level "C" and let the outside in a bit for our friends. A beat. Enraged, Jason LUNGES for Sarris, but his men quickly beat him down brutally. SARRIS I guess an actor is not the same as a Commander after all. 4/26/99 PINK He turns to his guard, motioning to Jason and the others. SARRIS Release them, Sergeant... Into space. The Guard nods and escorts them out. Sarris turns to Mathesar and raises the torture control with a sick smile. 95 INT. AIRLOCK CHAMBER COMPUTER VOICE (O.S.) Core overload. Emergency shut down overridden. Core implosion estimated in nine minutes... Jason and the others enter, escorted by the guards. Guard #1 pushes a button and the Airlock door opens with a WHOOSH. GUARD #2 You two. Go. Jason and Alex start toward the airlock. Jason simply hangs his head. ALEXANDER Well, how does it feel, Jason? Was it worth it? Hundreds of innocents to die because of you... How does it feel? GUARD #1 Get in. Hurry up. They enter the airlock. ALEXANDER Hundreds dead, all so you could play at being the Commander.' You've murdered us all you egomaniacal sonofabitch! JASON Shut up.' Just shut up you purple skinned monstronsity, Alexander LUNGES at Jason, striking him in the face. They tumble outside of the airlock, fighting. The guards smile, enjoying the fight. Jason quickly overpowers Alexander and punches him repeatedly, his anger taking hold. They lock in a mutual strangulation hold. Then Jason pulls free. He grabs Alex by the collar and pulls back for the crowning blow... ... and deals a punisher right past Alexander into the face of Guard #1! Alexander turns, astonished, realizing it's all an act. A FLASH of an appreciative smile, then he ELBOWS Guard 5/4/99 (GOLDENROD) #2 in the face. The second guard's gun goes SKITTERING into the airlock as he drops unconscious. Guard #1 dives into the airlock to retrieve the gun, aims at Jason as suddenly the inner door SNAPS SHUT, and an instant later the outer door OPENS. His - GUNSHOTS ricochet against the glass as the GUARD is WHISKED THROUGH THE HOLD INTO SPACE, flailing silently into the vacuum. Everyone turns to see Fred taking his finger off the airlock button. FRED Hmmm. . A little sticky. I'll get one of my boys up here with a can of WD-40. Alexander turns to Jason, both out of breath. ALEXANDER "Purple skinned monstrosity...?" JASON I was staying in character. "Egomaniacal sonofabitch?" ALEXANDER Sense memory. I see you got to win the fight... JASON I had the shot... GWEN Guys... She motions to a row of security monitors... One labeled "ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS DECK - C LEVEL" shows FOUR OF SARRIS' MEN straining at a large circular valve. On another monitor we see DEBRIS rushing up to a vent in the BARRACKS area as AIR IS SUCKED OUT OF THE ALIENS' PRISON. Teb and the other aliens pull on their prison bars in horror. JASON Let's go. 96 INT. CORRIDOR 96 The six of them run down the hallway. Jason stops them and they duck into an alcove as a unit of Sarris' men jog past. COMPUTER VOICE (O.S.) Core implosion in four minutes... JASON Go on, give it a try, Gwen. GWEN computer, shut own the core. COMPUTER VOICE Unable. Memory checksum invalid. Core systems hardware damaged. JASON All right guys... Uh... Gwen and I are going to have to get to the core and shut it down manually. Fred, you and Guy need to get that air valve back on. Alex, see if you can get the prison doors open downstairs in case Fred and Guy can't get the oxygen back in time. TOMMY Jason? What about me? What do I do? JASON Practice driving, Tommy. They all split up, leaving Tommy standing there. TOMMY Practice driving? 97 INT. HALLWAY 97 Gwen and Jason hurry down the hallway, keeping a look out for Sarris' guards. GWEN So... We get to shut down the neutron reactor? JASON Right. GWEN Uh... I hate to break it to you Jason, but I don't know how to shut down a neutron reactor, and unless you took a Learning Annex course I don't know about, I'm pretty sure you don't know how to shut down a neutron reactor either. JASON No I don't. But I know somebody who does. 98 INT. BRANDON'S HOUSE - TARZANA - EARTH - DAY 98 Birds chirp outside pleasantly. 99 INT. BRANDON'S BEDROOM - DAY The room of our #1 Galaxy Quest fan, BRANDON. The fourteen year old sits at his computer, in uniform, gluing a tiny piece of plastic to his model of the Protextor. A knock on the door, and his mother enters. BRANDON'S MOM Brandon? BRANDON Mother, I'm quite busy as you can see. The "C" rings on my booster unit came broken In the mail. BRANDON'S MOM I'm sorry. - made brownies. BRANDON Mother, I'm very busy. Well, maybe one. Thank you. She exits. Brandon looks at his model with a sigh. Suddenly he hears a familiar TONE. He cocks his head and turns to... THE INTERSTELLAR VOX sitting on his table. He starts to turn away, but it BEEPS again. Slowly he reaches out, takes it in his hand and flips the switch. We hear Jason's voice. JASON (O.S.) Hello?... Hello is anyone there?... Brandon stares at the thing, then looks around his room for signs of a practical joke. He speaks into it quietly. BRANDON ... Hello? BRANDON 100 INT. NSEA PROTECTOR - SPACE 100 Jason, holding his VOX, nods to Gwen... "Got him." JASON This Is Jason Nesmith. I play Commander Peter Quincy Taggart of the USEA PROTECTOR. 101 INT. BRANDON'S ROOM 101 Brandon stares at the vox for a very long moment. BRANDON ... Yes? JASON We accidently traded Vox units when we bumped into each other on Saturday. BRANDON Oh... Oh, I see. Oh. JASON What's your name, son? BRANDON Brandon. JASON Brandon, I remember you from the convention, right?... You had a lot of little technical observations about the ship, and I spoke sharply to you... BRANDON Yes, I know, and I want you to know I thought about what you said... I know you meant it constructively but... JASON It's okay. Listen- BRANDON ... But I want you to know that I am not a complete braincase, okay? I understand completely that It's just a TV show. There is no ship, there is no Beryllium Sphere, no diagital conveyor... I mean, obviously it's all just a- JASON It's real, Brandon. All of it, It's real. BRANDON (no hesitation) I knew it!... I KNEW it!... JASON Brandon.. . The crew and I are in trouble and we need your help. The look on Brandon's face is indescribable. 102 INT. MEDICAL QUARTERS 102 Sarris' first lieutenant LATHE enters. 4/26/99 (PINK) LATHE General, your transport is ready for departure. Sarris turns to exit, leaving Mathesar on the table, unconscious Next to him a VIEWSCREEN IMAGE shows the aliens in their cells, pulling at the bars. Some are already unconscious from the lack of oxygen. 103 INT. MEDIA ROOM 103 Tommy, all alone, peeks into the room to makes sure it is empty, then enters and moves to a high tech case. He pushes a button and a panel moves aside revealing a complete library of the GALAXY QUEST episodes... Like a high-tech shrine. Tommy moves his finger across the selections, picking one episode in particular with a smile... 104 INT. SHIP CORRIDOR 104 Alexander makes his way down the hall stealthily, avoiding Sarris' guards. He stops as he hears a NOISE from a utility compartment to his side. Steeling his nerve, he opens the door and suddenly and a FIGURE jumps out. Both of them assume defensive stances, then Alexander recognizes him as QUELLEK, his young protege. Quellek beams. QUELLEK Sir, it's you Thank Ipthar! ALEXANDER Quellek. What are you doing in there? QUELLEK I avoided capture using the Mak'tar stealth haze. Where is everyone? ALEXANDER Come with me. I'll explain on the way. 105 INT. HALLWAY 105 Gwen and Jason turn a corner and stop. Jason speaks to vox. JASON Okay we're in C deck hallway 5. What now? 106 INT. BRANDON'S BEDROOM - CONCURRENT 106 Brandon inserts a GALAXY QUEST CDROM labeled TECHNICAL SYSTEMS into his computer. A couple of clicks later, a 3D wire frame diagram of the ship appears. BRANDON Okav, there's a haton on the port wall. It leads to a system of utility corridors through the bowels of the shop. 107 INT. SHIP STORAGE BAY CONCURRENT C7 Jason searches on vain for the hatch. JASON There's no hatch. (losing faith) There's no hatch! GWEN Wait... Jason, Here!... Gwen rushes a concealed button and the hatch slides open. JASON Okay, we got it. BRANDON (0.S.) Okay, you can go on in... I'm going to get Kyle. He knows the utility tunnel system better than anybody alive. 108 INT. BRANDON'S BEDROOM - CONCURRENT 108 Brandon punches some keys and Kyle pops up In a little CU-SEE ME window on the computer. KYLE (ON MONITOR) Hi Brandon. BRANDON No time for pleasantries, Kyle. We have a level five emergency. The Commander needs us to get him to the core and shut it down before it overloads. KYLE Oh. Okay. BRANDON You've got the utility systems walkthrough, right? KYLE I have sectors 1-28. I think Hector has the upper levels. BRANDON We'd better get everybody online. And Kyle, Stop downloading porn. Your frame rate is unacceptable. 139 KYLE'S ROOM - CONCURRENT An obviously faked nude picture of Gwen as Tawny Madison download slowly onto his screen. KYLE I'm not downloading porn! He clicks on the picture. 110 INT. SHIP'S CORRIDOR SECTORS 30-50 110 Fred and Guy make their wav down the corridor, checking the numbered sectors as they pass. FRED Okay, sector 38... 39... 40. This is it. The environmental systems are in here. All we have to do is shut off the valve to the barracks... They look through the window into the room to see... A HUNDRED of Sarris' men sitting inside, surrounding the large circular wheel that controls the valve. Fred exchanges a look with Guy. "All we have to do..." 111 INT. MEDIA ROOM 111 Tommy sits at the desk watching an episode of GALAXY QUEST play on the screen. The scene has young Laredo piloting the ship, dodging the weaving through a very silly giant paper mache monster floating in space. But Tommy is dead serious. He watches himself on the tape, mimicking his own piloting movies, using miscellaneous objects on the table as controls, and repeating his 80's catch phrase along with his alterego. BOTH TOMMYS Pedal to the metal, Commander.... 112 INT. UTILITY TUNNELS 112 Jason and Gwen run through the tunnel system. BRANDON (0.S.) Okay, now left at the next turn... Past the oxygen units. Make a right there. Then go through the antimatter vent... JASON Okay... Okay, now what. BRANDON (O.S) Now make a right, you'll see a doorway that opens on the central manufacturing facility. The bowels of the ship. Gwen and Jason turn right and their eves widen. 113 INT. CENTRAL MANUFACTURING CAVERN (BOWELS) Dante's Inferno. Down below, a huge automated facility for ship construction and maintenance. Moving elevators and conveyor belts move through a maze of scaffolding and overhangs. Glowing rivers of molten metal run past giant swinging hammers, robot arms, and crushing machines. BRANDON Commander, do you have a camera? I'd die to see this in person... All they showed on T,V was a machine here, and a wall here... I don't know why they didn't show the whole thing. JASON (awed) We'd never have the budget for this. BRANDON Okay, so do you see a door marked "CORE UNIT?" Should be down at the far end to your left. On the other side of the room, down a circuitous path through a dangerous gauntlet of machinery Jason spots such a door. JASON Yes...? BRANDON Okay, that's where you want to be. Gwen and Jason look at each other, then... Giggle nervously. It's just so impossible. 114 INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE PRISON/BARRACKS 114 Alexander and Quellek arrive at the "prison area" hatch and look through the window... n tneir cells, many of the aliens are already unconscious. Others valiantly attempt to open their cells with crudely constructed levers and battering rams, to no avail. Alex tries to open the door, to no avail. AUELLEX They're dying! ALLXANDER Here. Help me tear this down, we can use it as a battering ram. Quellek follows Alexander to a console, looking back at the prison. Alexander puts his hand on his shoulder. ALEXANDER Don't worry, Quellek, it'll be okay... Quellek seems comforted, but Alexander Isn't too sure. 115 INT. SHIP ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS ROOM 115 Fred and Guy continue to watch Sarris' men, still surrounding the main valve. FRED We've got to get that valve turned off. Their oxygen Is almost gone... GUY Listen, I'll go in, create a distraction. have this... (holds up the gun) may be able to hold them back long enough for the aliens to escape. FRED It's suicide. GUY I'm just a glorified extra, Fred. I'm a dead man anyway. If I'm going to die, I'd rather go out a hero than a coward. FRED Maybe you're the plucky comic relief, you ever think of that? Guy cocks his head. No, he hadn't thought of that. Fred pats his shoulder. FRED Besides, just had a really interesting idea. 116 INT. SARRIS' SHIP TO SHIP TRANSPORT Sarris stands at the observation window as the transport makes it way toward his ship. All but one of the other ships have left the area, and that ship is turning and heading toward a black hole in the distance... The TRANSPORT CHIEF next to him gets a message on his earpiece. TRANSPORT CHIEF Sir, the FALCON THREE Is launched and away, course set for Xactor Minor. FALCON ONE ahead. Four minutes to core overload. SARRIS Good... Good... All is in its place. TRANSPORT CHIEF General, I have just received word that the Commander of the PROTECTOR and his command crew have escaped custody. Their whereabouts are unknown. SARRIS What? Suddenly a LIFELESS BODY CRASHES against the windshield like a bug. It's Sarris' jettisoned Guard. Sarris' eyes light. SARRIS Find them. LATHE But sir, my MEN. The core implosion is not reversible... SARRIS Find them. 117 INT. MANUFACTURING CAVERN (BOWELS) Jason and Gwen make their way along a narrow catwalk above the manufacturing floor. A row of ROBOT ARMS behind them move erratically. JASON We've cleared the robot arms. Now what? 118 INT. BRANDON'S ROOM 118 Brandon now has his whole CREW on separate windows of his computer screen, including fan KATELYN, wearing a "Tawny Madison" outfit. KATELYN Okay, Brandon, as I calculate it the shortest route is down the ladder near the quark accelerators. OTHER NERDS I concur. She's right. Very good. BRANDON High five, Katelyn. He and the others hi-five, slapping their computer screens. 119 INT. MANUFACTURING CAVERN (BOWELS) 119 Jason and Gwen make their way down the ladder, and across a narrow beam over a LAVA POOL at a staggering height. JASON Brandon.. Just in case I die, there's something I have to know... BRANDON Yes Commander? JASON What does the Omega 13 do? BRANDON Well, that's the big question, isn't it? JASON What do you mean? BRANDON It's been the subject of an extremely heated debate on the internet for years. Many believe that is a matter collapser, a bomb capable of destroying all matter in the universe in a chain reaction lasting 13 seconds. JASON But you don't? BRANDON No, I am of the firm belief that in reality it is not a matter killer, but a matter REARRANGER, converting all molecules to the exact state they existed thirteen seconds previous to activation thus effecting a thirteen second time jump to the past. JASON How did you come to that conclusion? BRANDON My cousin's boyfriend's sister went out with the screenwriter. His favorite movie is the Omegaman. He's seen it 13 times... KYLE As you know I strenuously disagree with this theory, Brandon. if all molecules were rearranged, then everyone would be back in time 13 seconds rendering the device useless. Suddenly a BLAST erupts next to Jason's head. He and Gwen turn to see SARRIS' MEN shooting at them from across the room at the entrance to the cavern. JASON Okay guys... Guys? But the gang is still caught up in the debate. KATELYN No because the brain of the person who triggers the Omega 13 is not affected, so THAT person still has his memory after the time jump. And everything is as it was, a chance to redeem a single mistake or misstep. BRANDON Thank you, Katelyn. Excellent. KATELYN (flattered, shy) You're welcome, Brandon. Jason and Gwen RUN as Sarris men continue to snoot at them. JASON BRANDON! TIME TO GO! BRANDON Yes Commander... All right, you're almost there. Just go through the chompers and over the pit. GWEN "The chompers?" They turn to see... THE CHOMPERS An unavoidable gauntlet of HISSING HYDRAULIC SMASHING METAL HAMMERS AND BLADES jutting out from the sides, top, bottom and diagonally... GWEN Oh, fuck THAT. More GUNFIRE from Sarris' men. Another BLAST melts a pole next to them. Jason pulls his magneto-pistol and fires back at them. Sarris' men take cover. JASON Brandon, HOW? 120 INT. BRANDON'S ROOM 120 Brandon cradles a telephone on his shoulder. BRANDON Hollister, do you have the sequence yet? 121 INT. HOLLISTER'S ROOM 121 Another one of Brandon's pals, HOLLISTER, watches a tape of the show, fast viewing one sequence backwards and forwards over and over; ON THE TV, we see the cheap painted cardboard version of the crushers. A cheesy fish headed ALIEN MONSTER chases Jason through the crusher but is toppled by one of the crushers and falls into the fake looking lava pit. Hollister times the pattern of the crushers with a stopwatch. HOLLISTER Okay, the pattern is two.. two... four... two... three... eight... two... BRANDON You're sure they repeat like that? It's sort of extremely important. Cut from the cardboard props to the REAL THING. 122 THE MOMMOTH CRUSHERS Gwen and Jason watch as they SMASH and GRIND back and fourth... GWEN What IS that thing? It serves no useful purpose to have a bunch of CHOPPY CRUSHY things in the middle of a CATWALK!?.' JASON Gwen... GWEN We shouldn't have to DO this! It makes NO LOGICAL SENSE! Why is it HERE? JASON Because it was on the show! GWEN Well forget it! I'm not going. This episode was badly written! BRANDON Commander, you and Lt. Madison will have to go through the crushers one at a time in three second intervals. Tell me when the first crusher hits the bottom... JASON Okay, now. But- BRANDON Wait two seconds then go. Another BLAST from Sarris' men weakens the catwalk... JASON No, wait, are you- BRANDON Lt. Madison, GO. JASON Shit! Go! BRANDON GO Commander. Jason and Gwen run through the CHOMPERS. It is a series of CLOSE ESCAPES, timed just a FRACTION late, so at one point Gwen must use all her strength to pull a SLEEVE caught In the works before a second hammer comes down where her body was a moment before Jason DIVES through a quickly diminishing hole, his MAGNETO- PISTOL falling behind him, quckly SMASHED to oblivion by a closing slab. BRANDON Stop. Jason stops, catching Gwen's leg just as... A HAMMER SMASHES right In front of her, barely missing her head. BRANDON Go. They're off again. BRANDON Up. JASON What? Up? BRANDON Berithium lava coming through. Use the handholds above you. Here comes the lava down a chute ahead of them. Jason pulls Gwen up just as the lava comes through, sizzling the tips of her hanging hair. GWEN Whoever wrote this episode should DIE. Thje lava passes, and they drop and continue on through the doorway as magneto blasts erupt around them... 123 DARKNESS 123 Jason and Gwen run through pitch blackness. JASON (0.S.) What the hell?... Brandon, Where are we? BRANDON (0.5.) I don't know. This part of the ship is completely undocumented. GWEN (O.S.) Great... Just great.' 124 INT. DIGITAL CONVEYER ROOM 124 Fred and Guy are now in the digital Conveyor room. Very quiet compared to the mayhem in the bowels of the ship... Guy looks down at the panel with great anticipation, then up at Fred with a nervous smile. Fred gingerly takes hold of the digital conveyor controls. GUY This should be Interesting... ON THE digital CONVEYOR DISPLAY: We see crosshairs target an object... The vague outline is that of a man, but blocky, misshapen. We recognize it as THE ROCK MONSTER. Fred SMILES. 125 SHIP ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS ROOM DOZENS OF SARRIS' MEN continue to surround the oxygen valve when suddenly THE ROCK MONSTER materializes right in the middle of the room behind them. They turn, looking up at it Sarris' stunned men CLICKS his transmitter button... The monster DESCENDS in an instant... 126 DIGITAL CONVEYOR ROOM Fred and Guy watch the mayhem on the a monitor, contemplative. FRED It's the simple things In life you treasure. 127 HALLWAY The MONSTER chases a group of Sarris' men down a dead-end hallway. Sarris' men have nowhere to go as the monster bears down on them, and CRASHES through the hull, taking himself and everyone else OUT INTO SPACE. 128 SPACE The rock monster tumbles gently through the vacuum or space. The monster's jaws move in a silent SUBTITLED roar: ROCK MONSTER Ah, sweet tranquility at last. 129 INT. SHIP ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS ROOM The room is now emptied of Sarris' men. Guy and Fred enter and move to the large valve, straining to turn it. Slowly, the pressure normalizes. 130 INT OUTSIDE BARRACKS HALLWAY Working together, Qlexander and Quellek are now using a makeshift BATTERING RAM on the door. A readout BLINKS. QUELLEK Sir! The pressure. It's normalizing. ALEXANDER Open. The door opens and Alexander enters. He runs to a panel down the hall and turns the switch. All the cell doors open. He runs to one of the cells and helps a few of the men to their feet. They turn to Alexander, gratitude in their faces. ALIEN #1 We are saved! He has saved us.' Alexander suppresses a smile, preparing to feign modesty... ALIEN #1 Commander Taggart has saved us! ALIENS Hooray for Commander Taggart! Long live Commander Taggart! ALEXANDER It's just not fair. He moves to Quellek at the doorway. ALEXANDER Okay, Quellek, let's get back to the command deck and-Suddenly we hear a PISTOL BLAST and Quellek's chest turns RED. Alexander and Quellek look down at the blood, horrified. QUELLEK I'm... I'm shot. He falls, CRUMPLED to the ground. We see one of Sarris' GUARDS down the hall. He shoots again. Alexander grabs Quellek's limp body and pulls him out of the line of fire. ALEXANDER Quellek... Quellek! Quellek opens his eyes weakly. Alexander pulls aside his uniform to see the wound. It 's a mortal injury. Alexander uses all of his acting skills to disguise his shock. ALEXANDER Not so bad. We'll get you to medical quarters. You're going to be fine. QUELLEK I... I don't think I'm going to make it Sir... ALEXANDER No, don't talk like that, son. We're going to get you fixed up. QUELLEK ... It has been my greatest honor to serve with you. LIving by your example these years, my life has had meaning. I have been blessed. Sir, I... I... He cringes in pain. Alexander looks at him, full of emotion. ALEXANDER Don't speak, Quellek. QUELLEK You'll forgive my impertinence, sir, but even though we had never before met, always considered you as a father to me. Blood appears in the corner of Quellek's mouth, his life fading away. Alexander strokes his head, devastated. He looks him right in the eyes, his eyes welling with tears. Then with intensity, and absolute sincerity... ALEXANDER Quellek... By Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Warvan... You shall be avenged. Quellek's appreciation of this is Indescribable. A tiny spark behind his eyes light up, and he smiles, completely content as he surrenders to death. Tears fall down Alexander's cheek as he holds Quellek's limp body. Then a blast hits a corner nearby. Alexander lays Quellek's head to the ground softly, then rises. There is an Intensity to him we haven't seen before... His eyes BURN. Alexander moves into the hallway, fixing his attention on Sarris' man. The guard looks up, momentarily shaken; Alexander hooks truly ALIEN. His eyes afire with VENGENANCE. Nervous, one guard fires twice, missing. Alexander begins to RUN toward the guard, picking up speed. The guard tries to reload his gun but his eyes are locked on Alexander like a frightened animal and his cartridges clatter to the ground. Alexander ROARS like a creature, baring his teeth It the final moments... The guard stands there as he meets his death, so terrified he can only mutter a single word.. Guard ...mother. as ALEXANDER envelopes him like a force of nature. 131 INT. DARKNESS (UNDOCUMENTED AREA) 131 Jason and Gwen make their way forward in the darkness... They are stopped as they hit a pitch black wall. JASON (O.S.) Brandon, there's a wall. BOOKMARK - More Clean Up to Come! BRANDON Oh, good, you should be at tunnel. se one oomtutor to ooet one blast sections on sea'uenoe. GWEN (0.5. --~omputer, open the fIrst blast sectoon. ;"e see a shaft of LIGHT as a nuae meta BLOCK rises, and thev enter a tunnel that dead ends about b reet on. GWEN Computer, open the second blast sectoot. Ahother 6x6 foot block slides up, the tunnel lengthens. They turn as they hear the sound of Sarris' Men In the distance behind them. h32 BLAST TUNNEL - Gwen and Jason run as fast as they can throu~2 the tunnel, the blocks rising one by one in front of them. G'EEN Computer, open blast sections 15, 16,17,18,19. 133 INT. POWER CORE ROOM 133 A doorway appears and Jason and Gwen emerge from blast tunnel into a large soherical room with a console on the center. COMPUTER VOICE (O.S.) Detonation in sixty seconas... JASON Okay Branoon, think onis Os He moves to a control panel on the console. There is large blue button under a glass flap. A visible COUNTER alon~side. JASON I'm at the control oaneh. What do I do? BRANDON Raise the glass and push the blue button. JASON That's It? BRANDON Yeah. What's wrong? JASON ~~othIno. I -ust oncuont ot wou~o oc oomooooateo onan onat. He reaches for the button when suddeth;' SHOTS RING UT. Sarrls' met ao~ear on the doorway. SARRIS' GUARD #1 Raise your hands, NOW. They raise their hands as the computer continues countino oown in the background... "45 seconds... 44...,' JASON Listen, I'm going to just push this button, then we'll talk about whatever- Thev fire a BLAST and he raises hIs arms again. GWEN You don't understand! This ship is going to explode! SARRIS' GUARD #1 The General warned us of your tricks. He pulls his pistol and levels It But Gwen... SMILES. GWEN You must be the smart one. And so tal~ She starts toward Guard 1 seductively. -Jason looks up from tounter, stunned, as she moves rloho uo to him. The second ouaro raises nos out oe:ensivelv. She oushes Lt asioe. GWEN Relax. This is between me and him... May She reaches up to touch the tendrIls on Guard l's head. Suard 2 moves to prevent this, but Guard #1 brushes his hand -tsioe... "alhow her." GWEN Hmmm. So so~t... GUARD 4.2 Gar, our orders are to kill them. n due time. GUARD ~l GWEN -oont'd) "Gar." Is tnat -our name? "Car." nice... Car hooks into her eves wot~ ~ust. Guard 3 h noredulous. GUARD 2 Gar, this Is sick. It is as of to SeeK pleasure 'qith an animal... GWEN He isn't too popular with the ladies, is he? (Gar smiles) Maybe they could leave us alone for a while? Just you and me. GUARD #1 (sees throuah her scheme) No, alien slut. On my planet, we snare. He looks at the others. The three of them be~in to LAUGH, and start toward Gwen. Jason rises, but Gwen is already on it. GWEN Computer, we're going to need some privacy... Close blast section 29 please. Guard #1's smile drops immediately and he doesn' _ ~ven have time to scream as THE SECTION BLOCK DROPS IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE, rushing the whole lot of them to petroleum on an instant. GOO oozes from under the block. She turns to Jason. GWEN See? NOBODY takes me seriouslv on tn 5 tning. (to oozing coo) NOW how are you feeling, HUH? Do you take me seriously NOW? DO YOU?! !? Jason flips up the glass as the computer counts down to "12" and SMASHES the Button. Then turns to Gwen, a big appreciative smile on his face. They share a silent moment. 7hen Gwen realotes oh-at the oounter Os ~-, ountono down! GWEN Jason... She moves to his side as he punches the button to no avail.. It just keeps counting down... I. .6.5. .4. .3.. Gwen and Jason embrace as they meet their final moments together... They CRINGE as the counter nots "1" and... STOPS. They look at each other, bewildered. Then Gwen sparks with realization: -1 GWEN 0 ~D JASON It ahwavs ooes to "h" on tne snow. A beat. They realoze tnev nave melted Into eac otners' arms hike old lovers. They separate aW~wardhv, a~ business. "Better get--going... Yeah, hook at one tome... etc. - ~ ~m ~~RI~' ~ DECK -- - -~ . SHIP - ~ Sarris' intellIgence officer approaches Sarris. INTELLIGENCE OFFICER Sir, the core detonation sequence on the Protector has been aborted. SARRIS Impossible... Impossible! Lieutenant, hock a complement of Implosion mIssiles onto the Protector. Tear her apart. MUNITIONS OFFICER Yes sir. 135 INT. PROTECTOR - SHIP'S CORRIDOR 135 The HUNDREDS of freed ALIENS sweep through the corridor, overtaking the scattered remnants of Sarris' guards. Alexander fights alongside them, dealing crushing blows to two Guards at a time as the Aliens sweep around nim. Alexander and his character are now Indistinguishable. Jason and Gwen appear in the melee. JASON ~hex! Alex, are you oKav? ALEXANDER (faraway hook in his eye) Yes. Good was done this ..... JASON Okay... Let's go, buddy, they can take It from here... I'mo- Alexander has to be practically dragged away from fighting one of Sarris' men... 136 CORRIDOR TO COMMAND DECK 136 Jason, Gwen and Alexander run up the hall. Fred and Guy appear from around a corner and they all keep runnino. JASON Anybody seen TommV? I-ommv aoDears :rom tne ~eQia room. Ihev ao run as a team toward ne commano necK. JASON We've act to aet tne olasma armor up before Sa~~-' ~nds out we've aoorted the detonatIon... COMPUTER VOICE (O.S.) Warning. Enemv missiles launched. GUY I think he found out. lexander signals the door to onen and they run Into the 11 COMMAND DECK 137 They quickly take their stations. JASON Forward view! In the central -viewscreen we see SARRIS'S SHIP dead ahead, having alreadv launched a VOLLEY OF WEAPONS riaht at them. Armor uo! JASON GUY Plasma armor etcagea. Just In time. The ship 15 rocked, but not destroyed. JASON Okay Tommy. Go! Lose 'em! Into the mines! GUY JASON Pedal to the metal Tommy... TOMMY (drawing confidence) Pedal to the metal... Oh god... GUY Iommv eases onto the oas and thev ~ MI~)ES. 31/4 :::T.-ALCDN I LATHE OQOKS at Sarris SARRIS nto tne oieoo. &o. h37B INT. PROTECTOR ~7B Tommy maneuvers the field with concentration and intensity. The mines WHIZ by... JASON Doing good Tommy. Real nice. T-thanks. TOMMY JASON (cont'd) You think you could-get any closer to those mines? TOMMY Closer? (smiles, realizing) I can try. GWEN What are you doing? What are thev doino? ~7C INT. SARRIS' SHIP h37C LATHE enerao, I've host them. The maanetlsm o: the field Is disrupting our onstru- ~ait. There they are SARRIS Get oacK on their tail. LATHE SARRIS WHAT? WH(Y NOT? LATHE Because they're coming right at us. SARRIS (smiles) Fire at will. hI~D NT. PROTECTOR The Protector is ROCKED bv missoo- ~ -- ourse stra~ght for the FALCON. GUY We~re oetting hammered, Jason. Return fIre? JASON No. Keep all energy to the armor. The ship moves straight toward Sarris' ship. An image of SARRIS appears on a viewscreen. SARRIS Well isn't this adorable. The actors have decided to play war with me... GWEN Sarris's ship is accelerating toward us at Mark 2... JASON Accelerate to Mark 4, Tommy. SARRIS This is embarrassing, really. I shan't tell this story when I return home. GWEN He's accelerating to Mark 6. JASON Mark 12. 138 OUTSIDE 138 The two ships ROAR TOWARD EACH OTHER at terrifying speed. 139 INT. COMMAND DECK 139 SARRIS I will remind vou, sonny. am a General. I have seen war and death as you cannot Imagine. If you are countIng on me to blink, you are making a very deadly mistake. JASON Let me ---~l -!Ou sometnonc, Sar~ooesn't taKe a oreat actor to recoonoce a bad one. You're sweatonQ Indeed, a drot of sweat drips down Sarris' brow. Jason ixes his (oaze on Sarr~s ana. .. smijes. SARRIS FORWARD FULL. GWEN Armor almost gone, Jason. ALEXANDER Ten seconds to impact... Nine... SARRIS (smiles) You fool. What you fail to realize is that without your armor my ship will tear throuah vours like tIssue paper. JASON Yeah. Well what you fail to realize is... I'm dragging mines. Sarris' eyes lIght with horror as he realizes. SARRIS Oh no... 119A T:~-~rn ?ROTECTOR 13 9A WE CUT OUT TO THE PROTECTOR to see that It is indeed pulling along a large CLUSTER of mines in ItS wake! l40-l~ OMIT 140-144 145 INT. PROTECTOR 145 Gwen sees the mites or one :orst 'tome 0 She turns to Jason, astonisnea. GWEN never doubted you for a second. JASON TOMMY, 270 DEGREE TURN TO PORT! Tommy TURNS and everybody digs in as the G-FORCES kick on. 4;26;L9 PINK) 146 EXT. PROTECTOR 146 ~e Protector VEERS sharplv but the mines continue orward, oneir momentum carrying them straight toward the FALCON. 147 _NT FALCON -1 147 SARRIS NO! TURN! TURN! MY GOD NO! Sarris dives at the controls as the viewscreen fills with MINES... 148 EXT. FALCON 1 148 The mines TEAR INTO THE FALCON, EXPLODING, RIPPING THE CRAFT APART, millions of FRAGMENTS sent In all directions. 149 INT. PROTECTOR - COMMAND DECK 149 Jason stands, a clenched fist. The others CHEER! Yeah! YEAH! GWEN TOMMY AND OTHERS We did It! Damn! We DID IT! i50 INT. PROTECTOR HALLWAYS AND VARIOUS ROOMS 150 All over the ship the ALIENS CHEER their victory. INT. COMMAND DECK 151 Jason and the others turn as the door opens and Mathesar enters, helped along by two alien CREWMEN. He is bandaged and has metal casts on an arm and leg. Jason helps him to the Commander's chair. They look at each other fondly. JASON * Mathesar... You're alive. Thank God. Mathesar hooks at Jason, the old twinkle back in his eyes. Then a smile breaks out on his face, and he begins to LAUGH... ason stares at him with a bewildered smile. JASON Wha- What are you laughing about? * MATHESAR The ship is a model... As big as this!... A very clever deception indeed! He oan't oontaln hIs lauchter. A belle-----TOMMY Set a course for home, lommander? JASON You can oc that? TOMMY It's poInt and click. This thino practically flies itself. We will have to go through that black hole though. He motions out the viewscreen at the swirhlno BLACK HOLE... JASON Ahybody have any objections? The rest of the crew exchange shrugs, battle hardened now. JASON Let's do it, Tommy. TOMMY Commander?... Call me Laredo? JASON Mark 20 Into the black hole, areao. They ROAR forward, picking up speed, shooting straioht into the center of the black hole the hull CREAKING and GROANING under the strain and it seems as if the ship Is about to rip apart, ....... SILDNCE... And everythito turns REALLY strance. z-oQie~ ~-~n onsioe out, molecules are scatterea, bodies melt to the ground IttO ouddles, 'then resolve themselves. Ahd then a loud EXPLOSION lIke a sonic BOOM as 'thev are rocketed out the other end. Planets roar past 'them like ~ We're out.' GWEN They all exchange relieved smiles. GUY We're alive! TOMMY We made It. Commander, we made it.' m ALEXANDER sort ov) By Grabtnar' s h~mmer, we ove to te ono 'tale. COMPUTER (0 S.) Systems register functional. GWEN (gleeful) All systems are working, Commander. JASON How fast are we going, Tommy? Tommy looks at his controls. Needles literally a blur. TOMMY Pretty fast. Jason turns to look at THE VIEWSCREEN - EARTH is visible now, and they are HURTLING TOWARD IT FAST. ALEXANDER Jason, before we entered the black hole, my instruments detected strange energy surge from Sarris' shiD~ similar to... JASON No time to worry about that, Alex. Tommy, let's get this thing slowed down... Gwen, see if you can calculate the impact point. Guy, cet down to deck C and make sure tne injured are secured. Also lets- He stops and turns as he notices the cabin door open... Standing in the doorway is FRED who smiles and walks into the room. His manner Os stranoe, sinister... A slight limp. JASON Fred, what are you doing up here? You should oct back downstaIrs until we- But Fred suddenly does a very peculiar thing... He withdraws a MAGNETO-PISTOL from his belt, levels it at Jason. Jason smiles, bewildered. Is this a bizarre joke? Fred? JASON FRED FIRES THE GUN. The blast hits Jason in the chest. ~/26/99 I-INK) Everyone turns, thev can't belIeve their eyes. Jason hooks at the blood spreading on his chest. He takes a step forward, then another, stumbling weakly toward Fred. He grabs his collar and looks into his hollow eyes a moment before collapsing to the ground. And as he goes, his hand hits a switch on the familiar box on Fred's belt... We recognize it as APPEARANCE GENERATOR. Fred's form flickers momentarily, then he TRANSFORMS into his true identity... It's SARRIS. Scarred, burned and bloody he looks like the devil himself. He smiles, raising his gun again, and begins FIRING... Everything turns to SLOW MOTION as... Tommy is hit. His body goes slumping over his console, pushing the ThRUST control full FORWARD. The ENGINES roar hike a wounded animal. Mathesar rises and tries to grab the gun, but Sarris backhands him, sending him flying across the room. Mathesar's two CREWMEN wrestle with Sarris. One is shot, sent tumbling backwards. Alexander and Guy run to help the other crewman as he struggles with Sarris... On the ground, Jason's eyes flicker at the carnage around him. It's like a nightmare, but all too horribly REAL. He tries to rise, but he isn't able... Around him the bloodbath continues... Sarris FIRES wildly, shooting Gwen as she tries to reach Jason. She falls, her body sliding next to Jason. Jason looks into her eyes as they dull to lifelessness. He YELLS grief stricken... Then lifts himself up with herculean effort and begins to drag himself 'toward the front of the room as... Alexander, rushing Sarris, is HIT, clutching his neck... Guy manages to TACKLE Sarris, and he and the other alien wrestle with Sarris, trying to get the gun away... Alexander, fallen and life drifting away, looks over to see... Jason, with supreme effort, pulling himself up on a console at the front of the room... Then Alex turns to see THE EARTH, HUGE, FILLING THE -:IENSCRE~N ----~ suddenh'7 we're... BACK IN REAL TIME And everyone is JOLTED as the ship hits the atmosphere heading STRAIGHT DOWN toward Earth at 20,000 miles an hour. Suddenly Alexander, Guy, Mathesar and the remaining alien look up at the sound of a voice... JASON (O.S.) Mathesar... * * * ~iz~; 9 - PINK) Thev turn to see... JASON, swaying in tne miaa~e 0 the deck, bloodv, weaK, barely alive, but STANDING. JASON Activate... The Omega 13. The survivors exchange expectant and terrified glances. Mathesar quickly moves to a control panel and pushes down a familiar SERIOUS-LOOKING LEVER and... THE ELABORATE MECHANISM, THE OMEGA 13, UNFOLDS IMPOSSIBLY FROM THE FLOOR FRONT OF JASON. Its center is a spinning cyclotron of energy. In front of Jason is a prominent LEVER. IN * Jason turns to the others... nods a respectful goodbye... and 'those alive watch in HORRIFIED ANTICIPATION as ON THE VIEWSCREEN - the GROUND rushes toward us and just as we hurdle into city PAVEMENT... Jason pulls the switch. BLINDING WHITE. And everything goes silent. Silent... Silent... Then suddenly a loud EXPLOSION like a sonic BOOM. 152 COMMAND DECK - 13 SECONDS EARLIER 152 Gwen, Alexander, Guy, and Tommy are all alive - busy at their stations as the Protector hurtles out of the black hole. Planets roar past them like bullets. GWEN We're out.' They all exchange relieved smiles. GUY ~e're alive! TOMMY We made it. Commander, we made it.' ALEXANDER By Grabthar's hammer, we live to tell the tale. Jason looks around, disoriented. It takes him a moment to register what is happening. Everyone is alive. Everything is as it was 13 seconds ago. He looks down at his chest... No wounds... The OMEGA 13 is REAL. COMPUTER (O.S.) Systems register functional. GWEN All systems are working, Commander. ,~ -cc PINK) -' C - They look out 'to see ENTIRE GALAXIES whizzino bv 'them at incredible s~eed. Planets need bv hike BULLETS. TOMMY We're going pretty fast Commander. Should Jason starts walking quickly across the room, honoring him. The BARTH fills the viewscreen. TOMMY Jason, we're going pretty damn fast)... Jason? GWEN But Jason just continues across the room, arriving at the entrance hatch ~ust as It OPENS and we only oct a GLIMPSE of Fred's smiling face before Jason buries his FIST in it. Jason pulls him up and throws him across the room. As Fred hits a control panel, his appearance generator switch is triggered revealing him as SARRIS. He lays there unconscious. Alexander, Gwen and the others stare, bewildered and amazed. JASON Everybody stay put. Tommy, slow this thing down. Gwen- Suddenly Sarris rises and pulls his gun, but is SMASHED square in the face by a METAL CRUTCH. We pan to Mathesar holding the crutch, with a supremely satisfied expression. Jason moves past him with a nod. "T'~-l take it from here" -ond DIVES on Sarris. . . The two LOCK in comoa... TOMMY Oh my god. Jason)... * On the viewscreen they are HURTLING straight Onto EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE. Jason, still battlIng Sarris, turns to a Crewman. JASON ;'~7e're 'too heav'~, ;~e 13 - -~ - We've got to release the command module) CREWMAN Commander? At this speed, it is most dangerous to- JASON You're going to have to trust me on this) RELEASE THE COMMAND MODULE) Gwen raises FRED on her monitor. t~~/4/99 GOLDENROD) GWEN Fred, get to c level NOW, we're separating! The crewman operates a CONTROL. With Jason distracted, Sarrls pulls free and goes for his KNIFE... But they are both sent FLYING as the ship LURCHES and they are both sent flying as... 152A EXT. PROTECTOR 152A The main bulk of the ship SEPARATES from the COMMAND MODULE and VEERS away,- curving of f the top of the atmosphere as the command module continues STRAIGHT DOWN TOWARD EARTH. 153 INT. BRANDON'S LIVING ROOM - DAY 153 Brandon's MOM AND DAD lounge on the couch reading the LA TIMES. A lazy Sunday afternoon. The TV is on in the background... ON TV: Perky E! ENTERTAINMENT REPORTERS share the latest gossip; an unflattering photo of Jason on the screen. GOSSIP REPORTER Has Galaxy Quest's Space Commander Jason Nesmith checked in or checked OUT? Jim Dapperson reports from the- Galaxy Con Science Fiction convention In Pasadena.. Cut to the REPORTER in front of the Convention center. A group of GALAXY QUEST fans wave at the camera behind him. REPORTER Hi Marsha, it is the third day of the Galaxy Con and Jason Nesmith and his GALAXY QUEST crew are no shows to the event, much to the disappointment of the QUESTOIDS gathered here. He raises his microphone to a disappointed FAN dressed in a touon warri~ =r-~~ WARRIOR ALIEN We ~ust really feel let down. I mean, part of the show is about sticking with (MORE) 3/4ARRIDR ALIEN --octooc; ur orienas no matter wnat -& abandonea. (wines a tear rom ot5iaC ~'s arc. REPORTER Do~you- tnink maybe... He's on space? WARRIOR ALIEN ~-e you mocKong me? REPORTER neh heh... Digitize me, Marshai... Anchor Marsha does one of those entertainment anchor laugh/sighs. Brandon's parents turn pages of their paper, not even watching the TV. Then BRANDON enters in a rush, two boxes of July 4th fireworks in his arms... BRANDON Bye! Back soon! MOM Wait, where are you going with those fireworks, Brandon? BRANDON (fast, in one breath) The Protector got super accelerated coming out of the black hole and it ~ust nit the atmosphere at Mark 15 which is pretty unstable of course so we're going to help Laredo auide it in on the vox i'tra:reauencv carrier and use roman ~ndles for visual onfirmation. MOM Okay, Hon. Dinner at seven. Brandon exIts. Brandon's Dad gives Mom a glance. MOM Least 0' cuosite. On the televisoon in the background, a NEWS REPORTER appears. REPORTER We interrupt this broadcast to report tnat an unidentIfied ob~ect has broken trirough the Earth's atmosphere. I repeat- Mom and Dad flip pages, not aware of the T,J at all. -D~ 1/2OLL~WOOD H2L~~ TourIsts are either dumbfounded or oc~o-:ocus a THE M2N-I- P?~TECTOR comes burninc throuch the atmosthere and over tne Hollywood Slot DD~~TOWN LA 55 Hundreds of people watch frozen as THE COMMAND MODULE omes nurt~it~ across 'the sky, delIcately taklno off the flashina tip of the Bonavetture' 5 light tower. 156 134 FREEWAY 156 Traffic Jam on the 134. A woman in a convertible Jeep listens to the radio, when suddenly the receptIon goes to static and we hear the broadcasted CHATTER from the PROTECTOR over the airwaves. JASON (O.S.) Hold course, Laredo! TOMMY (O.S.) I'm trying Commander... Everything's a blur, but as long as I stay locked to that vox signal... GWEN (O.S.) Tommy, look! Those lights... TOMMY (O.S.) I see them! I see them! RD STREET PASADENA 57 BRANDON and his TEAM, along with a number or other HEROIC NERDS, stand In their uniforms in a line on either side of 3rd street, blobs of fire shooting from their roman candles. BRANDON stands at the front, holding his VOX transmitter HIGH. We pan up to see THE PROTECTOR CAPSULE APPEARING over the horizon... Gigantic and breathtaking. It comes HURTLING own towaro tne ~ios.... I~ SOARS RIGHT Th~'E_ ~~~NDON then SLIDES to tne ground sparks blazina for another 500 feet... StraIght toward a large recognizable building... The site of the Galaxy Con. Right toward the banner which reads 0WELCOME SPACE TRAVELLERS!" and CRASHES riont intd the sIde of the building. 158 NT. CONVENTION HALL 158 FANS RUN FOR THEIR LIVES as brick and olaster fly everywhere. The ship teeters it-a cloud of dust as It finally comes to 4:26/99 PINK) rest, halfway in and halfway out of the building, havino demolished the s'tage area... Shocked sIlence. The fans... The sellers at their oootns. Everyone is frozen. The ANNOUNCER slowly rises from under his card table. Then we see 'the ship's main hydraulic HATCH open... A RAMP lowers to 'the ground and... A figur~e emerges... It's TOMMY, looking bruised and scarred and certainly the worse for wear. The fans don't know how to react.... In the silence Tommy looks around the hall... Hundreds of faces look back at him. Then they begin to APPLAUD. Tommy looks around, flabbergasted. Then - what the hell he waves. Seeing this, the Announcer raises his microphone, hesitantly. ANNOUNCER "Lt. Laredo", Tommy Webber! Then Gwen appears, helping Fred down the ramp. He's limping, both as beat up and war-torn as Tommy, the three s-tand together and look out at the audience, shell-shocked. ANNOUNCER. The beautiful Tawny Madison... GWEN DEMARCO with Ship's Tech Sergeant Chen, Fred Kwan! The fans applaud cheer and shout... Then Guy stumbles out, a cut on his head, looking disoriented. He looks out at the cheering fans... The announcer isn't sure who he is.. ANNOUNCER U.... Another shipmate... Guy stares out at the hundreds of faces, then a smile creeps slowly onto his face. GUY I'm alIve... I'm-... I'm the plucky comic relief! I'm the plucky comic relief! HIs r~anIacal ~ everyone's attention turns to A FLICKERING CREATURE coming down the ramp with Alexander helping him. It is Mathesar, his "appearance generator" on the blink, and his entire body alternating between his human and alien form. ANNOUNCER Dr. Lazarus of Tev'Mek, Alexander Dane and... a friend! The crowd continues to go nuts. * 4/2E/99 PINK) FRED Mathesar ... Are 'you all rlaht? * MATHESAR * We'll be fine now, 'thanks to all of The fans then look up, astonished to see glimpses of HUNDREDS more of the aliens In the ship's portholes... Everything grows SILENT. They oan't believe their eyes. Then, suddenly as if all this weren't enough... There is a crash and... JASON EMERGES WITH SARRIS, THE TWO LOCKED IN MORTAL COMBAT. Sarris is bigger and meaner, but Jason has the advantage. He quickly overcomes Sarris, punching him again and again and again until Sarris collapses to the ground unconscious. ANNOUNCER Commander Peter Quincy Taggart... Jason Nesmith! Jason, Gwen, Alexander, Fred, Tommy and Guy stand there, shoulder to shoulder, as the audience goes into a frenzy of applause... Whether it's real or not is no longer relevant to them. They're just JUBILANT. Jason look out and spots Brandon and his friends in the back of 'the room... With a look of true gratitude, Jason crosses his fists In the traditional GALAXY QUEST gesture of respect, and Brandon returns I't~ about to~burst with pride... Then Jason DIPS Gwen, giving her a big kiss. The crowd oheers, a teen female fan FAINTS. Thev release, and Jason puzs his nanas in the air, taking in the adulation. Gwen turns oo Alexander, flustered, as the audience cheers... GWEN He always has to make the big entrance. ALEXANDER By Grabthar's Hammer, this is true. 159 NT. LIVING ROOM - SOMEWHERE - NIGHT 159 A cute little boy, no older than 6, lays on a carpet in front of his television, swinging his legs and munching on a bowl of popcorn. On TV we see the opening to GALAXY QUEST, but now the effects are modern, TV quality CGI and Jason and the others are their current ages. The title comes up reading... GALAXY QUEST, THE JOURNEY CONTINUES ~c as ~ shIp Wniozes paso ana -ouo 'to soace, one ~O't~C cv raises nis ~otle fi~~ h~. -~he air and shouos, a ovous oDarKIe in nis ....... LITTLE BOY Never give up. Never surrender! CUT TO BLACK: The End. 1 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - HELICOPTER SHOT - DAY 1 A white snowscape races toward camera ... the MAIN TITLE quickly recedes, followed by a roll-up. Episode V: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK ... After the destruction of its most feared battle station, the Empire has declared martial law throughout the galaxy. A million worlds have felt the oppressive hand of the Emperor as He attempts to crush the growing rebellion. As the Imperial grip of tyranny tightens, Princess Leia and the small band of freedom fighters search for a more secure base of operations ... The roll-up disappears into the black horizon. 2 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - HELICOPTER SHOT - DAY 2 The camera tilts down bringing into view a small figure galloping across the windswept ice slope. 3 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - DAY 3 A closer panning shot reveals a bundled rider on a large gray snow lizard, called a TAUNTAUN. Curving plumes of snow rise from beneath the speeding paws of the two-legged beast. 4 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - SLOPE - DAY 4 The rider gallops up a slope and reins his lizard to a stop. 5 EXT PLAINS OF HOTH - SLOPE - DAY 5 He pulls off his protective goggles. It is LUKE SKYWALKER. He notices something in the sky and takes a pair of electro-binoculars from his utility belt. 6 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - LUKE'S POV - DAY 6 From LUKE'S POV, we follow a bright object as it falls to the ground. On the distant horizon, an explosion marks the point of impact. 7 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - SLOPE - DAY 7 The wind whips at Luke's fur-lined cap as he activates a com-link transmitter. His lizard is nervous. LUKE (to the Tauntaun) Easy girl, it's just another meteorite. (into com-link) Han ... Han ol' buddy, do you read me? After a little static a familiar voice is heard. HAN (OS) (filtered) Loud and clear, kid. What's up? LUKE I've finished my circle and I haven't picked up any life read- ings. HAN (OS) (filtered) There isn't enough life on this ice cube to fill a space cruiser. My sentry markers are placed. I'm heading back to the base. LUKE I'll see you shortly. A meteorite just hit the ground near here and I want to check it out .. Won't be long. 8 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - SLOPE - DAY 8 Luke clicks off his transmitter and reins back on his lizard, which seems frightened. Luke pats the beast on the head to calm it. LUKE Weeho, girl! What's the matter ... you smell something? There's nothing out there. I'll check again ... Luke takes a small device from his belt and starts to adjust it when suddenly a large shadow falls over him from behind, followed by a monstrous HOWL. Luke turns and looks up at an eleven foot high shape towering over him. LUKE Son of a jumping ...!!! He grabs for his pistol, but is HIT flat in the face by a huge, white claw, knocking him into the snow, bloody and unconscious. 9 CLOSE-UP LUKE 9 Luke falls unconscious into the snow. The terrified screams of the Tauntaun are cut short by the horrible snap of a neck being broken. 10 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - SLOPE - DAY 10 The WAMPA ICE MONSTER grabs Luke by one ankle and drags him away. 11 EXT METEORITE CRATER - SNOW PLAIN - DAY 11 A WEIRD MECHANICAL SOUND is heard over the whining of the wind. A strange PROBE ROBOT, with several extended sensors, emerges from the smoke-shrouded crater. The ominous robot FLOATS across the snow plain, and disap- pears into the distance. 12 EXT ICE CAVES - REBEL BASE ENTRANCE - DAY 12 A stalwart figure rides his Tauntaun up to the entrance of an enormous ice cave. 13 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - REBEL BASE 13 Rebel troopers are rushing about unloading supplies and otherwise securing their new base. The rider swings rakishly off his lizard and pulls away his goggles: HAN SOLO. He walks briskly into the main hangar deck toward the MILLENNIUM FALCON, which is parked among several fighters. Mechanics, R-2 units and various other droids hurry about. Han stops at the Millennium Falcon. His Wookiee co-pilot is welding on the back of a central lifter. Now he stops work and lifts his face shield; CHEWIE growls a greeting to his boss. HAN Cold isn't the word for it, Chewie. I'll take a good fight any day over all this hidin' and freezin'! ... How you coming with those lifters? The Wookiee GRUMBLES a reply. HAN All right. I'll go report then I'll give you a hand with them. Soon as those lifters are fixed, we're out of here. Chewbacca lets out with a joyful CHUCKLE and returns to his work as Han leaves. 14 INT COMMAND CENTER - ICE CAVE 14 A makeshift command center has been set up in a blaster area of thick ice. The low-ceilinged room is a beehive of activity. Controllers, troopers, and droids move about setting up electronic equipment and monitoring radar signals. GENERAL RIEEKAN straightens up from a console as Han approaches. RIEEKAN Captain Solo. What's the situation? HAN There isn't a hint of life in the area. But all the perimeter markers are set, so you'll know if anyone comes calling. RIEEKAN Good, and Commander Skywalker? HAN He's checking out a meteorite that hit near him. He'll be in soon. RIEEKAN (indicates radar screen) With all the meteor activity in this system, it's going to be difficult to spot approaching ships. HAN The Empire won't look for you out here. I'd say you're all set ... which means it's time for me to get going. LEIA (OS) You're leaving? The two men turn to see PRINCESS LEIA, dressed in a short white combat jacket and pants. She is upset by Han's news. Her hair is braided and tied across her head in a Ò30'sÓ Nordic fashion ... HAN That's right. RIEEKAN You're an extraordinary fighter. I hate to lose you. HAN Thank you, General. But there's a price on my head. If I don't pay off Jabba the Hutt, I'm a walking dead man. RIEEKAN I understand. A death mark is not an easy thing to live with ... Until our paths cross again, may the force be with you. Rieekan touches Han and moves away. Han turns to Leia. HAN (with feeling) I guess this is it, Your Highness. Leia is angry. Han sees she has no warmth to offer him. He shakes his head and adopts a cooler tone. HAN Well, don't get all mushy on me. So long, Princess. Han walks away. Leia stews a moment, then follows him. 15 INT ICE CORRIDOR - REBEL BASE - HOTH 15 Han strides down a corridor carved from the ice. Leia follows quickly, agitated. Behind them, unnoticed, an appendage of a Wampa Ice Monster suddenly detaches from a seemingly solid section of ice wall. LEIA Han! Han stops in the quiet corridor and turns to face Leia. HAN Yes, Your Highness? LEIA You said you were going to stay. What happened? HAN That bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind. LEIA Does Luke know? HAN He'll know when he gets back ... Don't give me that look. Every day more bounty hunters are searching for me. If I don't pay off Jabba soon, there'll be too many to stop ... Remotes, Gank killers, and who knows what else. I've got to get that price off my head while I still have a head. LEIA Han, we need you here. HAN We? LEIA Yes. HAN Not you? LEIA (mystified) Me? I don't know what you mean. HAN (shakes his head, fed-up) You probably don't. How could you? You're so terrified of your own emotions ... LEIA And what are they, pray tell? HAN You want me to stay because of the way you feel about me. LEIA I respect you. You're a bold fighter, maybe not the brightest, but ... HAN No, your worship.. That's not what I'm talking about. Leia stares at him, understands, then laughs. LEIA You're imagining things. Han has had it with this broad. He steps closer. Leia is almost against the wall. Han puts a hand against the wall to cut off any retreat. HAN Am I? I say you came running after me because you were afraid I was leaving you without even a kiss. LEIA I'd just as soon kiss a wookiee. HAN There's no accounting for taste. Believe me, you could use a good kiss. (warming to the subject) You've spent so much time doing your duty and giving orders you've never learned how to be a woman. It's a shame, because you've got all the makings for one. I could have helped you plenty in that department ... if you'd have let go for a minute. But it's too late now, sweetheart. Your big opportunity is flying out of here. LEIA We are fighting for a cause much ... HAN Spare me please! Don't tell me about the Rebellion again. I've had it with your noble mission. All you let yourself think about is the Rebellion. The result is you're as cold as this planet. LEIA And you think you're the one to apply some heat? HAN Sure ... If I were interested. But I don't think it'd be much fun. He steps away from her, takes a last cool appraisal. HAN (Continued) We'll meet again. Maybe you'll have grown up a little by then. LEIA You have all the breeding of a Bantha, but not as much class ... Enjoy your trip, hot shot! Leia walks away. 16 EXT ICE PLAIN OF HOTH - DAY 16 Track with the sinister, probe robot as it moves across the vast frozen wilderness. One of its extended sensors detects something and the robot stops, turns and heads off in another direction, at high speed. 17 EXT MOUND OF SNOW - ICE PLAIN - HOTH - DAY 17 The robot stops before a large mound of snow about twenty feet long and six feet high. It circles the mound, then shoots a thin laser bolt at the snow drift. 18 CLOSE-UP MOUND OF SNOW 18 The mound shakes a little bit and two large eyes appear at one end, staring directly at the robot. A primeval BELLOW issues forth from the mound. 19 EXT MOUND OF SNOW - ICE PLAIN - HOTH - DAY 19 The robot backs off a few feet, then blasts the mound with a heavy laser bolt that disintegrates the snow- covered creature in a cloud of smoke and flame. 20 EXT ICE PLAIN - HOTH - DAY 20 The evil robot moves off toward the horizon. 21 EXT ICE GORGE - HOTH - DUSK 21 The jagged face of a huge ice wall sits gloomily in the dim twilight of a Hoth day. Luke hangs spreadeagle upside down, ankles tied by hide thongs to ice stalactites, his extended arms within a meter of the snow floor. His face is covered in dried frozen blood on one side. He opens his eyes as a chilling MOAN of the hideous ice creature echoes off the gorge walls. 22 EXT ICE GORGE - MED SHOT LUKE - DUSK 22 Luke pulls himself up, grabs hold of his ankles, and futilely tries to unfasten the thongs. Exhausted, he drops back into the hanging position. LUKE (to himself) Relax. Relax. Luke spies his laser sword lying near a pile of his discarded gear about three feet out of reach. Rever- berating through the gorge, the growling and crunching sounds of the approaching ice monster can be heard. Luke desperately strains for his sword. Quietly, almost a whisper, Luke hears old BEN'S CALM VOICE. BEN (Voice Over) Luke, think the saber in your hand. Luke focuses on the saber as the huge monster's feet crunch closer. Luke's hand strains toward the weapon, his eyes squeeze tight in concentration. LUKE Gotta relax, relax .... BEN (Voice Over) Let The Force flow, Luke. Just as the ice monster looms over Luke, the light saber suddenly jumps three feet into Luke's hand. The young warrior instantly ignites the sword, swings up and cuts both of his bindings. He drops to the snow in a heap. The startled ice monster moves back, his giant yellow eyes blinking. The most that can be discerned of the creature is a shape, and those two perplexed eyes. Luke scrambles to his feet. He swings his light saber and the monster screams in pain. 23 EXT ENTRANCE TO ICE GORGE - HOTH - DUSK 23 Luke staggers out of the gorge and stumbles down a snow bank. 24 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - MILLENNIUM FALCON - DUSK 24 The hangar is full of activity. We hear a familiar stream of beeps and whistles a moment before catching sight of ARTOO and THREEPIO, who appear from a corridor and move along an ice wall toward the Millennium Falcon. Behind them, in the ice, two large yellow eyes blink open. THREEPIO It is not my fault, you malfunc- tioning twerp. I merely commented That it was freezing in her chamber. But it's supposed to be freezing. I did not ask you to turn on the thermal heater. I don't know how we'll get all her things dried out ... Ah. Here we are. The two robots stop at Han Solo's space freighter. Han and Chewie are still struggling with their central lifters. THREEPIO Captain Solo, sir. Might I have a word with you? HAN What is it? THREEPIO Mistress Leia has been trying to reach you on the communicator, but either you have it turned off, or it is malfunctioning ... if it's damaged, Artoo, could fix it, if you like. HAN I shut it off. What's her royal holiness want? THREEPIO She is looking for Master Luke, and assumed he would be here with you. No one seems to know ... Han glances at the fading light at the entrance of the ice cave as night slowly begins to fall on the planet. HAN (concerned) Luke's not back yet? It's almost night out there! Han jumps down off the lift. HAN Bolt it down, Chewie ... (yelling) Deck Sergeant! (into com-link) Control, has Commander Skywalker reported in yet? He gets a negative reply as the DECK SERGEANT and an AIDE rush up to Han. DECK SERGEANT Yes sir! HAN Sergeant, is Commander Skywalker back yet? DECK SERGEANT I haven't seen him. He probably came in through the south entrance. HAN Probably isn't good enough, Sergeant. Check on it! The Deck Sergeant and his aide turn and rush off. Artoo lets out a confused whistle. THREEPIO I don't know, Artoo. (to Han) Sir, might I inquire what's going on? HAN Go tell your precious Princess ... Luke is dead unless he shows up soon. Artoo lets out with a hysterical whistle. THREEPIO Oh no! 25 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - TAUNTAUN CORRAL - NEAR ENTRANCE 25 DUSK The Deck Sergeant and several Troopers inspect the mangled remains of three dead Tauntauns. Some of the hardware nearby has also been brutally pulled out of shape. Several surviving Tauntauns shuffle nervously nearby. Outside the light is slowly fading. TROOPER (to Deck Sergeant) ... I can't imagine, sir. Their necks are broken. The Deck Sergeant nods, then notices Han running up and steps out of the group to meet him. DECK SERGEANT Commander Skywalker hasn't come through the south entrance, sir. Maybe he slipped by without checking in. HAN Not likely! Where are the speeders? DECK SERGEANT We haven't got them adapted to this cold yet ... HAN We'll have to go out on Tauntauns. DECK SERGEANT The temperature is dropping too fast. HAN You bet it is ... and Luke's out in it. Han pushes through the troops and mounts a snow lizard. Huge monster feet move into the shadows of one of the X wing bays. DECK SERGEANT The night storms will start before you can reach the first marker. HAN Then I'll see you in Hell. 26 EXT SNOW CAVE ENTRANCE - REBEL BASE - DUSK 26 The small, lone figure riding a snow lizard races off into the hostile vastness of snow and cold. The slightest hint of wind blows up the snow behind the Tauntaun. 27 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - DUSK 27 The dark, evil probe robot moves across the frozen floor of the Hoth plain. The wind is beginning to pick up, and snow starts to cake on the front of the robot. It stops, hovers, then drops to the ground. Several probes emerge from its metal hull and a dome shaped force field around the robot begins to glow. Eventually, the force field becomes a solid shape and is quickly covered with the blowing snow. 28 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - DUSK 28 Han rides across the plain on his Tauntaun. 29 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - CLOSE-UP HAN - DUSK 29 He reigns his mount to a stop, looks around and listens. It's almost as if he hears something. He turns and looks in one direction, then spurs his lizard in that direction. 30 EXT PLAIN OF HOTH - DUSK 30 Han rides off across the plain on his Tauntaun. 31 EXT SNOW DRIFT - HOTH - DUSK 31 The wind is blowing quite strong now. Luke struggles to stay upright, but a blast of freezing snow knocks him over. He struggles to get up, but can't. The young warrior from Tatooine drags himself a couple of feet and then collapses. LUKE I can't ... BEN You must. Luke, look at me! Luke looks up and sees old BEN KENOBI standing not ten feet away. Luke strains to lift himself up. He is speechless. BEN You must survive, Luke. LUKE I'm cold ... so cold ... BEN You must go to the Dagobah System ... There you will learn from one who taught me: Yoda, the Jedi Master. LUKE Ben ... Ben ... BEN Luke ... you are the only hope. The image of Ben fades, revealing a lone rider on a Tauntaun in the windswept horizon. LUKE Ben!? Luke drops into unconsciousness. 32 EXT SNOW DRIFT - HOTH - DUSK 32 Han pulls up, leaps off his lizard. He goes to his snow-covered friend and cradles him in his arms. Han's Tauntaun lets out a low, pitiful bellow. There is real fear in Han's face as he shakes Luke. HAN Come on, buddy, you aren't dead yet. Give me a sign here. Luke doesn't respond. Han begins frantically rubbing Luke's wounded face. Soon he is slapping him. HAN Don't do this, Luke, it's not your time ... Luke responds to a slap. Han is joyous. HAN All right! I knew you wouldn't leave me out here all alone! Han glances over toward his Tauntaun with concern as he starts to lift Luke. HAN (to Luke) We've got to get you out of here before our transportation freezes. 33 EXT SNOW DRIFT BY TAUNTAUN - HOTH - DUSK 33 Han has carried Luke almost to the lizard when the Tauntaun dies with a moan. Han checks the lizard. HAN Blast! Deader than a Triton moon. We haven't got much time. Han ignites Luke's light saber and cuts the beast from head to toe. He quickly shovels the steaming innards of the beast into the snow. Then he lifts Luke's inert form and stuffs him inside the carcass. HAN I know this doesn't smell so good, Luke, but it'll keep you from freezing. I'm sure this Tauntaun wouldn't hesitate if it were the other way around. (Han gets an awful whiff of the insides) Whew! It's just as well you're out, pal. Han starts pulling things out of a pack on the dead lizard's back. HAN (into com-link) Base one, do you copy? ... This com-link is useless. The wind has picked up considerably and Han is beginning to find it difficult to move. He struggles with the shelter container, opens it and starts constructing it. HAN If I don't get this shelter up fast, Jabba the Hutt won't need those bounty hunters. 34 SNOW DRIFT - HOTH - DUSK 34 A veil of icy snow flows across the snow drift obscuring the doomed warriors. 35 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - ENTRANCE - NIGHT 35 Princess Leia and her two robots stand before the dark entrance to the rebel base, waiting for a sign of the two rebel heroes. Leia shivers as the cold wind blows in on her. Artoo beeps a mournful tone. Chewie is sitting nearby with his head in his hands. THREEPIO Artoo can pick up no signals, although he feels his range is probably too limited to give up hope. Leia nods an acknowledgement, but she is lost in thought that is only broken when General Rieekan approaches. RIEEKAN Nothing more can be done tonight. The shield doors must be closed. I can't wait any longer. I'm sorry. LEIA (resigned) I understand. Chewie lets out a long, mournful howl, somewhat like a coyote. RIEEKAN The speeders should be ready in the morning. They'll make the search easier. LEIA Is there any chance of them surviving out there? RIEEKAN Slim, but yes, there's a chance. They have a shelter. It's not much, but ... Artoo lets out with a complex series of efficient beeps. THREEPIO Beggin' your pardon, ma'am, but Artoo says the chances of survival are one thousand, seven hundred twenty-seven to one. (to Artoo) Actually, I don't think we needed to know that. Leia stands praying to herself as the huge metal doors slam across the entrance of the ice cave. The loud BOOMS echo through the huge cavern. Chewie lets out another howl. 36 EXT ICE PLAIN - HOTH - DAWN 36 The huge dim sun of Hoth crawls lazily over the horizon in the North as a spurt of snow shoots skyward revealing the dark probe robot. The sinister object pulls in several of its extended arms, hovers for a few moments, then starts off across the bleak Hoth plain. 37 EXT SNOWDRIFT - HOTH - DAY 37 A small, snub-nosed, armored landspeeder races across the white landscape. 38 INT ARMORED SNOWSPEEDER - HOTH SNOWDRIFTS - DAY 38 There is only one PILOT, ZEV, in the enclosed two-man craft. He concentrates on the scopes which ring his cockpit. A low beep can be heard. ZEV (excited) I've got something! Not much but it could be a life form FTC 2321 by TRX 1173. I'm closing in ... 39 EXT ARMORED SNOWSPEEDER - HOTH SNOWDRIFTS - DAY 39 The small craft banks and makes a slow arc racing off in a new direction. 40 INT ARMORED SNOWSPEEDER - HOTH SNOWDRIFTS - DAY 40 The pilot switches over to a new transmitter. ZEV This is S-122 calling Captain Solo, Commander Skywalker. Do you copy? This is S-122 ... There is a sharp crackle of static then a faint voice. HAN (OS) (filtered) Nice of you guys to drop by. Hope we didn't get you up too early. ZEV (switching transmitters) Base One, I found them, Repeat, I found them .... 41 EXT SNOWDRIFT - HOTH - DAY 41 The small shelter is covered with snow on the windward side. Han has made a makeshift antenna which rests gingerly on top of the snowdrift. The small armored speeder can be seen approaching in the distance as Han waves frantically in the foreground. 42 INT MEDICAL CENTER - REBEL BASE 42 Strange ROBOT SURGEONS adjust a mass of electronic equipment. A switch is thrown and a sudden blinding flash obscures Luke in a chamber filled with a thick, gelatinous red slime. Luke begins to thrash about, raving in his delirium. 43 INT MEDICAL CENTER OBSERVATION ROOM - REBEL BASE 43 Leia, Threepio, and Chewbacca are watching from a glassed-off room next door, where Han is resting on a cushioned medical table. They can hear the mechanical surgeons working and Luke's ravings on a speaker in the room. LUKE Watch out ... snow creatures ... dangerous ... Yoda ... go to Yoda ... only hope ... must survive .... Han raises himself on the table, listening to Luke. Chewbacca makes him lie back down, then BARKS a comment in reference to Luke. HAN He doesn't make sense to me either, Chewie. THREEPIO I do hope he's all there ... if you take my meaning. I would hate to see Master Luke develop a short circuit ... HAN The kid ran into something mean, and it wasn't the cold. LEIA Those creatures he keeps talking about ... we'd better double the security ... Han, I don't know how ... HAN Forget it. TOO-ONEBEE (2-1B), a surgeon droid, enters the room. TOO-ONEBEE He had gone into dormo-shock, almost hibernation. But he's responding to the Bacta. We'll bring him through. Leia breathes a sigh of relief. Chewie lets out a long GRUNT of approval. LEIA Now all we've got to worry about is what attacked him. HAN No kidding. If this snowball's got nasty natives, they could be anywhere. Chewie WHINES, looks around. HAN That's right, Chewie, inside the base. 44 INT CORRIDOR - REBEL BASE 44 The drip, drip, drip of melting ice echoes throughout the long eerie corridor. A trooper walks by, followed at a short distance by Artoo, who rolls along whistling to himself. Behind him, a Wampa Ice Monster suddenly appears from out of the wall and begins following the little droid. Up ahead Artoo sees several troopers begin to act rather strangely, pointing at him and yelling. This puzzles Artoo, and he stops for a moment to figure it out. Far in the distance, alarms begin to go off. Artoo comes to a conclusion, spins his head around and sees the Ice Monster staring down at him. The droid lets out a screech and races down the hall at full tilt ahead of the advancing monster. A small troop of soldiers has gathered at the end of the hallway with weapons. Artoo races through the armed gathering as the creature screams and charges the troopers, laser bolts exploding around him. Artoo peeks from around a corner in time to see several troopers hurled against the walls like rag dolls. Two soldiers fire a laser bazooka at the monster and it is obscured by an enormous explosion. The smoke clears. The silence is spooky. The Ice Monster stands seemingly dumbstruck. Artoo gives a short, worried beep. The creature topples over in a dead heap. A cheer goes up from Artoo and the troopers as they converge to inspect the fallen creature. A young CORPORAL pulls his com-link off his belt and speaks into it. CORPORAL We got it, sir, but there may be more. 45 INT COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE 45 Alarms buzz softly in the background. The entire command center is on full alert. General Rieekan is conferring with the HEAD CONTROLLER as Han and Leia enter the room. Threepio and Chewie follow. LEIA Have they analyzed the one that was killed? RIEEKAN Not yet. They're working on it now. Another alarm goes off at a console behind them and the SENSOR CONTROLLER at that spot calls across the room. SENSOR CONTROLLER General! Rieekan leaves the group as they continue ... HEAD CONTROLLER It won't be long before our sensors will be able to track them. THREEPIO It figures Artoo would be in the middle of this. HAN It's going to be a little tricky around here until we know where they're coming form. 46 INT COMMAND CENTER BY CONSOLE - REBEL BASE 46 Rieekan looks up grimly from the console in the back- ground. He calls over to Leia and Han. RIEEKAN We have a visitor. The group hurries over to Rieekan. RIEEKAN We've picked up something outside the base in zone one, moving East. LEIA What is it? SENSOR CONTROLLER Can't tell yet ... Metal. HAN Then it's not one of those creatures. LEIA Could it be one of ours? A speeder? SENSOR CONTROLLER I'm getting no signal. Wait, something very weak. Threepio steps up to the control panel and listens to the strange signal intensely. THREEPIO I must say, sir, I'm fluent in over six million forms of communi- cation, but this is something new ... must be in code or .... A new VOICE comes over the com-link. TROOPER VOICE This is station five and we have your object on our scopes ... It's just over the ridge, we should have visual contact in about ... What the? ... Oh no! The transmission ends in static. HAN Whatever it is, it isn't friendly. I'm going to have a look. Come on, Chewie. RIEEKAN Wait. I'll send a patrol with you. HAN (over his shoulder) Fine. But they'll have to take care of themselves. 47 EXT SNOW PLAIN - OVER REBEL BASE - HOTH - DAY 47 The dark probe robot moves past the smoldering ruins of the station fire and down a ridge toward the rebel base. 48 EXT SNOW PLAIN - SPEEDER - OVER REBEL BASE - HOTH - DAY 48 The robot stops when it sees in the distance a tiny speeder racing toward it followed by several other speeders. A large antenna projects skyward from the robot's top and it begins to send out a PIERCING SIGNAL. 49 EXT SNOW DUNE - SPEEDER - HOTH - DAY 49 The speeder disappears behind a snow dune. 50 EXT SNOW PLAIN - OVER REBEL BASE - HOTH - DAY 50 The sinister robot continues to send out its high pitched signal while frantically searching the landscape for the rebel speeders. 51 EXT SNOW PLAIN - OVER REBEL BASE - HOTH - DAY 51 Shortly, Chewbacca pops his head over a snow bank not thirty feet away. The robot swings around, its deadly ray ready to fire. But before it can get a shot off, it is hit from behind by a laser bolt, and explodes in a million pieces. 52 EXT SNOW PLAIN - OVER REBEL BASE - HOTH - DAY 52 Han Solo rises from the direction of the deadly bolt and walks over to the spot where the robot was a moment before, taking out his com-link. 53 INT COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE 53 Princess Leia and Rieekan listen to Han on the com-link. HAN (OS) (filtered) .... I'm afraid there's not much left. LEIA What was it? HAN (OS) (filtered) Droid of some kind. I didn't hit it that hard. It must have had a self-destruct .... LEIA An Imperial probe droid. HAN (OS) (filtered) Now don't panic. We don't know that. RIEEKAN But, we don't know it wasn't. 54 SPACE - IMPERIAL FLEET 54 Darth Vader's Star Destroyer, larger and stranger than the five Imperial Star Destroyers that surround it, sits in the vastness of space. The six huge ships are surrounded by a convoy of smaller spacecraft. Tie fighters dart to and fro. 55 INT BRIDGE - MAIN CONTROL DECK - VADER'S STAR DESTROYER 55 Controllers working the vast complex of electronic controls hear ominous, approaching footsteps and look up from their controls. The squat, evil-looking ADMIRAL OZZEL and the young, powerfully-built GENERAL VEERS, who have been conferring near the front, also feel the approaching presence and turn that way. DARTH VADER, Lord of the Sith, enters like a chill wind. As he moves across the wide bridge, CAPTAIN PIETT hurries up to Ozzel. PIETT I think we've found them, Admiral. OZZEL Are you sure, Captain? PIETT Well, the report we have is only a fragment, from a probe droid in the Hoth System, but it's the best lead we've had in .... OZZEL (angry) We have millions of probe droids searching the galaxy ... I want proof, not leads. I don't intend to continue to chase around from one side .... VADER (looming over the group) The Hoth System? PIETT Yes, Sir .... we have visuals ... the System is supposed to be devoid of human forms ... On a large screen, an image of the rebel snow base appears surrounded by complicated computer readouts. The rebel speeders can be seen approaching in the distance. Vader studies the image. VADER That's it. That's the one. OZZEL My Lord, how do you know it's them? There are so many uncharted settlements. It could be smugglers ... VADER I know. And I know young Skywalker is with them. Bring in the patrol ships, Admiral, and set your course for the Hoth System. General Veers prepare your men .... 56 INT ICE CORRIDOR - REBEL BASE - HOTH 56 Artoo and Threepio are moving by a steel door on which an X had been painted. From behind it come intermittent THUMPS and ROARS. THREEPIO ... It seems the snow creatures are attracted to a high-pitched whistle. That's how they're being drawn to this trap. Artoo WHISTLES his understanding as he stands before the door. Immediately the THUMPING on the door picks up. Artoo beeps a question. THREEPIO See your whistles upset them. No, I told you they can't get out! Now will you hurry up? I don't know why I bother ... Threepio moves around a corner. Artoo stares at the door another moment, then proceeds to tell the Ice Monsters off in a burst of beeps and whistles. The THUMPING picks up as Artoo moves casually away. 57 INT MEDICAL CENTER - REBEL BASE 57 Luke is out of the chamber, lying on the bed previously occupied by Han. Leia is at his side. She brushes the hair out of his eyes and runs her fingers along the scar on his face. LEIA The Bacta are growing well. The scars should be gone in a day or so. Does it still hurt? LUKE I'm fine. Really. Leia ... when I was out there and it looked pretty bad ... well, it made me think about things. LEIA Me too. I was afraid. Their eyes meet. Luke touches her cheek with his hand. LUKE I don't really know how to say this ... I never have before ... Leia, you know how I feel about you ... She does and it's confusing. Their lips are very close. About to kiss. The door opens noisily and Threepio enters with Artoo. Leia pulls back, startled. Luke realizes the moment has been lost. His mind races for a way to regain it as Leia takes on her more formal manner. The droids are a bothersome distraction; Luke's concentration is on Leia. Artoo beeps a cheerful greeting. THREEPIO Master Luke, it's so good to see you functional again. LUKE Thanks, Threepio. Leia ... Artoo beeps and whistles. THREEPIO Artoo expresses his relief also. LUKE Good. Thanks, Artoo. LEIA (about to leave) You rest now. THREEPIO So much has happened during the period of your indisposition, sir. LEIA I'll be back later. LUKE (anxious to keep her) Leia ... What would you think if I went away for a while? LEIA What did you say?! Leia's reaction is so much bigger and more vociferous than Luke expected, it starts what is to become a growing snowball of confusion for him. LEIA Where are you going? LUKE I have this ... feeling. I'm not sure, really ... LEIA That's just great. Why doesn't everyone just take off? LUKE What are you talking about? LEIA First Han, now you. When am I going to learn not to count on anyone but myself? ... LUKE Han's leaving? LEIA ... I was getting along just fine before I met you two moon jockeys. LUKE Calm down, will ya? Tell me about Han. LEIA He wants to pay off that criminal he's in hock to. LUKE Jabba the Hutt? LEIA (back to her tirade) I could get more loyalty if I went down the hall and recruited some of those snow creatures. LUKE Snow creatures ... they're here?! THREEPIO Yes, sir. But they're being trapped quite cleverly. Artoo beeps and whistles proudly. THREEPIO (to Artoo) What do you mean, you took care of that? I would hardly call your part in that matter great ... Luke's head is spinning as Han and Chewie make a vigorous entrance. The Wookiee GROWLS a greeting. HAN Hi kid, you look strong enough to wrestle a Gundark. LUKE Thanks to you. HAN That's two you owe me, junior. Han turns to Leia with a big, devilish grin. HAN Well, your worship, it looks like you arranged to keep me close by for a while longer. LEIA I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for any ships to leave the system until we know where that probe came from. LUKE Probe? What probe? HAN That makes a good story. But I think you just can't bear to let me out of your sight. LEIA I don't know where you get your delusions, laser brains. Chewie is amused; he LAUGHS in his manner. Han is enjoying this. He regards Chewie good-humoredly. HAN Laugh it up, fuzz ball. You didn't see her alone with me in the south passage. Luke sparks to this; he looks at Leia. LEIA (to Luke) I don't know what he's talking about. HAN Ooops! I guess you haven't told Luke about that yet. LUKE About what? HAN Now don't get the wrong idea, pal. She was just trying to express her true feelings for me. LEIA (to Han) You must have gone completely out of your feeble mind. HAN Come on, your highness, are you telling me you haven't been thinking about that kiss? Leia is flushed, eyes darting between Luke And Han. LEIA Why you low-down, stuck-up, half- witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder. HAN Who's scruffy-looking? (a big grin) I tell ya' sweetheart, I must've hit pretty close to the mark to get you hoppin' like this. Doesn't it look that way to you, Luke? LUKE (staring at Leia) Yeah ... it does ... kind of. Leia looks vulnerable for a moment, then the mask again, focusing on Luke. LEIA Oh it does, does it? Well, I guess you don't understand every- thing about women yet ... do you, sonny? With that Leia leans over and kisses Luke on the lips. Then she stands and walks out. Everyone is dumbstruck. The door closes behind Leia and they all look at each other in silence. In the distance, the muffled sound of an alarm is heard. 58 SPACE - IMPERIAL FLEET 58 Six huge star destroyers rest in the Hoth System. 59 INT STAR DESTROYER - VADER'S CHAMBER 59 A dark cubicle is illuminated by a single shaft of light from above. The brooding Dark Lord sits on a raised meditation cube. General Veers enters the room and approaches Vader. Vader doesn't move. Veers, although seemingly very sure of himself, is still not bold enough to interrupt the meditating Lord. The young general stands quietly at attention until the evil presence speaks. VADER What is it, Veers? VEERS My Lord, the fleet has moved out of light speed. Com-Scan has detected an energy field protecting an area on the sixth planet in the Hoth System. The field is strong enough to deflect any bombardment. VADER (angry) The rebel scum is alerted to our presence. I told Admiral Ozzel not to go out of light speed so close to the system. VEERS He felt surprise was a wiser ... VADER He's as clumsy as he is stupid. A clean bombardment is impossible with that energy shield up. Prepare your troops for a surface attack. Veers turns smartly and leaves as Vader activates a large view-screen showing the bridge of the mighty space cruiser. Admiral Ozzel appears, with Captain Piett in the background. OZZEL Lord Vader, the fleet has moved out of light ... VADER Captain Piett! The Captain steps forward, as the Admiral moves away slightly confused, touching his throat as it begins to constrict. PIETT Yes, My Lord. VADER Make ready to land General Veers' assault troops on the surface. Then deploy the fleet so that nothing can get off that system. You're in command now, Admiral Piett. Piett is as pleased as he is surprised. Admiral Ozzel has been struggling to breathe in the background and now with a final choke, he dies. 60 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - REBEL BASE 60 Alarms sound. Troops, ground crews and droids rush to their alert stations. Armored landspeeders are lined up in attack formation near the main entrance. Leia is briefing a group of pilots gathered in the center of the hangar. Beyond them Han can be seen doing some frantic welding on the lifters of the Millennium Falcon. LEIA ... the large transport ships will leave as soon as they've loaded. Only two fighter escorts per ship. The energy shield can only be opened for a split second at a time, so you'll have to stay very close to the transports. PILOT What about those Imperial ships out there? LEIA The ion cannon will fire two blasts which will destroy any enemy ships in your flight path. Then proceed to the rendezvous point. Good luck. The pilots hurry away. 61 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - MILLENNIUM FALCON - REBEL BASE 61 Han finishes his work and hops down to the hangar floor. He pulls out his com-link, all the time eyeing the lifters. HAN (into com-link) All right, Chewie, give it a try. Leia passes, giving Han a dirty look. A mechanism on the pirate's ship makes a noise and the lifters begin to rise. Suddenly there is a malfunction and the right lifter breaks partially loose, swinging down with a crash. Han winces. Leia, across the hangar, turns at the sound and shoots Han a ÒWhat a screw-up!Ó look, then goes out. HAN (into com-link) Hold it, Chewie. 62 INT COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE - HOTH 62 The command center is quiet but tense, a marked contrast to the rushing about on the hangar deck. Only the buzz of complicated electronic equipment overrides the silence. General Rieekan watches over the shoulder of a RADARMAN as hundreds of small dots dance across a scope readout. Leia joins him. RADARMAN Imperial assault craft have landed on the far side. RIEEKAN If they reach the power generators, that will be the end of our energy shield. LEIA We must hold them off until all our ships are safely away. CONTROLLER The first transport is ready ... Stand by to fire the ion cannon. 63 EXT IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER - SPACE 63 FULL SHOT - A huge Imperial Star Destroyer rests against a sea of stars with the white surface of the planet Hoth far below in the left part of the frame. 64 INT IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER NO. 1 BRIDGE 64 FULL SHOT - Interior Imperial Star Destroyer. Out window stars and the white planet on the left side of the frame. CONTROLLER Sir ... rebel ship coming into our sector. CAPTAIN Good, our first catch of the day. Close in .... 65 COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE 65 The long line of rebel controllers are tense, as are Princess Leia and General Rieekan, although they try not to show it. R-2 scoots by in the background followed by Threepio; they leave the room. CONTROLLER Our transport is approaching the shield. RADARMAN Open the shield and fire. 66 EXT ION CANNON - REBEL BASE ICE COVE 66 FULL SHOT - Giant ball-shaped ion cannon as it rotates into position and blasts two red energy beams skyward. 67 SPACE - HOTH REBEL TRANSPORT 67 FULL SHOT - SPACE - The planet Hoth covers two-thirds of the frame, left and lower. A medium rebel transport races away from the planet, followed by the two red energy beams. All race over camera. 68 SPACE - IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER - REBEL TRANSPORT 68 FULL SHOT TRUCKING as the rebel transport races over the camera toward the waiting Imperial Star Destroyer, followed, then overtaken by the two red energy bolts. The Imperial Star Destroyer is hit in the conning tower by the bolts, causing great explosions. 69 SPACE - IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER - REBEL TRANSPORT 69 FULL SHOT - Imperial Star Destroyer as a series of explosions rock the ship causing it to veer, then spin wildly out of control. SIDE VIEW of Star Destroyer right to left as it careens into deep space, and the rebel transport moves across the screen left to right. PAN with the rebel ship as it races away to safety. 70 MAIN HANGAR DECK - REBEL BASE - HOTH 70 Pilots, gunners and R-2 units hurry about. Luke, pulling on his heavy weather gear, is headed toward a row of armored speeders. He stops at the back of the Millennium Falcon, where Han and Chewie are trying to repair the right lifter with even more haste than before. Luke speaks up to them. LUKE Looks like this'll be it for awhile. Chewie, take care of yourself ... and watch over this guy, will ya. Chewie BARKS a farewell and returns to his work. Han and Luke exchange warm looks. LUKE I hope you make your peace with Jabba. HAN Don't worry. You haven't seen the last of us. Han swings down by one arm like a monkey and clasps Luke's hand. They hold for a long moment, then break. Luke nods and moves away. Han watches him go. HAN Give Ôem hell, kid. He goes back to work. Everyone cheers at the announce- ment which echoes through the hangar. ANNOUNCER (OVER PA) First transport is clear and away. Luke hurries up to his landspeeder. His gunner, DACK, a fresh-faced, eager kid, is glad to see him. They climb in. DACK Are you feeling all right, sir? LUKE Like new, Dack. How Ôbout you? Ready to try some real fighting? DACK Yes, sir! Right now I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself. You know what I mean, Commander? LUKE (quietly, strapping in) Yeah, I know ... I know. Leia's voice comes over the PA system. LEIA (OVER PA) Speeder pilots ... Your fighters are being towed to the south slope. They should be safe there. You'll get a signal when the evacuation is complete. 71 ICE CORRIDOR - REBEL BASE - HOTH 71 Threepio and Artoo stand in the middle of the corridor as troops and aides rush past them. THREEPIO Why is it when things seem to get settled, everything falls apart. Well, I guess it's goodbye then ... Take good care of Master Luke ... and take good care of yourself, too. Until we meet again .... Artoo replies with a whistle and a toot, turns and speeds down the hallway. Threepio waves, then turns and moves off in the opposite direction. 72 EXT ICE CAVE (MATTE) 72 With gun tower in the foreground, men rush about getting ready for the battle. The giant gun swings around pointing to camera slightly left to right. 73 EXT ICE PLAIN - SNOW TRENCH - HOTH 73 MED SHOT - Rebel troops carry heavy bazooka-type weapons into position along a snow trench. Men rush about as officers yell orders and brace themselves against the rhythmic gusts of wind. 74 EXT ICE PLAIN - GUN TOWERS 74 MED SHOT - Rebel troops load power packs into a gun turret and swing its guns into position. 75 EXT ICE PLAIN - POWER GENERATORS - GUN TOWERS 75 MED SHOT - Rebel troops move a dish-like ray gun into position. The huge power generator can be seen in background against the ice cliffs. 76 EXT ICE PLAIN - POWER GENERATORS - GUN TOWERS 76 MED SHOT of generator, as men scurry about in the fore- ground carrying equipment. The loud buzz and popping of the generator is deafening. Long fingers of energy fly off the huge cores every so often. One trooper moves into the foreground as he hears something but can't quite make out what it is. 77 EXT ICE PLAIN - POWER GENERATORS - GUN TOWERS 77 MED CLOSE-UP - An officer in the trench hears the sound also. He turns toward the ice plain horizon. All work stops as the men listen to the distant, thump, thump, thump sound. The officer squints to see something. 78 EXT ICE PLAIN - HOTH - POV 78 WIDE SHOT - A thin horizon line cuts across the bleak landscape. Small dot-sized objects begin to appear on the horizon: the wind begins to pick up. 79 EXT ICE PLAIN - HOTH 79 EXTREME CLOSE-UP - The giant foot of an Imperial snow walker crashes thru frame, kicking up snow and ice. It rises out of frame. 80 EXT ICE PLAIN POWER GENERATOR - GUN TOWERS 80 MED SHOT - The rebel officer lifts a pair of electro- binoculars to his eyes. 81 EXT ICE PLAIN - HOTH - POV 81 ELECTRO-BINOCULAR POV of very close view on a giant walker, the view ZOOMS back to reveal a full shot of three approaching walkers. Small flashes appear around the guns of the lumbering monsters. 82 EXT ICE PLAINS - POWER GENERATORS - GUN TOWERS 82 MED SHOT - The officer drops his binoculars as the regular rhythmic pounding begins to vibrate the ground. It grows louder, with a high-pitched, metallic rattling. He speaks into a com-link. LIEUTENANT Incoming! Open up ... they're point 03, Commander Skywalker LUKE We're on our way. The ice and snow explode around the officer and his men. 83 EXT ICE PLAIN - POWER GENERATORS - GUN TOWERS 83 MED SIDE ANGLE - The rebel troops aim their weapons at the horizon as explosions erupt all around them. They are nervous, and tighten their weapons from the cold or fear. Behind the troops a dozen speeders race screen left to right. 84 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 84 MED FULL SHOT - Four speeders race over camera at full throttle. Slight left to right angle. 85 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 85 HIGH ANGLE - Trucking with speeders as they accelerate away from camera toward the distant walkers. 86 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 86 MED CLOSE-UP - Walker head fires at speeders. Second walker in background. Moving right to left. 87 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 87 MED FULL SHOT - Two speeders going left to right across ice plain. The one in the foreground explodes in a ball of flames. Camera trucking with ships. 88 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 88 INT SPEEDER OVER-SHOULDER - Pilot (Luke) works his controls as he fires at the approaching walkers. The monstrous machines fire back, shaking the speeder in a hail of flack. 89 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 89 MED SHOT - Side view looking forward along head of walker as two speeders race toward it, split and fly past. One speeder on the far side of the head, the other to camera. 90 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 90 FULL SHOT - Two speeders going away, race over camera past walker and bank to the right. Camera trucks in at slower speed toward flank of walker during shot. 91 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 91 INT PILOT POV - Speeder cockpit. Speeder turns, approaching walker number one, and flys through the legs of the monstrous machine. The horizon twists as the speeder banks through the legs. Second walker in background. LUKE Rogue Leader to Rogue Three. WEDGE Copy, Rogue Leader. 92 INT LUKE'S SNOW SPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 92 CLOSE-UP LUKE - Looking back to the speeder cockpit. The horizon twists and shakes behind Luke's head as he swings the tiny craft around for another run. LUKE Wedge, split your squad into pairs ... 93 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 93 FULL SHOT - Pan through foreground legs of walker as speeder banks and turns away. Two other speeders pass the first speeder going in the opposite direction. 94 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 94 MED FULL SHOT - Three walkers marching right to left firing all cannons. 95 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 95 CLOSE-UP LUKE - Luke speeds towards approaching snow walkers. 96 INT WALKER NO. 3 COCKPIT 96 Two pilots watch the distant gun emplacements as they maneuver their war machine forward. PILOT On the right! Luke's speeder banks in from the side and heads straight for the viewport, blasting away. A huge explosion hits the window and dissipates. The speeder roars over the window. 97 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 97 FULL SHOT - Moving across the top of the walker as Luke's speeder skims across it. Trucking with the speeder then it flys overhead. 98 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 98 CLOSE-UP LUKE LOOKING BACK as the walker grows small in the distance. LUKE That armor is too strong for blasters. 99 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 99 OVERHEAD TWISTING FULL SHOT WALKER - Luke's speeder banks up toward camera and turns. 100 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 100 SIDE VIEW CLOSE-UP LUKE - On the horizon a walker moves up past the cockpit window twisting as Luke banks and starts another run. LUKE Rogue Group use your harpoons and tow cables. Go for the legs. It's our only hope of stopping them. Hobbie, are you still with me? 101 INT HOBBIE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE FOUR 101 CLOSE-UP FRONT HOBBIE as the horizon twists then rights itself in the background. Hobbie, a tanned- skin vet of many battles, expertly works his controls. HOBBIE Yes, sir. LUKE (VO) Well stick close now. 102 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 102 FULL OVERHEAD TRUCKING - Luke's speeder races into the frame from the left in full bank, then straightens out. Hobbie's ship comes in from the left and moves in next to Luke's ship in a tight formation. They bank in unison and drop closer to the ice surface. 103 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 103 SIDE CLOSE-UP DACK - Struggles with his harpoon gun as he bounces around in the tumbling ship. DACK Whoea! Luke, I can't seem to find my restraints ... Explosions flash outside the window. As the ship moves left to right they pass a walker in the distance. 104 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 104 INT PILOT'S POV - Over the shoulder of Luke as he swings the speeder around and aims it at the oncoming walker. Laser bolts and flack create a deadly wall the speeder must pass through. LUKE Just hang on Dack, and get ready to fire that tow cable .... A huge explosion engulfs Luke's speeder, the battered craft wobbles a bit. 105 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 105 FRONT CLOSE-UP LUKE - As the speeder shudders under the impact of the explosion, but he manages to regain control of the craft. The horizon twists in the back- ground. LUKE Stand by, Dack, we're almost there. Are you okay, Dack? 106 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 106 FULL LOW ANGLE - The speeders fly in a tight formation toward the camera as explosions burst all around the craft. The speeders fly right over the camera. 107 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 107 SIDE CLOSE-UP LUKE - Interior speeder as Luke struggles to turn around to see if Dack is alright. In the back- ground the giant legs of the walker pass by as Luke banks under the monstrous machine. LUKE Dack! 108 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 108 CLOSE-UP DACK FROM LUKE'S POV - Dack is lost, blood streams down his forehead which rests on his smoldering controls. Out the back window the receding walker can be seen in the distance. 109 EXT ICE PLAIN - POWER GENERATORS - GUN TOWERS 109 MED SHOT - Rebel troops fire their strange weapons at the oncoming walker. Explosions burst all around them. A gun turret explodes in the foreground. 110 EXT ICE PLAIN - POWER GENERATORS - GUN TOWERS 110 MED SHOT - Rebel troops fire at camera with the generator visible in the distance. Explosions erupt in the foreground. 111 EXT ICE PLAIN - POWER GENERATORS - GUN TOWERS 111 MED SHOT - The rebel officer we had seen earlier is hit by laser fire. Troops rush to his aid. 112 EXT ICE PLAIN - POWER GENERATORS - GUN TOWERS 112 MED SHOT - Rebel troops fire the dish-like ray gun. The generator is seen in the background. 113 EXT ICE PLAIN - BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 113 FULL SHOT - Two walkers (one near, one far) lumber on toward camera as a speeder between them explodes in a ball of flames going left to right. 114 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - HOTH 114 Muffled explosions create ear-shattering cracks in the ice roof of the hangar. Han and Chewie look up from their frantic welding to see the gap in the ceiling grow wider. Han makes a final weld. HAN First chance we get, we're giving this crate a complete overhaul ... That's tight enough. Let's get out of here before we become permanent residents. 115 COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE - HOTH 115 Large chunks of snow tumble into the command center. Leia seeks shelter. LEIA Two transports at a time is awfully risky. RIEEKAN We have no choice. Send them up ... and start clearing everyone out. 116 INT IMPERIAL WALKER NO. 1 116 COCKPIT - Over the shoulder of the pilots to the power generator in the distance. Explosions all around. Two speeders race by right to left. The pilots fire at the gnat-like attackers. General Veers moves in between the pilots. VEERS What's the range to the power generators? PILOT Six twenty one .... still too far out of range, but it won't be long. 117 INT IMPERIAL WALKER NO. 1 COCKPIT 117 CLOSE-UP VEERS - As he bounces along, he pulls down an electro-telescope and studies the rebel positions. VEERS We have that line of gun emplace- ments to get through .... PILOT No problem .... Suddenly, the huge vehicle rocks violently. The pilots scramble over their controls to level the crafts. VEERS What's that? 118 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 118 HIGH SHOT - Side view of a speeder going left to right as it banks sharply and dives away from camera toward the fast rushing surface. 119 INT WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE THREE 119 CLOSE-UP FRONT - Wedge lets out a rebel yell, the horizon twisting behind him. 120 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 120 FULL SHOT TRUCKING - Panning with the speeder as it turns around and races under camera. Starts going left to right, turns to go overhead. 121 INT WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE THREE 121 OVER THE SHOULDER POV of Wedge as he heads toward Walker No. 3, going almost to where it passes between the legs. 122 INT WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE THREE 122 CLOSE-UP SIDE SHOT of the gunner as he passes the legs. He reaches for the firing switch. WEDGE Activate harpoon. 123 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 123 MED FULL SHOT of the speeder racing to camera through the legs of Walker No. 3. 124 INT WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE THREE 124 CLOSE-UP HAND pushes button that fires harpoon. 125 INT WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE THREE 125 BACK POV from gunner as the harpoon flashes and fires at the receding legs. ROGUE THREE GUNNER Cable out! Let her go .... 126 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 126 MED SHOT of the harpoon going right to left and embedding itself in one of the legs of Walker No. 3. 127 INT WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE THREE 127 CLOSE-UP SIDE WEDGE as he checks his controls, and banks around the walker's front. Left to right. 128 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 128 FULL SHOT SPEEDER as it races left to right around one of the giant walker feet, trailing the cable behind it. The speeder continues around the back foot going right to left. Truck with the Walker No. 3. 129 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 129 HIGH OVERHEAD MOVING SHOT of speeder as it circles the walker moving around the tail end. A second speeder passes in the foreground with the cable in tow. 130 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 130 FULL PANNING SHOT of speeder moving left to right in front of the giant legs of the walker towing the cable. 131 INT WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE THREE 131 CLOSE-UP OF WEDGE as he swings the speeder between the legs of the giant walker. 132 INT WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE THREE 132 PILOT'S POV of walkers legs as the speeder races along the side close to the lumbering machine. ROGUE THREE GUNNER Cable out! 133 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 133 FULL SHOT panning with the speeder as it zooms behind the legs moving right to left. 134 INT WEDGE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE THREE 134 CLOSE-UP HAND pushes button on cable release inside speeder cockpit. 135 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 135 CLOSE-UP CABLE RELEASE on back of the speeder as it snaps loose and the cable drops away. 136 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 136 FULL SHOT OF THE SPEEDER zooming over camera and away into the distance moving slightly right to left. Low angle, no horizon. 137 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 137 MED SHOT of the tangled legs and feet of Walker No. 3 coming to camera. The monster begins to stumble. 138 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 138 EXTREME LONG SHOT OF WALKER NO. 3 through the legs of a foreground walker. The giant Imperial assault machine stumbles and starts to fall to the ground. Side angle moving right to left. 139 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 139 CLOSE FULL SHOT of Walker No. 3 coming to camera crashing into the snow which flies in all directions. 140 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 140 CLOSE-UP LUKE FRONT with twisting horizon background. WEDGE (VO) Rogue Leader .... One down, Luke. LUKE I see it Wedge .... good work. 141 EXT ICE PLAIN - SNOW TRENCH - GUN TOWERS 141 MED SHOT OF TROOPS in the trenches cheering at the fallen walker. A damaged gun turret smolders in the background. An officer gives a signal in the fore- ground and the rebel troops charge the fallen walker moving left to right. 142 EXT ICE PLAIN - POWER GENERATORS - GUN TOWERS 142 FULL SHOT of the troops jumping out of the trenches running to camera. The main power generator can be seen in the distance. 143 EXT EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 143 FULL SIDE TRUCKING SHOT of rebel troops running left to right as two speeders race overhead going in the same direction. 144 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 144 FULL SHOT of downed Walker No. 3 as Imperial Snow Stormtroopers climb out of the smoldering walker and start firing at the coming rebels. The rebel troops run over the camera toward the Imperial forces, followed by two rebel speeders flying low overhead. 145 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 145 CLOSER ANGLE - Troops rush and fire at the fallen walker as a speeder banks low overhead, blasting away, causing great explosions around the walker. 146 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 146 FULL SHOT of Luke and Rogue Two's speeder flying in formation, banking from right to left and flying over- head. Low angle, no horizon. Flak bursts all around them. 147 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 147 CLOSE-UP OF LUKE from the front. He looks over to Rogue Two on his left. The horizon levels out behind him. The ship shudders as flack bursts all around his speeder. LUKE Steady, Rogue Two, I'll cover for you. 148 INT ZEV'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE TWO 148 SIDE CLOSE-UP ANGLE on Rogue Two. Luke's speeder can be seen in the background. The speeders are moving left to right. Rogue Two is wounded in the face. ROGUE TWO (ZEV) It's no good, I can't see. LUKE (VO) Steady, just keep it steady. The ship bounces under the constant impact of flack. 149 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 149 LUKE'S POV OUT THE SPEEDER window at the distant oncoming walker as flack bursts on all sides. Laser bolts streak past. LUKE I'll lead you in. 150 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 150 CLOSE-UP FRONT LUKE works his controls, as the ship shudders under the impact. He keeps looking screen left to Rogue Two. LUKE Is your gunner alright? ROGUE TWO GUNNER (VO) I'm O.K., sir. LUKE Just keep it steady. Don't try to .... Luke's speeder is rocked by a huge explosion, and a loud metal scream drowns out Luke's sentence. He struggles with the controls as a look of terror crosses his face. Smoke pours out the back and the horizon twists. 151 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 151 FULL SHOT of oncoming walkers in distance as Luke's speeder races over camera moving left to right trailing smoke and flames. The speeder crashes into the snow a few yards in front of the walker. 152 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 152 INT CLOSE-UP inside Luke's cockpit as he struggles to get out. He gets desperate as he looks out the cockpit window. 153 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 153 LUKE'S POV out cockpit window of giant walker feet crunching even closer. The ship shudders under the impact of the huge metal feet pounding the ice plain. 154 INT ZEV'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE TWO 154 CLOSE-UP FRONT Rogue Two, blood streaming down his face, struggles with his controls. The flack is murder. ROGUE TWO (ZEV) Luke .... What happened, I can't .... The cockpit explodes in a ball of flames. 155 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 155 FULL SIDE SHOT of Rogue Two's speeder in a ball of flames going left to right. 156 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - ROGUE LEADER 156 SIDE ANGLE CLOSE-UP from inside the cockpit as Luke manages to get the hatch open and pulls himself out. The ship shakes from the approaching walker. 157 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 157 EXTREME CLOSE-UP of giant walking foot as it comes crashing to the ground, sending snow in all directions. 158 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 158 MED FULL SHOT (looking back at Luke, away from walker) as Luke climbs out of the speeder and starts to run forward. The ominous shadow of the huge Walker No. 2 falls over him as he looks up at the approaching monster. The ground shakes under the impact of the pounding feet. Luke gets an idea and runs back to the speeder, reaching inside the cockpit for something. 159 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 159 EXTREME CLOSE-UP of the giant walker's foot as it comes crashing to the ground, sending snow in all directions. 160 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 160 MED CLOSE-UP as Luke rummages through the smoldering speeder and comes up with a climbing gun. Luke looks up, and ducks as the front foot of the walker comes crashing down right behind him, shaking the speeder violently. He reaches back in the cockpit for some- thing else, glancing up with a worried look. 161 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 162 LUKE'S POV of the moving underbelly of the huge Walker No. 2 as it passes over his head. 162 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 162 CLOSE-UP of Luke outside the speeder as he searches the cockpit, straining to reach inside. 163 INT LUKE'S SNOWSPEEDER - INSERT 163 CLOSE-UP Luke's arm inside the speeder. He grabs a hold of a large landmine-type bomb and pulls it out of the speeder cockpit. 164 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 164 MED FULL SIDE VIEW as Luke pulls the landmine out of the cockpit and leaps away just as the huge black foot of Walker No. 2 comes crashing down on the tiny speeder. The rebel vehicle is crushed flat by the powerful walker. 165 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 165 MED CLOSE-UP of Luke as he stumbles up out of the snow and runs toward camera slightly left to right chasing after the lumbering walker. He hooks the landmine around his neck. 166 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 166 CLOSE-UP LUKE as walker foot raises in background. 167 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 167 MED PAN PAST the back legs of Walker No. 2 following Luke as he runs under the monstrous machine and fires the gun at the underbelly of the walker, directly above him. A thin cable follows the projectile from the gun. Another walker can be seen in the background moving left to right. 168 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 168 CLOSE-UP OF MAGNETIC head and cable attaching itself on the underbelly of Walker No. 2. The cable is pulled tight as Luke tests it. 169 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 169 MED SHOT of Luke running and climbing up the cable. The second walker can be seen left to right in the background. 170 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 170 EXTREME LONG SHOT of Luke dangling from the underbelly of Walker No. 2, moving right to left. The giant legs of a second walker move through the foreground. 171 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 171 MED CLOSE-UP of Luke climbing the cable to the under- belly of Walker No. 2 going right to left. The two rebel speeders pass in the background. Flack burst in the distance. 172 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 172 HIGH ANGLE LOOKING down at Luke as he climbs the cable into a close shot. The walker's giant feet are seen pounding across the moving snow. Stray laser bolts pass him as he swings. 173 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 173 MED SIDE SHOT of Luke as he reaches the hull of Walker No. 2, next to a small hatch. Luke, hanging pre- cariously, cuts the solid metal hatch with his laser- sword. 174 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 174 CLOSE SIDE ANGLE of Luke taking the landmine from around his neck and placing it inside the Imperial machine. He closes the hatch and starts sown the cable, fast. 175 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 175 LOW ANGLE looking up at Walker No. 2 as Luke slides down the cable, then drops past camera. 176 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 176 SIDE MED SHOT of Luke falling, then drops out of the frame. 177 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 177 3/4 REAR LOW ANGLE SHOT of the giant Walker No. 2. It stops in mid-step. A muffled explosion is heard, then the insides of the giant walker come blasting out every conceivable opening. It sits dead in its tracks, smoking like a locomotive. 178 COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE 178 The command center is a shambles. The continual explosions outside have caused a massive cave-in. A lone controller works at the remaining computer board, while Leia, Threepio and another controller attempt to move a cake of ice off of General Rieekan. Finally, the ice tumbles to one side and Leia goes to the General, but it's too late. Threepio inspects the General's pulse. THREEPIO I'm afraid he's no longer functioning. Leia is truly sorrowful. She holds the General's hand a moment and regards him reflectively. CONTROLLER (urgent) The last transport is waiting. Another explosion rocks the area. THREEPIO Beg your pardon, ma'am, but our possible avenues of exit are being rapidly reduced. Leia nods, stands, and speaks to the controller with renewed authority. LEIA Tell the ship we're on our way, and signal the troops in the field to retreat to their fighters. 179 INT ICE CORRIDOR - REBEL BASE - HOTH Apart from the distant thunder of laser blasts, the corridor is strangely quiet and empty. Running foot- steps echo through the freezing hallway, then Han appears. He hurries toward the Control Center just as Leia, Threepio and the two controllers exit the room. Leia is surprised to see him. Han is greatly relieved to see her. HAN ... I heard on the com-link the command station was destroyed. You all right? Leia nods, still a little confused. LEIA General Rieekan's dead. Han grimaces at the news, then looks them over. HAN This all that's left of your unit? You'd better hurry, the transport's waiting for you. 180 INT ICE CORRIDOR - REBEL BASE - HOTH 180 With 3PO trailing behind, they race down the corridor to where it ends in a T and round the corner only to find it blocked with ice and snow. They start back the other way when Han stops at a door with a big cross on it. HAN That way is going to take too long. Let's go through these storage rooms. He starts for the door and hears a faint banging. HAN Hey! Someone's still in here. LEIA Wait, don't open it ... that's one of the traps for the ice creatures. The pounding increases. THREEPIO Oh my, there must be a hundred of them in there. They race down the corridor. 181 INT COCKPIT - REBEL TRANSPORT 181 The pilots are getting nervous, the captain leans over one. CAPTAIN I don't know if there's anyone left alive in there. Give it one more try. PILOT Control unit 33, this is transport XJ ... we can't wait any longer .... 182 INT ICE CORRIDOR 182 Han pulls his com-link out and talks as he runs. HAN Hello, XJ! They're coming now ... Suddenly there is an explosion, a loud crack. Han turns, grabs the Princess and pulls her to the wall as a giant cave-in smothers the two controllers. Han grabs his com-link as Leia helps Threepio dig him- self out of the snow. HAN Transport XJ. get out of here. Go! THREEPIO The energy shield is down. We'll be stuck here forever. 183 EXT REBEL GUN EMPLACEMENT - HOTH 183 The icy wind picks up as the battle rages. Rebel and Imperial troops are firing at each other at point blank range. 184 EXT SNOW BY REBEL GUN EMPLACEMENT - HOTH 184 A walker steps on several rebel troops as they attempt to flee. 185 EXT REBEL GUN EMPLACEMENT 185 A rebel officer puts his hand to his helmet earphone in an attempt to hear his com-link. COM-LINK Disengage - Disengage - Ships away. Begin retreat action. The officer flips a switch on his com-link and a loud whistle is heard. He signals his men to retreat. 186 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 186 LOW ANGLE MEDIUM SHOT of Walker No. 1 as it advances at camera, going slightly right to left. The smoldering walker that Luke just blasted stands dead in its tracks in the background. 187 INT IMPERIAL WALKER NO. 1 - COCKPIT 187 CLOSE over the shoulder of walker pilot. POV of rebel troops and power generators. Veers steps into the frame. 188 INT IMPERIAL WALKER NO. 1 - COCKPIT 188 REVERSE CLOSE-UP of Veers as he studies various readouts. PILOT All resistance is fading. VEERS Good, we have them now. Prepare to target the main generator. 189 EST REBEL GUN EMPLACEMENT - HOTH 189 MED SHOT - Rebel troops retreat under the onslaught. 190 EXT REBEL GUN EMPLACEMENT - HOTH 190 ANOTHER ANGLE - Rebel troops retreat as a walker looms in the background. Pan down to troops as an explosion hits. 191 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 191 HIGH ANGLE of troops fleeing and firing back toward camera. 192 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 192 LOW ANGLE FULL SHOT of three of the giant walkers advancing to camera, firing lasers, with troops in foreground running toward and over camera as the snow erupts all around them. A lone rebel speeder is in the background. 193 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 193 BACK CLOSE-UP of guns on walker-head, firing. 194 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 194 MED BEHIND TROOPS fleeing over camera, the ground explodes around them. 195 INT WALKER NO. 1 - COCKPIT 195 CLOSE-UP VEERS inside Walker No. 1 cockpit. He speaks over the com-link as he studies various readouts. VEERS .... yes, Lord Vader. I've reached the main power generators and I'm destroying them now. The shield will be down in moments. You may start your landing .... PILOT Look out! Veers looks out the cockpit window. 196 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 196 FULL SHOT of Hobbie's speeder, Rogue Four, as it races over camera right at the head of the oncoming walker. 197 INT WALKER NO. 1 - COCKPIT 197 OVER THE SHOULDER of Veers and his pilots as the speeder crashes into the front window. PILOT He's going to .... Impact, huge explosion. 198 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 198 FULL SHOT of Walker No. 1 with head exploding and frying into a million pieces. 199 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 199 FULL SHOT Walker No. 1. After a few moments the headless walker topples over on its side in a cloud of snow. 200 EXT BATTLEFIELD - HOTH 200 The clamor of battle is heard in the distance. Stray laser bolts whiz past. Debris and rubble are scattered everywhere. Nearby stands the burned-out hulk of No. 2 Walker Luke destroyed, hatches and metal parts clanking in the chilly Hoth wind. 201 EXT BATTLEFIELD - SNOWDRIFT - HOTH 201 Luke pops his head out of a hole in the snow. Still a little shaken, he tries to stand up, but can't. His com-link whistles. COM-LINK ... ships away. Begin retreat action. All troops begin retreat action. Luke musters all his strength and starts off through the snow toward a distant ice formation. 202 INT MAIN HANGAR - REBEL BASE - HOTH 202 A distant, huge explosion rocks the hangar deck. Ice cakes come crashing down on the Millennium Falcon. Chewie is pacing under the safety of the ship's landing gear. The giant Wookiee pats the underbelly of his beloved ship and barks a few reassuring words. Chewie searches in vain for his captain. Something catches the Wookiee's eye and he lets out a loud SHRIEK. It is Han and Leia running toward the ship. Chewie runs out into the falling ice, lets out another SHRIEK, then runs up the ship's ramp. Han and Leia run up the ramp after Chewie. Threepio is not far behind. 203 INT MILLENNIUM FALCON COCKPIT - INT ICE CAVE 203 Ice batters the cockpit windows as Chewie works at the controls. Han rushes in and sits in the pilot's seat. Chewie barks a blue streak at his friend. HAN I couldn't get back any faster. It's pretty shaky out there. Chewie starts chattering a mile a minute about something and points to one of the gauges. Han looks worried. HAN I know .... I know. It's not good. But cheer up .... one way or another it will be over soon 204 S C E N E M O V E D 204 204X INT ICE CORRIDOR - REBEL BASE - HOTH 204X Imperial troops appear pushing through an ice blockage. Vader is revealed. 204Y INT COMMAND CENTER - REBEL BASE - HOTH 204Y Imperial troops come rushing through. Vader surveys the place. A huge ice chunk falls, almost hitting him. He continues around it. 205 INT MAIN HOLD MILLENNIUM FALCON - MAIN HANGAR - HOTH 205 Han standing before a control panel, is busy flipping switches as Chewie watches the troublesome gauge. Leia worriedly watches their efforts. HAN How's that, Chewie? The Wookiee barks a negative reply. LEIA Would it help if I got out and pushed? HAN Don't worry, your holiness, I'll get her started. Threepio clanks into the hold. THREEPIO Sir, I was wondering if I might ... THREEPIO It can wait. Threepio turns and makes a hasty retreat. LEIA This bucket of bolts is never going to get us past that blockade. HAN This baby's got a few surprises left in her. LEIA I'll be surprised if we ever start moving. Chewie lets out a loud WHELP as laser bolts begin to hit the cockpit window. 206 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - MAIN HANGAR - HOTH 206 SIDE VIEW - Han and Chewie look out the window and see a squad of stormtroopers rushing into the hangar deck, firing. Han makes a final panel adjustment. HAN Well, I've tried everything, Chewie .... You'll just have to switch over, and hope for the best. Chewie pulls back on the controls and the first stage of engine fire can be heard. Han flashes a big grin at Leia as he swings past her into the pilot's seat. Leia straps herself into one of the navigator's chairs. LEIA Someday you're going to be wrong, and I just hope I'm there to see it. Han sets himself, looks at Chewie. HAN Punch it! The roar of the Falcon's main engines blast out every- thing as the ice cave wall rushes by outside the cockpit window, moving right to left. HAN (shouts) Chewie! Han straps himself into the seat. Leia gets into the navigator's chair. 206W INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - HOTH 206W Stormtroopers are setting up a large Bazooka-like weapon. Behind them the giant hangar doors are opening. 206X EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - MAIN HANGAR - HOTH 206X A laser gun appears and swings around. 206Y EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - MAIN HANGAR - HOTH 206Y Long shot main hangar. Angle behind Stormtroopers with Millennium Falcon in background. The Stormtroopers are preparing to fire their Bazooka cannon when they are hit by the gun on the Millennium Falcon. They are thrown about in all directions. 206Z INT MILLENNIUM FALCON - MAIN HANGAR - HOTH 206Z Chewie comes dashing into the cockpit. HAN We'll just have to switch over, and hope for the best. A laser hits the window near Chewie as he is settling into his chair. He lets out a loud WHELP. Chewie pulls back on the controls and the first stage of engine fire can be heard. Han flashes a big grin at Leia. LEIA Someday you're going to be wrong, and I just hope I'm there to see it. Han looks at Chewie. HAN Punch it! The roar of the Falcon's main engines blast out every- thing as the ice cave wall rushes by outside the cock- pit window, moving right to left. 207 OMIT OMIT 207 207X INT MAIN HANGAR - HOTH 207X Stormtroopers run into hangar. Vader comes out of an ice corridor. The roar of the Millennium Falcon engines is very loud. He stops. 207Y POV VADER - INT MAIN HANGAR - HOTH 207Y Shooting toward the main hangar doors as the Millennium Falcon (which is now through the door) lifts up and disappears. 208 EXT ICE SLOPE - MILLENNIUM FALCON - HOTH 208 FULL SHOT of Luke and two other pilots looking up in the snowstorm as the Millennium Falcon races from the distance and over the camera. The ship is flying very close to the ground. 209 EXT SKY OVER ICE SLOPE - HOTH 209 Luke's POV Millennium Falcon racing skyward. 210 EXT ICE SLOPE - X WING - HOTH 210 Luke, Wedge, and the pilot trudge onward toward the outline of an X wing fighter. LUKE There goes the Falcon. At least Han got away. Wedge, that looks like yours over there. WEDGE Right. Good luck, Luke. The pilots split up. Luke waves as the others disappear in the windblown snow. He walks on, and hears a familiar whistle coming from the vague silhouette of a fighter. LUKE Artoo, is that you?! Artoo chirps an excited acknowledgement as Luke climbs aboard the snow-covered spacecraft. Artoo beeps his relief. The roar of the departing X wings can be heard in the distance. LUKE Don't worry, we'll be airborne in a second. Open the cockpit and activate the power. 211 INT MAIN HANGAR DECK - REBEL BASE - HOTH 211 Darth Vader strides through the remains of the rebel fortress. Two stormtroopers struggle to keep up with the giant presence. Admiral Piett catches up with the Dark Lord. PIETT Seventeen ships destroyed, we don't know how many got away. VADER Anything on the Millennium Falcon? PIETT It won't get through the blockade. VADER I want that ship. 212 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTER - STAR DESTROYER - 212 SPACE FULL SHOT, SPACE, with the white planet of Hoth in the lower part of the frame. The Millennium Falcon speeds away from the planet and over camera, closely followed by one huge Star Destroyer and six tiny Tie fighters which also race past camera. The slow moving Star Destroyer fills the frame as it plows ever forward. 213 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS - STAR DESTROYER - 213 SPACE FULL SHOT, SPACE. The Falcon races low over camera toward two very bright star-sized objects. The six Tie fighters zoom overhead in pursuit followed by a huge Imperial Star Destroyer. 214 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 214 OVERSHOULDER HAN AND CHEWIE. Inside the cockpit Chewie lets out a loud howl. Han checks the deflectors as the ship begins to get buffeted by exploding flak. He appears to be doing six things at once. HAN (harried) I know, I know, I see them ... LEIA See what? HAN Two more Star Destroyers heading right at us. LEIA I'm glad you said there was going to be no problem, or I'd be worried. Threepio bumps and bangs his way into the cockpit. THREEPIO Sir, I was wondering ... HAN Sit down, and shut up! THREEPIO It can wait. 215 INT COCKPIT MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 215 FULL SHOT INT MILLENNIUM FALCON. POV out window at two approaching Star Destroyers as they grow larger. Small flashes of light on the oncoming Star Destroyers turn into large flak bursts which rock the Falcon. The Star Destroyers grow larger as they get ever closer. HAN Chewie, how's the deflector shield holding up? Chewie barks a reply as he readjusts an overhead switch. HAN Good ... at sub-light, they may be faster, but we can still out- maneuver them. Hold on! 216 INT COCKPIT MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 216 CLOSE POV - out the Falcon cockpit window as the stars and looming Star Destroyers suddenly shift radically, rising through the top of the cockpit window as the Millennium Falcon starts into a steep dive. Everyone's stomach is in their throat as Han makes a ninety degree dive straight down. 217 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - STAR DESTROYERS - SPACE 217 FULL SHOT underneath one of the huge oncoming Star Destroyers as the Millennium Falcon races toward it. Suddenly the Falcon starts into a steep dive straight down toward camera. The Falcon races over camera followed by four Tie fighters. The bottom side of the Star Destroyer continues on a collision course. 218 EXT STAR DESTROYERS - SPACE 218 A huge Star Destroyer in the foreground heads right at two oncoming Star Destroyers and slowly starts to veer to the left. 219 INT STAR DESTROYER NO. 2 BRIDGE - SPACE 219 INT IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER - Out the front window the two oncoming Star Destroyers can be seen veering to the left. Alarms, panic. Pilots are abandoning their posts as the Imperial Star Destroyers on the view-scanner get closer. The Captain tries to keep control of the situation. CAPTAIN NEEDA Turn it! Turn it! 220 EXT SPACE - MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS 220 FULL SHOT, SPACE - The Millennium Falcon races to camera followed by four Tie fighters with laser bolts. 221 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 221 Things have calmed down a bit, but the race isn't over yet. Chewie barks at Han. Leia is still trying to find her stomach. The ship is buffeted by laser blasts. HAN That slowed them down a bit. Chewie stand by to make the jump to light speed. The buffeting of the lasers becomes louder and stronger. LEIA They're getting awfully close ... With a gleam in his eye. HAN Oh yeah ... Watch this. 222 INT MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT 222 REVERSE POV over shoulder out cockpit window as stars DO NOT go into hyperspace, but just sit there. 223 INT MILLENNIUM FALCON - COCKPIT 223 Han and Chewie look at each other and are thrown into an acute state of concern. LEIA Watch what? Han tries again ... nothing. HAN I think we're in trouble. THREEPIO If I may say so, Sir, I noticed earlier that the entire main para- light system seems to be damaged. HAN We're in trouble! The explosions become heavier. 224 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS - STAR DESTROYER 224 SPACE FULL SHOT - The Falcon races over camera into the starry vastness followed by six Imperial Tie Fighters and an Imperial Star Destroyer. 225 EXT SPACE LUKE'S X WING - HOTH 225 FULL SHOT, HOTH - Luke's fighter speeds away from the tiny planet, wings closed. 226 EXT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE 226 FULL SHOT - Luke's fighter over camera, wings closed disappears into stars. 227 INT COCKPIT - LUKE'S X WING - SPACE 227 CLOSE SHOT Luke's interior fighter, very small planet in background. He makes a decision and flips several switches. 228 INT COCKPIT - LUKE'S X WING - SPACE 228 LUKE'S POV - Stars shift right to left as Luke banks his fighter into a steep turn. 229 EXT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE 229 FULL SHOT - Fighter comes to camera, banks sharply to left. PAN with ship flying away in a new direction. 230 EXT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE 230 OVER ARTOO looking forward as the stars continue to move right to left, then stop as the fighter pulls out of its bank. 231 INT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE 231 INT CLOSE-UP LUKE, stars in background slowly moving from the bottom of the frame to the top. The monitor screen on Luke's control panel prints out R-2's question. LUKE There's nothing wrong, Artoo. I'm just setting a new course ... (Artoo beeps) No, we're not going to regroup with the others. 232 EXT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE 232 SIDE VIEW of Artoo as he begins his protest. Artoo whistles an unbelieving: ÒWhat?Ó 233 INT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE 233 Luke reads Artoo's exclamation on his control panel. LUKE We're going to the Dagobah System. (Artoo beeps) We have enough power. (Artoo sing-songs a bit of chatter) They don't need us there. (Artoo beeps) I'm countermanding the order ... I'm a commander, remember. Luke checks his readouts and makes a few adjustments. He rides along with only the soft hum of the instruments to break the silence. Finally, Artoo chirps up. LUKE Yes, Artoo. Artoo answers with a soft carefully-put phrase of whistles. LUKE Yes, Artoo, I know the Dagobah System doesn't appear on any of our navigational charts. But, don't worry, it's there. (Artoo beeps a worried beep) I'm very sure .... trust me. Artoo lets out a limp little sigh. The little droid is silent for a moment, as though thinking. Then another beep. LUKE Yes, Artoo? (a carefully-put sentence of whistles) No ... no headache, I feel fine ... Why? (Artoo chirps an innocent phrase) No dizziness, no drowsiness, the scars are even gone ... (Artoo whistles a question) No, that's all right. Artoo, I'd rather keep it on manual control for awhile. Artoo lets out a defeated whimper. Luke just smiles at his worried little friend. LUKE Trust me, Artoo. I know where I'm going and I'll get us there safely ... it's not far. 234 EXT IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER - TIE SHIPS - MILLENNIUM 234 FALCON The Falcon races to camera followed by four Tie fighters. The Falcon flies under camera, the Tie fighters fly over camera followed by Star Destroyer No. 2 in the distance. 235 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 235 SIDE VIEW INT COCKPIT right to left. Stars race by left to right as flak bursts outside the window. 236 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 236 Han works furiously at his controls while giving various orders to Chewie. HAN Horizontal booster .... (Chewie barks) Alluvial damper .... (Chewie barks) I don't know how we're going to get out of this one. He gives Leia a glance, then a double take. LEIA I didn't say anything .... Suddenly, a loud thump hits the side of the Falcon, causing it to lurch radically. Chewie barks louder. HAN That was no laser blast .... some- thing hit us .... LEIA Or you ran into something .... 237 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON 237 POV out front cockpit window as asteroids race by right to left. 238 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID BELT 238 Han continues to work his ship controls as a chunk of rock crosses in front of the ship. HAN Asteroids! Chewie, bank left, let's find out where they're coming from ... LEIA Probably an asteroid field .... HAN Let's hope so ... it's just the chance we need. LEIA To get killed ... you're not seriously going into an asteroid field? HAN Aren't I? Hang on, sweetheart. We're gonna do some flyin'. Another asteroid thumps against the ship. Leia winces. LEIA You don't have to do this to impress me. THREEPIO If I might remind you, sir, the probability of successfully navi- gating through an asteroid field is approximately 365,000 to one ... a graceful surrender might not be ... Chewie turns and barks at Threepio, who immediately shuts up. 239 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID BELT 239 OVER SHOULDER POV as stars move right to left as the Falcon turns into the asteroid storm. Once the stars stop moving right to left and the ship completes its turn, asteroids start coming toward the cockpit window from the distance. 240 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS - ASTEROID BELT 240 CLOSE-UP of asteroid as it tumbles away from the camera a fast speed. When about 40 per cent of the screen is filled with the asteroid, several smaller asteroids crash into it from the side, creating small explosions on the surface. Other asteroids in many sizes pass by in all directions, some colliding and creating explosions. When the big asteroid is 20 per cent of the screen, the tiny Millennium Falcon appears from behind it, veers around the right side and races past camera on the left side through the rain of rocks, followed by the four Tie fighters, bobbing and weaving around the asteroids. 241 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS - ASTEROID BELT 241 FULL SIDE VIEW, TRUCKING with the Falcon as it dodges an asteroid. Several smaller asteroids explode as they collide with the hamburger-shaped ship. PAN with the ship as it banks away from the camera. Four Tie fighters follow, one of which connects with an asteroid and explodes. The other Tie Fighters are pelted with smaller explosions. 242 EXT. SPACE - IMPERIAL STAR FLEET 242 FULL SHOT - Vader's Star Destroyer and two others flanked by several smaller Imperial warships move out of Hoth's orbit and over camera. 243 OMIT OMIT 243 244 INT VADER'S STAR DESTROYER - VADER'S CHAMBER 244 ADMIRAL PIETT hesitates in the entryway to Vader's private cubicle. ADMIRAL PIETT My lord. VADER (OS) Come in, Admiral. Admiral Piett steps into the room and pauses at the sight of ... Darth Vader, his back turned, is silhouetted in the gloom on the far side of the chamber. A black, insect- looking droid attends him. Among the various apparatus surrounding them, a respirator tube now retracts from Vader's uncovered head. The head is bald with a mass of ugly scar tissue covering it. The black droid then lowers Vader's mask and helmet onto his head. When it is in place, he turns. ADMIRAL PIETT Our pursuit ships have sighted the Millennium Falcon, My Lord. It has entered an asteroid field. VADER Asteroids don't concern me, Admiral. I want that ship, not excuses. How long until you can have Skywalker and the others in the Millennium Falcon before me? ADMIRAL PIETT (worried) Soon, Lord Vader. VADER (ominous) Yes, Admiral .... soon. 245 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS - ASTEROID BELT 245 FULL SHOT of two huge asteroids tumbling toward camera as the Millennium Falcon banks around both of them and over camera as a third asteroid barely misses the ship as the three Tie fighters follow in hot pursuit. One Tie fighter scrapes an asteroid and tumbles over camera out of control. 246 EXT STAR DESTROYER NO. 2 - ASTEROID BELT 246 FULL SHOT Star Destroyer coming to camera blasting oncoming asteroids as it goes. Smaller asteroids explode across its massive surface. 247 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS - ASTEROID BELT 247 FULL TWISTING SHOT of the Falcon on its side as it races under camera and around an oncoming asteroid tumbling over camera, revealing the Falcon still twisting and ending right side up. Two Ties follow in the distance, coming from either side. 248 INT MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID FIELD 248 Asteroids race by the cockpit window as Han pilots his trusty craft through the dangerous field. 249 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID BELT 249 INT POV out cockpit window as a big asteroid drops past the window, narrowly missing the Falcon. 250 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID BELT 250 Chewie barks in terror as a small asteroid comes especially close ... too close ... and bounces off the Falcon with a loud crunch. Threepio's hands cover his eyes. He manages a short peek at the cockpit window. Princess Leia sits stone-faced, staring at the action. Han gives her a quick look. HAN Well, you said you wanted to be there when I was wrong. LEIA I take it back. HAN That Star Destroyer is slowing down. LEIA Good. 251 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID 251 SIDE VIEW INT FULL SHOT of group as asteroids race by outside the window. HAN But we're going to get pulverized if we stay out here much longer. LEIA I'm against that. HAN We've got to get out of this shower. LEIA Now you're making sense. HAN Right. I'm going to get in closer to one of these big ones ... THREEPIO Closer?! LEIA Closer?! Chewbacca BARKS the same word, only louder. 252 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID BELT 252 INT OVER THE SHOULDER POV of the dense asteroid field as a giant asteroid comes right at the Falcon and it banks sharply around it. 253 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS - ASTEROID BELT 253 FULL MOVING SHOT as the Millennium Falcon dives away from camera toward the surface of one of the moon- sized asteroids. There is a continued display of explosions across the surface as smaller asteroids collide with the larger chunks of rock. Two Ties follow the Falcon to the surface. 254 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - GIANT ASTEROID 254 FULL OVERHEAD VIEW as the Falcon moving right to left skims the surface of the giant asteroid. Small asteroids explode on the surface of the ship. 255 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS - GIANT ASTEROID 255 LOW TRUCKING across surface as the Falcon and Ties race to camera and zoom overhead under a hail of asteroids. 256 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS - GIANT ASTEROID 256 REVERSE LOW TRUCKING as the Falcon and the two Tie fighters race over camera and into the distance. 257 INT COCKPIT - TIE FIGHTER - GIANT ASTEROID 257 Stars whip by in the background. Pilot looks up screen left. PILOT Look out. 258 INT COCKPIT - TIE FIGHTER - GIANT ASTEROID 258 POV of giant asteroid racing to camera from out of the starry sky, slightly left to right. 259 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TIE FIGHTERS - GIANT ASTEROID 259 LOW TRUCKING SHOT of the Falcon as it races toward camera and past. The Tie fighters approach in the distance, but as the Falcon passes, a giant asteroid intersects the frame in front of the Tie fighters creating a silhouetted explosion. As the asteroid continues on its way, it leaves the remains of two explosions. 260 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 260 Han notices something on his main scope and nudges his faithful Wookiee, pointing. HAN There, there. Chewie get a reading on that. Looks pretty good. LEIA What is it? HAN That should do nicely. 261 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - GIANT ASTEROID 261 POV OVER THE SHOULDER out cockpit window, skimming the surface of the asteroid as a large crater approaches. 262 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - GIANT ASTEROID 262 FULL SHOT of the Millennium Falcon as it dives into the huge crater and disappears. 263 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID SURFACE AND CRATER 263 FULL SHOT of Falcon racing over camera and down into crater. The walls are barely visible as the camera TRUCKS with the Falcon, but at a slower speed. A small cave appears on one side of the crater in the distance. The Falcon turns, slows and scoots into the smaller cave. 264 EXT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE 264 FULL SHOT X WING over camera and away toward the cloud cover of Dagobah. Half the planet is seen. 265 EXT LUKE'S X WING - ARTOO - SPACE 265 CLOSE SIDE VIEW of R-2 as he rides on the back of the X wing. 266 INT COCKPIT - LUKE'S X WING - SPACE - DAGOBAH 266 CLOSE-UP LUKE FRONT with stars moving right to left in background. Luke watches Artoo's words translated on the computer scope. LUKE Yes, that's Dagobah, Artoo ... looks a little grim doesn't it ... (Artoo beeps) ... No, I don't want to change my mind about this ... I'm not picking up any cities or technology ... (a little nervous) ... Massive life form readings though. There's something alive down there ... (Artoo beeps a worried query) ... Yes, I'm sure it's perfectly safe for droids. Will you take it easy? ... I guess I imagined that landing beacon. We'll just have to go in and see what happens. (Artoo whimpers) Don't worry! 267 EXT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE - PLANET DAGOBAH 267 X wing to camera flying through twilight between space and planet. 268 EXT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE - PLANET DAGOBAH 268 CLOSER VIEW as the X wing races over camera and dives into the cloud cover and disappears. 269 INT COCKPIT LUKE'S X WING - CLOUDS 269 SIDE VIEW LUKE as the clouds race by in the background, bottom to top. 270 INT COCKPIT LUKE'S X WING - CLOUDS 270 Luke works desperately at his controls. The cloud cover had completely obscured his vision. An alarm buzzes in the background. Artoo beeps and whistles frantically. LUKE I know, I know! All the scopes are dead! I can't see a thing .... Hang on, I'm going to start the landing cycle .... Let's just hope there's something underneath us .... The blast of the retro rockets is deafening. Artoo's squeals are barely heard. Suddenly, there is a CRACKING sound as if limbs were being broken off trees and then a tremendous splashing jolt as the spacecraft hits the surface. Luke is considerably shaken, but all right. Artoo lets out a rattled little beep which shows up on the view screen. LUKE Yeah, I'm all right .... You still in one piece? (CLOSE-UP Artoo beeps affirmative) Good. Come on, I think we're sinking. Luke pulls a switch and his canopy pops open. 271 EXT BOG - SWAMP - DUSK - DAGOBAH 271 The mist-shrouded X wing fighter is barely visible, half buried in the murky swamp. Luke climbs out onto the long nose of the spacecraft as Artoo pops out of his cubbyhole on the back. The young warrior surveys his hostile new environment. Huge, twisted trees covered with vines and moss outline the misty landscape. LUKE Artoo, I wonder if that water is safe? Artoo lets out a short beep, then steps forward, loses his balance and disappears with a splash into the water. LUKE Artoo! 272 EXT SWAMP - DUSK 272 Luke dives in near the spot where Artoo fell. He surfaces and scans the water frantically until he sees a small periscope pop up. The periscope turns until it gets a fix on Luke, then lets out a bubbling beep, and starts through the water toward the muddy beach. Luke follows. 273 EXT SWAMP - DUSK 273 We see the POINT OF VIEW of an underwater swimming ÒthingÓ as it watches R-2 and his young master strug- gling toward shore. R-2 is powered by two bubbling jets. 274 EXT SWAMP - DUSK 274 A dark, ominously finned back breaks the surface. Luke stops swimming for a second and sees the disturbing shape swimming toward him. Luke swims for his life, racing past Artoo and finally scrambling up on shore. LUKE Hurry, Artoo! 275 EXT SWAMP - DUSK 275 The thing swims up behind the little droid and dives, creating a loud clunk. Artoo's periscope disappears as he lets out a pathetic electronic scream. Luke wades a few feet into the murky pool looking for any sign of his little friend. The black surface is as still as death itself .... a few bubbles begin to appear, then PHHEEWAATT! The runt-sized robot is spit out of the water, makes a graceful arc and comes crashing down in a patch of moss. LUKE Artoo, are you okay? Artoo responds with a series of feeble whistles and tones. LUKE If you said you thought coming here was a bad idea, I'm beginning to agree with you. 276 EXT SWAMP - BEACH - DUSK 276 Luke is shivering cold as the fog begins to close in. He helps little Artoo upright and starts to clean him off. All is quiet except for an eerie and inhuman cry every once in awhile in the distance. Both the robot and the boy glance around at the spooky swamp-jungle that surrounds them. Sinister shadows move among the trees, as Luke notices a tiny, but vicious pair of eyes wink out and disappear in a scutter of feet. LUKE I'm sorry Artoo, I can't explain the urge that made me come here. It was part of a dream .... or .... maybe I'm just going crazy. 277 EXT SWAMP - POV - DUSK 277 Luke looks back at the slowly sinking spacecraft. 278 EXT SWAMP - BEACH - DUSK 278 Artoo bubbles electronic profanity and ejects a stream of muddy water from one of the ports in his head. LUKE How are we going to get that thing flying again? What am I doing here? Artoo beeps a short, ÒGot me boss.Ó 279 EXT IMPERIAL FLEET - SPACE - ASTEROID FIELD 279 FULL SHOT - Fleet around Vader's ship in the asteroid storm. Asteroids big and small begin to pelt the huge surface of the ships. One of the smaller Imperial vessels in the foreground gets hit by a huge asteroid and explodes. 280 INT BRIDGE - VADER'S STAR DESTROYER - MAIN CONTROL DECK 280 INT FULL SHOT - Asteroids collide, creating fireworks display out bridge window. Darth Vader stands in the hologram cage above the control deck. Before him are the hologram images of twenty Battleship Commanders. One of these images, the Commander of the ship just exploded, is fading quickly away at this moment. Another image, in the center and a little apart from the others, is faded and continually disrupted by static. It is the Captain Needa of the Star Destroyer which was most hotly on the tail of the Millennium Falcon. Admiral Piett and an aide stand behind the Dark Lord. CAPTAIN NEEDA (IN HOLOGRAM) .... which was the last time they appeared in any of our scopes. Considering the amount of damage we've sustained, they must have been destroyed .... VADER They're alive, Captain. I know it and I want every ship available to sweep the asteroid field until they're found. The Imperial Star Captains fade off one by one as Vader turns to Admiral Piett. VADER Now what's so important it couldn't wait, Admiral? Speak up! The Admiral is scared white as a sheet. He's shaking. ADMIRAL It was .... the Emperor .... VADER The Emperor? ADMIRAL Yes, he commands you make contact with him .... VADER Move this ship out of the asteroid field and into a position where we can send a clear transmission. ADMIRAL Yes, My Lord. VADER And code the signal to my private chamber. 281 EST MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID CAVE 281 The pirate starship rests in a dark, dripping asteroid cave. It is so dark, the exact dimensions are impos- sible to determine. 282 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CAVE 282 Han and Chewie are busy shutting down the engine and the electronic systems. Threepio and Leia watch worriedly as all the service lights go out. Han glances from the dimming lights to Leia with a quick grin. HAN Getting kinda romantic in here. Chewie suggests with a GROWL that Han pay attention to the business at hand. Han returns to work. HAN (to Chewie) What are you so grouchy about? THREEPIO Sir, I'm almost afraid to ask, but does shutting down all but emergency power systems include me? Chewie BARKS yes, but Han think otherwise. HAN No, we're going to need you to talk to the ship and find out what happened to our hyperdrive ... How good are you with a macrofuser, Your Holiness? Suddenly the ship lurches, causing all the loose items in the cockpit to go flying. Chewie HOWLS. LEIA A tremor! THREEPIO (to Han) Sir, it's very possible this asteroid is not stable. HAN I'm glad you're here to tell us these things ... The ship begins a violent motion. Chewie HOWLS. HAN Hang on! Watch out. The jolting movement throws Leia across the cabin into Han's arms. The motion stops as suddenly as it started. Han and Leia realize they are in each others arms. The pirate grins down at the girl. Chewie watches the embrace with inscrutable interest. HAN Why, Princess, this is so sudden. LEIA Very funny. You can let go now .... I'm getting angry. HAN You don't look angry. LEIA How do I look? HAN (with feeling) Beautiful. Leia flushes, averts her eyes. She's not exactly fighting to get free. But, of course, Han blows it ... HAN And excited. The anger rises in Leia. LEIA Sorry, Captain, being held by you isn't enough to get me excited. HAN Well, I hope you don't expect more. LEIA I don't expect anything, except to be left alone. HAN Fine with me. But I'm afraid you'll have to let go. Han has lifted his arms lightly away, which makes it very clear that Leia has, in fact, been returning his embrace. Leia realizes this and steps back, embarrassed and angry. Her words are measured. LEIA Don't you think it's time we got to work on your ship ... She turns and leaves the cockpit. Han turns to his faithful Wookiee, who's been watching all this with Threepio. HAN Come on, Chewie, let's tear into this flying short circuit before we get hit with another tremor. Chewie BARKS and starts out of the cockpit with Han. HAN You, too, golden rod. THREEPIO I must admit there are times I don't understand human behavior. 283 EXT BOG CLEARING - DUSK 283 The mist has disappeared a bit, but it is still a gloomy looking swamp. The X wing fighter has stopped sinking and is now only about one third above water. A transfer cable has been rigged between the starfighter and the shore. Artoo is on the back of the fighter sending a power case to Luke on the edge of the swamp. LUKE I think that will do it, Artoo. Come on back. Luke hears a loud snapping crash in the dense jungle right behind him. It is too dark to see anything, but Luke already has his light saber in his hand, waiting to be ignited. Nothing emerges from the obscure foliage so Luke clips his weapon back to his utility belt and continues to unpack the gear. Meanwhile, Artoo has hooked a pulley from his midsection to the transport cable and is whizzing toward his master. The stubby little droid lands with a beep. LUKE You ready for some power? Luke has ignited a little fusion furnace which throws off a warm glow. He warms his hands, then plugs a power cable into Artoo's nose. The droid whistles his appreciation. Luke opens a container of processed food and sits before the thermal heater. LUKE Now all I have to do is find this Yoda .... if he even exists. Artoo beeps and Luke nervously looks around at the foreboding jungle. He grimaces as he forces down the ill-tasting food. LUKE This seems like a strange place to find a Jedi master ... Gives me the creeps. (Artoo beeps ÒI'm with youÓ) ... There's something familiar about this place ... I feel like ... STRANGE VOICE You feel like what? Luke jumps out of his skin. Artoo screeches in terror. The young warrior grabs for his light saber as he spins around, looking for the speaker. Mysteriously, standing right in front of Luke is a strange, blue creature, not more than two feet tall. The wizened little thing is dressed in rags. It motions toward Luke's sword. LUKE (looking at creature) ... Like we're being watched. CREATURE Away put your weapon. I mean you no harm. After some hesitation, Luke puts away his weapon, although he really doesn't understand why. Artoo watches with interest. CREATURE (Continued) I'm wondering ... why are you here? LUKE I'm looking for someone. CREATURE Looking? Looking? You've found someone I'd say. Heh? Yes! LUKE (trying to keep from smiling) Yeah ... CREATURE Help you I can ... yes ... yes. LUKE I'm looking for a great warrior. CREATURE A great warrior? (shakes his head) Not many on those. Wars don't make one great. Yoda jumps and lands on one of the cases of supplies. He begins to rummage around. LUKE Get away from there. Artoo moves to the edge of the case (almost eye level to the creature who is carelessly handling the supplies) and squeaks his disapproval. The creature picks up the container of food Luke was eating from and takes a bite. LUKE Hey, that's my dinner! The creature spits out the bite he has taken. He makes a face. CREATURE Peewh! Awful, awful. Thank you, no. How get you so big eating food of this kind? He flips the container in Luke's direction and reaches into one of Luke's supply cases. LUKE Listen, friend, we didn't mean to land here, and if I could get my fighter out of this puddle I would, but I can't. So ... CREATURE Can't get your ship out? Have you tried? Have you tried? The creature spots something of interest in Luke's case; Luke loses patience and grabs the case away. The creature retains his prize ... a tiny power lamp. The creature examines it with delight. LUKE Give me that! CREATURE (retreating with it) Mine! Mine! Or I'll help you not. Clutching the lamp, the creature backs away from Luke right into Artoo, who the creature barely recognizes as animate. But as the following exchange takes place, one of Artoo's little arms slowly moves out toward the power lamp, completely unnoticed by the creature. LUKE I don't want your help. I want my lamp back. I'll need it in this slimy mudhole. CREATURE Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is. Artoo grabs hold of the lamp and the two little figures are immediately engaged in a tug-of-war over it. ARTOO Beeps a few Ògimme thats.Ó CREATURE Mine, mine. Give it back. The creature lets go with one hand and pokes Artoo lightly with one finger. Artoo reacts big with a squeal, and lets go. CREATURE Mine, mine. LUKE (fed up) Okay, Artoo, let him have it. Now get out of here, little fellow, we've got things to do. CREATURE No, no! I'll stay and help you find your friend. LUKE I'm not looking for a friend. I'm looking for a Jedi Master. CREATURE Oh, a Jedi Master. Different altogether. Yoda you seek, Yoda. LUKE (surprised and skeptical) You know the Jedi Master? CREATURE Of course, yes. But now eat we must. Good food, I have good food. Come, come. With that, the creature scurries out of the clearing and down a path which is suddenly more apparent than before. Luke looks after him, thinking, then starts that way. ARTOO (quite upset) Whistles a blue streak. LUKE (to Artoo) You'd better stay here and watch over the camp. ARTOO Beeps even more frantically. Luke is almost out of sight. He yells back. LUKE Artoo, now settle down ... I can take care of myself ... I'll be safe ... okay? The little droid grows quiet as Luke disappears from view. 284 EXT BOG TRAIL - DUSK - DAGOBAH 284 Down the misty trail, the creature moves along alone. CREATURE Heh ... safe ... heh ... quite safe (laughs) ... yes, of course. 285 EXT VADER'S STAR DESTROYER - SPACE 285 FULL SHOT - Vader's Imperial Star Destroyer floats against a vast sea of stars. 286 INT VADER'S STAR DESTROYER - VADER'S CHAMBER 286 Darth Vader stands before a shimmering holographic image which slowly comes into focus. The image is that of SATE PESTAGE, Grand Vizier to His Eminence, Emperor. VADER Sate Pestage, I would see the Emperor. He commands it. PESTAGE I must warn you, Lord Vader, The Emperor is in a foul mood. He bids you wait. Have you any progress to report? VADER The rebel base on Hoth has been destroyed. I am tracking down the survivors. PESTAGE The Emperor will be with you in time. VADER I wait at his convenience. 287 EXT IMPERIAL CRUISER - ASTEROID BELT - SPACE 287 FULL SHOT - Looking down on two medium-sized Imperial cruisers moving across the surface, dropping bombs which create powerful shock waves centered around blue explosions. 288 EXT IMPERIAL CRUISERS - CRATER - GIANT ASTEROID - SPACE 288 The ships move over the crater in which the Millennium Falcon is hiding. A faint ball of light emerges from the crater as a bomb hits bottom. 289 INT MAIN HOLD AREA - MILLENNIUM FALCON 289 The ship rattles and vibrates. Threepio is sitting at the main control panel. The flooring and part of the ceiling have been removed revealing a section of the complex powertrain. Chewie's head pops upside-down out of a bundle of wires in the ceiling. He BARKS. Han looks up from where he's working in one of the floor compartments. Princess Leia, who is welding something nearby, also stops working and looks up at Chewie. HAN That was no earthquake. LEIA Felt like a hydro concussion ... an Imperial Cruiser. THREEPIO Oh my, they've found us. Everyone is quiet for a moment, waiting for a second blast. A very slight vibration is felt. LEIA They're moving away. HAN They're just trying to see if they can stir something up ... we're safe. LEIA Where have I heard that before? Han ignores her sarcasm and moves past her, rubbing against her in the tight quarters, to continue his work. She watches him for a moment, then goes back to her welding. Threepio whistles and beeps into the control panel in front of him and the control panel whistles back. THREEPIO Where is Artoo when I need him? I don't know where your ship learned to communicate, but its dialect leaves something to be desired. It says the power coupling on the negative axis has been polarized. You'll have to replace it, I'm afraid. CHEWIE Barks his understanding and returns to his wires. Leia finishes welding the valve she's been working on. She attempts to reengage the system by pulling on a lever attached to the valve. It doesn't budge. Han notices her struggle, and moves to help her. She rebuffs him. HAN Easy, your worship. Only trying to help. LEIA (still struggling) Would you please stop calling me that? Han hears a new tone in her voice. He watches her pull on the lever. HAN Sure. I guess I make it difficult sometimes. LEIA Yes, you do. HAN You could be a touch warmer, though. (he watches her reaction) Admit it, against your better judgment you think I'm all right. She lets go of the lever and rubs her sore hand. LEIA (a little smile, haltingly) Sometimes, maybe ... occasionally, when you aren't acting like a scoundrel. HAN (laughs) That's quite a compliment. With that, Han takes her hand, turns it over and presses his lips into her palm. LEIA Stop that. HAN Why? Leia is flushed, confused. LEIA My hands are dirty. Han kisses her hand again. Leia yanks it away and steps back. She can only move a few feet in the cramped space, but Han does not follow her. HAN What are you afraid of? LEIA Afraid of? Certainly not you Captain Solo ... or any other man in this galaxy. Han looks at her with a piercing look. He's never looked handsomer, more dashing, more confident. He reaches out slowly and takes Leia's hand again from where it is resting on a console. He draws it toward him. HAN Then why are you trembling? Then, with an irresistible combination of physical strength and emotional power, the space pirate begins to draw Leia toward him ... very slowly. HAN You know what I think? I think you like me because I'm a scoundrel. I think you haven't run into enough scoundrels in your life. Leia is now very close and the following exchange takes place as their faces draw even nearer. Leia's voice is and excited whisper, in complete opposition to what she's saying. LEIA Don't count on it. I happen to like nice men. HAN Sure, they're safer. You always know what they're going to do. Trouble is, it gets a little dull. LEIA There's nothing dull about a man I can depend on to be civilized. HAN You mean a man you can control. LEIA I do not! HAN Try and control this ... He kisses her now, with slow hot lips. He takes his time, as though he had forever, bending her body back- ward. She has never been kissed like this before, and it almost makes her faint. When he stops, she regains her breath and tries to work up some indignation, but finds it hard to talk. LEIA You're wrong ... This isn't what ... (he begins to kiss her again) ... not what I .... want .... His mouth stops her. A swimming giddiness spins her around until, before she knows it, she is kissing him back. Finally, Han breaks the kiss and looks at her. They stand there for a moment looking at each other. Leia is totally, frantically confused by her feelings. First with her eyes, then with her body, she withdraws, detaches from Han. She slips from his arms and hurries from the cabin. Han stares after her thoughtfully, then turns his attention to the stuck lever. He gives it a confident, mighty pull. It doesn't budge. HAN Chewie! Gimme a hand with this. 290 EXT BOG - EDGE OF SWAMP CAMP - DUSK 290 A slight breeze moves the fog around in swirls. Artoo is all alone. The swamp had become even more fore- boding. A light slapping sound can be heard across the water. The tiny droid's head zips around looking for danger in every direction. He feels very alone, and attempts to warm several of his utility arms in front of the thermal heater. He whimpers a nervous little whistle. 291 EXT BOG MEADOW - CREATURE'S HOUSE - DUSK 291 The gnarled trees thin out around a small moss-covered knoll where a strange, baroque mud house is built. The small, gnomish structure radiates a warm glow from its thick-glassed windows. 292 INT CREATURE HOUSE 292 The inside of the house is very plain, but cozy. Every- thing is in the same scale as the creature. The only thing out of place in the miniature room is Luke, who is cramped by the four foot ceiling. He sits crossed- legged on the floor of the living room. The creature is in an adjoining area, which serves as the kitchen, cooking up some incredible meal. The stove is a steaming hodgepodge of pots and pans. The wizened little creature scurries about chopping this, shredding that and showering everything with exotic herbs and spices. He rushes back and forth putting platters on the table in front of Luke, who watches the creature impatiently. LUKE ... I told you, I'm not hungry. CREATURE Patience. It's time to eat. LUKE Look, it smells good. I'm sure it's delicious But I don't know why we can't see Yoda now. CREATURE It's the Jedi's time to eat, too. LUKE Will it take long to get there? How far away is he? CREATURE Not far, not far. Be patient. Soon you will see him. Why wish you become a Jedi? LUKE Because of my father, I guess. CREATURE (placing food on the table) Oh, your father ... a powerful Jedi was he, powerful Jedi. LUKE (a little angry) How could you know my father? You don't even know who I am. (fed-up) Can't we get on with this already? The creature turns away from Luke and speaks to a third party. CREATURE (irritated) No good is this. This will not do. I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience! Luke's head spins in that direction. He is startled to see the shimmering image of Ben Kenobi. LUKE Ben! Ben is focused on the creature. They ignore Luke for the moment. The boy is bewildered, but over the next few exchanges it dawns on him that the little creature is YODA, the Jedi Master. BEN He will learn patience. YODA Much anger in him, like in his father. BEN We've discussed this before. LUKE I can be a Jedi. I'm ready. Yoda sits across the table from Luke. YODA Ready are you? What know you of ready? I have trained Jedi for 800 years. My own counsel I'll keep on who is to be trained. LUKE Why not me? YODA To become a Jedi takes the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. BEN He can do it. YODA (to Ben, indicating Luke) This one I have watched a long time. All his life has he looked away ... to the horizon, to the sky, to the future. Never his mind on where he was, on what he was doing. Adventure, excitement ... (turning to Luke) A Jedi craves not these things! Luke looks down, knows it's true. LUKE I have followed my feelings. YODA You are reckless! BEN He'll learn. YODA He's too old. Yes. Too old to start the training. Luke thinks he hears a tiny softening. LUKE But it hasn't been wasted time. I've learned much already. Yoda turns his piercing gaze on Luke, as though the Jedi Master's huge eyes could somehow determine how much the boy has learned. After a long moment, the little creature turns toward Ben, who meets his look evenly and seems almost to nod. YODA Will he finish what he begins? BEN We've come this far ... He is our only hope. Yoda concedes with a resigned look and Ben's image fades away. Yoda continues to stare at the spot for a long time. LUKE I will not fail you. I'm not afraid. YODA (turns slowly toward him) You will be, my young one. Heh. You will be. 293 EXT VADER'S STAR DESTROYER - SPACE 293 FULL SHOT - Vader's Imperial Star Destroyer floats against a vast sea of stars. 294 INT VADER'S STAR DESTROYER - VADER'S CHAMBER 294 The Dark Lord, Darth Vader, is alone in his chamber. A STRANGE SOUND is heard and light begins to play across Vader's black figure. He looks up and bows quickly. A twelve foot hologram of the GALACTIC EMPEROR material- izes before Vader. The Emperor's face cannot be seen, for it is shrouded in dark robes with a monk's hood, reminiscent of the cloak worn by old Ben Kenobi. His voice is even deeper and more frightening than Vader's. EMPEROR You may rise, my servant. Vader rises, but he is afraid of his master and contin- ually looks at his feet. VADER What is thy bidding, My Master? EMPEROR There is a grave disturbance in The Force. VADER I have felt it. EMPEROR Our situation is most precarious. We have a new enemy who could bring about our destruction. VADER Our destruction? Who? EMPEROR The son of Skywalker. You must destroy him ... or he will be our undoing. VADER He's not a Jedi, he's just a boy. Obi-wan could not have taught him so much that ... EMPEROR You are weak! I have seen it. The Force is strong with him. He must be destroyed. VADER But, if he could be turned, he would be a powerful ally. EMPEROR (a long pause) Yes ... yes. That would be a great asset. VADER He will join us or die, My Master. Vader kneels. The supreme Emperor passes a hand over the crouched Lord of the Sith and fades away. 295 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID CAVE 295 The pirate starship rests in a dark, dripping asteroid cave. It is so dark, the exact dimensions are impossible to determine. 296 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON 296 The cockpit is quiet and lit only by the indicator lights on the control panel. Princess Leia is sitting alone in the pilot's seat. She runs her hand across the control panel as she thinks of Han, and the confusion he's created within her. Something catches her eye outside the cockpit window. With the reflection of the dash lights, it's hard to make out what it is. She moves closer to the glass and peers into the gloom. Suddenly, there are two large yellow eyes staring back at her. Leia is startled and jumps back into her seat, her heart pounding. There is a SCURRY of feet and a loud SCREECH, the eyes are gone. The young Princess catches her breath, jumps out of her chair and races from the cockpit. 297 INT MAIN HOLD AREA 297 The lights go bright for a second, then go out again. Threepio turns to Chewbacca who is looking over his shoulder at the control panel. Han finishes with some wires. THREEPIO Everything checks out here. If I might say so, I believe that should do it. The Wookiee BARKS and turns as Leia rushes into the cabin. Han drops the final floor panel into place. LEIA There's something out there! HAN Where? LEIA Outside, in the cave. There's a sharp BANGING on the hull. Chewie looks up and BARKS. THREEPIO It sounds like it's trying to get in. HAN I'm going to see what it is. LEIA Are you crazy! HAN Look, we just got this bucket going again. I'm not about to let some varmint tear it apart ... He grabs a breath mask off a rack and the Wookiee does likewise. Leia follows. LEIA If there's more than one, you're going to need help. Threepio looks around and sees that he's been deserted. THREEPIO But that leaves me here all alone! 298 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID CAVE 298 It is very dark and dank inside the huge asteroid cave. Too dark to see what is tearing apart the ship. Chewie BARKS through his face mask, and points over the jutting cockpit. A five foot shape can be seen moving across the top of the Falcon. The leathery creature lets out a screech as Han blasts it with a laser bolt. The black shape stumbles, then tumbles off the spaceship and lands at the feet of the Princess. She leans over and studies the thing. LEIA Looks like some kind of Mynock. HAN (looking around) There will be more of them. They always travel in groups. And there's nothing they like better than to attach themselves to ships. Just what we need right now. Leia stamps her foot on the floor of the cave. LEIA This asteroid has the strangest consistency ... Look at the ground, it's not like rock at all. Han kneels and studies the ground, then attempts to study the outline of the cave. There is a Mynock screech in the distance. HAN There's an awful lot of moisture in here. Han unholsters his blaster and fires at the far side of the huge cave. Moments later the cavern begins to shake and the ground begins to buckle. HAN I was afraid of that, Chew BARKS and starts for the ship. Leia and Han follow quickly. 299 INT MILLENNIUM FALCON ENTRY - HOLD AREA 299 As soon as Han and Leia are on board, Chewie closes the main hatch. The ship continues to shake and heave. HAN Chewie, fire her up! We're getting out of here. Threepio and the Wookiee head for the cockpit as Han rushes to the control panel in the hold area and checks the scopes. Leia follows. LEIA It's just another tremor the Empire is still out there. I don't think it's safe to. Han rushes past her and heads for the cockpit. HAN There's no time to discuss this in committee. And with that he's gone. The main engines of the Falcon begin to whine. She races after him, bouncing around in the shaking ship. LEIA (angry) I am not a committee! 300 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CAVE 300 Han is already in the pilot's seat pulling back on the throttle. The earthquake begins to stop. Leia enters. LEIA Those Star Destroyers will spot us long before you can get into light speed. You can't make the jump in this asteroid field. HAN Strap yourself in, sweetheart, we're taking off! LEIA But the tremors have stopped. The ship begins to move forward, the sides of the cave move away. Chewie barks as he notices something out the window ahead. 301 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CAVE - POV 301 INT MILLENNIUM FALCON COCKPIT, POV out window of row of jagged white stalagmites and stalactites surrounding the entrance. The entrance of the cave is growing smaller. 302 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CAVE 302 Han pulls hard on the throttle as the ship surges forward. HAN I see it Chewie, hang on. LEIA The entrance is collapsing! THREEPIO We're doomed. Goodbye, Mistress Leia. Goodbye, Captain ... HAN Not collapsing, honey. It's closing! This is no cave ... LEIA What?? THREEPIO Oh my, no! Leia's mouth drops open as the rocks of the cave entrance are revealed to be giant teeth quickly closing around the tiny ship. Chewie HOWLS. HAN Bank, Chewie! 303 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - INT MONSTER MOUTH 303 FULL SHOT inside monster's mouth as the Millennium Falcon rolls on its side and barely makes it between two of the monster's teeth before the huge jaw slams closed. 304 EXT CAVE ENTRANCE - ASTEROID CRATER 304 FULL SHOT - The monstrous slug-type creature moves its head out of the cave as the Falcon flies out of its mouth into relative safety. The monster tilts its head as it watches the starship fly away. 305 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - GIANT ASTEROID 305 FULL SHOT - The Falcon races out of the asteroid crater into the deadly rain of the asteroid storm. From monster's POV. 306 EXT YODA'S BOG (MONTAGE) - DAY - DAGOBAH 306 Yoda is sitting on a branch high in one of the bog's weird trees. His legs straddle the branch and clasped in his webbed feet is Luke's laser sword. On the ground below, Luke sets himself up and jumps toward Yoda. He jumps incredibly well for a human, but it doesn't bring him close to his object. 306X EXT BOG CLEARING - SWAMP - DUSK - DAGOBAH 306X (formerly) (formerly) (pt 310) Luke runs through the dense jungle on the last leg (part 310) of what must have been quite a marathon. Yoda rides in a pouch on Luke's back. The young apprentice is sweaty and exhausted. He stumbles into the clearing where Artoo has been patiently waiting. As Luke is about to collapse, Yoda throws a small metal bar in front of him. Luke ignites his laser sword and swings at it. He missed and the bar falls to the ground. Luke does too. LUKE (breathless) I can't ... Too tired. YODA It would be in seven pieces, were you a Jedi. LUKE (gasping) I thought I was in good shape. YODA Yes, but by what standard, ask I? Forget your old measures. Unlearn, heh, unlearn. 307X EXT YODA'S BOG (MONTAGE) - DAY - DAGOBAH 307X (formerly) (formerly) (308) At the edge of a wide pond, Yoda sits on a log. (308) In his mouth is a Gimer Stick, a short twig with three little branches at the far end. Luke is nowhere in sight, but now we begin to hear the sound of someone crashing through the foliage. Suddenly Luke appears on the far side of the pond at a run and leaps out toward Yoda. It's an extraordinary leap, but he falls short by six feet, creating a huge splash, which drenches Yoda and his Gimer Stick. 308X EXT YODA'S BOG (MONTAGE) - DAY - DAGOBAH 308X (formerly) (formerly) (307) In the bog clearing, Yoda and Luke sit facing two (307) bowling ball-size rocks. Artoo observes from the side. Luke stares at the rocks, Yoda stares at Luke. Slowly, one of the rocks lifts from the ground and floats up to rest on the other. Luke smiles with satisfaction and turns to Yoda for approval. The floating rock tumbles off. Artoo beeps his review. 309X EXT YODA'S BOG (MONTAGE) - DAY - DAGOBAH 309X (formerly) (formerly) (309 and)Luke's face is upside-down and showing enormous (309 and) (pt 310) strain. Soon we see why. He is standing on his (pt 310) hands and Yoda is perched up on Luke's feet. Yoda taps Luke's leg. Luke focusing and quickly removes one hand. His body wavers, but he maintains his balance. Artoo races up to his master whistling and beeping like mad. Luke is trying to maintain his balance, desperately and finally collapses. Yoda jumps clear. LUKE (a little annoyed) Oh, Artoo, what is it? 310X EXT BOG CLEARING - SWAMP - DUSK - DAGOBAH 310X (formerly) (formerly) (pt 310) Artoo runs around in circles, chirping franti- (pt 310) cally, then scoots over to the edge of the swamp where the X wing fighter has sunk almost from sight. Luke rushes to the water's edge. LUKE Oh no. We'll never get it out now. Yoda stamps his foot in irritation. YODA So sure are you? Tried have you? Always with you it can't be done. Hear you nothing that I say? Luke looks uncertainly out at the ship. LUKE Master, moving rocks is one thing, but this is a little different. YODA (irritated) No! No different! The differences are in your mind. Throw them out! No longer of use are they to you. LUKE (focusing, quietly) Okay. I'll give it a try. YODA No. Try not. Do, do. Or do not. There is no try. Luke closes his eyes and tries to think the ship out. 311 EXT SWAMP - X WING FIGHTER - DUSK 311 The fighter begins to shake a little, but doesn't rise. 312 EXT BOG CLEARING - SWAMP - DUSK 312 Luke tries as hard as he can. LUKE I can't. It's too big. YODA Size has no meaning. It matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you? Luke shakes his head no. YODA And well you shouldn't. For my ally is The Force. And a powerful ally it is. All of life feeds it and makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we ... (Yoda pinches Luke's skin) ... not this crude matter. (a sweeping gesture) Feel it you must. Feel the flow. Feel The Force around you ... (gesturing) ... Here, between you and I and that tree and that rock ... Yoda indicates the vicinity of Artoo, whose head spins around looking for The Force. YODA ... Yes, everywhere, waiting to be felt and used ... Yes, even between this land and that ship! 313 EXT SWAMP - BEACH - X WING FIGHTER - DUSK 313 With that, Yoda, Jedi master, raises his arm. The huge X wing fighter moves magically out of the muddy swamp and lands gently on the shore. 314 EXT BOG CLEARING - SWAMP - DUSK 314 Artoo runs behind some barrels in terror. Luke is amazed. LUKE I don't believe it. YODA That is why you fail. 315 EXT VADER'S STAR DESTROYER - SPACE 315 FULL SHOT - Vader's Imperial Star Destroyer in space with Tie Fighters buzzing around. 316 INT VADER'S STAR DESTROYER - BRIDGE - SPACE 316 INT BRIDGE - Starfield, Tie fighters in background. Vader stands in the back control area of the bridge with a motley group of men and creatures. Admiral Piett and one of his star captains stand at the front of the bridge and watch the group with scorn. ADMIRAL PIETT Bounty hunters! Why should he bring them into this? The rebels won't escape us .... A CONTROLLER interrupts. CONTROLLER Sir, we have a priority signal from the Star Destroyer Vengeful. The group standing before Vader is a bizarre array of galactic fortune hunters: there is BOSSK, a slimy, tentacled monster with two huge, bloodshot eyes in a soft baggy face; TUCKUSS and DENGAR, two battle-scarred, mangy human types; IG-88, a battered, tarnished chrome war droid; and BOBA FETT, a man in a weapon-covered armored space suit. VADER .... there will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the Millennium Falcon. You are free to use any methods necessary, but I want proof ... no disintegrations. At that moment, Admiral Piett approaches Vader in a rush of excitement. ADMIRAL PIETT My Lord, we have them! 317 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - STAR DESTROYER - ASTEROID BELT 317 FULL SHOT, asteroid field, of the Millennium Falcon followed by a firing Imperial Star Destroyer, head to camera. A large asteroid about the same size as the Falcon tumbles over camera and toward the Falcon, covering it from view. The tiny starship banks to miss the giant asteroid as smaller rocks pelt its surface and it roars under camera. The asteroid grows small in the distance as it explodes harmlessly on the Star Destroyer. 318 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID BELT 318 INT COCKPIT, OVER THE SHOULDER, of the asteroid storm and flak. 319 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - ASTEROID FIELD 319 The ship shudders as flak explodes near the cockpit window. Threepio is watching a tracking scope of the side control panel. Leia watches tensely out the window. THREEPIO I can see the edge of the asteroid field, sir. HAN Good. Soon as we're clear, we'll kick this baby into hyperdrive. 320 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - STAR DESTROYER - SPACE 320 FULL SHOT - The Millennium Falcon races past camera, right to left, followed by the Star Destroyer, firing away. 321 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 321 Chewie BARKS excitedly as the rain of asteroids begins to subside. A bolt from the Star Destroyer creates a huge explosion on the back side of the Millennium Falcon. The ship lurches to one side. 322 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - STAR DESTROYER - SPACE 322 FULL SHOT - The Falcon going from camera is hit by a bolt from the Star Destroyer, creating a huge explosion on the back side of the Falcon. The ship lurches to one side, then rights itself. End asteroid storm. 323 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 323 Han corrects the attitude of the ship. Chewie WHINES. HAN I'm with you, Chewie. Let's vacate the area. Stand-by for light speed. This time they get the surprise. Hang on .... 324 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 324 INT COCKPIT, OVER THE SHOULDER - Han pulls back on the hyperspace throttle and nothing happens. Flak bursts continue outside. 325 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 325 Han is frantic. HAN This isn't fair! Chewie is very angry and starts to GROWL and BARK at his friend and captain. Han desperately pulls back on the throttle again. HAN (sheepish on the defensive) Couldn't be, I checked the transfer circuits, just like you said! (Chewie barks) I tell you this time it's not my fault. I'm sure I checked it. LEIA (almost expecting it) No lightspeed? HAN It's not my fault. I can't under- stand it! THREEPIO Sir, we've lost the rear deflector shield. One more direct hit on the back quarter and we're done for. LEIA Well, what now? Han thinks for a moment, makes a decision and pulls back on a lever. HAN Sharp bank, Chewie. Let's turn this bucket around. (Chewie puzzled, barks) You heard me, turn around! Full power on the front shield. LEIA You're going to attack them?!!! THREEPIO Sir, if I might point out, the odds of surviving a direct assault on an Imperial Star Destroyer are ... Chewie BARKS and the golden droid shuts up. 326 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - POV - SPACE 326 INT COCKPIT, POV of flak, banking as the Falcon makes a steep turn. 327 EXT SPACE - MILLENNIUM FALCON - STAR DESTROYER 327 FULL SHOT - The Falcon races past camera, right to left. Pan as the starship does a twisting turn and heads back over camera. 328 EXT SPACE - MILLENNIUM FALCON - STAR DESTROYER 328 FULL SHOT - Moving toward the Star Destroyer as the Falcon races over camera and away, becoming very small against the massive surface of the Star Destroyer. Flak. 329 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - STAR DESTROYER SURFACE - SPACE 329 FULL SHOT - TRUCKING with the Falcon across the surface of the Star Destroyer as it is bobbing and weaving to avoid the numerous flak bursts. The Falcon flies over camera. 330 INT IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER NO. 2 BRIDGE 330 INT STAR DESTROYER BRIDGE, POV of stars as tiny Falcon heads at camera, stars and window in foreground. Lots of excitement on the bridge of the Star Destroyer as the tiny spaceship races low across the hull headed directly at the huge windows of the bridge area. Alarms go off everywhere. DECK OFFICER He's coming in too low to hit! TRACKING OFFICER We're going to collide! CAPTAIN NEEDA Shields up? He's insane! DECK OFFICER Look out! 331 INT IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER NO. 2 - BRIDGE - ANOTHER 331 ANGLE INT BRIDGE, window with the Falcon racing at the window as the officers duck. At the last minute, the Falcon veers off and out of sight. Stars, all is quiet. CAPTAIN NEEDA Track them, they may come around for another pass. TRACKING OFFICER That's strange. CAPTAIN NEEDA What is it? TRACKING OFFICER The ship doesn't appear on any of our scopes. CAPTAIN NEEDA It couldn't have disappeared ... Could a ship that small have a cloaking device? DECK OFFICER No, sir ... Maybe they went into light speed at the last minute. CAPTAIN NEEDA Then why did they attack? They could have gone into hyperspace when they cleared the asteroid field. TRACKING OFFICER Well, there's no trace of them, sir, no matter how they did it. The only logical explanation is that they went into lightspeed .... DECK OFFICER Sir, Lord Vader demands an update on the pursuit .... What should he be told? The captain looks at his aide with a resigned expression. CAPTAIN NEEDA I am responsible for this. Get the shuttle ready. When we rendezvous with Lord Vader, I will apologize to him myself ... Turn around and scan the area one more time. 332 EXT SWAMP - BOG - DUSK 332 Luke lies motionless in the mud with Artoo leaning over him. Two glowing balls about the size of base- balls hover above them like mosquitoes and occasionally the angry Artoo swats at them; they move just out of the stubby droid's reach. Artoo whistles to his master several times, but gets no response. Artoo turns toward Yoda, who is sitting quietly nearby chewing on his Gimer Stick, and begins to furiously beep and scold the little Jedi Master. Artoo turns back to Luke. A small metal electrode projects out of Artoo and rests on Luke's chest. There is a concerned whistle from the droid, a short electronic yap, and Luke jumps awake with a start. The young Jedi shakes his head clear and rubs his shoulder. He is very angry; his glare moves between Yoda and the two glowing balls. YODA (jovial) Concentration. Heh? Concentration. LUKE (pissed) I thought those seekers were set for stun! YODA That they are. LUKE They're a lot stronger than I'm used to. YODA That would matter not were The Force flowing through you. Higher you'd jump! Faster you'd move! Open yourself to The Force you must. Artoo scoots away as the fed-up Luke grabs his laser sword from the mud, ignites it and jumps up. LUKE I'm open to it now! I feel it. Come on you little flying blasters! As he moves toward the hovering balls with a poised saber and ferocious look, they draw away, retreating to the area around Yoda's head. YODA No, no. This will not do. Anger is what you feel. LUKE But I feel The Force flowing! YODA Anger, fear, aggression! The dark side of The Force are they. Easily they flow ... quick to join you in a fight. Beware, beware, beware of them. A heavy price is paid for the power they bring. Luke lowers his light saber, confused. LUKE Price? What do you mean? YODA The dark side beckons. But if once start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will ... as it did Obi-wan's apprentice. LUKE Lord Vader ... Is the dark side stronger? YODA No, no. Easier, quicker, more seductive. LUKE But how am I to know the good side from the dark? YODA You will know. When you are at peace ... calm ... passive. A Jedi uses The Force for knowledge and defense. Never for attack. LUKE But tell me why ... YODA No! Nothing more will I tell you now. Clear your mind of questions ... Quiet now be ... at peace ... Luke stops protesting, relaxes his body. YODA ... Yes ... calm ... Luke closes his eyes, tries to clear his thoughts. YODA (soothing) ... passive ... Let yourself go ... After a long moment, Yoda makes the tiniest little gesture and the two glowing balls near his head race toward Luke, firing stun bolts. Luke immediately springs to life, but in a lovely, graceful way. He moves incredibly fast, deflecting bolts thrown at him from all directions, jumping incredibly high. The seeker attack stops as suddenly as it started and the two balls retreat to either side of Yoda's head. Artoo lets out a sigh and shakes his head. Luke grins proudly at Yoda who continues to chew away. YODA Much progress do you make, young one. Stronger do you grow. Luke is bursting with his achievement as two more glowing seekers float into view from behind Yoda's back, making a poised line of four above Yoda. Luke's grin melts away. 333 EXT VADER'S STAR DESTROYER - SPACE 333 FULL SHOT - Fleet around Vader's Star Destroyer with second Star Destroyer in the foreground. 334 INT VADER'S STAR DESTROYER BRIDGE - CONTROL DECK 334 The dead body of Captain Needa lies at the feet of Darth Vader. Two stormtroopers pick it up and carry it quickly away as Admiral Piett and two of his captains hurry up to the Dark Lord. ADMIRAL PIETT Lord Vader, our ships have completed their scan of the area and found nothing. The Millennium Falcon definitely went into lightspeed. It's probably on the other side of the galaxy by now. VADER Alert all commands. Calculate every possible destination along their last known trajectory and disburse the fleet to search for them. Don't fail me again, Admiral, I've had quite enough! ADMIRAL PIETT Yes, My Lord. We'll find them. The Admiral turns to and aide, a little more worried than when he arrived. ADMIRAL PIETT Deploy the fleet. 335 EXT IMPERIAL FLEET - SPACE 335 FULL SHOT - Imperial fleet as Vader's ship moves away with the smaller ships. Into the foreground, from the bottom, comes a huge Star Destroyer which moves into the distance. 336 EXT STAR DESTROYER SURFACE - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 336 MED SHOT of Star Destroyer bridge as camera trucks into the Millennium Falcon, clinging to the side of the ship. 337 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 337 INT FALCON COCKPIT, stars moving slowly. Everyone is hanging in their chairs sideways. Threepio is shut down. Leia glances at him. LEIA You could have warned him before you shut him off. HAN Oh, so sorry! Didn't mean to offend your droid. You think braking and shutting down in that amount of time is easy? LEIA I'm still not sure what you've accomplished. HAN Chewie, check the manual release on the landing claws. Chewie BARKS, struggles from his seat, and climbs out of the cabin. LEIA What'd you have in mind for your next move? HAN (pointing out window) The fleet is finally breaking up. I'm hoping they'll follow standard Imperial procedure and dump their garbage before they go into light speed. Leia gets it after a moment. She smiles and pats Han like a puppy. LEIA Not bad, hot shot, not bad. Then what? HAN Then we have to find a safe port around here. Got any ideas? LEIA That depends. Where are we? HAN Here ... near the Anoat system. Han points to a configuration of small light points on a computer map screen on the control panel. Leia slips out of her chair and moves next to the handsome pilot. Several systems flash by on the computer screen. HAN Funny, I have the feeling I've been in this area before. Let me check my logs. LEIA You keep logs? My, how organized. HAN Well, sometimes ... Ah-hah, I knew it! Lando Calrissian. LEIA Never heard of that system. HAN Lando's not a system, he's a man. A gambler, con-artist ... all- around scoundrel ... (winks at Leia) ... your kind of guy. The system is called Bespin. It's a ways from here, but reachable. LEIA (reading from the computer) A mining colony. HAN A Tibanna gas mine. Lando won it in a sabacc match, or so he claims. Lando and I go way back. LEIA Can you trust him? HAN No. But he has no love for the Empire, that much I know ... Chewie BARKS something on the intercom. Han quickly changes his readouts and stretches to look out the cockpit window. HAN I see it, Chewie, I see it ... Prepare the manual release. (turns to Leia) Here goes nothing, sweetheart. Han leans back in his chair and gives her an inviting smile. She thinks for a moment, shakes her head; a grin creeps across her face and she gives him a quick kiss. LEIA You do have your moments ... Not many, but you do have them. HAN Let Ôer go, Chewie. 338 EXT IMPERIAL STAR DESTROYER - SPACE 338 FULL SHOT - Space and Star Destroyer moving slowly away from camera. Junk begins to trail out of the ship and float over camera as the Falcon tumbles by. The Star Destroyer roars and zooms into hyperspace. 339 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - JUNK - BOBA FETT SHIP - SPACE 339 FULL SHOT - Junk over camera. Going away, the Falcon starts engines and races off into the distance. The junk slowly drifts away. Boba Fett's ship appears in the foreground and moves after the Falcon. 340 EXT BOG TRAIL - DUSK 340 Luke runs through the Bog, jumping incredibly high over roots, doing amazing double flips across mud holes, racing in and out of the heavy ground fog. Yoda again rides on Luke's neck. Yoda tosses a silver bar high above Luke, but behind him. The young warrior instantly turns and cuts the bar into four pieces. Yoda is pleased, but Luke is suddenly distracted, wary. YODA Four this time! The Force you feel. LUKE Yes ... I also feel danger ... death. Something's not right. Luke turns to see a huge, tangled, dead black tree. It's base is surrounded by a few feet of water. Giant, twisted roots form a dark and sinister cave near one side. Luke lets Yoda down to the ground. He stares at the tree, breathing hard. LUKE You brought me here purposely. Yoda sits on a large root, pulls out his chew stick. LUKE I feel cold. YODA This tree is strong with the dark side of The Force. A servant of evil it is. Into it you must go. LUKE What's in there? YODA Only what you take with you. Luke looks warily between the tree and Yoda. He ignites his light saber and steps into the water. YODA Your weapon ... you won't need it. Luke gives the tree a long look, then shakes his head Òno.Ó Yoda shrugs. Luke wades across the water and steps into the darkness of the cave. 341 INT TREE CAVE - DAGOBAH 341 Luke moves into almost total darkness. It's wet and slimy. The young Jedi can barely make out the edge of the passage. Suddenly, he is enveloped by a thick spider web-like membrane. He thrashes to clear himself and cuts through it with his laser sword. When he is free of it, he holds the saber out before him. Five inches from his face, a beetle the size of Luke's hand scurries up the wall to join its mates. Luke draws back only a moment, then pushes deeper into the cave. The space widens around him, but he can feel that rather than see it. His sword casts the only light. Luke peers into the darkness. It has become very quiet here. There is a long, long beat. A loud HISS! Darth Vader appears across the blackness, illuminated by his just-ignited laser sword. Immediately, he charges Luke, saber before him. He is upon him in seconds, but Luke sidesteps perfectly and slashes at Vader with his sword. Vader is decapitated. His head and helmet fly from his shoulders as his body disappears into the darkness. The metallic BANGING of the helmet fills the cave as Vader's head spins and bounces, smashes on the floor and stops. For one instant it sits whole on the floor. Then it cracks vertically. The black helmet and breath mask fall away to reveal ... Luke's head. Across the space, the standing Luke gasps at the sight, wide-eyed in terror. The decapitated head fades away, as in a vision. 342 EXT OUTSIDE THE TREE - DUSK 342 Yoda sits on the root, calmly chewing on his Gimer Stick. 343 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - BESPIN SYSTEM 343 FULL SHOT - The powerful pirate starship over camera as it heads toward the soft pink planet of Bespin. Planet is about 25 per cent of frame - moons. 344 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - BESPIN SURFACE 344 FULL SHOT, TRUCKING - Bespin's surface. It is dawn on the gaseous planet. Huge billowing clouds form a canyon as the ship banks around them and past camera. 345 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TWIN CARS - CLOUDS - BESPIN 345 TRUCKING, FULL SHOT of Falcon moving right to left in distance as a twin pod cloud car races over camera and toward the Falcon. 346 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - TWIN CAR - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN 346 FULL SHOT, TRUCKING with the Falcon coming to camera as the cloud car banks in from the right and pulls along side on the left. Falcon slowly gains on camera and goes overhead. 347 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUDS - BESPIN 347 SIDE ANGLE INT SIDE VIEW from Falcon cockpit of clouds and cloud car outside, clouds move left to right. Wookiee in foreground. FLAK rocks ships. Chewie barks his concern. HAN (O.S.) No ... I do not have a landing permit ... my registration is ... (static) ... 348 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUDS - BESPIN 348 Flak bursts outside the cockpit window and rattles the ship's interior. Leia looks worried. INTERCOM 9.S. Voice) Standing by ... any aggressive move will bring about your destruction. THREEPIO Rather touchy, aren't they. LEIA I thought you knew this person. HAN Well, it's been awhile. CHEWIE Barks and growls at his boss. HAN That was a long time ago. I'm sure he's forgotten all about it, and so should you. INTERCOM (O.S.) Permission granted to land on platform 327 ... any deviation of flight pattern will bring about your ... Han snaps off intercom. He is angry. The giant Wookiee turns to Han and grunts. Han turns to the worried Princess and her droid. HAN He'll help us ... We go way back ... really. Don't worry. Leia doesn't look convinced. LEIA Who's worried? 349 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUD CAR - CLOUD CITY 349 FULL SHOT - Camera moves through clouds to reveal the city in a long shot. We see the ball at the bottom as it bobs in and out of the cloud surface. The cloud car and the Falcon pass over camera and head for the city. 350 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUD CAR - CLOUD CITY - 350 PANNING SHOT FULL SHOT - Ships come to camera, PAN as they pass on left to closer view of city as ships grow small. 351 EXT LANDING PLATFORM - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CITY 351 HIGH ANGLE - With cloud car near camera and Falcon dives into the distance, landing on one of the tiny city platforms. Several ships in background. 352 INT CORRIDOR - CLOUD CITY - DAY - BESPIN 352 LANDO CALRISSIAN, a suave, dashing black man in his thirties leads a group of aides and bodyguards toward the landing platform. The group, like the other citizens of the city, is a motley collection of aliens, blacks, humanoids, whites and Orientals. Lando has a grim expression on his face as he exits onto the landing platform. 353 EXT LANDING PLATFORM - DOOR OF MILLENNIUM FALCON - 353 CLOUD CITY - BESPIN Han and Leia stand at the open door, armed. Behind them stands Chewie, also armed. They survey the scene warily. A dawn wind whips at Lando and his troops as they march across the narrow bridge leading to the landing platform. LEIA (to Han, low) I don't like this. HAN (uncertain) It'll be all right. Trust me. (pause) And keep your eyes open. You wait here. Han walks down the ramp, followed by Chewie. Lando has a pleased, proprietory look on his face as he gazes at the ship, which fades to a neutral look as he stops ten feet from Han. The two men eye each other carefully. Lando just shakes his head. LANDO Why you slimy, double-crossing no-good swindler ... am I glad to see you. HAN (skeptical) No hard feelings? LANDO Are you kidding? HAN I always said you were a gentleman. LANDO I'll bet. The two old friends embrace, laughing and chuckling. LANDO How you doing, Chewbacca? Still wasting your time with this clown, eh? CHEWIE Growls a reserved greeting. LANDO (not understanding) Right. Leia starts down the ramp, followed by Threepio. Lando glances up at her and does a slow take. LANDO Hello! What have we here? Welcome, I am Baron Lando Calrissian, Administrator of this facility ... and who might you be? LEIA You may call me Leia. Lando bows before Leia and kisses her hand. THREEPIO And I am See-Threepio, human-cyborg relations, at your ... Before Threepio can finish his introduction, Han has put his arm around Lando and steered away from Leia, back toward the city. HAN She's traveling with me, Lando and I don't intend to gamble her away, so you might as well forget she exists. Lando glances longingly over his shoulder at Leia who is following behind the two old friends. LANDO That won't be easy, my friend ... What brings you here, anyway? HAN Repairs ... LANDO (mock panic) What have you done to my ship? Han smiles, explains over his shoulder to Leia. HAN Lando used to own the Falcon. And he sometimes forgets that he lost it fair and square. Lando concedes this with a little gesture, speaks to Leia. LANDO That ship saved my life a few times. It's the fastest hunk of machinery in the galaxy. (to Han) What's wrong with her? HAN Hyperdrive. LANDO I'll have my people get to work on it right away. Hate the thought of the Millennium Falcon without her heart. 354 INT CORRIDOR - CLOUD CITY 354 The group has crossed the narrow bridge and entered the city. They walk down the lovely art-deco passageway, rounding several corners and passing many small plazas as they go. Threepio legs a bit behind. HAN How's your mining operation going? LANDO Not as well as I'd like. We're a small outpost and not very self- sufficient. I've had supply problems of every kind and ... (catches Han grinning at him) What's so funny? HAN Nothing. I never would have guessed that underneath that wild schemer I knew was a respon- sible leader and businessman ... But you wear it well. Lando is reflective, he looks at Han a moment. LANDO Seeing you sure brings back a few things ... (shakes his head) Yeah, I'm responsible these days. It's the price of success. And you know what, Han, you were right all along. It's over-rated. Han and Lando laugh together. As the lagging Threepio passes a doorway, he hears the muffled beeping and whistling of an R-2 unit. 355 INT SIDE CORRIDOR - CLOUD CITY 355 Threepio enters the off-shoot corridor. THREEPIO Oh, an R-2 unit, I'd almost forgotten what they sound like ... As Threepio is about to reach another doorway, the door to the main passage closes behind him. He looks into the room. THREEPIO Oh my! ... Those look like ... A laserbolt to Threepio's chest sends him flying in twenty directions. Smoldering mechanical arms and legs bounce off the walls. 356 INT CORRIDOR - CLOUD CITY 356 Lando, Han and Leia continue down the corridor unaware of Threepio's demise. Chewbacca glances around, sniffs the air, but shrugs his shoulders and follows the group. 357 EXT YODA'S BOG (MONTAGE) 357 Again Yoda sits on the high branch with Luke's laser sword clasped in his webbed feet. Far below, Luke sets, then jumps. This time he not only grabs the sword but soars an extra couple feet, high enough to flash a quick grin at Yoda, eye to eye. 358 EXT YODA'S BOG (MONTAGE) 358 Luke is standing on one hand again, with Yoda perched up on his feet. But now Luke's face shows less strain, more concentration. Suddenly, Luke holds his four fingers off the ground. He is balancing on his thumb. 359 EXT BOG - SWAMP - DUSK - DAGOBAH 359 Artoo is busy washing down the X wing fighter. A powerful stream of water sprays from a nozzle in the droid's side, while a hose from his other side trails off into the watery swamp. Luke and Yoda are sitting in the camp facing each other. The young warrior's eyes are closed. YODA Be calm. Through The Force, things you will see: other places, other thoughts, the future, the past, old friends long gone. BEN'S VOICE How's the boy doing? YODA A most gifted apprentice ... if concentrate he would! Luke turns to see the image of Ben fade away. LUKE Ben? Ben? YODA Free your mind and return he will. LUKE My mind fills with so many images. YODA Control, control you must learn of what you see. Not easy, not fast. LUKE I see a city in the clouds. YODA Bespin. I see it too ... Friends you have there, heh? Concentrate and see them you will. LUKE I see them! ... They're in pain ... they're suffering. YODA It is the future you see. As Luke moans, Artoo stops his work and rushes over to his master and starts beeping angrily at Yoda, crowding him. LUKE Will they die? YODA Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future ... Back away, little machine! Yoda lifts his hand towards the pushing droid and Artoo lets out a quick shriek of shock and moves away, mumbling and looking back at Yoda. Luke has started to gather up his things. LUKE They're my friends. YODA Foreknowledge is helpful, but painful sometimes and dangerous too. You have far to go in your training. Luke is stopped cold by Yoda's words. Gloom shrouds him as he plops down and Artoo comes over to comfort him. 359X INT JUNK ROOM - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN 359X A room piled high with broken or discarded parts. Chewie is poking around ... seems to find a piece that pleases him ... tosses another part away. Moves around a large piece, which partially obscures him - he lets out a savage growl at what he sees. 360 INT LIVING QUARTERS - CLOUD CITY - DAY - BESPIN 360 Sunlight pours through the skylight in a large art-deco living area onto which four apartments open. Han slouches in a lounge chair with his feet on a table. He aims his blaster at a glow globe and makes a firing sound with his tongue. He turns to see Leia standing in the doorway to her apartment. Han is knocked out by the sight. He holsters his blaster distractedly as he ogles the radiant Leia. She has changed from her cold weather pants and jacket to a lovely dress. Her hair is up, tied with ribbons. LEIA What are you staring at? HAN (ga-ga) Who's staring? LEIA You look silly. HAN You look great. LEIA (embarrassed) Has Threepio turned up yet? HAN Huh? Oh. Your droid's been gone too long just to be lost. He may have gotten into some trouble. Chewie went to look for him. (he pats a spot on his lounge) Come over here. I want to check this out. Leia thinks it over a moment, then walks over and settles next to Han, who's overjoyed with her apparent pliancy. he's about to envelop her when she throws on the ice water ... LEIA I hope Luke made it to the fleet all right. HAN Luke! I'm sure he's fine. Probably sitting around wondering what we're doing right now. Han puts his arm around her. They are ready to kiss. The door zaps open. Chewbacca walks in carrying a packing case of Threepio, arms and legs hanging over the edge. He drops the box on the table. CHEWIE Barks at his master. LEIA What happened? HAN He found him in a junk pile ... LEIA Something's wrong here. Your friend Lando is very charming, but I don't trust him. HAN Well, I do trust him. Lando's an old friend. Must have been an accident. LEIA Chewie, do you think you can repair him? The giant Wookiee has been studying the array of robot parts. He looks at the Princess. CHEWIE Howls and shrugs his shoulders. HAN Why don't we just turn him over to Lando to fix? LEIA No thanks. HAN Look, sweetheart, I'm not going to have you accusing my friend of ... There is a BUZZ and the door slides open revealing Lando and a pair of body guards. LANDO Sorry, am I interrupting anything? LEIA Not really. LANDO I must say, your beauty is unpar- alleled. Truly you belong here with us among the clouds. LEIA (icy) Thanks. LANDO Would you care to join me for a little refreshment? Han looks at Lando suspiciously. CHEWIE Barks at the mention of food. Licks his lips. LANDO Everyone's invited, of course. Leia takes Lando's proffered arm and the group turns to go. Lando spots Threepio's remains. LANDO Having problems with you droid? Han and Leia exchange a quick glance. HAN An accident. Nothing we can't handle. The door slides closed behind them, leaving the battered droid on the table. 361 INT CORRIDOR - CLOUD CITY - DAY 361 Leia walks between Han and Lando as Chewie and the two bodyguards follow a short distance behind. Long shafts of light pour across the corridor between tall columns. LANDO .... We are a free station and do not fall under the jurisdiction of the Empire. LEIA You're part of the mining guild then? LANDO Not actually .... Our operation is small enough not to be noticed, so you might say we're enterprisers. Most of our trade is, well ... unofficial. 362 EXT VERANDA - CLOUD CITY - DAY 362 The corridor opens onto a veranda which overlooks the spiraled top of the city. City Plaza - as Lando and group pass. City in back- ground with several cloud cars flying around. LEIA It's a lovely outpost. LANDO Yes, we keep pollution down by having the power reactor far below the city. It's connected by a transfer shaft. 363 INT CORRIDOR - CLOUD CITY - DAY 363 They re-enter the corridor and head for a huge doorway at the far end. Chewie begins to sniff something. CHEWIE Barks at Han. HAN Not now, Chewie. Lando, aren't you afraid the Empire might discover this little operation and shut you down? LANDO That's always been the danger. It's loomed like a shadow over everything we've built here. But circumstances have developed which will insure security. You see, I've just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of here forever ... 364 INT DINING ROOM - CLOUD CITY - DAY 364 The mighty doors to the dining room slide open and the group enters the elegant room. At the far end of a huge banquet table sits, Darth Vader. At his side and slightly behind him is standing Boba Fett, the bounty hunter. Han gives Lando a mean look. LANDO Sorry friend, I had no choice. They arrived right before you did. HAN I'm sorry too. Faster than the wink of an eye, Han has drawn his blaster and popped off a couple of quick shots directly at Vader. The Dark Lord quickly raises his hand, deflecting the bolts into one of the side walls, where they explode harmlessly. Just as quickly, Han's weapon zips out of his grip and mysteriously flies across the room into Vader's hand. The evil presence calmly places the gun on the table in front of him. VADER I'm glad you could join us. have some nourishment, for it will be your last meal. 365 EXT YODA'S BOG (MONTAGE) - DAGOBAH 365 In the bog clearing, Yoda watches as Luke stares at two equipment cases from the supplies of his fighter. Artoo watches from nearby. Now the two cases lift into the air and exchange places. Luke smiles to himself feeling strong and playful. Now he lifts the two equipment cases again, plus a bewildered, beeping Artoo, who is roughly the same size. 366 EXT YODA'S HOUSE (MONTAGE) - DAGOBAH 366 Luke is squatting before Yoda's little stove, working over a chaos of steaming pots, chopping, stirring and sprinkling in a manner strongly reminiscent of Yoda, who, by the way, is not around. Suddenly a painful vision fills Luke's mind; he winces and stops his cooking for a few moments. It passes away, Luke shakes it off and goes back to his cooking. After a few long beats, behind Luke's back and unseen by him, three of Yoda's glowing-ball seekers float quietly into view. They pause, then race toward Luke firing stun bolts. The young Jedi instantly twists to face them, deflect- ing all the bolts with the pot lid in his left hand and the spoon in his right. 367 EXT YODA'S HOUSE - DUSK - DAGOBAH 367 It is almost dark ... in the woods a tiny light moves towards us ... finally we see it is Artoo ... he stops within sight of Yoda's house. A warm light pours out of the house illuminating Luke who is asleep on the ground. A blanket lies half-off Luke; Artoo carefully pulls it up to fully cover Luke. As Artoo moves away Luke begins reacting to a nightmare. He moans ... opens his eyes wide and sits up. Yoda comes to the doorway and looks out. LUKE (to Yoda) I can't keep the vision out of my head ... My friends ... they're in trouble ... I feel that ... Suddenly the shimmering image of Ben Kenobi appears before Luke. BEN ... Luke, you must not go. LUKE But Han and Leia will surely die. BEN You don't know that. Even I cannot see their fate. LUKE I can help them! BEN You're not ready yet. You still have much to learn. LUKE I feel The Force. BEN But you cannot control it. This is a dangerous time for you, Luke. You are now most susceptible to the temptations of the dark side. YODA Yes, yes. To Obi-wan you listen young one. The tree. Remember your failure at the tree! Heh? LUKE I've learned so much since then. And I'll return to finish ... I promise that, master. BEN Will you? You underestimate The Emperor. It is you he wants ... that is why your friends suffer. LUKE And that is why I must go. BEN Luke, I will not lose you to the Emperor, as I lost Vader. LUKE You won't. BEN Only a fully trained Jedi Knight, with The Force as his ally, will conquer Vader and his Emperor. If you end your training now, if you choose the quick and easy path ... as Vader did ... you will become an agent of evil ... and the galaxy will be plunged deeper into the abyss of hate, despair and pain that you feel your friends suffering now. YODA Stopped they must be. Do you hear? On this all depends. BEN You are the last Jedi, Luke. You are our only hope. Be patient. LUKE And sacrifice Han and Leia? YODA If it must be. Yes. Luke is in great anguish. He struggles with the dilemma, a battle raging in his head. But then there is a clearing in his expression, a choice made. LUKE I cannot. Ben, I must go. Now that I can see their suffering, I must help ... Luke looks for a long moment at Ben and Yoda. Then he turns and starts toward his ship followed by his faithful droid. Yoda looks at Ben with a certain irritation, but Ben is focusing on Luke. The old man's expression is resigned. 367X EXT X WING FIGHTER - EDGE OF WATER - DUSK - DAGOBAH 367X The fighter's lights come on. Luke is in the process of hoisting a heavy case into the belly of the ship by a cable. Artoo is on top of the ship settling down into his place. Luke stops what he is doing as Ben appears. Yoda steps into the light. BEN I cannot protect you, Luke. If you choose to face Vader, you will do it alone. Once you've made this decision, I cannot interfere. Artoo unfastens power couplings on the ship. LUKE I understand. (to Yoda) I'll be back, Master Yoda. I will finish what I have begun I give you my word. Artoo, fire up the power converters. ARTOO Whistles a happy reply. BEN Luke, use The Force only for knowledge and for defense, not as a weapon. Don't give in to hate or anger or fear ... they lead the way to the dark side ... Luke nods and climbs back into his ship. YODA Strong is Vader. Clouded is your fate. Mind what you have learned ... Notice everything, everything! It can save you. LUKE I will, master, I will! Artoo closes the cockpit. Ben and Yoda stand watching as the roar of the engines and the wind engulfs them. YODA Told you, I did. Reckless is he ... Now things are going to worse. BEN The boy is our last hope. YODA No ... there is another. 368 EXT PLANET DAGOBAH - SPACE 368 FULL SHOT - Luke's tiny X wing rockets to camera, left to right, away from the green planet of Dagobah. 369 EXT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE 369 FULL SHOT - X wing, over camera and into space. 370 INT LARGE CELL - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN 370 Chewie, huffing and puffing, paces the cell in anger. He puts his ear to the wall, hears nothing and goes back to an area where there are four beds. A dis- assembled Threepio rests on one of the beds. The Wookiee picks up the golden droid's head and meditates on it a few moments. CHEWIE Barks a few remarks of a philoso- phical nature. Chewie sticks the robot's head on its torso and starts adjusting wires and circuits. Suddenly, the lights in Threepio's eyes spark to life as Chewie touches two connectors together. Threepio immediately begins to speak, but his voice is so slow and so low as to be unintelligible. THREEPIO Immmm-peer-eee-alll-storrr-mmmm- trooo ... Chewie looks at Threepio in bewilderment, then scratches his furry head, gets and idea and adjusts some connections. Threepio immediately begins speaking normally. THREEPIO Stormtroopers! Help! Oh, my head ... Where am I? Chewie barks with glee at the robot's return to life. THREEPIO Chewbacca! Watch out, there are Imperial Stormtroopers hidden in ... Oh no, I've been shot! 371 INT PRISON AREA - CLOUD CITY 371 The door to another cell slides open and the muffled yells of Han Solo become sharp, piercing screams of agony and pain. Darth Vader exits the cell and is approached by Lando, Lando's aide, and Boba Fett. VADER Bounty hunter, if you are waiting for your reward, you will wait until I have Skywalker. BOBA (a very tough customer) I am in no hurry, Lord Vader. My concern is that Captain Solo not be damaged. The reward from Jabba the Hutt pays double if he's alive. VADER His pain is considerable, bounty hunter, but he will not be harmed. LANDO What about Leia and the Wookiee? VADER You will find them well enough. But they must never again leave this city. LANDO That was never mentioned. Neither was this bounty hunter taking Han. I hope you haven't forgotten our bargain. VADER I forget nothing, Calrissian. Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly. LANDO (glances at his aide) No. VADER Good. It would be most unfortunate if I had to leave a permanent garrison here. Vader turns and sweeps into the elevator with Boba Fett. Lando turns with his aide and walks swiftly down another corridor. LANDO This deal's getting worse all the time. AIDE Maybe you should have argued with him. Lando gives his aide a look that speaks volumes, then walks a few steps in silence, thinking. LANDO (finally) I've got a bad feeling about this. 372 INT LARGE CELL 372 Chewie now has a little more of Threepio back together. One arm is connected, but his legs have yet to be attached. There is one small problem, however; it appears the Wookiee has managed to put the droid's head on backwards. THREEPIO Well, something's not right because now I can't see. (Chewie barks and adjusts a wire) There now, that's better, wait ... Oh, my. What have you done? I'm backwards! You flea-bitten furball! Only an overgrown mophead like you would be stupid enough to put my head ... Threepio is cut off in mid-sentence as Chewie deactivates a circuit and the droid shuts down. The Wookiee smells something and sits up. The door to the chamber slides open and a ragged Han Solo is helped into the room by two Stormtroopers. The huge Wookiee gives him a hug as the Stormtroopers leave. Han is very pale, with dark circles under his eyes. CHEWIE Barks his concern. HAN No, I'm alright. I'm alright. Chewie BARKS again as the door slides open revealing Leia. She looks a little worse for war also. The troopers shove her into the cell, and the door slides closed. Chewie helps her up and over to Han. The two lovers embrace, kiss. HAN I was worried about you. LEIA I'm worried about all of us. I can't figure out what they're up to. HAN Me either. They had me howling on the scan grid, but they never asked me any questions. The cell door slides open. Lando and two Bespin troops enter. HAN Get out of here, Lando! LANDO Shut up a minute and listen. I'm doing what I can to make this easier for you. HAN This ought to be good. LANDO Vader agreed to turn Leia and Chewie over to me. They'll have to stay here, but at least they'll be safe. LEIA What about Han? LANDO (to Han) I didn't know you had a price on your head. Vader has given you to the bounty hunter. Leia looks with concern to Han. HAN You don't know much about much if you think Vader won't want us dead before this is over. LANDO He doesn't want you at all. He's after someone named Skywalker. HAN Luke? I don't get it. Leia's mind is racing. LANDO Lord Vader has set a trap for him and ... LEIA ... we're the bait. HAN All this just to get the kid? What's so important about him? LANDO Don't ask me, but he's on his way. LEIA Luke's coming here? Lando nods. Han's rage peaks. HAN You fixed us all pretty good ... (spits it out) ... friend! Han hauls off and punches Lando. The two friends are instantly engaged in a frantic close quarters fight. The guards hit Han with their rifle butts and he flies across the room. Chewie GROWLS and starts for the guards. They point their laser weapons at the Giant Wookiee, but Lando stops them. LANDO Don't shoot! I've done what I can for you. I'm sorry it's not better, but I've got my own problems. (turns to leave) I've already stuck my neck out further than I should ... HAN Yeah, you're a real hero. Lando and the guards leave. Han wipes the blood from his chin as Leia and Chewie help him onto one of the bunks. LEIA (dabs at his wound) You certainly have a way with people. 373 EXT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE - BESPIN SYSTEM 373 FULL SHOT - X wing, past camera toward Bespin in the distance. 374 INT COCKPIT LUKE'S X WING - SPACE - BESPIN SYSTEM 374 Luke is grim-faced as he pilots his course to Bespin. Artoo beeps and whistles to Luke which reads out on the scope. LUKE Yes, I'm sure Threepio is with them. (Artoo whistles excitedly) Just hold on, we'll be there soon. 375 EXT LUKE'S X WING - BESPIN SYSTEM - ARTOO - SPACE 375 CLOSE-UP side R-2, stars left to right. 376 INT CARBON-FREEZING CHAMBER - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN 376 Armor-suited Stormtroopers rush about the large chamber, which is filled with pipes and chemical tanks. In the middle of the room is a square pit housing a hydraulic platform. Darth Vader and Lando stand near the platform. VADER The facility is crude, but it should suit our needs. An Aide appears. AIDE We have a ship approaching of the X wing class. VADER Good. Monitor Skywalker's progress and allow him to land. We'll have the chamber ready for him shortly. LANDO We only use this chamber for carbon freezing. If you put him in there, it'll kill him. VADER I think not. But I don't wish my prize to be damaged. We'll test it first. (to a Stormtrooper) Bring in Captain Solo. Lando's face registers his dismay. 377 EXT LUKE'S X WING - CLOUD CITY - SPACE 377 FULL SHOT - X wing, through clouds, side-trucking PAN as ship approaches city. 378 INT COCKPIT LUKE'S X WING - BESPIN SYSTEM - SPACE 378 Luke scans his display panels with concern. LUKE (to Artoo) You haven't picked up any patrol ships? ARTOO Beeps a ÒnegativeÓ which prints out on a panel. 379 INT CARBON-FREEZING CHAMBER - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN 379 With Boba Fett in the lead, a squad of Stormtroopers bring in Han, Leia and Chewie. Strapped to Chewie's back, with only his head, torso and one arm assembled is Threepio. Threepio's head faces the opposite direction from Chewie's and the droid is constantly twisting around in a vain effort to see what's happening. His one attached arm is animate and expressive, intermittently pointing, gesturing and covering his eyes. The remaining pieces of his body are roughly bundled to the Wookiee's back. His legs and other arm stick out at odd angles from the pack. Vader turns to Boba Fett. VADER I'll make your goods easier for you to transport. Put Captain Solo in the zero-cold chamber. BOBA But the chamber is for power goods. What if he doesn't survive? This slime is worth a lot to me ... VADER The Empire will pay for the loss. Bring him forward! LEIA No! Chewie lets out a wild HOWL and attacks the Stormtroopers surrounding Han. Within seconds many Imperial reinforce- ments have joined the scuffle. The giant Wookiee is clubbed with laser weapons. From the instant of Chewie's first move, Threepio is screaming in panic while he tries to protect himself with his one arm ... THREEPIO Wait! What are you doing? ... Oh, no ... Don't hit me! No! He doesn't mean it! ... Calm down, you hairy fool! ... Ouch! I didn't do anything ... The Stormtroopers are about to bash Chewie in the face. HAN Chewie, no! Stop it, Chewbacca! Han breaks away from his captors. Vader nods to the guards to let him go and the pirate breaks up the fight. THREEPIO Oh, yes ... stop, stop. Thank heavens ... Han gives the Wookiee a stern look, then a big hug. HAN Save your strength for another time, Chewie, when the odds are better. Han winks at the Wookiee. CHEWIE Barks a doleful farewell. HAN I'm sure I'll see you again, too. Keep well. (turns to guard) You'd better chain him until it's over. In a flash the guards have slipped binders on Chewbacca, who is too distraught to protest. Han gives his furry friend a final hug and turns to Princess Leia. He takes her in his arms and she gives him a passionate kiss. LEIA ... I love you. I couldn't tell you before, but it's true. HAN ... just remember that, Ôcause I'll be back ... He sheds his cocky smile and gives her a soft kiss on the forehead. Tears roll down Leia's face as she watches the dashing pirate walk to the hydraulic platform. Lando, too, watches with anguish. Imperial guards position Han on the platform and quickly bind his arms and legs. They step back. Han looks one final time at his friends and suddenly the platform drops. Han disappears into the steaming vat of sub-zero cold. Chewie HOWLS. Leia turns away in agony. Lando winces in sorrow; it makes a life-changing impression on him. Instantly, a ladle of fiery liquid moves over the vat, tilts and pours, creating a shower of sparks and fluid as great as any steel furnace. Chewie has half turned away from the sight, giving Threepio a view of the procedure. THREEPIO They're encasing him in carbonite. It's high quality alloy. Much better than my own. He should be quite well protected ... if he survived the freezing process. Chewie is in no mood for technical discussions; he gives the droid an angry glance. A huge mechanical tong lifts the metal encased space pirate out of the vat and places him before Vader, Boba Fett and Lando. Technicians inspect the metal mummy with various electronic probes, drilling holes and attaching hoses. TECHNICIAN He's alive and in perfect hibernation. VADER He's all yours, bounty hunter. Reset the chamber for Skywalker. AIDE He's just landed, My Lord. VADER See to it that he finds his way here. LANDO I'll take what's mine now. VADER Take them, but I'm keeping a detachment of troops here to watch over them. LANDO That wasn't the bargain. You said the Empire wouldn't interfere in-- VADER I'm altering the bargain. Pray I don't alter it any further. Lando's hand instinctively goes to his throat as he turns back to Leia, Chewie and Threepio. 380 INT CORRIDOR - CLOUD CITY 380 Luke and Artoo move carefully down the deserted corridor. Luke stops as he hears a group of people coming down a side hallway. Artoo lets out an excited series of beeps and whistles. Luke glares at the tiny droid, who stops in his tracks with a feeble squeak. Boba Fett enters from a side hallway followed by two guards carrying the encased body of Han Solo and two Stormtroopers, who immediately start firing on the young warrior. Luke draws his weapon and blasts the two stormtroopers before they can get off a second shot. The two guards whisk Han into another hallway as Boba lowers his arm and fires a deadly laser at Luke, which explodes to one side. 381 INT SIDE HALLWAY - CLOUD CITY - DAY 381 By the time Luke reaches the side hallway, Boba, Han and the guards are gone. A thick metal door blocks the passage. Luke turns to see Leia, Chewie, Threepio, and Lando being herded away by several other Storm- troopers down a second hallway. LUKE Leia! LEIA Luke, no! It's a trap. Before she can finish, the group turns a corner and is gone. Luke races after them, leaving little Artoo trailing behind. 382 INT CARBON-FREEZING CHAMBER - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN 382 Luke runs into the zero-cold chamber and stops for a second to get his bearings. Leia and the others are nowhere in sight. Behind Luke, Artoo is whistling down the corridor to the chamber when a giant metal door comes slamming down with a loud CLANG (seemingly on top of the stubby droid), cutting off Luke's exit. Several more doors CLANG shut, echoing through the chamber. 383 INT HALLWAY LEADING TO CHAMBER - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN 383 Artoo is standing with his nose up against the giant metal door. He whistles a long sigh of relief and, a little dazed, wanders off in the other direction. 384 INT CARBON-FREEZING CHAMBER - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN 384 Luke searches the complex chamber for any sign of an enemy. There is nothing. He walks forward toward the hydraulic platform, then stops, holstering his gun. LUKE I know you're with me, Lord Vader, I can feel your presence. Show yourself, or do you fear me? Vader steps into view behind Luke. the young Jedi turns instantly to face his opponent. VADER The Force is with you young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi yet. 385 INT CORRIDOR - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN - DAY 385 Leia, Lando, Chewie and Threepio march along between four Stormtroopers. They reach an intersection where a dozen of Lando's guards are standing at attention. Lando stops before the sergeant of the guard. LANDO Code force seven. The guards immediately aim their weapons at the startled Stormtroopers. The sergeant takes the Stormtroopers weapons from them, handing one to Lando, the others to Chewie and Leia. They release Chewie's binders. LANDO Hold them in the north tower. Quietly! No one must know. Lando's guards march the Stormtroopers away. LEIA What's going on? LANDO I'm coming over to your side, that's what. And I have a feeling I'm making a big mistake. LEIA And when do you betray us again? Lando has to take another look at this broad. She doesn't seem very appreciative. LANDO Look, I stand to lose everything by this. LEIA We have no use for your kind. LANDO This is no time to be choosy, honey. What do you say we debate this later? There's still a chance I can get you out of here. CHEWIE Barks a blue streak. LANDO What's wrong with him? THREEPIO (Very worried) Oh my. Oh no. He's not interested in escape. He wants to go after Captain Solo .... Artoo!! In the distance, down a long hallway in the direction that Threepio is facing, a familiar whistling can be heard. Artoo appears and zips up toward the group. Chewie turns to see the stubby droid, causing Threepio to be spun away from his little friend. THREEPIO Wait! Where'd he go? Turn around, you woolly ... Ah, Artoo! Artoo has managed to get under Threepio. ARTOO Beeps a wild series of exclamations about his friend's condition. THREEPIO Don't ask. LEIA Chewie's right. We must try to save Han. LANDO (thinking fast) There's not much chance, but the bounty hunter's ship is on the East Landing Platform. Lando leads the others quickly down a hall. ARTOO Beeps wildly. THREEPIO I'm afraid Lord Vader has Master Luke. There's no hope of saving him. 386 INT CARBON-FREEZING CHAMBER - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN 386 Vader ignites his powerful light saber. Luke takes a step back and one foot rests on the cold chamber plat- form. He lights his laser sword and sets himself to face the Dark Lord. VADER The fear does not reach you. You have learned more than I anticipated. LUKE You'll find I'm full of surprises. VADER And I too. Vader brings his mighty sword down on Luke, who deftly blocks the attack, but moves another step back in the process. He is now standing squarely on the hydraulic platform. VADER Your future lies with us, Skywalker. Now you will embrace the dark side. Obi-wan knew this to be true. LUKE No! VADER There is much Obi-wan did not tell you. Come, The Emperor will complete your training. LUKE I'll die first. VADER That won't be necessary. With that, there is a slight rumble and the hydraulic platform disappears into the vat of freezing steam, which rises to obscure Vader's vision. He looks down into the steam. VADER All too easy. Perhaps you are not as strong as The Emperor thought. LUKE (OS) Time will tell. Vader looks up in surprise to see that Luke has leapt fifteen feet straight up and is now hanging from some of the hoses on the carbonite ladle. Luke yanks one of the hoses loose and swings to safety on the far side of the platform. Vader moves toward Luke with overwhelming menace, his laser sword flaring. VADER Your agility is impressive. Let's see what other skills you've learned. A section of pipe tears loose from the wall and flies toward Luke. Luke cuts it into five pieces, which bounce around the chamber. VADER I feel it now ... your fear, your anger. Good. Let The Force flow. Hate me. I'm the one who destroyed your family. Cases, tools, bits of pipe begin to fly at Luke. He cuts down or deflects them, but is driven back by their onslaught. VADER Attack. Take your revenge. Destroy me. Luke looks around for a means of escape. There is only one ... a round tunnel with pipes and conduit running through it. He makes his way for it as Vader continues to hurtle objects at him. VADER There is no escape. You will use the dark side of The Force ... or perish. Let your hate flow and save yourself. Luke backs into the tunnel followed by Vader. 387 EXT BOBA'S SHIP - EAST LANDING PLATFORM 387 Imperial Stormtroopers slide Han's encased body into an opening in the side of the bounty hunter's ship. Boba climbs aboard on a ladder next to the side opening. BOBA Seal it. 388 EXT EAST LANDING PLATFORM - SIDE BAY 388 An elevator slides open and Lando, Leia and Chewbacca race for a large bay overlooking the East Landing Platform. 389 EXT EAST LANDING PLATFORM - CLOUD CITY 389 FULL SHOT, INT EAST LANDING PLATFORM - Boba Fett's ship takes off against cloud sky at sunset. 390 EXT EAST LANDING PLATFORM - SIDE BAY 390 Chewie HOWLS and starts firing at the ship. LANDO It's no use, they're out of range. THREEPIO Oh my, no! A laser bolt explodes near the Princess and everyone turns to see what Threepio has already spotted coming from the other direction: a squad of Stormtroopers running toward them. Artoo peeks out from the elevator. LANDO Come on, let's move! Leia and Chewbacca start firing at the troopers as Lando makes a break for the elevator. Laser bolts continue to explode around the Princess and the Wookiee, but they refuse to budge. Lando sticks his head out of the elevator and motions for the pair to run. But they barely notice. They seem possessed, transported, as all the frustration of captivity and anger of loss pour out through their death-dealing weapons. Threepio, at the center of all this, is frantic. THREEPIO Artoo, help me! How did I get into this? ... What a fate worse than death is to be strapped to the back of a Wookiee! LANDO Get in here! Now! Both of you, hurry up! Reluctantly, Leia and Chewbacca move through the rain of laserfire toward the elevator. Once they're inside, the door slams shut and the Stormtroopers race forward. 391 INT ELEVATOR - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN 391 Leia is out of breath as the levels slowly pass outside the translucent windows. Lando watches the display panel. LANDO You're nuts! THREEPIO With all respect, I'm tempted to agree ... LEIA We should have stayed and finished them off. CHEWIE Barks his agreement. LANDO You two almost signed off out there. THREEPIO Three! I count three of us ... LEIA I don't care. It would've been worth it .... for Han. CHEWIE Barks his Òright on!Ó LANDO Very noble. Not smart, but noble. LEIA You've probably never done an honorable thing in your life. LANDO Sure I did ... once. It turned out lousy. LEIA What chance have we got in here? What are we going to do when they cut ... Suddenly, the elevator stops with a jolt and the main lights go out, leaving only the running lights. LEIA ... the power? CHEWIE Howls. ARTOO Whistles. 392 INT REACTOR CONTROL STATION 392 Vader's powerful thrust and parry continues as Luke is forced back into the cluttered control area of the monstrous reactor that powers the city. Luke is obviously outmatched by the powerful Dark Lord of the Sith; he must struggle to avoid Vader's slashing sword. The laser weapon cuts through pipes and wires, causing steam, fluid and sparks to fly everywhere. Luke moves behind a tall storage case, which is neatly cut in two by one of Vader's blows. Several electronic tools sitting on the control panel fly at Luke. He manages to deflect the projectiles and, at the same time, hold off his awesome opponent. But he is battered cut in several places, tired and somewhat dazed. He stumbles and can't catch his breath. VADER You are beaten. It is useless to resist. Luke lunges at Vader and attempts to put the Dark Lord on the defensive. He succeeds in nicking the giant warrior on the shoulder. Vader reacts, but is quite unhurt. VADER Don't let yourself be destroyed as Obi-wan did. Luke is breathing hard but the mention of Ben has a curious effect on him. He stands motionless for a moment, thinking. He closes his eyes. LUKE (to himself) Knowledge and defense. A calm comes over Luke, as Vader raises his sword and starts another attack. Using The Force, Vader hurtles large objects at Luke, but the boy deflects them with the good side of The Force. Luke is backed up against a large round window. It over-looks a narrow scaffold and, beyond, an awesome abyss that drops away to the glowing reactor many miles below. VADER You will join me, or you will join Obi-wan in death! A large tool case rises and speeds toward Luke. He deflects it slightly, and it smashes through the window creating a massive rush of air. The gust knocks Luke off balance and sends him flying out the window after the tool case. 393 INT ELEVATOR SHAFT 393 Lando climbs into the dimly lit elevator shaft from a door in the top of the elevator. There is no cable, but a great deal of mechanical and electronic gadgetry. Leia and Chewie can be seen inside the elevator looking at him. Lando fiddles with several large braking devices and then starts banging one with his weapon. LEIA You'd better know what you're doing, or this is going to get very messy. LANDO (completely dumbfounded) Don't worry about a thing. I'll get us going. 394 INT ELEVATOR 394 Artoo has found a computer outlet in the side of the elevator control panel. Beeping and whistling madly, he inserts his control arm in the socket. THREEPIO Artoo can release the brakes through the central controls. Lando pops his head in as a loud clanking echoes through the shaft. LANDO Then do it! They're breaking in! ARTOO Beeps a snappy okay. With a jolt, the brakes release and the elevator rockets into oblivion. Leia, Chewie and Threepio are smashed to the ceiling. 395 INT ELEVATOR SHAFT 395 Elevator races away from camera with Lando hanging on the back. LANDO Reverse! Stop it! Stop! 396 INT ELEVATOR 396 Artoo whistles madly, but the elevator doesn't stop. THREEPIO Oh my, he's lost contact. 397 INT ELEVATOR SHAFT 397 Lando manages to hang on with one hand and fire his laser pistol at the huge brake with the other. A direct hit and the brake snaps closed, stopping the elevator instantly with a loud, horrible SCREECH. 398 INT GANTRY OUTSIDE CONTROL ROOM - REACTOR SHAFT 398 The shaft is noisy with wind. Then, the wind stops and all that can be heard is the echoing footsteps of the Dark Lord. A haggard Luke is dangling over the abyss, struggling to climb back on to the gantry before Vader arrives. He still holds his light saber as he hoists himself back onto the metal walkway. Vader brings his sword down before Luke can stand, but the young Jedi manages to block the blow. He scrambles backwards down the ramp, with Vader following, slashing at the youth. In the distance, the muted roar of the wind blast can be heard getting ever closer, until the two warriors are engulfed in blast of wind that almost knocks them off the gantry. Luke manages to stand in the wind and return Vader's powerful blows. The two battle furiously along the gantry. Vader cuts away part of the railing that Luke is holding. Luke notices with awe as the railing is lifted by the wind. He lets go and the metal floats away. The wind stops and the fighting becomes even more intense. The deadly buzz of the laser swords rever- berates through the vast power shaft. An alarm sounds and the public address system inside the control room crackles. ADDRESS SYSTEM Fugitives heading for transport Platform Southwest-One. Secure all transport. VADER Your friends may escape, but you are doomed. LUKE Not yet. Luke slashes at Vader again, renewing the fight. Luke's sword whistles past Vader and the young warrior is thrown off balance, his guard down. Vader's light saber flashes out with deadly skill and cuts Luke, almost forcing him over the edge. He can barely stand. He wipes the tears from his eyes, but still can barely focus on his massive opponent. 399 INT CORRIDOR LEADING TO LANDING PLATFORM - BESPIN 399 The Millennium Falcon can be seen for a moment before the main door leading to the landing platform slams shut. Leia, Lando, Chewie and the droids round a corner. They duck into the alcove at the main door just as Stormtroopers arrive at both ends of the hall and start firing. The band of rebels squeeze into the little alcove as a rain of laser bolts stream past and explode around them. Chewie blasts away at the Stormtroopers. Leia punches buttons on the door's control panel. LEIA We've got to find Luke. LANDO His fate is sealed. You'll be lucky to get out yourself. All systems are on alert. everything's locked. THREEPIO Artoo! The control panel. You can override the alert system. Threepio points to a computer socket on the control panel. Little Artoo beeps and scoots over to the panel and sticks his computer arm into the socket. ARTOO A short beep turns into a wild scream! Artoo's circuits light up, his head spins around wildly and he begins to smoke. Lando pulls him away. ARTOO (cooling away) Lets out a few wilted beeps. THREEPIO Well, next time you pay more attention. I'm not supposed to know power sockets from computer feeds, I'm an interpreter ... LEIA (firing at the Stormtroopers) Anybody else got any ideas? 400 INT GANTRY OUTSIDE CONTROL ROOM - REACTOR SHAFT - BESPIN 400 The guard rail has been cut to ribbons. Luke has been driven to the edge of the jutting platform; he is ready to collapse under Vader's powerful blows. A continual rain of sparks showers down on the young warrior from a severed power cable on the instrument stand. The noise of clashing laser swords is now covered by the roar of wind working its way up the shaft. Luke almost loses his balance and goes over the edge, but the wind props him up enough for him to regain his balance. He attacks Vader again, with a vengeance, using his last reserves of strength. The wind fades away again. VADER The Force runs strong in the Skywalker line. You will achieve great power ... Come, join with me! Together we will be the most powerful ... even stronger than The Emperor. (INSERT B - DIALOGUE ADDED HERE) LUKE No! .... Never .... Luke starts backing away from Vader, his strength gone at last. VADER There is no escape. You must join me or die. Don't make me destroy you here ... The Emperor is strong with The Force. But if you join me, together we could overthrow Him. Do not resist. It is our destiny! LUKE Never. Luke lunges for Vader with his laser sword, but misses. He stumbles to the other side of the platform. In the distance, the wind can be heard working its way up the long shaft. Luke is out of breath, exhausted, bleeding. He hears the wind rising and gives Vader a long, hard look. LUKE Never! Luke staggers to the edge of the platform and jumps off into the endless abyss. Vader rages in disbelief. VADER No! The Dark Lord looks over the platform and sees Luke falling far below. The wind begins to blow at Vader's cape and the torrent finally forces him back, away from the edge. He looks out and sees Luke floating upward past him with the force of the wind. Spread-eagle, skydiver-style, Luke attempts to maneuver himself closer to the side of the shaft. He has hooked his laser sword to his belt. The wind begins to fade and the wounded Jedi begins to fall fast, unable to grab onto anything. 401 INT - SHAFT - SMALL EXHAUST PIPE 401 Suddenly, Luke is sucked into a small exhaust pipe in the side of the shaft. Vader sees this. He turns and hurries off the platform. 402 INT EXHAUST PIPE 402 TRUCKING FULL SHOT as Luke tumbles through the exhaust pipe. 403 EXT BOTTOM OF CITY - EXHAUST PIPE - DUSK 403 Luke is spit out of the exhaust pipe on the underside of the city. He manages to grab a protruding weather vane at the exterior mouth of the pipe. 404 EXT BOTTOM OF CITY - EXHAUST PIPE - DUSK 404 FULL SHOT - Luke hanging on weather vane on bottom of the city. Dangling helplessly above the awesome cloud sea hundreds of miles below, he struggles in vain to pull himself to safety. Finally, he closes his eyes and begins to concentrate. LUKE Leia, Leia .... Leia, I need you. Luke swings in the gentle breeze of the cloud planet. 405 INT CORRIDOR LEADING TO LANDING PLATFORM 405 Artoo has dismantled the control panel next to the service door and is working with the wires. His work has enabled Lando to hook into the public address system. Now he yells into a microphone over the din of the continuing battle with the Stormtroopers. LANDO This is Baron Calrissian. The Empire is taking control of the city. Evacuate immediately. Leave before more Imperial troops arrive. An explosion hits nearby. Artoo touches two wires together and the door slides open. Artoo whistles. Lando, Chewie, Leia and Threepio are ecstatically surprised. THREEPIO Artoo, you did it! I never doubted you for a second ... LEIA Let's go. Artoo lays down a cloud of fog, obscuring everything, as the group dashes outside. 406 EXT LANDING PLATFORM - CLOUD CITY - DUSK 406 The group races for the Millennium Falcon as Storm- troopers reach the main door. Lando and Leia hold off the troops as Chewie and the droids get on board. Chewie starts up the ship. As the giant engines start to whine, Lando and Leia jump on board. 407 EXT BOTTOM OF CITY - EXHAUST PIPE - DUSK 407 MED SHOT - Luke hanging on weather vane on bottom of the city. He has attained a better position on the weather vane and managed to hook one of his legs around the fragile instrument. LUKE Leia .... Leia .... There is an ominous CRACKING sound from the base of the weather vane and a piece breaks off, falling into the clouds far below. A rush of air is constantly blowing from the pipe. 408 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUD CITY - DUSK 408 Chewie pulls back on the controls as Leia and Lando make their way into the cabin. Lando sits in the co-pilot's seat. Leia sits next to one of the control panels. Suddenly, Leia seems to hear something. She turns to Lando with a quizzical look. LEIA What'd you say? LANDO I didn't say anything? Leia shrugs and turns back to Chewie. 409 EXT LANDING PLATFORM - CLOUD CITY - DUSK 409 The Millennium Falcon lifts gracefully into the twilight sky as the squad of Stormtroopers vainly fires away. STORMTROOPER Save your fire, the patrol ships will get them. 410 EXT LANDING PLATFORM - CLOUD CITY - HIGH ANGLE - DUSK 410 FULL SHOT - Looking down on the landing platform as Falcon roars up and away past camera at dusk. 411 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUD CANYON 411 INT COCKPIT, SIDE as Falcon moves through cloud canyon. 412 EXT BOTTOM OF CITY EXHAUST PIPE - DUSK 412 MED SHOT of Luke dangling from weather vane. The weather vane makes another terrifying CRACK and lurches a little more to one side. Luke is so weary and in such pain, he almost doesn't notice. He is concentrating on The Force. LUKE Leia, help. Please, Leia. Hear me. 413 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUDS - POV 413 OVER THE SHOULDER POV of cloud through cockpit window in Millennium Falcon. 414 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUD CITY - DUSK 414 Leia seems to be lost in a fog, her expression troubled. Everyone else is busy operating the ship. LANDO I knew that set-up was too good to last .... I'm going to miss it. LEIA Luke! LANDO What? LEIA Luke needs help. We must go back. CHEWIE Barks his consternation. LEIA Chewie, head for the bottom of the city. LANDO Three patrol ships are heading our way. CHEWIE Barks an argument and shakes his head. LEIA No argument, just do it. That's a command! LANDO Wait a minute. We're not going back there. CHEWIE Turns on Lando, the newcomer, with an ominous growl. LANDO Okay, okay. 415 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUD CITY - BESPIN - DUSK 415 FULL SHOT TRUCKING of the Falcon making a graceful banking turn over camera. Clouds at dusk. 416 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - UNDERSIDE CLOUD CITY - DUSK 416 FULL SHOT as Falcon dives to the underside of the floating city. 417 INT MILLENNIUM FALCON - HOLD 417 Artoo is busy trying to re-assemble his friend Threepio. He adjusts the connections to the golden droid's second arm. ARTOO Beeps some news. THREEPIO Turning around? Oh, no! I knew we'd never escape ... 418 EXT BOTTOM OF CITY - EXHAUST PIPE - DUSK 418 FULL SHOT - Luke on weather vane. He is almost uncon- scious, but he hears the familiar whine of the approaching Millennium Falcon. As his body shifts, the weather vane breaks, sending Luke tumbling. 419 INT COCKPIT - CLOUD CITY UNDERSIDE - DUSK 419 Leia tries to remain calm in the midst of everyone's amazement. LANDO Someone's falling. LEIA It's Luke. Get under him. Slow down. Easy Chewie. Line up your tracking system. Lando, open the hatch. 420 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - POV 420 POV out Falcon cockpit window as Luke falls into the clouds in the distance. 421 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUD CITY 421 Leia watches anxiously. LEIA Slower, Chewie, slower. 422 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUD CITY - POV 422 CLOSER POV out cockpit window of Luke getting bigger as the Falcon closes on him, until his falling body skims the cockpit window and lands with a thud on the outside hull of the ship. 423 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON HULL - CLOUD CITY - DUSK 423 The hatch pops open with a hiss of pressure. Lando reaches out to help the battered warrior inside the ship. Suddenly, there is a huge explosion near the ship causing it to lurch wildly. Luke is almost thrown overboard, but Lando grabs his hand in time. 424 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUD CITY - POV 424 OVER THE SHOULDER POV - Clouds and flak bursts as the Falcon banks away from the city. Dusk. 425 EXT UNDERSIDE OF CLOUD CITY - DUSK 425 Three Imperial Patrol ships are firing on the Falcon as they speed into pursuit. 426 INT COCKPIT MILLENNIUM FALCON - CLOUD CITY - DUSK 426 Explosions begin to erupt all around the cockpit, buffeting the ship wildly. Chewie HOWLS as he frantically tries to control the ship. LEIA The hatch is closed. Full speed. Two more ships are closing. Leia reaches over and speaks into the com-link. LEIA Lando, is he alright? ... Lando? Are you there? How's Luke? LUKE (OS) He'll survive. Leia and Chewie turn to see the bloody and battered Jedi, supported by Lando in the cockpit entry. Lando has wrapped a blanket around him. Leia jumps up and gives him a giant hug. CHEWIE Howls. LANDO (climbs into the co-pilot's seat) We're not out of this yet. A huge flak burst rocks the ship. 427 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE - PLANET BESPIN 427 FULL SHOT - The Falcon speeds away from the planet and over camera followed by two Imperial ships. 428 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 428 FULL SHOT - The Falcon away from camera and into space, followed by two Imperial ships. 429 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 429 Lights flash and muted alarm BUZZERS sound. Threepio leaves the cockpit. Luke is strapped into the seat across from Leia. LANDO The deflector shields are gone. LEIA (to Chewie) Are the coordinates set? Chewie nods. Leia looks at the control panel warily. LEIA This hyperdrive had better work. LUKE I've never seen it fail. Leia and Chewie exchange a look. LANDO I'm sure my men fixed it. We've got nothing to worry about. LEIA That sounds familiar. Another explosion rocks the ship. LEIA Okay, Chewie, it's now or never. CHEWIE Barks his agreement. The Wookiee shrugs and pulls back on the lightspeed throttle. 430 INT COCKPIT - MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE - POV 430 FULL SHOT, OVER THE SHOULDER POV out cockpit window, stars that streak and go into hyperspace. 431 EXT MILLENNIUM FALCON - SPACE 431 FULL SHOT, SPACE - The Falcon speeds away from camera and disappears into nothingness. 432 EXT SPACE - REMAINS OF REBEL FLEET - STAR CRUISER 432 FULL SHOT - Motley rebel fleet in space. The Millennium Falcon is attached to a huge rebel cruiser by a docking tube. A large star is nearby. 433 INT BRIDGE AREA - STAR CRUISER 433 The bridge area of the Star Cruiser is relatively quiet. Most of the crew is busy working at their control panels. Several Generals are gathered around Lando and Chewie and one by one bow before them. Luke and Leia are standing nearby. Leia bows before Lando and Chewie, then gives the large Wookiee a big bear hug. Luke shakes Lando's hand and pats him on the shoulder. He then moves to Chewie and starts scratching his chest vigorously; which the Wookiee loves. He BARKS his enjoyment. Lando and Chewie start to leave the bridge, stopping only when little Artoo races up and tugs at the furry giant with one of his claw arms and whistles. Chewie turns and is hugged by Threepio. The Wookiee is embarrassed, but manages a friendly pat on the droid's back and another on little Artoo's dome head. the robots wave as the two adventurers leave the bridge. 434 INT STAR CRUISER BY VIEW PORT 434 Luke and Leia stand alone before a giant view port - stars and distant suns move through window. Luke smiles and gives Leia a kiss on the forehead as she puts her arm around him. LUKE I want to go with them, but I have a promise to keep. They'll find Han. I know they will ... The tall, golden robot, and the stubby Artoo-droid join the young Jedi and the Princess. They gaze out the view port as the Millennium Falcon pulls grace- fully away. 435 INT BRIDGE - STAR CRUISER - VIEW PORT - POV - SPACE 435 POV of distant sun. The Falcon does a spectacular flip and fly-by, and banks off into the stars. ROLL UP END CREDITS T H E E N D DUNE SEVENTH DRAFT DAVID LYNCH December 9, 1983 -- 1. ARRAKIS - A SCENE FROM SPACE Also known as DUNE, home of the Fremen, former Zenzunni wanderers. 1A. INT. ROCK LEDGE - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT BLACK FADE IN to the dark eyes of the mysterious face of the REVEREND MOTHER RAMALLO, who sits against smooth black rock. Her eyes are deep blue-within-blue and her skin is a haunting translucent white. Her voice ECHOES as if in a great cavern. REVEREND MOTHER RAMALLO We are the secret of the Universe. RESPONSE OF TWENTY THOUSAND VOICES Bi-la kaifa. REVEREND MOTHER RAMALLO We are the secret of the Universe. We know of spice...the spice called melange...the greatest treasure in the Universe. It exists on only one planet - ours Arrakis, Dune. We know of spice and the Bene Gesserit sisterhood's selective breeding plan of ninety generations to produce the Kwisatz Haderach, the one the spice will awaken. RESPONSE OF TWENTY THOUSAND VOICES Bi-la kaifa. REVEREND MOTHER RAMALLO And now the prophecy... Silence...then a powerful low organ NOTE resounding in the cavernous space. REVEREND MOTHER RAMALLO (CONT'D) He will come...the voice from the outer world, bringing the holy war, the Jihad, which will cleanse the Universe and bring us out of darkness. He will have been born of a Bene Gesserit mother. -- The Reverend Mother continues speaking of the Prophecy, but we do not hear it. The huge wind organ BLOWS louder and louder, obscuring her voice. The picture FADES. 1B. KAITAIN - A SCENE FROM SPACE Home planet of House Corrino and Shadam IV, Emperor of the known universe. 2. INT. DROP - NIGHT FADE IN to: ...interior of one drop of water. The image changes subtly. 2A. EXT. - DROP - NIGHT PULL BACK to a shot revealing the outside of the drop. There is a distant ROARING and within the drop we can see the distorted image of a space ship landing on a sophisticated landing field. 3. (Deleted) 3A. EXT. LANDING FIELD - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT On the dark landing field, chemicals spill out of the ship in troughs and tank-suited Guildsmen begin to swarm out of a hatch opening. 4. through 6. (Deleted) 7. INT. THRONE ROOM - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT The EMPEROR is surrounded by crowds of COURTIERS in his Throne Room. Suddenly a GUARD enters from a small door and quickly crosses to ANOTHER GUARD. A warning SOUND begins. The Emperor turns nervously. Guards quickly begin to clear the large room. Several women are rushed toward us to a door beyond. One of the woman, IRULAN, stops and turns back for a worried, caring look to her father, the Emperor. IRULAN Father. -- EMPEROR Irulan. She sees that SARDAUKAR OFFICERS are surrounding him now, speaking to him. Irulan turns and leaves. The Emperor moves away from his officers to the center of the now-empty room. He drops his golden robe from his shoulders. He stands in his elegant black uniform, thinking. The Reverend Mother is ushered in and the Sardaukar Officers leave her alone with the Emperor. EMPEROR (quickly) A Third Stage Guild Navigator will be here within minutes! REVEREND MOTHER We felt his presence. EMPEROR I shall want telepathy during his visit and a report when we're finished. REVEREND MOTHER Their minds are so.... They move in strange directions.... EMPEROR Yes? REVEREND MOTHER Forced spice evolution of humans changes many things.... I must sit close to him. EMPEROR He will not permit anyone but me to see him. You must be outside this room.... Do what you can. REVEREND MOTHER I am your Truthsayer, my lord... (sensing something outside the room) He is here, my lord. Under the carved inscription "Law is the Ultimate Science", the doors to the Emperor's chambers slide open and FIFTY GUILDSMEN wheel in a forty-foot long giant black box. One of the Guildsmen addresses the Emperor through a translating device. TANKED GUILDSMEN #1 The Bene Gesserit witch must leave. -- The Emperor looks to the Reverend Mother. EMPEROR Leave us. REVEREND MOTHER Yes, my Lord. EMPEROR (after she has gone) We are alone... 8. INT. HALLWAY - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT The Reverend Mother enters through doors and takes a seat on a chair just outside the door. She closes her eyes. 9. INT. THRONE ROOM - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT Inside the Emperor's chamber, the TANK-SUITED GUILDSMEN are arranging themselves in a "V" formation around the box. Suddenly the box opens, slowly and beautifully revealing a huge, thick glass tank. Inside the tank floats a THIRD STAGE NAVIGATOR twenty feet long, much like a cross between a pasty, pale human being and a fleshy grasshopper. The tank is filled with swirling orange spice-gas, and Guildsmen continuously vacuum up the toxic chemical spills dripping from under the tank. Suddenly the Guild Navigator swims towards the Emperor. His head is enormous and fleshy, like a huge grasshopper head -- the eyes are totally deep blue. His voice is a high, fleshy whispering and an intricate electrical apparatus in the front of the tank translates into English and broadcasts it into the room. NAVIGATOR We have just folded space from Ix... EMPEROR (extremely nervous) Yes?... How was your journey? NAVIGATOR (after a long pause) Many machines on Ix... new machines. EMPEROR Oh yes? -- NAVIGATOR Better than those on Richesse.. You are transparent... I see many things... I see plans within plans. EMPEROR Is there a problem?... Usually there is a problem when one of you makes a visit. No answer. NAVIGATOR (finally) The answer is within the problem... 10. INT. HALLWAY - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT Outside the Emperor's chamber the Reverend Mother sits, her eyes closed, straining. 11. INT. THRONE ROOM - EMPEROR'S PALACE - REVEREND MOTHER'S MENTAL IMAGE - NIGHT A very blurred scene of the Emperor with the Guild Navigator. She is not getting the English version but a much different language version which is fascinating to listen to. A lilting, sing-song monologue. 12. INT. THRONE ROOM - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT NAVIGATOR I see two Great Houses -- House Atreides, House Harkonnen -- feuding... I see you behind it. EMPEROR Yes. The Navigator breathes the spice-gas heavily and swishes gently in his tank. NAVIGATOR You must share with us. -- EMPEROR The Atreides house is building a secret army!... using a technique unknown to us... a technique involving sound. The Duke is becoming more popular in the Landsraad... he could threaten me.... I have ordered House Atreides to occupy Arrakis to mine the spice... thus replacing their enemies the Harkonnens.... House Atreides will not refuse because of the tremendous power they think they will gain. Then, at an appointed time Baron Harkonnen will return to Arrakis and launch a sneak attack on House Atreides... I have promised the Baron five legions of my Sardaukar terror troops. NAVIGATOR So the Harkonnens will rid you of House Atreides... EMPEROR Yes. 13. INT. HALLWAY - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT Outside, the Reverend Mother is seeing the scene mentally. She suddenly sees and flinches. 14. INT. THRONE ROOM - EMPEROR'S PALACE - REVEREND MOTHER'S MENTAL IMAGE - NIGHT The Guild Navigator turns toward her and comes very close to her. We hear the Navigator speak to her. NAVIGATOR (to Reverend Mother, mentally) Reverend Mother... I will give you the Tleilaxu Path. REVEREND MOTHER (V.O.) (an excited whisper) A chance for escape? But for whom? 15. INT. THRONE ROOM - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT EMPEROR Can you hear me?... If this visit has anything to do with spice... -- The Guild Navigator shudders and swishes quite violently in his tank. NAVIGATOR LISTEN TO ME!! The spice must flow... the spice has given me accelerated evolution for four thousand years... it has enabled you to live two hundred years... the spice helps make the sapho juice, which gives the red-lipped mentats the ability to be living computers... the secret side of spice... the water of life. 16. INT. HALLWAY - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT REVEREND MOTHER (V.O.) He shouldn't speak of this... 15. BACK TO SCENE NAVIGATOR the Bene Gesserit sisterhood the metaphysical ability to see have superior powers... Our power to fold space is in the spice... Without us, your empire would be lost on isolated scattered planets... You would be lost. EMPEROR I can assure you... NAVIGATOR Do not interrupt!!! Do not speak lightly of the spice... ONE SMALL POINT... 16. BACK TO SCENE REVEREND MOTHER (V.O.) Here it comes... 17. INT. THRONE ROOM - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT NAVIGATOR We ourselves... foresee a slight problem within House Atreides.... Paul.... Paul Atreides. EMPEROR You mean, of course, Duke Leto Atreides... his father. -- Page missing -- 24. EXT. CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT High on the rock cliff stands Castle Caladan, Its appearance us dark and medieval. There is a window on the seaward wall lit from within... 25. INT. TRAINING ROOM - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT a drifting glowglobe. Paul sits at an L-shaped table studying filmbooks and maps of Arrakis and the Universe. 25A. INSERT - FILMBOOK We SEE vast star fields and galaxies. 25. BACK TO SCENE PAUL (whispering) Here we are now... nineteen light years beyond... 25A. INSERT - FILMBOOK We SEE the galaxies move as we HEAR a HUM. PAUL (V.O.) (whispering) ... beyond Epsilon Alangue... is Arrakis. We HOLD on this, then we see Arrakis grow larger in the filmbook screen and we SEE it is a planet of vast deserts. 25. BACK TO SCENE PAUL (whispering again) It does look dry.... 25A. INSERT - FILMBOOK The picture grows larger again, and we see the Arrakeen Valley. -- FILMBOOK (V.O.) Each day the palms along the outer wall of the Palace at Arrakeen consume enough water to sustain the lives of one hundred men. The palms were placed by the Harkonnens to flaunt their water wealth in front of the city Fremen. 25. BACK TO SCENE PAUL Where are the Harkonnens from here? 25A. INSERT - FILMBOOK The star fields and galaxies move slightly then. PAUL (V.O.) (whispering) There!... Geidi Prime and the Baron Harkonnen... the enemy. 25. BACK TO SCENE In the background, FOOTSTEPS grow louder, pounding on thick wooden floors. THUFIR HAWAT, GURNEY HALLECK and DR. YUEH enter. Paul has his back to the door. Thufir suddenly looks perturbed when he notices this. PAUL (without turning) I know, Thufir, I'm sitting with my back to the door. Hawat suppresses a smile. PAUL (CONT'D) I heard you, Dr. Yueh and Gurney coming down the hall. THUFIR Those sounds could be imitated. PAUL I'd know the difference. Paul rises and turns to face them. -- THUFIR (inner voice) Yes. Perhaps he would at that. PAUL My father sent you to test me. Music then? Thufir scowls. GURNEY No music. I'm packing this for the crossing. Shield practice. PAUL Shield practice? Gurney... we had practice -- this morning..... I'm not in the mood. GURNEY (angered) Not in the mood?! Mood's a thing for cattle and love play... not fighting. PAUL I'm sorry Gurney. GURNEY Not sorry enough. Gurney draws his knife. 25B. SHIELD EFFECT - THE FIGHT Gurney activates his body shield, sending a shimmering FORCE FIELD around his body. He advances swiftly toward Paul. Paul snaps on his FORCE FIELD, draws his knife and jumps back, collecting himself hurriedly for the fight. GURNEY (his voice sounding strange through the forcefield) Guard yourself for true! Gurney leaps high, then forward, pressing a furious attack. Paul falls back. The shield edges CRACK loudly as they touch each other. PAUL (inner voice) What's gotten into Gurney? He's not faking. Paul presses forward and the fight moves quickly around the room. The smell of ozone grows stronger as the shields hit and SPARK off one another. Paul directs a parry downwards, turns, and leads Gurney against the table, plunging at just the right moment to pin Gurney against the table top with his blade right at Gurney's neck. PAUL (strange shielded voice) Is this what you seek? GURNEY (strange shielded voice) Good... the slow blade penetrates the shield... but look down. Paul looks and sees Gurney's blade at his groin. GURNEY (CONT'D) We'd have joined each other in death. However, you did seem to finally get the "mood". PAUL Would you really have drawn my blood? GURNEY If you'd fought one whit below your abilities I'd have scratched you a good one. Paul stands and snaps off his shield as does Gurney. 25. BACK TO SCENE PAUL Things have been so serious here lately. GURNEY Yes. I sensed the play in you lad, but this can no longer be play. Tomorrow we leave for Arrakis! Arrakis is real. The Harkonnens are real. Thufir, Yueh, Gurney and Paul stare at each other for a moment in silence. Dr. Yueh moves forward and begins to take Paul's pulse rate and to collect other data with a small black machine. PAUL Dr. Yueh, do you have any information on the worms of Arrakis? -- DR. YUEH I have obtained a filmbook on a small specimen... only 125 meters long. PAUL Only?! They smile at each other. DR. YUEH There are have been documented sightings of worms as large as 450 meters in the deep desert -- far from where we'll be in Arakeen.... The desert belt and the south polar regions are marked forbidden.... Why? PAUL The storms and the worms. Is it true, that the sand can blow at seven hundred kilometers per hour? YUEH It can render flesh to dust in minutes. And these dry winds can generate tremendous static electricity in the atmosphere. Our body shields won't have enough power to operate in the open air on Arrakis. PAUL Well, how do the Fremen survive there? YUEH We don't know much about the Fremen... They live in the deep desert... some of them in the cities and they have blue- within-blue eyes... PAUL (smiling) The eyes -- yes, yes... saturation of the blood by the spice -- melange. Could the spice affect us in other ways? THUFIR Many dangers exist on Arrakis. For one, we know the Harkonnens would not have given up their CHOAM company contract so easily. PAUL (rising) The Harkonnens are our enemies, yes... but behind them, I suspect, is the Emperor. -- THUFIR You will make a formidable Duke! Paul bows. THUFIR (CONT'D) Now remember... the first step in avoiding a trap is knowing of its existence. PAUL I know. But if it is a trap then why are we going? THUFIR We have our new army. (in the same breath) Dr. Yueh, put the weirding module on him. Thufir, noticing a SQUAD OF GUARDS at the other end of the training room, calls out to them. THUFIR (CONT'D) Clear and lock the room. Gurney activates a series of locks. LIGHTS GLOWS above each doorway. THUFIR (CONT'D) Activate a fighter. 25C. ROBOT FIGHT Suddenly a FIGHTER ROBOT lowers from the ceiling. As the robot begins to rotate and go through several frightening, complicated movements, Dr. Yueh places a plastic device around Paul's neck. He tightens it around the Adam's apple above Paul's voice box. Paul turns and emits a very strange, powerful sound through the weirding module as he rushes towards the robot. GURNEY (to Yueh) Precise control.... 26. INT. HALLWAY - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT The hallway is empty in the foreground but in the distance a changing of the guard is seen. -- 26A. through 26B. (Deleted) 27. INT. HALLWAY - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT Paul walks down the stairway. In the distance, moving troops are packing Atreides belongings. Beyond, Paul sees some troops carrying a large bull's head. The horns are covered with dried blood. PAUL The bull that killed my grandfather... is this an evil omen? Suddenly, DUNCAN IDAHO appears from behind the giant black head. PAUL (happily) Duncan! DUNCAN Paul. (they shake hands) I was on my way to say goodbye to you. I have to go on ahead. PAUL Why? I wish you were coming with us. DUNCAN It's something for your father. He wants to talk to you. (places hand on Paul's chest) I'll see you in Arrakis. May the hand of God be with you. PAUL May the hand of God be with us all, Duncan. 28. EXT. CLIFF WALL - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT Paul walks to meet his father near the wall. PAUL (diffident) Father. DUKE LETO Thank you for joining me, Paul. (voice tired) It will be good to get to our new home and have all this upset behind us. -- 28A. (Deleted) 28B. DUKE LETO AND PAUL AGAINST SEA They look out over the sea. A huge wave crashes below. The Duke turns to Paul. DUKE LETO (CONT'D) (inner voice) My son. (out loud) Thufir Hawat has served House Atreides three generations.... He swears you are the finest student he's ever taught. Yueh, Gurney and Duncan say the same.... It makes me feel very proud... PAUL I want you to be proud of me. Paul smiles up at his father. The WIND blows the Duke's hair and behind him stands the castle and the green and black Atreides banner against the night sky beyond. The RAIN starts again -- lightly. Paul takes a closer look at the Atreides banner moving in the wind. DUKE LETO (studying the dark sea below) I'll miss the sea... but a person needs new experiences... they jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change, something sleeps inside us... and seldom awakens... The sleeper must awaken. Paul's attention goes to his father's hand where he sees the Duke's signet ring. Again he smiles at his father. FADE TO: 29. through 29A. (Deleted) 30. INT. PAUL'S ROOM - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT Paul is sweating during his sleep and WHISPERS as if struggling with some disturbing thought. -- PAUL Arrakis... Dune... Desert Planet...Arrakis... Desert Planet... moving... moving. 31. DARK WATER - MENTAL IMAGE We see Paul's dream. It is very dark. PAUL (V.O.) Arrakis... Dune... Desert Planet. Suddenly a drop falls into the black, and white hot widening rings appear on the dark water's surface. Darkness again. Two moons rise in the darkness. As the second appears: VOICE The second moon, your moon... 31A. INT. RESERVOIR - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT Dark again. A figure turns toward Paul. It is a BEAUTIFUL GIRL in deep shadow. She speaks. BEAUTIFUL GIRL Tell me of your homeworld, Usul. 32. INT. PAUL'S ROOM - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT CU Paul's face in fitful sleep. 33. EXT. COURTYARD - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT In a small stone courtyard, the back-lit figure of a woman moves towards us through the heavy RAIN and darkness. As she nears us, the large, protective glowglobe overtakes her and in an instant we see a beautiful woman -- JESSICA. JESSICA (inner voice) I know she has come to test him... no man has ever been tested with the box... only Bene Gesserit women. I may lose my son. The doors open, she meets the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam (the Emperor's truthsayer) and takes her back toward the Castle. The rain rushes loudly into the storm drains. -- 34. INT. PAUL'S ROOM - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT PAUL (whispering again) Arrakis... Dune... Desert planet... moving... moving. CU Paul's face. Paul's eyes snap open. He hears footsteps outside his door. As the door opens he closes his eyes, however, and he pretends to be asleep. Jessica and the Reverend Mother enter and stand in the doorway looking at him. REVEREND MOTHER We'll salvage what we can... but I can tell you.. dear God... for the father... nothing. Jessica turns to the Reverend Mother, stunned! She turns back to look at Paul. Her hands tremble. REVEREND MOTHER (CONT'D) Did you really think that you could bear the Kwisatz Haderach?... How dare you! REVEREND MOTHER My greatest student... and my greatest disappointment.... He's awake!... He's listening to us. (considering) Good... Ready yourself, young Paul Atreides... I want to see you in your mother's chamber in one quarter of an hour. She turns and walks away. Jessica remains at the door and calls out to Paul in the darkness. JESSICA Paul?... This is very important... Jessica leaves, closing the door behind her. Paul sits up in bed. PAUL Kwisatz Haderach?... For the father... nothing? 35. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT Jessica and the Reverend Mother enter. It is quite dark. Jessica WHISPERS a code number and a glowglobe LIGHTS on a very dim setting. -- REVEREND MOTHER (angrily) Jessica... You were told to bear only daughters to the Atreides... Jessica! JESSICA It meant so much to him... REVEREND MOTHER You thought only of a Duke's desire for a son?... Desires don't figure in this! An Atreides daughter could have been wed to a Harkonnen heir and sealed the breach. We may lose both blood lines now. JESSICA I vowed never to regret my decision. I'll pay for my own mistakes. REVEREND MOTHER And your son will pay with you. 42. INT. DUKE LETO'S QUARTERS - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT Under a dim glowglobe, the DUKE is writing a note on a scroll-like piece of paper. Finishing reading, the Duke seals the message in a cylinder and presses his signet ring, with a red hawk symbol of House of Atreides, into a hole, which seals the cylinder with a swift HISSING. He pauses, studying the metal tube. With a VOICE COMMAND, he extinguishes the glowglobe above him. He leans back in his chair as lightning flashes outside the window. FADE TO: 35. BACK TO SCENE Paul enters the room and Jessica closes the door behind them. JESSICA Paul, this is the Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam. She is going to... observe you... (to Reverend Mother) Please... -- REVEREND MOTHER Jessica, you know it must be done. I enjoin you to stand guard at the door and practice the meditation of peace. JESSICA Your Reverence. PAUL (inner voice) What does she fear? (out loud) What about my Father? JESSICA Paul... please, Paul... listen to the Reverend Mother and do what she tells you. Jessica leaves the room. The Reverend Mother speaks to Paul using The Voice, a Bene Gesserit training which permits an adept to control others merely by selected tone shadings of the voice. It sounds as if two people are talking -- one normal and the other gutteral and slightly electronic. The effect is strange, yet subtle. REVEREND MOTHER (using The Voice) Now you come here. Paul finds he cannot help but obey her, yet he fights her controlling him. PAUL (inner voice) She's using The Voice. (out loud) No. She sees him struggling. REVEREND MOTHER (inner voice) Some strength there. Surprising! (out loud) Come here. The Reverend Mother holds up a green metal cube. REVEREND MOTHER (CONT'D) See this... Put your right hand in the box. Paul stares at the hole in the box. -- PAUL What's in the box? REVEREND MOTHER Pain. Just then, she raises one hand to his neck. Paul sees a glint of metal. He tries to back away. REVEREND MOTHER (CONT'D) (The Voice) STOP! Put your hand in the box. Paul's hand goes in. Fear passes over his face. PAUL (inner voice) The Voice again. REVEREND MOTHER I hold at your neck the gom jabbar. Don't pull away or you'll feel that poison. A Duke's son must know about many poisons -- this one kills only animals. PAUL Are you suggesting a Duke's son is an animal? REVEREND MOTHER Let us say I suggest you may be human. Your awareness may be powerful enough to control your instincts. Your instincts will be to remove your hand from the box. If you do so you will die. You will feel an itching -- there... see? Now the itching becomes burning... heat, upon heat, upon heat. PAUL (whispering) It burns. REVEREND MOTHER SILENCE... SILENCE. PAUL (inner voice)(struggling to compose himself) I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear... I will permit it to pass over me and through me. -- The Reverend Mother moves her face up to his. Her ancient face with its metal teeth gleaming inches away breathes hotly. She is smiling. REVEREND MOTHER You feel the flesh crisping? 36. THE HAND - PAUL'S MENTAL IMAGE Paul's inner mind sees his hand on fire with all sorts of sores. The skin is bubbling. 37. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT REVEREND MOTHER Flesh dropping off. 38. THE HAND - PAUL'S MENTAL IMAGE He pictures this. The destruction of his hand is complete -- now only blood spurts out and burns. 39. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT Paul's face registers extreme pain. PAUL (cannot help the explosion) THE PAIN! REVEREND MOTHER NO!! ENOUGH!! Kull wahad! No woman child ever withstood that much. I must have wanted you to fail. Take your hand out of the box and look at it, young human.... Do it! Paul pulls his hand out of the box. No sign of anything wrong. He turns his hand, flexes his fingers. He looks to the Reverend Mother. REVEREND MOTHER (CONT'D) (explaining) Pain by nerve induction... A human can resist any pain. Our test is crisis and observation. PAUL I see the truth of it. -- REVEREND MOTHER (inner voice) Could he be the one?... Maybe... but will he be ours to control? (out loud) You know when people speak the truth? PAUL I know it. Suddenly the Reverend Mother holds her hand against Paul's head. She closes her eyes. 40. INT. RESERVOIR - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT - REVEREND MOTHER'S MENTAL IMAGE She sees a blurred image of Paul's earlier dream. She sees the beautiful girl turn. She hears a muffled voice say "Tell me of your homeworld, Usul". 41. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT REVEREND MOTHER Your mother wants you to tell me about your dreams. I only want to know one thing.... Do they come true? PAUL Not all of them... I know which ones will. REVEREND MOTHER Perhaps you are the Kwisatz Haderach. PAUL What is it? REVEREND MOTHER (profoundly) The person who can be many places at once... the one who bridges space and time.... He will look where we cannot. PAUL Where? REVEREND MOTHER Do you know of the Water of Life?... the Truthsayer drug? PAUL I have heard of it. -- REVEREND MOTHER It is very dangerous... very painful. The Bene Gesserit sisterhood drink it to see within.... There is a place terrifying to us... to women. It is said a man will come... the Kwisatz Haderach... he will go where we cannot... Many men have tried... PAUL Did they try and fail? REVEREND MOTHER They tried and died.... (she calls out loudly) Jessica! Jessica enters immediately and sees with great relief that Paul is still active. REVEREND MOTHER I sense your teachings in him. Ignore the regular order of training. His safety requires The Voice. PAUL I've heard enough of my safety... What about my father?... I heard you talking. You speak as if he was dead. Well, he isn't! JESSICA Paul! She tries to hold him. PAUL Well he isn't... and he won't die... Tell me he won't die! REVEREND MOTHER What can be done has been done. PAUL MOTHER! Tell me! The Reverend Mother covers herself and moves quickly to the door. -- 42A. Through 45. (Deleted) 46. EXT. GEIDI PRIME - DAY HOME PLANET OF HOUSE HARKONNEN - As seen from space, the black planet as we saw it in Paul's filmbook. 47. EXT. GEIDI PRIME - DAY The surface of the planet is a vast sea of black oil. A small cable car traverses high above the sea toward a gigantic black city in the shape of a rectangular box over 100 stories high. Before the city there are rows of huge black towering steel heads atop massive furnaces. SMOKE billows out of their mouths. 48. INT. CABLE CAR - GIEDI PRIME - DAY Inside the cable car stands PITER. In one hand he holds the cylinder with DUKE Leto's ring imprint. PITER It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of Sapho that thoughts acquire speed - The lips acquire stains - The stains become a warning - It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. 48A. INT. GREEN PORCELAIN ROOM - GEIDI PRIME Somewhere in the interior of Geidi Prime, we are in a green porcelain room. Two large Harkonnen soldiers, using large hoses, are washing down the walls and floors of the room. WE MOVE DOWN into the water rushing along the floor towards troughs. Closer, WE SEE bits of flesh, hair, and blood. 49. EXT. GEIDI PRIME - DAY The car zooms past gigantic faces, and the furnaces far below ROAR with tremendous power. The city now looms gigantic and overpowering -- millions of electrical cables stretch off the top into dark energy taps above the city. -- 50. INT. GEIDI PRIME - DAY Inside the city the cable car passes into a huge inner chamber filled with open-topped lime green porcelain rooms with tremendous electrical lines criss-crossing above. 51. (Deleted) 52. INT. BARON'S ROOM - GEIDI PRIME - DAY In front of a huge steam boiler, the cable car stops and Piter gets out, steps down steel stairs and enters a porcelain room where the Baron is being treated by a DOCTOR for sores on his face and body. The doctor uses a lasbeam on a big sore on the Baron's lips. The Baron is sickly and hugely fat and sweaty and looks like he has been sickly for some time. He turns to Piter as he enters the room. PITER My Lord! BARON Piter. Piter moves up to the Baron. PITER The Atreides will be leaving Caladan soon, Baron, and I have here your answer from Duke Leto. BARON What does Leto say, Piter? PITER He wishes to inform you that Vendetta -- as he puts it, using the ancient tongue, the art of Kanly -- is still alive. He does not wish to meet or speak with you. BARON (swallowing; angry) I made my peace gesture... the forms of Kanly have been obeyed. He throws down the cylinder. PITER As you instructed me, I have enlightened your nephews concerning my plan t... -- BARON My plan! PITER The plan to crush the Atreides. Feyd, Rabban... go quietly... no other great house of the Landsraad must ever know of the Emperor's aid to the Baron. The entire Landsraad would turn against the Baron and the Emperor. DOCTOR Put the pick in there Pete And turn it round real neat. His assistant does so. Rabban breaks open a squood (living food). The squood makes a tiny SCREAM, then Rabban drinks the blood and bodily fluids. He throws the empty container of tiny animal meat into the dark water trough running through the center of the room. Across the room, TWO HARKONNEN SOLDIERS enter, holding big guns on a BOY who is wearing white pants. The Baron smiles when he sees the boy, who is deeply afraid. The guards force the boy to arrange violet flowers on a stand by the far wall opposite the Baron. BARON (as the Baron watches the boy) You're so beautiful my Baron Your skin, love to me Your diseases lovingly cared for For all eternity. BARON I will have Arrakis back for myself... he who controls the Spice, controls the universe... and what Piter didn't tell you is we have control of someone who is very close to Duke Leto. This person... this traitor... will be worth more to us than ten legions of Sardaukar. FEYD Who is the traitor? BARON (laughs) I won't tell you who the traitor is or when we'll attack. However, the Duke will die before these eyes and he'll know that it is I -- Baron Vladimir Harkonnen -- who encompasses his doom. -- The Baron gives a hand signal and seven gates in the wall open, emitting tremendous SOUNDS. Suddenly the Baron begins to float straight up, twenty-five feet in the air. It is a frightening sight. He floats down under the giant, humming electrical tube light and rubs his head and body with a black fluid which drips from tiny holes in either side of the pink glow. Feyd and Rabban watch nervously. The Attendants stand completely still with fear. The Baron swoops down to the Boy, who stands petrified. The Harkonnen guards smile nervously as they step slightly backwards. The boy begins SCREAMING as the Baron pulls the boy's heart plug, located in his chest. The violet flowers are bumped and disarrayed by the violence which ensues. Then the Baron turns smiling to Feyd as the SOUNDS continue to roar. 52A. through 52B. (Deleted) 52C. EXT. ATREIDES SHIP - CALADAN - DAY A DRUM CORPS pounds out a powerful cadence in front of a water and cannon show as the Duke, Paul and Jessica mount the steel stairs to their ship. In the doorway, they turn back for a final look. The Duke places a hand on Paul's shoulder. We see the signet ring. Jessica is there. She tries to get Paul to look at her but he scowls and turns to his father. JESSICA (turning away) (inner voice) I must not fear. Fear is the mind- killer... the little death that brings total obliteration... The door of the spaceship closes. 53. EXT. HEIGHLINER - SPACE 3,415 Atreides ships are approaching the Guild Heighliner, which is staggeringly colossal. The Atreides ships look like dots next to the sun. The Duke's ship enters the frame and moves toward the Heighliner. 53A. through 54. (Deleted) -- 55. INT. ATREIDES SHIP - SPACE Paul, Jessica and Duke Leto look out the forward viewing glass as tiny lights move outside in the darkness. They hear and feel their ship stop with a huge, echoing, metallic jolt. They look at each other in the silence which follows. DUKE LETO Soon they'll begin to fold space. PAUL (inner voice) Far off in the control rooms.... Travelling without moving. They wait. 56. (Deleted) 57. INT. CONTROL ROOM - HEIGHLINER - SPACE We pass through electrical shields into a 2,000-foot high control room filled with orange spice gas. On the floor are large gratings covering an exhaust and filtering system. Tons of spice gas are being converted into the clouds of gas along a wall of machinery. From within a dark metal tunnel comes a Guild Navigator. He exits the tunnel and swims through the gas 1,000 feet to a six-dimensional layered miniature replica of the entire Universe. The Navigator emits a long piece of light from his mouth which travels to one edge of the Universe and changes into a likeness of the planet Caladan. The Navigator turns and emits another piece of light which travels to the opposite side of the Universe. It changes into a likeness of Arrakis. The Navigator begins to put his slender fingers in amongst the stars and he emits SOUNDS and bursts of light into the mass of stars and galaxies. The Universe begins to vibrate and elongate, then to curve. Electrical lightening traverses from Caladan to Arrakis as the Universe bends into a U-shape. Arrakis submerges deep into the light. The navigator swims to the point where Arrakis disappeared. He begins to pull and tear a hole in the Universe. Stars like sparks and SOUNDS and rings of light appear, along with a roaring WIND. The Navigator swims deep into this hole through the rings of light. The Navigator becomes more and more transparent, until he's lost in darkness. The sounds fade. -- 58. through 60. (Deleted) 60A. EXT. HEIGHLINER - ABOVE ARRAKIS - SPACE Suddenly, the real planet Arrakis appears and the giant Heighliner materializes above it. 61. through 63A. (Deleted) 63B. EXT. ARRAKEEN - DAY Through a brownish-orange haze appears the dusty valley of Arrakeen. 64. INT./EXT. THE ATREIDES SHIP - DAY ARRAKEEN The Atreides ship has landed at Arrakeen. The door is open - the family walk down the steps - DUKE LETO with his dog - PAUL and JESSICA. 64A. through 64C. (Deleted) 65. EXT. GROUNDS - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY ... clusters of troops standing at attention around the enormous dark, cool doorway as the Duke, Paul and Jessica enter the Palace. 65A. through 65B. (Deleted) 65C. EXT. PALACE - ARRAKEEN - DAY The Atreides banner is raised on the top of the Palace. 66. (Deleted) -- 67. INT. MILITARY SUB-BASEMENT ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Atreides army soldiers milling, YELLING noisily. 68. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY. In a darkened passageway, fans turn, casting deep, slow-moving shadows. SOUNDS ECHO in the distance. 69. INT. COMMUNICATIONS ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY A room of technicians and electronic gear. The SIGNALS are being heard and interpreted. ATREIDES TECHNICIAN Harkonnens. 70. EXT. BLACK ROCK - ARRAKEEN - DAY Far in the distance in deep black rock, Harkonnen spies move, carrying strange electronic equipment. 71. (Deleted) 72. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Thufir marches down a hallway with a squad of TROOPS with electronic gadgetry, LIGHTS and SOUNDS going constantly. THUFIR (into a radio microphone) Why isn't the shield up yet? 73. INT. GENERATOR ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Down in the basement, Atreides engineers are removing a complicated device from heavy machinery. A MAN radios back to Thufir. ATREIDES RADIO MAN We found and removed another sabotage device. I think it will go up now. -- The engineers activate a series of atometric Holtzman generators. Suddenly SOUNDS begin. The machines start; at first low, then they WHINE upwards to a high pitch. When the pitch is steady, a series of levers are pulled. 74. EXT. PALACE - ARRAKEEN - DAY Just after the second set of levers is pulled, a huge house shield is seen going up in a box shape, encompassing the Palace with SHIMMERING protection. 75. EXT. WINDOW - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY From a small window, Thufir observes the shield with a critical eye. THUFIR (inner voice; worried) We found these sabotage devices too easily... 76. INT. GREAT HALL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Two giant glowglobes drift into the Great Hall where Jessica and Dr. Yueh stand watching a giant bull's head is being hung above the massive fireplace. The MOVING TROOPS are unpacking crates and organizing furnishings. Jessica watches them. Distant SOUNDS reverberate inside an elaborate air vent beside them. DR. YUEH Listen here.... You can here the people of Arrakeen outside.... Can you here the cry "Soo Soo Sook" of the water sellers? JESSICA So many reminders of the scarcity of water. DR. YUEH Have you noticed the line of palms along the wall... the Harkonnen put them in... to flaunt their water wealth in front of these people.... Each day those palms take enough water to sustain the life of one hundred men. JESSICA The way you say Harkonnen... I didn't know you had so much reason to hate them. DR. YUEH (swiftly) My wife... you didn't know my wife... they... -- JESSICA (out loud) Forgive me... (inner voice) ... His wife was Bene Gesserit too... the signs are al over him.... They must have killed here. Jessica sees a droplet of sweat break out on Yueh's cheek. DR. YUEH I'm sorry I'm unable to talk about it. Above them a series of iron curtains begins to open over deep rock window slots, sending narrow shafts of light down across the room. TWO ATREIDES WOMEN in uniform approach. ATREIDES WOMAN #1 (referring to several robed figures standing in the room) My lady... the local people... the maids and servants await your inspection. Hawat has cleared them. Dr. Yueh turns to Jessica. DR. YUEH The Harkonnens may have tampered medically.... please wait. He turns a yellow light on a moves it over the crowd. The yellow light beam plays over the blue- within-blue eyes. One of the women, the Shadout Mapes, watches Jessica continuously. Yueh's hand shakes slightly. JESSICA (inner voice; noticing Yueh's hands) He's hiding something -- holding something back. (She studies his face closely.) It's not just his wife... He's a good man though. He's probably trying to save my feelings... (We see her mouth.) I could use The Voice... make him tell me... It would only shame him. (We see her eyes.) I must place more trust in my friends. (We see Yueh turn toward her, fearful.) -- 77. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Paul wanders through the darkened passageways alone, his footsteps echoing as goes. He takes pleasure observing the details of the rock Palace but all the while he feels an uneasiness -- a feeling of fear builds in him. 78. INT. PAUL'S BEDROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Paul enters a small bedroom and sits down on the bed. He opens the filmbook, and activates it. 78A. INSERT - FILMBOOK We SEE a gigantic carryall lower down above a spice harvester and pick it up off the desert floor as a narrator speaks over. NARRATOR (V.O.) One carryall handles four spice mining teams; however, it will fly only two harvesters at a time. Today, we have nine hundred and thirty harvesters and nine hundred and eighty-one carryalls.... 78. BACK TO SCENE Paul looks up. Across the room he sees a tray of small pastries which have been laid out. He goes to them and scans them with his poison detector, which he carries on his belt. A pleasant tone SOUNDS and the word "safe" appears in green light. Paul takes a pastry bites it and turns back towards the bed. Suddenly he stops. He looks at the pastry. PAUL (inner voice) Spice... As he continues eating he notices the sunlight through the slates over the window begins to GLOW white hot. Paul's eyes are intense as the light GLOWS brilliantly. PAUL (CONT'D) (whispering inner voice) Terrible purpose.... What is it? 78B. INSERT - RED DROPLETS Some red droplets appear rushing through the white light. Three images follow: MENTAL IMAGES: 79. INT. CONTROL ROOM - EMPEROR'S PALACE - DAY A blurred Guild Navigator. -- Page Missing -- SHADOUT MAPES I am the Shadout Mapes... the housekeeper. PAUL A Fremen... Could she be the operator? No... SHADOUT MAPES I must cleanse the way between us.... You saved my life... and we Fremen pay our debts. It's known to us that you've a traitor in your midst. Who it is we cannot say but we're certain of it. PAUL (inner voice) A traitor... Before he can speak the Shadout Mapes is gone -- running off down the passageway. Jessica enters. PAUL (CONT'D) (looks to Jessica) There is a traitor among us. 80A. (Deleted) 81. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Running TROOPS storm down the hallway with electronic gear and big stun guns. -- 82. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Thufir walks quickly toward SEVERAL TROOPS. THUFIR Set up a sonar probe immediately! 83. INT. AUTOPSY ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Dr. Yueh sticks his head out the doorway as SEVERAL TROOPERS run past. 84. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Duke Leto is calling on a radio phone. GENERALS surround him, as well as Gurney. DUKE LETO (on phone) Thufir?... anything?... keep looking. (Inner voice) ...and a traitor... God help us. 85. INT. SUB-SUB-SUB-BASEMENT - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY TROOPS come off an elevator. The glow-span indicates the very bottom floor of 18 sub-floors. The ground is uneven rock and the ceiling is low. The troops fan out shining chemical lamps here and there. A soldier suddenly stops. Ahead in his light is a dead Harkonnen -- bloody vomit dried around his mouth. He lies beside an electronic device. 86. INT. AUTOPSY ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Dr. Yueh covers his face with his hands in a darkened room... sobbing. 86A. EXT. WALL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT SEARCHLIGHTS sweep over the faces of City Fremen who are sitting or moving solemnly around the outer wall of the Palace. Some are chanting "Mahdi" and "Lisan al-Gaib." Others hold up one open hand as a sign they feel the messiah is near. A slow-moving spike- backed dog sucks ants up out of a small anthill; he snorts. 86B. INT. GREAT HALL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT In the darkened Hall we can HEAR the distant sound of the Fremen reverberating. -- 87. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Duke Leto sits with Paul, Thufir, EIGHT GENERALS and SIX SUB-LIEUTENANTS. The Duke's small dog wanders under the table and rests his head on the Duke's boot. In front of Thufir is a device FLASHING brilliant light bursts over his face. The others are all talking among themselves. Suddenly Thufir's face turns brilliant red (as red as his sapho-stained lips) and he begins speaking rapidly into the machine in code using a strained high voice. -- THUFIR (Mentat voice) Sector 6 - 80 -- copy the sixth -- the summit -- the eight the quadrant over the ninth plus eighty -- four circles -- weave the eighty and call the fourth copy -- enter nine -- seven by seven a seven the seven call seven B seven -- enter the circles call the sixth copy the sixth over the summit.... eight. The machine FLASHES several bright irregular SIGNALS. Then it stops and HUMS. The blood leaves Thufir's face. THUFIR (CONT'D) (very fast and casually) Eight.... Thufir Hawat... Mentat... Master of Assassins. The hum stops. Thufir turns to Duke Leto. He looks up. Everyone is quiet now. THUFIR (CONT'D) The Palace is now secure. The city of Arrakeen is under martial law... we have troops here headquartered underground on sub-floors six through ten. The rest of the troops are stationed in Arrakeen and we have some on the airfield. Our new army is still training, but everything is shielded.... With the shielding, we are impenetrable. Dr. Kynes is waiting, Sire, for your inspection of spice mining operations, but since the attempt of the young master, I am against your leaving the Palace. DUKE LETO (very angry) The attempt failed... Harkonnen captives have already been taken. We must crush the Harkonnen machine on Arrakis.... You all know what to do. (Turning towards Gurney) ...Gurney! We desperately need more spice miners... many are threatening to leave on the next shuttle. We need spice drivers, weather scanners, dune men ... any with open sand experience. You must persuade them to enlist with us. -- GURNEY They shall come all for violence: their faces shall sup as the east wind. And they shall gather the captivity of the sand. DUKE LETO (squints at Gurney) Very moving, Gurney. On your way... and take care of Dr. Kynes until Paul and I arrive. We will not be prisoners here in this place. GURNEY (artfully easing the Duke's anger) Behold as a wild ass in the desert go I forth to my work. Gurney strides off. Thufir sits, contemplating. Paul and Duke Leto smile at each other and shake their heads. 88. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Jessica is sitting in a small room, smiling, reading a note. It reads "I miss you. Leto." She sets the note down. She begins to tremble. She becomes fearful. In her mind she SEES quick images: MENTAL IMAGES 89. INT. CONTROL ROOM - HEIGHLINER A blurred Guild Navigator. 89A. INT. MAKER ROOM - SEITCH TABR - NIGHT Paul dead on a stone floor. 89B. EXT. ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT Fire burning. 90. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Jessica continues to tremble. JESSICA (inner voice) I must speak with you Leto! -- 91. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Outside in the passageway, feet suddenly move quietly toward the door to Jessica's room. 92. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Jessica HEARS this and looks up just as the Shadout Mapes silently enters her room. JESSICA (staring at the blue-eyed woman -- waiting for possible danger.) Yes? SHADOUT MAPES I am the Shadout Mapes, your housekeeper, Noble Born. What are your orders. JESSICA You may refer to me as "my lady." I am not noble born. I'm the bound concubine of Duke Leto -- mother of the heir designate.... "Shadout"... that's an ancient word. MAPES (strangely asked) You know the ancient tongues? JESSICA I know the Bhotani Jib and Chakobsa, all the hunting languages. MAPES As the legend says. JESSICA (inner voice) That's it! The Missionaria Protectiva has been here planting protective legends against a day of Bene Gesserit need. And that day has come. I must play out this sham. (out loud) I know the Dark things and the way of the Great Mother. Miseces prejin. Mapes takes a step backward to flee. JESSICA (CONT'D) I know many things. I know you came prepared for violence with a weapon in your bodice. -- MAPES My lady, I... the weapon was sent as a gift if you should prove to be the one. JESSICA And the means of my death should I prove otherwise. (inner voice) Now we will see which way the decision tips. Slowly Mapes reaches into her dress and brings out a sheathed knife. She unleashes it. MAPES Do you know this my lady? JESSICA (inner voice) It could only be one thing.... (out loud) It's a crysknife. MAPES Say it not lightly... (very slowly) Do you know its meaning? JESSICA (inner voice) Here is why this Fremen has taken service with me, to ask that one question. Delay is as dangerous as the wrong answer. Shadout is Chakobsa... knife, in Chakobsa is... maker of death. (out loud) It's a maker... Mapes SCREAMS with elation and grief. JESSICA (CONT'D) (inner voice) Maker?... Maker is the key word... the tooth of the worm? That was close... (out loud) Did you think that I, knowing the mysteries of the Great Mother, would not know the maker? MAPES My lady, when one has lived with prophecy for so long, the moment of revelation is a shock. Mapes sheathes the blade... slowly -- JESSICA (inner voice) There's more here... yes! (out loud) Mapes, you've sheathed that blade unblooded. With a GASP Mapes drops the knife into Jessica's hands and opens her blouse. MAPES Take the water of my life! Jessica withdraws the knife from the sheath and, with the blade, scratches a line just above Mapes' right breast. MAPES (CONT'D) You are ours.... You are the one. Jessica's eyes stare ahead. She knows these words ring with truth. 93. INT. TUNNEL - OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY The Duke, Paul and SEVERAL ARMED GUARDS enter a tunnel to a `thopter landing pad which is illuminated by a shaft of light coming from a chimney-like exit above. DR. KYNES and his Fremen guard are standing next to Gurney. KYNES (to Gurney) So, this is Leto the Just... GURNEY (sharply) I hope I made myself clear. You may call him "The Duke," "My lord," or "Sire." And there is a more ancient term you might keep in mind -- "Noble Born." KYNES (inner voice) Play out your little comedy while you can off-worlders... Gurney turns and activates a device... 93A. INSERT - ORNITHOPTER OPENING ...which causes the ornithopter behind to fold open ready for flight. -- 93B. INT. TUNNEL - OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY The two parties meet and are introduced. DUKE LETO So you are Dr. Kynes, the Imperial Ecologist? KYNES (turning to Gurney) I prefer the more ancient term, planetologist... Noble Born. DUKE LETO This is my son, Paul. PAUL Are you a Fremen? KYNES I am a servant of the His Majesty the Emperor. I have served His Majesty on Arrakis long enough for my eyes to change. PAUL (inner voice) He's hiding something. DUKE LETO I understand we have you to thank for these stillsuits, Doctor. KYNES They are Fremen suits. I hope they fit well, my lord. PAUL "Your gift is a blessing of the river." Kynes' FREMEN GUARDS, hearing this are siezed with agitation. Kynes QUIETS them, then studies Paul. KYNES (inner voice) The Mahdi will greet you with holy words and your gifts will be a blessing. (spoken, nonchalantly) Most of the desert natives here are a superstitious lot. They mean no harm. With your permission, I will check the security of your suits. Gurney and the guard move forward warily. GURNEY (angrily) The Duke is to be addresses as... -- Kynes comes forward and adjusts the Duke's suit, checking seals and pulling on straps. KYNES Basically... GURNEY (leaping forward to protect his Duke) Sire! DUKE LETO It's all right Gurney. Gurney steps back. GURNEY Yes, Sire. KYNES It's a high-efficiency filter and heat exchange system. Perspiration passes through the first layer and is gathered in the second. The salt is separated. Breathing and walking provide the pumping action. The reclaimed water circulates to catchpockets from which you can drink through this tube at your neck. Urine and feces are processed in the thigh pads. Should you be in the open desert, remember to breathe in through your mouth, out through the nose tubes. The Duke is now properly fitted. Kynes places the noseplug into his nose. KYNES (CONT'D) With a Fremen suit in good working order, one can sustain life for weeks, even in the deep desert. He removes the noseplug. DUKE LETO My thanks. KYNES With your permission... Kynes turns to Paul, running his hands over the slick fabric. He stands back with a puzzled expression. -- KYNES You've worn a stillsuit before? PAUL No. KYNES Your suit is fitted desert fashion. Who told you how to do that? PAUL No one. It... seemed the proper way. KYNES That it is. (inner voice) He shall know your ways as if born to them. Kyne's Fremen guard are watching Paul very closely now. GURNEY We're wasting time, Sire. Duke Leto, Dr. Kynes, Gurney and Paul enter the ornithopter... 88. Through 89B. (Deleted) 90. INT. JESSICA'S CHAMBER - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Jessica trembles. JESSICA (inner voice) I must speak with you Leto! 91. Through 92. (Deleted) 93C. EXT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER - TUNNEL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY ...and the thopter turns slowly as it goes up into the light. 93D. (Deleted) -- 93E. EXT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER - DAY From outside the Palace's atomic shield we see the blur of the ornithopter pass through a porthole and come out perfect like a gleaming jewel. 93F. Through 94. (Deleted) 94A. INT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER - DAY KYNES Southeast over the Shield Wall. That's where I told your sandmaster to concentrate his harvesting. 95. EXT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER - DAY They crest the top of the wall which opens out into a black, level expanse of rock, cratered and fractured. On the other side is the huge, seemingly endless plain of sand, the Great Desert. In the hazy distance, flashes of light can be seen. 96. INT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER - DAY PAUL Will we see a worm? KYNES Where there is spice and spice mining there are always worms. PAUL Always? KYNES Always. PAUL Why do they come? KYNES To protect their territory. Vibrations attract them. -- PAUL (inner voice) I've registered him now... a knife is a sheath on his left arm... He's strong... a person born to command... He's hiding many things. (out loud, suddenly) Is there a relationship between the worms and the spice? Kynes turns instantly and stares at Paul. Gurney sees the wonder in Kynes' eyes. GURNEY The young master is a trained Mentat, an advanced student of Prana Bindu has studied under some of the finest teachers in the Universe. Kynes takes a second look at young Paul. KYNES As I said... they defend the spice sands. As to their relationship with the spice... who knows. 97. Through 97A. (Deleted) 98. INT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER - DAY GURNEY Dust cloud ahead, Sire. KYNES That's it... spice mining... no other cloud quite like it. See the spotters over it? They're watching for wormsign... the telltale sand waves. Seismic probes on the surface, too Sire... worms can travel too deep for their waves to show... Looks like a good patch of spice. DUKE LETO Wormsign? Is it wormsign? -- KYNES Yes!... worm. Big one! You've got sharp eyes Sire.... May I? Kynes grabs the microphone and dials in the correct frequency. 98A. through 99. (Deleted) 100. INT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER From the window, we see that the sand below is rippling, like water with a big fish just under the surface. KYNES (into radio, after having found the frequency) Calling Harvester Pad Nine. Wormsign! STATIC... then a voice. VOICE (over radio) Who calls Pad Nine? GURNEY (quickly) Don't mention the Duke... This is an uncoded channel. KYNES Unlisted flight northeast of you... wormsign on intercept course... estimated contact fifteen minutes. VOICE (over radio) Have sighting confirmed. Stand by for fix. Contact in sixteen minutes minus. Very precise estimate. Who is on that unlisted flight? Kynes clicks off the radio. DUKE LETO What happens now? KYNES The carryall will come and lift off the spice harvester. Try and get in close over the harvester... you'll find this interesting Sire. -- The Duke accelerates the ornithopter in the direction of the harvester. Paul can SEE... 101. EXT. HARVESTER - DESERT - DAY ...huge amounts of sand being spewn out of the gigantic stack atop the metal and plasteel harvester. 102. INT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER - DAY KYNES They'll work until the very last minute. The yellow cloud of the harvester envelops them. The Duke flies up to get a closer look. VOICE (over radio) Spotter control... no sign of the carryall... it isn't answering. Everyone looks at one another. GURNEY The worm is eight minutes away, Sire. VOICE (over radio) Spotter control -- give me a report by the numbers. Over the radio MANY VOICES report they have no contact with the carryall. DUKE LETO Damn it... Harkonnens. He punches a control button and grabs a microphone. DUKE LETO (CONT'D) (into microphone) We are coming down to take you off the harvester... All spotters are ordered to comply. VOICE (over radio) Ordered by whom? -- DUKE LETO (angrily) Duke Leto Atreides.... Gurney and Paul turn to each other, worried. VOICE (over radio) Yes... yes, Sire! DUKE LETO How many men do you have? VOICE (over radio) Full crew -- twenty-six men -- but Sire, we can't leave this spice... DUKE LETO Damn the spice! Get out of there. 103. EXT. HARVESTER - DESERT - DAY All the spotters begin landing and the Duke descends directly in front of the harvester which has stopped mining yet emits a tremendous rythmic GRINDING noise. No one is coming out. 104. INT./EXT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER/DESERT - DAY Gurney nervously scans the sky for enemy ships. A very low, powerful SOUND starts now and the ground begins to shake. 105. EXT. HARVESTER - DESERT - DAY A hatch opens and MEN come pouring out. 106. INT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER - DESERT - DAY DUKE LETO (yelling at the men) Two men in each of the spotters... You!... over here... run!! The ground is really shaking now. A tremendous low THUNDERING sound grows along with a high rasping HISS. KYNES (to Paul and Gurney -- yelling over the noise) I can't see him yet but he's very close... -- DUKE LETO (out loud to himself as he watches the men scrambling) Damn sloppy -- really damn sloppy. FOUR MEN begin tumbling into the Duke's machine. GURNEY Come on boys... come on. (Then, to the Duke) We're going to be heavy, Sire. The men press on Gurney and Paul. Paul can feel the fear. The sound is a horrible ROAR and deeper RUMBLING now and the `thopter is vibrating and shaking violently. The air suddenly begins to SPARK with static electricity. KYNES (nervous) Here he is... We've got to go. The Duke closes the doorways, surveys the area one last time, then takes the controls. 106A. INT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER - DAY The ship strains and lifts off -- slowly. Paul sees the brown powder clumped on the suits of the men... their bluish eyes. He smells the spice. He begins to feel its affect. PAUL (inner voice as a blinding light comes and goes) Spice!... pure un-refined spice! KYNES (murmuring) Bless the Maker and his water... Bless the coming and going of him. May his passage cleanse the world. DUKE LETO (yelling) What's that you're saying? KYNES Nothing. A spice miner turns and sees Kynes, who remains silent. -- SPICE MINER #1 (astonished) Liet! SPICE MINER #2 Shhhhh. Paul hears this, then looks to Kynes -- locks on his image. PAUL (inner voice) Liet? KYNES (pointing down and yelling) You are about to witness something few have seen -- watch! Watch! Paul looks down as the Duke banks over the harvester. 107. EXT. HARVESTER - DESERT - DAY Static electricity is IGNITING in the air and the sand is swirling around the harvester. Then they see it. A wide hole emerges from the sand, glistening spokes within it. The hole is twice the size of the harvester. Suddenly the machine turns and slides into the hole, parts of it EXPLODING. The SOUND is deafening. The Duke's ship is WHINING to stay aloft. 108. INT. ATREIDES ORNITHOPTER - DAY GURNEY Gods, what a monster. DUKE LETO Someone is going to pay for this... I promise. KYNES (inner voice -- as he studies the Duke) This Duke is more concerned over his men than the spice! I must admit... against all better judgement... I like this Duke. FADE TO: 109. through 113B. (Deleted) -- 114. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT Duke Leto walks into the room. The NIGHT GUARD comes to attention as he passes. DUNCAN IDAHO, wearing a dark, dusty stillsuit, emerges from the shadows. DUKE LETO and DUNCAN meet at the foot of the steps. The men embrace and separate. DUKE LETO (happily) Duncan! What have you discovered about the Fremen, Duncan -- tell me. Why haven't we heard from you? DUNCAN My lord... I suspect so much. I think they are the allies we seek... they are strong and fierce... they do not give their loyalty easily or quickly.... As you know, the Imperium has never been able to take a census of the Fremen. Everyone thinks that there are but few -- wandering here and there in the desert.... My lord, I suspect an incredible secret has been kept on this planet... that the Fremen exist in vast numbers... vast numbers... and it is they that control Arrakis. 115. through 116. (Deleted) 116A. NEW SCENE - SHADOUT MAPES ALONG PASSAGE 117. INT. PAUL'S SUB-BASEMENT ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT DUKE LETO'S VOICE Guard. Open the door. Paul is in a fitful sleep. Leto enters and smiles at his son. DUKE LETO Sleep well... my son. The Duke smiles at Paul then leaves the room, but after he goes, Paul strains with all his might to lift himself to call out. PAUL (struggling painfully) Father!... father... drugged... -- 122. INT. BARON'S QUARTERS - HARKONNEN SHIP - NIGHT The BARON's face -- expressionless. The SOUND of his ship screams in the background. The DOCTOR is seated beside him. 118 INT. SUB-BASEMENT PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT The Duke walks down the steps to a very narrow passageway. The passageway becomes very dark. Suddenly the Duke hears a strange MEWLING sound. He turns down an even darker passageway. He can hear the shield WHINING in the distance. He almost has to feel his way. Up ahead he sees a shape. He bends down and sees the SHADOUT MAPES dying on the cold stone floor in the darkness. She tries to speak but cannot. She falls. Suddenly the Duke HEARS the shield generator start whining down. DUKE LETO What happened? What? (as Mapes dies) The shield! The Duke reaches to activate his shield be a large dart is shot into his shoulder. The Duke lurches upwards then tumbles to the ground. Out of the darkness comes Dr. Yueh. The dart drops and CLATTERS as if a dream. DUKE LETO (CONT'D) (mind racing -- struggling) Yueh! (inner voice) He's sabotaged the house generators, we're wide open. YUEH (with self-disgust) I've brought House Atreides down. I've destroyed the new army's weirding modules. DUKE LETO (hoarse whisper) ... Why? The generator WHINES lower and lower -- YUEH I wish to kill a man... not you, my dear Duke, but the Baron.... You were dead already... but you will be close to the Baron before you die. You will be tied and drugged but you can still attack. When you see the Baron you will have a new poison tooth. He will want you close so he can gloat over you. One bite on this tooth and a strong exile... DUKE LETO Refuse... YUEH No! -- You mustn't... for in return I will save the lives of your Paul and Jessica. Yueh removes the Duke's signet ring and shows it to him. YUEH (CONT'D) For Paul... He implants the tooth. Yueh becomes more and more blurred. His image begins to fade. His lips move in the darkness. The generator WHINE is low and going lower and lower. YUEH (CONT'D) When you see the Baron, remember the tooth! The tooth! 119. (Deleted) 119A. INT. COMMUNICATIONS ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT ATREIDES GUARD #1 comes running down the steps and up to the CAPTAIN and a TECHNICIAN. ATREIDES GUARD #1 The shield is down! The shield is down! ATREIDES GUARD CAPTAIN Harkonnen... (turns and shouts) Get that shield up! -- 119B. EXT. LANDING FIELD - ARRAKEEN - NIGHT A warning TONE begins. TROOPS begin pouring onto the field. 119C. EXT. ROCK - LANDING FIELD - ARRAKEEN - NIGHT Troops race toward their ships. 119D. (Deleted) 119E. INT. GUARD HOUSE - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT ATREIDES GUARD The shield! The shield! 120. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT A loud warning TONE vibrates. Thufir turns away from the doorway of a small room where he's horrified to SEE... 120A. INSERT ... a chemical FIRE consuming the thousands of Atreides weirding modules. 121. through 121A. (Deleted) 123. EXT. PALACE - ARRAKEEN - NIGHT A thousand Harkonnen ships dive over Arrakeen and the Palace. Giant deep thunderous EXPLOSIONS shatter the land. Billowing SMOKE clouds column upwards, forming a black wriggling death curtain around the Palace. 124. INT. PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT Troops are running through the passageway, right and left. SMOKE is everywhere and the horrible SOUNDS of the explosions continue. The SOUNDS of stone crunching, shifting, and breaking. SCREAMS. A wall of stone suddenly cracks open. A burst of air and dust shoots out, HISSING. The Duke's dog runs through the passageway WHINING with fear. -- 125. (Deleted) 125A. EXT. HARKONNEN SHIP - LANDING FIELD - ARRAKEEN - NIGHT Sardaukar rush out of a Harkonnen ship. Their electrically distorted faces come screaming toward us. 125B. (Deleted) 126. EXT. LANDING FIELD - ARRAKEEN - NIGHT Harkonnen hammer ships thunder the ground, sending cracks and fissures throughout the landing field. Harkonnen scare SIRENS scream. 126A. EXT. HAMMER SHIPS - ARRAKEEN - NIGHT Atreides soldiers run from the hammer ships. 129. EXT. GROUNDS - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT FIRE and SMOKE. SCREAMS. An ATREIDES SOLDIER's head is hit with a large white hot piece of explosion. Through the black smoke, large SARDAUKAR chase after THREE SOLDIERS and them with hydraulic knife-guns. One blade enters the back of one man's head and comes out his nose. Tremendous NOISE of battle. Gurney and a squad of TROOPERS climb through bodies and thick smoke. Gurney has the Duke's dog safely inside his coat. The little dog's head sticks out -- looking about. Gurney strokes the dog's neck when the reach safety behind some rock. Small glimpses, as the smoke moves this way or that, let them see thousands of Sardaukar fighting. GURNEY LONG LIVE DUKE LETO! TROOPERS Long live Duke Leto! The CRY from the men rings out as they attack with frenzy equalling that of the Sardaukar. 127. INT. AUTOPSY ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT The distant HAMMERING of the Harkonnen hammer ship. Jessica's eyes open and she sees two big boots but they seem to be floating above the stone floor she is lying on. She is gagged and tied. She looks up. She sees the huge Baron Harkonnen staring down at her. In the distance she HEARS the battle raging. -- BARON The drug was timed. Dr. Yueh has been very valuable to us.... What a pity you must remain gagged. We can't let ourselves be swayed by your witch's Voice, now, can we? JESSICA (inner voice) Leto... where are you? 86. INT. A ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Dr. Yueh covers his face with his hands in a darkened room... sobbing. 127. BACK TO SCENE The Baron floats across the room with suspensor- borne lightness. BARON Goodbye, Jessica and goodbye to your sweet son.... I want to spit once on your head... just some spittle on your face -- what a luxury. He spits on her cheek. The Baron floats out of the room into the passageway. BARON (CONT'D) We were ordered to kill them... so kill them. 129. BACK TO SCENE - BATTLE 127. BACK TO SCENE NEFUD What are your orders, Piter? PITER Take them to the desert, as the traitor suggested and worms will destroy the evidence. Their bodies must never be found. -- 129. BACK TO SCENE - BATTLE 127. BACK TO SCENE PITER (whispering to Jessica, rubbing the spittle around on her face with his hand, delicately) I'd thought of many pleasures with you. It is perhaps better that you die in the innards of a worm. Desire clouds my reason.... That is not good... that is bad. 129. BACK TO SCENE 128. INT. SUB-BASEMENT PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT - SHIELD EFFECT Duncan Idaho kills a Sardaukar soldier and rushes forward frantically. His eyes blaze intensely. He yells out to the other Atreides soldiers. DUNCAN They're on this floor somewhere.... The soldiers disappear, searching in another direction. Duncan runs, pounding, down the passageway -- his eyes searching in every doorway. Suddenly twelve huge Sardaukar round a corner on a quick march. Duncan turns his shield up and charges them. Behind them he sees Paul and Jessica bound in straps and being carried. Duncan attacks and fights valiantly but he is outnumbered. In the fight the lights are blown out and Duncan is killed by a slow stunner pellet through the head. Paul strains to help. PAUL (seeing Duncan) Duncan!! Duncan!! Paul and Jessica are carried off, quickly, through the darkness. The battle SOUNDS thundering. -- 128A. DUNCAN'S BODY - INT. SUB-BASEMENT PASSAGEWAY - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT - SHIELD EFFECT Duncan's dead, shielded body slides sparking in the dark against the passageway walls. 129. BACK TO SCENE - BATTLE - RABBAN ON BRIDGE 131C. (Deleted) 132. EXT. PALACE - ARRAKEEN - NIGHT FIRE and SMOKE. 133. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT The Baron's face, the light of FIRE and EXPLOSIONS playing over it. The Baron turns as Piter ushers in the traitor Yueh. BARON (to Yueh - quietly) You wish now to join your wife, is that it, traitor? A sudden flash of hope crosses Yueh's face. YUEH She lives? The Baron smiles, almost sympathetically. BARON You wish to join her... join her, then. Piter moves to Yueh, a knife glistening in his hand. It flashes into his back. A GASP escapes Yueh's throat, a sad look passing over his face, as if to say "I thought as much." He stands stiffly, then falls gasping. He tastes his own blood, then dies. BARON Take him away. 144. EXT. GROUNDS - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT Black smoke palms. -- 145. EXT. LANDING FIELD - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT Rabban strides in front of his uncle's ship, carrying Kynes over his shoulder. Harkonnen and Sardaukar SOLDIERS stand at attention. Rabban tears off Kynes' stillsuit. Kynes falls. RABBAN He was in the Palace with the Atreides... I also say he was a spy for the Emperor. (looking up to the troops) Go now! Take him to his desert to die. Go! 129A. EXT. HARKONNEN ORNITHOPTER - NIGHT The small `thopter climbs toward the Shield Wall through a SMOKEY atmosphere illuminated by distant EXPLOSIONS. 130. INT. HARKONNEN ORNITHOPTER - NIGHT JESSICA (inner voice) Yueh's sign. He's left a satchell. Jessica and Paul, bound by cabin straps, lie in the back, the two guards at the controls. Outside, `thopters and ships fly past them toward the city. The distant FIRES play over Jessica's face as she sees Yueh's triangular tattoo scratched in the cabin roof. HARKONNEN GUARD #1 I'd like to have some fun before we kill her. HARKONNEN GUARD #2 (laughing) Of course... what did you think? Jessica looks to Paul. PAUL (struggling to use The Voice) Don't touch my mother... JESSICA (inner voice) Oh great mother! He's trying the voice. The Reverend Mother said it could save him. HARKONNEN GUARD #1 Did you hear a noise from the little one? -- HARKONNEN GUARD #2 I didn't hear anything. HARKONNEN GUARD #1 No? HARKONNEN GUARD #2 No. He turns and hits Paul in the shoulder with a stungun. Paul recovers and starts taking long, calming breaths. JESSICA (inner voice) The calming exercise. HARKONNEN GUARD #1 The little one! (they laugh) Suddenly, Guard #1 reaches around and puts his hand up Jessica's skirt. He starts breathing hard. Paul clears his throat. PAUL (using The Voice) Remove her gag! JESSICA (inner voice) Excellent! Guard #1 finds himself removing Jessica's gag. Guard #2 turns away from his controls but seems powerless to stop him. Once, it's off Jessica smiles seductively and writhes on the `thopter floor. JESSICA (CONT'D) (The Voice) There's no need to fight over me. The two men stare at one another a moment. Then Guard #1's hand, glinting silver, flashes into Guard #2's chest, killing him. Guard #1 pulls the knife out, smiling. The ornithopter begins to veer off into a dangerous nose dive. HARKONNEN GUARD #1 Now? JESSICA (The Voice) First cut my son's bonds. -- Guard #1 slowly cuts Paul's big straps, never taking his eyes off Jessica. The ornithopter gets closer and closer to the top jagged surface of the Shield Wall. JESSICA (CONT'D) (The Voice) That's it. The blade cuts through the strap holding Paul's legs. Paul kicks upwards extremely powerfully and his foot breaks through the man's chest cavity and drives his heart up into his head, spewing blood out the man's mouth. Paul grabs the controls but it's too late. The ship falls into the rock. 130A. EXT. HARKONNEN ORNITHOPTER - DESERT - NIGHT The `thopter slides across the rock, shearing off a wing. Suddenly they are beyond the rock three miles above the great desert and plummeting fast toward the dunes below. 130. BACK TO SCENE Paul pulls desperately on the controls and manages to keep the ship aloft and flying into the deep desert. JESSICA Oh, my God! 131. through 131A. (Deleted) 131B. EXT. PALACE - ARRAKEEN - NIGHT CU violently burning palm. 133. BACK TO SCENE Nefud exits - TWO HARKONNENS wheel in the stretcher, and swing it round - one of the GUARDS hands Piter his knife back - the Guards exit and the door closes - Piter moves up to Duke Leto and leans over him moving his knife across the Duke's face. The Baron flies down to the stretcher. BARON Duke Leto Atreides. Someone's torn the insignia off your uniform. Such carelessness. Leto shows no sign that he has heard. -- PITER It was Feyd. Leto's POV: The Baron and his Mentat are only DIM FARAWAY SHAPES. Their voices reach Leto as if travelling across a greater distance. The Baron looks to Leto and then moves to him, looking him over. BARON It was Feyd? (laughing) It was Feyd! Where is the ducal signet ring? I must have his ring. PITER The ring?... he was brought to us as is, Baron. I... BARON You killed the doctor too soon, you fool! DUKE LETO (inner voice) Yueh... Yueh... dead... Paul and Jessica safe... the tooth! PITER He's coming round, my Lord. The Baron moves from behind a table stacked with dirty dishes and foodstuffs and goes to Leto. DUKE LETO (inner voice) Wait... he must be near... BARON Where is your ring? The Baron's face is now very close to Duke Leto's. BARON (CONT'D) You do not answer! DUKE LETO (very faint) A... little... closer.... The... water... of my life... for Paul. The Baron briefly wonders at these words and then turns to Piter. -- BARON He's crying! (he hits Duke Leto) He's crying! He's crying, Piter. What does he mean? Piter moves forward. The Baron sees a suculent piece of chicken skin on the table. He picks up the plate, then the chicken skin. Leto's POV: It's grown HAZY again. The Baron is beginning to move away, reaching for the small piece of chicken skin. Piter leans close to Leto. DUKE LETO Now! We hear a CRUNCH, hear a tumultuous RUSHING SOUND as Piter's face is pushed forcibly away. The Baron is turning, a dumbfounded look on his face. He drops the plate, and backs away. There is a tremendous ROARING. Bits of visions of Caladan rush through Leto's ever-darkening consciousness -- MENTAL IMAGES: 134. through 134A. (Deleted) 134B. EXT. CLIFF WALL - CALADAN - DAY The Atreides banner, the green of it, then the black. The blackness flaps; then all fades to SILENCE. 135. INT. HARKONNEN ORNITHOPTER - NIGHT As they fly deeper into the desert with the ship shuddering and straining, Jessica suddenly cries out with tremendous premonition and fear. JESSICA Leto! Leto! Tears course down her cheeks as Paul turns to her. JESSICA (CONT'D) (to Paul) Leto! He's dead! He's dead... -- PAUL I know (inner voice) I have NO FEELINGS!! Why? 136. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT Duke Leto and Piter lie dead. 137. INT. ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT The Baron floats near the ceiling in a small passageway. He is ecstatic. BARON (screaming) I'm alive!!! I'm alive!!! 137A. INT. HARKONNEN `THOPTER - NIGHT Paul is fighting the controls of the Harkonnen `thopter. 137B. CLEAN POV Harkonnen `thopter lights on dunes. 137A. BACK TO SCENE PAUL I can't maintain any altitude... we'll never reach the safety of rock. Maybe that small rock. JESSICA Where are we do you think? PAUL The South Polar regions... the forbidden area. We must make it to that rock... 137C. EXT. HARKONNEN `THOPTER - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT The `thopter violently hits the sands and flips up - - almost turning over. It falls slowly back, then slides down the side of a dune. -- 137D. EXT. HARKONNEN ORNITHOPTER - DESERT - NIGHT PAUL Hurry! He jumps out of his seat. JESSICA Bring these satchels! She hands him one. PAUL (at doorway) Hurry -- This crashing may bring a worm. As Paul puts the satchel over his shoulder, he feels something. He looks at his father's ring. He stares at it silently, then closes his hand around it. They jump outside. JESSICA (starting to cry) A million deaths are not enough for Yueh... PAUL (inner voice)(reacting to his mother's tears) Where are my feelings... I feel for no one... 138. EXT. ROCK - DESERT - NIGHT Paul and Jessica running. Paul pulls Jessica to a place in the wall where a small overhang offers shelter. Jessica falls to the ground. She CRIES, pouring out her grief, but soon the sound of it is carried away by the building rush of WIND. Paul turns and looks out to the open desert, this portion of which is a dust ocean. 138A. PAUL'S POV: The Mouse Moon has risen. Ripples of dust undulate tide-like in the light of the moon. The WHISPERING grains billow up like the foam of waves as they hit the rock. 138. BACK TO SCENE Paul turns, his face illuminated by the two moons above. His eyes lock on the moon which has the image of the mouse. -- PAUL (inner voice) The second moon... from the dreams... 138B. INT. PAUL'S EYE - NIGHT We move into Paul's eye, where the mouse moon appear and revolves slowly. The moon begins to explode. The pieces of the moon soar toward us burning with white-hot flames. Within the flames we see... 139. (Deleted) 139A. EXT. ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT ... the burning Palace of Arrakeen. We move closer to it. 189B. INT. OBSERVATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN PALACE - NIGHT We then see Duke Leto's face. The Baron leans over the Duke and clutches the skin on the Duke's face. He begins pulling it. The skin on the Duke's race slowly rips open -- making a hideous tearing SOUND. Black SMOKE issues forth from the hole which teats larger. PAUL (V.O.) (distorted) House Atreides is ruined. (less distorted) This moon holds my past. 139C. INT. VESTIBULE - OBSERVATION ROOM - NIGHT Inside and through the SMOKE Paul sees Feyd tear the Red Duke insignia off his father's uniform. He sees Feyd laughing. The moving, now-brilliant red hawk insignia becomes... 139D. EXT. CASTLE CALADAN - NIGHT ... a burning meteor ROARING over the castle on Caladan. The meteor crashes in the black sea. PAUL (V.O.) This moon holds my future. -- 139E. INT. WATER - NIGHT Foaming confusion turning into a small, twisting fetus under the sea. Its eyes closed. Moving close to it, its eyes snap open. Through the eyes is the pale white face of JESSICA. 139F. EXT. SHIELD WALL - DESERT - NIGHT There is a huge soaring WIND sound and beyond JESSICA the dunes roll like ocean waves. 139G. EXT. MOUSE MOON - NIGHT The moon continues to spew out pieces of moving images which are seen then disappear as fast as sparks. The broken, burning pieces float eerily toward us over the undulating dunes below. One image floats closer. It is a hand folded into a fist. PAUL (V.O.) I am only a seed... The fist begins to open. DUKE LETO (V.O.) The seed must grow. The hand opens fully with slow blue fluid pulsating out the very center of the palm. The hand floats eerily forward. DUKE LETO (V.O.) The sleeper must awaken. 139H. EXT. WATER - NIGHT The last image which passes is foaming and spitting dark blue water. As the image passes, the black smoke trailing behind it obscures the picture to blackness. 140. EXT. ROCK - DESERT - NIGHT Through the darkness we move to Paul's clenched hand. It opens, revealing the signet ring in the very center of his palm. Paul looks upward to the moons of Arrakis. He looks back to the ring, then to his mother. PAUL Listen to me!... you wanted to know about my dreams... and I've just had a waking dream... do you know why?... -- JESSICA Calm yourself/ PAUL The spice! It's in everything here. The air, the soil, the food... It's like the Truthsayer drug..... It's a poison!!!! You knew the spice would change me. But thanks to your teachings it's changed my consciousness. I can see it... I can see it. JESSICA (inner voice) Is he....? PAUL You carry my unborn sister in your womb! JESSICA (inner voice) He knows. PAUL You and your Bene Gesserit sisterhood... I'm not your Kwisatz Haderach... I'm something different, something unexpected! (inner voice) I'm a seed. (out load) I am so much more... You don't begin to know me... 141. through 142A. (Deleted) 142B. EXT. ROCK - DESERT - NIGHT Paul's head goes down. He places the ring on his finger. PAUL (inner voice) Father... now I have become a killer and I will continue to kill until I have avenged your death. (out loud) Father! Jessica cries as she stares at her son. 143. through 143A. (Deleted) -- 145. BACK TO SCENE Rabban stops up the ramp. He wears a large smile. His thick head sweats and sweat runs down his thick neck. He goes inside and the doors swing closed. 146. INT. HARKONNEN SHIP - NIGHT He enters the ship and moves down within to the Baron's headquarters, passing two dwarves cooking a dead legless cow which hangs from chains. Rabban tears out the cow's tongue and eats it. Then he exits through a door which closes behind him. 147. INT. BARON'S QUARTERS - HARKONNEN SHIP - NIGHT The Baron is flying wildly, circling the outside of a large steel shower, while Nefud and a DWARF play a strange instrument producing maniacal, perverse, screaming MUSIC. The Baron SEES Rabban enter, but continues to fly around the shower. BARON (very excited) Rabban!!... we're knee deep in Atreides blood! We've gutted them. We've gutted them! (laughs) The Baron floats to Rabban and begins lovingly massaging Rabban's massive neck as he speaks to him. BARON Rabban, Rabban... I place you in charge of Arrakis. It's yours to squeeze, as I promised. I want you to squeeze and squeeze and squeeze. (massaging in rhythm) Give me spice! Drive them into utter submission. You must not show the slightest pity or mercy... as only you can... Never stop! (releasing him) Go.... Show no mercy! RABBAN Yes, my lord Baron. Rabban leaves just as Feyd steps out of the shower. The Baron turns to him lovingly. -- BARON (to Feyd) And when we've crushed these people enough I'll send in you Feyd... they'll cheer you as a rescuer... lovely Feyd... really a lovely boy. (suddenly he smiles and screams) Where's my doctor? 148. INT. HARKONNEN SHIP - NIGHT As Rabban leaves, he looks into one room of the ship. Behind the glass porthole sits Thufir Hawat bound head and foot, his eyes darting this way and that. 148A. EXT. ROCK - DESERT - NIGHT Paul and Jessica are in stillsuits. Paul is looking through a Fremkit. He finds a paper with Dr. Yueh's mark on it. PAUL (inner voice) Yueh's left the plans for the weirding modules. 148B. EXT. MOONS - ARRAKEEN - DESERT - NIGHT The moons have moved further across the sky. 148A. BACK TO SCENE Suddenly Paul turns and studies his mother. A stronger WIND comes up. PAUL We have to get to that mountain of rock. We have entered the time when all will turn against us and seek our lives... Jessica gets up. They make their way up the crest of a dune by a small rock. PAUL (CONT'D) It's further than I thought... a worm is sure to come.... I'll plant a thumper, that should divert it. -- Paul moves off into the shadows. Suddenly, Jessica SEES a burst of LIGHTNING illuminate the mountain of rock in the distant and the vast dunes before them. JESSICA (CONT'D) (inner voice)(as Paul leaves to light the thumper) ...the night is a tunnel... a hole into tomorrow... if we're to have a tomorrow... 149. through 151. (Deleted) 151A. EXT. DEEP DESERT - NIGHT Paul plants the thumper which begins a powerful rhythmic noise. He turns to Jessica. PAUL (returning) Remember... walk without rhythm and we won't attract a worm... it'll go to the thumper. JESSICA (puts in her noseplug) I'm ready. Paul and Jessica move into camera and exit right. 151B. EXT. DEEP DESERT AND ROCKS - NIGHT Another burst of LIGHTNING. The distant rock seems to have grown no larger. Their muscles begin to ache. Suddenly they HEAR the thumper start behind them. PAUL Keep going... 152. EXT. DEEP DESERT AND ROCKS - NIGHT (LATER) Their breathing becomes very labored. The sand moves like slow water, forever rolling down and up. Then they hear the worm, the low thundering HISS shaking the tonnage of sand. The thumper stops. Paul turns. PAUL Faster!! -- JESSICA (screaming) It's deafening! Their bodies ache and they feel like dropping, yet the cliff is still a good distance away. The worm SOUND grows louder and Paul turns to look. 153. EXT. WORM - DESERT - NIGHT A flash of LIGHTNING. The worm is now coming toward them. The mound of sand over the worm is enormous and is approaching at a terrifyingly fast speed. The power of this worm is awesome. 153A. EXT. DEEP DESERT - NIGHT PAUL (screaming) Run! JESSICA I can't... I can't. She turns to see. Then she runs. 153B. EXT. DRUM SAND - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT All at once their feet tromp down on firmer sand. The SOUND is very loud. PAUL Drum sand! The DRUMMING sound ECHOES deep within the ground. Jessica falls. Paul stops and drags her up. They run again. The worm SOUND becomes unbearably loud. Static electricity SPARKS giant bolts of pure white LIGHTNING and the air turns to ozone. Finally they find rock. Behind them the SOUND of the worm changes. They turn. 154. EXT. WORM - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT The gigantic head of the worm is just breaking through the sand. The mouth begins to open in an eighty-foot circle of teeth and darkness. The mouth arches forward searching for them. 155. EXT. BASE OF THE CLIFF - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT Paul and Jessica climb up and up inside a narrow slit of rock. -- 155A. INT. ROCK CLIFF - DESERT - NIGHT The worm's mouth climbs higher also but it cannot penetrate the narrow opening in the rock. 156. EXT. ROCK CLIFF - NIGHT Paul and Jessica have scrambled upwards a couple of hundred feet. 156A. EXT. WORM AND ROCK - NIGHT Still the worm stretches up to them. Suddenly the worm begins BANGING on the rock. Huge SHUDDERS drive through the black stone. Over and over again the worm mindlessly hits at the rock. 156B. EXT. ROCK CLIFF - NIGHT Paul and Jessica crouch further back in the tiny passageway of safety, but a solid back wall of rock prevents them from moving back any more. 156C. INT. ROCK CLIFF - NIGHT The breath from the worm is like a hurricane of WIND. PAUL (inner voice) Cinnamon... the spice! (out loud) Do you smell it? JESSICA Yes... PAUL (inner voice) I know the secret. The worm is the spice... the spice is the worm. 157. (Deleted) 157A. EXT. ROCK CLIFF - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT Suddenly a colossal section of the rock wall cracks and topples off into the worm's mouth. Instantly the worm pulls back. A huge FIRE roars deep within the worm consuming the rock. -- 158. INT. ROCK CLIFF - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT The worm now can get even closer to Paul and Jessica. It looms up again and crushes its mouth up against the rock. 158A. EXT. ROCK CLIFF - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT Another fissure opens, and suddenly half the rock wall protecting them splits off entirely and falls... taking Paul with it. 158B. EXT. WORM AND ROCK - NIGHT ...against the worm. 159. EXT. ROCK CLIFF - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT Paul is knocked off the cliff and falls straight down two hundred feet. His feet skid along the face of rock. He bounces and brakes. He hits and jumps. He careens from one boulder, flies upside down, rights himself then tumbles and skids into the sand. Unhurt, he jumps up and scrambles up another part of the rock to safety. 160. EXT. ROCK CLIFF - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT JESSICA Paul! She presses against the narrow ledge that is left after the worm assault. 161. EXT. BASE OF THE CLIFF - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT The worm is just coming up again when distant THUMPING is heard. The worm, as if charmed by the sound, turns and moves off towards it. PAUL (inner voice) A thumper. 161A. (Deleted) 162. EXT. ROCK CLIFF - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT Jessica climbs further up and manages to get over to a place where she can meet up with Paul, who is now climbing back. -- JESSICA (crying) What's happened?... Why did it leave? PAUL (breathing heavily) Someone started another thumper.... We're not alone. They climb upwards until the ledge ends at the mouth of a dark crevice. Paul and Jessica try to see into the inky black hole. 163. EXT. CREVICE - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT Slowly Paul and Jessica enter, inching forward. A low moan of WIND comes up. Paul can see nothing, then suddenly he SEES stars above and SEES the hint of stairs cut into the rock. JESSICA (whispering) Man-carved steps. PAUL (whispering) Yes... They climb the steps and enter an extremely narrow dark channel of stone. As they make their way through the rock, suddenly there is a burst of lightning which illuminates a whole troop of Fremen standing silently in front of them. 164. EXT. FREMEN PLACE - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT STILGAR Perhaps these are the ones Mapes told us of. STILGAR (to Jessica) Are you trained in the ways of the desert? JESSICA No, but many consider my training valuable. STILGAR I will take the boy-man... he shall have sanctuary in my tribe... -- A LOW NOTE on a dip stick is blown by one of the Fremen tribe. Jessica shifts, Paul sees it, and just as Stilgar begins a reach for his weapon, Jessica turns, slashes out, utters a SOUND, whirls again and with rock behind her holds Stilgar helpless in front of her -- her hand at his throat. Paul moves on her first move. He races up a rocky incline. 165. EXT. CLIFF - FREMEN PLACE - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT He then jumps higher up and presses himself between two rocks on a low cliff overlooking the rest of the Fremen troop. 166. EXT. FREMEN PLACE - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT The troop starts shooting projectile weapons in Paul's direction. STILGAR Stop! Get back!! She has the weirding way. Why didn't you tell us! Great gods... if you can do this to the strongest of us you're worth ten times your weight of water. As a leader of my people I give you my bond: teach us this weirding way and you both shall have sanctuary. Your water shall mingle with our water. JESSICA Then I will teach you our way of battle.... you have the word bond of a Bene Gesserit. A FREMEN It is the legend. 167. EXT. CLIFF - FREMEN PLACE - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT Up on the rock, Paul turns. He takes a step, then notices a small figure standing in front of him. It is a girl. CHANI I am Chani, daughter of Liet.... I would not have permitted you to harm my tribe. PAUL (inner voice) From my dream... so beautiful. Liet.... is this Kynes' daughter? Paul stares at her in wonder. -- CHANI Come with me. I'll show you an easier way down. They exit. 168. EXT. FREMEN PLACE - DEEP DESERT - NIGHT STILGAR (to Paul, as they meet) You have strength... real strength... You shall be known as Usul, which is the strength of the base of the pillar. This is your secret name in our troop. But you must choose the name of manhood which we will call you openly. PAUL (thinking) What do you call the mouse shadow in the second moon? STILGAR We call that one Muad'dib. PAUL Could I be known as Paul Muad'dib? STILGAR You are Paul Muad'dib, and your mother shall be a Sayyadina among us.... We welcome you. Wind blows a cloud of dust through the rock. High above the moon with the mouse shadow glows brilliantly. It dissolves into the sun. 168A. EXT. DEEP DESERT - DAY Paul, Jessica and the Fremen march through the dunes. 171. through 171B. (Deleted) 172. EXT. DEEP DESERT - DUSK/SUNSET HEAT WAVES and sand dunes. Mysterious SOUNDS echo in the distance as the giant sun is setting. Chani takes Paul to the top of a dune. They stare at the sunset and a huge rock outcropping in the distance. -- CHANI Seitch Tabr. Paul looks at the rock, then turns to her. CHANI (CONT'D) Tell me of your homeworld, Usul. These words rend Paul's soul. He cannot speak. He reaches out and touches her hand - her cheek. 173. (Deleted) 174. INT. ENTRANCE - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT The Fremen troop enters into a large square room with slot passageways going off in various directions. 175. INT. PASSAGEWAY - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT They all move down one of the passageways which are beautifully but very plainly cut with lasguns. They are like passages in the pyramids, dark with sharp turns and inclines upwards or downwards, some very steep and long, and others descending hundreds of feet. There is a strong, moaning WIND. 176. through 177. (Deleted) 178. INT. PASSAGEWAY/STAIRS - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT A quiet WIND can be heard -- deep and moaning. JESSICA Moisture... She looks at Paul. He, too, notices. PAUL Wind traps... huge ones. Down a long, sloping, narrow passageway they go until they reach a stairway cut into the stone. It is very dark and gets increasingly darker as they descend. The WIND sound grows. The air grows colder and damper. Paul and Jessica share another questioning look. At the bottom of the stairs they pass through a narrow slot doorway which suddenly opens out on something so totally unexpected it shocks Paul. -- 179. INT. RESERVOIR -SIETCH TABR - NIGHT It is enormous, deep reservoir of black water sitting silently in the depths of this sietch and stretching out into the darkness. PAUL (inner voice) Water on Arrakis!!! I have seen this place in a dream. (out loud) A treasure. STILGAR Greater than treasure, Usul. We have thousands of such caches. Only a few of us know them all. When we have enough... we shall change the face of Arrakis. Listen!... There is the sound of water dripping. The lights are extinguished - reflections play on Paul's face. STILGAR (CONT'D) The Rocks of Arrakis hold many secrets. 179A. through 180 (Deleted) 180A. REVISED SCENE - HALL OF RITES Thousands of Fremen wait below. Paul enters a rock ledge, guided by two monks, which is crowded with Fremen and old Fremen Monks. Below the crowds continue to watch and wait while a giant wind organ moans. A Monk steps up to Paul. MONK We sense that you may be the "voice from the outer world". Both moons told us of you. You must pass tests before we will know... you must conquer the beast of the desert, both his outer and his deadly inner powers. (moves back) Speak to us... from the outer world. Paul turns and gathers courage to address the multitude below. PAUL (inner voice) I am only a seed. (out loud) I am Usul... Paul Muad'dib. -- CROWDS (loud murmur) Muad'dib! MONK The legend. PAUL (inner voice) No one ever dreamed there would be so many. (out loud) Our shared enemy the Harkonnens, are once again in control of Arrakis. Stilgar, your leader, has asked me and my mother to crush the Harkonnens. We must do more than this. We must totally destroy all spice production on Arrakis. The Guild and the entire universe depends on spice. "He who can destroy a thing, controls a thing". I will take one hundred of your warriors and train them. This one hundred will train the thousands that remain. When the spice flow stops, all eyes will turn to Arrakis. The Baron and the Emperor himself will be forced to deal with us. Arrakis will become the center of the Universe. (inner voice) The dream unfolds. 181. through 181A. (Deleted) 182. INT. TRAINING ROOM - SIETCH TABR - DAY Large room with a low ceiling. A drummer playing makes a low ECHOING MUSICAL HIT. A big block of stone is moved across coarse sand -- back and forth -- fast. A rhythm is started -- powerful. Paul enters, pauses and looks to Jessica - he stands in front of over 100 Fremen men. Jessica sits behind him alongside Stilgar. A large rock obelisk has been placed near Paul for this demonstration. PAUL The weirding way has long been a Bene Gesserit secret. With my mother's help, my father isolated an element of the weirding way and externalised it. -- PAUL (CONT'D) Because of the Harkonnen treachery, my father's armies were never able to fully develop this new form. This is what I will teach you. You will be the fiercest and most feared fighters in the Universe. Our way of battle is built on rhythm. You understand rhythm like this but you do not yet understand the rhythm of the higher sounds, sounds that heal and build... sounds that destroy. Motion is the base. You understand the motion... but you do not yet understand the motion that heals and builds... motions that destroy... Orato! (he moves forward) This obelisk is of your hardest stone. Kick it... (he does -- the rock doesn't move) Hit it... (he does -- the rock doesn't move) Yell at it... ORATO Break! The Fremen laugh -- the rock doesn't move. A Fremen with a lasgun tries to cut it. Paul motions him back, slightly. PAUL Move back! Paul also moves back. He switches on his weirding module. He opens his mouth and makes a small SOUND, which the module amplifies. PAUL Chuksa! The sound shatters the obelisk to pieces. The one hundred Fremen YELL with surprise and awe. 100 FREMEN Achiii! -- PAUL This is part of the weirding way that we will teach you. Some thoughts have a certain sound... that being the equivalent to a form. Through sound and motion you will be able to paralyze nerves, shatter bones, set fires, suffocate an enemy or burst his organs.... We will kill until no Harkonnen breathes Arrakeen air. 100 FREMEN Muad'dib! PAUL (inner voice) To avenge my father, I will turn you into killing machines. Stilgar turns to Jessica. STILGAR Sayyadina. Our Reverend Mother tells me she is too old... She has been calling through space and time for you to come and let her rest. She asks that you pass within. JESSICA (inner voice) They want me to take the Water of Life... the Truthsayer drug... so dangerous, yet... we must move swiftly if we're to secure our place among these Fremen. (out loud) I will try to pass within. STILGAR Death may be the result.... Are you sure? JESSICA (inner voice) I must do this for Paul, but what of my unborn child? DISSOLVE TO: 183. through 187. (Deleted) -- 188. INT. ROCK LEDGE - HALL OF RITES - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT Fremen carry the Fremen REVEREND MOTHER RAMALLO in on a litter. The old Reverend Mother is old a frail yet extremely beautiful and mysterious. She turns to Paul and Jessica with a strange look. REVEREND MOTHER RAMALLO (to Jessica, in an ancient voice) So you are the ones. She turns away towards the monks who are very busy blowing horns and waving pots of burning spice, purifying the area of the rite. Several Fremen blow on dip sticks and a FEMALE CHOIR begins a haunting chorale as the giant pipe organ blows beautiful low notes below. Paul looks to his mother. He then sees Chani. CU Chani. CU Paul -- he cannot stop looking at her. Stilgar motions to Paul. STILGAR (whispering to Paul) Do you know the Water of Life?... Come... ...Watch... the mystery of mysteries... the end and the beginning. He shows Paul through a narrow passageway -- almost a slot through the stone to a small room. Through an opening in the stone wall, Paul is shown a very strange and somewhat horrifying scene. 189. INT. BABY WORM - MAKER ROOM - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT A thirty-foot baby worm is being lowered into a stone chamber. The chamber is then covered with a wire top. Valves are turned and water rushes into the chamber. The worm begins to writhe violently and leap and bang against the bars above. The worm begins to turn inside out from the mouth back and it begins to gag. Some monks and watermasters quickly drain the stone chamber and wrench the worm out using large steel hooks. They hold the worm above a large tub. A watermaster-reed man runs a long reed in to the worm, causing it to spasm and gag up a beautiful deep blue bile as it dies. 189A. INT. MAKER ROOM - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT The bile and worm water are combined in ceremonial containers. Paul turns to Stilgar. -- STILGAR The Water of Life. PAUL (inner voice) The most lethal poison in the Universe. Then we HEAR from Paul's memory his conversation with the Reverend Mother: REVEREND MOTHER ... Many men have tried. PAUL Did they try and fail? REVEREND MOTHER They tried and died. 190. INT. ROCK LEDGE - HALL OF RITES - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT Stilgar and Paul return to the ledge above the Hall of Rites. A MONK PRIEST steps forward, addresses the crowd, silencing them. The other monks move back carrying their smoking cleansing bags. MONK #1 One among us has consented to enter the rite. She will attempt to pass within that we not lose the strength of our Reverend Mother. PAUL (inner voice)(turning to his mother) What if she should fail? He brings the jug close to Jessica. MONK #1 Drink! Jessica drinks. JESSICA (inner voice) The ultimate awareness spectrum narcotic. I must transform the poison configuration within my body... the blue must be made clean. She swallows. Her body contorts and spasms violently. She screams. The Reverend Mother screams with her. -- 191 (Deleted) 192. INT. ROCK LEDGE - HALL OF RITES - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT We see Jessica sitting, shoulders tight and spasming -- straining, her eyelids half-closed and flickering. 193. (Deleted) 194. INT. ROCK LEDGE - HALL OF RITES - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT The old Reverend Mother slowly extends a hand toward Jessica's shoulder. 195. JESSICA - MENTAL IMAGE Inside Jessica, we see the Reverend Mother Ramallo's hand descend through the dark void. Shimmering water starts to ripple, lightly stirring an image of Jessica. As the hand penetrates, something deep within her starts to GLOW. It is a fetus, a female. The Reverend Mother Ramallo's hand flinches as it touches the fetus. The fetus sparks to life - screaming and rapidly spasming upwards on its umbilical cord. 195A. (Deleted) 196. INT. ROCK LEDGE - WALL OF RITES - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT REVEREND MOTHER RAMALLO (whispering urgently into Jessica's ear) You should have told us. 197. JESSICA'S MENTAL IMAGE - FETUS REVEREND MOTHER RAMALLO (V.O.) (gasping) Great Mother! This changes both! What have we done? -- 197A. INT. THE TUNNEL - NIGHT Jessica and the fetus rush mentally through a dark strangely worm-like tunnel until suddenly, a gaping black hole appears. A horrible WIND, SPARKS and circles of expanding light issues from it. JESSICA (V.O) (inner voice)(fearful) No! This is the place where we cannot look. The place only for the eyes of the Kwisatz Haderach. 197B. THE FETUS - NIGHT The fetus twists down the tunnel to join Jessica, her umbilical cord trailing behind. She SCREAMS as she looks into the hole. 197C. THE NAVIGATOR - NIGHT She and Jessica see a shape moving deep within the windy hole. It is a Third Stage Navigator, ROARING. JESSICA What is this?... Is this what kills the men who enter here? She quickly takes the fetus back up the tunnel. As they move: JESSICA (V.O.)(CONT'D) (inner voice) Now my daughter and I are both Reverend Mothers. REVEREND MOTHER RAMALLO (V.O.) (distant) I've been a long time waiting for you. Here is my life. 198. INT. ROCK LEDGE - HALL OF RITES - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT The old Reverend Mother Ramallo slumps forward onto the stone, dead. The crowd waits. The corpse is tenderly removed. Jessica very slowly opens her eyes and looks about her. The monk holds the jug to her lips. MONK Change it that we may all drink of it. -- Jessica spews water into the spout. The monk swirls the jug, sniffs at the spout and then drinks. MONK (CONT'D) It is changed! PAUL (inner voice) She did it! 199. INT. HALL OF RITES - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT The Fremen suddenly turn their attention to Paul.... They whisper "It is the prophecy!" They soon begin to CHANT... "Muad'dib.... Muad'dib" over and over again. The chanting sounds fill the hall along with the ghostly wind organ. 200. (Deleted) 201. INT. HALL OF RITES - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT Down below, the crowds continue CHANTING "Muad'dib, Muad'dib." 202. INT. ROCK LEDGE - HALL OF RITES - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT Paul continues to stare at Chani. He moves to her. Chani turns. Paul is at her side. Their eyes meet and lock. CHANI (whispering) Come with me. 203. INT. PASSAGEWAY ON ROCK LEDGE - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT At the end of the dark black corridor, Chani turns and she and Paul fall together in a long kiss filled with love. PAUL Chani.... I love you... I've always loved you.... -- 204. through 209. (Deleted) 169. INT. STAIRCASE - GEIDI PRIME - DAY The Baron and Feyd descend several steps into a darker area of Geidi Prime. Feyd is carrying a strange creature in a small wire cage. The Baron is floating as he descends. BARON (takes a drink) Feyd, even though he's aging, Thufir is one of the finest Mentats in the Universe... and he's mine, Feyd... all mine.... Quiet now. FEYD I will. 170. INT. BASEMENT ROOM - GEIDI PRIME - DAY Nefud stands eating candies behind Thufir's chair. Nefud has a stun gun, even though Thufir's hands are tied. The Baron enters with Feyd. BARON Oh Thufir, I see they've installed your heart plug already.... Don't be angry. Everyone gets one here. But this is not why we're here. We've brought you a little cat, Thufir. You must care for it if you wish to live. A poison has been introduced into you, Thufir Hawat. By milking this smooth little cat body each day you receive your antidote... it must be done each day.... Also, you must do something for me if you wish to live. You know I lost Piter, my dear Mentat... Thufir gives the Baron a weak, wide-eyed stare. FEYD All I can see is an Atreides that I want to kill. BARON Feyd, no, no! Thufir's a Harkonnen now, aren't you Thufir? THUFIR (inner voice) My dear Duke... how I have failed you. -- 211. INT. JESSICA'S ROOM - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT Jessica's face shows signs of straining. Women move around her, Chani and Harah at her side, helping her give birth. Suddenly ALIA is born and her freshly- born moist body is held up in front of Jessica. Alia's eyes snap open, burning brightly. HARAH What will you call her? JESSICA Alia. As they lift Alia for Jessica to see... ALIA Mother. 210. INT. TRAINING ROOM - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT Paul walks down the steps into the training room - followed by Harah's two sons. He pauses at the foot of the steps. PAUL Activate your weirding modules... Paul activates his, and the Fremens follow suit. PAUL Set the range for two meters. Paul walks down the line of Fremen. PAUL Korba... (points to robot) The arm... KORBA (aiming the module) Chuuk-sa... PAUL Motion... Chuuk-sa... KORBA Chuuuk-sa... He fires the module and the arm of the robot is shot off. Paul smiles and hits him on the shoulder - Paul walks on. -- PAUL Stilgar... One of the FREMEN calls out to Paul. A FREMEN Muad'dib!... The word `Muad'dib' causes a tremendous power to build. The module shakes violently in his hand - it suddenly fires upwards, and the wall explodes. PAUL (inner voice) My own name is a killing word. Will it be a healing word as well? 211A. NEW SCENE STILGAR (to Paul as he applies red colour to the shoulders of several large Fremen men) Usul... these are fifteen of our fiercest fighters to serve you as your guard... the Fedaykin. He pauses, then holds up his brilliantly red hand. 212. (Deleted) 213. EXT. DESERT - DAY An EXPLOSION. Paul turns and his eyes are totally blue. He lifts binoculars to them and looks. He sees the Fremen fighters below charging at the Harkonnens. As the Fremen run they make powerful SOUNDS with their weirding modules, exploding everything in their path and catching things on fire. 213A. EXT. CARRYALL - DESERT - DAY In the distance, a huge spice carryall is shot down and it falls to the ground EXPLODING more violently on impact. 213. BACK TO SCENE PAUL Now! -- Stilgar signals, and Fremen run behind them. PAIL (CONT'D) (to Stilgar) They're even better on the battlefield than in the training rooms!! (inner voice) Sound... as a weapon. If only you could see them, father. Paul smiles as he looks at the battle in the distance. PAUL (CONT'D) (his V.O. from the past) When the spice flow stops, the entire Universe will turn to Arrakis. The Baron and the Emperor himself will be forced to deal with us. 214. INT. PASSAGEWAYS - ARRAKEEN - DAY Rabban stares dumbfounded as many Harkonnen wounded and dead are brought through the passageway beyond. Rabban grabs a Harkonnen and asks: RABBAN What happened? What happened to you? What is he saying? WOUNDED HARKONNEN Muad'dib!... Muad'dib!... Muad'dib!... Muad'dib! Rabban pushes him away. A HARKONNEN SOLDIER He's been repeating that name ever since we found him. RABBAN Who is this Muad'dib? 215. EXT. DEEP DESERT - DAY HEAT WAVES; dunes. A big thumper is forced into the sands. A RHYTHM is heard pounding on Fremen hand drums and rhythm instruments. Feet scramble. Black stillsuited Fedaykin warrior bodyguards gather. Stilgar turns. -- STILGAR (to Paul) Usul... It is time you become a sandrider... and travel as a Fremen. Take the kiswa maker hook of our sietch and ride as a leader of men. 216. (Deleted) 217. EXT. DEEP DESERT - DAY As Paul leaves the troop to plant the second thumper: STILGAR (V.O.) Two thumpers are planted. The worm may not surface for the first - he will rise for the second. Remember, when the worm approaches, you must be utterly still... and close enough to plant the hook firmly under a ring segment.... The worm will turn to lift this exposed area as far from the abrasive sand as possible and it will take you with it -- to the top. Do not get too close as he approaches... the sand will engulf you.... Wait till the head of the worm passes -- then go... quickly. STILGAR & FREMEN Shai-Hulud... Shai-Hulud. In the distance the telltale SOUND of the worm's approach begins. This worm is deep underground and the sound is low and the ground trembles violently. PAUL (inner voice) Only the very strong ones travel this deep.... The SOUND and VIBRATIONS continue to build. In the distance, the Fedaykin and Stilgar watch. STILGAR (to the others) Usul has called a big one. Again... it is the legend. 218. (Deleted) -- 219. EXT. DEEP DESERT - DAY HEAT WAVES... dunes RHYTHM. THUNDEROUS approach of the worm. Paul still cannot see the worm, but the sound begins to drown out the Fremen rhythm instruments and the sand begins to VIBRATE. Suddenly, Paul SEES... 219A. EXT. WORM - DEEP DESERT - DAY ...a mountain of sands rise up, towering, thundering -- lightning SPARKS fissuring throughout the air above the worm. The mountain approaches at a terrifying speed. Then, the worm appears -- rushing. The mouth, at first a small opening, begins to widen -- exposing a thousand glistening teeth. 219B. EXT. DESERT - DAY Paul freezes. He lets the worm get closer and closer. The HEAT WAVES distort the gigantic form, making it more hideous -- more foreign. He moves forward. The others watch anxiously. This worm is big. It is so much larger than imaged. Its top towers 125 feet in the air. The segments are each ten feet wide. 219C. EXT. VERTICAL SECTION OF WORM - DESERT - DAY Paul gets close and running alongside, he plants the hook under a segment and pulls back. The SOUND is excruciatingly loud. The sand is so deep and more is being thrown out beneath the body of the worm. Paul gets caught in it and falls. He narrowly escapes being sucked under the beast. He gets up -- runs again and plants the hook once more. He runs faster, bending the segment open to expose the tender flesh. 219D. EXT. FULL-SIZE SECTION OF WORM - DESERT - DAY Suddenly the worm begins to turn. Paul pulls himself up the body as it turns -- holding onto the hook. Soon he is fifty -- sixty -- seventy feet off the ground -- going higher. The giant worm gets the second thumper and Paul at that moment climbs to the top. He plants the second hook. PAUL (inner voice) A sandrider!... Paul works the hooks into the breathing holes along the body... -- 219E. EXT. DESERT - DAY ...causing the great beast to make a slow turn toward Stilgar and the bodyguard. They set themselves and as the worm passes... 219F. EXT. FULL-SIZE SECTION OF WORM - DESERT - DAY ...they all clamber on, climbing up the sides to the top. PAUL (yelling) Long live the fighters! They return the traditional CALL and Paul steers the maker in a giant circle. They head out across the dunes. 219G. (Deleted) 219I. EXT. DESERT - DAY Rabban and Harkonnens in the desert. Rabban observes tremendous destruction of his spice harvesters and carryalls. 219K. EMPEROR'S WORLD REPORT VOICE Seventeen Great Houses of the Lansraad have reported a significant delay in delivery of spice per CHOAM agreement. This constitutes a serious violation of CHOAM codes. Contact Baron Vladimir Harkonnen immediately. 219H. INT. GREAT HALL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY A furious Rabban sirs in a black steel tub in the Great Hall. A squad of TROOPS stands at attention in front of him, listening to his screaming fit. RABBAN Falsify the reports. We can't hide it all, tell them we've lost only two hundred harvesters... and forty carryalls... and don't let my uncle know about the destruction of the spice silos.... I will catch this Muad'dib and suck the blood from him!! SUCK THE BLOOD FROM HIM!!! -- 219J. through 222. (Deleted) 226A. EXT. HARVESTER - DESERT - DAY SMOKE billows from a burning harvester. 226B. EXT. DESERT - DAY Fighting is going on between Fremen and some smugglers. Paul moves down a smokey dune with Stilgar followed by Fremen and Fedaykin. PAUL We surprised a band of smugglers. STILGAR (racing into thick smoke) Too bad... thought they were Harkonnen. Paul and Stilgar move through the smoke. A man runs up with a maula pistol aimed at Paul but Paul spins and punctures the man's chest with a sound from his weirding module. Paul turns and a large figure comes through the smoke. They surprise each other. The figure holds a gun. PAUL Gurney!... The figure stops -- stunned. PAUL (CONT'D) You've no need of your weapons with me Gurney Halleck. GURNEY (peering; whisper of hope) Paul!! Paul!! PAUL Don't you trust your own eyes. GURNEY They said you were dead. They said... Paul shows him the signet ring on his fingers. Gurney moves forward, his eyes tearing, and the two embrace each other and pound each other on the back. GURNEY You young pup! You young pup! -- 227. NEW SCENE - WORLD REPORT VOICE Stand-by... warning... we have just received a coded threat from the Guild. Spice production is in serious jeopardy... Giedi Prime supplying false reports... Guild to visit Emperor in one standard day. 228. INT. THRONE ROOM - EMPEROR'S PALACE - NIGHT The Emperor sits on his throne. Behind him are his Sardaukar officers. In front of him are several Guildsmen. One holds a large electrical apparatus up to the face plate of another which translates his strange voice into English. TANKED GUILDSMAN #2 Emperor Shaddam IV... You have one last chance to take matters into your own hands and bring the situation under the control on Arrakis. EMPEROR What do you mean one last... TANKED GUILDSMAN #2 Do not speak!... Listen!... You do not have more than this one chance.... I represent the entire Guild in this matter.... You have failed to kill the Atreides heir... Paul. EMPEROR But he was said to... TANKED GUILDSMEN #2 (moans like a cow) Noooooo... he is not dead. He is not eaten by worms as you have wanted to believe. He is not missing. He is in the deep desert with the Fremen. The Spice is in great danger. We are not asking... we are telling... remedy the situation or you will live out your life in a pain amplifier. The Guildsmen turn and leave. EMPEROR Who is this Paula Atreides to the Guild? And why? 222A. INT. JESSICA'S ROOM - SIETCH TABR - DAY Jessica sits with Harah. -- HARAH Your Reverence, I don't wish to upset you, but the other women... 223. INT. PASSAGEWAY - SIETCH TABR - DAY At the end of the passageway, standing alone -- staring with powerful intense blue-within-blue eyes -- is ALIA. She's listening mentally. HARAH (V.O.) ...they don't like Alia around. She frightens them. It is the strangeness of your daughter. 224. INT. JESSICA'S ROOM - SIETCH TABR - DAY JESSICA It's the way she speaks of things... Alia is listening - then exits. 225. INT. PASSAGEWAY - SIETCH TABR - DAY Alia listens mentally. JESSICA (V.O.) ...beyond her years and of things no child could know -- things of the past. (pause) Alia begins walking. She appears to be angry. JESSICA (V.O.)(CONT'D) A daughter who knew at birth everything I know... 226. INT. JESSICA'S ROOM - SIETCH TABR - DAY HARAH But Your Reverence, they won't have her around them. Alia enters. ALIA (screaming little adult voice) Harah! Would they deny me the right to use this mind?... -- ALIA (CONT'D) (using The Voice) Would they deny me the right to use this voice?... Harah's head nearly bursts with pain and she SCREAMS as if she were dying. JESSICA Alia! 226A. (Deleted) 228. BACK TO SCENE - EMPEROR'S THRONE ROOM EMPEROR (firmly) I want fifty legions of Sardaukar on Arrakis at once. SARDAUKAR OFFICER #1 Fifty legions?... (he looks at the other officers with worry) That's our entire reserves as well. EMPEROR This is genocide... the deliberate and systematic destruction of all life on Arrakis. 228A. NEW SCENE Ships over Arrakis. 229. through 230. (Deleted) 231. INT. PAUL'S ROOM - SIETCH There is a growing, powerful sound of a worm approaching as Paul and Chani are lying together in the darkness of their sleeping chamber. Paul's eyes snap open and he sees Chani looking down at him (the last image of the future in the desert). CHANI You were calling my name... it frightened me. -- Page Missing -- In the hollow of a huge dune, Paul stops with Chani. They share a look into each other's eyes. Paul turns towards the Fedaykin and nods. They move in quickly to tie and wrap Paul in Fremen rope. They move back and wait quietly. Chani moves in very close to Paul. She holds a glass vial of the blue water of life. PAUL Hurry! All I see is darkness. CHANI Paul... I will love you forever... in life or in death... let Shai-Hulud judge now. (whispering) You are my life. She pours the blue liquid into Paul's mouth. Slow move into Paul's face as: PAUL (inner voice) Now... the test of the water of life... what is it that waits for me in this darkness? 233A. INT. PAUL'S MIND Fade to black then dissolves to dark blue fluid. A blue drop falls into the blue fluid - a huge low thud - then quiet. 233B. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT Cut to Paul screaming horribly in the desert. 235. INT. JESSICA'S ROOM - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT Alia walks forward in the very dark room. Blood rushes from her nose. She forces herself to walk to Jessica's bed. She finds that Jessica's nose is bleeding also. Jessica wakes in pain. They stare at each other in the darkness. JESSICA ALIA! ALIA Mother - help me! JESSICA (struggling) Alia! What is it? -- ALIA It's Paul. He's taken the Water of Life. 233C. INT. PAUL'S MIND Cut to quiet black - dissolve again to blue - another drop - low thud - quietness - fade to black. 245A. EXT. EMPEROR'S SPACESHIP - SPACE The Emperor's space ship soars towards us. 246. INT. EMPEROR'S SPACE SHIP - SPACE The Reverend Mother Helen Mohiam is on the floor, bleeding from the nose and weak from pain. The Emperor looks on in horror. 233D. INT. PAUL'S MIND Suddenly screaming towards us is white rings, stars and a huge Guild Navigator. 233E. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT Cut to Paul's eyes - tightly closed, oozing fresh blood. 233F. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT SCREAMING SOUND. Paul's mouth opens and a giant wind is stirred on the desert. 234. (Deleted) 235A. INT. PAUL'S MIND Navigator chewing giant eye and spewing blood and light and sounds. Paul's mouth double exposes over Navigator and eye. The sound from Paul's mouth destroys the Navigator and opens the Alam. Navigator bursts into a huge light ring and we quickly travel through ring after ring and masses of liquid stars. The light increases until it is blinding and then in the light... -- 235B. EXT. FLOWER BLOSSOMING A golden flower blossoms and glows brilliantly - suddenly the powerful sound of an approaching worm. 236. through 239. (Deleted) 240. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT Chani and the Fedaykin freeze and watch in horror as seven giant worms converge on them. The worms break the desert surface and rise, towering over them. The worms hover and wait. DISSOLVE TO: 241. through 245. (Deleted) 240A. EXT. DESERT - DAY Chani looks to the Fedaykin, then they look at Paul who lies motionless. She cuts the rope bonds with her crysknife. Her fingers tremble as does the whole of the desert. Paul's eyes snap open. He sits up slowly. Chani stares at him in awe. CHANI Paul... Paul. 240B. EXT. WAVE CRASHING A huge wave crashes and Paul sees the image of his father. Paul slowly gets to his knees, then stands. 240C. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT PAUL Father!... Father! THE SLEEPER HAS AWAKENED. Giant echoes of this phrase reverberate across the vast desert. The worms bend back into the sand and leave with thundering power. MUSIC FULL. 247. through 250. (Deleted) -- 251. EXT. ROCK LEDGE - HALL OF RITES - SIETCH TABR - NIGHT The Rock Ledge of Sietch Tabr is filled with Fedaykin and monks; Chani, Jessica, Gurney and Stilgar stand together near the back. Paul moves out on the Rock Ledge overlooking the Hall of Rites which is crowded with Fremen warriors who chant "Maud'Dib" along with the powerful sounds of the WIND ORGAN and FREMEN war DRUMS. Paul raises his open hand. SILENCE. Only the organ continues with a soft low NOTE. The Fremen wait. PAUL Arrakis... Dune... Desert Planet. A quiet, haunting MOAN of recognition of a master rises from the Fremen. PAUL (CONT'D) (loud) Your time has come. (inner voice) Father... our time has come. (out loud again) A storm is coming -- our storm... and when it comes it will shake the Universe. Emperor... we come for you. A thunderous ROAR arises. War DRUMS pound. The ORGAN blows hurricaine of power through the sietch. PAUL (he raises crysknife) Long live the fighters! STILGAR Long live the fighters! Fremen carrying weapons begin moving out in long lines from the Hall as the war DRUMS pound. 251A. through 252B. (Deleted) 265. INT. HARKONNEN `THOPTER - DAY In one `thopter sits the Baron Harkonnen. He is flown down to the Emperor's ship. 253. EXT. ROCK OUTCROPPING - DEEP DESERT - DAY A sietch door opens and Fremen warriors stream out. -- 254. (Deleted) 255. EXT. DEEP DESERT - DAY The WIND is howling and is starting to blow the sand. Dark sand clouds form in the distance. 256. EXT. ROCK OUTCROPPING - DEEP DESERT - DAY Another sietch door opens and hundreds and thousands more Fremen pour out. 257. EXT. SHIELD WALL - ARRAKEEN - DAY Paul, Stilgar and Gurney watch the Emperor's enormous ship on the Arrakeen landing field below. 257A. through 258. (Deleted) 260. EXT. DEEP DESERT - DAY Thousands of Fremen are running, planting thumpers as they go. 259. INT. COMMUNICATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN - DAY PAUL Gurney, when the storm hits... set off the atomics. I want an opening through the entire Shield Wall. Stilgar? Do we have wormsign? Stilgar and Gurney laugh. STILGAR Usul... We have wormsign, the likes of which even God has never seen. Paul smiles. 261. EXT. DEEP DESERT - DAY Looking down over the huge desert it looks like a living sea of wormsign. Everywhere ripples appear and worms are surfacing. -- 261A. EXT. DEEP DESERT - DAY Thousands of Fremen are running, positioning themselves to mount and ride. 262. EXT. DESERT - DAY Dust clouds grow faster and the speed of the WIND increases. Sand particles hit at a rock outcropping and up close they sound like giant warrior drummers pounding before battle. 263. EXT. HARKONNEN SHIPS - DESERT - NIGHT Suddenly above come hundreds of SCREAMING space ships zooming down across the desert floor and towards the landing field. 264. (Deleted) 266. EXT. DESERT - DAY The storm is howling now. Sand blasts against rock and rips pieces away. 267. INT. STEEL TENT - EMPEROR'S SPACE SHIP - DAY EMPEROR Bring in that floating fat man... the Baron. The Baron is brought in. Distant warning SIGNALS begin. The Baron is fighting to contain his fear because RABBAN'S HEAD SITS ALL BLOODY ON THE FLOOR in front of him. Finally the Emperor speaks. EMPEROR Why have you brought me here? BARON Your Highness... There must be some mistake... I never requested your presence. EMPEROR Ah? But your lack of action demanded it. Your dreadful mismanagement, your bad judgement in assigning to Rabban -- (he gestures toward the head) -- the governorship.... You forced me to come here and set things straight... personally. -- A VOICE Bring in the messenger. Alia is brought in by the Sardaukar soldiers. She is smiling. ALIA I am the messenger from Muad'dib. Poor Emperor, I'm afraid my brother won't be very pleased with you. EMPEROR Silence!... I do not court your brother's pleasure. Suddenly the Reverend Mother looks horrified and grabs her throat. REVEREND MOTHER (struggling, speaking) Kill this child!! She's an abomination!! Kill her. (points to Alia, who is smiling at her) Get out of my mind!!! ALIA Not until you tell them both who I really am. REVEREND MOTHER (strained speech void of emotion) Sister of Paul Muad'dib. The Reverend Mother slumps. The Baron's mouth flies open. The Emperor's face goes pale, his lips tremble. EMPEROR Paul's sister... Paul is Muad'dib?! He turns quickly and looks at the two Guild agents present in the room. They stare at him icily. Alia is smiles happily. 268. INT. COMMUNICATION ROOM - ARRAKEEN - DAY Paul smiles. PAUL (laughs)(to Gurney and Stilgar) Alia keeps pace with the storm. -- Gurney and Stilgar don't understand. Suddenly enormous dust clouds and LIGHTNING sweep up over the Shield Wall. PAUL Gurney, now! Gurney gives a hand signal and... GURNEY (they put on their hoods) Atomics! 269. EXT. SHIELD WALL - ARRAKEEN - DAY ...TWENTY EXPLOSIONS of hydrogen bomb intensity go off in a row, cutting a huge gorge through the width of the massive Shield Wall. As the EXPLOSIONS go off, a WIND howls, destroying much of Arrakeen and covering the rest with tons of sand. Sand rips at the Palace and the Emperor's ship. 270. INT. STEEL TENT - EMPEROR'S SPACE SHIP - DAY Alia smiles as they HEAR the tremendous roaring, atomic screams of the explosions. The Emperor's ship's warning SIGNALS are now close and loud. ALIA My brother is coming... with many Fremen warriors. A Sardaukar rushes in. SARDAUKAR OFFICER #2 The Shield Wall is gone. EMPEROR Impossible! ALIA Not impossible. I told you... He is here now. SARDAUKAR OFFICER #2 Majesty, into the ship! EMPEROR (to his officers)(rising) Release the Sardaukar. Baron... give this little abomination to the storm. They all leave the room, including the Sardaukars. -- 270A. through 271. (Deleted) 272. INT. STEEL TENT - EMPEROR'S SPACE SHIP - DAY BARON I have her, Majesty! The Baron floats down to her. Alia turns to him -- still smiling. With a flash of her hand she reaches out and swipes at the Baron's face. He CRIES OUT in pain. She pulls his suspensor plugs and pushes him back, then slowly shows him the tiny needle she holds in her hand. He spins crazily as he screams from the poison. 273. EXT. SHIELD WALL - ARRAKEEN - DAY Worms, each with hundreds of Fremen on them, come slithering through the newly-formed canyon in the Shield Wall. 273A. EXT. WORMS - SHIELD WALL - ARRAKEEN - DAY Paul rides the lead worm with Gurney and Stilgar by his side. The storm is howling and blowing with horrifying intensity. 273B. INT. EMPEROR'S SPACE SHIP - CONTROL ROOM - DAY The Emperor and his Sardaukar officers in a darkened room where they are horrified to see on the screens the hundreds of worms which are coming into the Arrakeen valley. All their faces show fear. 272. BACK TO SCENE INT. EMPEROR'S SPACE SHIP - GREEN THRONE ROOM - DAY Suddenly the wall behind Alia and the spinning Baron is completely blown away by a BLAST. The Baron floats and spins out into the storm. 274. EXT. ARRAKEEN - DAY As the worms enter the Arrakeen basin they meet the Sardaukar. The Sardaukar don't have a chance -- the worms suck them up by the hundreds. The Fremen on the worm's backs fire weapons, killing the few Sardaukar the worms leave behind. 275. EXT. LANDING FIELD - ARRAKEEN - DAY The space ships which were recently airborne are now crashing because of the storm. -- 272A. NEW SCENE The Baron floats and spins high in the dust clouds of the storm over the Arrakeen Valley. 274A. NEW SCENE The worm, that Paul, Gurney and Stilgar are riding, suddenly rears up. Its mouth opens. The Baron appears as a tiny spinning shape. He flies directly into the mouth of this collosal worm and is devoured. 277. EXT. STEEL TENT - LANDING FIELD - ARRAKEEN - DAY A thousand Fremen battle Sardaukar outside the Emperor's tent. They soon overpower them and rush into the giant steel structure. 278. EXT. LANDING FIELD - ARRAKEEN - DAY The entire airfield is now filled with wild worms, Fremen, and dead or dying Sardaukar. 276. EXT. LANDING FIELD - ARRAKEEN - DAY Alia moves dreamily among the dying Sardaukar. 279. through 280. (Deleted) 281. INT. GREAT HALL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY Paul enters the Palace hall and the first thing he sees is the giant bull's head. The horns have been blown off and the Atreides banner has been stuffed and wired into the mouth. A WIND moans through the Palace. Paul turns. Gurney and several guards bring in the Emperor, Irulan, the Reverend Mother, Sardaukar generals, Guildsmen, Feyd and Thufir. The Fedaykin and Fremen troops line the walls. Paul's eyes meet Feyd's -- Feyd gives him an evil smile. Paul turns and looks at the Emperor, who stares back defiantly. Paul moves his gaze to Irulan, who lowers her eyes. He then sees his old teacher, Thufir Hawat, whose tired eyes wander helplessly. -- PAUL Gurney... I see Thufir Hawat among the captives. Let him stand free. GURNEY My Lord? PAUL Let him stand free! The Emperor turns nervously to Feyd, who passes a golden dagger to Thufir. FEYD (to Thufir) The antidote... GURNEY (gestures to Thufir) Thufir. Come. Thufir approaches Paul, concealing the knife. They come face to face. The Emperor seems strangely tense at this moment. Paul notices this. He looks Thufir over. PAUL (CONT'D) (inner voice) A knife.... (out loud) In payment of the many years of service to my family, you may know ask of me anything you wish. Anything at all. (quietly) Do you need my life, old friend? He turns his back on him. PAUL (CONT'D) (quiet) It is yours. Thufir's eyes grow sad and wide. PAUL I mean this, Thufir. If you are to strike, do it now. Thufir's hand rises, as Jessica gasps, but the old Mentat pulls his heart plug out with a quick tearing motion. Paul turns and catches him as he sags. His head lolls back and he looks up to Paul urgently. -- THUFIR (CONT'D) Three... generations... of you... His breath escapes him and he is dead. PAUL (to the guards) Carry this noble Atreides warrior away. Do him all honor. The guards do as they are instructed. PAUL Emperor Shadam the IV... there are Guild Heighliners above us containing many Great Houses of the Lansraad.... SEND THEM BACK! EMPEROR How dare you speak to me... GUILDSMAN #2 (speaking into electric microphone) Stop your speaking!! PAUL (to the Guildsmen) Good. You have some idea of what I would do but I will tell it to one who has never been seen... one who hides deep in the Heighliner control rooms. He will hear it first. GUILDSMEN #3 (fear) No! Paul smiles as we move closer and closer to him. 282. INT. CONTROL ROOM - HEIGHLINER - SPACE Suddenly we are in the Heighliner control room, near the floor in the chemical spills. We move up into the orange gas. THUNDERING begins to shake the Heighliner. PAUL (V.O.) Where are you.... Let me see you or there will be no spice. -- We move into very thick gas and there is a ROARING. Suddenly Paul sees the Third Stage Navigator. PAUL (V.O.)(CONT'D) You know what I'm about to say is true.... I have the power to destroy the spice forever. The Guild Navigator's mouth stretches back in a horrible MOAN. The moan becomes more pained and grows louder and louder. 283. INT. GREAT HALL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY The Guildsmen in the room are MOANING and SCREAMING and swarming out towards the doorway -- the Fremen stop them. The Emperor and all are amazed and frightened. There is a long hush. The old Reverend Mother then turns and glares at Paul. PAUL (CONT'D) Don't try your powers on me. Try looking into that place where you dare not look. You'll find me there staring back at you!! You Bene Gesserit have waited ninety generations to produce the one person your schemes required. Here I stand. But... I will never be yours. REVEREND MOTHER Stop him, Jessica! JESSICA Stop him yourself. PAUL You saw a part of what the race needs in the beginning. In time you perverted the truth. You sought to control human breeding and intermix a select few according to a selfish master plan. How little you understand. REVEREND MOTHER You mustn't speak of... PAUL (using The Voice) SILENCE! The old woman is shot backwards by the power of his shout. Her breath is knocked out of her. PAUL (CONT'D) I remember your gom jabbar, now you remember mine. I can kill with a word. -- A Fedaykin stand forward and recites from the prophecy. FEDAYKIN #1 ...and his word shall carry death eternal to those who stand against the righteous. Feyd hears this and is angered. FEYD The righteous! PAUL (to Emperor) There is a Harkonnen among you. Give the Harkonnen a blade and let him stand forth. EMPEROR If Feyd wishes, he can meet you with my blade in his hand. FEYD I wish it. (steps forward) GURNEY This is a Harkonnen animal. Let me, please, my Lord. PAUL The Emperor's blade. Feyd takes up the Emperor's blade with a smile. Paul takes out his crysknife. They begin to circle each other. Paul smiles, circling still. Suddenly, Feyd leaps, his blade jabbing savagely outward, but Paul easily evades it, moving away. They begin to circle again. He makes another pass at Paul that comes dangerously close, but again, Paul is away, a frozen smile on his face. FEYD Why prolong the inevitable? I will kill you! I will kill him! Feyd smiles. He lashes out biting Paul's hand. Feyd LAUGHS in triumph. Feyd leaps forward jabbing, his right hip also forward. Yet Paul, although a little slowly, again reels away. Again, Feyd thrusts. -- This time Paul jabs with his crysknife, but Feyd moves away effortlessly. Feyd counters and kicks Paul to the ground. CHANI Paul! Paul is up instantly and he circles with Feyd. FEYD (smiling) Who is the little one? A pet, perhaps? Will she deserve my special attentions? Paul jabs out, his crysknife slashing. Feyd grabs his arm, and Paul his, the two men locked in a straining clinch. Feyd presses his right hip closer and closer to Paul's body. Paul strains to keep it away. Suddenly, the gom jabbar flips out of Feyd's girdle, but on the left side, and he lunges powerfully with it at Paul, who just barely misses taking it in his skin. He throws Feyd back, but not before Feyd's feet strike out, sending Paul to the floor. Feyd leaps onto him. FEYD (whispering) You see... your death... my blade will finish you. Suddenly, Paul, with lightning swiftness, pushes Feyd up and over. He is on top of him in a flash. Paul's crysknife flashes up, thrusting upward through Feyd's jaw. Feyd's mouth opens as the knife continues up through his tongue and through to his brain. Feyd's eyes go wild, then glaze over as he jerks dead on the floor. Paul slowly gets to his feet, breathing heavily. Anger still seething in him, Paul issues a SOUND -- a loud, horrible, powerful sound, and Feyd's internal organs rupture and the stone floor under him cracks open. The Fedaykin smile. FEDAYKIN #2 Usul no longer needs the weirding module. Everyone stares in disbelief. Paul looks to the Emperor. PAUL Now, I will tell you how it will be. Irulan shall be my wife, opening the way for an Atreides to take the throne. EMPEROR I sit on the throne!! -- PAUL You will sit on a throne on Selusa Secundus, your prison planet. Either that or you will die. The Emperor is still. Paul moves to Chani. PAUL (CONT'D) (to Chani) The Princess shall have no more of me than my name... no child of mine or touch the softness of glance... nor instant of desire.... This is my promise to you... (whispering) love. Paul turns back to the others. Jessica turns to Chani and whispers to her. JESSICA Think on it Chani... We who carry the name of concubine... history will call us wives. Alia enters with two monks. She signals and one of them places a cloak over Paul's shoulders. PAUL The Fremen have the word of Muad'dib. They will have their Holy War to cleanse the Universe... they will have Arrakis... Dune... their planet. There will be flowing water here open to the sky and rich green oases. For the spice there will always be some desert. There will be fierce winds and trials to toughen men. We Fremen have a saying... (he stares at the Reverend Mother) "God created Arrakis to train the faithful." One cannot go against the word of God. Everyone in the room stares at him soundlessly. ALIA And how can this be? There are three powerful drum hits. ALIA (CONT'D) For... he is the Kwisatz Haderach! -- 284. EXT. ARRAKEEN PALACE - DUSK Paul opens his mouth and issues an ever increasing wind. Lightning and thunder begin. Clouds begin to form over the Palace. In the half-light of dusk, thousands of Fremen watch the sky. Giant golden lights are illuminated and their rays shoot far into the sky illuminating the growing clouds. Five tremendous bolts of lightning suddenly unleash a downpour of RAIN ON ARRAKIS. The Fremen stand awestruck as they are drenched with water falling from the sky. 285. INT. GREAT HALL - ARRAKEEN PALACE - DAY WE MOVE through Paul's glowing blue eyes into beautiful blue luminescent light. A gigantic WIND arises, and suddenly appearing in the blue light is an ocean of light rolling like gold glass off into infinite. The blue becomes darker and a golden lotus flower blooms in the night. THE END This script was found in INFlow. It was shameless taken off from somewhere else, may god, copyright owners and people who worked hard and were not credited forgive us. DARK CITY by Alex Proyas REVISED DRAFT November 29th, 1992 DARKNESS A LOW RUMBLE increases in volume. FADE UP: A BLACK-GLOVED HAND wraps around a bulky electrical lever, thrusts FORWARD. SNAP! - Electricity arcs through darkness. O.S. sound of MACHINERY turning ON. TITLES OVER MONTAGE OF CLOCKS starting - various. Second hands turn - TICKING gets louder. INT. BATHROOM - NIGHT SHADOWS DANCE. A bare bulb swings from the ceiling revealing: clothes on a chair, puddles of water on the floor... SLEEPING EYES in and out of darkness. The eyes open. Confusion. WIDEN ANGLE ON JONATHAN WHITE - a man in his early thirties, dark featured. He sits up. Water splashes. He's in a tub of long cold water. His neck aches like he's been sleeping forever. He looks down into the murky water around him. A feint movement beneath the surface, something swimming - A SMALL DARK SHAPE. Startled, he leaps from the bath. ANGLE - THE SWINGING LIGHT BULB. The man's hand reaches up, stops the light-bulb mid swing. He steps to a circular window. The glass is cracked, covered in grime. He wipes it, this only smears the dirt. It's dark out there. EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT ANGLE ON WHITE - from outside the window, through blurry glass. A RAPID FLYING P.O.V. PULLS BACK in silence. The window is a SPECK on the side of a vast grey tower. BACK IN THE BATHROOM White shivers, cold. He stares down at the puddle he drips on the floor. He looks at his feet and legs, covered with numerous SMALL BITES. He dries the bloody wounds with a towel. He picks up the clothes lying on the chair, puts them on. Loose trousers with braces, a plain shirt, leathers shoes with HOLES in both soles. In his trouser pocket he finds a key - a room number on a plastic tag. He hears splashing in the bath-tub. He steps over, looks into the murky water. Suddenly a SMALL SILVER FISH leaps from the water, lands at his feet, panting heavily and flapping about. He leans down, picks the fish up, throws it back into the water. Like a blind man, he feels the walls, comes to a door in the shadows. He hears something on the other side, hesitates, hand inches from the doorknob. He leans down. TIGHT ON HIS EYE Blinking through the key-hole. P.O.V. OF AN EMPTY ROOM - A glimpse of motion - the door across the room (leading to a corridor?) is shutting. INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT WHITE pushes the door open, steps into the adjoining room. No sign of life. Cheap decorations. He walks around cautiously. Turns lights on. Then reconsiders. Turns them off again. Disturbed, he studies his features in a wall mirror. ANGLE ON OPEN BATHROOM DOOR - the fish has jumped from the tub again and is flapping on the floor. White steps back into the bathroom. He picks up the fish again, doesn't know what to do with it, so he puts it in his pocket. BACK IN THE OTHER ROOM He searches through things. A grey overcoat in the closet. He goes through the pockets, finds a WALLET. No I.D., just a laundry bill, some money and a postcard from a sea-side town. ANGLE ON A REVOLVER on the bed-side table. He picks it up, his grip tightens on the handle, his finger applies pressure to the trigger and... BANG! The gun goes off. A BULLET RICOCHETS wildly around the room, bounces off the metal bed-head, smashes a vase, embeds itself in the wall. Startled, he holds the gun away from him like it might go off again. He examines it carefully now. Opens the chamber. TIGHT ON THE GUN - Five bullets left. He turns the chamber carefully, shuts it, puts the gun in the inside pocket of the coat. He moves to the bed. A RIPPED PHOTOGRAPH on the rug. A fragment of a woman's face, her left eye. He lifts the fragment up. There's handwriting on the back, part of a note: ...MEANS THE MOST TO ME. LOVE YOU FOREVER. - E... The rest is missing. He sits on the edge of the bed. As he does this, he notices something else on the floor. HIS P.O.V. - follows a dark stain on the floorboards, to a woman's bare foot behind the bed. He stands abruptly, fumbles across the bed to stare into a dark corner of the room. In the shadows he can make out a woman's naked BODY lying in a pool of blood. Her eyes stare lifeless. White stumbles back in horror, throws his hands across his mouth. INT. HOTEL CORRIDOR - NIGHT White stumbles from the room, leans against a wall for support. Lights flicker. At the end of the corridor, elevator doors open. Light and musak flood out. INT. LOBBY - NIGHT White staggers from the elevator, moves past a deserted front desk. A VOICE from the back room: HOTEL MANAGER O.S. Hey, you! You gotta message. White stops, looks uncertainly towards a bead curtain. WHITE What? MANAGER O.S. Message in d'box! You deaf? White sees several nooks for messages and keys in front of him. Reaching across the desk, he glances through the bead curtain into the manager's office. TELEVISION SOUNDS O.S. HIS P.O.V. Hard to see - the man sits in the chair, lit by the glow of the T.V. set. White grabs the note, looks at it. A PHONE NUMBER, also his room number, and what appears to be his name: JONATHAN WHITE. That's all. White thrusts the message in his pocket. MANAGER O.S. Got my money? WHITE What? I... How long have I been here? MANAGER O.S. Jeez, too damn long if you ask me! What about the two weeks y'owe me... Totally confused, White turns to leave, sees something. Stops. HIS P.O.V. - A painting on a wall (cheap print variety) - waves on a beach. A breeze rustles the pages of a calender, pinned beside the picture. TIGHT ON WHITE - MOVE IN on his ear. O.S. SOUND - surf crashes on shore. A WOMAN'S VOICE WHISPERS: VOICE O.S. What is your name... What is your name... He backs away from the painting, looks about the lobby in panic - sees a sign: TOILETS. A painted hand points the way. MANAGER O.S. Hey! WHITE (without turning) I'll be back later. MANAGER O.S. Yeah. Well, y'better be. CAMERA REVEALS A FIGURE - watching from a shadowy corner of the lobby. As White runs out, the MYSTERY MAN picks up a pay-phone, dials. Whispers into the receiver in a foreign language. INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT White pushes shakily through a red door, runs down a corridor. Pipes steam and drip water. He rounds a corner, slips, nearly falls. INT. MEN'S ROOM - NIGHT Puddles on the floor, stains on the walls. White bursts through the door and into a cubicle. He bends over a toilet bowl and VOMITS. ANOTHER ANGLE He looks up, wipes his mouth on his sleeve. A breeze tugs at his stringy hair. A tiny ventilation grill above the cistern looks out at the street. HIS P.O.V. - OUTSIDE Sheets of newspaper blow past. A full moon, surrounded by blood red clouds, hangs above empty streets. INT. CINEMA - NIGHT A WATCH - on a hairy wrist. Seconds tick past. Soft flickering light. VOICES O.S. ANGLE ON FRANK BUMSTEAD - police inspector. He looks down at the watch. Time to leave. He STANDS, heads for an illuminated exit sign. Images flicker on a SCREEN. The inspector rushes to the door, runs into an USHER, who gasps. BUMSTEAD (to usher) Gesundheit! Bumstead quickly moves off. INT. CINEMA LOBBY The INSPECTOR makes a call, licks the tip of a pencil, scribbles in a notebook. Behind thick glass, he argues soundlessly into a phone. BIG IN FOREGROUND - a popcorn machine rattles noisily. INSIDE THE BOOTH The inspector is upset, face strained. A MALE VOICE chatters quickly through the receiver. BUMSTEAD (cuts in) ...but you told me the meeting was ten-thirty. A burst of chatter. BUMSTEAD I know, sir, but I can't make it at nine-thirty... It's - um - well, inconvenient... A stream of chatter stops him. BUMSTEAD Yes, sir... I understand... Yes... But, I've done fine so far without an assistant... The inspector tries to interject as the VOICE cuts in again... BUMSTEAD But... But I... I... (defeated) Nine-thirty. Yes. INT. MEN'S ROOM We are underwater. WHITE's FACE swims into view. Bubbles spew from the mouth, the eyes stare in horror. ANGLE ON MEN'S ROOM White washes his face in a sink. He looks up, wipes his face dry with his coat. He turns towards the door to leave. There are TWO - identical. He cannot remember which he came through. Takes a guess, opens one and steps into darkness. He realizes he's picked the wrong door, tries to go back but the door CLICKS behind him: locked. INT. CONCRETE TUNNEL Pitch black. Trickling water. A distant voice over a P.A. system recites names, followed by numbers. A LIGHT, far away. White walks towards it. He steps into a bare concrete area, a public phone hangs on a blank wall. He pulls a coin from his pocket, puts it in the slot, dials the number on his message. Ringing - no answer. Suddenly White feels cold. VOICE O.S. There you are. Startled, White drops the phone and turns. A figure moves forward out of darkness: ANGLE ON THE MYSTERY MAN from the hotel lobby. The stranger wears a long black coat, dark glasses, and has extremely pale skin. He is completely bald. He studies White carefully. White glances about nervously - walks back up the corridor, his eyes pinned to the man. MYSTERY MAN You are lost, yes? White retreats faster. A FLASH OF STEEL - a dagger appears by the stranger's side, gripped in a black leather glove. He moves forward, a grin on his pale face. White stops, backs against the wall. MYSTERY MAN Co-operate. Do not make this difficult. White panics - he's cornered. He remembers the revolver. He pulls it from his coat and LEVELS it at the stranger, his hand shakes terribly. ON THE STRANGER continuing to advance. Something about his eyes makes White immobile, unable to think clearly. MYSTERY MAN You will not shoot, yes. There is a place in your mind, a corner of darkness... THE GUN FIRES again and again. Red splashes appear on the man. His shoulder. His leg. His neck. He walks forward, with spastic jerks as bullets RIP into him. A final shot POINT BLANK into the stranger's forehead. A stream of black liquid spouts from the hole. Blue smoke clears. The man stands motionless, his mouth hangs open. Then his eyes roll up, and he collapses to the ground. INT. MORGUE - NIGHT CLICKING of new leather shoes, walking, striking tiles. INSPECTOR BUMSTEAD strides down a silent corridor. He reaches into his pocket, removes a SURGICAL MASK, places it over his nose and mouth. WIDER ANGLE Bumstead steps up to a bald man with a moustache standing at the end of the corridor. The man, who is dressed identically to the inspector, is his superior: CHIEF-INSPECTOR STROMBOLI. BUMSTEAD Good evening, sir. STROMBOLI Yes. This way. STROMBOLI leads the inspector into a tiled room containing several COVERED BODIES. The two men are greeted by a cheerful- looking MORTICIAN. MORTICIAN Welcome, gentlemen. Youíre early. Here for the examination, right? Stromboli nods, then ignores the mortician and walks along the row of corpses. Bumstead follows. STROMBOLI The handiwork of an extremely sick individual. He throws back covers to reveal horrible mutilations. STROMBOLI Youíve read the reports. Not much to go on. We know nothing about him, except that he likes to cut them... Always the same type of blade. Forensics match in each case... Anyway, it's all in the reports, read them for yourself. STROMBOLI shakes his head, turns away from the final body, looks at the inspector. STROMBOLI Why are you wearing that thing on your face? BUMSTEAD Germs, sir. These places are full of them. STROMBOLI I see. (continues) One thingís for sure, heís ambitious. Youíll be a busy man from now on. MORTICIAN You can say that again. Stromboli looks annoyed at the smiling man. The Mortician becomes serious and goes back to his work. BUMSTEAD What about Thompson, sir? Wasnít this his case? STROMBOLI Thompson suffered a kind of severe delusion or some damn thing. Anyway he isnít with us any longer. The case is yours. Go through his files. Take what you need. (less business-like) By the way, howís your mother? BUMSTEAD Sheís getting better, thanks. She... STROMBOLI (cuts in) Very good... The chief-inspector turns, paces to the door briskly. STROMBOLI Letís go, Bumstead. So much to do and so little time. EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT A large faded BILLBOARD advertisement on a building facade. A portrait of a smiling woman clutching a product called, "LUMP- O" - a cereal box carton. THE CAMERA MOVES IN STEADILY, rises upwards, CLOSER on the womanís face, finally enters a hole at the centre of her PAINTED IRIS. INT. STAIR-WELL A raftered room on the other side of the billboard. CAMERA TILTS TO a convoluted staircase - at the base, the SHADOW OF A MAN runs. FEET pace rapidly. TILT UP TO REVEAL - WHITE. CAMERA FOLLOWS as he tries to lose himself from possible pursuers. He steps through a low archway into a back alley, rounds a corner. A DEAD-END. White stops, looks around, then up. Heís breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath. He starts to shake. ABOVE, the walls stretch into darkness. An OPENING way up there - he can see stars. Something dark crosses the gap of sky. A RUSHING NOISE in the distance. Wind starts to pick up. Trash is being kicked up. A sheet of NEWSPAPER wraps around Whiteís leg. He tries to kick it away repeatedly but it wonít come off. He bends down, grabs it to throw it away, but something grabs his eye. He stares at the page for a moment - then his LEGS SLIP from under him and he falls to the ground. He holds his head like itís going to explode. A whimper deep in his throat. His body is trembling violently. PUSH IN TIGHT on the paper on the ground. A front-page headline: MAN-HUNT CONTINUES FOR SERIAL KILLER! White looks up - terrified. The RUSHING NOISE O.S. again. HIS P.O.V. ON THE WALL facing him, a DOOR has appeared where moments before there was nothing. The door creaks open to reveal ANOTHER DOOR WITHIN. This one extends outwards on the end of a lengthening wooden shaft. White, stands quickly, thrusts the newspaper into a pocket. Tries to side-step the ADVANCING DOOR but itís too late, he can only open it and step through, to avoid getting pinned to the wall. INT. HOTEL LOBBY - NIGHT HAND-HELD P.O.V. THROUGH the swaying beads hanging in the back- room doorway. TWO FIGURES peer into the room. FIGURE 1 We are looking for Jonathan White. THE HOTEL MANAGER looks up, moves forward into light: a squat, hunch-backed man with glasses. He steps through the beads, glares at the intruders. MANAGER What for? ON THE MEN - an uncanny resemblance to the one who tried to kill White. Black coats, glasses, pale skin. Creepy. A BLACK GLOVED HAND flashes forward, grips the managerís face and doesnít let go. The manager struggles, gulps for air. Heís pushed back heavily against the wall. MAN 1 Which room is he in? The leather glove SQUEEZES, blood trickles from the managerís ears, through the fingers. INT. ROOM 43 ANOTHER (VERY SHORT) FIGURE is searching the room. He hears NOISES O.S. in the corridor, runs to the door, presses against the wall. ON THE MAN - FREDRICK - a stunted body, an oversized head, thick limbs. The rest of his features lost in shadow. The door swings open, a shaft of light floods the dark room. ON THE TWO MYSTERY MEN as they step in and look around. They search the room, knock stuff over. One of the men kicks at the womanís corpse in the corner. Behind him, Fredrick, still hiding near the door, slips into the corridor unnoticed. EXT. FLYING P.O.V. - NIGHT A FLYING PERSPECTIVE past buildings. An INSECT-LIKE BUZZING O.S. Way down BELOW, in a canyon of silent buildings, a LONE FIGURE walks. EXT. DOWN ON THE STREET A breeze pulls at WHITEís hair and coat. He takes out the wallet - a few dollars. HIS P.O.V. AS HE WALKS The city is DEAD. Empty. Desolate. Buildings hang down out of black. Day-time was never invented. As he puts the wallet back in his pocket, a BUSINESS CARD he hadnít noticed, flutters to the ground. He stops, picks it up. In simple print: DOCTOR D.P. SCHREBER M.D., a phone number. Scribbled handwriting on the back says: Thursday 0930. ON WHITE - he glances across the street. HIS P.O.V. - A cafe. A broken NEON FISH buzzes above the doorway. INT. CHINESE CAFE He walks up rickety stairs, into a small room with five or six tables. Empty. Dirty. He sits and waits. A CLOCK ticks on the wall - midnight. White coughs, for attention. A NOISE from a doorway. A SHADOW moves towards him, dragging one foot as it walks. A SMALL ASIAN WOMAN appears and limps to his table. She speaks very quickly IN CHINESE. He does not understand. She points to a chalk board on the wall - a list of dishes also in Chinese, only one in English - the last one. At the bottom. In small print. "NOODLES". WHITE (nods) The noodles. Iíll have some noodles. The old woman rips a YELLOW TICKET from a pad, gives it to White. A number on it. She points her crooked finger again at a SPEAKER BOX above a small serving window in the wall. A greenish fluoro pulses from the room within. WOMAN We call. She leaves again. White looks about the empty room. Insects are zapped on an illuminated DEVICE hanging on the wall. An old air-conditioner RATTLES noisily. NOISES from the kitchen - voices argue in Chinese, a baby cries. Then SILENCE. White removes the newspaper from his coat and spreads it on the table. He overcomes his fear, starts to read the article. Leans forward, hands trembling. Without realising, he holds the paper OVER A CANDLE burning on the table. The paper CATCHES FIRE, is engulfed. He drops the flaming page on the table. Now the table-cloth starts to burn. White is frantic. On a nearby table he finds a pitcher of water, and dumps this on the flames. It kills the fire but leaves a black hole in the table-cloth. The paper is ash. He moves to another table pretending nothing happened, fans the smoke away. INT. POLICE STATION - NIGHT BUMSTEAD is moving quickly. He suddenly trips and falls to the floor. He curses under his breath, then looks up. HIS P.O.V. A door - THOMPSON: DETECTIVE/INSPECTOR on the frosted glass. Bumstead stands, pushes into the office. INSIDE A total mess - paperwork everywhere, dozens of used coffee cups, rotting food in greasy paper bags. Bumstead shakes his head. BUMSTEAD A real shame... He starts to look around. TIGHT ON FILING CABINET - a drawer is pulled open. Thompsonís files are also a mess. Bumstead continues to shake his head. He reaches for a file. A loud SNAP! BUMSTEAD (screams) YAAAAAAAAAH! He recoils. A mousetrap has snapped over his fingers. He pulls it off his hand, throws it to the floor, cursing. INT. CHINESE CAFE White is still waiting for his food. He leans down to scratch an itchy ankle, lifts his trouser leg to examine the bites - worse, inflamed. He uses a napkin to wipe at the pus. AERIAL PERSPECTIVE OF A FLY - circling the room, looking down on White. ON THE FLY - It lands on a plate of half eaten food on another table. The creature is some kind of SURVEILLANCE DEVICE - half insect/half machine. Itís spying on him. MOVE IN TIGHT as inbuilt camera lenses focus in its head. It shits on the food behind it. White is oblivious to this. Heís finished examining his leg, is sitting quietly. He yawns. His head nods forward briefly. A NOISE. White looks up. A TRAP-DOOR has opened in the ceiling. Two feet in black leather shoes descend from the hole. A sea breeze blows through the room. The SOUND OF SURF, SEAGULLS CRYING. ON Whiteís nose twitching. He can smell the ocean. The WALLPAPER COMES ALIVE - like a seething tangle of worms. One by one, THREE MEN in black coats lower into the room, floating on air. They pull out knifes, step forward. ON WHITE rigid with terror. ON THE MEN - though their faces cannot be seen clearly in the gloom, they too resemble the MAN who confronted White earlier. They walk towards him slowly, holding knifes above their heads. Ready to attack. They lean over him, pause dramatically. MAN 1 Donít fall asleep. (chuckles softly) Might never wake, yes. This Man turns to the others. They all smile, then turn back to White. MEN (in unison) Fifty-six. ANOTHER VOICE has been speaking softly - now it is louder. Repeating: VOICE Fifty-six... Fifty-six... ANGLE - a chair falls to the floor. White leaps up from the table, terrified, disoriented. Just a DREAM - he had dozed. WIDEN ANGLE - The place is still empty. White glances to the serving window. A DISH waits for him, framed in the glowing fluoro square. He gets it. A bowl of soupy liquid with noodles. He sits down. He is about to start eating - realizes he has a fork instead of a spoon. Picking up the bowl again, he heads to the kitchen. INT. CORRIDOR He takes a door beneath a set of wooden stairs and finds himself in another corridor. He looks about, unsure which direction to go in. INT. SERIES OF ROOMS - LATER White is lost, still holding the soup. He moves through a number of RUSTED METAL DOORS that open and shut automatically. Each reveals another room or corridor. Deserted spaces long forgotten - dusty, crumbling. He feels the fish moving about in his pocket, pulls it out and looks at it. White holds the dying fish in one hand, the bowl of cold soup in the other. Disgusted, he puts the fish into the bowl. INT. CORRIDOR A TICKING SOUND O.S. White stops. Looks up. A large clock suspended from the rafters. A tug at his coat. Standing beside him is FREDRICK - the little man from Whiteís hotel room. FREDRICK (stutters) Where have you been? The doctorís been worried about you. WHITE What? Who are you? Fredrick looks nervously down the corridor. FREDRICK Címon, letís go! We donít have any time. The little man grabs Whiteís sleeve, starts to pull him along. WHITE Hold it a minute. Letís start at the beginning, huh? ANGLE ON - the top of a set of stairs in front of them. Two dark figures appear. Fredrick looks up at them in horror. FRERICK Shit! (looks at White) Quick! Run! Both men run like crazy, White awkwardly holding the bowl of soup. They come to a junction, each takes a separate corridor. Fredrick finds some stairs, climbs two at a time. White climbs INTO FRAME, looks around, finds another corridor. The little man is nowhere to be seen. White reaches another junction - several corridors branch off. HIS P.O.V. PANNING AROUND Each passageway completely deserted. WHITE Shit. He keeps running. INT. HOTEL LOBBY A PHOTO FLASH - illuminates the dead body of the hotel manager, slumped in his own blood. Bumstead leans INTO FRAME, examines the corpse. He notices several stab wounds in the manís abdomen. Various cops search the room. One cop walks up to the Inspector. COP We got another one upstairs BUMSTEAD (deadpan) Great. INT. ROOM - NIGHT A SMALL ROOM with arched windows that look over the city. Fredrick is pulling a notebook and pen from under an upturned table. He scrawls rapidly, screws the message into a tight tube, then puts it into a METAL CYLINDER he finds beneath the table also. He glances out a window, notices A FIGURE standing beneath a street-lamp below, looking up at him. Startled, Fredrick darts back into shadow, goes to a wall covered in about a dozen vertical PIPES running up into the ceiling. TIGHT ON ONE OF THE PIPES - he opens a small hatch and puts the metal cylinder in it. The cylinder is snatched from his hand, sucked into the pipe with a rush of air. WIDER Fredrick steps back, a sigh of relief. A shadow falls across his back. He turns. He screams. INT./EXT. VARIOUS TIGHT - rushing along lengths of rusted pipe, at blinding speed. The cylinder races around corners. It clanks and grinds. HURTLES up the side of a building. THEN PLUMMETS underground. Rushes through darkness. EXT. BRIDGE - NIGHT THE CAMERA MOVES along a bridge-like structure. An enclosed corridor supported by rotting wooden pylons. Under the bridge, pipes spew sewage into stagnant water. ANGLE ON WHITE WALKING - seen through a series of illuminated, dirty, windows. He occasionally glances into the bowl he holds before him. INSIDE TIGHT ON the fish swimming weakly in the soup. ANGLE ON WHITE - He stops, looks up at O.S. SOUND of clattering metal. A pipe runs the length of the corridor - the invisible clanging cylinder races away, into darkness. Then the silence is shattered by a piercing series of SCREAMS somewhere in the building. White hurriedly moves towards the source. ANOTHER CORRIDOR White rounds a corner, stops, notices a small rectangular HOLE in a wall. ANOTHER SCREAM, weaker now - He runs to the hole in the wall and looks through. HIS P.O.V. A small, very ordered ROOM. A fake fireplace bathes the room in a warm glow. White cranes his neck forward, stretches his head through the hole. He can see into an adjoining room to his right - two dark figures stand over a man on the floor lying in a pool of dark crimson. The man looks up - itís Fredrick - just as both dark figures stab him repeatedly with bloody daggers. He doesnít scream this time, just gags on blood running from his mouth. Suddenly a sliding door SLAMS onto the back of Whiteís neck, traps his head in the hole. He struggles, tries to free himself. Drops the bowl of soup. It shatters on the hard floor, makes a mess. INSIDE THE BATHROOM - The killers look up at the smashing noise. BACK IN THE CORRIDOR - White pulls with all his strength. The door gives and he stumbles backwards. He is about to run away but glances at the floor. The fish is flapping about - still alive. EXT. STREET White darts from a doorway, trips and falls. He sprawls at the base of sweeping stone steps. He looks at a building towering above him. Chiselled in the facade, above the entrance: LIBRARY. INT. POLICE STATION A series of ply-wood SILHOUETTES race through frame. Stop suddenly, mechanically. LOUD GUNSHOTS. Chunks of ply-wood blast away violently. BUMSTEAD is practising his marksmanship. A HAND - on his shoulder. He whips around, startled. ON MISS CRENSHAW - a young, stiff-looking woman. BUMSTEAD Dammit! MISS CRENSHAW Sorry, sir. BUMSTEAD Donít ever sneak up on me like that! Who are you? MISS CRENSHAW Patricia Crenshaw. She puts out her hand. MISS CRENSHAW Iím your new assistant. BUMSTEAD I didnít requisition a secretary. MISS CRENSHAW The Chief-Inspector thought you might need a hand. BUMSTEAD (uncertain) Oh. He takes her hand tentatively. They shake. MISS CRENSHAW Iíve taken the liberty and had Inspector Thompsonís office searched, as I believe you instructed. All clear now, sir. They found several more traps and things were filed under pretty strange categories... Poor man. BUMSTEAD Good. MISS CRENSHAW You wonít regret this, sir. BUMSTEAD Fine. Bumstead moves off. INT. LIBRARY White steps into a vast, empty room, stops beneath a big sign saying, SILENCE in formal letters. The place seems abandoned, then he notices a hint of movement. Cigarette smoke snakes into the air, a light, across the expanse of polished floor. He walks up to an elderly female LIBRARIAN sitting behind a desk, smoking, reading. White looks somewhat distraught still. WHITE Keep newspapers here, birth certificates, records of deaths, that kind of thing? The librarian looks up from her book. LIBRARIAN Which would you like first? WHITE Okay. Newspapers. She takes her glasses off. Her eyes are TINY, like pin-heads. She studies White. LIBRARIAN Are you alright? He looks around - restrained panic. WHITE (looks at the woman) Sure. Iím fine. LIBRARIAN (nods) Mmm-hmm. Stairs at the end of the hall. Third floor. Turn left. Section C-7. Row 35, near the toilets. She replaces her glasses, watches White rush away. LIBRARIAN Donít mention it... She blows her nose into a handkerchief. The snort ECHOES LOUDLY. INT. LIBRARY CORRIDOR White rushes down a dark hall lined with bronze statues. He finds section C then walks between towering rows stacked with old volumes. Comes to number 7. He follows an arrow past row after row - finally finds Row 34 but then it skips straight to letters again, A, B, C, etc. No Row 35. He stops and looks around - sure enough a door displays a small sign: TOILETS. White is sweating profusely. He now sits on a chair, takes off his shoes, rubs his feet. He pulls a book from a shelf behind him, looks about, opens the book and tears several pages out, folds them, stuffs them into his shoes to plug up the holes. He gets up, tries to backtrack, comes across an elaborate diagram of the library interior. An arrow points to a section near a wing labelled: MAPS. Near the arrow it says: YOU ARE HERE. He keeps walking. He finds the door to the maps wing but the door is locked, a sign is nailed to it: WE ARE REMODELLING. WE APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE. White, annoyed now, tries to force his way in. Puts his shoulder to the door, pushes several times. It CRUMBLES under his weight - rotten. He finds himself in a DUSTY ROOM. HIS P.O.V. A narrow room, filled with rows of bookshelves with stacks of old newspapers. TIGHT ON WHITE - he steps forward, pulls a folded newspaper off the shelf. The instant he picks it up, it crumbles to dust in his hands. He picks up another, and another, each in turn breaking apart and dissolving to nothingness. INT. DARK CHAMBER - NIGHT TWO SILHOUETTED FIGURES face each other across a polished black table. They speak in a foreign language. A phone rings. Figure 1 picks up the receiver and listens attentively. Figure 2 is involved with various metal shapes he is trying to lock together. A complex puzzle. He gets impatient with the puzzle, dashes it to the floor. Figure 1, on the phone, hangs up and writes something. Hands the note to Figure 2, who in turn drops it into A CHUTE. CONTROL ROOM The note falls from a slot in the wall before Figure 3 (in shadow yet again). He reads from the note over a silver microphone, still in the unfamiliar tongue. TIGHT ON A SPEAKER - his distorted voice. A final mysterious person - Figure 4 - listens to the announcement. He takes a stick and moves a small cut-out figure of a man across a board, away from a large grouping of similar cut-outs. The board resembles a planning table in a war-room. A HIGH ANGLE as the CAMERA PULL BACKS on the grouping of cut out figures. More and more of them. Ten. Twenty. A hundred. A sinister army. INT. INTERSECTING STREET - NIGHT White is in a phone booth. He removes the note from his pocket, dials. No answer again. He dials the OPERATOR. A muffled voice over the line. WHITE Iím trying to reach nine zero eight triple two. I canít get through... (beat) What?!... (angry) Shit! He reaches into his pocket, pulls out a coin, puts it into the slot. Heís sweating again. He wipes his brow with a trembling hand. WHITE It is?... Which area is that number listed in?... Is that near the ocean?... The ocean... Never mind. Have a Jonathan White listed?... WHITE. Seventeen? All Johns? I see... Never mind. He hangs up, then removes the business card he found in his wallet. He is about to dial but decides otherwise. He steps into the street. A HIGH ANGLE White walks between tall buildings, towards a narrow street that branches off into two separate routes. He stops. He canít decide which branch to take - he steps to the left, then steps back, takes a few steps to the right, reconsiders again... INT. POLICE STATION/BUMSTEADíS OFFICE - NIGHT TRACK ALONG - piles of towering files bursting at the seams with paperwork - TO FIND Bumstead hunched over notes, photographs and files. His eyes are rimmed with red. He doesnít seem to be getting anywhere. CRENSHAW O.S. Coffee? He looks up. The secretary stands in the doorway with another big pile of paperwork. BUMSTEAD What? I donít drink coffee. A cup of tea would be good. Milk and no sugar. Crenshaw puts the paperwork down on Bumsteadís already overcrowded desk. CRENSHAW Making progress? He looks at her like she just slapped him. BUMSTEAD These are the investigations of a madman. He has fabricated an entire bizarre paranoid delusion with no internal logic whatever. (without looking up) This is a mess. A horrible mess. (looks at her now) Itís the second time now. Miss Crenshaw looks concerned. BUMSTEAD Look at this! He holds up a sheet of white paper - a report. The woman steps over and looks at it. BUMSTEAD You typed this report? MISS CRENSHAW Yes, sir. Anything wrong? BUMSTEAD Wrong? Look at this! The woman bends down, adjusts her glasses, examines it. MISS CRENSHAW It seems fine. BUMSTEAD Fine? Look here! His finger points at the bottom of the page - a tiny, INSIGNIFICANT ink smudge. BUMSTEAD How can I submit this? MISS CRENSHAW Iím sorry... BUMSTEAD Do you wash your hands before you type things? MISS CRENSHAW Why, yes. BUMSTEAD Well be more careful, please. An embarrassed beat, then: RI-I-I-ING! Bumstead reaches for the phone but Crenshaw is on it first. CRENSHAW Inspector Bumsteadís office... Yes... Yes... She cups the receiver with her hand, looks at Bumstead. MISS CRENSHAW Yes, sir. The Chief-Inspector said he would see you now. INT. POLICE STATION HALL-WAY TRACKING SHOT towards a door: CHIEF-INSPECTOR on the frosted glass. A hand reaches INTO FRAME, knocks twice. STROMBOLI O.S. Enter! INSIDE Bumstead steps into the office - finds STROMBOLI wandering about the room, distracted, searching for something... STROMBOLI What is it? He pulls the waste-basket up and empties the contents onto his desk, sorts through it. BUMSTEAD A formality. I need to speak with Thompson. Officially I need your written permission. Stromboli is looking through his desk drawers now. STROMBOLI Why do you want to speak to him? BUMSTEAD A hunch. He might be able to... STROMBOLI (from under desk) Bumstead, donít be so paranoid. Leave him alone - heís a sad case. BUMSTEAD Itís extremely important to my investigation... STROMBOLI Iíll be the judge of that. Anything else? BUMSTEAD Actually, I was wondering, sir, if you could let me have a few uniforms, to follow up for me... STROMBOLI O.S. (pokes head above desk) Absolutely not. Up to my ears in cases right now - canít spare anyone. Stromboli becomes distracted again - stands up, looks behind pictures hanging off the walls. A big sign suspended above his desk says, SO MUCH TO DO AND SO LITTLE TIME - his motto. BUMSTEAD Lost something? STROMBOLI What makes you think that! If you would learn to concentrate on facts, not get so side-tracked - you might get things done faster, Bumstead... The door clicks shut. Stromboli looks up - the inspector has gone. EXT. PLAZA - NIGHT White walks under stone archways. Across an empty plaza is a sign above a door: DRUGS OPEN 24 HOURS and in smaller print, recently added beneath: SHAVE & HAIRCUT $5.00. INT. DRUG STORE - NIGHT White walks between bare, dusty shelves. Only one shelf carries products - BOX AFTER BOX OF "LUMP-O". He moves up to a small counter. A man with thick glasses, dressed like a BARBER, is seated there. WHITE I need something to keep me awake. BARBER Looks like you need a haircut to me. WHITE Thanks. Just some pills. BARBER Only two bucks. Shave as well... WHITE (annoyed now) Your sign says you sell drugs - well, Iím here to buy some. Okay? BARBER Relax. Sure! He waves dramatically to a shelf above his head, with several bottles of all sorts of different coloured capsules. BARBER Tell you what - let me cut yer hair, give ya watcha need half price. Canít argue at that! WHITE (evenly) I donít want a haircut. LATER CAMERA TRACKS OFF a clock on a wall - REVEALS WHITE in a barber chair. The BARBER gleefully works on WHITEís hair. A thin OLD GUY in a moth-eaten suit steps from behind a curtain, smiles, playing a violin. Heís passionate but bad. BARBER (talks fast) Cut hair when I was in the navy, yíknow - havenít lost the touch. Bet youíre happy ëbout that. Huh! WHITE Sell maps? BARBER What of? WHITE The city. I need to get to the ocean. BARBER Nope. No maps. Ocean, huh? On vacation? White doesnít answer. The old guy with the violin moves back and forth behind White, smiling as he plays. BARBER Grandpa thought customers might like some mood music. WHITE (unconvinced) Nice... BARBER You still look familiar. Itís driving me nuts! Sure I donít know ya from somewhere? WHITE (nervous now) Not me. Barber looks out the front window as his hands busily trim hair. BARBER Mnunn. Cold lately. (lathers up Whiteís face) That night, couple weeks ago. That was real cold. Remember that? WHITE Not really... BARBER Yeah, Iím like that. Senility says the wife. But she sure canít complain. Heh. The erector set still works good. (points to head) And this ainít no fucking rug! Gíhead. Feel it! All mine! Grandpa laughs and plays louder. GRANDPA Yes! Feeeeel it! PUSH IN ON WHITE - he smiles weakly. INT. DETAIL - NIGHT A HAND scrawls cryptic diagrams into a notebook. PULL OUT TO REVEAL DOCTOR SCHREBER at his desk. Heís bearded, with thick lensed glasses. He puts the phone down, sits quietly at his desk, staring into space, lost in thought. A LOUD RATTLING NOISE FILLS THE ROOM. Schreber looks up. HIS P.O.V. A rusted pipe runs across the ceiling and down one wall. He steps across to the pipe on the wall, leans down, looks into an open hatch at its base. Without warning, out of the hatch pops the metal cylinder FROM SEVERAL SCENES PREVIOUS and bounces off the doctor's head. He curses, picks it up, opens it. He plucks out the note and reads FREDRICKís SCRAWLED MESSAGE: DOCTOR, I DID AS YOU ASKED. BUT THINK I MADE STUPID MISTAKE. HOPE THINGS DONíT GET BACK TO YOU. SORRY. - FREDRICK. Schreber looks up - then PUNCHES HIS FIST into the desk angrily. INT. EMPTY BUILDING A P.O.V. MOVES DOWN halls made of wood slatting - the floors, walls and ceilings are bare boards. FOOTSTEPS O.S. TIGHT ON - a manís shadow as it descends a wooden staircase. REVEAL WHITE - He rummages in a paper bag as he walks. Pulls out two capsules, swallows them. Now he pulls out a pack of "LUMP-O", rips it open, eats ravenously. EXT. STREET - NIGHT White steps out into a street, turns a corner, drops the empty packet of cereal. Now he sees TWO FIGURES APPROACH. He hides behind a wall before he is seen. Suddenly a deafening RINGING startles him. He looks across a plaza. HIS P.O.V. - A CHURCH. A bell-tower, black against the sky. White stares up into the night. INT. CHURCH - NIGHT White walks in, sits on A PEW, towards the back of the room, glances over his shoulder. He tries to blend in with the SMALL GATHERING OF PEOPLE sitting silently around him. A PRIEST - appears at the altar, cloaked in a blood-red robe, followed by two altar boys also in red. They move past a statue of an insect-like creature, walk in circles chanting softly, stop and stare at the congregation through eye-slits in their hoods. The priest begins his sermon. PRIEST Beware! The night is deadly. There is a criminal among us. White looks forward. TIGHT ON the priestís hand - It rises, points, moves over the heads of the congregation, accusingly. Suddenly the red finger jabs towards an OLD WOMAN in the front row. PRIEST It could be she! The innocent across the street! All the congregation turn and stare at the woman. Sheís terrified. The hand moves slowly now, across to a BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE WOMAN several rows back. PRIEST Or the temptress next door! The priest pauses dramatically then: PRIEST Or mister nervy stranger at the back! Suddenly the finger is pointing at White. All the faces turn, stare suspiciously at White. ANGLE ON WHITE - frozen with fright. Fortunately his face is obscured by shadow and the priest lowers his hand, continues the sermon. The people look away. PRIEST You are thinking it could be anyone? And youíre right! Why, it could even be Mother! White goes to leave. As he stands he notices the DOORS of the church open - two figures step in and move into the candle- light. MYSTERY MEN - Whiteís bizarre pursuers. They look around. White ducks down, crawls between pews, startling several of the congregation. He motions to them to keep quiet. He runs into the legs of the BEAUTIFUL WOMAN the priest pointed out. She is startled momentarily but looks down at him, smiles. PRIEST (continues sermon) Evil stalks our streets. It seeks to hide in our hearts. Have you not evil within you now? White sees a nearby CONFESSION BOX. Staying low, he runs, almost knocks over a large illuminated candle-holder, darts inside. The girl watches him. A GAUNT-FACED WOMAN stands. Hysterical. She looks at the priest. GAUNT WOMAN He took my little boy! Iíll rip out his eyes! INSIDE - White breaths relief. HIS P.O.V. - carved on the dark stained wood in front of him is a crucified insect. A voice surprises him. Another PRIEST, OLDER. OLDER PRIEST You have sinned? WHITE NO. Ah... White watches the two Mystery Men walk past, through the ornate wooden grill in front of his face. PRIEST I am listening. WHITE (lying) Thereís a... woman. I don't know but I think I, ahh... PRIEST You fornicated? The Mystery Men look towards the box for a moment, towards White, but keep walking. WHITE No. I, ah... PRIEST You seem restless. The Mystery Men seem to have gone. White takes out the gun, keeping it hidden from the priest. Opens the chamber. TIGHT ON THE GUN - Only ONE BULLET left. WHITE Someoneís after me. PRIEST Then we must call the police. WHITE No. I mean... that isnít necessary. The silhouette on the other side of the box leans forward. PRIEST I see. Then who is after you? What sins have you committed? WHITE Just let me sit here for a moment? Iíll go soon, and stop bothering you. The priest suddenly stares incredulously at White. His eyes widen in horror. PRIEST Youíre the murderer? (starts to yell) Yes! That must be it! Donít kill me! White lunges, grabs his collar with one hand, slaps the other over his mouth. The old man stares at him, trembling uncontrollably. WHITE Shut up! Listen. Walk out quietly. (holds up gun) Understand? The priest nods stupidly. White pushes him out of the confession box, grabs his coat from behind, puts the gun to his back. Together they head for the doors. Still no sign of the Mystery Men. PRIEST Donít kill me! WHITE Shut up! PRIEST Please... White loses his temper, grabs the priest, shakes him violently. WHITE (not so quietly) Iím not going to kill you, okay! Faces turn. The priest kicks White in the leg, bites his hand. While White is wincing in pain, the priest breaks away. PRIEST (shouting/pointing) CRIMINAL! People start to scream and run. The GAUNT WOMAN points at White. GAUNT WOMAN (screams insanely) Itís him! Rip out his eyes! Frightened, White holds the gun out. Everyone panics, scatters. People run for the exit. Religious statues topple and smash. The gaunt woman is pushed screaming to the floor, trampled by the crowd. Amidst the chaos, the two MYSTERY MEN appear across the room, see White, head towards him. He turns and runs. A STAIRCASE White climbs narrow stairs rapidly. INT. BELL TOWER White stops, nowhere left to go, just a long drop to the street through a series of arched windows. A low, raftered room, three huge black BELLS. Suddenly a groan of gears in the ceiling and the bells start to swing, build momentum. CLANG! CLA-A-A-ANG! A cacophony of noise. White puts his hands over his ears in pain, then turns to the stairs. HIS P.O.V. Through the swinging bells - the MYSTERY MEN climb the last few steps on the other end of the dark room. They advance slowly, clutching daggers. White raises his gun. Aims. Difficult to find his target - the approaching MEN are obscured by the bells. White steps sideways, never taking his eyes off the Men. They follow him slowly, pivoting about the bells in the centre of the tower, pursuers and pursued remaining a semi-circle apart. WHITE (shouts) What do you want? Tell me! The Men stop. So does White. They separate, now approaching him from OPPOSITE sides, moving around the bells. White doesnít know who to point the gun at - he swings back and forth, one to the other, faster and faster, as the Men approach. He lets them get uncomfortably close, then swings to his right, thrusts the gun to one Manís forehead. FIRES. The Man steps back, spouting liquid from the bullet hole, hits a low railing, FALLS into the shaft at the centre of the tower. The second Man SWINGS his dagger at White. White falls backwards, dropping his gun clumsily. The Man advances, smiling - kicks the gun across the wooden floor. White, clutching at straws, lifts his foot, kicks down hard on a loose floorboard. The board flies up, pivoting against Whiteís heel, catches the Mystery Man with a CRACK under the chin. White runs at the off-balance Man, head-butts him in the stomach. The Man recoils, canít stop, steps off backwards into space, PLUMMETS INTO DARKNESS towards the street below. White relieved, turns, dusts himself, picks up his gun. Looks down at the floor. Broken glass and capsules everywhere - he dropped the bottle of pills during the scuffle. Starts to pick them up. Behind him SOMETHING is rising. The shadowy Mystery Man is LEVITATING HIMSELF back up to the bell-tower. He lands behind White, approaches, lifting his dagger, closer and closer. White glances around. The Man lunges, pushing White towards the shaft beneath the swinging bells. White FALLS, dangles over dark space, the Man stands above him. MYSTERY MAN (shouts) Do not make us hurt you... The bells are swinging very close to the Man. MYSTERY MAN It will be inconvenient, yes... Suddenly, to Whiteís amazement, the shiny black rim of a bell clips the Manís head. SLAMS it against a low wooden beam in the ceiling. A splash of black liquid. The Man slumps to the ground, his head crushed beyond recognition. White pulls himself up - stands over the Manís body, trying to decide what to do. A MOVEMENT catches his eye. TIGHT ON the collapsed Manís ear - something moves inside. A BLACK INSECT, half-dead, crawls out of his crushed head. White revolted, SQUASHES the insect under his shoe. EXT./INT. VARIOUS - MONTAGE RAPID MOVE ACROSS MYSTERY MEN screaming. Faces contort with pain. INTERCUT WITH: Electricity ARCING between electrodes. A building against the sky. The windows EXPLODE. Glass blows out, raining down on the street. A concrete wall SPLITS OPEN. Slime oozes through the crack. An old man, walks on a deserted street, looks up at the sky. One of the lenses of his spectacles CRACKS without warning. A chair falls over in a dark room. A woman under a hair-dryer gossips on a phone. Suddenly the phone emits a high-pitched shriek. Her ear spouts blood and she screams. A small transistor radio emits a high frequency and short circuits with a spark. EXT. BUILDING TIGHT ON - a wristwatch spinning backwards rapidly - completely haywire. INSPECTOR BUMSTEAD stands on a street corner staring blankly at his watch. Taps it several times, annoyed, then looks up at a THREE STOREY BUILDING. He holds a piece of paper in his other hand - on it a number rapidly scrawled: 23. HIS P.O.V. The dilapidated building - arched windows only on the topmost floor. A faded number on the facade - also 23. The windows light up continuously with rapid bursts of white light. INSIDE The inspector climbs a staircase, enters a dark room. TWO FIGURES move about. Bumstead glances at a UNIFORMED MAN, standing beside a fake fire, who acknowledges his arrival. To the side, A POLICE PHOTOGRAPHER flashes something swinging back and forth, hanging from the ceiling. It looks like... Fredrick. Dead. His arms and legs missing. A pool of blood beneath the mutilated torso. Bumstead looks at the cop. BUMSTEAD How long have you been here? COP Maybe ten minutes... (looks at his watch) Thatís strange. BUMSTEAD Spinning backwards? The cop is shaking his watch, tapping it with his finger. He looks up. Bumstead indicates his own watch. COP Yours too? Bumstead nods. He removes a notebook from his pocket, walks about the room, glances at objects, makes notes. Bumstead steps over to a small RECTANGULAR HOLE in the wall. He examines it carefully, then bends down and puts his head through. On the other side is a corridor snaking off into darkness. Just beneath the hole, is a broken dish and a puddle. Lying half in the puddle is the business card of Doctor D.P. Schreber M.D. Without removing his head from the hole he shouts to the nearby cop. BUMSTEAD I want prints over here... Suddenly the door has caught Bumsteadís head in it. He struggles. The cop and the photographer run over to help. EXT. BUILDING - NIGHT MOVE IN ON a doorway. Above it a small illuminated red sign: DOCTOR D.P. SCHREBER M.D. REVERSE ANGLE ON WHITE He stands on the street, under the sign, rummaging in his wallet, obviously looking for the business card he doesnít have anymore. INT. WAITING ROOM A white room, bare. Dirt stains the walls near the air-vents. A NURSE is typing behind her desk. A THUMPING fills the room. The nurse stands, removes her shoe and hits a pipe running along the wall several times. The noise stops. The front door creaks open and White enters. She watches him step into the room. WHITE I want to see the doctor. It's important. NURSE What time was your appointment? WHITE (angry) Look! Tell him I'm here. Now. He's leaning across her desk threateningly. NURSE (scared/standing) Yes, certainly... Who should I say? WHITE No idea. Just get him... Suddenly a door opens and DOCTOR SCHREBER, clutching a file of papers, steps out. He freezes, stares at White. The papers fall from his hands to the floor. INT. DARK CHAMBER - NIGHT A group of DARK SILHOUETTES file into a concrete room. The MYSTERY MEN have gathered. Like the Men who pursue White, they wear coats, leather gloves, dark glasses, and have near white skin. One MAN points to diagrams on a chalk board and speaks in the peculiar foreign tongue. TIGHT ON THE DIAGRAM - a path through the city. A circle marks the point where the red line ends - a cathedral. The Man goes into broken English - a guttural accent. MAN 1 It has failed. ANOTHER MAN stands at the rear of the room. MAN 2 This is becoming dangerous, yes! YET ANOTHER MAN starts to tremble violently, seized with some kind of convulsion. He froths at the mouth and throws his head about. A TALLER MAN standing beside him opens a silver box, removes a small WRITHING WORM. He places this on the tip of the trembling Man's tongue, who swallows it and calms down. MAN 3 Let's get this over with. ANOTHER MAN rises suddenly, pushes forcefully to the front of the group. MAN 5 What about the dance-steps! This is my responsibility, we must resolve this issue, yes? THE MEN turn to face him. He is out of line. He becomes irritated, as if to say something further, then pulls himself short, sits down. MAN 5 Sorry. MAN 3 The situation has changed. (pacing the room) This one is in possession of knowledge... MAN 1 (cuts in) avoid influence, yes. MAN 4 A freak! MAN 1 Impossible! RUMBLING NOISE O.S. attracts everyone's attention. They all look to a round portal high on a wall. The noise is louder. several figures on stilts run past outside the opening - then the noise subsides. The MYSTERY MEN go back to more important things. MAN 3 It gets interesting, yes. MAN 2 Stop this! It has gone too far! Tell Mister Black! Man 2 stares blankly into space, he makes a peculiar clicking noise with his mouth, his eyes roll upwards. INT. DOCTOR'S OFFICE THE CAMERA GLIDES down a corridor, towards a door - a sign says, DOCTOR IS: IN. INSIDE White sits in a leather chair across from an ornate wooden desk. THE DOCTOR paces up and down in front of glass jars containing preserved specimens. He stops, looks at White. SCHREBER You remember nothing? Who you are? What you've done? WHITE You know something about me? SCHREBER Ah, that would be cheating, wouldn't it? (smiles) Is there nothing you remember? Not even a detail? You must try. WHITE You think I haven't been trying! (calms himself) It's like there was never anything there. (pauses) Just water. SCHREBER Water? WHITE Waves... A beach. A woman whispering. That's all. (looks up, yawns) I need to stay awake. Do you have any pills? The doctor walks to a glass cabinet and removes a bottle, takes out two green capsules. Hands them to White. Sits behind the desk again. SCHREBER What does she say? The woman. WHITE Asks my name. Over and over. Just like a broken record. Only thing is, I can't answer. I've no idea what my name is. SCHREBER Your name is John White. WHITE That's what people keep telling me. Te doctor walks to a small sink in the corner, returns, hands White a glass of water. White swallows the pills. SCHREBER (indicates pills) And what's this about? Why? White stands up, starts to pace nervously. SCHREBER Bad dreams? WHITE Yes. SCHREBER Tell me about them... WHITE (interrupts) Yeah well, why don't I ask some questions for a change. SCHREBER If you like. WHITE You're supposed to be my doctor, right? SCHREBER That's right. I am your doctor. White is very agitated now, his voice is getting edgy. WHITE Known me for long? SCHREBER Well... WHITE (cuts in) Am I a killer? SCHREBER I cannot say... You don't know the answer to that? WHITE I told you, I can't remember a thing! White reaches across abruptly, GRABS the doctor. WHITE (angry now - shouting) Look, you know something about me, out with it! Let's end this bullshit! I want answers! The doctor is obviously scared. SCHREBER We won't get anywhere like this. Please. Let's take things in easy steps... INT. BUMSTEAD'S APARTMENT/KITCHEN - NIGHT TIGHT ON DRAWING PINS - Being pushed into a map. A seeming random pattern across the terrain of the city. Each pin is labelled: VICTIM 1, VICTIM 2,... etc. WIDER ON BUMSTEAD He's tired, like he hasn't slept. He's looking at the map stuck to a wall. There's several neat piles of folders on the kitchen table in front of him. The kitchen itself is incredibly neat - everything completely organized. Bumstead shakes his head slowly, turns away from the board. Picks up a cup of hot tea, pours milk into it from a small jar. TIGHT ON THE TEA CUP - Cream SWIRLS into a rapidly dissolving spiral. Bumstead looks up. Puts down the cup hurriedly, turns back to the map. With a thick pen he traces a line between each point marking the location of the victims. He steps back to examine his handiwork. A SPIRAL - moving outwards. Beyond the last victim it becomes a dotted line, following the same trajectory but with a big question mark beside it. Bumstead glances over to a blackboard with a list of names and addresses on it. He holds up the doctor's card and stares at it. He turns it over, notices an address on the back. INT. DOCTOR SCHREBER'S OFFICE - NIGHT SCHREBER is showing WHITE a series of CHARTS. The doctor seems nervous about White's potential for further violence. SCHREBER Put simply... a penetration of the left parieto-occipital area of the cranium... complicated by inflammation that resulted in adhesions of the brain to the meninges. Without going into detail... the formation of scar tissue altered the configuration of the lateral ventricles, producing incipient atrophy of the medulla... WHITE (cuts in) Look. It was a simple question. Can someone kill and not remember it? SCHREBER (smiles) I'm sorry. I get carried away sometimes. Possible? I'm... ah, afraid so. WHITE Did she drown? The woman you told me about? SCHREBER Not exactly. She was found in a canal, disembowelled. Throat cut. Blood drained. The body wrapped in a bed-sheet. White shakes his head, looking blankly at the doctor. WHITE Horrible... SCHREBER You remember nothing, eh? (shakes his head) Let me show you something. Schreber turns, points to DOUBLE-DOORS. He walks towards these. White follows. SCHREBER Formation of memories is the most important of brain functions. THE DOORS ARE OPENED They step into a room of living animal experiments. SCHREBER We are little more than a sum of memories. From them we reference who we are, where we're going. Without a past we are nothing. This is why you are so interesting. WHITE I'm nothing then. SCHREBER Anything but, my friend. The two men look down on a monkey with the top of its head missing, squirming in a mechanical device that restricts its movements. SCHREBER It feels no pain. White turns and starts to pace away. Schreber reluctantly follows. WHITE Can I get my life back? SCHREBER Maybe. Schreber points dramatically at a wooden structure containing two rats. SCHREBER We know of two kinds of memory. Firstly, declarative memory. The rats perform various activities involving mazes and geometric symbols. Schreber turns to look at White, eyebrow raised. SCHREBER And then there is procedural memory. TIGHT ON HIS SLENDER FINGER - pointing to a machine also run by rats. The object is to make it through a guillotine device. One rat is successful, the other is chopped neatly in two. SCHREBER Follow? White nods. SCHREBER Research on simple animals can be... useful. To show us where memory storing systems are located, for example. I am building an experiment with hamsters next. (looks at nearby cage of hamsters) Cute little things. Schreber puts a hand on White's shoulder. SCHREBER Listen to me talk! You must be hungry. White nods again, extremely troubled. INT. HALL-WAY (DOCTOR'S RESIDENCE) Schreber's office is an annex of his living quarters - a maze-like series of rooms and halls. White is led down a dark hall by Schreber, clutching a candle. SCHREBER Whole damn wing lost power. Wiring's old. Keep meaning to get it fixed. Here we are. They've stopped outside a flaking door. INT. KITCHEN A small eat-in kitchen. Dirty and run-down. White, sits at a bench, as Schreber removes items from the refrigerator. The doctor holds up a large FROZEN fish. SCHREBER Ah. Beautiful! Head and all! Just how I like 'em! ANGLE ON FRYING PAN ON STOVE - The fish lands in it and starts to sizzle furiously. ANGLE ON WHITE WHITE I'm sorry. About before. SCHREBER I don't blame you for getting angry. You are in a frustrating situation. You must be patient though. Trust me completely. I'm here to help. A set of swinging doors on the other side of the room open slightly and THE NURSE looks in. NURSE (to Schreber) I have to talk to you. SCHREBER It can't wait? She shakes her head, with a serious expression, then darts out again. SCHREBER (to White) Excuse me. Ah, make yourself at home. He leaves. Alone, White looks around the bleak room. He takes off his coat and sits down again. He removes the FISH. The eye opens. The creature looks up at him. It breaths painfully. WHITE Still kicking, huh? He puts it back in his pocket. The OTHER fish is spattering oil everywhere. Smoke starts to fill the room. White, steps over and looks at the frying pan. The fish is turning black. He turns the heat down. He notices a SMALL HOLE in the wall. At eye height. He steps across, looks through. TIGHT ON WHITE'S eye through the hole. HIS P.O.V. A dark room. Shadows on the wall. Something wet, some kind of ANIMAL, moving in the darkness. He can hear breathing and whispering voices. White's eyes start to blur, he rubs them. SCHREBER O.S. How are things in here? White spins, like he's caught doing something wrong. The Doctor walks across to the stove, prods the frying fish with a fork. SCHREBER Ah, nearly done. So tell me about your dreams. I'm very interested. White is having a hard time focusing. WHITE Just the typical fabrications of a distorted mind. You know, chased by mysterious men in black, that kind of thing... WHITE'S P.O.V. - ANGLE ON Schreber with his back turned, at the stove. THE IMAGE is blurring. SCHREBER Ah, our friends in black... they are not just a figment of your imagination you know, in fact none of what you are experiencing is anything but real. Smoke rises thickly around the doctor. SCHREBER I know everything about you. You have no choice but to trust me. Flames are shooting up around Schreber from the frying pan. His arms catch fire, and he suddenly spins around clutching flaming daggers in both hands, his whole body engulfed in fire, his face charred, black flesh hanging off his skull. SCHREBER Scarey, isn't it? White startles awake. Schreber stands at the stove looking at White. Everything is normal. SCHREBER Are you feeling alright? White stands awkwardly, pulls his coat on. SCHREBER What are you doing? WHITE I have to go... SCHREBER You can't go yet. We've got so much to talk about... Suddenly White feels feint - leans against the wall to steady himself. SCHREBER You're tired. You need to lie down. ON WHITE - swaying. WHITE Those pills... HIS P.O.V. The scene is distorted - like looking through water. Things start SPINNING. SCHREBER (echoic) Yes. A little something to help you relax. Harmless... A tile floor RISES rapidly TOWARDS CAMERA. CUT TO: GREY LIMBO Objects float underwater. They rise upwards amidst bubbles, break the surface. A storm at sea - dismembered BODY PARTS float all the way to the horizon. TWO FOETUSES in separate jars are talking to each other through the glass. FOETUS 1 This is madness. If we're caught... FOETUS 2 Shut-up. Help me with these straps... INT. EXAMINATION ROOM WHITE wakes strapped to an exantination table. SCHREBER and the NURSE loom above him. The nurse hands Schreber a long, chrome SYRINGE. The doctor moves towards White. SCHREBER (holds syringe up) Now you must relax, Anton. A DOOR-BELL RINGS O.S. The nurse makes for the door. SCHREBER Leave it! He's tapping the side of the syringe, squirting out air bubbles. THE DOOR-BELL RINGS again - very insistent. Schreber looks at the nurse, annoyed. SCHREBER Damn! Whoever it is - get rid of them! She heads to the door - turns back. NURSE Keys. Schreber puts the syringe down, fumbles in his pocket, pulls out a huge collection of KEYS on a ring, walks to the nurse, hands them to her. White manages to wriggle a hand free from the leather strap holding him. The nurse leaves, the doctor shuts the door, locks it. He steps over to White. SCHREBER I'm sorry I had to put you through this, Anton. (lowers syringe to White's forehead) There will be some pain, but things will be easier this way. White lashes out, PUNCHES the doctor in the face. His glasses go flying, and he falls to the floor, blinded, scrambling for the spectacles. A convenient scalpel cuts White from his remaining bonds. He undoes the last strap around his ankles as the doctor replaces his glasses and leaps at him trying to drive the syringe INTO WHITE'S FOREHEAD. The struggle continues - each man tries to turn the syringe on the other. White pushes the doctor, who falls backwards. Schreber leaps onto him, both fall against a tray of medical instruments. A loud THUMPING on the examination room door. White is grabbed from behind, pinned down with the syringe INCHES from his face. A CRASH O.S. Splintering wood. The door bursts open. A ROTUND SILHOUETTE - is revealed, clutching a police special, flashing a badge. A squeaky, over-excited, voice: BUMSTEAD Hold it! Schreber and White FREEZE in mid-struggle, look at the inspector. Behind him, the nurse appears in the hallway. BUMSTEAD Police. Nobody move. SCHREBER He tried to kill me! BUMSTEAD Shut up! Everybody stay calm... Bumstead steps into the light, shoves his gun in White's face, handcuffs him. Bumstead searches White, finds the revolver, takes this. Also takes his wallet. He glances at the doctor, who hides the syringe behind his back. BUMSTEAD (to Doctor) You Schreber? Schreber nods blankly. Bumstead runs his hand over White's side pocket - feels something. BUMSTEAD What's that? White says nothing. The inspector opens the pocket and looks in. BUMSTEAD (disgusted) A fish, huh? EXT. CITY STREETS - NIGHT An old-fashioned BLACK SEDAN drives over a rusty suspension bridge. Stone gargoyles look down at the lone vehicle. It's been raining. Streets are empty. INSIDE THE CAR WHITE and the INSPECTOR drive silently. Bumstead has appointed his un-marked police vehicle with all the comforts of home. Hot thermos. Note pad holder, complete with light. Coat hanger. Gun rack. A system for everything. BUMSTEAD Dammit! (glances at his watch) I'm curious? How many so far? He shakes his watch, puts it to his ear. WHITE (confused) What? I... BUMSTEAD (counts on fingers) Let's see, there's the little guy with no arms or legs. And the young boy? WHITE (disturbed) Young boy? CLOSE ON WHITE - frightened now. BUMSTEAD The six year old. Sure, you remember. Bumstead pulls something from under the dashboard. A SANDWICH, carefully wrapped and prepared. After glancing at his watch again, he bites into it. BUMSTEAD (chewing) Y'know, the kid you left in the meat packing plant, cut into pieces. Packed into brown paper parcels, wrapped in twine, that kind of thing. No answer. BUMSTEAD You sure have demonstrated a great deal of... imagination. The baby was the best though. Several cops lost their lunch over that one. Head twisted off, spine pulled out, yeech... WHITE (cuts in) Stop it. You're making me sick... BUMSTEAD We count seven so far. Anyone we missed? RADIO CRACKLE O.S. - A tinny voice cuts in. VOICE Inspector Bumstead... Inspector... Bumstead picks up a microphone, speaks into it. BUMSTEAD What is it, Crenshaw? CRENSHAW Just reminding you... your eight pee em... BUMSTEAD Dammit. (looks at watch) Very efficient, as usual, Crenshaw. Remind me to give you my watch. It needs fixing. CRENSHAW Yes sir. Bumstead replaces the microphone under the dashboard, takes a SHARP CORNER as he finishes off the sandwich. WHITE Where are we going? BUMSTEAD Shut-up. Burastead pulls out a small brush, cleans the fallen crumbs from his trousers, keeping a hand on the wheel. White is silent - his wounds continue to bother him. He leans down to scratch through his trousers. WHITE (quietly) Shit! BUMSTEAD Gesundheit! WHITE (looks up) I didn't sneeze. EXT. HOSPITAL ENTRANCE - NIGHT The INSPECTOR's car pulls up and stops. INSIDE THE CAR WHITE What are we doing here? Bumstead grabs a bunch of flowers off the back seat. BUMSTEAD Get out. INT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT BUMSTEAD pushes the handcuffed WHITE through a swinging metal door. They enter a sterile air-conditioned room. An effeminate MALE NURSE sits behind a glassed-in counter. Directly opposite is a small WAITING ROOM through a glass panelled door. Bumstead pushes White into this room. BUMSTEAD Wait here. The inspector shuts the door behind him. White looks about the blank room, takes a seat. He can see Bumstead, through the glass panel in the door, walk up to the male nurse opposite. OUT IN THE CORRIDOR The inspector talks to the male nurse through a tiny opening in the window. BUMSTEAD Bumstead. I'm here to see my mother. BACK TO WHITE He cannot hear anything of what Bumstead is saying. He sees him take out his wallet and show his badge. The male nurse is concerned, looks over towards White, then opens a drawer, hands Bumstead a KEY. The inspector steps back to the waiting room door and LOCKS IT from the outside. He looks at White for a moment, then walks away, along the corridor. INT. HOSPITAL ROOM Bumstead enters darkness - pneumatic MACHINE NOISE fills the gloom. He walks quietly to his mother, encased in a metallic contraption, something like an iron lung. BUMSTEAD (whisper) Brought you these. He places flowers on the bedside table. His mother just stares expressionless into space, in a coma. He sits on a metal chair, looks at the woman. Her life-sustaining machines hiss and breathe. INT. POLICE STATION A FINGER presses down on the sticky surface of a page. It pulls away revealing an inky finger-print. WIDER White is standing in a bare room, in front of a finger-printing machine. He's alone. A blast of electrical FEED-BACK. White looks up at a speaker mounted to the wall. MECHANICAL VOICE (through speaker) Move - forward. White follows a painted line on the floor, stands against a wall, in front of an old-fashioned camera. A slot opens in the wall behind him, mechanical arms spring forward, restrain him, one arm holds a sign with a number in front of him. A flash goes off, the click of a shutter. MECHANICAL VOICE Left - profile. A claw lowers from the ceiling, grips White's head, turns it abruptly - the camera fires. MECHANICAL VOICE Right - profile. The claw turns his head the other way. The camera fires again. MECHANICAL VOICE Move - forward. Across the room A BUZZER SOUNDS, a red light flashes above a door. White is released by the mechanical hands, walks over, opens the door and steps into darkness. LIGHTS COME ON - extremely bright. A room for line-ups - markings on the white wall behind White indicate varying heights, a darkened window faces him. He is obviously to be identified by an unseen person. A buzzer sounds again, a light indicates another door. VOICE Move - forward. White moves into another room. A chair faces a large wheel painted in a black and white spiral. He sits down - the wheel turns, faster and faster. VOICE Watch - the - wheel. The wheel stops after several seconds. VOICE Move - forward. The next room is full of scientific equipment. VOICE Stand - behind - the - screen. White sees a metal-frame X-ray machine - he steps across to it. The screen lights up, filling the room with a green glow. We can see the shape of his skeleton. Where his pocket would be, is the tiny skeleton of the fish. VOICE Move - forward. The next room is empty. VOICE Face - the - wall. White turns. As soon as he has done this hears a door open behind him. FOOTSTEPS approach. Blows rain down on him, fists, boots, clubs. He slides to the floor. The lights go out. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM LIGHTS come on again. White is dazed - in a chair, a bright light in his face blinds him. VOICE What's your name? WHITE (squints into light) I don't remember. VOICE Oh, no? White shakes his head slowly and looks at the floor. The light is angled away, pointed down towards A TABLE. White can see now. HIS P.O.V. A featureless room. STROMBOLI stands over him, behind him is BUMSTEAD and two shadowy guards. Bumstead picks up an envelope, removes a SERIES OF PHOTOS, hands these to Stromboli. STROMBOLI John... He throws the first shot down on the table in front of White. A black and white police photo of a murder victim. STROMBOLI ...Murderer. Another photo goes down. Another victim. Another and another. Each more grisly than the last. STROMBOLI You'll sign a confession? White nods. He's looks utterly lost. Bumstead steps across to a small speaker box on the wall near the only door, presses a button. BUMSTEAD (into speaker) Okay. TWO GUARDS immediately step through the door, GRAB White by his arms. They carry him off. INT. PRISON CELL White is woken by a UNIFORMED GUARD shining a light in his eyes. GUARD Visitor. INT. VISITING ROOM White is led into an empty pale green room with a glass barrier down the middle. The guard tells him to sit and wait. The door on the other side of the barrier opens with a squeak - DOCTOR SCHREBER steps in, looking frightened. WHITE (to guard) Keep him away: He's insane. The guard just smiles, looks at the doctor knowingly. SCHREBER Please, stay calm. WHITE (to guard) This man wants to kill me. The guard remains indifferent. SCHREBER (to guard) Just one of his many delusions - it's nothing. (a whisper to White) Shut up! Listen, damn you! This is a fortunate coincidence - we won't get another chance like this. Listen to me. WHITE (turns to Doctor) What do you want? SCHREBER You're innocent... (still a whisper) You didn't kill anyone. WHITE (sarcastic) What am I doing in here then? SCHREBER Listen to what I have to say. Decide for yourself. AN ADJOINING ROOM The dark silhouettes of BUMSTEAD and ANOTHER COP watch from behind a two-way mirror. BUMSTEAD What's he doing here? COP Says he is the man's doctor... (taps side of his head) You know... BUMSTEAD I know it's his doctor... (into intercom) I need the file on.. (reads clip-board) Daniel Paul Schreber M.D. MISS CRENSHAW'S VOICE O.S. Schreber. Yes. Isn't that his doctor? BUMSTEAD (evenly) Yes. (beat) And it's SCHREBER - with an 'h'. MISS CRENSHAW Yes. An "h". The inspector looks up from the speaker. HIS P.O.V. - THROUGH THE MIRROR, White seems to have calmed down. BACK IN THE VISITING ROOM SCHREBER The men in black - they're the killers. White stands abruptly, pushes himself against the glass. WHITE You're a liar! SCHREBER No, it's the truth. WHITE So you're telling me the truth this time? Is that it! The doctor removes a SMALL SYRINGE from his black bag, places it on the table in front of the glass, blocks it from the guard's view. SCHREBER If you would only take this, inject it in your brain, everything would be much clearer. WHITE Not that again... SCHREBER Everyone get's one - very much like this... (points to syringe) But this one's special. It will help you understand, everything... WHITE (cuts in) I'm not injecting anything into my brain. SCHREBER Anton - I mean, John, there has been an experiment, a dangerous experiment. I arranged it. It was a lie from the beginning. It almost worked, but things did not go as they should have. You have been left - blank. Schreber waves frantically at the air surrounding him. SCHREBER You can change this, all this. (points at syringe again) But you must take it. White stares blankly at him for a moment, then: WHITE You've been working too hard. SCHREBER Please! Don't be foolish! Time is short. Let me show you something. Look at this syringe. WHITE Why? SCHREBER Don't ask stupid questions. Look at it. White reluctantly does this. SCHREBER Concentrate. Imagine the syringe rising. Picture it floating above the table. TIGHT ON WHITE SCHREBER Do it! WHITE'S P.O.V. The syringe starts to vibrate, actually RISES INTO THE AIR - floats stationary between White and Schreber. WHITE It's a trick. SCHREBER No it isn't. You are doing it! Now raise it over the glass and... Suddenly the syringe spins towards the doctor, IMPALES itself in his shoulder. He yelps, grabs it. WHITE Oh, sorry... The doctor pulls out the syringe, is about to say more when a BUZZER SOUNDS. MECHANICAL VOICE Your - time - is - up. Schreber looks to where the voice came from - a speaker above their heads. SCHREBER (looks at White) I gave you your chance, now it's too late. They'll learn you are here soon. It's all over. INT. POLICE STATION CORRIDOR DOCTOR SCHREBER paces towards the exit. BUMSTEAD steps in front of him. The doctor is startled. BUMSTEAD Doctor! What brings you here? SCHREBER Just visiting my patient. BUMSTEAD Really? And how is his state of mind? SCHREBER He's seriously disturbed... The doctor is nervous, glancing about. BUMSTEAD You seem a little edgy. Everything okay? SCHREBER Yes, of course. Everything's fine... He tries to push past. Bumstead grabs his arm. BUMSTEAD To tell you the truth, I'm glad we've run into each other like this. Maybe you can help me tidy some loose ends. SCHREBER Loose ends? SCHREBER looks like a trapped animal, when: VOICE O.S. Bumstead! Bumasead turns to look down the corridor. He sees STROMBOLI peaking out of his office door. STROMBOLI I need to speak to you. Immediately. The door shuts again. Bumstead turns back. The doctor is GONE - the corridor empty. INT. HOLDING CELL White is staring through a glass door at A COP. A KETTLE WHISTLES O.S. The cop gets up and moves off. White looks up. HIS P.O.V. A small WINDOW, high up on the wall. Impossible to get to, even if his hands weren't cuffed. Nothing he can do - he looks at a clock on a wall. PUSH IN on the clock - TICKING GETS LOUDER. INT. POLICE STATION BUMSTEAD enters STROMBOLI'S office. A nervous CHIEF-INSPECTOR is flanked by TWO STRANGE-LOOKING MEN in ill-fitting brown suits. STROMBOLI Bumstead, these... er, gentlemen are here to collect White. Bumstead suspiciously eyes the two men, beside STROMBOLI'S desk. BUMSTEAD (to men) Who are you? STROMBOLI (even more nervous) Please, Bumstead. Co-operate - it's easier. BUMSTEAD This is highly irregular. I have a right to know. MAN 1 We are from a mental asylum. He notices that this man's moustache is LOP-SIDED. The other man wears spectacles WITH NO LENSES in the frames, clutches an un-lit pipe in his teeth. STROMBOLI Yes. That's right. He's ill - he needs expert help. BUMSTEAD I see... MAN 1 Yes, Inspector. Has he been displaying any strange... behaviour? BUMSTEAD He's been a little angel... STROMBOLI If you could show them to the holding cell now. SLOW MOVE IN on Bumstead's face. IN THE CORRIDOR Bumstead and the MYSTERY MEN walk towards the holding cell. Bumstead glances up through the glass in the door before he enters. IT'S EMPTY. He fumbles furiously for the key in his pocket - BURSTS into the room. White is gone. But where? Bumstead throws a look back TO THE FRONT DESK. MAN 1 Where is he? The cop is just returning, holding a cup of coffee. He looks at the inspector, sees the room is empty. A nervous twitch knocks the cup from the cop's hands. TIGHT ON THE CUP - smashing on the floor. INT. SUBWAY STATION - NIGHT Underground. CONSTANT NOISE O.S. of trains arriving and departing but none are seen. CAMERA MOVES PAST broken tiles on a wall to REVEAL: WHITE - sitting amidst rubbish on the ground, looking around, confused, groggy from sleep. He looks down at his hands, unsuccessfully tries to free them from the cuffs. MOVE IN TIGHT ON WHITE He starts to cry. He puts his head in his hands, his body spasms with each sob. SEVERAL ANGLES of the empty corridors of the subway. White's crying is heard - echoic. BACK ON WHITE - A small feminine HAND touches his head. Startled, he throws himself back, like he's about to be attacked. THE BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE WOMAN from the church looks down at him. INT. POLICE STATION BUMSTEAD and the COP are getting grilled by STROMBOLI. BUMSTEAD Yes, sir. I'm sorry... But I don't understand how it was possible. The only window was twenty feet up a vertical wall, he was cuffed... STROMBOLI (shouts at cringing COP) How could you have been so stupid? COP I'm sorry, sir. STROMBOLI Alright, get out. Bumstead gets up and leaves. STROMBOLI You stay. The cop hustles out, shuts the door. STROMBOLI Bumstead, you're starting to annoy me. This case is very important to me. Just a little warning: I've got my eye on you inspector, remember that. BUMSTEAD Yes, sir. He leaves. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING White, awkwardly trying to hide his cuffed hands in his coat, follows the JAPANESE WOMAN up a flight of dark stairs. she keeps looking back at him, smiling but SAYS NOTHING. INT. APARTMENT White and the woman step into a run-down apartment. She points to a couch. White looks uncomfortable. She smiles again, then turns on the radio. MUSIC. She steps into an adjoining bedroom, leaving White alone. He gets up and starts to tune the radio. A babble of fragments of voices and music, then: A NEWS REPORT... NEWS READER O.S. ...earlier this evening it was reported a man fitting his description had been apprehended. White listens nervously. NEWS READER O.S. ...and now for a message from LUMP-O food products... Across the room he can see the woman's bedroom door ajar. He crosses to the doorway and looks in. The woman stands naked against a deep red wall, her back turned. She has an elaborate TATTOO on her back - looks like an INSECT. She puts on a dressing gown and TURNS SUDDENLY. White steps back before she notices him, he goes back to the couch. She steps from the doorway holding a BAR OF SOAP in her hand. She sits down beside White and takes his hands, gently lathering soap around the handcuffs, continuing to smile at him. White looks down. His hands seem to have SHRUNK - they poke out of his sleeves like tiny children's limbs. The cuffs effortlessly slip off. White looks at the woman, then back at his hands - NOTHING STRANGE, they are normal size, but somehow the cuffs have been removed. He looks at the woman again, grateful. He can't help smiling. HIS P.O.V. Her eyes. Her lips. Her neck. She leans forward, goes OUT OF FOCUS. ANOTHER ANGLE She touches her tongue to his lips. Kisses his face. She pushes him back on the couch and pulls her dressing gown open. White does not respond - seems uncertain. She sits upright, astride his body, unbuckles his belt, opens his shirt, caresses his chest. She stops, her face in shadow. Slowly, White lifts his hands to her breasts, touches them. She starts to breath deeply. OUT OF FOCUS - their bodies entangle, begin to move rhythmically. The CAMERA TRACKS SIDEWAYS, REVEALS a microphone behind a chair, leads us to a mirror on a wall. On the other side of the one-way glass a reel-to-reel tape recorder is picking up the SOUNDS OF HEAVY BREATHING. OUTSIDE The building the lovers are in SLOWLY RISES into the air, past taller buildings and floats out over the city. Its shadow moves past empty plazas and across faces of grey towers. INSIDE White sleeps, as buildings move past outside the window. He opens his eyes, FORCES himself awake. Looks across the dark room. The JAPANESE WOMAN stands naked at the window, clutching a large red megaphone. IN PERFECT ENGLISH she shouts down at the streets drifting past. JAPANESE WOMAN He's up here! He raped me! Hurry! Before he kills again! OUTSIDE MYSTERY MEN stand on roof-tops, watching the building drift past. BACK IN THE ROOM White runs to the window, GRABS the woman. As they struggle, the building is landing softly in another part of the city. LONG SHADOWS move towards the entrance... WHITE WAKES UP AGAIN - finds he is still on the couch. NO SIGN of the woman. Then he notices her standing by the window (minus megaphone). The wind pulls at her black hair. A distant SIREN O.S. He gets up, walks over, stands beside her, looks out at the dark city. She ignores him, goes back to the couch, turns on a table-lamp, puts her hands before the lit bulb, casts animal shadows on the wall. White watches her. He walks across and sits next to her. She points to herself. WOMAN (a whisper) Sachiko. He nods slowly, looks at her. She waits for him to respond with his name. He shrugs, remains silent. Then he puts his hands in the light, makes his own animal shadow. WHITE That's me. I'm a shadow. She smiles at the shadows. WHITE Do I look like a murderer to you? She just keeps smiling, not understanding. Kisses him. He notices an old phone on a corner table, removes the note again and rings the same number. This time, after several rings the call is answered. WOMAN'S VOICE O.S. Yes?... Who is this?... Who's there?... White remains silent. Sachiko stands and leaves the room. WOMAN'S VOICE O.S. John? Is that you? WHITE Who is this? What do you know about me? In the darkness of a doorway Sachiko hesitates momentarily. She slides a hand into White's coat, removes the wallet. She takes out some cash, puts the wallet back, then she MOVES OFF. EXT. STREET - NIGHT BUMSTEAD pulls up in his car. Across the street is DOCTOR SCHREBER'S surgery. He is about to get out of the car, when the SURGERY DOOR OPENS and A FIGURE steps into the street. Bumstead watches the shadowy man for a moment. Then gets out and FOLLOWS, assuming it is Schreber. ALLEYWAY Bumstead follows inconspicuously. Without warning, the figure stops and TURNS. Bumstead backs into a doorway to hide. He gets a glimpse of the gaunt features of a MYSTERY MAN in the dim light of the alley. When Bumstead steps into the alley again there is no sign of the Man - like he disappeared into thin air. A SHADOW crosses the wall beside Bumstead. He spins, looking around behind him. Then he looks up into the air. HIS P.O.V. The shadow of a LEVITATING FIGURE crosses the face of a building. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING PASSAGEWAY - NIGHT SOUND OF A WOMAN SOBBING O.S. A wet dog sits in a corner gnawing a bone. A crackly voice recites a list of names from a small speaker-box mounted to a wall. A TREMBLING FINGER presses a door buzzer. SACHIKO, opens the door and looks out. ANGLE ON - A STRANGE WOMAN in the dark corridor adjusting her hair nervously. She pushes past the Japanese woman, into the room. INSIDE WOMAN John. WHITE stands inside the room, looking at the woman, expressionless. The woman suddenly leaps forward, grabs him, kisses him passionately. White tries to push her away, but she takes his hand, pulls it inside her dress, makes him touch her breasts. He pushes harder, she trips on a chair, falls to the floor. She starts to cry. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING FACADE The CAMERA MOVES past flaking bricks - to a window. Behind the glass WHITE and SACHIKO sit across from the WOMAN who attacked White. She is talking, though nothing can be heard, drying her eyes with a handkerchief. INSIDE The strange woman looks at White intently between sobs. WOMAN Please believe me. It's me, John. Your WIFE. I wouldn't lie to you. You told me I could come and see you - now you want to just send me away again... White looks AT THE FLOOR. HIS P.O.V. - a crack in the floorboards - movement underneath. WHITE I thought it would make more sense. I'm getting the pieces, but when I put it together it feels like... Like you're telling me about somebody else's life... WIFE It's the truth... I need you. I know you're innocent. WHITE How do you know I'm innocent? WIFE Of course you are. You couldn't do those terrible things. Come home with me - maybe things will make sense then... WHITE I can't do that. It's dangerous. What about my parents? Do you know where I can find them? WIFE They're dead, John. He stands and walks to the window - looks out at the city. WIFE You have an uncle. You were very close. She fumbles in her handbag, pulls out a notebook, scribbles something on a piece of paper, hands it to White. WIFE This is where he lives. I'm sure he would like to see you. WHITE (taking paper) Thanks. WIFE (looks at him for a beat) Don't you want me? My body? Remember how my skin feels? Touch it. I... She notices Sachiko - becomes self-conscious. Sachiko silently stands and leaves the room. The wife puts her face in her hands, overcome with tears. WHITE What's your name? WIFE (looks up - still sobbing) Elizabeth. White removes the torn fragment of the photograph he has in his wallet, holds the black and white eye up to her face - it matches. WHITE (thoughtful) Yes... In the darkness of a doorway Sachiko watches the couple. She MOVES OFF. ELIZABETH I want to help... WHITE Alright. Here... He pulls the postcard from his wallet, holds it up so the woman can see it. WHITE Know this place? She looks at the card. ELIZABETH (stops crying) Of course. Your home town - where you grew up... White stands abruptly, startling the woman. He glares down at her intensely. WHITE How do I get there? Tell me. WIFE That's easy. You... She trails off into silence. Her hand, about to point in a certain direction, freezes in mid-air. ELIZABETH ...strange, I forgot. White sits back down quietly. WHITE Yes. Very strange. INT. BATHROOM Sachiko locks the door behind her and steps to the middle of the room, lifts a small round rug off the tiled floor. Underneath is a TRAP-DOOR. Opening it, she climbs down a hole. UNDER THE FLOOR In the semi-darkness she moves to a WOODEN BOX. She cranks a small metal handle on the box which makes the lid open. Music plays softly. She looks into the yawning black mouth of the box. A WORM-LIKE apparition threads its way out of the hole, wraps about her thigh. She breaths deeply, shuts her eyes. INT. TENEMENT BUILDING CORRIDOR LOW ANGLE TRACKING SHOT - feet walk along a tattered rug, approach a door. Bumstead's shoes, shiny as always. INT. TENEMENT ROOM A KNOCK ON THE DOOR startles a huddled man in a blanket, sitting before a small t.v. set. This is THOMPSON - the detective with mental problems. He's unshaven, haunted. Clutching a shotgun, he steps to the door, peeks through a spy- hole. HIS P.O.V. Bumstead, back turned, glancing at his watch. Thompson backs away, points his gun at the figure through the door. THOMPSON Go away! BUMSTEAD O.S. Open up, Thompson. It's me... Thompson puts his eye to the door again. THOMPSON Bumstead? THROUGH THE SPY-HOLE LENS the inspector turns, looks at us, his face DISTORTED, fish-like. Thompson undoes four locks, opens the door a crack, but leaves it chained. THOMPSON Can't let you in... sorry. BUMSTEAD I'm on the serial killer case, need to talk. THOMPSON Not that. Anything else. Thompson wipes at the sweat on his forehead. BUMSTEAD You don't look so well... C'mon, let me in Thompson. Thompson stares at Bumstead, then silently unchains the door and lets him through. THOMPSON I can't talk about that. As long as you understand, that's all. The room is very dark. Bumstead is assailed by a wave of putrid smells. It's a mess - rotten food, overturned furniture, dirty clothes. THOMPSON Pull up some garbage - make yourself at home. Thompson smiles weakly. They sit down, face each other in the gloom. A RAT scuttles past Thompson. With lightning reflexes he throws a shoe at it. The rat runs under a table. He looks back at Bumstead, smiles, slightly insane. THOMPSON They've taken my mind, my memories... BUMSTEAD What? Who has? THOMPSON Is that your idea of a joke? I don't remember... (looks around) Take my advice, Bumstead. Get off this case. Now. BUMSTEAD What is going on? THOMPSON (looks more frightened) Wish I could tell you, Bumstead. Strange business. I... AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! He screams horribly. Stands, clutching his head. Startled, Bumstead falls backwards off his chair. Thompson, still clutching his head, runs and starts POUNDING HIS FACE against the wall. THOMPSON Get away! Leave me alone! Thompson's head is CHANGING - bloating. It rapidly elongates into a pink fleshy tube. Thompson's head continues to grow - his features are lost beneath folds of skin. His screaming is stifled. Thompson falls to the floor. His head HUGE NOW - larger than his body. Small tendrils sprout from the main appendage. Bumstead takes cover behind a sofa. Then, as violently as the head began to transform, it stops. Bumstead peaks over the sofa at the huge throbbing purple growth sprouting from Thompson's collar. At the top of the growth an orifice opens. An EXPLOSION of green bile spouts into the room - covers everything in sight... Then the head starts to shrink. Thompson's features appear again. It returns to normal size. Thompson groans, sprawled on the floor, clutching his head. Bumstead looks on in horror. THOMPSON It's - it's disgusting, I know... Thompson's face is heavily bruised, covered in sweat. His nose starts to bleed - he wipes it on his sleeve. BUMSTEAD Jesus! We have to get you to a doctor... THOMPSON No... No doctor... Bumstead stands unsteadily. BUMSTEAD But... How long has this been happening? THOMPSON A few days... a few weeks - dunno, I can't remember. (stands slowly) Worse thing is, I never know if it will change back again... Now, please leave me alone. INT. APARTMENT - NIGHT WHITE, ELIZABETH and SACHIKO sit around a small table, eating quietly. Without warning, Elizabeth starts to cry again. White tries to ignore her. Sachiko looks sadly at the wife, puts a hand on her shoulder, gives her a handkerchief. The woman quietens down. They resume eating but in no time Elizabeth again bursts into tears. White looks at her now. ELIZABETH (through sobs) Sorry... Sachiko leans across and puts her arm around Elizabeth, helps her to her feet. Elizabeth hangs onto the woman as she is led from the room. White can hear the sobbing still, as the women move through to the bedroom. INT. BEDROOM They sit on the edge of the bed - Sachiko holds Elizabeth's hand, smiles at her. ELIZABETH (calmer now) I'm sorry... This is embarrassing - my husband doesn't know who I am... With this, she starts to cry again. Sachiko leans forward and tenderly kisses Elizabeth's lips. INT. DARK CHAMBER - NIGHT TIGHT ON TWO MYSTERY MEN speaking in whispers. The Men continue talking as THE CAMERA RISES, through several levels of concrete and machinery TO REVEAL: EXT. ROOF-TOP - NIGHT OTHER MYSTERY MEN are rigging a wire to some kind of antenna device. BACK DOWN IN THE DARK CHAMBER The group of MYSTERY MEN have gathered once again. One addresses them all. MYSTERY MAN The line of junction between two edges! MEN (unison) YES! MYSTERY MAN We have located him. Now is the time, yes. A switch is thrown. Electricity sparks to life. A hum is in the air. MYSTERY MAN Let the tuning commence! The congregation of MEN place ELECTRODES to their foreheads in a trance-like manner. They chant, quietly at first, steadily building in volume. The MEN stand and MOVE RHYTHMICALLY to some inner beat. The CAMERA MOVES ACROSS to a diagram pinned on a board. A representation of a man's legs. Trousers rolled up above the knees, showing a number of bite-like wounds on the flesh. Labels point out various parts of the legs in medical fashion - the legends are an unknown language. ON THE ROOF The antenna glows with a ghostly green light. O.S. SCREAMS RISE UP FROM THE STREET. INT. APARTMENT/KITCHEN - LATER White downs a cup of black coffee, staring blankly out the window. O.S. distant screams. He glances across to a wall, notices A FLY there - something about it looks WRONG. FLY'S P.O.V. A distorted electronic image of White's FACE looming up. At exactly that moment the FLY TAKES OFF, flies erratically down the hall, around a turn and disappears. White follows. HALL-WAY White moves quietly towards the bedroom door. HIS P.O.V. It is ajar, dark inside. Movement. The women are naked on the bed. The JAPANESE WOMAN has her eyes shut, head back in ecstasy. The WIFE is bent over her, kissing her stomach. ANGLE ON WHITE - watching through the crack in the door. The women are oblivious. He moves away slowly, feeling strange. His feet stop making contact with the floor. He grabs a table to steady himself. The table-cloth comes away, things spill to the floor and smash. He's FLOATING. White desperately reaches out to grab something, holds the light-fixture in the ceiling. It breaks off in a cloud of plaster. Sparks briefly illuminate. He falls heavily ONTO THE CEILING - now the floor. The apartment is upside down. He stares up at furniture and objects. THE BATHROOM White steps into the room, eerily illuminated by a glowing heater stuck to the floor. Water is running - filling the tub and overflowing, making a suspended puddle above White's head. White takes off his clothes and climbs the wall, towards the floor. It's difficult, but he reaches the tap, turns it off. Pulls himself towards the tub. Gravity becomes NORMAL AGAIN as he sinks in the warm water. He's incredibly weak - floats limply in the bath. Submerges his face. A distant throbbing O.S., like a huge machine heart somewhere in the building. He opens his eyes, still underwater, stares up at the ceiling. HIS P.O.V. A blurry DARK FIGURE moves into his vision. It stares down at him. White rigid with fright, cannot focus on the figure through the thin veil of water. The FIGURE reaches out. A GLOVED HAND grabs White about the throat, holds him forcefully. White gulps for air, swallows water. His eyes widen. He tries to stop the hand strangling him but can't. Suddenly the hand pulls away. The BLURRY FIGURE stumbles back and ERUPTS into bloody explosion. The body splits apart, throwing internal organs through the room. White awakens in the bathtub. He looks about the room. Empty. Silent. He gets out of the water, starts to dress. EXT. BUILDING BUMSTEAD'S car pulls up. He gets out, stained here and there with bile. INT. APARTMENT A HIGH ANGLE on the slain bodies of the JAPANESE WOMAN and WHITE'S WIFE. TWO COPS wander about the dark room, doing stuff. Bumstead walks up to the cop in charge. COP All the same entry wounds. It's definitely him. (indicates Sachiko's corpse) She lives... lived here. A prostitute. BUMSTEAD The other one? COP His wife. BUMSTEAD Jesus. Small world. (looks around) Where's the photographer? COP No one available. A third YOUNG COP steps up to the cop in charge, glancing at the bile on Bumstead's suit. YOUNG COP They won't come out. COP We'll interrogate them anyway. The cop leads Bumstead behind a WOODEN PARTITION. A small area neatly arranged - a double bed, various possessions. Someone obviously lives here. The room is empty however. COP This is the family of the victim - apparently they were in the apartment when he committed... BUMSTEAD (looks around empty room) What are you talking about? COP Oh, yes... He walks to THE BED, bends over and lifts the bed-spread. In the shadows underneath, Bumstead can make out SEVERAL FACES. A man, an old woman, three or four children. COP They don't speak English... BUMSTEAD How will we interrogate them? COP Well, sir... I don't know exactly. Under the bed, Bumstead can see a LITTLE GIRL. He walks over to her. She puts a hand over her mouth, edges away. BUMSTEAD It's alright. I won't hurt you. Without coming out from under the bed she hands the inspector a crumpled paper. He looks at it then glances over his shoulder. HIS P.O.V. The wooden room divider. The CAMERA MOVES IN steadily, into a crack running along the length of the divider - we can see the room on the other side, with the cops moving about. Bumstead looks back at the page he holds in his hands. HIS P.O.V. A child-like DRAWING. Two men, stick figures, dressed in black, with impossibly big knifes, slash at two screaming women. Unmistakable - MYSTERY MEN. INT. DARK CHAMBER - NIGHT DOCTOR SCHREBER walks stiffly into the room and sits at the head of a boardroom table. He's cold, pulls his coat up about his neck. The long table is lined on both sides with immobile MYSTERY MEN. A DARK FIGURE walks into the room, steps up to the other end of the table. This is the enigmatic MISTER BLACK - only ever seen hidden in shadow. MISTER BLACK (addressing Men) Gentlemen. (peers at Schreber) Doctor. He sits, dark and mysterious. MISTER BLACK I have called this meeting for a purpose, yes? (turns to Schreber) It is clear to you we are - unhappy, yes? SCHREBER Yes, of course. I... MISTER BLACK The tuning failed - when our agents arrived he was gone. He knows things - predicts things. Explain to us, Doctor. Why is the situation this way? Yes? Schreber seems distinctly uncomfortable. SCHREBER I'm not certain I fully understand myself... MISTER BLACK No excuses, dearest Doctor! Answers. Yes? MYSTERY MEN (chant in unison) Answers! Answers! MISTER BLACK You said this would be containable! Nothing works this time. Why is this so? MYSTERY MEN Why! Why! SCHREBER I - ah - I... it's a little cold in here don't you think? MISTER BLACK We must find him. This is your responsibility. SCHREBER (thinking fast) Yes, of course... INT. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE Bumstead once again scratches his head in front of a map. The little girl's drawing is pinned to his board. His attention wanders. He notices a FLY CRAWLING across the wall in front of his face. He leans closer, studying it. The intercom crackles to life. The insect flies off. MISS CRENSHAW (through intercom) A call, sir. BUMSTEAD Who is it? MISS CRENSHAW Won't say. Says he must talk to you. BUMSTEAD Put it through... A light flashes. Bumstead picks up. BUMSTEAD This is Bumstead. Who is this? He listens intently. INT. BUMSTEAD'S OFFICE BUMSTEAD enters. He looks nervous. His SECRETARY sits at her desk in an adjoining office, filing her nails. BUMSTEAD I need everything on the Jonathan White case. MISS CRENSHAW Yes, sir. Everything? BUMSTEAD All the important stuff. Wrap it up for me. The inspector turns to face her, a little manic. She is staring at him. BUMSTEAD Please - I'm in a hurry. MISS CRENSHAW (evenly) Certainly. EXT. POLICE STATION BUMSTEAD steps from the doorway and walks across to his car briskly. INT. BATH-HOUSE Bumstead moves down a long corridor full of people in towels and swimming outfits, waiting silently. They sit lined by a wall, staring into space. Bumstead walks into a larger tiled room, full of steam. He walks beside a heated pool - naked people swim about weakly or sit on the edge washing themselves. He steps up to A FULLY DRESSED MAN, sitting silently on a bench. It is WHITE. A feint smile brushes across White's lips as he looks up at the inspector. He looks away, like he's forgotten something. Stands, walks over to the pool, cups his hand, bends down, scoops some water. Bumstead sees White has picked up the LITTLE SILVER FISH. BUMSTEAD Why give yourself up? WHITE I - ah - couldn't think of anything else to do. I thought maybe you know something... (beat) I'm scared. BUMSTEAD That was a pretty good escape act at the station. How did you do that? WHITE I woke up in a subway. I don't know how I got there. BUMSTEAD (not convinced) Uh-huh. (pauses) What are you scared of? WHITE People... after me. BUMSTEAD Who? WHITE I don't know who they are. BUMSTEAD Why are they after you? WHITE Don't know that either. BUMSTEAD Don't know much, do you? INT. LABORATORY - NIGHT Metal scraping. PIANO ACCORDION MUSIC wafts on a breeze, someone breathing. HIGH ANGLE - Down through an OPENING metal hatch. A dim laboratory IS REVEALED - a maze of scientific instruments. Elongated shadows move about. MYSTERY MEN are hunched over something. Behind them a diagrammatic chart of the evolution of the human brain. MAN 1 bends across to a CONTROL PANEL, works a switch. A small speaker in a metal box crackles to life. SOUND OF DISTANT SURF. A WOMAN'S VOICE: VOICE What is your name... What is your name... Wires lead from the metal box to a HUMAN BRAIN within a metallic container. Electricity arches across electrodes. More sounds from the speaker: WATER BUBBLING. HIGH HEELS WALK DOWN STAIRS. BED-SPRINGS. LOVERS MOAN PASSIONATELY. MAN 2 steps forward and pulls a bloodied sheet from their handiwork. A PUPPET-LIKE CREATURE is revealed. Small - two and half feet tall. The top of its head an open hatch containing the BRAIN. Wires lead to this. TIGHT ON PUPPET'S EYES - They glance about the room. Its body is a series of geometric shapes and polished surfaces. MAN 1 shines a torch into the puppet's eyes. INSIDE ITS HEAD Gears turn, illuminated by the beam of the light. The gears part slowly to reveal a small writhing INSECT screwed to a metal plate. MAN 2 shows the puppet PHOTOGRAPHS: WHITE as he looks currently, shots of him as a teenager, a young boy, a baby. Photos of what we realise are his parents, standing on a seaside pier sirtiling and waving. Where he went to school. A red push-bike he owned as a boy. His first sweetheart. Then a photo of a young woman smiling - his WIFE. MAN 3 holds up a small sea shell to the mechanical ear of the puppet creature - MORE SOUNDS OF SURF... A FIGURE clutching a wooden cane looks on from the shadows. His pale hand fondles the ornate handle of his cane - a carved silver insect. It's MISTER BLACK. Man 3 steps up to him. MISTER BLACK You have duplicated the personality, yes. MAN 3 It is ready. The Doctor was most helpful. Mister Black turns towards the OTHER MEN. MISTER BLACK I hear a clock in my head, and I like it! MEN (respond in unison) We hear clocks in our heads, and we like it! MISTER BLACK A world in our likeness! MEN A world in our likeness! The Men close the hatch in the top of the puppet's head. SQUEAK... CLUNK! The puppet tests out its MANY WEAPONS, a series of nasty-looking blades snap out of its small body, then retract. INT. INSPECTOR'S APARTMENT Bumstead leads White through the front door, into a SITTING ROOM. Everything is extremely neat and organized, plastic coverings on all the furniture. White steps towards a sofa. BUMSTEAD Please. Not that way. If you could just follow the covering - the carpet gets stained and it's impossible to clean. White stops. Bumstead indicates a CLEAR PLASTIC MAT running through the room. BUMSTEAD Everything the department knows about John White is in this. Here. (hands file) Excuse me for a moment. White flips through it. Details of White's history. IN THE BEDROOM Bumstead removes an empty suitcase from a closet. Begins to place neatly folded clothes within it. BUMSTEAD (calling to White) Age thirty one. Brown hair. Green eyes. Five feet, ten and a half inches tall. Until recently worked for a firm manufacturing scientific equipment. Wife's name - Elizabeth. Father and mother - Harold and Edith. Both dead. A history of mental instability... etcetera, etcetera. Bumstead walks back into the sitting room, packed bag in hand. He looks at White leafing through the file. BUMSTEAD That stuff helpful? WHITE (disappointed) I suppose... (looks up) Why are you helping me? BUMSTEAD You're case has been driving me crazy. You see, I pride myself on being thorough. There's too many loose ends with your case. (a beat) Thought it was best you were hidden until we understand more about the facts. What do you know about these men in black? White looks up, pauses as if he didn't understand Bumstead, then: WHITE If you shoot them here... (points at his forehead) you can kill them. They're not people - like us - got insects in their heads... Got any disinfectant? The inspector is caught off-guard by the question. WHITE (continues) It's my legs. Been bitten. Giving me trouble. Bumstead walks silently to the bathroom, opens a medicine cabinet. BUMSTEAD (to himself) Insects? He returns clutching a small bottle and some cotton wool. BUMSTEAD Here. (hands things to White) Careful with your trousers. That stuff stains. The inspector gives white back his revolver and his wallet. BUMSTEAD Here. Bumstead paces thoughtfully, careful to stay on the plastic protective covering. He turns, glares at White, who dabs his legs with the cotton wool. BUMSTEAD Any idea what part the Doctor plays in this business? White shakes head. BUMSTEAD Let's try and find out, shall we. (points at White's shoe) Lace is untied. White looks down. Bumstead doesn't lie. INT. DRUG STORE - NIGHT The BARBER is shaving under the armpit of a client. GRANDPA snores in a corner, his feet buried under a pile of hair clippings.. The BELL hanging above the door rings. The door swings open. BARBER He with you shortly, sir... Several heads turn, THEN LOOK DOWN to see the PUPPET. The puppet wheels forward and stops. BARBER (not really looking) Hello, sonny. Cute outfit. Mother get it for you? The puppet crosses the room threateningly. TWO OTHER CLIENTS look up startled from their newspapers and girly magazines. ON THE PUPPET - it wheels up to the barber's leg and GRABS HIS TROUSER with a mechanical claw. The puppet holds out a PHOTO OF White. PUPPET (incoherent obscenities) EEEEEEEEK... AHHHHHHH!... SHHHHIIIITTTT!... FUUUUCKER!! BARBER (looks down, scared now) Huh? He's grabbed and THROWN into a nearby chair. The puppet leaps onto the bench in front of him - he's frightened, so are the customers. Puppet wheels up and down on the bench in front of the customers - stopping to glance at individuals in a threatening manner, holding out the photo of white. It leans forward, spinning its blades - HAIR FLIES. Screams o.s. The PUPPET retracts its weapons - COVERED in blood. It wheels forward, through the door and into the street. THE CAMERA PANS to reveal a scene of complete carnage. Blood covers the walls. FOUR BODIES slumped about the room. Each has an outlandish hairstyle. INT. BUMSTEAD'S CAR White looks at the inspector - street lights pass over his features. Bumstead stares at the road. BUMSTEAD I didn't tell you the entire reason I helped you. It started with two little girls. Twins. Used to play with them when I was young. Couldn't remember for the life of me what they looked like, then I understood why... He looks at the dashboard, brushes away a small piece of lint. BUMSTEAD They didn't have faces. WHITE What? BUMSTEAD That's right. Just seamless flesh across the front of their heads. No mistake. I just hadn't remembered it that way. Up until then they had been normal little girls in my memory. (looks back at White) That's not all. Once I started examining them, all sorts of things about my life, had... inconsistencies. It was like a game. I would think about a person or a place, or an event. Then I would turn the lights off. Sit down in a comfortable chair... And study each detail of this subject. He glances at White, then back to the road. BUMSTEAD Everything was liquid beneath a thin surface that had always seemed solid to me... Bumstead and White are quiet momentarily, then: BUMSTEAD Is there anything you haven't told me about this business? Even the most insignificant thing? WHITE (thinking) No. Nothing I can think of. Except... BUMSTEAD Go on. WHITE Well. The only thing I've been certain of, all this time, is that I need to get to the ocean. The point is no one seems to know how to get there. BUMSTEAD Why, that's ridiculous. You just... He trails off. Shakes his head slowly. BUMSTEAD We'll get to the bottom of this. I mean it. INT. SCHREBER'S SURGERY The doctor is sitting at his desk, when the door bursts open suddenly. White and Bumstead move into the room and grab the doctor before he can protest. BUMSTEAD I met a friend of yours the other night, doctor. Tall fellow. No hair. Rather pale skin... SCHREBER I don't know what you're talking about. BUMSTEAD That's surprising. He was leaving your office at the time... SCHREBER You are mistaken. WHITE What are you hiding? SCHREBER Nothing. I don't know anything! BUMSTEAD removes his revolver, sticks it in the doctor's face. SCHREBER Please, they'll kill me... BUMSTEAD I think it's time you introduced us to your little friends. EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT SCHREBER, BUMSTEAD AND WHITE sit in Bumstead's car in an alleyway. Schreber points to a SOLITARY METAL DOOR in a wall. SCHREBER In there. BUMSTEAD Just like that? The threesome step from the car, keep close to a wall. Schreber alone steps up to the door, leans down to a mat at the foot of the door, lifts it and takes a KEY from underneath. He unlocks the door, opens it, puts the key back, goes inside. He waves the other men forward. White and Bumstead step up to the door - Bumstead looks at the mat - it says: WELCOME on it. A CORRIDOR Through the door - AN ELEVATOR. There is only a down button. Schreber presses it, several seconds later the doors open. They step inside. The doors close, the lift descends. BUMSTEAD What is this place? SCHREBER You wouldn't believe me if I told you, Inspector. Have patience - you'll see for yourself. When the doors open again the three men look out on a DARK PASSAGEWAY. EXT. LIBRARY - NIGHT The PUPPET wheels up to the sweeping set of stairs at the base of the building. It stops, WHEELS BUMP into the steps repeatedly. It looks down and shrieks with a string of mechanical obscenities. INT. MYSTERY MEN'S UNDERWORLD WHITE and BUMSTEAD follow SCHREBER down a corridor to what appears to be an ancient crypt. They enter a door - it has something written on it in a strange language. INSIDE IS A ROOM They stumble around in the darkness, Schreber finds a light switch, suddenly White STOPS dead in his tracks - Bumstead turns to him. WHITE Look. White points to a wall featuring a line of brass hooks. On these hooks hang MYSTERY MEN coats - that's not all. Each hook carries A FACE. Bumstead and White step closer, look at the faces. They seem to be elaborate, very life-like MASKS. SCHREBER Put them on. White and the inspector look at each other, incredulous. OUTSIDE - THE CORRIDOR The door opens. White, Bumstead and Schreber step out, wearing poorly fitting masks and coats - DISGUISED AS MYSTERY MEN. FURTHER ALONG THE CORRIDOR The three men come across a small area with a raised platform, between arches. A number of OPEN CARTS roll past on tracks - the scene resembles some bizarre amusement-park ride. The carts are numbered on the side - all of them empty. SCHREBER Get in. Hurry. White, Bumstead and Schreber hop aboard. The cart takes them into a DARK TUNNEL, deeper into the secret underworld of the MYSTERY MEN. They MOVE THROUGH a subterranean landscape of unexplained contraptions and bones. WHITE (to Bumstead) Where do you think this goes? BUMSTEAD It sure isn't the fun-fair. The cart finally comes to a stop in a cave. Bumstead, White and Schreber leap out and hide in a dark doorway, as a LONG LINE OF MYSTERY MEN walk past them. SCHREBER Follow me, and do exactly as I do. They join the end of the line, falling into step. INT. DARK CHAMBER The MEN, with WHITE, BUMSTEAD and SCHREBER in tow, enter and sit in a number of rows of wooden chairs. White and the inspector do the same. MORE MYSTERY MEN appear in circular portals high up on the concrete walls. ONE MAN faces the others at the front of the room. MYSTERY MAN 1 Eleven past eleven - the Night of the Eye. The seated Men start to CHANT. MEN NIGHT OF THE EYE! NIGHT OF THE EYE! A MAN in the front row stands. MAN 2 The Eye is too small for the head of the pin! MAN 1 Yes! ANOTHER MAN stands. Next to the first, who sits again. MAN 3 What is it that floats on the water? The Eye! MAN 1 Indeed! So it goes around the room, each Man takes his turn announcing part of the strange ritual. It will be White, Bumstead and Schreber's turn shortly. White is worried, looks at the others. WHITE (whisper) What do we do? SCHREBER (hisses back) Fake it! BUMSTEAD What? SCHREBER is next - he stands abruptly. SCHREBER The eye. Master of time and space! Then it's Bumstead's turn. BUMSTEAD The Eye - um - delicious with horseradish on rye! MAN 1 at the front seems confused for a moment - SEVERAL of the others turn towards Bumstead. MAN 1 (uncertain) Good. The inspector sits back down - whispers to White without looking at him. BUMSTEAD Nothing to it... White stands. Hesitates. Then: WHITE Eye... eye, captain! White sits down, shaking his head, embarrassed. MAN 1 Um - yes... THE MAN NEXT TO WHITE rises up - keeps rising, FLOATS IN THE AIR above the Men's heads. MAN 4 My spine will bend for the Eye! He turns sideways, still floating. EXT. ALLEY BACK ABOVE GROUND, Bumstead, White and Schreber run from the door at the end of the alley-way, tossing their masks away. BUMSTEAD Was that for real down there? SCHREBER I'm afraid so. The inspector stops walking suddenly, grabs White, holds him back. BUMSTEAD What the hell is that? At the end of the alley the PUPPET advances menacingly. Schreber takes his chance and runs down an alley and disappears. BUMSTEAD Quick. My car. Fortunately BUMSTEAD'S CAR stands nearby. The two men leap in, start it up. Bumstead guns towards the puppet standing in the glare of the headlights. The puppet's head opens, a TINY PROPELLER pops out, spins, lifting the puppet into the air. The car passes beneath it at speed. Screeches off into a street, races along between tall buildings. INSIDE THE CAR WHITE What now? BUMSTEAD This ocean business... I know where I can find a map. I need to go back to the station. Where will you be? White thinks for a moment, pulls the paper his wife gave him from his pocket. WHITE I'll go see an uncle of mine. (reading) Five - one - eight - three - double six - three... Bumstead scribbles on the pad mounted to the dash, battles with the wheel, driving at breakneck speed. BUMSTEAD Good. (looks in rear mirror) Uh-oh... White turns and looks behind them. HIS P.O.V. - HEADLIGHTS gaining on them. ON THE PUPPET - sitting AT THE WHEEL of a stolen car, driving like crazy. BACK IN BUMSTEAD'S CAR White takes out his gun - AIMS at the rapidly approaching car. WHITE (remembers) It's empty. BUMSTEAD Take mine. Bumstead pulls a gun out of his coat. They swap. The puppet PULLS ALONGSIDE, a mechanical arm extends towards Bumstead's front tire. A SPINNING BLADE extends from the end of the mechanical arm. PUPPET ARRRRRRRRGGGHHHH!... HA-HA-HA-HA- HA!! TIGHT ON THE BLADE heading for the spinning wheel. White fires. Shells hit the PUPPET'S car, shattering windows. THE BLADE cuts into the tire - it pops loudly, goes flat, metal SPARKS off the road. White is thrown forward, hits his head on the dash. Bumstead fights to keep control, SWERVES into the side of the other vehicle, making it scrape a concrete wall, hits garbage cans flying. The PUPPET'S car falls behind - then swerves off into a side- street and disappears. BUMSTEAD (looks behind him) Where did it go? WHITE (looks back also) Don't know. Both look FORWARD AGAIN - to see the PUPPET'S CAR pull out in front of them, BLOCKING THE WAY. Bumstead's car is going too fast. Slams the brakes. TIGHT ON PUPPET - Screaming with insane joy as Bumstead's car approaches like a bullet. INSIDE INSPECTOR'S CAR BUMSTEAD Jump! Bumstead rips the phone number from the pad. The two men LEAP. The car continues onwards. CRASH! KA-BOOM! In the glow of the flaming wrecks, the two men pick themselves up from different sides of the street. Look at each other, turn and head in OPPOSITE directions. CAMERA MOVES IN on mangled metal - a MECHANICAL CLAW starts to pull itself from the wreckage. EXT. STREET - NIGHT White steps up to a SMALL DOOR in the side of a building. A sign above the door depicts an underwater scene, crammed with fish, sea-weed, bubbles floating to the surface. Dominating everything is a GREEN MAN with scales - a KING NEPTUNE-type. INSIDE White stops in front of a ticket booth, beside a faded blue curtain. In the booth a TICKET SELLER is snoring with his mouth hanging open, his head sagging. White knocks on the window. The man wakes with a start. TICKET SELLER Yeah. That's what I said! (looks at White - rubs head) What..? WHITE I'm looking for this address. The man squints at the card White holds up, nods groggily. TICKET SELLER Upstairs. Through there. He thumbs the blue curtain. Curls up, shuts his eyes again. BEYOND THE CURTAIN A dark room full of BUBBLING NOISES AND WATER DRIPPING - an aquarium. Several corridors meander between large glass panels that look into illuminated tanks of sea creatures. White moves past a shadowy doorway. He can barely make out STAIRS. INT. HALL-WAY White moves cautiously in the darkness. On a door a tiny NAMEPLATE says: K. WHITE. The door is unlocked. He opens it and goes in. INSIDE An entrance hall of an apartment. A large number of MOUNTED FISH of all sizes line the hall. PHOTOS on the wall - family portraits. White examines these, concentrates on one in particular - a young boy on a red push- bike, in the background a sign with a faded image of a girl in a bathing suit: WELCOME TO BLUMBVILLE! it says. A strange WHIRRING NOISE O.S. White hides behind a sofa. Whatever is making the whirring noise moves past slowly. White cannot see what it is. VOICE O.S. John? White turns to see an OLD MAN in his pyjamas sitting in a WHEELCHAIR. The man pushes a lever on the side of the chair. A whir of electric motors. The chair carries him out of the shadows. White steps from behind the sofa. MAN Are you alright? What are you doing here? Is this one of your jokes, John? It's been so long, I thought you'd forgotten your uncle Karl? WHITE Uncle... Karl. INT. AIR-CONDITION DUCT A P.O.V. - MOVING THROUGH a dark, claustrophobic pipe. TWISTING around tight corners, DARTING down straight lengths of ducting. Dim light spills from wire grills spaced along the walls. WE TRAVEL up to one grill, at the end of a long stretch of tunnel - stop, nowhere left to go. We can see through the gaps in the wire, looking down into... THE ROOM White and uncle Karl are having a SLIDE-SHOW. Shots of a recent vacation - the uncle doing a series of mundane things. KARL (chuckling) Not often I get a chance to show these. He changes the slide: an image of him standing against a brick wall. KARL And this is me again about - um - I would guess about twelve feet further to the right of the last shot. Now just behind the wall is the hotel I stayed at - sweet little place... The PHONE RINGS. Uncle Karl wheels over, picks up the receiver. KARL (talks down the line) Hello... Yes, he's here... (holds out the phone to White) It's for you. White concerned - takes the phone. WHITE Yes? (he listens) Oh, it's you... Yes... My uncle apparently... Just looking at some memories... You have? That's good. CUT TO: INT. POLICE STATION - NIGHT Bumstead talks to White on the phone. He stands in a dark room, surrounded by charts and maps. BUMSTEAD At first I thought there was no way to get to the ocean... The buildings are a barrier, no windows, no doors - everything just, well, ends - only thing would be drill a hole. But then, I saw it, one door, just one... Inside a tenement building... Bumstead is interrupted by a NOISE O.S. He looks to a frosted partition - dark figures walk past on the other side. He quickly sorts through SEVERAL MAPS, making as little noise as he can. BUMSTEAD (whisper) We can meet later - but first I have to do something. Look I got to go... CUT BACK TO: White holds THE PHONE, listens to Bumstead on the other end. WHITE Where can we meet?... Alright. Good... As White hangs up he notices A DOOR behind a big old crockery cupboard. The cupboard has been pushed up against the wall, hiding the door. BACK IN THE POLICE STATION BUMSTEAD quickly folds the map and shoves it into his pocket. As he turns and runs from the room we NOTICE A DARK FIGURE standing behind a shelf in the room. IN UNCLE KARL'S APARTMENT UNCLE KARL continues to change slides - the noise echoing about the room. White moves over and sits down next to him. KARL Look! This is a good one! WHITE What is that door? KARL Which one? WHITE There. Behind the cabinet. Where does it go? The uncle watches the slides. KARL Such a joker! Like your father. WHITE No. Have a look. He leads the old man over to the cabinet. WHITE You see it? KARL Yes. WHITE Where does it lead? KARL It must be a closet or something. White pushes at the cabinet. The old man helps. They only manage to push several inches - it is very heavy. White decides to just climb over it. He squeezes through, opens the door and climbs a set of dark stairs. Uncle Karl watches. KARL Don't trip over. It's dark up there. INT. ATTIC - NIGHT TIGHT ON a light switch - it is flipped. AN ATTIC - full of books, boxes, discarded possessions. White picks up a book and opens it - the pages have been eaten out by a swarm of ROACHES. He drops it in disgust as the insects scurry over his hands. In a small wooden box are several toys he examines with great interest. At the bottom of the box he finds a SMALL DOG-EARED DRAWING BOOK. On the cover is a colourful scrawl in child's writing - a title: ANSWERS - BY JONATHAN WHITE, AGE NINE. White sits down and flips through the book in the dim light. Page after page is filled with neat handwriting and drawings. As he reads segments from the book he seems more and more disturbed. He flips through faster and faster. HIS P.O.V. Pages flip past, stopping occasionally. Glimpses of DIAGRAMS. The MYSTERY MEN and THEIR WORLD. Cross-sections of the MYSTERY MEN, the cavity in their head with the INSECTS INSIDE clearly illustrated. EVERYTHING. PUSH IN CLOSE on White. He looks up, STUNNED. INT. UNCLE KARL'S APARTMENT White emerges from the attic, clutching the small book to his chest, lost in thought. He steps quietly into a hall-way - notices the old man putting THE PHONE back on its cradle. KARL John, I didn't see you there. A NOISE O.S. White and Uncle Karl turn. A VENTILATION GRILL falls off a wall, revealing a hole. EYES shine from the darkness. THE PUPPET leaps from the hole. Its blades unfolding, spinning wildly before it hits the carpet. It faces the two men. KARL What is that? WHITE (to Karl) Get back! KARL Filthy beast! Shoo! Go on! Shoo! He wheels forward, attempting to scare the puppet off. WHITE No! The puppet goes for Uncle Karl. A whirr of metal, BLOOD SPLASHES ACROSS WHITE and the walls. Uncle Karl SCREAMS horribly. White grabs a chair - holds it above him. The puppet turns from the dead man in the wheelchair. White lets it have it. The chair CRASHES DOWN, splintering into pieces. The puppet is dazed, but immediately recovers. White has a fire-poker now. As the puppet advances, he swings, connecting with the creature, hurtling it across the room, into a wall. White runs out the door. IN THE CORRIDOR He leaps into a waiting elevator. Pushes the top floor button. THE ELEVATOR SHAFT - The elevator moves upwards. INSIDE THE ELEVATOR White looks through the circular window in the door. HIS P.O.V. - Floor after floor SLIDES PAST - deserted. He looks at the floor indicator. TIGHT ON NUMBERS lighting up: 86, 87, 88... Then the elevator stops, the doors open, looking down a dark corridor. The PUPPET is at the end. It turns to face him, SUDDENLY RACES FORWARD, a horrible high-pitched shriek from its mechanical voice box. White STABS the buttons of the elevator frantically, the doors won't close. The puppet is upon him. He JUMPS, straight up. It goes under him, CRASHING INTO the back of the elevator. White hits the down button one last time, and leaps out of the compartment AS THE DOORS CLOSE. A MECHANICAL extendible arm shoots out and grabs White around the ankle. DRAGS him across floor. THE PUPPET shrieks wildly again, as... ITS ARM - is JAMMED in the closing doors now. Lift descends. The puppet squeals. The arm SNAPS OFF. White stands, pulls dislocated arm off his ankle. He can hear the elevator descending. Suddenly it STOPS - starts returning to his floor. White turns and runs again. The lift doors BURST OPEN - the ENRAGED CREATURE emerges and races after him. He tears around a corner - finds himself in a dead-end. Nowhere to go. He can hear the puppet approaching along the corridor. Suddenly he notice A GRILL on a wall ABOVE HIS HEAD. He pulls it off, climbs into an incredibly tight pipe. Crawls frantically. He sees a LIGHT ahead. An opening. He kicks the grill off. A sudden gust of wind. HIS P.O.V. The pipe leads to the outside of the building - nowhere to go except a hundred stories STRAIGHT DOWN. He screams, almost falls. Turns to start crawling back. Suddenly the end of the pipe fills with WHIRRING METAL BLADES. The puppet has followed him in and is advancing. No choice - he looks out the hole. SEES A PIPE on the outside of the building, running vertically near the opening. It looks impossible but it's his only chance. He climbs out, balancing himself on the lip of the opening, REACHES for the pipe. The puppet is almost upon him. He swings across, gets a HAND on the pipe. He slips, DANGLES - holding on - one hand on the pipe, one on the edge of the hole. The pipe is greasy, slippery, can't grip it. SUDDENLY he hears a MECHANICAL CLICKING - TURNS to see the puppet standing on the edge of the hole, inches from his hand. A soft noise reverberates in its voice box - a mechanical giggle? A circular blade on one of its arms starts up, moves down onto White's HAND. TIGHT ON HIS EYES - sweat beads and runs down his forehead. TIGHT ON THE BLADE - as it cuts into flesh. BLOOD spatters White's face as he grimaces with intense pain. He can't hold on. HE FALLS, plummets through space. Screaming. INT. HOSPITAL - NIGHT A GROUP OF SURGEONS stand about BUMSTEAD'S MOTHER on her life- support machinery. The surgeons have face-masks on and are in deep shadow. The woman stares blankly, still in a coma. IN THE RECEPTION AREA BUMSTEAD looks up from his wristwatch. BUMSTEAD I can't wait any longer... He is standing in front of the MALE NURSE in the glassed-in counter. NURSE I'm sorry. I told you, she is being examined... He turns and storms off down the corridor. The NURSE stands, shouting after him. NURSE Mister Bumstead! INSIDE MOTHER'S ROOM One of the "doctors" leans down and grabs a handful of WIRES leading out of a box beside the woman. SURGEON We will teach the pig to meddle in our affairs. Yes. He pulls the wires out in a burst of electrical sparks - ALL THE MACHINES DIE. The woman comes to life momentarily, starts to claw at the glass shield in front of her face, like she is suffocating. The life drains from her weak body and she is STILL. ANGLE ON THE DOOR - it bursts open. Bumstead is standing there. The masked surgeons are startled, they turn rapidly to face him. BUMSTEAD (steps forward) What is happening? SURGEON Ah, Inspector Bumstead! We are glad you are here - I'm afraid we have done all we can. Yes. Your Mother has passed. Yes. Bumstead turns towards his mother. BUMSTEAD But she was getting better... SURGEON We are sorry. The cancer - it was fatal. Bumstead turns to the men, confusion in his eyes. BUMSTEAD She doesn't have cancer. The men glance at each other for a moment, then back at the inspector. SURGEON We knew that. Yes. (the other men nod) Anyway - she is dead. Bumstead leaps forward, RIPS OFF one of the surgeon's masks. ANGLE ON THE MAN - He turns to look at Bumstead, pale skin, staring eyes, a MYSTERY MAN. TWO OTHER MEN grab him from behind. BUMSTEAD (struggles) I'll kill you all! One of the Mystery Men steps up to the struggling inspector, places the palm of his hand across Bumstead's eyes. MYSTERY MAN You will obey us, yes. In your mind there is a dark space... TIGHT ANGLE Bumstead's hand reaches out, fumbles at a tray of surgical implements, grabs a SCALPEL. WIDER He cuts into the hand of one of the Men holding him, SPINS AND DRIVES the scalpel into the forehead of the Mystery Man attempting to hypnotise him. The other Men leap towards him. EXT. CANAL - NIGHT TIGHT ON WHITE'S FACE His eyes are shut tight. He opens them, slowly LOOKS AROUND, curious why he isn't dead. WIDER ANGLE White floats in MID-AIR, hovering ten feet or so above a dark body of water. He looks amazed. Shuts his eyes, rubs them, opens them again. Still floating. He clenches his fists and TENSES his body. Slowly he starts to MOVE FORWARD, hovering at an even height over the water. WIDER STILL SEVERAL ANGLES feature the figure of White levitating across the harbour, past half-sunken buildings and rusted ships. TIGHT ON WHITE - He comes to a stop. Smiles in amazement. Then he suddenly plummets into the water, like a trap-door has opened beneath him. ANGLE ON BUBBLES floating to the surface. White's FACE rises slowly out of the water. WIDER - CITY SKYLINE A SMALL OBJECT floats towards the ground at the end of a tiny white parachute. BACK ON WHITE He swims across to a small boat, climbs aboard, pushes himself silently through the still canals of the city. EXT. HARBOUR Oil tankers move silently through inky water. White paddles the boat to the bottom of A PIER, climbs a rotten ladder. He runs off into the shadows. BACK IN THE WATER The PUPPET cuts through the waves, pushed along by a rear propeller. It reaches the pier, climbs to the top. The prop retracts, and the creature wheels forward slowly, onto a concrete surface. It looks around - it knows White is there somewhere. PUPPET'S P.O.V. A trail of WET FOOTPRINTS on the ground. It follows them, is led to a crane cabin. INSIDE THE CRANE'S CABIN - is White, a lunatic grin on his face, at the controls. A NOISE O.S. startles the puppet. It looks up. PUPPET'S P.O.V. Follows the crane up into the air. The crane is swinging around against the dark sky. A HUGE METAL CONTAINER dangles, stops above the puppet. ON WHITE WHITE Nice knowing you. TIGHT ON WHITE'S HAND - It pulls a lever. THE CONTAINER - Shakes and starts to fall. THE PUPPET - Screams up at the plummeting container. WIDER The container crashes into the ground, crushing the creature. Silence. Dust floats in the air. EXT. STREET BUMSTEAD's running. He looks a mess, clutching a bleeding gash in his side, cuts on his face, clothes torn - but he made it out alive... CUT TO: EXT. ROOF-TOP BUMSTEAD sits on the ground, leans against a wall, breathing heavily - he's losing a lot of blood. He waits. A NOISE O.S. startles him - A FIGURE in the shadows across the roof. BUMSTEAD White? It's too big to be White. The man steps from the shadows. STROMBOLI (walking forward) Hello, Bumstead. He's holding a gun, levelled at the inspector. Bumstead lies bleeding, against the wall. He points his own gun at the advancing man and pulls the trigger. CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! BUMSTEAD Dammit. Stromboli is upon him, grabs the empty gun, throws it away, picks up the inspector, leans him against the wall. Without Stromboli holding him up, Bumstead would not be able to stand. STROMBOLI Why do you always have to find things out the hard way! Couldn't you just do your job, you idiot? I told you, didn't I? These people are not playing games, Bumstead. They can do anything they want, don't you understand? BUMSTEAD (a hiss) You're one of them. You bastard... STROMBOLI (laughing) In a way, we all are, inspector! You. Me. Everybody! Stromboli carries Bumstead towards the EDGE of the roof. He keeps laughing. STROMBOLI Time for that early retirement, Bumstead. Didn't bring the gold watch I'm afraid. BUMSTEAD (weakly) No... Please... INSPECTOR'S P.O.V. THE EDGE looms up - a long drop to the street. EXT. STREET White paces nervously through empty streets. He stops, to get his bearings, then turns and runs into: A SILHOUETTED FIGURE in a bizarre metal contraption on wheels. A skeletal hand reaches out to White, grabs his arm. An inhuman moan. Terrorised, White pulls back. FIGURE Ahhh... it hurts!... The mechanized figure trundles forward, pins him to a wall. A streetlight reveals... DOCTOR SCHREBER covered in blood, encased in a metal framework covered in silver blades. WHITE What happened to you? SCHREBER I'm... being... punished. The blades are connected to the wheels - they turn when he moves forward, metal cuts into his flesh, slowly SKINNING HIM ALIVE. A torture machine. Between screams of intense pain, the doctor speaks. SCHREBER I had to - ahhhh - find you... I.. I... The doctor shuts his eyes, a trickle of blood runs down his face. WHITE What is it? SCHREBER We are... living in their dreams... Schreber turns and rolls off into the night, screaming - BLADES SPIN furiously, peeling back flesh. He glances at White one last time. SCHREBER Insect... dreams... EXT. STREET WHITE is running. As he approaches the building he hears a scream - looks up to see a figure PLUNGE OFF the roof. He runs over. Looks down at the twisted body. THE INSPECTOR moans - barely alive. White kneels by his side. BUMSTEAD'S hand moves across to an expanding POOL of red beside him, traces an 'H' on the ground in the blood. WHITE (reading) Aitch? The inspector seems to be dying, then revives momentarily, puts A MAP in white's hand, looks up at him: BUMSTEAD Gesundheit! His eyes roll up and he GOES LIMP. White stares at the body, then: WHITE I didn't sneeze. INT. MORGUE - NIGHT The MORTICIAN turns off the lights in the main hall and steps into his office, sits down, pours himself a hot drink; turns on the radio, opens his conic-book. A NOISE O.S. disturbs him and he gets up, walks out of his office, looks into the darkness. HIS P.O.V. PANS around the empty morgue. Nothing. Decides to go back to his office. He turns and is startled by three MYSTERY MEN obstructing his path. MAN 1 We are looking for the White victims. MORTICIAN And who the hell are you? The mortician catches a glimpse of the shiny dagger Man 1 is clutching by his side. He becomes very scared. MORTICIAN Over there. Numbers eight to twelve. THREE MEN look over to where the mortician has pointed in unison. Man 1 looks back. MAN 1 Thank you. A FLASH OF STEEL. The mortician's throat SPOUTS blood. He grabs reflexively at the gash and falls back onto the floor, DEAD before he hits the tiles. The Mystery Men step to an adjoining chamber. Man 2 puts down a Box he is carrying, opens the lid. A green glow oozes out. The other Men manipulate levers on a control panel on a nearby wall. Stainless steel doors open. Body-length trays slide into the dim light. SHAPES covered in white sheets. Man 2 with the box removes a GLASS SYRINGE, filled with a glowing green liquid. He steps TO THE BODIES and injects each with the syringe, through the sheets. When he has finished he steps back, places the syringe back in the box. The MEN leave silently. All is silent and still. Then the shape beneath a sheet starts to SIT UP. Then another, and another. INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT WHITE is running again, clutching BUMSTEAD'S MAP. CAMERA PULLS BACK AND UP REVEALS the entire corridor. KEEPS PULLING BACK - until the view is impossibly wide - like a cross-section of the building he's in, a doll's house with the roof taken off. The TINY FIGURE runs, amidst a dark network of surrounding rooms and passages. CONTINUE PULL BACK White is no more than a SPECK - the hall-way stretches ENDLESSLY in both directions, behind and in front of the moving figure, through an infinite labyrinth. WIDER STILL We no longer make out the figure. The x-rayed environment resembles some intricate aerial map of the vast city - the corridor an ever increasing SPIRAL. INT. ORNATE APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT White reaches the top of a spiral flight of stairs. HIS P.O.V. APARTMENT 'H' - a rusted metal letter on the door. White steps forward. He knocks once and the door creaks open, unlocked. INSIDE The rooms are empty, derelict, strewn with rubbish. Mould grows on the damp walls. A door stands at the end of a long empty room. He can hear the muffled sounds of SURF, SEAGULLS. White starts to walk forward, smiling. As he approaches the door he begins to feel colder. He opens the door and looks out. A blast of SUNLIGHT - blue ocean and sky. VOICE O.S. John White... White does not turn about, he takes a step forward, then another - and RUNS INTO THE SKY - A PAINTED WALL. He glances up at a small SPEAKER built into the wall - the SOURCE of the sea- side SOUND EFFECTS. He hears the click of the gun being cocked behind him. Hopes dashed, he turns. ANGLE ON A MYSTERY MAN - a gun pointed at White's stomach. MYSTERY MAN There is nothing, Mister White. Beyond the city. Never has been. Unfortunate. Yes? White is led into a pitch black room. INSIDE TIGHT ON WHITE'S FACE - In the darkness - he looks across to the Mystery Man standing beside him. WHITE How did you know where to find me? MYSTERY MAN We knew you would turn up here eventually... Been waiting for you, yes. Hoped you wouldn't make a nuisance of yourself on the way... The Man motions with the gun for White to walk forward. As soon as White turns to do this, the Man slips from the room and shuts the door, cutting off any existing light. A NOISE O.S. - some kind of machine being turned on - lights start to come up all over the room. It's a normal, average-sized, living room. All the furniture has been removed and replaced with chairs, tables, podiums - an arrangement resembling an IMPROVISED COURT of law. In fact, White realizes he is standing behind some kind of witness box. The apartment is devoid of people, though almost immediately a door opens to the side (looks like it would lead to the kitchen) and a series of figures step through. MYSTERY MEN. All the MEN take up specific positions around the room, without uttering a word, but don't sit. One MYSTERY MAN opens a curtain beneath an arched entrance - beyond it, within a very small room, stand DOZENS OF PEOPLE, crammed shoulder to shoulder. The people stare at White silently - a bizarre gallery of spectators. An eerie silence falls on the room. The kitchen door opens again. White is shocked to see the VICTIMS WALK INTO the room and adopt positions in what is obviously the area for the jury. The DISEMBOWELED CORPSE OF A WOMAN steps out of the shadows, pushing a pram. Her throat is cut, she is shrouded in a white sheet. Within the pram is the BABY clutching its own head, with spine attached, under its arm. Then the mutilated FREDRICK hops out, followed by the three brown blood-stained paper parcels containing what is left of the YOUNG BOY. Finally, his WIFE and the JAPANESE WOMAN, still in passionate embrace, take their positions. Another door opens - a closet. Within stands the figure we have only seen as a shadow - the elderly MYSTERY MAN with the cane. MISTER BLACK slowly reaches above him and pulls at a chain hanging from the ceiling - the light snaps on inside the closet. Somewhere, a long way off in the same building, a toilet is heard flushing. He is much older than the rest, carries himself with authority as he hobbles across the room to a raised podium, supporting his withered body on his cane. Looks like he will play JUDGE. Everyone in the room now sits. Mister Black looks at White. ANGLE ON WHITE - He starts to tremble, not so much from fear, but cold. MISTER BLACK Welcome. White just looks at him, still clutching the small notebook called: ANSWERS. MISTER BLACK John White, you are to be tried for murder, yes. You wish to confess to these crimes now? White is silent. He leans over and scratches his legs through the fabric of his trousers. They itch like crazy. Mister Black turns to the assembled people. MISTER BLACK Very well. The testimony of the prosecutors. Yes. TWO MYSTERY MEN stand and step across to a wooden easel. MAN 1 stands beside it, reveals a series of visuals, charts, etc. drawn on stiff cardboard. MAN 2 uses a pointer while he describes the evidence to support their case. MYSTERY MAN 2 We will show that John White is abnormal, a menace to society, a dangerous sick individual, and that the court should have no mercy in finding him guilty and punishable to the extreme for his crimes. MAN 1 places a large black and white photo blow-up on the easel. It shows White at the door of the JAPANESE WOMAN'S apartment, clutching a kitchen knife, covered in blood. MYSTERY MAN 1 Exhibit A shows the accused leaving the scene of his most recent crime, yes. A photo taken by a remote camera planted by one of our agents. White watches in stunned silence. A general murmur of agreement through the room as the point is made. Mister Black turns to the victims, nods his head slowly. MYSTERY MAN 2 Exhibit B... MAN 1 removes a small tape recorder, hands it to MAN 2. MYSTERY MAN 2 Actual tape recording of accused committing aforementioned crime, yes. He turns a switch, the reels spin slowly. A hush fills the room. VOICE 1 (sounds like JAPANESE WOMAN) No... Please... A scream. VOICE 2 (sounds like White) Shut up! Another scream. A ripping sound. VOICE 3 (sounds like his WIFE) John! Don't... Another scream. White is standing up, involuntarily, he can't listen to this any longer. WHITE (a squeak, almost inaudible) Stop it! This is a lie... Mister Black turns to White. The Men testifying stop the tape and look at him also. MISTER BLACK Something to say? Ready to confess? The Men in the audience turn and all stare at White, as do the victims and the spectators in the adjoining room. WHITE (back to a whisper) I didn't kill anyone. MISTER BLACK Speak up. Yes. WHITE (finds his voice) It's lies. Everything. He grips the barrier before him. A SHRIEK from the pram containing the BABY - it rocks violently from side to side. The DISEMBOWELED WOMAN rises from her chair. She has difficulty standing, her limbs stiff. She looks at White, opens her mouth to say something, but no sound comes out. Instead a tiny RED CRAB scuttles out, across her face, and falls to the ground. She sits down. White is stunned. MISTER BLACK Bring the witnesses. AN OLDER COUPLE are led out of the kitchen by a Mystery Man. Shown to seats behind a podium. The woman looks sadly at White. MISTER BLACK You are the accused's parents? FATHER That's right. MOTHER Yes. WHITE Wait a minute... MISTER SLACK You had your turn! Let them speak. WHITE (angry) My parents are supposed to be dead! You can't keep changing the damn rules like this! Why go through this ridiculous set-up! Why don't you just kill me and be done with it! MISTER BLACK (smiles at parents) Please, continue... WHITE This is insane! He looks over to the victims. WHITE It was them, not me. (points at the Mystery Men) They killed you. Looks back at the Mystery Men. WHITE You have invented all this. History is a lie, not just mine, everyone's - a fiction. You are the authors. His knuckles go white as he squeezes tighter on the barrier. MISTER BLACK A fanciful idea, Mister White. WHITE Everyone has a job - a function. Each one teaches you more about your invention. I'm what is called a murderer. The whole court listens in silence to White's testimony. WHITE You've given everybody memories, but I missed out. The Doctor saw to that - played your own game. And now... WHITE looks at the MYSTERY MEN, then back at MISTER BLACK. WHITE You're trying to get rid of me. There is silence. Whispers. Faces staring. WHITE Why do I threaten you? You're scared aren't you? MISTER BLACK and the gathered MYSTERY MEN look speechless at White. Suddenly everyone bursts into spontaneous LAUGHTER, led by Mister Black. A terrible cackle fills the room - all the MYSTERY MEN laugh hysterically, so do the mutilated victims. The spectators in the adjoining room remain silent. MISTER BLACK Ah - a plot. Now we have a plot! (chuckling) Very inventive... The older couple behind the podium look disturbed. MOTHER Please, John, you're embarrassing us... WHITE Shut up! MISTER BLACK (chuckling still) You have proof? Evidence? Yes? WHITE (holds up notebook) It's all here! Mister Black seems startled by the book, then pretends it's nothing. MISTER BLACK A book of delusions. Anything else? WHITE But I... MISTER BLACK I see. (turns to the victims) The verdict, yes... WHITE Wait, this isn't fair... The DISEMBOWELED WOMAN stands again. This time she opens her mouth, there is a bubbling noise, water runs out, then: DISEMBOWELED WOMAN (whisper) Guil - ty... White is agitated, fear in his face. Mister Black stamps SOME PAPERS before him repeatedly. ON THE PAPERS - official-looking documents. The stamp says: GUILTY. CLOSE on White's eyes. MISTER BLACK Before I pronounce sentence... Suddenly the papers on the bench in front of Mister Black BURST INTO FLAMES. Mister Black recoils, almost falling off his chair, taken by surprise. The Mystery Men all look at White, a murmur of concern. Mister Black looks up at White - angered. MISTER BLACK How dare you use your tricks on me! White, genuinely surprised, looks around. Several Mystery Men BACK AWAY from him, scared. WHITE I didn't realise... MISTER BLACK Shut up, freak! Monster! You are insignificant. He glares across the room, angrily. An WOODEN CHAIR in a corner starts to vibrate. CLOSE on Mister Black's eyes. The chair rises into the air - HURLS across the room at White. Mister Black laughs as it crashes into the wall. White ducks just in time. The gathered Mystery Men erupt into enthusiastic applause. White regains his composure and tries some mind tricks of his own. He lifts a small table into the air, and makes it spin - a knife and fork dance back and forth on the surface, as several plates (from a stack in the kitchen) hurl, firstly at the spinning table, then go flying across the room, smashing near Mister Black, making him dance back and forth comically. This display is accompanied by a rousing rendition of a WALTZ playing on a floating gramophone White has also activated with his mind. SEVERAL Mystery Men are TERRIFIED. White is amazed at his own performance. MISTER BLACK You'll regret that. Mister Black is furious, spluttering, spit flying from his mouth. MISTER BLACK (shouts) SHUT IT DOWN! A Mystery Man by the window, picks up a phone and dials furiously. Everyone in the room remains silent - waiting. MAN ON PHONE Yes, we have a problem here. Shut it down immediately. White doesn't understand what is going on. O.S. the SOUND of machinery WINDING DOWN. ANGLE ON a clock hanging on the wall. ON the SECOND HAND. It suddenly STOPS. All eyes are on Mister Black. MISTER BLACK This has all gone too far. Yes, much too far. Mister Black starts to SHAKE. His eyes shut, clenches his teeth, grips the insect on his cane, plants his feet firmly to the floor. Around the room WALLS CRACK, plaster rains down from the ceiling... CUT TO: EXT. CITY - NIGHT All over the city things START TO FALL APART - a devastating impact on the landscape. MONTAGE A street CRACKS OPEN. Beneath the pavement are pulsating intestine-like organs. These burst open with pus... A building vanishes... A car on a street corner flies into the air... A telephone box STARTS TO SPIN, faster and taster, digging itself into the concrete. Monstrous INSECT LEGS sprout from the hole left behind... Geysers of STEAMING BILE spurt into the night sky... BLACK EXCREMENT forces up out of a sewer, runs down stone steps... THE CITY is coming apart... CUT BACK TO: INT. APARTMENT H' The room looks like an earthquake hit it - broken furniture and gaping holes torn in the walls. Several MYSTERY MEN huddle behind an upturned table, watching WHITE and MISTER BLACK. They face each other, both still standing - mental energies focused against each other in battle. The fighting is taken its toll on both men. A DAGGER hangs suspended in mid-air, slowly rotating to face White with its shining silver blade. Mister Black is clenching his rotting teeth, tightening bony fists by his side. Pushing every ounce of mental power at the knife. White, bleeding from a gash in his cheek, is straining his mind against the knife. The blade STARTS TO MOVE, ever so slowly at first, towards White. His body is shaking with his mental effort. A bead of sweat runs down his brow, dripping into his eye, blurring his vision. He is losing. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT We see an OUT OF FOCUS IMAGE. A group of dark figures. WHITE regains consciousness, strapped to a kitchen table. From his perspective, in the immediate foreground, a figure speaks as he removes a syringe from White's FOREHEAD. FIGURE Good as new. Yes. Everything is easier now. His vision CLEARS, he can see. It's MISTER BLACK. Behind him a SMALL CROWD who turn out to be MYSTERY MEN. Mister Black suddenly pulls at his own face, removes the mask. Underneath is a mess of PULSATING ORGANS AND INSECT PARTS. This is what Mystery Men really look like. He laughs, starts to MOVE rhythmically - a strange dance-step. The others join in, as they too pull off masks. Each Man reaches up to his left ear in unison. They pull squirming INSECTS out, hold them up to the light. The insects scream triumphantly. White screams too. And he can't stop. Everything goes BLACK. Then the sound of a key rattling in a lock. A door slowly creaks open... INT. SEASIDE HOTEL ROOM - DAY A P.O.V. enters a small room. Dappled SUNLIGHT through a tattered lace curtain. A clock ticks on a wall. A cough O.S. from the corridor. A FAT MAN, talks as he enters: FAT MAN It's small but clean... (it isn't) ...and the view's nice. (points to window) Isn't it? JOHN WHITE enters. He is haggard, eyes rimmed with red. He still holds the small black NOTEBOOK, tight to his chest. He stands in the centre of the room, looks up. Strangely, though the room is very small, it extends upwards several stories - windows sit at various heights. White walks to the lace curtain, opens it with shaking hands. OUTSIDE A narrow street and at the end, the ocean. The sound of distant surf, he can taste the salt spray. WHITE (without turning) I'll take it. The man behind him blows his nose loudly and turns to go, shutting the door. White puts the notebook down on a table near the open window. LATER White has fallen asleep on the bed. He wakes, troubled. Stands and walks over to the sink next to the bed. He moves like he is underwater. The sea-breeze tugs at the curtain, draws him to the window. HIS P.O.V. Down the street to the small patch of sand between buildings. TWO FIGURES approach each other. He pulls out his wallet and removes the torn photo of the woman, places it against the pillow on the bed. He sits on the edge of the bed and lifts his trousers, looks at his legs nothing out of the ordinary. White is disturbed by a TINY MOVEMENT in his coat pocket. He reaches in and pulls out a small, EMACIATED FISH. Disgusted, he drops the fish to the floor, looks at the creature. White raise his foot. His heel comes down with a sickening SQUISH. THE CAMERA MOVES IN STEADILY towards the notebook near the window. As the SHOT TIGHTENS we can read the title on the cover: ANSWERS - BY JONATHAN WHITE, AGE NINE. Now a sudden GUST OF WIND blows open the book. The pages flicker past. Glimpses of happy things. A child's drawings of smiling people. The sun shining down on a blue ocean full of sailing boats. Fields of colourful flowers. Cute animals. INT. LONG CORRIDOR - DAY SOUND OF SURF, distant, muffled. CAMERA MOVES slowly towards a door. The final door - no others beyond this. ECHOIC FOOTSTEPS. TIGHT ON WHITE - His haggard face moves through darkness. He looks down at his walking feet. HIS P.O.V. - White sees water, waves breaking, through the cracks in the floorboards of the hallway. ANOTHER ANGLE The cracks around the closed door are illuminated, white-hot, by the SUN outside. ON HIS HAND - As he reaches towards the handle. ON HIS FACE - As the door opens. A sharp line of light cuts across his features, as his eyes blink and water. The wind pulls at his messy hair. SURF NOISE is louder now. REVERSE ANGLE - WIDER - OUTSIDE looking through the door, along a long wooden pier jutting out into a blue seascape. At the end of the pier stands the tiny figure of A WOMAN WITH RED HAIR. She looks out at the ocean, her back turned. ANGLE LOOKS BACK at White standing in the open doorway, squints into the sun. Suddenly he looks relieved, almost happy for the first time. He steps OUT OF FRAME briskly - a weight gone from his shoulders. Everything is clear finally, he knows exactly what to do. A voice recites names over a P.A. system. REVERSE ANGLE A TRACKING SHOT follows White, moves down the pier toward the woman. As White steps up to her, she turns and smiles. WOMAN (indicates the sea) Beautiful. White nods slowly. He looks out of place in his crumpled suit. He stares out at the ocean. Seagulls fly over. Sun reflects off waves. WHITE Yes... WOMAN What's your name? He looks at her. Smiles. Then, slowly, brings his hands to her throat. WHITE John... White. FADE TO BLACK CREDITS CONTACT Rewrite by Michael Goldenberg Based on the Novel by Carl Sagan Written by: Menno Meyjes Ann Druyan & Carl Sagan Michael Goldenberg Jim V. Hart September 8, 1995 UNIVERSE - EIGHT BILLION LIGHT YEARS FROM EARTH The cosmos on the grandest scale we know. Clusters of galaxies strewn like sea froth; whorls and smudges of light representing hundreds of billions of stars each. MILKY WAY GALAXY A view from the edge. We DRIFT ABOVE the majestic, spiraling disk, tens of thousands of light years across. RING NEBULA (M57) - CONSTELLATION LYRA A local group of stars, the brightest of which is a point of hot, blue-white light... VEGA Rings of glowing gas and debris surround the giant, blue- white star... and then we notice something ahead of us in polar orbit. CLOSER An immense, world-sized construct gleams in Vega's blue light. Far too big to be artificial, by human standards -- but this wasn't built to human standards. Bowl-shaped transmitters cover the quicksilver gel-like surface of the polyhedron, forming then vanishing again. We DESCEND INTO one vast bowl as it deepens -- -- then silently convulses. A lost chord. We SWING AROUND, assuming a breathtaking, MOVING POV -- A message begins its journey. DISSOLVE TO: SUBTERRANEAN DARKNESS Shadows appear, dark and murky. Slowly we become aware of a MUFFLED, PULSING sound; like a DISTANT, BOOMING HEARTBEAT. Suddenly a bright light unzips the amniotic darkness; two great hands reach in to assist what we now realize is a Caesarean birth. ELLIE ARROWAY age five seconds, opens her eyes wide. In the b.g., we can see a nurse methodically giving CPR to the unseen mother; the decor beyond tells us we are in a small-town doctor's office. The DOCTOR holds Ellie as he calls softly to the nurse. DOCTOR You can call it, Nan. Mark time of birth as... 12:04 A.M. (looking down at the baby) Happy New Year, little lady. (to the nurse) Tell Ted he has a girl. TED ARROWAY stands watching through the window in the office door. Numb. BABY'S TINY HAND clasps its mother's finger. CUT TO: WIDE TABLEAU Ted, holding his newborn daughter, sitting quietly next to the bed where his sheet-covered wife still lies. EXT. MAIN STREET (NEHALEM, OREGON) - DAWN Ted, carefully holding little Ellie, walks down the empty street, his FOOTSTEPS ECHOING... DEEP SPACE - MESSAGE rockets through a black dust cloud where young stars are just beginning to glow. An icy worldlet evaporates, releasing gasses which blow away in spectral bursts of iridescent color... SURFACE OF ALIEN WORLD We are MOVING OVER an exotic, technological landscape; strange ALIEN SQUELCHES and SQUEALS become audible -- -- and then a child's hand reaches in and twists a giant dial on what we now see is an old shortwave RADIO. ELLIE (V.O.) CQ CQ WR2 GFO... WR2 GFO, come back. INT. ARROWAY HOUSE - NIGHT SIX-YEAR OLD ELLIE leans in towards a large microphone. ELLIE CQ WR2 GFO, do you copy? (calls) I'm not getting anything. Ted joins his daughter at the workbench where she sits in front of the short-wave, her feet dangling from the stool. He puts his hands on her shoulders. TED Small moves, Captain, small moves. ELLIE I can't move any smaller. TED Try again between the static and 'Hey Jude'; that's where they're hiding. Ellie bites her lip, tries again. Her little hand slowly turns the dial -- suddenly -- RADIO VOICE (V.O.) (filtered) Copy... WRS GFO... (off STATIC) W2P KLD talking... what's your handle, WR2 GFO? ELLIE What do I do? TED Talk to him. ELLIE But what do I say? TED Just be yourself, Captain. Find out where he is. Ellie tentatively reaches out and grasps the microphone. ELLIE Where are you calling from, W2P KLD, come back. RADIO VOICE (V.O.) (filtered) Pensacola, over. ELLIE Pensacola -- ! (beat) Where's Pensacola? TED Give you a hint: orange juice. MAP OF WORLD above the work area is dotted with colored pins; Ellie's finger traces the Gulf of Mexico, stopping at Pensacola. Ellie, breathless with wonder. Contact. EXT. ARROWAY BEDROOM - NIGHT The house in the woods dwarfed under the immense dome of night. INT. ELLIE'S BEDROOM - NIGHT Now in her pajamas, Ellie sits hunched over in bed, working intently on her latest masterpiece. A crayon behind her ear. ELLIE Could we hear to China? TED On that old shortwave? Maybe on a clear night. Come on now, under the covers. ELLIE Could we hear to the moon? TED Big enough radio, I don't see why not. ELLIE Could we hear God? TED Mmm, that's a good one. Maybe his echo... (then) Okay, no more stalling. ELLIE (coloring frantically) Okay, okay... there. She hands Ted the drawing. As he holds it up to the lamp we see it shows an idealized beach, palm trees. It glows in the light. ELLIE Pensacola. TED That's a beauty, Captain. (kisses her on the forehead) Now get some sleep. He carefully pins the drawing on the wall, turns out the light. As he starts out she says softly -- ELLIE Do you think there're people on other planets? Ted pauses, smiles at his daughter's inexhaustible curiosity. He returns, sits on the edge of her bed, now lit by starlight. TED Well let's see... the Universe is a pretty big place... And the one thing I know about nature is it hates to waste anything. So I guess I'd say if it is just us, an awful lot of space is going to waste. He tenderly brushes a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. TED Time to sleep now, Captain. But you can ask more questions in the morning, okay? ELLIE (sighs) Okay. He kisses her again, rises, goes to leave, stopping at the door to watch her. Ellie looks out the window at the stars... DEEP SPACE - MESSAGE A comet blows by. We chase it, riding its luminous tail of evaporating ice... TED'S CALLUSED HAND careful as a safecracker, slowly TURNS the DIAL on an ancient A.M. RADIO -- finally landing on an old HANK WILLIAMS TUNE. INT. TED'S TRUCK - MOVING - DAY Ted sits up, smiles in satisfaction. EXT. TRUCK - DAY The old red Ford trundles through the pines along a mountain road. INT. ARROWAY KITCHEN - DAY NINE-YEAR OLD ELLIE throws her schoolbooks on the table and goes to the refrigerator. As she starts to take out items we see her hand-drawn chart taped to the side of the fridge; Mondays and Thursdays say "Ellie Cooks!" EXT. MOUNTAINS - DAY A fawn is feeding. CUT WIDE to reveal it standing in the middle of an empty road, nibbling at the grass growing out of the old blacktop. The TWITTER of a BIRD; the wind in the trees... and then, far in the distance, we hear an ENGINE STRAINING. LOGGING TRUCK heads up the mountain road, its driver humming along to the same HANK WILLIAMS TUNE. INT. ARROWAY KITCHEN - DAY A stew of some sort bubbles on the stove. Ellie hums as she experiments with every spice on the rack. SERIES OF SHOTS A) Ted sings to the RADIO as he eases off the gas to take a bend in the road -- B) The fawn continues to graze, oblivious. We can now hear the RADIO in the DISTANCE. C) Ted look up as he rounds the bend -- sees the deer -- D) The logging TRUCK ROARS around a blind curve -- E) Ted swerves onto the wrong side of the road, misses the deer, sighs in relief -- F) The truck driver looks up, sees the Ford coming at him, Ted still looking over his shoulder at -- FAWN who suddenly looks up at the O.S. sound of a HORRIBLE CRASH -- -- then bounds off into the woods. INT. ARROWAY KITCHEN - DUSK The table is set. A stubby candle and some wildflowers in a peanut-butter jar. Ellie sits at her place, frowning. She glances up at the wall clock -- and then slowly stands as she sees something else THROUGH the kitchen window: A sheriffs' car is pulling up, lights going, siren silent. The sheriff looks up -- their eyes meet -- PUSH IN ON Ellie -- CUT TO: EXT. COUNTRYSIDE - NIGHT Little cones of light illuminate the darkness as NEIGHBORS search with their flashlights, calling: NEIGHBORS Ellie... Ellie...? EXT. ARROWAY HOUSE - NIGHT The sheriff stands in front of the house, shaking his head as he talks to a MINISTER. VOICES continue to CALL. We start to CRANE UP, HIGHER and HIGHER until we clear the house -- REVEALING Ellie lying on the roof, staring up at the stars. Her fingers grip the shingles... EXT. COUNTRY CEMETERY - DAY The Minister kneels next to Ellie, watching her knead another piece of bread into a ball before tossing it into a small fish pond. In the b.g. we see the sheriff and several relatives watching. MINISTER I'm so sorry, Ellie. More than I can ever say. Ellie keeps watching the pond. The clouds overhead are reflected in the patches of water between the lily pads. ELLIE Those lily pads must look like clouds to that carp, don't you think? The Minister frowns. Gently: MINISTER Ellie... this life doesn't last forever. Some day you and your Dad are going to be together again, in heaven. ELLIE (turns to him; equally gentle) He isn't in heaven; he's in the ground. We just put him there, remember? OFF the astonished Minister -- INT. ARROWAY HOUSE - NIGHT Relatives, townspeople, the Minister and sheriff mingle quietly. The kitchen table and counters are covered with a sea of casseroles. Ellie watches the gathered from a doorway, then slips away. INT. ARROWAY HOUSE - WORKSHOP AREA - NIGHT Ellie slowly approaches the darkened bench area where the SHORTWAVE is set up; the pin-dotted map above it. She TURNS it ON; the dial glows. She reaches out for the microphone, holding it tightly in both hands. Pushes the button. ELLIE CQ WR2, this is GFO, do you copy? (looking up) Dad, this is Ellie, come back. EXT. HOUSE - HIGH ANGLE - NIGHT Tiny Ellie is visible THROUGH the window, and as we begin to PULL UP and AWAY her emotion-choked voice continues, small and faraway... ELLIE (V.O.) This is Eleanor Arroway broadcasting on 9.2 megahertz. Dad, are you there? Come back. Come back. Come back... CUT TO: DEEP SPACE - MESSAGE -- rockets through the Rosette Nebula, a vast cloud of glowing red hydrogen illuminated by young hot stars a hundred times brighter than the sun. Their solar wind is blowing out an immense cavity in the interstellar gas and dust. PALM LEAF lies on the streetlamp-lit sidewalk. We hear the sound of a BUS PULLING UP, its door opening. After a moment a pair of sneakered feet tentatively step INTO FRAME. A suitcase is set down next to them as we hear the BUS WHEEZE OFF into the night. A hand reaches down, picks up the palm leaf. 22-YEAR-OLD ELLIE examines it, then looks up in apprehension at the old prewar Spanish structure of Cal Tech. INT. CAMPUS BUILDING - CORRIDOR - NIGHT Ellie's FOOTSTEPS ECHO as she walks down a corridor, its walls hung with portraits of Galileo, Copernicus, Hubble. She pauses at a photograph of Einstein standing outside the entrance we just saw. Sound up cut: THE RAMONES' "I Wanna Be Sedated" -- INT. DORM CORRIDOR - NIGHT An altogether different sort of hallway, reflecting the imagination and individuality of its occupants. The walls are covered with whimsical graffiti ("anthropocentrism is a 17 letter word;" "WATCH FOR FLYING POTATOES") and 3 A.M. paintings of alien sunsets; the MUSIC is coming from behind a door covered in Tolkien and comic book art. As Ellie enters this strange new world she begins to hear animated voices coming from a room at the end of the hall. VOICE #1 (V.O.) ... radio luminosity? VOICE #2 (V.O.) I dunno, maybe a post-spectral starburst or something. EVERYBODY (V.O.) Right, right -- VOICE #3 (V.O.) E+A is an elliptical? How can you tell it's being lensed? Pass me the Fruity Pebbles. VOICE #4 (V.O.) Well I guess you'd have to check other elliptical galaxies, Mr. Wizard -- INT. DORM ROOM - NIGHT As Ellie peers around the corner we see six or seven STUDENTS, mostly male, of mixed nationality and race, passing around cereal which they eat from the box. A primitive (circa 1980) home-built personal computer glows in the b.g.; a door opens onto a terrace and the California night beyond. They stop, look up at Ellie -- ELLIE I -- uh -- (clears her throat) I was looking for Koestler Hall? GUY (STUDENT) This is it. Hey, do you know the average radio-luminosity of an E+A elliptical galaxy? ELLIE Um... I'm not sure. (hesitates) Maybe you could deduce it from lensing a post-spectral starburst...? GUY (beat, then to his friend) See, I told you! (to Ellie) Want some Fruity Pebbles? Carcinogenic, but totally worth it. Ellie takes the box, and as she tentatively enters the room -- nibbles on the cereal -- she slowly sits. Smiles. The argument rages on. She's home. DEEP SPACE - MESSAGE We ROAR by a rapidly rotating, flashing pulsar. Cosmic dust filters the light into the shifting spectrum of colors... EXT. MOJAVE DESERT - DAY DAVID DRUMLIN, 42, fit, sardonic -- and the world's foremost radio astronomer -- leads a group of grad students past the first Jet Propulsion Lab radio telescopes at Goldstone. Ellie lags behind talking to PETER VALERIAN, who is about as good-looking as an astronomer should be allowed to be. ELLIE ... Drumlin said you're been down at Arecibo for the last year. PETER It's beautiful but it does get a little lonely. Sometimes I think the reason we build these things in such godforsaken places isn't to avoid excess radio traffic but because we're all such pathetic antisocial misfits... Speaking of which: How're you getting on with the old man? ELLIE He's an incredible prick but I never learned so much in my life. PETER (smiles) That's what they all say. In the b.g. we can see the majestic twin dishes tilted up toward the hard blue sky. An awkward moment, which Ellie fills by extending her hand. ELLIE Ellie. Arroway. PETER Peter Valerian. ELLIE Sounds like a Russian general. PETER Yavol. DRUMLIN (calling back) You're out of shape, Valerian. What's the matter, eat too many tacos down there in Puerto Rico? He pronounces it "tackos" in his distinctive Montana twang. ELLIE I read your paper on ETI's. It's brilliant. PETER (embarrassed but pleased) Keep it down, okay? Drumlin thinks I'm enough of a flake as it is. (then) Look -- everyone here has their little fetishes. Caven goes to topless bars, Vernon's got his carnivorous plants... mine just happens to be extraterrestrial intelligence. ELLIE What a coincidence. It happens to be my fetish too. A brief but electric moment between them. They both feel it. Drumlin calls back from the head of the group: DRUMLIN You two coming along or you just gonna do it right here in the sand? The other students laugh good-naturedly. Ellie and Peter, rather than being embarrassed, seem to be considering the idea. EXT. MOJAVE CLIFFS - LATE AFTERNOON A dusky orange sun hangs over the mountains, the Goldstone telescopes visible in the distance. Ellie and Peter walk along a windswept cliff overlooking a vast desert lake. ELLIE ... I'm just so sick of feeling defensive about the things I care about! Or being lumped in with the lunatic fringe by people like Drumlin, when if they'd just put aside their preconceptions for two seconds and look at the facts... PETER They can't. I think it's against human nature to admit to that level of... insignificance; to not see yourself as basically the center of the universe. ELLIE It's like the pre-Copernicans who swore the sun revolved around the Earth, or the Victorians at the end of the last century who concluded that all major discoveries had now been made. I mean... try to imagine civilization a thousand years ahead of us -- then imagine trying to explain... I dunno, a microwave oven -- to someone even a hundred years ago -- I mean the basic concepts didn't exist... PETER (murmurs) 'Any sufficiently advanced technology...' ELLIE (finishing it with him) '... is indistinguishable from magic.' A moment... and then Peter takes her hand like it's the most natural thing in the world. PETER I dunno. I know I should be objective, ice-cold hard-assed scientific about it, but just on an intuitive level -- what's the point of a universe so vast if we're the only ones it it? It'd just be such a... waste of space. Ellie stops, looks at him -- and then slowly, carefully leans in and kisses him. A pleasantly awkward beat. ELLIE Sorry. Peter laughs. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT A million stares blaze overhead as Peter and Ellie make love on an Indian blanket in the middle of the desert. Ellie looks searchingly up into Peter's face... and then her gaze drifts upwards to the canopy above... SQUIRREL gnaws on a beechnut as two enormous pair of feet walk by. ELLIE (V.O.) -- but I've already submitted my proposal! EXT. CAL TECH CAMPUS - DAY Ellie and Drumlin walk briskly, in heated discussion. DRUMLIN I'm sorry, Miss Arroway, not only is it too Speculative a subject for a doctoral dissertation, at this point in your career it'd be tantamount to suicide. ELLIE I'm willing to take that risk. DRUMLIN I'm not. You're far too promising a scientist to waste your considerable gifts on this nonsense -- ELLIE Dr. Drumlin, we are talking about what could potentially be the most important discovery in the history of humanity. There are over four hundred billion stars out there -- DRUMLIN And only two probabilities: One: there is intelligent life in the universe but they're so far away you'll never contact it in your lifetime -- ELLIE You're -- DRUMLIN Two: There's nothing out there but noble gasses and carbon compounds and you'd be wasting your time. ELLIE What if you're wrong? (as he starts to speak) No -- I'll grant you probabilities but as a scientist without all the evidence -- you can't deny the possibility -- and I believe even the remotest possibility of something this profoundly... profound is worth investigation -- and worth taking a few risks. DRUMLIN I disagree. ELLIE Then disagree but don't stand in my way! By this point they've gathered a small crowd. Drumlin regards her for for a moment; then, softly: DRUMLIN What is it that makes you so lonely, Miss Arroway? What is it that compels you to search the heavens for life when there's so much of it being neglected right here at home? Body blow. Ellie just stares, stunned. Finally: DRUMLIN I will approve a general thesis on the detection of radio signals from space but that's all. No E.T.I.s. Enough? Flushed, overwhelmed... Ellie nods. Enough. DEEP SPACE - MESSAGE Approaching a backwater area of the galaxy. A small, unspectacular yellow star comes INTO VIEW. PAIR OF HEADLIGHTS cuts through the night. A Jeep negotiates an overgrown mountain road. EXT. ARECIBO, PUERTO RICO - AERIAL SHOT - PRE-DAWN The two tiny beams from high above as we DESCEND OVER a mountainous jungle range, a hot-house of life that drops away to reveal an enormous white thousand-foot radio telescope, cradled in the natural bowl of the mountain valley. SUPERIMPOSE: ARECIBO, PUERTO RICO - 1992 EXT. ARECIBO - DAWN The mud-spattered Jeep pulls up in front of the living quarters of the primitive installation. Peter Valerian climbs out, looks up at the crude facilities in dismay. ELLIE lies asleep in bed. Peter sits quietly next to her, gently touches her face. Her eyes slowly open. She smiles. SAME - FEW MINUTES LATER Ellie is in the shower. Peter looks around her quarters; peeling paint, a few steps down from your average dorm room. ELLIE (O.S.) (calls from the shower) ... I keep telling myself okay, that's just the price, you have to do your time doing shitwork before you're allowed to get to the good stuff... but if I have to catalog one more quasar... (sticks her head out) God, I've missed you. PETER Any luck on the grant money? ELLIE Please. Any chance of that died the day David Drumlin was appointed head of the N.S.F. I have been in contact with a few other SETI people; we've been trying to find backing from private investors. I've even managed to scrounge a couple of hours of telescope time here and there... PETER And? ELLIE I've examined over forty stars of roughly solar spectral type but so far nothing. Still, we've barely started... Peter is silent. EXT. MT. ARECIBO (PUERTO RICO) - DAY Ellie and Peter walk along the periphery of the vast concave dish. A gentle breeze blows. ELLIE ... We've been going after some of the big multi-nationals but without much luck; got a donation from a New York dowager... We've even been thinking about selling T-shirts. PETER Ellie... even if you do manage to raise the money, have you thought about what it would really mean to follow through on this? I mean a college fetish is one thing, but we're talking about your career. You won't be publishing. You won't be taken seriously... and you could spend your entire life looking and never find anything at all. Ellie pauses; looks out at the endless ocean of green. Quietly: ELLIE If we lived at any previous time in human history we wouldn't even have the option of failing -- we'd have to wonder our whole lives, unable to do anything about it. This time, right now, is unique in our history, in any civilization's history -- the moment of the acquisition of technology. The moment when contact becomes possible. We've already beaten incredible odds by being lucky enough to be alive now. PETER (pausing) How close are you to getting this funding put together? ELLIE It's almost there. The hardest part is getting someone to sell us the telescope time. PETER What if I said I could get Drumlin to agree to sell you time in New Mexico? ELLIE (stunned) The V.L.A.? PETER Thirty-one linked dishes. You could search more sky there in a day than you could in a year here. ELLIE Peter -- if you can get him to do that for me he'd obviously do the same for you -- we could -- ! PETER Actually -- ELLIE We could be together again -- PETER -- I'm moving to Washington. ELLIE (confused) Greenbank? PETER I'm going on staff at the N.S.F. To work for Drumlin. ELLIE But what about your research -- ? PETER This is a chance to be of enormous help to other people's research -- to have the power to be a real advocate where David's got blind spots -- ELLIE But the work -- PETER 'The work,' Jesus, Ellie, can't there just once be more to life than the work? Okay, maybe that's the only way to get the recognition, win the prizes -- ELLIE Please, you're just as ambitious as I am, more -- PETER Maybe that's the problem. I want... a family, Ellie. I want kids. A townhouse on L street instead of still living like a college kid. A real life. Maybe that makes me a sellout but I don't care anymore. It's what I want. ELLIE And you think I don't want those things? You think I don't stay up half the night wondering if I've made the right choice living half a world away from you, wondering if any of this is worth what I'm giving up for it everyday? (as Peter is silent; suddenly) Let's get married. PETER Jesus -- ELLIE Right now -- we'll drive down to Ramey and get the base chaplain to marry us. PETER Ellie -- ELLIE I'm serious about this, Peter -- PETER Ellie -- I'm getting married. (off a stunned silence) Her name's Laura. She came up to Owens Valley to do her post-doc about six months after you left. ELLIE (stares) You sonofabitch. PETER That is true. But it's also true that if I really thought we wanted the same things, I'd follow you anywhere... but the truth is I don't think you want the company. (softly) Be honest, El. There's nowhere you'd rather be than sitting out at some remote corner of the world searching for the answers to the mysteries of the universe. And call me crazy, but I just can't compete with that... I'm sorry. There's nothing left to say. He rises, starts to make his way down. OFF Ellie, stunned -- DEEP SPACE - MESSAGE The yellow star is now definitely brighter than the rest. EXT. NEW MEXICO DESERT - AERIAL SHOT - NIGHT A 1967 T-Bird travels swiftly along a dirt road through the moonlit desert. The VIEW CLIMBS, WIDENS to include a huge radio telescope, and as we come around we see an even more stunning sight: 30 more of them. SUPERIMPOSE: SAPPORO, NEW MEXICO - 1993 EXT. VLA MAIN BUILDING - NIGHT The T-Bird pulls up in front of a bland, institutional building. Ellie climbs out, stretches, then pulls a single small suitcase from the back seat. INT. CAFETERIA/LOUNGE - NIGHT Over an ancient Mr. Coffee machine some hysteric has scribbled: "Someone has been drinking the coffee without leaving the .10c in the cup and WE KNOW WHO YOU ARE." Ellie drops her dime in. As she pours she hears a strange sound: a steady repetitive SSSHHH... SSSHHH... She follows the noise down the hall. INT. CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT The lights are off; the large room is illuminated solely by the night sky and glowing banks of electronic equipment. Through the large panorama window we can see the silhouettes of the enormous radio telescopes in the moonlight. We make out a shape sitting in the darkness listening to the sounds, louder now: SSSHHH... SSSHHH... And then a voice calls out: VOICE (O.S.) Light's behind you, to the left. Ellie finds the switch, flips on the lights, revealing KENT CULLERS, 30's, wearing Raybans. ELLIE Dr. Cullers? KENT Kent, Kent for Chrissakes. You must be Eleanor. ELLIE (moving to the control panel) Ellie. Pulsar? KENT 1919+21. Found a glitch in the timing; probably a starquake. ELLIE Nice. Where? Kent types in a few commands and the computer screen lights up. It reads "Radio Sky" and it looks nothing like the ordinary optical sky; more like an elaborate oriental rug. Pointing: KENT Here, right around Centaurus A. ELLIE This is how you see the sky? KENT It's how I hear it. The display's just a little something I programmed for astronomers with the misfortune of sight. ELLIE It's beautiful. KENT Never seen the optical sky myself, but I hear it's nice too. MILLINGTON (O.S.) Yo, Ray Charles, time's up. Oh -- sorry -- KENT Doctors Millington, Curtain, Dr. Arroway. Ellie raises a hand in greeting to the two men in the doorway, they wave awkwardly back. KENT Rick's doing black holes at the center of galaxies; Tom's studying globular clusters in the e-band. (to the guys) And Dr. Arroway here will be spending her precious time listening for little green men. All yours, guys. As he rises MILLINGTON and CURTAIN move to take his place at the controls. They maneuver shyly around Ellie. ELLIE Um... should I... MILLINGTON/CURTAIN (way too fast) No, no, no -- have a seat. Kent smiles, exits. Ellie sits, looks over the control console, rubs her hands... DISSOLVE TO: INT. VLA CONTROL ROOM - DAY In the daylight we see the sad truth of the place: a character-free cinderblock box filled with a mishmash of equipment, aging and jerry-rigged alongside the spoils of the odd successful grant application. Through a wall of windows we can see the cafeteria/lounge area; an ancient Ping-Pong table. ELLIE (O.S.) Hey, Fish, has that pointing error in twenty-nine been fixed yet? FISHER It's a worm gear; still a little sluggish but it'll have to do. Ellie again sits at the main console, but time has clearly dissipated some of her initial enthusiasm. She frowns as she peers at the telescope THROUGH the windows... ELLIE J39 Z186...? WILLIE Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. ELLIE VB10's an M dwarf; Signa Draconis... too old. KENT (at the coffee machine) You've only searched -- what is it, sixteen hundred stars without a peep? Try not to take it too personally. ELLIE Thank you, Mr. Sensitive. (frowns) I'm coming at this wrong... missing something... something... DISSOLVE TO: PAIR OF HANDS pick up a think coil of cable. DUSTY PAIR OF SNEAKERS trek through the moonlit scrub desert, trailing cable behind them... EXT. DESERT - NIGHT Ellie sits cross-legged on the hard earth, hunched over with her fingers barely touching the pair of headphones she wears. We hear the faint arhythmic pulsing of STATIC... Ellie's eyes are closed; she leans forward, an expression of peculiar intensity on her face... CUT TO: EXT. DESERT - WIDE Ellie's tiny hunched-over figure is sitting about a thousand yards away from the main building, rocking slowly back and forth under the vast desert sky, back and forth,listening... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. NEW MEXICO DESERT - AERIAL SHOT - DAY A government sedan travels the dusty road to the VLA. EXT. VLA MAIN BUILDING - LATER AFTERNOON The sedan pulls up. WILLIE climbs out of the driver's side and comes around to get the bags as David Drumlin emerges, formidable and patrician as ever. Kent, Fisher, Millington, Curtain and a number of other scientists are there to greet him. DRUMLIN (hand at his back) Now I remember why I went into theoretical work. Kent. KENT Glad to have you, David. How's the new office? DRUMLIN Still settling in, really. (looking over the group) Where's Dr. Arroway? INT. VLA CONTROL ROOM - AFTERNOON Kent and Fisher lead Drumlin through the complex; his conservative suit out of place among the jeans and T-shirts; other scientists either smile obsequiously or avert their gaze. FISHER ... not that there's a whole lot in the way of entertainment around here but I guess it beats communing with washing machines. DRUMLIN What's that? KENT Nothing. (looking at Fisher; hesitates a long beat) Okay. Some of us have been a little... not concerned, exactly, but... DRUMLIN (almost gently) Tell me. KENT (hesitates again; finally) Last week, about 3 A.M., Fish -- Dr. Fisher -- was on a late shift, and he found her doing laundry. DRUMLIN So? KENT So... there wasn't any clothes in the machine. She was just sitting there on the floor with her ear pressed up against the Maytag. Listening. EXT. VLA LIVING QUARTERS - ESTABLISHING - DUSK Across a barren patch of desert lies a weathered residential outbuilding, something between a dormitory and a Motel Six. INT. ELLIE'S QUARTERS - DUSK Home. Painted cinderblock, a single star map up on the wall. An old lumpy couch, several monitors along a shelf on one wall that connects her to the control room. Headphones, listening equipment. Ellie is at the fridge. ELLIE Pepsi? Tequila? DRUMLIN No, thanks. He sits on the corner of the unmade bed. Ellie pops open a soda, unselfconscious. DRUMLIN Peter sends his regards. ELLIE (a little too nonchalant) Oh? How's he doing? DRUMLIN Very well; since my appointment he's been made interim director. ELLIE Really? Congratulations, by the way. DRUMLIN I'm surprised you even knew it was an election year. ELLIE 'President's Science Advisor' -- so what, you just spend all your time jetting around on Air Force One now...? DRUMLIN Now exactly. It's... complicated. ELLIE No doubt. DRUMLIN (a beat, then) Ellie... ELLIE (avoiding the inevitable) Did I tell you we've expanded the search spectrum? We're including several other possible magic frequencies -- not just the hydrogen line anymore. I was trying to get inside their heads, y'know? And I started thinking, what other constants are there in the Universe besides hydrogen, and then suddenly it was so obvious -- transcendantals, right? So we've been trying variations of pi... DRUMLIN You know why I'm here. ELLIE It's not enough having my search time systematically cut down -- you know I'm down to three hours a week now. DRUMLIN Ellie, I should have done this a long time ago, certainly before I left the N.S.F., but I wanted to give you every benefit of the doubt -- ELLIE You can't just pull the plug, David. DRUMLIN It's not like you've given me much choice. ELLIE Meaning... DRUMLIN Meaning I have to go defend a budget to the President and to Congress and you're out here listening to washing machines. ELLIE (quietly) I'm searching for patterns in the noise, that's all. Order in the chaos. I'm practicing listening -- DRUMLIN The point is, this isn't just scientific inquiry anymore -- it's turned into some kind of personal obsession. ELLIE The difference being what -- that I refuse to adopt the standard line, that I don't care about the results of my work? Well, I do care. Of course any discovery has to be verifiable, of course it must be subject to all rigors of scientific method, but I refuse to go around pretending I'm some kind of dispassionate automaton when it's obvious to anyone with a brain I'm just not. DRUMLIN No... You're not. But the price has just gotten too high. ELLIE Goddamnit, they are out there, David -- DRUMLIN Then why haven't you detected any signals? If, as you claim, there have been thousands, millions of advanced civilizations out there for millions of years then why hasn't one signal gotten through? (rising) It'll take a month or two for the paperwork to go through; you're welcome to stay until then. ELLIE David -- DRUMLIN It was a worthy experiment -- worthy of you; I was wrong about that part. But it's over now. He leaves. Ellie just stands there in the window, fighting back the emotion, watching the telescopes in the falling light... EXT. SPACE - MESSAGE approaches the out regions of our solar system; Neptune -- an austere, deep blue gas world with swirling clouds of methane. The message shoots by more worlds at the speed of light. Saturn. Jupiter. Closer. MESSAGE - TO EARTH - DESCENDING VIEWS Approaching the big blue and white marble, breathtaking against a backdrop of stars. We PLUNGE PAST the outer satellites, the Hubble telescope -- Space Station Mir. We ENTER the atmosphere, DESCENDING THROUGH layers of clouds, DOWN farther and farther, FASTER AND FASTER -- We RUSH DOWN TOWARD North America, the Southwest U.S., SMASHING DOWN TOWARD the tiny dot of the VLA, TOWARD the westernmost dish and INTO the antenna at its center -- INSERT - TV - LARRY KING LIVE The famous host's familiar features, pixilated in EXTREME CLOSEUP. LARRY KING (V.O.) (TV) My guest tonight is author and theologian Palmer Joss, 'God's diplomat' according to the New York Times. His new book -- Losing Faith -- is currently number one on that publication's bestseller list. Thanks for being with us, Reverend. Okay -- who's losing faith -- and why? Our first glimpse of Palmer Joss. He has a rumpled, rugged charm that has become just the slightest bit polished. No bullshit, agreeably ironic, he's ridden the wave of the New Spiritualism farther than even he ever imagined. JOSS (V.O.) Well, let me start this way, Larry. What has science done for you lately? LARRY KING (V.O.) Besides letting me broadcast this program all over the world? JOSS (V.O.) (smiles) Besides that. Or better, I'll give you that, but tell me this: Are you happier? Are we happier? Is our would fundamentally a better place? WIDEN SLOWLY to reveal: INT. VLA CONTROL ROOM - NIGHT Willie and Fisher sit at the command console, battling the ennui of their watch. BOB MARLEY plays on a battered BOOMBOX; Fisher watches Joss on a Watchman. JOSS (V.O.) (TV) Don't get me wrong -- we're smart, Larry. We shop at home, we surf the net... and we feel emptier and lonelier and more cut off from each other than at any other time in human history... Fisher eats a Baby Ruth and sips a Coke as he watches. Willie, heavy into his Gameboy, has a sudden epiphany. WILLIE Y'know who'd make great astronomers? Vampires. Think about it; the perfect synthesis of career and lifestyle. FISHER (engrossed in TV) Shut up, Willie. INT. ELLIE'S ROOM - NIGHT Ellie lies crashed out on the couch, headphones on. All we hear is STATIC... ... and then, beneath the static, we begin to hear another sound, barely audible but definitely there... A faint irregular PULSING, FADING IN AND OUT of reception. Ellie slowly swims up to consciousness. After a moment her eyes open. She sits up -- TIGHT ON BOOMBOX still playing REGGAE. A hand reaches in and turns it OFF. INT. VLA CONTROL - ROOM Willie and Fisher look up in surprise as Ellie goes to the main console, starts checking instrument readings. WILLIE Got a bogey, boss? ELLIE I'm not sure. You mind checking right ascension 18 hours, 34 minutes; declination plus 38 degrees 41 minutes? FISHER What's the frequency? ELLIE 4458.8 gigahertz. Fisher and Willie look at each other significantly. ELLIE It's probably nothing. They start typing in coordinates. THROUGH WINDOW - GIANT RADIO TELESCOPES turn one by one, fixing on the same point in the sky. INT. VLA CONTROL - CONTINUOUS ACTION Willie puts on headsets, flips a switch, twists a dial. WILLIE (in wonder) Hydrogen times pi... (calling to Ellie) Got it. Strong sucker. ELLIE Put it on speakers. He punches a button. An eerie, PULSING METALLIC SOUND. Willie and Fisher run their routine checks with a practiced calm -- WILLIE FISHER Could be AWACS from Glitch in number Kirtland; verifying seventeen. intensity. Wasn't Monochromatic, strong seventeen where we found too. That was twenty- that owl's nest last three, besides I got month? signal across the board. Around the room a few night owls are watching with growing interest. Ellie types rapidly on a keyboard, watching a monitor above her: SEARCH)STAR FIELD ORIGIN OF SIGNAL) FISHER Checking interferometric position. Somewhere in Lyra, I think... ELLIE Vega...? WILLIE That can't be right; it's only twenty-six light years away. ELLIE I scanned it at Arecibo; negative results, always. FISHER Linearly polarized; a set of moving pulses restricted to two different amplitudes -- WILLIE Air Force isn't supposed to be on this frequency. ELLIE That's what they always say; punch up the darks. Another display shows all satellites and major debris in orbit; "darks" glow in red. ELLIE (murmurs) How's the spying tonight, guys? WILLIE NORAD's not tracking any spacecraft in our vector including snoops; shuttle Endeavor's in sleep mode. FISHER Interferometry now rules out a Molniya-type orbit. WILLIE Confirming sidereal motion; whatever it is, it ain't local. Ellie fights to stay calm -- but the excitement rippling through the gathered is palpable -- ELLIE Display absolute intensity. On another monitor a sound spike leaps with each pulse. WILLIE Reading over a hundred janskys -- Ellie puts on headsets, shuts her eyes in fierce concentration as she listens -- for a moment only a signal echoes through the control room -- ELLIE Numbers. Those are numbers, each pulse is a set -- break it down -- Now with each pulse, long strings of zeros and ones appear. On the monitor: PROMPT: CONVERTING TO BASE 10) OPERATION COMPLETED MAIN DISPLAY With each pulse a number appears: 59 61 67 71 79 83 89 91 -- ELLIE 79 -- 83 -- 91 -- they're all primes, no way that's a natural phenomenon -- ! The room ignites. Ellie shouts over the din -- ELLIE Okay, let's just slow down. Pull up the starfield signal origin. KENT (O.S.) It can't be coming from Vega, the system's too young. Kent stands sleepily in the doorway, wearing Kermit the Frog pajamas and an old robe. Willie punches up a screen: ELLIE WILLIE Maybe they didn't grow up Constellation Lyra, there, maybe they're just brightest star Vega, visiting. A-zero main sequence dwarf, estimate several KENT million years old. The system's full of debris Distance 26 light years -- any spacecraft that accretion disk, no stayed for long would get known planets. clobbered. NEARBY SKEPTIC Not if they took evasive action and used their photon torpedoes. ELLIE Or if they're in polar orbit -- but no, you're right. If we go public and we're wrong, that's it -- it is over for us. (the room grows quiet) Vega will set in a couple of hours; it's probably already risen in Australia. Let's call Ian and see if we can get some verification on this. Willie picks up the phone and dials. All eyes on Ellie. ELLIE Okay. We have an intense, not very monochromatic signal, linearly polarized as if coming from an antenna, source moving with the stars so it can't be an airplane or spacecraft; on and only on a frequency whose only significance would be to an intelligence that wanted to be directed. If anyone can come up with any plausible or even implausible explanation besides ETI I want to hear it, now. Silence. Willie on the phone -- WILLIE Yeah -- yeah, just a sec -- He looks up at Ellie. She looks back -- EXT. CSCIRO RADIO TELESCOPE (AUSTRALIA) - DAY IAN (V.O.) (phone) ... We put it smack in the middle -- INT. CSCIRO CONTROL ROOM - CONTINUOUS ACTION IAN BRODERICK, head of SETI down under, reaches across a star map surrounded by other excited technicians -- IAN Vega. As his finger hits the map -- INT. VLA CONTROL ROOM - SAME TIME ELLIE (pausing) Thanks, Ian. Can you just keep tracking it as long as you can and we'll get back to you. (slowly puts down the phone, then) Get this out to every observatory and radio array on the planet. Um... and get me the President's Science Advisor. Outside the sun is coming up. They all look to the windows. The telescopes are silhouetted against the pale light. Ellie goes. They watch her -- then turn to look out at the rows of mechanical flowers pointing up at the new dawn. INT. ELLIE'S ROOM Ellie shuts the door behind her. She sinks to the floor, looks up, breathless -- ELLIE Hello, Pensacola... ELLIE'S E-MAIL as it types out on various screens at radio telescopes in exotic locations around the world; various teams gather round -- ANOMALOUS INTERMITTENT RADIO SOURCE AT RIGHT ASCENSION 18 34m, DECLINATION PLUS 38 DEGREES 41 MINUTES, DISCOVERED BY VLA SYSTEMATIC SKY SURVEY. FREQUENCY 4458.8 GIGAHERTZ, LYRA/VEGA SYSTEM. 174 AND 179 JANSKYS. EVIDENCE AMPLITUDES ENCODE SEQUENCE OF PRIME NUMBERS. FULL LONGITUDE COVERAGE URGENTLY NEEDED. E. ARROWAY, DIRECTOR, PROJECT ARGUS, SOCORRO, NEW MEXICO, U.S.A. Sound upcut: a JET ENGINE ROARS -- EXT. WHITE SANDS AFB - DAY AIR FORCE 2 lands with a SCREECH as Government Motor Pool cars speed toward it across the tarmac. National Security Advisor MICHAEL KITZ -- very sharp and serious as death -- steps out of the plane... followed momentarily by David Drumlin. He doesn't look happy. EXT. VLA - MAIN ENTRANCE - DAY Security guards stonewall two mobile TV news trucks. A handful of protesters picket the entrance carrying signs; "JUSTICE," "STOP THE COVERUP," "ROSWELL." PROTESTERS (chanting) U-F-O-s -- We want to know -- As Kitz, Drumlin and a small VIP delegation make their way in, Local News Reporters thrust microphones in their faces -- "Mr. Kitz, Dr. Drumlin --" KITZ The President will be making a statement in due time; until then we have no comment. INT. CONTROL CENTER - DAY Fisher leads Kitz, Drumlin and the rest of the delegation around the room. Coffee cups and cigarettes abound. Drumlin crosses over to Willie's console, studies the display. In the b.g. we hear the constant BEEPING of the MESSAGE. DRUMLIN What's the latest? WILLIE Forty-four stations worldwide now confirming the signal, sir. DRUMLIN (to an aide) Let's get some decryption people here, now. Dr. Lunacharsky's visiting at the University of New Mexico -- Kitz and others look at the main display as the primes continue to scroll. KITZ I don't get it. If this civilization is so advanced why the remedial math? SENATE DELEGATE Why don't they just speak English? ELLIE (O.S.) Maybe because seventy percent of the planet speaks other languages. All eyes turn to Ellie; she hasn't slept but you'd hardly notice. ELLIE Mathematics is the only truly universal language, Senator. We think this may be a beacon -- an announcement to get our attention. DRUMLIN If it's attention you want I'd say you've got it. (as Ellie turns to him) Just one thing: Why Vega? Everyone's looked at Vega for years with no results, and now, yesterday, they start broadcasting primes. Why? ELLIE It's hardly yesterday; the signal's been traveling for over twenty-six years. As for why... (meeting his gaze) I'm hoping your own expertise in decryption algorithms will help us find out -- to see if there's another message buried deeper in the signal. Drumlin frowns, effectively neutralized for the moment. KITZ Dr. Arroway -- DRUMLIN Michael Kitz, National Security Advisor. KITZ Dr. Arroway, let me first say -- ELLIE Before you do could you please ask the gentlemen with the firearms to wait outside? This is a civilian facility. Kitz pauses -- then gives a signal to dismiss the Berets. ELLIE Oh, and if you could ask them not to use their radios -- interference. Thanks so much. Drumlin warns her with a look, which she conveniently avoids. KITZ I'll come right to the point, Doctor. Your sending this message all over the world may well be a breach of National Security. ELLIE This isn't a person to person call, Mr. Kitz. I don't really think the civilization sending the message intended it just for Americans. KITZ I'm saying you might have consulted us; the contents of this message could be extremely sensitive... ELLIE You want to classify prime numbers? DRUMLIN Mike, because of the Earth's rotation we're only in line with Vega so many hours a day; the only way to get the whole message is to cooperate with other stations. If Dr. Arroway hadn't moved quickly we could have lost key elements. KITZ Okay, fine, they've got the primes -- but if you're right about there being another more significant transmission still to come -- ELLIE -- which we'll also need the network's help to receive and decode! KITZ You don't seem to understand that it's your interests I'm trying to protect -- ! Suddenly the steady BEEPING of the MESSAGE STOPS, replaced by terrible STATIC. On the various displays the prime numbers start to scramble. FISHER Oh shit. ELLIE Interference -- we're losing the signal. EXT. VLA CONTINUOUS ACTION - DAY Media choppers circle like buzzards: CNN, ABC, WGH Santa Fe, freelance weather choppers on the lookout for "Hard Copy" -- INT. VLA - CONTINUOUS ACTION - DAY The DRONE of the CHOPPERS continues in the b.g. KENT Can't we get rid of them? ELLIE (looks up at Kitz; slowly) It's a civilian facility. Kitz allows himself the barest hint of a smile -- then switches on his radio and speaks calmly into it. KITZ Colonel Jarrod, I'd like a twenty mile radio-silent perimeter put around this installation immediately. ELLIE And a hundred mile airspace. KITZ And a hundred mile airspace. EXT. VLA PERIMETER - DUSK In the extreme f.g. a heavy-duty aluminum post is thrust into the earth -- a fence is being erected. INT. VLA ROOM - DUSK Kitz stands in the former lounge/cafeteria; an improvised command center has been set up on the ping-pong table. Aides continue to hook up equipment as he talks on a red phone: KITZ ... under control for the moment but the longer we wait the more unstable the situation could become. I think you should consider coming here... INT. CONTROL ROOM - DUSK STEPHEN LUNACHARSKY, a high-strung Russian scientist, chain smokes as he types. Ellie and Drumlin stand over him, Kent next to him, others nearby. ELLIE ... could it be a nested code of some sort? DRUMLIN You must have checked the signal for polarization modulation already... Ellie hesitates. Drumlin looks at her. Whoops. ELLIE Dr. Lunacharsky...? LUNACHARSKY (takes a drag) Analyzing signal polarization shifts. He type in a series of commands. Something begins to happen on the main display -- LUNACHARSKY Bingo. POV - THROUGH WINDOW Kitz, on the phone, sees the activity around the console. BACK TO SCENE Lunacharsky types in commands as he talks. LUNACHARSKY A second layer, nested within the main signal; possibly... a picture? Product of three primes... KITZ (joining them) What. LUNACHARSKY ... definitely three dimensions, either a hologram or a two- dimensional picture that moves in time; a movie. DRUMLIN (dryly) Hope there's a cartoon. KITZ How is that possible? How could all that information be encoded in -- KENT Well, sir, some bits of the signal are bits that tell us how to interpret the other bits. Technically speaking. JURYRIGGED 35-INCH MONITOR Strings of zeros and ones fill the screen as the group assembles around it. ELLIE Enlarge. Willie types. Ellie moves closer, studying it. Intuitively: ELLIE Try plotting values in a three dimensional coordinate system. A pattern begins to emerge. DRUMLIN Throw a gray scale on it; standard interpolation. ELLIE Rotate 90 degrees counterclock wise. Willie enters commands. All are mesmerized by the shadows taking form on the screen. ELLIE It has to be an image. Stack it up, string-breaks every 60th character. On the screen a distinct black and white moving image forms; grays define it even further. The group is transfixed. Kitz whispers to an aide who makes a call in a hand radio. KENT Um... I've got an auxiliary sideband channel here. I think it's audio. An otherworldly RUMBLING GLISSANDO of sounds joins the image, sliding up and down the spectrum... and then the faint SWELLING MUSIC is heard. Ellie reaches over Willie and type more commands. The picture rotates, rectifies, focuses -- KITZ What in the hell...? DRUMLIN It's a hoax. I knew it! KENT Um, excuse me, but would someone mind telling me what the hell is going on? Other reactions range from astonishment to nervous laughter. Ellie and Peter stare in utter amazement. ON SCREEN A grainy black and white image of a massive reviewing stand adorned with an immense Art Deco eagle. Clutched in the eagle's concrete talons is a swastika. Adolph Hitler salutes a rhythmically chanting crowd. The deep baritone voice of an ANNOUNCER, scratchy but unmistakably GERMAN, BOOMS through the room. The dark absurdity of the moment plays over Ellie's face; helpless: ELLIE Anybody know German? Kent tilts his head, closes his eyes. KENT The Fuhrer... welcomes the world to the German Fatherland... for the opening of the 1936 Olympic Games. Hitler's face fills the screen. The crowd roars its approval. CUT TO: TELEVISED RIOT in Berlin. Police with hoses try to keep a mob of skinheads under control. GERMAN ANNOUNCER (V.O.) (in German) ... the signal from the American observatory depicting Adolph Hitler has brought about chaos in the streets of Berlin, where hundreds of neo-Nazis gathered to swear eternal fealty... Slowly WIDEN to reveal a monitor wall. A kaleidoscopic display of global news coverage of the event. Demonstrations in a dozen cities, commentary from pundits, Aryan leaders and Auschwitz survivors. A single figure sits before the monitors, taking in the cacophony. INT. VLA CORRIDOR - DAY A huddle of figures sweeps down a dark corridor, charged with power and purpose. FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) Forty million people die defeating that sonofabitch and he becomes our first ambassador to another civilization? It makes me sick. DRUMLIN (O.S.) With all due respect, the Hitler broadcast from the '36 Olympics was the first television transmission of any power that went into space. That they recorded it and sent it back is simply a way of saying 'Hello, we heard you --' KITZ (O.S.) -- Or 'you're our kind of people --' DRUMLIN (O.S.) -- It's extremely unlikely that they had any idea what they were looking at. FEMALE VOICE (O.S.) I can't believe that everything on TV is automatically broadcast all over the universe. 'Hard Copy'... Rickie Lake'... (paling) Oh God, the '60 Minutes' interview. The huddle bursts through a door and out into the dazzling New Mexico morning, revealing the PRESIDENT and her entourage: Drumlin, Kitz, Secret Service, and fighting to keep up, Ellie. A sea of press awaits them as they move toward the podium, which has been set up with the 31 enormous radio antennas in the b.g. As the CHIEF OF STAFF takes the podium Ellie looks over her note cards, then nervously out at the crowd. CHIEF OF STAFF Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States. President Helen Lasker addresses the crowd. She's an American version of Margaret Thatcher. PRESIDENT LASKER (FEMALE VOICE) My fellow Americans, citizens of the world, ladies and gentlemen of the press. At 7:09 A.M. Eastern Standard Time yesterday morning, American scientists detected a radio signal from space. This message was largely mathematical, and in spite of some of the headlines I've seen today, so far seems to be completely benign in nature. To better explain the extraordinary events of the last 24 hours, I'm turning you over to... Doctor David Drumlin. Ellie looks up in surprise. Drumlin doesn't miss a beat as he strides to the podium. DRUMLIN Good morning. In 1936 a very faint television signal transmitted the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games as a show of German superior technology. That signal left Earth at the speed of light and twenty-six years later arrived on Vega, which they then sent back to us hugely amplified. As evidence of intelligence this is indisputable -- As Drumlin continues we see Fisher ease onto the dais from behind, approach Ellie and surreptitiously hand her a note. DRUMLIN Whoever or whatever they are, they're clearly move advanced than we... Ellie reads it, looks up at Fisher in surprise -- then quietly slips away. A murmur among the press as they notice; the President and then Drumlin as well -- DRUMLIN ... maybe only decades or centuries, maybe much further along than that... INT. VLA CONTROL ROOM - DAY Ellie hurries into the control room -- then stops dead. POV - MAIN MONITOR The incredibly complex geometric pattern we see flashing on the screen will be referred to as hieroglyphics -- but they are like no hieroglyphics ever seen before; chillingly otherworldly, they are the first visual artifact of an alien civilization. The scientists stand stunned and silent. BACK TO SCENE ELLIE What... LUNACHARSKY (softly) In ancient times when parchment was in short supply people would write over old writing... it was called a palimpsest. ELLIE A third layer. A phalanx of officials led by Drumlin, Kitz and the President hurry in... and also stop at the sight of the hieroglyphs. PRESIDENT LASKER Oh my God... KITZ What is it? ELLIE I think we just hit the cosmic jackpot. KENT It's incredibly rich. We've been cataloging it in frames or 'pages'; right now we're on 10,413. PRESIDENT LASKER What does it say? ELLIE It could be anything. The first volume of some Encyclopedia Galactica... KITZ ... instructions to acquaint us with their colonization procedures. KENT Moses with a few billion new commandments... KITZ Ms. President, in the interest of national security, I strongly recommend we militarize this project immediately -- ELLIE Pardon me, but you can't do -- ! KITZ If at some later date the message proves harmless, we can discuss sharing it with the rest of the world, but until then -- ELLIE That's terrific, but there's one problem: we don't have the means to receive all the data on our own. PRESIDENT LASKER Is that true? DRUMLIN The only way would be if we had a radio telescope in orbit. PRESIDENT LASKER We don't? Why don't we? ELLIE Because you cut it from the budget three years running. PRESIDENT LASKER How soon will you be able to decode it? LUNACHARSKY There's no way of knowing. Without a key -- a primer, to help us, maybe never. ELLIE Maybe it'll be at the end of the data when the message recycles. PRESIDENT LASKER Well. That would seem to decide it. Like it or not, for the moment, anyway, it looks like we're all in this together. KITZ But -- PRESIDENT LASKER That's it, Mike. Last time I checked, I was still running the country. Although it seems that for the moment, Dr. Arroway is running the planet. The President looks up at the screen and involuntarily shivers. PRESIDENT LASKER Let's get out of here. CUT TO: MONITOR WALL (LOCATION UNKNOWN) - DAY More global news coverage, private surveillance camera feeds; also some disturbing pornographic images. On one monitor, a moment from the President's VLA press conference plays over and over -- the moment when Drumlin stepped up to the podium in front of Ellie. A gnarled hand pushes a button on a console and the image enlarges -- we see Ellie's expression of shock and hurt, over and over. Over and over. On the next monitor over is live CNN coverage of the scene outside the VLA -- we begin to PUSH IN ON it -- WOLF BLITZER (V.O.) ... There had been speculation on the part of psychologists that the proliferation of depictions of aliens in movies and on television in recent years might make for an almost blase acceptance of the news. MATCH CUT TO: EXT. DESERT (NEW MEXICO) - DAY The road leading to the VLA is jammed with vehicles, RVs, vans, busses, as far as the eye can see. More people walk on the side of the road. WOLF BLITZER (V.O.) But the truth is, it turns out, is far stranger than anything Hollywood might have dreamed up -- and here, today, the prospect of extraterrestrial intelligence if no longer science fiction -- it's the best show in town. The VIEW CLIMBS, REVEALING campfires, BBQs, tents of all shapes and sizes littering the plains surrounding the telescope array. Signs and banners reading "Watch the Skies" and "There are Aliens Among Us." Woodstock 1998. VOICE (O.S.) ... I know you're angry -- we're all angry. About the lies. The corruption. About the cancer of despair spreading through every aspect of our lives. But Rome will fall, my friends; everywhere now are the signs of closure. Even now the end begins. EXT. VLA ENTRANCE - CONTINUOUS ACTION Various preachers and new age gurus speak to gatherings all along the new cyclone fence surrounding the VLA. We become aware of a crowd concentrated around a young man speaking on a small stage: JOSEPH. He has the appeal of a rock star, albeit a compelling well-spoken one. His AMPLIFIED VOICE RINGS OUT: JOSEPH The millennium is upon us. God has fulfilled his promise, sending us this herald to warn the faithless -- the scientists who tell us He doesn't even exist -- and to promise us, the faithful, we will be saved. Beyond Joseph we can see through the shiny new cyclone fence to the VLA building, now surrounded by tents and temporary structures. JOSEPH (O.S.) I don't know what this voice from the sky says -- but I do know that if history has taught us anything, it's that the politicians and the scientists are lying to us, right now, for their own good! Are these the kind of people you want talking to your God for you -- ? INT. VLA CONTROL ROOM - DAY Outside, the panorama window searchlights fan, CROWDS CHANT frightening rhythms. Inside, the numbing, never- ending pulses of the signal and scrolling numbers. The former lounge/cafeteria has been turned into decryption central: dozens of personal workstations, populated with Silicon Valley's finest assortment of techno-wizards, crashed out on cots in a 'round-the-clock effort to break the code. Ellie sips her coffee as she walks briskly through the chaos; Drumlin matches her stride for stride. DRUMLIN ... Arrangements also have to be made for the V.I.P.s coming in, mostly religious leaders... ELLIE What? Why? DRUMLIN The theological ramifications of all this are obvious; the President feels we need to include religious interests rather than alienate them. She's also named Palmer Joss as their liaison; he's requested a meeting with you. ELLIE With me. DRUMLIN Apparently he's genuinely interested in science. This could be a chance to win him over. ELLIE I'm going to convert Mr. Science-is- the-root-of-all-evil? This is absurd, David. We have work to do here, I don't have time to play babysitter to the God Squad. DRUMLIN (low and dangerous) Ellie -- Ellie looks at him in surprise as he grabs her by the elbow. DRUMLIN I want you to listen to me, carefully. The minute the implications of this message became clear, this stopped being simply a scientific matter and became a political one -- an extremely complex, extremely volatile one. There are forces at work here you don't understand; I can help you up to a point, but only up to a point. ELLIE (in innocent wonder) Are you threatening me? DRUMLIN It's not a threat, Ellie, it's a fact -- if you're not careful, you may find yourself out in the cold very quickly. Play ball. Really. It's good advice. Ellie stops as she notices through the windows, Lunacharsky stepping out of the decryption area. He's looking right at her. ELLIE Excuse me. ANGLE As Ellie approaches Lunacharsky, something in his eyes tells her there's more to his weary look than just fatigue. ELLIE What? LUNACHARSKY We've repeated. A few minutes ago the message cycled back to page one. ELLIE And? LUNACHARSKY No primer. ELLIE (incredulous) How can that be? LUNACHARSKY I don't know. Maybe there is a fourth layer in there somewhere, but if there is, I sure as hell can't find it. Ellie stares at him -- turns to look at Drumlin -- then walks out of the room. INT. ELLIE'S ROOM - NIGHT Bleary-eyed, three days with no sleep, Ellie sits at her terminal, staring at the hieroglyphics, more impenetrable then ever. In the corner, the TV DRONES. BERNIE SHAW (V.O.) ... And with church attendance at record highs, a coalition of religious leaders are using their increased political capital to challenge the very legality of radio astronomy itself, claiming the message and its contents subvert the moral climate of their constituencies. More after this... A CNN special report logo -- "The Message," dazzlingly vulgar with its own graphics and there. A COMMERCIAL CONTINUES in the b.g.: COMMERCIAL ANNOUNCER (V.O.) In the air, under the sea, in the depths of D.N.A. itself, Hadden Industries is at the frontier... Ellie, chin on forearms, stares at her screen, willing herself to find a pattern. Suddenly she blinks -- something is changing. A dot appears in the middle of the screen. It begins to grow, revealing a complex fractal shape. It splits, enlarges, splits again, the shapes finally revealing themselves as... English letters. Which read: "TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER" Ellie stares -- ELLIE Someone's broken into the system, someone's compromised the fucking -- ! She quickly type in: "Who are you?" The fractals reform" "I'VE GOT A SECRET." Ellie types again: "WHO ARE YOU?" The fractals reform: "YOUR PLACE OR MINE?" Ellie stares -- more fractals form as she grabs a pen and paper -- EXT. VLA - NIGHT National Guardsmen have established a perimeter around the compound; soldiers are posted on the main road as well. As Ellie ROARS through the gate in her 1967 T-BIRD, our VIEW RISES: the new Woodstock nation is, for the moment, asleep. EXT. HIGHWAY (NEW MEXICO) - NIGHT Ellie's tense face lit by the dash. She picks up a piece of paper with scribbled directions on it. Turns onto a dirt road. EXT. HIGHWAY (NEW MEXICO) - LOW ANGLE POV - NIGHT of Ellie's CAR ROARING by SWINGS to reveal a jackrabbit sitting at the side of the road, its nose twitching. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT Ellie's car approaches a small, private airstrip; a black, unmarked helicopter is waiting. HIGH ABOVE UTAH - DAWN The strange rock formations of southeastern Utah almost resemble another planet. EXT. LARGER AIRSTRIP (UTAH) As the helicopter sets down, we see two Lear jets and another Helicopter... service vehicles for the enormous Russian transport plane that sits beyond them. A dark-suited Japanese MAJOR DOMO helps Ellie out of the helicopter. MAJOR DOMO You should be flattered. He hardly lands for anyone. INT. TRANSPORT PLANE The Major Domo leads Ellie down a corridor of the plane's custom interior. Through one door we can see into a room where several very beautiful, very young women sit watching TV with vacant eyes. Ellie only catches a glimpse before the Major Domo nods for her to enter the main room and takes his post outside. Ellie cautiously enters the interior of what appears to be a flying Dascha; dark, heavy on the chintz. Bookshelves, an exercise machine... and a wall of monitors, filled top to bottom with scrolling hieroglyphics. Ellie reaches out to them -- HADDEN (O.S.) Dr. Arroway, I presume. Ellie turns to see S.R. HADDEN. Thick glasses, wearing a cardigan, he stands by a silver samovar. ELLIE S.R. Hadden... (beat) You compromised our security codes. HADDEN Once upon a time I was a hell of an engineer. Please, sit, Doctor. I have guests so rarely, it's important to me they feel welcome in my home. (turns to the samovar) Did you know this was once Yeltsin's flying dascha? That dent is where he threw a bottle of vodka at the pilot. At least that's what the people who sold me the plane said... As he speaks, he slowly and with great effort raises a glass to the samovar, fills it with tea. ELLIE You live here. HADDEN I find it convenient to keep my interests... mobile. Anyway, I've had my fill of life on the ground. After spending much of this century pursuing the evils and pleasures the world has to offer -- after outliving three wives and two children... (a bare flicker of emotion) I find I've had quite enough of planet Earth. ELLIE Why am I here, Mr. Hadden? HADDEN (smiles) The infamous, unfashionable bluntness. (turning) You're here so we can do business. I want to make a deal. ELLIE What kind of deal? HADDEN The powers that be have been quite busy lately, falling over each other to position themselves for the game of the century, if not the millennium. Perhaps you've noticed. (as Ellie reacts, Hadden smiles) Perhaps I could help deal you back in. ELLIE I didn't realize I was out. HADDEN Oh, maybe not out -- but definitely looking for you coat. (beat) I understand you've had some difficulty locating the -- what are you calling it? The 'primer' that will make decryption possible... (he turns to her, simply) I've found it. ELLIE You've... found it. (catching her breath) What could I possibly have that you would want, Mr. Hadden? HADDEN I've had a long time to make enemies, Dr. Arroway. There are many governments, business interests, even religious leaders who would like to see me disappear. And I will grant them their wish soon enough... But before I do, I wish to make a small contribution -- a final gesture of goodwill toward the people of this little planet who've given -- from whom I've taken so much. ELLIE If I knew you any better I'd say that doesn't sound like you. HADDEN (a dazzling smile) That's my girl... (then) Lights. The lights dim. The wall monitors take center stage. HADDEN Forgive the theatrics, it's a weakness. Hadden pulls on a pair of gloves for an imaginary VR keyboard. He gestures for Ellie to sit beside him, facing the monitors. He begins to type as the monitors scroll hieroglyphics -- HADDEN Page after page of data -- over sixty-three thousand in all, if I'm not mistaken... and at the end of each... ELLIE A page-break signal. A period. HADDEN Not if you think like a Vegan. ELLIE You're saying... there is no separate primer in the message -- because it's on every page so the recipient can decipher it wherever he is -- HADDEN -- even if he doesn't receive the entire transmission. Heaven is the mustard seed. Hadden ghost-types a series of commands. The monitor wall syncs into a giant vidscreen -- The hieroglyphics begin to enlarge. An almost invisible dot in the lower right corner of the screen -- the page- break signal -- grows larger and larger, until it reveals a level of complexity and detail greater than that of the hieroglyphics themselves. ELLIE (breathless) Holy shit... These new symbols begin to mutate change... something is happening, Hadden leans in to Ellie. HADDEN You'll like this part. A little flashy... ON SCREEN The symbols metamorphose into strange, fractal shapes; like crystals, they begin to grow and shift, interacting in a stunningly beautiful and intricate ballet -- ELLIE Some kind of circuitry...? HADDEN Very good, Doctor. I've also detected structural elements, back references, a general movement from the simple to the complex -- all of which would seem to indicate instructions -- an enormously complicated set of instructions -- for building something. ELLIE A machine. (off Hadden's nod) But a machine that does what? HADDEN (smiles) That would seem to be the question of the hour. (turning to her) I want to build it, Doctor. Of course I'm already lobbying through the usual channels of influence and corruption -- but as I said, my colorful past has made many of those channels... difficult to navigate. I need someone on the inside. ELLIE And in return? HADDEN In return... you get the primer -- and with it the power to stay in the game. Do we have a deal? Ellie pulls herself away from the hypnotic display. ELLIE Mr. Hadden, I'm a scientist; I don't make deals... But. If you wish to give me, in good faith, access to your information, I can assure you that I will exert all reasonable efforts to promote your cause wherever it doesn't conflict with the best interests of science... or my better judgment. HADDEN (delighted) That's my girl. Done. Ellie turns to watch the screens as the fractals continue to coalesce. Dazzled -- CUT TO: EXT. CAMP DAVID - AERIAL SHOT - DAY The snow-covered Presidential retreat in its forest setting. INT. CAMP DAVID - BRIEFING ROOM - DAY Charts display a decoded periodic table, the slice of circuitry; monitors scroll through hundreds of decoded pages. ELLIE ... And while its function remains, for the moment, a mystery, my best guess is that it represents a transport of some kind. PRESIDENT LASKER A transport. So are they coming or are we going? KITZ (interrupting) The transport theory is only one hypothesis, Ms. President, and in my view a rather naive one. It could just as easily be some kind of Trojan Horse. We build it and out pours the entire Vegan army. CHAIRMAN OF JOINT CHIEFS Why even bother to risk personnel? Why not send some kind of doomsday machine? Every time an emerging technological civilization announces itself by broadcasting radio waves into space they reply with a message. The civilization builds it and blows itself up. No expeditionary force needed. ELLIE Ms. President, this is communist paranoia right out of War of the Worlds. There is no reason whatsoever to believe the ETIs intentions are hostile. We pose no threat to them -- it would be like us going out of our way to destroy microbes on a beach in Africa. DRUMLIN Interesting analogy. And how guilty would we feel if we happened to destroy some microbes on a beach in Africa? KITZ (turning to Ellie) I hope you're right, Doctor. But right now my job is to protect American lives from any plausible threat, and in that regard I have to assume the worst. RICHARD RANK From a non-secular perspective, I'm forced to agree. All heads turn to RICHARD RANK, a surprisingly young and well-spoken spokesman for the religious right. RANK My coalition's phone lines have been flooded with calls from concerned families, wondering if this message signifies the end of the world or the advent of the rapture. (smiles) We feel that U.S. policy in this matter wants to be extremely conservative -- if there's any chance of danger or threat to our way of life perhaps the message and its contents should simply be disregarded. ELLIE This is absurd. Drumlin shoots her a warning look; Rank ignores her. RANK The Bible states that God made man in His own image. From everything I've been told it's highly unlikely the creatures who sent this message resemble human beings in any way, shape or form, ergo, they are not of God; and therefore by definition evil. My constituents simply want to know what their government plans to do to protect them -- ELLIE Ms. President, forgive me but I thought this was to be a serious discussion of policy and technical issues, not a war council against Satan's minions -- PRESIDENT LASKER Mr. Rank's organization represents the point of view of tens of millions of families, Dr. Arroway. Feel free to disagree, but there won't be any suppressing of opinions here today. ELLIE Yes -- of course -- all I'm saying is, this message was written in the language of science -- mathematics -- and was clearly intended to be received by scientists. If it had been religious in nature it should have taken the form of a burning bush, or a booming voice from the sky... JOSS (O.S.) But a voice from the sky is just what you say you've found. Palmer Joss sits forward in his chair. JOSS I agree with Mr. Rank that there are unavoidable religious implications here -- but I don't think it justifies taking an alarmist position. Dr. Arroway is right -- their chosen means of communication was a scientific one, and a scientific approach is probably appropriate, at least until the theological dimensions of the problem become more apparent. ELLIE And where exactly does that put your position...? JOSS I'd have to say I don't know enough to have one yet. For the moment I don't believe the two approaches have to be mutually exclusive. Ellie looks at him, impressed in spite of herself. PRESIDENT LASKER What's the status of the decryption effort? ELLIE Well -- DRUMLIN We're continuing around the clock, but the amount of data is enormous. It's difficult to tell when we'll find the key that will tell us the machine's purpose -- maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe never. PRESIDENT LASKER I want to know the minute you find anything. DRUMLIN Of course, Ms. President. We'll keep you fully informed. That's the cue; most of the gathered begin to rise, make their way to the door. As Ellie collects her things Drumlin accompanies her out -- then starts to shut the door behind her -- DRUMLIN The President wants to discuss a few matters in private. As Ellie looks beyond she sees that Kitz, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Joss still remain. ELLIE But -- But it's too late. The door closes on the inner circle. INT. NATIONAL SCIENCE MUSEUM - RECEPTION - NIGHT Captains of industry, social editors, minority leaders. At least for tonight, scientists are the hottest show in town. Ellie stands with a group of dignitaries, straining to make small talk. As she glances up a familiar face catches her eye: Peter Valerian. He looks up, sees her too. A beat... he whispers something to the young woman he's standing with; she looks up too. They excuse themselves to Drumlin, make their way over. PETER Ellie. ELLIE Peter. Peter extends his hand. They shake. PETER My wife Laura... ELLIE/LAURA Nice to meet you. PETER (an awkward pause, then) You look wonderful. ELLIE You dress up pretty good yourself. (another awkward silence) How's... the baby? LAURA Wonderful. She's almost four now. ELLIE Really. Well. That's wonderful... (a really horrible silence) Well. If you'll excuse me -- I'm paid to mingle... I don't believe I just said that. Peter and Laura laugh. Some of the tension is diffused. Some. PETER It's good to see you, Ellie. ELLIE You too. She manages a smile, quickly hurries away. AT THE BAR Ellie has never needed a drink more in her life. ELLIE Champagne please. JOSS (O.S.) Make that two. Ellie turns to find Joss, looking terrific in his tux. JOSS Want to fight some more? A long, extremely complex pause, then -- ELLIE Yes. INT. ANOTHER PART OF MUSEUM - NIGHT Their voices and FOOTSTEPS ECHO as they walk past old spacecraft. They sip their champagne. JOSS ... What I'm curious about are the wilderness years. You're out there all alone, no money, mocked by the skeptics. It must have taken tremendous faith. ELLIE I'd say logic more than faith. The odds were on my side. JOSS And what would you have done if the odds had gone against you? ELLIE I guess I would've felt sorry for the universe. JOSS Spoken like a true believer. ELLIE What about you? Doesn't all of this shake your faith at all? JOSS How do you mean? ELLIE Well it's been a while, but I don't recall the Bible saying too much about alien civilizations. JOSS (thinks, then) 'My father's house has many mansions.' ELLIE Very smooth. It's Palmer, right? Where I came from a palmer was a person who cheated at cards. (as Joss laughs) Really though... the Bible describes a God who watches over one tiny world a few thousand years old. I look out there and see a universe of hundreds of billions of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars... I mean burn me for a heretic, but your God seems awfully small. Joss looks at her -- challenged, intrigued. Slowly: JOSS Who was it who said -- it was a scientist I think -- that one's sophistication is determined by the ability to tolerate paradox -- to hold contradictory ideas at the same time... They approach a circular brass railing surrounding a circular mosaic below; at its center is a Foucault pendulum; a basketball-sized iron sphere suspended from the ceiling. They lean on the railing. JOSS ... which I suppose is as good a definition of faith as any. (getting an idea; smiles) Care to test yours? He takes her champagne glass, sets it down on the floor alongside his, then climbs under the rail. At her surprise -- JOSS It's okay. I'm a preacher. He offers her his hand. She takes it, climbs under the railing. Joss helps her down into the circular space below. JOSS Your 'faith' tells you that the distance a pendulum swings from the vertical can never get bigger, only smaller. ELLIE That's not faith, it's physics. The second law of thermodynamics. Joss places his arms around the metal ball and walks it over to the outer rim of the circle, right in front of Ellie's nose. JOSS And you believe this law with all your heart and soul. ELLIE And mind, yes. What are you -- JOSS So if I let the pendulum go, when it swings back you wouldn't flinch. Ellie pauses. Then, almost curiously. ELLIE No. Joss lets go. We see the ball fall away and reach the opposite railing. As it slows and then reverses direction it appears to approach much faster than we expected. JOSS Don't lean forward. Not even a hair. As it careens towards her, the ball grows alarmingly in size. We understand completely when the pendulum almost reaches her and she instinctively moves. But Ellie can't believe it. ELLIE I flinched. JOSS Only a tiny bit. Even the most devout believer is allowed a little doubt. ELLIE That's not doubt. That's four hundred years of science fighting a billion years of instinct. (studying him) I always wondered what you religious types did with your free time. JOSS Now you know. EXT. NATIONAL SCIENCE MUSEUM - NIGHT Stars shine down as Ellie and Joss walk along the portico. The party continues inside. The mood is subdued, intimate. JOSS ... It's an old story. I grew up in South Boston, more or less on the streets. By the time I was thirteen I'd tried my first hit of heroin, by fifteen I'd stopped using but I was dealing full-time. By the time I was nineteen I decided I didn't want to live any more, at least not in a world like that. One day I got on a bus; I got as far as Ohio before my money ran out, and after that I just kept walking. Didn't eat, didn't sleep... just walked. I ended up collapsing in a wheat field. There was a storm... I woke up... (beat) And that's about as far as words'll go. ELLIE Can you try? JOSS I had... an experience. Of belonging. Of unconditional love. And for the first time in my life I wasn't terrified, and I wasn't alone. ELLIE (delicately) And there's no chance you had this experience simply because some part of you needed to have it? JOSS Look, I'm a reasonable person, and reasonably intelligent. But this experience went beyond both. For the first time I had to consider the possibility that intellect, as wonderful as it is, is not the only way of comprehending the universe. That it was too small and inadequate a tool to deal with what it was faced with. ELLIE (a beat, then softly) You may not believe this... but there's a part of me that wants more than anything to believe in your God. To believe that we're all here for a purpose, that all this... means something. But it's because that part of me wants it so badly that I'm so stubborn about making sure it isn't just self-delusion. Of course I want to know God if there is one... but it has to be real. Unless I have proof how can I be sure? JOSS Do you love your parents? ELLIE (startled) I never knew my mother. My father died when I was nine. JOSS Did you love him? ELLIE (softly) Yes. Very much. JOSS Prove it. Ellie stops and looks at him, truly disarmed. And then, inside, a COMMOTION is heard. INT. NATIONAL SCIENCE MUSEUM - NIGHT The party is suddenly and dramatically breaking up; Senators on cell-phones, getting their coats. Something has happened. Ellie finds Drumlin in the chaos, also on a cell-phone; he hangs up as she approaches. ELLIE What is it? What's happened? DRUMLIN We've cracked it. Lunacharsky found it. ELLIE You mean -- DRUMLIN You were right, Ellie. You were right all along. As Ellie stares at him -- CUT TO: EXT. U.N. PLAZA - DAY Media, onlookers, crowd control -- and delegates from over 100 countries swarm as the World Machine Consortium is called to session. TV lights and demonstrations. Huge banners read "DON'T BUILD SATAN'S CHARIOT!" and "WHO WILL SPEAK FOR EARTH?" INT. U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY HALL Full house. From various HEADSETS and MONITORS we hear the POLYPHONY of a hundred simultaneous TRANSLATIONS. On a large screen behind the SECRETARY GENERAL'S podium and on monitors all over the darkened room we see a single, striking image: A human figure inside a rotating dodecahedron. SECRETARY GENERAL A human has been summoned. In the darkened hall we FIND the U.S. delegation: Kitz, Joss, Drumlin -- and Ellie. We begin to PUSH IN ON her -- SECRETARY GENERAL Who will that person be? How will this ambassador be chosen? We see it in her eyes -- she wants to go, more than anything. INT. U.N. - LATER An INDIAN DELEGATE concludes her remarks. In the audience Ellie, deep in thought, isn't paying attention. INDIAN DELEGATE ... of course none of us would be here if it weren't for the scientist who first discovered the history- making message and who has led this effort from the very beginning -- Dr. Eleanor Arroway -- ELLIE looks up in surprise. The applause grows, becoming deafening. People motion for her to stand. Dazed, she does so. The ovation continues. Ellie leans over to speak into her mike. ELLIE Um... thanks... Thanks very much. I'm not sure what I did to earn that response; I just happened to pick up the phone when they called. A big laugh, more applause. Ellie squints into the lights. EXT. U.N. PLAZA - DUSK Floodlights illuminate the building; if anything, there are now more onlookers and media. The woman BBC Reporter and her camera crew try to shoot their report amid the noise and chaos. BBC REPORTER ... and as the curtain falls on the first day of the symposium the question remains: who will build this machine, if it indeed will be built -- and if it is, who will be selected as the Earth's first ambassador to another world. This is Marjorie Blake, B.B.C.3, at the U.N. She holds -- VOICE (O.S.) We're clear. And the Reporter instantly sags. INT. U.N. LOBBY - SAME TIME The event is breaking up; people making their way out. Ellie waits for Drumlin to come out; goes after him -- ELLIE David -- DRUMLIN Ellie. ELLIE Do you have a minute -- ? DRUMLIN Actually I'm running late -- ELLIE It'll just take a moment. Drumlin reluctantly stops; Ellie takes a deep breath. ELLIE David... I know we've had our differences... but I've always thought of you as a fair man, even when we've disagreed -- and It's in that light I'm hoping you'll consider my request... DRUMLIN I don't understand. ELLIE I'm asking for your help, David. I want to go. (quickly) They'll need someone relatively young, unattached -- and probably a scientist. As the President's Science Advisor you have enormous weight... I'm asking if you'll support my candidacy. DRUMLIN (slowly) Ellie... you should know that I'm no longer the President's Science Advisor. ELLIE What? DRUMLIN As of three o'clock this afternoon. I submitted my resignation. Ellie's eyes open wide as the depth of his betrayal dawns. ELLIE You... DRUMLIN (hesitates, then) Excuse me, I'm late for a meeting. He turns and walks away, leaving Ellie to stare after him. PRESIDENT LASKER (V.O.) ... And as our parents did a generation before us... INT. U.N. GENERAL ASSEMBLY HALL Packed to the rafters. President Lasker makes the speech of her lifetime, her booming, amplified voice going out to the world. PRESIDENT LASKER ... I believe we should dedicate ourselves, by the end of this decade -- to build this machine that our brothers from across the vastness of time and space have asked us to build -- ! In the darkened hall the American delegation sits watching. PUSH IN ON Ellie. Drumlin. The crowd roars. THREE APACHE HELICOPTERS fly low over the endless Texas landscape, blue-gray in the light of pre-dawn. Below a convoy of military vehicles moves down an empty road. PRESIDENT LASKER (V.O.) To meet with courage and determination the challenges of this new day -- ! The CROWD ROARS LOUDER in VOICE OVER. MOVING WITH the convoy... AFS Berets sit stone-faced, barely visible. UP ahead the twinkling lights of an installation becomes visible. The convoy passes through a security gate in the first perimeter. AFS officers check I.D. and cargo. As the convoy continues our VIEW begins to RISE, REVEALING three more checkpoints beyond -- PRESIDENT LASKER (V.O.) To greet with hope the dawn of this new Century! Out VIEW continues to CLIMB, REVEALING an immense sprawl of lights and buildings. Concentric electric fences surround the rambling facility; new roads are still being added to old ones. Encircling the installation is a vast graveyard of discarded aircraft -- the detritus of Twentieth Century war-making. And in the center of it all lies an enormous open area, its very emptiness full of danger and promise. Orange surveying FLAGS RUFFLE in the BREEZE. PRESIDENT LASKER (V.O.) And to raise our voices to the heavens as one world, one people, in one ringing, defiant declaration -- bring on the millennium! The ROAR of the CROWD is deafening. The sun begins to rise over the new Los Alamos. HARD CUT TO: INT. OBSERVATION FACILITY (MACHINE, TEXAS) - DAY An enormous multi-tiered room bustling with activity. The main floor consists of tables devoted to various constituents of the international selection committee; each area devoted to a different discipline: medical, psychological, philosophical, religious, diplomatic/political, and military/communications. The room is dominated by ten enormous overhead viewscreens, each monitoring the activity of one of the ten machine candidates while also displaying telemetry readouts of their vital signs. One candidate is undergoing a psychological evaluation, another is visible via infrared camera in a sensory deprivation tank; another on a treadmill, another sleeping (EEG displayed); we also catch brief glimpses of Ellie and Drumlin. All are watched with great interest by the committee members swarming on the floor. A level above the floor and looking out over it THROUGH large floor to ceiling windows is the pool media area; a group of REPORTERS and camera crews allowed limited access, with blue-badged MACHINE SECURITY carefully monitoring their every word. As we MOVE THROUGH the maelstrom we COME ACROSS a familiar face... REPORTER I'm here with Peter Valerian, recently named David Drumlin's replacement as Science Advisor to the President. Doctor, there were loud complaints from the international community last week when it was announced that three of the ten candidates -- were to be Americans. How do you defend that decision? PETER (a bit nervous) I believe the response was somewhat disingenuous; when it was determined that national interests would be represented on a pay for play basis it was understood that the U.S., by shouldering close to one third of the financial burden, would be entitled to commensurate representation. INSERT - TV MONITOR REPORTER (V.O.) You've addressed the political side of the coin but what about the larger issues? On what basis do you choose a human being to represent humanity? We begin to WIDEN REVEALING our location in the back of a news van, crammed with broadcasting equipment. An engineer monitors the signal. PETER (V.O.) It's a good question. Who do you send? An athlete? A religious leader? A philosopher? A soldier? If you don't know what the Olympic event will be, you send a decathlon champion -- REPORTER (V.O.) And if the event turns out to be chess? PETER (V.O.) Yes... well, ultimately it was decided that the representative should be somebody fluent in the language the message was sent in -- science. If you'll excuse me -- We have continued to WIDEN, finally PULLING OUT the back of the van and CRANING UP to reveal -- EXT. MEDIA CITY (MACHINE, TEXAS) - DAY A vast encampment of vans, tents, reporters and satellite dishes; print and video journalists from every nation. Competing twenty-foot high skyboxes from various networks overlook the action. Our VIEW continues to CLIMB until finally in the distance, wavy and hard to make out THROUGH the LONG LENS, we can see a structure beginning to rise. Our first glimpse of the machine. CNN REPORTER ... and if you look closely you can just see the superstructure beginning to take shape. Construction on this trillion dollar plus effort has been complicated by the nearly unprecedented scale... INT. OVAL OFFICE - CONTINUOUS ACTION - DAY President Lasker leans back, watching the same wavy image on the television. Also visible are a number of closed- circuit monitors showing candidates. Kitz standing behind her, also watching. CUT TO: EXT. MACHINE, TEXAS - SERIES OF SHOTS - DAWN Bulldozers break earth as the human-designed support structure continues to rise. Trucks emerge from huge transport planes, carrying enormous curved reflectors. INT. LAB (MACHINE, TEXAS) Two robotic arms holding flasks of liquid are maneuvered over a petri dish. Scientists watch THROUGH the safe- chamber window as a drop from each flask is carefully placed in the dish. Another robot arm takes the dish and slides it under an electron microscope. ELECTRON MICROSCOPE VIEW Tiny crystals are forming in familiar, unearthly fractal patterns. Something is growing. EXT. MACHINE SITE - DAY An enormous high-tech crucible has been erected; gantries and support structures rise above it. From behind a series of protective plastic veils we see the same chemicals we saw in the lab again being carefully mixed together, this time in much larger proportions. WIDE SHOT - MACHINE SUPERSTRUCTURE - DAY PULL BACK to reveal Ellie standing at the window of her quarters, wearing a white jumpsuit. She slowly folds her street clothes as she looks out at the machine. INT. CENTRIFUGE ROOM - DAY One by one the candidates are whipped around the centrifuge, subjected to higher and higher G-forces. A hard-eyed NASA COMMANDER watches carefully, checks the control panel. INT. OBSERVATION FACILITY - DAY The two hundred members of the ISC watch each of the candidates' reactions. FEATURE Joss, studying the screens intently -- For CAPTAIN JOHN RUSSELL, a classic chiseled Astronaut type, this is as easy as breathing. For Drumlin it's not quite that, but he takes it, stoically. A flaxen-haired male candidate -- the French semioticist (JEAN-CLAUDE) -- looks like he's about to throw up. Ellie seems to be enjoying her self tremendously. INT. CORRIDOR - DAY Ellie, Drumlin and the eight other candidates, several still a bit wobbly, follow the Commander down a corridor. Jean-Claude wipes his face with a towel as he sounds off. JEAN-CLAUDE You realize how absurd this is. There are no precedents here; all training models are useless. Trying to turn us all into astronauts is a pathetic waste of time. The Commander turns to him. COMMANDER You know what, sir? You're right. We have no idea whatsoever what one of you may encounter. That leaves us with two options: we can sit around and do nothing and hope for the best, even if that includes a few things that feel a little silly. And if one of these 'silly' exercises ends up saving your life I'll have done my job. Jean-Claude raises an amused eyebrow, smokes his Gauloise. HUGE MULTI-TENTACLED BEING flashes on the screen, followed immediately by another and another -- a rapid series of images of creatures waving grotesque stalked appendages, horrific and bizarre. ANGLE ON ELLIE sitting alone in a single chair, watching the images flash on an enormous screen. Hardened. INT. OBSERVATION FACILITY - CONTINUOUS ACTION - DAY A panel of PSYCHOLOGISTS closely monitor Ellie's reaction on the monitors. A PROJECT OFFICIAL approaches, watches the monitors as he sips from a Styrofoam cup. PROJECT OFFICIAL How long now? PSYCHOLOGIST Going on five hours. PROJECT OFFICIAL Ugly little suckers. PSYCHOLOGIST Yeah. And those are only the ones that live on the human body. We MOVE AWAY FROM them to find another figure, standing silently watching the screens. Joss. INT. CONFERENCE ROOM - SERIES OF DISSOLVES - DAY/NIGHT as we CIRCLE the table, CONDENSING MONTHS of arguments and discussions. Trays of uneated food pile up, whiteboards become colored with scribbled questions -- NIGERIAN CANDIDATE ... but even if somehow it has faster than light capacity it is still twenty-six years to get to Vega -- ELLIE That's from the point of view of someone on Earth -- from the traveler's point of view it'll only seem like two years... RUSSELL ... the fact is, nobody here knows what's gonna happen when one of us enters that thing. We can guess all we want, but in the end... we just don't know... INTERCUT WITH: INT. OBSERVATION FACILITY - SERIES OF DISSOLVES The members of the philosophical committee watch, make notes, argue passionately. The discussion continue on screen: DRUMLIN (V.O.) (on screen) ... Two years is still a hell of a long time -- and as far as we can tell there aren't any provisions in the machine design for storing food, water, even air... ELLIE ... I can't believe they wouldn't take something as basic as our biological needs into account... RUSSIAN CANDIDATE Based on what evidence? As far as we know all they know about us is what they've learned from watching three minutes of German television... even if they do not mean to do damage they may do so inadvertently. Look at the impact they've had on the world by simply sending the message... ELLIE (V.O.) (on screen) ... we're not looking at this from their point of view. It's the first time this has happened to us but it's highly unlikely that's true for them as well. Chances are they've been doing this for thousands if not millions of years... CUT TO: SAME - REAL TIME DRUMLIN They knew our level of development. If, as you say, they've done this many times they'd be well aware of the implications. ELLIE Maybe they are. Maybe this is all part of the package. The building of the machine has demanded international cooperation on an unprecedented scale. Maybe requiring us to come together in this way was, in effect, part of the plan. JEAN-CLAUDE Very well. Assume this is true. Assume they have only the best of intentions. Suppose they decide to just step in and solve all our problems for us. You have no objection to them so flagrantly intervening in human affairs? ELLIE We've just lived through a century of incredible violence and self- destruction. Do you call it 'interventionist' when you stop a toddler from walking in front of a truck? Before anyone can reply an out-of-breath ASSISTANT enters. ASSISTANT Sorry to bother you but they just got some tape in from Japan -- I think you're gonna want to see this. INT. MAIN TESTING HANGER (MACHINE, TEXAS) - DAY The vast hanger serves as home for a series of new labs and testing areas -- state of the art, gleaming and high- tech. Engineers, scientists, security, and technicians wearing blue jumpsuits and security badges are everywhere. FEMALE P.A. VOICE (V.O.) Component test C-4-90 commencing in T-minus three minutes. All personnel clear bay twelve; repeat, clear bay twelve -- We FIND Ellie. Drumlin and the rest huddled around a large monitor. Also present is TEAM LEADER -- cool, level-headed, solid. The ultimate line producer. TEAM LEADER This just came in from systems integrations in Hokkaido. He presses play. The monitor shows a large, apparently empty lucite chamber. A clock showing tenths and hundredths of a second is inset into the screen. TEAM LEADER The chamber contains an exotic substance manufactured according to message specifications. In its normal state it appears as you see it, a transparent gas which is apparently breathable. As you'll see, it also has some other... unusual properties. A Japanese technician places his hand inside a waldo, picks up a REVOLVER. He aims it into the chamber, FIRES -- -- as then we see the bullet slow, coming to a dead stop in mid-air. We see the same thing again, this time in slow motion. As we watch, the air in the chamber seems to thicken around the bullet, changing from a gas to liquid, from gel-like colloidal to diamond-hard solid in a tenth of a second. TEAM LEADER The substance appears to have intelligent multiphasic properties; able to shift states at will. We believe it may function as some sort of transport medium. DRUMLIN Now I know why the Japanese gave up having a candidate in exchange for licensing rights... ELLIE How does it work? TEAM LEADER We have no idea. According to all known physical laws it shouldn't. ELLIE (murmurs) Magic... TEAM LEADER (looks at her, then) What you haven't seen is what occurred when a technician went into the chamber to retrieve the bullet... As I said, the substance had already been deemed breathable after extensive tests on laboratory animals. DRUMLIN What happened? The Team Leader pushes play. We see the action as he describes it: TEAM LEADER There was apparently an aqueous residue covering part of the chamber floor. The technician slips. As he falls the substance hardens around him, breaking his fall... We see the technician as his fall slows -- and then he suddenly convulses -- and then stops, suspended at an odd angle slightly above the ground. He doesn't move. Ellie, Drumlin and the other candidates watch in horror. TEAM LEADER ... and solidifying in his lungs and bloodstream, killing him instantly. ELLIE (shaken) Maybe... maybe it was an anomalous reaction. Maybe when it's correctly integrated with other components of the machine... She looks again to the eerie sight of the suspended dead technician. Team Leader snaps off the monitor. TEAM LEADER Maybe. Unfortunately that's all we have is maybes, increasing exponentially every day. This machine is now building itself as much as we're building it. Almost as if it's growing, evolving... They all take this in... then instinctively look out the hanger doors at the structure taking shape in the field beyond, now rising to a height of twelve stories. We PUSH IN ON it... TEAM LEADER (O.S.) It's scary, folks. We're like cavemen building a nuclear warhead. We are constructing the most advanced, dangerously powerful... whateveritis in the history of the planet and we don't have a fucking clue how we're doing it. CLOSE ON WHITE TABLETOP A very sleek, low profile helmet is set down; four tiny lenses visible near the temples. PROJECT LEADER (V.O.) Personal recording unit. INT. CLEAN ROOM - DAY Ellie, Drumlin sit around a table with other candidates. PROJECT LEADER Normal, infrared, ultraviolet, stereoscopic lenses, digital microchip good for thousands of hours of recording, state of the art, very tough, casting good to 15,000 degrees plus or minus. DRUMLIN 15,000 degrees... isn't that a little excessive? PROJECT LEADER (hesitates) Well, sir... the thinking was... A Project Official at the back of the room steps forward. PROJECT LEADER The thinking was that even if the passenger were to encounter conditions that were... extreme... there still might be a chance to retrieve the helmet. INT. OBSERVATION FACILITY The members of the committee intently study the candidate's reaction on the monitors; Drumlin, Ellie. Captain Russell frowns. EXT. AMMUNITION RANGE - DAY A hand holds a small, unassuming object. It looks a little like a car alarm beeper you'd find on a key chain. PROJECT LEADER Lightweight, easily concealable... Project Leader points the DEVICE at a six-inch thick steel target five hundred yards away. FIRES. The target is instantly and efficiently vaporized. Project Leader turns to the assembled candidates. PROJECT LEADER ... and good for approximately one thousand uses. ELLIE Does it dice and make julienne fries? PROJECT OFFICIAL You have a question, Dr. Arroway? ELLIE I question the thinking behind sending the first ambassador to another civilization in armed -- basically announcing our intentions are hostile. PROJECT OFFICIAL It's designed purely as a defensive device. Call it a reasonable precaution. ELLIE Call it xenophobic paranoia. Don't you see the absolute absurdity of this? This isn't about them, it's about us -- our violence, our fear and mistrust -- PROJECT OFFICIAL Dr. Arroway, you are entitled to your opinion. But we feel quite strongly that it would by both irresponsible and naive to send a human being into a completely unknown, completely uncontrollable situation absolutely defenseless. ELLIE Y'know what? Fine. I guess if we want them to know the truth about who we are there's no quicker way to show them. INT. ELLIE'S QUARTERS - PRE-DAWN Ellie walks out of the bathroom in her robe, brushing her teeth. She sees an envelope slipped under the door. She picks it up and opens it, glances over the typed agenda. Her eye comes to something that stops her. INT. SMALL BRIEFING ROOM Dark, windowless, a single lamp on. Ellie waits at a small table, not sure what to expect. After a moment the door opens as a PHYSICIAN enters, 50's, paternal. PHYSICIAN Good morning, Dr. Arroway. ELLIE Good morning. He sits down opposite her. Looks her over for a moment... then carefully removes a small pillbox from his jacket pocket. He opens it, removes a small red pill and sets it down on the table. Ellie looks up at him. PHYSICIAN We've been giving them to the astronauts since the first days of the Mercury program; of course it's never been made public. It's fast and painless. As soon as it hits the oral mucosa it starts to work -- a matter of seconds, really. INT. MONITORING ROOM - DAY Joss and the other members of the committee all study Ellie's reaction intently on the monitor. The same scene is playing out simultaneously with the other nine candidates on other monitors. ELLIE (V.O.) (on monitor, dryly) You want me to travel all the way to Vega to commit suicide? PHYSICIAN (V.O.) (on monitor) Doctor, despite your enduring faith that the civilization in question has only our best interests at heart, even you have to admit there's a possibility they might turn out to be... less than benign. BACK TO ROOM PHYSICIAN And even if they aren't, something else may go wrong. There may be an unforeseen mechanical failure. You may be marooned, unable to return. There are a thousand reasons we can think of for the occupant of the machine to have this with them -- but mostly it's for the reasons we can't think of. BACK TO MONITORS Joss. Watching. We LEAVE him and onscreen Ellie and MOVE TO Captain Russell's monitor. He is also looking at the pill -- EXT. HOUSTON SUBURBAN HOME - BACK YARD - DAY Scores of REPORTERS around a back yard swingset where Russell holds his LITTLE GIRL. REPORTER (mike in her face) Say it again? What did you tell your daddy? RUSSELL'S LITTLE GIRL I don't want you to go. RUSSELL Nothing would give me more pride than to represent my country and my world. But what do you say to that? INT. ELLIE'S QUARTERS - NIGHT Ellie sits on her bed watching the replay of the Russell interview on TV. Studies the Little Girl's smiling face as she hugs her dad. EXT. MACHINE - RESIDENTIAL AREA - DAY Ellie pulls out in her T-Bird. As she drives toward the perimeter she sees a figure walking toward her. Joss. He sticks out a thumb. EXT. TEXAS COUNTRYSIDE - DAY Ellie tears down the highway, wind whipping her hair. Joss is pushed back in his seat, enjoying himself immensely. He yells over the WIND'S ROAR: JOSS You like to drive fast. Ellie nods. Floors it. EXT. MOUNTAINS - DAY A beautiful meadow, a trickling stream. Ellie and Joss walk. ELLIE So. Is this kosher fraternizing with the enemy like this? JOSS Some of my best friends are scientists. ELLIE I was referring to the selectees mingling with the selectors. JOSS (pausing) Some of my best friends are scientists. (as Ellie smiles) They're saying the machine is alive. ELLIE Not exactly. It has organic qualities, but we don't really understand how they're integrated with the mechanical systems. JOSS Maybe you're creating a monster. ELLIE I don't think so. JOSS Why? ELLIE It's too... elegant. The degree of economy is extraordinary; it's really the next logical step... Even on Earth technology has always aspired to a condition of nature. D.N.A. outclasses any computer we can come up with; the human body is the most exquisitely designed machine imaginable. JOSS In other words, God is one hell of an engineer. ELLIE (sideways smile) In other words. They sit under a tree, pick at the grass. JOSS Relativity. Explain this to me one more time... even if you traveled near the speed of light, when you came back -- ELLIE If you came back. JOSS (after a beat) If you came back... you'd only be four years older -- but over 50 years would have passed on Earth. ELLIE Something like that. JOSS And everybody you care about would be dead and buried. Ellie looks up at him. ELLIE If you came back. If you survived at all. Which it's pretty certain you wouldn't. JOSS You're willing to die for this. ELLIE It's what my whole life's been... aimed at; the only thing that's given it a sense of purpose. She looks away. A beat, then: ELLIE I read your book. JOSS Really. ELLIE Losing Faith: The Search For Meaning In the Age of Reason. Catchy. JOSS What'd you think? ELLIE I'm more interested in the story behind the story... How a young man goes from living on the streets of South Boston to being the best- selling media figure rubbing elbows with the President. JOSS (after a pause) I won't deny I was ambitious. When I had my... experience... I wanted to tell my story to as many people as possible. I'm the first to admit that process included making some compromises. (still seems troubled; then) You didn't answer my question. ELLIE I thought it was well-written. Heart-felt. And a little bit naive... But that's just the enemy's perspective. JOSS I don't consider you the enemy, Ellie. I'm not 'out to get' technology. I only ask the question: Does it have to have all the answers? I look out there and I see so much emptiness... People are so starved for meaning, and it's something they just don't seem to be getting from science. ELLIE Did you ever stop to think that maybe that isn't science's fault, but meaning's? JOSS I don't follow. ELLIE (quietly) Maybe the reason people are having trouble finding meaning isn't because science has obscured it... maybe it's just revealed it isn't there. Now it's Joss' turn to be disarmed. He looks at her; softly: JOSS Do you really believe your life is meaningless? ELLIE (looking away) I don't know. But as a scientist I have to consider that possibility. JOSS And yet you're willing to die for this cause, the one thing that's given your life a sense of purpose. Don't you see the contradiction here -- ? ELLIE It's getting late... JOSS What are you so afraid of, Ellie? JOSS You're shaking. (fascinated) You're the paradox here, Ellie. So incredibly brilliant, and yet... (softly) What does it feel like to understand everything in the universe except yourself? She stares at him -- Joss, instantly regretting his words -- JOSS Ellie -- ELLIE It's late. We should go back. She stands and starts walking briskly down the hill. EXT. MEDIA CITY - NIGHT The skyboxes lit up, the satellite dishes aimed at the stars. Grips smoke, play cards. Up in a skybox a reporter vamps. REPORTER (V.O.) ... With the machine nearing completion and final testing beginning next week, tomorrow's round of closed-door I.S.C. candidate interviews would bring to a close this long chapter of the machine drama... INT. MAIN AUDITORIUM (MACHINE, TEXAS) - DAY Ellie is seated alone at a long table, opposite the entire ISC. The atmosphere is formal and tense. ELLIE (reading from her notes) ... Another question I would ask would be a very simple one. How did you do it? How did you evolve as far as you have and not destroy yourselves? JOSS An excellent question, Doctor. But what if we don't like the answer? ELLIE How do you mean? JOSS What if their answer is, 'Oh, that's easy. A thousand years ago our world was in terrible shape, our population out of control, violent crime, no food... so we called a general council and decided to eliminate the anit-social. The weak. The sick. The unwanted. And ever since we've been doing great.' PROJECT OFFICIAL I think Reverend Joss raises an excellent point. I believe we should discuss the formation of a panel to review any potentially delicate communications before... am I amusing you, Dr. Arroway? Ellie is smiling grimly to herself, shaking her head. ELLIE You kill me, you really do. The first truly global, a-political event in history and you can't wait to spin it. PROJECT OFFICIAL How would you propose we handle it, Doctor? ELLIE I guess I'd say I trust us enough to believe our response would be something to the effect of, thanks for the advice, but no thanks. But to dilute or censor the truth, for whatever reason -- PROJECT OFFICIAL Nobody is proposing we censor the truth here, Doctor. We're simply talking about putting a mechanism in place -- ELLIE For managing the truth. But the truth won't be managed, sir. It stops being the truth the moment you try. OFF Joss -- SAME SCENE - LATER Ellie is making her final, prepared remarks to the committee. ELLIE I don't claim to be a perfect example of the human species... far from it. But I think, paradoxically, that's my strength as a candidate. Because I think we need to share the truth of who we are with them -- our strengths -- Her eyes suddenly fall on Joss, looking at her from his seat on the panel. A timeless beat -- ELLIE -- and our weaknesses. To go to them openly, nakedly, and say these are our dreams, these are our fears. What I'm saying, ladies and gentlemen, is that I believe we should make this journey with honesty and integrity or not at all. The words are spoken with passion and conviction, but something tells us this isn't playing in Peoria. Ellie looks uncertain. SAME SCENE - LATER Drumlin in the chair. Reassuring, smooth -- statesman- like. DRUMLIN Ladies and gentlemen, I come to you today not only as a scientist, but as a politician -- an occupation for which I make no apologies. With all due respect to Doctor Arroway's talk of naked honesty and integrity -- high ideals, to be sure -- I believe it would be foolish and, in fact, dangerous to ignore the fact that what we are dealing with here is a political situation -- the most political of situations -- and one that must be examined in that context. INT. AIR FORCE ONE (40,000 FEET) - DAY The President, watching Drumlin on closed circuit. An aide hands her a cup of coffee. She sips it, her eyes never leaving the screen. DRUMLIN (V.O.) (on screen) The image we put forth, the impressions we give may determine precedent for decades if not millennia to come. BACK TO AUDITORIUM - TIGHT ON DRUMLIN DRUMLIN We must be optimistic enough to hope for the best -- and wise and experienced enough to prepare for the worst. A murmur of assent from the ISC. Drumlin continues. DRUMLIN Ladies and gentlemen. I'm proud of what we've achieved as a species and a civilization. I would hate to see all that we stand for, all that we've fought for for a thousand generations, slighted, taken advantage of, or God forbid, done in by the fact that at the final hour we chose to send a representative who didn't put our best interests first. EXT. MACHINE, TEXAS - DUSK Ellie walks out. She stands looking at the machine in the distance. It is almost complete; the enormous gantries partly obscuring the gigantic sphere that is the machine's outer benzel. Another figure stands nearby, smoking in the shadows. JEAN-CLAUDE I am become death; the destroyer of worlds. (takes a puff) I wonder if this is how Oppenheimer felt on the eve of the first A-bomb test. Ellie steps closer. The Frenchman smiles at Ellie, offers her a cigarette. She shakes her head. ELLIE I'd say this is slightly different. JEAN-CLAUDE Perhaps. But on the off-chance that it is a 'doomsday device' of some kind, I plan to be very far away from your lovely Texas when it is activated. ELLIE I thought you were here because you want to go. JEAN-CLAUDE I do. More than anything. But I am also a realist. Soon this... what is your charming term -- ? Dog and pony show will finally be over, and I will go home. ELLIE You're implying that the whole selection process is a sham? JEAN-CLAUDE (smiles) I think it is your naivete I like best about you, Eleanor. Oh, there'll be a worldwide protest, but we all knew it from the very beginning. You Americans discovered the signal, you led the decryption effort. The machine is being built on your home soil... Of course the passenger will be an American, chosen by Americans. (expansively) Anyway, it is what the whole world wants, no? This is the big show. The sort you put on better than anyone. It's good marketing. It's good casting. It's the American way. EXT. LANDING STRIP (MACHINE, TEXAS) - NIGHT Air Force One sits on the tarmac. The lights inside are burning. INT. AIR FORCE ONE - NIGHT President Lasker, Kitz, Joss and Valerian sit around a table. KITZ It's not even close. Arroway may be a good, even great scientist, but she's politically tone-deaf and a loose cannon. She leaked the message without so much as a nod to the D.O.D. or N.S.C., and I don't think anybody here would say diplomacy's her strong suit. Drumlin may not be as glamorous a choice, but he's reliable, patriotic, sound. He has impeccable scientific credentials. And I think he'd be perceived by the public as the safer choice. The President taps her cigarette, turns to Peter. PETER It's her discovery, Ms. President. She deserves to go. The President frowns. Turns to Joss. Slowly. JOSS I've been watching and getting to know Eleanor Arroway for some time now... and I can say unequivocally, that I have never before met a human being with such extraordinary faith. In humanity... and in our right to a place of importance in the cosmos. Peter watches Joss as he speaks, and as he listens, we hear too: There's more than simple admiration for Ellie in Joss' voice. JOSS I believe that the person we're selecting will play a crucial role in humanity's future. I believe that when this person comes back -- if they come back -- they will be seen as being anointed by a higher intelligence, and may well emerge as one of the most important people on Earth. It may be true that Eleanor Arroway is not a perfect human being -- but I believe her honesty, her purity, and her integrity to be unimpeachable. Ms. President -- aren't those qualities that this representative should embody? Are we seriously considering choosing a man who openly claims that he stands for nothing more than political self-interest to be the one person to represent the human race? The President. Unreadable. INT. MAIN AUDITORIUM (MACHINE, TEXAS) The SRO press conference/media event -- the Superbowl, Olympics and Oscar night all rolled into one. Government officials, diplomats, ISC. The seven remaining candidates (the Frenchman conspicuously absent) sit in the front row. Ellie. Drumlin. The SECRETARY GENERAL of the U.N. at the podium. SECRETARY GENERAL The International Selection Committee has come to a decision, ladies and gentlemen, and may I say, I think it has been a great oversight on the part of the Vegans not to build a few more seats on the boat... (off polite laughter) But only one human being can go, and that person, the person we feel best represents the world, is the candidate from the United States of America, Doctor David Drumlin. Drumlin closes his eyes in triumph, a long, deep breath. Ellie. Expressionless. Joss. CUT TO: INT. ELLIE'S ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON Ellie is packing. A discreet KNOCK at the door. Drumlin enters. An awkward beat. He notices the suitcase. DRUMLIN You aren't staying? ELLIE This... seemed best. DRUMLIN Right. Well. ELLIE (after a beat) Good luck, David. Drumlin pauses. Nods, starts to go... then stops at the door. DRUMLIN Ellie... we both know that if I was any kind of a man, I never would've entered this race. That I would have told the President straight out: Helen, Eleanor Arroway is naive and strident and an enormous pain in the ass... but she's got more courage and intelligence than the rest of us put together. That more then anyone else on the planet, she's earned this. And that she should be the one to go because she's the best we have. (beat) But that's not who I am. I like to think it's who I might've been if things had gone a different way; that I might have been worthy, really worthy of what I've been given... (shrugs) You do what you have to do. And in the end, as with everything, it comes down to power. And it isn't fair... ELLIE (quietly) What would you have me say, David? DRUMLIN Nothing. I guess I just wanted to thank you. ELLIE Thank you? DRUMLIN (nods) For giving me a chance, just for a moment, to feel what it must be like to be you. And he turns and goes, closing the door behind him. CUT TO: EXT. SMALL TOWN (TEXAS) - DAWN Local residents and children watch in awe as a huge convoy of super-human scale passes through the one-street town. EXT. MACHINE SITE - DAY The convoy heads through the gates and arrives at the machine site. Enormous winches are wheeled in place; cables attached. EXT. RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX (MACHINE) - DAY Ellie packs the last of her things in the back of her T-Bird. She notices the activity at the machine site, keeps packing. INT. MACHINE CONTROL ROOM - DAY Large windows, monitors look out on the machine superstructure. Drumlin is surrounded by technicians; Team Leader is at the main console; several of the ex- candidates chat, smoke in back. Kent sucking on a lollipop. EXT. HIGHWAY - DAY Ellie ROARS down the deserted highway, her hair blowing. She floors it. EXT. MACHINE SITE - SERIES OF SHOTS - DAY The enormous erbium dowels are hoisted into place. Positioned at the side of the outer benzel and aligned for insertion. Finally in place, an ALARM SOUNDS; all workers begin to leave the area of the superstructure. INT. CONTROL ROOM - DAY The technicians fit Drumlin with a high-tech video headset. EXT. ROADSIDE BAR - DAY Somewhere in West Texas. Ellie pulls up in cloud a of dust. EXT. MACHINE SITE - DAY We see a technician in a hard-hat walking towards one of the superstructure's elevators. As he approaches, we recognize Joseph, now clean-shaven, wearing spectacles. INT. ROADSIDE BAR - DAY HANK WILLIAMS ON the JUKEBOX. Ellie sits on a barstool. The BARTENDER approaches, recognizes her -- she sees he sees -- and then he nods, treats her like any other customer. BARTENDER What can I get you, pretty lady? ELLIE Beer, please. EXT. MACHINE SITE - DAY Joseph rides the elevator up the gantry. Under his vest we can see his body wrapped with plastic explosives. EXT. MEDIA CITY - DAY Business as usual. Reporters nap under flapping tents. INT. CONTROL ROOM - DAY Everyone watches as the enormous dowel is positioned beside a giant sphere of the machine and prepared for insertion. Then Team Leader spots something on one of the monitors -- he enlarges the image -- Joseph climbing onto one of the dowels. Team Leader pushes the abort button. ALARMS SOUND as the controllers panic -- Drumlin looks around in confusion -- JOSEPH stands next to the sphere, puts a hand out to touch it. A last look up to heaven -- and then he EXPLODES in a BALL of FLAME -- INT. CONTROL ROOM - DAY Everyone freezes -- a timeless moment... and then, as the smoke begins to clear, we see the damage to the machine is minimal. Drumlin exhales. Everyone breathes a nervous sigh of relief -- -- and then one of the MONITORS begins to RATTLE. EXT. MACHINE SITE - DAY The entire SUPERSTRUCTURE begins to RUMBLE. A giant erbium dowel shudders downwards, crashing into the sphere and ripping a hole in the machine. The controllers stare as another EXPLOSION rents the bottom of the machine, weakening the support structure. Gantries begin to collapse around it as the giant sphere falls off its support -- EXT. MACHINE OUTER PERIMETER - DAY Workers stare in amazement -- and then start running -- EXT. MEDIA CITY - DAY Reporters look up at the SOUNDS of DESTRUCTION -- EXT. MACHINE SITE The SPHERE IMPLODES in a blinding flash of light. Time and gravity seem suspended as debris gets sucked into an eerily vacuole of nothingness -- as if for a moment, the space around the machine is turning inside out -- and then the VACUOLE EXPLODES in a unearthly FIREBALL of nuclear proportions. WIDE SHOT The fireball begins to expand, the shockwave spreading out to envelop the entire facility. Bodies are tossed through the air like rag dolls. The blast wave approaches the control tower -- INT. CONTROL TOWER - DAY The occupants stare in horror as the shock wave approaches -- Team Leader -- Drumlin -- it hits -- INT. ROADSIDE BAR - LATE AFTERNOON A TV above the bar plays an afternoon talk show ("Intergalactic Fashions -- today on Geraldo") as Ellie nurses her second beer. Suddenly a LOW RUMBLE is heard, barely on the threshold of sound. GLASSES RATTLE in their racks -- and then the TV GOES OFF, followed by the lights and the JUKEBOX. PUSH IN ON Ellie as she looks up at the frightened Bartender -- ELLIE How far away are we from -- BARTENDER Two hundred miles. SERIES OF SHOTS - AFTERMATH An eerie silence. The remains of the superstructure burns quietly. Media city lays in ruins; the toppled skyboxes blaze. Dozens of flaming satellite dishes point impotently at the sky. ... And, nearby, Drumlin's video headset, quietly smoldering. FADE OUT. FADE IN: EXT. ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY - DAY A light drizzle falls. President Lasker reaches down to a large marble slab and ignites an eternal flame that wavers in the wind and drizzle before burning fiercely. ANGLE MUFFLED DRUMS ROLL. A state funeral for all who perished in the machine disaster. Peter, his wife beside him; Joss, quietly praying. Ellie stands alone. HADDEN'S MONITOR WALL (LOCATION UNKNOWN) CNN coverage of the funeral continues. As we SLOWLY WIDEN, the next monitor over shows footage of the destruction at Machine, Texas; FBI sharpshooters and police firing into a run-down motel; an amateur video of Joseph's suicide note. He is spookily well-spoken, calm: JOSEPH (V.O.) (on monitor) What we do, we do for the good of all mankind. This will not be understood, not now, but the apocalypse to come will vindicate our faith... We CONTINUE TO WIDEN as a pair of familiar glasses float INTO VIEW; a gnarled hand plucks them from mid-air as Hadden turns to look out a panorama window showing a breathtaking view of Earth from 250 miles out in space. EXT. EARTH ORBIT - 250 MILES UP A privatized space shuttle breaks through the atmosphere and heads towards the Russian space station Mir -- which now bears the Hadden Industries logo. INT. MIR DOCKING BAY (SPACE) The shuttle nestles with a CLANK against the station. Air floods the chamber and the locked door opens. The Japanese Major Domo we saw at Hadden's plane appears in the hatchway; Ellie a moment later. He points toward the other end of the airlock. Ellie starts to glide-walk through, glancing back to see the Major Domo gesturing to three, very young, very beautiful women with empty eyes. Ellie keeps moving... INT. MIR SPACE STATION - STATEROOM/STUDY Compact but luxurious. Earth is visible through a panorama window. Hadden floats before it, curled up with arthritis like a dying insect. Ellie moves beside him. HADDEN A sunrise and a sunset every forty- five minutes. ELLIE It's so... small. HADDEN Poor, tired, spinning girl... How we feasted on her. And now that we've had our fill and given her a giant dose of the clap... we're pulling out. (points) That's Paris, where my daughter was born. Moscow, where gangsters rule the night and I gave up smoking. So many battles, so many lives... all that sturm, and drang. As if it never happened. If it weren't for a few power grids, you wouldn't know we existed. The sun begins to set. They watch the stunning transition as night comes on. The Boston-New York corridor appears as a glittering necklace of light; a tropical storm brews in the Caribbean. Ellie points to a sparkling glow in the Pacific. ELLIE What's that? HADDEN Japanese squid fleet. They use lights to attract them to the surface... then turn them into sushi. Ellie traces the magical glow with her finger on the window. ELLIE It looks like pixie dust... (beat) Kent would've given anything to see this. David, too. HADDEN Yes. A shame. Still... it'd be worse if they died for nothing. ELLIE What are you talking about? It's over. HADDEN Oh, not quite yet. At least for their sake... (indicates the Earth) ... I hope it's not. Because they're running out of time. ELLIE You sound like Joseph. You think the world ends with the millennium? HADDEN I think whoever sent the message did it because they're worried about us. ELLIE The gods sent us the machine because they took pity on us. HADDEN Wouldn't you if you saw Hitler on TV? (then) Come; I want to show you something. He reaches up to the ceiling, punches a button. A large display appears, showing the Earth. He enlarges the display until only Japan is visible, then only a large island to the north -- HADDEN Hokkaido Island. ELLIE The systems integration site. HADDEN Mmm. Look closer. The display enlarges still further, revealing more and more detail -- until it comes to rest on a familiar gantry-enveloped sphere, surrounded by hundreds of ant- like technicians... A second machine. HADDEN As each component was tested and shipped off to Texas a duplicate was maintained and assembled in Hokkaido -- for backup purposes, of course. We've been right behind you the entire time. (as Ellie is stunned) You see my problem: I couldn't appear to control too large a percentage; my enemies wouldn't stand for it. So I simply made sure the Japanese consortium received the systems integration contract. Of course no one had to know the corporations involved were recently acquired, wholly-owned subsidiaries -- ELLIE -- of Hadden Industries. Ellie is nonplused. Hadden smiles dazzlingly. HADDEN Want to take a ride? EXT. SPACE STATION MIR The sun rises over the Earth like a dazzling jewel. INT. DOCKING BAY Hadden glide-walks Ellie to the airlock. They share one last look at the magnificent view of Earth -- then she turns to him: ELLIE Why don't you come back with me? HADDEN Can't. Doctor's orders. (pausing) The low oxygen/zero gravity environment is the only thing keeping the cancer from eating me alive. (laughs at Ellie's shock) It's all right -- I like it here. Ever try sex in zero-G? He raises an eyebrow. Ellie smiles, then steps into the airlock. They face each other. Hadden pauses before closing it. HADDEN One more thing, Doctor. If you do meet these Vegans...? Ask them if we have to die. ELLIE'S POV FROM SHUTTLE - MINUTES LATER The umbilicals release; the shuttle drifts away. Hadden watches from his panorama window, small, motionless, as Mir recedes and the shuttle retros back towards Earth. EXT. SEA OF JAPAN - AERIAL POV - DAY We RUSH DOWN THROUGH the clouds to Hokkaido Island, DESCENDING PAST the snow-covered peaks of Saporro TO... EXT. OBIHIRO VILLAGE (HOKKAIDO ISLAND) - DUSK A shimmering vision of the machine sits in the middle of the square; after a moment we realize it is made of ice. Japanese artisans chip and grind, putting the finishing touches on the enormous sculpture. REPORTER (O.S.) ... it would be fair to say an upbeat atmosphere prevails here; the Japanese playing their role of host impeccably. The promenade, decorated with colorful banners for the Winter Festival, is alive with activity; street vendors and film crews abound. We BOOM DOWN to include the REPORTER in the f.g.: REPORTER And there is reason for optimism: the way the machine consortium has bounced back in these last few months is nothing short of miraculous, and that restored sense of hope and purpose is clearly in evidence here today. INT. HOKKAIDO COMPOUND - PRESS CONFERENCE/PHOTO OP (MOS) Madhouse. CAMERA WHIR and CLICK, REPORTERS shout questions. Ellie squints in the glare of the lights, overwhelmed. REPORTER (V.O.) But look beneath the surface and you can clearly sense a darker mood here -- an undercurrent of apprehension and fear as tomorrow approaches. And questions: What awaits the world at the end of the long road to Hokkaido? What will happen when the machine is finally activated? And what must Eleanor Arroway be feeling on this, what may well be her last night on Planet Earth...? EXT. JAPANESE INN - ESTABLISHING SHOT - NIGHT An ancient, elegant structure. Security posted outside. INT. ELLIE'S QUARTERS - NIGHT Cherry wood and rice paper; candles, orchids... and a jumpsuit hanging in the corner. Ellie paces restlessly. Tries to read a book. Tries to write a letter... crumples it up. Ellie lays down on the bed. A goldfish bowl sits on the nightstand. Ellie peers at it THROUGH the glass. And then she hears a sound; the CRUNCHING of FOOTSTEPS on PEBBLES. Ellie sits up: a silhouette is visible THROUGH the rice paper wall. She goes to the door, slides it open -- -- revealing Palmer Joss, rumpled and jetlagged, holding a sorry-looking bouquet of airport flowers. JOSS You didn't think I was going to let you leave without saying good-bye... A long moment... and then she embraces him. JOSS Ellie... the last time we spoke... I said some things... ELLIE I remember. You were indelicate, indiscreet and entirely less than tactful... Sound like anyone you know? He smiles, grateful. A moment. JOSS So. The final countdown. ELLIE The final countdown. JOSS (remembering) Oh. I brought you something. From his jacket he produces a small palm frond, presents it to her. She takes it, looks at him quizzically. JOSS During the crusades -- pilgrims who made the journey to the holy land brought back a palm frond to show they'd actually been there. I thought it sort of made sense that Earth is now your holy land, so... ELLIE (visibly moved) Thank you. Joss takes her hand. JOSS You're trembling. ELLIE I do seem to be... Maybe because I'm just a little bit terrified about tomorrow. JOSS (softly) Maybe that's okay. She looks up at him, utterly vulnerable. He raises his hand to her cheek... then leans in and kisses her. It's a very good kiss. They kiss again, more passionately... and then Ellie pulls away. JOSS (softly) What...? ELLIE I'm sorry. JOSS What is it? And suddenly she's crying, trying desperately to stop -- Joss puts his hands on her shoulders -- JOSS Ellie, what is it? ELLIE I'm sorry -- I can't -- JOSS What? ELLIE I can't do this -- JOSS What are you so afraid of? ELLIE Please, Palmer -- if you care for me at all, don't push this now -- JOSS What are my other options? In fifty years? Never? ELLIE Please -- JOSS I'm in love with you, Ellie. ELLIE (stares, then) Don't you understand? I just have to hold it together -- just until tomorrow -- JOSS And then what? Then you'll be safe? ELLIE -- I don't know -- JOSS (intensely) Do you really think your life is meaningless, Eleanor? Is that why you're so quick to risk it -- because if your life means nothing then you have nothing to lose? ELLIE I can't hear this now -- JOSS Ellie, there is no reason you have to be alone. ELLIE (looking up; helpless) And yet that's always how I seem to end up, isn't it? (a moment) If you really do love me, Palmer, you'll leave. Now. Please. She pulls away from him, leaving the room. Joss stands looking after her... then goes to the door... exits. Ellie watches from the doorway... INT. ELLIE'S QUARTERS - DAY The bed is made. The jumpsuit is gone. PUSH IN ON the palm frond, sitting on the nightstand, next to the goldfish bowl. FEMALE COMPUTER VOICE (V.O.) (on P.A.) Activation T-minus O-seven hundred and counting -- EXT. MACHINE - DUSK Floodlights illuminate the machine superstructure with intense light. Technicians in blue jumpsuits, many of them Japanese, swarm around the instrument/camera bleachers. While the Hokkaido machine differs somewhat from the one in Texas in the details of its human-designed superstructure, the eerie uniformity of the giant sphere, here bathed in soft lavender light, is the same. Elaborate instrument and camera bleachers surround it; in the distance we can make out a control tower similar to the one we saw vaporized in Texas. INT. CONTROL ROOM - DUSK The Female Assistant Team Leader from Texas runs the console, more technicians at their various stations. Peter hovers nearby. Standing in the back we notice a number of poker-faced officials, some wearing U.S. military uniforms. Joss stands at the window looking out; he puts his hand to the glass. REPORTER #1 (V.O.) -- The security here in Hokkaido has been incredibly tight; for obvious reasons only a single pool feed has been allowed at the machine site. Through the eye of the camera world... EXT. PLAZA (SINGAPORE) A sea of Asian faces transfixed by a giant outdoor screen. REPORTER #2 (overlapping) ... watches, holding its breath for that moment, now less than ten minutes away, when a single human being -- EXT. MACHINE - DUSK A van pulls up. Out steps Ellie, composed, wearing her jumpsuit and holding her video helmet. Two Japanese technicians accompany her as she heads toward the main gantry elevator. REPORTER #2 (V.O.) -- boarding a machine of unknown origin and unknown function, will step into history... REPORTER #3 (V.O.) (overlapping on "history") ... the question that's on everyone's mind: will history repeat itself? EXT. FIFTH AVENUE (NEW YORK) - DAY The street is deserted. Televisions glow in every window. REPORTER #3 (V.O.) With a piece of engineering this complex, this unprecedented -- INT. CHICAGO FUTURES EXCHANGE - DAY The receipt-strewn floor lies deserted. REPORTER #3 (V.O.) -- with so many unknown variables -- EXT. MACHINE - MAIN GANTRY ELEVATOR The elevator gates open; Ellie and the technicians step in. REPORTER #3 (V.O.) -- could the unthinkable occur? Could what happened in Texas happen again? FEMALE COMPUTER VOICE (V.O.) T-minus five minutes and counting. EXT. HOKKAIDO MACHINE SITE - OUTER PERIMETER - DUSK Hundreds of reporters doing stand-ups. A cacophony of voices. REPORTER #3 (V.O.) Cutting to the feed now. INSERT TELEVISION The elevator rises, finally arriving in position halfway up the great sphere. ANGLE - LASKER AND KITZ watch from Camp David. ELEVATOR GATES open, revealing Ellie flanked by the two technicians. She looks down the long narrow walkway that leads to the machine. She puts on her helmet. She begins her long walk. WIDE SHOT - MACHINE Ellie's tiny figure approaches the blazingly lit sphere. INT. GRAND CENTRAL STATION - DAY Commuters stand stock still, watching the big screen. EXT. BEIJING STREET - DAY Chinese peasants crowd the front of an appliance store; jockeying to see the televisions. INT. CONTROL ROOM On the monitors Ellie walks toward the machine. ELLIE (V.O.) (filtered) Someone tell me this is really happening. PETER (into chin mic) It's really happening. ELLIE (V.O.) (filtered) That you, Valerian? PETER Like it or not. ELLIE (V.O.) (filtered) Like it. Almost there. ELLIE approaches the alien fractal-embossed surface of the machine. She pauses. Looks around -- her last glimpse of Earth...? She takes a step -- and as she does the panel before her loses its solidity, becoming an opaque gray mist. Darkness beyond. Ellis is on the threshold. EXT. PLAZA (SINGAPORE) A million people hold their breath -- INT. CONTROL ROOM Peter. Joss -- TIGHT ON ELLIE'S FACE as she steps into the unknown. WIDE SHOT - MACHINE Tiny Ellie disappears into the machine. INT. MACHINE As Ellie enters, the panel silently resolidifies behind her. ELLIE (murmurs) That's one small step for a woman... Darkness. A dim glow ahead shows through similar openings in two more spherical benzels. The surface beneath Ellie's feet seems almost liquid. She continues... INT. OUTER DODECAHEDRON The enormous chamber is webbed with delicate organosilicate implanted pattern. An inner dodecahedron marks the core of the machine. Ellie steps through, staring in wonder. A.T.L. (V.O.) (filtered) Arroway, this is command control; do you copy? ELLIE Arroway to control; reading you five by five. INTERCUT WITH: INT. COMMAND BRIDGE A.T.L. Showing green across the board. All systems go... Hesitates... PETER What? A.T.L. I'm not sure. We have no launch protocol; the entry of the passenger is supposed to initiate activation. PETER (into chin mic) Anything happening in there, El? ELLIE (V.O.) (filtered) Not so far -- but -- A deep RUMBLING is heard -- everyone jumps -- A.T.L. What the hell -- ELLIE Did you get that? JOSS Look. They all look out the windows. FULL SHOT - MACHINE - DUSK The mighty benzels slowly begin to move. It is an awesome sight. INT. CONTROL ROOM A.T.L. We have benzel activation, repeat, we have benzel activation. Control to Arroway, you okay in there? (off silence) Repeat, Control to Arroway, come back. PETER (into chin mic) Ellie? INT. MACHINE ELLIE Arroway to Control, come in. (off nothing, willing herself to calm) Arroway to Control, do you copy? INT. COMMAND BRIDGE The BENZELS have begun to generate a HARMONIC HUM, each generating a DIFFERENT TONE. It grows LOUDER as they continue to pick up speed -- A.T.L. We've lost contact. PETER Pull the plug. Get her out of there. A.T.L. There's no plug to pull. PETER What? A.T.L. There is no abort procedure -- we don't know how we turned the damn thing on, let alone how to turn it off. Peter stares at the spinning benzels, rapidly gaining speed. Palmer Joss closes his eyes and quietly starts to pray. INT. MACHINE Something is happening inside the machine; a shimmering, almost as if the air itself was changing... ELLIE Control, I'm going to continue broadcasting on the assumption... hope... that you can hear me. The atmosphere within the chamber seems to be undergoing some sort of spontaneous state conversion... The shimmering amber-lit gas surrounds Ellie, in some places remaining gaseous (for breathing); in others aqueous, in others a gel-like colloidal, supporting her. Nervously: ELLIE My breathing seems normal... The MACHINE SHUDDERS. ELLIE What was that -- ? FROM TWO MILES OUT AT SEA We see clouds gather; an ominous microclimate forming over Hokkaido. Strange violet-hued lights in the sky -- INT. CONTROL ROOM The HUM of BENZELS is deafening, like a galactic choir -- INT. VLA - SAME TIME Fisher, Willie and the team are glued to the set. INT. CAMP DAVID - SAME TIME President Lasker and Kitz watch the same coverage. INT. MIR - SAME TIME Hadden floating, silhouetted against his TV wall. EXT. MACHINE The lower support structure begins to withdraw but the enormous sphere remains spinning freely in space -- the clouds part -- ELLIE whirls around in terror as the light grows dazzlingly bright. FULL SHOT - MACHINE Suddenly the benzels flicker -- go transparent -- everything is visible for a millisecond as a blinding flash of light illuminates the superstructure and surrounding countryside brighter than the brightest day -- INT. CONTROL ROOM - SAME MOMENT Monitors whiteout in a blaze of blinding light. INT. MIR STATION Hadden's TV wall whites out as he dies smiling -- CUT TO: INT. MACHINE The sense of acceleration is tremendous, as if dropping through the center of the earth. The fluid has become more gel-like solid, supporting Ellie's body. The front panel is now opaque, the left and right panels semi- transparent. A bright blue-white light up ahead, illuminating what seems not so much to be a tunnel as a sense of space warping around us; like being inside a fisheye lens as it dolly/zooms. Ellie speaks breathlessly into her mike... ELLIE I'm falling... sense of enormous acceleration. It's a wormhole, it's got to be, but how do they keep it stable? The energy required -- Now the front panel becomes transparent: Ahead is a dazzlingly bright blue-white object with dimmer copies of it surrounding it. As speed increases the subsidiary images become fainter, moving in a transverse circle. Behind Ellie, though she doesn't see it, the panels show similar images of the launch site at Hokkaido. The blue-white light from up ahead becomes blinding as the Dodec erupts into space. ELLIE It's a star, I'm in orbit around a star, spectral type A, maybe early F. Getting weird multiple images here; relativity effects? Accretion disk... gotta be Vega, only... oh my God... A great mass passing above eclipses Vega's light, throwing the Dodec into shadow. The immense polyhedron construct from the opening of the film, dappled with its millions of transmitters, drifts overhead. It's easily 100 miles across. Staring in awe: ELLIE They're talking to the whole universe... Okay, okay, clearly artificial, some sort of relay station but the scale is just... tens of thousands of receivers, hundreds... some sort of biotechnology, like the machine but... don't see anything like a docking port... The machine suddenly makes a hard left; an object appears ahead, an impossible inside-out sphere in space; four dazzling lights seem to be embedded within it. ELLIE Another wormhole? Bigger this time -- oh God -- The Dodec plunges down it as Ellie struggles to contain her wildly fluctuating emotions. The surrounding gas begins to shift color, modulate -- ELLIE Okay. Okay. A series of wormholes, linked together, artificially created, but why would...? (then) Jesus, it's a subway system. The Dodec erupts into a quadruple star system. A pair of red and blue stars orbit each other while a pair of yellow-green dwarfs orbit them. Ellie swallows hard, hyperventilating -- ELLIE Quadruple system... incredible... don't recognize any background constellations... hundreds, possibly thousands of light years from Earth now. So beautiful. So... Ellie growing woozy; trying to snap out of it. ELLIE The physics must be a thousand, ten thousand years beyond us but... oh God... oh God something's... happening... Ellie is overwhelmed with emotion -- we think she's about to cry but then she bursts out laughing -- ELLIE It's beautiful. It's beautiful. I keep saying that but I can't... my mind can't... words... should've sent a poet. I'm a poet and don't know it... (sings) Ground control to Major Tom... (struggling) Relativitistic side-effect? Or -- induced by the transport medium? The gas... Now Ellie is crying, sobbing uncontrollably. ELLIE Oh, Palmer, I wish I'd had a baby. The Dodec plunges into another inside-out sphere, this one larger and glowing blood red -- SERIES OF SHOTS A) A GIANT RED STAR As it engulfs an Earthlike planet. We watch the planet's oceans boil away; the surface chars, sears dead -- B) SUPERNOVA Tidal waves of gas clouds rush away from the exploding sun -- shock waves tumble debris AT us. At the center of the cataclysm a rapidly rotating neutron star flashes like a lighthouse, ten times a second. C) LARGE BLUE GAS GIANT Circling an emerald green star. On the night side of the planet are huge glowing jellyfish-like shapes, the floating cites of an alien civilization. Millions of glowing gold particles connect them in elaborate swirling patterns, a dance of golden glitter... D) LAST WORMHOLE choked with multicolored pinprick flares -- a sense of tremendous acceleration, finally erupting into -- CENTER OF GALAXY So many dazzling multicolored stars they almost touch. Millions more stars than are visible from Earth on the clearest night. An immense, spiraling river of gas and dust, millions of miles long, pours into the maw of a black hole of staggering dimensions. Flashes of radiation leap from the center like summer lightning -- ELLIE The center of the galaxy... The Dodec suddenly rotates. Swimming INTO OUR FIELD OF VIEW... GALACTIC GRAND CENTER STATION It fills half the sky. A vast vast artificial planet; immeasurably immense liquid clouds drift in its atmosphere, punctuated by planet-size holes, columns of mist thousands of mile high. The Dodec gently plunges into an atmosphere of blue night; below we can make out thousands of yellow-lit openings in the gel-like surface, each a different geometric shape. ELLIE Docking ports... those are docking ports for other machines... hi, everybody... As the Dodec continues to lower toward a hexagonal receptor the panels grow opaque, blocking out all light. Ellie fights to remain conscious as it grows dimmer and dimmer: ELLIE Now arriving Grand Central Station... floating down... floating... (like a little girl) Twinkle twinkle... little star... how I wonder... ellemenopee... (shaking her head) ... have to stay awake... stay awake... (slipping) Please... please... She passes out. FADE TO BLACK. IN BLACK Nothing. Still nothing. Finally, a gentle, familiar SOUND... FADE IN: ELLIE lies in a fetal position. After a long moment she opens her eyes. The familiar RHYTHMIC sound is LOUDER. Her eyes widen... EXT. BEACH - DAWN Ellie sits up on a pristine white beach. Huge ranges of cumulus lit red/gold by the dawn silhouette clusters of palm trees; the sound of gently ROLLING SURF, SQUAWKING GULLS. Ellie stands. The Dodec is nowhere to be seen. She looks around in disbelief. She takes a few halting steps, like a child learning to walk. She kneels, scoops up some sand. Frowns in confusion... Ellie digs her hand into the sea, almost loses her balance again. She tastes the water. Normal. Her confusion grows... ELLIE I... remember this... She steps further into the water; letting its warmth soothe her, wipes the furrows from her brow. Closes her eyes as she lets the water take her. EXT. BEACH - LATER The sun is higher now. The SURF CRASHES. ELLIE (O.S.) Recording... check, check. Recording, is this on? I think this is on. Ellie sits against a palm tree, looking out at the sea. She seems a little more cogent. ELLIE Okay. I've traveled thirty thousand light years, give or take a few parsecs, to go to the beach. So... Either they've created this environment... or the illusion of this environment, to make me feel at home... or else somehow I am at home -- or else this is my cage at the intergalactic zoo and the tour bus will be along any minute... A distant figure becomes visible down the beach. As it approaches Ellie continues, unaware: ELLIE Or else, of course, I'm completely insane. This should not be discounted as a possibility -- although the fact that I'm questioning my sanity should be a pretty good indication that I am in fact sane... unless of course... unless... Ellie stops, as if sensing something. The figure grows closer, now clearly humanoid. Ellie turns to look -- -- and stares in utter disbelief. She rises to her feet... ELLIE'S POV Ted Arroway is walking easily toward her. He smiles. TED Morning, Captain. ELLIE Tears come to her eyes... she approaches, staring... He takes her hand -- TED I've missed you. It's too much. Ellie throws herself into his arms, holds him tight. ELLIE Dad... She sobs. He holds her. TED It's okay... Ellie recovers a bit, wiping away her tears -- ELLIE I used... I used to dream you were alive... and then I'd wake up and lose you all over again. TED I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, sweetheart. ELLIE Dad... But tell me, how did... I mean how can...? Reality returns like a cloud passing over the sun. Softly: ELLIE You're not real. None of this is. TED (smiles sadly) That's my scientist. ELLIE (struggling to breathe) So. Are you an hallucination? Or are little gear trains and circuit boards under your skin? TED Am I artifact or dream? You might ask that about anything. ELLIE But you're so... I mean how could you possibly...? (realizing) When I was unconscious. You... downloaded... my thoughts, my memories, even... (realizing) This beach. I've never been here but I remember... it's how I always imagined... (softly) Pensacola. TED We thought this might make things a little easier. And in the blink of an eye they are no longer standing on a beach but on the rim of the Grand Canyon, looking out at a spectacular sunset. TED ... although this is nice too. Ellie tries hard to swallow her amazement as Ted begins to stroll along the rim; she walks with him. ELLIE So who -- what -- are you? TED Originally just another species like yourselves. Well, not like you at all actually, but... ELLIE Can you show me? TED Small moves, Captain, small moves. ELLIE Why did you contact us? TED You contacted us. We were simply listening. We've been listening for millions of years. ELLIE And those other docking ports I saw... I mean... there are others? TED Many others. ELLIE And they all travel here through this wormhole subway system you built. TED Oh, we didn't build it. The transit system has been in place for billions of years; we're just its... caretakers. ELLIE So who...? TED We don't know. Whoever they were, they were gone long before we ever got here. ELLIE The scale... it's just... (catching her breath) So all the civilizations you detect; they all end up coming here? TED Not all. Some choose to stay at home and dream their dreams. (sadly) Some never make it this far. ELLIE So we passed some kind of test? TED You have your mother's hands... (beat) There are no tests, Ellie. We don't sit in judgment. Think of us more as... librarians. Curators of the Universe's rarest and most valuable creation... And now they are walking through a familiar forest. Sunlight streams through the tall trees. TED As many civilizations as we've found, compared to the vastness of space... He seems momentarily overcome with a terrible sadness... and then he recovers, smiles. TED ... life is unspeakably rare. So whenever we do find another civilization, especially one that's... struggling... We send a message. Sometimes we can offer help. Sometimes we can't. But we always try. Life is simply too precious not to. ELLIE Can you help us? Ted hesitates. They are now standing in the middle of a vast alien desert, stretching to the horizon. The dome of the sky darkens revealing a view from outside the galaxy; the Milky Way hangs like a pinwheel in the blackness of intergalactic night. TED You're an interesting species; an interesting mix. Capable of such exquisite dreams; such horrifying nightmares. Technologically you've advanced very quickly -- some think too quickly... and yet... CLOSE ON TED He turns to Ellie, puts a loving hand to her face. Softly: TED You're so lost. So cut off... and so sad. And suddenly Ellie is standing on the sun-dappled Cal Tech campus. She turns to find herself standing opposite David Drumlin. DRUMLIN What is it that makes you so lonely, Miss Arroway? Ellie stares at him -- instinctively backs away, turning around -- -- to find herself high atop the radio dish at Arecibo looking into Peter Valerian's face -- PETER Be honest, El. The truth is you really don't want the company. Peter shakes his head -- then begins to melt, morph into Palmer Joss -- JOSS What does it feel like to understand everything in the universe except yourself? -- the Texas meadow instantly dissolves behind him to become the darkness of the Hokkaido night -- JOSS Ellie, there is no reason you have to be alone. Ellie stares at him; he slowly morphs back into Ted as he and the space around them become infused with an unearthly golden light; his voice ECHOING and resonating into infinity -- TED We are alone. For millions of years we've searched the cosmos... and after all the suffering, after all the chaos and desolation of the void -- the one thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable is each other. That's why I sent the message. That's why I made contact. Ellie moves closer, staring into his eyes... and catches a glimpse of infinity. She holds her breath -- ELLIE (whispers) Who are you? We begin to MOVE THROUGH them, INTO -- ANOTHER DIMENSION TED (reading her mind) Am I one... or many? ELLIE The librarian... or the library...? We are lost inside an unimaginable realm, an infinity of nested realities turning inside and within each other in a staggering visual paradox that dazzles and overwhelms, that builds and soars until -- -- the soft CRASHING of the SURF... Ellie is back, standing with her father on a perfect beach in the glow of twilight. A gentle breeze blows. Ellis is overcome. ELLIE ... all those voices... you gather them all together. Millions of intelligences in one consciousness... and now we're a part of it. TED You always have been. We're all descendants of the same stars, Ellie. All made of the same primordial atoms. ELLIE (overwhelmed) So. What happens now? TED Now... you go home. ELLIE (instinctively; like a child) No! (as Ted smiles) I mean... why so soon? TED If we don't engineer a consistent causality it'll work itself out on its own, and that's almost always worse. (seeing her confusion) Ellie, according to your physics none of this is possible. A lot of it you're simply not capable of understanding, not yet. No offense. ELLIE None taken... but ... do we get to come back? Others of my kind, I mean. He tenderly brushes a stray lock of hair behind her ear. TED Eventually you'll get here on your own. This was just the first step; in time you'll take another. ELLIE But -- other people from our planet should see what I've seen -- they should witness this for themselves. TED That isn't the way it works. ELLIE But you said you wanted to help -- don't you see what it would mean? TED (gently) No more stalling, Captain. ELLIE (intensely) Please -- if you... downloaded... everything about us you know the problems we face, the impact it could have -- it could make the difference -- TED Ellie... this is the way it's been done for billions of years... She looks at him pleadingly... and as the part of him that is her father look into his daughter's eyes, he hesitates -- TED ... but we'll consider your request. A breeze blows, stronger now. TED It's time to go home now. ELLIE No. Please. TED (smiles sadly) Childhood is over, Ellie. It's time to grow up. A WHOOSH of AIR -- Ellie spins around -- The Dodec sits incongruously on the beach. She turns back. Ted has vanished. ELLIE No... And as Ellie finally and fully mourns her lost father, we leave her, crying, alone on an empty beach, 30,000 light years from home... FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: EXT. MACHINE (HOKKAIDO) - NIGHT The HUM DIES as the benzels slowly come to rest. Ellie emerges from the machine. Her expression composed. The opening solidifies behind her -- -- and then we hear a sudden BURST of STATIC, followed by a cacophonous BARRAGE of VOICES -- Ellie instinctively puts her hands to her helmet -- CONTROLLER (V.O.) (filtered) -- Got her -- ! A.T.L. (filtered) -- all benzel motion has ceased. Repeat, benzels are stopped; securing the area -- PETER (V.O.) (filtered) Ellie -- are you okay? ELLIE I'm -- I'm fine. PETER (V.O.) (filtered) Thank God. When we lost contact, I thought -- we thought... but you're okay. We're still trying to determine the nature of the malfunction. Did you notice anything at all that -- ELLIE Wait -- hold on a minute -- PETER (V.O.) (filtered) It's all right, the important thing is you're safe -- ELLIE Peter, what are you talking about? What malfunction? (looking around) What day is this? PETER (V.O.) (filtered) What day? ELLIE How long was I gone? INT. COMMAND CONTROL - CONTINUOUS ACTION Peter stands at the command console, just as we left him. PETER Ellie... we saw you enter the machine. The benzels spun up, generating some sort of atmospheric disturbance. The benzels spun down. And then... just now... you stepped out. We were out of radio contact exactly... seven minutes and thirty- five seconds. The machine never went anywhere. INT. MEDICAL BUNKER - IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING A team of physicians examine Ellie, hooked up to various medical equipment -- DOCTOR Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms. Aching joints? Fever? ELLIE I'm fine -- DOCTOR Headaches? Swollen glands? ELLIE No -- could somebody please just -- The DOCTOR checks a series of monitors, turns to an official. DOCTOR Vitals identical to pre-launch stats. ANOTHER SCIENTIST No sign of radiation or biological contamination of any kind. She's clean. Peter enters the room, briefly confers with the official -- then approaches Ellie, who sighs in grateful relief. ELLIE Peter... What is going on? Has everyone gone completely insane? PETER That's one way of putting it. Kitz, the President, the I.S.C. have shut down all official communications; there've also been reports of riots flaring up across the U.S. and Europe. Until we figure out what went wrong things may get rough, especially for you -- ELLIE But the machine worked -- that's what I've been trying to tell everyone! (in utter frustration) The tape -- it's all there, if they'd just look at... (seeing Peter's grim look) ... the tape... And as Ellie realizes with sickening certainty -- CUT TO: STATIC-FILLED MONITOR Colored snow. Nothing. INT. DEBRIEFING ROOM Kitz turns off the monitor, turns to Ellie, still in her hospital gown and robe. Peter stands nearby, as do a group of frighteningly expressionless I.S.C. and Pentagon officials. ELLIE ... I don't understand it. All I can think is that maybe because the video gear wasn't accounted for in the original plans it somehow violated the integrity of the design. KITZ Is that your official response? ELLIE I don't have an official response, Michael. All I have are the same questions you have. Kitz pauses... and then he turns to her, his intensity increasing as we PUSH IN ON him -- KITZ I'm afraid that's not a satisfactory answer, Doctor. We spent two trillion dollars. You walked into that machine with the hopes and prayers of an entire planet with you, and you stepped out with nothing. Those people are going to want more than idle speculation and conjecture -- they're going to want answers -- and I hope for all our sakes you can come up with them. EXT. MACHINE (HOKKAIDO) - NIGHT Ellie, surrounded by a phalanx of security, moves quickly through the nightmarish mob scene. Disorienting TV lights glare, illuminating a flurry of drift snow -- As Ellie is hustled toward a van she glimpses a figure -- an oasis of stillness in the mob, watching her -- Joss. Their eyes meet for the briefest of moments -- and then Ellie is swept into the van and away. Joss watches her go -- looks at the chaos, the madness around him -- then slowly looks up to the sky ... DISSOLVE TO: EXT. WASHINGTON D.C. A hard rain falls. We FIND a government sedan, FOLLOW it THROUGH burned-out slums -- SECRETARY (V.O.) (filtered) I have Mr. Kitz for you Ms. President. PRESIDENT LASKER (V.O.) Put him through. (as PHONE CLICKS) Well? KITZ (V.O.) (filtered) Nothing. Apparently the surface began to ossify immediately after she emerged; all subsequent attempts to re-enter the machine have failed... The sedan approaches the Capitol Building. The steps are mobbed with a surreal menagerie of the fanatical and the dispossessed. A huge bonfire has been built; images of Ellie on the cross... KITZ (V.O.) ... as have all attempts at internal analysis. We've tried sonargrams, magnetic resonance, gamma rays; it's completely impenetrable. PRESIDENT LASKER (V.O.) Recommendations? KITZ (V.O.) I don't know. Maybe we built the damn thing wrong. Maybe it was all a hoax... (sighs) The safest thing would probably be to do a Chernobyl; encase it in concrete. PRESIDENT LASKER (V.O.) Have your department make a full report. INT. OVAL OFFICE - CONTINUOUS ACTION - DAY The rain pours down. The President slowly hangs up the phone. INT. SEDAN - CONTINUOUS ACTION Ellie looks out the window at the mob descending on the car, all fighting desperately to catch a glimpse of her -- faces filled with hope, hate, desperation -- Ellie shrinks back -- INT. SENATE ANTEROOM - DAY The CLOCK TICKING on the wall reads five to nine. Ellie sits alone in the small room. Waiting. A KNOCK on the door. Ellie looks up nervously -- Palmer Joss stands in the doorway. A moment... and then Ellie slowly rises and goes to him. Embraces him. He holds her. JOSS Oh, Ellie... Ellie finally pulling away, wiping her eyes. ELLIE Hi. JOSS Hi. ELLIE I'm assuming you read my deposition. JOSS It was quite a page turner. ELLIE Pretty ironic, huh? I had to go all the way to the center of the galaxy... Just to find you. She takes his hand, kisses it. He touches her face. The CLOCK TICKS. ELLIE So. I'm assuming they sent you here to administer last rites? JOSS I'm not sure it's come to that. ELLIE They don't believe me. JOSS I do. ELLIE You're sure you want to? In the universe I saw we're not exactly the stars of the show. What happened to me makes us all seem pretty damn small. JOSS It also makes God enormous. I think of the scope of your universe, Ellie... and it takes my breath away. As it will everyone else's. ELLIE I don't have any proof, Palmer. JOSS Ellie, you're the proof. You tell them your story. Ultimately they'll have no choice but to believe you. ELLIE It's not enough, don't you understand? I know it happened -- but by every standard of science, by every standard I've lived my life by that fact is utterly beside the point. It may be true but it doesn't matter because I can't prove it's real. JOSS Ellie, the only one holding you to that standard is you! The people want to hear your story, they need to hear it! ELLIE But -- JOSS Have you seen what's happening out there? The terror, the despair? The world is on fire, Ellie. People need something they can believe in, something worthy, and you can give it to them! ELLIE I want to, Palmer -- more than anything. But it has to be real. It has to be true. JOSS (hesitates) Ellie... if you go out there like this -- if you admit to even the possibility that what you experienced didn't actually happen -- I'm afraid they really will crucify you. Please. For your own sake, for the sake of the world... tell them what you know to be the truth. Tell them it really happened. Ellie looks up at him -- and then the door opens and an AIDE enters. AIDE They're ready for you. INT. U.S. SENATE Every corner of the cavernous Senate Chamber is jammed with media, politicians, onlookers. The world stage. The big show. The International Committee is composed of eight men and two women, including Kitz. Occupying the center seat is the COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, An Asian American Senator in his sixties. Sitting all by herself at a long table opposite them, Ellie looks very small and alone. SENATOR You were in the machine for seven minutes, thirty-five seconds, is that correct, Doctor? ELLIE Earth time, yes. SENATOR (pausing) Earth time. ELLIE (a deep breath) Senator... I believe I traveled through a series of wormholes. Wormholes are a phenomenon deduced by Einstein; they're essentially tears in the fabric of space/time. Because of the effects of relativity what I experienced as a period of approximately eighteen hours passed almost instantaneously on Earth. To you I seemed to depart and arrive back at the same moment. KITZ Doctor, isn't it true that wormholes are merely predictions of relativity theory? That there's no evidence they actually exist? Ellie hesitates. Looks up at Joss in the gallery. Then: ELLIE There is no direct evidence, no. KITZ And current theory holds that to sustain the sort of wormholes you're talking about, even for a fraction of a second, would require more energy than our sun produces in a year, is that correct? ELLIE I don't have the figures in front of me, but yes, that sounds about right. KITZ In fact, by all the laws of physics we know what you claim to have experienced is simply impossible. ELLIE (beat, then, softly) By our standards... yes. Palmer Joss, sitting in the gallery, closes his eyes. SAME SCENE - LATER The Chairman flips slowly through a file as he questions Ellie. CHAIRMAN ... And this is how the extraterrestrial presented himself to you? As your father? ELLIE Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN He died... (looks at file) ... in 1972. ELLIE Yes, sir. CHAIRMAN (pausing) Dr. Arroway, do you think it's possible you had some kind of... delusional episode. Joss leans forward in his chair. ELLIE Is it possible...? CHAIRMAN All the elements are there. A woman, orphaned young, under a great deal of stress. The failure of a project she's staked her self-worth and very sense of identity on -- induces a fantasy of reuniting with her 'father in heaven' as it were. Is it possible? Ellie is silent. KITZ Please answer the question, Doctor. ELLIE (a long silence) Is it possible. Yes. But -- KITZ Thank you, Doctor. Now -- ELLIE (overriding him) -- but I don't believe it to be the truth. CHAIRMAN (peering at her; intrigued) You don't believe it to be... tell me something, Doctor. Why do you think they would go to all this trouble... bring you tens of thousands of light years, and then send you home without a shred of proof? Sort of bad form, wouldn't you say? What was their intent? ELLIE (hesitates) I don't know. Ultimately their motives may be as incomprehensible as their technology. The crowd murmurs. Committee members exchange glances. CHAIRMAN (sigh) Dr. Arroway, you come before us with no evidence. No records, no artifacts -- only a story that -- to put I mildly -- strains credibility. Over two trillion dollars was spent, hundreds of lives were lost, many more may be in jeopardy due to the almost incalculable worldwide psychological impact... Are you going to sit there and tell us that we should simply take this all on faith? The word rings out like a shot. Silence. KITZ Answer the question, Doctor. As a scientist -- can you prove any of this? JOSS Holding his breath. ELLIE Closes her eyes. Finally, almost inaudibly: ELLIE No. The room is silent. Almost gently: KITZ So why don't you admit what by your own standards must be the truth: that this experience simply didn't happen. ELLIE (pauses, then, simply) Because I can't. The crowd reacts. Ellie looks up to the gallery... and finds Joss. As she speaks with great emotion and restraint, she seems to be talking directly to him. ELLIE I had... an experience. I can't prove it. I can't even explain it. All I can tell you is that everything I know as a human being, everything I am -- tells me that it was real. The room grows quiet. ELLIE (softly) I was given something wonderful. Something that changed me. A vision of the universe that made it overwhelmingly clear just how tiny and insignificant -- and at the same time how rare and precious we all are. A vision... that tells us we belong to something greater than ourselves... that we're not -- that none of us -- is alone. JOSS Moved beyond words. ELLIE looks lovingly at Palmer... then shifts her gaze to Michael Kitz. Softly: ELLIE I wish I could share it. I wish everyone, if only for a moment -- could feel that sense of awe, and humility... and hope. That continues to be my wish. The emotion in her voice compels the room to silence. Kitz. Joss. Ellie. INT. CAPITOL BUILDING - CORRIDOR - NIGHT Spilling out; reporters closing in. As Kitz emerges he sees Ellie -- she meets his gaze. A moment... and then he nods, walks briskly off. Ellie turns -- to find Joss standing by the door, waiting for her. A timeless moment... ... and then she silently crosses to him and lets him fold her into his arms. EXT. CAPITOL BUILDING - NIGHT The rain lashes down unabated. A sea of press crushing in on Ellie and Joss as they grimly make their way through, police clearing the way -- A ZEALOT intones in the b.g. -- ZEALOT '... He dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the Earth, and the top of it reached to heaven... Surely the Lord is in this place, and I knew it not. This is none other but the House of God.' As Ellie moves through the crowd PEOPLE in wheelchairs fight to approach, people with terrible deformities -- they call to her: PEOPLE Ellie... Bless me, Ellie... Heal me... Ellie, torn between wanting to help these suffering souls and not wanting to lie, whispers: ELLIE I'm sorry... I'm sorry... And then the reporters descend, shouting out questions -- one in particular rings out -- REPORTER Reverend Joss, do you think the failure of the machine is God's rebuke to science? Joss stops. He turns to the crowd; slowly: JOSS As a person of faith... I am bound by a different covenant than Dr. Arroway -- but I believe our goal is one and the same: the pursuit of the truth. I think today Dr. Arroway continued that pursuit under the most trying of conditions. He puts his arm around Ellie and hurries away. The crowds, the media watch as the Messiah who failed disappears into the rainy night. SERIES OF SHOTS A) HOKKAIDO The entombment of the machine has begun. Scaffolding on all sides, swarming with workers in quarantine suits. Helicopters fly overhead, dumping load after load of concrete. B) VLA boarded up, deserted. Weeds springing up around the now-rusting cyclone fence; the desert moving in to reclaim what it had briefly lost. The radio dishes waiting, silent. C) SMALL COUNTRY CEMETERY a familiar fishpond in the b.g. Ellie, holding a small bunch of wildflowers, kneels to gently place them on her father's grave. EXT. LAKE TIMOTHY (OREGON) - DUSK (DECEMBER 31, 2001) The small figures of Ellie and Joss walk along the beautiful lake under the forested slopes of Mt. Hood. ELLIE ... but it is a good question, and I suppose I'll always wonder about the answer: Why would they send me back without proof? JOSS Maybe what you experienced can't be reduced to images on a videotape. Maybe they still plan to grant your request, only in their own way, in their own time... Or maybe it's just like you said: ultimately their motives may be as incomprehensible as their technology. ELLIE In other words, God works in mysterious ways... JOSS (smiles) In other words. They stop, look out at the water. ELLIE I don't know. If it was a god, it was searching for a greater one. It was still searching for meaning... JOSS Does that mean you think it doesn't exist? ELLIE I'm not sure... (looking up) Maybe it simply exists in the search for it. Maybe its something we have to make for ourselves. JOSS Meaning... ELLIE Something my dad -- they -- said. 'After all the suffering, after all the desolation of the void -- the one thing that makes the vastness tolerable is each other.' (looking up at Joss) The one thing that makes it bearable is love. She takes his hand... and then they look up at the sky, where the first stars are coming out. BBC REPORTER (V.O.) ... and while the riots here in London continue for the fourth night in a row, on the other side of the Atlantic the news is equally grim... REPORTER #1 (V.O.) (overlapping) ... thousands of starving refugees fled the area as the bloody fighting continued... REPORTER #2 (V.O.) ... a massive book burning took place in downtown Berlin today... REPORTER #3 (V.O.) ... and on this last night of the old millennium and the eve of the new one, looking back on a past racked by violence and chaos, we of the human race look ahead to an uncertain future -- a future which, at least for now, seems to promise only more of the same... The VOICES FADE into oblivion. CUT TO: EXT. HOKKAIDO MACHINE - DUSK The machine stands entombed; silent, inscrutable. All is still. Then, the first sign: small insects crawl from cracks in the pavement. A stirring. A slight breeze. A subtle HUMMING sound -- A monk stirs in his bed in the nearby monastery; if not awakened by the strange vibration then by the SHRIEKING MONKEYS outside. A vibration. Something is happening at the core of the concrete edifice -- it begins to crack -- From inside comes a sound, a terrible, otherworldly ROAR -- The next transformation has begun. FROM TWO MILES OUT AT SEA The island of Hokkaido is shrouded by an ominous microclimate... a vortex out of which radiates an awful vibration like the shockwave of a bomb. A Japanese fisherman smoking a cigarette on his shrimpboat looks up in awe. MACHINE is lifting, spinning -- dissolving into itself -- leaving only the vortex of a prodigious wormhole -- DOWNTOWN TOKYO A thousand neon signs go dark. New Years revelers look up in fear. EXT. SAN DIEGO ZOO - NIGHT and the keepers have never known the animals to be so disturbed. VIRGINIA SUBURB Peter Valerian steps out of his front door and stares up at the sky. His wife joins him; he silently puts his arm around her -- WASHINGTON OFFICE Michael Kitz turns to look out the window at the D.C. skyline -- fear on his face as he looks down at a picture of his family, wife and two kids -- BALKANS Guerrillas look up at the terrifying sky as the GUNFIRE DIES. ON SERENGETI Stampeding wildebeest wheel around seemingly to form a vast circle. SOMEWHERE IN PACIFIC Great swirling pod of dolphin swim in a frenzied circle. INDIA A circle of dung beetles in the dust. EARTH from Hadden's darkened viewport. The land obscured by a rapidly growing cloud that fills the ecosphere. ELLIE AND JOSS stand outside a lakeside cabin, transfixed. A wind picks up. Grows stronger. A deep RUMBLING sound, felt more than heard: a sound too vast to be any sound at all. The wind grows stronger. The LIGHTNING CRACKLES, flushing birds from trees -- And then everything becomes perfectly still -- the RUMBLING STOPS -- -- a deafening silence -- then -- SOUNDLESS CONCUSSION OF VIOLET LIGHT high over Times Square -- Kitz's office -- a solitary farmhouse under the Nebraska sky -- downtown Tokyo -- a lonely freighter in the middle of the Pacific -- EVERYWHERE -- EXT. EARTH ORBIT - 250 MILES UP Looking toward the Earth past the deserted Mir Station -- the brilliant violet flash -- EGYPT The Valley of the Kings. The faces of the long dead Pharaohs bathed in the violet light. SAHARA Children stare up in wonder at the same light. TIME SQUARE/PICCADILLY CIRCUS People stand frozen in awe. WASHINGTON D.C. At the Lincoln Memorial the great man looks down as the homeless crawl out from their cardboard shelters, bathed in the brilliant light... ELLIE AND JOSS stare up at the sky at an impossible view. It is the view from the center of the galaxy. THROUGH the mouth of the enormous wormhole, we can see the machine returning to Grand Central Station as a dazzling Aurora Borealis fills the sky -- VARIOUS SHOTS - ALL OVER THE WORLD All over the world faces of every race and ethnicity stare up at a billion blazing multicolored suns lighting up the heavens, brighter than the brightest day. The citizens of the Earth look up and wonder as the CHIMES of MIDNIGHT RING OUT all over the world -- ELLIE Her eyes filled with tears of wonder and joy, smiles. She's found what she's been searching for. CUT TO: BLACK CARD BRING ON THE MILLENNIUM FADE TO BLACK. THE END BLADE RUNNER Screenplay by HAMPTON FANCHER July 24, 1980 Brighton Productions Inc. 1420 No. Beachwood Drive Hollywood, Calif. 90028 **************** INT. TYRELL CORPORATION LOCKER ROOM - DAY 1 THE EYE 2 It's magnified and deeply revealed. Flecks of green and yellow in a field of milky blue. Icy filaments surround the undulating center. The eye is brown in a tiny screen. On the metallic surface below, the words VOIGHT-KAMPFF are finely etched. There's a touch-light panel across the top and on the side of the screen, a dial that registers fluctuations of the iris. The instrument is no bigger than a music box and sits on a table between two men. The man talking is big, looks like an over-stuffed kid. "LEON" it says on his breast pocket. He's dressed in a warehouseman's uniform and his pudgy hands are folded expectantly in his lap. Despite the obvious heat, he looks very cool. The man facing him is lean, hollow cheeked and dressed in gray. Detached and efficient, he looks like a cop or an accountant. His name is HOLDEN and he's all business, except for the sweat on his face. The room is large and humid. Rows of salvaged junk are stacked neatly against the walls. Two large fans whir above their heads. LEON Okay if I talk? Holden doesn't answer. He's centering Leon's eye on the machine. LEON I kinda get nervous when I take tests. HOLDEN Don't move. LEON Sorry. He tries not to move but finally his lips can't help a sheepish smile. LEON Already had I.Q. test this year -- but I don't think I never had a... HOLDEN (cutting in) Reaction time is a factor in this, so please pay attention. Answer quickly as you can. Leon compresses his lips and nods his big head eagerly. Holden's voice is cold, geared to intimidate and evoke response. HOLDEN You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look down and see a... LEON What one? It was a timid interruption, hardly audible. HOLDEN What? LEON What desert? HOLDEN Doesn't make any difference what desert -- it's completely hypothetical. LEON But how come I'd be there? HOLDEN Maybe you're fed up, maybe you want to be by yourself -- who knows. So you look down and see a tortoise. It's crawling towards you... LEON A tortoise. What's that? HOLDEN Know what a turtle is? LEON Of course. HOLDEN Same thing. LEON I never seen a turtle. He sees Holden's patience is wearing thin. LEON But I understand what you mean. HOLDEN You reach down and flip the tortoise over on its back, Leon. Keeping an eye on his subject, Holden notes the dials in the Voight-Kampff. One of the needles quivers slightly. LEON You make these questions, Mr. Holden, or they write 'em down for you? Disregarding the question, Holden continues, picking up the pace. HOLDEN The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over. But it can't. Not without your help. But you're not helping. Leon's upper lip is quivering. LEON Whatcha mean, I'm not helping? HOLDEN I mean you're not helping! Why is that, Leon? Leon looks shocked, surprised. But the needles in the computer barely move. Holden goes for the inside of his coat. But big Leon is faster. His LASER BURNS a hole the size of a nickel through Holden's stomach. Unlike a bullet, a laser causes no impact. It goes through Holden's spine and comes out his back, clean as a whistle. Like a rag doll he falls back off the bench from the waist up. By the time he hits the floor, big slow Leon is already walking away. But he stops, turns and with a little smile of satisfaction, FIRES at the machine on the table. There's a flash and a puff of smoke. The Voight-Kampff is hit dead center, crippled but not destroyed; as Leon walks out of the room, one of its lights begins to blink, faint but steady. EXT. DESERT - NIGHT 3 The horizon marked by a thin copper line that maybe the end, of the beginning of a day. The train that follows, cuts through the night at 400 miles an hour. INT. TRAIN - NIGHT 4 No clickitty-clack of track-bound noise, it's a long, insulated Pullman of contoured seats and low-keyed lighting, coloured to soothe,and empty, except for the passenger half way down. His eyes closed, head rested against the glass. Ten years ago, DECKARD might have been an athlete, a track man or a welter-weight. The body looks it, but the face has seen some time -- not all of it good. INT. TRAIN - REFRESHMENT DISPENSER - NIGHT 5 Deckard comes down the aisle, slips a coin into the mechanism, receives a beer and returns to his seat. INT. TRAIN - NIGHT 6 Tired of the program, he takes off the headset and drops it next to three empty beer bottles and a sandwich wrapper, adjusts his position and winds up staring at his reflection in the window. Runs a hand over his face, it could use a shave. He leans closer and peers through the glass. Out there in the black a sign flashes past: SAN ANGELES, THREE MINUTES. EXT. PLATFORM - NIGHT 7 The train slides in, smooth as an eel, and stops with- out a sound. Carrying a bag and umbrella, Deckard disembarks ahead of the other passengers and into the sweltering night. INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT 8 Deckard has got his coat swung over his shoulder, his shirt already damp, as he walks down the long, hollow passage under orbs of yellow light. EXT. TERMINAL - NIGHT 9 Deckard unlocks his car and gets in. Turns the ig- nition and hits a sensor. The dash console glows and Deckard sits back waiting for the air unit to cool things off. DECKARD (V.O.) It was 97 degrees in the city and no hope of improvement. Not bad if you're a lizard. But two hours earlier I was drinking Acquavit with an Eskimo lady in North East Alaska. That's a tough change to make. It was so good, I didn't want to leave, so I left a day early. A little detached, Deckard taps another sensor on the panel, lights up a cigarette and watches as his mes- sages flash across the viewer stating date, time and caller. The last one is repeated five times. Deckard sighs, switches off the viewer and gets on the radio. DECKARD Contact. This is Blade Runner One calling Com-fast 27. The SOUND OF A CHIME precedes the mechanical female voice that answers. VOICE Blade Runner One, stand by please. A pause. Followed by a husky male voice. VOICE Deckard. DECKARD Yah, Gaff. GAFF (VOICE) Where the hell you been? DECKARD You know where I been. I been on vacation. GAFF Next time you go on vacation, do me a favor, let us know where it is. DECKARD What's up? GAFF Holden got hit. There is a pause. That was bad news. DECKARD Bad? GAFF Severed spine. You'd better get in here. Bryant's waiting for you. DECKARD I'll see you in a minute. The ENGINE REVS, the wipers rake two weeks of dust off the windshield and Deckard jams out of the lot. INT. THE HALL OF JUSTICE - NIGHT 10 An enormous grey vault of a building. A businesslike Deckard strides down a long corridor with his brief- case and police ID pinned to his coat. DECKARD (V.O.) I-X-4-P-D referred to as a Nexus-6, The Tyrell Corporation's new pride and joy. Holden was administering the Voight-Kampff test when one nailed him. The door in front of Deckard slides open and he walks through. DECKARD (V.O.) The Nexus-6 must be fast because Holden was as quick as they come. The report said there were six of them. Three males and three female. Led by a combat model called Roy Batty. INT. INSPECTOR BRYANT'S OFFICE - NIGHT 11 The INSPECTOR is in his fifties. The deep creases in his face, the broken capillaries in his nose say brawler, spoiler, drinker, but the diplomas on the wall say something else. Bryant's kneeled at his safe trying to open it. Deckard it sitting on the edge of the desk reading the print-out. DECKARD (V.O.) They escaped from the colonies two weeks ago. Killed twenty- three people and jumped a shuttle. An aerial patrol found the ship in the desert. No crew. Bryant gets the safe open and brings out a bottle of whiskey. DECKARD (V.O.) Bryant's got a liver problem. A couple years back he handed me a bottle and said have a drink for another man. I been drinking for him ever since. Deckard sets down the report and takes the shot Bryant just poured for him. DECKARD Six, huh? BRYANT Five. Three nights ago one of them managed to break into the Tyrell Corporation. Killed two guards and got as far as the Genetic Sector before he got fried going through an electro- field. DECKARD What was he after? BRYANT There wasn't much left of him, so we can't be sure. But bio- chemical data and morphology records of the Nexus-6 were reported missing. Going on the possibility they might try to infiltrate we send Holden in to run Voight-Kampff tests on the new employees. Guess he found himself one. A grim pause. DECKARD You got a machine on it yet? BRYANT We're using Esper -- a 231 -- that picked up Holden's alarm. Its guess is that all five are in the city. DECKARD Where do we start? Bryant's back at the safe locking up his bottle. BRYANT The Tyrell Corporation has a demo model. Check it out on the Voight-Kampff. There's a chance the Nexus-6 is beyond out ability to detect. If that's the case, everybody's up shit creek. DECKARD What was the cover on the one that got Holden? BRYANT Industrial refuse. DECKARD Garbage man? Bryant nods. DECKARD Did personnel have an address on him? Bryant fishes a piece of paper out of his pocket, copies down a number and hands it over. DECKARD I'll go take a look. Deckard stands and holds up his drink. DECKARD Thanks. Like a sick boy looking out of the window, Bryant watches Deckard down the whiskey. Deckard puts down the glass and turns to leave. DECKARD (V.O.) The big incentive to emigrate was still free labor. If the public found out that their door-prizes might kill them, they might not be so hot to go up there. This was one of the worst one's we had and Bryant was worried. He wanted to tell me to be discrete or something. But I didn't give him a chance. EXT. LEON'S HOTEL ENTRANCE - NIGHT 12 An electrical storm is brewing. Deckard stands out- side the entrance to an old hotel holding an umbrella, as people scuttle into doorways to avoid the sudden downpour. INT. LEON'S HOTEL LOBBY - NIGHT 13 A heavy metal maze of cubicles and perilous iron balconies, peopled with rejects from the surface world; Mato Grosso Indians in white man's clothes and other lower echelon welfare recipients. Drop city is crowded, cramped and darkly alive. Deckard steps out of an elevator and moves through the crowd. A cloud of steam drifts up through a grating as two old men, clad in towels descend a flight of stairs under a neon sign that says bath house. A musty subterranean wind ripples Deckard's clothes as he turns into an alcove. He stops in front of a door that says, MANAGER and pushes the buzzer. It's opened by an emphysema victim with an oxygen tank lashed to his hip. Deckard flashes his ID and speaks some words which are inaudible due to the TUBA MUSIC down the hall. The man grabs a key from his wall, hands it over and shuts the door. INT. LEON'S HOTEL CORRIDOR - NIGHT 14 The companion ways below deck of a big ship are no more bewildering than the ups and downs and ins and outs of this establishment. But Deckard finds the door he's looking for. He pauses a moment, listens, then knocks. He inserts the key and with a hand on his gun opens it. INT. LEON'S ROOM - NIGHT 15 An empty room. A cot and not much else. He steps in and stands quiet as a hunter sensing the signs. For a place surrounded by greasy hovels it is surprisingly clean. Spartan in fact. The towel by the spotless basin is perfectly folded. Deckard runs two fingers over a shelf. No dust. He looks in the waste basket. Wadded up candy wrappers. The bed by the window is neatly made. Deckard looks under it, then runs his hands along both sides of the mattress. The closet. There's one suit in it. He pats it down. Nothing. A show box on the floor. He stoops, takes out what looks like a pen from his pocket and care- fully traces it over the box. Assured of its harm- lessness, he lifts off the lid. It contains a little stack of photos bound with a rubber band. Deckard removes them, goes to the lamp by the balcony window and turns it on. A touching collection of family snapshots. The kind of anonymous stuff sold by the bunch in dusty junk shops. The family dog. Junior on the pony squinting in the sun. Uncle Ben clowning with the kids. The faded polaroid of Christmas morning. Simple pictures of simple folks celebrating the family bond. A curious collection for the likes of Leon and Deckard studies them with interest. EXT. STREET BELOW - NIGHT 16 Oblivious to the cloudburst, a blue-eyed albino stands in the doorway, peddling candy and artificial flowers looking like he'd never been touched by the light of day. Leon is standing behind him, staring up at his room, watching Deckard at the window. He's still wearing his coveralls, but he looks different. His face is more intent, smarter and angry. EXT. STREET BELOW - NIGHT 17 For one seething moment it looks like Leon might mash something, but suddenly he swings away and disappears into the crowd. INT. LEON'S ROOM - NIGHT 18 Deckard pockets the pictures and moves away from the window. EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT 19 Leon's got a neck like a fire hydrant and legs to match, but he's a graceful runner. Looks like he could do it for days. And he could. He's put a lot of alley behind him and he's not out of breath. EXT. CHINATOWN - NIGHT 20 Slowing down he cuts into an opening and comes out onto a narrow street. The Asian Quarter. INT. CHOP SUEY HOUSE - NIGHT 21 A seamy as well as steamy little place. Counter and small tables. Old slant-eyed enders humped over their fuming bowls jabbering and slurping. The only voice coming out clear is from the big three- D TV on the back wall. As the mellow-mouthed TV announcer delivers the message, a Latin-looking beauty in a well-fitted maids uniform does a twirl, flashes a beguiling smile and glides OUT OF FRAME. ANNOUNCER'S VOICE Choose from a variety of seventy nine different personality types. Each and every one a loyal trouble- free companion given to you upon your arrival absolutely free... The Latin beauty is replaced by an impeccable Ray Bolger type gentleman's gentleman who clicks his heels, snaps to attention and struts off to make room for the next. ANNOUNCER'S VOICE To use as personal body servant to tireless field hand -- the custom tailored humanoid robot, designed especially for your needs. The Chinese are paying no attention, but the man and the woman seated at the table by the window are. The woman is pretty, a touch of gray in her hair, kind and blue-eyed. MARY looks like an American dream mom, right out of "Father Knows Best." The man also resembles a tradition: the gym instructor, short cropped hair with the body of a drill sergeant, but the eyes are grey and chilling. ROY BATTY is a presence of force with a lazy, but acute sense of what goes on around him. Leon has just come through the door behind them. Try- ing not to be the bull in a china shop, he approaches their table and kneels . Batty doesn't bother to look at him, which amplifies the note of sarcasm in his quiet voice. BATTY Did you get your precious 'things'? LEON Somebody was already there. BATTY Police. LEON Just a man. BATTY Police man. Leon looks sullen. BATTY Why don't you have a seat. There's one next to him. Leon pulls it over and sits. BATTY Enjoy the view. From the pot on the table, Mary pours tea and they sit so quiet and still in this noisy place that they seem almost invisible. The view they're "enjoying" is through the window. Outside the neon side in the win- dow directly across the street says: HANNIBAL CHEW, MEMBERS. INT. HANNIBAL CHEW'S SHOP - NIGHT 22 Chew is a spindly old man of precision, his veiled eyes are shrewd and Chinese, but the rest of him looks like a Charles Dickens invention. He's got a jewelers' glass stuck in his eye, lurched over a lamp, squinting at something in his hand. After a moment his lips peal back into a sour, belligerent smile. CHEW Well, you're right. This little honey has a couple of defective cones. He snaps off the lamp and swings round to face his client. SEBASTIAN'S face is almost young, but something has gone too far, too fast. Premature old age has made his bones brittle and his co-ordination slow. The house may be dark but there's a light on in it. Se- bastian is a closet genius. CHEW You're a regular perfectionist, Sebastian. Sebastian's apologetic, especially around the acerbic Mr. Chew. SEBASTIAN It's gotta be right for my customer. CHEW Your customer, eh? Chew snickers and beckons. Sebastian follows his down a high narrow hall to a heavy insulated door. There's a moth-eaten full length fur coat hanging by it. Chew tugs it on and they go through. The big door slams shut behind them. INT. COLD STORAGE ROOM - NIGHT 23 Except for the work table with its sharp gleaming in- struments, the room is as barren and sterile as a morgue. The glass-doored compartments in the walls look like crypts. Some of them small as post office boxes. From one of the Chew removes a vacuum, packed box. Carefully separating the seal, he reaches into the purple jell and with a pair of tweezers extracts an eye. Through the jeweler's glass, which he has not bothered to remove, Chew holds the eye up to the light and studies it a moment. His other hand searches through his pockets. CHEW You got a pocket-charger, boy? Quick to accommodate, Sebastian removes a pencil-like device from a row of such things in his breast pocket and steps closer. The back of the eye is touched with the pencil and the pupil moves. Suddenly its staring back at them. CHEW Is that good enough for your customer? Anxious to leave, Sebastian nods. Chew reseals the eye taking his time. He can afford to, he's wearing his coat. CHEW How much is he paying you? In place of an answer, Sebastian clears his throat, stares at the bag like he didn't hear. CHEW Well, when do you get paid? SEBASTIAN Soon as I finish the job. CHEW When might that be? SEBASTIAN Day after tomorrow. CHEW Oh! Day after tomorrow. Sebastian nods. Chew stares at the poor bastard, con- cerned in spite of himself. CHEW The rich hate to pay, Sebastian. A guy like Tyrell keeps you waiting. Pay the little guy last. You should charge twice as much. It'll make him feel better. Sebastian nods his head like that's exactly what he'll do. Chew sees it's hopeless and hands him the bag. SEBASTIAN Thanks, Mr. Chew. Chew pulls the door open for him and Sebastian goes through quick as a dog. EXT. HANNIBAL CHEW'S STORE - STREET - NIGHT 24 Sebastian may lack co-ordination but he got what he came for and there's a hopeful spring to his walk as he heads for his truck. INT. SEBASTIAN'S AMBULANCE - NIGHT 25 It's an old panel job with ambulance siren and lights. The lettering on the side reads "J.R. SEBASTIAN - ANIMOID EXPRESS." Sebastian gets in, starts up the engine and suddenly realizes he's not alone. It's a jolt that causes him to yelp. PRIS is sprawled on the seat next to him, and wakes up with a yelp of her own. They stare at one another for a startled instant, and she jumps out and starts walk- ing. But she's forgotten her little beat-up overnight case. Sebastian puts the truck in gear, drives next to her and opens the door. SEBASTIAN Hey! You forgot your... He holds up the bag. Hesitantly she reaches for it. SEBASTIAN How come you were in my truck? PRIS I was tired and didn't have any place to go. She stares at him, hand on her case, looking lost. Sebastian isn't good at this, but he tries. SEBASTIAN You can get back in if you want... She can't make up her mind. SEBASTIAN Don't worry, I won't hurt you. She gets in. Both of them are silent. People are not Sebastian's medium -- usually he's too shy, but this girl is shyer still, plus they're about the same age -- it gives him courage. SEBASTIAN What's your name? PRIS Pris. SEBASTIAN Mine's J.F. Sebastian. PRIS Hi. So pleased with the way that went, he forgets for a while what comes next. SEBASTIAN Oh! Where do you want to go? She shrugs. That leaves him a lot of responsibility. He throws her side-long glances, but she's not helping. SEBASTIAN You want to go home? PRIS I don't have one. SEBASTIAN Oh. What do you do with a teenage beauty who looks like she's lost out of some "Welcome to Sunny Arizona" poster? SEBASTIAN Where are your folks? PRIS They left. SEBASTIAN What about friends? PRIS I have some, but I have to find out where they are staying. She leans forward and rests her elbows on the dash. Her body would win prizes, from any angle. SEBASTIAN Well, where should I take you? She looks at him,a shadow of enticement in her clear blue eyes. PRIS We scared each other pretty good didn't we? SEBASTIAN We sure did. She giggles and laughs. PRIS I'm hungry, J.F. SEBASTIAN I've got stuff. If you wanna go to my place? PRIS I was hoping you'd say that. Sebastian's face is normally on the grey side, but it just turned red. He turns on the ignition and they pull away from the curb. INT. DECKARD'S CAR - FREEWAY - NIGHT 26 Speeding along the freeway. The terminal in the com- munications console lit. Deckard's right hand just finished a punch-up. The screen flashes back. REQUEST Deckard punches up. Letters flash across the screen: ESPER Screen flashes back: CLEARANCE Deckard punches up. BLADE RUNNER ONE CODE ML-33 Pause. Screen flashes: STAND BY. Deckard's voice has been heard over the preceding. DECKARD (V.O.) Machines can be helpful sometimes, but they can also be a pain in the ass. Ask for a trace on a forger and you might wind up at a steel- mill. I don't mind a bum-steer once in a while -- it's their personalities that usually get me. Somebody once said that man makes machines in his own image. If that's true, whoever made Esper should have been shot. ESPER This is Esper and I'm ready. Go ahead please. Esper's deep melodious voice is anxious to please, and oiled with a touch of self-pity. DECKARD You equipped for random questions? ESPER Why, yes, of course. DECKARD You start. ESPER The five in question are third generation Nexus Sixes, constructed of skin-flesh culture, selected enogenic transfer conversion capable of self-perpetuating thought, para-physical abilities and developed for emigration program. Are you with me? DECKARD How do I stop one? ESPER Unlike a five, they can sustain massive traumas to several parts of the body without debilitating another. Sever a leg and it will perform quicker on the remaining leg than the fastest man can run, DECKARD Okay, but... ESPER I'm coming to that. Vulnerable zone is the base of the skull, the occipital bone. A direct hit is a positive retirement. The communication is interrupted by a BELL which is immediately followed by a stern, MECHANICAL VOICE. VOICE You are in violation of traffic ordinance M-139 statutory freeway limit restricted by one-hundred and eighty kilometers. In his rear view mirror Deckard sees two black-clad motorcycle cops coming up behind him like the hounds of hell. They draw silently alongside. Deckard presses his I.D. to the window. The cop tosses a salute to Deckard and he and his partner accelerate, vanish in the night. And Deckard's car does too. EXT. SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT 27 A district of silence and ruin. The street is strewn with refuse. The building looks vacant. A ten storey condo gone to shit. The vandals have come and gone long ago. Sebastian's little white ambulance parked at the curb. MR. DEETCHUM, the old Watchman, sitting in the building entry in a straight backed chair, is reading a comic book. INT. SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 28 Well stocked with items of survival, all labeled and stacked. And shelved along the walls and hung from the ceiling is a menagerie of animoids. Like so many broken toys awaiting resurrection from Sebastian's wise hands. Sebastian is seated at a large work-table, bent over a stereo scope. The tool in his right hand is a sensor probe and he's using it with the delicacy of an en- graver. The object of his concentration is a maze-like chip configuration no bigger than a thumbnail, but magnified under the scope, it looks like an aerial view of a large city. The needle-like sensor probe moves care- fully over the contours of the configuration, testing the bonds. Suddenly a blue flash erupts from one of the junctures. SEBASTIAN Oh! Pris is light on her feet. She's standing behind him with a half-eaten sandwich in her hand. PRIS Whatcha doin'? SEBASTIAN You scared me. But he's happy to see her. SEBASTIAN I'm working. She's changed her dress and made up her face. Looks a little older and sexier. SEBASTIAN You look... better. PRIS Just better. SEBASTIAN Beautiful. PRIS Thanks. He watches her as she prowls around the room, looking at this and that, eating her sandwich. PRIS And you live in this building all by yourself? SEBASTIAN Yeah, I live here pretty much alone right now... Trying to make light of it. SEBASTIAN No housing shortage around here... plenty of room for everybody. She sprawls on the couch studying him. PRIS How old are you? He can't meet her eyes. SEBASTIAN Twenty. PRIS What's your problem? It's not an easy subject. His voice is barely audible. SEBASTIAN Methuselah Syndrome. PRIS What's that? SEBASTIAN My glands. They grow old too fast. PRIS Is that why you're still here? SEBASTIAN Yes. I couldn't pass the test. There is a silence. He steals a glance at her. PRIS I like you just the way you are. Under the desk he bats his knees together. SEBASTIAN Ah, you get hold of your friends? PRIS As a matter of fact I did. They've got some work to do tonight, but they're gonna come tomorrow. SEBASTIAN Good. The implications catch up. SEBASTIAN I can sleep on the couch. A little gray mouse on the shelf above his head bobs up. MOUSE Don't let the bed bugs bite! Taking their cue from the mouse, some of the more talented animoids toot, flap and wheel about. INT. DECKARD'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 29 It's dark except for the glow of the terminal. A tired Deckard sits in front of it. Esper sounds like he's been talking for hours. ESPER Nexus designated Leon: incept date April 10th, 2015 -- to be used in military experiments to determine how hyper metabolism functions in deep space. Nexus designated Batty incept data April 10th, 2015, combat model, level of self-sufficiency, optimum. A long pause. ESPER Here's something you might find interesting. They have been built to emulate the human in every way except in its emotional spectrum. However, after a period of time it is only logical that such a 'mechanism' would create its own emotional responses, hate, love, fear, anger, envy. DECKARD I know all that. ESPER What about a summary then. DECKARD I think we're through for the night. Deckard starts to reach for the panel. ESPER Mr. Deckard. Hesitates. DECKARD Yes? ESPER Do you have something against science? DECKARD Not if it works. ESPER And what in your estimation works? DECKARD The umbrella. Deckard picks up the umbrella and with it stabs the terminal off button before Esper can respond and the machine goes dead. He sits there for a moment then flips on the lamp. Leon's snap-shots are spread out before him. INT. SPINNER - DAY 30 A police marked spinner makes a sharp bank, drops into a steep curve and slides towards the Tyrell Corporation. DECKARD (V.O.) Every government that could was racing to populate their colonial territory. But emigrants needed incentive. Over-population and the greenhouse factor didn't seem to be enough; but owning a human look-a-like had lots of appeal. It was big industry, the competition was stiff and Tyrell was top of the line. EXT. TYRELL CORPORATION - DAY 31 The spinner gently touches down. The hatch drops open and Deckard steps out. DECKARD (V.O.) His claim to fame was making a product more human than human and sometimes the 'more' turned out to be a problem. This wasn't just an escaped andy who broke his owner's arm -- there were twenty-eight people dead and the pressure was on. INT. TYRELL CORPORATION - DAY 32 Deckard walks up to a desk, hands his I.D. to a guard who checks it against a list on a screen. DECKARD (V.O.) But so far they'd always managed to keep it quiet. Not to say that once in a while there wasn't bad publicity. Some fanatic bitching about equal rights for andies or an occasional trade union proclaiming it was aun-American for automatons to take jobs away from humans on the colony. The guard hands Deckard back his I.D., pushed a button and Deckard walks away. DECKARD (V.O.) But what's more American than good old supply and demand? The Government needed them, industry made them and the church backed them. The big religious boys said that Androids, no matter how human, were objects; only God could make people. I'm not religious, but I was inclined to agree. Otherwise I'd be out of a job. The elevator door slides open. The young lady inside would look right standing on a cliff, hair blowing in the wind, looking out to sea in a 19th Century painting. RACHAEL Hello, Mr. Deckard. My name is Rachael. Deckard tips his head to her and steps in. INT. TYRELL CORPORATION ELEVATOR - DAY 33 No woman can be all things to all men, the Rachael comes closer than most. The only trouble is she's all busi- ness. Formidable without really trying. Some beauty is better avoided and Deckard looks straight ahead. INT. TYRELL CORPORATION CORRIDOR - DAY 33A The door slides open and they continue down the corri- dor. RACHAEL It seems your department doesn't believe out new unit is to the public benefit. DECKARD A humanoid robot is like any other machine, it can be a benefit or a hazard. If it's a benefit, it's not our problem. RACHAEL But because your department can't do an adequate job in detecting the miniscule number at large, it's a problem. Correct, Mr. Deckard? INT. TYRELL CORPORATION - AIR-FILTERED CORRIDOR - DAY 33B They pass into a canopied, air-filtered corridor. Deckard doesn't answer the question because he's looking at the animals. Small northern animals in neat "en- vironmental" cages. He looks at the rabbit, the raccoon and the squirrel, but the owl asleep on its perch stops him. The armed guard at the exit never takes his eyes off them. RACHAEL You like our owl? Deckard nods. Rachael claps her hands. The owl opens its yellow eyes and blinks at them. DECKARD It's artificial? RACHAEL Of course not. Hands thrust in her pockets, she strides off towards the exit without looking back. The exit is another tube. Just big enough for two. No room for excess. He tries to ignore her cool appraising stare. RACHAEL You're in a very unique position, Mr. Deckard. You could affect the future of this entire organization according to how you work your little test. Deckard has nothing to say. RACHAEL Are you apprehensive? DECKARD Why should I be? RACHAEL For the responsibility of your power. Being a police bureaucrat, you've got more than your share. The door slides open. Deckard looks down at her. DECKARD You got it wrong, girl. I work with the bureau not for them. He lets it sink in. DECKARD My job isn't to detect malfunctioning andies, it's to eliminate them. The more the better. He walks out of the elevator first. INT. INNER SANCTUM OF DR. TYRELL - DAY 34 The office is dimly lit, but highlights of resilience reside in the luster of the antique furnishings, like glimmers of gold in a darkened mine. Dr. Tyrell is a fragile man of power, with that look of "youth" obtained from steroids and surgery. Dapper and trim, he leans against the desk looking at an old fashioned pocket watch. The only sound is the insidious PERKING of COFFEE BREWING in the background. Tyrell taps a sensor on his desk. The door in front of Deckard and Rachael slides open. They enter a vestibule and face another door, this one befitting the decor of the office, Tyrell slips the watch into his pocket as they enter. RACHAEL Mr. Deckard. Dr. Eldon Tyrell. TYRELL How do you do, Mr. Deckard. Please sit down. Would you care for a cup of coffee? DECKARD Thanks. TYRELL Black? DECKARD Please. Tyrell pours from an old time sylex into small china cups and hands one to Deckard. The congenial light in his eyes could almost pass for warmth -- dragon warmth. TYRELL Somehow, I didn't expect that the man who did the dirty work would be the man to do the technical work. Here you are, Mr. Deckard. He hands Deckard a cup of coffee. TYRELL Is this to be an empathy test? DECKARD Yes. TYRELL Capillary dilation of the so-called blush response? Plus fluctuation of the pupil, plus involuntary dilation of the iris? Deckard nods. TYRELL May I ask a personal question? DECKARD Go ahead. TYRELL Have you ever retired a human by mistake? DECKARD No. TYRELL But in your profession that is a risk. DECKARD Nothing is infallible, but so far the Voight-Kampff scale bas been foolproof. TYRELL Like you said, Mr. Deckard, a machine can be a hazard. The Voight-Kampff scale is a machine, isn't it? DECKARD One that relies on human interpretation. Where's the subject? TYRELL Sitting next to you. Deckard stares at Rachael, then back at Tyrell. Delighted, Tyrell takes a cup of coffee. Accepting the challenge, Deckard opens his briefcase and starts fishing out the apparatus. THE VOIGHT-KAMPFF 35 Rachael's eye fills the screen, the iris brilliant, shot with light, the pupil contracting. DECKARD'S VOICE Ready. RACHAEL Go ahead. In the soft green glow of the dials, the needles in both gauges are at rest. Dr. Tyrell stands silhouetted behind Deckard, who sits in front of Rachael, a pencil beam trained on her eye. Wire mesh discs are attached to her cheeks. DECKARD You're given a calfskin wallet for your birthday. The needles in both gauges swing violently past green to red, then subside. RACHAEL I wouldn't accept it. Also, I'd report the person who gave it to me to the police. DECKARD You have a little boy. He shows you his butterfly collection, plus the killing jar. Again the gauges register, but not so far. RACHAEL I'd take him to the doctor. DECKARD You're watching T.V. and suddenly you notice a wasp crawling on your wrist. RACHAEL I'd kill it. Both needles go to red. Deckard makes a note, takes a sip of coffee and continues. DECKARD In a magazine you come across a full-page photo of a nude girl. RACHAEL Is this testing whether I'm an android or a lesbian? DECKARD You show the picture to your husband. He likes it and hangs it on the wall. The girl is lying on a bearskin rug. RACHEL I wouldn't let him. DECKARD Why not? RACHAEL I should be enough for him. Deckard frowns, then smiles. His smile looks a little like a grimace or the other way around. DECKARD You become pregnant by a man who runs off with your best friend, and you decide to get an abortion. RACHAEL I'd never get an abortion. DECKARD Why not? RACHAEL That would be murder, Mr. Deckard. DECKARD In your opinion. RACHAEL It would be my child. DECKARD Sounds like you speaks from experience. He notes the needles. One goes green and the other remains inert. DECKARD Last question. You're watching an old movie. It shows a banquet in progress, the guests are enjoying raw oysters. RACHAEL Ugh. Both needles swing swiftly. DECKARD The entree consists of boiled dog stuffed with rice. Needles move less. DECKARD The raw oysters are less acceptable to you than a dish of boiled dog. Deckard moves the adhesive discs from her cheeks and switches off his beam. DECKARD Lights please. The lights come on. TYRELL Well? DECKARD If she is, the machine works. TYRELL The machine works. She is. Rachael sits very still. Except her eyes -- they go to Tyrell and hang on. He stares back at her as he speaks. TYRELL How many questions did it take? DECKARD Thirteen. Rachael sits rigidly in her chair, as the ground crumbles around her, her big mermaid eyes locked with Tyrell. His voice is quiet and strong, mesmerizing. She's hang- ing by a thread. Deckard watches with a bas taste in his mouth. DECKARD She didn't know? TYRELL Memory implant. She was programmed. But I think she has transcended her conditioning. I think she was beginning to suspect. Rachael nods fixedly. Careful not to let go her grasp. TYRELL How many questions does it usually take, Mr. Deckard? DECKARD Five, maybe six. Slowly, carefully, Tyrell unlocks his gaze from Rachael and turns towards Deckard, who is starting to put away his equipment. TYRELL You're going to have to be on your toes, my friend. Deckard glances back at him. TYRELL It's a complex problem and we wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Less of a man might shrink at the end of Deckard's look, but not Tyrell. TYRELL For the good of all, I recommend you take Rachael with you. Considering her uniqueness, I'm sure she could prove quite helpful. Deckard almost smiles at the nasty power of Tyrell's style. He turns away and starts packing up the Voight- Kampff. DECKARD No thanks. Deckard is ready to go. TYRELL And how is it one man will be able to cover so much ground? DECKARD Discreetly. TYRELL All pertinent information is being fed into your departmental computer, an Esper 231 -- I believe -- and a photo over-lay packet is being produced. Deckard opens the door. TYRELL Mr. Deckard, I think it would be wise to reconsider my offer. Rachael sits there very pale and expressionless, her feet flat on the floor, alone is the word. Trying to keep the fury out of it, Deckard's voice comes out in a whisper. DECKARD I work alone. On the last word, Rachael glances up at him and Deckard turns away. The outer door slides open and he goes through it. INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT 36 As seen through the windshield from the passenger side of a vintage Dusenberg. The headlights cut through the dark, illuminating a narrow strip of mountain road. A downgrade. A sign slides by stating: "Caution Curves Ahead." Good advice considering the sheer nightmare of a drop to the right and the wall of solid rock to the left. The steady HUM of the ENGINE and the HISS of the TIRES will remain, but the location suddenly changes to: INT. ROOM - NIGHT 37 A pleasant place of soft light and domestic charm. The young lady in the short dress is vacuuming the rug. Her back to the viewer. As she bends over to vacuum beneath the couch, exposing her beautiful ass, an admonishment from a resonant and slightly tired MALE VOICE intercedes. VOICE Let's keep our eyes on the road, Deckard. DECKARD'S VOICE Sorry. Abruptly the VIEW FLASHES BACK TO: INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT 38 The moon is up there slicing through the trees, strobing over the hood of the car. The road is getting steeper and the corners sharper. Rags of mist skim by as the Dusenberg picks up speed. It is becoming a riveting ride, but the passenger's mind moves elsewhere. EXT. WOODS - DAY 39 Swift, soft clouds overhead. In the cold shine of the icy light,the viewer walks down an aisle of maples and beeches, their clean hard limbs deflecting the frosty light, and underfoot the crisp, blue-white snow, melted through in spots, exposing soggy patches of rich brown earth. VOICE Come on, stay with the machine. INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT 40 The Dusenberg is going faster now, headlights eating up the road. Rushing the corners in gut wrenching four- wheel drifts. Not a pleasant sensation if you don't like roller-coasters. The Dusenberg slides out of a corner and faces a couple hundred yards of straightway leading to the next bend. Good place for a breather, but the driver shifts into high and screws on. EXT. LAKE - DAY 41 Cold and gray. The current running strong. The nose of a kayak points through the swells, the viewer paddling for the shore. This is cold remote country, wild and untouched. A sky bluer than the Madonna's cloak. The kayak banks and the viewer steps out, moving over the sandy beach towards a little camp. VOICE We're going to have to start the sequence again if you don't stay with me, Deckard. Concentrate. DECKARD'S VOICE How do you know I'm not? VOICE You're not responding to the stimulus. I can see right here, I'm not getting a reading. DECKARD'S VOICE I'm tired of this. VOICE Almost through. INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT 42 In the Dusenberg the driver turns to look at the passen- ger, his specter-like face obscured by shadow, but by the glint of teeth, he must have just smiled. And the passenger's view snaps back to the road. Suddenly another pair of headlights round the approach- ing bend. Large ones, of a bus or a truck. Blinding. The Dusenberg is going too fast to stop. No room to pass. HORNS BLAST. The Dusenberg brakes, goes into a broadside skid. The hands of the passenger reach out and grip the mahogany dash. Brakes locked, TIRES SCREAMING, skidding. The Dusenberg tears through the railing and plunges into space. The last view of the passenger is pure vertigo. Silence. INT. DOCTOR WHEELER'S OFFICE - AFTERNOON 43 The good doctor is bending over his glass-top desk which resembles a pin-ball machine. Displayed under its surface is a network of crisp electronic symbols and read-outs indicating the results of the test. Deckard detached the patches from his forehead, which it a little damp, but other than that, he looks no worse for wear, stands up to stretch and walks over to the doctor's desk. DECKARD So how did I do? Dr. Wheeler is a thin boney man, aloof but a promise of compassion in his sunken eyes. WHEELER Nerves of steel. DECKARD No rust? WHEELER I didn't say that. Your motivity rate checked out a little slower than last time. DECKARD Meaning? WHEELER Meaning you don't run as fast as you used to. Deckard starts to dress. WHEELER During the road test... DECKARD Yeah? WHEELER Your mind kept wandering. That bothered me. DECKARD Huh huh. WHEELER Considering the nature of your work, that could be unhealthy. DECKARD True. Wheeler studies his "desk" for a moment and his finger comes down on the section illuminating Deckard's simple statistics. WHEELER You got a birthday coming up. Deckard bends over slipping on his shoes. Wheeler looks up, concerned. WHEELER But you haven't put in for emigration. DECKARD Nope. WHEELER You're going to be over the limit. DECKARD Listen, I could make you a long list of complaints about this fucken city but I still rather be here than up there. WHEELER What if you change your mind? DECKARD They'll change the limit before I change my mind. WHEELER You sure? DECKARD Never been more sure of anything in my life. Deckard is ready to go. Looking at Wheeler, a little touched with his concern. DECKARD Why didn't you go? WHEELER Too old. DECKARD But if you could? Wheeler considers it a moment, smiles and shakes his head. WHEELER My job is here. DECKARD Me too. They shake hands and Deckard walks. INT. SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - LATE AFTERNOON 44 The referee is bouncing around the ring, trying to keep up with the two Mexican light-weights pounding the shit out of each other. If not for the fuzz and the silence, the audio on the holoscope is off, you might think you were ringside at the Garden. It's a good fight but Pris isn't watching. She's got her feet up on the couch painting her toe nails. The room is so quiet you can almost hear the polish. She starts on her fourth toe when a NOISE form above STOPS HER It sounded like a CREAKING of a FLOOR, but so quiet, sudden and over so fast it's hard to be sure. She stares at the ceiling a moment, then glances at Sebastian. On the other side of the room, in his own world, Sebastian is peering into his magnifier, soldering gossamer strands with a laser. Pris has crossed the floor and is closing the door quietly behind her. If the animoids nestled around the ledges of the room are capable of noticing, they'd be the only ones in the room who did. INT. CORRIDOR - SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - LATE AFTER- 45 NOON Pris moving smoothly past the doors, some of them open and warped offering sights and shadow and decay. INT. FIRE STAIRS - SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - LATE AFTER- 46 NOON The gloom in here is like the light of the empty well. Her feet against the metal steps reverberate in the hollow silence. INT. THE FLOOR ABOVE SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - LATE 47 AFTERNOON She's running now, down the hall, stops at the apart- ment directly above Sebastian's and opens the door. INT. APARTMENT ABOVE SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - LATE 48 AFTERNOON Mary turns her head as Pris comes in. She's sitting in a chair. The only piece of furniture in the room. It's broken and tilts at a funny angle. She nods and Pris nods back. Batty is lying on his back, rolling his head slightly from side to side like he's soothing a stiff neck. BATTY What's going on down there? PRIS He's not ready yet. BATTY When? PRIS Tomorrow, he says. Batty nods he can't wait. Pris glances at Mary and gives a frigid little smile. Pris backs out and closes the door behind her. Batty blows air through his nostrils. Like an animal. EXT. DECKARD'S CAR - FREEWAY - NIGHT 49 The sky is streaked with remnants of a lingering dusk. Prisms of light flash over the sheen of Deckard's car as he cuts off the freeway and sweeps down the off- ramp curve. EXT./INT. CAR - STREETS - NIGHT 50 Moving through the dark city streets. Deckard turns a corner and guns it up a long, steep hill. EXT. STREET - DECKARD'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 51 At the top of the hill the car pulls into a drive and disappears into the subterranean garage of a high-rise. INT. CORRIDOR DECKARD'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 52 He's coming down the hall carrying a foil wrapped plastic plate and stops in front of his door. It's riddled with locks. He slips a small device out of his pocket, aims it at the door and the locks unlock, the bolts slide open. He walks in and kicks the door shut behind him. INT. DECKARD'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 53 He slips on the light and crosses the front room. Deckard is a pack rat -- hard to tell if he just moved in or is just moving out. As he enters the kitchen, the SOUND of SOMEBODY BEHIND him causes him to whirl around fast, hand snapped out in front of him, gun already in it. Rachael almost got shot. But she's unruffled, a little pale maybe, but direct as ever. There's a long, chilly moment, then she almost smiles as her eyes move to the plate on the floor. RACHAEL Was that your dinner? Deckard looks down at the over-turned plate and nods. RACHAEL I'm sorry. I called and found out you were on your way home. These were already delivered to your department but I thought you should have copies as soon as possible. She's holding out a cassette the size of a cigarette pack. But it's taking Deckard's adrenalin time to recede. RACHAEL It's the Nexus information you wanted. He takes the cassette, but a man with so many locks must be wondering how they were gotten through so easily. He doesn't even want to ask. DECKARD Thanks. He realizes he's still got the gun aimed at her and sticks it back in his belt and they're left staring at each other. The situation makes awkward silence. At least for him. She's looking at him like she's got something to say but isn't saying it. DECKARD Is there anything else? RACHAEL I know you think it complicates your work, but I'm here to help. DECKARD I've already got more help than I need. RACHAEL I think you need more help than you've got. He doesn't, but she's not backing off. RACHAEL There's two reasons a man rejects help. Either because he's so good at what he does he doesn't think he needs it, or he's so insecure he can't admit it. DECKARD Sounds like I'm an ass-hole either way, but the answer is still no. RACHAEL Two of us might be more effective than one. DECKARD I work alone. She smiles. RACHAEL No you don't. She lets it sink in. RACHAEL You use your equipment, don't you? DECKARD So? RACHAEL So, I'm a piece of equipment. Use me. It's a strong look that passes between them -- a long one. Maybe if he were on firmer ground he might do something about such an offer but... Deckard's eyes follow her down as Rachael bends to the floor and starts picking the food off the rug, put- ting it back on the plate. DECKARD That's okay, I'll get it... He bends down to help, but she's already done it. Their heads a few inches apart. Something in her eyes diminishes the distance even more. RACHAEL Do I make you nervous? DECKARD Yeah. RACHAEL I'm sorry. And she is. And suddenly he is too. She hands him the plate and they stand. She's looking at the floor, almost shy, then she looks up and he's watching her. She says it plain and simple. RACHAEL It's strange to suddenly realize that what you thought was your life is actually someone else's fabrication. Deckard nods. He feels it, but doesn't know what to do about it. DECKARD I can imagine. RACHAEL Can you? I couldn't. These are not some of Deckard's finer moments. But she doesn't seem to notice. RACHAEL A part of me is glad. I think I feel more. I don't like who I was before. Deckard nods, waits the respectable interval and is glad to have a plate to take into the kitchen. In the scrambled sanctuary of his kitchen Deckard looks around for a place to put the plate, but things have piled up on him in here. He contemplates the refrig- erator. DECKARD So why do you think they were after their records. He's a lot more comfortable talking shop. RACHAEL They probably want to find out when they were made. DECKARD Right. He dumps his dinner in the garbage and comes back out. She's writing something on a card. RACHAEL I guess the date of your birth is important if you know you're not made to last. No way he can keep his foot out of it. She looks up and hands him the card. RACHAEL That's my number. If you need me. She goes to the door, opens it but hesitates before going through. RACHAEL You better get better locks -- if you want to keep me out. She looks back at him and smiles -- the smile says she's talking about all kinds of locks. Deckard looks like he might ask her to stay, but... RACHAEL Good night. And she's gone. DECKARD Night. He looks down at the number. It's the back side of a snapshot. He turns it over. The picture of a man and a woman. The little girl between them looks like a six-year old Rachael. INT. DECKARD'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 54 He's sitting in front of his console studying pictures of Nexus Sixes at they appear, blank-faced, hairless and unadorned on his monitor. The over-lay machine is transforming each image with instant attributes; hair, moustaches, teeth, eye colors, age, youth, hats, glasses, etc. All in rapid succession, running the gambit from ominous to beautiful. DECKARD (V.O.) The possibilities were infinite. They could change their appearances but not their future. Like she said, it was short. Longevity is what they were after. The garbage man even wanted a past. Poor fuck. I'd check it out but I knew she was right. The market worked on turn-over. Built-in obsolescence was the name of the game. That meant her too. It was something I didn't want to think about. On top of the monitor there's an open can of beans with a spoon stuck in it. Deckard puts out his cigarette and reaches for them as the PHONE RINGS. DECKARD Yeah. BRYANT Bryant here. Regarding the rundown you requested on job applicants, Esper's concluded that the only irregular category that Tyrell's got is the entertainment section. You better get on it. DECKARD I was just about to have my dinner. BRYANT If you hurry you'll get back before it gets cold. I got a spinner on your roof in five minutes. Good luck. Deckard hangs up and looks at the beans. He didn't want them anyway. He gets up and walks to the bedroom. Looks through the pile of clothes on the floor, finds his ankle laser and straps it on. EXT. CITY - BIRD'S EYE VIEW - NIGHT 55 The spinner skirts through the canyons of the city. Deckard, sitting in the contoured seat, watches the maze of suspension bridges, platforms and catwalks swing by below. The tops of larger buildings shimmer with advertisements and weather announcements. INT. SPINNER - OVER CITY - NIGHT 56 Deckard is cruising low and slow over the city listen- ing to Esper. EPSER Nexus designated Rachael is a prototype. Created for in-house use by special mandate form the Scientific Development Regulatory Committee. Will live conventional term -- no para-physical abilities. DECKARD What is a conventional term? ESPER Four years. Which would make her termination date... DECKARD Never mind. Do they have that knowledge? ESPER Longevity is classified. No. Back to business. DECKARD Okay, gimme a run-down on the three females. ESPER Nexus designated Mary: incept November 1 2017, domestic conditioning non competitive, trained for day care position. DECKARD Next. ESPER Nexus designated Pris: incept data December 13 2017, competitive, programmed to provide pleasure for long term spacers. DECKARD Number three. ESPER Nexus designated Zhora: incept June 13th 2017, athletic conditioning, highly competitive, special abilities in the entertainment field. EXT./INT. SPINNER - LANDING AREA - NIGHT 57 Deckard taking it down. About to pull it in an already crowded lot, but the sign flashes "FULL." Deckard doesn't believe in signs; is about to set it down any- way when a Chicano in a fluorescent coat runs out and waves him off. DECKARD Fuck. Pissed, Deckard veers away and buzzes low over and around the roof tops, all dark and cramped -- not a lot of room around here. EXT. ALLEY - NIGHT 58 Finally brings it down between two buildings hardly enough clearance, but he jockeys the machine into an alley, touches down and runs it slowly along the surface -- parking it by a sign that says "NO PARKING." EXT. STREET - TAFFEY'S BAR - NIGHT 59 Not many people. Wind blowing. A nest of garish small-time clubs. Deckard emerges from one, goes into the next. The pulsing neon over the entry says "TAFFEY'S BAR." INT. TAFFEY'S BAR - NIGHT 60 Crowded in here. BONGO MUSIC. Deckard is at the bar sitting next to a big-bellied man in a black beard who's looking through a viewer. On the small stage in the background AMAZING RAMA is eating razor blades, a part of her juggling routine. Deckard leaves the bar and walks down a hall towards a door at the rear. INT. TAFFEY'S OFFICE - NIGHT 61 Taffey's what's referred to in the trade as a "Chicken Hawk" collector of young girls. It must be so, there's one in the bed. Thin, pale, about thirteen years old, eyes rolled up under her fluttering eyelids, wires attached to her forehead, lying flat on her back in Taffey's crowded little room. Taffey's a little fella with wide hips and narrow shoulders, wears a jet black toupe and has a face like a seal. But at the moment he's not present. There's a KNOCK at the DOOR, then the SOUND of a TOILET FLUSHING. Taffey comes out of the bathroom, heart pounding under his polyester bathrobe, and approaches the door like the guilty fucker he is. He looks through the peeper. Deckard is out there holding up his I.D. DECKARD Taffey Lewis? TAFFEY Yes? DECKARD Can I come in? There is a pause lasting the time it takes Taffey not to think of a way to say no. The door opens and Deckard enters. Except for the drool coming out of the corner of her mouth, and the fluttering eye-lids, Venus doesn't move a muscle. TAFFEY Excuse my niece there... She's studying for an exam. Deckard takes the Identikit hard copies our of his pocket and pushing some junk out of the way, fans them out on the table. DECKARD I'd like you to take a look at these pictures. TAFFEY Of course. Taffey bends down really close, peering at the pictures from about two inches away. TAFFEY You see I lost my contacts a couple of days ago around here somewhere and my sight is a little... What am I supposed to be looking for? DECKARD Do you recognize any of them? He stops at Zhora. TAFFEY This one looks familiar, but I don't know. Naw. There's one came in today looks a little like this one but... DECKARD What did she want? TAFFEY Who? DECKARD The girl that doesn't look like that girl. TAFFEY Nothing. She wanted to know about suck night. DECKARD What night? TAFFEY I didn't know if I wanted to handle her -- I already got a snake act. But my partner goes down there to the Opera House on suck night to book the good ones. DECKARD What's suck night? TAFFEY That's what we call in the trade, audition free-for- alls and most of it sucks. Bit I don't think that's her. DECKARD You talking about the Opera House on the Main? Taffey nods. Deckard goes to the door and turns. DECKARD Book the good ones for where? TAFFEY Lots of places. The tours, the clubs, the Silicone shows, private parties. DECKARD What shows? TAFFEY Silicone Valley. Lots of these science guys never leave that place. We book two shows a month in there. Those big time techs and bio- guys might be real high zoners up here, but when it comes to the arts, they like it loud and lewd. It's starting to get a little gooey. Deckard tips his head good night and backs out of the door. INT. THE OLD OPERA HOUSE - NIGHT 62 Onstage four Mexican acrobats, in matching metallic jumpsuits roll head over heels in their rendition of a human wheel. From the P.A. system the Announcer's voice blares through the cavernous theatre. ANNOUNCER'S VOICE Let's hear it for the Hermano Brothers. Scattered APPLAUSE. Hand in hand, the Hermano Brothers bow deeply, spring up and trot offstage. ANNOUNCER'S VOICE Next we're gonna see a little charmer who keeps her dancing partner in a basket! She comes to us all the way from exotic Casablanca. 'Salome.' The old boys in the pit strike up a tinny version of "In a Persian Market" as SALOME dances onstage. She's a black-haired beauty in a scant belly dancer costume, a couple of pounds overweight but all in the right places. She kneels ceremoniously center stage and sets the basket down before her. Carefully removing the lid, she reaches in and lifts out a four- foot harlequin-patterned python. Grinding her hips to the music, she rises, holding the coiling snake out like an offering. Sounds of approval from the audience. The gold coins covering her breasts jingle and shimmer, as she weaves sensuously around the floor. INT. BACKSTAGE - NIGHT 63 To scattered APPLAUSE, HOOTS and WHISTLES, Salome flounces offstage, the snake hung around her shoul- ders, looking limp, and makes her way through the narrow corridor to her dressing room. She's about to enter when: DECKARD Excuse me, Miss Salome. She turns. Deckard's posture and attitude suggest hum- ble, sleazy persistence. He comes closer with his shit-eating grin. DECKARD I'd like to have a word with you if I could. Salome stands almost six feet high in her high heels -- she looks down on him with the haughty suspicion of a chick who knows how to handle cheap hits. SALOME Yeah? DECKARD I'm with the American Federation of Variety Artists... He holds up a hand as if to stop her from protesting. DECKARD Don't worry, I'm not here to make you join -- that's not my department. He glances around like a guy who's not supposed to be there. DECKARD I'm an investigator for the Confidential Committee on Moral Abuses. She nods, taking it a little more seriously. DECKARD There's been reports of management sexually abusing the artists in this place. SALOME I don't know nothing about it. DECKARD You haven't felt yourself to be exploited by the management in any way? She's definitely puzzled. SALOME How do you mean 'exploited'? DECKARD Like to get this position. Did you or were you asked to do anything lewd or unsavory or otherwise repulsive to your person? SALOME Are you for real? DECKARD Oh, yeah. You'd be surprised what goes on around here. I'd like to check the dressing room if I could. SALOME What the fuck for? DECKARD For holes. This guy might be an asshole but he's funny. SALOME I don't believe this. She shrugs and they go in. INT. DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT 64 Musty and cramped. A portable shower, a dressing table and not much else. Salome takes the snake from around her shoulders and lays it on the dressing table. Deck- ard watches it undulate into the warmth of the lights. DECKARD It that mother real? SALOME Of course he's not real. You think I'd be working here if I could afford a real snake? DECKARD It's a good job. SALOME You mean the snake. Deckard nods. There's not much costume to take off but she's doing it. SALOME The best. DECKARD Does it eat? SALOME Come on. His hand reaches out to touch it. As his fingers make contact there's an electric "snap." He jerks his hand back from the shock. SALOME Jeezus! DECKARD Sorry. SALOME Hey! Do your job but don't wreck mine, huh? She slides behind the screen and turns on the shower. Deckard starts creeping around pacing around the room like he's inspecting the walls. DECKARD They have their ways of doing their dirty work without the victim knowing what's going on. His eyes are moving over everything she's got. DECKARD You'd be surprised what a guy'll go through to get a glimpse of a beautiful body. SALOME I bet I would. DECKARD Little dirty holes the bastards drill in the wall so they can watch a lady undress. And to his amazement he actually spots one. It's down low on the wall. Not a good idea to turn his back on work but he can't resist. SALOME And what if somebody did try to 'exploit' me? Who do I go to? Through the hole Deckard is looking at a pair of fat legs. DECKARD Me. SALOME And who do I go to about you? He looks back. She's some out of the shower dripping nude. She's taken off her black wig. Her hair is short and blonde. Deckard recognizes her immediately from the identikit. He stares at her a moment too long. DECKARD Hmmmmm? Deckard grins and she returns it. She takes a towel off the table and starts to dry her body. The snake noses through the cosmetics, tongue flicking trying to get back to its mistress. Absently, she reaches out to stroke the snake and suddenly laughs. ZHORA You ever get the feeling things aren't the way they seem? Her hand closes around the snake's head. Deckard sees it coming but can't move fast enough. She strikes him so hard it knocks him off his feet. Before he hits the floor, she kicks him in the stomach. The snake whistles through the air again as Deckard rolls out of the way. It slams down so hard it ruptures against the floor. He goes for his laser, but she's already out the door. INT. PASSAGEWAY - NIGHT 65 Deckard bounds out of the room and sees her go through a door at the other end of the hall. He sprints after her, arrives at the door and flings it open. Black- ness. The SOUND of her high heels CLATTER down the metal steps. EXT. STREET - OPERA HOUSE - NIGHT 66 It's raining heavily. The front of the Opera House is open only to foot traf- fic these days. A bizarre place on a Friday night, hawkers and whores, the rabble, the poor and the cur- ious mill around the randy-built platforms and brightly lit stands. Zhora, in just a raincoat, is not out of place in this flea market atmosphere. Trying not to run, she slices through the mob as quickly as she can. Deckard is not far behind, dodging and side-stepping, trying to move against the tide of people scurrying for shelter. She comes to an intersection and turns out of the mall onto a less crowded street. She glances over her shoulder as she breaks into a run and runs right into a couple of pedestrians. All three go down. Deckard comes out of the crowd in time to spot her get- ting to her feet. She sees him and runs. The two ped- estrians are in his line of fire. He runs past them and drops to one knee, leveling his laser. DECKARD Stop or you're dead! She doesn't. The beam flashes through the air, but she's already around the corner. With his bottom lip between his teeth, it hurts to move so fast, Deckard jack-legs it into the street and jumps in front of the first car coming. It screeches to a stop. Deckard scrambles for the door, but the guy be- hind the wheel has other ideas. He peels out fast. The next car slows down and swerves trying not to hit him. Deckard goes for the door and before the old ma- tron inside can lock it, Deckard's yanked it open and jumps in. She screams as he pushes her into the pas- senger seat and jams the car into a wrenching about face. The lady squeals like a pig as the momentum plasters her against the door. Deckard slams it around the corner and guns it down the street. It's long and it's empty and it's going by fast. Nothing the old lady cares to see -- she's got her hands over her eyes, whimpering, hoping she'll faint before she dies. Deckard takes the next left so hard he almost lays it over. As the car bounces off the curb he floors it. Zhora's a hundred yards ahead, halfway down the street, trying to make it back into the crowded mall. She's running fast, but the car is faster. As he passes her, Deckard hits the brakes and skids broadside seventy feet. The door flies open and he rolls out FIRING. Zhora's ducking it with no where to go, except... The showcase window on her left EXPLODES as she crashes through. It's a corner shop joined to a series of stores, front- ing the mall. Deckard runs to the opening she's made and pours FIRE through the tunnel of her jagged wake as Zhora breaks through one window after another, getting sliced, getting shot, trying to get away from Deckard's laser. But she doesn't. His last shot burns a hole through the base of her skull. It kills her but doesn't stop her. Her speed takes what's left of her through the last two windows and into the street where she runs into a parked car with such force that she embeds herself in the side of it. Hunched over, breathing hard, Deckard comes slowly for- ward. The crowd starting to gather. There's something for everybody and they're coming from all directions. Deckard moves through them, edging to have a look. It's not a good thing to see. It looks like Salome and the car tries to eat each other. A bloody feast of metal and flesh. Deckard bows his head, sick, exhausted. So much commo- tion he doesn't notice THREE COPS closing in from behind. COP Drop it! Deckard has his back to them. They're fanned out and crouched, ready to fire. Deckard drops his laser. Two of them rush up, spin him around while the third does a frisk. TWO MORE COPS arrive, wary and wild-eyed, pushing the people back -- his is not a good place for cops. Deckard's ankle laser is discovered by the Cop frisking him. With a snarl he pulls it out and hands it back to the SERGEANT covering the action. SERGEANT On your belly! Deckard's not in the mood for it. DECKARD Listen, Sergeant... He's reaching for his ID. The Cop with the rubber billy hits him in the head. One thrill after another. Somebody in the crowd YEOWLS. The last thing Deckard hears as he falls. The Cop reaches inside Deckard's coat for the concealed weapon they missed, but it's an ID card. He looks at it for a moment, then looks up. COP Hey, Sarge, this guy's a cop. An embarrassing situation. SERGEANT Clear this fuckin' crowd. The Cops start pushing. And for one split second one of the crowd looks a lot like Leon. INT. OLD OPERA HOUSE - MEN'S ROOM - NIGHT 67 Your standard low class crapper. Bryant is planted firmly on the cracked tile floor next to the urinals rubbing his face, trying not to pop the clutch in his anger. This is a public place, he doesn't want to yell. BRYANT Just because it's a Nexus 6 doesn't change procedure. A little known fact can become a well-known fact and part of our job, Deckard, is to make sure that doesn't happen. Now how can be do that if you blow one away in front of a fuckin' audience. It's not the sort of question that expects an answer. Deckard's washing his face in the basin hoping it'll all go away. BRYANT Well? Deckard looks up dripping, reaches for a paper towel. Bryant slaps one in his hand. DECKARD She was gonna get away. BRYANT Then let her get away. I thought you were a pro -- you're supposed to be a fuckin' tracker! Bryant takes a couple of deep breaths. BRYANT I'd say you got a little carried away. Deckard's voice is barely audible. DECKARD I didn't like her. BRYANT You didn't like her!? He slams the handle on one of the urinals. BRYANT You start liking or disliking andies it's time to hang it up. The PLUMPING ROARS and SUCKS and DIES. There's nothing to do but nod. Deckard nods. Poor bastard has had a rough night. Bryant pulls a flask out of his coat and hands it to him. Deckard puts it to his mouth and Bryant watches Deckard's Adam's apple like he's count- ing the swallows. Deckard hands it back empty. Bryant caps it, puts it back in his pocket. BRYANT Look, go home. Get some rest. Take an aspirin. DECKARD Yeah. Bryant shuffles out like an old bear. INT. OLD OPERA HOUSE - BAR - NIGHT 68 Cheap whiskey and bad wine. That's the kind of place this is. It's near closing. But still a few at the bar. Alcoholic silhouettes. In the b.g. Deckard comes down the passage from the men's room and stops at the phone. He gets a number out of his pocket and calls it. As he talks he leans against the wall, his body language intimate and chummy. Not much action at the bar other than somebody snoring and a dipso down at the end having a conversation with himself. Deckard hangs up, walks to the bar and straggles a stool. The BARTENDER's a big lady with tits like sand bags and a voice that plays no favorites. BARTENDER I can't protect your drinks, mister; while you was in the potty, this hummer snatched it. Deckard glances at his stool-mate. A huge MAN, slumped over the bar like a beached whale. DECKARD No problem. Gimme another. The whale doesn't move, but it speaks, with a gravelly Russian accent. RUSSIAN Forgive me. I thought was free drink. I will pay. DECKARD Forget it. But the big man's digging through his pockets. Deck- ard's drink arrives and the Russian raises his head. It's a big melancholy face with a glint of warmth in his red-rimmed eyes and a smile that could melt your heart. But it's Leon. LEON I think I have no money. DECKARD It's okay. Forget it. LEON But I would like to buy you drink. DECKARD I'll but you one. What'll you have? LEON Vodka! DECKARD Shot of vodka, please. LEON Thank you very much. DECKARD My pleasure. Deckard brings out his smokes. Offers one. Leon takes it and they light up. The drinks come. LEON Prosit. DECKARD Prosit. Down the hatch. Leon slaps his glass on the bar, reach- es into his pocket, brings out a little match box and slaps that down too. It's done with such pride that Deckard has to look. LEON You want to see my friends? DECKARD Sorry, don't have the time. LEON No problem. Leon smiles broadly and with ceremonious care opens the box and dumps three live cockroaches on the bar. DECKARD Those cockroaches? LEON Ya. Deckard looks interested. One of them starts to scamp- er away, but Leon walls off the next with his huge hand. DECKARD How long you had these guys? LEON Two months. But this one is not guy. It is girl. His girl. Leon leans closer like he doesn't want the cockroaches to hear. LEON Usually Blackie waits until Igor is eating; then, when his back is turned, he tries to take advantage of Anna. Deckard nods, definitely interested. He signals the bartender for another round. The drinks arrive. LEON Prosit. DECKARD Prosit. Down the hatch. Their eyes meet at the bottom. LEON You never saw a cockroach make love? Deckard shakes his head, but he'd like to. Leon smiles slyly. LEON We will try. Leon brings a cube of sugar out of his pocket and puts it on the bar. They both lean down and watch intently. The drinks come and are put away, but the cockroaches are not cooperating. LEON It must be that he is not hungry or maybe she is not hot. Leon is catching the roaches and one by one puts them back in their box. He holds up the last and kisses it. LEON You like to kiss her goodbye. DECKARD No thanks. BARTENDER Make sure you take your girlfriends with you when you leave. What neither of them notices is that between Leon's fingers, his stub of his cigarette is burning his flesh. Deckard lifts his glass, it is empty. LEON I like you. DECKARD I like you too. LEON One more, eh? DECKARD I gotta piss. Deckard gets on his feet, leans forward like a man in a stiff wind and stops. DECKARD I think I'll piss outside. Leon watches his walk a perfect straight line through the bar down the passage and out of the rear exit. EXT. ALLEY - OLD OPERA HOUSE - NIGHT 69 Deckard reels out. The door swings shut and he's sober as hell and moving fast. Around the big trash dumpster alongside the building, he plasters himself against the wall and his gun is out, aimed at the door. He's in a good spot with a perfect line of fire. Moments go by and he's glad for the time to steady himself. The SOUND of his BREATHING, the HUM of the city and the quiet. Suddenly from behind, Deckard is swept off his feet and twirled around in Leon's bear-trap embrace. Leon lets go and Deckard hits the pavement, skidding hard enough to tear clothes and burn skin, but he rolls out of it and comes up with gun in hand; but Leon is so fast he's already there and kicks it out of his hand. Leon moves towards him, backing Deckard against the wall. LEON How come you know where Zhora was so quick? His hand is lightning. It shoots out, grabs Deckard's hair. DECKARD I showed pictures. Somebody recognized her. I went to see. Deckard is pale. The sweat is starting to run. LEON How old am I? DECKARD I don't know. The grip tightens and twists. LEON My birthday is April 10, 2015. How long do I live? DECKARD Four years. He lets go. LEON More than you. Deckard's knees come up fast. Leon's fist comes down faster, like a hammer. LEON Painful to live in fear, isn't it. Deckard is doubled over, hugging his thigh. LEON But that's how it is to be a slave. The future is sealed off, he grovels, he waits. Even hurt, Deckard is fast. He goes for his ankle gun, but Leon's got it out of his hand before he can even raise it and throws it down the alley. Deckard hurls forward, knocking him off balance, and scrambles to get away. Leon grabs him by the foot, drags him back and jerks him off the ground. LEON Sex, reproduction, security, the simple things. But no way to satisfy them. To be homesick with no place to go. Potential with no way to use it. Lots of little oversights in the Nexus 6. He slams Deckard into the wall. LEON I tell you, nothing is worse than having an itch you can never scratch. Deckard slides down the wall to his knees and huddles, protecting his head with his arms, waiting for the next one. Leon folds his big hands together and raises them over his head, pausing just a second to savor the satisfac- tion of smashing Deckard's skull. The spasm that runs through Leon's face is not from satisfaction. It's the bullet that went through his neck. He hits the ground hard, his big teeth biting the air like a rabid dog. Dead. Rachael is standing in the alley. Deckard lies there looking at her. She comes slowly and quietly forward and drops Deckard's gun by his side. Deckard gets to his hands and knees and tries to get up, but can't quite manage it. He looks up at her, panting, spits blood and almost smiles. DECKARD Like I said, I don't need your help. After a long moment, she bends down to touch him. RACHAEL You look terrible, you know that? INT. DECKARD'S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - NIGHT 70 He's lying in the tub with a drink, eyes half mast, water up to his chin, bruised and beat, but looking just a little wicked in his balmy luxury. DECKARD (V.O.) I knew a cop once who was involved in a high-speed chase. They shot out one of his tires and he went over a cliff at hundred and fifty miles an hour. They found him in the morning with a broken skull, six fractured ribs and second- degree burns. On the way to the hospital he made a play for the nurse. He takes a drink and clears his throat. DECKARD Hey! I thought you were supposed to be taking care of me. RACHAEL'S VOICE What do you need? He doesn't answer. Lies there sipping his drink. Rachael comes in a little uncertain, a little droll, and stands there looking down at him. DECKARD Don't just stand there looking at me. It's not polite. RACHAEL What do you want me to do? DECKARD Sit. She sits on the edge of the tub. DECKARD Gimme your arm. She's wearing a short-sleeved dress. It's a long, del- icate arm and Deckard holds it, inspecting it like a maestro with a Stradivarius. He looks up at her. DECKARD You ever take a bath with a man before? RACHAEL There's a lot I haven't done with a man before. He's got her hand in the water and had begun to soap her arm. Starting with her wrist and running the bar to her elbow, up and down, slow and slippery. She watches, not quite sure of the ritual. He pulls her closer, and runs his hand up higher, mould- ing and pressing, working around her flesh, up and under her arm into the privacy of her dress. RACHAEL You're getting me wet. Oh, yes. For a moment Deckard stares at her like some furry-legged satyr in rut, the fingers of his other hand rake through her hair and into the water she comes. INT. DECKARD'S APARTMENT - BEDROOM - MORNING 71 The bed looks like it was hit by a storm and Deckard looks like something that was washed up in it. He's spread out flat, face creased and puffed. His eyes squint open, but only for a moment. His hands are more reliable. They search over the bed, but find it bare. He edges his head over the side, looking around for signs, but she's all gone. He gets up in two stages, sits and then stands. Then sits again, resting his head in his hands. INT. DECKARD'S APARTMENT - BATHROOM - MORNING 72 Deckard's got his face in the mirror shaving it. It's been a long night. Nothing a new tongue and a trans- fusion wouldn't put right. He moves a couple of inches to the left so his eyes have a view of the tub. INT. DECKARD'S APARTMENT - LIVING ROOM - MORNING 73 Deckard is on the edge of the couch with the phone on his knees, the card with Rachael's number in his lap and having no luck. RACHAEL'S VOICE Sorry, I am not in at the moment, but if you'll leave your name and number I'll return your call as soon as I can. That's not soon enough. Deckard hangs up, puts the phone on the floor and leans back on the couch. DECKARD Fuck you, then. INT. MR. DEETCHUM'S APARTMENT - MORNING 74 The rooster perched on the chair spreading its scrawny wings, strains from the tips of its toes, crowing at the ceiling. Between crows there's a TAPPING at the door. You might call this a "barnyard" apartment. There's straw on the floor and several hens roosting against the back wall. The front door opens a few inches and Sebastian pokes his head in. SEBASTIAN Mr. Deetchum? Hello? Nobody seems to be home except his chickens. As Sebas- tian enters, closing the door behind him, a goose charges out of the bedroom hissing and honking. SEBASTIAN Now, now, Waddles. Seeming to recognize Sebastian as no intruder, Waddles veers off from the attack. As Sebastian crosses the room a pig peeks out from behind the couch. SEBASTIAN Hello, Wrigley. He goes to the chickens and collects some eggs, putting them into a bowl he's brought. He puts down the bowl and reaching into his pocket carefully counts out the payment and puts the money on a plate. He's about to leave but notices there's no water in the dispenser. SEBASTIAN Mr. Deetchum isn't taking very good care of you people. Pouring from a jug on the table, he fills the dispenser with water, scatters a little grain on the floor, gets his bowel of eggs and leaves. Wrigley grunts and comes out from behind the couch for a long drink. INT. CORRIDOR - SEBASTIAN'S FLOOR - MORNING 75 Sebastian arrives on his floor, walks down the hall to his apartment, opens the door, walks in. INT. SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - DAY 76 He turns to close door, comes face to face with Roy Batty. Sebastian drops his bowl of eggs. Batty's hand flashes out and catches it. BATTY Whoops. Smiling, Batty hands them back to Sebastian, who is too startled to speak. Pris runs up and gives Batty and Mary a big hug, steps back effusing and smiling, everybody's favorite teen- ager. PRIS This is my Uncle Roy, Sebastian. BATTY Hello, glad to meet you. He pumps Sebastian's free hand. PRIS And my Aunt Mary. Sebastian turns and there's Aunt Mary, modest and warm. PRIS And this is my savior, J.F. Sebastian, everybody. Sebastian stands there with his eggs, bashful and ex- cited, the hero of this little family's warm attention. BATTY Can't thank you enough, Mr. Sebastian. If you hadn't come along... MARY We were worried to death. It's awfully kind of you. Sebastian is nodding and smiling. BATTY We're not used to the big city. Where we come from it's not so easy to get lost. MARY You certainly have a nice place here. BATTY Well stocked. Batty looks around admiringly. Sebastian mumbles some- thing that sounds like "Thank you." PRIS Sebastian doesn't like to go out too much. SEBASTIAN I keep a lot of provisions right here. BATTY I like a man who stays put. An admirable thing to be able to sustain yourself in these times. You live here all by yourself, do you? SEBASTIAN Well, no, not really. There's Mr. Deetchum, he's the watchman, he lives on the first floor. Everybody nods. A long pause. MARY We haven't found it easy, Mr. Sebastian. They glance around the room, waiting for Sebastian to pick up the ball. SEBASTIAN How about breakfast, I was just going to make some. BATTY If it wouldn't be too much of a bother... a little bite to eat would be... SEBASTIAN Oh, no bother, I'd be glad to. BATTY Well, actually MARY We're famished. Sebastian is truly happy. SEBASTIAN Okay, then. You make yourselves comfortable and I'll bring the food right out. He disappears into the kitchen. Batty looks happy with the way things are going. BATTY Charming. Pris comes up close. Her tone muted but demanding. PRIS Well? Batty finds her attitude amusing, which makes her even more pugnacious. PRIS I want to know what's going on. There's a punitive edge to Batty's response. BATTY There's only three of us left. Pris is shocked. Her whisper comes out a hiss. PRIS Then we're stupid and we'll die. BATTY Not if everybody is doing their job here at home. How are things at home? A little spotted pig on the table sits up. PIG Home again, jiggidy jig. They all turn and stare at the pig. Batty is delighted. PRIS I don't trust him. I don't think he knows what he's doing. The BELL-TONE from the microwave goes off in the kitchen. BATTY He knows what he's doing. MARY If he won't cooperate? BATTY Mr. Sebastian is a host who wants to be appreciated. We'll appreciate him and he'll cooperate. INT. HOSPITAL CORRIDOR AND ROOM - DAY 77 Holden is laid out in an apparatus that resembles an iron lung. A little above his head, facing him, is a bank of bio-feedback lights registering body functions. Deckard is in a chair sitting next to his friend. Holden has lost weight, his face is grey, he can't move his head, but he's smiling like the cat who ate the canary. DECKARD How are you doing, old man? Holden's voice is just a whisper -- the kind of whisper that comes out of the joker at the back of the class. HOLDEN I'm great. I mean, I know I'm not really great, but I feel just great. How you like my new suit? DECKARD Well, you don't have to worry about getting it wrinkled. Holden's eyes close, his smile gets bigger and little spasms of laughter pump out of his mouth. HOLDEN Don't make me laugh. It makes me pee. DECKARD Sorry. HOLDEN Hey, it's okay. I like to pee. So how are you doing? DECKARD I'm doing okay. HOLDEN From what I hear you're doing great. Bryant tells me you're going like a god damn one-man army. Making a lot of money, huh? DECKARD Yeah. (pause) But that's what I wanted to talk to you about. HOLDEN Money? DECKARD No. I got a problem. HOLDEN Let's hear it. DECKARD I think I'm starting to empathize with these Nexus-sixes. Holden giggles. Starts to laugh again. A blue light on the panel begins to turn very bright. They both notice it. DECKARD What's that? HOLDEN I'm taking a piss. They wait for the light to abate. HOLDEN Let me ask you something, Deck. You been having intimate relations with one of these units? Deckard doesn't deny it. Holden smiles like a cherub. HOLDEN That's what I thought... one of the liabilities of the trade -- you has sex with your prey, old buddy. That's bound to create problems, unless you're a black widow. Deckard has to wait for him to stop giggling. DECKARD What about -- not sex -- but love? Holden bites his bottom lip to keep the laugher out of his voice, but he can't. HOLDEN Love is just another name for sex. Love is sexy and sex is lovely -- I don't care what you call it, an android can't have it. DECKARD These aren't just... HOLDEN I know what they are, Deck -- Look, maybe they can pretend to feel, but far as the raw, hot emotions of the old heart -- no way. Holden stops talking for a moment to get some air. HOLDEN Believe me, take it from an old pro, no matter how good we get, we're never gonna make an artificial anything that can feel. It's a contradiction. You might as well go fuck your washing machine. Holden laughs, Deckard doesn't. HOLDEN Just go out there and keep up the good work. Holden's whispers have become harder to hear. HOLDEN Got to save it, Deck, I'm getting sleepy. It's been good talking to you. Deckard stands. DECKARD Thanks. But he's already asleep. Deckard stands there a moment looking at him, then walks out. INT. DECKARD'S APARTMENT - DAY 78 He's sitting on the couch, glum, contemplative. There's a SOUND. His eyes move to the door. Those locks are opening again. Rachael comes in. Looks surprised to see him. Him too. RACHAEL I told you I'd come back. DECKARD You did? RACHAEL You didn't hear me. You were sleeping. He likes that. RACHAEL Are you glad I'm here? He is. She's spunky. Hasn't seen this place in the daytime. Pleased, he watched her move around the mess. She spots a little framed photograph. Picks it up. It's a man with a shotgun and a boy holding up a quail. RACHAEL Who is this? DECKARD Me and my dad. RACHAEL Where is he? DECKARD Dead. RACHAEL Oh. She puts it down and comes to him. RACHAEL How come you're not on the job? DECKARD I am. Part of my job is to sit on a couch and try and figure things out. RACHAEL How are you doing? DECKARD Not too good. She sits next to him. Pleased as hell, they both sit there staring straight ahead. He looks at her. She looks at him. RACHAEL What do people do in the afternoon? DECKARD If they are smart, they take naps. INT. DECKARD'S BEDROOM - DAY 79 They're under the sheet. Rachael is on her back, look- ing at the ceiling, hair sprawled like sea grass over the pillow. Deckard lies next to her, a man studying a treasure. RACHAEL Do you dream? DECKARD Yeah. Sometimes. RACHAEL I wish I could. His hand moves over her shoulder. DECKARD Wishing is a kind of dreaming. His hand goes under the sheet. RACHAEL I mean asleep. She feels good. He moves closer. RACHAEL Did you cry when your father died? DECKARD Yeah. RACHAEL That's another thing I can't do. He kisses her lightly on the cheek. RACHAEL Nobody is freer than when he dreams. I read that. DECKARD It wasn't very good last night, was it? RACHAEL I don't know, I have nothing to compare it to. I guess I thought there was something more to it. DECKARD What? RACHAEL I don't know... I think I missed something. DECKARD Like? RACHAEL I'm not sure. Is there a secret? Her face is close. She's looking right at him. Her lips are right there. DECKARD I don't know. If there is I'd like to find it. Slowly their lips touch and his arms slide under her body. INT. SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - DAY 80 Batty, Pris and Mary sit at the table staring at their host. Sebastian is staring back, his fork halfway to his mouth, looking from face to face. Although nothing is being said, he's totally comfortable, as much at home with them as he is with his animoids. BATTY Why are you staring at us? SEBASTIAN You're just all so... so different. Batty nods his head, smiling, sending home the fact and Sebastian is certainly getting it. BATTY What, Sebastian? SEBASTIAN You're androids. A long pause. PRIS What makes you think so? SEBASTIAN You're all so perfect. Sebastian is smiling from ear to ear. SEBASTIAN What generation are you? BATTY Nexus - 6. Sebastian whistles. Mary's head is shaking slightly. Pris gets up and moves to the couch. Batty couldn't be more pleased. BATTY We can trust Sebastian, ladies. He's been working with mechanisms all his life. He's a wizard and a very perceptive man. Sebastian looks like a kid on Christmas Eve. SEBASTIAN Could you... His voice is trembling. SEBASTIAN Show me something? BATTY Like what? SEBASTIAN Like... Like a million things, but he's too excited to think of one. BATTY We're not computers, Sebastian, we're physical. Pris perks up proudly. PRIS I think, therefore I am. BATTY Very good, Pris. Now show him why. It's a command Pris is pleased to obey. She sits quiet- ly a moment, hands folded in her lap, prim and proper. Mary doesn't like these displays, but Batty is beaming. Those hands in Pris' lap suddenly move, almost faster than the eye can see and slam down on either side of her, digging into the material with such ferocity that Sebastian jumps. She plunges into the guts of the couch up to her elbows and comes up holding springs and stuff- ing. Except for the clenched teeth, she is smiling like an angel. Sebastian is riveted, his eyes wide and astounded, like he's just seen the devil. He laughs nervously, glad that the devil is a friend. BATTY We have a lot in common. SEBASTIAN You mean that you can't come here and I can't go there? BATTY Not only that, but we have smiliar problems. Accelerated decrepitude. But we don't want to die quite yet. SEBASTIAN Of course not. BATTY You could help us. SEBASTIAN I don't know much about biomechanics, Roy. I wish I did, but you're out of my league. BATTY If we don't find help soon, Pris hasn't got long to live. Sebastian sneaks a glance. Pris is staring at him with big childlike eyes, Sebastian looks back at Batty, moved but helpless. BATTY What about your friend, the man who owns this building? SEBASTIAN Dr. Tyrell? Batty nods. SEBASTIAN He's not really my friend. I just do a job for him now and then. BATTY Tyrell could help us, Sebastian. SEBASTIAN He could? BATTY His company made us. SEBASTIAN I'd be happy to mention it to him. BATTY Be better if I could talk to him in person. But he's not an easy man to get to. SEBASTIAN No. BATTY When do you deliver your project? SEBASTIAN This afternoon. Batty leans forward and looks right into Sebastian's eyes. BATTY Will you help us? There's no way Sebastian could say no, even if he wanted to. SEBASTIAN Yes. Pris sits up smiling. Mary sighs a breath of relief and Batty leans back nodding in gratitude. BATTY I'm sure glad you found us, Sebastian. What do you think, Mary? MARY I don't think there is another human being in this whole world who would have helped us. BATTY Pris? Pris gets up and comes to Sebastian and kisses him. That has a lot of impact. Sebastian looks around try- ing to keep the tears from coming. BATTY You're our best and only friend. SEBASTIAN Thank you. INT. DECKARD'S APARTMENT BEDROOM - DAY 81 Rachael is lying across the bed in one of Deckard's shirts, her chin over the edge, her eyes moving around the room. Deckard lies next to her. Looking like a man who died a voluptuous death. RACHAEL When was the last time you cleaned this place? DECKARD Hmmm? RACHAEL Have you ever cleaned your apartment? DECKARD Don't be fooled by appearances. RACHAEL It appears to be dirty -- why don't you get somebody? He rolls over to admire her legs. DECKARD Because they would ruin the arrangement. He kisses the back of her thigh. RACHAEL They could clean around the arrangement. DECKARD I don't like people snooping around my stuff. He kisses her other thigh, gets up and goes into the bathroom. DECKARD'S VOICE There's a vacuum in the front room closet is you wanna give it a try. Rachael lies there a moment, then gets up and goes into the front room and opens the closet door. The vacuum is not easy to get to, but finally she wrestles it out. As she starts to plug it in -- DECKARD Oh no, don't do that. He's wrapped in a sheet, watching her from the doorway. RACHAEL But if I don't plug it in how can I... DECKARD Never mind the plug, just go through the motions. RACHAEL But then how can you... DECKARD I don't like the noise. Just practice. Practice makes perfect. She stares at him like he's nuts. DECKARD I'm serious. Go ahead. Show me how you would do it. Reluctantly she makes some half-hearted passes with the thing. DECKARD How about under the couch there. Come on. She bends over to get it. Deckard pulls up a chair and sits down with his chin in his hands. She looks back at him. RACHAEL This feels stupid. DECKARD Good for a smart girl to feel stupid. Part of your education. She drops the vacuum and sits on the floor. Deckard gets up and comes towards her. Her eyes travel halfway down his sheet and she leaves. RACHAEL You're sick, Deckard. DECKARD I never felt better. EXT. TYRELL PRESERVE - DUSK 82 Mansion and opulent grounds. Sebastian's humble truck parked among richer relations, including a spinner and a 1928 Dusenberg. EXT. TYRELL MANSION - DUSK 83 The den. It contains a collection of big game trophies, and among all this sits Sebastian very straight and proper with an "egg" the size of a basketball in his lap. Old Hannibal Chew was right, the rich make you wait. Sebastian stands and carefully makes his way between the trophies to a window with a view of the grounds. EXT. TYRELL MANSION POOL - DUSK 84 Tyrell's young WIFE sits on the diving board watching her husband in the pool with their youngest TOT. And two older LADS swim around trying to outdo each other for their dad's attention. From the sidelines an old servant pauses to watch the fun, then continues with a tray of mugs towards the house. EXT. PLATEAU - DUSK 85 And beyond on a plateau overlooking the grounds, a figure stands watching, waiting like a bird of prey. EXT. TYRELL PRESERVE - DUSK 86 On a gravel path between shrubs of winter roses, Tyrell turns to observe the last quiet light over his kingdom. The moment is sweetened by the LOW PLAINTIVE BELLOW of one of the animals. He strolls by an old gardener who tips his cap, pro- ceeds up the steps and into his mansion. INT. TYRELL DEN - NIGHT 87 Next to a tray of cookies and milk, Sebastian sits pa- tiently with the "egg" in his lap. As the door opens he gets to his feet expectantly. It's STYLES, Tyrell's bodyguard. He could play the Giant in Jack and The Beanstalk. STYLES Okay, I'll take that now. Sebastian would rather put it in the boss's hands, but Styles takes it and is almost through the door when Sebastian stops him. SEBASTIAN Wait! He almost forgot. SEBASTIAN Can't fly without the pilot. Sebastian hands him a little box. Styles stuffs it in his pocket and shuts the door behind him. EXT. TYRELL PRESERVE - NIGHT 88 Motionless and monumental, six buffalo stand like stat- ues in the grass. Suddenly they swing their shaggy heads to watch something pass. In the dark silence Batty stops to look at the curious beasts and then moves soundlessly towards the mansion. INT. TYRELL DINING ROOM - NIGHT 89 It's a medieval-sized hall. The piece de resistance is an 18th Century, English painting of an Arab stallion, gleaming like coal over the CRACKLING fireplace. The entire family is seated at the table which glitters for the festive occasion. Presents gathered around the oldest child. Styles hands the "egg" to Tyrell. A hush falls over the table. This is Dad's big present. Tyrell sets is down before the boy. IAN is a fresh, slim lad who is ten today. He looks up at his father, then, beaming, pries open the "egg's" hinged lid. Tyrell's hand goes to his pocket and the griffon steps out of the shell. IAN Oh! Basically an avian invention, it has wings and plumage, the head of an eagle, the body of a lion and weighs no more than eight pounds. It cranes its neck and testing its balance, stands on one leg and then hops to the edge of the table and into the air. The littlest tot claps her hands as the griffon beats its wings rapidly and rises towards the ceiling. Turn- ing in a forty-five degree, it suddenly drops into a dive. Delighted, the children shriek and scream as the griffon swoops over their crouching heads and sails the length of the hall -- its silhouette flickering briefly over the ancestral portraits of the Tyrell clan. Reaching the end of the room, it banks sharply and flies back towards the table, cups its wings, spreads its tail and comes in for an awkward landing. They're laughing and clapping as it waddles down the table and knocks over a glass and stops in front of Ian. IAN Papa! Did you make this? TYRELL No. We can make man, but not a griffon. He bends down and kisses his wife. TYRELL Have to give the cottage industry a chance too. Pleased he excuses himself and heads for the den. INT. TYRELL DEN - NIGHT 90 Tyrell comes in and sits behind his desk. Sebastian hands down the invoices. Tyrell glances over them and writes out a check. He looks up to hand it over when he sees Batty against the wall, by the door. For a fraction of a second he's shocked, but recovers fast. TYRELL A friend of yours, Sebastian? SEBASTIAN Yes, this is someone who wants to talk to you, Dr. Tyrell. Batty smiles. BATTY The name is Batty. Roy Batty. TYRELL Oh? Very slowly Tyrell's hand moves towards the back side of the desk. BATTY To act without understanding could lead to the very thing the act seeks to avoid. What's in Batty's eyes completes the warning. Tyrell decides to heed it. BATTY A little talk it all I need. Tyrell looks at Sebastian. Considers consequences. Back to Batty. TYRELL Would you like to talk in private then. Batty thinks it over. BATTY Yeah. It might be better if we talk in private, Sebastian. Why don't you go home. TYRELL Here's your check, my boy. Thank you. SEBASTIAN Thank you, Dr. Tyrell. I'll see you later. He slips out closing the door behind him. Opens it again and sticks his head it. SEBASTIAN Was everything okay? TYRELL Just beautiful. He's gone. If Tyrell is scared he's doing a good job of concealing it. TYRELL I'm surprised you didn't come to me sooner. BATTY It's not an easy thing to meet your maker. TYRELL And what can he do for you? BATTY Can the maker repair what he makes? TYRELL Would you like to be modified? BATTY Had in mind something a little more radical. TYRELL What's the problem? BATTY Death. TYRELL I'm afraid that's a little out of my... Batty cuts in with a whisper. BATTY I want more life, fucker. TYRELL Come here. Batty walks forward. TYRELL Sit down. Batty does. TYRELL The facts of life. I'll be blunt. To make an alteration in the evolvement of an organic life system, at least by men, makers or not, it fatal. A coding sequence can't be revised once it's established. BATTY Why? TYRELL Because by the second day of incubation any cells that have undergone reversion mutation give rise to revertant colonies -- like rats leaving a sinking ship. The ship sinks. BATTY What about E.M.S. recombination? TYRELL We've already tried it -- ethyl methane sulfonate is an alkylating agent and a potent mutagen -- it creates a virus so lethal the subject was destroyed before we left the table. Batty nods grimly. BATTY Then a repressor protein that blocks the operating cells. TYRELL Wouldn't obstruct replication, but it does give rise to an error in replication, so that the newly formed DNA strand carries a mutation and you're got a virus again... but all this is academic -- you are made as good as we could make you. BATTY But not to last. TYRELL Put it this way. Rolls Royces are made to last -- as least they were. But I'm afraid you're a Ferrari. A high strung racing car -- built to win, not to last. Batty smiles bitterly. TYRELL Also you're too valuable to experiment with. BATTY I am? Tyrell can't help a flash of pride. TYRELL The bast of all possible androids. We're proud of our prodigal son -- glad you're returned. You're quite a prize. Shoulders hunched, Batty looks down, an uncharacteristic note of guilt in his voice. BATTY I've done some questionable things. TYRELL Also extraordinary things. BATTY Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for. They share a laugh. In spite of himself, there's a look of relief in Tyrell's face as Batty extends his hand. Tyrell takes it and they shake. The reverence in Bat- ty's eyes caused Tyrell a fatherly smile. The smile turns into a growl as he feels the bones in his hands crack. Before the scream comes out of his mouth, Batty stifles it. Tyrell claws at the iron fingers, but they're sinking into his face. Placing his other hand behind Tyrell's head, Batty squeezes them together and squashes the man's head like a melon. The mess is not small. Palms up, like a surgeon, Batty walks to the drapes and wipes off the gore and without looking back, strolls out of the room. INT. TYRELL - HALL TO KITCHEN - NIGHT 90A Styles is coming down the hall. He sees Batty coming towards him. Styles looks at him curiously, this is not one of the guests. As they close, Batty smiles. BATTY Could you tell me where the bathroom is? Styles doesn't get a chance to answer. Batty's hand has torn into his crotch. The man is lifted off the floor, up the wall and held a moment. Whatever is encased in his pelvis is pulverized. Batty lets go. Styles hits the floor. He died of shock. Grinding his teeth, Batty continues towards the SOUNDS OF THE FESTIVITIES. INT. DINING ROOM - NIGHT 91 The birthday cake has arrived, the candles lit. They're waiting for Dad. Mrs. Tyrell looks around to find Batty observing from the doorway. A little startled, a little curious, but ever the cor- porate wife, she smiles. MRS. TYRELL May I help you? Batty smiles back and shakes his head in mock regrets. INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT 92 In the sink the faucet is on. The water pink with blood. Batty is washing his hands. A portly maid emerges from the pantry. Batty looks up. She stops, embarrassed at being caught. Her eyes no- tice drops of blood on the floor and follow them to the door. When she looks back, Batty is right in front of her. INT. DECKARD'S BEDROOM - NIGHT 93 Books scattered on the bed. Rachael sitting cross- legged with one in her lap, looking through exquisite shots of nature. Deckard is next to her, watching her like a lover, like a father. DECKARD (V.O.) She'd never seen the great outdoors. Never even seen books on the subject. She went through everything I had, and we talked. And there were subjects we didn't discuss and they were words we didn't say, I couldn't say, like death, like future, like real. But it was hard because she was curious and full of questions. She was more alive than anyone I'd ever known. She looks up stunned by the beauty of a photo, but with no need to comment. It's in her eyes. She stares at him, a revelation taking shape. RACHAEL You and I are good friends, huh? He considers it and she stares at him, smiling at the wonder of it. RACHAEL It's so easy. Convinced and not convinced, he nods his head. She laughs at his solemnity. She's irresistible. Deckard's pretty irresistible himself. RACHAEL Have you ever known anybody a long time? DECKARD You mean a woman? RACHAEL Uh-huh. DECKARD What's a long time? RACHAEL Ten years. DECKARD Nope. Nobody could stand me that long. The CHIME on the PHONE next to the bed GOES OFF. He reaches out and brings it to his ear. DECKARD Yeah. BRYANT This is Bryant. Are you alone? DECKARD Yeah. BRYANT She's not with you? DECKARD Who. A pause. BRYANT Take a number. Canapt 1700, tenth floor, Villa Vita District, Olympia South. DECKARD Got it. BRYANT Okay, here it is. Eldon Tyrell, his family and half his staff were just massacred. The cat is about to get out of the bag. Pressure is definitely on. The Nexus program is terminated. When you finish there, locate Nexus designated Rachael and retire. Deckard says nothing. BRYANT If you don't, we will. It has to be total, Deckard. That's an order from as high as it comes. Got it? DECKARD Yeah. I got it. BRYANT Go. He hangs up the receiver and gets up. She watches him from the bed. The gun goes into his belt. He loads the ankle job and straps it on. She watches every move. RACHAEL Why do you call it retire, why don't you call it murder? DECKARD Because it's not. RACHAEL Don't you think anything that can suffer deserves to be considered? DECKARD Andies only simulate suffering -- if they're programmed for it. RACHAEL Do you think I simulated what happened between us? DECKARD No, I don't. Without looking at her, he puts on his jacket. He's standing in the middle of the floor with his back to her. He turns and they're facing one another. Neither of them moves. DECKARD Don't leave here. Don't open the door, don't answer the phone. RACHAEL What difference will it make? DECKARD Just wait here. He goes to the door. RACHAEL You know what I think? DECKARD What? RACHAEL That some of the folks around here are more programmed then me. He has to laugh. RACHAEL You know what else I think? DECAKRD What? RACHAEL This was the best day of my life. He turns and goes through the door. INT. SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 94 Sebastian is putting his work table in order, but his mind is not with it and his hands are trembling. Batty, Pris and Mary are on the other side of the room talking: their voices low. MARY Let's go while there is still time. BATTY Where? MARY Anywhere. Batty smiles. BATTY What's the point? MARY Not to be trapped. BATTY You underestimate the trap, Mary. Sebastian has almost reached the door. BATTY Where are you going, Sebastian? SEBASTIAN Just thought I'd... BATTY No, you stay here with us. Out last night together. They all watch. Sebastian walks away from the door. BATTY Think of yourself as a light, Mary. Shine before you're turned off. She's too fragile for that logic, but it appeals to Pris. She and Batty hold a look that burns. Sebastian is by the window. SEBASTIAN Someone is coming here. Batty goes to the window and looks down. BATTY One man. (he smiles) He must be good. MARY Then go get him. BATTY That wouldn't be very sporting. Sebastian looks ready to bolt. Batty puts an arm around him. PRIS I want to do it. BATTY Okay, but don't kill him. Save a little for everybody. A masterpiece. A pause. BATTY Turn out the lights, Pris. EXT. SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 95 In the dim, nocturnal light, Deckard crosses into the courtyard fronting the building and stops. He looks around. Nobody there, just silence. He comes closer to the building and stands in the sha- dows off to one side of the entry. His head jerks up to the SOUND OF CRASHING GLASS. Sebastian comes hurtling down and explodes into the pavement thirty feet below. Deckard's eyes move up the line of descent, the shat- tered window on the next-to-top floor. INT. SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT LOBBY - NIGHT 96 Not much to see, But Deckard misses none of it as he crosses the floor and positions himself in the spot of least exposure. He looks around. Elevator and stair- well. Close to the wall, he moves towards the elevator, keep- ing an eye on the stairwell door. Stepping to one side, he hits the button. The elevator door slides open. He reaches in, presses a button and as the doors slide shut, Deckard slips a pen between the doors, jamming the operation. Deckard's shoes and soundless as he quickly crosses the lobby floor. He pauses a moment in front of the stair- well door, then pushes it open and: INT. STAIRWELL, SEBASTIAN'S APARTMENT - NIGHT 97 Steps into the dark on the other side. Suddenly he spins, dropping to the floor, and FIRES three times in- to the figure hovering to his left. The man is hanging off the floor, his arms locked into the railing, neck broken -- with three holes in his chest... but he was already dead. Deckard stares at the corpse. It's Mr. Deetchum, the old watchman. That RUSTLING SOUND are rats who were feeding on him, scampering for safer places, Deckard gets to his feet. The stairway rectangles ten stories up. As his foot touches the first step, a raw, terrified SCREAM shatters the air. It came from below. It's the cry of a young girl -- it GROWS TO A PIERCING SHRIEK AND ABRUPTLY STOPS. Deckard ejects the half-used cartridge from his laser, inserts a fresh one and quiet as the silence, descends the basement stairs. INT. BASEMENT - NIGHT 98 At the bottom he faces a corridor. The FAINT HUM OF MACHINERY comes from the double doors at the far end. The HUM BECOMES A RATTLE by the time he gets there. Each door is fitted with a small window. Deckard steps to the side and peers through. INT. GYM - NIGHT 99 It's a gym. The mirror-lined walls are cracked and tarnished, the equipment atrophied from lack of use. The heavier barbells have sunk into the floor. Two weight-reducing machines are flapping and grinding away like idiots. Deckard's eyes stop on the woman. She dangles a few feet off the floor, hung by the shoulders through rings suspended from the ceiling. Her head is slung forward, her body limp and slightly swaying. Deckard pushes open one of the doors until it touches the wall. Slowly, he advances toward the hanging figure, keeping an eye on the mirror to cover surprises from the door. He's not breathing hard. His heart isn't pound- ing. Deckard's in his element. Close enough to look up into her face, he stops. It isn't grisly death that causes the reaction in his eyes. It's the innocence of her angel face. It's not something he has time to consider. In the mirror behind him, he sees the door starting to open. Deckard spins. He shouldn't have. Pris' legs snap up, crack the laser out of his hand and clamp around his neck. Slowly, the door swings closed, but Deckard doesn't notice. His carotid artery is no longer sending blood to the brain. He jerks up his foot and reaches down. As his fingers close around the ankle laser, Pris' fingers close around his wrist. Deckard's hand opens like a flower. The laser drops to the floor as his eyes roll back into his head. PRIS Naughty, naughty. She lets go, but before he can fall, she rams a foot into his back. He's propelled fifteen feet across the room, slams into a machine and falls to the floor. Pris flies off the rings and comes at him. Deckard reaches out to pull himself up, but she's al- ready there. Not too hard and just in the right place, she kicks him in the stomach. He goes back to the floor, gagging for air. Oh-so-precisely she reaches out with a long index finger and flips the switch on the machine. It's a flab eliminator with a vibrator belt. Normally an innocuous piece of equipment, but the motor housing on this one is missing. Lots of GRINDING METAL. A bad place for flesh and bone. But that's where Deckard's hand is going. An eight- year-old against a full-down man. In two more seconds his hand will be ground round. Deckard tries to pull his hand loose. It won't come. He yanks hard, but it's welded in hers. His face is twisted and strained as he raises a leg, wedges his foot against her chest and pushes with all his might. The hold breaks. They topple back. Deckard hits the floor gulping to catch his breath. Pris is up and coming for him again. She hovers over him. Deckard rolls out of the way as she comes down like a pile driver. Reflexively Deckard raises his arm to protect himself. Pris just smiles, takes hold of his foot and drags him across the floor. She doesn't like to leave a piece of work unfinished. They're going back to the machine. He goes by a weight-stand of dumbbells and grabs hold. It doesn't stop him. He's sliding over the floor like it was ice, weight stand in tow. Pris gets to the machine, yanks his foot up and forces it toward the opening. Deckard sits up, a five-pound dumbbell in his hand, and clobbers her in the back. It knocks her off balance, but she doesn't let go of his foot. She hooks out with a fist but misses. He gets her with a roundhouse in the face. She goes to the floor and Deckard's up, the dumbbell over his head, coming down with it. Fighting for her life now, Pris drives a foot into his chest. It lifts him off the floor. He flies back across the gym and lands in a heap. No more games. Pris is furious and moving fast. She rips a steel bar out of the wall and, holding it over- head, charges him like a samurai. As she comes down for the kill, she freezes. Deckard landed near the laser. He crawls towards it. As in a nightmare, it takes forever. But he gets there. He reaches out and grabs the laser, rolls over and takes careful aim. She charges towards him, screaming her rage. He FIRES as she comes. The shot amputates her left arm at the shoulder, but her hand doesn't let go of the bar. It dangles crazily in front of her as she charges forward. He PUTS THE NEXT ONE through her neck. Pris hiccups a rope of blood as she flies through the air and crashes next to Deckard. Dead. He lies next to her, chest heaving. Slowly he rolls over and gets to his hands and knees. Panting, he stag- gers to his feet and stands over her, swaying slightly. The sound that escapes his throat is raspy and dry. It might not sound like a war cry, but it is. INT. CORRIDOR - NIGHT 100 Laser in hand, Deckard kicks open the swinging doors and walks into the corridor, a dangerous man. INT. STAIRWELL - NIGHT 101 Deckard arrives at the main floor landing, checks his loads and continues up the stairs. He's going to shoot the next thing that moves and find out later if he was right or wrong. INT. STAIRWELL - SECOND FLOOR - NIGHT 101A On the next landing he throws the door open. His eyes move down the hall, looking for prints in the dust. None. He continues up the stairs. INT. NINTH FLOOR - NIGHT 102 On the ninth floor he finds what he's looking for. Footprints coming and going from a door halfway down the hall. He stops to the side of it and listens. Silence. Deckard FIRES three quick shots through the door. If somebody were on the other side of it, they aren't now. He kicks the door open and dives through head first and hits the floor in a roll, POURING FIRE into the far corners of the room but the room is empty. There's a kitchen bar, a closet and a bedroom door, both closed. Deckard's breathing is the only sound. No response from either door. Maybe it was a sound, maybe intuition, but suddenly Deckard twists around and FIRES several shots into the closet. The smouldering door slowly creaks open. Mary is huddled in the rear of the closet. Her hand out like somebody about to catch a ball but afraid of it. In her other hand she clutches a button-eyed monkey. Her face is bewildered, frozen in fear, her body riddled with holes. No recognition gap here. Deckard SHOOTS her through the neck to make sure. Mary falls to the floor, like a puppet with her strings cut. Deckard backs away from the pathetic figure in the closet and sits on the sofa, unable to take his eyes off her. Deckard lays the laser down next to him, holds out his hand and looks at it. It's steady. He drops it in his lap, closes his eyes and leans back. A TAPPING from the ceiling. Deckard looks up. A KNOCK -- with the proverbial DOUBLE RAP at the end. A pause. Deckard jumps out of the way as the ceiling gives in. Chucks on concrete and plaster hit the couch where he was sitting. The hole is a couple feet in diameter -- beams cracked through, exposing the apartment above. Silence. Deckard wipes the plaster dust from his eyes and mouth, then whispers: DECKARD Hello, Roy. INT. STAIRWELL - NINTH AND TENTH FLOOR - NIGHT 103 Deckard comes out onto the landing. Taking his time, he climbs the steps to the next floor, the last floor. He SHOOTS the hinges out of the big stairwell door, pushes it with his foot and it comes down with a BANG. The REVERBERATIONS turn into silence. The corridor is empty. INT. CORRIDOR - TENTH FLOOR - NIGHT 104 Moving fast but cautious, he passes each door until he gest to the apartment above Sebastian's. Slowly he turns the know and pushed open the door. INT. APARTMENT - TENTH FLOOR - NIGHT 105 Except for the hole in the middle of the floor, there's nothing to see. Back against the wall, he moves to- wards the bedroom, but stops at the NOISE. It sounds like the HOOTING OF AN OWL and it's coming from the hallway. INT. CORRIDOR - TENTH FLOOR - NIGHT 106 Deckard looks around the corner of the door down the hall. Batty's at the other end. Except for jockstrap and gym shoes, he's nude. BATTY You wanna play? Deckard FIRES. Batty's fast. He ducks into a doorway. Pops out again. BATTY Not very sporting to fire on an unarmed opponent. I thought you were supposed to be good. Aren't you the man?! The makeup on Batty's face is somewhere between a Coman- che warrior and a transvestite. The immensity of his insolence awesome -- the muscles of his body are swol- len, trembling from the thrill of it. BATTY This is how we do it up there, lad! Come on! In a blue of lightning-like action, Batty whips down the hall, zigzagging off the walls towards Deckard so fast that Deckard gets only three SHOTS off before the blur crashes through the wall on his left with a laugh. Deckard stands there a moment -- digesting the impact of it, then edges up to the gaping wall. Batty is be- hind him. He knees Deckard in the back and slaps him in the head. Deckard goes to his knees, then over on his face. Batty kneels next to him. BATTY Not hurt, are you? You better get it up or I'm going to have to kill you. Unless you're alive you can't play. And if you don't play, you don't get to be alive. Deckard's eyes are closed, mouth bleeding. He exhales and makes and effort. He slides his hands up even with his chest and starts to push. BATTY That's the spirit. Like a matador, Batty walks away. By the time Deckard's on his feet, Batty's disappeared through one of the doors. Deckard wipes the blood from his mouth, bends down and picks up his laser, reloads and looks down the hall, towards the jeering voice. BATTY'S VOICE Come on, Deckard, show me what you got! I'm right here on the other side of the door. But you gotta shoot straight 'cause I'm fast! Deckard gets to the door, BLASTS it, kicks it open and FIRES at Batty. But it's only the reflection of Batty. INT. ROOM - TENTH FLOOR - NIGHT 107 The full length mirror on the other side of the room SHATTERS. Batty's next to him, grabs Deckard's hand and steps in closer. BATTY Straight doesn't seem to be good enough. They're face to face. BATTY You don't have a chance, do you? In an exaggeration of weary disappointment, Batty drops his head to the side. BATTY Looks like I'm gonna have to scale it down for you. Give you a handicap. I won't run through any more walls. Okay? I promise to use the doors. Okay? Deckard stares back at him, but doesn't respond. Sud- denly fury storms through Batty. He throws Deckard out the door, knocking him down, grabs him by the collar and rams his head into the wall. BATTY Come on, let's use that brain! INT. TENTH FLOOR CORRIDOR - NIGHT 108 He drags him down the hall, on his knees and bangs his head into the wall again. BATTY Think! We need a little resilience around here! He yanks him further and bashes his head again. BATTY Where are those balls of yours?! Let's see a little bravery! The storm passes. Deckard hangs in Batty's hand like a bag of laundry. BATTY That was irrational of me -- not to mention unsportsmanlike. Won't happen again. He drops him. BATTY I'll be down the hall when you're ready. Betty walks off and disappears through one of the doors. Deckard gets to his knees, leans against the wall a mo- ment, then punches it with his fist. On his feet he's a little wobbly. Holding his breath so he can hear above his own breathing, he listens. No sound. No sign of Batty. The laser is laying nearby. He doesn't bother. Deckard is backing down the hall, quiet as he can. He had a job to do. He would like to have done it, but he's not insane. He gets to the landing and turns. On the first step down, he stops. Batty's on the land- ing below, looking up at him. BATTY Where you going? He wait a moment for Deckard's answer. BATTY No cheating. A promise is a promise. I'll honor the handicapped, but we gotta play on the top floor. You go get your laser gun now. And I'll give you a few seconds before I come. Deckard turns back into the hall. Batty smiles. Deckard's running down the corridor. BATTY'S VOICE One! Halfway down the hall he finds his laser. BATTY'S VOICE Two! Deckard darts into the nearest door. The apartment above Sebastian's, with the hole in the floor. Deckard considers it. BATTY'S VOICE No fair jumping through holes. You might get hurt doing that! THREE! Deckard dashes back into the hall, chooses another door and goes in. INT. TENTH FLOOR APARTMENT - NIGHT 109 His eyes skim over everything, looking for an advantage. He throws open a door. The bathroom. The plumbing is dismantled, walls stripped, revealing brick, nails protruding. Too small. INT. TENTH FLOOR STAIRWELL - NIGHT 110 Batty's coming up the steps. BATTY Five! INT. TENTH FLOOR APARTMENT - NIGHT 111 Deckard's looking for a corner -- a place that covers the angles. He chooses the far side of the room with a line to the door. INT. TENTH FLOOR HALL - NIGHT 112 Batty's coming down the center, listening at the doors. BATTY Six! INT. TENTH FLOOR APARTMENT - NIGHT 113 Deckard's crouched in the corner and aimed. He looks at his hand. It's trembling. BATTY'S VOICE Seven! INT. TENTH FLOOR HALL - NIGHT 114 Batty's standing in front of a door, listening. BATTY Oh, I wonder where he is. Not in here, I don't think. Eight! He goes to the next door. BATTY Maybe here. Doesn't sound like it. Nine! Batty moves to the next. The door to Deckard. INT. TENTH FLOOR APARTMENT - NIGHT 115 Deckard's crouched lower, holding his breath -- talk about a hair trigger... Silence. Batty's FEET are heard CREAKING AWAY. Deckard looks around. Runs a hand over the wall behind him. Batty's FEET COME BACK. A pause. BATTY Ten! The door explodes! A shape hurtles across the room. Deckard pivots, fol- lowing it with RAPID FIRE. It's a TV. He spins back. but Batty's already on him. He gets one SHOT off be- fore Batty's got his hand. There's a hole over Batty's right eye. Blood running down his face, dripping on Deckard. The right side of his face isn't working too good. The corner of his mouth doesn't quite shut -- his voice comes out slurred, a little hollow. BATTY One point for you. The would doesn't minimize his omnipotence, just makes it more malignant. He throws Deckard against the far wall. Deckard FIRES. Hits Batty in the shoulder. BATTY Ho ho! Try it again! He comes at Deckard, jerking back and forth, a cobra in fast motion, faking, weaving, yelping with excitement as Deckard tries to get a shot, FIRING AWAY until his laser's empty. Bloody and crazed, Batty pushes up against him. BATTY What's wrong? Don't you like me? I'm what we've made! INT. TENTH FLOOR HALL - NIGHT 116 He's backing Deckard out the door. Deckard trips and falls. There's fear on his face. The strength is gone. Something is starting to crack. BATTY What's wrong? Aren't you a lover of Faster, Bigger and Better?! Deckard's pedaling backwards over the floor. BATTY It's time to die. Deckard throws the laser at him. It misses. Batty throws his head back and laughs. A one-eyed colossus about to eat the world. Suddenly he stops. His eye moves over the wall. BATTY Ah! He reaches out and pinches something. His lips compress as he yanks it out of the wall. It's a ten-penny nail. He holds it out to Deckard and drops it. Deckard catches it. BATTY That's for you. One side of Batty's face smiles savagely. BATTY Stick it in your ear and push. If that doesn't work, try the eye. Deckard stares at the nail in his hand, then up at his executioner. BATTY Believe me, it'll be better for you than what I'm about to do. Batty watches him, hoping the stimulus might inspire his victim to more action. It doesn't look like it. BATTY Well? Deckard springs to his feet and bolts. But instead of going for the stairwell he turns in the first available door. INT. TENTH FLOOR APARTMENT #2 - NIGHT 117 Provocation accomplished. Batty smiles and walks lei- surely towards the door. Deckard's terrified scream and the SOUND of GLASS CRASHING stop him. Batty speeds up and moves into the room. The window pane is splattered, curtains sucked out, bellowing in the wind. BATTY Crap. He walks up to the window. Deckard comes away from the wall, inching up behind him, laser in both hands, aimed at the base of Batty's skull. Batty starts to lean over, but even before his eyes see the pavement, he knows. He spins... Deckard FIRES again. This one goes home. Batty falls like he was poleaxed, hits the floor dead weight. Deckard starts to tremble. His arms go limp as his head tilts back and he closes his eyes. He can breathe again. On the floor, Batty's hand is crawling toward Deckard's ankle. With the unsuspected abruptness of a man slipping on a banana peel, Deckard comes down. Face knotted in hor- ror, he EMPTIES THE LASER in Batty's body -- but the hand holds on. With a screech of frustration he drops the laser and like an animal claws at Batty's dead fingers -- but the fingers are welded shut. Deckard starts to crawl, pulling Batty behind him. He struggled through the door and stumbles to his feet. INT. TENTH FLOOR HALL - NIGHT 118 Deckard plunges down the corridor dragging Batty along. He falls, gets to one foot, falls again and crawls the last couple feet to the stairwell. INT. TENTH FLOOR STAIRWELL - NIGHT 119 Groaning, he tugs and pulls, hauls and heaves Batty's body to the edge of the landing. He pauses for breath, then lays back, wedging his feet against Batty's shoul- ders and pushes. Inch by inch the body goes over the edge. Then all at once it drops. But the hand holds and the weight of the body takes Deckard with it. As Deckard slides over the edge, he grabs hold of the railing. Deckard's hanging three hundred feet over the basement floor, supporting himself and Batty's corpse -- almost four hundred pounds of stress on his fingers. With his free foot he chops away at Batty's hand, try- ing to break it loose. But it's not working. Deckard's fingers are starting to slip. His face is a mask of agony as he wedges his heel over Batty's thumb. With the help of gravity and everything he's got in his right leg to push with, he pushes. The thumb breaks loose. Batty falls. The SOUND OF HIS BODY HITTING BELOW sounds good, but Deckard doesn't notice. He's in an awkward position. He must reverse the way he's facing to pull himself up. He lets go with his right hand and crosses it over the left. Then turns the left around so he's got an over- hand grip. Like a man doing his last pull-up... the one that can't be done, Deckard pulls himself up, throws a foot over the edge and grapples and heaves and wiggled himself onto the cold solid steel of the stairwell landing. And lies there, body jerking spasmodically, slowly clenching and unclenching his cramped hand, but it's his burning cheek against the cool metal he's most aware of. Dizzy, hot, lungs on fire, he stands -- and putting one foot in front of the other, Deckard descends the stairs. EXT. SEBASTIAN'S BUILDING - DAWN 120 Slowly the door pushes open and Deckard comes out into the morning. The sun isn't yet risen, but the sky has begun to pale. It's a brooding gray stew of a dawn not very pretty, but even though he can't show it, Deckard is glad to see it. For a moment he tilts his head back and takes some breath, then walks across the courtyard towards the street, so dead on his feet he hasn't the energy to fall. Deckard slumps into the shelter of his car. The col- lapses on the front seat. INT. DECKARD'S BEDROOM - DAWN 121 In a corner of the dimness Deckard sits slumped on a chair, facing the pearly gray light of the window. The only SOUND in the room is the soft steady BREATHING that comes from the bed. Quietly he gets up and walks over to her. Rachael lies sleeping, one delicate arm exposed from under the sheet. Deckard stands there, bettered and grim, staring down at her. Moments go by and finally he sits gently on the edge of the bed. Rachael opens her eyes, and looks up at him, she smiles. EXT. COUNTRYSIDE (MONTAGE) - DAY 122 Deckard's car is skimming over the narrow highway. He and Rachael in the front seat. Except for the occasion- al glance, their faces are still and quiet in the cold shine of an icy dream. The clouds overhead are soft and swift. DECKARD (V.O.) She wanted to go to a place I knew. Out of the city. Like one of those pictures she saw. Where there were trees but no buildings. Rachael's face in the window watching the woods stream by. DECKARD (V.O.) We had a good time. She told me a funny story and I taught her a song. A song about monkeys and elephants. And it made us laugh so hard we couldn't sing. EXT. WOODS (MONTAGE) - DAY 123 Deckard and Rachael walking. The land lays white and hushed before them. Down an aisle of maples and beeches. The frosty light slanting through the clean, hard limbs. The crisp, blue-white snow underfoot melted through in spots exposing soggy patches of rich brown earth. Rachael stops and faces him. Her lips are parted, her warm breath turning the cold air to vapor. Looking lithe and fragile by these barren-rooted trees, she stands in the crisp white snow looking at Deckard. Nothing in her retreats, even now her eyes insist on knowing. EXT. WOODS - DAY 124 Deckard walking over the snow. Alone. He walks slowly, mechanically through the cold, unaffected by it. His gaunt face, empty of expression except for the tears running down his pale cheeks. But for the SQUEAK of his wet shoes over the crusted snow, there is no sound. And Deckard recedes into the silence of the freezing white landscape. EXT. HIGHWAY - NIGHT 125 Deckard's car, solid, THROBBING, GUNNING along like some metal animal. Headlights piercing the dark of the long, flat road. WHISTLING speed of air and tires spin- ning THRUM. And then silence. And the silence astounded by the CRACK OF A GUN. INT. CAR - NIGHT 126 Deckard is behind the wheel, face in shadow, eyes star- ing straight ahead. DECKARD (V.O.) I told myself over and over again, if I hadn't done it, they would have. I didn't go back to the city, not that city, I didn't want the job. She said the great advantage of being alive was to have a choice. And she chose. And a part of me was almost glad. Not because she was gone but because this way they could never touch her. As for Tyrell -- he was murdered, but he wasn't dead. For a long time I wanted to kill him. But what was the point? There were too many Tyrells. But only one Rachael. Maybe real and unreal could never be separated. The secret never found. But I got as close with her as I'd ever come to it. She'd stay with me a long time. I guess we made each other real. And the ruby lights of Deckard's car disappear into the darkness. THE END Battlestar Galactaca FADE IN ON A STARFIELD A myriad glowing jewels of light...and a stillness that is both friend and enemy... Suddenly, a full-throated burst of a single chord played by a symphony orchestra as we see superimposed over the starfield, the words: GALACTICA Saga of a Star World Then as the lettering drifts off into space, the chord begins to diminish until it is only sustained by the ethereal high pitched strains of a muted string section and a voice speaks to us against the ever present stars... ADAMA'S VOICE Thousands of years ago, colonies were established throughout the universe by a mother race from the far reaches of space...This race of people was known as humanoid...human beings...An unsubjugatable, resourceful people who loved freedom, adventure... even conflict... Now, in the seventh millennium of time, a solemn and dramatic event is taking place...A peace envoy, representing the twelve known colonies of man, moves through space in hopes of bringing to a close a thousand year war tat has seen the humans embattled by an alliance of beings...bent on their destruction...The mission of the colonial fleet would bring the star world a new beginning...or... AGAINST THE STARFIELD superimpose the words: THE END A SLEEK FIGHTER PLANE blasts onto the screen ON THE SMILING FACE OF ZAC A bright, enthusiastic , young (23) fighter pilot closeted in the super modern, form-fitting cockpit of his sleek ship...the finest fighting craft in the Colonial Fleet... ZAC Two targets on my scanner...just above the old moon, Cimtar. INSIDE A SECOND SHIP ON ANOTHER FACE older (30)... a hint of cynicism as he glances at his scanner. SKYLER Probably a Cylon patrol... ZAC Awful long way from home...Where's their base ship... SKYLER No base ship...Long range reconnaissance craft... Strange, I'm not picking up anything but static beyond those guys... INSERT Two blips on the front side of a steady field of static interference... ZAC Me too...I thought it was my scanner... SKYLER Could be a storm...The fleet will be coming right through it... We'd better go have a look...Kick in the turbos... INSIDE ZAC'S SHIP ZAC Skyler...the standing orders on conserving fuel specifically forbid use of turbos, except under battle conditions... SKYLER Kid...You're on the front lines now...anything goes... SKYLER pushes three buttons and shoves his foot to the floor. The resulting blast drives him back against the seat. SKYLER'S FIGHTER bursts ahead, rolling over and out across the sky. SOMEPLACE IN THE SKY AMONGST THE STARS ON A FLEET OF WARSHIPS Five flying battlestars...As we draw closer, the scale and enormity of the machines becomes increasingly impressive... CLOSER raking along the bridge level of one ship until we come to a name emblazoned on the side of the graceful machine.. ATLANTIA INSIDE A DINING CHAMBER one half of which looks out on the most spectacular sight ever witnessed by man...the universe...a giant starfield in all its majesty...In the center of the room is a long table at which the center of attention is a bearded man whose face glows with the warmth and wisdom of the ages. He raises a silver chalice and the twelve gentlemen around him, clad in Roman-like toga and tunic tops over tighter fitting pants and boots, come to rapt attention... OLD MAN Gentlemen...I know you are all anxious to return to your ships before our rendezvous with the Cylons, but I think it appropriate to toast the most significant event in the history of man...I'd like to raise my chalice to you... We study the study, dignified faces of twelve men, flanking the old man...six to a side...their features betraying substantive differences...They are red, black, yellow, white...indeed, every variation... PRESIDENT Not merely the quorum of the twelve, representing the twelve colonies of man, but my friends...and the greatest leaders ever assembled...As we approach the seventh millennium of time, the human race will at last know peace...Thanks to you... As the are about to salute, each with his own chalice, another voice is heard... BALTAR Inappropriate... Faces swing Baltar's way...startled by his impudence... BALTAR I say we lift our cups to he, who has for the first time, brought the dissident races of mankind together to speak as one before the Alliance...To President Adar and to peace... Even the humble attempt at quelling the voices cannot deny these men their measure of gratitude...the cups are raised and the Old Man joins in... PRESIDENT To long last... POINT OF VIEW FROM A COLONIAL FIGHTER PLANE COCKPIT of a large space vehicle looming up ahead, floating above a layer of clouds... SKYLER'S VOICE What is it... ZAC pulling back on the throttle, slowing...He puts the vehicle on the scanner and punches up a combination... ZAC Tell ya' in a flash... ON ZAC'S SCANNER On one side of the screen, we see the Cylon space vehicle. On the other side of the screen, we see a series of airship profile silhouettes racing by. Finally, an image stops. It is a match. A great deal of printing appears below the silhouettes in an unfamiliar text. ZAC Warbook says a Cylon tanker. Scanner reads it empty. SKYLER What's an empty tanker doing out here? ZAC And where's the other ship? SKYLER Screened off by this one. Wonder what they're hiding? ZAC I don't know, but it's awfully close to that storm. SKYLER We came to look... ZAC Be careful, Skyler. I have a funny feeling about this... SKYLER You're not old enough to have funny feelings! Besides while we're stuck out on patrol, Starbuck's pulled a couple of those Geminis' into a card game. I want to get back before he cleans them out. SKYLER'S SHIP begins to peel off to sweep around the freighter... ON ANOTHER BATTLESTAR IN THE FLEET its name... "Galactica" INSIDE A PILOTS' READY ROOM A Spartan, standby area for fighter pilots. Camera moves past a young man in flight clothes, sleeping...another reading...and as we come to the end of the room, a group stand behind one side of a circular card table, forming a gallery for a handsome young man called Starbuck, who eyes his round playing cards with wily skill. STARBUCK (with feigned ease) Just to keep the game instructive, and because you're new to it, I'll only wager... Starbuck pushes half of his square cubits of gold in front of him. The two men look, then whisper. A confident smile passes amongst the gallery. GEMON Despite the humbleness of this hand...for the honor of our home colony, Gemini, we must challenge you. The young man pushes forth a measure of golden cubits, equal to the pot. The gallery tenses. GEMON And for the glory of our colony, another equal measure. Gemon pushes out another pile, in effect, doubling the stakes. The gallery holds its collective breath. Starbuck feigns continued ease. STARBUCK Well, in the name of our home planet, Caprica, and for her everlasting glory, I'll measure your increase and double it. The gallery gulps as Starbuck pushes in his remaining cubits and turns to them. STARBUCK (sotto voice) Come on, come on, guys, up with the rest of it... BOOMER Could we speak with you for a moment. In private? (To the Geminis) Only be a flash, fellas... Boomer, a trim-looking black man; Jolly, a hefty hunk of a guy, and Greenbean, a stringbean of a flyer next to him, face the now-standing Starbuck and speak to him through clenched teeth and heated whispers. BOOMER Are you crazy...? STARBUCK (sotto voice) Weren't you listening? This is for the glory of Caprica. Doesn't that mean anything to you? The gallery stares at Starbuck blankly. STARBUCK Look, have I ever steered you guys wrong? The gallery continues to stare blankly. STARBUCK (sotto voice) All right...look at it this way. We'll double our money! They're trying to buy the pot. JOLLY (sotto voice) You told us these Geminis didn't understand the game. BOOMER (sotto) They caught on fast. Now, come on, or we lose everything we've got in that game. Reluctantly, the gallery comes up with an additional measure of gold cubits. Starbuck pushes them out onto the table and turns his cards over. BOOMER Beat that. The Gemmon smiles and places his cards on the table. Boomer and the gallery stare at the cards, stricken as the Gemon rakes in the golden cubits. IN THE PRESIDENTIAL DINING ROOM The men have adjourned their meeting and now cluster in twos and threes, chatting amicably. THE PRESIDENT grips the arm and hand of Baltar. PRESIDENT This armistice conference would not have been possible without your tireless work, Baltar. You have secured for yourself a place in the history books. Baltar smiles humbly. BALTAR That the Cylons chose me as their liaison to the quorum of the twelve was an act of providence, not skill. The old man notices Commander Adama standing alone at the huge window to space. The Commander is a strong man with sharp features and penetrating eyes...still a softness in his bearing. ON THE COMMANDER looking out, a troubled look on his face, as the President moves up behind him PRESIDENT I see the party isn't a huge success with all my children. ADAMA It's what awaits us out there that troubles me. PRESIDENT Surely, you don't cling to your suspicions about the Cylons. They asked for this armistice. They want peace. ADAMA Forgive me, Mr. President, but they hate humans with every fiber of their existence. We love freedom. We love independence. To feel, to question. To rebel against oppression. It's an alien way of existing they will never accept. PRESIDENT But they have. Through Baltar, they have sued for peace. ADAMA swings a sober look back to the President ADAMA Yes. Of course, you're right. POINT OF VIEW A tanker in space. Moving around it, we see a second tanker appear just above the cloud layer. SKYLER'S FIGHTER sweeps around and slows SKYLER There's the other ship tucked in nice and neat. Now what is she, and what's she doing? Skyler punches the buttons. HIS SCANNER refusing to read the ship. Figures and symbols appear in a hopeless jumble. SKYLER I can't read anything inside. She's jamming us. ZAC Warbook says she's a freighter. SKYLER My foot. If she's jamming us, she's hiding something. I'm going around her. ZAC (alarmed) That'll put you smack in the storm. If it's asteroids, it'll rip us apart. SKYLER Not us, kid. You stay put. I don't want it said that I taught my kid brother bad habits on his first patrol. SKYLER swings his ship over and head directly into the cloud cover. ZAC'S VOICE The jamming is knocking out my scanner. Where are you, Skyler? SKYLER SCANS THE HORIZON obscured by clouds racing past him. SKYLER Nothing but a harmless cloud cover. Not heavy at all. I don't see why they'd send up all that electronic... Skyler looks down. His face freezes. His eyes widen in disbelief... ZAC'S VOICE Skyler? What's going on? SKYLER'S POINT OF VIEW He has flown into the middle of a Cylon staging area. Wall to wall warships as far as the eye can see. We push in close to one of the ships... INSIDE THE CYLON ATTACK FIGHTER a triad of Cylon Centurians. Two helmeted pilots sit side-by-side, a third between them, slightly higher and back. Their helmets are tubular shaped with a narrow aperture where one might have expected eyes. In their stead, a fine beam of light sweeps back and forth, an ominous, ever-aware presence. The Cylon swings a look o.s. He points... ZAC'S SHIP with the Cylon ships in pursuit. ON THE LEAD CYLON FIGHTER racing ahead, firing ON SKYLER SKYLER They're jamming our transmission, kid. We've got to get back. It's an ambush, and they've got enough fire power to destroy the entire fleet. ON THE FLEET as a small shuttlecraft approaches the Galactica from the rear. POINT OF VIEW of the Galactica from the shuttlecraft to establish two large carrier deck areas tucked into pods on either side of the immense ship. We are dipping down and to the left to land in the left side of the vessel. ON COMMANDER ADAMA seated beside a beautiful young woman wearing military clothes, who makes preparations to land the shuttle vehicle. She suddenly reacts to something in her headset. ATHENA Something's wrong. ADAMA What is it? ATHENA I don't know. They just put the ship on alert. CLOSER POINT OF VIEW of the landing deck with large, strobing lights arrowing the way in and affording a final stopping point on the deck's surface within the bowels of the battlestar. As we draw closer...closer EXPLOSIONS ROCK THE STARFIELD as the colony fighters cream through space under attack from behind ON ZAC frightened as he takes a hit ZAC Skyler...they knocked out my port engine. SKYLER We're not going to make it giving them our backs. How many of 'em can you make out? ZAC Four... SKYLER They only sent four after us? That's insulting. ZAC I don't know, Skyler. I think they're doing awfully well... SKYLER Only because they're behind us. When I count three, hit your reverse thrusters and maximum breaking flaps. We'll give them a little surprise. One...two...three... They hit their reverse thrusters. A roar goes off... ON THE CYLON FIGHTERS as they scream past the colony warplanes INSIDE THE LEAD CYLON CRAFT the three pilots crane in confusion to figure out what happened. They look all around the sky. ON SKYLER as he narrows his eyes and puts his finger on a fire control button on his steering column. SKYLER Right here, you creepy, crawly creature... He squeezes the trigger... POINT OF VIEW - AHEAD as Skyler's torpedo lasers streak off into the Cylon ship dead ahead, disintegrating it in a mighty fireball. ON SKYLER SKYLER Yaa Hoooo.... ON ZAC swinging back and forth, lining up his target. He fires. THE CYLON SHIP disintegrates. Ahead of it, the remaining two Cylon fighters divide and veer off. ON SKYLER SKYLER Not bad for a little brother. You go after the guys on the right. The two fighters split, swinging off after the two Cylon fighters. ON THE BRIDGE Commander Adama enters. Colonel Tigh is watching the scanners intently. ADAMA What is it? TIGH Our patrol ran into trouble. We picked up some signals, but they're being jammed. ADAMA What kind of trouble? TIGH Can't tell yet. Could be pirates, smugglers, or... Their eyes meet. The Commander walks to the large observation point looking out on the starfield. ADAMA Get me the President. IN A READY ROOM - CLOSE ON A CARD HAND Starbuck sits down at the card table, a small grin appearing on his face. He pushes a large stack of cubits out into the center of the table. STARBUCK Ok, guys, one hand. Sudden death. The gentlemen from Gemini consider the odds and push an equal amount of cubits to the center of the table. GEMON Sudden death!! Starbuck flashes a fiendish, child-like grin and begins to deal the cards. ON THE FLIGHT BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA ADAMA Our patrol is under attack, Mr. President. We're not sure by whom. The President appears on a monitor. Baltar is beside him. ADAMA As a precautionary measure, I'd like to launch intercept fighters... Baltar leans into the President, whispering to him. The President nods. PRESIDENT Quite right, Baltar. Commander, as a precautionary measure, I insist upon restraint. If this turns out to be an encounter with some outlaw traffic, we could jeopardize the entire cause of peace by displaying fighters when we are so close to our rendezvous. ADAMA Mister President, two of my aircraft are under armed attack. PRESIDENT By forces unknown. You are not to launch until the situation is more clear. ADAMA Sir, may I at least urge you to bring the fleet to a state of alert? PRESIDENT I will consider it. Thank you, Commander. The screen goes black. TIGH He'll consider it? Has he lost his mind? ADAMA Colonel... The Colonel looks quickly around at the hushed bridge, quite embarrassed at his own outburst. TIGH I'm sorry, Commander, it's just that...well... ADAMA Yes, Colonel? What is it? TIGH The patrol is under the command of Captain Skyler. ADAMA Well, if I can't have confidence in my eldest son, who can I depend on? TIGH Zac is with him. His first patrol. This news weighs heavy on the Commander. ON ZAC as he fires and misses a Cylon fighter veering off and falling behind him. Suddenly, he is the target. ZAC Skyler... ON SKYLER as he looks off, sees the confrontation off to one side of him SKYLER Keep them interested just a little longer... ON ZAC as the sky is exploding all around him ZAC Believe me, they're interested. An explosion rocks Zac's plane. ZAC There goes another engine... ON SKYLER He zeros in on the Cylon plane from the side, swinging his ship to come at the Cylon's plane on a perpendicular intersecting course. SKYLER Steady...steady...just don't look this way, guys... IN THE CYLON PLANE as they continue to focus on Zac. Suddenly, the pilot closest to Skyler's side chances to swing his look out to the right. POINT OF VIEW - THE CYLON'S A colony fighter plane is coming right for him THE CYLON chatters frantically. The other two pilots turn to look. ON SKYLER'S PLANE as he fires torpedo lasers THE CYLON PLANE disintegrates SKYLER sighs with relief SKYLER The day those guys can outfight us without a ten-to-one margin... ON ZAC He is looking across the sky ZAC Skyler...better look at your scanner. SKYLER looks... THE SCANNER shows a solid wave of targets coming from somewhere in the distance. SKYLER But a thousand-to-one is hardly fair... ZAC What does it mean, Skyler? SKYLER It means there isn't going to be any peace. There may not be anything if we don't warn the fleet. ZAC You go, Skyler. I'm short two engines. I won't be able to keep up with you. SKYLER I can't leave you, Zac. ZAC You have to...and I'll be all right. If I put my foot in that turbo, I'll make it back ahead of them. Now go on. You've got to warn the fleet. A sober mood descends across Skyler's face. SKYLER You can fly with me any time, kid. Good luck. Skyler punches the buttons and the roar of the turbo thruster responds. ZAC Come on, baby, give me all you can. He pushes the stick forward and moves off at a much slower speed. ON THE FLIGHT BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA TIGH Still nothing from the fighters, sir. Their transmission is being deliberately jammed. If we don't launch... ADAMA We cannot launch when it has been expressly forbidden... (on everyone's tense look) This might, however, be an appropriate time to order a test of our battle stations drill... The bridge command smiles... ADAMA Sound the alert, Colonel!!! IN THE READY ROOM On a hand as it is turned over. All one color, all one symbol. A pyramid. STARBUCK You may never see another one, fellas... A perfect pyramid. ON GEMON as he turns to his associate in sullen disbelief. Suddenly A CLAXON blares loudly through the room. A book reader jumps up...a sleeper wakes up...He slaps it to the top of the remaining deck, scattering the cards. GEMON Unfortunate. We'll have to replay hand at later date. Duty calls. Gemon whips a battle helmet from the floor and scoops half the pot on the table into it, takes off, his compadre right behind him. STARBUCK Come back here, you little...Somebody stop him...! But all hands charge for the doors, grabbing helmets and flight kits. ON THE CATAPULT DECK A vacuum tube races along the ceiling of a long, narrow chamber in which countless fighter ships sit side by side in powerful launching cribs. As the vehicle within the overhead vacuum tube progresses down the flight line, pilots emerge from chutes leading from the overhead tube, then race on foot for their individual fighter craft. Ground teams are already on hand preparing the lethal-looking planes for immediate launch. STARBUCK emerges from his drop and runs to the cockpit of his plane. A member of the ground crew looks up from where he is hurriedly preparing the cockpit. CREWMAN What's going on? STARBUCK Nothing to worry about. Probably some kind of aerial salute for the President as they sign the armistice. The crewman kicks a switch and Starbuck's plane beings to whine, the pitch getting higher and higher. ON ZAC racing against time as his ship limps back toward safety A WALL OF CYLON FIGHTERS closing the gap. They begin to open fire. ZAC reacts to the explosions around him ON SKYLER racing in from space SKYLER'S POINT OF VIEW The flight deck of the Galactica as his fighter makes its approach ON THE BRIDGE TIGH A single fighter approaching, Commander. The Commander turns and moves to the scanner board where several operatives sit watch. OPERATIVE Sir, long range scanner picks up large number of craft moving this way at high speed. The Commander and Colonel exchange rapid glances and hurry to the scanner. ADAMA Get that pilot up here as soon as he lands. Get the President back on the codebox. ON THE PRESIDENT ON THE BRIDGE OF THE ATLANTIA PRESIDENT Yes, Commander? ADAMA Mister President, a wall of unidentified craft are closing towards the fleet. Baltar leans towards the President BALTAR Possibly a Cylon welcoming committee. ADAMA May I suggest that at the very least, we launch a welcoming committee of our own? BALTAR Mister President, there remain many hostile feelings amongst our Warriors. The likelihood of an unfortunate incident with all those pilots in the sky at once... PRESIDENT A good point, Baltar. Did you hear that, Commander? Adama is beside himself. ADAMA No, Mister President, I can't possibly have heard correctly. Did Count Baltar suggest we allow our forces to sit here totally defenseless? PRESIDENT Commander, we are on a peace mission. The first peace man has known in a thousand years. ON ZAC Explosions charge the sky around him. He takes another hit. He pales... ZAC Come on, baby, not much further... ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA ADAMA Mister President... He is interrupted by Colonel Tigh with a report. TIGH A lone ship is coming under attack from the main force approaching the fleet. ADAMA Did you hear that, Mister President. Your welcoming committee is firing at our patrol. PRESIDENT Firing at our patrol? How do you explain that, Baltar? He looks around. PRESIDENT Baltar! Baltar! But Baltar has left the bridge. ZAC'S POINT OF VIEW The fleet is not far away now. ZAC smiles ZAC We made it... ON THE CYLON FIGHTERS closing in on Zac, three to one. POINT OF VIEW TO ZAC as they line up on him for the kill ON ZAC ZAC Blue flight trouble. Request emergency approach. ON THE CYLON SHIPS as they fire ON ZAC'S SHIP as it explodes into infinity ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA Athena comes out horrified ON THE BRIDGE OF THE ATLANTIA PRESIDENT What was that? ON ADAMA ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA as he suffers the implications of the shattered patrol ship ADAMA That was my son, Mister President. ON THE CYLONS as they streak towards the fleet, opening fire ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA as countless Cylon fighters streak by, firing salvo after salvo. Commander Adama looks out at the starfield suddenly alive with fires and destruction, as a large battle wagon explodes beyond the Galactica. ADAMA Launch fighters. INSIDE THE BOWELS OF THE GALACTICA ON THE LAUNCHING DECK as claxon blares ON STARBUCK as a red light goes on on his dash. He lowers the canopy. The ground crewman steps back, signaling a control tower high above. As he runs for cover, there is a hiss of steam and a blast as the ship roars out of its crib. ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE GALACTICA as fighter after fighter begins to launch from the side of the huge ship, angling diagonally off into space and into the attack. ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA TIGH Fighters launched, Commander. ADAMA Have any of the other ships gotten planes off? TIGH No, sir. ADAMA Lord help us. ON THE LANDING DECK OF THE GALACTICA Skyler is climbing hurriedly out of his ship. ATHENA moves to him on the dead run ATHENA Skyler, thank heavens you're all right. She tried to crush into his arms. He is sympathetic, but stoic, and in a hurry to report. SKYLER I've got to go back for Zac. It's an ambush. They jammed our communicators. You tell Commander Adama there were no base ships. He'll understand what I'm saying. ATHENA Skyler... SKYLER Athena, just listen and tell Adama that it's more than just an attack. The Cylon base ships are missing. That means they're up to something diabolical. Now I've got to go back for Zac. As he turns to charge away ATHENA You don't have to go back. Skyler spins around. His tone is positive, but his expression is uncertain. SKYLER You mean he's all right! One of the other ships picked him up! Tears begin to roll down Athena's cheek. ATHENA No... Skyler sucks in his breath and stares at Athena emotionlessly, then turns away as she cries. SKYLER I guess I can give my report to Adama himself He turns to move off ATHENA Your report? Is that all you can say? Zac's dead. Skyler looks back SKYLER We'll probably all be dead soon. Skyler steels himself against the pain, turns and exits up the metal staircase. ON THE LANDING DECK On Skyler as he enters the bridge of the Galactica. Adama is quick to move to him and embrace him. Skyler tenses up. ADAMA You didn't have any choice. Skyler pulls away SKYLER There were no base ships, only attack craft. Maybe a thousand, hovering over Cimtar. The Colonel moves up TIGH A thousand? You must be mistaken, Captain. Fighters couldn't function this far from Cylon without base ships. They don't carry enough fuel. The Captain looks off thoughtfully SKYLER We picked up an empty tanker on our scanner. It's my guess the Cylons used it to refuel for the attack after flying to that point from wherever their base ships are. The Commander ponders that as the Colonel shakes his head skeptically TIGH Why operate that far from base ships when it isn't necessary. They would have been well out of our range at the old moon. A grim revelations descends across Adama's face ADAMA Unless it was more important that the base ships be someplace else. Get me the President. We read an ominous, foreboding look in Commander Adama's eyes ON THE CYLON BASE SHIPS Three large, circular aircraft hover in the sky above the planet Caprica IN THE LARGE CIRCULAR CHAMBER lighted by very subdued, indirect sources. A door opens on a side and two large, armored men move in wearing Cylon scanning helmets. They cross until they come to a pedestal in the center of the chamber. There, a creature sits with its back to us. The two men stop. CENTURIAN By your command. IMPERIOUS LEADER Speak. CENTURIAN All base ships are now in range to attack the Colonies. ON THE IMPERIOUS LEADER A truly inhuman form sitting amidst robes and peering at the two figures standing at attention through a multiplicity of eyes IMPERIOUS LEADER The final annihilation of the life form known as man. Let the attack begin. ON A CYLON BASE SHIP as large doors begin to open along the circular ship's entire perimeter ON A CYLON WARSHIP as it launches from the aperture, and next to it, another and another A WIDER ANGLE ON THE STARFIELD to include three of the base ships, each launching her attack ships ON THE BRIDGE OF THE ATLANTIA fires raging all around. The President looks on, horrified as Adama comes on a monitor ADAMA Mister President, I request permission to leave the fleet. I've reason to suspect our home planets may face imminent attack. The President takes these words like a death blow. He suddenly leans against a bridge wall. PRESIDENT No. Pray you're mistaken. How could I have been so completely wrong. I've led the entire human race to ruin. ADAMA You didn't lead us to this disaster, Mister President. But we were led. PRESIDENT Baltar? No, Commander. I don't believe it. I won't... With that, an explosion rips the command bridge open, engulfing it in flame ON ADAMA as the monitor reflects the inferno, then goes blank ADAMA Mister President! Mister President! All eyes swing from the monitor to the starfield, where the flagship can be seen cruising a thousand yards away, its bridge aflame, its flight deck alive with fires. Suddenly, the entire ship bursts apart, disintegrating into a thousand torches hurdling through space. For an instant, there is stunned silence on the bridge of the Galactica, then as other Cylon ships roar by, firing at the Galactica, Colonel Tigh moves up. TIGH Our long-range scanners have picked up Cylon base ships here, here and here, putting them well within range of the planets Virgon, Sagitara, and Commander Adama, Athena, and Colonel Tigh look on as technicians plot the course of the Galactica and enemy base ships on a large translucent starfield map ADAMA Yes, Caprica. The impact hits Athena ADAMA Helm, bring us around. We're withdrawing. Colonel, flank speed for home. ATHENA Father, what are you doing? SKYLER You can't leave our Warriors! ADAMA (reluctantly) We have to leave them to defend the fleet. Those with enough fuel left will catch up. ATHENA And what about the others? TIGH At the very least, let us transmit our intentions. Give them a chance to conserve what fuel they can. ADAMA No. If we have any advantage left, it's surprise. ATHENA Father, you're killing them! ADAMA Skyler! Skyler moves to Athena to quell her mounting emotion. ON STARBUCK in his ship STARBUCK Boomer... ON BOOMER BOOMER I see it. JOLLY Where's she going? GREENBEAN Hey, you guys, what's going on? The Galactica's pulling out! ON STARBUCK STARBUCK There's got to be a good reason. GREENBEAN Sure, it's dangerous around here. Heads up, Boomer, you've got a pair on your tail. JOLLY Pull up, Boomer. I'll try to get him off. Starbuck looks back at the departing battle wagon, Galactica STARBUCK (introspectively) There's got be a good reason... ON THE GALACTICA moving off away from the embattled colonial forces, most of the big ships in flames THE BRIDGE OFFICER calls out from the communications board BRIDGE OFFICER Electronic jamming has stopped SKYLER They're clearing the air for their electronic guidance systems. TIGH That means the attack is under way. BRIDGE OFFICER No, sir, we're picking up long-range video satellite signals. Everything looks perfectly normal at home. All eyes swing to multiple monitors above the communications board. ON THE MONITORS An aerial view of Caprica with its pyramid-oriented architecture... modern, strong. A beautiful day, as seen from various heights; from a single downtown area, to a city, to an entire sector of the planet... BRIDGE OFFICER We have ordinary broadcast transmission coming up on four TIGH Commander, perhaps...perhaps we're in time. Perhaps the Cylon attack on our fleet was a dissident faction, a small, anti-peace movement ON MONITOR FOUR a handsome young woman speaks to a camera from a garden spot, just in front of an all-glass building set within a shopping mall LYRA Just ordinary people going to and from work, behaving not as if this were the most significant day in all history, but rather as they would on any other day. So far, details of the armistice meetings going on at this very moment on the Star Kobol are not coming in as hoped for because of an unusual electrical storm blocking out all interstellar communication. However, as soon as available, you will see the first pictures of what has been described as the most significant event... A loud explosion from far away thumps through in the background. People all around Orin suddenly turn and look, pointing, staring, some beginning to shout. LYRA Excuse me, something happened. Perhaps some of you heard explosion of some kind... People are staring off in that direction. Let's see if we can... Lyra begins to move out across the garden, camera going with her... getting jostled by a growing crowd. CAMERA POINT OF VIEW sees a fireball rising from the horizon beyond the city. Suddenly, there is another... LYRA Oh, my God...a tremendous explosion...two of them... Are we getting it on camera? People are beginning to run in all directions... ON THE STREET WITH LYRA - LIVE Suddenly, a Cylon warship streaks across the sky, firing laser torpedoes. The buildings just beyond Lyra suddenly explode into fireballs, rocking the street and sending Lyra falling, crashing into the greenery. LYRA Ladies and's terrible...someone is bombing the city... BACK ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA Everyone on the bridge stares in shock at the visual and emotional impact of watching their homeland being destroyed. A bridge officer moves up with a report BRIDGE OFFICER Commander, the long-range scanners are picking up wave after wave of small ships heading towards all of the inner planets. Everyone on the bridge stares helplessly. BACK IN THE MALL on the surface of Caprice. Lyra reacts to a fighter swinging low over the city, firing in her direction. She looks all around for cover, is bumped and pushed, as people scramble in all directions. LYRA It's hopeless... People are dying all around me.. I see a small child...running for his...Look out! Lyra suddenly throws down her microphone...the camera being hand-held by an engineer, swings around on her as she streaks towards a small boy running with his dog from the path of a streaking attack fighter. Lyra dives, pushing the child out of the path of the laser blast which continues on up the street, devastating her camera crew. A second wave of fighters screams by, completing the destruction, sending columns and pillars of concrete crashing all around... ON THE RUBBLE as Lyra attempts to dig her way out, rising up with immediate concern for the small form concealed beneath her LYRA Don't try to move... The small boy pokes his head up, crying. Lyra comforts him, pulling him to her LYRA Everything's going to be all right... BOXEY Muffit. Where's Muffit? LYRA Who? BOXEY My daggit. My daggit. Where is he? LYRA Your daggit? Oh, I'm sure he's fine... Lyra swings her head around, looking. Suddenly, her eyes fix on something o.s. LYRA'S POINT OF VIEW A pillar lies broken amidst other fallen building material and, protruding from beneath the debris, a small dog lying motionless, not breathing. ON LYRA AND BOXEY Lyra turns Boxey around, screening him from seeing the animal. LYRA I think I saw him run this way. Let's go look. BOXEY I want Muffit! Is he all right? Lyra holds the boy close to her LYRA Sure...he's all right...everything is all right...everything is going to be just fine... She rocks the young lad in her arms, pondering the hollow lie that leaves her lips as she looks around the city which was proud and stately only minutes ago. BACK ON THE GALACTICA BRIDGE As the high level satellite pictures display the fire and aftermath of total and utter destruction of a planet. Commander Adama turns from the monitor in defeat. Athena appears almost comatose, in a dream state ATHENA First Zac, now this. They trusted us to protect them... Adama attempts to draw her to him. She pulls away. ATHENA How could you have let it happen... As she runs from the bridge, Adama looks to Skyler. He returns a stoic, emotionless gaze. SKYLER You had no choice. The two men momentarily share a common emotion, void of any satisfaction. ON ADAMA AND SKYLER Suddenly, both men are spared further agony by the excited intrusion of a voice. BRIDGE OFFICER Cylon base ships on long-range scanner...launching to all outer planets All eyes swing to the scanners, as pictures burst forth on all screens, each one displaying fighters sweeping in on bombing runs TIGH No hope, Commander... The Commander sinks with each devastating image from the colonies and turns to communications, a hint of desperation in his voice. ADAMA What about Sagitarias? Perhaps there's still time to save... BRIDGE OFFICER Sorry, Commander...the planet is in flames. The Commander pales, seems almost on the verge of collapse ADAMA Prepare my shuttle craft. The Colonel looks at the Commander, startled TIGH Shuttle craft? ADAMA I'm going down to the surface of Caprica. TIGH Commander, that's out of the question! If the Cylon scanners should pick you up... ADAMA You proceed to rendezvous with the survivors of the fleet. SKYLER I'll take you, Father, in my fighter. You're the last surviving member of the Council. If we run into a Cylon attack ship, at least you'll have a chance... TIGH As the man who'd have to fill your shoes, I insist on that, Commander. ADAMA Very well. Make preparations...and should I not return... The Commander and Colonel extend hands, clasping each others' wrists as they shake hands. SKYLER You will. ON THE GALACTICA as a single fighter roars from its launching crib and off across the starfield. On its departure, the Galactica banks and heads off to pursue its mission. ON THE GALACTICA BRIDGE STARBUCK'S VOICE (over intercom) Red leader trouble Colonel Tigh responds TIGH Surviving fighter ships rendezvousing, Commander! ATHENA We read you, Red leader. How can we assist you? ON STARBUCK IN HIS SHIP Sparks are flying all over the cockpit as a piece of instrument panel dangles from its mooring. Starbuck struggles to keep the wires apart and halt the dangerous electrical shorting, while at the same time maintaining his flight attitude. He looks out the window POINT OF VIEW - HIS PORTSIDE WING The short, stubby extension that sweeps out after blast-off and maintains this attitude through landing, is sweeping out and then back into the aircraft, intermittently. STARBUCK Battle damage. Power control circuits shot away.. Give me a systems analyst on the line ON ATHENA ATHENA I am on the line, Starbuck. What's your condition? STARBUCK This is no time from trainees, Athena. I'm in real trouble ATHENA You will be if you keep talking like that. What's your fuel? STARBUCK Dry. ATHENA All the check with me. Alpha circuit, close and alternating to left servo circuit Starbuck reaches into the sparking circuit board dangling from beneath his instrument panel. He closes off a circuit switch. STARBUCK Alpha circuit closed and alternating to left servo circuit. No response. My throttles are still full open. ATHENA Omega "C" circuit, closed and alternating to Servo support circuit. STARBUCK Alternating to Servo support circuit... Starbuck is perspiring now. The throttle does not respond. STARBUCK Does not respond... ATHENA too, is now beginning to perspire TIGH Bring him in full throttle. There's no choice. STARBUCK I heard him. Get everyone out of the way. I'm coming in hot...ready or not... BRIDGE OFFICER You're cleared to land... STARBUCK Roger. I hope you guys aren't counting off for neatness... BACK ON THE BRIDGE BRIDGE OFFICER He'll be coming in like a missile. TIGH Clear the flight deck for an emergency landing. ON STARBUCK IN HIS SHIP He starts sweating profusely POINT OF VIEW -STARBUCK'S The rapidly approaching flight deck, racing up closer, closer ON ATHENA as she charges out of the elevator in time to see a plane coming in. Suddenly, she is held back. DECK HAND Stay back...He could lose it. ON THE SHIP as it careens down the flight deck, turning sideways and crabbing towards the superstructure ATHENA breaks from the deck hand's grip and charges off as we hear a long screech, followed by a resounding crash from o.s. ON STARBUCK'S SHIP impaled on the side of a wall as steam and smoke flood the area. Across the hangar beyond the ship, small emergency vehicles race out of pockets in the walls and towards the ship. ATHENA is first to reach the ship as Starbuck flips back the canopy and jumps down the side of the ship. Athena reaches him, throwing her arms around him. ATHENA Starbuck, are you all right? STARBUCK For a guy who just had a whole fleet shot out from under him, I'm fine... The support team comes pulling up. STARBUCK Give her a good wash, fellas... Starbuck streaks towards the elevators ATHENA It's been horrible. STARBUCK Yeah? You should have seen how we spent our day. We managed to single- handedly keep the Cylons off your necks while you took off on a little cruise... They reach steps and begin to climb ATHENA Starbuck, don't you know what's happened? STARBUCK Sure, I know what happened. You should see this baby from the air when she slips off across the sky. Beautiful sight, unless she happens to be your base ship. ATHENA The colonies are gone, Starbuck...all of them. STARBUCK What are you talking about? Gone...what'd they do, pack up and sneak away like the Galactica? ON THE BRIDGE as Starbuck storms into the chamber where the mood is subdued and his entrance goes unnoticed BRIDGE OFFICER Ships are coming in on both decks, sir. The Colonel leaves the map area. TIGH What's the count? BRIDGE OFFICER Sixty-seven fighters in all, sir. Twenty-five of our own. TIGH How many battlestars? There is a pregnant pause. BRIDGE OFFICER None. TIGH What??? BRIDGE OFFICER We're the only surviving battlestar... TIGH My God... Make the pilots from the other ships as welcome as you can... STARBUCK Little late for that, Colonel... All eyes swing to Starbuck moving in with Athena a few steps behind him. STARBUCK It was a toss-up whether those guys would land or send in a belly full of torpedoes. Unfortunately, no one had any left. TIGH What's the meaning of this insubordination? ATHENA He doesn't know what happened, Colonel. I don't think any of them know. Suddenly, two more pilots are on the flight bridge STARBUCK Know what? That the old man turned and ran, leaving a dozen of our ships to run out of fuel? Boomer and Jolly come to a stop beside Starbuck. TIGH Put the transmissions we monitored back on the scanners, for our young patriots... STARBUCK If this is going to be a lecture on military protocol... SUDDENLY THE SCANNERS COME TO LIFE Four at a time, each displaying the attack bombing, the confusion, the devastation of the colonies SLOWLY PUSHING IN ON THE PILOTS' FACES as they are sobered and horrified by what they see CLOSE ON SKYLER as he stands on a hill. His fighter ship, a silent sentinel to his back. The glow of a myriad fires dance on his ashen face. POINT OF VIEW The flames from thousands of buildings burn far off in the distance. SKYLER turns as he hears what sounds like a mob approaching in the distance ON A DOZEN TORCHES FAR OFF DOWN THE HILL heading in the direction of the aircraft...voices shouting excitedly, desperately SKYLER turns and heads off, taking camera towards a family dwelling. Once a handsome structure laid out in half circles, now carved down the middle by some unseen evil. One half of the dwelling is charred remnants INSIDE THE DWELLING ON ADAMA He is illuminated across the darkened room by a rectangular candle with twelve wicks. He stands by a wall covered with photographs of himself, his two sons and a daughter. We recognize Athena, Skyler and a second son, Zac. A handsome woman is also pictured with the family and alone in several beautiful portraits taking her from a girl of seventeen to fifty years. Tears well up in Adama's eyes as he takes the oldest photo of his wife in hand ADAMA I'm sorry, Ila. I was never there when it mattered. Never. The tears begin to stream down his cheeks as the memories of a thousand lost moments and lost opportunities race through his mind. Suddenly, he turns to see Skyler standing across the room. ADAMA I didn't hear you come in. I was just gathering a few remembrances. You want this likeness of you and Zac? Skyler snaps back, his mood hardening against the hurt SKYLER No... (beat) Look, there are crowds coming. They probably saw our ship land... Adama stiffens ADAMA I'll be a few more minutes Skyler turns to leave, then seems to soften, turning back. SKYLER Maybe she wasn't here. Maybe... The Commander looks at Skyler with finality. ADAMA She was here... Skyler nods and slowly withdraws. OUTSIDE THE DWELLING - THE CITIZENS WITH TORCHES have approached to within fifty yards of the sleek fighter ship. Their voices are pitched and angular as they stride down the gentle incline towards Skyler, who moves out to meet them, warily gauging their hostile cries. SANDELL Where are they? Where're the rest of your fancy fliers? LOBE Where were you, lad, when they were killing everyone in sight? What were you doing, boy? As they close the gap to within a few feet of Skyler and seem bent on taking him apart, a woman's voice calls out LYRA Wait! For a moment, there is hesitation. The mob parts as Lyra steps forward, holding a small boy by the hand. LYRA Let him talk. She continues on out until she is face-to-face with Skyler. LYRA Before they do what they will with you, I'd like to know where you were. Where were all of you? We waited...we watched and prayed...but you never came... Skyler looks down at the small, innocent face looking up from beside Lyra, a child with dirt and confusion in his innocent eyes. SKYLER Most of us are dead. The crowd breaks into an undertone of awe... SKYLER The fleet is all but destroyed. The crowd breaks into cries of despair and anguish LYRA But you are here...where did you come from? SKYLER The battlestar Galactica LYRA Survived... SKYLER Yes... LYRA And what of the President and the Council of the Twelve...and the other colonies. Surely we can fight back. We have the will and at long last, after hundreds of years, we are united...all twelve colonies. They cannot possibly defeat our combined strength... A voice from offstage commands their attention ADAMA We became as one too late. The group is stunned to find so imperious a figure as one of the Council of the Twelve amongst them. LYRA Commander Adama... LYRA Miss Lyra. ADAMA Then it's true. We are defeated...doomed. Skyler and the Commander exchange looks. The little boy, Boxey, stares up at Skyler admiringly BOXEY Can I ride in your ship, Mister? Skyler bends down and picks him up. Skyler looks at the lad, then at Adama pointedly. SKYLER Fighter ships are no place for boys... LYRA They're going to have to be if our people are going to survive... Adama turns and walks off to the edge of the bluff overlooking the burning cities beyond. Lyra moves up behind him, beside Skyler who is carrying the young child. LYRA We are going to fight back...we can't simply give up. The Commander seems deep in thought as he looks out over the ruins. Then he turns and looks past Lyra and Skyler...past the boy ADAMA Yes, we are going to fight back. A cry of bravado goes up from the torch-bearing mob...cries of satisfaction, of frustration, of vented anger ADAMA But not here...not now...not in the colonies...not even in this star system. Let the word go forth to every man, woman and child who has survived this infamy. Tell them to set sail at once in every assorted vehicle that will carry them... SKYLER There isn't time to arrange provision, Father. The Cylons will be sending landing parties to eradicate the survivors. If we could send in our remaining fighters... ADAMA No. There are too many of them and too few of us. There is a time to fight, and a time to fight another day. SKYLER But there is no way to board the entire population on the Galactica. And we have no troop carriers, nothing that can make light speed. ADAMA We'll use what we do have. Every inner-galactic passenger liner, freighter, taxi...even inner colony buses...air taxis...anything that will carry our people into the stars... LYRA And when they have gathered in the stars...? ADAMA We will lead them...and protect them...until they are strong again... The group facing the Commander turn, exchanging curious looks. Either they are in the presence of a madman or a savior... A PLANET IN FLAMES with countless assorted vehicles rising from it, leaving it far behind SUPERIMPOSE THE TITLE EXODUS BACK TO ADAMA'S VOICE ADAMA'S VOICE And the word went forth to every outpost of human existence...and they came...The Aeries from Aeriana... ON ANOTHER DISSIMILAR PLANET with more ships rising into the stars ADAMA'S VOICE The Gemons from the planet Gemini... ON ANOTHER PLANET with multiple moons ADAMA'S VOICE The Virgos from Virgon...The Scorpios, the Picons...and the Sagitarians... ON THE RAG TAG FLEET assembling among the stars. As they move by camera, we see lettering of every description, color and text. A bulbous vessel, bearing the signet, "TRANS-STELLAR SPACE SERVICE" immense vehicle with the lettering "GEMINI FREIGHT"...a small space tram, "TAURON BUS LINES"... a long-range passenger liner with lettering and initials in a non-descript, unfamiliar text, dominated by three large symbols on its tail far as the eye could perceive, a fleet of vehicles of every assortment, size and shape... BACK TO ADAMA'S VOICE ADAMA'S VOICE In all, two hundred and twenty ships representing every colony, color and creed in the star system. The human race might have one more chance, but it would first have to survive the Alliance...the elements and the unknown dark and sinister threats that would lie ahead ON A CYLON BASE SHIP hovering over Caprica TWO CYLON WARSHIPS approach the Cylon mother ship INSIDE THE INNER CHAMBER a side door opens and two Cylon warriors cross towards the center pedestal with a human between them. He is Baltar. One of the two sentries beside Baltar speaks. SENTRY At your command. LEADER Welcome, Baltar. You have done well. Baltar looks as if he is about to attack the Leader...obviously an unwise move BALTAR I have done well...What have you done? What of our bargain? My colony was to be spared! LEADER The bargain was altered. BALTAR How can you change one side of a bargain? LEADER But there is no other side. You have missed the entire point of the war. Baltar's resolve, his anger, is replaced by a creeping concern that he has erred in his evaluation of the man before him. BALTAR I don't know what you mean. LEADER I mean, there could be no dominion over the species so long as man remained a power within the Universe. It was man or the Alliance. There could be no compromise. BALTAR But you have what you want...the threat no longer exists...I delivered my end of the bargain. My dominion was to be spared. LEADER There can be only one power... one authority...there must be no exceptions. BALTAR But I have no ambitions against you! LEADER Could you think me so foolish as to trust a man who would see his own race destroyed? BALTAR Not destroyed, subjugated...under me. LEADER There can be no survivors. So long as one human remains alive, the Alliance is threatened. BALTAR Surely you don't mean me? LEADER We thank you for your help, Baltar. Your time is at an end... The Leader nods and the two ominous sentries on either side of Baltar lift him from the floor, one on each arm, and begin to take him away. BALTAR can' still need me... ON THE LEADER LEADER Send the flight leader in. ON THE DOOR A sentry enters and stands aside as the flight leader enters. He moves directly to the center of the room. FLIGHT LEADER At your command... LEADER Report on the final assault on the human colonies. FLIGHT LEADER The ships all report similar circumstances. The initial attack was so effective, there were no survivors. LEADER (incredulously) No survivors!!! On any of the twelve colonies? FLIGHT LEADER That is correct, Imperious Leader. Slowly push into the Imperious Leader's knowing gaze... ON THE RAG TAG FLEET Countless ships of every description scattered across the sky behind the lone survivor of the Colonial Fleet. We slowly push into the lead vehicle and see its name "GALACTICA" IN A LARGE COUNCIL CHAMBER Commander Adama stands before a large, seated gathering, the starfield to his back ADAMA Long, long ago...whether thousand or millions of year is unimportant...our recorded history tells us that we descended from a mother civilization, a race that set out into the universe to establish colonies. Those of us here now represent every known surviving colony, save one. A sister world far out in the universe, only remembered to us through ancient writings. It is my intention to seek out that remaining colony, that last outpost of humanity in the universe. A civilization like our own, to ask their help in rebuilding...and perhaps, to warn them of an evil Alliance and their intention to eradicate all mankind. LIEUTENANT STARBUCK rises to his feet. All around him are other fighter pilots. ADAMA Lieutenant Starbuck, you have a question? STARBUCK Yes, sir. If we're talking about the same colony, I remember reading about it in ancient mythology. I don't think anybody even knows where it is, and if our own ship is any indication, we barely have enough fuel to get out of this galaxy. Starbuck sits as a surge of agreement sweeps through the room. ADAMA A very good point. It will be our plan to find a fuel source and extended provisions before we leave the star system. Colonel Tigh rises to his feet. TIGH Commander, I feel I speak for the vast majority when I say this is hardly a fleet of sturdy, well-equipped soldiers up to battling the universe. Most of these people barely got away with their lives. They're emotionally and physically unprepared for the kind of journey you propose. The crowd seems to agree as Skyler is now on his feet, as well. SKYLER And less than a third of the ships we're escorting can make light speed. It could take us generations to find this colony. ADAMA And we'll find it because we have no choice. If we stay in this star system, the Alliance will find us. We'll travel only as fast as our slowest ship. We'll be only as strong as our weakest brother. We are the only surviving battlestar, but the combined pilots that survived ours and the other ships are the best in all the universe. They are up to the task of protecting each and every one of you. LYRA rises to her feet. We recognize her as the newswoman from Caprica. LYRA Commander Adama...forgive the void in my education, but star mythology was never my best subject. This thirteenth colony... this other world...where is it? What is it called? Adama takes a long pause as he scans the audience, then turns to the starfield and gazes at it like a man searching the horizon for a glimpse of a sail beyond a sea. ADAMA I cannot tell you that I know precisely where it is...but it lies beyond this star system in a galaxy like our own. As for the planet's name... Adama looks back to the expectant throng... ADAMA It is called Earth. A long beat as excitement builds through the congregation. END OF HOUR ONE HOUR TWO FADE IN ON THE GALACTICA maneuvering ahead of the rag tag fleet IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM Adama stands before a translucent starmap, addressing a council of elders ADAMA Our course, while indirect and arduous, has successfully brought us to the outermost reaches of the star system without encountering Cylon patrols. If we can hold out for another eight or nine centons, we can reach the planet Carillon. Adama turns and moves back to face the main body ADAMA There, hopefully we can find fuel, water, and prepare fresh stores of food... ON ANTON ANTON Hopefully? My dear Commander, there is not one amongst us who is not grateful beyond words for your vision and resourcefulness in saving us all from certain death. Are we now to throw it all away... Anton rises ANTON As of this moment, we face a crisis no less lethal than the Cylon war machine. I would rather see my loved ones extinguished in the micron flash of a Cylon cannon than drift in fuelless vehicles while starvation, dehydration, and suffocation agonize us one by one. ADAMA Anton, it was hardly possible to adequately prepare ourselves for the journey we've had to undertake. We had to leave. We had no choice. Anton moves to the map. ANTON But we have a choice now. We can stop here on Borallus. We know that everything we need is, water, fuel... There are waves of approval throughout the room ADAMA And undoubtedly a Cylon task force. A murmur races through the room ADAMA It is the most logical place for us to stop. Precisely why I believe it would be fatal to do so. ANTON Possibly fatal. Is it not surely fatal to continue towards Carillon... Colonel Tigh rises TIGH Commander...the situation has reached crisis levels. Rations have already been cut by two-thirds. How much more can we conserve? ADAMA As much as we have to, to reach Carillon. It is our only hope. ANTON The Cylons will be looking even unto those far reaches. ADAMA There is a path here, through the Nova of Madagon. Not patrolled, and a savings of some two centons in reaching Carillon. A gasp is heard throughout the council as Adama points to a course through the starfield. ANTON Commander, while I may not be a military expert, even I know that the Cylons avoid patrolling that area by mining it to make passage impossible. ADAMA Not impossible. We will do it. We have no other choice. ON THE BODY OF ELDERS Their faces are grim ON A CYLON BASE SHIP hanging ominously in the sky INSIDE THE INNER CHAMBER two Cylon Centurians enter with Baltar between them. Baltar is a different man than the one who strode arrogantly before the Imperious one. ON THE IMPERIOUS LEADER CENTURIAN By your command... LEADER The people of Cylon wish to offer you an opportunity to serve, Baltar. Baltar searches for deception in the Leader's words, but he is too resigned to death to challenge the unexpected words. BALTAR To serve...? LEADER It appears that a small band of refugee humans eluded the Alliance... Baltar seems to stand a little taller BALTAR I tried to forewarn you... The Centurians hurl Baltar to the flood and hold staffs against the back of his head. LEADER I offer you life, and you question my judgment? Dangerous.... BALTAR raises his head slightly BALTAR Kill me... The Imperious Leader stares at Baltar. The Centurians waiting for a sign to kill him. LEADER Let him rise The Centurians remove their staffs. Baltar climbs to his feet. LEADER I sense a bargain... BALTAR We bargained before and it left me a dead man. This time I will have my reward before I serve you. LEADER The entire Alliance serves me. Why do I need you? BALTAR Why do you spare me? Because you fear man. You do not understand him. When your forces had taken and put the entire nation of Tucana into slavery, man was there to break the chains. When you chose to dominate the people of Gaelon, man was there to make the Galics strong, to help them seek their own destiny. The Cylon is content to serve. Man is born to lead. But I can succeed where you have failed. LEADER What is your bargain? BALTAR When I find the survivors of the colonies...they are mine. LEADER And how to you propose to protect this bargain? BALTAR There are those who will follow me...away from your influence...away from your interests... LEADER All the stars interest me... BALTAR You can have no reign on tyranny. There is room for all... LEADER You appear as a man, but you think like a Cylon. BALTAR The better to serve you, while serving myself. LEADER You will need Centurians. BALTAR Two will be adequate. LEADER Only two...?? Baltar looks from the Centurian on his left to the Centurian on his right BALTAR These two... LEADER Your arrogance will destroy you. BALTAR I would rather die by my own hand, than yours. LEADER So be it...they are yours... Baltar smiles, nods and turns... BALTAR Come along, boys... As Baltar moves off, the Centurians stand stoically awaiting instructions from the Imperious Leader LEADER Go with him...Serve me!! CENTURIAN By your order... They turn and move off as we close into a very troubled Imperious Leader ON THE RAG TAG FLEET sailing through the sky at a slow pace ON AN ANTIQUATED VEHICLE pushing in to establish the lettering on its side... COLONIAL MOVERS "WE MOVE ANYWHERE" INSIDE AN ENGINE AREA Skyler crawls out from an access area beneath some mechanical gear... is hands and face soiled as his Captain markings on his shoulders are the only indications of military rank. He turns to a tool kit to put away some instruments, taking us to an older man... JENSING I understand two other ships have already broken down... SKYLER And twenty-two have run out of fuel. Skyler closes his tool his and rises...looking grim JENSING It's serious? Skyler looks at the man whose face bears the emotional scars of too many recent disasters SKYLER Until we stop for materials or find minerals to make our own, I just can't repair it...and you'll never be able to keep up with the fleet like it is. JENSING But what will we do...? SKYLER We'll have to transfer everyone off of this ship to one of the others. How many people on board? A beautiful young lady enters LYRA Twenty-nine... Skyler turns and smiles SKYLER Well, a celebrity. I would have thought you could have pulled a little space on one of the plush passenger liners. LYRA I have no interest in pulling space. This ship was assigned to me. JENSING She's being charitable. We asked her if she'd come with us to see if she could help us with the little boy. SKYLER Little boy? LYRA You remember the child found in the bombing? The Jensings lived in the same module as Boxey's parents who were killed in the first wave... JENSING He doesn't sleep and he doesn't eat...even emergency rations. In fact, Lyra is the only one he'll even talk to. LYRA That's about all I can get him to do. He lost a little daggit which apparently meant everything to him. I thought you might help. SKYLER If he won't eat for you, I don't know what I can do. LYRA He seemed to spark a little when you picked him up on Caprica. I got the feeling you were good with children. SKYLER (introspectively) I grew up with a kid brother... IN A NARROW COMPANIONWAY off of which countless cubicles have been formed as living quarters in the hold of this cargo vessel. Skyler looks into the faces and lives of the refugees occupying the rooms which are open, partially open, and in a few cases, entirely curtained off with makeshift draperies. They arrive at a room which is draped shut. There is only a night light on inside. Skyler looks at Lyra. She gestures inside. Skyler reaches into his back pocket and withdraws his military cap with its scrambled eggs and insignia of the Colonial Warriors. He enters... INSIDE A TINY CUBICLE Spartan in its furnishings, the night light illuminates the face of a young boy, who lies staring at the ceiling...wide awake SKYLER Excuse me...I hope I'm not interrupting anything... Boxey's eyes widen SKYLER I'm in charge of finding young men to try out as future fighter pilots. Your name is Boxey, correct? BOXEY Uh-huh... Skyler nods and moves to the bed and crouches beside it SKYLER Good. I've been looking all over for you. You should have made contact with the Commander. You know we're very short on pilots... BOXEY I'm too little to be a pilot... SKYLER Oh sure, right now, but how long do you think it takes to become a full Colonial Warrior? BOXEY I don't know. SKYLER You have to start when you're very small, or you won't get these until you have gray hair. Boxey lifts his head to see what Skyler is pointing to on his shoulders. The young lad's eyes show their first glimmer of interest as they see Captain's emblems. SKYLER You like them? Then as quickly as the interest appeared, it vanishes and the youth withdraws to his pillow BOXEY I want Muffit... SKYLER Well, I don't know. There isn't much room for a daggit in a fighter plane. BOXEY He's gone. He ran away. SKYLER Oh? Well, maybe we can find one of Muffit's friends? BOXEY There are no daggits...I asked... Skyler steals a helpless look at Lyra, who looks back, both appreciatively and sympathetically. SKYLER Well, I'll tell you what... Skyler removes an emblem from his shoulder and places it on Boxey's night clothes SKYLER As Colonial Warrior First Level, you are entitled to the first daggit that comes along Skyler rises and starts out of the room, then hesitates at the door SKYLER But only on the condition that you get your rest, eat all of your primaries, and stop chasing girls. Good night, Officer... Skyler salutes and exits with Lyra. Behind them, Boxey steals a peek at the emblem on his pajamas. He clutches it in his hand and stares at the darkened ceiling as we move to see the far off look which windows the confused world of a six year old boy. IN THE CORRIDOR Skyler waits as Lyra moves up to him LYRA Thank you. I was right; you are good with kids. You and your brother must be very close. Skyler steps away SKYLER We were. LYRA I'm sorry! The war? SKYLER I suppose... LYRA Look, if you'd rather not involve yourself... SKYLER (interrupting) Don't be silly. What's a Warrior to do after he's lost the big one... win a few of the little ones... LYRA That's not a little one in their, Captain. You win that one, you've accomplished something. ON A LARGE SHIP WITH THREE GIANT PODS The livery ship. Three large circular compartments, connected by long, narrow metal corridors. Skyler walks with Starbuck down a corridor. STARBUCK I don't think I can help you, Skyler. Other than fixing the landing servos on this livery machine, the only thing I know about livestock, which includes daggits, is that they've run out of food to feed them. Let me show you... They have entered one of the large circular pods, taking us to a ring of animals all facing into a central feeding device. The animals are in pairs, each pair representing a different species. Starbuck leads Skyler to one of the stalls where we find two unicorns, one lying on its side. SKYLER How long has he been like that? STARBUCK He collapsed last night just after I was brought on board. You know unicorns are very monogamous. His lady's in foal. They think he's been letting her have his share of the food ration. If we could have stopped at Borallus... Skyler storms away SKYLER We couldn't stop. The Cylons would have been there...waiting... STARBUCK Well, when these animals are gone, they're gone. We'll just have to accept the fact that generations will grow up without ever having seen a unicorn... or a tagon...or a... SKYLER There wouldn't have been any generations of anything if we'd stopped. I would have made the same decision as my father. Starbuck moves after Skyler STARBUCK's just rough to have to watch them slip away, one at a time... SKYLER I'll tell you what's rough...We've got a little boy in the same condition. Are you sure no one brought any daggits along someplace in this whole fleet? STARBUCK No. We're both out of luck...I already checked. SKYLER Both out of luck! You checked for daggits? Why? STARBUCK Daggit racing... SKYLER What? STARBUCK What's one of the most awful things that can happen to people on a long voyage? SKYLER They die... STARBUCK Not that awful. I'm talking about things to do for excitement. Skyler's interest plunges into disgust SKYLER Fifty million Cylons chasing us all over the stars...our ships are falling apart...there's nothing to eat...and you're worried about excitement. STARBUCK Well, when you put it like that...Anyway, I got the idea before it began to look like we weren't going to make it at all... SKYLER We're going to make it...the animals, too. STARBUCK Tell him... Starbuck and Skyler have arrived at a droid whose front is open, exposing its workings. There are tools in front of the machine, suggesting that Starbuck has been working on it. STARBUCK How's it going this morning, Zeus? A slightly effete but benevolent voice responds ZEUS Not well... All species receiving inadequate food supplements to survive the voyage to the planet Carillon... STARBUCK You're wrong, Zeus. Commander Adama has just decided to take a chance through the Nova of Madagon. That'll cut two centons off of the journey... ZEUS The Nova of Madegon is mined by the Alliance. The percentile risk of successfully traversing the strait makes it statistically impossible. STARBUCK Is that right? ZEUS Yes, that's right. STARBUCK Thank you. ZEUS Thank you. STARBUCK Thank you. ZEUS Thank you Starbuck shakes his head STARBUCK Idiot... ZEUS I beg your pardon... Now it's Skyler's turn to react. His face lights up. He, too, has seen the light. SKYLER Starbuck...that's the answer...You've saved a life... STARBUCK What? SKYLER Never mind...Thanks...I owe you one... Skyler turns and hustles out. Starbuck looks after him STARBUCK's getting to everyone. All right, Zeus, now we have to reprogram some of your circuits for landing on a planet. Do you understand? ZEUS Why did you call me an idiot? STARBUCK Oh, for crying out loud... ON A STARFIELD so bright, it defies the unprotected eye to scan it ON TWO PILOTS IN THE BRIEFING ROOM Starbuck and Skyler viewing a monitor ADAMA The Nova of Madegon is not a Nova at all, but a starfield so bright your cockpits will be sealed to prevent blindness. You will navigate by scanner and sweep everything out of your path with turbolasers. Any questions? STARBUCK Yes, sir. Would this be an appropriate time for me to take my sick leave? A small, nervous laugh. Adama smiles the longest and seems to take his time answering the quip. ADAMA It would, but request denied. I didn't arrive at you two to lead us through without a great deal of anguish. If it will do any good, let me assure you that should you one will survive. Therefore, you have the advantage of controlling your own fate. The rest of us must sit in anticipation of your skill... Skyler rises SKYLER Or lack thereof... IN AN OUTER CORRIDOR Adama exits a room and is accosted by Athena. Adama does not stop ATHENA Father...I can't believe you're doing this! Why couldn't you have listened to the others. We should have stopped at Borallus. We wouldn't have to be taking this awful chance with their lives... Adama stops and looks at Athena. ADAMA Whose lives? ATHENA Starbuck's and Skyler's. A knowing look crosses Adama's face ADAMA You place Lieutenant Starbuck's name ahead of your brother's. Curious... She turns away ADAMA And here I'm supposed to be all-knowing ATHENA I didn't know myself until I heard he was going. It's all so hopeless...If they survive this... if any of us survive...What next... How long before we find Earth? ADAMA Perhaps never. ATHENA That's what I was thinking, Father. We could grow old waiting. I mean, we may never have the ADAMA To get married and have children and a home... ATHENA Yes... ADAMA Well, I think it's premature for you to be worrying about old age. I, on the other hand, ought to give a great deal of thought to this voyage...If it should go on and on... ATHENA But you have to lead them. You're all that's left. ADAMA No, you're left...and Skyler and Lieutenant Starbuck and Colonel Tigh and...well, so many more good people. That's why the journey is worth any sacrifice. There are so many people worth saving... and beginning again... Athena hugs her father ATHENA I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn before...I've never faced death before. ADAMA You faced senseless killing as you should have... with horror. That's the difference between humans and the Alliance. We don't waste life, we only risk it when there is no other in this case, where the very survival of the human race may ride on three young men... ON SKYLER in his cockpit SKYLER Ready... ON STARBUCK in his cockpit STARBUCK I'm not ready...But let's get it over with anyway... ADAMA ON THE BRIDGE ADAMA Launch... ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE GALACTICA'S LAUNCHING TUBES as two ships blast into space ON THE BRIDGE TIGH Nova starfield ahead, sir... Adama says a silent prayer ON TWO COLONIAL FIGHTERS sweeping through space and approaching a bright field of light INSIDE SKYLER'S COCKPIT SKYLER I may not be able to see anything, but it's sure getting hot. You picking up the field on your scanner? STARBUCK STARBUCK scanner's burning up... SKYLER'S VOICE I was afraid of that. It's too bright for the scanner... STARBUCK And a little too late to turn back, I'd say. What do we do? SKYLER'S VOICE Only one thing I can think of...hold positions and blast away... STARBUCK What if we miss a mine? SKYLER'S VOICE One of us will be the first to know it. Let's go. ON THE COLONIAL FIGHTERS as the two sleek ships angle through the brightly-lighted starfield firing everything they have ON THE MINEFIELD as mine after mine detonates ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA a tense crew watches the scanners. Suddenly, a cheer goes up TIGH It's working, Commander... They're clearing a path a hundred maxims wide. ATHENA Now that's precision flying! Starbuck really knows what he's doing. ON STARBUCK STARBUCK Are we hitting anything? I can't see a blessed thing. SKYLER Be hanged if I know...but it's cooling off...I believe we made it... STARBUCK Yaaaahooooooo... ON A PLANET suspended in space ADAMA'S VOICE The planet Carillon... IN THE ASSEMBLY ROOM from which the Planet Carillon is clearly visible through the window to space ADAMA Landing operations will begin at once. Adama turns to address the gathering of military officers ADAMA Our mineral scanners have located what we believe is the approximate site of the old mining expedition. Captain Skyler will lead a military sortie to the surface. SKYLER Will any civilian personnel be allowed to land? ADAMA Only those responsible for the farming operation. We will make exceptions only for extreme cases, medical or otherwise. IN A CORRIDOR ABOARD THE MOVING VAN Lyra moves along with Skyler LYRA Still won't eat...doesn't sleep. Commander Adama even granted permission for him to go down onto Carillon and help care for the livestock. It would do him a world of good. SKYLER I think I have something that'll interest him. IN A MAINTENANCE LABORATORY in which we find a row of droids staring at us. WIDEN to see Doctor Wilker leaving a bench at which a scope is connected to a droid and sending out pulses which make a hand function up and down. The o.s. sound of a door opening automatically brings the Doctor around. SKYLER, LYRA AND BOXEY enter. Doctor Wilker leaves his bench and walks up to greet them WILKER Ah, Captain Skyler. Right on time. We've been expecting you. Is this the young officer who's been put in charge of the new project? Skyler swings a look down to Boxey, who is now half-hiding behind him SKYLER Well, I haven't had time to fully discuss the project with him. It's our hope that he'll accept. Boxey pulls on Skyler's leg. Skyler looks down BOXEY (whispered) I want to go back to my cubicle. SKYLER Boxey, this is a military order. We have to at least hear the Doctor out. Tell us more about the project, Doctor. WILKER Well, as you know, we will soon be landing on various alien planets. It's important that we be safe. Ordinarily, we'd have trained daggits to stand watch at night when our Warriors are asleep in their encampments, but we don't have any daggits. So, we had to see what we could come up with. We'll call the first one, Muffit Two. Boxey looks up at Skyler BOXEY What'd he say? SKYLER I didn't really get it all, Doctor. Maybe you'd better show us. WILKER Right. Oh, Lanzer... A young man moves from the back of the lab holding something in his arms. It is large and friendly-looking. It has curly hair implanted all over it and as Lanzer puts it down on the ground, it begins to bark in a high-pitched, friendly tone and move towards Boxey. When it gets there, it stops. Its tongue comes out; it begins to pant, and its tail wags frantically from where it protrudes through a hole at the back of the droid's silver skin. WILKER Naturally, the first one will have to be looked after very carefully. Boxey stares at the small droid incredulously BOXEY That's not Muffit. It's not even a real daggit. WILKER No, but it can learn to be like a real one. It's very smart. If you would help us, he'll be even smarter. Boxey continues to stare at the daggit. The daggit, in turn, continues to pant BOXEY Stop that. The daggit stops panting and cocks its head quizzically BOXEY begins to show the hint of a smile. He turns and takes a step away from the small droid. The droid stares. Boxey moves a few more feet, then moves off down the corridor. The daggit rises and follows after him DOCTOR WILKER turns to Lyra and Skyler WILKER (sotto) We used the image of Boxey you gave us to train the droid to respond to him ON BOXEY as he stops at the end of the corridor and turns to look at the daggit. He opens his arms. The small droid moves forward, sits up on his hind legs and puts his paws on Boxey's small chest. Boxey turns his cheek against the small companion and smiles back up the corridor at Lyra and Skyler and the Doctor. It is love at first sight. ON SKYLER, LYRA AND WILKER SKYLER That's one I owe you, Doc... He smiles WILKER Any time... As he leaves, Lyra turns to Skyler with a warmth she hasn't felt since before the holocaust...when the world turned dark. LYRA That's one I owe you, Skyler. SKYLER Any time... ON THE SURFACE OF CARILLON Pushing in as we see colonial fighters streaking close over its surface STARBUCK Surface cleared to land... ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA ADAMA Proceed to land the livery ships ON THE SURFACE OF CARILLON as he livery ships soar by on their way to the surface INSIDE THE CYLON BASE SHIP IN THE INNER CHAMBER on the Imperious Leader LEADER It has been seven centons, and not one word of the humans. What have you to say, Baltar? Baltar stands before the Leader, confident and illusive BALTAR Their doom is imminent. LEADER You know where they are... BALTAR I know where they will be. Baltar smiles confidently and turns to leave LEADER I have not dismissed you. Baltar stops...looks back BALTAR You want them...Then I must go LEADER You know that when you have found them, you will yet have to deal with me for your arrogance. BALTAR Yes...but this time, I will be prepared. As Baltar turns and exits, we push in on the Imperious Leader, his hatred for Baltar growing with every centon. ON STARBUCK, BOOMER, SKYLER AND JOLLY standing on the surface of Carillon, their fighter ships in the background. It is not day; it is not night. An odd illumination from two moons gives the planet a midnight sun effect BOOMER I wonder what it's like in the daytime. SKYLER This is the daytime... STARBUCK Lovely. I can't imagine why it isn't overpopulated. SKYLER My scanner reads life forms beyond that hill. Either it's some high- energy-yielding substance or they left some kind of caretaker operation behind when they abandoned this place. Starbuck and Boomer, you take the shuttle and check it out. Jolly, you go to work on the livery detail with your squadron. I'll use mine to start checking out this area for signs of the old mine. Everybody sync your chronometers. I want a check in every four millicentons on the security frequency. Understood? Everyone nods and pressed their wrist chronometers which emit random, out-of-sync tones at odd intervals at first, then come into sync, so that in effect we hear a pattern of steady, rhythmic pulses. SKYLER Let's go. The men all turn and head off in varying directions. As they do, we pan and move into one of many formations in the area that look like the edge of a crater or giant ant hill or... REVERSE ANGLE To Starbuck and Boomer moving off, we are looking down the sights of a strange-looking weapon. Suddenly, a hand moves in and pushes the barrel down CLOSE ON TWO SMALL CREATURES They are insect-like, approximately five feet tall, large, bulbous eyes and four arms. Seetol turns and nods, taking camera to a third creature who also carries a weapon with two hands and turns to work a machine device with a third and fourth hand. A faint whine can be heard and the three creatures slowly begin to submerge down into the crater ON A SUBTERRANEAN PASSAGEWAY the pod appears in a cell-like opening. The three creatures step off. One remains at the elevator-like structure; the other two move off down the passage, which is alive with a pulsating golden light coming from the cell-like panels ON ANOTHER CELL-LIKE OPENING As the two creatures move up a passageway towards it. They arrive and we pan with them, taking camera to an immense chamber deep beneath the earth THE MINE is a giant, beehive-like structure with countless levels and honeycomb-like compartments. We ca see workers busily poking at walls and withdrawing ore, which is, in turn, placed in small vehicles which other workers are maneuvering throughout the multicorridored structure INSIDE A CHOSEN CHAMBER Very plush. A creature sits on a cushioned floor, surrounded by slaves serving all manners of personal needs, from playing a sitar and a bee's hum, pruning or manicuring two of the chosen creature's limbs, and providing some kind of smoking device for occasional puffs... SEETOL enters SEETOL They have come. The voice is that of a girl...soft and pleasant. The next voice is that of the Queen of the hive...deeper, just as soft, but infinitely more refined LOTAY Don't disturb them. It will only stir them up. They'll be perfectly harmless unless angered or frightened. Seetol nods, bows, and withdraws as Lotay draws on the strange pipe ON THE LIVERY SHIP sitting far in the background as animals are being led into the foreground ON SKYLER as he points out a meadow area bordered on all sides by short, rocky hills. Jensing looks on with several other farmer. SKYLER We'll use nitrogen injection in that area. It looks level enough that we won't have to bring down soil movers The ranchers nod and move off as Boomer and Jolly come running up JOLLY Captain, we aren't alone on this planet. You'd better come right away. Skyler gives Jolly a worried look and follows after him ON GREENBEAN with his sidearm in hand, his shaking hand extended in front of him with the weight and fate of his people dispersed on his nervous face. Skyler and Jolly charge up GREENBEAN No doubt about it, Captain. Someone's here besides up. Look at that... Skyler swings his look over to some rocks. He sees nothing at first, then looks down and sees a snarling face. It is Muffit Two SKYLER All right, Ensign, I'll handle it. Put up your weapon. Skyler moves forward as Greenbean and Jolly watch warily SKYLER Come on, boy. The robot dog prances out from behind the rocks, his tail wagging. Skyler bends down and pats the droid on the head SKYLER Where's Boxey? Go find Boxey. The droid takes off towards the livery ships SKYLER It's obvious you guys haven't boned up in your manual on dealing with natives on friendly planets. Skyler turns and moves off, leaving Greenbean and Jolly in confusion SOMEPLACE ELSE ON THE SURFACE OF CARILLON The shuttle can be seen resting far in the b.g. as Starbuck climbs over the rocky crest of a hill and looks down. His face suddenly reflects an awesome find STARBUCK Boomer... ON BOOMER climbing up to the crest over jagged rocks BOOMER Yeah...yeah...what is it now... STARBUCK (stunned) You aren't going to believe this, Boomer... Boomer nears the top BOOMER Feeling is believing... STARBUCK (dazzled) No, I mean really... Boomer reaches the crest and looks. His mouth falls open BOOMER I don't believe it... POINT OF VIEW - PARADEESE de FESTIVE' Far down a steep, rocky incline within the walls of a canyon, a carnival of color and lights and spherical glass set amidst greenery and pools of water, in a narrow valley of cliffs. People and creatures come and go amidst laughter and song. BOOMER AND STARBUCK exchange blank stares BOOMER What is it? Starbuck shakes his head dumbfounded STARBUCK I don't know. Starbuck rises up, drawing his sidearm, and carefully starts down the steep incline ACROSS A CLEARING AMIDST THE POOLS OF WATER AND GARDENS creatures and people move up and down the paths, laughing gaily. Beyond them, Starbuck and Boomer appear, still completely disoriented STARBUCK It sure is pretty...and it sure sounds friendly... A scream from o.s. They wheel around A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG WOMAN is staring at Starbuck and Boomer WOMAN Don't shoot!! What do you want? Starbuck embarrassingly looks at the weapon in his hand and quickly puts it away, smiling STARBUCK I mean no harm. You're from Taura... WOMAN Yes, I'm a Taurus. How'd you know that? STARBUCK The dialect...What is this...What are you doing here? WOMAN What am I doing here??? What are you doing here??? Why are Colonial Warriors sneaking around a resort with their weapons drawn? Everything is perfectly legal. Starbuck and Boomer exchange looks WOMAN Isn't it...? STARBUCK Would you mind telling us how you got here? WOMAN On the bus. Another exchange of looks between Starbuck and Boomer BOOMER Must've been sniffing plant vapors... STARBUCK Would you tell us about this bus? WOMAN It was all handled through my travel agent. This place is fabulous... I just can't believe they can give you all this for so little money... (she hurriedly starts to open her purse) Look, I won over a thousand cubits... Her purse burgeons with gold STARBUCK You won those WOMAN In there, sure...Look, they said it was all legal, so if it isn't, you'd better take on the whole star system because everyone is doing it. Look, I'm late. Talk about meeting people, they weren't kidding. We're going on a moonlight cruise. Two moons. How can you go wrong? She giggles and hurries off. Boomer looks after her BOOMER I don't get it. How cut off can they be. She didn't act like she'd even heard about the war. STARBUCK There's something even more peculiar. Why haven't we heard about this place? BOOMER I suppose you know every gambling den in our star system... Starbuck slowly turns to look at Boomer. Boomer nods. BOOMER You're right. If there's a game going on, you know about it. Starbuck turns and starts moving towards the lavish sphere. STARBUCK But this isn't back room cards! This is the biggest splash I've seen outside of Orion. Starbuck stops in his tracks and looks at Boomer as if seeing a light flashing STARBUCK Which colony did the mining exploration on this planet? The light begins to glow for Boomer BOOMER Orion... STARBUCK Count Baltar's private little empire. It was his engineers that reported back to the Colonies that mining on this planet was financially unfeasible BOOMER So he sets up a gambling resort. Why? Why put something like this together and keep it a secret? STARBUCK To avoid paying Colonial taxes...his share of the war... BOOMER Yeah, but if you don't tell anyone about a place like this, you don't do any business. STARBUCK Does this place look empty? BOOMER It just doesn't make any sense... STARBUCK It'll make sense when we ask the right questions... INSIDE THE GIANT SPHERE a circus of gambling games, attractive females, humanoid and extra- terrestrial. A lovely, feline-looking cocktail waitress moves up to Starbuck just inside the entrance. She is dressed very modestly, revealing little but the shape of four handsome breasts and a furry tail which removes a soiled glass from a chrome railing as she extends a tray to Starbuck. STARBUCK No...thank you. She moves off as Boomer moves up, his eyes on the waitress STARBUCK Did you see that tail... BOOMER Sure did... A scream goes up from a gaming table nearby. Starbuck and Boomer take a look. As they do, a cry of joy goes up a few feet away...and another further across the room... STARBUCK The odds must be incredible here. People are winning a fortune... BOOMER And they are obviously well fed. Let's get a hold of whoever's in charge and see about getting some food back to the fleet. STARBUCK Hold it...slow down...The last thing these people may want to find is a Battlestar sitting on their front door... BOOMER Then you think this set-up is illegal? STARBUCK It wasn't exactly listed in the Colonial Concordance of places to go...things to do... Boomer starts looking around a little more nervously BOOMER Then they may not be too happy to see us, either. STARBUCK I've never been in a crooked gambling den that didn't depend on military pay vouchers to keep their doors open. Suddenly, a pit boss is on them PIT BOSS Welcome, gentlemen. Is that an emblem of the Colonial Fleet that I see? STARBUCK is... PIT BOSS I didn't realize they were in the area. STARBUCK As a matter of fact, we're kind of here on our own. PIT BOSS Little out of the way, aren't you? BOOMER Secret mission. STARBUCK He likes to be dramatic. Just a reconnaissance flight...see that the armistice is being observed... The ensuing moment seems like an eternity to Boomer and Starbuck. Does the pit boss seem to be grinning at their naive lie, or is he being genuinely hospitable? PIT BOSS How worthy...and how fortunate to have you with us. Consider yourselves guests of the establishment. Food and drink are on the house. The pit boss smiles once again and moves off BOOMER Well, how do you feel now, sport? We have the run of the place while our people are starving to death, and it'll be at least two centons before we can raise crops. STARBUCK What did you expect me to do, ask the guy for twenty thousand quantums of food for a couple of straggler pilots on a reconnaissance flight? BOOMER Maybe we could kinda' confide in him... STARBUCK Boomer, until we know who these people are, just keep in mind it'll only take one informer to have the whole Cylon war machine on its way. BOOMER So what do we do? We've got to get fuel and food back to the ships. STARBUCK First thing we do is check in with the fleet and tell 'em what we've found. Meanwhile, I'll try to find out who's behind this place. How many cubits do you have with you? BOOMER Cubits!!! There are people back in our fleet half-starved and you're going to gamble? STARBUCK Boomer, this time it's in the line of duty. We've got to start asking some questions, but carefully, very carefully. Now go...check in... BOOMER All right, but you'd better make this last...that's all there is... Boomer drops three cubits into Starbuck's hand ON A HI-LO TABLE Three people are seated at what might be a space-age blackjack game. Starbuck heads for an open chair beside a woman, who, but for a few pounds, might be extremely attractive. The other two at the table are male, both approaching obesity STARBUCK This chair taken...? The girl eyes Starbuck appraisingly. She likes what she sees. LORNA Well!!! The fleet's in...Sit down... (She checks his shoulders for an insignia; looks impressed)'ve come to a lucky table. STARBUCK That right...? ON THE GAME Hi-Lo or 7/11 as it is known throughout the star system, is a game played with cards or electronic extensions of cards between any number of players and a dealer. The object of the game is to draw a hand as close as possible to either 7 or 11. It is the players' choice, a judgment the player makes after viewing his first card, or 'up' card... ON THE SHUTTLE CRAFT standing ominously still where Boomer and Starbuck left it on a volcanic rock plateau ON A ROCK FORMATION as Ovion faces begin to rise from concealment and move towards the ship IN FRONT OF THE PARADEESE de FESTIVE' Boomer ambles to a position of seclusion near some lush landscaping. He withdraws a pocket communicator and talks into it in hushed tones BOOMER Land probe to probe to Galactica... Come in... There is no response BOOMER Galactica...come in Galactica... Boomer taps the small hand device and holds it up to his ear. He can hear static, but no signal BOOMER Land probe to Galactica BACK UP ON THE VOLCANIC ROCK PLATEAU The Ovion leader raises his hand. A platoon of Ovion soldiers level their hand weapons on the silent ship. He drops his hand THE WEAPONS fire multiple bursts of flame THE SHUTTLE CRAFT erupts into a pyre that reaches high into the sky THE OVIONS turn and begin to back away THE SHUTTLE CRAFT explodes into a fireball which rises high into the night sky ON THE SURFACE OF CARILLON in another place THREE OVION FACES appear at ground level and continue to rise into frame. They stare off... POINT OF VIEW Boxey moving along with Muffit Two behind him. Suddenly, Muffit Two stops and looks towards camera and growls THE OVION CREATURES lower back beneath the ground BOXEY moves off towards Skyler. Muffit continues to start at the mound ON BOXEY as he moves up to Skyler who is scanning the area with an electronic probe BOXEY How soon before things begin to grow? SKYLER Morning. By the end of the day tomorrow, we'll have a whole crop of fresh food instead of comrations. Won't that taste better? BOXEY I'd rather go home. Why'd we have to leave? Why'd those people want to hurt us? SKYLER Oh, because there are and have always been living beings who cannot accept anything they don't understand...anything different BOXEY What do you mean, different? SKYLER Just about anything at all...the shape of your eyes, the number of limbs, the color of the outer layer of your skin...even thoughts and ideas. They just aren't equipped to deal with difference. BOXEY You mean they're stupid. SKYLER I guess by our standards. How can it be anything but stupid to kill what you don't understand? BOXEY Why don't we kill them back? SKYLER Then we'd be changing what we be like them. It's better for us to go someplace else. BOXEY What if they come after us? SKYLER We might have to defend ourselves. BOXEY You mean kill them. SKYLER Possibly. BOXEY Then we'd be like them. SKYLER Boxey, you're beginning to see how complicated life is. We don't believe in war, but the opposite of war isn't necessarily peace. What we want is freedom...the right to be left alone, but there's always the chance someone will come along and spoil everything. BOXEY So you kill them. SKYLER try to establish penalties. Something that makes spoiling someone else's way of life unrewarding. BOXEY You kill them. SKYLER Boxey, you have a way of reducing everything to very simple terms. I don't know...maybe you're the end we're talking about life and death. Life is precious. No one has the right to tamper with another's, without the risk of forfeiting their own. I think maybe we're getting a little deep for a boy your age. BOXEY Why? You can die at any age, can't you? SKYLER Yes, Boxey, you can...Where's Muffit? BOXEY Right here... Boxey turns to look. Muffit is not to be seen. Then from beyond the mound, we hear barking BOXEY There he is. SKYLER Better get him. If he wanders off, he could fall into an old mining probe and we'd never find him. And be careful...stay in plain view of the livery ships. BOXEY I will. As Boxey turns and moves off, Greenbean hurries up ON GREENBEAN GREENBEAN Captain, I think we've got problems. SKYLER You've found another droid... GREENBEAN No...we lost Jolly... Skyler gives Greenbean an impatient look SKYLER How could anybody lose Lieutenant Jolly...there's so much of him, he almost qualifies as a planet. Let's check it out. Skyler moves off with Greenbean ON BOXEY walking along amidst the mounds, scanning in all directions BOXEY Muffy...Muffy...Darn you daggit...Where are you... Suddenly, a hand appears on Boxey's shoulder. He spins around. He starts to scream. ON AN OVION As one hand reaches out to cove Boxey's mouth while two more hold his arms to his side. INSIDE THE OVION CHAMBERS Boxey is being led down a corridor by two Ovion creatures. He is both dismayed and frightened by the strange new world he has entered. Suddenly, he hears barking. He takes off on a dead run. BOXEY Muffy!!! AN OVION SOLDIER raises his weapon. The other stops him from using it. They start after Boxey. ON THE ENTRANCE TO THE CHOSEN CHAMBER Boxey charges up and through the legs of the Ovion guard as she attempts to stop him. The guard begins to pursue him. INSIDE THE CHOSEN CHAMBER Boxey charges in, sees Muffy standing beside Jolly, barking at the Chosen Leader. Her name is Lotay. As the Ovion guard is about to grab Boxey, Lotay raises a hand. LOTAY Leave him. Boxey crouches beside Muffy, holding him close. Muffy licks his face. Lotay scans the odd assemblage before her -- an obese flyer, a small child, and a peculiar-looking droid. LOTAY A curious group... (after a thought, a pleasant smile) But they will do nicely. Take them to a cell and prepare for the others as quickly as possible. Jolly edges over, grimly putting an arm around Boxey IN THE PARADEESE de FESTIVE' CASINO AT STARBUCK'S TABLE another cheer goes up as Starbuck rakes in more cubits STARBUCK Let 'em ride again. LORNA Hey, you're fine. Where've you been all week? Where're you from? No, let me guess, you're a Capricorn... STARBUCK What gave me away? LORNA Your tenacity...I mean you get what you want and you're aloof...All you people from Caprica are alike (she giggles) And also your insignia says your unit is from Caprica. STARBUCK How'd you find out about this place? LORNA A girlfriend at the office told me about three of her roomates coming here. They had such a good time, they stayed over...wrote us to come. It was too good a deal to pass up. STARBUCK What's a good deal? LORNA Five cubits round trip, all meals included for one centon. I don't know how they do it. The food is so good, I've gained ten pounds, and my girlfriend...if she doesn't stop eating, they'll never get her back off the planet. Starbuck looks around at the capacity crowd STARBUCK I guess they make it up on the gambling... LORNA Except that I'm ahead fifty cubits. Starbuck watches as the dealer punches up a card...A cheer from the table...Lorna giggles. LORNA You win again. Boomer returns with a serious look on his face BOOMER (sotto) We'd better talk. Starbuck reads Boomer's expression...rises STARBUCK Thanks for the company. LORNA (invitingly) Any time...hurry back. Boomer and Starbuck cross the casino into a lounge area from which music is pulsating STARBUCK Where are we going? I'm finding out all sorts of things, like the fact that these people are completely cut off rom ews of the outside world. BOOMER I'm not surprised. Be careful what you say, we're being watched. As Starbuck starts to look around STARBUCK Who by? Boomer slaps a hand on Sarbuck's back and grins broadly for effect BOOMER Right...Let's have a drink and listen to some music...loud music. IN THE LOUNGE A trio of female Tucanas are performing in what can best be described as a spaced-out Supremes style of music. Tucanas are unusual beings, in that while they are not totally unattractive in a feline sort of way, they do have two mouths, which in a woman can be devastating, unless they happen to be singers... STARBUCK AND BOOMER sit into a table combination for two and Starbuck is immediately taken by the group BOOMER They can't try to read our lips in here. STARBUCK The place is full of lips. Look, are you sure you aren't imagining things? This place is all right. Starbuck places a cubit in a slot on a small pedestal in the middle of the table. A cup drops down and amber begins to stream into it. He then places a large stack of cubits in front of him, to Boomer's amazement. BOOMER Where'd you get all those? STARBUCK Hi-lo. One thing this place isn't, is crooked. Would you listen to those girls? They're great. BOOMER Forget the girls. Talk to me. What else did you pick up at that table! Starbuck continues to stare at the girls STARBUCK Like what? BOOMER Like why they might need to watch us. STARBUCK Who? He follows Boomer's gaze TWO OVIONS standing by a dapery partition are looking towards Boomer and Starbuck. One turns and moves off STARBUCK AND BOOMER BOOMER Ovions. STARBUCK Who? BOOMER Ovions. They're all over the place. My section got a briefing on them from Intelligence. STARBUCK Where do they come from? BOOMER No one seems to kow much about them. They just started showing up on a few outposts, mostly as migratory workers STARBUCK Looks like they're well-equipped for that... BOOMER It's their politics that are in doubt. STARBUCK I don't see how that's too important any more. BOOMER Why not? STARBUCK How can we worry about subversion when we don't have a planet left to subvert? Hey, would you listen to those girls? They're incredible. ON THE GROUP The middle lady belts out a song in a fashion not dissimilar to Bette Midler. The two ladies flanking her belt out 'oo's' and 'ah's,' singing four-part harmony, with both mouths cranking out decibles of music while the lead singer only seems to be using one of her two orifices. The upper mouth is definitely doing all the work, but effectively...very effectively. STARBUCK is mesmerized STARBUCK We could make a fortune if we could put those girls on the star circuit. I mean big money, Boomer. BOOMER I don't believe you. Every creature in the universe is out to exterminate us, and you want to hire a vocal group. STARBUCK Have a little vision, will 'ya. The war can't last forever. Someday, it'll be over and what'll we be...antiquated, burned out fighter pilots. THE GIRLS go for their big finish. The two outside ladies hitting a sustaining chord only missing one element. We somehow feel it's forthcoming. THE MIDDLE LADY soars for a high note with her upper mouth and just as we reach the final few beats in the melodious piece, we see the lower mouth, silent for the entire song, open. We know it's coming...and it does...a low resounding bass note on the final beat of the song that breaks the glass in Starbuck's hand. The room breaks into tumultuous applause STARBUCK is flabbergasted. He rises STARBUCK I gotta' talk to them... Boomer pulls him back down BOOMER You aren't going to talk to anybody. We're here on a mission. STARBUCK And I'm doing everything I can to find out what's going on. What did the Commander tell you to do? BOOMER I couldn't reach the fleet. STARBUCK Why not? BOOMER We're in some kind of communication void. Probably the canyon walls. STARBUCK Well, hike up to the shuttle and call in (rising with some consternation) I'm telling you, we're sitting on top of a gold mine with these girls, and all you can see is danger behind every rock. BOOMER It's a Tylium mine we're suppose to find and... where're you going...? STARBUCK It doesn't matter where I'm going. You're going up to the shuttle to heck in. And the sooner you do, the sooner we'll be getting food and suppliess back to our ships. I'm telling you, these are nice people. You can tell Commander Adama I said so. As Starbuck moves off towards the casino, Boomer shakes his head worriedly, then moves off. OUTSIDE THE CASINO Boomer exits and starts away. Suddenly, he finds he isn't alone. Moving to one side of him through the shrubbery is an Ovion. To the other side, another Ovion. He stops, looks back. Guarding the door behind him, another Ovion. Boomer suddenly runs towards the rocks, a laser blast streaks out. Boomer dives for cover. His hand reaches down to his belt. He pushes an armature. As the Ovions slowly move up to him and level their weapons on him BOOMER Easy fellas...nice bugs... ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA Skyler appears on a monitor SKYLER First Sergeant Jolly...then the boy and his droid... Adama greets the news with every possible defense ADAMA The surface is covered with mining probes. They may have both fallen in some similar crevice. ON THE SURFACE OF CARILLON Skyler speaks into a scanner SKYLER Two disappearances possibu...but now our patrol beyond the ridge is centons overdue, and we've just picked up the Flight Sergeant's emergency beacon. ADAMA nods, concedint the weight of evidence ADAMA All right, Captain Skyler. Dispatch an immediate rescue mission beyond the ridge. SKYLER I'd like to command it myself. ADAMA No, you've vital where you are. SKYLER Commander, Starbuck and Boomer are the best we have. If they're in trouble... ADAMA Very well. Report in as soon as possible. Galacica out. Adama signs off and turns to Tigh ADAMA I don't like the feel of it. I think it's time for an on-site inspection. Prepare my shuttle and a squad of your best Warriors. TIGH Right away TWO COLONIAL WARRIORS streak over the edge of the mountain and across the sky IN SKYLER'S SHIP He is scanning the ground...searching SKYLER We'll follow the vector heading of the life signs Lieutenant Starbuck was checking out. Skyler galnces over to the next ship ON JOLLY as he nods his understanding ON SKYLER SKYLER Let's go down on the deck... ON SKYLER'S SHIP as he peels off and rakes down closer to the surface, followed immediately by the other ships, in flights of three. AT THE LIVERY SHIPS A cluster of Colonial Warriors are lined up in military formation ADAMA We'll divide into teams of two and criss-cross the area from the point Flight Sergeant Jolly disappeared. We don't have much time, so cover your quadrants as quickly as possible. All right... disperse... Suddenly, a woman's frantic voice calls out LYRA Commander... The men step out of formation to depart. Lyra rushes up to Adama LYRA Commander, the boy...Boxey...I just heard he's missing. May I join the search? I've grown very attached to that little waif. ADAMA This isn't easy terrain. LYRA I've been to places in the star system that make this look like a stellar lounge. ADAMA I'd be honored to have you aboard. She returns Adama's ingratiating smile ON SKYLER IN HIS FIGHTING SHIP as he soars along at tree-top level, scanning the ground SKYLER I don't know where Starbuck's shuttle is, but it's sure not on these coordinates GREEBEAN He must've decided to... Suddenly, Greenbean's mouth flies open GREENBEAN Captain!!! SKYLER already aware ofwhat Greenbean sees SKYLER I see it... GREENBEAN What is it? SKYLER I haven't got the slightest idea, but that's where Boomer's distress signal is coming from. GREENBEAN What do we do about it? SKLER Find a place to land and have a look. THE TWO FIGHTERS peel off in search of a landing spot ON THE SURFACE OF CARILLON Colonial Warrior criss-cross a segment of land which appears as a slightly angled plane of black, volcanic rock ON TWO WARRIORS as they move past camera, we pan back to see the ground open up to reveal to Ovion warriors moving up out of the ground IN ANOTHER AREA Greenbean and another Warrior move past camera. Once again, they are no more than a few feet away when two more Ovions appear behind them. ON ADAMA He stops with Lyra at his side to allow her to catch her breath. A cold wind chills them LYRA Getting very cold... ADAMA We won't be able to continue the search much longer. The temperature's dropping too fast Lyra looks off to one side LYRA That's odd. We seem to be the only ones on the summit. ADAMA Must've been moving a little faster than everyone else. I'll admit I'm worried. Lyra turns and moves back past a rock formation on this high plateau LYRA Commander, you'd better have a look. Adama turns and moves back around the rock formation POINT OF VIEW A long sweeping vista of black volcanic rock anglingdown to a small meadow where the livery ships stand ominously alone and still ADAMA turns back to Lyra LYRA They're all gone...we're alone. ADAMA quickly drwas his weapon ADAMA It's impossible. LYRA Commander, I'm frightened. What's going on? ADAMA I don't know, but let's... Adama half turs...his look freezes. Lyra turns and screams ON TWO OVIONS their weapons extended towards the two humans ON SKYLER AND GREENBEAN as they approach the burned-out remains of two Viper War ships. Both men have their weapons drawn as they move up cautiously GREENBEAN If Boomer and Starbuck were in those birds, sir... Skyler...looks down at his communicator. It continues to flash. SKYLER It would have been destroyed their distress beacon. No...Boomer's signal is still loud and clear. GREENBEAN What do we do? SKYLER You stand guard on the ships. We can't afford to lose two more. I'm going to follow Boomer's beacon. It seems to be coming from down there. Whatever it is... Skyler moves with Boomer to look down on the Casino de Festive' INSIDE THE OVION CHAMBERS Adama and Lyra are being escorted by guards. As they reach the main chamber, Adama and Lyra look around in amazement. LYRA What is it? MOVING POIINT OF VIEW The large main chamber where countless Ovion workers mine Tylium around the clock ADAMA It may be the largest underground Tylium mine in the star system LYRA To run our ships... ADAMA (ominously) To run somebody's ships They arrive at the Chosen Chamber. The guards stand aside. Adama and Lyra enter INSIDE THE CHOSEN CHAMBER Lotay looks up from her perch. LOTAY You are Commander Adama? ON ADAMA AND LYRA ADAMA I am... LOTAY Welcome to Carillon. You are impressed? ADAMA Outraged is more like it. Where are my men and the boy? As easy smile crosses Lotay's face LOTAY Would you care to join them? ADAMA You bet I would...and if anything's happened to any one of them, you'll answer to the Colonies. The Chosen Leader smiles non-committally and rises. We find that she is taller than the worker Ovions. She leads the way as the Ovion guard move in behind Adama and Lyra. IN A CORRIDOR LYRA (sotto) Did that smile mean she knows the Colonies don't exist? ADAMA (sotto) I don't know... They arrive at another entry. The Leader stands aside. LOTAY Enter... Adama and Lyra exchange wary looks and pass through the door. INSIDE THE GUEST CHAMBER Adama and Lyra stop in their tracks and stare incredulously POINT OF VIEW -- THE CHAMBER alive with music and entertainment...four-armed jugglers, dancing Ovions...and a banquet befitting kings with succulent victuals of every dimension, proportion and manner JOLLY JOLLY Commander!!! Everyone turns to look. Boxey jumps down from the knee of an Ovion workers and runs to Lyra. Jolly moves hurriedly, food in hand...a drumstick and an odd-looking piece of fruit JOLLY It's like nothing we could have dreamed of. They've got plenty of everything we need, and they want to share it. LYRA Sounds like paradise... Adama gazes around the room warily...a troubled look on his face. ADAMA Yes, it does... LOTAY We are a communal order from birth. We all work...We all share... There is no competition, no jealousy, no conflict...only peace and order. ADAMA Perpetual happiness. LOTAY Happiness is the goal of an immature order. All pursue it. Few have it. None can sustain it. The Ovion is content. It is better. Adama and Lyra exchange cautious looks LYRA It seems to work for you. LOTAY For millenniums it has been so. Now, join us... Be our well fed, well entertained... Be content. The Ovion Leader smiles that strange, bewildering look that suggests a private meaning. Adama can't help feeling it's more than a benign suggestion. IN THE CASINO ON TWO OVION SECURITY GUARDS watching Starbuck and looking anything but benign ON STARBUCK AT THE HI-LO TABLE A cheer arises from the gallery which by this time is substantial. They watch with vicarious fear as Starbuck presses his entire accumulations of cubits out on the wagering table. ON LORNA LORNA What're you going to do with all that money? STARBUCK Let it all ride... A small cheer from Lorna and the two obese gentlemen. As we pan off to the main door as a figure enters. SKYLER looks around incredulously. He hears a resounding cheer...looks... POINT OF VIEW A narrow aperture through the gallery reveals the image of a Colonial Warrior as the center of attention. THE DEALER seems to be looking for help. He is perspiring. DEALER I will have to see if they will remove the limit. The dealer signals o.s. as Skyler moves up and stares in utter disbelief at the pile of golden cubits in front of a cigar-smoking Starbuck. SKYLER Lieutenant, do you mind telling me what you're doing? Starbuck turns, somewhat startled and embarrassed STARBUCK Winning...I mean (he struggles to his feet, rising awkwardly from his stool) Sir... SKYLER What is this place? What's going on here... Starbuck turns to Lorna STARBUCK Uh, excuse me, dear...Watch my cubits? Starbuck hustles Skyler a few feet away to talk conspiratorially as a few yards away, the pit boss gestures in pantomime to the dealer. STARBUCK Oh, near as we can figure, this is a resort. These people are here from all over the star system. SKYLER That doesn't make any sense. This place is a desolate rock. STARBUCK Maybe...but everyone's having a great time. SKYLER Not everyone. STARBUCK Everyone that I've seen. SKYLER How long since you talked to Boomer? STARBUCK Boomer??? SKYLER Somebody blew up his ship...yours, too. STARBUCK Blew up our ships? Boomer went there to use the long-range communicator. If someone did something to Boomer... SKYLER He never reached the ship. His distress beacon is still working... that's what bothers me. STARBUCK It can't be working. I didn't pick it up. SKYLER I'm not picking it up now, either...but my flyover pointed right to where you're standing. STARBUCK Captain...Boomer isn't here...he left. SKYLER If he isn't in this building, he's under it. Skyler and Boomer exchange ominous looks as the pit boss moves up. PIT BOSS Sir, as a special courtesy to our Colonial Warrior guests, the limit has been removed. Starbuck looks at Skyler questioningly as a cheer of anticipation rises from the gallery. Skyler nods. SKYLER Go ahead, Lucky. Break the bank. I'd like to see what happens when you try to walk out of here with their money. Starbuck pales. STARBUCK Look...maybe we've learned all we can here... SKYLER go right ahead. I'll just look around for a bit... STARBUCK I'd feel better if you were watching my flank. SKYLER You were doing fine before I got here. Good luck. Skyler moves off, leaving Starbuck alone as Lorna moves to him and takes his arm and pulls him to the table. LORNA Come on, sport. You're going to bring the house down. STARBUCK That's what's worrying me. MOVING THROUGH THE CASINO WITH SKYLER as he edges past more games of chance as cheers rise from each table. Finally, Skyler reaches a bank of elevators. He notices a large group of rather obese people being escorted by Ovions into an elevator. Skyler moves up to join the group. An Ovion's hand bars the way. OVION You have a voucher? SKYLER I just wanted to browse. Where does this go? OVION It is the chamber of the Living End. You must have a voucher. SKYLER I hope it's a reducing salon. Looks like some of these boys have been having too good a time. Can I look around? OVION When you have a voucher. It comes at the end of your two week stay. The people have all entered the elevator car, and the Ovion who has been speaking with Skyler now steps back into the car himself. SKYLER Two week stay...Look, I don't plan on sticking... The door whisks closed in Skyler's face and whisks downward, out of sight. He finishes the statement to himself..."self"... and turns to head back through more cheering guests taking curious and troubled note of what he is seeing. Suddenly, he turns and heads towards the front doors at an easy gait. As he closes to them, he is aware that Ovion Guards are following his progress. AT THE FRONT DOORS Skyler pauses as he is about to start outside. Quickly, he looks back into the room. POINT OF VIEW One of the Ovions who has been tracking him has a transceiver in his hand and is talking into it. Finding himself caught by Skyler's gaze, he lowers the transceiver. SKYLER swings his look back out the door. POINT OF VIEW TO THE VEGETATION OUTSIDE Two shadows ducking back behind some shrubbery. SKYLER turns and moves back across the casino towards Starbuck. AT STARBUCK'S TABLE a cheer from the gallery as Starbuck's winnings mount. The game now watched closely by a pit boss and several guards, who begin to press in more closely. Skyler eyes them behind Starbuck warily. Lorna leans in, pawing Starbuck admiringly. LORNA You are the luckiest man I've ever... Suddenly, she stops in mid-sentence, her jaw hanging open as she sees Skyler slowly raising his sidearm from its holster to bring it directly to bear on the dealer's chest. A gasp from the crowd. STARBUCK What are you doing? SKYLER I'm going to see if I can put a hole through him. The dealer's eyes flare wide with alarm. In an instant, the head security guard is at Starbuck's side. HEAD SECURITY GUARD'll have to... As he starts to draw his weapon, he finds Starbuck's sidearm quickly in his side. Starbuck quickly moves an arm around the Ovion's head, turning him towards the other security guards moving up, transforming him into a shield. STARBUCK Let's keep our hands out where we can see 'em, fellas. All of them. Now, you mind telling me what we're doing, sir! THE APPROACHING SECURITY GUARDS stop in place and refrain from any movement towards their weapons SKYLER unflinching...his weapon leveled at the dealer HEAD SECURITY GUARD If I may ask...what seems to be your complaint? SKYLER This man is cheating my friend. STARBUCK What??? An incredulous remble moves through the gallery. Skyler is beginning to lose their support. Obviously, he's a military psychopath. HEAD SECURITY GUARD But he is winning. SKYLER No. He appears to be winning. The dealer is cheating. STARBUCK Ah, look, Skyler...Captain...I'm pretty good, you know... HEAD SECURITY GUARD Sir, if you doubt his good fortune, I suggest he pick up his cubits and leave. STARBUCK Sounds like a real good idea, Skyler! Why don't we just be on our way... SKYLER Not until somebody explains why he was letting him win. HEAD SECURITY GUARD Nothing could be more absurd... STARBUCK Does sound a bit odd. Look, maybe these fellas'd be willing to help us get to our ship if we just give back the winnings and forget the whole thing! SKYLER They don't mind winners, Starbuck. There isn't a loser in the house. They see to that. HEAD SECURITY GUARD A human weakness...momentous judgements on miniscule perspectives... As the people begin to grumble at Skyler's destroying heir party OBESE MAN #1 Look, fella, why don't you tell your friend to go back to his ship and sleep it off, huh? LORNA Right. You have something against people having a litle fun...winning a little money? STARBUCK Captain, come on. You're going to have everyone at our throats. SKYLER Just ask yourselves, have you seen a loser here? Doesn't that strike all of you as odd? OBESE MAN #2 What is it, boy? You worried about the taxes on our winnings? That why you're here, boy? You a tax collector? OBESE MAN #1 You come to close this place down, fella? The room is turning angry. Skyler raises his weapon. SKYLER He was letting you win. LORNA Why? SKYLER Maybe to keep you here, or content. I don't know. OBESE MAN #1 Put your weapon away, son, or I'm going to take it away from you. The man moves off his chair towards Skyler STARBUCK Captain, with all due respect... Skyler realizes the contrantation's quickly going to get out of hand. He starts to back away, his weapon in front of him. OBESE MAN #1 Maybe you can explain what you're doing here, boy. You come for a vacation, or for trouble? The people continue to move towards Starbuck and Skyler, the security guards amongst them, waiting for an opportuity. Starbuck and Skyler find themselves with the front doors cut off from them by the guards. SKYLER There's trouble, all right. The war with the Alliance is over. We lost. OBESE MAN #2 Lost! You poor fool. You've been on patrol too long. There's been an armistice. Didn't you hear? The crowd begins to laugh at Skyler OBESE MAN #1 Course they didn't tell 'im. Have to keep morale up. If they don't have a war, they don't have jobs. The laugh turns to jeers. The noise becomes deafening. Skyler edges towards the elevator. STARBUCK The front doors are that way... SKYLER So is their reception party. We've got to make a run for it, Starbuck. STARBUCK The minute we do, the Ovions'll start shooting. SKYLER The old duck and roll... STARBUCK Right... Starbuck quickly scans the area. He looks up... POINT OF VIEW an ornate chandelier high in the ceiling in front of the elevators. STARBUCK shifts the barrel of his sidearm upward and in one deft movement, sends a laser blast streaming from the ceiling and turns and ducks for an open elevator with Skyler right behind him. ON THE CEILING as the ornate chandelier is blasted out of its moorings and starts for the floor THE CROWD starts forward, then jumps back as the fixture crashes in front of the doorway, sending a pillar of debris and electrical shorting... END OF HOUR TWO HOUR THREE FADE IN ON ELEVATOR DOORS IN A SUBTERRANEAN PASSAGE They open, emitting a covey of Ovions who run from the car and stand looking off down two intersecting corridors which range off into complete blackness. The Ovions raise their sidearms and fire resounding laser blasts off into the black abyss. Quickly, aother team of Ovions move up in two land vehicles. Two Ovions climb on one vehicle, two more on the other, and the machines whine off in opposite directions. Momentarily, all is still. We pan back to the elevator car and find two pairs of legs descending from the top of the car. SKYLER AND STARBUCK drop to the floor and ease cautiously out into the passageway. STARBUCK On reconsidering...I believe there may be something to your suspicions about this place. Let's move. One of these tunnels must lead out of here. SKYLER They also lead to those fellas who were firing full charges at what they hoped was us. That isn't nice, Starbuck. STARBUCK I don't see how we have any choice, unless you're suggesting we go back the way we came in. You wouldn't suggest that, would you? O.S. a whine can be heard. Both men turn and look. STARBUCK I'm not real crazy about the sound of that... SKYLER I'm not, either. POINT OF VIEW an eerie light approaching from down the dark passageway SKYLER AND STARBUCK reach in unison...turn and scamper for the elevator car...raise their hands over their heads, jump, and pull themselves up out of sight. Panning back, we find a tram pullung up to a stop beside the elevator. From the front of the tram, three Ovions exit and move into the elevator car. FROM UP ABOVE THE CAR we find Skyler and Starbuck watching helplessly as the Ovions, conversing in high-pitched chatter. The car stops. They exit and move into the Casino, leaving Starbuck and Skyler trapped. STARBUCK This isn't turning out to be as much fun as I'd hoped. Now what? SKYLER Now we wait. STARBUCK What for? SKYLER For someone to take us back down STARBUCK I'm not too crazy about that idea, either. At least up here there are people we could talk to. SKYLER These people are no better off than we are. You saw that shuttle down there. I figure it just came back from taking a load of these people someplace. STARBUCK Where? SKYLER That's a good question. I've got a hunch the answer is the reason for this place's existence. ON THE GALACTICA hovering amongst the fleet above the planet Carillon. A space shuttle approaches from the rear. ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA Colonel Tigh receives a courier, reads the information, and looks up, troubled. TIGH I'm leaving the bridge. I'll be with Commander Adama if I'm needed. ON COMMANDER ADAMA IN HIS QUARTERS He sits at a desk dictating into a device ADAMA The Ovion people have extended to the survivors of the colonies every measure of goodness and support we might have hoped for. It is now possible to foresee the entire fleet able to resume our voage within a centon. CLOSE ON AN AUTOMATIC WRITING DEVICE A small, tube-like extension which focuses a small measure of light on a roll of paper. As the light moves by, lettering is placed silently and nearly on the paper. There is a knock at the door. ADAMA Come in. Colonel Tigh enters. Adama glances at him, ADAMA Nothing can be that bad. We've found supplies, adequate to carry our people far out of this star system. We couldn't have fallen on better fortune. TIGH No, sir. In fact, things are too good. Adama gives Tigh a curious look. ADAMA Too good? TIGH Most of our people are still on comrations. As tasty as I'd like to say they are, they just don't measure up to thestories coming back from the surface of Carillon. There's a lot of talk going around... ADAMA What kind of talk? TIGH That you're exceedig your authority by keeping people in the ships instead of allowing them some time on the planet. Adama rises in a state of shock. ADAMA Exceeding my authority! This is a voyage of survival. We could be under attack at any time. The crews on Carillon are down there to work, not party. TIGH Sir, all of our people have been through a debilitating shock. I'm sure some of them are getting a little of it our of their systems. ADAMA Just what is it you're telling me? I dispatched two of our elite squadrons to harvest food and obtain fuel for our survival. Now what's going on down there? Tigh says nothing, but his expression sends the Commander toward the door. ADAMA Prepare my shuttle ON THE FLIGHT DECK Adama exits an elevator and heads towards his shuttle. As he does, he sees a group of twelve men disembarking a second craft. They form a grim barrier as he moves up to them, sensing an uneasy confrontation. ADAMA Anton...Seth...and Seppy. So good to see you all. ANTON You appear to be leaving. Adama will need more than a smile. He knows this is not going to go well. ADAMA I have to go down to the surface of Carillon. ANTON (caustically) Of course! We understand! ADAMA I'm not sure that you do. ANTON Adama, we want to discuss an orderly rotation of all our people down to Carillon. ADAMA I don't think that's wise. SETH The Quorum does. ANTON Adama, we took the liberty of holding a council to elect new leadership. ADAMA I see. And what was the outcome? SETH Each of us here has been elected to represent out respective colonies. We are the new Quorum of the Twelve. ADAMA And have we a new President? ANTON Why, of course, Adama. You. The men applaud and backslap Adama with nervous affection. ADAMA Thank you. It will be my pleasure to serve you. However, I cannot permit... LOBE Adama, you have run a ship as big as a sun center. Some of our people are cramped up in cubicles no bigger than a cubit. ANTON And it may be a long time between stops. LOBE It's only fair our people share in the fruits of Carillon. ADAMA Anton, surely you understand that we are still at war. An Alliance has dedicated itself to our extinction. You must recognize a need for extraordinary measures. I cannot allow our people down on Carillon before inspecting the conditions and its possible risks. ANTON Of course. We all understand that, so why don't we accompany you and see for ourselves, shall we? Enthusiastically, they all start for the shuttle ship as Adama's expression turns grim. IN A DARK TUNNEL Ovions approach on a surface craft and enter the elevator pod STARBUCK We could have been far away from here by now. SKYLER They've got scanners and vehicles. They didn't expect us to stay around. STARBUCK Because they were under the impression we were intelligent beings. No offense... SKYLER As always, I'll involve your youth to save your aresford. This is the last place they'll be looking for us. Starbuck gestures to a long, tram-like vehicle parked in the tunnel STARBUCK Why not take that vehicle? SKYLER Because it looks like it moves slowly and makes a lot of noise. STARBUCK I'd still feel better than sitting here, waiting... for what! SKYLER For that vehicle to move? STARBUCK Where? SKYLER Where I think we want to go! STARBUCK Skyler, sir...would you mind sharing a few pieces of the magic puzzle. I mean, I've seen... SKYLER Well, I think I know how someone can run a casino that gives away money. STARBUCK What is it? SKYLER I'm not sure you want to hear it. STARBUCK Try me. SKYLER Suppose there's a very rich mine on this planet. STARBUCK Yeah... SKYLER I mean, it's rich if you have somebody to mine it. STARBUCK Which they don't. SKYLER What if they do? What if those Ovions are bringing in people from all over the star system to visit this wonderful casino resort where you can't lose... except in the end. STARBUCK Ahhh, Skyler, that's ugly. SKYLER Yes, it is...if they wind up as slave labor down in a Tylium mine. STARBUCK That's a long shot. Some of those people were so fat, they couldn't touch their shoes, let alone mine Tylium. That's hard work. SKYLER Doesn't take long to work off weight in a Tylium mine. STARBUCK You know something? SKYLER What? STARBUCK I felt better about those Ovions when I didn't understand them. SKYLER The next load of people they move out in that thing, probably in the morning...we're going to climb on and find out if I'm right. STARBUCK Uh...uh...on the chance that you are right, whichever way that thing goes, I go the other way. SKYLER I could order you to go with me. STARBUCK Are you ordering me? SKYLER No. It's liable to be a one-way trip. STARBUCK Right. SKYLER Helping to save humanity is going to have to be a personal decision, Starbuck. Goodnight. Skyler tucks his head down on top of the elevator and closes his eyes. Starbuck watches him for a long beat, then looks off with a totally disgusted look on his face. STARBUCK Ahhhhhh Feljurcreb!!! IN THE OVION BANQUET ROOMS continued merriment, laughter, food and drink. Only Boxey is moving about, looking worried. BOXEY Muffy...Muffy He can't seem to find the droid. He wanders towards the door where an Ovion guard stands watch. The guard is talking to a second guard in the corridor. He doesn't notice Boxey move off down the corridor. ON THE LARGE MINE The cavernous room from which the mining operation can be observed. LOTAY ...the largest Tylium mine in all the star system... Panning off, we find the Quorum of the Twelve being guided on a tour ANTON It's a testimony to communal order... LOTAY Thank you IN THE OVION LEADER'S PRIVATE CHAMBER They enter to find a large feast prepared for them on floor mats and pillows in the center of the room. On one side, gentle music is emitted from two stringed instruments in contrast to the rousing melodies indigenous to the more public dining area. ANTON This is too much to expect. LOTAY We have plenty. As many of your people who desire it are invited to be our guests. Anton turns to Adama ANTON Can you in good conscience deny our people such an invitation? ADAMA Well, perhaps a very carefully organized small rotation. SETH But I thought time was our greatest consideration. The more we bring here at once, the sooner we can be on our way. Adama turns to the Leader ADAMA May I ask how our request for Tylium is being received? LOTAY We have already prepared the first shipment for you, have we not? ADAMA Yes, we boarded it. However, I understand there is to be a delay in obtaining any more. LOTAY Unfortunately, we were not prepared for your request. Only two centons ago, we dispatched almost all that was on hand. What we gave you this day was what we were able to mine yesterday. We are industrious, Commander, but we are also small. Lotay smiles ingratiatingly. ANTON I think we press our luck, Commander. Let us not be rude in the face of such hospitality. LOTAY Please begin. Be our guests. Be well fed, well entertained. Be content. As the Ovion leader is about to step away, Adama brings her to a stop. ADAMA You aren't joining us? LOTAY (a vague smile crosses her face) No...I am afraid not. She simlply moves off. On her exit... ANTON Well, I don't think there can be any doubt as to our decision. It will take time to obtain the Tylium. We will give every person an opportunity to share in our bounty down here on Carillon. IN A CORRIDOR Lotay moves briskly along, escorted by four Ovion guards. They reach a chamber. Lotay stops, looks up and down the corridor, and enters alone. ON THE BACK OF AN EMPEROR'S CHAIR Lotay moves forward until she has come to a point just in front of the chair. She bows her head. LOTAY By your command... ON THE THRONE Baltar sits draped across the chair, a smug smile on his face. On either side of him are the two Cylon Centurians. BALTAR I see you're entertaining these days. LOTAY The Colonials have only allowed a few of their Warriors to land. BALTAR I knew your hospitality would be impossible to refuse. After all the experience you've had dining with humans... Baltar cannon resist laughing at his private joke. BALTAR And what of Commander Adama LOTAY A brief visit. He is with the fleet now. BALTAR I want him here! When he is in our grasp, we have won! ON BOXEY EXITING A DARK STAIRCASE INTO A FORBIDDEN CHAMBER filled with Ovion workers slaving in a mine shaft, lighted by eerie, subdued, pulsating light. Here the mood is not one of showcase industry, but rather of endless, mindless obedience to a cruel taskmaster. The Ovions dig at the walls with small utensils, some of them turning to steal glances at the small waif of a lad walking up their forbidden ocrridor. A high-pitched, insect-like chanting reverberates throughout the sub chambers. Suddenly, a high-pitched whine. AN OVION WORKER falls from a pinnacle, crashing to the ground not far from Boxey. Two sentry Ovions move efficiently up and remove the fallen worker, dragging the hapless form of to a pit where it is hurled out of sight. Having completed their task, one of the two sentries turns its attention to Boxey. The first sentry exchanges high-frequency communication with the second and the pair start towards Boxey. BOXEY isn't so young that he cannon sense imminent danger. He turns and runs. The Ovions continue towards him as Boxzey turns off ito another corridor. SOMEPLACE ELSE IN THE DEPTHS OF THE CHAMBERS -- ON MUFFY prancing along a deep, foreboding, dark corridor. Suddenly, a moaning sound brings him to a stop. He cocks his head to listen. The moaning continues. An anthem to human suffering. Muffy prances up a corridor darker than the one he was in. ON MUFFY AS HE STOPS AND LOOKS his ears and hairs suddenly stand on end A YELLOWISH WINDOW octangular in shape as it seals off an insect-like cell. Pressed against the plastic-like window, countless humans, intermingled with other interstellar beings, crammed, jammed, wedged together into a butcher's shop display case of living flesh. An obese human sees Muffy and claws at the window with desperation...tracking sweeps of blood where his fingers have cruelly yielded to the abrasive sealing glass. BOXEY'S VOICE Muffy...Muffy...Where are you? Muffy turns and barks, taking us to Boxey standing at the end of the corridor. He sees Muffy and runs to him, bending down to cuddle him close. Suddenly, he is aware of the strange moaning. His little face looks up from the furry droid in his arms and freezes in disbelief. He lets out an involuntary cry and jumps up and turns to run. He moves no more than a few feet when he collides into TWO OVION SENTRIES who look down on Boxey and Muffy with cruel, cold, programmed intent ON COLONEL TIGH AND ATHENA ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA TIGH But we can't shuttle everyone to the surface of Carillon...the fuel and the pilots... ATHENA (adding her voice) There'll be no one left to stand alert. COMMANDER ADAMA paces away from Athena and Tigh. He looks out the vast window to space with the ships of the fleet scattered across the sky above Carillon. ADAMA Have we heard from Captain Skyler yet? TIGH No, sir. He's been out of contact a full centon. ADAMA Does something feel very wrong to you, Colonel, of am I just hopelessly paranoid? TIGH I once read a book on tactical survival in an alien world. It said a little paranoia was good for you. Adama nods, heading out. ADAMA I'm familiar with that book. I wrote it. Prepare my shuttle. I'm returning to the surface. TIGH Commander, about your book. ADAMA Yes. I've prepared a set of orders to cover that contingency. In them, you will find my instructions for what to do to save the Galactica and her fold, should the unhappy need arise. Adama withdraws an envelope from his tunic and passes it to Tigh, who examines it carefully. TIGH You can't be serious. ADAMA Deadly serious. The two men exchange grim looks born of years of service together in the face of a ruthless enemy. ON TOP OF THE ELEVATOR WITHIN THE CASINO CORRIDOR Starbuck lies facing up into the darkness, his eyes open STARBUCK Skyler... SKYLER Mmmm... STARBUCK You awake? SKYLER Yeah... STARBUCK You hear something? SKYLER No... STARBUCK Sounded like a door opening above. SKYLER Must be almost morning by now. Could be another one of their health tours. STARBUCK You really intend to see where they go? SKYLER Uh-huh. STARBUCK Just like your father... Skyler seems to care about the conversation for the first time. His eyes shift over to the form sharing the claustrophobic space beside him. STARBUCK No offense meant. I guess I have a reputation for taking things kind of loose and easy. Doesn't mean I don't appreciate it whem someone sticks his neck out for me. You, I mean... SKYLER (embarrassed) I thought we were talking about my father. STARBUCK I a way...I mean...we wouldn't have survived if he hadn't done what he did...and what you did...what you had to do. That took a lot of courage, too. SKYLER This isn't courage, Starbuck; it's reflex. You know you're a complete Warrior when you find you can leave your own brother behind to die... STARBUCK To save how many more brothers? You can't feel responsible. SKYLER Starbuck, you're a naive young boy. Let me tell you what I feel... what's really bothering me. It's how long it's taking me to feel anything at all. Only now, two centons after he's gone, do I begin to start to want to cry. That's how programmed I've become. So which one of us is the lesser living creature? The one that's gone on or the one who is left behind and feels nothing? Starbuck finds he's opened up a floodgate he isn't equipped to handle STARBUCK I don't know... SKYLER Now you sound like a leader. I don't know, either. Suddenly, the elevator begins to move downwards. Both men freeze with cautious anxiety as the car stops. POINT OF VIEW The shuttle vehicle begins loading passengers in front of the elevator. They are all large, almost obeses creatures, some human, some not, but all in a condition to necessitate waddling aboard the bus. STARBUCK (sotto) Maybe it's going home time! SKYLER Uh-uh. I'm willing to bet it's the great big payoff to the free trip to Carillon. Oh, I forgot. You won't be around to see who wins. STARBUCK Well, now, if you want to make a wager out of it...I mean, a real man's wager... Starbuck looks at Skyler with growing significance SKYLER It could be the most important bet you've made, Starbuck. It could save a lot of people or it could cost you big... Starbuck looks at Skyler with affection STARBUCK It won't be the first time I rode everything I had on a long shot. SKYLER Thanks... ON THE TOUR TRAM as it moves out ON STARBUCK AND SKYLER as they drop off he top of the elevator onto the tram INSIDE THE OVION CHAMBERS The largest chamber. A tour is in progress, festive in mood, Seetol, the Ovion guard, pointing out the wonderful ways of their world. Amongst the gallery, Lyra and Athena. SEETOL system's largest Tylium mine, with a per annum capacity equal to the needs of the entire galaxy. ATHENA (sotto) I wonder why it is, then, thay they've only managed to ship us one token load? LYRA I've noticed another curious thing... (louder) May I ask a question? The group stops and turns to Lyra, as Seetol displays a public relations smile. SEETOL You are our guests. Of course. LYRA I am fasciated by the order of your society and I cannot help but be impressed by your industry...your complete dedication...I mean, one gets the feeling that these people work until they simply drop... SEETOL We know no other way... LYRA Well, what of family institutions? I somehow sense that something is missing. SEETOL We are very complete. LYRA What about males? SEETOL Males? LYRA Well, I don't mean to pry, but this is a female culture. Surely, there must be males someplace. Perhaps you keep them at home, where they belong... A laugh from a group dominated by males. SEETOL We don't keep them at all. LYRA I beg your pardon? SEETOL You are correct. Males have their place until they have served their purpose, and then they have no place in our society. As the implications become clearer, Lyra is torn between lividity and a gulp LYRA Well, there certainly are value systems in your order worth looking into... Another small, nervous laugh and Seetol leads the group on. Lyra and Athena quickly lean their heads together as they move on. ATHENA She didn't mean what it sounded like... LYRA Remind me not to ask any more questions until we're out of here. Suddenly, there is a commotion coming towards the tour group. FOUR OVION GUARDS are running up the corridon in pursuit. What they are pursuing is not clear at first, as the countless Ovion workers begin chattering their high-pitched network of communications which drowns out an equally high-pitched series of cries. Suddenly, it is clear ANOTHER ANGLE to reveal a small, barking droid racing along the corridor, desperately trying to avoid its pursuers LYRA is the first to recognize the situation LYRA Muffy... Muffy quickly stops in its tracks...looks...runs to Lyra and begins a frantic barking LYRA's me. Now what are you doing? Stop that. The Ovion guards rush up and begin to reach for Muffy, but he quickly takes asylum between Lyra's legs and the wall. LYRA It's all right...he's just a droid...I'll take care of him The Ovion begins to push Lyra out of the way LYRA Now stop that. I told you to leave him alone. What are you doing? Seetol quickly moves up and communicates to the lead guard in high- pitched chatterig. Seetol turns a frozen smile to Lyra SEETOL You will have to allow them to take the droid. LYRA I will not. He belongs to a little boy. The significance of this strike her. She turns to Seetol. LYRA The little boy...have they seen him? SEETOL No... LYRA How do you know? You haven't asked them. (She turns to the guard) A small child...he's always with the droid. Did you see him? The guard turns quickly to Seetol...says nothing SEETOL They did see a child. It might be better if you went with them, rather than delay the tour. ATHENA I'll go with her. SEETOL If you wish. The rest of the group must follow me. Seetol leads them off. As they depart, a sense of emptiness befalls Athena and Lyra LYRA Maybe you should stay with them. I don't like the feel of this. ATHENA At least I'm a trained Warrior. LYRA A little outnumbered, don't you think? ATHENA Well, we're only goig to look for a small child. Let's not let our imaginations run wild. LYRA Exactly. Well, gentlemen, after you... The Ovion guards gesture for them to lead off in another direction, exchanging quick personal looks. They start to lead, Muffy running along beside them. ON THE TOUR TRAM racing along its course ON ITS ROOF Starbuck and Skyler hanging on SKYLER You all right? STARBUCK Beat walking back...maybe. SKYLER One thing's bothering me. STARBUCK Now you tell me. What is it? SKYLER You notice those people getting on this thing... STARBUCK How could I help it? They must average three hundred pounds. SKYLER Something that girl said. They're all putting on inordinate weight. If you're importing people for slave labor, why bother letting them get fat? It's a waste of food. STARBUCK And why let 'em win money? It's a waste of time. A heave look crosses Starbuck's face SKYLER Starbuck... STARBUCK Yeah...? SKYLER Skip's too ugly... On Starbuck's worried face as the vehicle rolls off through the canyon towards its curious destination AN OVION CORRIDOR Athena and Lyra are being escorted up to a cell block. They begin to hear the eerie, dsiquieting moaning ATHENA What's that awful sound? LYRA I wouldn't ask, if I were you. Suddenly, Lyra turns and stops dead in her tracks, startled beyond belief. Athena screams... POINT OF VIEW The cell containing a crush of living beings packed together. Muffy beings to bark. The Ovions shove the two ladies ahead and past the cell window as we hear a small voice barely discernable BOXEY Muffy... They have reached another cell. Boxey stands at the window. The room is obviously identical to the one adjacent to it, save for Boxey. An aperture in the wall beside the window is opened. Muffy charges in and jumps up on Boxey. SEETOL Inside... LYRA Look...I have no intention... She does not finish the sentence. She is hurled into the aperture and catapulted into the glass room through some kind of vacuum device in the aperture. Athena begins to scream. It is lost in a hiss of steam as she is pushed into the aperture. SEETOL nods for the Ovion guards to close the aperture. As the nearest guard is about to do so, Muffy turns his head, looks, and streaks through the opening, out of the cell, between the legs of the guard, and up the corridor SEETOL (a high-pitched, frantic demand) The guards streak up the corridor in pursuit of Muffy IN ANOTHER OVION CHAMBER the tram has come to a stop inside a large, dark area. A row of Ovion guards, well-armed and moving in a most businesslike fashion, move up to form a rank just ooutside of the tram. A device is attached to the door of the tram, opening it with a hiss. The first of several hefty passengers step out into the room, gazing around in wonder and some consternation. SEETOL Please move quickly. Seetol gestures towards a moving ramp which disappears into a cell- like entrance. OBESE MAN #1 Look, fella, up 'til now, this has been a pretty nice trip, but that bus was as hot as anything I've ever been in... SEETOL Please move along... OBESE MAN #2 No, now you just hold on. We don't intend... Suddenly, two Ovion guards shove the two men onto the ramp, sending them flying unceremoniously into a heap. Behind them, the other Ovions pick up the signal and abandon all decorum and pretense, shoving the next people along with the barrels of their weapons. The women immediately begin to scream, as they find themselves hurled into the loading mechanism which carries the frightened, scrambling visitors through the wall towards the unknown... ON THE TOP OF THE TRAM Skyler and Starbuck stare in amazement at the spectacle SKYLER (sotto) The party's over... STARBUCK We gotta' do something... SKYLER There's an army of them...we've gotta' keep from getting caught... Skyler begins to edge back away from the side of the bus used for unloading. He peers over the edge... POINT OF VIEW Two Ovion guards...preoccupied CLOSER ON THE GUARDS chuckling in high-pitched frequencies over the way the living cargo is being unloaded. To their backs, Starbuck and Skyler slide off of the roof, down the side of the tram, and slip stealthily vack into the darkened recesses of the chamber. ON MUFFY racing through the corridor with Ovio guards chasing him ON THE MAIN MINING CHAMBER as Starbuck and Skyler step out of the shadows of a tributary corridor and gaze around the immense digging in amazement STARBUCK It's huge... SKYLER And this is just one level. You notice something else...? STARBUCK Ovions are doing the mining. SKYLER Right... STARBUCK Which means...? SKYLER It's awful, Starbuck. That casino is a feedlot. Starbuck contemplates what Skyler is saying STARBUCK Come on... SKYLER They're a race of cannibals. They're drawing in creatures from all over the star system, fattening them up with indulgences, then... STARBUCK I thought I'd run into just about everything... Now what do we do? We've got to tell the fleet about this place. SKYLER (onimously) They know about it. Look. ACROSS THE MINE a group of tourists from the fleet are being escorted GUIDE ...largest Tylium mine in the star system... STARBUCK What are they doing here? SKYLER Whatever it is, it look voluntary. Come on... Skyler steps out ito the light of the corridor and starts towards the tour STARBUCK Where are you going now? They're going to see... Seetol and two Ovion guards round the corner, almost colliding with Skyler and Starbuck. The guards raise their weapons. SKYLER Excuse us...we just got separated from our group. Skyler gracefully oushes the muzzle of the closest guard's weapon out of the way as he points after the tour just about to move out of the main room STARBUCK (to Seetol) We'd better hurry along or there's no telling where we'll end up... Skyler and Starbuck nerve their way past the Ovions who stare after them, not quite sure what to make of the situation. As Skyler and Starbuck rapidly approach the distant tour, their story beings to make visibile sense, and Seetol turns from the tour and continues on her way with the guards on either side of her. ON THE TOUR As Skyler and Starbuck catch up, stealing a look back over their shoulders. As the tour moves into an elevator... JENSING Where'd you boys come from? You've missed most of the tour. STARBUCK We've seen quite a lot, actually. IN THE ELEVATOR JENSING You're lucky you didn't miss the next stop. We're guests of honor at a banquet Skyler and Starbuck exchange knowing looks INSIDE THE EMPEROR'S ROOM Lotay kneels before Baltar, who is flanked by the two Centurians LOTAY A mere token force remains in the fleet of ships above Carillon, and Commander Adama is now our guest. BALTAR Where? LOTAY Where he will not be disturbed. BALTAR Excellent, Lotay. As to the Warriors, until we've disarmed them, I want as many of them relegated to a single chamber as possible. A Centurian steps forward. CENTURIAN By your command, Baltar. It is time to call in the Cylon war machine. Baltar thinks about it BALTAR Yes, you are right...but only on my terms. CENTURIAN And what are your terms? BALTAR An arangement I have worked out very carefully ON A CYLON HOME BASE somewhere in deep space INSIDE THE IMPERIOUS LEADER'S INNER CHAMBER a Centurian enters the large oom and crosses to the throne CENTURIAN By your command... IMPERIOUS LEADER Speak... CENTURIAN Baltar sends a demand for the Base Star stationed at Quasar 47 for immediate assault on the Human Fleet. IMPERIOUS LEADER I will send him ten Base Stars. CENTURIAN He will accept only one. IMPERIOUS LEADER Indeed...and what is this bargain that I must accept...? IN THE BANQUET ROOM The tour arrives with Starbuck and Skyler. Music and a general air of decadence, dissipation, the order of the day STARBUCK Would you look at this...they're having a party... Skyler moves to Anton, who appears to be slightly drunk. He laughs robustly, a golden goblet in one hand, a large fowl leg in the other SKYLER Count Anton...what's happened? Why are all these people here? Carillon was supposed to be a work stop. ANTON Ah, Commander Adama's elite corps. Of course you boys wanted all this to yourselves. Well, I'm afraid this is a democracy... SKYLER It's going to be a debacle if you don't get these people out of here. An Ovion servant seems to be taking an inordinate amount of time refilling the wine glasses around Anton. Skyler turns from him, placing an arm around Aton to lead him off. ANTON Lieutenant, in case you hadn't heard, you are draping yourself all over a member of the Quorum of the Twelve SKYLER Unless you want the shortest term in history, we'd better talk. ANTON I don't like your tone. STARBUCK You aren't going to like what we're going to tell you, either... Anton studies Starbuck's deliberate and penetrating gaze. He cannot dismiss this most celebrated young Warrior. ANTON Lieutenant Starbuck, I've never been particularly fond of your bravado escapades. This had better be important. They move off together. In their wake, the Ovion servant moves quickly off to speak to a guard at the door. The guard immediately departs. IN THE CORNER OF THE ROOM ANTON Now, then...what's this all about? SKYLER Starbuck and I just returned from a patrol. What we've seen convinces us that the Ovions will never allow a single human to leave here alive. ANTON You're not serious. What possible motive could they have for wanting us all dead? I suppose you're going to tell me they're part of the Cylon Alliance. SKYLER Worse... ON SKYLER AND STARBUCK FROM ACROSS THE ROOM As Skyler's lips blurt out the rest of the story, we can see Anton pale as the details are revealed IN THE EMPEROR'S ROOM Seetol confronts Baltar BALTAR Who are these two Warriors who are causing the disturbance? Describe them to me. ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA BRIDGE OFFICER The livery ships have returned to the fleet, sir, and we've all but completed boarding the food stores. TIGH Very good. What about Tylium? BRIDGE OFFICER Nothing. The Ovions are definitely stalling us on that. TIGH It's as if they wanted to keep us here as long as possible. Did you see Commander Adama? BRIDGE OFFICER No, sir. I didn't realize he'd gone down to the surface. TIGH That's odd... VOICE Sir, long-range scanners are picking up a large number of ships entering our vectors. TIGH How long will it take them to reach our coordinates? VOICE They're traveling very more than a milliton. TIGH Recall all personnel from the surface. Connect me with Commander Adama. IN AN OVION CORRIDOR Skyler moves hurriedly along with a large party from the banquet. As they appraoch another chamber, another group exits with Starbuck, and from across the corridor, a thrid group exits. The entire cluster moves increasingly faster up the corridor SKYLER Don't panic, people. Starbuck, hold them back. They're going to get hurt. But there is no containing them as they begin to hurry towards the elevators, pushing and shoving. ANTON Please, please, ladies and gentlemen. If we just keep together and don't push... But Anton is pushed down, submerged into a gaggle of humanity crushing towards the elevator. SKYLER to Starbuck caught up in the traffic SKYLER It's no use, Starbuck. Let 'em go. Let's round up all our pilots. CLOSE ON LOTAY IN THE EMPEROR'S ROOM LOTAY We have monitored the Colonial frequencies. The Warriors are being recalled. BALTAR Then they know. Seal the chambers at once. No one is to leave. LOTAY turns and exits hurriedly ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA Close on a scanner read-out, revealing he silhouette of a Cylon fighter BRIDGE OFFICER Scanner reads approaching ships as Cylon Class C. Three-man fighter/bombers designated TIGH Range... BRIDGE OFFICER Less than a micron Tigh pounds his fist in frustration TIGH Why haven't we heard anything from Adama? Tigh looks troubled IN THE OVION CHAMBERS people run in all directions. Screaming as laser shots blast the walls all around them ON STARBUCK firing at the Ovion guards ON THE GUARDS as several plummet off the walkways into the mineshaft in the center of the large room STARBUCK surrounded by people at the elevators STARBUCK Come on, come on...let's move... PILOT It's no use...the elevators aren't working. A fighter pilot runs up beside Starbuck PILOT #2 Starbuck, I found most of the guys from Red Squadron STARBUCK Well, where are they? PILOT #2 Sealed in a chamber and they've cut off the power to the doors Suddenly, a single cell, high up in a corridor comes to life, revealing an image of Baltar. The image is repeated in countless cells down the corridor and the voice seems to reverberate from throughout the entire complex BALTAR People of the Colonies...throw down your weapons... BALTAR in his Emperor's room, addressing a scanner BALTAR I offer you salvation. Surrender or perish. Your Commander has made his choice... Adama strains against the shackles that imprison him. ADAMA dare to walk amongst men... BALTAR My dear Adama, provincial to the end. I offer your people life. You have but a few microns to decide. Even I couldn't call off the Cylon destroyers -- once they reach your people huddled in those helpless, miserable ships. ADAMA What trahery have you in store for your race this time? BALTAR My dear man, treachery is a matter of perspective. It is the Cylons who wish us dead, not I. ADAMA How long have you been supporting their war machine by selling them Tylium? BALTAR If not from me, then some other source. They would not be denied. ADAMA Are you so much a fool that you believe you can trust them? BALTAR I am prepared to continue to offer them Tylium from the planet Carillon in return for your lives. If they reject my offer, I will destroy the planet. Not difficult, considering it's largely composed of the most combustable material known to man. ADAMA You expect me to accept slavery for our people... BALTAR You are not alone amongst my prisoners. Your daughter... Baltar looks off as Athena and Boxey are escorted by two Cylon guards. Athena runs from them into his arms ATHENA Father... Adama's hopes sink in response to the omnipoent threat BALTAR You must make the choice. Life...or death for her and the boy...and for your people. You haven't much time. If you have ot chosen to live by the time the Cylons reach you, I will let you die. All of you. ON THE CYLON WARRIORS as they streak ever closer ON STARBUCK AND SKYLER at one end of the tunnel barriers leading out, countless Colonials, men and women, surrounding the pair, pressing to escape STARBUCK Stay back... Starbuck raises his sidearm, directing it towards the door SKYLER Back, everyone... Starbuck fires. Sheets of fire streak for the door, erupting in explosive direct hits. Skyler runs forward and tries the door to no avail. It remains impenetrable SKYLER It's no good... Cries of anguish and dispair engulf the desperate humans as they realize they are hopelessly trapped. ON ADAMA ADAMA All right...we'll surrender ATHENA Adama directs a lethal tone at Athena ADAMA We have no choice (he turns to Baltar) What do you want me to do? BALTAR Communicate with your fleet to send the remaining Warriors to the surface. ADAMA Very well... ATHENA No, Father...I can't let you do it... ADAMA Athena, your mother's life, and Zac's...and how many millions more already crush me with their unholy weight. I cannot accept responsibilitiy for one more soul. (back to Baltar) I will do as you ask. ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA Adama's image appears on the scanner ADAMA Dispatch the last of our Warriors to the surface, Colonel... Tigh looks at Adama in dismay TIGH But, Commander, that will leave us without any defenses whatsoever. ADAMA Colonel, it is only for a matter of microns. We will rotate Blue and Green Squadrons back upon their arrival. TIGH But I really... ADAMA Colonel, that is an order. Adama out. ON ADAMA IN THE CYLON CHAMBER Athena cannout believe her ears. She breaks into tears. BALTAR breaks into a smile ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA Tigh paces uneasily away from the Bridge Officer who looks after him with anxious anticipation. Tigh opens an envelope and reads its contents. BRIDGE OFFICER At least the men will appreciate a chance to get in on the party down there... TIGH There ins't going to be any party, Ensign. Tell the squadrons to prepare for full battle attack. BRIDGE OFFICER But the Commander... TIGH Was merely giving me the code operative for these sealed orders. He passes them to the Bridge Officer, who reads them and pales BRIDGE OFFICER He can't mean it... TIGH He means it. We're to attack his position with everything we have. ON THE READY ROOM as the battle claxon sounds. Pilots jump to their feet and scurry out IN THE LAUNCHING BAYS as pilots and crewmen scramble for the standing ships ON THE LAUNCH TUBES as wave after wave of fighters streak out to their appointed target ON ADAMA AND BALTAR as a Centurian enters CENTURIAN Prisoners have been freed from their detention cells by two Colonial Warriors. Baltar turns quickly BALTAR Nothing they brought with them will penetrate the outer locks. We'll deal with our two heros later. First, we will need all of or forces on the surface to give our arriving Warriors a surprise reception. Baltar exits, leavig Adama and Athena alone with the Ovion Guards. ATHENA Two heroes...risking their lives to free the prisoners. It has to be Starbuck and Skyler... and for what? To be sold out? I don't believe it. I know you too well. Adama says nothing, his eyes shifting to the watchful Ovions IN THE TUNNELS Starbuck and Skyler lead their band of Colonials down a corridor. Suddenly, they stop as they reach an intersecting corridor and duck back. Momentarily a group of Ovion soldiers rush by. SKYLER Where are they going in such a hurry? STARBUCK To look for us... SKYLER Uh-uh. I gotta believe they know right where we are. STARBUCK What else could it be? IN THE AIR a squadron of Cylon Fighters approaching the surface of Carillon ON GREENBEAN IN HIS COCKPIT GREENBEAN Ready attack formatio. Lock and load weaponry. He pushes a series of buttons in his cockpit INSERT Lights turning red on several panels displaying weapon indicators ON THE SURFACE OF THE PLANET waves of Ovions leave the security of their subterranean chambers to take up positons of ambush in and among the rocky terrain ON BALTAR as he enters the cell where Athena and Adama are held captive BALTAR Your last defenses now approach out surface like lommons marching to their own demise. An unfitting end to the great Adama's reputed military genius. Adama says nothing as, on the surface... THE FIRST OF THE WARRIORS TO REACH THE LANDING AREA AND STREAK IN AS IF TO LAND but instead, deliver full thruster torpedos ON THE SURFACE as it erupts with resounding explosions, sending Ovions flying in all directions IN BALTAR'S DETENTION CELL He spins around in horror as he feels the earth tremble above him ON THE CEILING as it dances, its assorted fixtures crashing to the ground BALTAR swings his look back to Adama. Unbelieving shock fills his face BALTAR How? ADAMA I led my people into your hands once...not again... IN THE CORRIDORS on a door leading out as it is blown off of its moorigs by the outer explosions. Starbuck races up. STARBUCK Captain...this way...the seals are broken. ON SKYLER SKYLER All right, everyone! Let's go! ON THE CYLON FIGHTER FORMATION screaming across space ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA Tigh and an anxious crew watch the scanners BRIDGE OFFICER Cylon attack force closing fast... TIGH Stand by all defense batteries...Battle stations... As the claxon goes off TIGH How many pilots left on board? BRIDGE OFFICER Less than a squadron. TIGH They won't last a milliton, but they're all we have. IN THE READY ROOM A handful of pilots wait nervously. Their scramble claxon blares. PILOT #3 Come on...they're kidding. Where is everybody? Why aren't they back? A second pilot grimly tosses a helmet to the first. PILOT #4 Looks like we're it, kid. They exit. ON THE SURFACE OF CARILLON as Skyler and his men race through the confusion of smoke and flying debris ON THE OVIONS recovering and taking pursuit ON SKYLER'S PEOPLE as they streak for the shuttle ON GREENBEAN'S SHIP sweeping across the sky, turning THE OVIONS begin firing at Skyler's people GREENBEAN smiles as he sweeps around and takes aim ON GREENBEAN'S SHIP as it streaks down for the cannon run, all weapons firing ON THE OVIONS lost in erupting soil SKYLER AND HIS MEN resume their dash, streaking for their ships. One by one, they reach them. THE OVIONS rise up to take pursuit. This time, they are outgunned SKYLER'S SHIP faces the Ovions. He fires his cannon from the ship's standing position THE OVIONS haven't got a chance. The firepower overwhelms them. SKYLER Let's get out of here. He punches some combinations. His rocket engines roar to life ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA VOICE Thirty millitons and counting...Twenty-nine...twenty-eight... Tigh turns to Adama BRIDGE OFFICER I'm afraid there's no hope, COlonel...Six against a hundred... TIGH Order them out to engage the Cylons... BRIDGE OFFICER Launch fighters... ON THE GALACTICA as her six fighters blast out of their tubes into the sky ON THE CYLONS streaking in INSIDE THE CYLON CRAFT three Centurians CENTURIAN Six Colonial fighters approaching...engage and destroy... ON SKYLER'S SQUADRON Lifting up from Carillon JOLLY Captain...picking up fighters from the Galactica. They're under attack. ON SKYLER SKYLER Kick in your turbos, boys, and let's goooooooo...... Skyler punches up the combination...a mighty blast rocks the ship... ON SKYLER'S SHIP as it streaks off at flank speed, the other eight ships hard on his tail ON A MASS OF SURVIVORS as they scramble for the access. Lyra moving up. LYRA No sign of Commander Adama, Athena, the boy, or Boomer. STARBUCK We can't wait. We've got to get these people off the planet. Suddenly, Lyra reacts LYRA Do you hear that? A small droid dog is barking in the middle of the crush. STARBUCK Hear it...I feel it... Starbuck looks downo to find the small droid pulling on his leg STARBUCK What in the... The small droid releases Starbuck's leg and moves off, stopping to bark back at Starbuck. LYRA It's Muffit. He wants us to follow him. STARBUCK We don't have time. Someone has to get those people shuttled out of here. LYRA You go on ahead. I'm going to follow him. STARBUCK No --- you're not. LYRA Yes, I am. He knows where the boy is. He's programmed to protect him. Starbuck starts after Muffy. STARBUCK All right, I'll follow him. You get these people out of here. This had better be good, Pal... ON THE CYLON CENTURIANS as the Colonial fighers race ahead of them CENTURIAN Flight Zebet engage fighters...remaining flights continue on to destroy the fleet... ON THE CYLON FIGHTERS as they break off from the main body and begin firing on the approaching Colonial fighters TWO OF THE COLONIAL FIGHTERS explode into infinity on the first pass. The remaining four streak off and divide for a second encounter ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA BRIDGE OFFICER Fifteen microns...ten...nine... TIGH Sir, Blue Squadron approaching the fleet. All eyes swing to the large window to space BLUE SQUADRON sweeping up to meet the invading Cylons SKYLER Bandits at twelve o'clock, boys. Let's go get 'em... JOLLY scanning the horizon. The sky starts to explode with fireballs. GREENBEAN My favorite odds...impossible...Yaaahooo... ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA BRIDGE OFFICER Can they stop them? TIGH They can slow them down..until the others get here. ON THE SURFACE OF CARILLON people run frantically for the shuttle craft. Pilots, civiliains... all manner of survivors IN THE EMPEROR'S ROOM Baltar stands amidst his two Cylon Centurians, admiring the sounds of war, and the sights on his long-range scanners. BALTAR Adama, you have won the battle, but now you must lose the war. The Centurian raises his laser pistol, directing it at Adama and Athena. IN THE SUB CHAMBERS Muffy streaks around a corner, pulling away from Starbuck, who desperately attempts to catch up. STARBUCK Would you slow down a little? ON AN OVION GUARD moving hurriedly along a corridor. He spots Muffy...takes dead aim, and fires. MUFFY as the shot misses, but scares the little droid into doubling his speed STARBUCK stops and fires at the Ovion. The Ovion explodes, his many arms flying as the creature spills off the walkway into the deep mine shaft. Starbuck resumes his chase. INSIDE THE EMPEROR'S ROOM -- BALTAR BALTAR Remove her...and the others... The two Centurians begin to remove Athena, Boxey and Adama. Suddenly, the small droid charges into the chamber, barking. BOXEY Muffy!!! BALTAR Get him... As the Centurians start for the little droid, the droid wheels around and races back out the door, Baltar and the Centurians in pursuit. ON MUFFY as he races up the corridor ON BALTAR as he races out of the chamber, raises a sidearm and fires ON MUFFY as the blast ignites under him, sending him flying into the air STARBUCK is startled to see what's happened. He races towards Muffy. ON BALTAR He takes dead aim ADAMA lunges at Baltar, deflecting his shot ON STARBUCK as the blast from Baltar's laser destroys the wall beside him. Starbuck is jolted back into action. BALTAR raises his weapon at Adama and is suddenly blasted off his feet. The two Centurians raise weapons. ON STARBUCK as he fires into the Centurians, sending them flying into the pit ON ATHENA as she charges into the arms of Starbuck and begins to sob STARBUCK It's all's all right... ON BOXEY as he runs from the door to the crushed form of Muffy BOXEY Muffy... Starbuck turns to look BOXEY Muffy... As the boy starts to cry, Starbuck pulls him loose STARBUCK We have to leave him... BOXEY No... ADAMA Lieutenant, there are other prisoners up that corridor. We have to let them out. STARBUCK You go on ahead, sir. You're needed on the Galactica. We've got to go, son. This Tylium mine is on fire. It's like a giant bomb... BOXEY I won't leave Muffy. STARBUCK All right, tell you what. You take this pretty lady out to safety! I'll bring Muffy when I'm finished. Deal? BOXEY Deal! Boxey takes Athena's hand and leads her off as Starbuck picks up the limp form of Muffy. ADAMA Don't be long, Starbuck. It's going to blow up. STARBUCK I'll be all right. Starbuck races back up the corridor ON SKYLER in his cockpit SKYLER Look out on your wing, Jolly. ON JOLLY JOLLY Which one? They're coming in from all over the place. A blast rocks Jolly's ship SKYLER So are we... He turns and looks POINT OF VIEW - OF THE GALACTICA launching countless more ships THE FLIGHT DECK as countless pilots streak from the shuttles ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA Tigh is monitoring all the radio traffic - as Adama enters and gives him a grim look. The two men embrace. THE BRIDGE OFFICER suddenly turns, excited BRIDGE OFFICER Two more shuttles just reaching the Galactica, sir. The look of hope from everyone as: ADAMA I think the odds are turning in our favor now. ON A WALL OF FLAME as Starbuck stops and listens. He hears cries of anguish beyond the flames. He raises his hands over his face and charges through. ON THE WINDOWED CELL containing the mass of people from the Casino de Festive. Boomer's face is pressed agaisnt the front of the glass. He seems almost comatose. STARBUCK stops dead in his tracks as he sees the sight before him. He stares in disbelief as Boomer fails to respond. Starbuck moves to the locked entry beside the window and raises his laser gun, firing a blast into the lock. The door springs open and people flood out. Starbuck moves to Boomer's side. STARBUCK Boomer...Boomer... BOOMER looks up, sees Starbuck's face...and smiles BOOMER How much did you win? Boomer passes out. Starbuck picks him up and puts him over his shoulder and moves him off in the fireman's carry. OUTSIDE THE GALACTICA as more reinforcements scream into the sky ON A CYLON COCKPIT as they turn to see a Viper ship. It's the last thing they do see. ON THE CYLON FIGHTER as it explodes into smitherines ON THE GALACTICA FLIGHT DECK ADAMA Any word from the last of our people down on Carillon? TIGH Last shuttle just left the surface, sir. Adama braces himself hopefully. ADAMA I hope he made it. IN THE CATAPULT DECK as countless pilots scramble to their ships OUTSIDE THE GALACTICA FLIGHT DECK as three more ships fire off into space, rolling off into battle ON SKYLER firig ON A CYLON SHIP blowing up ON GREENBEAN firing ON A CYLON SHIP BLOWING UP ON A CYLON CENTURIAN CENTURIAN Return to base...return to base...all ships... But he does not finish the phrase as his ship explodes into a billion fragments SKYLER We've got 'em on the run, boys. Don't let 'em get away this time... ON THE CYLONS turning for home ON THE COLONIAL WARRIORS taking up pursuit ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA Tigh moves up tp Adama TIGH Word from the last shuttle, sir... (he breaks into a grin) Lieutenant Starbuck is aboard... ADAMA smiles ADAMA We're going to make it, Colonel. We're going to make it. ON THE SHUTTLE leaving the surface o Carillon...far below INSIDE THE SHUTTLE many of the survivors from the casino. At the controls, Starbuck. With him, Boomer and, oddly enough, panning back to the far corner, a female singing group with multiple eyes and mouths. BOOMER You didn't!!! STARBUCK (innocently) I couldn't very well leave them behind... Starbuck glances out the window ON CARILLON as it explodes into billions of tiny torches which quickly spin off through space and dissipate into blackness. ON THE BRIDGE OF THE GALACTICA TIGH Commander... Adama looks out into the starfield, nodding his comprehension... ADAMA I saw it. TIGH The final end of Count Baltar and his treachery Adama shakes his head grimly. ADAMA No...I'm afraid his treachery will haunt the human race for millenniums. But out of it, perhaps there will come some good. A place for us out there in the Universe where we can seek after man's potential for good, for peace, for love. A place for us with our brothers and sisters...on a planet called...Earth. ON THE FLEET as it moves by and we superimpose the legend: "THE BEGINNING" FADE OUT THE END ALIEN (project formerly titled STARBEAST) Story by Dan O'Bannon & Ronald Shusett Screenplay by Dan O'Bannon 1976 SYNOPSIS En route back to Earth from a far part of the galaxy, the crew of the starship SNARK intercepts a transmission in an alien language, originating from a nearby storm-shrouded planet. Mankind has waited centuries to contact another form of intelligent life in the universe -- they decide to land and investigate. Their search takes them to a wrecked alien spacecraft whose doors gape open -- it is dead and abandoned. Inside they find, among other strange things, the skeleton of one of the unearthly space travellers. Certain clues in the wrecked ship lead them across the hostile surface of the planet to a primitive stone pyramid, the only remnant of a vanished civilization. Beneath this pyramid they find an ancient tomb full of fantastic artifacts. Lying dormant in the tomb are centuries- old spores, which are triggered into life by the men's presence. A parasite emerges and fastens itself to one of the men's faces -- and cannot be removed. An examination by the ship's medical computer reveals that the creature has inserted a tube down his throat, which is depositing something inside him. Then it is discovered that the parasite's blood is a horribly corrosive acid which eats through metal -- they dare not kill it on the ship. Ultimately it is dislodged from its victim and ejected from the ship, and they blast off from the Hell-planet. However, before they can seal themselves into suspended animation for the long voyage home, a horrible little monster emerges from the victim's body -- it has been growing in him, deposited there by the parasite... and now it is loose on the ship. A series of ghastly adventures follow. They trap it in an air shaft and a man has to crawl down the shaft with a flamethrower -- it tears a man's head off and runs away with his body -- a man is crushed in the air lock door and the ship loses most of its air in a terrific windstorm -- another man is burned to death and then eaten by the creature -- and another is woven into a cocoon as part of the alien's bizarre life cycle. Finally there is only one man left alive, alone on the ship with the creature, and only six hours till his air runs out; which leads to a climax of horrifying, explosive jeopardy, the outcome of which determines who will reach Earth alive -- man or alien. CAST OF CHARACTERS CHAZ STANDARD, Captain.................A leader and a politician. Believes that any action is better than no action. MARTIN ROBY, Executive Officer.......Cautious but intelligent -- a survivor. DELL BROUSSARD, Navigator...............Adventurer; brash glory-hound. SANDY MELKONIS, Communications..........Tech Intellectual; a romantic. CLEAVE HUNTER, Mining Engineer.........High-strung; came along to make his fortune. JAY FAUST, Engine Tech.............A worker. Unimaginative. The crew is unisex and all parts are interchangeable for men or women. IMAGE -- starmap.jpg FADE IN: EXTREME CLOSEUPS OF FLICKERING INSTRUMENT PANELS. Readouts and digital displays pulse eerily with the technology of the distant future. Wherever we are, it seems to be chill, dark, and sterile. Electronic machinery chuckles softly to itself. Abruptly we hear a BEEPING SIGNAL, and the machinery begins to awaken. Circuits close, lights blink on. CAMERA ANGLES GRADUALLY WIDEN, revealing more and more of the machinery, banks of panels, fluttering gauges, until we reveal: INTERIOR - HYPERSLEEP VAULT A stainless steel room with no windows, the walls packed with instrumentation. The lights are dim and the air is frigid. Occupying most of the floor space are rows of horizontal FREEZER COMPARTMENTS, looking for all the world like meat lockers. FOOM! FOOM! FOOM! With explosions of escaping gas, the lids on the freezers pop open. Slowly, groggily, six nude men sit up. ROBY Oh... God... am I cold... BROUSSARD Is that you, Roby? ROBY I feel like shit... BROUSSARD Yeah, it's you all right. Now they are yawning, stretching, and shivering. FAUST (groans) Ohh... I must be alive, I feel dead. BROUSSARD You look dead. MELKONIS The vampires rise from their graves. This draws a few woozy chuckles. BROUSSARD (shakes his fist in the air triumphantly) We made it! HUNTER (not fully awake) Is it over? STANDARD It's over, Hunter. HUNTER (yawning) Boy, that's terrific. STANDARD (looking around with a grin) Well, how does it feel to be rich men? FAUST Cold! This draws a LAUGH. STANDARD Okay! Everybody topside! Let's get our pants on and get to our posts! The men begin to swing out of the freezers. MELKONIS Somebody get the cat. Roby picks a limp cat out of a freezer. INTERIOR - CONTROL ROOM This is a fantastic circular room, jammed with instrumentation. There are no windows, but above head level the room is ringed by viewscreens, all blank for the moment. There are seats for four men. Each chair faces a console and is surrounded by a dazzling array of technology. STANDARD, ROBY, BROUSSARD, and MELKONIS are entering and finding their seats. BROUSSARD I'm going to buy a cattle ranch. ROBY (putting down the cat) Cattle ranch! BROUSSARD I'm not kidding. You can get one if you have the credit. Look just like real cows, too. STANDARD All right, tycoons, let's stop spending our credit and start worrying about the job at hand. ROBY Right. Fire up all systems. They begin to throw switches, lighting up their consoles. The control room starts to come to life. All around the room, colored lights flicker and chase each other across glowing screens. The room fills with the hum and chatter of machinery. STANDARD Sandy, you want to give us some vision? MELKONIS Feast your eyes. Melkonis reaches to his console and presses a bank of switches. The strip of viewscreens flickers into life. On each screen, we see BLACKNESS SPECKLED WITH STARS. BROUSSARD (after a pause) Where's Irth? STANDARD Sandy, scan the whole sky. Melkonis hits buttons. On the screens the images all begin to pan. CAMERA MOVES IN ON ONE OF THE SCREENS, with its moving image of a starfield. EXTERIOR - OUTER SPACE CLOSE SHOT OF A PANNING TV CAMERA. This camera is remote controlled, turning silently on its base. CAMERA BEGINS TO PULL BACK, revealing that the TV camera is mounted on the HULL OF SOME KIND OF CRAFT. When the pullback is finished, WE SEE THE FULL LENGTH OF THE STARSHIP "SNARK," hanging in the depths of interstellar space, against a background of glimmering stars. INTERIOR - BRIDGE ROBY Where are we? STANDARD Sandy, contact traffic control. Melkonis switches on his radio unit. MELKONIS This is deep space commercial vessel SNARK, registration number E180246, calling Antarctica air traffic control. Do you read me? Over. There is only the HISS OF STATIC. BROUSSARD (staring at a screen) I don't recognize that constellation. STANDARD Dell, plot our location. Broussard goes into action, punching buttons, lighting up all his instruments. BROUSSARD I got it. Oh boy. STANDARD Where the hell are we? BROUSSARD Just short of Zeta II Reticuli. We haven't even reached the outer rim yet. ROBY What the hell? Standard picks up a microphone. STANDARD This is Chaz speaking. Sorry, but we are not home. Our present location seems to be only halfway to Irth. Remain at your posts and stand by. That is all. ROBY Chaz, I've got something here on my security alert. A high priority from the computer... STANDARD Let's hear it. ROBY (punches buttons) Computer, you have signalled a priority three message. What is the message? COMPUTER (a mechanical voice) I have interrupted the course of the voyage. ROBY What? Why? COMPUTER I am programmed to do so if certain conditions arise. STANDARD Computer, this is Captain Standard. What conditions are you talking about? COMPUTER I have intercepted a transmission of unknown origin. STANDARD A transmission? COMPUTER A voice transmission. MELKONIS Out here? The men exchange glances. COMPUTER I have recorded the transmission. STANDARD Play it for us, please. Over the speakers, we hear a hum, a crackle, static... THEN A STRANGE, UNEARTHLY VOICE FILLS THE ROOM, SPEAKING AN ALIEN LANGUAGE. The bizarre voice speaks a long sentence, then falls silent. The men all stare at each other in amazement. STANDARD Computer, what language was that? COMPUTER Unknown. ROBY Unknown! What do you mean? COMPUTER It is none of the 678 dialects spoken by technological man. There is a pause, then EVERYBODY STARTS TALKING AT THE SAME TIME. STANDARD (silencing them) Just hold it, hold it! (glares around the room) Computer: have you attempted to analyze the transmission? COMPUTER Yes. There are two points of salient interest. Number one: it is highly systematized, indicating intelligent origin. Number two: certain sounds are inconsistent with the human palate. ROBY Oh my God. STANDARD Well, it's finally happened. MELKONIS First contact... STANDARD Sandy, can you home in on that beam? MELKONIS What's the frequency? STANDARD Computer, what's the frequency of the transmission? COMPUTER 65330 dash 99. Melkonis punches buttons. MELKONIS I've got it. It's coming from ascension 6 minutes 32 seconds, declination -39 degrees 2 seconds. STANDARD Dell -- show me that on a screen. BROUSSARD I'll give it to you on number four. Broussard punches buttons. One of the viewscreens flickers, and a small dot of light becomes visible in the corner of the screen. BROUSSARD (CONT'D) That's it. Let me straighten it out. He twists a knob, moving the image on the screen till the dot is in the center. STANDARD Can you get it a little closer? BROUSSARD That's what I'm going to do. He hits a button. The screen flashes and a PLANET APPEARS. BROUSSARD (CONT'D) Planetoid. Diameter, 120 kilometers. MELKONIS It's tiny! STANDARD Any rotation? BROUSSARD Yeah. Two hours. STANDARD Gravity? BROUSSARD Point eight six. We can walk on it. Standard rises. STANDARD Martin, get the others up to the lounge. INTERIOR - MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM The entire crew -- STANDARD, ROBY, BROUSSARD, MELKONIS, HUNTER, and FAUST -- are all seated around a table, with Standard at the head. MELKONIS If it's an S.O.S., we're morally obligated to investigate. BROUSSARD Right. HUNTER I don't know. Seems to me we came on this trip to make some credit, not to go off on some kind of side trip. BROUSSARD (excited) Forget the credit; what we have here is a chance to be the first men to contact a nonhuman intelligence. ROBY If there is some kind of alien intelligence down on that planetoid, it'd be a serious mistake for us to blunder in unequipped. BROUSSARD Hell, we're equipped -- ROBY Hell, no! We don't know what's down there on that piece of rock! It might be dangerous! What we should do is get on the radio to the exploration authorities... and let them deal with it. STANDARD Except it will take 75 years to get a reply back. Don't forget how far we are from the Colonies, Martin. BROUSSARD There are no commercial lanes out here. Face it, we're out of range. MELKONIS Men have waited centuries to contact another form of intelligent life in the universe. This is an opportunity which may never come again. ROBY Look -- STANDARD You're overruled, Martin. Gentlemen -- let's go. INTERIOR - BRIDGE The men are strapping in, but this time it is with grim determination. STANDARD Dell, I want greater magnification. More surface detail. I want to see what this place looks like. BROUSSARD I'll see what I can do. He jabs his controls. The image on the screen ZOOMS DOWN TOWARD THE PLANET; but all detail quickly vanishes into a featureless grey haze. STANDARD It's out of focus. ROBY No -- that's atmosphere. Cloud layer. MELKONIS My God, it's stormy for a piece of rock that size! ROBY Just a second. (punches buttons) Those aren't water vapor clouds; they have no moisture content. STANDARD Put ship in atmospheric mode. EXTERIOR - "SNARK" - OUTER SPACE The great dish antenna on the SNARK folds down against the main body of the ship, and other parts flatten out, until the ship has assumed an aerodynamic form. INTERIOR - BRIDGE STANDARD Dell, set a course and bring us in on that beam. EXTERIOR - SPACE The SNARK's engines cough into life, and send it drifting toward the distant dot that is the planetoid. CAMERA APPROACHES THE PLANETOID, until it looms large on screen. It is turbulent, completely enveloped in dun-colored clouds. The SNARK drops down toward the surface. INTERIOR - BRIDGE STANDARD Activate lifter quads. BROUSSARD Activated. Vertical drop checked. Correcting course. On tangential course now, orbiting. (brief pause as he studies his instruments) Crossing the terminator. Entering night side. EXTERIOR - "SNARK" - IN ORBIT Beneath the orbiting SNARK, night's curtain rolls across the planet. Descending at an angle, the SNARK drops down into the thick atmosphere of the planetoid. INTERIOR - BRIDGE ROBY Atmospheric turbulence. Dust storm. STANDARD Turn on navigation lights. EXTERIOR - "SNARK" Hydroplaning down through the pea-soup atmosphere, a set of brilliant lights switches on, cutting through the dust, but hardly improving visibility. INTERIOR - BRIDGE BROUSSARD Approaching point of origin. Closing at 20 kilometers, 15 and slowing. Ten. Five. Gentlemen, we are directly above the source of the transmission. STANDARD What's the terrain down there? BROUSSARD Well, line of sight is impossible due to dust. Radar gives me noise. Sonar gives me noise. Infrared -- noise. Let's try ultraviolet. There. Flat. It's totally flat. A plain. STANDARD Is it solid? BROUSSARD It's... basalt. Rock. STANDARD Then take her down. BROUSSARD Drop begins... now! Fifteen kilometers and dropping... twelve... ten... eight and slowing. Five. Three. Two. One kilometer and slowing. Lock tractor beams. There is a LOUD ELECTRICAL HUM and the ship shudders. ROBY Locked. BROUSSARD Kill drive engines. The engines fall silent. ROBY Engines off. BROUSSARD Nine hundred meters and dropping. 800. 700. Hang on gentlemen. EXTERIOR - SURFACE OF PLANET - NIGHT The night-shrouded surface is a hell of blowing dust. The SNARK hovers above it on glowing beams of light, dropping down slowly. Landing struts unfold like insect legs. INTERIOR - BRIDGE BROUSSARD And we're... down. EXTERIOR - SURFACE OF PLANET - NIGHT The ship touches down, heavily; it rocks on huge shock absorbers. INTERIOR - BRIDGE The whole ship VIBRATES VIOLENTLY FOR AN INSTANT -- then all the panels in the room flash simultaneously and the LIGHT'S GO OUT. BROUSSARD Jesus Christ! The lights come back on again. STANDARD What the hell happened? ROBY (hits a switch) Engine room, what happened? FAUST (over, filtered) Just a minute, hold it, I'm checking. ROBY Has the hull been breached? BROUSSARD Uh... (scans his gauges) No, I don't see anything. We've still got pressure. There is a BEEP from the communicator. Then: FAUST (over, filtered) Martin, this is Jay. The intakes are clogged with dust. We overheated and burned out a whole cell. STANDARD (strikes his panel) Damn it! How long to fix? ROBY (into microphone) How long to fix? FAUST (over, filtered) Hard to say. ROBY Well, get started. FAUST (over, filtered) Right. Talk to you. STANDARD Let's take a look outside. Turn the screens back on. Melkonis hits buttons. The screens flicker, but remain black. BROUSSARD Can't see a blessed thing. EXTERIOR - SHIP - NIGHT Only a few glittering lights distinguish the ship from the absolute darkness around it. THE WIND MOANS AND SCREAMS. DUST BLOWS IN FRONT OF THE TINY GLIMMERING LIGHTS. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - NIGHT STANDARD Kick on the floods. EXTERIOR - SHIP - NIGHT A ring of FLOODLIGHTS on the ship come to life, pouring blinding light out into the night. They illuminate nothing but a patch of featureless grey ground and clouds of blowing dust. The wind shrieks. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - NIGHT ROBY Not much help. Standard stares at the dark screens. STANDARD Well, we can't go anywhere in this darkness. How long till dawn? MELKONIS (consults his instruments) Well... this rock rotates every two hours. The sun should be coming up in about 20 minutes. BROUSSARD Good! Maybe we'll be able to see something then. ROBY Or something will be able to see us. They all look at him. DISSOLVE TO: EXTERIOR - SHIP - NIGHT (MAIN TITLE SEQUENCE) The floodlights on the SNARK fight a losing battle against the darkness and the storm. MAIN THEME MUSIC BEGINS, EXTREMELY OMINOUS. THE TITLE APPEARS: ALIEN RUN TITLES. Gradually, the screen begins to lighten as the SUN RISES. The silhouette of the SNARK becomes visible, like some strange insect crouching motionless on the barren plain. The floods shut off. Dense clouds of impenetrable dust shriek and moan, obscuring everything and reducing the sunlight to a dull orange. END MAIN TITLES. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY CLOSE ON A SCREEN - it shows nothing but swirling clouds of orange dust. PULL BACK FROM SCREEN. The men (Standard, Roby, Broussard, and Melkonis) are sitting and standing around the room, drinking coffee and staring at the screens, which reveal only the billowing dust. ROBY There could be a whole city out there and we'd never see it. BROUSSARD Not sitting on our butts in here, that's for sure. STANDARD Just settle down. Sandy, you get any response yet? MELKONIS (pulls off his earphones) Sorry. Nothing but that same damn transmission, every 32 seconds. I've tried every frequency on the spectrum. BROUSSARD Are we just going to sit around and wait for an invitation? Roby gives Broussard a black look, then stabs a button on his console and speaks into the mike. ROBY (into mike) Hello, Faust! FAUST (over, filtered) Yeah! ROBY How's it coming on the engines? INTERIOR - ENGINE ROOM Faust is seated at an electronic workbench, brightly lit, speaking into a wall intercom. FAUST I never saw anything as fine as this dust... these cells are all pitted on a microscopic level. I have to polish these things smooth again, so it's going to take a while. Okay? INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY ROBY Yeah, okay. (puts down the mike) STANDARD Sandy... how far are we from the source of the transmission? MELKONIS Source of transmission is to the northeast... about 300 meters. ROBY Close... BROUSSARD Close enough to walk to! STANDARD Martin, would you run me an atmospheric? ROBY (punches buttons and consults his panels) 10% argon, 85% nitrogen, 5% neon... and some trace elements. STANDARD Nontoxic... but unbreathable. Pressure? ROBY Ten to the fourth dynes per square centimeter. STANDARD Good! Moisture content? ROBY Zero. Dry as a bone. STANDARD Any microorganisms? ROBY Not a one. It's dead. STANDARD Anything else? ROBY Yeah, rock particles. Dust. STANDARD Well, we won't need pressure suits, but breathing masks are called for. Sandy -- can you rig up some kind of portable unit that we can use to follow that transmission to its source? MELKONIS No problem. BROUSSARD I volunteer for the exploration party. STANDARD I heard you. You want to break out the side arms? INTERIOR - MAIN ARM LOCK - DAY Standard, Broussard and Melkonis enter the lock. They all wear gloves, boots, jackets, and pistols. Broussard touches a button and the inner door slides silently shut, sealing them into the lock. They all pull on rubber full-head oxygen masks. STANDARD (adjusting the radio on his mask) I'm sending. Do you hear me? BROUSSARD Receiving. MELKONIS Receiving. STANDARD All right. Now just remember: keep away from those weapons unless I say otherwise. Martin, do you read me? INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY ROBY Read you, Chaz. INTERIOR - MAIN AIR LOCK - DAY STANDARD Open the outer door. Ponderously, the outer lock door slides open. ORANGE SUNLIGHT streams into the lock, and clouds of dust swirl in. We hear the MOANING OF THE WIND OUTSIDE. A mobile stairway slides out of the open hatchway, and clunks as it hits the ground. Standard walks out into the storm, followed by the others. EXTERIOR - PLANETOID - DAY The three men trot down the gangplank to the surface of the planet. Their feet sink into a thick layer of dust and loose rock. The men huddle together, looking around. The wind screams and tugs at their clothes. Nothing can be seen. STANDARD Which way, Sandy? Melkonis is fiddling with a portable direction-finder. MELKONIS (pointing) That way. STANDARD You lead. Melkonis walks into the blinding dust clouds, followed closely by the others. STANDARD Okay, Martin. We're on our way. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY Roby is the sole occupant of the bridge. He is huddled over his console, smoking a cigarette and watching three moving blips on a screen. ROBY Okay, Chaz, I hear you. I've got you on my board. STANDARD (over, filtered) Good. I'm getting you clear too. Let's just keep the line open. EXTERIOR - PLANETOID - DAY The three men plough their way through a limbo of yellow dust and shrieking wind. With their rubbery masks and deliberate movements, they look like deep-sea divers at the bottom of a murky ocean. Melkonis leads the column, following the compass on the direction finder. STANDARD (CONT'D) Can't see more than three meters in any direction out here. We're walking blind, on instruments. They wade on, following Melkonis. Abruptly he halts. STANDARD (CONT'D) What's wrong? MELKONIS My signal's fading. He studies the direction finder. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY Roby is listening intently to the dialogue from the helmet radios. MELKONIS (CONT'D) (over, filtered) It's the dust, it's interfering... His concentration is so great that he does NOT NOTICE HUNTER COMING UP BEHIND HIM. MELKONIS (CONT'D) (over, filtered) ... Hold it, I've got it again. It's over that way. Standing DIRECTLY BEHIND ROBY, Hunter speaks. HUNTER What's happening? Startled out of his wits, Roby GASPS and whirls around to face Hunter. ROBY (startled silly) Hell! Hunter stares at Roby, whose momentary terror dissolves into embarrassed anger. EXTERIOR - PLANETOID - DAY The three men push their way through the storm. Melkonis stops again, studies the direction finder. MELKONIS It's close, real close. STANDARD How far? MELKONIS We should be almost on top of it. I just can't quite... Suddenly, Broussard grabs Standard's arm and points. The others stare in the direction he is pointing. REVERSE ANGLE - THEIR POINT-OF-VIEW Through the dense clouds of swirling dust we can just barely make out some kind of HUGE SHAPE. As we watch, the dust clears slightly, REVEALING A GROTESQUE SHIP RISING FROM THE SHIP LIKE SOME GIGANTIC TOADSTOOL. It is clearly of non-human manufacture. ANGLE ON THE MEN They are struck dumb by the sight of the craft. Finally, Standard finds his voice. STANDARD Martin, uh, we've found it. ROBY (sharply -- over, filtered) Found what? STANDARD It appears to be some sort of spacecraft. We're going to approach it. They start toward the alien ship. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY STANDARD (CONT'D) (over, filtered) There are no signs of life. No lights... no movement... Roby and Hunter are listening with hypnotic concentration. STANDARD (CONT'D) (over, filtered) We're, uh, approaching the base. EXTERIOR - BASE OF TOADSTOOL SHIP - DAY A strangely shaped DOOR yawns open at the base of the ship. Dust and sand have blown in, filling the lower part of the entrance. With great caution, the men approach the entrance and group around it. STANDARD (CONT'D) Appears to be a door hanging open, the entrance is clogged with debris. BROUSSARD Looks like a derelict. STANDARD Martin, we're going in. I'm going to hold the conversation to a minimum from here on. INTERIOR - ALIEN SHIP - DAY The doorway is a glowing geometric blur of light against blackness, spewing dust. In the darkness of the chamber are huge, formless shapes. Standard, Broussard and Melkonis appear silhouetted against the doorway. They switch on flashlight-like devices called "DATASTICKS", and step in. IMAGE -- datastick.jpg Carefully, peering around, they pick their way past the indistinct machinery. MELKONIS Air lock? STANDARD Who knows? BROUSSARD Let's try and find the control room. As they move their lights around, they can see that the walls, ceiling, and machinery are FULL OF HUGE, IRREGULAR HOLES. MELKONIS Look at these holes. This place looks like Swiss cheese. Broussard shines his light up into a huge hole in the ceiling. BROUSSARD This hole goes up several decks -- looks like somebody was firing a military disintegrator in here. They all peer up the hole into darkness. STANDARD Climbing gear. Standard draws out a stubby spear gun with a graplon attached to it. He aims it up into the hole and fires. The graplon is launched up into darkness, trailing a thin wire. There is a dull CLUNK, and the wire dangles. BROUSSARD I'll go first. STANDARD No, you'll follow me. Standard attaches the wire to a powered gear box on his chest, and presses a button. With a mechanical whine, he is pulled up into the hole, using his feet for leverage where he can. Broussard attaches the wire to his own chest unit. INTERIOR - CONTROL ROOM OF ALIEN SHIP This chamber is totally dark as Broussard arrives at the top of the hole. Standard stands with his flashlight/camera ("datastick") tracing a beam through the hanging dust. Broussard unclips himself from the climbing wire, then raises his own light. At that moment, Melkonis arrives at the top of the hole. THEIR LIGHTS SCAN THE ROOM. The beams are clearly visible as columns of light in the floating dust. They reveal heavy, odd shapes. Broussard stumbles over something. He shines his light down on it. It is a large, glossy urn, brown in color, with peculiar markings. Broussard stands it upright. It has a round opening in the top, and is empty. Suddenly, Melkonis lets out a grunt of shock. Their lights have illuminated something unspeakably grotesque: A HUGE ALIEN SKELETON, SEATED IN THE CONTROL CHAIR. They approach the skeleton, their lights trained on it. IT IS A GROTESQUE THING, BEARING NO RESEMBLANCE TO THE HUMAN FORM. MELKONIS Holy Christ... Standard shines his light on the console at which the hideous skeleton is seated. He moves his light closer and peers at the panel. STANDARD Look at this... They approach. STANDARD (CONT'D) Something has been scratched here... into the veneer. See? Traced raggedly onto the surface of the panel, as by the point of a sharp instrument, is a small triangle: IMAGE -- scrawledtriangle.jpg Hearing something, Broussard flashes his light across the room. As the beam scans the walls, it briefly touches on SOMETHING THAT MOVES. Melkonis convulsively yanks out his pistol. MELKONIS LOOK OUT, IT MOVED! Standard knocks his hand down. STANDARD Keep away from that gun! Standard shoulders himself in front of the others. Then, slowly, he begins to move toward the far side of the room. They approach a console on the wall, training their lights on it. There is a machine. On the machine, a small bar moves steadily back and forth, sliding noiselessly in its grooves. STANDARD (CONT'D) Just machinery. BROUSSARD But functioning. Melkonis looks down at his direction finder. MELKONIS That's where the transmission is coming from. He throws a switch on the direction finder -- with a crackle and a hum, the UNEARTHLY VOICE fills their earphones. BROUSSARD A recording. A damned automatic recording. EXTERIOR - PLANETOID - SUNSET SINISTER ANGLE ON THE SNARK. As we watch, the sunlight turns the color of blood, and then the sun is down, leaving murky blackness in its wake. The ring of floodlights on the ship flares into life, feebly combatting the darkness and the storm. INTERIOR - MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM The entire crew is seated around the conference table, watching holographic pictures projected onto a screen. These are photos taken by their "datasticks" (flashlight/cameras). Standard is commenting on the changing slides. STANDARD ... This is the control room... Two or three pictures click onto the screen in succession, showing the suited men standing against banks of machinery. STANDARD (CONT'D) ... Some details of the control room... The SKELETON appears on the screen. The men react with mutters. STANDARD (CONT'D) ... This is the skeleton... another view of the skeleton... the transmitting device... The triangle that was cut into the alien's console appears. STANDARD (CONT'D) ... This is a closeup of the triangle we found scrawled on the console in front of the skeleton... Standard changes the slide. The screen goes white. STANDARD (CONT'D) ... And that's it. He turns off the projector and brings the lights up. HUNTER Phenomenal. Staggering. BROUSSARD We've got to go back and take a lot more pictures, holograph everything. MELKONIS And bring back as much physical evidence as possible, too. The rest of the skeleton. Some of the machinery. Written records, if there are any. Roby is slumped in his chair. He has said nothing. STANDARD Martin? ROBY I agree. This is the single most important discovery in history. STANDARD But? ROBY What killed it? BROUSSARD Hell, that thing's been dead for years. Maybe hundreds of years. The whole planet's dead. FAUST The way I figure it, they landed here for repairs or something, then they couldn't take off again. Maybe the dust ruined their engines. They set up an S.O.S. beacon, but nobody came. So they died. ROBY He died. FAUST What? ROBY Not they... he... They all turn to look in the direction of Roby's nod. CAMERA MOVES OVER TO REVEAL THE ALIEN SKULL SITTING ON A TABLE. ROBY (CONT'D) ... There was only one skeleton. There is a moment of silence. STANDARD Jay... how's it coming on the repairs? FAUST Well... I'm going to have to blow the engines out... STANDARD And when will you be ready to do that? FAUST Oh -- I'm not near ready yet. STANDARD Then why the hell are you sitting around here? FAUST Right. The men rise and begin to disperse, but Roby remains seated, deep in thought, staring at the skull. Melkonis lingers in the room with him. MELKONIS And there sits man's first contact with intelligent life in the universe. EXTERIOR - SHIP - NIGHT ANGLE ON THE SHIP, its spotlights cutting into the gloom. INTERIOR - ENGINE ROOM A room throbbing with power, enormous pulsing engines capable of releasing unimaginable energies. Faust has a complicated arrangement set up at the base of one of the engines, with spotlights on it. He is wearing goggles and thin gloves. FAUST You ready up there? INTERIOR - BRIDGE - NIGHT Broussard and Melkonis are seated at their consoles, conversing with Faust while they watch their instruments. BROUSSARD Sure, we're ready. INTERIOR - ENGINE ROOM FAUST Okay. I'm going to start the extraction procedure now. He pauses to wipe his brow. INTERIOR - MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM Roby is alone in the room, slumped into a chair, watching the photographic slides on the screen. He is clicking slowly through them. He stops on an angle of the skeleton, and stares at it. The alien's misshapen skull is sitting on the table next to him. He picks it up, holds it up to the screen for comparison, and studies it. Standard appears in the doorway. STANDARD Alas, poor Yorick. Roby STARTS, puts down the skull. Standard sits at the table. STANDARD (CONT'D) (nodding at the screen) Find anything we missed? ROBY (shrugs) I don't even know what I'm looking for. STANDARD Still worried? ROBY Oh well... you know me. STANDARD I've always respected your opinion, Martin. If something worries you, it worries me. Roby reaches over and changes the slide, to the one of the CRUDELY DRAWN TRIANGLE ON THE ALIEN CONTROL PANEL. ROBY What would you say that was supposed to mean? STANDARD Well... it's obviously intentional... some kind of attempt at communication... maybe it's a symbol that means something to them... ROBY But why draw it on the wall? Roby switches off the projector, sits up, and rubs his face wearily. He rises and goes to the coffee machine. ROBY (CONT'D) (picking a hair out of the coffeepot) This ship is full of cat hair. STANDARD Tell you what, Martin. As soon as the engine's fixed -- BEEP! The communicator interrupts Standard. He leans across and presses the button. STANDARD (CONT'D) This is Chaz. BROUSSARD (over, filtered) Chaz, this is Dell. Can you come topside for a minute? STANDARD What's up? BROUSSARD (over, filtered) Well, the sun just came up again, and it seems the wind's died down. It's as clear as a bell outside. There's something I think you ought to see. STANDARD I'm on my way. He and Roby head for the door. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY Broussard is alone in the control room when Standard and Roby arrive. STANDARD What is it? BROUSSARD Take a look. EXTERIOR - SHIP - DAY The dust no longer blows. The day is crisp, clear, and silent. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY BROUSSARD I was scanning the horizon to see what I could pick up. Look there, on that screen. STANDARD What is it, I can't -- BLIP! Broussard enlarges the image. The screen now shows a TAPERING STONE PYRAMID on the horizon. They all stare at the image for a long moment. The silhouette of the PYRAMID IS INSTANTLY SUGGESTIVE OF THE SCRAWLED TRIANGLE in the alien ship. IMAGE -- pyramid.jpg Standard presses the nearest communicator and speaks into the grille. STANDARD This is Chaz. All hands topside. Now. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY - A LITTLE LATER ANGLE ON A VIEWSCREEN. It shows the PYRAMID on the horizon. CAMERA PULLS BACK to reveal all the men, sitting and standing around the room. STANDARD Doesn't seem much doubt about it, does there? MELKONIS That creature sure must have considered it important... using his last strength to draw it... BROUSSARD Maybe they built it. FAUST As what? BROUSSARD A marker for buried instrumentation? HUNTER Or a mass grave. BROUSSARD Maybe the rest of the crew is in there -- in some kind of suspended animation, waiting to be rescued. MELKONIS It wasn't necessarily built by them. On the screens, a puff of DUST blows in front of the pyramid. ROBY Here comes the dust again. EXTERIOR - SHIP - DAY WITH A SHRIEK, THE DUST STORM RETURNS, completely obscuring the SNARK. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY STANDARD Well, does anyone else agree with Martin that we should not explore it? Everyone looks around the room, but no one volunteers. STANDARD (CONT'D) Then the sooner we get moving, the better. EXTERIOR - PLANETOID - DAY LONG SHOT OF THE STONE PYRAMID, dust blowing in front of it. It is a crumbling, ancient edifice, made of eroded grey stones, windowless, tapering toward the top. Standard, Broussard, and Melkonis, wearing the protective suits, approach the pyramid. As they draw near, it becomes clear that the pyramid is roughly 50 feet tall. STANDARD We can't make out any details or features yet... but it's definitely too regular for a natural formation... INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY Roby and Hunter are present. They are listening to Standard's VOICE ON THE RADIO. STANDARD (CONT'D) (over, filtered) ... There's one thing I can say for sure though... BUZZZZZ! Standard's voice is DROWNED OUT BY STATIC. ROBY Now what's wrong? HUNTER I've completely lost their signal. ROBY Can you get them back? HUNTER I'm trying. EXTERIOR - BASE OF PYRAMID - DAY The three men come to the base of the massive structure. Dust and sand have piled thickly around the crumbling, grey stones that form the base. MELKONIS This looks ancient. STANDARD Can't tell -- these weather conditions could erode anything, fast. They walk around the base. BROUSSARD There's no entrance. MELKONIS Maybe the entrance is buried. Could be under our feet. STANDARD Maybe there is no entrance; the thing may be solid. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY ROBY Well, there ought to be some way we can get through to them -- The INTERCOM BEEPS. Faust's voice is heard. FAUST (over, filtered) Sorry to interrupt, but I'm gonna charge up the engines for a minute, okay? ROBY Yeah, okay. Go ahead. A LOUD, POWERFUL THROBBING BEGINS, drowning out all other sounds, as the engines are tested. A light on Roby's panel is FLASHING. We can see that it is the COMPUTER ALERT. Irritably, Roby throws the switch. ROBY (CONT'D) Yes! COMPUTER I have a temporary sequence on the monitor -- ROBY Hold it, I can't hear a damn thing! He puts an earphone to his ear and switches the computer's voice over. ROBY (CONT'D) Go ahead! There is a PAUSE while Roby listens to the computer. His eyes widen. ROBY (CONT'D) You mean... you've translated it? Another PAUSE as he listens to the earphone. ROBY (CONT'D) Well come on, come on! What does it say? Another PAUSE. Roby's face changes; he looks CHILLED TO THE BONE. His mouth works. Abruptly, THE ENGINES SHUT OFF, LEAVING A RINGING SILENCE. HUNTER (looking over at Roby) What? What was that? ROBY The computer just translated the goddamn message. It's not an S.O.S. It was a warning. EXTERIOR - BASE OF PYRAMID - DAY BROUSSARD Maybe we can get in by the top. STANDARD You want to try? BROUSSARD Sure. Broussard takes out the graplon-gun, and fires the hook up toward the top of the pyramid. It catches. He clips himself to the wire. BROUSSARD (CONT'D) You guys just wait down here till I say it's okay to come up. Broussard turns on the climbing device, and begins to walk up the side of the pyramid. OMINOUS ANGLES showing Broussard climbing the pyramid, the dust blowing, the wind shrieking. EXTERIOR - TOP OF PYRAMID - DAY The peak of the pyramid is in extreme disrepair. Broussard arrives at the top and clings to the jagged, crumbling stones. BROUSSARD There's a hole at the top. EXTERIOR - BASE OF PYRAMID - DAY STANDARD Can we come up? BROUSSARD (over, filtered) No, it's too small, only room enough for one person. STANDARD Can you see anything in the hole? EXTERIOR - TOP OF PYRAMID - DAY Broussard leans over and looks into the hole. He sees only blackness. Freeing one arm, he unclips his datastick from his belt, switches on the "flashlight" function, and shines it down into the hole. BROUSSARD I can see... partway down. It just goes down like a stovepipe. Smooth walls. I can't see the bottom -- light won't reach. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY Faust comes trotting up the steps, a questioning look on his face. FAUST Yes? What is it? ROBY Jay, we've got a problem. I was wondering if there was any way you could shortcut the repairs and give us immediate takeoff capability. FAUST (quickly) Why, what's wrong? ROBY The computer's translated the alien signal, and it's kind of alarming. FAUST What do you mean? ROBY It couldn't translate the whole thing, only three phrases. I'll just read it to you the way I got it: (reads from a strip of paper) "... HOSTILE... SURVIVAL... ADVISE DO NOT LAND... " (looks up at the others) And that's all it could translate. EXTERIOR - TOP OF PYRAMID - DAY Hanging from the lip of the hole, Broussard is unclipping gear from his belt. STANDARD (over, filtered) Dell, you want to come down, we can figure out where to go from here. BROUSSARD No, I want to go in. EXTERIOR - BASE OF PYRAMID - DAY Standard and Melkonis exchange a glance. STANDARD Okay, Dell, but just for a preliminary look-around. Don't unhook yourself from your cable. And be out in less than ten minutes. EXTERIOR - TOP OF PYRAMID - DAY BROUSSARD Right. Broussard has rigged a tripod across the mouth of the hole. He unspools a couple feet of wire from the device, and attaches the end of it to his chest unit. He climbs over the lip and drops into the hole. He is now hanging by the wire, with his head and shoulders out of the hole. BROUSSARD (CONT'D) Okay, I'm in the mouth of the chimney now, and I'm starting down. STANDARD (over, filtered) Take care. Broussard activates the climbing unit and lowers himself down into the hole. INTERIOR - PYRAMID - DAY Bracing his feet against the rough stone wall of the vertical tunnel, Broussard switches on his datastick and points it down into the depths. The beam penetrates only thirty feet or so, then is lost in darkness. BROUSSARD It's noticeably warmer in here. Warm air rising from below. He starts down, paying out the line and moving down in short hops, pushing off each time with his feet. He stops to catch his breath. His breathing rasps loudly in his helmet. A little sunlight filters down from above. Looking up, he can see the mouth of the hole, a glowing spot of light. Standard's voice comes over his earphones. STANDARD (over, filtered) Are you okay in there? BROUSSARD (gasping for breath) Yeah, I'm okay. Haven't hit bottom yet. Definitely a column of warm air rising; it keeps the shaft clear of dust. STANDARD (over, filtered) What was that Dell, I lost you, do you read me? BROUSSARD Yeah, but this is hard work. Can't talk now. He kicks off and continues down, taking longer and longer hops as he gains confidence. Pausing for a moment to regain his breath, he shines the light on his instruments. BROUSSARD (CONT'D) I'm way below ground level. EXTERIOR - BASE OF PYRAMID - DAY STANDARD What'd he say? MELKONIS I couldn't make it out -- too much interference. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY Roby and Hunter. HUNTER I'm getting nowhere. The whole area around the pyramid is dead to transmission. I think we should go after them. ROBY No. HUNTER What do you mean, no? ROBY We're not going anywhere. HUNTER But they don't know about the translation! They could be in danger right now. ROBY We can't spare the personnel. We've got minimum takeoff capability right now. That's why Chaz left us on board. HUNTER Why, you chickenshit bastard -- ROBY Just can that crap! I'm in command here till Chaz returns! And nobody's leaving this ship! INTERIOR - PYRAMID - DAY Broussard resumes his downward climb. SUDDENLY, HIS FEET LOSE THEIR PURCHASE AS THE WALLS OF THE SHAFT DISAPPEAR. The tunnel has reached its end. Below him is an unfathomable, cavernous space. BROUSSARD (huffing and puffing) Tunnel's gone -- cave or something below me -- feels like the tropics in here; air is warm and humid... (consults his instruments) ... high oxygen content, no dust, it's completely breathable -- Puffing with exertion, he releases his purchase on the stone walls and begins to lower himself on power. Now he is dangling free in darkness, spinning slowly on the wire as the chest unit unwinds. Finally, his feet hit bottom. He grunts in surprise and almost loses his balance. INTERIOR - TOMB - DAY Broussard is standing on a dusty stone floor, with a feeble column of sunlight shining down around him from the tunnel above. Around is solid darkness. He flashes his datastick around. The beam reveals that he is in a stone room. STRANGE HEIROGLYPHICS are carved into the walls. They have a primitive, religious appearance. Row after row of pictograms stretch from floor to ceiling, some epic history in an unknown language. Huge religious symbols dominate one wall. Spaced at intervals are stylized stone statues, depicting grotesque monsters, half anthropoid, half octopus. BROUSSARD It's unbelievable! It's like some kind of tomb... some primitive religion! Hey, is anybody there? Do you read me? Standard! Annoyed, Broussard yanks off his breathing goggles, and leaves them hanging around his neck. He takes a deep breath of the wet air. EXTERIOR - BASE OF PYRAMID - LATE AFTERNOON Standard and Melkonis are standing around nervously. STANDARD If we don't hear from him soon, I think we better go in after him. MELKONIS Sun will be down in a minute. INTERIOR - TOMB - LATE AFTERNOON Face bare, Broussard approaches the center of the room, which is dominated by a large, broad pedestal. On the pedestal are ROWS OF LEATHERY URNS OR JARS, EXACTLY LIKE THE ONE BROUSSARD STUMBLED ACROSS IN THE ALIEN SHIP -- EXCEPT THESE ARE ALL SEALED. He walks around the urns, studying them. They all have sealed lids. He shines his light on one of them; then he lays his gloved hand on it. He lifts his mask radio to his lips. BROUSSARD I don't know if you can hear me, but the place is full of large bottles or jars, just like the one we found on the other ship -- except these are all sealed. Also they're soft to the touch. He peers more closely at the leathery object. BROUSSARD (CONT'D) Another funny thing -- I just put my hand on it, and now there are these raised areas appearing where my fingertips were. EXTERIOR - BASE OF PYRAMID - DAY THE SUN DROPS BELOW THE HORIZON, throwing the landscape into gloom. Standard and Melkonis switch on their lights. STANDARD Let's go. He attaches his chest unit to the wire and starts up. INTERIOR - TOMB - NIGHT Broussard is moving his light along the rows of heiroglyphs on the wall. They depict stylized drawings of strange monsters. He pauses to quickly change the film clip in his datastick; then he turns back to the "urn" he was examining -- BUT NOW THERE IS A HOLE IN THE TOP OF IT. He shines his light on the floor at the base of the "urn." There lies the "lid" -- the stopper that had filled the hole. He picks it up and studies it. It appears more organic than artificial; the inside surface is spongy and irregular. Then he turns the light to the now-open "urn." He bends over the mouth of the "urn" shining the light in, AND WITH SHOCKING VIOLENCE, A SMALL, OCTOPUS-LIKE THING LEAPS OUT AND ATTACHES ITSELF TO HIS FACE, WRAPPING ITS TENTACLES AROUND HIS HEAD. With a MUFFLED SCREAM, he launches himself backward, tearing at the thing with his hands. IMAGE -- facehugger.jpg EXTERIOR - TOP OF PYRAMID - NIGHT The dust blows and howls as Standard and Melkonis arrive at the top, lights bobbing in the darkness. STANDARD (puffing with exertion) Here's his line. We can haul him out of there if we have to. MELKONIS It'll yank him right off his feet if he's not expecting it. The line could get tangled in something. STANDARD But what can we do? He's out of radio contact. MELKONIS Maybe we should just wait a few more minutes. Standard hesitates, clinging to the lip of the hole. STANDARD (making up his mind) No, I told him to be out in ten minutes. It's been much longer. Let's get him out of there. Standard pulls himself up and crouches precariously on the edge of the tunnel. He begins to fiddle with the winch mechanism from which Broussard's line dangles. STANDARD (CONT'D) The line's slack. Christ, do you think the idiot unhooked himself? He switches on the winch motor. With a whine, it begins to reel the line in. After a moment, the line TIGHTENS WITH A JERK -- and the motor slows down, laboring under the added weight. STANDARD (CONT'D) There, it caught! MELKONIS Is it still coming up, or is it hooked on something? STANDARD No, it's coming. MELKONIS Can you see anything? Standard shines his light down into the hole. STANDARD No, I can't see far enough. The line's moving, though. For a moment, the two men hang to the narrow top of the pyramid, saving their strength, while the line reels in and the wind howls. Then Standard shines his light back down in. STANDARD (CONT'D) I can see him! Here he comes! The winch begins to LABOR HEAVILY. STANDARD (CONT'D) Get ready to grab him! Broussard appears at the top of the pit, dangling limply from the wire. Standard reaches for him -- then RECOILS SHARPLY. STANDARD (CONT'D) Look out! There's something on his face! Melkonis attempts to come to his aid. MELKONIS What is it? STANDARD Don't touch him, watch it! In their panic and confusion, the men teeter momentarily, finally regain their balance. They shine their lights on Broussard. He appears to be completely unconscious -- AND THE OCTOPUS THING IS STILL WRAPPED AROUND HIS FACE, MOTIONLESS. MELKONIS Oh God, oh God no. STANDARD Help me -- I'm going to try to get it off. With his gloved hands, Standard grasps the tentacled mess and tries to pull it from Broussard's head. STANDARD (CONT'D) It won't come -- it's stuck. MELKONIS What is it? STANDARD How the hell should I know? Come on, give me a hand, let's get him out of there! The two men grapple with Broussard's limp body, lifting him from the hole. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - NIGHT Roby and Hunter are sitting moodily, silent. There is a long moment while nothing is said, then: HUNTER I've got 'em! They're back on my screens! ROBY (leaps to his feet) How many? HUNTER Three blips! They're coming this way! Roby grabs a microphone. ROBY (into mike) Hey, can you guys hear me? STANDARD (over, filtered) Yeah, we hear you! We're coming back! ROBY Thank Christ! We lost you! Listen, there's been a new development -- STANDARD (over, filtered) Can't talk now; Broussard's injured. We'll need some help getting him into the ship. Roby collapses into a chair, suddenly limp with apprehension. He's feared something like this all along, and now it has begun to happen. ROBY (to himself) Oh no. HUNTER (into intercom) Jay, this is Cleave! Meet me at the main air lock! Hunter dashes from the room. Roby remains where he is, seated at his console. He is stunned, his mind racing. CAMERA MOVES IN ON HIS FACE. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIR LOCK - NIGHT Hunter comes racing down the steps and hurries up to the inner lock door. He presses the wall intercom. HUNTER (into intercom) Martin, I'm by the inner lock door! I'll wait here for you to let them in! INTERIOR - BRIDGE - NIGHT ROBY (strangely quiet) Right. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIR LOCK - NIGHT Faust comes running up, covered with grime. FAUST What the hell's going on? HUNTER Don't know -- Broussard got hurt somehow. FAUST Hurt! How? HUNTER Don't know -- maybe we'll be real lucky and he just broke his neck. (a beat) I knew we shouldn't of come down here. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - NIGHT Roby is seated alone in the room, listening to the transmission from Standard and Melkonis. STANDARD (over, filtered) Martin, are you there? Roby leans forward and speaks into the microphone. ROBY Here, Chaz. STANDARD (over, filtered) We're coming up now, open the outer lock door. ROBY Chaz -- what happened to Broussard? STANDARD (over, filtered) It's some kind of organism, it's attached itself to him. Let us in. Roby does not reply. STANDARD (CONT'D) (over, filtered) You hear me, Martin? Open the outer door. ROBY Chaz, if it's an organism, and we let it in, the ship will be infected. STANDARD (over, filtered) We can't leave him out here, open the door. ROBY (urgently) Chaz, listen to me -- we've broken every rule of quarantine. If we bring an organism on board, we won't have a single layer of defense left. STANDARD (over, filtered) Martin, this is an order! Open the door! Hating it, Roby leans forward and throws the switch. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIR LOCK - NIGHT A RED LIGHT goes on, on a console on the wall. The whine of a large servo is heard, followed by a solid metallic CLUNK. HUNTER Outer door's open. After a moment, they hear the motor sound again, followed by another CLUNK. The outer door has closed again. The red light goes off. The inner door slides open, and Standard and Melkonis stagger through, carrying the sagging body of Broussard. A cloud of choking dust follows them out of the lock. STANDARD (pulling off his mask) You men stay clear, there's a parasite on him. Hunter and Faust RECOIL. HUNTER Oh -- God -- oh -- FAUST Is it alive? STANDARD I don't know but don't touch it. Give us a hand here, let's get him up to the Autodoc. Hunter and Faust move in carefully to help with the limp burden. INTERIOR - INFIRMARY One of them flicks on the lights as they come shuffling into the medical room, carrying Broussard. Revealed is a rather small cubicle whose walls are lined with machinery. The principle item of interest is a mechanized bunk bed, which rests in a cradle and slides in and out of a slot in the wall. STANDARD Help me, come on, let's get him up here. They slide the man onto the bunk. HUNTER That thing, God almighty, didn't you try to get it off him? STANDARD It wouldn't come. Standard yanks off his gloves. STANDARD (CONT'D) Medical gloves. They pull thin elastic gloves from a dispenser in the wall, and pull them on. Gingerly, they approach Broussard. Standard places his hands on the octopus-thing that is slowly pulsing on Broussard's face. He grasps the tentacles in his hands and tries to pull it free. STANDARD (CONT'D) It's really on there tight. FAUST Here, let me try. Faust takes a pair of pliers from a rack, and carefully grasps the tip of one of the tentacles. Squeezing tightly, he leans back with all his weight. STANDARD (grabbing Faust's hands) Stop it, you're tearing his face. A trickle of blood begins to ooze down Broussard's cheek. MELKONIS It's not coming off -- not without his whole face coming off too. STANDARD Let's let the machine work on him. Efficiently, they strip Broussard naked, then Standard presses a couple of switches on the wall. The machine lights up, and Broussard is sucked into the slot in the wall. He is visible inside. The machine immediately sprays a cloud of disinfectant on him, then sterilizes him with a blinding pink light. A bank of video monitors pops on, revealing X-ray images of different parts of his body. Sensors begin to scan, relays chatter. ROBY APPEARS IN THE DOORWAY. Standard turns and looks at him. For a long moment, the two men regard each other, then STANDARD STEPS FORWARD AND SLAPS ROBY ACROSS THE FACE. The others are shocked. HUNTER Hey now, what is this? STANDARD Ask him. ROBY (slowly puts his hand to his cheek) I understand why you did that. STANDARD Good. MELKONIS He wouldn't open the lock; he was going to leave us out there. HUNTER Yeah... well, maybe he should have. I mean, you brought the goddamn thing in here. Maybe you deserve to get slapped. FAUST (embarrassed) Excuse me, I've got work to do. Faust exits. HUNTER I keep my mouth pretty much shut, but I don't like hitting. ROBY (to Standard) I guess I had it coming. Let's call it settled. After a hard stare at Roby, Standard gives him a curt nod and turns his attention to the machinery. ROBY (CONT'D) (slowly) Would somebody fill me in? STANDARD He went into the pyramid alone. We lost radio contact with him. When we pulled him out, it was on his face. It won't come off, not without injuring him. HUNTER Where did it come from? MELKONIS He's the only one that knows that. HUNTER How does he breathe? They study the monitors. MELKONIS Blood's thoroughly oxygenated. HUNTER Yeah, but how? His nose and mouth are blocked. STANDARD Let's look inside his head. Standard punches some buttons, and on the monitors, a kind of X-ray image in vivid colors appears, depicting Broussard's HEAD AND UPPER TORSO. The parasite is clearly visible on Broussard's face. In X-ray, the creature is a maze of complicated biology. But the shocking thing is that, in X-ray, we can see that Broussard's jaws are forced wide open, and THE PARASITE HAS EXTRUDED SOME KIND OF LONG TUBE, WHICH IS STUFFED INTO HIS MOUTH AND DOWN HIS THROAT, ending near his stomach. ROBY Look at that. HUNTER What is it -- I can't tell anything -- ROBY It's some kind of organ -- it's inserted some kind of tube or something down his throat. HUNTER (turning sick) Oh... God... Hunter bends over and RETCHES. ROBY I think that's how it's getting oxygen to him. HUNTER It doesn't make any sense. It paralyzes him... puts him into a coma... then keeps him alive. MELKONIS We can't expect to understand a life form like this. We're out of our back yard. Things are different here. HUNTER Well, can't we kill it? I mean, we can't leave the damn thing on him. MELKONIS We don't know what might happen if we tried to kill it. At least right now it's keeping him alive. HUNTER How about cutting it off? We can't pull it loose, but we can cut off everything but the bottom layer, where it's stuck to his face. STANDARD You're right... we can't stand here and do nothing. Standard picks up his dusty breathing mask and pulls it over his head. Then he pulls back on his bulky gloves. Finally, he presses a switch and Broussard slides back out of the booth. STANDARD (CONT'D) (muffled in his mask) Somebody give me a scalpel. Melkonis takes a glittering surgical blade from a slot in the wall, and carefully passes it to Standard. Clumsily because of the gloves, Standard manipulates the knife in his hand till he has a decent grip on it. Then he flicks a little button with his thumb. The scalpel begins to hum. Standard advances on the parasite. The others draw back nervously. Roby reaches over and draws yet a longer blade from the rack, and holds it inconspicuously at his side. Standard bends over the parasite. Carefully, he touches the scalpel to the extreme end of one of the tentacles, where it curves toward the back of Broussard's head. Effortlessly, the electronic blade slides through the alien tissue. Immediately, a urine-like fluid begins to flow from the wound. STANDARD (CONT'D) (muffled) I've made an incision... it's not reacting... but some kind of yellowish fluid is leaking out of the wound... The noxious-looking liquid drips down onto the bedding next to Broussard's head. Instantly, it starts to hiss, and a thin stream of smoke curls up from the stain. STANDARD (CONT'D) (muffled) Hold it, this stuff's smoking! The others REACT nervously. By now, the yellow fluid has eaten a hole through the bunk bed and has dripped down onto the floor below. The metal floor begins to bubble and sizzle, and more smoke rises. The men start to COUGH. MELKONIS God, that smoke's poisonous! HUNTER (pointing) It's eating a hole in the floor! Abruptly, the men jostle their way out of the room and huddle in the corridor outside, coughing their lungs out. Standard, who is masked, remains. Frantically, he attempts to put a bandage on the wound, but the fluid instantly melts the bandage, and in the process, some of the stuff gets on Standard's gloves. They begin to smoke. Frantically Standard leaps back, pulling off the smouldering gloves. Then he runs out into the corridor and yanks off his mask. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE INFIRMARY STANDARD That stuff's eating right through the metal! It's going to eat through the decks and right out through the hull! By this time Standard has started to run for the stairs. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS IN SHIP Followed by the others, Standard frantically clangs down the stairs to the level below. STANDARD There! Look! A droplet of the fluid is sizzling on the ceiling. It oozes down and drips to the floor. It bubbles on the floor. MELKONIS Jesus, what can we put under it? Standard and Hunter charge down the stairs to the level below. INTERIOR - LEVEL BELOW Standard and Hunter move cautiously down the corridor, looking up at the ceiling. STANDARD (pointing) There. Should be coming through about there. HUNTER Careful, don't get under it! INTERIOR - LEVEL ABOVE Roby and Melkonis crouch by the spot on the floor where the acid sizzles. MELKONIS Christ, that stinks. Roby fishes a pen out of his pocket and probes into the hole in the floor. ROBY Seems to have stopped penetrating. Hunter comes charging up the steps. HUNTER What's happening up here? ROBY I think it's fizzled out. Hunter approaches and looks. Roby straightens up, starts to put the pen back in his pocket, then changes his mind and stands holding it by the end. MELKONIS I never saw anything like that in my life... except molecular acid. HUNTER But this thing uses it for blood. MELKONIS Hell of a defense mechanism. You don't dare kill it. Standard comes up the stairs. STANDARD It's stopped? MELKONIS Yes, thank heaven. STANDARD We're just plain lucky. That could have gone right through the hull -- taken weeks to patch it. MELKONIS Reminded me of when I was a kid and the roof leaked -- everybody running for the pots and pans. ROBY My God, what about Broussard? They turn and run up the stairs. INTERIOR - INFIRMARY They all come into the room (Roby carrying the partially melted pen). Broussard is still motionless on the bunk, with the thing on his face. ROBY Did it get on him? Standard approaches and peers at Broussard's head. STANDARD No, thank God... just missed him. MELKONIS Is it still dripping? STANDARD (examining it) It appears to have healed itself. HUNTER It makes me sick to see him like that. MELKONIS Isn't there some way we can get it off him? STANDARD I don't see how. But let's do what we can for him. Standard presses a button, and Broussard slides back into the diagnostic coffin. He presses more buttons, and the displays light up again, showing different parts of Broussard's body. STANDARD (CONT'D) I think we'd better get some intravenous feeding started. God knows what that thing is leaching out of him. Standard operates some controls, and the machine begins to invade Broussard's body, sliding needles into him. ROBY (studying the screens) Look there, what's that stain on his lungs? The X-ray reveals a spreading dark blot in the vicinity of Broussard's chest. In the center, the stain is completely opaque. MELKONIS It appears to be a heavy fluid of some sort... it blocks the X-rays... ROBY That tube must be depositing it in him. MELKONIS Could be some kind of venom, or poison... HUNTER This is horrible. ROBY Hey! what about the film? STANDARD What film? ROBY Broussard had film in his datastick, didn't he? We can see what happened to him. INTERIOR - MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM Again we are watching slides in the darkened room. This time Standard, Roby, Melkonis, and Hunter are watching the sequence of photographs taken automatically by Broussard's datastick as he probed the tomb. The camera reveals the "urns." The climax of the sequence of stills comes when THE CREATURE LEAPS OUT OF THE "URN" TOWARD THE CAMERA -- and after that the camera drops to a useless angle and proceeds to show a series of meaningless blurs. Then the reel ends. HUNTER That must have been when he got it. ROBY The same thing must've happened to the creatures on the other ship... except they took one of those jars on board, and opened it there. MELKONIS (clicks back through the slides to a picture of one of the "urns") At first I thought they were jars too, or artifacts anyway. But they're not. They're eggs, or spore casings. Let's go back to the heiroglyphics. CLICKETYCLICKETYCLICK -- Melkonis accelerates through the slides in a blur, stopping at the one he wants -- which shows a strip of heiroglyphs on the wall of the tomb. STANDARD I personally can't make any sense out of it... CLICK. CLICK. Melkonis is changing the slides as they talk, showing different angles on the glyphs. MELKONIS It's a crude symbolic language -- looks primitive. HUNTER You can't tell -- that kind of stuff could represent printed circuits... STANDARD That sounds a little fanciful... MELKONIS Primitive pictorial languages are based on common objects in the environment, and this can be used as a starting point for translation... ROBY What common objects? HUNTER Listen, hadn't somebody better check on Broussard? STANDARD (rising) I'll do it. The rest of you continue. HUNTER (rising) I'll come with you. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE INFIRMARY Standard and Hunter come down the passageway. STANDARD You know, it's fantastic -- the human race has gone this long without ever encountering another advanced life form, and now we run into a veritable zoo. HUNTER What do you mean? STANDARD Well, those things out there aren't the same, you know -- the spaceship and the pyramid. They're from different cultures and different races. That ship just landed here -- crashed like we did. The pyramid and the thing from it are indigenous. HUNTER How could anything be indigenous to this asteroid? It's dead. STANDARD Maybe it wasn't always dead. They arrive at the infirmary. INTERIOR - INFIRMARY The door slides open, and they step into the room. Hunter activates the bed, and it slides out of the wall. THERE IS A LONG, HORRIFIED PAUSE. HUNTER It's gone. They rush to Broussard's prone form. THE PARASITE IS GONE FROM HIS FACE. Broussard is still unconscious, but he is breathing. HIS FACE IS COVERED WITH SUCKER MARKS. HUNTER Now we're in for it. STANDARD The door was closed. It must still be in here. They immediately grow very tense. Hunter starts edging toward the door. Standard grabs his arm. STANDARD (CONT'D) No, don't open the door. We don't want it escaping. HUNTER (very nervous) Well, what the hell good can we do in here? We can't grab it -- it might jump on us -- STANDARD Maybe we can catch it. Standard picks up a stainless steel tray with a lid. STANDARD (CONT'D) As long as we're careful not to damage it... Tray in one hand, lid in the other, Standard begins moving slowly around the room. There are very few places to hide. He bends down and peers under the bunk. As he is down on his hands and knees, WE SEE ONE TENTACLE OF THE THING, VIBRATING ON A LEDGE JUST ABOVE STANDARD. He rises, and HIS SHOULDER BRUSHES THE TENTACLE. THE PARASITE DROPS TO THE FLOOR. STANDARD (leaping back) Shit! But the thing is not moving. It lies motionless on the floor, its tentacles curled up. Its color has faded to a dead-looking grey. Without taking his eyes off the thing, Standard reaches behind him and takes a long probe from the wall. He prods the thing; it does not respond. STANDARD (CONT'D) I think it's dead. With great care, he uses the probe to fish the motionless parasite into the tray. Then he quickly closes the lid. INTERIOR - LABORATORY Standard, Roby, and Melkonis have the parasite spread-eagled on a stainless steel table, with a bright light on it. It is belly-side up. Wearing gloves, Standard probes at the thing with an instrument. STANDARD Look at these suckers -- no wonder we couldn't get it off him. ROBY Is that its mouth? MELKONIS More likely that organ -- the tube- like thing -- fits up in there. With a pair of needle-nosed pliers, Standard fishes in the fleshy aperture. Carefully, he extracts the end of the tube-organ. ROBY Ugh. Suddenly, it starts to FALL APART IN THE PLIERS. STANDARD Quick -- it's decomposing -- gimme something to grab it with! It begins to SMOKE AND BUBBLE. Roby grabs a long pair of tongs from the wall and thrusts them at Standard -- who throws down the pliers, snatches the tongs and seizes the thing in the tongs. It is smouldering and dripping acid on the floor. STANDARD (CONT'D) Christ! Let's get it out of here! Carrying the thing, he heads for the door. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS IN SHIP The men run down the passageways, Standard carrying the dripping thing in the tongs. It leaves little smoking droplets on the floor. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIR LOCK They come running up to the airlock. Roby stabs the button and the inner door slides open. By the time Standard is in the lock, Roby is already on the intercom: ROBY (shouts into intercom) For Chrissake, open the main lock! INTERIOR - AIR LOCK - DAY Roby stumbles in as the inner door closes; and with a heavy whine, the thick surface door rumbles open. Orange sunlight billows in, followed by the inevitable dust. Standard HURLS THE CARCASS OUT, tongs and all. EXTERIOR - BASE OF SHIP - DAY The parasite hits the ground and begins to sink into the dust, smouldering and fuming. INTERIOR - AIR LOCK - DAY The outer door rolls shut. ROBY (slumping against the wall) My God, it's lethal even when it's dead! Melkonis gets down on his knees and studies the small burn-holes in the floor. Standard opens the inner door and steps out into the corridor. There, he activates the wall intercom and punches out a combination. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIR LOCK HUNTER (over intercom, filtered) Yes? STANDARD How's Broussard? HUNTER (over, filtered) He's running a fever. STANDARD Still unconscious? HUNTER (over, filtered) Yes. STANDARD Can you do anything for him? HUNTER (over, filtered) The machine will bring his temperature down. His vital functions are strong. STANDARD Good. He switches off the intercom. STANDARD (CONT'D) (suddenly exhausted) I need some coffee. He turns and walks away. INTERIOR - MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM The cat is strolling around as Roby and Melkonis drop into seats; Standard draws a cup of coffee from the machine. MELKONIS These day and night cycles are totally disorienting. I feel like we've been here for days, but it's only been how long? ROBY (stroking the cat) About four hours. STANDARD (staring into his coffee cup) I'm sorry to say it looks like you were right in the first place, Martin. We never should have landed here. ROBY Look, I'm not trying to rub anybody's nose in anything. The important thing is just to get away from here as fast as possible. STANDARD I can't lean on Faust any harder -- he's been working non-stop on the engines. ROBY If we knew exactly what happened to the beings on the other ship -- MELKONIS We do know that. ROBY Yeah? MELKONIS They never made it off the planet. The parasites won. This brings a CHILLY SILENCE. ROBY Where did the parasites come from? STANDARD They seem native to the planet. It's got an atmosphere and a dense gravity. It's dead now, but once it must have been fertile. MELKONIS No. It's just too small to support fauna as big as the parasites. If there were a native ecology, it would have to be microscopic. ROBY Couldn't the pyramid have been built here by space travellers? STANDARD Too primitive. It's a pre- technological construction. That slab was engineered by an Iron-Age culture at best. MELKONIS They're from a dead civilization; they're spores from a tomb. God knows how long they've been here. ROBY I think we better take another look at those heiroglyphs. Suddenly the door opens and Faust sticks his head in. He is covered with dirt and grime. FAUST Hey, guess what? STANDARD What? FAUST The engines are fixed. EXTERIOR - PLANETOID - DAY The SNARK's engines cough and then with a ROAR BEGIN TO BELCH OUT STREAMS OF SUPERHEATED AIR, cutting through the tulgy dust. The ship roars and vibrates like a huge beast, capable of unlimited power. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY They are all at their posts. STANDARD Switch on tractor beams. There is a hair-tingling ELECTRICAL HUM which permeates the whole ship, and it begins to float, like a cork in water. STANDARD (CONT'D) Lock tractor beams. The pitch of the hum changes, and the ship levels itself. STANDARD (CONT'D) Retract landing struts. EXTERIOR - SHIP - DAY The ship is hovering above the ground on beams of shimmering force. The landing struts fold up under the belly of the ship. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY STANDARD Take us up. ROBY (into intercom) Up one kilometer, Jay. EXTERIOR - PLANETOID - DAY The SNARK begins to levitate up into the sky, on the beams of light. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY STANDARD Switch on lifter quads. A POWERFUL, DEEP THROBBING BEGINS. THE SHIP VIBRATES. EXTERIOR - "SNARK" - DAY The hovering SNARK begins to accelerate through the choking atmosphere. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY STANDARD Engage artificial gravity. Roby throws a switch, and the ship LURCHES. ROBY Engaged. STANDARD Let's take her into an escape orbit. The men get busy with switches. ROBY I'm altering our vector now; should give us an easy escape velocity -- A HUGE TREMOR RUNS THROUGHOUT THE SHIP. ROBY & MELKONIS (in concert) What was that? In answer, THE COMMUNICATOR BEEPS. FAUST (over, filtered) This dust is getting clogged in the intakes again! STANDARD Just hold us together till we're in space, that's all! The pitch of the engines changes, deepens. EXTERIOR - SKY - DAY The SNARK swoops up at an acute angle into the boiling clouds. Visibility is zero. INTERIOR - ENGINE ROOM Faust is pulling on a gasmask, because the engine chamber is beginning to fill with dust. He turns on a huge exhaust unit which begins to suck up some of the dust. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - DAY On the screens, nothing but clouds. Then, ANOTHER TREMOR SHUDDERS THROUGH THE SHIP. The men no longer speak; their expressions are grim, set, and sweating; they are watching their instruments. Periodically they mutter technical instructions to each other. EXTERIOR - SHIP - DAY Abruptly the ship CLEARS THE TOP OF THE CLOUD LAYER AND BURSTS OUT INTO STAR-SPRINKLED SPACE, trailing a wake of dust behind it. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - OUTER SPACE They all CHEER. ROBY (pounds his panel) We made it! Damn, we made it! STANDARD You bet we made it. Martin, set course for Irth and accelerate us into stardrive. ROBY With great pleasure. Roby begins to punch buttons. MELKONIS I feel like an escapee from Hell. DISSOLVE TO: EXTERIOR - SHIP AT LIGHT SPEED - LATER The ship's speed is so great that there is perceptible movement in the universe all around. There is a strange corona effect which causes the stars approaching the ship to appear blue, and the receding ones to be red. This is redshift, made visible because of their incredible velocity. INTERIOR - BRIDGE - OUTER SPACE They are unstrapping. ROBY That's the part that always makes me feel like I'm gonna puke -- when we accelerate into light speed. STANDARD Quit complaining; we're in space. They rise and head out of the room. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR As they walk along. STANDARD I think the best thing to do with Broussard is to just freeze him as he is. It'll arrest the progress of his disease, and he can get complete medical attention when we get back to the Colonies. ROBY We'll have to go into quarantine, maybe for quite a while. STANDARD That's okay, he can remain in hypersleep until they're ready to treat him. They enter the infirmary. INTERIOR - INFIRMARY As they enter the room, THEY ARE SHOCKED TO SEE BROUSSARD SITTING UP in BED -- AWAKE. BROUSSARD (hoarsely) ... Mouth's so dry... can I have some water... Instantly, Roby brings him a plastic cup of water. Broussard gulps it down in a swallow. BROUSSARD (CONT'D) More. Roby quickly fills a much bigger container and hands it to Broussard, who greedily consumes the entire thing. Then he sags, panting, on the bunk. STANDARD (softly) How do you feel, Dell? BROUSSARD (weakly) Wretched. What happened to me? STANDARD Don't you remember? BROUSSARD Don't remember nothing. Can't hardly remember my name. ROBY Are you in pain? BROUSSARD Not exactly, just feel like somebody's been beating me with rubber hoses for about six years. Melkonis laughs at this remark. Broussard smiles faintly at him. STANDARD Hell, you're in great shape, you've got your sense of humor back! BROUSSARD God I'm hungry. ROBY Dell, what's the last thing you can remember? BROUSSARD ... I don't know... ROBY Do you remember the pyramid? BROUSSARD No. Just some horrible dreams about smothering. Where are we? STANDARD We're going home. We're in hyperspace. MELKONIS We're going into the freezers now. BROUSSARD I'm really starving; can we get some food before we go into the freezers? STANDARD (laughs) I think that's a pretty reasonable request. INTERIOR - MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM The entire crew is seated around the table, eating huge portions greedily. The cat eats from a dish on the table. HUNTER Boy do I feel a lot better. It's a straight shot back to the Colonies, and then we can start taking bids on the paydirt. Any bets on the top bid? FAUST (chewing) Well, we should at least be able to each buy our own planet. They all CHUCKLE. MELKONIS I'm going to write a book about this expedition. I'm going to call it "The Snark Log." STANDARD (stiffly) The commander normally has first publication rights. MELKONIS Maybe we could write it together. ROBY First thing I'm going to do when we get back is eat some biological food. MELKONIS What's the matter, you don't like this stuff? ROBY Tastes like something you'd feed a chicken to make it lay more eggs. STANDARD Oh it's okay. I've had better cag than this, but I've had worse too, if you know what I mean. FAUST I kind of like it. ROBY You like this shit? FAUST It grows on you. ROBY You know what they make this stuff out of? FAUST (annoyed) Yes, I know what they make it out of, so what? It's food now. You're eating it. ROBY I didn't say it was bad for you, it's just kind of sickening, that's all. HUNTER Do we have to talk about this kind of crap at the dinner table? Suddenly, unexpectedly, BROUSSARD GRIMACES AND GROANS. STANDARD What's wrong? BROUSSARD (his voice straining) I don't know... I'm getting these CRAMPS! The others stare at him in alarm. Another GROAN is torn from his lips. He clutches the edge of the table with his hands, his knuckles whitening. STANDARD Breathe deeply. BROUSSARD (screaming) OH GOD IT HURTS SO BAD! ROBY What Dell -- what? Broussard's face is screwed up into a mask of agony, and he is trembling violently from head to foot. BROUSSARD (incoherent shriek) OhmygooaaAAAHHHHH!!! A RED SMEAR OF BLOOD BLOSSOMS ON THE CHEST OF BROUSSARD'S TUNIC. THEIR EYES ARE ALL RIVETTED TO BROUSSARD'S CHEST AS THE FABRIC OF HIS TUNIC IS RIPPED OPEN, AND A HORRIBLE NASTY LITTLE HEAD THE SIZE OF A MAN'S FIST PUSHES OUT. Everybody SCREAMS and leaps back from the table. The cat spits and bolts. The disgusting little head lunges, comes spurting out of Broussard's chest trailing a thick, wormlike tail -- splattering fluids and blood -- lands in the middle of the dishes and food on the table -- and scurries away while the men are stampeding for safe ground. When they finally regain control of themselves, it has escaped. Broussard lies slumped in his chair, a huge hole in his chest, spouting blood. The dishes are scattered and the food is covered with blood and slime. HUNTER Oh, no. Oh, no. FAUST What was that? What the Christ was that? MELKONIS It was growing in him the whole time and he didn't even know it! Slowly, they gather around Broussard's gutted corpse. ROBY That thing used him for an incubator! EXTERIOR - SHIP - OUTER SPACE A hatch slides open on the side of the ship, and Broussard's wrapped body tumbles silently out. AN ELECTRONIC BASS DRUM BEATS A DIRGE as Broussard drifts into eternity. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS The entire remaining crew is walking toward the bridge. MELKONIS We can't go into hypersleep with that thing running around loose. HUNTER We'd be sitting ducks in the freezers. ROBY But we can't kill it. If we kill it, it will spill all its body acids right through our hull and out into space. FAUST Shit... STANDARD We'll have to catch it and eject it from the ship. MELKONIS (sighs) Well, I kind of hate to point it out, but all our supplies are based on us spending a strictly limited amount of time out of suspended animation... and as you know, we used up most of that time in harvesting. STANDARD We've got about a week left, right? HUNTER And then we run out of food and oxygen. FAUST The water will still recycle. ROBY We won't need it then. STANDARD All right, so that's what we've got. A week. It's plenty of time. ROBY But if we haven't caught it in a week, then we have to go into the freezers anyway. They enter the bridge. INTERIOR - BRIDGE STANDARD So does anybody have any suggestions? FAUST We could put on our pressure suits and blow all the air out of the ship. That would kill it. STANDARD No, we can't afford to lose that much oxygen. We're going to have to flush it out. MELKONIS How? STANDARD Room by room, corridor by corridor. No one likes this thought. MELKONIS And what do we do when we find it? STANDARD We'll have to trap it somehow. If we had a really strong piece of net, we could bag it. FAUST We could cut a section out of that metallite netting. It won't hold up to that acid, but aside from that it's pretty strong. ROBY We have to avoid injuring it. What we really need is some electric animal prods. HUNTER I think I could cobble something together. A long metal rod with a battery in it. Give it a hell of a shock. STANDARD Good. Get on it. But first, I'm issuing a standing order: from this moment forth, every one of us will wear protective garments, including helmets. Let's get down to the locker and change. They start for the exit. EXTERIOR - OUTER SPACE The SNARK continues on its way through the weird vortex of hyperspace. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS IN SHIP Standard is walking purposefully along the corridor, alone. He is garmented in an unusual outfit which makes him look like a riot policeman, including clear plastic helmet. He reaches a corner and turns. But this new passageway has a different gravity orientation -- Standard seems to be walking down a vertical wall. He makes yet another disorienting turn, and now he is walking upside- down. He reaches a set of steps and climbs up them -- or rather, down them. INTERIOR - VENTRAL OBSERVATION DOME - VIEW OF OUTER SPACE Melkonis is seated in the dome, upside-down, peering down into space. He also wears the protective suit. Standard, upside-down, climbs into the dome. It is dark and eerie here, under the stars of interstellar space. A few glowing panels provide the only illumination. STANDARD I thought I'd find you here. MELKONIS I was thinking of a line from an old poem: "Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink." All that space out there, and we're trapped in this ship. STANDARD That's the one about the albatross, right? MELKONIS We can't even radio for help; the carrier wave wouldn't reach its destination till long after we'd died and turned to dust. We are utterly, absolutely alone. Can anybody really visualize such a scale of distances? Halfway across Creation... STANDARD We came out there, we'll go back. A long time by the clock, but a short time to us. MELKONIS Time and space have no meaning out here. We're living in Einsteinian equation. STANDARD I can see you're putting your spare time to good use. (leans forward and taps him on the knee) Let me tell you something: you keep staring at hyperspace for long enough, they'll be peeling you off a wall. I've seen it happen. MELKONIS (smiles at him) We're the new pioneers, Chaz. We even have our own special diseases. STANDARD Come on -- let's go above and see how they're coming with the gear. INTERIOR - BRIDGE The whole crew has assembled. Faust is unfolding several yards of shimmering metallic netting. Hunter hands out five thin rods, like metal broom handles. HUNTER These have portable generators in them. They're insulated down to here -- just be careful not to touch the end. He demonstrates by touching the tip of one of the rods to a metal object. A blue spark leaps. FAUST Might even incinerate the damn thing. STANDARD (sharply) I hope not. HUNTER Don't worry, it won't damage it, it'll just give it a little incentive. STANDARD How do we locate the creature? FAUST With these. He picks up a small portable unit. FAUST (CONT'D) Tracking device. You set it to search for a moving object... It hasn't got much range, but when you get within a certain distance, it starts beeping. Standard takes the device and studies it. STANDARD These will be very useful. At least we won't have to go digging around in closets with our bare hands. All right, here's the battle plan: we're going to break into two teams and start systematically covering the ship. Whoever finds it first, catches it in the net and ejects it from the nearest airlock. Clear? ROBY Even simple. Standard shoots him a vicious look, then continues: STANDARD For starters, let's make sure the bridge is safe. Faust takes the device and turns it on. He scans it around the room. FAUST It's clear. STANDARD All right -- Roby and Melkonis will go with Faust. Hunter and I will make up the second team. They start doling out the equipment. STANDARD (CONT'D) We'll all carry communicators. We want to keep in constant touch. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS IN SHIP Melkonis and Roby carry the net, while Faust walks directly behind it, carrying the tracking device. He continually scans it from side to side. FAUST Nothing yet... nothing... we can move pretty fast as long as there's nothing on the tracker. INTERIOR - OTHER CORRIDORS Standard and Hunter move silently along. Standard is forced to serve a double function, carrying one edge of the net and the tracker as well. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS Roby's team is moving at a fairly brisk pace, when: FAUST Hold it. Faust's tracker is BEEPING, and a small light flashes. FAUST (CONT'D) I've got something. Immediately, they grow very tense and start looking around. ROBY Where's it coming from? FAUST (peers closely at tracker and frowns) Machine's screwed up, I can't tell. Needle's spinning all over the dial. MELKONIS Is it malfunctioning? Faust turns the tracker on its side, and the needle stabilizes. FAUST No, just confused. It's coming from below us. They all look down at their feet. INTERIOR - MAINTENANCE LEVEL Roby, Melkonis, and Faust come carefully down a set of crude metal stairs, into a drab, functional section of the ship. The corridors in this level are lit by rows of bare bulbs in the ceiling. The effect is ugly and confining. They stop at the foot of the stairs and move into position, spreading the net across the corridor. ROBY Okay. FAUST (looking at tracker and nodding down the passageway) That way. They begin to walk down the passageway, footsteps clanging on the raw metal flooring. It is extremely dark. ROBY What happened to the lights? FAUST Bulbs burned out, nobody bothered to replace 'em. They switch on the helmet lights. CAMERA FOLLOWS THEM AROUND A COUPLE OF TURNINGS, AND THEN: FAUST (CONT'D) Hold it. They all stop quickly, almost stumbling. FAUST (CONT'D) (whispering) It's within 4 meters. Roby and Melkonis heft the net, each keeping his prod in hand. Faust, prod in one hand and tracker in the other, has the unpleasant job of approaching the source of the signal. He moves with great care, in a half crouch, ready to leap back at any second, prod extended, constantly glancing at the tracker. The tracking device leads him right up to a small hatch or door in one wall. Behind his plastic mask, sweat is pouring down Faust's face as he sets down the tracker and reaches for the little door. He raises the prod, grasps the door handle, yanks it open, and jams the electric prod inside. WITH A NERVE-SHATTERING SQUALL, A SMALL CREATURE COMES FLYING OUT OF THE CABINET, EYES GLARING, CLAWS FLASHING. Instinctively, they throw the net over it, but: ROBY (very annoyed) Oh, hold it! They open the net and release the creature. IT IS THE CAT. Hissing and spitting, it scampers away. MELKONIS We're making fools of ourselves! Roby's COMMUNICATOR BEEPS. ROBY (into communicator) Yes! STANDARD (over, filtered) We've got it up here! It's trapped! Get up here fast! ROBY Where are you? STANDARD (over, filtered) Food-storage room! ROBY We're coming! They dash for the stairs. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS IN SHIP Roby, Faust, and Melkonis charge down the hallways until they arrive at: INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE FOOD STORAGE ROOM Standard and Hunter are waiting for them, in hysterics. HUNTER We saw it inside and slammed the door on it! It's in there now! On the other side of the door, CRASHING AND BANGING can be heard. ROBY What's it doing, having a seizure? STANDARD It started crashing around right after we locked it in. ROBY Now what? STANDARD I guess we open the door and net it. HUNTER I hate to open that door. Again the thing can be heard CRASHING AROUND INSIDE. STANDARD It looks completely different from the first one -- it's more like a worm with legs... and tentacles. FAUST Well we better do something. HUNTER Maybe we don't have to. It's trapped in there. We could just leave it in there all the way back to Irth. STANDARD (snaps) Don't be an idiot. FAUST I know what we can do. We can pump poison gas into the room and kill it. Through those ventilator slots there. He indicates a row of slots in the bottom of the door. ROBY Hey, wait a minute! That's all our food supplies in there! We can't pump poison gas all over them! STANDARD Once we kill the thing we won't need the food any more -- we can go straight into hypersleep. Also, it sounds like that thing is already doing a pretty good job on our supplies; it may be fouling them all. ROBY You win. FAUST Somebody gimme a hand, I'll get the stuff. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE FOOD LOCKER - LATER CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL THAT they are fastening a large funnel- shaped device over the ventilator grill at the bottom of the door. This funnel is attached to a thick hose, which runs back to a large metal tank with pressure gauges. STANDARD Get those masks on. They pull on gas masks. ROBY This stuff's deadly -- I hope we know what we're doing. STANDARD Go ahead, Jay. Faust turns on the machine. It begins to throb as it pumps the gas through the hose and into the room. Immediately, THE CRASHING NOISES RISE IN CRESCENDO, AND THE THING CAN BE HEARD SCREECHING AND SQUEALING. Then the sounds stop altogether. STANDARD (CONT'D) Shut it off. Faust shuts off the pump. ROBY Now what? STANDARD What do you think? Now we go in. Standard steps to the door and opens it. A thick cloud of gas billows out. INTERIOR - FOOD STORAGE ROOM The room is thick with the poison gas. The men look like insects in their gasmasks. The food packages are ripped to shreds, and foodstuffs are scattered all over the floor. FAUST Looks like he helped himself. Carefully, the men poke through the garbage, net and prods raised. Then Hunter points. HUNTER God damn it. They all look where he is pointing. In the wall, A VENTILATOR GRILL HAS BEEN RIPPED OPEN. HUNTER (CONT'D) It escaped. They move to the shredded ventilator and shine their lights into it. ROBY Where does that go? FAUST All over the ship; we'll have to check the charts to know for sure. STANDARD Then let's go and do it. They head for the door. HUNTER Have we got any food at all left in the ship? They slam the door shut and seal it. INTERIOR - BRIDGE The screens are showing them a schematic of the ship's system of ventilator shafts. FAUST That one section of the ventilator shaft has only two outlets -- you notice? The food storage room on one end -- HUNTER -- And the cooling unit on the other. STANDARD So it's trapped in between -- now we have to drive it out. FAUST Poison gas... HUNTER We can't pump poison gas down into the cooling unit! It'll flood the whole ship! STANDARD The only other thing I can think of is for somebody to crawl in there and flush it out. ROBY Are you crazy? STANDARD The man would need protection, obviously -- as well as some way to drive the thing before him. FAUST How about a flamethrower? That wouldn't poison the air. MELKONIS So one of us goes into the airshaft and drives the thing along -- STANDARD While the rest of us wait down in the cooling unit with the net. HUNTER Sounds like a rough one. STANDARD Got a better idea? Hunter shrugs. ROBY So the only question left is: who gets to crawl down the airshaft? STANDARD Let's be democratic. He tears five small sheets of paper from a pad on his console. On one of them, he draws a large X. Then he wads each piece of paper into a tiny little ball. He rolls the paperballs between his hands and tosses them on the table like dice. STANDARD (CONT'D) Martin, take one. Roby picks one up and unfolds it. It is blank. Melkonis picks up another and opens it. Again blank. Faust picks up a ball, and Standard immediately picks his own up. They are both blank. They all look at Hunter, who has not yet unfolded his. STANDARD (CONT'D) Open it up, Cleave. INTERIOR - FOOD STORAGE ROOM Hunter is strapping on an oxygen mask and a flame thrower. Faust is helping him. Finally, Faust hands him a tracking device. FAUST Well, uh... good luck. I hope you won't need me, but if you do, I'm here. HUNTER (grimly) Right. Hunter turns and climbs into the ventilator opening, which is just large enough to crawl through. INTERIOR - AIR SHAFT It is completely dark in the shaft. Hunter reaches up and turns on his helmet light. Then he switches on his radio. HUNTER Hey, do you guys read me down there? INTERIOR - CLIMATE CONTROL ROOM Standard, Melkonis and Roby are spreading out the net. We hear the hum of huge cooling plants, and their hair ruffles. Large airshafts run off in different directions. STANDARD Yeah, we're getting into position. INTERIOR - AIR SHAFT HUNTER Okay, I'm starting now. He begins to crawl forward into the narrow metal tunnel. He turns a corner. After a couple more tight turns, THE TRACKER SUDDENLY BEEPS. Hunter twitches. He raises his flamethrower and FIRES A BLAST INTO THE DARKNESS. It roars loudly in the confined tube, and the air instantly heats up. Smoke drifts back into his face. He begins to sweat. INTERIOR - CLIMATE CONTROL ROOM Roby points to a large rectangular opening in one wall. ROBY (pointing) There. That's where it's got to come out. He throws a switch, and a large metal panel rises and seals off the opening. ROBY (CONT'D) That's a flip-flop gate to channel the air, but we can use it to trap the thing. STANDARD Right now let's keep it closed. Melkonis is setting up a little portable unit with a screen on it. The screen shows a section of the ship's schematic. MELKONIS I've got Hunter... and something else as well, in front of him. STANDARD Are they close? MELKONIS They're on the next level up. STANDARD Let's get moving with this net. They lift the net up, holding it in front of the opening. INTERIOR - AIR SHAFT Hunter is still crawling on hands and knees. Up ahead, he can see that the shaft takes an abrupt downward turn. He crawls toward the down angle, then fires another blast from his flamethrower. Then he starts crawling down, head first. When he is nearly upside-down, the shaft takes yet another turning which puts him into a nearly impossible position, almost immobilized. Then the tracker starts BEEPING LIKE CRAZY. Frantically, he fumbles the flamethrower around, but the space is narrow -- it is difficult maneuvering. He hears a HISSING CRY up ahead, and claws scrambling on metal. Then he has the weapon into position, and sprays another lethal flaming burst toward the sound. INTERIOR - CLIMATE CONTROL ROOM Melkonis is staring at his screen. MELKONIS They're getting pretty close now. STANDARD All right, then -- when it gets to the other side of the door, you sing out, then drop the door. Okay? MELKONIS Okay. STANDARD (to Roby) And you and I will bag it, and then we'll take it to the ventral air lock, got it? ROBY (tensely) Uh-huh. INTERIOR - AIR SHAFT Hunter is huddled against a wall of the shaft, clutching the flamethrower. HUNTER (whispers) Hey, you guys. INTERIOR - CLIMATE CONTROL ROOM STANDARD (into communicator) Yes! INTERIOR - AIR SHAFT HUNTER (whispering) I don't think this shaft goes on too much farther... anyway it's getting pretty hot in here... INTERIOR - CLIMATE CONTROL ROOM STANDARD (into communicator) Okay, our screens show you as being near to the opening. We'll open it up, then we'll cue you and you can start blasting. That'll drive it right out. You don't have to go any farther. INTERIOR - AIR SHAFT HUNTER Good. He readies the flamethrower. INTERIOR - CLIMATE CONTROL ROOM STANDARD Okay, get ready. He and Roby heft their respective ends of the net, crouched to catch the small creature when it darts out. Melkonis picks up his electric prod. STANDARD (CONT'D) Open the vent, Sandy. Melkonis reaches over and throws the switch. The metal gate drops down, opening up the shaft. A SIX-FOOT MONSTROSITY STANDS IN THE OPENING. GHASTLY BEYOND IMAGINATION, SQUAMOUS, COVERED WITH TENTACLES, IT HOPS DOWN LIKE AN OVER-SIZED BIRD AND GRABS MELKONIS IN RAZOR-SHARP TENTACLES. Melkonis lets out a horrible shriek, and the thing grabs his head in one claw and TWISTS IT OFF LIKE A MAN PULLING THE HEAD OFF A CHICKEN, THEN THROWS IT TO THE FLOOR WITH AN AUDIBLE CLUNK. CLUTCHING MELKONIS' BODY TIGHTLY AGAINST ITSELF, IT TURNS AND BOUNDS DOWN THE HALL. MELKONIS' HEADLESS BODY IS STILL KICKING AND STRUGGLING AS THE MONSTER LEAPS HEAD-FIRST INTO ANOTHER AIR SHAFT. Standard and Roby are left standing in shock. After a moment, Hunter climbs out of the shaft. HUNTER What happened? Where is it? They break from their paralysis, and run toward the opening the creature just leaped into. It is another shaft, going down into darkness. STANDARD (awed) How did it get so big? ROBY By eating our food supplies. HUNTER Where's Melkonis? INTERIOR - FOOD STORAGE ROOM Faust is still waiting. FAUST (into his communicator) Hey, are you guys still there? What's going on? STANDARD (over, filtered) Meet us on the bridge. Be careful -- it's huge now. FAUST Right. Faust lets himself out of the food storage room and carefully locks the door behind him. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS Standard, Roby and Hunter are rapidly ascending toward the bridge. HUNTER You mean his body was still kicking when it ran off with him? ROBY It was horrible -- horrible. Like a chicken. INTERIOR - BRIDGE Standard, Roby and Hunter enter and drop into chairs. Faust follows shortly. They all look blank, stunned. FAUST What happened? Where's Sandy? ROBY Dead. FAUST Dead! ROBY It's monstrous -- it grew, like some horrible tapeworm. We were completely unprepared. FAUST It's still in the ship? STANDARD We'd better seal off the lower maintenance level; at least trap it there. (throws a switch; circuitry lights up) HUNTER At least it can't get up here now. ROBY Two down, four to go. STANDARD (angrily) What's that supposed to mean? ROBY Nothing. HUNTER Listen, it sure didn't like this flamethrower. STANDARD That's right -- we can't kill it on the ship, but we can at least keep it at bay -- and maybe drive it into the air lock. HUNTER Thing is, I'm about out of fuel. FAUST There's some more combustible fuel down in the storage lockers next to the lounge. (rises) I'll go get it. STANDARD No, I don't want us separated. FAUST You just sealed it off; it can't get to that section. ROBY Don't count on it. HUNTER We sure need this flamethrower. STANDARD All right... but do not go below decks. FAUST Right. (heads for the door) STANDARD And be right back. Faust exits. ROBY I think it's time we took a hard look at those heiroglyphs. Roby begins to punch buttons; the photographs of the heiroglyphics appear on some of the screens. ROBY (CONT'D) Can you make out any pattern in all that? STANDARD (baffled) Well... yes... there's a pattern... but it's meaningless to me. ROBY I know it looks like a senseless jumble, but if you look closely, there are recognizable forms. HUNTER Recognizable! In that? ROBY In symbolic form... very stylized... but if you stare at it, you can see some of the different creatures we've been dealing with. HUNTER Well... I suppose that star-shaped thing could be the parasite that got on Broussard. Is that what you mean? ROBY And right next to it, that oval design with the markings -- it's a dead ringer for the spore casings. STANDARD That next thing there -- six legs, tentacles -- that's the thing we saw in the food locker. ROBY So the next step should be -- HUNTER -- The big one. And there it is. Out of meaningless geometric symbols on a wall, it has become possible to recognize each stage in the alien's life cycle. ROBY This is all the same creature. We're seeing the different stages in its life-cycle. STANDARD Then that tomb... must have been some kind of fertility temple... where they stored their eggs, and maybe held mating rituals... HUNTER ... And Broussard got caught in their reproductive cycle. ROBY You will notice, though, that there are no more phases. Only four forms are shown. After that the pattern repeats. STANDARD Which presumably means... ROBY ... More spores coming. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIR LOCK Faust quickly turns a couple of corners and then comes to an abrupt halt when he notices that a DOOR LEADING TO THE LOWER DECKS HAS BEEN WRENCHED OFF ITS HINGES. He hesitates, uncertain what to do, then there is A SOUND FROM THE DIRECTION OF THE AIR LOCK... AND THE INNER LOCK DOOR IS OPEN. Faust hesitates and peers into the lock. INTERIOR - AIR LOCK The creature is squatting in the middle of the floor, gnawing on a bloody thigh bone. It does not see Faust. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIR LOCK Stealthfully, dropping back into the shadows, Faust presses the wall intercom and speaks into it. FAUST (whispering) It's in the lock -- blow the main lock. INTERIOR - BRIDGE Standard, Roby and Hunter are staring at the pictures. The call from Faust catches Standard in mid-sentence. STANDARD (into intercom) What? INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIR LOCK FAUST (whispering) It's in the main air lock. Blow the lock. INTERIOR - BRIDGE Standard hesitates, starts to frame a reply -- then changes his mind and runs to his console -- and THROWS THE SWITCH. INTERIOR - AIR LOCK With a mechanical whine, the inner door starts to close. The creature hears it and INSTANTANEOUSLY LEAPS OUT OF THE LOCK. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIR LOCK The creature comes flying out of the lock and DEALS FAUST A BACK- HANDED BLOW, KNOCKING HIM ACROSS THE THRESHOLD OF THE AIR LOCK DOOR. FAUST SCREAMS IN MORTAL AGONY AS THE INNER DOOR CLOSES ON HIS WAIST, crushing him to a thickness of about three inches. On the wall, a green light goes on: "INNER DOOR CLOSED" INTERIOR - AIR LOCK Despite the fact that the inner door is still held open a few inches by Faust's squashed body, THE OUTER DOOR BEGINS TO SLIDE OPEN. IMMEDIATELY, THERE IS A TREMENDOUS SCREAM OF ESCAPING AIR. EXTERIOR - SHIP - OUTER SPACE In dead silence, a thick spurt of steam comes out of the open air lock door. This is the ship's atmosphere freezing as it squirts out into the vacuum under pressure. INTERIOR - BRIDGE INSTANTLY, A TREMENDOUS WINDSTORM STARTS UP as the ship's air is sucked out toward the lock. A SIREN BEGINS TO SOUND, AND A RED LIGHT FLASHES: "CRITICAL DEPRESSURIZATION" After a moment of panic and confusion, Roby bolts out of the control room. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS Loose papers and articles of furniture hurtle through the passageways, as Roby hurries toward the rock, partly running, partly sucked along by the air current. EXTERIOR - SHIP - OUTER SPACE A huge plume of steam grows from the side of the ship, with all kinds of tiny loose particles tumbling out in it. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS Whipped by the hurricane wind, Roby crashes to a momentary halt against a wall. As he hesitates there, trying to regain his balance, HE SEES THE CREATURE SCURRYING AWAY DOWN ANOTHER CORRIDOR. Ignoring the monster, he pushes off from the wall and starts running again. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR OUTSIDE AIR LOCK Roby stops himself by grabbing the edge of a doorway at the end of the hall down from the airlock. Here, the wind is really terrific -- his clothes flap on his body and all kinds of things fly by -- the sound is a DEAFENING WHISTLE. Instantly, Roby starts turning a large wheel, which begins to close a sliding hatch door, closing off the air lock corridor. As the hatch closes, THE CURRENT DECREASES, THEN IS FINALLY CUT OFF AS HE SEALS IT. Done in, he collapses to the floor. Then he clutches his throat and begins to gasp for breath. Because of the thinness of the air, THE SOUND LEVEL IN THE SHIP IS VERY ODD -- THIN, DISTANT, ALMOST INAUDIBLE. Roby is gasping loudly, but we can barely hear him; and his footsteps boom thinly like a man walking underwater. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS Clutching his throat, he comes across the others -- Standard and Hunter -- and they are all choking, clawing at their throats, gasping like fishes out of water. They are sweating heavily and their noses bleed. They try to speak to each other, but the sound is so muffled we can only hear distant croaks. Standard mumbles something and stumbles down the hall. The others follow him. INTERIOR - MAIN AIR TANK ROOM The door bursts open and Standard reels in, his footsteps pinging thinly on the metal flooring. We see several rows of large oxygen tanks, all connected by hoses to a few petcocks. Standard staggers to these and starts twisting the handles, opening them. THERE IS A PIERCING HISS OF ESCAPING AIR, AND THE SOUND LEVEL GRADUALLY RETURNS TO NORMAL as Standard and the others sink to the floor, gasping in the oxygen gratefully. Finally they have recovered enough to be able to sit up. ROBY How much oxygen did we lose? Standard rises unsteadily and peers at the gauges. STANDARD We've got six hours left. HUNTER (groans) Oh my God. STANDARD Does anybody know what happened? ROBY I saw it. Faust got himself jammed in the air lock door. His body held it open. STANDARD Can we get to him? ROBY No, I had to seal off a whole section. We'd lose too much of our remaining air if we opened the connecting door. INTERIOR - AIR LOCK Faust's body, crushed in the inner door, floats weightlessly in the vacuum. His nose and mouth are crusted with huge gobs of dried blood. INTERIOR - BRIDGE The three survivors -- Standard, Roby and Hunter -- slump into chairs. The cat emerges from a hiding place, yowling with fear. ROBY (picking up the cat) Poor kitty; puss puss puss. STANDARD At least we're rid of the damn monster. It must have been the first thing sucked out of the ship. ROBY No such luck. I saw it running down one of the corridors. HUNTER (groans) Oh no! We can't fight this thing! There's only six hours of air left -- we're dead men! STANDARD I don't buy that. There's still time to destroy it and get ourselves in the freezers. HUNTER How? STANDARD It's time for drastic remedies. ROBY It was time for that a couple days ago. STANDARD That kind of remark is pointless. Now come on -- I want to hear every suggestion you can come up with, no matter how wild. HUNTER We can't kill it on board. It's huge now and must have tremendous amounts of that acid in its body. ROBY I've got an idea, but you're not going to like it. STANDARD Let's hear it. ROBY Okay. First we shut down all the cooling systems on the stardrive engines. STANDARD That'll blow the ship up. ROBY Right... but it'll take a few minutes for the engines to overheat and melt down the core. In the meantime, we get in the lifeboat and leave the ship. HUNTER Blow the ship up? ROBY And the creature with it. We can make it back to Irth in the lifeboat. STANDARD But the lifeboat can't accelerate to light speed. ROBY Doesn't matter -- we're already at light speed. And when we get back to the Colonies, they'll pick us up in the network. HUNTER What about all the minerals and elements in the cargo hold? That's the only reason we came out here. We'd have to abandon them all. We'd be broke. ROBY Our lives are more important. Anyway, we can take a small amount of the most valuable stuff with us on the lifeboat. STANDARD No, it won't work and I just realized why. There's only one hypersleep freezer on the lifeboat. Only one of us could survive. ROBY Yeah... I forgot. STANDARD But the idea's good, if we could just turn it around somehow. They think. STANDARD (CONT'D) If we could just get the creature into the lifeboat, we could launch it into space and blow it up. HUNTER Good! That's good! STANDARD We can load the lifeboat up with explosives and trigger them remotely, once the lifeboat is in space. ROBY I think it's going to be almost impossible to drive it up into the lifeboat. HUNTER We can use the flamethrower. ROBY It's not going to work. STANDARD You can't say that; I think it's a good plan. HUNTER The flamethrower needs more fuel. STANDARD Right. We've got a lot to accomplish. Let's get moving. INTERIOR - MINING & CARGO BAY The three men come down steps into this rather dirty area of the ship. A lot of tools and large items of machinery are stored around. LONG RACKS OF SHELVES ARE STOCKED WITH METAL CONTAINERS OF VARIOUS SHAPES. Each container is well packed and labelled. HUNTER Which explosive should we use? STANDARD I'd suggest the N-13 sticks. They're portable, and they can be radio detonated. Hunter begins to unlock a locker and draw out long, red sticks like broomhandles, with tiny printing on them. Meanwhile, ROBY IS STARING AT THE ROWS OF METAL CANNISTERS. He touches one of them. ROBY You know, it's funny -- this stuff we went to so much trouble to dig up -- this treasure, the paydirt -- it'll make it back to Irth just fine -- even if we're not with it. STANDARD Here, carry these. Hunter takes an armload of the red broomsticks, and stumbles. ROBY (grabbing at him) Hey watch it! STANDARD (grinning) It's stable; it doesn't hurt to drop it. They begin to carry the explosives up the steps. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR The three men are carrying their equipment along the hallway, when Hunter's tracker suddenly BEEPS. HUNTER Hold it! They all stop. The tracker BEEPS AGAIN. Hunter puts down his stuff and points the tracker around. HUNTER (CONT'D) (nodding up some steps) Up there. They all look at each other. Standard puts down his bundle and picks up the flamethrower. ROBY So what do we do? Do we ignore it and finish loading the explosives into the boat -- or do we flush it out now? STANDARD Now. If we can get it into the boat, we won't have to blow it up -- we can just eject it into space. Standard hefts the flamethrower and starts up the steps. INTERIOR - DIM STAIRWELL Standard's face is tense as he advances up the circular steps. Suddenly, a METALLIC TAPPING SOUND is heard. He freezes. Then he continues up. EXTERIOR - DORSAL OBSERVATION DOME - VIEW OF OUTER SPACE The view of interstellar space is spectacular. As Standard comes up the steps, the METALLIC TAPPING is heard again. Standard looks around. Then he sees it -- BROUSSARD'S CORPSE FLOATS OUTSIDE THE GLASS OF THE DOME. It is tangled in some rigging, and the movement of the machinery causes the cadaver to tap on the glass periodically. STANDARD (shouts) You can come up! It's safe! The others come up the steps. ROBY (spying the corpse) Oh -- Jesus -- Broussard's corpse is blue and bloated where the wrappings have torn loose. Bumping against the glass, he looks like he wants to come in. STANDARD The ship's gravitational attraction must have drawn him back. HUNTER (horrified) Should we go outside and bring him in? STANDARD No... the risk is too great. Perhaps after we've destroyed the thing. Glancing back, the men retreat from the observation dome. Broussard remains against the glass, peering in with dead eyes. INTERIOR - NOSE OF SHIP The floor slopes upward slightly here as the corridor funnels in and ends in the entrance to a narrow passageway or crawl-way. This passageway connects the nose of the ship with the lifeboat. The three men come up to the entrance to the passageway, carrying the equipment. They duck in and walk the short distance to the lifeboat. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT The passageway connects into the rear of the lifeboat. It is an extremely simple, stripped-down vehicle; even the metal struts and beams-are exposed. A single hypersleep freezer takes up a fair amount of floor space. It is an escape-craft, nothing more. STANDARD (pointing) Along the base of the walls there. They begin to stack the red broomsticks against the base of the walls on both sides of the lifeboat, and to wire them into position tightly. HUNTER This should do it. ROBY I should hope so! And we'd better make sure it's pretty far from the ship when we blow it. STANDARD It will be. HUNTER (surveys the craft uneasily) What we really need is some red meat in here for bait. ROBY Well, if we had some, I'd eat it. I'm starting to get hungry. By this time, they are exiting. INTERIOR - NOSE OF SHIP STANDARD Well... now we have to herd that thing up here. HUNTER (nervously) Whoever's doing the herding is gonna have their hands pretty full. I think somebody should stay by the lifeboat to slam the door on the thing once it's inside, and to serve as... as... (searches for a word) ROBY Isn't "bait" the word you used? HUNTER Hey look, somebody has to have his hands free to lock the creature in the lifeboat! STANDARD Yes, and maybe launch the boat and blow it too... if the others are injured. ROBY Who gets the privilege? INSERT: THREE CRUMPLED PIECES OF PAPER. Three hands pick them up. ANGLE ON ROBY. He unfolds his paper, turns it so the others can see it. It has a big X on it. ANOTHER ANGLE - SHORTLY LATER. Hunter is showing Roby a small device like a transistor radio. HUNTER Just keep your finger off the button till she's way away from the ship, that's all. ROBY Is it armed? HUNTER If you press the button right now, it will blow the whole nose of the ship off. ROBY Thanks for the thought. (puts detonator in his breast pocket) STANDARD All right, Martin, we'll be in touch with you on the communicator. ROBY And you'll let me know when you've got it coming this way... STANDARD And you stand aside while we drive it in, then shut the hatch, launch the boat, and -- ROBY Kablooey. Hunter's face twitches nervously at this. STANDARD Come on; we haven't much time, air is a factor. They leave the nose of the ship, Standard carrying the flamethrower, Hunter the tracker. Roby settles himself at the controls, runs through them briefly to familiarize himself. Using a switch, he opens and closes the lifeboat door a couple of times. It slams open and shut quite rapidly. He presses a few buttons and sets the launch button to "READY." Then STANDARD'S VOICE comes from the communicator: STANDARD (over, filtered) We've got something on the tracker... got to be it, it's too big for the cat. This is a VERY SPOOKY SCENE, ROBY ALONE BY THE LIFEBOAT, LISTENING TO THE VOICES ON THE COMMUNICATOR. HUNTER (over, filtered) It's coming from down there. Roby hears various tinny sound effects, rustlings, clunkings, breathing, etc. INTERIOR - CORRIDOR IN SHIP Standard has the flamethrower at the ready, and Hunter is staring at the tracker. HUNTER It must have stopped moving. I'm not getting anything. STANDARD Let me go first; you stay behind me. Carefully, Standard advances down the corridor. Then THE CREATURE POPS OUT OF HIDING BEHIND HUNTER, AND PICKS HIM UP. HUNTER SCREAMS. Standard whirls around, sees the thing clutching Hunter. It holds him off to one side, as though to keep Standard from getting at him. Standard doesn't know what to do. HUNTER The flamethrower! STANDARD I can't, the acid will pour out! At that moment the creature TAKES A BITE OUT OF HUNTER, WHO SCREAMS IN MORTAL AGONY. Standard can take it no longer; he raises the flamethrower and fires -- BUT THE CREATURE SWINGS HUNTER AROUND AS A SHIELD AND HUNTER CATCHES THE FULL BLAST OF THE FLAME. Standard instantly stops firing, but now Hunter is a kicking ball of flame, held out at arm's length by the monster. INTERIOR - NOSE OF SHIP Roby is listening to all this on the communicator. He can hear the shrieks and crashing noises. Then the communicator goes dead, and all he hears is a rush of static. ROBY Hello? Standard? Hunter? He waits quite a while for a response, but we can see from his expression that he expects none. He drops his face into his hands. When he lifts his head again, he has managed to summon a certain amount of resolve. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS IN SHIP Roby walks along watching the tracker, carrying a pistol in the other hand. He comes across Standard's flamethrower, lying on the floor. He picks it up, substituting it for the pistol. Then he continues to follow the tracker; it takes him down the steps into the maintenance level. INTERIOR - MAINTENANCE LEVEL Roby follows the device for a short distance until it indicates that the source of the signal is directly under his feet. Looking down, he sees that he is standing on a square metal plate. Getting down on his hands and knees, he removes the heavy plate, revealing a black opening with a ladder going down. Substituting the tracker for a flashlight, but still carrying the flamethrower, Roby starts down the ladder. INTERIOR - DARK STORAGE ROOM Shining the light around into the darkness, Roby descends the metal ladder to the floor. THE PLACE IS A HORRIBLE LAIR, FULL OF BONES, HAIR, SHREDS OF FLESH, PIECES OF CLOTHING, AND SHOES. Something moves in the darkness -- Roby turns his light on it. HANGING FROM THE CEILING IS A HUGE COCOON. It appears to be woven from some fine, white, silk-like material, and it is slowly undulating. Flamethrower ready, Roby approaches the cocoon. As he gets close enough, he sees that the cocoon is semi-transparent and THE BODY OF STANDARD IS INSIDE IT. Unexpectedly, Standard's eyes open, and focus on Roby -- who jumps violently. STANDARD (a feeble whisper) Kill me... ROBY (sickened) What did it do to you? STANDARD (moves his head slightly) Look... Roby turns his light where Standard indicates. Another cocoon dangles from the ceiling, but this one looks a little different. It is smaller and darker, with a harder shell. In fact, it looks almost EXACTLY LIKE THE SPORES IN THE TOMB. STANDARD (CONT'D) (whispering) That was Melkonis... it ate Hunter... ROBY (looking around for a tool) I'll get you out of there. STANDARD No... don't... ROBY But I can save you -- get you to the Autodoc! STANDARD No good... it's eaten too much of me... ROBY (in horror) What can I do? STANDARD Kill me... Roby stares at him in horror, then bends down and takes a closer look at him. REACTING, he straightens back up, raises the flamethrower, and sprays a molten blast. When the entire room is in flames, he turns and scrambles back up the ladder. INTERIOR - MAINTENANCE LEVEL Roby drops to his knees and gasps for breath, trying not to throw up. At length, he regains control of himself. EXTERIOR - OUTER SPACE - AT LIGHT SPEED The SNARK appears to hang motionless, with planets and star clusters rolling past in the infinite distance. INTERIOR - BRIDGE Roby is putting the cat into a metal, vacuum-sealed catbox, with a little oxygen tank on it. ROBY Kitty go bye-bye. He seals the catbox, then turns on the oxygen. There is a faint hiss of pressurized air. Wild-eyed, the cat peers out of a little window in front. It YOWLS. He picks up the pressurized catbox and leaves the bridge. INTERIOR - MINING & CARGO BAY Carrying the catbox and a shoulder bag (and of course the flamethrower), Roby goes quickly to the nearest rank of metal cannisters. ROBY (reading from labels) What'll it be, Kitty? Here -- how about some Tacitum-35, ten kilos of it. This'll buy us an island on some nice planet. Putting the invaluable cannister into the shoulder bag, he hurries back up the steps. INTERIOR - ENGINE ROOM Catbox in one hand, flamethrower in the other, Roby enters the engine room, containing the massive stardrive engines. He puts down his parcels and approaches the main control board for the engines. Studying the instructions, he begins to close switches, one by one. A SIREN BEGINS TO HONK THROUGHOUT THE SHIP. COMPUTER Attention! The cooling units for the stardrive engines are not functioning! Engines will overload in 4 minutes, 50 seconds! Attention! Finally Roby closes the last switch. Shaking with nervousness, he hurriedly picks up catbox, bag and flamethrower and hurries out of the engine room. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS IN SHIP Roby hurries on, listening to the siren. COMPUTER Attention! Engines will overheat and main core will melt in 4 minutes, 30 seconds! INTERIOR - NOSE OF SHIP Roby comes hustling up to where the lifeboat is berthed. Hands full, he starts to enter the connecting passageway. INTERIOR - CONNECTING PASSAGEWAY THE CREATURE IS WAITING AT THE OTHER END OF THE PASSAGEWAY, INSIDE THE LIFEBOAT. It HISSES and starts toward him. INTERIOR - NOSE OF SHIP Roby leaps out of the passageway, bounds to the controls, and throws the switch. The hatch door SLAMS SHUT, locking the thing in the lifeboat. COMPUTER Attention! Engines will overload in 4 minutes! Indecisive, Roby stares at the lifeboat "LAUNCH" button. The thing can be heard fumbling around in the passageway. Finally, he turns and bolts back toward the engine room. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS IN SHIP Like a maniac, Roby runs through the ship, level after level, pounding down stairwells, his footsteps clanging metallically throughout the ship as he sprints for the engine room. COMPUTER Attention! Engines will overload in 3 minutes, 30 seconds! INTERIOR - ENGINE ROOM The door crashes open and Roby comes running in. The room is full of smoke and the engines are whining dangerously. It is extremely hot in the room; Roby instantly breaks out in sweat. He runs to controls and begins throwing back on the cooling unit switches. Still THE SIREN CONTINUES. COMPUTER Attention! Engines will overload in 3 minutes! Roby pushes a button and speaks into it. ROBY Computer! I've turned all the cooling units back on! What's wrong? COMPUTER The reaction has proceeded too far. The core has begun to melt. Engines will overload in 2 minutes, 35 seconds. A look of terror comes onto Roby's face. He turns and runs from the engine room. INTERIOR - CORRIDORS IN SHIP Again, Roby must run through all the levels of the ship, this time up the stairs, exhausted, stumbling, while the computer counts down: COMPUTER Attention! Engines will overload in 2 minutes! INTERIOR - NOSE OF SHIP Reeling, gasping for breath, Roby staggers into the vestibule where the lifeboat is berthed. He grabs the flamethrower and turns it toward the passageway. It is then he realizes that THE LIFEBOAT DOOR IS OPEN AGAIN. Quickly, he glances around to see if the creature might be behind him. Then he advances on the passageway. INTERIOR - PASSAGEWAY Dripping with sweat, his face a mask of fear, Roby enters the passageway, flamethrower gripped tightly in his hands. He is goaded on by the siren and the computer: COMPUTER Attention! Engines will explode in 90 seconds! He makes it all the way to the end of the passageway, then sticks his head into the lifeboat. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT HIS POINT-OF-VIEW as he quickly scans the lifeboat, reveals that it is EMPTY. INTERIOR - PASSAGEWAY Immediately, he turns and dashes back to the head of the passageway. There he grabs the catbox and bag, then runs back into the lifeboat. COMPUTER Attention! Engines will explode in 60 seconds! INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT He comes in on the run, hurls the catbox and bag toward the front, and does a dive over the back of the control chair. He is no sooner in the seat than he hits the "LAUNCH" button. EXTERIOR - NOSE OF SHIP - OUTER SPACE The retainer clips drop away, and with a blast of ramjets, THE LIFEBOAT IS LAUNCHED AWAY FROM THE "SNARK." INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT Roby is frantically strapping himself in, as the lifeboat accelerates away from the mother ship. EXTERIOR - SPACE The tiny pod of the lifeboat accelerates away from the larger bulk of the SNARK. The scene is strangely serene for such deadly circumstances. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT Roby finishes strapping himself in, then he reaches and grabs the catbox. The cat is YOWLING. Roby hugs the box to his chest and hunches his head down over it. EXTERIOR - SPACE The SNARK drifts ever farther away as the lifeboat leaves it behind, until it is barely a point of light. THEN IT BLOWS UP. AN EXPANDING ORANGE FIREBALL WITH PIECES OF METAL FLYING IN ALL DIRECTIONS. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT The shockwave hits the escape craft, jolting it and rattling everything inside. Then all is quiet. Roby unhooks himself from his straps, rises, and goes to the back of the lifeboat. He stares out through the porthole. His face is bathed in orange light. EXTERIOR - SPACE What he sees is the boiling fireball, now fading and fizzling away into nothingness, and a couple of pieces of debris floating past. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT Roby's expression is mournful as he watches the final obliteration of his ship and friends. BEHIND HIM, THE CREATURE EMERGES FROM SOME HIDING PLACE -- IT HAS BEEN INSIDE THE LIFEBOAT ALL ALONG. The cat SCREECHES. Roby whirls, and finds himself facing the thing across the length of the boat. It squats, then pulls out its trophy -- a man's arm. It begins to eat the arm, watching Roby. His first thought is for the flamethrower -- unfortunately, it lies on the floor right next to the monster. Next he glances around for any place to hide. His eye falls on a tiny locker containing a space suit, with the door standing open. He begins to edge toward the locker. The creature rises. He freezes. It throws down the arm. With that, Roby dives for the open locker door, hurls himself inside, and slams the door shut. INTERIOR - SPACESUIT LOCKER There is a clear glass panel in the door, and the thing puts its face right up to the glass, peering in at Roby. The locker is so small that Roby's face is only inches away from the creature's. The sight is disgusting. It turns its head, looking at him in curiosity. Then the MOANING OF THE CAT distracts it. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT The creature waddles over to where the pressurized catbox sits. It bends down and peers inside. The CAT YOWLS LOUDER. It picks up the catbox in its tentacles. INTERIOR - SPACESUIT LOCKER Trying to distract the monster away from the cat, Roby TAPS ON THE GLASS. But the monster reacts so fast that its face is instantly back at the glass, startling the hell out of Roby. Getting no more interference from him, the thing returns to the catbox. Roby looks around. He spies the spacesuit. Quickly, he begins to pull it on. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT The creature picks the catbox up in its tentacles and shakes it to see if there is anything inside. The cat MOANS. INTERIOR - SPACESUIT LOCKER Roby is halfway into the pressure suit. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT The creature throws the catbox down. It clangs, and bounces. The thing picks it up again and hammers it against the wall. Then it jams it into a crevice in the wall. With one tentacle, it begins to pound the sealed catbox into the crevice. The cat has gone beyond hysterics. INTERIOR - SPACESUIT LOCKER Roby pulls on the helmet, latches it into place, then turns on the oxygen. With a hiss, the suit fills itself. In a rack on the wall is a long metal rod with a blunt rubber tip. Roby peels the rubber off, revealing a sharp steel point. Again he raps on the glass. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT The creature turns. It faces the locker, peers at him. INTERIOR - SPACESUIT LOCKER ROBY Try a little of this, you fucking bastard. HE KICKS THE DOOR OPEN. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT The creature rises, but just in time to catch THE STEEL SHAFT RIGHT THROUGH ITS MIDRIFF. IT MAKES A HORRIBLE NOISE AND CLUTCHES AT THE SPUR. The yellow acid begins to flow from the wound. Before the acid can touch the floor, Roby reaches back and pulls a switch -- BLOWING THE REAR HATCH. In a poof, the tiny atmosphere in the lifeboat is sucked out into space -- and the bleeding creature along with it. Roby grabs a steel strut to keep from being sucked out, but as the creature passes him IT WRAPS THE END OF A TENTACLE AROUND HIS ANKLE. IMAGE -- finalbattle.jpg EXTERIOR - LIFEBOAT - OUTER SPACE Roby is now hanging halfway out of the lifeboat, with the thing clinging to his leg. He kicks at it with his free foot, but it won't let go. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT Looking for any salvation, Roby grabs the hatch control lever and yanks it. The hatch slams shut, closing Roby safely inside but TRAPPING THE END OF THE CREATURE'S TENTACLE IN THE DOORJAMB. It instantly releases Roby, who staggers back. EXTERIOR - LIFEBOAT - OUTER SPACE The creature is now outside the lifeboat, in the vacuum, squirming, the tip of its tentacle caught in the closed hatch. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT Where the tentacle is caught in the hatch, it is wounded, and is starting to foam with acid, eating away at the metal. Roby stumbles forward to the controls and pushes a lever labeled: "RAM JETS" EXTERIOR - LIFEBOAT - OUTER SPACE The jet exhausts are located at the rear of the craft, right where the creature is wriggling. THE ENGINES BELCH FLAME FOR A FEW SECONDS, THEN SHUT OFF. INCINERATED, THE CREATURE TUMBLES SLOWLY AWAY INTO SPACE. INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT Roby hurries to the rear hatch and looks out after the thing. EXTERIOR - OUTER SPACE The burned mass of the monster drifts slowly away into space, a writhing, smoking, foaming mass. As it tumbles into the distance, pieces drop off it -- it bloats -- then bursts, soggily, sending a spray of particles off in all directions. The last we see of it is a few smouldering rags, dwindling into infinity. DISSOLVE TO: INTERIOR - LIFEBOAT - LATER The boat is re-pressurized and Roby is seated in the control chair. He seems calm and composed, almost cheerful. The cat purrs in his lap. ROBY (dictating) ... So it looks like I'll make it back to the Colonies on schedule after all. I should be to the frontier in another 250 years or so, and then with a little luck the network will pick me up. I'm not as rich as I was a couple days ago -- but I'm not exactly broke either. Incidentally, I did manage to salvage one souvenir out of this whole mess. He reaches down into the carrying bag he brought on board, and pulls out the ALIEN SKULL. ROBY (CONT'D) Poor Yorick here should go at least partway toward proving I'm not a crank. I wish it was him we'd met in the first place -- things might have turned out different. He puts the skull down on a shelf and locks a glass lid over it. ROBY (CONT'D) This is Martin Roby, executive officer, last survivor of the commercial vessel SNARK, signing off. Come on, cat, let's go to sleep. Roby leans forward and switches off the recorder. Then he rises and, carrying the cat, walks to the hypersleep freezer, which stands open. He climbs in and stretches out on his back, holding the cat against his chest. With one hand, he presses a switch, and THE LID CLOSES OVER HIM. CLOSE-UP OF THE ALIEN SKULL, watching sentinel over the slumbering Roby like some dead, melancholy pixie. EXTERIOR - OUTER SPACE The lifeboat -- SNARK 2 -- sails away toward its rendezvous with Irth, 250 years from now. As SNARK 2 drifts past camera, we suddenly see that A SPORE POD IS ADHERED TO THE UNDERBELLY OF THE CRAFT. ROLL END TITLES & MUSIC. THE END THE ABYSS AN ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY BY JAMES CAMERON August 2, 1988 Director's Revision ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THE ABYSS OMITTED 1 OMITTED 2 TITLE: THE ABYSS -- ON BLACK, DISSOLVING TO COBALT BLUE EXT. OCEAN/UNDERWATER -- DAY 3 Blue, deep and featureless, the twilight of five hundred feet down. PROPELLER SOUND. Materializing out of the blue limbo is the enormous but sleek form of an Ohio-class SSBN ballistic missile submarine. INT. U.S.S. MONTANA -- DAY 4 In the attack center, darkened to womb-red, the crew's faces shine with sweat in the glow of their instruments. The SKIPPER and his EXEC crowd around BARNES, the sonarman. CAPTAIN Sixty knots? No way, Barnes... the reds don't have anything that fast. BARNES Checked it twice, skipper. It's a real unique signature. No cavitation, no reactor noise... doesn't even sound like screws. He puts the signal onto a speaker and everyone in the attack room listens to the intruder's acoustic signature, a strange THRUMMING. The captain studies the electronic position board, a graphic representation of the contours of the steep-walled canyon, a symbol for the Montana, and converging with it, an amorphous trace, representing the bogey. CAPTAIN What the hell is it? EXEC I'll tell you what it's not, it's not one of ours. BARNES Sir! Contact changing heading to two-one-four, diving. Speed eighty knots! Eighty knots! EXEC Eighty knots... BARNES Still diving, depth nine hundred feet. Port clearance to cliff wall, one hundred fifty feet. FRANK (simultaneously) Still diving, depth nine hundred feet. Port clearance to cliff wall, one hundred fifty feet. Tension builds in the attack room as the Montana surges to intercept the intruder. The exec tensely watches the vector-graphic readout for the side- scan sonar array. The sub is running uncomfortably close to the cliff walls. EXEC (low, to Captain) It's getting tight in here. CAPTAIN We can still give him a haircut. Helm, come right to oh six niner, down five degrees. HELMSMAN Coming right to oh six niner, sir. Down five degrees. NAVIGATOR Port side clearance one hundred twenty feet narrowing to seventy-five. Sir, we have a proximity warning light. EXEC That's too damn close! We've gotta back off. BARNES Range to contact, two hundred. Contact junked to bearing two six oh and accelerated to... one hundred thirty knots, sir! EXEC (really freaked now) Nothing goes one thirty! Suddenly the control room lights dim almost to blackness. EXT. U.S.S. MONTANA 5 We see only the effect, not the source, as a large diffuse light passes rapidly under the sub's hull. Moments later a shockwave, like an underwater sonic boom, impacts the sub, slamming it sideways. INT. U.S.S. MONTANA 6 The bride crew are knocked off their feet, as the ship is buffeted. EXEC Turbulence! We're in its wake! SIRENS. Everyone shouting at once. The power flickers low. CAPTAIN Helm, all stop! Full right rudder! HELMSMAN All stop. Full right rudder. Hydraulic failure. Planes are not responding, sir! Power returns in time for the sonarman to get a glimpse at the side-scan display... AS THE SHEER CLIFF WALL LOOM BEFORE THEM. HELMSMAN Hydraulics restored, sir. EXT. U.S.S. MONTANA 7 The cliff wall materializes out of the blue limbo off the port bow with nightmarish slow-motion. The sub slams into it with horrific force, scraping along and bouncing off. One tail stabilizer is sheared off and the big screw prangs the wall with an earsplitting K-K-KWANG! INT. PORT TO TORPEDO ROOM 8 With the outer tube-doors torn off, seawater slams in, busting the inner hatches. Two-foot thick columns of water, like fire-hoses of the gods, blast into the room. Everything vanishes instantly in white spray. INT. CONTROL RM/ATTACK CENTER 9 Everyone is hurled off his feet. The planesman flights to recover control of the yoke. CAPTAIN Collision alarm! Collision alarm! Lighten her up, Charlie! NAVIGATOR The torpedo room is flooded, sir! CAPTAIN Blow all tanks! Blow everything! HELMSMAN Passing twelve hundred feet... EXEC Blowing main tanks! HELMSMAN Twelve hundred fifty feet... EXT. MONTANA 10 The great sub is being hauled down by the mass of its flooded bow section, its flanks rushing past us like a freight train headed for Hell. INT. MONTANA CONTROL ROOM 11 The command crew fights futility for control, everyone shouting and terrified. EXEC Main forward tanks ruptured! HELMSMAN Passing thirteen hundred feet... EXEC Too deep to pump auxiliaries! CAPTAIN All back full! All back full! HELMSMAN Answering all back full. Passing thirteen hundred fifty feet... fourteen hundred... fourteen fifty... The Captain locks eyes with the Exec amid the din... CAPTAIN We're losing her. Launch the buoy! The Exec opens the door to a small box and punches a button. A red light comes on. The Captains takes a deep breath. EXT. MONTANA 12 A tiny transmitter is ejected from the sub's hell and begins its long ascent to the surface. A second later the sub slams down like a piledriver onto a ledge, tearing open its pressure hull. INT. MONTANA 13 VARIOUS QUICK CUTS, just flashes and impressions, as... Seawater blasts down the corridors -- Explodes across the control room, hurling men like dolls -- Floods the cavernous missile bay in seconds -- Bursts through hatches into the reactor room -- Blasts men OUT OF FRAME in a micro-second. EXT. OCEAN/UNDERWATER 14 In the cobalt twilight we see the Montana slide down the sea cliff, its hull SCREECHING like the death agonies of some marine dinosaur. Descending in an avalanche of silt, it finally disappears into the blackness below... a blackness which continues almost straight down, 20,000 feet to the bottom of the Cayman Trough. The abyss. EXT. OCEAN SURFACE -- DAY 15 Above, in the world, the Caribbean rolling gray under a stormy sky. The Montana's emergency buoy pops to the surface, transmitting. CUT TO: EXT. OCEAN/20 MILES AWAY -- DAY 16 LONG LENS SHOT: three massive Navy Sea King helicopters thundering straight at us, FILLING FRAME. REVERSE, as they barrel OVER CAMERA toward a lone civilian ship... an ugly but very sophisticated deep-sea drilling support ship, the BENTHIC EXPLORER. It is a twin-hulled monstrosity with a central opening in its deck, around which crouch enormous cranes, winches and other arcane equipment. The first Sea King settles onto the helipad, disgorging a contingent of Naval officers, technicians, and a squad of armed seamen. A pantomime in the rotorwash, we see the Benthic Petroleum "company man" KIRKHILL greeting COMMODORE DEMARCO, the on-scene commander. INT. BENTHIC EXPLORER/BRIDGE -- DAY 17 The bridge is state-of-the-art, with computers and sophisticated navigation and communications gear, looking like mission control with its bank of video monitors. The Drilling Operations Supervisor, LELAND MCBRIDE, and BENDIX, the crew chief, watch the invaders swarming the deck below. MCBRIDE Does not look good at all. TIGHT ON VIDEO SCREEN (MINUTES LATER) showing divers working in total blackness around some sort of installation on the bottom of the ocean. They move through the harsh floodlights in dreamlike slow motion, looking like space-suited figures with their helmets and umbilical hoses. DEMARCO (V.O.) No light from the surface. How deep are they? MCBRIDE (V.O.) Seventeen hundred feet. WIDER, showing the Navy contingent crowding the control room. DeMarco is hardcore military, brusque and efficient. Kirkhill is a small man with pinched features, wearing a shirt and tie, which on a drill ship means company man and/or dickhead. DEMARCO I need them to go to over two thousand. KIRKHILL They can do it. (to McBride) Get Brigman on the line. CUT TO: EXT. UNDERWATER -- DAY (TOTAL DARKNESS) 18 1700 FEET BELOW. A submersible oil-drilling platform, DEEPCORE II, an island of light in the vast blackness. Its main framework connects two "tri- modules" consisting of three cylinders each. These contain living and work areas in a pressurized environment. An umbilical cable, thick as a man's thigh, runs up from the oil rig into the darkness, to the Benthic Explorer at the surface. In a bubble-like dome port window we see the rig foreman, or "toolpusher," BUD BRIGMAN. He's talking (via headset) with two divers working outside... 'CATFISH' DE VRIES, AND LEW 'BIRD-DOG' FINLER. BUD Hey, you guys are milking that job. CATFISH (Kentucky drawl) That's cause we love freezin' our butts off out here sooo much, boss. OMITTED 19 INT. DRILL ROOM 20 Bud turns from the window and crosses the drill floor. The working heart of the rig. THUNDEROUS MECHANICAL ROAR. The drill crew, in hardhats and mud- plastered overalls, tend the massive spinning turn-table in the center of the chamber. The semi-automated system requires only five men to operate. The others are LUPTON MCWHIRTER, DWIGHT PERRY, JAMMER WILLIS, and TOMMY RAY DIETZ. Bud hears his names called above the din by Jammer, a massive roughneck/diver who stands a good head taller than the rest. JAMMER (yelling) Bud! Hippy's on the bitch-box. It's a call from topside. That new company man. BUD Kirkhill? That guy doesn't know his butt from a rathole. Hey, Perry! One of the roustabouts, a wiry Texan, turns to him. BUD Do me a favor and square away the mud hose and those cable slings. This place is starting to look like my apartment. Perry chuckles and sets to the task cheerfully. Bud EXITS, ducking his head through a low watertight hatch. INT. CORRIDOR/TOOLPUSHER'S OFFICE 21 Bud tromps down the narrow corridor, his work boots gonging on steel. P.A. (HIPPY'S VOICE) BUD, PICK UP THE TOPSIDE LINE URGENT. BUD I'm coming. Keep your pantyhose on. He enters his office, a tiny cubicle with stacks of paperwork, dust- gathering tech manuals and waterstained Penthouse fold-outs. He picks up the phone... punches down a line. BUD Brigman here. Kirkhill? What's going on? (pause) I am calm. I'm a calm person. Is there some reason why I shouldn't be calm? HOLD ON Bud's expression, darkening, as he listens. INT. CORRIDOR/CONTROL MODULE 22 The control module is a long narrow cabin like the inside of a Winnebago, packed with instrumentation. At the end is a small bay with multiple viewports. Outside, at a 'Christmas tree' pipe installation, a lone diver can be seen welding. He is accompanied by a large submersible, FLATBED, and by a Remotely Operated Vehicle, or ROV, call LITTLE GEEK. Little Geek is an underwater robot which operated on the end of a cable-like control TETHER. It has a single video 'eye' in front, by which the operator pilots the little machine. The rig's ROV pilots is ALLEN 'HIPPY' CARNES, who stands by the window twiddling his joysticks and drinking coffee. His pet white rat, BEANY, crawls contentedly around his shoulders. The door BANGS OPEN. Hippy jumps, slops his coffee. Bud strides in. Not calm. BUD Son of a bitch. He kicks a chair out of the way and slams his palm down on a switch marked DIVER RECALL. A SIREN, blasting through the water from a big hydrophone loudspeaker. BUD All divers. Drop what you're doing. Everybody out of the pool. EXT. DEEPCORE/CHRISTMAS TREE A22 Flatbed's pilot, LISA 'ONE NIGHT' STANDING, can be clearly seen behind a bubble canopy. She is a no-nonsense lady who holds her own in the mostly male environment by being one of the best submersible drivers in the business. She controls a hydraulic manipulator arm, assisting the diver, ARLISS 'SONNY' DAWSON, in his work. Little Geek hovers around them like a tiny helicopter. One Night moves the Flatbed arm to Sonny and hands him the pipe. ONE NIGHT Here you go, hon'. SONNY Just in time, sugar. They react to Bud's recall, looking toward him up in the control module. ONE NIGHT Dammit, we just got out here. SONNY There was a time when I would have asked why. One Night makes a grab for his butt with the manipulator claw, which he narrowly avoids. CUT TO: EXT. DEEPCORE/UNDER SUB-BAY 23 Flatbed moves underneath the rig, a few feet above the seafloor, with Sonny riding on its top deck. It passes under a lit opening and rises toward the surface of the water in the chamber above. Little Geek follows like an obedient dog. INT. SUB-BAY/MOONPOOL 24 The opening is called the moonpool, and Deepcore's submersibles are launched through it. From inside the sub-bay it looks just like a swimming pool. Flatbed surfaces, nearly filling it. The chamber also contains CAB ONE, a similar submersible. Jammer, Perry, and some of the other drill-room boys are helping the divers out of the water. The water at this depth is only about six degrees above freezing, and these folks are cold and prune- fingered. Finler pulls off his demand-helmet, revealing a round, boyish face. FINLER What's goin' on? How come we got recalled? SONNY Hell is I know. One Night jumps 'ashore' from Flatbed's broad deck and joins them. Catfish is unzipping his bulky dry-suit. CATFISH Just follow standard procedure, will ya... flog the dog till somebody tells us what's happening. JAMMER Hey, Catfish, I'll sell you my October Penthouse for twenty bucks. ONE NIGHT Save you money, darlin'... the pages are all stuck together by now. Bud enters, approaching the group. JAMMER What's goin' on, Boss? BUD Folks, I've just been told to shut down the hole and prepare to move the rig. SONNY She-hit. BUD We're being asked to cooperate in a matter of national security. Now you know exactly as much as I do. So just get your gear off and get up to control. There's some kind of briefing in ten minutes. CUT TO: INT. DEEPCORE/COMMAND MODULE 25 The whole rig crew is somehow jammed into the room for the video briefing. DeMarco is on the main monitor, with his aides and Kirkhill visible b.g. DEMARCO At 09:22 local time this morning, an American nuclear submarine, the USS Montana, with 156 men aboard, went down 22 miles from here. There has been no contact with the sub since then. The cause of the incident is not known. PAN AROUND the reactions of the various drill crew members... shocked, hushed, curious. DEMARCO Your company has authorized the Navy's use of this facility for a rescue operation. The code name is Operation Salvor. ONE NIGHT You want us to search for the sub? DEMARCO No. We know where it is. But she's in 2000 feet of water and we can't reach her. We need divers to enter the sub and search for survivors, if any. Bud's scowl has been deepening since DeMarco started to talk. BUD Don't you guys have your own stuff for this type of thing? DEMARCO By the time we get our rescue submersible here the storm front will be right on us. But you can get your rig in under the storm and be on- site in fifteen hours. That makes you our best option right now. Hippy, born suspicious and recently graduated to paranoid, leans forward... HIPPY Why should we risk our butts on a job like this? KIRKHILL I have been authorized to offer you all special- duty bonuses equivalent to three times normal dive pay. CATFISH Hell, for triple time I'd crawl through razor blades and shower off with lime juice. FINLER I'm here to tell ya', you could set me on fire and call me names. BUD Look, I don't know what kind of a deal you guys worked out with the company, but my people are not qualified for this... they're oil workers. DEMARCO A four-man SEAL team will transfer down to you to supervise the operation. BUD You can send down whoever you like, but I'm the toolpusher on this rig, and when it comes to the safety of these people, there's me... then there's God. Understand? If things get dicey, I'm pulling the plug. KIRKHILL I think we're all on the same wavelength, Brigman. Now let's get the wellhead uncoupled, shall we? CUT TO: INT. DEEPCORE/COMMAND MODULE AND CORRIDOR 26 Bud stands beside the hatchway as the others file out toward their tasks. They comment gravely as they pass... JAMMER When Lindsey finds out about this, it's not gonna be a pretty sight. ONE NIGHT They're going to have to shoot her with a tranquilizer gun. CUT TO: EXT. OCEAN -- DAY 27 A single Navy Sea King churns through the rain under massive thunderheads. The sea below is whipped by the storm. INT./EXT. SEA KING 28 PANNING ALONG BOOTED FEET, four pairs of black military size twelves line up, onto... a pair of Charles Jourdans fives under shapely ankles. WIDER, revealing the four-man team of Navy SEALs. And a slender woman in her early thirties. She's attractive, if a bit hardened, dressed conservatively in a skirt and jacket. Meet LINDSEY. Project Engineer for Deepcore. She's a pain in the ass, but you'll like her. Eventually. She's holding on grimly, sitting crammed in with the SEALs and a bunch of gear, getting tossed around by the storm. The SEALs are dressed alike in black fatigues. They are muscular, finely-tuned and extremely dangerous special-forces types. The leader of the SEAL team, LIEUTENANT COFFEY, makes his way forward to the cockpit. The pilot is white-knuckling his stick, trying to hold the great beast of a helicopter in position. Through the windshield, the deck of the Benthic Explorer can be seen below, pitching in a violent sea. PILOT No way I'm putting her down. I shouldn't even be flying in this shit. COFFEY (cool) Just hold it over the deck. Coffey goes back to the crew deck, moving easily in the bucking craft. He nods to the others SEALs, MONK, WILHITE, and SCHOENICK. In the open side door, Wilhite clips a 100 foot nylon rope to the airframe and throws out the coil. One by one the shoulder the gear-bags, grab the rope, and step out. Lindsey stands swaying in the chopper door, watching the SEALs fast-roping to the deck. One, two, three. Coffey looks at her. COFFEY You want to be on that ship, there's only one way it's going to happen. He's sure she won't go for it. It's his certainty that gets her. She sets her jaw. Opening her purse she takes out a small plastic bag, puts her shoes and purse in the bag, and grips the bag in her teeth. Then grabs the rope and slides down. EXT. BENTHIC EXPLORER/HELIPAD 29 Swinging wildly in the wind like a human pendulum, Lindsey fast-ropes forty feet to the deck. She steps away an instant before Coffey hits behind her. Lindsey crosses the rainswept deck with athletic strides. Her nylons are ruined. An air-crewman in the chopper lowers two additional equipment cases using the rescue sling. The SEALs catch them as they swing radically across the deck. They Navy chopper banks and seems to scurry away before the mounting storm. CUT TO: EXT. OCEAN BOTTOM 30 BLACKNESS. Then shafts of light become visible, above a ridge of rock. Flatbed appears, trailing two heavy two cables. Behind it, the mass of Deepcore emerges from the darkness, its forward lighting array blazing. Flatbed is towing it like a tug, aided by Deepcore's own mighty stern thrusters. INT. DEEPCORE/CONTROL MODULE 31 Bud, his feet propped up, uses joystick controls to 'fly' Deepcore, maneuvering against currents and around seafloor obstacles. He is guided by the side-scan sonar display, with Hippy assisting in the sonar shack. Through the front viewport, Flatbed can be seen out ahead. McBride appears on the bridge monitor, holding a sheet of weather-fax. MCBRIDE (on screen) Well, it's official, sportsfans. They're calling it Hurricane Frederick, and it's going to be making our lives real interesting in a few hours. INT. EXPLORER BRIDGE -- DAY 32 Bud responds via video. BUD Fred, huh? I don't know. Hurricanes should be named after women. McBride looks up as the bridge door opens. Lindsey enters in a blast of wind, wet as a wharf rat and twice as pissed off. Maybe Bud is right. CUT TO: INT. DEEPCORE/CONTROL MODULE 33 Bud is surprised to see Lindsey's face appear on the monitor screen. LINDSEY I can't believe you let them do this! BUD (unpreturbed, almost cheerful) Hi, Lins. I thought you were in Houston. LINDSEY I was, but I managed to bum a ride on the last flight out here. Only here isn't where I left it, is it, Bud? BUD Wasn't up to me. LINDSEY We were that close to proving a submersible drilling platform could work. We had over seven thousand feet of hole down for Chrissake. I can't believe you let them grab my rig! BUD Your rig? LINDSEY My rig. I designed the damn thing. BUD Yup, a Benthic Petroleum paid for it. So as long as they're hold the pink slip, I go where they tell me. LINDSEY You wimp. I had a lot riding on this. They bought you... more like least rented you cheap-- BUD I'm switching off now. LINDSEY Virgil, you wiener! You never could stand up to fight. You-- Bud hits the switch and the screen goes dead. BUD Bye. Hippy looks over him, trying very hard not to crack up. HIPPY Virgil? BUD God, I hate that bitch. HIPPY Yeah, well you never should have married her then. Bud nods fatalistically. CUT TO: EXT. EXPLORER DECK/LAUNCH WELL 34 Ten foot waves crash through the launch-well, sending up geysers of spray. Next to the launch-well, crewman have attached a lifting cable to CAB THREE, eighteen feet of ugly yellow submersible. It slams violently in its steel cradle as the drill-ship rolls. Coffey and Schoenick hand the gear bags in to Wilhite and Monk though the hatch under the rear of the submersible. Lindsey approaches, wearing a borrowed roustabout's coverall. She looks down at the larger of the two equipment cases brought by the SEALs, lying on the deck. Stenciled on it are the words: F.B.S./DEEP SUIT/MARK IV. Coffey and Schoenick push past her to pick it up. LINDSEY Let's go, gentlemen! We either launch now or we don't launch. Coffey looks up in surprise as she nimbly climbs the side of Cab Three and grabs the lifting shackle, circling her raised hand to signal the crane man. LINDSEY Take her up, Byron! Cab Three, with Lindsey riding its back, is pulled up out its cradle and starts to swing violently as Explorer pitches. The submersible is then swung out to the center of the launch well. It sways and gyrates above the furious water below. Lindsey drops into the upper hatch. INT. EXPLORER BRIDGE/D.O.C. 35 Kirkhill leans suddenly over the console to look out the window. KIRKHILL What the hell is she doing out there? Son of a bitch... (into microphone) Lindsey... get out of Cab Three. Bates is taking her down. INT. CAB THREE 36 Lindsey pulls her headset as she dogs down the inside locking levers of the hatch. LINDSEY Bates is sick. Besides I've got more hours in this thing than he does. (to Coffey) A little change of plan. The little sub is swinging like a pendulum on the cable, and the SEALs, jammed in with their equipment in the tiny space, are getting slammed into the walls. Lindsey is calmly flipping switches as she talks. COFFEY Lady, we better fish or cut bait. LINDSEY Just hold your water, okay? (to Kirkhill) So Kirkhill, we gonna do this or we gonna talk about it? INT. EXPLORER BRIDGE/D.O.C. 37 The plug is pulled on DeMarco's patience. DEMARCO I don't care who drives the damn thing. Just get my team in the water. KIRKHILL Alright, alright. Christ Almighty! He gestured dismissively to McBride. MCBRIDE Cab Three, you are clear to launch. INT./EXT. CAB THREE 38 Lindsey reaches up a grabs a red lever. LINDSEY Roger. (to Coffey) There's only one way it's going to happen... She pulls the lever hard. CLUNK-CLANG! The shackle-release drops the sub. It freefalls ten feet to the water with an enormous splash and keeps right on going after Lindsey floods the trim tanks. Coffey et al have been slammed hard. LINDSEY Touchdown. The crowd goes wild. Explorer... Cab Three. We are styling. MCBRIDE (filtered) Roger, Cab Three. Lindsey cuts on the floodlights and maneuvers the descending submersible so that the umbilical cable is a few feet ahead on her front port. Moving up through her lights, it will guide her down to the rig. Cab Three free-falls into increasing darkness. Soon it is a candle below us in the indigo. EXT./INT. FLATBED 39 One Night is driving the tug one-handed, pouring coffee from a thermos and rocking out to the great truck-driving song "Willing" on the beat-box she's got propped up on the sonar rig. Fighting white-line fever in the best tradition. INT. CONTROL MODULE 40 Bud and Hippy come in for a rousing chorus. BUD/HIPPY ... I've been driving every kinda rig that's ever been maaaaade... EXT. DEEPCORE 41 Lit up like a proud Peterbilt, the rig crossed the trackless wastes. We hear them singing, carried OVER. EXT. OCEAN DEPTHS/CAB THREE 42 In total blackness, the submersible descends along the rigorous line of the umbilical cable. Two hundred feet below it, the lights of Deepcore resolve out of the darkness. Now we can see the rig crawling over the ocean bottom like some monster lawnmower. LINDSEY (V.O.) Deepcore, Deepcore... this is Cab Three on final approach. HIPPY (V.O.) Gotcha, Cab Three. Who is that? That You, Lindsey? INT. DEEPCORE/CONTROL MODULE 43 Bud stop singing and snaps around at the mention of her name. LINDSEY (V.O.) None other. Bud's expression is nothing less than stricken. BUD Oh no... you gotta be kidding me. EXT./CAB THREE/DEEP CORE 44 Lindsey executes a 180 degree turn and cruises over the control module, back through the A-frame toward the docking hatch. The flange of Cab Three's lockout hatch settles over the pressure collar on the rig's back. There is a CLUNK as it mates up. INT. DEEPCORE/COMPRESSION CHAMBER/GAS CONTROL STATION 45 Lindsey drops down from the hatch into the small cylindrical pressure chamber. The SEALs drop down behind her, passing their gear through hand-over-hand. The chamber is spartan, with steel benches, a folding card table, breathing masks, and medical supplies. Catfish greets them through the tiny porthole at one end. CATFISH Howdy, y'all. Hey, Lindsey! I'll be damned! You shouldn't be down here sweet thing, ya'll might run ya stockings. LINDSEY Couldn't stay away. You running mixture for us? Good. Couldn't ask for better. CATFISH Okay, here we go. Start equalizing, y'all. HISSSS of inrushing compressed gas. The pressure in the chamber rises. The breathing mixture is composed of helium, oxygen and nitrogen. Catfish monitors it carefully from a station outside the chamber, watching the gauges with a practiced eye. Lindsey and the SEALs all grab their noses and start making funny faces... popping their ears with the familiar diver's 'equalization' technique. They continue as: LINDSEY Get comfortable. The bad news is we got six hours in this can, blowing down. The worse news is it's gonna take us three weeks to decompress back to the surface later. COFFEY We've been fully briefed, Mrs. Brigman. LINDSEY Don't call me that, okay... I hate that. Alright, from now on we watch each other closely for signs of HPNS... MONK (as if by rote) High-Pressure Nervous Syndrome. Muscle tremors, usually in the hands first. Nausea, increased excitability, disorientation. LINDSEY Very good. About one person in twenty just can't handle it. They go buggo. They're no way to predict who's susceptible, so stay alert. COFFEY Look, we've all made chamber runs to this depth. We're checked out. LINDSEY Oh... chamber runs. Uh huh, that's good. (Coffey turn away) Well, hey... you guys know any songs? They ignore her. Start going over some diagrams of the Montana's interior. It's going to be a long six hours. INT. GAS CONTROL STATION -- HOURS LATER 46 Catfish checks his watch, then reaches over and adjusts a value on the tri- mix manifold, watching the gauges. Satisfied, he leans over to the pressure window in the door, checking out the SEALs. Hippy has come down from the control deck for an advanced look are the interlopers. Jammer is in a chair, reading a Louis L'Amour paperback. CATFISH Those guys ain't so tough. I fought plenty of guys tougher'n them. HIPPY Now we get to hear about how he used to be a contender. Catfish hold up one calloused fist up in front of Hippy's face. CATFISH You see this? They used to call this the Hammer. JAMMER Hippy wasn't born then. INT. PRESSURE CHAMBER 47 It looks like the end of a long bus trip. Everyone silent... leafing through beat-to-hell magazines or just staring. Lindsey has her feet propped up on the smaller of the SEALs' two equipment cases. She casually toes open one of the latches, then the other. Glances at Coffey. He's reading. She begins to lift the lid with her toe. Gets a GLIMPSE INSIDE, of packing foam, and what looks like a SMALL BLACK METAL BOX. Then... WHAM! Coffey's foot comes down on the lid, slamming it shut. Startled, she looks up into his cool gaze. COFFEY Curiosity killed the cat. CUT TO: INT. GAS CONTROL STATION/CHAMBER DOOR -- LATER 48 TIGHT ON CATFISH'S hands... closing values... spinning the wheel on the chamber hatch. CUT WIDER as it cracks open with a virgin's sigh and swings aside. CATFISH Y'all'er done to a turn and ready to serve. Everybody okay? The SEALs nod peremptorily and shoulder their gear. Lindsey exists first, followed by Monk, Wilhite, and Schoenick. Coffey bends to relatch the small equipment case. He is alone for one moment in the chamber. He raises his hand and stares at it. The fingertips are trembling the slightest bit. He clenches them into a fist and walks out. INT. CORRIDOR 49 As Lindsey emerges into the main corridor of the rig, she bumps into a large, dark mass. LINDSEY Hey, was there a wall here before? I don't remember a wall here. Oh, Jammer! Hi. The 'wall' grins down to her. JAMMER Howdy, there, little lady. Coffey emerges behind them and, ignoring Lindsey, faces Jammer. COFFEY (to Jammer) Show us the dive prep area. We need to check out your gear. Jammer scowls, turns and leads the SEALs in the sub-bay. Catfish and Lindsey exchange a look. LINDSEY Those guys are about a much fun as a tax audit. CUT TO: INT. COMMAND MODULE 50 TIGHT ON HIPPY, bathed in the light of the sonar display. He is making kissing sounds at Beany, who has his inquisitive nose right up to Hippy's lips. LINDSEY Hippy, you're going to give that rat a disease. WIDER, as Hippy and Bud to see Lindsey leaning in the doorway. She and Bud size each other up. He opts for a jovial approach, his eyes wary. BUD Well, well. Mrs. Brigman. LINDSEY Not for long. Lindsey crossed past him, her eyes scanning the banks of equipment, almost unconsciously checking, checking... getting the pulse of her big iron baby. BUD You never did like being called that, did you? LINDSEY Not even when it meant something. (looking through the front port) Is that One Night up in Flatbed? BUD Who else? Lindsey leans past Bud to the gooseneck mike on the console. LINSEY Hi, One Night, it's Lindsey. INT. FLATBED 51 One Night mimes a puking motion, finger down her throat. Then she replies with sickening sweetness... ONE NIGHT Oh, hi, Lindsey. INT. COMMAND MODULE 52 Lindsey fives the sonar shack the once-over. She tweaks some knobs. BUD I can't believe you were dumb enough to come down. Now you're stuck here for the storm... dumb, hot-rod... dumb. LINDSEY Look, I didn't come down here to fight. She crosses past Bud and exits into the corridor. Bud bolts out of the chair to follow her and Hippy scrambles in to take over. INT. CORRIDOR/LADDER-WELL/LEVEL ONE LANDING 53 Bud catches up with Lindsey in the corridor, and through the following keeps pace with here as she make here inspection. BUD Then why'd you come down? She stops abruptly to look at a leaky pipe. He almost slams into her. She moves on, climbing down the ladder to the lower level. LINDSEY You need me. Nobody knows the systems on this rig better than I do. What is something was to go wrong after the Explorer clears off? What would have you done? BUD Wow, you're right! Us poor dumb ol' boys might've had to think for ourselves. Coulda been a disaster. On the lower level landing, Lindsey opens a hatch into one of the machine rooms. ROAR OF PUMPS AND COMPRESSORS. INT. MACHINE ROOM 54 Lindsey enters and moves expertly through the dark labyrinth of pipes and roaring machinery. Her eyes rove constantly over fittings, gauges, circuit panels. BUD (yelling) You wanna know what I think? LINDSEY Not particularly. Jeez, look where this is set! Morons. She scowls at a pressure gauge and turn a valve minutely. BUD I think you were worried about me. LINDSEY That must be it. Lindsey's on the move again, and Bud scrambles through the pipes to keep up. BUD No, I think you were. Come on, admit it. LINDSEY I was worried about the rig. I've got over four years invested in this project. BUD Oh, yeah, right... and you only had three years with me. She looks up at him. LINDSEY You've got to have priorities. CUT TO: INT. BUD'S ROOM 55 Darkness. The door opens and Bud snaps on the light. BUD My bunk's the only one I can guarantee won't be occupied. You can grab a couple hours before we get there. Lindsey slips past him into his tiny state-room, the only private bunk on the rig. Rank had its privileges. His hand on the door is just level with her eyes. She notices his wedding ring, a massive band of pure titanium (something your fiancee might have picked out if she had a degree from M.I.T.). LINDSEY What are you still wearing that for? BUD I don't know. Divorce ain't final. Forgot to take it off. Bud stays in the doorway. Lindsey takes a heaps of Bud's cloths off the narrow bunk. Start unconsciously straightening the room. LINDSEY I haven't worn mine in months. BUD Yeah, what's-his-name wouldn't like it. The Suit. LINDSEY Do you always have to call him that? The Suit? It makes you sound like such a hick. His name is Michael. Lindsey takes off her borrowed tennies and socks. Bud eyes her, sounding too causal. BUD So what about "Michael" then... Mr. Brooks Brothers... Mr. BMW. You still seeing him? LINDSEY No, I haven't seen him in a few weeks. BUD What happened? LINDSEY Bud, why are you doing this? It's not part of you life any more. BUD I'll tell you what happened... you woke up one day and realized the guy never made you laugh. LINDSEY You're right, Bud. It was just that simple. Aren't you clever? You should get your own show... Ask Dr. Bud, advice to the lovelorn from three hundred fathoms. She closes the watertight door, forcing him out. Locks it. She turns and throws her shoe hard against the far wall. LINDSEY AAAARRRGGH! She flops down on the bed, sitting... staring at the wall. Her armor is gone. She looks small and vulnerable. A long beat. She reaches over to the tiny sink. Amid the clutter is a bottle of Bud's aftershave. She unscrews it and takes a sniff. Catches herself. Tosses it. LINDSEY Shit. INT. QUARTERS/HEAD 56 Bud barges into the tiny head and puts some soap on his ring finger. He pulls the ring off roughly and throws it into the toilet. He reaches forward to flush. Can't do it. Now really pissed off at himself, he reaches into the toilet bowl, wrist deep in the chemical-blue water, and salvages the ring. He puts it on and washes his hands. The right hand stays faintly blue no matter how hard he scrubs. BUD Shit. CUT TO: EXT. DEEPCORE 57 The platform is stopped, hovering in place. Like a great spacecraft setting down on a barren planet, the rig settles into the bottom ooze. Flatbed releases its tow lines and heads back to its berth inside. CUT TO: INT. SUB-BAY 58 CLOSE ON A PHOTOGRAPH, actually a computer-composited down-looking scan from a towed LIDAR (laser imaging sonar) rig. It shows a faint, blurry outline of the Montana lying on her side on a ledge part-way down the canyon wall. There is no detail. A finger points to a flat ledge nearby. An "X" has been put on with a grease pencil. COFFEY (V.O.) This is us. We're just on the edge of the Cayman Trough. The Montana is here, on its side, 300 meters away and 70 meters below us. We think she slid down the wall, and lodged against this outcropping. CUT WIDE, showing the rig crew gathered around a worktable in the sub-bay. The divers, Bud, Catfish, Sonny, Finler, Jammer, and the four SEALs have their dry-suits on. The pre-dive briefing. Lindsey, One Night, and Hippy will crew the submersibles. Wilhite is going around clipping DOSIMETER BADGES on everybody. SONNY This tells us how much radiation we get? HIPPY Hey, whoah... I can't handle no radiation, man. Forget it! Include me out. CATFISH Hippy, you pussy. HIPPY What good's the money if your dick drops off in six months? COFFEY We'll take reading as we go. If the reactor's breached or the warheads have released radioactive debris, we'll back away. Simple. BUD Okay... Hippy's not going... McWhirter, you can run Little Geek. Bud pats the top of a small ROV, sitting next to its larger brother, Big Geek. HIPPY No way! No way! He can't fly an ROV worth shit. I'll go. Shit! COFFEY (to all) On the dive, you will do absolutely nothing without direct orders from me, and you will follow my instructions without discussion. Is this clear? Alright, I want everyone finished prep and ready to get wet in fifteen minutes. The rig crew disperses, picking up helmets and diving gear. Some are studying the diagrams of the Montana's interior layout. Bud takes Coffey aside as the others prepare. BUD Look, it's three AM. These guys are running on bad coffee and four hours sleep. You better start cutting them some slack. COFFEY I can't afford slack, Brigman. BUD Hey, you come on my rig, you don't talk to me, you start ordering my guys around. It won't work. You gotta know how to handle these people... we have a certain way of doing things here. COFFEY I'm not interested in your way of doing things. Just get your team ready to dive. End of discussion. Coffey is walking away. Burning, Bud crosses to his gear locker. Picks up his helmet. Finler is suiting out next to him. FINLER Hey, you know your hand is blue? BUD Shut up and get your gear on. NEARBY, Monk comes over to pick his helmet up off the worktable. Hippy points to the heavy equipment case that says F.B.S. DEEP SUIT/MARK IV. HIPPY I've been meaning to ask you what this thing is. Mink opens the case and shows them an unfamiliar diving suit, what looks like a space helmet, and a large backpack. MONK Fluid breathing system. We just got them. We use it if we need to go really deep. HIPPY How deep? MONK Deep. (shrugs) It's classified... you know. Anyway, you breathe liquid, so you can't be compressed. Pressure doesn't get to you. Catfish is grappling with the concept. CATFISH You're saying you get liquid in your lungs? MONK Oxygenated fluorocarbon emulsion. Monk take a clear plastic box full of O-rings off the shelf and dumps them out. He opens a valve on the backpack and allows some of the fluid inside it to drain into the box. Then he take Beany by the tail off Hippy's shoulder. HIPPY Hey! MONK Check this out. He drops Beany in the box and, before Hippy can protest, closes the lid. Beany is forced under the surface. He struggled for a second, and bubbles come out of his mouth. Then he casually swims around in there, completely submerged... breathing liquid. Catfish and the others stare into the box, amazed. MONK See? He's diggin' it. Monk takes Beany out and hold him by the tail for a few seconds to drain his lungs. Then hands him back to Hippy. The rat is annoyed, but otherwise alright. CATFISH This is no bullshit hands down the goddamnedest thing I ever saw. CUT TO: EXT. DEEPCORE/DROPOFF 59 Three sets of moving lights move outward from Deepcore. Cab One and Three, with Lindsey and Hippy at the controls respectively, and One Night in the Flatbed. Lindsey is in the lead. She approaches the cliff-like drop-off and starts to descend. LINDSEY Com-check, everybody. Flatbed, you on line? ONE NIGHT Ten-four, Lindsey, read you loud and clear. LINDSEY Cab Three? HIPPY Cab Three, check. Right behind you. LINDSEY (V.O.) What's you depth, Cab Three? HIPPY 1840... 50... 60... 70... LINDSEY Going over the wall. Coming to bearing 065. Everybody stay tight and in sight. ONE NIGHT Starting out descent. Divers, how're you doing? EXT. FLATBED 60 Eight divers ride the back of Flatbed like itinerant workers on the way to the fields. Bud and his civilian crew, Catfish, Finler, and Jammer... sit across from the SEALs. They are in their gear and breathing from umbilical hooked in Flatbed's low-pressure manifold. BUD Okay so far. JAMMER How deep's the drop-off here? CATFISH This here's the bottomless pit, baby. Two and a half miles straight down. COFFEY Knock off the chatter. Cab One, you getting anything? INT./EXT. CAB ONE 61 Lindsey consults her array of instruments. COFFEY Cab One, do you see it yet? LINDSEY The magnetometer is pegged. Side-scan is showing a big return, but I don't see anything yet. Are you sure you got the depth right on this? BUD (V.O., filtered) You should be almost to it, ace. She turns the submersible and... The spotlight flares back from the great brass screw of the Montana. It dwarfs Cab One, FILLING FRAME. LINDSEY Uh, yeah, roger that... uh, found it. EXT. MONTANA/SUBMERSIBLES 62 Cab One maneuvers along the flank of the enormous sub, while Flatbed and Cab Three move above it. Wilhite take readings with a hand-held neutron counter. COFFEY Cab One, radiation readings? LINDSEY Neutron counter's not showing very much. COFFEY Wilhite, anything? WILHITE Negative. Nominal. COFFEY Just continue forward along the hull. LINDSEY Copy that, continuing forward. You just want me to get shots of everything, right? COFFEY Roger, document as much as you can, but keep moving. We're on a tight timeline. LINDSEY Copy that. The great black hull of the Montana recedes into the darkness beyond the puny beams of their lights. It seems bigger than the Titanic and just as eerie in its final resting place. On it side, the sub's top deck becomes a wall along which the tiny submersibles are moving. Ahead, in the lights, is a white painted circle. COFFEY That's the midship hatch. You see it, Cab Three? HIPPY Roger, I see it. BUD Just get around so your lights are on the hatch. HIPPY Check. Then I just hang with these guys, right? COFFEY Right. ONE NIGHT How do you want me? COFFEY Just hold above it. Alright, A team. Wilhite, Schoenick, and Monk unhook their short whip-umbilicals from the central manifold and roll off the side of Flatbed. They maneuver down toward the sub's hatch. Hippy guides Cab Three in closer to the hatch area. INT. CAB THREE 63 Hippy turns to Perry back in the lockout chamber, ready to launch Little Geek. The ROV has a handheld neutron-counter gripped in its manipulator arm. MONK (V.O.) Stand by on the ROV. HIPPY Perry, stand by on the ROV. (to Little Geek) Sorry about this, little buddy. Better you than me, know what I mean? Hippy nods and Perry drops Little Geek through the hatch into the water and feed out a length of tether. Hippy picks up the control box and watches the video screen, guiding the ROV toward the Montana's hatch. EXT. MONTANA HATCH AREA 64 The three SEALs have unlatched the deck cover and revealed the hatch. They open the out hatch and Monk swims down into to narrow escape trunk. He bangs on the inner hatch with a wrench, listening carefully with his helmet pressed against it. MONK It's flooded. Alright, I'm opening her up. Straining hard in the confined space, he get the lower hatch open, then swims backs out immediately. He gestures to Hippy, via Little Geek's vision, and Hippy flies the ROV into the hatch. EXT./INT. CAB ONE/MISSLE DECK 65 Meanwhile Cab One and Flatbed have proceeded forward along the hull. Beyond Lindsey's front port, the great hatches of the Trident missile tubes roll toward us in procession. Several of the hatch covers have been forced partway open by the warping of the hull. COFFEY (V.O.) Radiation is nominal. The warheads must still be intact. LINDSEY How many are there? COFFEY (V.O.) 24 Trident missiles. Eight MIRVs per missile. LINDSEY That's 192 warheads... And how powerful are they? SCHOENICK Your MIRV is a tactical nuke, 50 kilotons nominal yield. Say times time Hiroshima. LINDSEY (V.O.) Jesus Christ... this is World War Three in a can. COFFEY (V.O.) Let's knock off the chatter, please. INT. CAB THREE 66 TIGHT ON VIDEO SCREEN -- LITTLE GEEK'S CAMERA. Passing through a hatch, into a large grotto filled with pipes and machinery. The engine room. MONK (V.O.) Getting a reading? HIPPY It's twitching but it's below the line you said was safe. EXT. MONTANA MIDSHIP HATCH 67 Monk moves into the opening. MONK Alright. Let's get in there. Wilhite and Schoenick follow him through the escape trunk, into the dark corridor beyond. EXT. MONTANA/BOW SECTION 68 Out of the darkness ahead emerges the trailing edge of the sail, big as a five-story building. Far below her, Flatbed moves along the edge of the ledge which supports the vast sub. Its lights, and Lindsey's strobes, reveal the tremendous damage to the forward section as they pass the sail. The torn and twisted hull looms above Flatbed as it sets down. Coffey indicated an enormous rent where the bow section is almost torn away from the rest of the hull. COFFEY We'll go in through that large breach. BUD Let's go, guys. Bud's team leaves Flatbed, swimming forward. The opening is a black mouth in their lights. Coffey moves inside. Bud attaches one end of an orange nylon line to a piece of pipe and moves into the wreck behind him. BUD Take it slow, stay on the line, and stay in sight. Watch for hatches that could close on you, or any loose equipment that could fall. Jammer, Catfish, Finler, and Sonny follow him inside. INT. MONTANA/FORWARD BERTHING SECTION 69 They find themselves in the forward berthing compartment with its rows of bunks. The room is twisted and disheveled, with bedding hanging from the bunks like the lolling tongues of dead dogs. Papers float in gentle eddying currents, letters, pages from paperback novels, photos of girlfriends. Bud pays out the line and follows Coffey forward. As they pass sealed doors, Coffey pounds with a tool, listening. All flooded. INT. ENGINE ROOM 70 Monk leads his team along a corridor, following Little Geek's tether. Through a hatch into the engine room. Their lights play over flooded machinery. INT. COMPANIONWAY/CONTROL ROOM AND ATTACK CENTER 71 From the berthing Coffey's team swims up a companionway towards the attack center. He pulls at a buckled watertight door. COFFEY It's jammed. Give me a hand. Jammer and Bud squeeze in around Coffey. Together they wrench the door open on its squealing hinges. It give way suddenly, flying open. The suction pulls SOMETHING THROUGH. It slams Bud's shoulder. He turns. A FACE... RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM! He jerks back, gasping. Face to face with Barnes, the sonarman. The ensign seems unmarked, merely dismayed at his own mortality, judging from his wide eyes and mouth. Coffey reaches past Bud and pushes the ensign's body out of the way. COFFEY Alright, let's keep moving. We knew we were going to see this. They enter the control room. Their lights play over the high-tech wreckage. Floating debris and bodies make shifting shadows on the walls as they swirl in the currents. A languid, weightless waltz. They move through the carnage. Their lights pick out tableaux... the planesman still strapped in his chair, someone jammed into the ceiling pipes, hanging down. Dead faces, pale in the lights. Still. We see only glimpses. Coffey locates the captain's body and rolls it over. Removes the missile arming key which hangs on a chain around the dead man's neck. Moves on. All business. Bud turns back to his guys. Checking them. He notices Jammer is breathing so rapidly he's fogging his helmet. Catfish, Finler, and Sonny aren't much better. A wave a panic seems imminent. BUD How you guys doing? SONNY I'm alright, I'm dealing. CATFISH Triple time sounds like a lotta money, Bud. It ain't. I'm sorry... BUD We're here now. Let's get her done. We see Bud working, calming them, talking them through it. He's sweating rivers in his helmet, not looking too steady. His projection of calm to the others is his own salvation. Coffey pauses in the doorway to the communications room. COFFEY This part I do alone. Brigman, take you men and continue aft. Split up into two teams of two. Let's get moving... we head back in fourteen minutes. Bud leads his team into a narrow corridor. INT. CORRIDOR/ROOMS 72 They search the rooms along the corridor with their lights until they come to a vertical hatch, open. a pit of darkness below. BUD Okay, Cat, Lew, Sonny. You guys stay on this deck. Hook you line onto mine. Any problem, you tug my line. Two pulls. Jammer, you're with me. Bud drops down through the hatch to the level below, followed by Jammer, who barely fits through. Catfish hooks his safety line onto Bud's with a carabiner and move along the corridor with the others. EXT./INT. CAB ONE 73 Lindsey circles the hull, documenting, photographing. Her strobes sear the darkness, give glimpses of the dead leviathan's form as her tiny submersible circles it like a bee. INT. COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 74 Working from a plastic card, Coffey spins the dial on the wall safe and opens it. He removes several plastic binders... the code books. He also grabs handfuls of classified documents and orders, and a set of missile arming keys, all which he places in a pouch at his waist. INT. CORRIDOR 75 Bud leads Jammer through a long, claustrophobically narrow corridor, tapping on the walls and hatches periodically. After he taps, he waits a few moments. There are no answering taps. They open doors and shine their lights into the rooms. The are bodies, but they seem anonymous. Crumpled shapes in khaki or blue. They undog and open a hatch. Beyond it is the largest chamber of the sub, the... INT. MISSLE COMPARTMENT 76 The missile compartment is the large gallery a hundred and twenty feet long and forty feet high, with two rows of vertical launch tubes, 24 in all. The chamber is divided into three levels by a floor of open steel grillwork. JAMMER Where are we? BUD Missile compartment. Those are the launch tubes. They sweep their lights around the chamber. Jammer turns... his beam illuminating a body just beyond the door. A coveralled seaman turning slowly in the eddying current. Small albino crabs crawl slowly over the man's face. One scuttles out of his gaping mouth. JAMMER Lord Almighty. BUD Hey, you okay? Bud goes to him. Gets up close to his face. Sees that he's not. That he's hyperventilating. Fighting nausea. Bud grabs him by the shoulders. BUD Deep and slow, big guy. Deep and slow. Just breathe easy. JAMMER I... they're all dead, Bud. They're all dead. I thought... some of them... you know... BUD I'm taking you back out. JAMMER No! I'm okay now. I just don't... I can't go any further in. Bud sees that the big diver's breathing has stabilized. He looks at his watch. Checker Jammer's pressure gauges. BUD Okay, Jammer. No problem. You stay right here. I have to go there to the end... you'll see my lights. We'll stay in voice contact. Just hold onto the rope. Five more minutes. Okay? JAMMER Yeah, okay. Okay. He moves off through the center aisle of the gallery swimming between the huge cylinders. He pays out the lifeline as he goes. INT. COM-ROOM 77 Coffey is working rapidly and efficiently, moving from one rack of electronics gear to the next, setting thermite grenades at vital points. As the thermite ignites, it generates an intense arc-bright light and tremendous heat. The circuit chasses melt. Coffey works calmly in the infernal glare. INT. MISSLE COMPARTMENT 78 Bed negotiates his way through the tangle of wreckage near the far end of the missile compartment. He goes down a stairwell to the lower level. A HUNDRED FEET AWAY, Jammer loses sight of Bud's dive-lights. He starts to get nervous. Suddenly his own lights begin to DIM, flickering lower and lower. They become little orange candles, the filament barely glowing. The darkness closes in. JAMMER Bud? BUD?! You readin' me? BUD?!! BUD, at the same moment, is fiddling with the connector cables on his helmet lights, which are dimming and flickering. He hears nothing from his helmet transceiver. JAMMER, smacks the side of his helmet. Shakes the transceiver on his belt. Nothing... just static. Then even the static dies. Panic time. He grabs the safety line and pulls twice. Hard. It is snagged on a sharp metal edge ten feet from him. He pulls twice more, harder, hauling the thing. The line severs. Jammer stared at the frayed and floating toward him. His eyes bug. He looks all around in the darkness. Can't see Bud. Can't decide what to do. We can see hysteria revving up inside him like a flywheel. Then he becomes aware of a faint radiance flickering over the walls. It is a cold and ethereal light, unlike the warm-white of their dive lights. It grows brighter. He turns slowly toward it. The glow is moving beneath the steel grill of the deck, sending shafts of cold light flickering upward hypnotically, coming toward him. JAMMER Bud? Is that you? C.U. JAMMER, shielding his eyes, staring into the radiant source. Guess what, Jammer? It's not Bud. In the brightest center of the glow, SOMETHING is moving, a figure casting strange inhuman shadow across the walls. Jammer blinks against the glare, his face registering total, outright astonishment melting into terror. The glare pulses subtly, hypnotically. The shifting shadow falls across Jammer. He finally snaps out of his fixity... Screaming and gulping air he spins away and starts clawing hand over hand through the treacherous wreckage. His harness catches on a twisted pipe. He struggles, totally out of control... the big man reduced to a blind panic. Jammer heaves forward with all his adrenalized strength. He tears free of the entangling debris. Launches like a torpedo... slamming his backpack full force into the top sill of the hatchway. His tri-mix regulator takes the full brunt of the impact. ON BUD, swimming furiously back toward Jammer's position. The strange radiance is gone. His dive light flare back to full brightness. BUD Jammer? Answer me, buddy, JAMMER?! He reaches Jammer only to find him thrashing violently in place. A seizure. Bud grapples with him. BUD Hang on, big guy. Hand on! Catfish, Sonny, and Finler arrive from the corridor a moment later. They leap into the fray. BUD He's convulsing! CATFISH It's his mixture! Too much oxygen! Then they're all yelling at once, grappling with the big man, struggling with the valves on his breathing gear. FINLER Crank it down, man! We're gonna losing him... BUD SHIT, it's stuck... goddamnit! SONNY You got it?! You got it? BUD Yeah, yeah... yeah. It's turning. Jammer's convulsion ends. He goes limp. BUD We gotta get him out of here. Come on! (to Jammer) Hang on, buddy. They drag Jammer's slack form into the corridor, hauling their way rapidly back along the lifeline. INT./EXT. CAB ONE & MONTANA SAIL 79 Lindsey is approaching the monolith of the sail, maneuvering to clear the horizontal diving plane. Then her lights go dim and her thrusters loose power. Suddenly a bright corona breaks around the bulk of the sail and SOMETHING appears right in front of her, a glowing object moving like a bat out of hell right at her! It is slightly smaller than submersible and we only get a glimpse. What we think we see in the diffuse glow is a translucent ovoid, open at the front with a spinning vortex of light inside... like some hallucinatory jet engine. And it's hauling ass. Lindsey jinks left. The object jogs right. She fights the control as her sub slews around, slamming broadside into the sail. K-BAM! Her power comes back up. Righting Can One, she spins to look through the aft viewport in time to see the object racing away in a broad arc. It pulls a high-G turn and dives straight down. We see the object zip behind Flatbed. One Night can't see it. The thing spirals down into the darkness like a hit-and-run drunk, diving along the wall into the abyss until it is lost to view. HOLD ON Lindsey excited, amazed... dazed. Her hands are shaking. Suddenly Bud's voice blares out over the open frequency. BUD (V.O.) CAB ONE! CAB ONE! Meet me at Flatbed! This is a diver emergency!! Do you copy? Lindsey?! She has a hard time focusing on what he's saying. Finally... LINDSEY Copy you, Bud. On my way. CUT TO: INT. DEEPCORE INFIRMARY -- AN HOUR LATER 80 Jammer is unconscious on a folding cot set up in the tiny cubicle of the infirmary. Monk, who is cross-trained as a medic as well as a demolitions man, has hung an IV of something. Bud and the SEAL are in the room, the others hovering outside. BUD Whattya think? MONK I'm a medic, which is mostly about patching holes. This type of thing... there's not much I can do. The coma could last hours or days. Bud, torn by guilt, gazes at the big man lying pathetically on the cot. CUT TO: INT. CONSOLE MODULE 81 The SEALs, minus Monk, are all gathered inside, debriefing with DeMarco via closed-circuit video. DEMARCO (video) Did any of you see it? COFFEY Negative. But there was definitely a Russian bogey. The Brigman woman saw it. DEMARCO CINCLANTFLT's gonna go apeshit. Two Russian attack subs, a Tango and Victor, have been tracked within fifty miles of here... and now we don't know what the hell they are. Okay, I don't have any choice. I'm confirming you to go to Phase Two. Wilhite and Schoenick glance uneasily at each other. Coffey is silent. He is vibrating with tension... his fists clenched to prevent the shaking. He is wrestling with the moment, knowing it is, in a way, a point of no return. DEMARCO Is there any problem? COFFEY Yes... I mean no. Negative, sir. Coffey takes a deep breath. Lets it out. Phase Two is clearly a big deal. CUT TO: INT. MAINTENANCE ROOM B/DARKROOM 82 The maintenance room doubles as a camera workstation. An adjoining head serves as darkroom. Lindsey is glumly reassembling Cab One's camera housings. BUD Did you get anything on the cameras. Video or anything? LINDSEY No. Look, forget it. I don't want to talk about it. BUD Fine. Be that way. LINDSEY I don't know what I saw. Okay? Coffey wants to call it a Russian submersible, fine. It's a Russian submersible. No problem. BUD But you think it's something else. What? One of ours? LINDSEY No. BUD Whose then? Lindsey? Talk to me... Lindsey is wrestling with a feeling which is somehow also certain knowledge. LINDSEY Jammer saw something in there, something that scared the hell out him-- BUD His mixture got screwed up. He panicked and pranged his regulator. LINDSEY But what did he see that made him panic? BUD What do you think he saw? LINDSEY I don't know. I DON'T KNOW! Hippy comes pounding up, sticks his head in, gesturing animatedly. HIPPY Hey, you guys... hurry up, check this out! They're announcing it. They follow him into the corridor, trotting down to the mess hall. INT. MESS HALL 83 General melee as they rush in, everybody focused on the TV. CATFISH Quiet! Quiet! HIPPY Turn it up, bozo. ANCHORMAN ... the Kremlin continues to deny Russian involvement in the sinking of the Trident sub USS Montana. The Navy has not released the names of the 156 crewmembers, who are all presumed dead at this time. Civilian employees of a Benthic Petroleum offshore drilling rig-- HIPPY Hey that's us! CATFISH SSSSHHH! ANCHORMAN --are apparently participating in the recovery operation but we have little information about their involvement. On the scene now is-- FINLER BOOOOH! We want names! SONNY Hey, hey! There's the Explorer. A LONG LENSE VIDEO SHOT of the Benthic Explorer and the other vessels in a stormy sea CUTS TO a shot of BILL TYLER, the on-scene reporter, in rain gear, clutching his microphone. He is on the deck of a Navy support ship, being used as a staging area from the press, well away from the center of the operation. TYLER --there is a tremendous amount of activity. With Cuba only 80 miles away, the massive buildup of US ships and aircraft in the area has drawn official protest from Havana and Moscow and has led to a redirection of Soviet warships into the Caribbean theater. ANCHORMAN How would you describe the mood there? TYLER The mood is one of suspicion, even confrontation. A number of Russian and Cuban trawlers, undoubtedly surveillance vessels, have been circling within a few miles throughout the day, and Soviet aircraft have repeatedly been warned away from the area... HIPPY This sucks. INT. CORRIDOR/SUB BAY 84 Bud, Lindsey, and Hippy walking along the corridor, Hippy in a black mood of incipient paranoia. BUD What's the matter with you? HIPPY Now we're right in the middle of this big-time international incident. Like the Cuban Missile Crisis or something. LINDSEY Figured that out for yourself, did you? HIPPY We got Russian subs creeping around. Shit! Something goes wrong they could say anything happened down here, man. Give our folks medals, know what I mean? BUD Hippy, just relax. You're making the women nervous. LINDSEY Cute, Virgil. HIPPY No, I mean it. Those SEALs aren't telling us diddly. Something's going on. BUD Hippy, you think everything's a conspiracy. HIPPY Everything is. One Night is pounding down the corridor from the sub bay. ONE NIGHT Hurry up! Coffey's splitting with Flatbed! He got me to show him the controls, then his guys suited up and they're rolling. Bud breaks into a run, passing her. BUD Goddamnit! D'you tell him we need it right now? ONE NIGHT I told him we had to get the umbilical unhooked ASAP. INT. SUB BAY 85 Bud clears the door in time to see an empty moonpool, roiling with turbulence. He runs to the edge and looks down. Flatbed is a vague shape moving off. BUD Unbelievable. CUT TO: EXT. EXPLORER BRIDGE -- DAY 86 The sky is charcoal, the sea is a mountain range of gray slopes. Waves thunder over the foredeck, whipped by eighty-know winds. Men in life jackets scurry like insects. Off the port bow, the ASW destroyer ALBANY vanishes and reappears among waves sixty feet tall. McBride scream orders that can't be heard to the crewmen on deck. He staggers back along the bridge railing. INT./EXT. BENTHIC EXPLORER BRIDGE -- DAY 87 McBride steps into the quiet of the control room. He turns on De Marco. MCBRIDE We're trying to get unhooked and get out of here... and your boys go sightseeing! DEMARCO They'll be back in two hours. MCBRIDE Two hours?! We're gonna be getting the shit kicked out of us by our friend Fred in two hours! De Marco's expression is infuriatingly calm... icy. McBride looks at his watch and swears under his breath. CUT TO: EXT. USS MONTANA WRECK SITE 88 For a second time the black hull of the ballistic missile sub is illuminated by diver's lights. Tiny figures, the divers move like moths around a distant streetlight. Wilhite, Monk and Schoenick are clustered around an open missile hatch. Using a large lift bag, they are removing the frangible fiberglass, or 'diaphragm'. Coffey pilots Flatbed with increasing deftness, deploying the big arm to aid in the work. DOWN ANGLE as the diaphragm lifts away... revealing the blunt nose of the TRIDENT C-4 MISSLE. Like looking down the barrel of a gun at the bullet aimed right at you. CUT TO: INT. DEEPCORE/MESS HALL 89 TIGHT ON VIDEO SCREEN: A HELICOPTER SHOT of a warship burning, rolling ponderously as it sinks in stormy seas. NEWS ANCHOR (V.O.) Little is known at this hour about the events leading up to the collision. The US Navy guided missile cruiser Appleton apparently struck the Soviet 'Udaloy' class destroyer in low visibility conditions... VARIOUS CUTS of men in life jackets among huge waves... Rescue helicopters hovering. Shaky camera work. Wind blasting. INTERCUT WITH REACTIONS of the rig crew watching. NEWS ANCHOR (V.O.) In violent seas little hope remains for over a hundred Russian crewmen still missing after the sinking an hour ago. SHOT OF AMERICAN CRUISER, burning, listing to one side in heavy seas. Replaced by SHOT OF NETWORK ANCHORMAN. NEWS ANCHOR Soviet military spokesmen have claimed that the collision constituted an unprovoked attack. This was denied-- It continues. Bud looks at Lindsey. She turns to him, expression grim. LINDSEY Bud, this is big time. CUT TO: EXT. MONTANA WRECKSITE 90 The divers are working head-first in the missile's launch tube. Monk reads from a plasticized card, directing the other two step by step. The arcane litany is punctuated by the hissing rasp of their breathing. WILHITE (filtered) Separation sequencer disconnected. Next? MONK (filtered) Remove explosive bolts one through six in counterclock-wise sequence. SCHOENICK (filtered) Check... removing bolt one. INT. DEEPCORE 91 ON THE RIG CREW, watching. Bathed in the light of the video screen. NEWSCASTER (V.O.) ... just learned that Soviet negotiators have walked out of the strategic arms limitation summit in protest over the incident this morning. Bud switches the channel. ANOTHER NEWSCASTER ... US and NATO military forces have been put on full alert worldwide this morning in the wake of... BUD It's on every channel. Bud switches again. Reception is getting worse as the storm affect the satellite down-link to Explorer. THE SCREEN shows a reporter on a city street, stopping people at random. Their answers are edited together: YOUNG WOMAN You just feel so hopeless. You can see it coming, but what can you do? What can anyone do? CONSTRUCTION WORKER Hey, they don't want war any more than we do. You think about it, you say... hey, they love their kids too. So why are we doing this? He is replaced by a self-righteous, middle-aged woman. WOMAN If the Russians sank that submarine, they deserve what they got and a lot more, if you ask me, and you did. I think we've been pussyfooting around with them long enough. EXT. USS MONTANA 92 It is now clear what the SEALs are doing. Using large lift bags and Flatbed's big arm, they have pulled one of the Trident C-4 missiles partway out of its launch tube, and have partially disassembled the nose-shroud, exposing several of the MIRV warheads within. Moving very carefully, Wilhite and Schoenick ease one of the individual MIRVs out of its bracket. Hanging under a lift-bag in a jerry-rigged harness, the three-foot long warhead is move gently by the divers to the back of Flatbed. INT. DEEPCORE/VIDEO SCREEN 93 Another man in the street interview, tortured by static. MAN Scared? I'm scared ____-less. But if it happens it happens, nothing I can do about it. Right? So why think about it? CUT TO: INT. SUB-BAY 94 Flatbed surfaces in boiling foam. The rig crew are all waiting. Like a crack pit-crew Bud's people leap onto Flatbed while its deck is still awash and start to work on to Navy divers, unsealing their helmets and uncoupling their umbilicals. Hippy and Bud start to untie a cylindrical object wrapped in one of the SEAL's gear bags. Coffey emerges from the hatch. COFFEY Don't touch that. Just step away. Now! HIPPY Excusez moi. BUD Coffey, we're a little pressed for time. COFFEY Monk, Schoenick... secure the package. The two SEALs unlash the object in the black bag. Bud an Lindsey exchange a glance. He glares at Coffey as they pass each other. One Night nimbly climbs the hatch-tower and drops in. Bud swings the heavy hatch up, balancing it, and grins down at One Night. BUD This ain't no drill, slick. Make me proud. ONE NIGHT Piece of cake, baby. He swings the hatch closed with a CLANG. CUT TO: EXT. DEEPCORE 95 The big A-frame, massive as a railroad bridge, to which the umbilical from the Explorer is attached. Flatbed rises INTO FRAME arcing around the coupling mechanism F.G. One Night deploys the big hydraulic arm. It unfold from Flay bed like a huge steel spider leg, its claw-like 'gripper' opening. INT./EXT. BENTHIC EXPLORER BRIDGE -- DAY 96 An ALARM sounds stridently on the dynamic-positioning console. BENDIX We're losing number two thruster. Bearing's going. INT. THRUSTER ROOM TWO 97 Deep in one of the catamaran hulls, the positioning thruster motor is SCREAMING like a steel banshee above its usual roar. It EXPLODES with smoke and shrapnel. A roaring fire erupts. Crewmen run shouting in the smoke. INT. EXPLORER BRIDGE 98 Now a KLAXON is going off as the ship begins to slew in the high winds. BENDIX It's not holding. We're swinging out of position! EXT. EXPLORER'S DECK/LAUNCH WELL 99 As the ship slews, the umbilical is drawn off vertical. It goes tight as a bowstring. Pulled to the edge of the launch well, it rips down the side with a godawful screech, tearing loose ladders and floats. EXT. DEEPCORE/A-FRAME 100 Flatbed's manipulator has gripped the de-coupling mechanism when the cable suddenly pulls taut. The sub is jerked sideways, its grip dislodged. We see One Night get tossed around inside. INT. DEEPCORE 101 Lindsey is in the corridor with a cup of tea when the whole rig BOOMS LIKE A GONG and lurches sideways. She's wearing her tea when Bud tears through a doorway and goes pounding past her. The intercom blares... HIPPY (intercom) Bud to control! Emergency! Bud to Control! Bud claws his way up the ladder to level two. The rig BOOMS and shudders as... EXT. DEEPCORE 102 The rig begins to move. The enormous skid breaks loose. Start to slide, plowing furrows in the bottom. One Night junks the controls, pivoting her submersible as the A-frame looms toward her. INT. DEEPCORE/CONTROL MODULE 103 Bud runs in, past Hippy, and grabs the mike. BUD Topside, topside... pay out some slack, we're getting dragged! EXT. EXPLORER DECK 104 The winch man staggers along the railing, blasted by 80-knot winds. He sprints for the base of the enormous crane which supports the umbilical winch. A wave blasts him into the bulkhead. He half-crawls to the ladder going up to the winch-house. As he climbs the winch's heave-compensator slides up and down, FILLING FRAME behind him. It is bottoming-out with a sound like a piledriver, overloaded by the strain on the cable. It chooses that moment to fail. GRINDING CRASH OF METAL. INT./EXT. DEEPCORE CONTROL MODULE 105 Lindsey has joined Bud, looking out the front viewport. LINDSEY We're heading right for the drop off! EXT. EXPLORER DECK 106 The deck is ripped upward as the entire 40-ton crane is pulled over by the weight of Deepcore. It topples in the launch well with a roar of tortured steel that rivals the storm. An EXPLOSION OF WATER. UNDERWATER, the crane tumbles between the twin hulls. Trailing a vortex of foam and debris, it roars down on us, FILLING FRAME WITH BLACKNESS. INT. EXPLORER BRIDGE 107 McBride stares in shock at the churning cauldron of the launch well. Grabs the underwater telephone. MCBRIDE Bud! We've lost the crane! BUD (V.O.) What? Say again. MCBRIDE THE CRANE! WE'VE LOST THE CRANE. IT'S ON ITS WAY TO YOU!! INT. DEEPCORE/CONTROL MODULE 108 Everyone is stunned by what is happening. Lindsey fires up the sonar. LINDSEY Got it! It's dropping straight to us. She puts the signal over the speakers and the room fills with eerie PINGING. Bud shouts over the intercom. BUD Rig for impact! Seal all exterior hatches. Move it! Let's go! VARIOUS ANGLES, QUICK CUTS, as everyone runs to comply: The rig crew pounding down the narrow corridors. Diving through low hatchways. Hatches are closed and the wheels spun down. Hippy puts into a ZIP-LOK BAG and seals it. EXT. DEEPCORE 109 The umbilical drops down in slack loops out of the blackness above, draping itself over the habitat in large coils. One Night pilots her submersible feverishly among the falling loops. She banks and twists. A length of heavy umbilical slams onto her neck, tipping the sub. She manages to get out from under it a keep going. INT. CONTROL MODULE 110 Through the front viewport they can see the coils of cable piling up in front of the rig. The hull booms with impacts as the massive stuff hits. Everyone hold their breath as the sonar return-pings get closer... and closer. And closer... An ENORMOUS SHAPE plunged into the floodlight in front of the rig. K-WHAM!! The 40-ton crane hits like a flatiron thirty feet in front of them. A clean miss. Much WHOOPING AND CHEERING. Then... The crane topples slowly over the back. It rolls down the slope of the drop- off, gathering speed. Then tumbles over the cliff into the abyssal canyon. The coiled umbilical starts to pay out after it like rope after a harpoon. And they're still attached. LINDSEY Oh shit. An agonizing few seconds. Then... the cable pulls taut. K-BOOM!! The rig is slammed by the shock. Everyone is knocked off his feet, into walls and equipment. EXT. DEEPCORE 111 The rig begins to slide. It tilts over the embankment and grinds down the slope of the drop-off in a cloud of silt. The cable pulling it inexorably toward the cliff. The framework twists and slams into rocks. SCREECHING AND GROANING of tortured steel. INT. DEEPCORE/CORRIDOR/LADDERWELL/MAIN CORRIDOR 112 All hell has broken loose. SIRENS, SCREAMING, a KLAXON HOOTING moronically. Bud sprints from Control, bouncing off the corridor walls as the rig lurches and tilts. The lights go out. Emergency light come on. He trips and falls, scrambles up, running on. IN THE LADDERWELL of trimodule C, Lindsey runs toward the machine rooms. K-BOOM! A searing bright EXPLOSION in the electrical room. Flames roar through the doorway. She dashed to a seawater hose hanging nearby and starts to unroll it. She sees Coffey and Schoenick in maintenance, lashing down the mystery package. LINDSEY Hey! Get on this hose, you turkeys! INT. TRIMODULE C/COMPRESSOR ROOM 113 Monk is working in a spray of seawater, turning valves to stop the flow of ruptured pipes. Behind him, a wall of flame blossoms through the door from the electrical room, driving the back with the heat. A reservoir-tanks breaks loose from one of the compressor assemblies. In rolls at him, crushing his legs against machinery. The fire roars into the room. INT. SUB BAY 114 Hippy runs in. The place is going nuts. Water floods from the moonpool as the rig tilts. Wilhite is dancing across the deck, leaping over compressed- gas cylinders which are rolling around loose. Cab One jumps clear off its cradle and slides SCREECHING across the deck. Wilhite, running before the 12-tom juggernaut, had no place to go. The SEAL dives into the churning moonpool. Cab One slams into the end wall, then spins and rolls toward Hippy. He starts to run. Drop something. Looks back. Beany, in his zip-loc bag, is lying in the path of the slide submersible. Hippy runs back. Scoops up the baggie. Cab One FILLS FRAME behind him. He makes it through the door an instant before the thing hits behind him, buckling the steel doorframe. Wilhite is clawing up the sheep skirting of the moonpool. He gets his fingers over the top. Pulls himself up... A steel helium tank slams against his fingers, crushing them, and he falls back. More tanks bounce over the lip of the pool, hammering Wilhite down into the foaming water. He doesn't surface. EXT. DEEPCORE 115 The rig is sliding to the edge of the cliff. Beyond it... the bottomless pit of the Cayman Trough. It slams, crushing and twisting, into a rock outcropping and stops, hanging over the precipice. INT. TRIMODULE A/QUARTERS 116 Perry is trapped as the trimodule floods with stunning swiftness. He makes it through an emergency hatch between floors but can't get it closed. The inrushing tide blasts it open. He scramble upward to the next hatch. Spins the wheel. No time. He is slammed against the ceiling by the force of the water. OMITTED A116 INT. DRILL ROOM B116 Lew Finler, Tommy Ray Dietz, and Lupton McWhirter fight their way toward the door as the drill room floods rapidly. Ahead, the big automated watertight door is closing like a motorized bank-vault. They reach it just as it is closing, but can't prevail against the strength of the motors. FROM THE FAR SIDE, we can see them screaming soundlessly at the tiny pressure window in the door. We can hear the dull THUNK of their pounding. INT. TRIMODULE C/LADDERWELL AND COMPRESSOR ROOM 117 Coffey and Schoenick, in emergency breathing masks, are fighting the fire with a seawater hose and fire extinguishers. Smoke and steam choke the dark chambers. Nearby, Lindsey grabs Hippy's arm as he is running past and drags him into the blazing compressor room. Hands him her seawater hose. Wide-eyes, he starts blasting everything in sight with water. LINDSEY No! Hold it on me! She rushed into the teeth of the fire as Hippy blasts her with a spray of water, following her into the intense heat. She grabs Monk, who is semiconscious, and drags him out of the blazing room... Hippy dancing back with the hose, tripping, blasting her in the face. But it works. They get Monk clear. INT. DRILL ROOM CORRIDOR 118 Bud comes pounding down the flooding corridor in time to see the water in the drill room swirl above the pressure window, obscuring the faces of the trapped men. He claws futility at the door. The motors and the fail-safe latching mechanism are on the opposite side. Through the pressure window he watches helplessly as they drown. We don't see what he sees, but we know what he sees. Suddenly the bulkhead next to him gives way and a freezing torrent thunders in. Bud is blown off his feet a hurled along the corridor. He scramble up somehow, splashing waist deep toward the opposite end of the corridor where another of the hydraulic doors is closing inexorably. He's not going to make it. He reaches it a moment too late to squeeze through. Grabs the edge of the door and desperately tries to stop it from closing with the strength of this arms. It doesn't work. The steel door closes on the fingers of his left hand, pinning them in the doorframe. But something amazing happens. His wedding ring lodges between the door and frame, preventing his fingers from being crushed and the door from sealing and locking. It resists tons of pressure, denting but not collapsing. The freezing sea pours in until only his head is clear. BUD Heeyy!! HHHEEEYYY!! ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE DOOR, Catfish and Sonny come pounding up. They see his face at the tiny window and his hand jammed in the door. Sonny wedges a crowbar in the narrow opening and starts to pry. Catfish whips open his jackknife and slashes the hydraulic hoses on the door actuator. He is sprayed with red hydraulic fluid, machine blood. Together they force open the door. Bud is blown through in a torture of water. Sonny is thrown back into some pipes. Breaks his arm. Together they somehow heave the door shut manually, cutting off the flow. Catfish hammers the fail-safe latch home with the crowbar. Bud lies gasping and shivering... staring at the tiny band of metal that saved him. DISSOLVE TO: EXT. DEEPCORE/ONE HOUR LATER A118 LOOKING DOWN THE WALL of the canyon as Big Geek moves beneath us, tilting up to show Deepcore perched at the very edge of the abyss. The rig is twisted and dented, covered with loops of umbilical, trimodule-A a mass of wreckage. The ROV passes across the front of the control module. Through the front port, two figures can be seen in the light of a single emergency lamp. SONNY (V.O. static) Mayday, mayday. This is Deepcore Two calling Benthic Explorer. Do you read, over? INT. CONTROL MODULE B118 Sonny flips some switches on the UQC acoustic transceiver. Tries again. SONNY Benthic Explorer, Benthic Explorer. Do you read, over? This is Deepcore-- BUD Forget it, Sonny. They're gone. INT. TRIMODULE C 119 Bud walks down the corridor from control, slowly... as if carrying a great weight. The air is still thick with smoke. The power off... everything lit by emergency lights. Makeshift quarters have been set up in the mess hall, with blankets laid out on the tables, and with folding cots in the storage room across the hall. Jammer is still unconscious. Coffey and Schoenick bring Monk in on a stretcher, and set him up on a table. He is conscious but dazed with painkillers, his led splinted. BUD Did you find Wilhite? COFFEY No. He and Bud lock eyes. Bud bites back on his recriminations, but his gaze blames Coffey. He turns away. COFFEY Brigman. (Bud turns) I was under orders. I had no choice. Coffey's manner is subdued, contrite. A marked contrast to his previous brusque arrogance. He's wrestling with his own loss, a sever blow to the tight brotherhood of a SEAL unit. Bud's anger is not dispelled. But he can't address it now. He moves on. PAST THE INFIRMARY, where Sonny Dawson is rigging a sling over his own broken arm. He cries out in pain, cursing at himself. LOOKING DOWN THE CENTRAL WELL as Bud crosses. Down through the grill decking we can see the bottom level of the module is flooded. Catfish is down there welding, sending shivering reflections through the chamber. INT. MACHINE ROOM 120 Lindsey is working, up to her knees in water. She is covered with grease, tools scattered around. Bud puts his hand on her shoulder. She looks up, blows some hair out of her eyes. BUD What's the scoop, ace? LINDSEY I can get power to this module and sub-bay if I remote these busses. I've gotta get past the mains, which are a total melt-down. Rather than trigger anger and invective, the disaster seems to have affected her in a different way. She's accepted the situation, now that's it's done, and is immersing herself in technical tasks, which are for her therapeutic. BUD Need some help? LINDSEY Thanks. No, I can handle it. Bud... there won't be enough to run the heaters. In a couple hours this place is going to be as cold as a meat locker. BUD What about O-2? LINDSEY Brace yourself. We've got about 12 hours worth if we close off the sections we're not using. BUD The storm's gonna last longer than 12 hours. LINDSEY I can extend that. There's some storage tanks outboard on the wrecked module. I'll have to go outside to tie onto them. She goes back to her task, working efficiently with a socket wrench. BUD Hey, Lins... (she looks up) I'm glad your here. LINDSEY Yeah? Well I'm not. OMITTED 121 OMITTED 122 The sub bay is still a mess. Dark. A few battery-operated lamps. Flatbed is back, floating in the moonpool. One Night and Hippy are in deep concentration, piloting the two ROVs in a damage survey of the rig. Bud comes up behind them, check her screen first. BIG GEEK'S MONITOR shows a view of the aft section of the rig. The drilling derrick had collapsed across Cab Three, totaling it. A girder is jammed through its acrylic front dome. ONE NIGHT Right through the brainpan. Deader'n dogshit, boss. BUD (to Hippy) Where're you? HIPPY Quarters. Level two. INT. TRIMODULE A/QUARTERS A123 Little Geek rises up through the open central hatch, pivoting in a circle to scan the flooded interior. INT. SUB BAY/R.O.V. STATION B123 TIGHT ON VIDEO SCREEN, LITTLE GEEK'S POV. The interior of the structure is a shambles. The lights of the little robot fall upon a figure... Perry. Lying on the deck, almost looking like he's asleep. HIPPY That's Perry. BUD (lets his breath out slowly) That's it then. Finler, McWhirter, Dietz, and Perry. Jesus. HIPPY (gestured at the screen) Do we just leave him there? BUD Yeah, for now. Our first priority's to get something to breathe. CUT TO: EXT. DEEPCORE 124 Catfish and Lindsey, in suits and helmets, drop down from the glare of the moonpool onto the dark sea floor under the rig. Walking, they pull their umbilicals behind them and head out through the twisted wreckage. Little Geek follows along like a dog at their heels. They settle beside a valve assembly at the base of the wrecked module. LINDSEY Cat, you tie onto this manifold. There's some tanks on the other side; I'm gonna go check them out. CATFISH You watch yourself. He begins to attach one end of a coiled-up high-pressure hose to a manifold. She takes the other end of the hose and moves off into the darkness. Little Geek goes with her faithfully. INT. SUB BAY 125 Cab One is hanging from the overhead crane while One Nigh works to repair it. Bud is nearby, tending hose for the divers and handing her tools. Talking while they work. Hippy is across the moonpool running Little Geek. ONE NIGHT Gimme a three-eighths socket on a long extension. (he hands it to her) So there you were-- BUD There we were, side by side, on the same ship, for two months. I'm tool-pusher and we're testing this automated derrick of hers. So, we get back on the beach and... we're living together. ONE NIGHT Doesn't mean you had to marry her. BUD We were due to go back out on the same ship. Six months of tests. If you were married you got a state-room. Otherwise it was bunks. ONE NIGHT Okay, good reason. Then what? BUD It was alright for a while, you know. But then she got promoted to project engineer on this thing, couple years ago. ONE NIGHT She went front-office on you. Tighten that for me, right there. That's it. BUD Well, you know Lindsey, too damn aggressive-- Son of a--!! He's jammed his fingers with a wrench torquing down a bolt. Whips his hand out. BUD She didn't leave me... she just left me behind. She puts her arm around his shoulders, somehow managing to be fraternal, maternal and suggestive all at the same time. ONE NIGHT Bud, let me tell you something. She ain't half as smart as she thinks she is. She smiles and pretends to kink Lindsey's air-hose. ACROSS THE CHAMBER, Hippy scowls as Little Geek's screen starts to go haywire with interference. HIPPY Hey, Lindsey, you reading me? Over. OMITTED 126 EXT. DEEPCORE/TRIMODULE A 127 Catfish is working on one side of the wrecked module while Lindsey is on the other, out of sight. She is standing on the bottom at the base of the wreckage, checking valves on a rack of oxygen bottles amongst the wreckage. Right at the edge of the canyon wall. Behind her is a sheer drop to nothingness LINDSEY Yeah, Hippy, I read you. What's the matter? The reply is GARBLED by a wash of static. Then, for no apparent reason, Lindsey's helmet light begins to dim out. Little Geek's lights fade. His motors whine to a stop. ON CATFISH, as his lights drop to candleglows. INT. SUB BAY A127 The emergency lights are dimming, like a brownout. Bud grabs the diver intercom mike. BUD Lins, how're you doing? Lindsey? EXT. TRIMODULE A 128 ON LINDSEY, as she fiddles with her lights and transceiver pack. LINDSEY Catfish... I got a problem here. You there? Catfish? Behind her, SOMETHING rises from the depths. It is the little vehicle she almost collided with at the Montana wreck. It comes right up behind her. She doesn't know it's there. It hovers sideways like a hummingbird, as if curious, trying to get a better look. She becomes aware of the pulsing glow on the ground around her. She turns slowly. We see her react as the glowing, pulsing apparition is reflected in her faceplate. A more powerful glow washes up onto her from below. Her eyes go down. She gasps, absolutely stunned... Above the edge of the wall, AN ENORMOUS SHAPE RISES SILENTLY OUT OF THE DEPTHS. Over sixty feet across. It looks like a blown glass manta ray, its transparent outer hull housing interior structures of great delicacy and complexity, pulsing with a blue-violet glow. Lindsey stand before it, unable to move. Absolutely rapt. Captivated by its ethereal beauty. It begins to turn, majestically, one rounded wing passing only a few feet above her. She reaches up. Touches it as it passes over her. Lindsey is without fear, completely mesmerized. The thing completes its turn and dives gracefully down along the wall. She is gently lifted by a backwash of turbulent water. About that time, Lindsey remembers she has a still camera, a little Nikonos. She fumbles to set focus and exposure with her bulky gloves as the beautiful machine glides into the depths. Gets all set for a shot and... WOOSH! The little 'scoutschip' whizzes past her from behind, startling her. She completely misses the shot of the 'manta ship'. She pivots, trying to get a shot of the little one as it zig-zags down along the wall, fast as a meteor. CLICK. She get a shot a second before it disappears. From around the flank of the rig module, Catfish appears. Their com-sets come backs to life, along with their lights. LINDSEY You better not say you missed that. CATFISH Missed what? CUT TO: INT. DEEPCORE/MESS HALL 129 TIGHT ON SLIDE STRIP. Lindsey's fingertip in for scale. The shot is black with a little squiggle of light in the center. Pathetic. BUD Nice shot, Lins. SONNY What is that? You drop your dive light? WIDER, SHOWING THE GROUP huddled around Lindsey who has her freshly-processed slide roll laid out on the pinball machine, using it as a light table. LINDSEY Come on, you guys... look, this is the little one right here. You can see how it's kind of zigging around. BUD If you say so. It could be anything. LINDSEY I'm telling you what is there. You're just not hearing. The impulses somehow aren't getting from you ears to your brainpan. There's something down there. Something not... us. She looks around. Sees a lot of skepticism in the eyes around her. CATFISH Y'all could be more specific. LINDSEY Not us. Not human. Get it? Something non- human, but intelligent... HIPPY You mean like Coffey? Lindsey is reddening. Despite her conviction, this is really hard. LINDSEY A non-terrestrial intelligence. HIPPY Non-Terrestrial Intelligence. NTIs. Yeah, I like that better then UFOs. Although that works too... Underwater Flying Objects. Hippy is not really mocking her. He's actually into it. But it has that effect. Catfish is eyeing Lindsey like he's never seen her before. CATFISH Are we talkin' little space friend here? HIPPY Right on! Hot rods of the Gods. Right, Lins? Hey, no really! It could be NTIs. The CIA has known about them for years. They abduct people all the time. There was this woman I knew in Albuquerque who-- LINDSEY Hippy, do me a favor... stay off my side. Bud takes her firmly by the arm. Heads her out into the corridor. BUD Lindsey, will you step into my office for a minute... INT. CORRIDOR/LADDER WELL 130 He propels her along the corridor, away from the mess hall doorway. They face each other in the narrow space. BUD Jesus, Lindsey-- LINDSEY Bud, something really important is happening here. BUD Look. I'm just trying to hold this situation together. I can't allow you to cause this kind of hysteria-- LINDSEY Who's hysterical? Nobody's hysterical! They're talking across each other, not connecting. Bud weary and frustrated. Lindsey is cranked up with the afterglow of her encounter. BUD All I'm saying is when you're hanging on by your fingernails, you don't go waving you arms around. LINDSEY I saw something! I'm not going to go back there and say I didn't see it when I did. I'm sorry. BUD God, you are the most stubborn woman I ever knew. LINDSEY I need you to believe me, Bud. Look at me. Do I seem stressed out? Any of the symptoms of pressure sickness, any tremors, slurred speech? BUD No. LINDSEY Bud, this is me, Lindsey. Okay? You know me better than anybody in the world. Now watch my lips... I saw these things. I touched one of them. And it wasn't some clunky steel can like we would build... it glided. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Bud is stilled by her intensity. She moves close to him. Eyes alive and luminous. LINDSEY It was a machine, but it seems almost alive. Like a... dance of light. Bud, you have to trust me... please. I don't think they mean us harm. I don't know how I know that, it's just a feeling. BUD How can I go on a feeling? You think Coffey's going to go on you 'feeling'? LINDSEY We all see what we want to see... Coffey looks and he sees Russians, he sees hate and fear. Bud, you have to look with better eyes than that. Bud has been taking this all in. His eyes tracking her face. He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. It's so hard for him to do this, but... BUD I can't, Lindsey. I'm sorry. How can I? CUT TO: INT. MESS HALL -- LATER 131 Coffey has Bud, Lindsey and several of the rig crew gathered for a little summit. Lindsey is withdrawn, sitting far from the others, a self-imposed exile. They're all wearing warm clothes and hugging themselves. Their breath shows in the air. COFFEY I want 'round-the-clock manning of the sonar shack and the exterior cameras. We need early warning if the Soviet craft try another incursion. LINDSEY (rolling her eyes) Gimme a break! Coffey, these things live three and a half miles down on the bottom of an abyssal trench! Trust me... they're not speaking Russian. Coffey looks at her for a moment, then goes on as if she hadn't spoke. COFFEY (to One Night) Why haven't you finished repairs on the hydrophone transmitter yet? ONE NIGHT I was having my nails done. Coffey is sweating, despite the chill. Keeps his hands clenched in fists so they won't see how bad the tremors have gotten. COFFEY Get something straight. You people are under my authority-- CATFISH Look, podner... we don't work for you, we don't take orders from you, and we don't much like you. In addition to which your momma dresses you funny. Coffey's eyes are straight razors. He slashes them from face to face. You can see him tightening up like a clockspring, losing control of the situation in front of his own men. Bud defuses it. BUD 'Fish'? CATFISH Yuh? BUD Take the first watch in sonar. Hippy, you handle the exterior surveillance. One Night, see if you can get that transmitter working for me, okay? ONE NIGHT Gimme a couple of hours. HOLD ON COFFEY as everyone leaves. Winding tighter. CUT TO: INT. MAINTENANCE ROOM B -- LATER 132 Coffey and Schoenick are bending over the warhead. They have a small port removed and are attaching waterproof leads from an ELECTRONIC DETONATOR. The black box Lindsey glimpsed earlier. As the two SEALs work like surgeons, we see past Coffey's shoulder to a hemispherical window behind him, which looks out into the perpetual blackness. Something appears... a goofy shark face. Big Geek rises silently in front of the port. It moves a little, trying to get a peek over Coffey's shoulder. INT. CONTROL MODULE/ROV SHACK 133 Hippy is twiddling his joysticks, watching the screen like a ferret. HIPPY Come on... move to the left... just a little more... come on, A.J. Squared Away... that's it-- ON THE SCREEN, Geek's POV. Coffey is blocking Hippy's view of whatever it is they're working on. Abruptly, be moves. The warhead is lying there in plain sight, detonator wires hooked up. Hippy's eyes bug out. He knows exactly what it is. HIPPY Pretty radical, guys. Pretty radical. He hurries to the VCR and puts it into RECORD. INT. CONTROL MODULE/ROV SHACK -- MINUTES LATER 134 Video image of the SEALs working. It FREEZES on a clear view of the warhead. HIPPY (V.O.) Say hello to MIRV. Bud has his face right up to screen. He frowns, skeptical. HIPPY Come on, man. What else could it be? BUD Why bring it here? HIPPY It's gotta be, like, an emergency plan to keep it away from the Russians... Hotwire one of the nukes with some kinda detonator, put it back in the sub, and fry the whole thing, slicker'n snot. Oh, uh... hi, Lins. Bud whips around. Lindsey, standing quietly in the doorway. It's apparent from expression she's been watching them for some time. She looks ready to kill somebody. Then she's gone. INT. CORRIDOR 135 Bud catches up to her in the corridor, trying to put the brakes on her. LINDSEY Look, goddamnit, if you won't do something about it, I will. BUD Lindsey! Wait a second-- She reaches the watertight door to Maintenance Room B. It's locked. Before Bud can stop her she grabs a fire-extinguisher off the wall and pounds on the steel door like a big gong. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Needless to say, it opens. She pushes past Schoenick, see the bomb lying there naked. LINDSEY You've got some huevos bringing this... thing... into my rig! With everything that's been going on up in the world, you bring a nuclear weapon in here? Does this strike anyone as particularly psychotic, or is it just me? COFFEY You don't need to know the details of this mission... you're better off if you don't. LINDSEY You're right... I don't. I just need to know that this thing is out of here! You hear me, Roger Ramjet? COFFEY Mrs. Brigman, you're becoming a serious impediment to this mission. I believe the stress is affecting you. (to Schoenick) Escort her to quarters and have Monk prepare a tranquilizer. Schoenick takes her arm in a tight grip. LINDSEY Bullshit, you can't do that. Oww... goddamnit! Lindsey goes bananas, trying to get Schoenick's big hands off her arms. Bud slams his hand down on the intercom button. BUD Emergency! Maintenance room B. Emergency! He pulls the fire alarm for good measure and spins on Coffey... warning him with a look that is not to be messed with. Coffey is braced back against the worktable... an odd stance, with one arm behind his back. Suddenly there's a crowd outside the door as Catfish, Hippy, One Night, and Sonny come running up. Confrontation time. Sirens going. About a million volts of electricity in the air. Bud braces Schoenick. BUD Let her go. Do it... right now. He does. Lindsey jerks away. Rubs her arms. LINDSEY You dumb jarhead motherf-- BUD Chill out, Lindsey!! CATFISH What's the problem? Everyone is frozen in place. Bud a Coffey... snake and mongoose, glaring. Bud pulls Lindsey back into the corridor. BUD Nothing. We were just leaving. (to her) Weren't we? ANGLE FROM BEHIND COFFEY, as Bud's group moves out of sight up the corridor. Hands behind his back. In his hand, cocked, finger on the trigger, is the .45. He turns and sets it on the table, steadying himself as if in the wind. he seems to sag. When he looks at Schoenick, his eyes are wounds. A hunted animal. Voice shaky. COFFEY They can't be trusted. They're turning against us. We may have to take... steps. INT. CORRIDOR 136 Lindsey, Bud, Hippy. Bud slows, letting them trail behind the others. BUD Lins, stay away from that guy. I mean it. HIPPY Yeah. The dude's in bad shape... you see his hands? LINDSEY He's got the shakes? BUD Look, the guy's operating on his own, cut off from chain of command. He's exhibiting symptoms of pressure-induced psychosis. And he's got a nuclear weapon. So, as a personal favor to me... will you put your tongue in neutral for a while? HIPPY Man, I give this a sphincter-factor of about nine point five. INT. MAINTENANCE ROOM B 137 Coffey goes to the dome port. Looks past his shrunken and twisted reflection into the void. Eternal night. ANGLE FROM OUTSIDE. Coffey's face in the window. Stuck to the acrylic bubble beside him is one of those Garfields, suction cups on its paws. Coffey stares out. Behind his eyes, his brain is like that cat, just hanging on, spreadeagle and screaming. CUT TO: INT. SUB-BAY/DIVE-PREP AREA 138 Under a single worklight, a couple of conspirators. Lindsey and Hippy hunch over Big Geek. The ROV grins maniacally with goofy shark teeth. LINDSEY Look, you can just punch into his little chip where you want him to go, and he goes, right? HIPPY Well, yeah, but the tether off it ain't gonna be fancy. When he gets down there he'll just sit, like a dumb-shit. Unless something wanders through view of the camera, you'll get nada. LINDSEY Let's go for it. We could get lucky. INT. CONTROL MODULE 139 ONE SURVEILLANCE MONITOR. Lindsey and Hippy next to Big Geek. Their voices are tinny but intelligible. HIPPY (V.O.) I don't know. I really oughta talk to Bud about this. E.C.U. COFFEY. Watching them in the dark. Alone. LINDSEY (V.O.) No. Just you and me. We get some proof, then tell them. Hippy, look... if was can prove to Coffey it's not Russians, maybe he'll ease off the button a little. HIPPY (V.O.) I gotta tell you, that guy scares me a lot more than whatever's down there. A.J. Squared Away goddamn jarhead robot. Okay, gimme a couple hours on this. Coffey watches, his jaw clenched. INT. QUARTERS/MESS HALL 140 The lights are down. Those who can are grabbing some sleep. Snoring comes from one of the bunkrooms as Lindsey passes. In the mess hall, Catfish and Bud are crashed out on the tables, wrapped in blankets. The cold has gotten intense. Water drips. The walls sweat with condensation. Lindsey can see her breath as she makes coffee. She carries a cup over to Monk, who is a face in a pile of blankets. A hand comes out, takes the coffee. MONK Thanks. Lindsey sips hers, staring. Her thoughts are far away... in the bottomless pit. She is leaning up against the table where Bud is sleeping. His soft snoring downshifts into a loud rasp. Lindsey touches him gently on the shoulder. LINDSEY Virgil, turn on your side. Bud grunts and turns without waking, an automatic response. The snoring stops. It is a quiet, intimate moment, a reminder of the mileage these two have logged together. CUT TO: INT. SONAR SHACK 141 Sonny has made himself comfortable in front of the screens. Too comfortable. He's asleep, chin on his chest. On the main passive-sonar screen, an almost imperceptibly faint trace appears. A HUM, which is by now familiar, becomes audible. Sonny shifts in his seat. Doesn't wake. INT. SUB BAY 142 Hippy puts his tools away, finished with the modifications to Big Geek. HIPPY All set, big guy. Hey, I told you to wipe that grin off your face. He yawns as he shambles across the chamber to the corridor door. Switches off the lights. Goes out. Quiet lapping of water in the moonpool. A beat. Then... A cold luminosity suffuses the water beneath the moonpool opening, sending shadows shifting across the top of the chamber. The surface begins to pulsate. Suddenly, the water itself rises, forming itself into a shifting, shimmering pseudopod as big around as a man's body. The transparent form pulses... an amoebic mass shivering in the air. It stretches, becoming a more refined form. Like a blindly probing glass python, it elongates and weaves across the room. It extends and extends, stretching out from the moonpool, a shimmering tentacle. The 'head' or tip, a featureless liquid bulb, seems somehow to be scanning as it moves forward, as if it can see where it's going. INT. CORRIDOR 143 Hippy trudges along the dark corridor. He reaches the men's head and goes in. As the door closes, the tip of the liquid pseudopod extends into the corridor B.G. It 'looks' left and right. Then extends the length of the corridor, holding itself a couple feet off the floor like a weightless snake. INT. TRIMODULE B/LADDERWELL/BUNKROOM/MESS HALL 144 LOOKING DOWN three levels through the central ladderwell between the cylinders. The pseudopod enters and undulates upward. FROM INSIDE THE MAKESHIFT BUNKROOM, we see its tip extend inside. Sonny and One Night are snoring, oblivious. Jammer is still unconscious. The pseudopod, taking its time, checks them out and then moves on. IN THE MESS HALL, it's dark and quiet. Lindsey has even fallen asleep in her chair, her head buried in her arms on the table. The shimmering tentacle enters the room in total silence. It sways gracefully in to air, searching. It undulates across the room, hanging about five feet in the air, surveying everything. It moves past Lindsey. Sensing something, she lifts her head, turning... sees the apparition next to her. Her eyes go wide. Amazement, but not fear. The tentacle is moving on, still searching. Lindsey shakes Bud awake, clapping her hand over his mouth. Bud blinks twice, then freezes. When she lowers her hand his mouth is hanging open like a total goon. Bud chucks his pillow are Catfish, on the next table. Catfish cracks one eye open. Turns away. Turns right back... both eyes open now. Sensing movement, the thing turn back toward them. It seems to recognize Lindsey. It doubles back on itself in a loop and comes right up to her. She holds her ground, fascinated. The bulbous tip forms suddenly into a human face... her face. It is water, still clear and undulating... but definitely Lindsey. She gasps in surprise. The liquid-Lindsey gasps soundlessly... a perfect mimic of her expression. Lindsey laughs involuntarily. It laughs... without sound. Lindsey makes a face, sticking out her tongue... testing it. The liquid-Lindsey does the same. Bud has just had the rug jerked out from under his sense of what is possible and what isn't, but he's taking it pretty will, considering. BUD (whispering) I think it likes you. LINDSEY It's trying to communicate. Her liquid face suddenly transforms into a likeness of Bud's. She reaches out her hand slowly. Gingerly, her fingers touch the surface. Ripples extend outward from the contact, across Bud's features. Her fingertips break effortlessly through the surface, just like she's dipping her hand into a bowl of water, except sideways. She draws her wet fingers out and studies them, amazed. Touches one fingertip to her tongue. LINDSEY Seawater. The pseudopod pulls back from her. It loops in the air dramatically, full circle... and ties itself into a knot. As the knot tightens down, it melts back into the body. The 'disappearing knot' trick. Lindsey laughs, grinning with the open wonder and delight of a child at a magic show. She is transported. LINDSEY Show off. She looks at Bud. He grins broadly. He's with her now. The stunned group watches as the thing moves on across the room. Out to the corridor INT. SUB-BAY 145 Coffey and Schoenick enter the back way, through the dive-prep area. They see the pseudopod arching from the moonpool big as a treetrunk. Coffey's mind is blown. We can smell the insulation burning. He just stares. INT. CORRIDOR/MAINTENANCE ROOM B 146 The water tentacle enters and moves toward the hot-wired warhead. It studies the device for a few seconds. Bud and Lindsey enter through a side door, in time to see the tentacle divide into four tendrils which wrap around the warhead. They begin to lift it off its cart. INT. SUB BAY 147 Coffey finally jump-starts his brain. In a flash of insight, he runs to the big sliding door through which the pseudopod stretches into the corridor. He and Schoenick heave on the door. Like a guillotine blade it slices effortlessly through it. VARIOUS ANGLES -- CORRIDORS, MESS HALL, LADDERWELL, MAINTENANCE... as the body of the pseudopod collapses, splashing on the floor. It reverts to nothing more than a long puddle of simple seawater. As the tendrils dissolve, the warhead slams back down onto the cart, unharmed. ON COFFEY'S SIDE ON THE DOOR, however, the "stump" rears back like a cobra. It withdraws rapidly into the moonpool. The glow fades away. INT. SONAR SHACK 148 Sonny wakes up with a start as the HUM revs up into a LOUD WHINE and then fades away. He scrambles to track it. Too late. INT. CORRIDOR 149 Hippy emerges from the can and looks down, puzzled, at the puddle running the length of the corridor. He missed the whole thing. INT. MESS HALL 150 Light on. Everybody there. Lindsey is really strutting, high on life, now that she's been proven right. LINDSEY Okay, raise your hand if you think that was a Russian water-tentacle. Lieutenant? No? Well, a breakthrough. Coffey is looking out from under his eyebrows like Nicholson in "The Shining". Bud give her a warning look. Don't poke at the rattler. BUD You done impressing yourself, ace? ONE NIGHT No way that could just be seawater. LINDSEY They must've learned how to control water... I mean at a molecular level. They can plasticize it, polymerize it... whatever. Put it under intelligent control. BUD Maybe their whole technology is based on that. Controlling water. Coffey is hunched over, elbows on his knees. His hands are out of sight. His arm is moving in a slow rhythm. We can't see what he's doing. HIPPY That thing was probably their version of Big Geek... like an ROV. CATFISH Just checking is out, huh? How come? ANGLE UNDER THE TABLE, showing what Coffey is doing. He has his K-BAR KNIFE gripped white-knuckle in one hand. He is drawing it slowly and repeatedly across the skin of the other forearm. Neat chevrons of blood from wrist to elbow. C.U. COFFEY -- He doesn't flinch. His eyes are hard and bright as diamond drills. No one notices. He's keeping the edge. LINDSEY They're curious, maybe. We could be the first people they've seen up close. SONNY Hope they don't judge the whole race offa us. CATFISH Maybe I oughta shave. Coffey stands abruptly, snags Schoenick with his eyes, and leaves, walking through the group as if they were smoke. This cold behavior brings the mood down a notch. INT. CORRIDOR/MAINTENANCE ROOM B 151 Outside the mess hall, Coffey pauses, listening to the conversation resume. Bright speculation, a few jokes. Coffey is visible shaking. Breathing hard. Pupils dilated. Schoenick looks at him with concern. COFFEY It went straight for the warhead. And they think it's cute. SCHOENICK You need to get some sleep. Coffey walks away without hearing him. Schoenick catches up. INT. MAINTENANCE 152 The door opens in the dark room. Coffey enters, moving with purpose. He pulls his gear bag out from under the work table. Unzips it. Pulls out a short-barreled CAR-15 assault rifle. COFFEY We have no way of warning the surface. Do you know what that means? Schoenick doesn't know. He hopes Coffey knows. Because he's a fearless man who's discovering what it is to be afraid. Coffey inserts the magazine with a CLACK! Snaps the bolt. Tosses the rifle to Schoenick. COFFEY It means... whatever happens is up to us. CUT TO: INT. CORRIDOR/MAINTENANCE -- LATER 153 Hippy passes the maintenance room. Looks in. The warhead and its cart are missing. He looks around. Heads toward the sub-bay. INT. MESS HALL 154 The discussion, still in progress. ONE NIGHT You think they're from down there originally? Or from... you know. She jerks her thumb toward the ceiling. LINDSEY I think they're from 'you know'. Some place that has similar conditions... cold, intense pressure. No light. CATFISH Happy as hogs in a waller down there, prob'ly. INT. CORRIDOR/SUB BAY 155 Hippy freezes in the corridor as he hears a loud ratcheting sound echoing from the sub-bay. He edges forward slowly, trying to keep his feet silent on the steel floor. Slides up along the wall next to the door. Inches his eye around the doorframe. Across the room. Schoenick is working with a chainfall, lowering Big Geek onto the MIRV warhead, which is still on its cart. He begins to attach them together with a sling of tie-down straps. Hippy lets his breath out slowly. His expression is Holy Shit. He slides back along the corridor wall, silently. Away from the door. Then turn turns quickly to go... WHAM! Coffey slams him up against the wall! .45 pressed to Hippy's temple. Hippy gulping air as Coffey ears back the hammer. COFFEY Sniff something did you, rat boy? INT. MESS HALL 156 The meeting is breaking up as the door CLANGS open and Hippy is thrusted inside. His hands are taped behind his back and he stumbles onto his face. Coffey steps through smoothly, straight-arming the .45. Schoenick flanks him with the assault rifle aimed at the group. COFFEY FREEZE! Don't move. That's it. (to Monk) Here, hold this a second. We're going to phase three. He hands his gun to Monk, with the assumption of absolute loyalty from a team member. Monk's eyes move between Coffey and the pistol. We can't tell what he's thinking. Coffey grabs Hippy and shoves him onto a chair. HIPPY They're using Big Geek to take the bomb to the NTIs! We set it up to go right to them. Lindsey looks stricken. Her plan is betraying them all. LINDSEY Oh my God... Oh no... (steps toward Coffey) Please, you can't. Coffey, think about what you're doing... for God's sake-- Coffey lets her approach him, his eyes glittering. Without warning he grabs her by the hair and hurls her against the Coke machine, pinning her there with one hand. Bud leaps forward. SCHOENICK GET BACK! Bud freezes. The rifle's muzzle is aimed for a heart-shot. Coffey moves up close to Lindsey. COFFEY This is something I've wanted to do since I first met you. His hand reaches down, OUT OF FRAME. We hear something RIP. His hand comes back up... holding a piece of gaffer's tape. He slaps it over her mouth. Then pushes her down into a chair. Hippy looks at Monk and Schoenick. HIPPY You boss is having a full-on meltdown. Guy's fixing to pull the pin on fifty kilotons and we're all ringside! MONK What's the timer set for? SCHOENICK Three hours. COFFEY Shut up! Don't talk! MONK We can't get to minimum-safe-distance in three hours. The shockwave will kill us. It'll crush this rig like a semi driving over a beer can. COFFEY Shut up! SHUT UP! What's the matter with you?! Everybody is twitching a hyper. Schoenick is white-knuckling his assault rifle... looking from Monk to Coffey to the group. COFFEY Just stay calm. The situation is under control. Coffey backs out quickly with Schoenick. INT. CORRIDOR 157 Coffey dogs down the watertight door and wedges a piece of steel pipe into the mechanism so it can't be opened. COFFEY Stay here. Schoenick take a position in front of the door. Coffey turns and runs through the corridor like demons are chasing him. INT. MESS HALL 158 Their only hope is to sway Schoenick. But the SEAL's fear is making him the perfect machine, totally dependent on external orders. And his orders are clear. They can see him through the tiny window in the door. Lindsey rips the tape painfully off her mouth. LINDSEY Schoenick... your Lieutenant is about to make a real bad career move... HIPPY That guy's crazier'n a shithouse rat! BUD We have to stop him! Schoenick!! They pound on the door. Schoenick turns and hangs his cap over the tiny window. INT. SUB BAY 159 Using the chainfall, Coffey maneuvers the completed Geek/MIRV package over the back of Flatbed, obviously preparing to use the submersible to take it out and launch it. INT. MESS HALL 160 Lindsey is up next to the door, with Bud. LINDSEY ... he's about to declare war on an alien species, Schoenick, just when they're trying to make contact with us. (to Bud) I think I'm reaching him. There is a CLUNK-CLATTER and the door unlatches. LINDSEY See? The door opens. Jammer is standing there. Schoenick is in a heap against the far wall, moaning. Jammer hands the rifle to Hippy as he walks in. Hippy turns to cover the other SEAL. Monk puts his hands up, passively. MONK I'm the least of your problems. Bud appraises Jammer, who seems a little weak and dazed but basically okay. BUD Thanks. How you feeling, big guy? JAMMER Figured I was dead, there, when I seen that angel comin' toward me. They all look at him for a second. What? BUD Uh, okay, right. You can tell us about it later. Let's go. CUT TO: INT. TRIMODULE C/LADDERWELL 161 Bud drops down the ladder, INTO FRAME, followed by the others. He tries the door into the main corridor. The wheel won't turn. The others get on it. Won't budge. BUD He's jammed the mechanism. LINDSEY Now what? They're locked in trimodule-C. No other doors give access to the sub-bay corridor. Bud's mind is racing. He drops down the ladder to Level One, into about two feet of water. He reaches down and open the emergency lockout hatch. Takes off his boots. BUD Okay, I'm gonna free-swim to hatch six... get inside, get the door open from the other side. LINDSEY Bud, that water's only a couple degrees above freezing. BUD Then I guess you better wish me luck, huh? Catfish is pulling his boots off as well. CATFISH Wish us luck. (hands his wallet to Hippy) 'Case I don't die. Okay, Bud... let's go, podner, I ain't got all day. Bud clasps him on the shoulder and starts hyperventilating. He drops into the water. EXT. DEEPCORE/TRIMODULE C 162 Bed shoots down through the hatch. The cold hits him list a fist, becoming instantly paralyzing. He starts kicking in powerful strokes through the dark water, maneuvering around tangles of umbilical cable twisted tubular steel. Catfish is behind him, swimming like hell. They reach hatch six. Together they spin the wheel and heave upward, opening it. INT. TRIMODULE D/LEVEL ONE 163 Bud surges up into the lock. Catfish jams into the tiny airspace with him. They try the upper hatch. Jammed. They're both panting with the exertion and intense cold. BUD Hafta... go on to... the moonpool. Only way. CATFISH I can't... make it... podner. Bud looks at Catfish, shivering and heaving, wide-eyed. BUD Okay, Cat. You head back. Bud hyperventilates rapidly and pikes over diving back out through the hatch. EXT. DEEPCORE 164 Bud is stroking rapidly through the tangle of pipes and conduit. He sees the lit rectangle of the moonpool far ahead. INT. SUB BAY 165 In the moonpool, Bud surface with an explosive gasp beside the full of Flatbed. His wracked breathing is masked by the WHINE of HYDRAULICS as Coffey uses the external controls to extend Flatbed's big hydraulic arm, locking the Geek/MIRV in its gripper. Bud strokes to a point where Coffey can't see him and heaves up out of the water onto the deck of the pool. He lies gasping behind Cab One's cradle. His limbs are wooden and unresponsive from the cold. His fingers are completely numb. He hugs himself, putting his hands under his armpits. Scans the situation. He can't get to the door, which is across the room, without Coffey seeing him. INT. CONTROL MODULE 166 Lindsey watching the whole thing going down, ON THE SCREEN, a high angle of the sub bay... Bud moving up on Coffey. HIPPY He can't get to the door... I think he's going to try and take him himself. LINDSEY He couldn't be that dumb. The guy's a trained killer. Bud's idea of a fight is arm-wrestling One Night over laundry duty. ON THE SCREEN, Bud picks up a piece of pipe. Hefts it. Moves forward, crouched... stalking. Lindsey yells at the screen in frustration. LINDSEY BUUUUUD!! INT. SUB BAY 167 Bud chucks a tool across the chamber, creating a clattering distraction, then wades in with the pipe in a vicious swing to the back of Coffey's knees, taking him down. Coffey spins even as he falls, catching Bud in a scissor kick that topples him. Grappling, they fall together into the freezing water. Coffey is momentarily stunned by the cold, giving Bud time to haul himself out, hoping to make it to the door. Coffey launches from the water and grabs him legs. He pulls himself up as Bud kick out. Claws his way viciously over Bud's body until he has him pinned to the deck. Then he pulls out the .45. Put it unceremoniously to Bud's forehead. INT. CONTROL MODULE 168 LINDSEY NOOO!! INT. SUB BAY 169 Coffey pulls the trigger... CLICK. Bud flinches, then opens his eyes, staring cross-eyed at the muzzle of the .45. Coffey cocks it and tries again. CLICK. Nothing. Really pissed off beyond description, Bud hurls the commando off him with a powerful heave, sending him clattering against a rack of equipment. They face off, panting. INT. CONTROL MODULE 170 The rig crew turns from the screen at the sound of Monk's voice. MONK I tool the liberty of removing this before I gave it back to him. Monk pulls his hand out from under his blanket and holds up the magazine from the .45. INT. SUB WAY 171 Even so Bud is getting his ass kicked. Coffey's really trying to put him out of business. It's mostly duck and dodges on Bud's part. Throw a few things. When Coffey connects, Bud goes down hard. Give him credit, though. He manages to scramble back up. The fight wrecks the room, scattering tools and gear. Compressed air cylinders roll dangerously around the floor. Coffey slips on one and Buds get in a couple of good licks. Slams the SEAL's head in an equipment locker door. But the Navy man is just too massive. Bud is hammered back into a wall. Coffey has his fist cocked back for the coup de grace. Spins around at the sound of a VOICE. CATFISH Hey! Catfish is right behind him. Dripping wet. A trail of water goes back to the moonpool a few feet away. CRACK! Catfish's 'Hammer' punch comes in so hard and so fast, Coffey is knocked right on his ass. He doesn't get up. Just sort of flops around. Catfish helps Bud to his feet. They advance on Coffey, who crab-scuttles sideways, his eyes rabid. He picks up a helium tank and hurls it at them. As they duck he sprints to Flatbed and drops through the hatch and slams it down. BUD (to Catfish) Get the door! Bud leaps across the water to land on Flatbed. The hatch is already sealed. He grapples with Geek/MIRV, trying to free it from the steel claw. INT. FLATBED 172 Coffey crawls along the access tunnel to the pilot's compartment. He claws his way into the control seat and starts rapidly flipping switches. INT. CORRIDOR 173 Catfish pounds down the corridor like he's never run before, his beer gut doing a rumba. He reaches the door, tears out the piece of pipe and spins the wheel. Hippy pushes it open so fast it hits Catfish in the stomach. Hippy tears past him, running with the assault rifle. John Wayne. INT. SUB-BAY 174 Flatbed is submerging, with only the hatch tower still above the water. Bud is being dragged down, still trying to free the ROV. He gives up when he sees Hippy run in, waving the assault rifle around like a 130-pound Rambo. Bud climbs the hatch tower and leaps to the deck of the moonpool. Hippy clumsily raises the unfamiliar rifle at Coffey, visible inside his viewing bubble beneath the swirling water. Coffey looks up, stares at the gun... doesn't seem to care. CATFISH SHOOT! Hippy's squeezing the trigger and nothing's happening. Flatbed's hatch tower goes under. CATFISH Safety's on! On the side... the lever! Up, push it up! Hippy fumble with the selective-fire lever, BLAM-BLAM-BLAM! He put three quick rounds into the ceiling. HIPPY SHIT! CATFISH Give me that!! He grabs it out of Hippy's hands and aims it at the sub. He racks the water with a long burst. BENEATH THE SURFACE, the rounds nip nasty contrails through the water. They barely scar the front port. LINDSEY Forget that... go for Big Geek! Catfish rakes the descending sub with more bursts, trying to hit the shimmering shape of the ROV on its back. UNDERWATER we see the rounds arcing wild, a few hitting the ROV but causing little damage. Coffey complete his descent to just above the seafloor. ABOVE, Catfish empties the weapon. BUD Gimme a hand! They all turn. Bud is fumbling into his wetsuit like a madman. The others rush over to help him. BUD Get the rest of my gear. Grab that hat there... let's go guys! Come on, come on! Catfish slams a backpack onto Bud's shoulders, grappling with the straps and hose connections. Hippy and Sonny (with one hand) are clipping, zipping and buckling all over him. This is a world-record suit-up time. Bud pulls the rubber neck-dam of the helmet's lower ring down over his face. BUD Helmet... helmet! Work fast. EXT. DEEPCORE UNDERSTRUCTURE 175 Beneath the habitat, Coffey is maneuvering Flatbed through the twisted pipe and debris left by Deepcore's slide to the edge. Bloodied, his fatigues ripped half-off, he looks like a feral animal. His eyes burn with the determination of his mission. INT. SUB BAY 176 Jammer expertly works the crane controls, moving Cab One out over the moonpool from its drydock cradle. Lindsey and One Night are scrambling like monkeys over the port side crash bars of the swinging sub, clambering up to the hatch tower. ONE NIGHT I'll unhook. (Lindsey hesitates) GO! You're better in these than I am. Lindsey recognizes this for what it is... a sign of respect, a reconciliation. She nods and drops through the hatch. EXT. DEEPCORE 177 Coffey passes under the twisted wreckage of the big automated derrick and makes a tight turn beneath the drill-floor module. Flatbed scrapes through between twisted conduit, metal screeching on metal. INT. SUB BAY 178 Bud has his 'hat' locked down and his air cut on. He take two quick strides to the edge of the pool and just drops in. EXT. DEEPCORE 179 Bud rockets DOWN INTO FRAME in a column of bubbles. He looks around. Through the lattice of conduit under the rig he can see Flatbed moving forward from its exit point under the stern. Bud see a shortcut under the platform. He kicks along a lattice a pipes, heaving himself along in frantic hand-over- hand stokes. He reaches for Flatbed's stern as it passes. Misses the last hand-hold... but just manages to seize a tie-down trailing behind it. He is jerked along behind the sub. Bud holds on with both hands as he is buffeted in the wake of the powerful thrusters. Flatbed gathers speed, moving out toward the edge of the abyssal wall. The current slams him, spinning him like a fishing lure. He pulls himself forward slowly until he can grip the stern rail of Flatbed's platform. LOW ANGLE, look up the wall. Flatbed appears over the edge and stops. Hovering. ON THE BACK OF FLATBED. Bud has the break he needs. He scrambles up onto the deck and opens and equipment locker. Nothing in it but one of the yellow nylon safety lines. The big arm begins to unfold, lifting Geek/ROV. INT./EXT. FLATBED 180 Coffey works intently. His eyes are the cool ice of lethal madness in a face streaked with blood. He brings the ROV into view with the boom arm. GEEK/ROV had a passenger. Brigman. The diver is holding Geek's skid with one hand, doing something with the other. He turns to look at Coffey. EXT. FLATBED/DEEPCORE 181 Coffey releases the ROV with the gripper and makes a grab at Bud with the steel claw. Bud dives. The gripper hits his helmet a glancing blow. Bud kicks away rapidly, letting nylon rope pay out. We see he has managed to tie one end to Geek's skids. Coffey hits the button to activate the ROV, sending an acoustic pulse to Geek's transponder. The little robot, pregnant with its load of death, turns nimbly around and dives out and down toward the void. Coffey pivots his bid machine toward Bud. Bud strokes rapidly to a large jumble of wreckage. He loops the rope around a twisted pipe. Big Geek is hauling ass away from him. The line snap taut an instant later. The ROV strains, like a Rottweiler on a leash... trying to go. The rope is slipping as Bud fights to make a knot. Flatbed slews around, thrusters whining. As it banks, it hurls up clouds of sediment from the escarpment face. Through the front panel we see Coffey jerking on the controls. The big arm extends menacingly. The smaller from manipulators open. An enormous predatory instinct, its lights blaring. The big machine roars forward. Straight at Bud. Bud gets his knot partly done. See Flatbed looming. Glare-lit in its lights, Bud grabs a handlehold and pulls himself downward as Coffey closes the last few feet. One manipulator slams into his backpack, tumbling him, and the sub's underside rakes across his legs as it passes over. Flatbed crushes into the tangle of pipework. K-CRUUUNCH!! INT. FLATBED 182 Coffey is slammed hard over the controls, up into the front dome port. He gets back in the seat. Strains to free his machine. EXT. DEEPCORE/BIG GEEK/FLATBED 183 Bud swims clear, diving down at an angle along the wall, hoping to stay in Coffey's blind area. Flatbed backs out of the wreckage in a cloud of debris. It pivots toward Bud. Moves after him. Nearby, the ROV is whining mindlessly, trying to please. Trying to GO. DETAIL OF ROPE attached to wreckage, as Bud's knot begins to slip. The nylon line starts to play through the knot slowly. BUD has gotten himself into a bad position. Along the bare rock face of the cliff wall he is naked, nailed in the spotlights like a rabbit in front of a truck. Coffey puts the hammer down, thrust levers all the way forward. Flatbed surges forward, multi-limbed and demonic. There's no cover, side to side, up or down. Coffey has him head in his lights. Suddenly a bright glare blasts in, blinding Coffey. He looks up to see Cab One rushing down upon him, full throttle. At the last moment LIndsey slams the thrusters full-lock and the submersible slews sideways, slamming its heavy skidplate into Flatbed's cab. Coffey is smashed sideways by the shock. He fights to control his vehicle. Lindsey looks up to see Coffey's sub gun it up over the wall, out of sight. She cruises up over Bud. LINDSEY (V.O.) Get in! Bud gets the lockout hatch open and clambers up into Cab One's belly. INT./EXT. CAB ONE 184 Bud flops over the lip of the hatch and slams it shut. He ditches his helmet. Lindsey raises her vehicle warily above the wall. Through the front port there is not sign of Coffey. LINDSEY You owe me one, Virgil. BUD Can we negotiate later? There's Big Geek. He points. Through the front port, they can see the ROV still straining at its leash. Lindsey dives toward it, simultaneously working the controls to open her own small manipulator claws. EXT. DEEPCORE/WALL, ETC. 185 The last few feet of the rope slip through the knot. Big Geek happily surges forward. It dives gracefully down into the void, trailing the yellow rope like a kite tail. ONE CAB ONE, Bud and Lindsey through the front port. BUD Go after it! We gotta catch it! FLATBED DROPS INTO FRAME BEHIND THEM, dwarfing little Cab One. They are slammed viciously as Coffey's submersible hammers into them. She hits full throttle. Coffey floors it after Lindsey, ramming her from behind with his more powerful vehicle. With difficulty Lindsey maintains trim. She arcs back toward the rig. Flatbed slams her again, for the side. She fights for control. INT./EXT. CAB ONE 186 Bud is tossed around, ricocheting off the walls. Lindsey flies with her jaw set. Fighting hard for control. The A-frame of the rig looms before her. She shoots through at full throttle. EXT. DEEPCORE AND OCEAN TERRAIN 187 Now the fight is really on. The two subs are dodging between the cylindrical modules at full throttle, slamming into each other and the steel pressure hulls. Coffey sideswipes the smaller sub, jamming it sideways. It screeches along the flank of one of the trimodules. They head out over empty terrain in a flat-out speed run. Lindsey is jinking and dodging as Flatbed, roars along behind her, tearing up the bottom with its powerful backwash. Lindsey carves hard around a rock pinnacle, finding herself running parallel to the edge of the abyssal canyon. Coffey is ramming, hammering from behind, then from side to side. Lindsey snarls. He's pissing her off. He shouldn't do that. Ahead, out of the blackness, another outcropping. Lindsey rises, cuts right. Smashes down into Coffey's craft. Timing it just right. He skids catch in the rocks. Flatbed slews violently, nosing down. Crushing into the rocky bottom. Pressing the advantage, Lindsey hammers into Flatbed from behind. It smashes full force into a second spire, spinning out of control. Tangles together, the subs slide down an embankment toward the edge of the wall. With her one remaining thruster she jerks clear of Flatbed and grounds her crippled sub. Flatbed tumbles over the edge. ANGLE DOWN THE WALL as it falls, trailing a cloud of sediment like a comet's tail, down into the unfathomable blackness below. INT. FLATBED 188 Inside the machine, Coffey is fighting for control. He has no buoyancy or motors and the craft continues its mad plunge. As the pressure intensifies the hull begins to groan, and steel fitting scream with the enormous load. A tiny silver fracture shoots partway across the front bubble. Grows. Coffey gives up fighting. Just stares, wide eyed, at his death. A damned soul dropping into the bottomless pit. The fracture line arcs rapidly across the dome port. Suddenly, a scythe-like curtain of seawater, under tons of pressure, slashes into him. A moment later the bubble implodes, and Coffey disappears in a bloody froth of churning water, air and glass shards. EXT. CANYON WALL 189 Flatbed looks like a toy, tumbling away down the wall. Soon its lights vanish. INT. CAB ONE 190 They're both going to have a lot of bruises... Lindsey is surveying the damage. Water is spraying down on them like a shower, and lights are flickering. LINDSEY You did okay, back there. I was fairly impressed. BUD Not good enough. We still gotta catch Big Geek. LINDSEY Not in this thing. Lindsey is flipping switches. Nothing works. BUD You totaled it, huh? LINDSEY Yeah. So sue me. Bud looks down. There's already about a foot of water sloshing around the floor at their feet. BUD It's flooding like a son of the bitch. LINDSEY You noticed. She picks up and hand-mike of the underwater telephone. LINDSEY Deepcore, Deepcore, this is Cab One, over. She waits. No response. BUD Try again. LINDSEY Deepcore, this is Cab One. We need assistance, over. Deepcore, this-- With a SEARING CRACKLE or arc-light, a power panel shorts out and everything goes black. LINDSEY Well, that's that. BUD Wonderful. (looking around) There's some light from somewhere... A faint illumination, dimmer than moonlight, washes in through the front port. Lindsey scrunches up against the acrylic and scans the darkness. LINDSEY Over there. It's the rig. A glow, beyond a rock promontory... like the lights of a town just over the hill in the desert. BUD Good hundred yards, I'd say. LINDSEY They'll come out after us. BUD Yeah, but it's gonna take them a while to find us. We better get this flooding stopped. He picks up his helmet and clicks on the light. Using the thing like a bulky flashlight. The water is really pouring in, spraying them like a shower... almost two feet deep already. LINDSEY You see where it's coming in? BUD Somewhere behind this panel. Hold this. She takes the light and he tries to reach the burst weld, which is blocked by a steel switch panel and a bunch of conduit. BUD Can't get to it. Have to pull this panel off. You go any tools? LINDSEY I don't know, look around. Bud scans the cramped interior, feels around under the water. It's past his knees. BUD Nothing. Son of a bitch. All I need's a goddamn crescent wrench. He grabs the panel in both hands and starts torquing on it, trying to wrench it off the wall. Heaves on it repeatedly. Finally stops, panting. He's breathing hard now, and it's not just effort. BUD Son of a bitch! LINDSEY Calm down, Bud. A nervous edge in her voice now. Bud's turning all around, looking around for anything, trying to think fast. Water up to their waists. The sea closing in. BUD Okay... okay. We gotta get you out of here. LINDSEY How? BUD I don't know how! LINDSEY We've only got one suit. BUD I know! I know! But we better come up with something. LINDSEY Aaargh!! I'm freezing! She climbs up on the pilots seat, scrunching right up against the ceiling, keeping as much of herself as possible out of the frigid water. She's shaking all over with the cold, and getting drenched from above by water pouring in. LINDSEY Okay, look, you swim to the rig and come back with another suit. BUD Seven, eight minute swim each way... not enough time. Look at this... (the rate of flooding) Time I get back you'll be-- That stops the conversation for a second. About two feet of airspace left. Bud can't believe what this is coming down to. They both stare at each other for a long moment. He makes a decision. Starts pulling off his backpack. BUD Alright, put this on. LINDSEY What, you growing gills all of a sudden? You got it on, keep it on. BUD Don't argue, goddamnit, just-- LINDSEY No way! Forget it. Not an option. Bud has his pack off uncoupling it. She keeps fighting his hands, stopping him, hooking it back up. The desperation of the situation fuel the struggle. BUD Lindsey, just put the thing on and shut up-- LINDSEY NO!! Now be logical, Bud, you're-- BUD FUCK LOGIC!! They're both right up against the ceiling, water up to their chests. Lindsey's lips are blue and trembling from the cold. LINDSEY Listen... will you listen to me for a second!? You're for the suit on and you're a better swimmer than me. Right? So I got a plan... BUD What's the plan? LINDSEY I drown, you tow me back to the rig-- BUD WHAT KIND OF PLAN IS THAT!?? Lindsey's gut-scared... shaking violently, her eyes wide. But she's keeping it together. Thinking it out. Bud see the bottomless pit opening to take her and he can barely think. LINDSEY Look, this water is only a couple degrees above freezing. I drown. I go into deep hypothermia... my blood like icewater. I can maybe be revived after ten, fifteen minutes. You got all the stuff to do it on the rig. Bud stops moving and looks into her face, inches from him. The water is up to their necks. He knows that, as always, infuriatingly, Lindsey is right. BUD It is insane. LINDSEY It's the only way, Bud. Now trust me. She takes a deep breath. Before her nerve fails she busies her hands on his suit, rehooking everything. BUD Jesus, I don't believe this is happening. She raise his helmet. Water up to their chins. They lock eyes, inches apart. He can feel her breath on his face... maybe for the last time. BUD Oh God, Lins... I-- LINDSEY Tell me later. He grabs her head in both hands and pulls her mouth to his. They lock together in a fierce kiss, fueled by passion and terror... the naked realization of love hanging over the abyss of death. She breaks away at the last possible second and quickly pulls his helmet over his head. Seats is down over the neck ring. Lock the bail-out handle, sealing it. Even with her head press up into the highest point of the ceiling, Lindsey's mouth is barely above water. She give a scared little laugh. LINDSEY This is maybe not such a great plan, is it? She is half-paralyzed with the cold, shaking pathetically. Puts her face to the glass of his helmet. Seconds to go. LINDSEY Hold me. Hold me, Bud... I'm so scared... He can't hear her, but he read her lips. They clutch each other desperately. The embrace last while the water rises over her mouth and nose. She starts to choke. Her hands grip his shoulders like claws. She bucks and thrashes. Bud holds her, and a scream tears loose from him, a pure agony of the soul. BUD NOOOOO!!! The freezing seawater races into her lungs. Her finger go slack, and her hands float lifelessly. Bud stares, transfixed, as the last tiny bubble trickles out of Lindsey's open mouth. He kicks himself into gear, fingers frenzied as he spins the wheel of the lockout hatch. CUT TO: INT. DEEPCORE/COMMAND MODULE 191 TIGHT ON VIDEO SCREEN, one of the outside cameras. A ghostly figure swims out of the darkness, towing something. ONE NIGHT It's Bud. Oh my God... that's Lindsey! BUD (V.O./faint) Deepcore, Deepcore, do you read? HIPPY Read you, Bud. We're here. EXT. DEEPCORE 192 Bud swims with long, powerful kicks, towing Lindsey. Her arms and legs float as gracefully as seaweed waving in a gentle current. Bud's voice comes in short rasps, breathing hard, but icy with control. BUD Go to the infirmary... get the cart .. oxygen... de-fib kit... adrenaline in a... ten cc syringe... and some... heating blankets. You got all that? HIPPY (V.O.) Got it. Over. BUD Meet me in the moonpool. Move fast. INT. INFIRMARY 193 The door crashes open and Jammer thunders in. He picks up the CPR cart, meant to roll on wheels, and carries it out past Hippy, Catfish, and One Night, who are crowding in to get the rest of the equipment. They ransack the place in about ten seconds, grabbing everything they might need and half of everything else. EXT. DEEPCORE/UNDER THE MOONPOOL 194 Bud moves up toward the rectangle of light, towing Lindsey to the diving platform. Through the surface we can see the others arrive at the edge, looking down. INT. SUB-BAY 195 Hippy and Catfish are setting up the cart and the oxygen kit, dropping things, making mistakes. One Night is teaching herself how to fill a syringe from a bottle of adrenaline. SONNY Here he comes! Jammer and Sonny leap into the freezing water, waist deep on the submerged diving platform. Bud bursts to the surface. Together they haul Lindsey across the platform, out of the water, and onto the deck. Her skin is blue- white, her chest still. Bud rips his helmet off in a near-frenzy, like a man possessed, a man with a mission. The others are galvanized by his energy even though they all see Lindsey as dead, a corpse... cold and inert. Water flows from her mouth and nose and her lips are blue, her limbs completely limp. Hippy peels back one eyelid, to find the pupil fixed and dilated. But when Bud shouts for them to move, they move. BUD Turn her over! They flip his wife's body over. He straddles her, pushing down with both hands in the middle of her back. Seawater gushes from her slack lips. He does it again until the flow stops, then flips her onto her back. BUD Come on, hurry! Gimme the de-fib... One Night and Catfish are fumbling with the emergency cart equipment. They've all been trained in CPR and use of the gear but that was years ago, and is a friend they're working on. They're all thumbs. Catfish drops the electrodes, picks them up quickly, hands them to Bud... CATFISH Here, here, here... no, you got to have bare skin, or it won't... Bud rips into her clothing, opening her jumpsuit, literally tearing away her T-shirt, revealing her bare chest... bony and still. BUD Jesus. Gimme those, come on. Catfish, move it, man! Come on... come on! He slaps the things into Lindsey's bare skin, one on the sternum and one on the side of the rib cage. BUD Is that it? Is this right? HIPPY Yeah! I mean, I don't know... it looks right. BUD All right. Do it! One Night hits the switch and Lindsey's body convulses. It is a pure muscle reflex, and when it is over, there is not a hint of life. Hippy pushes him back and puts a black rubber oxygen mask over her mouth. He opens the valve on the cylinder and starts pumping the squeeze bag. They start packing electronic blankets around her to fight the intense hypothermia BUD Do it again, One Night. Zap her again! The current hits Lindsey again and her back arches. Bud doesn't wait for a result... he's in his own reality now, driven. He's doing it all at once, somehow, in a senseless frenzy... pumping on her chest with his hands, squeezing the oxygen bag, placing the electrodes. BUD Aw. Christ... come on, baby. Again! Do it again! Lindsey's back arches. Her body relaxes, inert. BUD Come on, One Night... what are you waiting for? A hush seems to have fallen over the group. They know instinctively that it's over. But Bud can't accept it. He looks at them, beseechingly, like they are somehow intentionally holding out on him. One Night starts to cry, quietly. CATFISH (gently) Bud, it's over, man. It's over. There is a beat of silence. Bud stares down into Lindsey's half-open, motionless eyes. TIGHT ON LINDSEY'S EYES, moving in until the pupil FILLS FRAME, a black void. REVERSE, HER POV. SILENCE. A distant, distorted image, we see Bud, One Night, Jammer, Hippy, Catfish, staring down. It is like the circular top of a dark well, their faces shimmering as if through the surface of water. It is as if we are in a well, descending, looking up at a circle of faces growing smaller as we drop away... smaller and smaller, receding until it becomes a point of light in the void, like the fading bright dot at the center of a turned-off TV. TIGHT ON BUD, rigid, staring. Catfish puts his hand gently on Bud's shoulder. Suddenly Bud tears Catfish's hand away and sets upon Lindsey like a madman, renewing his efforts in spades... totally manic. BUD No! NO! She's not... her heart is strong, she wants to live... can't you see that? Come on, Lins. Come on, baby! Zap her again! Do it... DO IT! They do. And Bud works, feverishly. He lock his lips over hers and starts mouth-to-mouth. It is frantic, passionate... the kiss of life. BUD Come on, breath! Goddamn it, you bitch, you never backed down from anything in life... now fight! He slaps her face, hard. Her head lolls. He smacks her the other way. BUD Fight, Goddamnit! LINDSEY's POV, from the bottom of the great well. The circles of faces and light rockets toward us in the blackness, as we soar upward from the pit. We see Bud yelling, but his voice is distant, windlike. BUD FIGHT!! TIGHT ON LINDSEY, still. Then something incredible happens. Something they will never forget as long as they live. Lindsey coughs once, weakly, and her hands clench in a spasm. Bud see it and his expression becomes beatific. BUD Come on, Lins. You can do it... fight your way back, baby... The others look on in wonder as Bud wills this woman back. She starts to cough, weakly at first... then more violently as she draws air into her lungs. Bud crouches over her, rubbing her limbs... trying to re- establish circulation. It is like a difficult birth. Lindsey comes hacking and howling back into the world, wet and naked and fighting for breath. Bud puts the oxygen mask over her face and she draws breath after agonized breath. He pushes her wet hair back from her face with his trembling hands, and watches her breathe. Color is returning to her skin as she lies there, gasping weakly. ONE THE GROUP... Catfish, Hippy, One Night, Jammer, the others... they're all grinning, crying, beaming... gazing at the miracle of her rebirth. ON BUD... tears are streaming down his face. BUD (a whisper, fierce and harsh) You did it, ace. DISSOLVE TO: INT. DEEPCORE/QUARTERS -- LATER 196 TIGHT ON LINDSEY, sleeping peacefully. WIDER shows Bud hovering over her, attentive. They are alone in Bud's tiny cubicle. Perhaps twenty minutes have passed. She is completely swaddles in blankets, except for her face, and looks like a waif. Lindsey's eyes flutter and open. The first thing she sees is Bud, bending over her. He can't help himself. The tears break again and roll down his cheeks. She seems terribly fragile, but bright and aware. She smiles, faintly... touches his cheek. LINDSEY Hey... big boys don't cry, remember? BUD Hi, lady. LINDSEY Hi, tough guy. I guess it worked, huh? BUD 'Course is worked. You're never wrong, are you? How d'you feel. LINDSEY I've been better. Next time it's your turn, okay? Bud's expression turn inexplicably grim. BUD Well, you got that right. CUT TO: INT. SUB-BAY 197 TIGHT ON BUD'S EYES, as Monk's fingers insert acrylic scleral lenses under his eyelids so he can see in the fluid helmet. WIDER reveals Bud is wearing the SEALs' deep suit. Everybody is grouped around, buckling and zipping. He is hyperventilating with an oxygen mask, part of the procedure for transitioning from air to fluid breathing. Monk, on his stretcher, is presiding. The resident expert. Lindsey is wrapped in a blanket, still looking wan and frail. She doesn't have the strength to resist Bud's will, but she's trying. LINDSEY No, Bud, no... not you. BUD Who then? She looks around at the others. Sees their eyes. The fear. Has her answer. He lowers the helmet over his head. Catfish clamps it down. We see what's driving him... his sense of responsibility for these people, for not being able to prevent this situation. He touches her cheek, one last time. She sees his fingers are trembling. Then he puts on the gloves. Catifsh is strapping a KEYPAD UNIT onto Bud's forearm. Lindsey wants to scream... to stop this madness. BUD (muffled) So I'll hear you, but I can't talk? MONK The fluid prevents your larynx from making sound. It'll feel a little strange. BUD (muffled) Warning you now, folks, I'm a lousy typist. (a beat) The moment of truth, huh? His breathing is shallow and tense. He looks at Lindsey. The eyes of a condemned man. She squeezes his hand. He takes a deep breath. BUD Okay. Let's rock and roll. Monk gently cracks a valve on the suit's feed line. The breathing fluid (3M fluorocarbon emulsion FX-80) swirls into the helmet. Bud reflexively raises his chin. The liquid fills toward his mouth. MONK Relax now, Bud. Just keep breathing as it fills... don't fight it. Take it in. Just let yourself take it in. Suddenly, there's nothing in there to breathe but liquid. His eyes go wide, instant panic. He starts to thrash. Chest heaving. MONK Hold him. Hold him. This is normal... it'll pass in a second. You're gonna be okay. We all breathe liquid for nine months, Bud. Your body will remember. Lindsey grabs Bud's shoulders, steadying him. He finds her eyes, the look calming him. He's passed into a realm from which she has already returned. His spasms subside. He begins to "breathe" normally. He gets a goofy look of wonder on his face, not really believing what he's experiencing. He is alive, alert and quite completely drowned inside the FBS helmet. He grins. Gives a big thumbs up. Lindsey picks up a microphone. LINDSEY Can you hear me okay? (another thumbs up) Try your keypad. Bud taps out a brief message. FEELS WEIRD - YOU SHOULD TRY THIS prints out on their portable monitor. LINDSEY I already have, moron. They help Bud to the edge of the dive platform. Jammer and Hippy lower Little Geek into the water and Bud grabs onto it. Hippy yells right up next to his helmet. HIPPY I redid Little Geek's chip the same as Big Geek! He should take you right to it. All you gotta do is hang on! Lindsey crouches at the edge to watch Bud submerge. He looks up at her as he drops away. In a few seconds, she can't see him. Her chin quivers, minutely. EXT. DEEPCORE/THE WALL 198 FROM FAR BELOW, Deepcore is a faint tiara of lights, above in the blackness. A single moving light appears above, at the edge of the cliff, and starts down. It grows large, resolving into Bud, free-falling down the wall. He gathers speed as Little Geek's vertical thruster drives them down. Bud looks down. Between his feet he can see a short way down the wall in the glow of his single light, and beyond that an unfathomable blackness. The wall unrolls upwards out of the darkness like a convoluted gray drapery. He looks up. The lights of Deepcore are gone. He feels more alone than he has ever felt. He types out: CANT SEE YOU LINDSEY (V.O.) We're right here with you, Bud. Your depth is 3800 feet. You're doing fine. Bud comes upon the twisted wreckage of the crane, hanging against the wall like a forty-ton yo-yo at the end of the umbilical. INT. COMMAND MODULE 199 Everyone is grouped around the monitor screen, watching Bud's telemetry. Bud types out: GOOD DEAL ON SLIGHTLY USED CRANE. They watch the depth meter counting down. MONK 4800 feet. It's official. LINDSEY Bud, according to Monk here, you just set a record for the deepest suit dive. Bet you didn't think you'd be doing this when you got up this morning. The screen print out: CALL GUINESS. They laugh. So far so good. Seconds later... HIPPY One mile down and still grinnin'. EXT. THE WALL 200 WIDE SHOT. Bud is a tiny spider dropping down the wall in a pathetic little pool of light. The wall is sterile brown-gray, devoid of life at this depth. LOOKING DOWN, as the light shrinks to a star and vanishes in the blackness yawning below. INT. COMMAND MODULE 201 Lindsey has the microphone gripped tightly, and the lightness in her voice is a bit brittle. LINDSEY 8500 feet, Bud. Everything okay? MONK Ask him a pressure effects. Tremors, vision problems, euphoria. LINDSEY Ensign Monk want to know how you feel. ON THE SCREEN, printing out: COLD. LINDSEY Big baby. Then: HANDS SHAKING. HHARD TO TYPE. MONK It's starting. It hits the nervous system first. ONE NIGHT Keep talking, Lindsey. Just let him hear your voice. It doesn't matter what about. LINDSEY Don't forget Bud, you're being graded on spelling as well as sentence structure, so concentrate, okay? (long pause) Bud, I... uh, there's some things I want to say. It's hard for me. I'm not of those softy, gooey- center-type people. It's not easy, you know, being a cast-iron bitch. It takes discipline and years of training. A lot of people don't appreciate that. Lindsey has somehow tuned out the others in the room. In her mind she is with Bud, out in the darkness. LINDSEY But is wasn't all bad. I know that. You remember that bike trip... we rode the Honda up through Oregon? It took me a week to get my hair untangled, but I've never been happier. It was the most... free... I've ever felt. I'm sorry I can't tell you these things to your face. EXT. THE WALL 202 Bud is visibly trembling, gritting his teeth... holding on as the vise-grip of pressure takes him. LINDSEY (V.O./filtered) It's pitiful. I have to wait until you're freezing in the dark and there's ten thousand feet of water between us. I guess I'm babbling. I'm sorry. Bud struggles with his keyboard. INT. COMMAND MODULE 203 ON THE SCREEN: YOU ALWAYS DID TALK TOO MUCH Somehow's she's smiling and on the verge of tears at the same time. HIPPY Two miles down and still grinnin' Comin' up on the big ten thou'. ONE NIGHT Bottom's still a mile and a half down. EXT. THE ABYSS 204 BLAM! Bud jerks as his dive light implodes. He still has Geek's floodlights. He falls on. INT. CONTROL MODULE 205 HIPPY 12000 feet. Jesus, I don't believe he's doing this. LINDSEY Shut up, Hippy. Bud, how you doing? He types: SE LUMINUS THINNGS Everyone snaps suddenly alert. HIPPY Uh, oh... LINDSEY What kind of luminous things, Bud? CATFISH Maybe it's... you know... them. The screen prints out: ITS OK. SQUID. GLOWING SQUID. EXT. THE ABYSS 206 Bud is in an enormous school of bioluminescent squid, graceful, attenuated creatures less than a foot long. Thousands of then glide in ghostly arcs around him, filling the black void as far as the eye can see. He stares at them in wonder. Reaches out and touches one, catches it, lets it go. Are they really here? He can no longer be sure of his own perceptions. INT. CONTROL MODULE 207 Another message from Bud: THINK THEYR REAL. MONK He's losing it. Talk to him. Keep him with us. LINDSEY Bud, it's the pressure. Try to concentrate. Concentrate on my voice. Just listen to my voice. EXT. THE ABYSS 208 Bud emerges from the school of squid. As he falls, they form a luminous plane of swirling colors above him. He stares upwards, transfixed. BUD'S POV, the ghostly blizzard of luminescence above him. A spectral form takes shape in the patternless glow... resolving into Lindsey's face, a hundred feet wide. Gazing down at him, her expression sad. Her image receded away from him into the darkness above as he falls. DOWN ANGLE ON BUD, reaching up in anguish. INT. CONTROL MODULE 209 Lindsey watches as Bud haltingly types out: YOUR GOING AWAY LINDSEY I'm not going away, Bud. I'm right here, right here with you. This is Lindsey, Bud. I'm right here. ONE NIGHT Signal's fading. HIPPY We're losing juice... kill everything we don't need. Catfish, knock out those lights. Everyone hustles to comply. The room is plunged into darkness, the faces of the group lit only by the ghostly CRT screen. ONE NIGHT Run it through the digital processor, cook it as much as you can. CATFISH Seventeen thousand feet. Good Christ Almighty, this is insane. EXT. THE ABYSS 210 Bud is shaking violently, as if with palsy. His eyes keep rolling back, and he's having a hard time staying conscious. He tries to type a message and he can't. The tons of pressure per square inch are short-circuiting his nervous system. Suddenly K-BAM! Little Geek's pressure hull implodes. Its lights go out. BLACKNESS. INT. CONTROL MODULE 211 ONE NIGHT Little Geek just folded. HIPPY Bye, little buddy. MONK He can still make it. LINDSEY I know how alone you feel... alone in all that cold blackness... but I'm there in the dark with you, Bud you're not alone... Lindsey seems not to be in the room, but to be with him, seeing what he sees. She is oblivious to the others. EXT. THE ABYSS 212 Blackness. Then a bright light appears... he's lit a MAGNESIUM FLARE. It's fierce, flickering glare lights his plunge. Bud discards the stalwart little ROV and free-falls like a skydiver without a chute. Out of control, he hits a ledge and rolls off. Tumbles forward in a cloud of debris. He hits another outcropping, limp as a rag doll. Rocks and sand rain down with him as he continues his descent. Bud us quivering, teeth locked in a titanic rigor. He pulls his arms and legs slowly into a fetal position. In the plunge toward death he has gone he has gone full circle, returned to the womb in which we all breathe the water of life before we know the world of air and light. Still, there is Lindsey's voice, faintly in his helmet. LINDSEY (V.O.) You remember that time, you were pretty drunk, you probably don't remember... the power went out at the old apartment, the one on Orange Street... and we were staring at that one little candle, and I said something really dumb like that candle is me, like every one of us is out there alone in the dark in this life... INT. CONTROL MODULE 213 TIGHT ON LINDSEY as she grips the microphone. Her voice has become a hoarse whisper. Her eyes are intense, focused on a point far beyond the walls of the room. LINDSEY ... and you lit another candle and put it beside mine and said "that's me"... and we stared at the two candles, and then we... well, if you remember any of it, I'm sure you remember the next part. Bud, there are two candles in the dark. I'm with you. I'll always be with you. EXT. THE ABYSS 214 A tiny flickering light moves down along a vast black wall. Bud falls on in dream-like solitude, a candle in the dark. INT. CONTROL MODULE 215 Catfish gently takes the microphone from Lindsey's hands and leans close. CATFISH How you doin', podner? Still with us, come-back? Talk to us, Buddy boy. They watch the screen, expectantly. Nothing. Hippy and One Night start checking the equipment. Lindsey tried unsuccessfully to keep the terror our of here voice. LINDSEY Bud? You hangin' in there? Talk to me, Bud. Are you okay? There is an agonizing pause, then the letters appear slowly: SHAKING STOPED. FEEL BETER. SOM LITE BELOW. LINDSEY What kind of light? LIGHT EVYWHER. BEAWTIFULLL MONK He's hallucinating badly. EXT. THE ABYSS 216 Bud is no longer in pain. His expression is rapt. LOOKING DOWN, past his to a ghostly landscape. His last flare sputters out, but there is light. Bioluminescent algae carpet the walls of the canyon below him. And he's right... it is beautiful. The water is so clear we can see down 500 feet past Bud's tiny, silhouetted figure, to a vast landscape faintly revealed in spectral pastels. Barren as the moon but exquisite, serene. Changeless. A place unseen by human eyes. Like a firefly below, the lights of Big Geek are visible. Bud descends toward the ROV, which has grounded on a narrow shelf. Below the shelf, the wall slopes out, suggesting we are near the bottom of the canyon but can't see it. ONE BIG GEEK/MIRV, sitting there like a dumbshit. Bud's feet thump into the sediment next to it, stirring it luminous particles. Touchdown... three and half miles of water over his head. Bud leans over the warhead in a swarm of fireflies. INT. CONTROL MODULE 217 AT GEEK prints out. Monk takes the headset gently from Lindsey. MONK Okay, Bud, we'll go step by step. Take the cover plate off the firing box. A long pause. Then... PLATE OFF MONK All right, Bud, you have to cut the ground wire, not the lead wire... EXT. ABYSSAL LEDGE 218 Bud is peering into the detonator unit. How bad is he? We can't tell. MONK (V.O.) It's the blue wire with the white stripe, not... I repeat... NOT the black wire with the yellow stripe. Bud is staring. Blinking. The two wire look big as sewer pipes, and they're miles away... way down there where his hands are. The only light he has left is a CYALUME STICK. He pulls out the little plastic tube. Breaks and shakes. It starts to glow, a tiny wand of green light. He fumbles with his tool pouch, takes out a pair of side-cutters. CUTING NNOW he types to them. He reaches into the detonator. DETAIL, THE WIRES... in the green Cyalume glow, the look identical. The cutters go over on wire. A long beat. They withdraw, then go over the other wire... He cuts-- INT. CONTROL MODULE 219 Everyone is frozen. Waiting. It's very quiet. LINDSEY Would we see the flash? MONK Through three miles of water? I don't know. They're holding their breaths. Then... STILL HERE A cheer goes up. Rebel yells. CATFISH Quiet, quiet! Save you air, goddamnit. MONK Bud, give me a reading off you liquid oxygen gauge. TEN MINUTES WORTH ID SAY. Lindsey does white. HIPPY It took him over an hour to get down there-- It's hopeless. Lindsey grabs the headset from Monk. LINDSEY Drop you weights and start back now! The gauge could be wrong... EXT. ABYSSAL LEDGE 220 Bud is one his knees beside the dead warhead. His expression is enigmatic. He looks around slowly at the luminous canyon. Starts to type. INT. CONTROL MODULE 221 The message comes in: NO. THINK ILL STAY A WHILE. BEAUTIFUL HERE. WORTH ADMISSION LINDSEY No! You can make it! You hear me? Drop your weights... you... can breathe shallow... you... it could be wrong-- Lindsey's voice has twisted into a sob. She begins to weep, quietly. LINDSEY Oh God, Virgil, please... DONT CRY BABY A pause. Then the words... WE KNEW THIS WAS A ONE WAY TICKET WHEN I PUT THIS THING ON. BUT YOU KNOW I HAD TO COME. Lindsey sobs at the mike. The others look away. The signal is weakening. One Night boosts it and the screen clears briefly. LOVE YOU WIFE. She stares at the printout. LINDSEY Love you. There is no reply. CUT TO: EXT. THE ABYSS 222 A tiny figure lies slumped beside the inert ROV, an Indian dying with his horse in the desert. Bud's eyelids close. His chest barely moving. A strange illumination bathes his face and his eyes open. He blinks. Weakly, he raises his head, facing the source of the radiance. BUD'S POV... A glowing figure hovers before him, like a vision. It seems to be an angel. Seen closer, as it drifts toward him, we see that it is an extraterrestrial being, bioluminescent like some deep-sea fish. Its body and limbs are transparent, and it resembles a figure made of blown glass. A delicate mantle or veil billows out around its like a corona, which pulsates gently, propelling the being with the hypnotic grace of a Spanish dancer. The head is refined and strangely anthropomorphic, with large eyes that convey a cold, dispassionate wisdom. It is stunningly beautiful. The creature settles toward him. Unafraid, Bud extends his hand. Its slender, blown-glass digits grasp his bulky glove. It pulls him up from the benthic ooze and they glide together down the slope, deeper into the abyss. At the limits of visibility we see faint, glowing forms moving below. They resolve into NTI ships. Tiny ovoids, like the little scoutship that Lindsey nearly collided with at the Montana wreck. The larger manta-ships. And others, strangely configured, moving in the darkness below like luminous fish. Suddenly the darkness explodes with light. A vast, reticulated pattern of brightly glowing lines, like some enormous circuit diagram, appears below them, covering the floor of the abyssal trench. It sweeps outward from the center, as if the light were surging through channels. The NTIs are revealing their home to Bud. The ships move among the spires like air traffic over a major city. EXT. N.T.I. STRUCTURE 223 Bud and the creature descend until, between the lines of light, we see a dark surface of inhuman design. The shape extends beyond the limits of visibility. Towers hundreds of feet high stretch upward from the curving surface. It dwarfs their figures as the descend toward it, approaching an opening that soon yawns like a vast mouth. They are picking up speed, swept along by a powerful current, into the mouth- like opening. INT. N.T.I. STRUCTURE 224 Bud stares around in awe as smooth, pearlescent walls blur past him. It is a curving three-dimensional maze of tunnels, like a vast circulatory system, where controlled currents of water become freeways in three-dimensional space. Tunnels divide, narrow, and reenter main-routes hundreds of feet across, as the pair race through in a dizzying blur. INT. FINAL CHAMBER 225 Entering a smaller chamber they settle to the floor, and the NTI moves back a few feet. A shimmering plane or surface appears like a vertical curtain bisecting the chamber. The seawater divides, like the Red Sea, into two rippling walls. They move apart. Leaving Bud standing in a short, shimmering hallway. Weakly, he uncouples his helmet and pulls it free. Drops to his knees. Doubles over as spasms wrack him. Breathing fluid explodes from his lungs. He lies gasping and coughing on the floor, dragging in deep breaths of what he can only hope is air. It is. Bud slowly recovers, sitting up. His head is clearing. This really is happening. Beyond the shimmering, vertical surface of the water he sees the NTI being joined by others, move or less identical, until a group of seven is gathered watching him. BUD Howdy, Uuuh... how you guys doin'? His voice echoes metallically in the strange chamber. Soft laps of water from the 'walls'. In the air a pattern of glowing lines appears, a series of what appears to be circuit diagrams. Bud staggers back from this strange 'screen' hanging in mid-air. The image is about twenty feet across. There is a rolling jumble of static and interference which resolves into... the face of Dan Rather, doing the evening news. STATIC, then another newscast. And another. Fragments of the same story. The world on the brink of war. BUD You watch out TV? That what you're trying to say? That you know what's been going on up there? The NTIs are impassive. Static... then another newscast. This time, we're allowed to focus on the story. An on-the-scene interview outside a high-tech seismology lab. There is an air of hysteria about the scene... technicians running across the background of the shot, people shouting, the reporter jamming his mike at the harried-looking scientist. REPORTER ... a Caltech scientist who is among those reporting an unprecedented disturbance in the world's oceans. Dr. Breg, can you give us a clearer explanation then we're getting? Berg is edgy and distracted. People keeps handing him pieces of paper, computer hardcopy. The biggest thing in his life is happening... BERG They're acoustic shockwaves, like tsunamis, but with no seismological source. The waves are propagating toward the shorelines of every continent-- An assistant runs up, face shiny with fear, beckoning. We see that Berg is running scared. The impossible bringing the greatest terror to the rational mind. BERG Yeah. I'll be right there... I have to go. Look, we don't know what it is! Okay? Not the slightest goddamn idea! The image dissolves into static, fades out. Bud turns to the NTIs. BUD You're doing it! Right? That's what you're telling me. Yeah, you can control water... that's your technology. But why? Static again, then a brilliant flash. Grainy stock film of a hydrogen bomb test in the Pacific. The film repeats, and then again, faster, and again until is merges into an unbroken white glare. Bud gets the message. BUD Hey, you don't know they're really gonna do it. Where do you get off passing judgment on us, when you can't be sure? How do you know? The screen exploded into a staccato series of searing images, stark moments from recent history... US soldiers fighting in Vietnam, street warfare in Beirut, a car bomb in Belfast, a suspect shot in the head in the streets of Saigon, burned and bleeding children, grainy footage of corpses bulldozed into mass graves at Auschwitz, Wermacht soldiers marching in goose-step review, a 13-year-old contra with an AK-47... Just glimpses, strobing... a few frames of each. But enough. The images continue. HOLD ON BUD, as the lights flicker on his face, the ongoing indictment of humanity. CUT TO: EXT. OCEAN FRONT WALK, SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA -- DAY 226 A video news crew leaps from a Jet Ranger helicopter in a parking area and runs to set up near the railing, facing the ocean. Pandemonium reigns around them, people running, driving, evacuating inland. On the horizon, out to sea, a dark line has appeared. It grows in height as it comes closer, a wall of water stretching across the horizon, already hundreds of feet high and growing. EXT. NEW YORK -- DAY 227 LONG LENSE SHOT, looking seaward past the Statue of Liberty, out past the Verazzano Narrows. Stacked up by perspective, the distant wave is a wall of water impossibly high, still miles out. EXT. NAVAL BASE, KAMCHATKA PENINSULA, U.S.S.R. -- NIGHT 228 The scene repeats on the eastern coast of the Kamchatka Penninsula in Russia, where a full moon shimmers along the crest of a vast wave. SIRENS wail as Russian sailors run from the docks of Petropavlovsk Naval Base. Some stand rooted as the black glacier of water, a thousand feet high and growing, thunders toward them in nightmarish slow motion. EXT. OCEAN FRONT, SANTA MONICA -- DAY 229 The minicam crew reporter is speaking rapidly, faltering with emotion, his voice cracking like the famous broadcast from the scene of the Hindenburg disaster. REPORTER The horizon has gone dark... the crowd is starting to run... some are just staring, unable to move... the wave... the wave is... it's... I don't know... maybe a thousand feet high already... getting bigger as I'm watching... still miles out... oh my God, Jesus... I can hear it... A roar fills the air, a thunder which drowns out the people's screams, even the rotors of the news chopper as the camera teams scrambles aboard. They leave the announcer standing transfixed, his face blank, eyes tracking upward and upward as the ground begins to shake. EXT. NEW YORK -- DAY 230 The Statue of Liberty looks like a souvenir figurine at the afternoon sun is blocked out by the cresting tsunami, an escarpment of water 2500 feet tall. EXT. SAN FRANSISCO -- DAY 231 LONG LENS SHOT -- The Golden Gate Bridge and the hills of the city, the buildings downtown. Beyond, FILLING FRAME is the wall of sea green which defies our comprehension. The image shakes with the THUNDER. EXT. MALIBU -- DAY 232 A diehard surfer looks over his shoulder as the mountain of water which transcends his worst nightmare. He lies paralyzed on his board. EXT. MIAMI -- DAY 233 Downtown Miami crouches in terror at the feet of the shimmering monolith. In a penthouse office suite, an executive watches the wave towering above him, blocking out the sun, a line of raging foam appearing as it arches over, about to break upon the teeming city. And then... The wave slows as it crests... And stops. IT SIMPLY STOPS. 2600 feet high and motionless except for a shimmering undulation of its surface in the bright sun. There is quiet, a faint wind and calling of confused gulls. Various reactions, as the thunder fades and people recover, only to stand awed before the vast, inexplicable manifestation. A news helicopter passes in front of it like a dragonfly. EXT. MALIBU 234 The surfer just blinks, starting. EXT. NEW YORK -- DAY 235 On the East Coast it's the same, as the World Trade Centers are dwarfed by a shimmering blue wall which stands... waiting. EXT. PETROPAVLOVSK NAVAL BASE, U.S.S.R. -- NIGHT 236 Russian seamen, lining the harbor breakwall at Petropavlovsk Naval Base on the Kamchatka Peninsula, stare upward at the monolith of water, undulating in the moonlight. It seems poised to crash down, inflicting inconceivable devastation... but it doesn't. EXT. OCEAN FRONT WALK, SANTA MONICA 237 When all have seen... The wave soundlessly subsides, slowly slipping back and down until the surface of the sea is normal again. VIDEO SHOT, HANDHELD, of a crowd of people watching the sea. Moving from face to face. Various reactions as people respond to what they can only understand as a miracle. The faces... awed, stunned, tear-streaked... laughing. The cameraman is just walking. Some people turn to him and smile, or laugh, or whoop. A woman is collapsed on a bench, crying. A man is on his knees, shaking. Total strangers hug each other. A black guy, tears pouring down his face, turns to the camera with a beautific grin. GUY Somebody just laid it down to us, man. Things ain't never gonna be the same! PULL BACK to reveal that we are in the... INT. FINAL CHAMBER 238 Bud sits, shaken, watching the screen, as people react to their deliverance. He turns to the NTIs. BUD Why? You could've done it. Why didn't you? The screen darkens. Then letters appears on it, slowly printing out, as if someone was clumsily typing them. WE KNEW THIS WAS... And we've seen this before so we know the rest... WE KNEW THIS WAS A ONE WAY TICKET WHEN I PUT THIS THING ON. BUT YOU KNOW I HAD TO COME. A pause, then: LOVE YOU WIFE The last message expands to fill the entire screen. Bud stares at the screen, at his message of self-sacrifice, then at the aliens. They bow their heads, just for a moment. A sign of respect. CLOSE ON BUD as he begins to realize what has happened. CUT TO: INT. DEEPCORE/CONTROL MODULE 239 Lindsey is slumped in a chair, just staring. Withdrawn. The others are conserving oxygen and heat, huddling in the dark. The air is looking pretty thick. The speaker of the hydrophone transceiver crackles to life. MCBRIDE (V.O.) Deepcore, do you read? This is Benthic Explorer, over. CATFISH Hell yes, we read! Good of you to join us. How's that storm doin'? MCBRIDE Well, it's strange... it just kind've blew itself out all of the sudden. We're up here in a flat sea with no wind. But then a lot of weird things've been happening. CATFISH Well, hell, son. You better get us a line down here, we're in moderately poor shape. LATER, Hippy, Catfish, and Monk are conferring B.G. on how to get a new umbilical hooked on. One Night is talking to McBride on the hydrophone. MCBRIDE They figure is was over a half mile high. ONE NIGHT I wish I could have seen it-- She glances down at the telemetry screen, seeing movement. ONE NIGHT Hey. Hey! HEY!! Look... it's Bud. MONK That's impossible. Lindsey bolts to the screen. Stares at the message printing out. A huge grin wraps around her face. LINDSEY No it's not. MCBRIDE (V.O.) What's it say? Lindsey take the mike and sits before the screen. During the message, her voice will go through an emotional spectrum from confusion to wonder, to a childlike joy. INTERCUT BETWEEN DEEPCORE AND EXPLORER BRIDGE DURING THE FOLLOWING: LINDSEY It says... "VIRGIL BRIGMAN BACK ON THE AIR/HAVE SOME NEW FRIENDS DOWN HERE/I GUESS THEYVE BEEN HERE AWHILE/ THEYVE LEFT US ALONE BUT IT BOTHERS THEM TO SEE US HURTING EACH OTHER/GETTING OUT OF HAND LATELY" Lindsey grins as she reads the next part... LINSEY "THEY SENT A MESSAGE/HOPE YOU GOT IT" CATFISH I'd say that's a big 10-4, jack. LINDSEY "THEY WANT US TO GROW UP A BIT AND PUT AWAY CHILDISH THINGS/OF COURSE ITS JUST A SUGGESTION." INT. BENTHIC EXPLORER BRIDGE -- DAY 240 Beyond the windows the ocean is calm. The sky steel-gray put placid. McBride turns to Commodore DeMarco and the Navy contingent, his eyebrows cocked. MCBRIDE Looks like you boys might by out of business. BENDIX Something's going on down there. I'm getting some big readings.... Bendix is hunched over the sonar, and we can see the screens lit up like a Wurlitzer. INT. DEEPCORE 241 In Deepcore the crew becomes aware of a strange subsonic rumbling. The sonar is going crazy. One Night puts the headphones of her passive sonar rig up to her ear, then jerks it away. ONE NIGHT Whew! Whatever this is, it's major. The rumbling increases and a glow diffuses the water. The glow intensifies until a blinding shaft of light blasts through the viewport, bathing the whole interior in a cold white radiance. A last message appears on the screen: KEEP YOU PANTYHOSE ON/YOURE GONNA LOVE THIS The radiance intensifies. Everyone covers their eyes. It flares to WHITE-OUT. CUT TO: INT./EXT. EXPLORER BRIDGE -- DAY 242 Bendix and the bridge crew are going nuts. All their instruments are pegged. BENDIX Active is pinging back something big... it's enormous! Coming up right under us. DEMARCO Where? BENDIX Where? EVERYWHERE!! (looks out the window) Over there! Port bow. EXT. BENTHIC EXPLORER AND OCEAN 243 A depression appears in the surface of the sea a hundred yards off, not swirling down like a whirlpool, just dimpling down. It gets wider. Deeper. Rapidly becomes a yawning pit. The ocean is OPENING. Now the surface is churned by turbulence. Slow massive roils of tremendous power boil up from the depths. McBride leads a mass exodus onto the deck to see better. The open becomes a roaring maw a hundred yards across. The ships are like toys on the shimmering rim of the maelstrom. SOMETHING RISES IN THE CENTER OF THE OPENING. A massive spire. Smoothly curving and iridescent. Off the starboard beam, a quarter mile away, another spire rises. Tons of seawater fall from its sides with a THUNDEROUS ROAR, the energy of Niagara. Off the port bow... another spire. And another, beyond the destroyer Albany, dwarfing it. Six towers... plus one larger, in the center. Rising. One the Explorer's deck, a shadow engulfs them as the nearest spire blocks out the sun. The air, the sea, the deck... all vibrate with the THUNDER OF CREATION. And now for the payoff shot: WE'RE HIGH, LOOKING DOWN. THE SPIRES FORM A PERFECT RING A MILE ACROSS. A VAST DARK FORM, LIKE A GREAT SHADOW, RISES FROM THE DEPTHS BENEATH THE SHIPS. THE SPIRES ARE CONNECTED. IT IS ALL ONE. THE NTI ARK. It surfaces with slow majesty, gently beaching all the ships on its broad back. We recognize it as the structure into which Bud was led by the angelic being, which we assumed was a city. The Explorer rocks gently on its flat hull, clunking massively to one side as it settles. The bridge crew watch millions of tons of seawater streaming off the back of the vast, slightly curved hull. The missile cruiser rocks back and forth nearby, high and dry... its prop whining futility. ON EXPLORER'S DECK, McBride, Bendix, DeMarco, the rest of the Navy contingent... they're all standing there open-mouthed, in a dream-like daze. Touched by the hand of God. BENDIX Look... WHAT THEY SEE -- Fifty yards away, between them and the Albany, sits Deepcore Two. It looks like a particularly ugly and unwanted toy, sitting on the glistening plain of the NTI Ark's hull. CLOSER, ON TRIMODULE C, as the hatch at the bottom opens. Catfish's feet appear, bicycling. He swings down to the pearlescent 'deck'. Stands there blinking in the sunlight, mole-like. Jammer plonks down behind him. He turns, lifts Lindsey down. Hippy, Sonny, and the rest, emerge into the light of the sun. A deliverance from the blackest night they will ever know. LINDSEY We should be dead. We didn't decompress. CATFISH Out blood oughta be fizzin' like a warm, shook- up Coke. HIPPY They must've done something to us. Lindsey has tears streaming down her cheeks... for the sun, for life, for their deliverance and the larger one she knows has happened, an epiphany for the whole human race. LINDSEY Oh, yes. I think you could say that. She blinks. Seeing something not far away. She gives a little laugh, or something between laughing and crying. REVERSE, as Bud walks up the curving incline of one of the mouth-like enterances to the NTI structure. His suit is casually unzipped and the FBS helmet dangles from one hand jauntily. She starts toward him. Breaks into a run. Then stops a few feet from him. Watching him come to her. His smile, his eyes illuminating her. He stops and she touches him, lightly. Is this real? The look at each other, wonderingly a moment. Then laugh. She sniffs loudly. LINDSEY Hello, Brigman. BUD Hello, Mrs. Brigman. Their lips meet. CUT TO BLACK The Fifth Element An original script by Luc Besson Revisions by Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen August 1995 Draft Gaumont and Les Films du Dauphin FADE IN: 1 EXT. DESERT NILE RIVER VALLEY - DAY Somewhere in the Nile at the edge of the desert. CREDITS ROLL WRITTEN: EGYPT 1913 OMAR and his mule zigzag along the bottom of sun scorched dunes. 2 EXT. TEMPLE EXCAVATION - DAY The mule and the boy finally reach a camp. A few tents dwarfed by a huge temple door jutting out of the sand. The camp is deserted except for some kids by the temple entrance holding large mirrors, reflecting light into the temple. Omar leaves his mule in the shade, seizes two goatskins and slips inside the temple. 3 INT. TEMPLE - DAY Omar makes his way uneasily down a pillared corridor that opens into a vast room where an old scientist stands on a small wooden ladder in front of the wall across the room. PROFESSOR MASSIMO PACOLI. A young man is beside him, BILLY MASTERSON, age 25, an American student. He has a large sketchpad in his hands. Behind them AZIZ, age 10, whose job is to hold the last mirror which shines light into the expansive room. PROFESSOR (deciphering) "..when the three planets are in eclipse.." His fingers trace across the wall which is covered with symbols and strange hieroglyphs as he deciphers. PROFESSOR "..the black hole like a door is open... Evil comes ... sowing terror and chaos..." See? The snake, Billy. The Ultimate Evil ... make sure you get the snake! The Professor points emphatically to the snake, the symbol of Evil, coming through the door between the three planets in eclipse. C.U. Billy's hand sketches the snake quickly. He is a natural artist. BILLY And when is this door opening snake act supposed to occur? The Professor's fingers touch the signs. PROFESSOR ..if this is the five..and this the thousand.. He calculates. PROFESSOR Every five thousand years.. BILLY (kidding) So I have some time.. He reaches for the pad. ANGLE ON: Omar. Standing at the entrance to the chamber with the water bag, entranced by the sight. A skeletal hand falls on his shoulder. Omar turns to an ancient PRIEST in a rough milled black cannock. PRIEST I will take it to them my son. Startled but obedient, Omar gives the water bag to the Priest. PRIEST Go with God.. be safe from Evil.. The Priest makes the sign of the Cross on the boy's forehead, dismissing him. As soon as he is gone, the Priest turns a worried eye to the Professor. ANGLE ON: The Professor is back to translating, Billy to sketching. PROFESSOR "..then arrange the elements of life against the Terror just so.." His fingers run on. PROFESSOR " elements around the fifth.." His fingers fall on the one element that has a human shape, surrounded by all the others. The Priest opens the water skin and begins to pour a vial of powder into the skin. ANGLE ON: Aziz falling asleep. The mirror falls, the light fails. PROFESSOR Aziz! Light! The boy struggles to stay awake. The mirror comes up. PRIEST Lord forgive me.. they already know too, much.. PROFESSOR " which all the history of the Universe resides ..all the strength..all the hope..Protect us from Evil.." PRIEST (V.O.) Amen.. The Professor turns to the Priest who is pouring water into a tin cup from the skin. PROFESSOR Father.. it in the most extraordinary thing.. the greatest find in history..can you imagine the implications. PRIEST Only too well... here you must be parched.. He hands the cup to the Professor. The Professor takes it, has it almost to his lips when.. PROFESSOR I mean look.. it is like a battle plan.. In his excitement he does not drink, much to the Priest's chagrin. PROFESSOR Here the Good.. Here the Evil.. As the Priest looks up, Aziz the mirror boy, tips his mouth under the water skin, drinking the leakage. PROFESSOR Here.. He points to the Five Elements. PROFESSOR A weapon against evil. Amazing! I am going to be famous. PRIEST Then let us toast to your fame! Here Billy.. The Priest hands Billy a cup. PRIEST Drink! PROFESSOR To fame.. salud.. The Professor raises the cup to drink, and then... PROFESSOR We cannot toast with water.. Billy ! In my sack.. the Grappa! The Priest watches, disconsolate, as the Professor tosses away his water. Billy finishes his cup before running off into the tunnel. 4 EXT. COLONNADE - DAY A muffled SOUND grows steadily louder. Outside, a monstrous linear shadow disturbs the kid's game and gradually darkens the temple entrance. 5 INT. TUNNEL - DAY Billy is looking for the grappa in the Professor's bag. He comes upon a machine pistol. When the muffled SOUND suddenly grabs his attention. He leans toward the corridor and sees part of a spaceship appear. Billy is paralyzed. 6 INT. TEMPLE ROOM - DAY The Professor keeps reading over the inscription. PROFESSOR "..this perfect person.. this perfect being.." I do not understand this.. perfect? PROFESSOR Where is that boy? Billy! 7 INT. TUNNEL - DAY Billy presses himself against the wall, in the shadows, terrified, but sketching away like mad, as large shadowed figures lumber past him. He begins to blink, feeling the effects of the Priest's potion.. 8 INT. TEMPLE ROOM - DAY The Professor reads the wall. PROFESSOR And this divine Light they talk about.. what is Divine light? At that moment, the reflection from Aziz's mirror drops again. The light fails. PROFESSOR (without turning) Aziz light! The room is flooded with light all of the sudden. PROFESSOR Better.. this is the most unbelievable thing I have ever seen.. The Professor turns around, and is stunned speechless to find himself face to face with two MONDOSHAWANS. A dozen others fill the hall manning the source of the light, large luminous globes. Aziz is fast asleep. PROFESSOR (uncomprehending) ...Uh, yes? The Professor is lifted up and carried off to the side by the aliens. The KOMMANDER stops in front of the Priest who is still on his knees, face to the ground. PRIEST Master... He was about to discover everything, but I had the situation under control. The two MONDOSHAWAN GUARDS hold the professor three feet off the ground. PROFESSOR (in a panic) Who are you? Are you Germans? Sprechen Sie Deutsch? 9 INT. TUNNEL Billy staggers forward, a machine pistol in his hand. 10 INT. TEMPLE ROOM The KOMMANDER holds out his hand to the Priest. PRIEST What did I do wrong? The Priest jumps to his feet excitedly. KOMMANDER Servant, you and the thousand guards before you... You have done your work well, but we have to recover the elements. War will soon engulf your planet. We must keep them safe. The Kommander goes over to the wall and seems to be looking for a lock. He finds it and slides in his metallic finger which is more intricate than a key to a safe. He turns his hand, activating a mechanism that opens the wall. PROFESSOR Unbelievable!!! The Kommander turns around and crooks a finger. One of the MONDOSHAWANS waves his hand, puts the professor to sleep and heads down the hallway revealed by the opening. He is followed by his men. The Priest slips in behind them. 11 INT. ROOM 2 TEMPLE - DAY The Kommander steps into a vast room. The ceiling is very high, pyramid- shaped. In each corner of the room, four vessels contain four rectangular twelve-inch stones-, the four elements. In the middle, an opaque sarcophagus rests on an altar. The Kommander stops and contemplates it a moment. PRIEST (to himself) The Fifth Element... KOMMANDER Take them and put them in a safe place. His men carry out his order. 12 INT. ROOM 1 TEMPLE - DAY Billy staggers across the floor, struggling to stay awake. 13 INT. ROOM 2 TEMPLE - DAY The Kommander opens a case. His men come and put the four, precious stones in it, one by one. PRIEST (moved) Will the elements be gone now forever from this place? KOMMANDER When mankind comes to its senses. We will return. PRIEST Knowing mankind as I do, that could take centuries! KOMMANDER Time is of no importance, only life is important. The Priest nods and lowers his eyes. Angle on: Billy staggering forward, raising his pistol, blinking his eyes to focus.. A MONDOSHAWAN puts the fourth element in the case The Kommander shuts the case and looks at the Priest. KOMMANDER When EVIL returns so shall we. PRIEST (head lowered) We will be ready, Lord. Billy suddenly staggers into the room, brandishing his gun. BILLY Stop. Billy trips, the gun goes off. He empties the clip. The Mondoshawan carrying the case crumples to the ground. The wall immediately begins to close. Billy fires wildly, unable to control the powerful kicking gun. PRIEST No!!! Don't!!! The Priest rushes Billy. The weapon has such a kick to it that Billy starts shooting into the air, backs up, then stumbles and knocks himself out. The Priest is on the ground, seriously wounded. So is the Kommander. The WARRIORS are in a panic. CLERK Hurry, Kommander! The wall's closing!!! The wall continues to close. Sand pours in from everywhere. The vast room fills up like an hourglass. KOMMANDER A mission is a mission, Savoia. You'll learn that. The Kommander picks up the case and reaches the wall but can't get through it. His armor is too bulky, the opening too small. He manages to get his arm and the case through. KOMMANDER My apologies to General Kroi -- and my wife.. The wall closes, crushing his arm. The CLERK scoops up the case and runs through the huge piles of sand. 14 EXT. COLONNADE - DAY The CLERK boards the ship carrying the case. Omar hides in a corner, frightened to death, hugging Billy's bag of drawings. 15 INT. TEMPLE ROOM - DAY The room fills with sand. The Priest's body is soon buried. 16 EXT. DESERT - DAY The huge ship's main hatch closes. 17 EXT. TEMPLE - DAY The ship lifts off and speeds away. Omar emerges from the temple gaping at the ship as it vanishes in the sky. 18 EXT. PYRAMIDS A gigantic shooting star flashes above the pyramids. 19 EXT. EARTH ORBIT The ship passes in front of us and heads for the stars disappearing at unbelievable speed. The background is a star-spattered cosmos. WRITTEN: 500 YEARS LATER Another, more modern, spaceship, fills the screen. A warship belonging to the Federal Army. 20 INT. SPACESHIP CONTROL ROOM CU of a digital control screen. Three planets projecting three straight lines that crisscross at one point. Identical to the one observed by the professor on the temple wall. GENERAL STAEDERT looks out through the ship's window at one of the three huge planets in eclipse. STAEDERT Don't you have anything? Not even a temperature? CAPTAIN The thermo-analyzers have jammed. One of them reads over a million degrees, the other's at minus 5000... Never seen anything like it. TECHNICIAN It's taking shape. 21 EXT. SPACE In the middle of the shadows, a door to the nightmare has just opened. Evil is back. A round, moving mass, continually changing color. CAPTAIN (in awe) What the hell can it be? TECHNICIAN Hook-up with the president in one minute, General. General Staedert remains calm. STAEDERT ...Send out a probe. 22 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE MANHATTAN LINDBERG, 50, the president of the United Federations, his features lined and worn by various delegations, mainly military, enters his office. There's a crisis in the air. The President's AIDE leans down to his ear. AIDE On air in 30 seconds. In the middle of the group is a Priest whose appearance reminds us of Egypt. A younger man DAVID, 18, shy, a priest-in-training attends the old man. 23 INT. CONTROL ROOM / PRESIDENT'S OFFICE CAPTAIN President on line sir.. General Staedert leans over his screen and seems surprised to see the room but not the president. PRESIDENT (O.S.) Staedert, do you read me? STAEDERT I can hear you, Mr. President, but I can't see you . The President grabs the mini-camera on his desk and yanks it around to face him. His face fills the screen. PRESIDENT (exasperated) Is that better? STAEDERT Perfect, Mr. President. PRESIDENT I have to address the Supreme Council in 10 minutes. Just the facts, General. STAEDERT There are no results from the chemical and molecular analysis as of yet, all the calibers are overshot..we're hoping a thermo nucleatic imaging.. PRESIDENT (exasperated) What you are saying is you don't know what Consternation reigns in the President's office. STAEDERT Not yet Sir..The only thing we know is it just keeps getting bigger! PRESIDENT Options. STAEDERT Wait or act. PRESIDENT Recommendations. STAEDERT My philosophy Mr. President is shoot first ask questions later. I don't like uninvited guests. PRESIDENT Gentlemen? HEAD CHEMISTS I think it would be foolish to shoot at an organism that seems alive, without first taking the time to study it more! Besides, it has shown no signs of hostility. PRESIDENT (worried) No... it's just getting bigger. HEAD CHEMISTS So do people, but that's no reason to shoot them. PRESIDENT (exasperated) The security of the Federated Territories is and remains number one priority. (to the military) I suppose General Staedert's "philosophy" is acceptable to you? All the Generals nod "yes" PRESIDENT All right, then! Staedert? PRIEST (O.S.) Mr. President? The President scans the room. Staedert remote controls the camera toward the room. PRESIDENT ...Yes? The camera moves up the Priest and we finally discover his face. He is in his sixties, a shrewd look in his eyes. Around his neck hangs the Kommander's finger, the key to the temple. PRIEST Cornelius, Vito Cornelius. 50th level parish. I have a different theory to offer you, Mr. President. PRESIDENT I'm listening. CORNELIUS Imagine for a moment that this. thing is not anything that can be identified because it prefers not to be, because it is the antithesis of all we are. Because it is evil.. TOTAL EVIL. PRESIDENT (a little sarcastically) One more reason to shoot first eh? All the Generals nod in agreement. CORNELIUS Evil begets evil, Mr. President. Shooting would only make it stronger. 24 INT. SPACESHIP TECHNICIAN The probe will attain its objective in five seconds. Staedert moves closer to the ship's window. 25 EXT. SPACE. Evil swallows the probe and immediately bubbles over with activity like a furious volcano. 26 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE STAEDERT Mr. President, we're at crisis point. The President looks puzzled. PRESIDENT Your theory is interesting Father but I don't think we have time to go into it right now! CORNELIUS Time is of no importance, Mr. President. Only life is important. PRESIDENT (exasperated) That's exactly what we are going to try and do: Protect the lives of some 200 billion of our fellow citizens! General? You may fire when ready. 27 INT. SPACESHIP STAEDERT (cold) (to the CAPTAIN) ..Up front loading of a 120 ZZR missile. Marker lights on the objective. 28 EXT. OUTSIDE SPACESHIP All of a sudden, outside the ship, the strange planet's activity ceases. A black crust immediately covers it. 29 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE SCIENTIST (consulting new data) Its structure has just solidified on the surface, as if the object felt something. If that's the case, we are undoubtedly dealing with an intelligence. CORNELIUS The most terrible intelligence imaginable, Mr. President. The President hesitates. CAPTAIN ...The ship is in combat formation. The missile is loaded, General. PRESIDENT (uneasy) Staedert? Give me a minute... I have a doubt. STAEDERT (cold) I don't, Mr. President. 30 EXT. OUTSIDE SPACESHIP The missile explodes from the ship and penetrates its target. The explosion is swallowed like a fizzy pill in a small glass of water. Nothing happens. And then the mass grows larger. 31 INT. CONTROL ROOM / PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Staedert looks worried. STAEDERT Load a series of 740 missiles. Maximum shield protection. CAPTAIN Yes, Sir. The President is growing ever more worried. PRESIDENT Staedert? What's going on? Did you destroy it? STAEDERT I'm about to, Mr. President. 32 EXT. SPACESHIP A series of three missiles heads for the planet, which absorbs them all. And literally doubles in size. SCIENTIST The planet's diameter has greatly increased and it's moving toward the ship. PRESIDENT Staedert? Get out of there immediately! I don't want an incident, do you hear me, Staedert? STAEDERT (worried) ...What do we have that's bigger than 240? CAPTAIN Nothing, General. PRESIDENT Staedert, get out of there! That's an order! A bead of sweat pearls Staedert's forehead. He is about to give an order when a gigantic flame emerges from the planet and literally swallows Staedert's spaceship. STAEDERT (eyes wide) ... Good God! The flame fills the screen with a horrendous NOISE that.... 33 INT. APARTMENT ... wakes up a man trying to escape from a nightmare. KORBEN DALLAS rubs his head. Thirty five years old, short hair, powerfully built, unquestionable charm, good looking in spite of the scars here and there. The alarm clock is still ringing, it shows the date as March 18, 2359. It in two in the morning. Ha grabs a cigarette, and stops to look for a light. He shuts oft the alarm. He hears a cat mewing in the hall. But it still rings. Korben takes a moment and then realizes it in the phone that is ringing. KORBEN (to the cat) I'm coming. He grabs the phone and crosses his tiny apartment (27 feet long by 6 feet wide) heading for the door, patting himself for a light. Behind him, the bed makes itself automatically. KORBEN (on the phone) Yeah? FINGER (V.O.) Hey bud! Finger here. He opens the door for the cat and starts to rummage through a drawer for a match. Out come a handful of war decorations, a hero's collection. KORBEN (to the cat) Hi sweetie! ...A Medal of Honor Certificate to Major Dallas FINGER (V.O.) I love you too Major, but you haven't called me that since basic training. KORBEN I was talking to the cat. FINGER (V.O.) Oh, yeah, I forgot.You still prefer your cat to the real thing. ...A picture of Korben and his ex-wife on their wedding day. KORBEN At least, the cat comes back. FINGER (V.O.) (ironical) You still pining for that two timing bitch. Forget her. There are a million women out there. KORBEN I don't want a million - I just want one. A perfect one. FINGER (V.O.) Don't exist bud. ...A picture of Korben and Finger in uniform next to a space fighter. KORBEN I just found a picture of you. FINGER (V.O.) How do I look? KORBEN Like shit. Korben finds a box of matches with three matches. He strikes one. It does not light. Korben opens the fridge, bare, except for an empty can of GEMINI croquettes. On the packet is an ad: WIN A DREAM TRIP FOR 2 TO FHLOSTON PARADISE. FINGER (V.O.) Must be an old picture.. Listen, you gotta bring me your hack for the 6 month overhaul. A.S.A.P. Korben heats up some brackish water. KORBEN (sighs) I don't need one. FINGER (V.O.) You forgetting who sat next to you for a thousand missions. I know how you drive. KORBEN Finger! I'm driving a cab now, not a space fighter!! FINGER (V.O.) How many points you got left on your license? KORBEN (lying) Uh... at least fifty. FINGER (V.O.) In your dreams! See you tonight! Finger has hang up. Korben sighs and does the same. He gets the heated brackish water and sits down. The cat pounces on the table and meows for its food. Korben pours half the coffee in the cat's cup. The cat meows. Korben taps his cup to the cat's saucer. KORBEN Cheers! 34 INT. HALL - DAY - OMIT 35 INT. GARAGE - DAY - OMIT 36 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE The office is emptied, only a few army officers remain. An ancient manuscript, Billy's drawings, sits in front of the President. Cornelius turns page after page, illustrating his point. CORNELIUS (to the President) We have forty-eight hours, the time it needs to adapt itself to our living conditions. PRESIDENT (worried) And then? CORNELIUS And then it will be too late. The goal of evil is to wipe out life! All forms of life. For all eternity...Life upsets it. The President appears upset himself by this image. PRESIDENT Is there anything that can stop it? CORNELIUS (knowing) Yes..thank God.. 37 EXT. SPACE The Mondoshawan spaceship bursts through a star cluster and fills the screen. 38 INT. COCKPIT - OMIT 39 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE The manuscript is open on the President's desk.. CLOSE ON: Billy's rendering of the Mondoshawan. CORNELIUS (to the President) The Mondoshawans don't belong to the Federated Territories, but they are peaceful... in their possession are the four elements of life. These elements when they are gathered around a fifth: The Supreme Being, ultimate warrior, created to protect life...... The SUPREME BEING is standing, as if frozen in armor. All we see is the bottom half of his body. Big metallic gloves hold the case engraved with the emblem of the three suns containing the four Sacred Stones. CORNELIUS ..will produce what the ancients called the light of creation, the light of total goodness which is the only thing that can defeat EVIL. The President points to the spot occupied by the 5th element. PRESIDENT But what happens if instead of this... Ultimate Warrior... it is EVIL who stands here? CORNELIUS White turns to black. Light to Dark. Life to Death. For all eternity. The President's nerves quiver. CAPTAIN Sir, we have a Mondoshawan spaceship at the frontier requesting permission to enter our territory. PRESIDENT I guess I should make a decision.. CORNELIUS They are the only ones who can help.. GENERAL Sir..the Mondoshawan do not belong to the federation. We do not know their intention.. I must recommend a full trinuclear assault.. PRESIDENT (yells) Did you see that..thing..swallow our battleship like a gum drop? You can't even tell me what it is! I ask you for options you give me bullshit. Give them permission to enter our territories with my warmest regards. CORNELIUS (relieved) Thank you, Mr. President. 40 INT. MONDOSHAWANS SPACESHIP - OMIT 41 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE - OMIT 42 EXT. SPACE / INT. MONDOSHAWAN SHIP The MONDOSHAWAN spaceship zips across the Federated Galaxy. But it is not alone: Two black warships seem to be dogging it. 43 INT. MONDOSHAWAN COCKPIT The MONDOSHAWANS have spotted the spacecraft chasing them. FIRST OFFICER Two non-identified ships approaching. CAPTAIN Must be the welcoming committee. 44 INT. WARSHIP COCKPIT A MANGALORE sits at the controls of the warship. His terrifying features tell us what sort of welcome they can expect. The pilot fires without warning. 45 EXT. SPACE / INT. MONDOSHAWAN SHIP The huge ship is badly hit and immediately swerves oft course. Panic aboard the MONDOSHAWAN ship. 46 INT. MONDOSHAWAN SHIP CAPTAIN We've been hit! General alert!!! Blast after blast hits the defenseless ship. CAPTAIN We're losing control! We have to land fast! The huge ship veers oft course and heads for a small red planet, taking hit after hit. CAPTAIN Send out a distress signal!!! Activate the emergency landing procedure! The huge ship approaches the planet at blinding speed. FIRST OFFICER Impact in less than ten seconds! The red planet looms ever closer. CAPTAIN Time is of no importance... The ship crashes in a gigantic explosion. 46A INT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY A thermo nuclear explosion fills a T.V. screen..Which Korben's cat watches with interest. Korben is about to exit the apartment. KORBEN Don't watch it all day, it'll rot your mind. Bye sweetie.. In response, the cat meows. Korben opens the door to..A huge gun, brandished by a nervous MUGGER, pointing right in his face. MUGGER The cash man! KORBEN Been here long? MUGGER Don't fuck with me man or I'll blow you into tomorrow! Unperterbed, Korben looks at the mugger's fearsome weapon. KORBEN Isn't that a Z140? Alleviated titanium. Neuro charged assault model? MUGGER (off balance) Uh.. KORBEN You know you could hurt someone with this puppy..good thing it's not loaded.. The mugger is lost. He looks at his weapon. MUGGER It's not? KORBEN You gotta push the little yellow button... Korben points to the button on the side of the gun. The mugger takes his advice. MUGGER Thanks.. KORBEN You're welcome.. And with lightning speed, Korben blasts the mugger with a straight right hand, sending him down for the count. Korben retrieves the gun. KORBEN know these things are VERY illegal.. you could get in a shit load of trouble.. I better hang onto it for you.. As the mugger clears his head, Korben opens a drawer next to him which is full of similar guns! The mugger's eyes pop out of his head. He scampers to his feet and runs off. Korben shrugs, exits his apartment, and closes the door. The cat watches a nuclear holocaust on T.V., uninterrupted. 46B INT. KORBEN'S GARAGE - DAY Korben enters his taxi. A robotic voice greets him. VOICE Please enter your license.. Korben complies, and starts to push a series of buttons on the dash. VOICE Welcome on board Mr. Dallas.. KORBEN How you doing this morning? Sleep OK? I didn't. Korben hits a button. The garage door starts to open. VOICE Fuel level 6.03..Propulsion 2x4... KORBEN I had the worst goddamn nightmare. VOICE You have nine points left on your license.. KORBEN Thanks for reminding me.. As the garage door lifts, the Megalopolis that is New York City in the 23rd century comes into view. Startling in it's height, and breath. VOICE Have a nice day.. Korben lets the propulsion build. KORBEN Right.. He lets the gear slip. The taxi rockets off into the City. 47 EXT. TAXI STAND - NIGHT - OMIT 48 EXT. RED PLANET-OMIT 49 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Cornelius collapses in a chair. CORNELIUS We are lost! GENERAL MUNRO Mr. President, the attack was launched by two unregistered warships. PRESIDENT Close all borders and declare a state of general alert. GENERAL MUNRO Yes, sir. PRESIDENT (to another OFFICER) Try to contact these Mondoshawans. We owe them an explanation. CORNELIUS (lost, to himself) What are we going to do? PRESIDENT This is government business now. You ought to go home and get some rest, Father. The President motions to his guards to come and get Cornelius. PRESIDENT I promise to keep you informed. A weary Cornelius leaves the room with David's help. PRESIDENT (to the CAPTAIN) ...Has the rescue team found any survivors? 50 EXT. RED PLANET - OMIT 51 EXT. RED PLANET ORBIT - OMIT 52 INT. LABORATORY 1ST DISTRICT MANHATTAN - DAWN An arm, on a surgical cart, moves down the hall of the Nucleological Center, the most sterile of environments. PROFESSOR MACTILBURGH, age 60, hurries alongside GENERAL MUNRO. MUNRO This is all that survived? MACTILBURGH Actually only one cell survived.. MUNRO Have you identified it? MACTILBURGH It's not that easy..we've never encountered anything like it see normal human beings have 40 DNA memo groums..which is more than enough for any species to perpetuate itself..This one has 200,000. MUNRO Talk English Doc. MACTILBURGH This cell is like a huge library. It has infinite genetic knowledge stored inside. Almost like it was...engineered. MUNRO Sounds like a freak of nature to me. MACTILBURGH Yes... I can't wait to meet him. They pass into the lab. 53 INT. LABORATORY The two enter a cylindrical laboratory. There is a huge glass turbine in the middle with the metal glove inside. A DNA chain scrolls on the computer screen. MACTILBURGH (rather fascinated) The compositional elements of his DNA chain are the same as ours, there are simply more of them tightly packed. His knowledge is probably limitless.. MUNRO (worried) Is there any danger? Some kind of virus? MACTILBURGH We put it through the cellular hygiene detector. The cell is for lack of a better word... perfect. Munro hesitates a moment. Then he sighs and uses his personal key to open the self-destruct box. MUNRO OK, go ahead! But Mr. Perfect better be polite... otherwise I turn him into cat food. Mactilburgh starts the operation rolling as Munro puts his hand on the sell-destruct button, ready to use it. Thousands of cells form in the heart of the generator, an assemblage of DNA elements. Then the cells move down a tube, like a fluid, and gather in an imprint of a HUMAN body. Step by step bones are reconstructed, then the nervous and muscular systems. Whole veins wrap around the muscles. An entire body is reconstructing before our very eyes. DOCTOR Three seconds to ultra-violet protection. A shield comes over the reconstructing body and makes it invisible. MACTILBURGH (to Munro) ...This is the crucial phase, The reconstruction of pigment. Cells are bombarded with slightly greasy solar atoms which forces the body cells to react, to protect themselves. That means growing skin. Clever, eh? MUNRO (disgusted) Wonderful! The meter slows, drops to zero. ASSISTANT ... End of reconstruction, beginning of reanimation . A whoosh of air in the glass chamber. Captain Munro has his hand on the self-destruct button, ready to destroy the being that has barely been reborn. MACTILBURGH (pushing a button) Activate life support system. An electrical discharge fills the glass chamber causing the body inside to jerk. After a few moments of silence, the SOUND of a heartbeat fills the room over the loudspeaker. ASSISTANT Life support system activated. The Supreme Being is alive once again. MACTILBURGH Remove the shield. The ASSISTANT automatically removes the ultra-violet shield which slowly reveals... a woman... nude... young... and very beautiful. Munro stands there gaping. Not quite his vision of the Supreme Being. Mactilburgh glances at Munro and gently pushes his hand away from the self-destruct button. MACTILBURGH (with a smile) I told you ... perfect! Munro is hypnotized by the GIRL's beauty. MUNRO ...I'd, uh , like to get a few pictures for the archives before she wakes up. Mactilburgh looks at him with a grin. A remote-control camera approaches the girl's face, a flash goes off. Blinded by the flash, the girl jumps and screams. She cowers in a corner, shaking from the cold, darting eyes everywhere looking for the case she was holding. GIRL (very angry) Ouacra cocha o dayodomo binay ouacra mo cocha ferji akba ligounai makta keratapla. Tokemata tokemata! Seno santonoi-aypa! Minoi ay Cheba! Givomana seno! MUNRO (worried) What's she saying? MACTILBURGH (to his ASSISTANT) Activate the phonic detector. The girl kicks the window repeatedly. MACTILBURGH And give her a light sedative... and something to wear! The ASSISTANT hits a button. A pile of clothes drops out of a trapdoor in the ceiling. She snatches up the clothes angrily and dresses quickly. Munro draws closer to the glass window. He watches her dress with undisguised pleasure. MUNRO (to Mactilburgh) This thing solid? MACTILBURGH (smiling) An elephant couldn't crack it. The Girl finishes dressing. GIRL (angrily) Teno akta chataman assin-omekta! Munro smiles safely behind his plate glass window. MUNRO (with a smile) You're gonna have to learn to communicate better than that angel if you want out. Munro dangles the key on a chain that will let her out. The girl rams her fist right through the window. She grabs the key and yanks it. The chain snaps tight and Munro slams into the window knocking himself out. The girl puts her hand through the window again, unlocks the chamber and steps out. She is still bit wobbly on her legs. Two GUARDS try to grab her. She sends them flying across the room. Mactilburgh is most impressed. He sets off a general alarm. 54 INT. CORRIDOR LABORATORY The girl runs through a maze of corridors looking for a way out. A squad of SECURITY GUARDS appear in front of her and open fire without warning. The girl takes a leap, grabs an air vent, kicks it out and dives into the air shaft. The COPS try and jump up to the vent, but none can reach it. CHIEF Get me a chair or a stepladder The rest of you go through the main ventilation! 55 INT. VENTILATION DUCT LABORATORY The girl moves along unable to see what's ahead of her. She comes to a dead-end, a grill that leads outside. She pushes it out and exits onto the ledge. 56 EXT. LEDGE LABORATORY - DAWN She has exited to a ledge on the 450th floor of a building, right in the middle of Manhattan, which we discover for the first time. The city has become monstrous. Buildings rise 600 stories. Cars fly. Subways run vertically...The girl edges along the narrow ledge, unfazed by the height. The CHIEF leans out the vent, looking out into the void. CHIEF (to his men) Go on follow her! The COPS stare into the gaping void. COP ...No way. The CHIEF angrily pulls out his gun and shoots at the girl who ducks around the corner of the building. Unfortunately the other side in full of cops as well. A flying police car zooms up in front of her, sirens blaring. VOICE (O.S.) This in the police. Your status is illegal. Please put up your hands and follow our instructions! The girl feels trapped. She looks down into the endless 450 below and all the cars flying underneath her. Then she raises her arms... and dives off. 57 INT. POLICE CAR - NIGHT COP (in the car.) Christ! She dove off! In a panic, the COP makes a wrong turn. The girl falls for several seconds. She lands on the roof of a flying cab. 58 INT. CAB - NIGHT Korben tries to control his car, reeling from the impact. VOICE (O.S.) You have just had an accident. Seven points have been temporarily removed... Korben manages to stop his cab, pulls over to the side. VOICE / KORBEN You have one point left on your license. Have a good day. Korben sighs and looks in the back seat to see what the damages are. The girl, a bit dazed (who wouldn't be), emerges from the debris and sits up. There's some blood on her face. Korben is stunned. The girl's still alive and... so beautiful. His heart heads for a meltdown. GIRL Akina delutan, nou-shan. KORBEN (lost) ...'Scuse me? A police car with wailing sirens halts in front of Korben. COP (over a loudspeaker) You have an unauthorized passenger in your vehicle. We are going to arrest her. Please leave your hands on the wheel. Thank you for your cooperation. KORBEN (obeying) Sorry, Hon, but I only got one point left on my license and I gotta get to the garage! The police car presses up against the cab. Doors slide open. Huge guns point at her. Korben feels lousy. The girl's helpless, there are tears in her eyes, she looks exhausted. Korben glances at her in the rear view mirror. She's looking all around to find something to help her communicate with him. Her POV: an ad on the back of the seat. An 800 number to help an orphanage. A teary photo of a kid over the words Please Help. She shoots to Korben a look of pure distress. GIRL (irresistible) Please... HELP... Korben can't resist her plea. KORBEN Don't put me in this position... I can't... I'm late as it is... But he cannot say no to her eyes. KORBEN Finger's gonna kill me. Korben shuts oft the meter and floors it, sideswiping the police car as he roars away. VOICE (O.S.) Your license has been revoked. Would you please.... Korben whips out a gun and shatters the loudspeaker. KORBEN I hate when people cry... I got no defense... The police car takes out after him, sirens screeching. An insane chase ensues. 59 INT. NEW YORK STREETS - DAY Korben and his flying taxi are absolute masters of the air. The cops have trouble following him but then another cop car comes to join in the fun. Korben drives like a man possessed, nothing can stop him. Except the dead-end he's just come up against. GIRL Daya deo dono Dato. Dalutan! KORBEN It there's one thing I don't need advice on, it's how to drive. Korben turns his cab sideways and scrapes through a narrow passageway, ripping his taxi light from the roof. The police car smashes into the wall. The other one brakes just in time. COP Shit! Attention all-patrol cars! The car makes a U-turn, looking for a wider passageway. 60 EXT. NEW YORK STREET The police car roars up, sirens screaming then slows down and checks out a dead-end flanked by a large vertical neon billboard. The dead-end is empty . Korben's cab is hidden vertically behind the billboard. Seeing nothing, the police drive away. KORBEN We'll wait till things quiet down a bit. You mind? The girl grabs his shirt collar and pulls him close, whispers in his ear. GIRL (weak) ...Priest... KORBEN You're not that bad... Come on we'll get you to a doctor. The girl hands him the handle of the case, struck with the three Egyptian suns. GIRL (weak) Vito... Cor... Ni-lious... Priest... KORBEN Vito Cornelius? The girl nods, then faints. Korben is somewhat lost faced with so much mystery. 61 INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY The door opens. Korben is there with the unconscious girl in his arms. KORBEN (embarrassed) Excuse me, I'm looking for a priest. CORNELIUS (tired) Weddings are one floor down. Congratulations. Cornelius closes the door. The doorbell RINGS again. KORBEN She's not my bride, she's my fare. She's looking for this Vito Cornelius. According to the phone guide he lives here. CORNELIUS (curious) That's me. But I don't know who she is... where did you find her? KORBEN She dropped in on me... holding this. Korben hands him the metal handle with the three Egyptian suns, stamped on it. CORNELIUS (staggered) The fifth element. He faints dead away. Korben, with the girl still in his arms looks around helpless. KORBEN (sighing) Finger's gonna kill me... 62 INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY In his armchair, Cornelius gets woken by a slap in the face. CORNELIUS (with a start) Who are you? KORBEN I brought the girl remember? CORNELIUS The girl? Cornalius gets up. He looks at the handle. KORBEN Yeah! She dropped in on me. I mean on my taxi... talking... this... this bizarre language... And then it dawns on Cornelius who the girl is. CORNELIUS (eyes riveted on her) He's a she! KORBEN (bemused) You noticed... CORNELIUS (face shining) There's not a moment to lose! Wake her up, but be gentle about it! This woman is mankind's most precious possession! She is... perfect! KORBEN So you do know her. CORNELIUS Uh yes, we're cousins..distant cousins.. Cornelius runs into the next room. Korben looks at the girl, goes to slap her, then changes his mind. Her beauty troubles him. He hesitates, then, gently caresses her cheek. Her skin seems so soft, so fragile. KORBEN Perfect... 63 INT. SMALL ROOM David, is mending a cassock when Cornelius bursts into the room out of breath. CORNELIUS It's a miracle!!! DAVID (worried) What is? CORNELIUS (babbling crazily) I can't wear these clothes! This calls for dignity! I have to dress the part! He opens a closet filled with identical robes and plunges in, disappearing as David looks on, uncomprehending. 64 INT LIVING ROOM. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT Korben gently kisses the girl's cheeks, but she doesn't respond. He looks around then kisses her on the lips. The girl's eyes snap open. When Korben straightens up he discovers his own gun jammed under his chin. GIRL (angry) Eto Akta Gamat! KORBEN (embarrassed) I'm sorry, it's just that... I was told to wake you up gently, so I figured... The girl pauses a moment. She stares at him, looks puzzled. KORBEN You're right, I was wrong! I shouldn't have kissed you... especially since we haven't been introduced and... (he pulls out a business card) Here, it's a bit late, but... my name is Korben, Korben Dallas. Keep it, you never know, maybe... you'll need a cab one day. I'll be happy to open the door this time!. The girl hesitates, then snatches the card like a wild animal. 65 INT. SMALL ROOM Cornelius is lost in the closet. DAVID Father, will you please explain what's going on? CORNELIUS The Supreme Being, the fifth element is here, in our parish!!! It's a miracle!!! 66 INT. LIVING ROOM KORBEN ...What's your name? GIRL (after a moment) Leeloo Minai Lekarariba-Laminai-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat. KORBEN (polite) Hey, that's... cute... Do you have a nickname, something a little... shorter? GIRL ...Leeloo. Korben is falling in love. KORBEN That's... really cute... Cornelius bursts into the room. She turns the gun on him. He bows before her. CORNELIUS Appipulai Leeloo Minai.. LEELOO Corn-i-Lius? CORNELIUS (bowing) At your service. LEELOO lowers her guard starts to laugh. An irresistible childish laugh. Korben smiles. DAVID Father. You sure she's the Supreme Being? CORNELIUS Absolutely sure There's the triple suns on her gloves! David bows low, but his eyes glance up at Leeloo. Cornelius begins to lead Korben toward the door, hustling him out. KORBEN They all like this in your family, father? CORNELIUS She's an exception.. CORNELIUS Thank you so much for your help Mr...? KORBEN Dallas. Korben Dallas. Cornelius takes his arm. Leeloo stops laughing when she sees Korben leaving. CORNELIUS Yes. That's fine! Thank you very much. A thousand times over! KORBEN I might call to check up on her, you know... to see if she's better? CORNELIUS She's fine, really..don't you worry.. just needs some rest..she's had a very long trip. KORBEN I know. I was there when she arrived. Cornelius is about to close the door. Korben's hand blocks it. KORBEN Excuse me! Just one thing! She said something to me a while ago and... I don't really get it... Akta Gamat? CORNELIUS It means, "Never without my permission". KORBEN That's what I thought. Cornelius slams the door in his face. KORBEN ...Thanks. 66A INT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY Korben beads down the hallway. He passes his NEIGHBOR. KORBEN Evening... NEIGHBOR Fuck you! KORBEN ...Thanks... You, too. Korben enters his-apartment. 66B INT.. KORBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY The door slides back and the cat comes rubbing up against him, tail in the air. KORBEN Oh god. I forgot your food ... I'm really sorry! How about a nice Thai nosh to apologize? How does that sound, huh? The cat meows, appeased, just an the phone rings. KORBEN Hello? FINGER (V.O.) Hey bud...I'm waiting all day here. KORBEN'm sorry..listen..I was on the way over but I had a fare fall into my lap.. y'know one of those big fares you just can't resist.. FINGER (V.O.) (suspicious) So, just how big was this fare? KORBEN 5'7", green eyes... long legs... great skin... perfect.. Korben takes out a cigarette. FINGER (V.O.) Uh huh..and I don't suppose you got the name of this..perfect fare.. KORBEN (dreamy) Leeloo.. 67 INT. GARAGE - DAY - OMIT 68 INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY Leeloo has a towel wrapped around her, it looks like she just took a shower. She sits in front of a computer wolfing down some chicken. Data scrolls by on the screen. David watches from the corner, in awe. DAVID What's she doing? CORNELIUS Learning our history! The last 5000 years that she missed! She's been out of circulation a while, you know. Leeloo breaks into her childish laughter. CORNELIUS What're you laughing about? LEELOO (pronouncing badly) Napoleon... small. She laughs again and tosses some capsules into the microwave. DAVID (hesitant) Uh father, I know she's been through a lot... but the sacred stones..we don't have much time.. CORNELIUS Yes. Of course.. Leeloo takes her plate out of the microwave. A steaming plate heaped with chicken and exotic vegetables. CORNELIUS Leeloo..I'm sorry to interrupt you but.. She sits back down in front of the screen and chomps away heavily on her second chicken. Cornelius sits opposite her. and holds up the case handle. CORNELIUS (serious) The case..with the stones... Where is it? LEELOO San Agamat chay bet... envolet! CORNELIUS The case was stolen? Leeloo nods her head, quite unperturbed and continues to devour the food in front of her. CORNELIUS (shocked) Who in gods name would do such a thing? 69 INT. CORRIDOR. ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY CLOSE ON: A pair of feet limping heavily. A MAN comes alongside them. RIGHT ARM Excuse me sir, the council is worried about the economy heating up. They wondered if it would be possible to fire 500... They reach a door at the end of the corridor. Zorg enters a code. ZORG Fire 1000. RIGHT ARM But... 500 is all they need, sir. ZORG turns slowly. A small scar across run across his face, his eye stutters. This is not a man to cross, or contradict. RIGHT ARM 1000! Fine, sir! Sorry to have disturbed you. The door opens... 70 INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY ... and David enters carrying a bundle of clothes. CORNELIUS There was this guy with a limp who came a month ago..said he was an art dealer ... Asking all these questions about the Sacred the time I didn't think anything of it.. What was his name? I'm so bad with names... DAVID (to Leeloo, timid) I didn't know your size. Leeloo is happy. She pulls off the towel and stands there nude. Cornelius and David turn away. DAVID They really made her... CORNELIUS Perfect. Leeloo finishes dressing. She is delighted. LEELOO (to David) Domo danko! David smiles, dumb with admiration. Cornelius comes over. CORNELIUS Leeloo? The Stones... We must get them back. Leeloo settles down, sits at the computer and turns it on. LEELOO Ikset-kiba. Me imanetaba oum dalat! CORNELIUS You know exactly where they are! 71 INT. WAREHOUSE - DAY A group of handsome WARRIORS approaches. AKNOT, their leader has the sacred case in his hands. The metal handle is missing but the second metal glove is still grasping the case. ZORG (pretending to be worried) Aknot? Is that you? The LEADER nods. A disgusted look stamps Zorg's features. ZORG ...What an ugly face! Doesn't suit you at all! Take it off... AKNOT's face burns away revealing the head of a monstrous MANGALORE. ZORG That's better! Never be ashamed of who you are... You're warriors... be proud... AKNOT says nothing, but if his eyes could talk! ZORG So what if the Federal Army crushed your entire race and scattered your people to the wind... Your time for revenge is at hand... Voila... the ZF1. He takes out a weapon from one a crate and goes into a sales pitch. ZORG (very fast) ...It's light... the handle's adjustable for easy carrying... good for righties and lefties. Meanwhile, two MEN set up a mannequin rigged with various defense mechanisms at the far end of the warehouse. ZORG ... Breaks down into four parts, undetectable by X-rays.. It's the ideal weapon for quick, discreet interventions. A word on fire power: Titanium recharger. 3000 round clip with bursts of 3 to 300. With the replay button, another Zorg innovation, it's even easier... one shot. He fires at the mannequin. ZORG ... and replay sends every following shot to the same location... Zorg spins around, the rounds all hit the mannequin. ZORG (even faster) I recharge, but the enemy has launched a cowardly sneak attack from behind, the automirror takes care of that. Gives me the time to turn around and finish the job. 300 round bursts, then there are the Zorg oldies... He fires off each item he names. ZORG ...Rocket launcher. The always efficient flame thrower... My favorite. Our famous net launcher, the arrow launcher, with exploding or poisonous gas heads - very practical. And for the grand finale, the all-new ice-cube system! The mannequin has been blasted into a pile of ashes covered by a net,. stuck with arrows, the whole mess frozen solid. He tosses the weapon into AKNOT's hands. ZORG ...Four full crates, delivered right on time! What about you, my dear Aknot, did you bring me what I asked you for? AKNOT sets the case on a crate. Zorg gloats while stroking the case. ZORG ...Magnificent. Zorg smiles, takes a deep breath, opens the case. It's empty 72 INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY Leeloo breaks into her childish laughter once again. CORNELIUS (astonished) What do you mean empty? 73 INT. ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY AKNOT looks into the case. Things grow tense. ZORG Alright..I've got an open mind here.. anyone care to explain? 74 INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY Leeloo explains what happened in her language. CORNELIUS (translating) She says that the Guardians never really had much faith in humans. They were afraid of being attacked. The stones were given to someone they could trust who took another route. She's supposed to contact this person in a little less than twelve hours from now in a hotel. She's looking for the address! A map of the stars flashes onto the screen, Leeloo points. LEELOO Dot! The little group comes over to look. DAVID Planet Fhloston, in the Angel constellation Cornelius plops down into his armchair. CORNELIUS ...We're saved! 75 INT. ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY ZORG I'm fucked! Zorg calmly closes the case and gives Aknot a blood-chilling stare. AKNOT You asked for a case. We brought you a case. ZORG (shouting) A case with four stones in it. Not one! Not two or three! But four!!! Four stones!!! What the fuck am I supposed to do with an EMPTY case?!! AKNOT's men grow edgy. AKNOT (tense) ...We are warriors, not merchants! ZORG (humored) But you can still count. Look... my fingers. He holds up four fingers. ZORG ...Four stones, four crates... Zero stones... (yelling) ZERO CRATES!!! (to his men) Put everything back, we're outta here. AKNOT's warriors turn their weapons on Zorg. AKNOT (icily) We risked our lives. I believe a little compensation is in order. ZORG (smiling) So, you are a merchant, after all. (to his men) Leave them one crate. For the cause! Zorg's men leave a crate and exit with the other three. 76 EXT. OUTSIDE ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY Zorg walks along the street to his limo. RIGHT ARM carries the empty case. ZORG I don't like warriors! They're too narrow-minded, no sublety. Worse, they fight for hopeless causes..for honor! Honor has killed millions of people but hasn't saved a single one. (pause) You know what -- do I like though, I like killer. A real dyed in the wool killer. Cold-blooded. Clean. Methodical. Thorough. A killer, when he picked up the ZF1, would've immediately asked about the little red button on the bottom of the gun. 77 INT. HALLWAY ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY The warriors have all taken a weapon. One of them inspects his ZF1. He turns it over and notices the little red button. He presses it. 78 EXT. OUTSIDE ZORG'S WAREHOUSE - DAY Behind Zorg, an ear-shattering explosion levels the warehouse. ZORG (impassive) Bring the priest. 79 INT. GARAGE - DAY - OMIT 79A INT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY Korben is finishing a Thai meal, cooked by a Thai on his mini restaurant anchored at the window. The cat eats next to Korben, contented. KORBEN So you forgive me? The cat meows just as a red light blinks, announcing the arrival of a message in a glass tube. Korben ignores it. THAI Not going to open? KORBEN I've never gotten a message that wasn't bad news. THAI How someone strong like you scared from a message? Is good news I sure! KORBEN The last two messages I got? The first one was from my wife telling me she was leaving! And the second was from my lawyer telling me he was leaving too... with my wife. THAI You right that is bad.. but mathematically luck must change! Grandfather say: "It never rain every day." This is good news guarantee.. I bet you lunch! Korben hesitates, then gives the envelope to the Thai, who opens it with a big smile that fades as reads the contents aloud. THAI ...You're fired. Oh! Korben smiles at him. KORBEN At least I won lunch. THAI Good philosophy..see good in bad.. I like..I prepare number one dessert.. special for you and pussy.. The cat meows. 79B INT. CORNELIUS' APARTMENT - DAY Leeloo is polishing of' an immense pile of dessert as David bangs away at the computer. DAVID I got it! Everything here we need to know about Fhloston Paradise Hotel... and a detailed blueprint of the entire hotel! CORNELIUS Good work, my son. Now all we need is a way to get there. The doorbell rings. CORNELIUS I'll get it. Finish your work my son. Cornelius opens to Right Arm with armed escort. RIGHT ARM Father Cornelius? CORNELIUS My son? RIGHT ARM Mr. Zorg would like a word with you. CORNELIUS Mr. Who? 80 EXT. MANHATTAN - OMIT 81 INT. HALLWAY CORNELIUS APARTMENT - OMIT 82 INT. REFRIGERATION ROOM - OMIT 83 INT. ZORG'S OFFICE Zorg turns to Cornelius. ZORG Zorg. Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg... nice to see you again CORNELIUS I remember you now..the so called art dealer. ZORG I'm glad you got your memory back, Father... Because you're going to need it... Where are the stones? CORNELIUS ...Why on earth do the stones interest you? ZORG Personally, they are of no interest to me, I'd rather sell weapons..but I have a customer... so tell me... CORNELIUS Even it I did know where the stones were I would never tell somebody like you. ZORG Why? What's wrong with me? CORNELIUS ...I'm a priest! I'm here to serve life, All you want to do is destroy it. ZORG Ah, Father... You are so wrong. Let me explain... Zorg leads Cornelius into his inner office. ZORG ...would you like a drink? CORNELIUS No thank you. ZORG Follow me.. Life, which you so nobly serve, comes from destruction. Look at this empty glass. Zorg pushes the glass with his finger. ZORG Here it is... peaceful... serene... but if it is... Zorg pushes the glass off the table. It shatters on the floor. ZORG Destroyed... Small individual robots, both free-wheeling and integrated, come zipping out to clean up the mess. ZORG ...Look at all these little things... so busy all of a sudden. Notice how each one is useful. What a lovely ballet, so full of form and color. So full! CORNELIUS They are robots! A SERVANT comes in pours water in another glass. Zorg tosses a cherry into it. ZORG Yes but... by that simple gesture of destruction. I gave work to at least fifty people today. The engineers, the technicians, the mechanics. Fifty people who will be able to feed their children so they can grow up big and strong. Children who will have children of their own, adding to the great cycle of life! Cornelius sits in silence. ZORG Father, by creating a little destruction, I am, in fact, encouraging life! So, in reality, you and I are in the same business! CORNELIUS Destroying a glass is one thing..killing people with the weapons you produce is quite another. ZORG Let me reassure you Father..I will never kill more people in my entire life than religion has killed in the last 2000 years. Zorg smiles, holds up the glass and takes a drink. Unfortunately, he chokes on the cherry. Unable to breathe, Zorg starts to panic. CORNELIUS (mocking) Where's the robot to pat your back? Zorg falls, writhing, on his desk, inadvertently hitting buttons which trigger a slew of little mechanisms. They pop out all over the desk. True chaos reigns. Even a cage appears, holding a Souliman Aktapan, a fat multicolored beastie, PICASSO, who seems surprised to be out in daylight. He licks his half-dead master in thanks. Cornelius gets up and walks around the desk. Zorg motions for help. CORNELIUS Can I give you a hand? Cornelius whacks him on the back. The cherry comes flying out. Zorg regains control of himself. GUARDS come running in. ZORG You saved my life... So, I'm going to spare yours. (to the GUARDS) Throw him out! The GUARDS throw Cornelius out. CORNELIUS You are a monster, Zorg! ZORG (complimented) I know... The GUARDS drag Cornelius out of the office. ZORG ...Torture whoever you want, the president if you have to but I want those Stones. You have an hour. Right Arm salutes and hurries out of the office. 84 EXT. MANHATTAN STREET - OMIT 85 INT. ZORG'S OFFICE - OMIT 86 INT./EXT. STREET / TAXI - OMIT 87 INT. REFRIGERATION ROOM - OMIT 88 INT. ZORG'S OFFICE - DAY - OMIT 89 INT. HALLWAY - OMIT 90 INT. REFRIGERATION ROOM - OMIT 91 INT. TAXI - OMIT 92 INT. ROOM - DAY - OMIT 93 INT. TAXI - OMIT 94 INT. ROOM - DAY - OMIT 95 INT. TAXI - OMIT 96 INT. SHAFT - OMIT 97 INT. GARAGE - OMIT 98 INT. ZORG'S OFFICE - OMIT 99 INT. GARAGE - OMIT 100 INT. LOCKER ROOM GARAGE - OMIT 101 INT. GARAGE - OMIT 102 INT. LOCKER ROOM GARAGE - OMIT 103 INT. KORBEN'S BUILDING - DAY - OMIT 104 INT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT - OMIT 105 EXT. / INT. SPACE / SPACESHIP ...The dark planet. Three warships are positioned in front of it. Communication satellites arrive from all over the place, drawn to it like a magnet. CAPTAIN (observing) It's gobbling up all the communication satellites in the galaxy! 106 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE President Lindberg appears even more crushed by recent events. PRESIDENT Why the hell is it eating up all those satellites like that? HEAD SCIENTIST (desperate) ...We're working on it, Mr. President. We're working on it. PRESIDENT It should only choke on them. MUNRO enters the office just as a cockroach crawls onto the desk. There's a small antenna on its back. 107 INT. SMALL ROOM Zorg's Right Arm wears earphones, monitoring the President's conversation with the cockroach-spy. 108 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE / SMALL ROOM MUNRO I managed to contact the Mondoshawan. They deplore the incident, but accept our apologies. PRESIDENT (relieved) And the Stones? Did you find them in the wreckage? MUNRO The-Stones weren't aboard the ship. PRESIDENT (surprised) ...What do you mean? The President is all ears. So is Zorg's Right Arm. MUNRO The Mondoshawan never fully trusted the human race..they felt we're too unpredictable.. so they gave up the Stones to somebody they do trust. Her name is Plavalaguna. She's a Diva and she's going to sing at the charity ball on Fhloston Paradise in a few hours. She has the Stones with her. The President breathes easier. Zorg's Right Arm is delighted. PRESIDENT (taking off a shoe) Excellent! The President crushes the cockroach with his shoe. Right Arm's earphones fly off his head. Good-bye eardrums. 109 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE PRESIDENT I want your best man on this! MUNRO Don't worry, Sir. I have the perfect one. 110 INT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT - DAY C.U. The most disgusting dessert ever made. Korben looks at it shimmying on a plate as the Thai serves it to him proudly. THAI Stewed jellyfish cake.. my speciality.. Korben forces a weak, polite smile as the Thai looks on expectantly. The phone rings. KORBEN Saved by the bell. Korben rises to get his cigarettes, and answer the phone. KORBEN ...Hello? MOTHER (V.O.) You're the nastiest dirtbag I know in this stinking City! KORBEN (resigned) Hi Ma... MOTHER (V.O.) I've been playing twice a week for 20 years, 20 years I've been eating those shitty croquettes. Korben goes to light his cigarette. There are only two matches left in the match box. Korben strikes one and it fizzles. MOTHER (V.O.) You wouldn't even eat one to help your poor mother, and you win the big prize? Know something? The whole thing makes me sick! The Thai starts to clean up. Just as Korben goes to strike the second match.. MOTHER (V.O.) Are you listening to me, you ingrate! KORBEN (resigned) Yes ma.. Korben sighs and puts the match back in the box. Korben enters his code on the keypad the Thai is holding. KORBEN (to the Thai) Go on... This is gonna take a while! The Thai casts oft. Korben closes the window. KORBEN Other than that... You all right? MOTHER (V.O.) ...And now you're making fun of me? I'm warning you! If you don't take me after all these years of sacrifice, I'll never forgive you!! The Thai flies off. In the hall, the cat meows-for more food. KORBEN (to the cat) I'm coming!. Ma, what're you talking about? MOTHER (V.O.) I get it! You want to make me beg, is that it? KORBEN All I want is an explanation! I just got in, I lost my job. I smashed my cab. I got mugged, but other than that everything's peachy, Ma, thanks for asking!! Now settle down and explain to me calmly.. A message drops in his tube. The red light goes on. MOTHER (V.O.) You just won a trip, you dolt! Ten days in Fhloston Paradise for two! KORBEN Ma. If I'd won, I'd know about it. Someone would have notified me. MOTHER (V.O.) They've been blaring out your name on the radio for the last hour, blockhead! He eyeballs the message still in the tube. The doorbell rings.- KORBEN Ma.. it's the door. I'll call you back. Korben hangs up before his mother can say anything and heads for the door. Before he gets there it opens, General Munro enters followed by a Captain and a Major. MAJOR ICEBORG is a woman. All she needs to become a man is a mustache. Munro opens a file. MUNRO (clipped) Major Dallas, if our calculations are correct you still have 57 hours owed to the Federal Army on your enlistment which is more than you will need for a mission of the utmost importance. KORBEN What mission? MUNRO To save the world. KORBEN Where have I heard this song before? MUNRO You're to leave immediately for Fhloston Paradise. Retrieve four Stones from the Diva Plavalaguna. And bring them back with the utmost discretion as possible. Any questions'? KORBEN (a little bewildered) Just one... why me? MUNRO Three reasons... One: As part of The Elite Special Forces Unit of the Federated Army you are an expert in the use of all weapons and spacecraft needed for this mission. Munro pulls out a long list of documents. MUNRO Two: Of all the members of your unit you were the most highly decorated. KORBEN And the third one? MUNRO You're the only one left alive... Munro removes the message Korben hasn't bothered to look at. MUNRO Don't you open your messages? KORBEN I've had enough good news for today MUNRO (by rote) You have won the annual Gemini contest and a trip to Fhloston Paradise. For two. Congratulations. Here are your tickets. He hands Korben the tickets. Korben gets it. KORBEN You rigged the contest? Munro nods. MUNRO Major Iceborg will accompany you... as your wife... The idea of taking a trip with Iceborg makes him sick. KORBEN (sarcastic) You couldn't come up with something a little more discreet? MUNRO Old tricks are the best tricks eh? KORBEN I'm not going. MUNRO Why not? KORBEN One reason... I want to stay the only one left alive. 110A INT. KORBEN'S HALL Leeloo and Cornelius search for Korben's apartment. Leeloo carries the card Korben gave her. Cornelius finds the apartment, and yanks the. number off the door. He waves Leeloo over as his hand goes to the bell. 110B INT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT The doorbell rings. KORBEN ...Scuse me. Korben goes to the door and looks out the peephole: the beautiful Leeloo. Korben panics, overcome with happiness. KORBEN ...Shit! MUNRO (worried) What is it? Korben has two seconds to make up something to get rid of Munro. KORBEN It's my wife. MUNRO I thought you were divorced. KORBEN I mean my future.. my ex.. My future ex.. if she sees you here I'm finished. She hates you guys. It's what killed us in the first place. Please... He puts them in the fridge, shoving the jellyfish cake in Iceborg's hands. KORBEN ...Sorry, General, but we've got no choice! It'll only take a minute! Let me set up another meeting and I'll be back. MUNRO Three of us will never fit in there! KORBEN (pushing him) Oh, yes you will... Korben slams the fridge door. The doorbell RINGS again. KORBEN ...Coming! He whips through his place in ten seconds, gathers up things laying about, shuts drawers, rolls up his laundry in the folding bed. He brushes his hair back and opens the door with a big smile only to discover a gun stuck between his eyes held by Cornelius. LEELOO Apipoulai! KORBEN I suppose that means "Hi" ? CORNELIUS I'm sorry to have to resort to such methods, but we heard about your good luck on he radio and we need the tickets to Fhloston. KORBEN Is that the usual way priests go on vacation? CORNELIUS We're not going on vacation..we're on a mission.. KORBEN What kind of mission? CORNELIUS (sincere) We have to save the world. KORBEN (skeptical) Good luck.. CORNELIUS Of course. KORBEN Father, I was in the Army for awhile and every time they told us we were on a mission to save the world the only thing that changed was I lost a lot of friends. So thanks for the offer.. but no thanks. Cornelius is disappointed. Leeloo looks crestfallen. KORBEN I'm sorry.. VOICE This is a police control action.. Everyone freezes as the whole building resounds with the electronic voice. 111 INT. LANDING KORBEN'S BUILDING A group of POLICEMEN bursts into the hallway. One of the cops enters a code on the police wall box. A device descends from the ceiling, a flashing light-siren, a VOICE fills the air. VOICE This is not an exercise. This is a police control. Cornelius starts to panic. Korben takes charge. CORNELIUS Oh my god oh my god.. Korben pushes a button sending the fridge to the next floor. A shower takes it's place. KORBEN Leeloo, hide in here and don't move! Leeloo hops in. Korben tosses Cornelius on the bed. CORNELIUS What are you doing? KORBEN Trying to save your ass so you can save the world. ..and hits a button on the wall. The bed disappears into the wall. Korben grabs his tickets and slides them in his belt. 112 INT. LANDING KORBEN'S BUILDING - DAY Meanwhile, the automatic police voice continues. VOICE ...Spread your legs and place your hands in the yellow circles, please. A COP slaps a viewer device on Korben's door which makes part of it transparent. COP 1 Put your hands in the yellow circles, please. Korben takes his time hiding his face. The Cop looks at his sheet. He's looking for a... KORBEN DALLAS. He has his picture, but it is Korben with long hair and beard. COP 1 (to COP 2) Sir? Are you a human? KORBEN No, I'm a meat popsicle. COP 3 (at the other end of the hall) I found him! C.U. Korben's calling card is clumsily stuck to the door of the neighbor's apartment. COP 3 slaps the viewer on the nasty neighbor's door. The neighbor is at his sink shaving instead of against the wall, COP 1 arrives with Korben's picture. COP 1 Sir, this is a control. Please put your hands in the yellow circles. The neighbor steps right up to the viewer, shaving cream on his face. He could pass for Korben. NEIGHBOR Fuck you!! 113 INT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT Korben still has his hands to the wall. KORBEN Wrong answer. SHOT O.S. EXPLOSION. Scuffle. 114 INT. HALL The riot police hustle down the hall dragging the neighbor behind them in a canvas bag. A cop is on the wall phone. COP OK, we got the guy under wraps. 115 INT. ZORG'S OFFICE Right Arm is on the phone, facing Zorg. COP (O.S.) It was not easy, but we bagged him!. Thanks for the tip! RIGHT ARM (smiling) Glad to help. He hangs up. RIGHT ARM They just arrested the guy for Uranium smuggling. Everything's going as planned. He shows him a plane ticket, and a passport with his picture and Korben's name. RIGHT ARM All I have to do now is to go to the airport and take his place. I should be in Fhloston in less than four hours. Zorg sits there quietly for a moment. ZORG Don't come back without the Stones. 116 INT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT Korben opens the shower door. Leeloo is soaking wet, her teeth chattering from the cold. KORBEN I'm really sorry.. there wasn't time. His eyes fall on an old blanket. KORBEN Here let me wrap you up. Korben wraps her in an blanket and vigoroualy rubs her back. Leeloo warms gradually and snuggles closer to that warm comfortable shoulder. Korben's rubbing slows, looking more like caresses. KORBEN ..It's funny. I've met you twice today and you've ended up in my arms both times. Leeloo suddenly realizes that she has maybe gone a bit too far. She recovers, looking embarrassed too. LEELOO (nicely) Valo massa... Chacha hamas. KORBEN're welcome. The intimacy makes him nervous. He looks for a diversion. KORBEN Coffee! That's what you need! A nice, hot cup of coffee! He pushes a button on the coffee machine. KORBEN With some honey! You'll see, honey's great!... Korben rummages through the drawer. Leeloo, innocent, doesn't seem to quite understand everything that is going on. KORBEN A hot cup of coffee... with honey... He rummages through the cupboard, exceedingly nervous. Leeloo smiles and begins to look around. She opens a drawer and comes upon.. KORBEN (nervously) I've got this great honey somewhere. You know about honey? There used to be these little animals who made it with antenna... of Major Korben Dallas War Hero. KORBEN ..and these other animals who ate it.. one were bees the other were bears.. She looks back to the man fumbling for honey. KORBEN I forget which ate it and which made it but.. And she smiles. KORBEN Here it is! Korben holds up the jar of honey. KORBEN Taste this... Leeloo innocently sticks his finger in the jar then puts it in her mouth. KORBEN It... melts in your mouth, doesn't it? She savors the honey, slowly; sensually. Her lips shine with honey. Her eyes narrow with pleasure. Korben is hypnotized by her lips, like a moth attracted to a flame. He begins to lose control, which makes him nervous. An indistinct sound comes from the wall. But Korben is so entranced with the sight of Leeloo licking her honied fingers, he doesn't hear it until it becomes quite a racket. KORBEN You hear that? LEELOO (licking) Cornelius.. KORBEN Oh god! Korben pushes the button on the wall. The bed pops out, fully made, with Cornelius tucked in it, struggling to get out. KORBEN I'm really sorry.. let me help you.. Korben begins to pull at the covers when.. LEELOO Achta ge lumitai de matala.. Korben turns.. KORBEN What? He turns to Leeloo struggling out of her wet clothes. His breath is taken away by the sight of her perfect body. Cornelius whacks him heavily on the head with a lamp. Korben drops to the floor. LEELOO (displeased) Vano da, mechteba?! Soun domo kala chon hammas! CORNELIUS No, I'm not proud of myself... But we don't have the luxury of choice. 117 INT. ENTRANCE KORBEN'S BUILDING - DAY The POLICE exit the elevator and head for the front door. A cop suddenly takes a hit from a silencer, then a second. Others are bashed on the head by MANGALORE warriors. One of them picks up the prisoner bag, takes it into a small shed. 118 INT. SHED Aknot, the Mangalore leader, is seriously wounded and can't walk. AKANIT Korben Dallas! We got him. AKNOT Perfect... Take command, Akanit. Go to Fhloston and get the Stones... If Zorg really wants them... He'll have to negotiate. Revenge is at hand. 119 INT. KORBEN'S APARTMENT KORBEN'S BUILDING - DAY Korben gets unsteadily to his feet, some blood drips down his face. He daubs at it. KORBEN Jesus!... Some priest! The phone rings, he manages to answer. KORBEN Yeah? MOTHER (V.O) Have you pulled yourself together? KORBEN ...Not yet. He hangs up. Korben opens the fridge door. The three officers are frozen solid. Korben grabs some ice, presses it to his forehead. KORBEN I'll take the mission. He closes the door. 120 INT. AIRPORT HALL - DAY Cornelius and Leeloo (still damp) arrive at the Manhattan Intergalactic Airport. A huge hall three quarters filled with trash piled up to the ceiling. There are groups of extra-terrestrials on strike standing in trash holding picket signs. A SECURITY GUARD picks up a phone off the wall. SECURITY GUARD Illegal gathering in Zone 4. A hand taps Leeloo from behind. She whips around catching David in the face. CORNELIUS Leeloo, be careful. He turns to David who in holding his bloody nose. CORNELIUS Did you get them? David hands Cornelius two passports. CORNELIUS Excellent... Leeloo Dallas. He hands it to her. The name makes her smile. CORNELIUS And Korben David Dallas. She frowns. LEELOO Akta dedero ansila do mektet. CORNELIUS I can't pretend to be your husband... David's in great shape. She looks at David holding his bloody nose. CORNELIUS He'll protect you. Go on... See the Diva... get the Stones... See you at the temple... God be with you. ANGLE ON: Korben comes rushing into the airport. Walking quickly, he scopes the hall looking for Leeloo. A POLICE PATROL bearing down on the STRIKERS jostles him. The cops open fire. The strikers dive into the garbage and disappear. 121 INT. BOARDING GATE David nervously puts tickets and IDs on the check-in counter. Leeloo tosses her suitcase on the conveyor belt. CHECK-IN ATTENDANT Congratulations on winning the contest. David gives her a bleak smile. Leeloo rolls her eyes. Back a ways, Korben has spotted Leeloo and... David. He heads right for them. Leeloo's seen him. She is both delighted and panicked. David's seen nothing. Korben presses one of his fingers like a gun to David's back. KORBEN (friendly) Hey! I really thought I was going to miss my flight! (to David) Thanks, kid! You put the luggage on the conveyor belt? DAVID (freaking) Uh... yeah. KORBEN (smiling) Great! Now beat it! Paralyzed, David leaves. Korben turns to the attendant. KORBEN Excuse me. I was so afraid I'd miss the flight that I sent the kid here to pick up my boarding card. He looks at David's fake ID. KORBEN ...My cousin David... Leeloo is unable to hold back a smile. CHECK-IN ATTENDANT (looking at Leeloo's ID) Your wife? Korben grabs the ID and reads it. KORBEN Uh, yes... Newlyweds. (aside) You know how it is... Love at first sight. You meet, something goes tilt,. you get married, you hardly know each other. Right, darling? Leeloo rips her boarding card out of the attendant's hand. LEELOO (sharply) Dinoine chagantakat! KORBEN Took the words right out of my mouth. Go on... I'll be right with you. (to Check-in Attendant) It's our honeymoon. We're going to use the trip to get to know each other better. He winks at the stewardess. ANGLE ON: The neighbor and a tawdry young girl cross the airport. The couple in almost knocked over by a police patrol holding a 500 pound PIG on a stainless steel leash. The couple panics a moment, the realize the patrol isn't for them. The pig heads for the pile where the strikers disappeared. COP (to pig) Come on, snyffer, go root! The pig piles into the garbage. The Cop cuts it some slack. Cornelius sits at a bar. CORNELIUS (to the bartender) I feel so guilty sending her to do the dirty work. I know she was made to be strong but she's also so fragile... So human. You know what I mean? The bartender, a robot, nods his head as he pours Cornelius a drink. ANGLE ON: The nasty neighbor and his wife hand their tickets to the check-in attendant. CHECK-IN ATTENDANT (surprised) Dallas... Korben... NEIGHBOR (in a different voice) Yes, that's me. The check-in attendant triggers a transparent blue light that shines on their faces, revealing two other faces: Mangalores. CHECK-IN ATTENDANT (smiling) Just a minute, please. She hits a silent alarm, but the Mangalores feel something is wrong. NEIGHBOR We'll be right back ... we're gonna check out the duty free... They spin around and hurry away. ANGLE ON: Cornelius at the bar, half in the bag. ROBOT The same? CORNELIUS Yeah... DAVID (V.O.) Make that two... Cornelius turns to David. CORNELIUS Where's Leeloo? DAVID On the plane... with Mr. Dallas... the real one. CORNELIUS It's all my fault. I'm the servant... It's my mission! Here! He hands David the Temple Key from around his neck. CORNELIUS Here's the key to the Temple.. Prepare for our arrival! Cornelius tosses David's drink into his own, downs it all in one shot, and takes off, passing the Mangalore couple headed for the exit. They are very nervous. A police patrol is coming. This time, it seems to be for them. NEIGHBOR (to the tawdry girl) Tell Aknot plan A flopped. Tell him to go to plan B. The tawdry girl nods and peels off. The neighbor takes out a gun and blasts away at the cops. The cops fire back. A firefight rages in the hall. The tawdry girl dives into a pile of garbage and disappears. COP (into walkie-talkie) ...Send in a back-up unit, Zone 7! ANGLE ON: On one side of the hall, a trap door opens. Three pigs come running out, grabbed by their police handler. Cornelius waits until everyone has left, gets down on all fours and crawls through the trapdoor reserved for the pigs. 122 INT. FIRST CLASS LOUNGE Leeloo stands at the buffet in the first class lounge eating everything in sight. 123 INT. HALL Korben is led down the hall by a STEWARDESS. STEWARDESS You are so lucky... Loc Rhod is the coolest DJ in the universe. KORBEN Listen... I don't want to be interviewed. I'd prefer to remain anonymous. The stewardess stops in the corridor. STEWARDESS Forget anonymous. You'll be doing Loc Rhod's live show every day from 5 to 7! KORBEN (expression changes) You gotta be kidding! The stewardess smiles and shakes her head. The door next to him suddenly swings open and smashes him in the face. In walks LOC RHOD amidst a tornado of music and security guards. He is young, good-looking, eccentric, charming as an elf or sly as a fox. A bundle of energy. He is the 24th century's most popular DJ. LOC RHOD (speedy, in rhythm) Korben Dallas! Here he is The most hated man in the universe. The one and only winner of the Gemini Croquette contest! Ladies, start melting 'cause the boy's hot! Hot! Hot! The boy is perfect.. (he feels his muscles) ...The right size, right build, right hair. Right on! Say something-to those 50 billion pair of ears out there D-man! An ASSISTANT hands a totally lost Korben a mike. KORBEN (hesitant) ...Hi. LOC RHOD Does it get any better or what! Loc Rhod grabs Korben's arm and leads him down the hallway, as fast as the music. LOC RHOD ...Quiver ladies, he's gonna set the world on fire right here from 5 to 7! You'll know everything there is to know about the D-man. His dreams, his desires, his most intimate of intimates. And from what I'm looking at intimate is the stud muffin's middle name. So tell me my main man... you nervous in the service? KORBEN Uh... not really. Loc Rhod lets go of Korben's arm and grabs the Stewardess. LOC RHOD Freeze those knees, my chickadees, 'cause Korben is on the case with a major face... Loc Rhod rubs up against the stewardess. LOC RHOD ...Start drooling, ladies! My man here is a sharp-tongued Sire who's gonna stroke your every desire. They come to an intersection. The airline company has prepared drinks for them. Loc Rhod pushes on, grabs a glass of champagne, scribbles his autograph. LOC RHOD Yesterday's unknown will be tomorrow's Prince of Fhloston Paradise, the hotel of a thousand and one follies, home of luxury and beauty. A magic fountain flowing with non-stop wine, women and Bootchie Koochie Koo... He tosses away his champagne glass. LOC RHOD Beware out there puppy dogs my man is on the prowl. Owwww! Howling, Loc Rhod grabs another stewardess by the arm. LOC RHOD ...And start licking your stamps little girls, this guy's gonna have you writing home to Momma! Tomorrow from 5 to 7, I'll be your voice, your tongue and I'll be hot on the tail of the sexiest man of the year... D-man... Your man... My man. The stewardess shivers. A BEEP is heard. VOCODER (O.S.) End of transmission. The MUSIC suddenly stops. Several assistants come and compliment Loc Rhod who sighs, lights up a cigarette, and drops his pretense. LOC RHOD Korben sweetheart do me a favor I know this is probably the biggest thing that ever happened to you in your inconsequential life. But I've got a show to do here and it's got to pop. So tomorrow, when we're on air, give me a hand... Try to make believe you have more than a one word vocabulary. OK pal? That does it. Korben grabs him by the collar and drags him into a corner. Loc Rhod's feet don't touch the ground. KORBEN (pissed) I didn't come here to play Dumbo on the radio. So tomorrow between 5 and 7 give yourself a hand, that clear pal? LOC RHOD (petrified) Crystal. 124 INT. AIRPORT The Check-in attendant has two more tickets in her hand. CHECK-IN ATTENDANT (alter a moment, reading) ...Mr. Dallas... Korben Dallas? Zorg's Right Arm gives her a big smile. RIGHT ARM That's right. The attendant scans the ID with a yellow beam, it checks out, and the blue light reveals no other face but his. CHECK-IN ATTENDANT The problem is I only have one Korben Dallas on my list... and he's already checked in. Right Arm's smile shatters. RIGHT ARM That's impossible! He's in j... I mean, there must be some mistake. I have my ticket! I'm the real Korben Dallas! A shrill BELL rings out. CHECK-IN ATTENDANT (smiling) I'm sorry, sir, boarding is finished. The attendant hits a button. A thick window slowly slides up between them. Right Arm totally loses it. RIGHT ARM I want to see your boss! Get rid of this fucking window! Somebody's made a mistake, goddamnit! He pounds on the counter with both fists. A steel curtain comes down. Red sighting beams target spots on his body, ten gun barrels protrude from the wall, all aimed at him. VOICE (O.S.) This is not an exercise. This is a police control. Put your hands in the nearest yellow circles... RIGHT ARM (slowing down) Sorry, my fault... Just a little overexcited... that's all... I'm calm now. 125 INT. SHUTTLE - DAY Korben makes his way in the plane looking for his seat. No more seats in modern planes, just individual travel boxes lined up like microwaves. He passes STEWARD holding his bloodied nose. He has found what he is looking for. He enters to.... Leeloo quietly stretched out in front of a computer screen. Korben slips in beside her. Leeloo in concentrating on the words that scroll rapidly past her on the screen. He doesn't understand what she is doing. LEELOO Apipoulai! KORBEN Not hard to find you...just follow the Chaos... Leeloo smiles, as if complimented. KORBEN Leeloo, listen to me... these tickets... they're not mine... I mean they are, but not for vacation like everyone thinks... I'm on an operation... and if I didn't come get you, you'd be in a shitload of trouble... I'd love to be on vacation with you... but now.... now I've got to work... And Leeloo... I would love to work in peace. Leeloo types in "LOVE" on the keyboard. LEELOO Love... KORBEN Yes! But "love" isn't the operative word here, PEACE is! Leeloo types in this new word. LEELOO (rather pleased) Peace... and love... She brings up a picture of a 60's style Hippie flashing a peace sign. Korben sighs and switches off the screen. KORBEN Sometimes you can't learn everything from a screen..sometimes it's better to ask someone who has experience.. LEELOO (quite happy) What is... Make Love? Korben just stares at her for a few minutes. KORBEN Know what? On that subject maybe you'd be better off asking the screen. He turns the computer back on. ANGLE ON: A STEWARDESS walks up the aisle of the shuttle pushing the red buttons on top of each individual box. VOICE (O.S.) make your flight as short and agreeable as possible, our flight attendants are switching on the timing sleeper which will regulate your sleep during the trip... ANGLE ON: LEELOO (switching off the screen) OK! Finished! KORBEN Finished what? LEELOO Learning language. KORBEN Which one? LEELOO All 900. Korben doesn't know if he should laugh or not. KORBEN You learned 900 languages in five minutes?! LEELOO (pleased) Yes! Now it's your turn! I learned your language, you have to learn mine! KORBEN I know how to say "Hello". Teach me how to say "Good-bye", that's all I need. LEELOO Apipoussan! KORBEN Apipoussan? LEELOO Good! Do you know how we say "make love"? KORBEN (fumbling) Uh... LEELOO ...Hoppi-hoppa. Korben literally melts. KORBEN (to himself) Help... Luckily, a stewardess smiles at him through the box window. STEWARDESS Sweet dreams, Mr. Dallas! The stewardess sets the timing sleeper. Korben and Leeloo immediately fall asleep. A STEWARDESS at the other end of the shuttle has a problem. STEWARDESS 2 Mr. Loc Rhod you have to assume your individual position. LOC RHOD (hugging her) I don't want an individual position, I want all positions! STEWARDESS 2 (resisting somewhat) We're going to take off soon, Mr. Rhod! LOC RHOD Now you're talking! 126 INT. COCKPIT FHLOSTON SPACE SHUTTLE Three CREW MEMBERS prepare for liftoff. COPILOT (on the radio) Molecular axis authorization. Vector 130. Destination Fhloston. Stewardess 1 enters the cockpit. STEWARDESS 1 Zone 1. 217 locked. The sleep regulator is OK. PILOT (checking her out) Thanks, Miss. The Stewardess leaves with a smile. A red light flashes on the vast control panel. MECHANIC Tell the ground crew we've got parasites in the landing gear. 127 INT. AIRPORT LANDING STRIP - DAY A GROUND CREW MEMBER goes over to the truck parked under one of the plane's wings and bangs on the side of it with a shout. GROUND CREW MEMBER Disinfecting! Two DISINFECTORS in hermetically sealed suits exit the truck. They go over to the front landing gear and send up a whooshing beam. The flame burns everything it touches. A pack of repugnant creatures falls squealing from the landing gear. A small trapdoor is opened under the shuttle and a huge slightly phosphorescent tube falls out. 128 INT. AIRPORT HALL / ZORG'S OFFICE Zorg's Right Arm is in a phone booth in the middle of the hall. RIGHT ARM Yeah, it's me... Put Zorg on. He is already sweating. ZORG (cold) I'm listening. RIGHT ARM The real Korben Dallas is on the plane! He took my place. ZORG This is a joke, right? 129 INT. SHUTTLE Loc Rhod is wrapped around a stewardess like a snake. LOC RHOD No!! I swear to God! I've never been this sincere with a human before! 130 EXT. LANDING STRIP TWO GROUND CREW MEMBERS stick an enormous, highly phosphorescant tube into the opening. GROUND CREW MEMBER You're fueled and ready to go. Have a nice flight. 131 INT. SHUTTLE PILOT (to copilot) Everything ready for liftoff? 132 INT. CABIN STEWARDESS (weakly, to Loc Rhod) No, no... I'm not ready! I'd like to talk first... 133 INT. ZORG'S OFFICE / AIRPORT HALL ZORG I cannot hear you. We have a bad connection here. What's your number? Right Arm reads off the phone number. RIGHT ARM 278-500-645-321 ZORG I'll call you back. 134 EXT. LANDING STRIP The runway is now empty. A man slips out of the shadows. It's Cornelius. He scurries over to the front landing gear. He pauses for an instant, the climbs up the wheel well and disappears inside the shuttle. 135 INT. SHUTTLE The pilots are going through the pre-flight check list. COPILOT Anti static pressure? MECHANIC Primed. The mechanic presses a series of buttons. 136 INT. CABIN Loc Rhod undoes a series of buttons on the stewardess' blouse, behind a curtain. He whispers a poem. Impossible to resist him. Outside the curtain the stewardess' legs rise slowly. 137 EXT. LANDING STRIP On the ground, protective fire curtains rise slowly to contain the engine exhaust on liftoff. 138 INT. ZORG'S OFFICE A keyboard slowly appears in front of Zorg. ZORG (typing the number) 278... 500... 139 SERIES OF QUICK CUTS: The pilot gradually turns the engines up. COPILOT 10 seconds... PILOT Power increase. - The stewardess undergoes a power surge from Loc Rhod that's about to lift her of. - Zorg finishes gleefully typing in the number. ZORG 3... 2... 1... - The engines at full blast. - The stewardess in close to screaming. PILOT Liftoff. - The copilot pushes a button. - So does Zorg. - The engines release their full power. - The stewardess screams in ecstasy. - In the hall, Right Arm literally explodes along with the phone and everything else within 60 feet. 140 INT. FHLOSTON SPACE SHUTTLE The stewardess' legs slowly descend and disappear behind the curtain. 141 INT. COCKPIT In the cockpit, the atmosphere loosens up. COPILOT (relaxing) Landing gear secure. Let's light one up. 142 INT. CABIN Korben and Leeloo sleep soundly in their box. Leeloo has a smile on her face and her hand in Korben's. 143 EXT. OUTERSPACE - NIGHT The spaceship rockets past us, then suddenly vanishes with amazing speed. Space is now empty and calm. Billions of stars glow in perfect silence. 144 EXT. SPACE The nefarious planet in still there, immobile, even larger now, writhing like a serpent. Then, suddenly, for no apparent reason, all activity stops and it becomes gray and cold. 145 INT. SPACESHIP In the Admiral's starship, scientists watch the measuring device. One of the devices suddenly starts working. TECHNICIAN All right! We're finally getting something! 146 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE The Head Scientist stands facing the President, who is looking more tired than ever. HEAD SCIENTIST The thing is sending out radio wavelengths! PRESIDENT What the hell does it want with radio waves? HEAD SCIENTIST ...Probably wants to make a call! The President and his Generals look at him in astonishment. 147 INT. ZORG'S OFFICE Picasso purrs contentedly on Zorg's lap. The phone rings. SECRETARY (O.S.) Mr. Shadow on the line. Zorg shoots to his feet. Picasso tumbles to the floor. Zorg picks up the phone, both excited and uneasy. He stands there, almost coming to attention. ZORG Yes... Zorg here. The voice is feeble. It comes from the far reaches of time, from the bowels of the universe. SHADOW Am I disturbing you? ZORG No... not at all. Where are you? SHADOW'S breathing is awesome. SHADOW ...Not far, now. ZORG Really? Maybe I can get you on my screen and see you at last! Zorg brings up a huge screen and pushes a few buttons. In the middle of an electronic snowstorm, a blackish, vaguely human, quiverinq form appears. Two eyes, like lava, give an idea where the head is. Zorg feels sick. SHADOW Do you have the picture now Mr. Zorg? ZORG Got it. SHADOW How's our deal coming along? ZORG (ill at ease) Fine, just fine! I'll have the 4 pieces you asked for any time now. But it wasn't easy. My costs have tripled. Shadow pauses an instant. A black slimy liquid starts to ooze from the top of the screen. Zorg is feeling worse all the time. SHADOW Money is of no importance... I want the Stones! The black liquid oozes all over the screen which starts to melt. Zorg sweats profusely, his legs tremble. ZORG The Stones will be here. I'll see to it personally! SHADOW ...I can't wait to be among you. Zorg sighs and sits down totally freaked. 148 EXT. ORBIT FHLOSTON PARADISE The space shuttle fills the screen. It banks left and begins its descent toward Fhloston, the turquoise planet. Crystal blue water, perfect white sand beaches. A true paradise. 149 INT. SPACE SHUTTLE The stewardess picks up a microphone to make an announcement. STEWARDESS Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent toward Fhloston Paradise... Stewardesses walk down the aisles waking the passengers one by one. They press a button on the door of each box. In the corner, Loc Rhod and the stewardess awake with a start and straighten their clothes quickly. The stewardess is embarrassed. STEWARDESS (timidly) I wanted to tell you that... Loc Rhod puts on his sunglasses and presses a finger to her lips. He disappears behind the curtain leaving the sighing stewardess on her own. 150 EXT. FHLOSTON PARADISE The spaceship descends through some clouds and glides over a vast turquoise sea. Fhloston Paradise looms into view. An enormous oceanliner floating a dozen yards above the water. On closer inspection it is more modern than a traditional oceanliner. The shuttle draws near, looking ridiculously small next to the monster. Like a sardine next to a whale. 151 INT. COCKPIT A blinking light goes on. PILOT Shit! Parasites in Zone 1. Take a look. The 1st Mate heads off. 152 INT. CABIN A stewardess opens Korben's box door. He is still heavy with sleep. He looks over at Leeloo. She's not there. 153 EXT. FHLOSTON The tiny space shuttle clings to the huge oceanliner. 154 INT. COCKPIT The Pilot maneuvers the ship into it's docking area. PILOT Docking activated. You can let the passengers out. 155 INT. REAR OF COCKPIT The 1st mate pries open the door to an overhead panel. Cornelius falls out, hanging in a jumble of wires. 156. INT. ENTRANCE HALL FHLOSTON PARADISE - DAY The enormous door opens and the passengers exit. Leeloo is among them. She appears quite impressed by the beauty and luxury of the 19th century decoration. 157 INT. CABIN Korben attempts to make his way up the shuttle's aisle. KORBEN (jostling everybody) Pardon me. Excuse me. I'm trying to reach my wife.. Sorry! 158 INT. ENTRANCE HALL A dozen policemen wait patiently at the end of the hall. Leeloo stops and presses against the wall. She spots Korben leaving the shuttle. A gorgeous HOSTESS comes up to him, drapes a lei around his neck and plants a kiss on his lips in welcome. HOSTESS (smiling) Welcome to Paradise. Korben's face is covered in lipstick. Leeloo sees he did nothing to stop the girl and she doesn't like it. A HEFTY MAN wearing a sarong drapes some flowers around her neck. Then, obviously relishing it, he leans down to kiss her. Leeloo bashes him on the forehead. The hefty man straightens up. He's still smiling, but his nose is bleeding. He falls slowly to the floor. Korben pushes forward trying to spot Leeloo. He also tries to wipe the lipstick off. Leeloo tries to escape through a door marked PERSONNEL ONLY, but it's locked. A HOST looks at her with a grin. HOST (playful) If you don't have the code you can't open it! Leeloo smiles and punches in an old code and twists the doorknob. The door opens with the sound of a braking lock. Leeloo smiles sweetly and enters as if nothing were amiss. A shriek of joy fills the room. Korben turns around. The HOSTESSES cluster around Loc Rhod as he comes out of the plane. Loc Rhod spots Korben and latches onto his arm. It's not going to be easy to remain discrete. LOC RHOD (relieved) My main man! Please don't leave me here alone. My head's killing me and my adoring fans are gonna tear me apart! Get me outta here! KORBEN I'll take you to the bar, after that, you're on your own. LOC RHOD (hanging on to Korben) Oh, yes! Do that! You treat me right, man. Tell me all about yourself, your roots, your personal life, your childhood dreams... KORBEN I don't think this is a good time... LOC RHOD ...You got brothers and sisters? What about your dad? Tell me about your dad! What was he like? Physically? Big, I suppose? KORBEN (evasive) Yeah, very big, a giant. LOC RHOD I didn't have a dad... never saw him... never even heard him. 50 billion people listen to me every day... and he doesn't hear me... 159 INT. SMALL ROOM FHLOSTON PARADISE - DAY Leeloo is in a small room, ear at the door, listening. Everything seems normal. She turns and discovers the room for what it is: a rest room for... three cops who look up from their books and stare blankly at her. Leeloo doesn't know what to do. So she smiles. 160 INT. HALL - OMIT 161 INT. MAIN HALL FHLOSTON PARADISE - OMIT 162 EXT. ORBIT FHLOSTON PARADISE - DUSK - OMIT 163 INT. THE CONTROL ROOM FHLOSTON PARADISE - DUSK - OMIT 164 INT. KORBEN'S STATEROOM The door opens. The HOSTESS turns on the light and enters. Korben follows her, gaping at all the luxury. The BAGGAGE BOY enters bringing Leeloo's two suitcases. Korben grabs the notice announcing Diva Plavalaguna's concert at 5:30 in that evening. Dress: Formal attire. KORBEN For the concert it says formal attire... I didn't bring... The hostess pulls back the closet door. Twenty tuxedos in a row. HOSTESS (looking him over) Here's some champagne. I'll drop by after the concert to open it. She gives him a blinding smile and closes the door. Korben pushes a button. The curtains open to reveal a most spectacular view of the turquoise planet. Stars shoot out into infinity. Breathtaking. Korben stands gaping. The phone rings, snapping him out of his reverie. KORBEN Hello? MOTHER (O.S.) You little sleaze bag! KORBEN ...Ma??? MOTHER (O.S.) Don't you ever ask me for another thing in my life again, you've killed your poor mother with your own hands! Korben drops into an armchair and sighs. His eyes go to the ceiling. KORBEN ...Ma!!! 165 INT. CONTROL ROOM FHLOSTON PARADISE - OMIT 166 INT. FHLOSTON PARADISE POLICE OFFICE - DAY The Chief of Police has Cornelius in front of him, handcuffed. FOG The Diva's ship is coming in. CHIEF OF POLICE I want maximum security. FOG Yes. Sir! CHIEF OF POLICE (to Cornelius) OK, let's hear it. CORNELIUS Where was I? CHIEF OF POLICE (bored) ...You open the door. There's a cabby with a girl in his arms. FOG opens the door. Two COPS come hobbling in all bloody and bandaged. They hold up a THIRD COP. CHIEF OF POLICE What happened? A bomb go off in your face? BEAT-UP COP Yeah... A 5 foot 7 inch bomb... with green eyes. Cornelius perks up. CORNELIUS And the smile of an angel? They all turn to look at him. CORNELIUS (to Chief) May I speak to you alone. 167 INT. CORRIDOR FHLOSTON PARADISE - DAY Leeloo watches the Diva's arrival. A door opens and two POLICEMAN clear the way for DIVA PLAVALAGUNA, her MANAGER, her BODYGUARDS and a gaggle of PORTERS carrying trunks. Not wanting to draw attention to herself, Leeloo feigns interest in a painting that is obviously upside down. A white chiffon veil covers the face of the Diva, she stops in front of Leeloo. The Diva reaches out and strokes Leeloo's face, without touching her. The Diva removes her hand making a sound of crackling electricity, then passes on. Leeloo is groggy. The Diva's ASSISTANT comes up to her. DIVA'S ASSISTANT Please forgive this little incident. She wants you to know that she senses great powers in you... in the service of a noble cause... She will give you what you have come to get, but she wants to sing first... One last time... The Diva's assistant turns the painting right side up. DIVA'S ASSISTANT (nodding) Miss. Leeloo looks at the painting, seems to understand it better. 168 EXT. DIVA'S SUITE Policemen stand at attention in front of the Diva's suite. FOG Hello, I'm head of security. Everything is in order. You can... The Diva enters her suite without letting him finish. FOG ...make yourselves at home safely. If you need anything...give it a knock! 169 INT. POLICE OFFICE HALLWAY - NIGHT A door opens near the police officer's main entrance. Cornelius looks both ways. Then crosses the hall, dragging the Chief of Police by the feet. 170 INT. KORBEN'S STATEROOM Korben finishes putting on his tux, still on the phone. KORBEN Listen, Ma! I've only got a few days vacation and I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend them on the phone. The door RINGS. KORBEN ...Hang on, it's the door. No! I told you I didn't bring anybody! I'm all alone... as usual! Korben opens the door. It's not the champagne. Even better. It's Leeloo. KORBEN (to his mother) ...I'll call you back. Leeloo heads right for her suitcase and starts to undress. Korben has to turn away once more. KORBEN Here we go again... LEELOO (by rote) You know women normally change five times more than men. KORBEN You get that off the screen? LEELOO Yes... you know there's a lot of differences between men women. KORBEN You noticed.. LEELOO OK, you can turn around! Korben turns around. Leeloo has put on a very simple dress which is sexy to the max. He is smitten. So much so that Leeloo wonders if something isn't quite right. KORBEN Where you going? LEELOO I'm going to see the Diva sing. What's the matter?... Do I look bad? KORBEN No, not at all! I mean, just the opposite, you're... you're beautiful! Leeloo smiles at him, his compliment pleases her. She turns, revealing her unzippered back. Korben cannot help but stare at her bare flesh. Her perfect bottom. LEELOO Do you know how this works? Korben's blood boils. She wriggles, pressing her hands together close to the zipper. KORBEN I have an idea. But instead of pulling on the zipper he slips a bracelet on her wrist. A flourescent beam bursts out of the bracelet and forms a vertical bar going from the floor to the ceiling. Stunned, Leeloo is held captive. KORBEN I told you I need to work in peace. Remember? I need to concentrate. LEELOO And you can't concentrate with me around?. KORBEN It's difficult. She tries to breakout. KORBEN Army issue. I'm sorry. Leeloo tries desperately to get out of the handcuffs. Impossible. Korben sets the radio down in front of her and turns it on. Leeloo looks like she'd like to break his head. LEELOO (seething) You're nothing but a... a... KORBEN The words you're looking for weren't in the dictionary you studied. I won't be long. The door flies open. Loc Rhod barges in. LOC RHOD Hey Stud we gotta... Then he sees the scene, Leeloo cuffed, in a low cut dress. His mind goes to the obvious. LOC RHOD Korben my man what's happening here? Who's the chick? What's the gig? We free forming here? Getting funky with the monkey? Can I get in on this? Korben grabs him by the collar.. KORBEN all of the above. And yanks Loc Rhod out of the room. Leaving Leeloo looking extremely unhappy. 171 INT. RADIO - OMIT 172 INT. LOC RHOD'S STATEROOM FHLOSTON PARADISE - NIGHT - OMIT 173 INT. HALL - OMIT 174 INT. BATHROOM - OMIT 175 INT. DIVA'S SUITE FHLOSTON PARADISE - NIGHT - OMIT 176 INT. FHLOSTON PARADISE OPERA - NIGHT Loc Rhod and Korben enter what turns out to be a replica of the Garnier Opera in Paris. A hostess escorts them to their seats. LOC RHOD (broadcasting) We have just walked into what is probably the most beautiful concert hall in the universe. Totally awesome! Magnificent paintings on the ceiling. I don't know who painted them, but he must have busted his balls! I see a row of former ministers, more sinister than minister! A few generals practicing how to sleep. And there's Baby Ray, star of stage and screen, drowning in a sea of nymphets. He's not gonna get much out of this concert, he's stone-deaf! ANGLE ON: Baby Ray bending his ear to a girl asking for an autograph. BABY RAY who? LOC RHOD (moving down the aisle) ...And over there is Roy Von Bacon, the king of laserball and the best paid player in the League. (shakes hands as he goes by) ...And over there is the Emperor Kodar Japhet whose daughter Aachen is still at the bar. "I love to sing, too, but in the shower", she recently confessed to me. She will no doubt prove to be as generous tonight as she always is. A waiter gives them two glasses of champagne. Track with the WAITER an he leaves the hall with his empty tray. He enters a small room reserved for staff. 177 INT. STAFF ROOM FHLOSTON PARADISE - NIGHT The waiter joins some other WAITERS. They are well armed. He opens a cupboard and pulls out a humongous weapon. Suddenly their faces burn off revealing AKANIT, the young leader of the Mangalores, and his troops. AKANIT It's showtime! 178 INT. CONCERT HALL The lights dim slowly in the concert hall. 179 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE President Lindbergh and his staff, including Munro, sit at the desk. Speakers appear. 180 INT. KORBEN'S SUITE Leeloo, still a prisoner, listens to the concert. 181 INT. CONCERT HALL Korben is tense. The curtain rises. The Diva, in a stunning gown, stands in the center of the stage, head bowed. Behind her, a star filled window. The MUSIC begins. The Diva looks up, a rare beauty, but an alien. And then she begins to sing. Her voice is divine, unmatched. Korben is swept up in the TEARS. 182 INT. KORBEN'S SUITE Leeloo has tears in her eyes 183 INT. DIVA'S SUITE The manager couldn't care less about the concert. His main problem is the bottle of scotch he can't seem to open. The doorbell RINGS. MANAGER (ugly mood) Yeah!? VOICE (O.S.) Flowers for the Diva. MANAGER She's allergic to flowers!!! VOICE (O.S.) There's champagne as well... The manager takes one look at the stubborn bottle and opens the door. And finds himself staring down the barrel of a gun. A dozen Mangalores rush in. One of them, with a human face, closes the door and waits out in the hall. ANGLE ON: Cornelius watching from around the corner. CORNELIUS ...My God! 184 INT. CONTROL ROOM FHLOSTON PARADISE CAPTAIN Commander, I have a ship with a main malfunction. He requests permission to dock for repairs. COMMANDER Did you check out his registration number? CAPTAIN Everything's in order. COMMANDER Put him in the docking garage and inform the police. 185 INT. COCKPIT ZFX200 - NIGHT CAPTAIN (V.O.) Permission granted. Dock 575. You have an hour. Will that be enough time'? Zorg sits at the controls. ZORG (cold) More than enough. 186 EXT. FHLOSTON PARADISE - NIGHT The ZFX approaches Fhloston. 187 INT. KORBEN'S SUITE The ship comes close enough for Leeloo to see it out the window. FLASHBACK: The same ships with Mangalores at the controls attack the Mondoshawans at the beginning of our story. 188 INT. KORBEN'S SUITE Leeloo is alarmed. She has to act. She seizes the flourescent bar beam with great effort and rams it into the ceiling, marking a hole large enough for her to escape. 189 INT. CLOSET FHLOSTON PARADISE Cornelius bursts into the closet he left the Chief of Police tied and gagged in. He quickly unties him. CORNELIUS (in a panic) Mangalores! The Diva's suite! They want the Sacred Stones! They must be stopped. We must stop them!. I'm going to free you but you must promise to help me! The Chief of Police nods his agreement. 190 INT. DIVA'S SUITE The Mangalores have trashed the suite. One of the Mangalores finally finds a case engraved with the four elements. MANGALORE I have it. The Mangalore is about to open the case when... Leeloo descends quietly and gracefully from the ceiling. Time stands still. LEELOO (smiling) Apipoulai! 191 INT. CONCERT HALL The Diva switches from classical music to funk, picking up the tempo. INTERCUT': 192 INT. DIVA'S SUITE / CONCERT HALL. A WARRIOR whips out the biggest knife ever made and rushes Leeloo. She disarms him gracefully. A violent fight breaks out. The Diva sings and Leeloo dances. The Mangalores pay a heavy price for the show. 193 INT. CORRIDOR Hearing noise from inside the suite, the Mangalore by the door gets nervous. He runs for reinforcements. 194 INT. POLICE STATION Cornelius enters the police station wearing handcuffs. The Chief of Police is behind him holding a gun. 195 INT. DIVA'S SUITE / CONCERT HALL Leeloo knocks out the last Mangalore just as the Diva finishes her song to a burst of applause. The Diva takes a bow. So does Leeloo. 196 INT. ROOM Akanit and his men listen to the concert. The Mangalore guard runs in. MANGALORE They were waiting for us! It was an ambush! AKANIT If it's war they want it's war they'll get! Enact the Final Plan! All the Mangalores cock their weapons. 197 INT. DIVA'S SUITE Leeloo is about to open the case when the door EXPLODES. Zorg is there holding a ZF1. ZORG My compliments, little lady! ...And thanks for doing all the dirty work! I couldn't have done it any better myself! (sharply) ...Now hand over the Stones! Leeloo smiles and hands him the case. Zorg arms the ZF1 and gets ready to kill her. ZORG Nice knowing you. Leeloo catches on quickly. She kicks the scotch bottle on the floor into the gun which throws Zorg's shot off. She jumps to the ceiling and disappears in an air vent. Furious, Zorg fires at the ceiling. 198 INT. AIRSHAFT Leeloo dodges the bullets as best as she can. 199 INT. SUITE Zorg fires his 3000 round clip. The ceiling looks like a piece of swiss cheese. Zorg sticks a small cylinder in the wall and flicks it on. The numbers flashing by tell us it's a bomb. The timer reads: 19 minutes and 59 seconds. ZORG (with a crafty smile) You can run but you can't hide... 200 INT. POLICE OFFICE FHLOSTON PARADISE - NIGHT Cornelius is seated opposite the Chief of Police. A MEDIC is bandaging the chief's head. The door explodes. The cop outside in riddled with bullets. A dozen Mangalores attack the police office. Akanit is at their head. The policemen are caught unaware. AKANIT Nobody move! We're taking over this ship! The Chief of Police is goggle-eyed. Cornelius leans toward him. CORNELIUS (pleased with himself) I told you... 201 INT. CORRIDOR Zorg has the case and exits the suite just as the general alarm goes off. He sighs in exasperation. 202 INT. CONCERT HALL Three Mangalores suddenly rush into the opera hall shooting. MANGALORE 1 Everyone down! There is panic all around. LOC RHOD (broadcasting, panic stricken) Ladies and gentlemen, I think we're being... attacked. The place is crawling with warriors. 203 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE President Lindberg and his generals look very worried. 204 INT. CONCERT HALL Some security guards open fire one of the Mangalores is hit. The others turn their guns on the cops. People scream, diving for cover. Korben bides his time. More Mangalores rush in from all around shooting. Two cops are killed. The Diva... takes a bullet. She falls from the stage into Korben's arms. He lowers her to the floor. Korben ignores the panic all around and wraps her in his dinner jacket, trying to stop the blue blood spurting from her wounds. 205 EXT./ INT. SPACE AROUND FHLOSTON Zorg's ZFX200 speeds away from the boat. Zorg is at the controls, a devilish smile on his lips. ZORG You want something done, do it yourself! 206 INT. CONCERT HALL Fighting rages all around in the concert hall, but Korben is oblivious to it. He sets the Diva's head delicately on the floor. Loc Rhod is hidden nearby, still on the air. LOC RHOD (voice low, panicked) They're hideous. They've got a crest on the head, the eyes of a toad and fingers all over their hands. Totally hideous! 207 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE. MUNRO (worried) ...Mangalores! PRESIDENT Send a battalion out immediately! 208 INT. CONCERT HALL KORBEN (to the Diva) I was sent by the government to help you. DIVA Don't worry. This is my fate... How was the concert? Korben is a little surprised, but... the Diva is an artist. KORBEN I've never heard anything so beautiful in my life. A Mangalore jumps on them from the stage. Korben makes short work of him and grabs his gun. DIVA (weak) You're a good man... She was right to have chosen you... KORBEN Who? DIVA The Fifth Element... The Supreme Being... Your wife... Korben is floored. KORBEN Leeloo... is... she's... DIVA Yes, and more than that... You must give her the Stones, she's the only one who knows how to use them. KORBEN (to himself, suddenly realizing) ...So Cornelius was telling the truth! 209 INT. POLICE STATION The Mangalores tie up Cornelius and the Chief of Police together. CORNELIUS (to the Chief of Police) Of course I was telling you the truth!... If you had listened to me in the first place, we wouldn't be in this predicament now! 210 INT. CONCERT HALL Korben wastes two more Mangalores. DIVA She needs you. She needs your help and your love. She's more fragile than she seems... Korben looks around, ready for another attack. KORBEN ...Yeah, so am I. The Diva takes his hand. DIVA She was taught to love the life of others... but not her own. You have to teach her to love if you want her to truly live! KORBEN (uncomfortable) I'll help her, I promise, but I think you should tell me where the Stones are! DIVA Do you love her? KORBEN I... I don't know! We hardly know each other... it takes time! DIVA I don't have time... I need to know. KORBEN Listen, the last time I admitted to a woman I loved her ... I never saw her again. DIVA I would like to have died in peace... The Diva's eyes close. 211 INT. DIVA'S SUITE The timer on Zorg's bomb clicks over to "15 minutes". 212 INT. CONCERT HALL KORBEN You tell me to save the world then you go off and leave me in the shit! He shakes her, gently slapping her cheeks. KORBEN Come on! You're not gonna die in peace! You're not going to die at all! You hear me? Where are the Stones? 213 INT. SPACESHIP Zorg sets the Sacred Case on a table in the cockpit. He opens it with a complacent smile: It's empty! He cannot believe his eyes. He goes berserk, destroying everything in sight. 214 INT. CONCERT HALL Korben slaps the Diva soundly. She comes around somewhat. KORBEN I'm sorry, but... the Stones... DIVA (very weak) They are... with me... The Diva dies. Blue blood streams from her mouth. Korben frisks the Diva but doesn't find anything. The shooting slowly stops in the theatre. The Mangalores are now in total control. MANGALORE 2 Stay calm and nobody will get hurt! Hands on your head and into the hall! The guests comply KORBEN (to himself) ...The Stones are with me? and then it occurs to him. KORBEN ...In me? He touches the Diva's stomach and senses something hard. Girding himself, he sticks his hand in the wound and pulls out a Sacred Stone. Then another. And another. Korben pulls out all four Stones, covered in blue blood. Everyone has left the theater. The Mangalores check the aisles one by one. Loc Rhod peeks out from under a seat. LOC RHOD Don't you think we'd better be going? A Mangalore spots Korben kneeling alongside the Diva. He grabs Korben by the shoulder and pokes him with his gun. MANGALORE Hey, you! With the others! Korben spins and, in one swift motion, breaks his arm. Just for starters. Another WARRIOR rushes over. Korben punches him into oblivion and snatches the gun. KORBEN That's it... I've had... all day people have been sticking guns in my face... Korben wraps up the four Stones in his shirt. LOC RHOD Korben man... These dudes are going to waste us if we don't do what they say. Korben gives him the package and grabs his mike. KORBEN You don't do what I say... I'll waste you myself. Got it? LOC RHOD Got it... 215 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE President Lindberg dabs his sweaty face with a towel. 216 INT. POLICE STATION Akanit is still in the police station facing control screens. He barks into a walkie-talkie. AKANIT What's the situation in the hall? 217 INT. HALL Hostages are being gathered in the middle of the hall. They are surrounded by Mangalores who guard them. MUGGER (into walkie-talkie) There's no more resistance. Everything's under control. Three Mangalores are suddenly blasted through the glass door leading to the theater. Korben bursts into the hall, two huge guns in his hands. KORBEN Everybody down! Korben takes out two more WARRIORS coming towards him, rolls behind a column. Laser bullets stinging all around his head. LOC RHOD This is amazing! Korben, Korben Dallas, the winner of the Gemini Croquette contest just killed three warriors like he was swatting flies... Panic everywhere! Heavy firing fills the hall. ANGLE ON: Roy von Bacon, the laserball player, rises from the floor behind a Mangalore, grabs him and smashes his head into a column, seizing the gun. ANGLE ON: Two Mangalores firing a huge machine gun at the column Korben is using for cover. He dives for cover behind the bar. ANGLE ON: Two Mangalores watch awestruck. Roy whistles behind them. The two Mangalores turn around. Roy bonks their heads together. LOC RHOD It's Roy von Bacon, the Lions center forward joining in the battle... Someone taps Loc Rhod on the shoulder. He jumps with fright. PRINCESS AACHEN (hot to trot) All this is terribly exciting, hmmm? Loc Rhod covers his mike. LOC RHOD GET OFF MY BACK! A Mangalore shoots in their direction. Loc Rhod flattens himself on the floor. A vase falls on the Princess knocking her out. A Mangalore loads some missiles in his gun and destroys the bar piece by piece forcing Korben to move forward. Korben motions to Baby Ray hiding under the pool table. KORBEN Toss me the balls! BABY RAY (terrified, still deaf) What? Another piece of the bar explodes. KORBEN The balls for Christ's sake! Korben apes playing pool, but Baby Ray really is stone-deaf. EMPEROR JAPHET He wants the balls! You deaf or something? The EMPEROR rolls the balls over to Korben. The Mangalore loads more missiles and shatters another part of the bar. Korben hides behind the last bit left. KORBEN How far is he from here? The EMPEROR glances at the Mangalore, who in reloading. EMPEROR I'd say about thirty yards to the left. Korben hefts the ball, jumps up and hurls it with blinding speed. The Mangalore catches it right in the head. He drops, firing in the air. The missile strikes the ceiling which collapses on him. The emperor gives Korben a thumb's up. LOC RHOD ...And our man Korben has literally knocked out the opposition with an amazing 90 foot pitch. The COPS on the floor rise, scoop up weapons from dead Mangalores and lay down a line of fire at the last of the fleeing rebels . Roy whirls his arm in victory. FOG Thanks for your help. KORBEN Forget it. Korben grabs Loc Rhod and takes him with him. 218 INT. KORBEN'S SUITE Korben bursts into the room. He stares at the luminous bar still struck to the ground and sees the hole Leeloo escaped through. KORBEN Leeloo??? 219 INT. DIVA'S SUITE - CEILING Leeloo in bleeding all over. She can barely move. LEELOO (feeble) Kor... ban... 220 EXT. NEAR FHLOSTON The ZFX 200 speeds back toward Fhloston Paradise. 221 INT. DIVA'S SUITE The bomb timer now reads 10 minutes. 222 INT. POLICE STATION HALLWAY - FHLOSTON PARADISE The last of the Mangalores have barricaded themselves in the back of the station and shoot at anything that tries to enter. Korben joins the policemen already there. COP 1 Hey, who are you? KORBEN The winner of the Gemini Croquette contest. Korben goes to the door and peeks around the corner. Loc Rhod arrives. KORBEN Seven to the left. Five to the right. COP What's he doing? Korben leans around the corner and fires rapidly. KORBEN Six to the left. One to the right. LOC RHOD He's on vacation. KORBEN (reloading) We got to find the leader. Mangalores don't fight without a leader. 223 INT. POLICE STATION Akanit gets up, grabs Cornelius by the throat and put a gun to his head. AKANIT One more shot and we start killing hostages, got that? 224 INT. POLICE STATION HALLWAY KORBEN Found him... AKANIT (tense) Send someone to negotiate! KORBEN Mind if I go? I'm an excellent negotiator. COP 1 Uh... Sure, go ahead. Korben gets ready. COP 1 We're sending someone in who's authorized to negotiate. 225 INT. POLICE STATION Korben walks quickly into the room, heads straight for Akanit, raises his gun and puts a bullet through his head. KORBEN Anyone else want to negotiate? COP 2 (to another Cop) Where'd he learn to negotiate like that? 226 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE MUNRO From us! The President gives Munro a hard look. 227 INT. CONTROL ROOM The police round up the remaining Mangalores. Korben is at the control center screens trying to find Leeloo. Cornelius comes over to him, embarrassed. CORNELIUS You're probably very angry with me and I quite understand. But I want you to know I'm fighting for a noble cause. KORBEN Yeah, I know... to save the world... but right now all I want to do is save Leeloo. CORNELIUS Leeloo's in trouble? KORBEN When is she not in trouble? CORNELIUS Uh.. Have you tried the Diva's suite? Korben realizes that Cornelius in probably right. 228 INT. FHLOSTON PARADISE LANDING DOCK AND GARAGE The ZFX200 settles in the landing dock garage. SECURITY POLICE approach the ship just as Zorg in getting out holding the ZF1. POLICEMAN More trouble? ZORG Nothing I can't fix myself. He brings up the ZF1 and wipes out the garage. 229 INT. DIVA'S SUITE Korben enters the Diva's suite which is in shambles. He looks everywhere, but finds nothing. 230 INT. AIRSHAFT Leeloo lies in a pool of blood. She hears something below her. 231 INT. DIVA'S SUITE Exhausted, Loc Rhod wipes his forehead and finds himself face to face with the bomb stuck on the wall. Korben in busy looking for Leeloo. KORBEN (loudly) Leeloo? Up in the airshaft, Leeloo has heard him. LEELOO Korben... Her voice is too weak, Korben can't hear her. LOC RHOD Korben man... what the hell is this? Korben gives the bomb a prefunctory glance. KORBEN A molecular bomb. Three minutes left on the timer. LOC RHOD (increasingly worried) And, uh, what're these numbers clicking by? CORNELIUS Probably the time remaining before it explodes. Cornelius smiles and continues his search. LOC RHOD (weak smile) You're just saying that to scare me! Right? If it was a bomb, an alarm would've gone off. There's bomb detectors in all these hotels! A general alarm goes off. Loc Rhod is crushed. 232 INT. MAIN HALL The lights flicker. VOICE (O.S.) This is a Type A alert. For security reasons the hotel must be evacuated. Please proceed calmly to the lifeboats located in the main hallways. A wave of panic engulfs the hall. The cops are unable to hold back the crowd as it stampedes to the exits. 233 INT. CORRIDOR Zorg marches down the corridor shooting everyone in his path. 234 INT. DIVA'S SUITE Loc Rhod stands paralyzed in front of the flashing timer. Less than two minutes left. LOC RHOD Maybe we oughta be going, what do you think? KORBEN Not without Leeloo. Loc Rhod cannot take his eyes off the bomb. LOC RHOD Like D-Man, I hate to bother you but uh, like, we're down to 2 minutes here... Korben breathes out, bothered. He turns his attention to the bomb. KORBEN It's the latest model.. I've never seen one before... it works off a magnetic coded card... Let's see if I can rig it up. 235 INT. AIRSHAFT Leeloo sticks her fingers out one of the bullet holes and lets some of her blood drip down. The blood splats on Korben's hand. He snaps his head up and knows immediately who is up there. He forgets about the bomb. LOC RHOD Hey! What are you doing? The bomb! Korben drags the desk over, jumps on it and pokes his head in the torn up airshaft He spots Leeloo who gives him a weak smile. KORBEN Don't worry, I'm here now! He pulls her toward him, helps her out of the shaft and stretches her out on the desk. KORBEN Just relax. I've got the Stones. Everything's going to be fine. 30 seconds left on the timer. LOC RHOD (falling to pieces) Like Korben, can I have 30 seconds of your time here? KORBEN (to Leeloo) I'll be right back. Korben dashes over to the bomb. He is stopped by the barrel of the ZF1. Zorg, in person, holding a magnetic card. ZORG (smiling) Allow me... Zorg slips a small magnetic card in the bomb, it starts to count down from 5 minutes. ZORG Just for the fun of it. Loc Rhod faints. ZORG Well, what do we have here? Is this Korben Dallas? The famous winner of the Gemini Croquette contest? Or is this Korben Dallas from Special Section sent by old Lindberg himself. Korben doesn't reply. ZORG ...In any event, whoever you are, I was glad to meet you. Zorg fires at Korben who figures he is dead. Nothing. Zorg tries again. Nada. The clip is empty. Zorg starts to panic. ZORG ...A 3000 round clip! I didn't fire off 3000 rounds... did I? KORBEN Don't you know how to count. It's not all that hard. Watch! Korben punches him square in the face, shows him his index. KORBEN One! That's for trying to kill me! Second Punch. KORBEN Two! That's for firing me! Three! That's for pushing around a priest! And the rest is for what you did to my wife! Korben pummels him mercilessly. 236 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE President Lindberg prefers closing his eyes. Munro's shoulders move as if he were beating on Zorg. 237 INT. DIVA'S SUITE Zorg falls to the floor, beaten to a pulp. The timer clicks over to 3 minutes. KORBEN We're outta here! He picks Leeloo up in his arms. Cornelius grabs Loc Rhod and gives him a resounding slap. LOC RHOD Are you nuts, Father? That hurts! I can't feel my teeth. CORNELIUS Doesn't matter all you need are your legs. 238 EXT. FHLOSTON PARADISE - NIGHT The lifeboats launch from the hotel and fly out into space. 239 INT. FHLOSTON PARADISE LANDING DOCK GARAGE Korben, carrying Leeloo, Cornelius and Loc Rhod are in the garage. VOICE (O.S.) Two minutes to complete evacuation... Korben bursts the lock on the first ship he finds and enters followed by Cornelius and Loc Rhod. The ZFX200. 240 INT. DIVA'S SUITE Zorg starts to come around. 241 INT. ZFX200 Korben sets Leeloo down. 242 INT. DIVA'S SUITE Zorg picks up his ZF1, unaware of the bomb and the countdown. ZORG I didn't fire three thousand rounds... 243 INT. ZFX2O0 COCKPIT VOICE (O.S.) One minute to total evacuation... LOC RHOD You know how to fly this thing? KORBEN (concentrating) It's like a cab isn't it? VOICE 30 seconds... KORBEN Anyone know how to release the lines on this crate? 244 INT. DIVA'S SUITE Zorg is busy with the ZF1 when the bomb starts to BEEP signaling the last ten seconds. Zorg is terror stricken. He pushes a button and holds the ZF1 over his head. ZORG (loudly) Maximum Protection. A mauve-colored magnetic shield closes around Zorg like an indestructible sarcophagus. 245 INT. ZFX200 COCKPIT Cornelius and Loc Rhod are bent over the buttons looking for a way to release the lines. VOICE (O.S.) 6... 5... KORBEN Found it? Loc Rhod searches frantically. LOC RHOD I don't even know what I'm looking for! KORBEN Fuck it! Hold tight! Korben slams the throttle into full forward. The ship roars away ripping the lines to shreds. Loc Rhod is thrown to the rear of the ship. CUT TO: The counter goes 1... 0 -The suite disintegrates - The corridor is consumed. -The main hall is no more. 246 EXT. FHLOSTON PARADISE The ZFX200 jets away as the enormous oceanliner explodes behind it. 247 INT. ZFX200 The ship stops shaking. That was a close one. Everyone's relieved. KORBEN Solid little jobs, aren't they? LOC RHOD (broadcasting, exhausted) Dear listeners, your favorite DJ is alive and kicking. It's seven o'clock and time for the news. Tune in tomorrow for another adventure. VOCODER (O.S.) Beep. End of transmission. Loc Rhod lets out a huge sigh. LOC RHOD (to the others) The best show I ever did! 248 EXT. PLANET FHLOSTON A magnetic sarcophagus crosses the Fhloston sky and crashes into a glacier. 249 EXT. FHLOSTON Zorg appears in the middle of the ice. He takes a portable phone out of the ZF1. ZORG How's that? Can you hear me better now? SECRETARY (O.S.) Yes, Mr. Zorg, I hear you perfectly! So, how was the concert? ZORG Who gives a shit! I didn't come here to listen to music! Listen up instead of running off at the mouth! The batteries on my phone are almost gone. SECRETARY (O.S.) Yes, Sir! ZORG Dispatch me another ZFX200 immediately. Someone stole mine. SECRETARY (O.S.) Right away, Sir. I'll send you a new one to the hotel. ZORG I'm not at the hotel! ZORG Hello?... BEEPER (O.S.) Battery dead. Zorg is all alone, lost, in the middle of the glacier. ZORG (to himself) Stay calm.... stay calm... 250 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE General Munro enters the office with a smile. MUNRO Major Dallas has the Five Elements on board. The priest is guiding them directly to the temple. President Lindberg closes his eyes in relief. PRESIDENT Thank God! We've been saved! A SCIENTIST rushes in. SCIENTIST Mr. President. PRESIDENT Yes? Now, what? 251 EXT. SPACE A ball of fire, all-powerful Evil, speeds across the screen with three Federal Army warships following along behind it as best they can. 252 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE PRESIDENT What do you mean, "its advancing"?! 253 INT. COCKPIT FEDERATED WARSHIP COMMANDER It's not only advancing, but it's moving at incredible speed! We're having trouble following it. 254 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE PRESIDENT (to Scientist) ...And... Do you have any idea where it's heading? The scientist is hard to put to answer, he shakes his head. 255 INT. ZFX200 COCKPIT - NIGHT Korben gently wipes Leeloo's forehead with a cloth. She opens her eyes a little. KORBEN (gentle, loving) Apipoulai.. Leeloo smiles, weakly, feverish. LEELOO I'm so very sad. KORBEN Why? We did pretty well, wouldn't you say? LEELOO Five hundred wars... Arms... Drugs... Money... Everything you create is used to destroy... KORBEN I told you not to read all that crap! LEELOO Protect life... Until death. Her eyes close and she falls back asleep. Korben is worried. She seems so depressed. Cornelius enters. CORNELIUS There's a General on the phone... His name's Mambo, I think. 256 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE MUNRO Munro here. President Lindberg wants to talk to you. Hold the line. The President clears his throat and takes the phone. PRESIDENT Major, first off, I want to thank you, in my name and in the name of the Federation... 257 INT. ZFX200 / PRESIDENT'S OFFICE PRESIDENT (O.S.) For the praiseworthy courage you have shown us! I'd like to congratulate General Munro for his choice. He found the ideal man for such a... KORBEN (to the point) So now what's the problem? The President drops into his armchair and sighs. PRESIDENT There's a ball of fire 1,200 miles in diameter heading straight for the earth. And we have no idea how to stop it! ...That's the problem. Korben thinks fast. The Priest is with him. The Five Elements are on board. KORBEN How much time before the collision? The President queries the scientist with a nod of the head. SCIENTIST If its speed remains constant... in an hour and 57 minutes. KORBEN (O.S.) I'll call you back in two hours. Korben hangs up. The President looks stunned. 258 EXT. SPACE The ZFX200 shifts to the speed of light and vanishes in the star-studded cosmos. 259 INT. CHAPEL David is asleep. He is woken by the sound of... 260 EXT. DESERT - DAWN The ZFX200 is parked in the middle of the desert. Korben walks ahead carrying Leeloo. Cornelius has the four Stones with him. Barely awake, Loc Rhod stumbles along. David appears at the door of the chapel. DAVID You're all safe. Thanks be to God! CORNELIUS Later, David! Later! There's not a minute to lose! The small group enters the chapel. 261 INT. CHAPEL Cornelius pushes the group onto the altar which is surrounded by a wooden barrier. Cornelius stands in front of the cross. KORBEN Excuse me, Father, but... could we pray later? Cornelius bends the cross and pushes it down. A mechanism is set off lowering the altar like a service elevator. The altar descends amid rocky walls. 262 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE MUNRO They just landed in the desert. PRESIDENT (sweating) How much time is left? 263 EXT. SPACE Earth is in view. The Dark Planet fills the screen and heads for the blue planet. 264 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE SCIENTIST About nine minutes. President Lindberg has trouble breathing. 265 INT. TEMPLE Lit by torches, Korben sets Leeloo delicately on the altar in the exact center of the four elements. Cornelius looks over the four Stones every which way. CORNELIUS (panic-stricken) Uh, this one... must be water! It's obvious he doesn't know where to put it. KORBEN Don't tell me you don't know how all this works? CORNELIUS Theoretically, yes! The four Stones form the beam and the Fifth Element is supposed to stand in the middle there, but... I don't have the reference book. I've never seen the Stones work! Korben can't believe his ears. He tears the Stone out of Cornelius' hand and studies the inscriptions. He goes over to one of the four bases the stones rest on and tries to figure it out. The symbol of air is on the Stone, the same as on the base. KORBEN Match the symbols! Korben places the first Stone and picks up another one. Cornelius has found the symbol for water. Loc Rhod sits down. He is very tired. LOC RHOD What is this some kinda game? Like chess? Korben pulls him to his feet and sticks a Stone in his hands. KORBEN No. It's much simpler. If we don't figure out where these Stones go in five minutes, we're all dead! Think you got it? Loc Rhod's got it and runs over to put in his Stone. The four Stones are all in place but nothing happens. KORBEN There's no light! You told me there were supposed to be four beams of light. CORNELIUS (lost) Yes, of course, but... The Stones are shut! They have to be open for it to work. KORBEN And you don't know how they open, is that what you are saying? CORNELIUS That's what I'm saying. 266 EXT. SPACE The Dark Planet closes in on Earth rapidly. 267 INT. CHAPEL Korben leans over Leeloo. KORBEN Leeloo? The Stones! We have to open them! How does it work? LEELOO (feeble) The wind blows... the fire burns... KORBEN I know all that, Leeloo! I'm talking about the Stones. LEELOO ...The rain falls... Korben is desperate. Leeloo's too weak, he won't get anything more out of her. He darts over to a Stone and turns it over and over. KORBEN The rain falls... the wind blows? Loc Rhod stands in front of his Stone looking at Korben. KORBEN Try and figure out how this fucking thing opens, instead of staring at me like that! Loc Rhod starts feeling the Stone all around. LOC RHOD (afraid) I'm looking, I'm looking. 268 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE The tension is palpable in the President's office. SCIENTIST ...Three minutes. MUNRO We've lost contact with them. 269 INT. CHAPEL Korben and Cornelius turn the Stones every which way. All to no avai1. Loc Rhod is discouraged. LOC RHOD ...we'll never make it. He sighs. Three hooks pop off the Stone. Loc Rhod can't believe his eyes. LOC RHOD It... it moved! Korben! Korben! Korben rushes over, looks at the Stone. Hooks are undone. KORBEN What did you say? What did you do? LOC RHOD Nothing! Swear to God, I didn't do nothing! KORBEN Look, you did something that set it off. Try to remember. Concentrate. Tell me exactly what you did!! Loc Rhod tries to duplicate the same movement. LOC RHOD I was like this... With my hands here and... I said, "We'll never make it!" That's all! Nothing happens. KORBEN Is that all? LOC RHOD Yeah... then I sighed... like this. Loc Rhod sighs, really depressed this time. The Stone opens even more. Korben's got it. KORBEN The wind! The wind blows... Korben blows on the Stone which immediately opens revealing a patch of blue sky with some miniature clouds floating around inside. A yellow beam pops up like a ray of sunlight, like Korben's smile. KORBEN Quickly, everyone on a Stone! Water for water! Fire for fire! Earth for earth! The two men move fast. Korben on the 4th Stone: Earth. He grabs a fistful of earth and throws it on the Stone. A miniature patch of green appears and immediately forms a green beam. Cornelius wipes his forehead with a scarf and wrings it out over the Stone. It opens revealing a patch of miniature raging sea. A blue beam appears. Loc Rhod has a problem. LOC RHOD (shaking) I don't have a light. I stopped smoking last week! If we'd come a bit sooner... Korben pats his pockets, he comes up with a box of matches. There's only one left. KORBEN Don't breathe. Loc Rhod and Cornelius hold their breath. Korben strikes the match. A small flame appears on the tip. A breeze goes through the room. Korben feels like he's got TNT in his hands. He approaches the flame to the Stone. The flame twists, dims, flickers ...but holds on. The Stone opens. A patch of miniature fire appears. Korben sighs, snuffs out the match. The fourth beam, a red one, immediately forms. 270 EXT. SPACE A mass of fire fills the screen. The Earth is only a thousand miles away. 271 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE SCIENTIST Two more minutes. The President shuts his eyes. His lids move in prayer. 272 INT. CHAPEL Korben helps Leeloo onto her feet where the four beams and four colors crisscross. KORBEN It's up to you now, Angel! LEELOO I'm so tired... KORBEN You can sleep tomorrow... come on... LEELOO I want to sleep... forever... KORBEN Leeloo! Listen to me! I'll take you on a vacation afterwards! A real vacation, this time, for as long as you want. Come on! You can do it! Korben slowly releases Leeloo and steps back from the altar. Leeloo can barely stand in the center of the four beams. An indistinct white beam begins to form around her, starts to rise. CORNELIUS Come on Leeloo! Come on! The beam loses its intensity. Leeloo crumples to the floor. 273 EXT. SPACE The Dark Planet hurtles toward Earth. A hundred miles before impact. The African continent is visible. No doubt about it: The fireball is heading right for Egypt. 274 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Seconds tick away relentlessly on the scientist's stopwatch. SCIENTIST It'll be entering the atmosphere in one minute. 275 INT. CHAPEL The heat in the temple is unbearable. All the walls start to ooze the same horrible black slimy liquid seen at Zorg's. A drop of liquid falls to the temple floor and begins to smoke, eating away at it like acid. Loc Rhod has to dodge another drop of the stuff. Korben quickly straightens Leeloo up and puts her back in the center of the beams. KORBEN Leeloo! If you don't get on with the program we're all gonna die! And that's not on my agenda for today. Leeloo wraps her arms around Korben's neck. LEELOO (weak) What's the use of saving lives... when you see what you do with them! KORBEN You're right but there are lots of good things... beautiful things... LEELOO ...Like love... KORBEN Exactly. LEELOO But I don't know love... I'm like a machine programmed to save other people's lives but never to have one of my own. 276 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE The Scientist's stopwatch goes from 30 to 29 seconds. 277 INT. CHAPEL LEELOO I have thousands of memories but none of them are mine... There is no need for me other than this. I'm immortal but I have no life. KORBEN Yes, you do! I need you. More than you can imagine! Stand up straight! LEELOO Why?... Why would you need me? KORBEN Because... CORNELIUS (to himself) Tell her, for God's sake! A bit of the black acid falls on Loc Rhod's shirt setting it on fire. He rips if off. CUT TO: 278 INT. CHAPEL KORBEN Because... Leeloo has tears in her eyes. The heat is overpowering. Black acid is everywhere. LEELOO Tell me... KORBEN I love you... Despite her fatigue, Leeloo smiles broadly. CUT TO: 278b INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE The stopwatch goes from 3 to 2. 279 INT. CHAPEL LEELOO Now you're allowed to kiss me. - Korben wraps his arms around her and kisses her like he's never kissed anybody before. - The white beam, the Divine Light, immediately forms around Leeloo and Korben. - The stopwatch hits zero. - The Absolute Beam explodes from the top of the pyramid and heads straight into the sky zapping the fireball smack in the middle, slowing it down. - Korben and Leeloo kiss like there was no tomorrow. - The beam hardens and slowly solidifies the Evil Planet. Inaudible screeches escape from the dying planet. Screeches of terrifying pain as if a million souls were dying. - Streams of black acid spurt from the pyramid and solidify like brilliant stalactites. 280 EXT. SPACE The pure beam, the Light of Life, has finished its work. The Dark Planet nothing more than a dead planet. Strangely enough, it looks like the moon. Everything is calm around it. 281 INT. PRESIDENT'S OFFICE President Lindberg opens his eyes and realizes he's not dead- SCIENTIST The planet seems to have stopped at... 62 miles from impact. 282 INT. CHAPEL In the temple, the beam loses its intensity. But Leeloo and Korben remain stuck together, lost in their kiss. Cornelius has dropped to his knees, clutching his hands. Loc Rhod slips along the wall with a sigh. He gives Cornelius a knowing smile. LOC RHOD This guy is a killer with the babes. I knew it from the moment I laid eyes on him. Cornelius and Loc Rhod burst out laughing. Korben and Leeloo keep on kissing. 283 INT. LABORATORY We are in the Nucleological Laboratory that gave birth to Leeloo in the beginning of our story. The President enters the lab followed by a group of officials in ceremonial dress. MUNRO Mr. President, let me introduce you to Professor Mactilburgh, who runs the center. MACTILBURGH It's an honor to receive you. Mr. President. PRESIDENT (beaming) Yes.. Well? Where are our two heroes? MACTILBURGH They were so tired from their ordeal that we put them in the reactor this morning.. PRESIDENT I have 19 more meetings after this one Professor.. PROFESSOR Of course.. Let me see if they're revived. AIDE We go live in one minute, Mr. President. Mactilburgh goes to the reactor and opens a small slot which allows him to see what is going on under the blue shield. Leeloo and Korben are naked, arms wrapped around each other, kissing and probably engaged in hoppi hoppa. Mactilburgh looks troubled. MACTILBURGH I.. uh.. they need five more minutes, Mr. President. The President, pressed for time, looks over to his aide who in struggling with a phone call. AIDE No ma'am... I tried... No ma'am... PRESIDENT Who is it? AIDE Some woman... claims she's Korben's mother... PRESIDENT Give it here... The President takes the phone and goes to the window. PRESIDENT Mrs. Dallas, this in the President. On behalf of the entire Federation, I would like to thank... MOTHER (V.O.) Don't pull that crap with me, Finger... I'd recognize that trash can voice of yours in a dark alley during a rain storm. You tell that worthless no account son of mine he should plotz for the way he's ignored his mother... when I think of all I sacrificed for him... 284 EXT. NEW YORK Outside the lab we see the President through the window, holding the phone away from his ear. PAN slowly across Manhattan. Credits Roll as TWO full rising silver moons ascend in the dark blue sky. THE END